17 JUIN 2003 c AIRBUS FRANCE 2003 - All rights reserved Presented by Jean-Philippe BEAUJARD Fight Control System Team Leader on A400M program Airbus Flight

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17 JUIN 2003 c AIRBUS FRANCE 2003 - All rights reserved Presented by Jean-Philippe BEAUJARD Fight Control System Team Leader on A400M program Airbus Flight Control Systems and future evolutions Journe Nationale de rflexion et prospective sur les systmes embarqus Slide 2 AIRBUS FRANCE S.A.S. Tous droits rservs. Document confidentiel. 17 JUIN 2003c AIRBUS FRANCE 2003 - All rights reservedPage 2 Evolution of Airbus Flight Controls A view of the future system architecture avionics specifications software Contents AIRBUS FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEMS Slide 3 AIRBUS FRANCE S.A.S. Tous droits rservs. Document confidentiel. 17 JUIN 2003c AIRBUS FRANCE 2003 - All rights reservedPage 3 Evolution of Airbus Flight Controls In the Early Days... FARMAN F60 GOLIATH 1st flight 1919 Slide 4 AIRBUS FRANCE S.A.S. Tous droits rservs. Document confidentiel. 17 JUIN 2003c AIRBUS FRANCE 2003 - All rights reservedPage 4 Evolution of Airbus Flight Controls Mechanical Flight Controls ARMAGNAC 1st flight 1949 Slide 5 AIRBUS FRANCE S.A.S. Tous droits rservs. Document confidentiel. 17 JUIN 2003c AIRBUS FRANCE 2003 - All rights reservedPage 5 Evolution of Airbus Flight Controls 1st Hydro-mechanical servo controls CARAVELLE 1st flight May 1955 Hy Slide 6 AIRBUS FRANCE S.A.S. Tous droits rservs. Document confidentiel. 17 JUIN 2003c AIRBUS FRANCE 2003 - All rights reservedPage 6 1st Electrical Flight Controls Evolution of Airbus Flight Controls CONCORDE 1st flight 1969 Hy Analogic computers Bloc diagrams Written by ELLIOTT AVIONICS (equipment supplier) and Sud Aviation (automatic pilot and manual flight controls) Analogic computers Slide 7 AIRBUS FRANCE S.A.S. Tous droits rservs. Document confidentiel. 17 JUIN 2003c AIRBUS FRANCE 2003 - All rights reservedPage 7 2nd generation of Electrical Flight Controls March 1984 A320 1st flight Feb 1987 Evolution of Airbus Flight Controls HY 3 HY 1 Digital computers Hy Written by AIRBUS (aircraft manufacturer) formal specs (automatic pilot and manual flight controls) Slide 8 AIRBUS FRANCE S.A.S. Tous droits rservs. Document confidentiel. 17 JUIN 2003c AIRBUS FRANCE 2003 - All rights reservedPage 8 SINCE EARLY 80 s Evolution of Airbus Flight Controls Slide 9 AIRBUS FRANCE S.A.S. Tous droits rservs. Document confidentiel. 17 JUIN 2003c AIRBUS FRANCE 2003 - All rights reservedPage 9 Evolution of Airbus Flight Controls Full Electrical Flight Controls 1997 Written by AIRBUS (aircraft manufacturer) formal specs A340-600 1st flight Apr 2001 Hy Digital computers HY 3 HY 1 Hy Slide 10 AIRBUS FRANCE S.A.S. Tous droits rservs. Document confidentiel. 17 JUIN 2003c AIRBUS FRANCE 2003 - All rights reservedPage 10 Evolution of Airbus Flight Controls A380 SPACE SHIP 2001 Written by AIRBUS (aircraft manufacturer) formal specs Digital computers Hy HY 1 Hy Slide 11 AIRBUS FRANCE S.A.S. Tous droits rservs. Document confidentiel. 17 JUIN 2003c AIRBUS FRANCE 2003 - All rights reservedPage 11 These bloc diagrams were the genetical origin of SAO/SCADE Written by ELLIOTT AVIONICS (equipment supplier) Slide 12 AIRBUS FRANCE S.A.S. Tous droits rservs. Document confidentiel. 17 JUIN 2003c AIRBUS FRANCE 2003 - All rights reservedPage 12 1st Airbus aircraft May 1969 Evolution of Airbus Flight Controls A300 B1 1st flight Oct 1972 Analogic computers HY 3 HY 2 HY 1 Hy Written by SFENA (equipment supplier) Bloc diagrams (automatic pilot) Slide 13 AIRBUS FRANCE S.A.S. Tous droits rservs. Document confidentiel. 17 JUIN 2003c AIRBUS FRANCE 2003 - All rights reservedPage 13 1st Embedded Software 1982 Evolution of Airbus Flight Controls First Digital computers HY 3 HY 2 HY 1 Hy Written by AEROSPATIALE (aircraft manufacturer) Bloc diagrams (automatic pilot) A310 1st flight 1984 Slide 14 AIRBUS FRANCE S.A.S. Tous droits rservs. Document confidentiel. 17 JUIN 2003c AIRBUS FRANCE 2003 - All rights reservedPage 14 Written by AIRBUS (aircraft manufacturer) Slide 15 AIRBUS FRANCE S.A.S. Tous droits rservs. Document confidentiel. 17 JUIN 2003c AIRBUS FRANCE 2003 - All rights reservedPage 15 A view of the future Electronic Volumes COMPLEXITY Reduce weight again and again HY 1 smart actuator smart side-stick active control laws Slide 16 AIRBUS FRANCE S.A.S. Tous droits rservs. Document confidentiel. 17 JUIN 2003c AIRBUS FRANCE 2003 - All rights reservedPage 16 A view of the future Minimize interfaces minimize input-output jitters multiplexed buses d Blue input is used in laws every d +j 1 seconds (j 1 is variable) minimize delays Slide 17 AIRBUS FRANCE S.A.S. Tous droits rservs. Document confidentiel. 17 JUIN 2003c AIRBUS FRANCE 2003 - All rights reservedPage 17 17 A view of the future Move from specification reviews to analysis FCTL SPECIFICATION 3000 SCADE sheets A380 FLARE LAW MATHEMATICAL PROOF CAN BE REPEATED AND CHECKED BY OTHERS Prooved Flare law component Prooved component Prooved Flare law component Prooved component Slide 18 AIRBUS FRANCE S.A.S. Tous droits rservs. Document confidentiel. 17 JUIN 2003c AIRBUS FRANCE 2003 - All rights reservedPage 18 A view of the future Get your software in the box within a day AUTOMATIC CODE GENERATOR NODES QUALIFIEDCODE Slide 19 AIRBUS FRANCE S.A.S. Tous droits rservs. Document confidentiel. 17 JUIN 2003c AIRBUS FRANCE 2003 - All rights reservedPage 19 A view of the future Theory We need a theory to support the design of complex systems mixing sampled booleans, integers and real values, So, our designs can integrate structures that are easier to analyse automatically, And use structures that ease determinism. Keep your complex system safe and simple. Slide 20 AIRBUS FRANCE S.A.S. Tous droits rservs. Document confidentiel. 17 JUIN 2003c AIRBUS FRANCE 2003 - All rights reservedPage 20 Ce document et son contenu sont la proprit dAIRBUS FRANCE S.A.S. Aucun droit de proprit intellectuelle nest accord par la communication du prsent document ou son contenu. Ce document ne doit pas tre reproduit ou communiqu un tiers sans lautorisation expresse et crite dAIRBUS FRANCE S.A.S. Ce document et son contenu ne doivent pas tre utiliss dautres fins que celles qui sont autorises. Les dclarations faites dans ce document ne constituent pas une offre commerciale. Elles sont bases sur les postulats indiqus et sont exprimes de bonne foi. Si les motifs de ces dclarations ntaient pas dmontrs, AIRBUS FRANCE S.A.S serait prt en expliquer les fondements.