184th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. ONE YEARS SERVICE. THIS Regiment was organized at Camp Chase, 0., in February, 1865, to serve one year. Immediately after muster-in the Regiment was ordered to Nashville, Tenn., where it remained for a short time doing garrison duty. From Nashville it proceeded to Chattanooga, thence to Bridgeport, Alabama, which place it reached about the 21st of March, and was engaged in protecting an important railroad bridge over the Tennessee River. It also guarded the track of the railroad between Bridgeport and Chattanooga, a distance of about thirty miles. On the 25th of July the One Hundred and Eighty-fourth was ordered to Edgefield, for garrison duty, and remained at that place until it was mustered out of service, September 20, 1865, at Nashville, Tenn. (725)

184th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. YEARS · 2011. 5. 12. · 184th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. ONE YEARS SERVICE. THIS Regiment was organized at Camp Chase, 0., in February,

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Page 1: 184th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. YEARS · 2011. 5. 12. · 184th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. ONE YEARS SERVICE. THIS Regiment was organized at Camp Chase, 0., in February,

184th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry.


THIS Regiment was organized at Camp Chase, 0., in February, 1865, to

serve one year. Immediately after muster-in the Regiment was ordered to

Nashville, Tenn., where it remained for a short time doing garrison duty.

From Nashville it proceeded to Chattanooga, thence to Bridgeport, Alabama,

which place it reached about the 21st of March, and was engaged in protecting

an important railroad bridge over the Tennessee River. It also guarded the

track of the railroad between Bridgeport and Chattanooga, a distance of about

thirty miles. On the 25th of July the One Hundred and Eighty-fourth was

ordered to Edgefield, for garrison duty, and remained at that place until it was

mustered out of service, September 20, 1865, at Nashville, Tenn.


Page 2: 184th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. YEARS · 2011. 5. 12. · 184th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. ONE YEARS SERVICE. THIS Regiment was organized at Camp Chase, 0., in February,
Page 3: 184th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. YEARS · 2011. 5. 12. · 184th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. ONE YEARS SERVICE. THIS Regiment was organized at Camp Chase, 0., in February,



Mustered in February 22, 1865, at Camp Chase, O. Mustered out September 20, 1865, at Nashville, Tenn., byJ. W. Chickering, Captain and A. 0. M., 2d Division, 4th Army Corps.


Mustered in February 6, 1865, at Camp Chase, O., by W. P. Richardson, Colonel 25th O. V. I. Mustered out

September 20, 1865, at Nashville, Tenn., by J. W. Chickering, Captain andA. C. M., 2d Division, 4th Army Corps.

Levi S. JamesonGeorge A. Klls

Frank Flatton

Joseph DouglasErastus P. EdgarJames Keuworthy ..

Henry CossiartJames Morris.. .

Frederick Schmall..Paul KaiterLeouidas Kaulen....Simon W. MentelWilliam E. Crume. ..

William J. Sweeney.Daniel Patterson

Elmore FT. Brown . . .

Thomas MoAdams..

Captain.1st Lieut.2d Lieut.1st Sergt....do....














6, 1865

6, 18(55

24, 1865

19, 1865

10, 1865

2, 1865

27, 1865

2, 1865

16, 186521, 1865

16, 1865

16, 1865

2, 1865

16, 1865

16, 1865

4, 1865

21, 1865

1 year.1 year.1 year.1 year.1 year.1 year.1 year.1 year.

1 year.1 year.1 year.1 year.1 year.1 year,l year.

1 year.

1 year.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Resigned Aug. 10, 1865.

Promoted to Sergt. Major Feb.2>,


Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1*65.

Appointed from Corporal Sept. 1,1865; mus-: tered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

IMustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

[Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

[Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865,

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Appointed Sept. 1, 1865; mustered out withcompany Sept. 20, 1865.

Appointed Sept. 1, 1865; mustered out with/

company Sept. 20, 1865.

Appointed Sept. 1, 1865; mustered out with;

company Sept. 20, 1865.



Page 4: 184th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. YEARS · 2011. 5. 12. · 184th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. ONE YEARS SERVICE. THIS Regiment was organized at Camp Chase, 0., in February,


Names. Rank.

William Caswell Musician

Aydelott, Benjamin L . . Private..

Beach, Richard r. B ..... . ..do. .. .

Beard>hear, William M. doBenham, James I . . ..do. ..

Beuham, John M|

doBennett. Wallace


doBloom, Peter . do

Blum, John F !do.

Bred tenner, 11 irum;


Brentz, Dwight ido

Brownfield, Samuel A . . doCampbell, Francis M doCisle, Thomas J do. . . .

Cranvell, Charles : doDillman, Milton


do ...

Dye, Abbott . . ..do

Em rick, Peter i doFalk, Jacob


. . ..do

Foreman. George doFugate, Marion do. . . .

Funk, James doFunk, Samuel J do

Gephart, Sidney B i doGorton, Tyler VV



Hagar, Nicholas doHarris, Charles !.. ..do. . .

Hearn, Samuel do.. . .

Heil ner, Israel I dodo


Ililtman, JohnHinkle, Francis.Hove, Joseph P.

Hunter, HenryJ

. . ..do.. . .

Karhammer, Maxwell.. ... doKarues, William


Kaufman, David do

Kelley, William ! do.Kimb 11, Francis : do.

Kylloy le, Michael ! . . . .do.

Lenharr, Abraham I clo.

Lock, William M|


Long, Otto do.

Date of

Entering theService.








McClain, Fergus do....| is

Mc.claiu, Stephen do!


Mc< iv.y, Thonjas ...<Joj


McGlaughlih, John .. .do... >

McGrevy. William!

doMc.Niillan, Simon L. 13 do

Manning, Charles Ej

do.. . .

Martin, Henry ! do. . .


Marts, Abraham do ; 2sj

Jau.Marts, Silas !....do


19 Jan.Milier, Samuel W i do Is Jan.

Molitor, Peter ....do....Morford, Taylor doMurphy, Joseph i doOgden, .Jonathan G do.. .

Overholser, Wil liam; do

Parker, LewisI do

Pattee, Frank do

Pearson, Robert MPeterman, Sylvester A..Pippinger, John JReed. Joseph BRice, AlfredRickiird. WilliamRobinson, CharlesRookstool, Michael P...Russell, SamuelSfhenk, David PSchroton, GeorgeSehnrman, Heiirv


....do. .









21,186517, 1865

16, 1865

24, 1865

16, 1865

16, 1865

11,186511, 1865


27, 1865

26, 1865

l:i, 1865


1 year.1 year.

1 year.1 year.1 year.

1 year1 year.1 year.I year.I ,\ear.1 year.I year.

1 year.1 year.1 year.1 year.1 year.1 year.1 year.1 year.1 year.1 year.1 year.1 year.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Mustered out. with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Mustered out Oct. 5, 18ii5, at Camp Denuison,O., by order of War Department.

Mustered out, with company sept. 20, 1865.

Died April 11, 1665, in hospital at Nashville,Tennessee.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Mustered out to date Sept. 20, 1865, by orderfit War Department.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Mustered oat with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Reduced from Corporal Sept. 1, 1865; mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Reduced from Corporal Sept. 1, 1865; mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Died Feb. . :-!, 1865, in hospital at Louisville,Kentucky.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Died March 23, 1865, at Nashville, Tenn.Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1S65.

[Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Died Feb. 15, 1865, in hospital at Camp Chase,Ohio.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1SS15.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1x65.

Mustered out wiih company Sept 20, 1S65.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1S65.

Mustered out with company Sept. M, 1S65.

Mustered out Sept. 5, 1865, at Camp Dennison,()., by order of VVnr Department

i Mustered out with company Sept. 20, ISfiS.

Mustered out with company S . pt. 20, 1865.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

A list/nt since Feb. 20. 1>65. No further recordfound.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865

Discharged May is, isii5, at Bridgeport, Ala.,on Surgeon s certificate of disability.

Mustereil out with company Sept. 20. 1 865Reduced from Sergeant Aug. 6, 1865; musteredout with company Si-pi. 20, 1865.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

I Mustered out with company Sei>t. 20, 1S65.

Died March :i, 1865, in hospital at Fort Mc-Henry. Md.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

,Mustered out with company Sept. ^0, 1865.

!Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

:Mustered out with company .--ept. 20, 1865.

Mustered out Sept. 26, IS .5, at Camp Denuison,o., by order of War Department.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Mustereil out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

[Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1X65.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Page 5: 184th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. YEARS · 2011. 5. 12. · 184th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. ONE YEARS SERVICE. THIS Regiment was organized at Camp Chase, 0., in February,



Mustered in February 11, 1865, at Camp Chase, O., by W. P. Richardson, Colonel 25th O. V. I. Mustered out

September 20, 18(^>, at Nashville. Tenn., by J. W. Chickering, Captain andA. C. M., 2d Division, 4tli Army Corps.

James Barrett Captain. 26

Henrv C. Canfield 1st Lieut. 27



13, 1865

28, 1864

Jabez Dennisj

1st Sergt. ! 21

John LovejSergeant. ;


Joseph Housel ! ilo i 21

Philip W. Taoer : ....do.... 18

McXett Wrightj

do 31

John Winters . . ..do.. .

David Hngmau. .j


Leroy \V Rogersj

doGeorge W. Horn


. . ..doJohn XI. Shiiman ;....do...

George T. Sbadfordj

doGeorge Capon doJohn J. lliser.. . .. do

Joseph J. Kckert.

Thomas Hiser. . .

Allen, George \ViPrivate.

Barr, John \V ! . . ..do. . .

Barr, Lewis \V I. . . .do. . .

Bascom, Daniel do.Bates, Arthur do.

Bechler, Antlionv do.

Bordner, .Tes-se do.

Borinan, Henry... do.

Bortel, Raymond do.Bowen, John A do.

Bowen, John E do.

Brailey. Lyman do.

Brammer, Henry do.

Brown, George W do.

Cherry, Charles do.

Corbin, David do.

1 year.

1 year.

John W. Horton -Id Lieut. 25 ! Feb. 27, 1864 1 year.

Cramer, John B do.Culler, William do.Davinson, Cyrus do.

Jau. JO, 1805 I year.

Appointed Feb 21, 1865; mustered out withcompany Sept. 20, 1865.

iPromoted from private Co. H, 1st O. L. A.,


Feb. 22, 1S05; mustered out with company

! Sept. 2(i, 1805.

Promoted from Corporal Co. H, 1st O. L. A.,


Feb. 22, 1865: mustered out with companySept. 2d, 1805.

Appointed from Sertreant June 16, 1865; mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1805.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Mustered out with company Sepc. 20, 1865.

Appointed from Corporal June 16, 105 : mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Mustered out June 16, l86i, at Bridgeport,Ala., by order of War Department.

Mustered out to date Sept. 20, 1865, by order ofWar Department.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Mustered "lit with company Sept. 20, 1865.Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1805.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.I Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

(Appointed May 18, 1865; mustered out with! company *ept. 2U, 1865.

Appointed May 18, 1805; mustered out withcompany Sept. 20, 1805.

Mustered out May 18, 1865, at Bridgeport,Ala., by order of War Department.

:Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Mustered out wuh company Sept. 20, 1865.Mustered out Msiy 30, 1*05, at Columbus, O.,

i by order of War Department.i Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Mustered out May 18, 1865, at Nashville, Tenn.,by order of War Department. ,

Mustered out wit i company Sept. 20, I8(v5.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.Died April 27, 1855, in hospital at Bridgeport,Alabama.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Mustered out Sept. 26, 1805, at Camp Denuison,O., bv order ot War Department.

Died March 22. 1865, at Nashville, Tenn.Mustered out with company Sept. 20. 1805.

Mustered out Aug. 14, 1805 , at Columbus, O.,by order of War Department.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Died March 31, 1865, in hospital at Nashville,Tennessee.

Page 6: 184th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. YEARS · 2011. 5. 12. · 184th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. ONE YEARS SERVICE. THIS Regiment was organized at Camp Chase, 0., in February,


Page 7: 184th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. YEARS · 2011. 5. 12. · 184th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. ONE YEARS SERVICE. THIS Regiment was organized at Camp Chase, 0., in February,



Mustered in February 14, 1865, at Camp Chase, O., by W. P. Richardson, Colonel 25th O. V. I. Mustered out

September 20, 1865, at Nashville, Tenn., by J. W. Checkering, Captain andA. C. M., 2d Division, 4th Army Corps.

Page 8: 184th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. YEARS · 2011. 5. 12. · 184th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. ONE YEARS SERVICE. THIS Regiment was organized at Camp Chase, 0., in February,



Mustered in February 18, 1865, at Camp Chase, O., by W. P. Richardson, Colonel cnth O. V. I. Mustered out

September 20, 1865, at Nashville, Tenn., by J. W. Chickeiing, Captain andA. C. M., 2d Division, 4th Army Corps.

Josephus W. Wise Captain .

John Giller 1st LieutAlonzo Langdou 2d Lieut.

William s. FbyJohn SnyderSamuel BoyerEdward Nil is

Abraham CreppleWilliam Gerard...Oliver 1 . Hotl iiian

Hiram tiro

John Webl<3eorge W. MillerJoshua T. DCIT. .

Bentou DaringIsrae Staiey

Edward ShafferAnderson, Samuel...Baker, CharlesBeam , WesleyBlake, John BBoda, DanielBoyer, DavidBritton, AbrahamBritton, Isachrist, Benjamin

Cleusey, Frederick...Coleman, AlfredColeman, John HConover, Leonidas . . .

ut with company Sept. 20, 186.3

1 year.1 year.1 year.1 year.1 year.1 year.1 year.1 year.1 year.1 year.1 year.1 year.1


l year,

,On detached duty as Inspector during Mayand June, l65

; mustered out with company1

Sept. 20, 1865.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Discharged Miiy 15, 18.65, by order of War Department.

Mustered out with company Sept. 2<\1865.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.Mustered out with eompany Sept. -0, 1865.

i t with company Sept. jo, I8fif>,

Mustered < ut \\iin company Sept. -jo, 186.

Mustered <

Mustered <

Mustered i

Mustered <

Mustered < ut with company Sept. 211. 186

Mustered out Oct. 23, 1865, at Camp Dennison,(),, by order of War Department.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20. 1865.Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.Mustered out with co iipany Sei-t. 20, 1865.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.Mustered out with company Sept 20, 1865.Mustered out with company Sept. -_0, 1865Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.Mustered out with company Sept. .;0, 18115.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Page 9: 184th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. YEARS · 2011. 5. 12. · 184th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. ONE YEARS SERVICE. THIS Regiment was organized at Camp Chase, 0., in February,



Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Discharged July 7, 1865, at Chattanooga, Tenn.,.on Surgeon s certificate of disability.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.Mustered out with company Sent. 20, 1865.

Discharged June 16. 1865. at Bridgeport, Ala.,on Surgeon s certificate of disability.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1S65.Returned to 58th N. Y. V. June 16, 1865,where he had previously enlisted.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 18fi5.

Mustered out with company S-pt. 20, 1865.Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.Died Aug. 31, 1865, in hospital at Nashville,Tennessee.

Mustered out with company Sept; 20, 1P65.Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.Promoted to Prin. Musician May 1, 1865.Mustered out. to date Sept. 20, 1865, by order ofWar Department.

Discharged July 7, 1865, at Bridgeport, Ala.,on Surgeon s certificate of disability.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1*05.Mustered out with company Sept. 20. 1865.Mustered out to date Sept. 20, 1865, by order ofWar Department.

Mustered out wiih company Sept. 20, 1865.Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.Died Sept. 8, 1865, in hospital at Nashville,Tennessee.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1SG5.Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.Mustered out wiiii company Sept. 20, 1865.Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Discharged Aug. 7, 1865, at Nashville, Tenn.,on Snigeon s certificate of disability.

Mustered oiK with company Sept. 20, 1865.Mustered out Oct. 2:i, 1865, at < amp Dennison^

O., by order of War Department.Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Discharged Aug. 4, 1865, at Bridgeport, Ala. r

on Surgeon s certificate of disability.Mustered out with company Sept. 20," 1865.Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 18<>5.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.Died Sept. 11, 18o5, in hospital at Nashville,Tennessee.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.Died Sept. 10, 1865, in hospital at Nashville,Tennessee.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Page 10: 184th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. YEARS · 2011. 5. 12. · 184th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. ONE YEARS SERVICE. THIS Regiment was organized at Camp Chase, 0., in February,



Mustered in February 19, 1865, at Camp Chase, O., by W. P. Richardson, Colonel 25th O. V. I. Mustered out

September 20, 1865, at Nashville, Tenn., by J. W. Chickering, Captain and

A. C. M., 2d Division, 4th Army Corps.

Page 11: 184th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. YEARS · 2011. 5. 12. · 184th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. ONE YEARS SERVICE. THIS Regiment was organized at Camp Chase, 0., in February,



Mustered in February 19, 1865, at Camp Chase, ()., by W. P. Richardson, Colonel 25th O. V. I.

September 20, 1865, at Nashville, Tenn., by J. W. Checkering, Captain andA. C. M., 2d Division, 4th Army Corps.

Mustered out

George P. Davis Captain.Charles W. Gerwig ;

1st LieutHarrison P. Taylor 2d Lieut.Obadiah Morrow 1st Sergt.John I. Wier


Sergeant.John Frailey j. . ..doJohn Murray j

do ...

Albert Emmons ! do.

Eli Secrest. . . ...do.

James P. Con leyIsaac BurliugameEdward HawleyJonathan MapleEli M. Edwards...







20, 1865

20, 1865

20, 186530, 1865

1, 186531


7, 1865

Feb. 7, 1865

Jan. 27, 1865

6, 1865

30, 1805

14, 1805

8, 1865

7, 1805

1 year.1 year.1 year.1 year.1 year.1 year.1 year.

1 year.

1 year.

1 year.1 year.1 year.1 year.1 year.

Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1805.(Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

{Mustered oui with company Sept. 20, 1865.Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Appointed from Corporal June 3, 1865; mus

tered out with company Sept. 20, 1865

Appointed from Corporal Sept. 1, 1865; mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Mustered out to date Aug. 22, 1805, by orderof War Department.

Promoted to Com. Sergeant June 3, 1865.Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865.

Page 12: 184th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. YEARS · 2011. 5. 12. · 184th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. ONE YEARS SERVICE. THIS Regiment was organized at Camp Chase, 0., in February,


Page 13: 184th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. YEARS · 2011. 5. 12. · 184th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. ONE YEARS SERVICE. THIS Regiment was organized at Camp Chase, 0., in February,



Mustered in February 20, 1865, at Camp Chase, O., by W. P. Richardson, Colonel 25th O. V. I. Mustered out

September 20, 1865, at Nashville, Tenn., by J. W. Chickering, Captain andA. C. M., 2d Division, 4th Army Corps.


Page 14: 184th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. YEARS · 2011. 5. 12. · 184th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. ONE YEARS SERVICE. THIS Regiment was organized at Camp Chase, 0., in February,


Page 15: 184th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. YEARS · 2011. 5. 12. · 184th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. ONE YEARS SERVICE. THIS Regiment was organized at Camp Chase, 0., in February,



Mustered in February 20, 1885, at Camp Chase, O., by W. P. Richardson, Colonel 25th 0. V. I. Mustered out

September 20, 1865, at Nashville, Tenn., by J. VV. Chickeriug, Captain andA. C. M., 2d Division, 4th Army Corps.

Page 16: 184th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. YEARS · 2011. 5. 12. · 184th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. ONE YEARS SERVICE. THIS Regiment was organized at Camp Chase, 0., in February,



Mustered iu February 20, 1865, at Camp Chase, O., by W. 1 . Richardson. Colonel 25th O. V. I. Mustered outSeptember 20, 1865, at Nashville, Tenn., by J. W. Chickerini;, Captain and

A. C. M., 2d Division, 4th Army Corps.

Page 17: 184th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. YEARS · 2011. 5. 12. · 184th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. ONE YEARS SERVICE. THIS Regiment was organized at Camp Chase, 0., in February,


Page 18: 184th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. YEARS · 2011. 5. 12. · 184th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. ONE YEARS SERVICE. THIS Regiment was organized at Camp Chase, 0., in February,



Mustered in February 20, 1865, at Camp Chase. O., by W. P. Richardson, Colonel 25th O. V. I.

September 20, 1865, at Nashville, Term., by J. W. Checkering, Captain andA. C. M., 2d Division, 4th Army Corps.

Mustered out

Page 19: 184th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. YEARS · 2011. 5. 12. · 184th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. ONE YEARS SERVICE. THIS Regiment was organized at Camp Chase, 0., in February,


UNASSIGNED RECRUITS.XOTE. The following list of recruits is found on muster and descriptive rolls for this organization, but

not borne on auy of the company rolls of the Regiment :

Page 20: 184th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. YEARS · 2011. 5. 12. · 184th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. ONE YEARS SERVICE. THIS Regiment was organized at Camp Chase, 0., in February,


Page 21: 184th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. YEARS · 2011. 5. 12. · 184th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. ONE YEARS SERVICE. THIS Regiment was organized at Camp Chase, 0., in February,