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Page 1: 18- 21 Lesson 1.docx · Web viewWomen’s Bible Study For the Joy that was set before Him John 18-21 Lesson One Study for meeting held _____ An Introduction and Setting To Our Study

Women’s Bible StudyFor the Joy that was set before Him

John 18-21~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Lesson OneStudy for meeting held _____________________

An Introduction and Setting To Our StudyIn this lesson we will be looking at the author of this gospel,

compare this gospel with the other gospels,review John 13-17,

and look ahead to John 18-21.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Day One – John

God chose John to be the human instrument to write the inspired fourth Gospel. Today we take a look at John and the gospel God inspired him to write.

Prayer: May we begin our lesson in prayer, asking our Heavenly Father to guide us, that we may be fed spiritually as we look into His Word. Read: John 1:1-14 John 20:30-31 John 21:20-25

Study: 1. What do the following passages teach about John? Mark 1:16-20 John 13:23 Matt. 17:1-8 and Matt. 26:36-37 Revelation 1:1-9

2. According to John 20:30-31, what was the purpose for which John wrote this gospel; the theme of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, according to him?

3. How do the following passages show that purpose or theme? John 1:1-14 John 1:29-34 John 2:1-11 John 10:22-30

Notes: “From the Gospel accounts, we learn that John was a son of Zebedee. His brother James is usually mentioned first, since he was older. Zebedee was in the fishing business and employed his two sons along with other hired servants. John was a disciple of John the Baptist prior to being called by Jesus (John 1:39). This first call to leave John the Baptist was followed by a more permanent call to become fishers of men (Mark 1:16-17). John's mother, the wife of Zebedee, was Salome. She too gives evidence of wealth in that she is mentioned among the women who ministered to Jesus of their substance (Matt. 27:55-56). It is quite well established that she was the sister of Mary, Jesus' mother (John 19:25), which would make Jesus and John cousins. This explains from a natural point of view why Jesus commended the care of His mother to John (John 19:26-27). Notes continued


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Day One continued “Being disciples of Jesus, he and his brother James developed close fellowship with Peter, and the three of them became an inner group with Jesus. In all honesty, John referred to himself as the "disciple whom Jesus loved." He was the closest to Jesus at the last passover (John 13:23). All three of them assumed a prominent role in Jesus' ministry. Examples of their being along with Jesus at special moments include the transfiguration (Matt. 17:1-8) and the Garden of Gethsemane (Matt. 26:37). The other Gospels, Matthew, Mark, and Luke, were all written sometime during the 60's A.D. John was written some 40 years later. By now John was an old man. He was eyewitness to the events of Jesus' ministry, he led the early church at Jerusalem, he outlived his brother James, Peter and even Paul. The church was going through great trials; the threat of heresies from within, the blood-bath of Rome from without. The Holy Spirit moved the old veteran to take up his pen and write yet another Gospel.”

Rev. J. Kortering in the SB article: J ohn- The Gospel of the Son of God (1)

"The theme of John's gospel is the Deity of the Savior. Here, as nowhere else in Scripture so fully, the Godhead of Christ is presented to our view. That which is outstanding in this fourth gospel is the Divine Sonship of the Lord Jesus. In this book we are shown that the One Who walked the earth for thirty-three years, Who was crucified at Calvary, Who rose in triumph from the grave, and Who forty days later departed from these scenes, was none other than the Lord of Glory. The evidence for this is overwhelming, the proofs almost without number, and the effect of contemplating them must be to bow our hearts in worship before the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ.” A.W. Pink in Exposition of the Gospel of John

Meditate: Take these words from John 20:31 with you today:But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God;

and that believing ye might have life through his name.

Prayer: May we close in prayer, asking God to bless this study of His Word to our hearts, so that we are ever thankful for our Savior, the Lord of Glory.

Since Thou art sinless found, The Lord, Thy God confessed, Anointeth Thee with perfect joy, Thou art supremely blest. Psalter #124 st. 7

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Day Two –

The Gospel of John and the Synoptic Gospels “Each one of the four inspired accounts of the life and ministry of Christ has its own particular emphasis and theme. The four gospel narratives are not simply four carbon copies, but each one was written with a particular purpose in mind, and each one stresses a particular truth about the Person and work of our Lord. Together they give the complete revelation of our Savior and the salvation He accomplished.”

Rev. C. Haak’s SB article: The Gospel According to John: Introduction and Overview Today we will look at the inspired Gospels to see some differences in what God inspired the men to write, and why they wrote differently.Prayer: May we begin in prayer, asking God to bless us as we study His inspired Word, that we may learn more of our Savior’s life.

Read: Matthew 17:1-8 Mark 14:32-42 Study: 1. It is interesting to observe that, apart from the passion week events, there are only two events recorded in John's Gospel which are also mentioned in the other Gospel accounts: the feeding of the 5000 and Christ's walking on the water. More than one third of the Gospel concerns itself with one 24 hour period, that prior to and including the crucifixion (chapters 13-19).” 

Rev. J. Kortering in the SB article: John- The Gospel of the Son of God (1) Day Two cont.


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Day Two continued2. Consider these occasions in Jesus’ life which are not written about by John: a. Matt. 1:1-17 and Luke 3:23-38 b. Luke 2 c. Matt. 3:13-17 Luke 3:21-22 d. Matt. 4:1-11 and Luke 4:1-13 e. Matt. Chapters 5 -7 f. Matt. 17:1-8 g. Luke 22:17-20 h. Matt. 26:36-46

3. The following occasions are written about by John, but not the other gospel writers: It is said that 90% of what is written about by John is unique to him, and is not found in the other Gospels. Only John wrote concerning the following truths of Jesus: a. John 1:1-14 b. John 13:4-12 c. John 17

Notes: “God has seen fit to include four gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Three of these gospels are known as the synoptics, Matthew, Mark, and Luke. They are called that because they take a general view of the ministry of our Lord. The authors either witnessed personally or had access to oral tradition or written material that dealt with this history. They wrote concerning this with a certain purpose in mind. John, the other gospel writer, is not concerned about such an overview, but rather writes concerning certain aspects of the spiritual nature of Jesus' ministry. Finally, each author wrote the gospel with his own Spirit-filled purpose in mind. To attain this purpose, each wrote concerning the events that best fitted that purpose, and wrote in such a way that would communicate it so that the reader could understand. Instead of thinking in terms of inner contradiction, the believing Bible student will marvel at the wisdom wherewith the Holy Spirit led each of the authors to write his own account. When placed side by side these convey an accurate and complete message of the gospel of Jesus Christ.” Rev. J. Kortering in the SB article: John- The Gospel of the Son of God (1)

Meditate: May we take John 1:14 with us today and as we study this year, that we may always keep in mind God’s message through John for us.

And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

Prayer: May we close our study in thanksgiving to our Heavenly Father for giving His only Begotten Son to come, to reconcile us to Himself, that we may have life.

Thou Holy One of Israel, To Thee sweet songs I raise;The soul Thou hast redeemed from death shall give Thee joyful praise. Psalter #192 st. 5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Day Three – Jesus’ final week

Scripture tells us much about Jesus’ final week before His crucifixion. To begin our study we will look back at what had taken place those last five days before the time our study begins. Prayer: As we look at today’s scripture passages, may we ask God to lead us to see the work and words of Christ our Savior in the time leading up to His death, and to move our hearts to thanksgiving.

Day Three cont.3

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Day Three continuedRead: John 11:55-57 John 12:12-19

Study: Today we will take a partial look at what took place the last week before Jesus’ death.Sunday What took place five days before Jesus’ crucifixion? Mark 11:1-11, with Psalm 118:26 and Zechariah 9:9

Monday What took place four days before Jesus’ crucifixion? Mark 11:15-18 with Jeremiah 7:11

Tuesday Jesus’ final public teachings. There are many passages in God’s Word concerning the Tuesday before Christ Jesus’ crucifixion, which include His last public ministry in Jerusalem. We look at only a few. “The synoptic gospels give more details of the teaching of Jesus on this Tuesday in the Temple and on the Mount of Olives than for any other single day.” A Harmony of the Gospels by A.T. Robertson What took place three days before Jesus’ crucifixion? Mark 12:1ff Mark 12:35ff Matt.22:1ff Matt. 24:1-4ff Matt. 26:1-2 Mark 14:3-11 Wednesday What took place two days before Jesus’ crucifixion? Scripture tells us nothing about the Wednesday of the week before Christ‘s death. “Wednesday (a day of rest) was apparently spent with the disciples in retirement in Bethany.” A Harmony of the Gospels by A.T. Robertson

Thursday “Thursday was spent wholly with the disciples till the arrest in Gethsemane after midnight.”Mark 14:12-16 John 13:1-17Matt. 26:21-25 Mark 14:22-25 Luke 22:39-46

Notes: Rev. J. Kortering sums up this final week in his Standard Bearer article on the Gospel of Mark: “The Servant of Jehovah finishes His work at the cross, and through the resurrection and ascension returns to the Father (11:l-16:20). It began with the triumphal entry into Jerusalem (11: l-11). He cursed the barren fig tree and observed the results (11:12-14 & 20-26). He cleansed the temple and was challenged by the leaders by what authority He could do that (11:15-33). He told the parable of the wicked husbandmen, and the Jews took it personally and began to plot His death after the feast days (12:1-12). Many attack Him, the Pharisees (pay tax to Caesar), Sadducees (marriage in heaven), and Scribes (greatest commandment) (12:13-40). Jesus takes note of the widow’s mite (12:4l-44), predicted the destruction of Jerusalem and the end of the world (13:l-37). The woman anointed His feet with oil for His burial (14:l-9), Judas agrees to betray Jesus (14:10, 11), He holds the last passover with His disciples and institutes the Lord’s Supper (14: 12-25). Mark records the events in Gethsemane: Jesus predicted the denial by Peter, He prays, He is betrayed with a kiss, Peter slashes with his sword, Jesus is led away and all the disciples fled away, including Mark (14:26-52). Jesus is tried before the Sanhedrin (14:53-65), denied by Peter (14:66-72), tried by Pilate (15:1-15), mocked by the soldiers (15:16-20), crucified (15:21-41), buried (15:42-47), arose from the dead (16:1- 13), and ascended into heaven (16:14-20). How glorious is this Servant of Jehovah.

Notes cont. 4

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Day Three continued “Anyone who reads this gospel account carefully cannot help but conclude that Jesus is not the Victim of the cross, but the Victor. He must needs go Home by the way of the cross. This is seen in the triumphal entry into Jerusalem, His willingness to die like a Lamb, His miraculous death (He cried with a loud voice). The Father approved the work of His Servant and raised Him from the dead and took Him home to glory.” Rev. J. Kortering in the SB article: Mark-The Gospel of Jehovah’s Servant (concluded)

Meditate: May we take this verse with us today, words which Jesus prophesied before His triumphant entry. Behold, we go up to Jerusalem; and the Son of man shall be betrayed unto the chief priests

and unto the scribes, and they shall condemn him to death. And shall deliver him to the Gentiles to mock, and to scourge, and to crucify him;

and the third day he shall rise again. Matthew 20:18-19Prayer: As we close today’s study may we give thanks to God for revealing to us His perfect Word and the salvation He provides for His elect in the life and death of Christ, our Savior.

Hosanna! Praise to Him proclaim Who cometh in Jehovah’s Name;May blessing from God’s dwelling place descend on us in boundless grace. Psalter #320 st. 5

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Day Four -

A look at John 13 John 13 tells us of the activities of Jesus and His disciples in the upper room on Thursday evening - The Jewish Friday, the evening before the crucifixion. Today we will review John 13.

Prayer: May we begin our day’s study by asking God to bless us, that we may grasp the teaching of His Word for us in this chapter.

Read: Read through the questions first, and then as you read through John 13, answer them. Study: 1. What is Jesus’ main teaching in this chapter?

2. How does this chapter reveal Jesus’ divine nature?

3. How does this chapter reveal Jesus’ human nature?

4. What part of this chapter was prophesied in the Old Testament, and where?

5. What instruction did the disciples receive in this chapter?

6. How does this chapter look ahead to what is coming for Jesus?

7. Was there something particular in this chapter that had an effect on you as you read it today?

Notes: “This is not love, that we loved God. Love never proceeds from us, always from God. As the apple of His eye He leads us, all the way. In His love He redeems us, while we were sinners. We love Him, only because He loved, and loves us first. God is God! His love is eternal, unchangeable, wholly irresistibly and efficacious! Loving God, by His grace and Holy Spirit, we know that He loved us first; and being the apple of His eye, we shall be loved even until the end, even as we read it in John 13: 1 “Now before the feast of the Passover, when Jesus knew that His hour was come that He should depart out of this world unto the Father, having loved His own which were in the world, He loved them unto the end.” Notes cont.


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Day Four continued “And this wonderful love of God will surely guide us and keep us even until the end, and will surely lead us into everlasting and heavenly glory and immortality. Indeed, how wonderful is the love of our God!” Rev. H. Veldman in the SB article: The Love of God, Wholly Particular

M editate : May we take this verse with us today remembering the unconditional love of God for us. Now before the feast of the Passover, when Jesus knew that His hour was come

that He should depart out of this world unto the Father, having loved His own which were in the world, He loved them unto the end. John 13:1

Prayer: May we close our study in thanksgiving to our Heavenly Father for His undeserved faithful love.

From Him His saints’ redemption came; His covenant sure no change can know;Let all revere His holy Name in heaven above and earth below. Psalter #304 st. 6~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Day Five – A look at John 14

John 14 is a beautiful chapter on comfort and the Comforter. It is full of Jesus’ words of promised peace to His disciples and to us. Today we will review John 14.Prayer: As we look at God’s Word may we ask Him to reveal to us the blessings of these truths for our lives.

Read: Read through the questions first, and then as you read through John 14, answer them. Study: 1. What main theme or teaching do you find in this chapter?

2. Who did Jesus promise the disciples He would send after He went to His Father?

3. How did Jesus describe those who love Him? Vs. 21 4. What does this scripture teach you about the Triune God?

5. What does this chapter speak about what is soon coming for Jesus?

6. How is this chapter a comfort to you?

Notes: "I go to prepare a place for you." “Jesus prepares a place for all those given to Him by the Father, all those whom He redeems by His death on the cross, in whose heart He prepares a place for Himself, and will someday take to Himself in glory to abide with Him forever. Jesus said, "Let not your heart be troubled." When the heart is troubled, the soul is tossed about in doubt and anxious concern, like a derelict upon a stormy sea. How true that was of the disciples. Their Master had just informed them of His impending death. Upon Him they had built all their hope and expectation of complete and blessed salvation. But now Jesus appeals to their faith. Ye believe in God, believe also in Me. What now appears to be a hopeless end is actually a glorious beginning. A place, a mansion, or a dwelling is being prepared in Father's house for each of us. The battle-weary soldier, as well as the worn-out pilgrim, enters heaven with tear-stained eyes and finds there a place that is ready for him. It fits him perfectly, as a place of eternal rest, prepared just for him with Christ in Father's house.” Rev. C. Hanko in the SB article: A Home in Father's House

Notes cont.6

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Day Five, continued “Let not your hearts be troubled. Not without good reason does Christ confirm His disciples by so many words, since a contest so arduous and so terrible awaited them; for it was no ordinary temptation, that soon afterwards they would see Him hanging on the cross; a spectacle in which nothing was to be seen but ground for the lowest despair. ” John Calvin Commentary on the Gospel of John

Meditate: May we take this verse with us today, as we meditate on the many wonderful teachings God brings us in this Word. Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you; not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. John 14:27 Prayer: May we give thanks to our Heavenly Father for the truths in this chapter, and the blessings they hold in our lives.

The path of life Thou showest me; of joy a boundless store Is ever found at Thy right hand and pleasures evermore. Psalter # 28 st. 5

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Day Six –

A look at John 15 John 15 is a chapter teaching us the truth of abiding in Christ, and bringing forth fruit. It gives us comforting truths on the love Jesus has for us, and how He will send us the Spirit of truth. Today we will review John 15.

Prayer: May we begin today’s lesson by asking God to open up this part of His Word to us, that we may remember what it is to abide in Christ Jesus.

Read: Read through the questions first, and then as you read through John 15, answer them. Study: 1. What does it mean to you to abide in Christ?

2. What warning does Jesus give His disciples in this chapter?

3. What promise of comfort does He give them to help them face that trouble?

4. What verses especially spoke to you as you read this chapter?

Notes: “We are meant to learn first, from these verses, that the union between Christ and believers is very close.  He is "the Vine," and they are "the branches." The union between the branch of a vine and the main stem, is the closest that can be conceived. It is the whole secret of the branch's life, strength, vigor, beauty, and fertility. Separate from the parent stem, it has no life of its own… Cut off from the stem, it must soon wither and die… In themselves believers have no life, or strength, or spiritual power. All that they have of vital religion comes from Christ. They are what they are, and feel what they feel, and do what they do, because they draw out of Jesus a continual supply of grace, help, and ability. Joined to the Lord by faith, and united in mysterious union with Him by the Spirit, they stand, and walk, and continue, and run the Christian race. But every jot of good about them is drawn from their spiritual Head, Jesus Christ.”

J.C. Ryle in The Gospel of JohnMeditate: May we meditate today on this verse from John, keeping in mind that Christ has overcome the world, and has the power to give us peace in Him. I am the vine, ye are the branches. He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit; for without me ye can do nothing. John 15:5 Day Six cont.


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Day Six continuedPrayer: May we close in prayer, asking our Heavenly Father to increase our understanding of abiding in Christ.

O Church of our God, sing His praises, for with you and in you He dwells; O sing Hallelujahs before Him, Whose glory all praises excels. Psalter #373 st. 10

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Day Seven -

A look at John 16John 16 is a chapter teaching us the truth that Christians will be persecuted. It also gives us

comforting truths on the love Jesus has for us, and how He will send us the Spirit of truth. Today we will review John 16.

Prayer: May we begin today by asking God to lead us through this part of His Word, that we may learn the many lessons here and apply them to our own lives.

Read: Read through the questions first, and then as you read through John 16, answer them. Study: 1. What main themes or ideas do you find in this chapter?

2. According to Jesus’ words to His disciples, why was it necessary that He go away?

3. Who did He promise to send to them to show them things to come?

4. What does Jesus tell His disciples the Spirit will do?

5. For what purpose did Jesus tell them these things? (vs. 33)

6. What does this chapter speak about that is soon coming for Jesus?

7. What blessing did you receive from reading this chapter today?

Notes: “Let it never surprise us to hear of true Christians being persecuted, in one way or another, even in our own day. Human nature never changes. Grace is never really popular. The quantity of persecution which God's children have to suffer in every rank of life, even now, if they confess their Master, is far greater than the thoughtless world supposes. They only know it who go through it, at school, at college, in the counting-house, in the barracks-room, on board the ship. Those words shall always be found true--"All who will live godly in Christ Jesus, shall suffer persecution." (2 Tim. 3:12).” J.C. Ryle in The Gospel of John

M editate : May we rejoice in what we have learned today and take with us throughout our day the blessed comfort of what Jesus tells us in John 16:33: These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation; but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

Prayer: May we finish our study in thanksgiving to God for all He has done for us in His only begotten Son, and ask Him to go with us throughout our day to enable us to serve Him.

Wicked men Thy law forsaking stirred my indignation strong, For in all my pilgrim journey Thy commandments are my song. Psalter #327 st.3


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Day Eight - John 17

“The seventeenth of John contains the longest recorded prayer which our Lord offered during His public ministry on earth, and has been justly designated His High Priestly Prayer. It was offered in the presence of His apostles, after the institution and celebration of the Lord’s Supper.” Matthew Henry Today we take at look at John chapter 17.

Prayer: Before we look at this beautiful portion of God’s Word, may we ask Him to guide us by His Spirit, that we may hear Him speak to us these blessed truths.

Read: Read through the questions first, and then as you read through John 17, answer them.

Study: 1. What is the main theme of this chapter?

2. As you read, consider the blessing of this chapter; that we can read here the intimacy of the prayer our Savior prayed to His Heavenly Father.

3. Who was Jesus praying for in this prayer?

4. List some of the many blessings Jesus asks of His Father for His own:

5. According to verses 11 & 13, what does Jesus know will now change for Him?

6. What verses especially spoke to you today, and what is it that makes them important to you?

Notes: "This is eternal life, that they may know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou has sent." (John 17:3) United to Christ so perfectly are God’s chosen that when He was crucified they were crucified, when He died they died, when He arose they arose, when He ascended up on high they ascended, and in Christ they now live in heavenly places. As the apostle expresses it, "I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me." The Source of my life is the Son of God! Who loved me! Who gave Himself for me! Constantly adapted to Him I live! He is the center of my life! But how does that life become manifest? How does it appear in my life as I live it in the flesh in the midst of the world? "I live by the faith of the Son of God." Faith! A certain, assured, spiritual knowledge; and a hearty confidence!” Rev. M. Schipper in the SB article: Living Christ's Life in the Flesh

Meditate: May we take with us today the knowledge that all of our salvation is in Christ, and we are satisfied in Him.

And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent. John 17:3

Prayer: May we humbly draw near to our Heavenly Father in thanks for giving us a saving knowledge of Him in our Savior Jesus Christ.

In all Thy deeds how great Thou art! Thou one true God, Thy way make clear;Teach me with undivided heart to trust Thy truth, Thy Name to fear,

To trust Thy truth, Thy Name to fear. Psalter #233 st.6~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


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Day Nine - John 18

“Jesus, therefore, knowing all things coming upon; Him”… “knowing that His hour was come” (13:1), and “knowing that the Father had given all things into His hands” (13:3), then took the initiative, and went forth to meet the enemy. For they, His enemies, all their might and movements, were in His hands. Thus He “went out.” This positioned Him just outside the garden gate, where Judas could make his signal of the betrayal kiss. The matter is taken out of Judas’ hands; it is all in Jesus’ control.” Rev. R. Harbach in the SB article: Jesus Protecting Today as we read through John Chapter 18 we will note our first thoughts and questions concerning this part of God’s Word. Prayer: May we begin our day’s study by asking God to bless us, that we may read His Word thirsting to learn the truth. Read: As you read John 18, consider the questions listed below, along with any other thoughts that come to your mind. Study: 1. Jesus’ hour is come. What does verse 4 make clear about Jesus?

2. How is it clear from verses 5-9 that Jesus is in control?

3. Consider the solemn wonder in verse 11.

4. Where was Jesus taken first? (vs. 13)

5. Where was Jesus taken next? (vs. 24)

6. Where did the Jews finally bring Jesus? (vs. 28)

7. Why was it necessary that Jesus would be taken to Pilate? (vs. 32)

8. How did Pilate try to get out of making the decision to put Jesus to death?

9. List any questions you desire to have answered when we look into this chapter: Notes: “Herein is love in the wonderful manifestation of its secret and wonderful nature, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son a propitiation for our sins. Such is the love of God that He hands the cup of suffering to His Son in our flesh, so that He must taste death for us. It behooved God by virtue of His love and righteousness in bringing many sons to glory, to perfect the author of our salvation through sufferings. And, O glory, that is exactly what Jesus understands so perfectly in every moment of His suffering as He reads the agenda of the great Hour of the power of darkness. Jesus knows every detail of the suffering, and seeing it all, He “goes forth” to meet it; He is the obedient Servant of the Lord both passively and actively in every step of the way.” Rev. G. Lubbers in the SB article: Exposition of John 18:4-9

Meditate: Jesus knew what lay ahead for Him. May we meditate on these verses today and consider what Calvin calls Jesus’ horror when He saw the incredible wickedness of man:

Then said Jesus unto Peter, Put up thy sword into the sheath: the cup which my Father hath given me, shall I not drink it? John 18:11

Prayer: May we close our study today giving thanks to God for the great gift of salvation through the suffering and death of His only begotten Son. Day Nine cont.


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Day Nine continuedWhen evil doers came to make My life their prey,

They stumbled in their shame and fell in sore dismay;Though hosts make war on every side,

Still fearless I in God confide. Psalter # 71 st. 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Day Ten - John 19

     “What God had said of the suffering of Christ throughout the whole of the Scriptures was now fulfilled,it was completed. And Christ was conscious of this: “Finished.” Rev. J. Kortering Today we take a first look at God’s Word in John chapter nineteen. Prayer: May we begin our lesson today asking God to open up to us the wonder of Christ’s accomplished work of redemption. Read: As you read John 19, consider the questions listed below, along with any other thoughts that come to your mind. Study:

1. How did the Roman soldiers treat Jesus? (vs. 1-3)

2. What was the Jews’ reaction to seeing Jesus in His beaten state?

3. What accusation did the Jews give Pilate for a reason to crucify Him?

4. What was Jesus’ answer to Pilate’s boast of power? (vs. 11)

5. What ‘title’ was given to Jesus and put on the cross? (vs. 19-22)

6. What are the three ‘words’ Jesus spoke from the cross, written of here by John?

7. Who took care of Jesus’ body, and what does scripture tell us about them?

8. List any major questions you would like answered when we study this chapter:

Notes: “Jesus knew all too well that His suffering on the cross was not the suffering for His own sins. The burden of sin that He bore was of them whom the Father had given Him. He had expressed that most beautifully in His intercessory prayer, “Father the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son may glorify thee even as thou gavest him authority over all flesh, that whatsoever thou hast given him, to them he should give eternal life.” These words Jesus had prayed on the door-step of Gethsemane. Now as He was coming out of the intense suffering, He knew that the sentence of death that His righteous Father had imposed upon Him in behalf of His elect was now satisfied, for He had suffered the pangs of death and hell in their place.Triumphantly he cried out, “Finished.” Rev. J. Kortering in the SB article: Victoriously Finished Meditate: May we take these verses with us today, and meditate on them to experience the comfort promised to us as redeemed children of God.

When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost. John 19:30

Prayer: May we close today’s study by thanking God for His amazing mercy, and ask Him to keep us in His care so that we never forget what He has done for us. Day Ten cont.


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Day Ten continuedO Lord, afar no longer stay; O Thou My helper, haste, I pray;

From death and evil set Me free; I live, for Thou didst answer Me. Psalter # 47 st.10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Day Eleven – John 20

“No man rolled away the stone of the tomb to let Him out. On the contrary, angels were commissioned by God to come to the earth to roll away the stone to allow the spectators to enter in and find the evidence that Jesus had already arisen. He had not come back to the earth as the others had done. Rather, He had gone through the grave and lived beyond the grasp of that monster death who comes to sting every mortal man. He arose, that was the difference. His body was changed from mortal to immortal, from corruption to incorruption. He was on the other side of the grave ready to ascend to His Father’s house of many mansions. He had gone from death unto life. This defies human imagination, for flesh and blood cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven.” Rev. Kortering in the SB article: My Lord and My God Today we take a first look at John chapter 20.

Prayer: May we begin today’s lesson by asking God to open up this chapter to us that we may look into the great wonder of Jesus’ resurrection.

Read: As you read John 20, consider the questions listed below, along with any other thoughts that come to your mind.Study: 1. Who went first to the tomb on the Sabbath day and what did she see?

2. What didn’t she know?

3. Describe Mary’s experience from vs. 11-16:

4. What message did Jesus tell Mary to bring to the disciples? (vs. 17-18)

5. What was Jesus’ message to the eleven in vs. 19-23?

6. Explain what made the change in Thomas. (vs. 24-29)

7. For what purpose was the Gospel according to John written? (vs. 30-31)

8. List any major questions you will desire to be answered when we look into this chapter:

Notes: “For Thomas, seeing was believing. The marvel of this event is that God comes to each one of us in the way that we need Him. This was true for the women, agitated and perplexed He greeted them with, “All hail!” Mary longed to have her Jesus back in order that she might minister to His needs, so Jesus said to her, “Touch me not, for I am not yet ascended unto my Father in heaven.” The disciples were confused and terrified and to them He said, “Peace be unto you.” He showed them the nail prints and they rejoiced. Peter was troubled at the thought of having denied his Lord three times, to him Jesus rejoined, “Simon, Son of Jonas, lovest thou me more than these?” After the third time he courageously answered not simply, ‘Lord I like you, but Lord, thou knowest all things, thou knowest that I love thee!’ And here we have Thomas who has to see in order to believe. For his sake Jesus returned the next Sunday. “Thomas, reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side; and be not faithless, but believing.” Notes cont.


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Day Eleven continued “How merciful of our Father in heaven. The evidence which Christ provided for Thomas was convincing. What more need we? The resurrection is real, God tells us so. Let us say with the church of all ages, “My Lord and my God.” Rev. Kortering in the SB article: My Lord and My God

Meditate: May we meditate on these verses from this part of God’s Word throughout the day today, and believe and not be faithless.

Then saith he to Thomas; Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side; and be not faithless, but believing. John 20:27

Prayer: May we close our study today asking God to bless us with the assurance that the living Christ is our Lord and our God.

The Lord’s unfailing righteousness all generations shall confess,

From age to age shall men be taught what wondrous works the Lord has wrought. Psalter #48 st.8

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Day Twelve -

John 21 “It was a breakfast together; and it was symbolic of the closest fellowship of the apostles in the witnessing of Christ in all the world! It symbolized the morning of the acceptable day and year of the Lord. In its meaning it reached across the ages till Christ’s return as the Son of man with the clouds of heaven!” Rev. G. Lubbers Today we take a first look at John chapter 21.

Prayer: May we begin today by asking God to lead us through this part of His Word, blessing us with understanding. Read: As you read John 21, consider the questions listed below.

Study: 1. Describe what the disciples were doing in verses 2-3:

2. What did Jesus ask in verse 5, and what did He tell them to do?

3. What did John soon realize?

4. Why was Peter grieved? (vs. 15-17)

5. What was Jesus’ prophecy concerning Peter’s later life?

6. Why was it necessary that Jesus gently reprove Peter? (vs. 22)

7. Was there something particular in this chapter that had an effect on you as you read it today?

8. List any major questions you will desire to look into when we study this chapter:

Notes: “Each of Jesus’ manifestations tells us a certain aspect of the resurrection glory in all the saints, which we need to study painstakingly. Basic to each of these appearances is that the identity of the glorified Lord is established as a fact. The words spoken by John to Peter ring with the certainty of faith. It is the Lord, none other than He who died for us to purchase us with His own precious blood, redeeming us from all our sins. Notes cont.


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Day Twelve continued “Truly, this miraculous catch of fish was a great challenge upon Jesus’ word of assurance that upon casting the net on the other side of the ship they would catch fish. Just as Jesus twice cleansed the temple, at the beginning and at the close of His ministry (John 2:1-22; Matt. 21:12-22), so He once and again performed this great sign of the miraculous catch of fish, both at the beginning of the schooling of the disciples and at the beginning of their public ministry into all the world.”

Rev. G. Lubbers in the SB article: An exposition of John 21:1-14Meditate: May we take these verses with us today, rejoicing in Jesus’ miracles to teach His disciples.

Then Jesus saith unto them, Children, have ye any meat? They answered him, No. And he said unto them, Cast the net on the right side of the ship, and ye shall find.

They cast therefore, and now they were not able to draw it for the multitude of fishes. Therefore that disciple whom Jesus loved saith unto Peter, It is the Lord. John 21:5-7a

Prayer: May we close our study in prayer, giving thanks to God for giving us this Gospel through John, that we may have a greater understanding of what Jesus has done for us.

Thy wondrous testimonies, Lord, my soul will keep and greatly praise; Thy word, by faithful lips proclaimed, to simplest minds the truth conveys. Psalter #337 st. 1

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Day Thirteen –

Jesus’ Hour “The hour had come. Throughout our Lord's earthly ministry He spoke repeatedly of the hour that had not yet come. He referred to it as His hour, which was always before His consciousness and which He approached on every step of the way. He knew that this was God's hour, prepared from all eternity for Him to bring the ransom for the sins of His people, and thus to lead many sons to glory. It was the hour of the cross, the grave, the resurrection, and the ascension into glory.”

Rev. C. Hanko in the SB article: Christ on Trial Today we consider what Jesus meant by His hour.

Prayer: Before we look at this portion of God’s Word, may we ask Him to guide us by His Spirit, that we may learn the inspired meaning of this blessed truth. Read: John 12:20-36

Study: 1. What do we read in John 2:4; John 7:30 and John 8:20 about “Jesus’ hour”?

2. What change do we see in John 12:23-28?

3. Explain the meaning of ‘His hour’:Why is it called “His” hour?How did Jesus know that? Col. 2:2b-3 John 18:4What did He experience, knowing that? John 12:27

4. John wrote (John 13:1) “when Jesus knew that his hour was come that he should depart out of this world unto the Father.”

Read and meditate on what Jesus knew was ahead for Him before He would depart, now that His hour was come:

Isaiah 53:10-11 Mark 14:32-42 Matthew 27:27-46

Day Thirteen cont.14

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Day Thirteen continuedNotes: “The hour. Jesus had often spoken of His hour. It had always been the anticipated hour - not yet, butalways approaching, always sure to come. Now the hour had arrived. Amazing hour! Hour of great conflict;dreaded, yet desired; bitterly painful, yet blessed; filled with deepest shame, and yet with highest glory. This hour included all the suffering of the cross and the glory that followed. Soon Jesus prays, “Father, the hour is come: glorify Thy Son, that Thy Son may glorify Thee.” Rev. C. Hanko in the SB article: Firstfruits of an Abundant Harvest “Is it not significant that John is the only one of the gospel narrators who speaks of this scene? And remembering that it is he, in distinction from the rest, who would emphasize in his gospel the divinity of Christ, would it not appear therefore also here that he would have us see Jesus as the Son of God? From this we conclude that on this occasion the Lord allowed His divine power to proceed from Him, riding as it were on the words He spoke, “Whom seek ye?” that caused the multitude, all of them, including Judas, to fall backward to the ground. Something of this divine power He displayed on other occasions when the enemy sought to destroy Him. In Nazareth they brought Him out of the city intent on pushing Him off a cliff; but He passed through their midst and escaped, for His hour was not yet come. Later when He was in Jerusalem and they were determined to stone Him, He departed from them into Peraea, for His hour was not yet come. Before that hour which the Father had set in His counsel had come, no man could take Him. But when that hour arrives, He will, according to the Father’s will, give Himself voluntarily unto death. Now it was the hour!” Rev. M. Schipper in the SB article: Christ Capturing His Captors Meditate: May we meditate on this comforting verse today. We have been given to Christ by the Eternal God and will be with Him and see His glory.

These words spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee. John 17:1

Prayer: May we close our study in great thankfulness to our God for our redemption through the voluntary, substitutionary death of His only begotten Son.

Then, O my God, I come, I come, Thy purpose to fulfill; Thy law is written in my heart, ‘Tis joy to do thy will. Psalter #109 st.2