Official Publication of the Grand Lodge of Texas The Texas Mason Magazine Winter 2018 182nd Grand Annual Communication Faith Commitment Service

182nd Grand Annual Communication · Official Publication of the Grand Lodge of Texas The Texas Mason Magazine Winter 2018 182nd Grand Annual Communication Faith Commitment Service

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Page 1: 182nd Grand Annual Communication · Official Publication of the Grand Lodge of Texas The Texas Mason Magazine Winter 2018 182nd Grand Annual Communication Faith Commitment Service

Official Publication of the Grand Lodge of Texas

The Texas Mason


Winter 2018

182nd Grand Annual


Faith Commitment Service

Page 2: 182nd Grand Annual Communication · Official Publication of the Grand Lodge of Texas The Texas Mason Magazine Winter 2018 182nd Grand Annual Communication Faith Commitment Service

Inside this Issue

Page 1…..…Grand Masters Message

Page 2 …………. 107 year old Mason.

Page 3...Masonic Retirement Center

Page 4…. Committee On Work Apron

Page 5………...Grand Lodge Awards


Page 6—7…………..Event Schedule

Page 8—9 …………..Resolutions and


Page 10-12. …Statements of Availability

Inside Back Cover..2017 Merchandise

Back Cover…………....Grand Master ‘s

. Homecoming Banquet.

The Texas Mason Magazine is an official publication of the Grand

Lodge of Texas A. F. & A. M. It is published four times a year for the

members of Texas Lodges and subscribers. Opinions expressed by the

Editor and contributing writers do not necessarily reflect official

positions of the Grand Lodge of Texas Copyright 2017, by the

Trustees of the Grand Lodge of Texas. All rights reserved.


The Trustees of The Grand Lodge of Texas


Benjamin Franklin Linduff

The Texas Mason Magazine encourages submission of articles and

photographs of general interest to Masons in Texas, reserving the right

to edit and use the articles and pictures as needs and policies dictate.

News and articles from around the state will continue to be published in

a web based format on the Grand Lodge of Texas website The Grand

Lodge website is accessible at http://www.grandlodgeoftexas.org

Please continue to send your articles and Lodge events and news to the

Editor of The Texas Mason Magazine.

The preferred method of submission is via email with an attached

Microsoft Word document. Pictures should be separately submitted in

JPEG format to [email protected]. If you do not have email, sub-

missions may be sent to Attn.: The Editor of Texas Mason Magazine,

334 Weathercock Ln., Windcrest,, Texas 78239. All materials become

property of the magazine and cannot be returned.


$6.00 per year U.S. and Canada, $15.00 for three years; $10.00 per year

in foreign countries, $25.00 for three years

Permission to reprint

Permission to reprint original articles appearing in The Texas Mason

Magazine is granted to all recognized Masonic publications, provided

that credit is given to the author and attribution to The Texas Mason

Magazine. Cover—The cover photo is of the Main Audi-torium of The Grand Lodge Of Texas, Waco Texas.

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Grand Masters Message: My Brethren:

I have been traveling on this road of Service that I was

privileged for you to set me on four years ago.

There are not many days left in my account and the

hourglass will soon be empty. We have had great times and

great tragedies. I was blessed to travel to England to witness

the tercentenary celebration of the United Grand Lodge of

England where was assembled the greatest number of Grand

Masters in one place in the history of the world. As guests of

the United Grand Lodge of England, we were treated royally.

It was spectacular.

Hurricane Harvey showed us the heights of bravery our Brethren have and their capacity to

withstand any tragedy. Their courage in the face of disaster and strength of will to persevere in

the face of all problems that assailed them was demonstrated over and over by our brethren. I

have never been so proud to be a Mason. Our brethren were foremost in the rescue effort and

regardless of the cold, rain, peril or anything else were not deterred is their efforts to brings

relief, save lives, and aid their fellow man.

The program of Service has been well taken this year and I am extremely grateful. The

impact across our state is truly immeasurable and the attitude about Masonry has changed for

the good because more people know what we stand for and what our purposes are.

The Grand Lodge session is drawing close and we have several things to vote on and people

to elect. Please attend! The vote and the elections will shape our future.

Finally, I wish to extend my thanks from a grateful heart for the privilege of Service to this

Grand Lodge. It has been my way of life for fifty years and will continue to be my way of life.

The Privilege you gave me was the achievement of a lifetime dream, and I can never, never,

never repay you.

God Bless You and God Bless the Grand Lodge of Texas!

Your Brother,

Jerry Nelson Kirby

Grand Master

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Charles J Kunetka 107 Years Old 65 Year Service Award Ceremony

Charles J. Kunetka who is 107 years old, is a 65 year member of Triune Lodge No 15 AF&AM. At 2 pm on Tuesday, October 25, 2017 at his home Bro. Kunetka was presented with his 65 year Grand Lodge Masonic Service Award by RW Harold “Red” Lohmann. Attending this ceremony were Bro. Dave Browne, WM, Ralph A. Gonzalez, Jr, Secretary, and Leland T. (Tom) Smith, Treasurer. Two of his three daughters, Charlene Cummings, the oldest, and Sue Hansmire, the youngest, were present.

We all wanted to know his secret to longevity, and he is quick to say in seriousness, “Keep active, keep nice people around you and eat good food.” For humor, he does not hesitate to identify a few key food groups which are “shrimp, chocolate, and the occasional beer”.

If you wonder how he keeps active, each Monday he attends the Healthlink Fitness and Wellness Center on Bitters Road. In addition to that he loves to travel and he recently returned from a trip to Washington DC.

Now for a bit of history: The child of Czech immigrants, Bro. Kunetka was raised by an aunt in Jourdanton, Texas after both his parents died within months of his birth in 1910. He served in the Army Air Corps and worked as a civilian manager at Kelly Air Field and later as a manager of a local ware-house.

We always want to know why someone wants to become a Mason, and this is his story provide by his daughter, Sue. “At the age of 14 Charley was living in East Bernard, the family was making a move to Jourdanton. They asked a friend William Duckett who was a mason to take their cattle by train to Jourdanton. Duckett willingly took on the task taking excellent care of the cattle.” This was his first encounter with a freemason. In 1950s he was working at Kelly Air Field in the base exchange, his boss, Louie Durham was a mason. Bro. Kunetka had known about masons as being good men since he was a teenage but did not know how to become a mason. So, he asked Louie the question, “How do I become a mason?” A petition was given to Bro. Kunetka, and the rest is history. His history above is the work of John MacCormack, staff writer of the San Antonio Express-News Article, July 18, 2017. Photos provided by Lon Jett a member of Kendal Lodge No. 897.

Left to Right: Ralph A. Gonzalez, Jr, RW Harold “Red” Lohman, Dave Browne, Leland T. (Tom) Smith, Sue Hansmire, and Charlene Cummings, and Seated is Charles J Kunetka, 107 years old. Photo by Lon Jett

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Long years ago, I climbed a stair

And rapped at an ancient door.

I passed within a temple fair

And trod the checkered Hoar.

I passed between the pillars two;

I climbed the winding stair;

The letter "G" then met my view;

I earned my wages there.

I knelt beside the altar fair.

I counted not the cost.

I searched afar with earnest care,

But still the Word was lost.

Though some may think my search


When time shall ebb and fail,

I hope to learn the final Word

Beyond life's mystic veil.

D. D. Tidwell, P.M.

Brownwood Lodge 279

Design of the Apron of the Committee on Work The description of the design of the apron of the Committee on Work is found in the

“Proceedings” of the Grand Lodge of Texas for 1960, page 296. After the installation of Grand Master William G. Proctor, there were many presenta-tions made. At one point in the proceedings, the Grand Master called on Past Grand Master Randall E. Briscoe to escort the members of the Committee on Work before the Holy Altar for a special presentation. Past Grand Master Claud L. Austin made the presentation of new aprons to four of the members. Grand Master Proctor, at one time a member of the Committee on Work, designed the apron. The apron is the standard Texas size, 16” x 16” with a 6” drop to the point of the bib, and with a 1” blue border on the body and 1/2” on the bib. In the center of the body of the apron is embroidered the 47th Problem of Euclid and

within the design are the jewels of the three principal officers of the Lodge. The Junior Warden’s Plumb is in the left diamond; the Senior Warden’s Level is in the right diamond; and in the triangle between the diamonds and the body of the apron is the Master’s Square, as it would hang from his collar. The outline of the 47th Problem is embroidered in blue and the officers’ jewels are embroidered in gold.

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Thursday, January 18, 2018

Lee Lockwood Memorial Building

2801 West Waco Dr. Reception & Cash Bar – 6:00 PM --- Dinner 7:00 PM

Entertainment by the Grand Musician== Quention D. Burge, Jr.


During the evening, the Grand Master will present the W. B. and Brandon Carrell Humanitarian Award, the William Beck Award, the Grand Master

Award of Merit and the prestigious Sam Houston Medal to deserving individuals.


Tickets are $ 35.00 per person for open seating.

Reserved tables for eight can be ordered by Lodges or groups for $ 280.00.

Seating will be limited and tickets must be ordered in advance. Tickets can be

obtained by sending a check made payable to Grand Lodge Banquet, P. O. Box 446,

Waco, Texas 76703. Be sure to include your name, the number of tickets desired and

the names in your party. Contact Taylor Purvis—254-753-7395 or

[email protected] for more information. Ticket sales will close on

December 22, 2018.


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Thursday, January 18, 2018

1:00 p.m. Musical Prelude.

1:30 p.m. Pre-formal Opening Ceremonies,

Entrance and Procession of the Most Worshipful Grand Master, the Past Grand Masters and the Grand Lodge Officers,

M.W. Jerry N. Kirby, Grand Master, Presiding.

Opening Prayer.

Reception of Distinguished Guests and the Past Grand Masters of the Grand Lodge of Texas.

Presentation of Colors by the National Sojourn-ers.

Salute to the United States Flag .

Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag .

Salute to the Texas Flag.

Pledge to the Texas Flag.

Address of Welcome from the City of Waco,

Presentation of the Certificate from the City of Waco.

Response to Address of Welcome.

Greetings from Masonic affiliated organizations.

Order of Eastern Star.

Order of Rainbow for Girls.

Order of DeMolay.

Scottish Rite .

Memorial Service.

Presentations of Awards:

Masonic Service Awards

Vanguard Lodge Awards

Roll Call of Grand Lodge Officers.


Response to Roll Call of Grand Lodge Officers.

Roll Call and Welcome of the Past Grand Master’s

Response to Roll Call and Welcome of the Past Grand Masters.

Roll Call and Welcome of the District Deputy Grand Masters.

Response to Roll Call and Welcome of the District Deputy Grand Masters.

Roll Call and Welcome of the Grand Represent-atives of Other Grand Lodges.

Response to Roll Call and Welcome of the Grand Representatives of Other Grand Lodges near the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Tex-as.

5:00 p.m. Closing Prayer.

6:30 p. m. Grand Masters Banquet Scottish Rite Temple, 2801 West Waco Dr.

W. B. and Brandon Carrell Humanitarian Award

Sam Houston Medal Award

William M. Beck Award


Friday, January 19, 2018

9:00 a.m. Opening of the One Hundred Eighty Second Grand Annual Communication of The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Texas.

Report of Committee on Credentials.

Resolution seating all Master Masons.

Resolution setting day and time for election of Officers of the M\ W\ Grand Lodge of Texas for 10:00 a. m., Saturday, January 20, 2018.

Resolution setting day and time for Installation of Officers of the M\ W\ Grand Lodge of Texas for 2:00 p.m., Saturday, January 20, 2018.

Report of Grand Master.

Report of Grand Treasurer.

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Report of Grand Secretary.

Report of the Grand Lodge Trustees.

Report of the Masonic Grand Lodge Library and Museum of Texas.

Report of the Texas Masonic Charities Foundation

Report of the Square and Compasses Holding Inc. .

Report of Masonic Youth Foundation.

[Required and Traditional Committee Reports]

Committee on By-Laws.

12:00 Noon Grand Lodge Called From Labor.

1:00 p.m. Prelude of Piano Music.

1:30 p.m. Grand Oration by the, Grand Orator

Grand Lodge Called to Labor

Opening Prayer by the Grand Chaplain.

Committee on Masonic Jurisprudence Report on Resolutions and Recommendations Procedures

Committee on Investments Report.

Presentation and appropriate Committee Reports.

Required and Traditional Committee Reports

Committee on Work.

Committee on Masonic Education and Service.

Committee on Membership.

Committee on Memorials.

5:15 p.m. Grand Lodge Called from Labor.

Closing Prayer .

*Saturday, January 20, 2018*

8:00 a.m. Grand Lodge Called to Labor.

Opening Prayer.

Presentation Family Day BBQ Cook-Off Plaque.

Report by Masonic Home and School Board of Directors.

Committee on Fraternal Relations

Saturday, January 20, 2018

9:00 a.m. Coffee honoring Suzzanne Kirby (2017) and Kathy Chapman (2018) in the Lower Level, Grand Lodge Building. All Ladies are invited.

Final Report of Committee on Credentials immediately preceding elections.

The election of Grand Officers shall be held at such hour as the Grand Lodge may fix by resolution adopted the previous day and shall have priority over all other business.

Final Report Committee on Finance.

Committee on Merchandise Sales.

Final Report of the Masonic Jurisprudence Committee.

Unfinished business.

New business.

Grand Lodge Called From Labor.

Closing Prayer.

1:30 p.m. Musical Prelude’

2:00 p.m. Open Installation of Officers.

Presentation of Grand Master’s Ring and Bi-ble.

Presentation of Past Grand Master’s Apron.

Presentation of Past Grand Master’s Jewel.

Presentation of Past Grand Master’s Certificate.

Presentation of Past Grand Master’s Ring.

Presentation of First Ladies Pin.

Presentations to the Most Worshipful Grand Master.

Remarks by the Most Worshipful Grand Mas-ter.

Closing of the One Hundred Eighty Second Grand Annual Communication of the M\W\ Grand Lodge of Texas by the M\ W\ Grand Master at the completion of all Grand Lodge business.

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This Resolution was voted on and passed at the 2017 Grand Annual Communication, it being a Con-stitutional change must be voted on in the 2018 Communication.

RESOLUTIONS 2018 Resolution # 1—This is to change Dist. 60-A and 60- B into one District. As several Lodges in this District have merged. It would be better served as one District. Submitted by Joseph R. Bailey, Five Points # 1137, John E. Wood, El Paso # 130, and Thomas E. Jenkins, Omar Bradley # 1028. ( P&P) Resolution # 2-- Art. 272 and Art. 273 be amended to read. If the Master has to leave the east, the Past Master who takes over the East, may keep his Past Master Jewel on. Submitted by Thomas F. Boone, Anson Jones # 1416. (P&P—MJC) Resolution # 3-- Amend Art. 380, as to the visiting process of Texas Lodges. Submitted by James K. Scales, Italy # 647. (Fin. – MJC) Resolution # 4 -- Delete Art. 417, who may vote, and Replace with new Art. 417. Submitted by Charles D. Gaulden, Greenville # 335. (P&P) Resolution # 5—Amend Art. 512 of the Laws of the Grand Lodge of Texas to provide suspension of Masonic activity when accused of a disciplinary violation Involving the abuse of children. Submitted by Leonard P. Harvey, Keystone # 1143. Orville L. O’Neill, White Rock # 234. (P&P—MJC) Resolution # 6-- Amend Art. 512. Status of a Mason under allegations of a Masonic Disciplinary Violation. Submitted by Robin W. Winslett, Danbury # 1432. Jay H. Hicks, Tucker # 297. (P&P—MJC) Resolution # 8—Delete Art. 401 and Form # 27. Submitted by Roger A. Jacobsen, St. Johns # 51. (P&P—MJC) Resolution # 9 – Amend Art. 236. Who may preside while conferring Degrees. Add new Art. 226-A.Submitted by William (Bill) Lins, Wharton # 621. (P&P—MJC) Resolution # 10— Finance Committee Change Art. 122 Thru Art. 126. Submitted by Ronald Wise, Roy Stanley # 1367. (FIN.) Resolution # 11 – Amend Art. 412. Committee Duties and Report. Adding information to second paragraph. Submitted by Terrence A. Maxwell, Carrollton # 1400. (P&P—MJC) Resolution # 12 – Amend Art. 163. Fees, Dues and Contributions. To repeal paragraph # 9, and Amend paragraph # 10. Submitted by Thomas W. Ellison, Milam # 2. (FIN) Resolution # 13—Amend Art. 53, as the Grand Lodge has changed their fiscal year to end on December 31st. Submitted by Thomas W. Ellison, Milam # 2. (P&P— MJC) Resolution # 14 – Amend Art. 311 by adding paragraph # 2,about credit and debit cards. Submitted by Thomas W. Ellison, Milam # 2. (MJC) Resolution # 15 – Amend Art. 361. Who may conduct ceremony. Having all deceased Brethren during that Masonic year be read and entered in the minutes of that date. Submitted by C. D. Siems, Gary Krzysicki, Bellaire # 1336 (P&P) Resolution # 16 -- That the Golden Trowel Award forms be included in the Masonic Forms section of the Laws of the Grand Lodge of Texas. Submitted by C.D. Siems, and Gary Krzysicki, Bellaire # 1336 (P&P) Resolution # 17 – Amend Art. 319. Automatic Suspension to February 1st and Art. 320 Notice of Suspension by March 1st . Resolution #18— Merge Lodges in Masonic District 120 with District 37A and Masonic District 120 be abolished – S. B. Mosser Lodge 912 GRAND MASTER RECOMMENDATION # 1—Amend Art. # 129, paragraph # a,( by adding the sentence or brothers who are proficient in the esoteric work and lectures of the first three degrees in Masonry.)

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Grand Master’s Recommendations GRAND MASTER RECOMMENDATION # 2 – Amend Art. # 434a by adding the sentence. The petition for advancement shall require payment of a service fee of Twenty Dollars ($ 20.00) when filed with the Lodge, and an additional service fee of $ 20.00 shall be paid annually until the Entered Apprentice or Fellowcraft has completed his proficiency. All service fees shall become the property of the Lodge.


IT IS only right that Masons should be able to answer this question. It would require more space than we can command in this booklet to treat this question exclusively, but we would simply call attention to the following answers: 1. Masonry begets a confidence between individuals that neither party nor sect can accomplish; this is a benefit that extends into every ramification of social life. 2. It confers authority upon its members to speak confidently yet prudently to an erring brother. It will never be known in this world how many dear brethren have been saved from temporal and spiritual ruin by whispered counsel, sympathetic warning and proffered aid. The written and unwritten annals of the Order are full of illustrations of this fact. 3. Masonry possesses an universal language, understood in all countries, by all nationalities, of many tongues, and of all monotheistic creeds. That language is understood as well in the night season, as by day. The deaf, dumb and blind can use it, as Masons can communicate with one another as long as they possess the sense of hearing, seeing, feeling, or speaking; so that it is strictly true, that Masons can communicate without seeing one another, or hearing one another, or feeling one another, or speaking a word; either in the day time or night season, though of course one of these faculties must necessarily be used. There is nothing like this wonderful language for universality, so that amid all the vicissitudes of human life, the Mason feels that only one word of Masonic language is sufficient to call to his aid the good offices of brethren near and dear to his heart. 4. It gives men, irrespective of paltry considerations, a code of life principles, intensifying the noble aspirations. It makes them cosmopolitan, breaking down the petty barriers of country, state, county, town, sect, set, profession, business, family and wealth. The highest of titles is Brother-no other can take its place. The talents of a hod-carrier may place him in the chair. A Grand Master of Ireland, many years ago, the Duke of Leicester, boasted of having risen through every grade, from that of Junior Deacon to the throne of Grand Master. The late President Roosevelt often sat in his Lodge, over which his gardener presided as Master. 5. It unites men in a common work for a common good, as broad and catholic as mankind. It teaches men that sects, parties and side issues never could influence beyond the bounds of petty associations. It sternly refuses to proselytise, as it wants no material untried. If mankind be unworthy of such a beneficent institution, it can wait. It has taken centuries for mankind to arrive at its present state of imperfect moral life; perhaps the time may come when the whole earth shall have become one great Lodge, the ideal of Masonry. Then there will be one government, one faith, one brotherhood, one nation, all brethren, because all the children of the Holy, Blessed and Glorious Supreme Architect of the Universe. The Grand Lodge of Texas, Ten Short Lessons in Masonic Philosophy , (Pages 23-25) Copyright by The Grand Lodge of Texas 1930 (Reprinted 2008)

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Raised July 31, 1986


Bellaire Lodge #1336 –Worshipful

Master: 1999-2000

DeMolay Lodge #199 – Worshipful

Master: 2015-2017

Texas Lodge of Research


District Masonic Relations Officer: 2000-2002

District Deputy Grand Master: 2004

Grand Senior Deacon: 2006

President: Masters, Wardens, and Secretaries Assn, District 30:


Asst. State Coordinator: 2002-2004

State Coordinator: 2006

Grand Lodge ‘Counterparts’ Recording Secretary: 2000-2006

Grand Masters Planning Team: 2001, 2002, 2004, 2006-2015

Grand Masters Family Convention Team: 2004-2005

Area Conference Coordinator: 2009-2012, 2015

Chairman, Youth Activities Committee: 2001- 2007

Member, Grievances and Appeals Committee: 2011- 2016

Member, Audit Committee: 2014- 2016

Vice Chairman, Audit Committee: 2017

Grand Representative, Austria: 2006- 2008

Grand Representative, Grande Loja Maconica Do Estado de

Rondonia-Glomaron: 2015/Current



University of Houston, Bach/Science/Business: 1980;


Sales Manager, Hubbell Foods: 1980-1994;

Area Sales Manager: J-B Foods: 1994-1999;

Area Sales MGR., Blue Ribbon Sausage/Bacon: 1999-2004;

Sales Manager, Freedman Distributors: 2004-2013;

Area Sales Manager, Colorado Boxed Beef: 2013-Current;


Mbr., served as Youth Counselor/Sunday School Teacher

Usher: St. Marks United Methodist Church, Houston;

Member, Houston Jaycees: 1982-1997;

Secretary, Northside Loins Club, District 2-S2, Houston: 1983-


Paul Harris Fellow, Heights Rotary Club, Houston: 1988-09;

Member, Paul Harris Fellow, Rotary E-Club of the Southwest:


Committeeman, Houston Livestock and Rodeo: 1992-Current;

Chairman, STOCKMAN’S CLUB, HLSR: 2009-2011;

Captain, Wine Committee, HLSR: 2011-Current (Committee

Rookie of the Year-2011);


Married Linda Rae: June 4, 1983.


Kenneth (Ken) C Curry

HANDLEY LODGE NO. 1140 Raised November 2, 1978 Worshipful Master 2009-2010 Endowed Member Golden Trowel Award 2017 PLURAL MEMBERSHIPS Fort Worth Lodge, No. 148, Past Master, Endowed Member Smithfield Lodge, No. 455, Past Master, Endowed Member Texas Lodge of Research Tranquility Lodge, No. 2000

GRAND LODGE OF TEXAS District Deputy Grand Master, District 64-A, 2013 Grand Tiler, 2015 Committee on Purposes and Policies, 2014 – present; Chairman 2017 Committee on Civil Law, 2016 Grand Master Planning Team, 2015, 2017 Grand Representative to Slovakia, 2015 – present Regional Coordinator 2015 – Present 64th Masonic District MWSA, President (2009-10), Vice President and Treasurer Square and Compasses Holding – 2015 present Esoteric “B” Certificate 2008- present PERSONAL PROFILE EDUCATION

Eastern Hills High School, Fort Worth, Texas, 1969 Bachelor of Arts, University of Texas at Arlington, 1974; President Student Council and Student Community President, 1973 – 74. Juris Doctorate, University of Houston, 1976; Recipient 1st Year Tort Award


Retired District Judge, Sitting by Assignment, 2013 - present Mediator and Insurance Referee, 2013 - present District Court Judge, 153rd District Court, Exclusively Civil Docket, 1993-2012; Presided over the Tarrant County Asbestos Docket 1997 – 2012; Treasurer - Texas Center for the Judiciary (2-year term). General Civil Practice, Fort Worth and Sonora, Texas, 1977-1992 Municipal Judge 1985 – 1992 (various dates per city), Cities of Everman, Watauga and Sansom Park State Bar of Texas, 1977 – present Tarrant County Bar Association, 1977- present, Founding director of Tarrant County Bar Assn. Jury Selection Series Author of Texas Objections, A Guide to Trial Objections, 2005 to 2013, James Publishing and “The Sound of Silence” Texas Bar Journal, 2005. Presenter at Multiple Continuing Legal Education Programs.

FAMILY Married to Gloria N Curry since 1975; Two married adult children (Brandon and Elizabeth) and two grandchildren (Hank and Coyt).

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OAKWOOD LODGE NO. 1444 Raised April 11, 1989

PLANTERS LODGE NO. 147 Endowed Member Worshipful Master 2006-2007 Secretary 2008-present Golden Trowel Award 2011

PLURAL MEMBERSHIPS Bedias Lodge No.651 Secretary 2014-present Tranquility No. 2000


William M. Beck Award -2013 Grand Senior Deacon-2013 Grand Junior Deacon- 2011 District Deputy Grand Master- Masonic District No. 29 B -2010 State Coordinator-2013 (Walter W. Rogers) Special Assignments Committee Chairman-2013 Esoteric A Certificate 1990, 2006-present

District Instructor Masonic District No. 29 B- 2009, 2011–present

PERSONAL PROFILE EDUCATION Garland County Community College, Basketball scholarship UNITED STATES AIR FORCE

1976-1980 Missile Maintenance Technician

BUSINESS/ PROFESSIONAL 20 Years as an Inspector/Investigator for Texas

Department of Housing and Community Affairs, Manufactured Housing Division.





MARTIN L. DALBY BURLESON LODGE NO. 649 Raised June 10, 2008 Endowed Member 2008 Worshipful Master 2011 Golden Trowel 2016 PLURAL MEMBERSHIPS Caddo Grove No. 352 Cleburne No. 315 Endowed Member 2008 GRAND LODGE OF TEXAS Esoteric C Certificate 2008 Esoteric B Certificate 2008

Esoteric A Certificate 2009 to present District Instructor 2011 to present District Deputy Grand Master 2014




PINE TREE LODGE NO.1396 Raised: June 19, 2003 Worshipful Master: 2009 Secretary: 2011-2015 Endowed Member: 2010 Life Member: 2015 Golden Trowel: 2014 PLURAL MEMBERSHIPS Hillcrest Lodge No. 1318 Texas Lodge of Research- Worshipful Master: 2014, Endowed Member: 2015

D. D. Tidwell Award of Merit: 2016 Robert E. Lee Lodge No. 431 -Secretary: 2013 – Present, En-dowed Member: 2014 Lamar Medal: 2016,Golden Trowel: 2017 St. Alban’s Lodge No. 1455 Tranquility Lodge No. 2000, Endowed: 2017 GRAND LODGE OF TEXAS Masters’ Wardens’ & Secretaries’ Association of the 10th Masonic District of Texas Charter President – 2009 Esoteric A Certificate, 1 Year: 2007, 2008 Esoteric A Certificate, 3 Year: 2009 – Present District Deputy Grand Master – District No. 10A: 2012 Briscoe Workshop Coordinator: 2011-2015, 2017 Grand Master’s Planning Team: 2014 Grand Master’s District Deputy Grand Master Training Team: 2014 Assistant Regional Coordinator: 2011-2013 Regional Coordinator 2014 - 2018 Committee on Membership: 2013 – Present, Chairman: 2014 Masonic Education and Service Committee’s Brotherhood of Light Project: The Ritual (co-author): 2015 Sam Houston Hall of Fame Member: 2017


Education White Oak High School, White Oak, Texas, 1996 Kilgore College, Kilgore, Texas: ,Associate of Arts (A.A.): Criminal Justice, 1998 Kilgore College Criminal Justice Police Academy: 1998 – Valedictorian The University of Texas at Tyler, Tyler, Texas: Bachelor of Science (B.S.): Technology, 2007, Magna Cum Laude Master of Science (M.S.): Human Resource Development, 2008 Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.): Organization Development, 2014


Pioneer Natural Resources: Regulatory Affairs Manager (Irving, Texas): 2016-Present J-W Energy Company: Regulatory Affairs Manager (Longview, Texas) – 8 Years Law Enforcement Officer – 14 Years Gregg County Sheriff’s Office (Longview, Texas) White Oak Police Department (White Oak, Texas) East Texas Regional Police Academy: Master Instructor (Kilgore, Texas) – 6 Years

Professional Licenses and Certifications: Master Peace Officer Certified Industrial Technologist Certified Process Safety Manager

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JOE R. BENNETT TRINITY VALLEY LODGE NO. 1048 Raised March 3,1995 Endowed Member 1995 Golden Trowel 2004 Worshipful Master 2000,2008,2015 Treasurer 2002-2007, 2010-2014, 2016- Present PLURAL MEMBERSHIPS Mike H. Thomas Lodge No. 1314 Life Member 2008 Worshipful Master 2012 Secretary 2014-2017

Treasurer 2016 Golden Trowel Award 2016 Eagle Lodge No. 41 Endowed Member 2009 Worshipful Master 2013 Pentagon Lodge No. 1080 Endowed Member 2005 GRAND LODGE OF TEXAS Esoteric “A” Certificate 1995-Present District Masonic Relations Officer 2001 By-Laws Committee Member 2003-Present, Vice Chairman 2007 & 2009 District Deputy Grand Master 2005 District Instructor 2008- Present PERSONAL PROFILE EDUCATION Graduate of Adamson High School, Dallas 1968 Mountainview Collage, Dallas 1975 BUSINESS/ PROFESSIONAL BASF-Wyandotte (Sales) 1970-1982 Sysco Food ( Director of Beverage Operations) 1982-2003 Retired 2003 COMMUNITY/ CIVIC Denton County USBC, Inc. Board of Directors (Bowling Association) 2016-Present Grapevine Elks Lodge Member 2016- Present FAMILY Married to Edna Bennett, August 20, 2016 Two Sons One Grand Daughter Three Grandsons One Step Son One Step Daughter Four Step Granddaughters One Step Grandson Two Step Great Grandsons


Continued from previous page.


Professional Licenses and Certifications: Master Peace Officer Certified Industrial Technologist Certified Process Safety Manager

Professional Organizations: Texas Oil and Gas Association American Society of Safety Engineers Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering

CIVIC ACTIVITY White Oak Independent School District (White Oak, Texas) Board of Trustees: 2009-2015 President of the Board: 2011-2015 White Oak Education Foundation (White Oak, Texas) Board of Directors: 2007-2009 White Oak Volunteer Fire Department (White Oak, Texas): 1997-2013 Board of Directors: 2005-2013 Secretary of the Board: 2006-2009 President of the Board: 2009-2013 Gregg County Local Emergency Planning Committee (Longview, Texas): 2003-2008 Gregg County Crime Stoppers: 2006-2008 Kilgore College Board of Law Enforcement Memorials (Kilgore, Texas): 2003-2008 President of the Board 2007-2008 Texas Parks and Wildlife Hunter Education Instructor: 2003-2015 Scottish Rite Foundation of Texas

Executive Committee: 2016-Present




It must be that the Apron, as a Masonic symbol,

embodies some Important significance, other than the

reflection of the moral virtue of Innocency. No other

Masonic symbol has inspired such eulogies. It is the

first gift of the Lodge to the Neophite. No member can

legally sit in the Lodge without it, and it accompanies

the faithful member into the shadows of his tomb. It

therefore behooves the earnest Mason to search out its

concealed significations •

The apron in the center of a geometrical theorem,

revealing its relation to the ancient problem of "squaring

a circle." It is also the key solving the relation of the

diameter to the circumference of a circle.

Jewel P. Lightfoot, Lightfoot’s Manual of the Lodge,

Copy Right By The Grand Lodge of Texas, 1934, re-

printed 1965, Page 163.

Page 15: 182nd Grand Annual Communication · Official Publication of the Grand Lodge of Texas The Texas Mason Magazine Winter 2018 182nd Grand Annual Communication Faith Commitment Service
Page 16: 182nd Grand Annual Communication · Official Publication of the Grand Lodge of Texas The Texas Mason Magazine Winter 2018 182nd Grand Annual Communication Faith Commitment Service