1 Copyright © 2018 by the Pennsylvania Municipal Police Officers’ Education and Training Commission. All Rights Reserved. 19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques 19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques • Sharpen interviewing skills • Recognize when and how to apply advanced interviewing techniques with victims, witnesses, and suspects 2 Purpose of Today’s Training This training focuses on the patrol officer who takes interviewing seriously by practicing good communication skills, along with acknowledging and embodying the characteristics that produce an effective interviewer. 19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques • Practice makes permanent • Importance of verbal and nonverbal interaction • A good communicator knows when to speak and more importantly when to listen 3 Skillful Art of Communication

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Copyright © 2018 by the Pennsylvania Municipal Police Officers’ Education and Training Commission. All Rights Reserved.

19-003Advanced Interviewing


19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques

• Sharpen interviewing skills

• Recognize when and how to apply advanced interviewing techniques with victims, witnesses, and suspects


Purpose of Today’s Training

This training focuses on the patrol officer who takes interviewing seriously by practicing good communication

skills, along with acknowledging and embodying the characteristics that produce an effective interviewer.

19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques

• Practice makes permanent

• Importance of verbal and nonverbal interaction

• A good communicator knows when to speak and more importantly when to listen


Skillful Art of Communication

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19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques

• The communication process begins with listening

• Employ and practice the three main listening skills of:

1. Attending2. Following3. Reflecting


Active Listening

“Be a good listener. Your ears will never get you in trouble.” –Frank Tyger

19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques


Distractions Manage them

Preoccupation Maintain focus

Only Detail-Focused Think “big picture”


Overcoming Obstacles to Active Listening

19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques


Overcoming Obstacles to Active Listening


Topic Take an interest & empathize

Rebuttal Tendency Remain silent

Speaker Remain engaged & objective

“Remember: Active listening is not just a phrase. It is a system, a procedure, a method for achieving a goal, and

it works. You just have to practice.” (Glennon).

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19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques


Key Characteristics of an Effective Interviewer


Good Attitude Treat with dignity & respect

Rapport Create a comfortable environment

Empathy Show sensitivity & understanding

19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques


Key Characteristics of an Effective Interviewer


Objectivity Maintain an open mind

Credibility Be yourself

Patience & Perseverance Avoid time limits & stay calm

Intelligence Adapt to the situation

19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques


Key Characteristics of an Effective Interviewer


Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Understand/express your emotions & empathize with others when communicating

Professionalism Appear competent & well-dressed

Salesmanship Be convincing & reflect interest

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19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques


Confidence Portray self-assurance

Intuition Trust your gut & investigate further

Ability to Change Demonstrate flexibility


Key Characteristics of an Effective Interviewer

19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques


Proxemics Maintain appropriate distance

Kinesics & Officer Safety Observe nonverbal signals


Key Characteristics of an Effective Interviewer

19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques

• Collect information • Confirm facts• Establish timeline and all of the players• Follow your county’s and department’s policies,

procedures, and protocols

“Remember, your objective is to obtain the truth of what happened by whatever actions are necessary

within the law.” (Murgado)


Patrol Officer’s Role

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19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques

Larger DepartmentsMinimal fact interview -gather information to determine immediate

protective actions

Case is transferred

Smaller DepartmentsNeed to go beyond minimal facts and conduct follow-up


Seek additional support from supervisor, social services, and/or DA’s



Patrol Officer’s Role

19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques

• Free Format Interview

• Cognitive Interview

• Trauma-Informed Victim Interview

• Behavior Symptom Analysis

• Mirandized Interview


Interviewing Techniques

19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques

• Most universal – solid basis

• Best applied to initial information gathering situations

• Contains six steps


Free Format Interview

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19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques

1. Opening

2. Narrative

3. First Paraphrase

4. Six “Ws” and H

5. Second Paraphrase

6. Professional Close


Free Format – Six Steps

19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques

• Introduce yourself and state your purpose

• Manage distractions

• Ask personal history questions

• Maintain open posture

• Give appropriate eye contact

• Continuously build rapport

• Display a neutral and professional image


Step 1: The Opening

19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques

• Interviewee begins to tell his/her story

• Occasionally lean forward and/or nod

• Jot down a few notes for now

• Avoid saying, “Just the facts…”

• Recognize that the interviewee may digress


Step 2: The Narrative

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19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques

• Paraphrase the story back

• Assess how well the story was told

• Opportunity for the interviewee to:oCorrect any errorsoFill information gaps


Step 3: The First Paraphrase

19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques

• Ask: who, what, where, when, which, and why – and how?

• Ask your prepared questions

• Now is the time for detailed note taking

• Begin to think about:o Is the person trying to

convey or convince?o What’s the form of the

narrative? o Where is the person’s

psychological mindset?o Is there a compensatory

act after the event? Is there curiosity who did the act?


Step 4: Six “Ws” and H

19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques

• Reiteration of the first paraphrase

• Continue taking notes

• Paraphrase for documentation purposes

• Review your information


Step 5: The Second Paraphrase

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19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques

Ask the following closing questions:• Is there anything else I

should know?• If you were investigating this

incident, who would you go talk to next? Why?

• If you remember some additional information would you please call me?

• Do you have an issue if I contact you in the future?

• Distribute your card with the case number and your contact info

• See something, DO NOT confront anyone – call 911 first

• Thank you!


Step 6: The Professional Close

19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques


Free Format Video Example

19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques


Video Debrief

Showed Support

Active Listening May Include


Expressed Empathy Built Rapport

Effective Non-Verbal


Observed Victim’s Body Language

Paraphrased Story Took Notes Professional Close

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19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques

Awareness and empathy will provide perspective on how victims and witnesses

experienced the event.

That perspective will then provide guidance to you on how you should approach and treat

them when gathering information.


Victim and Witness Interaction

19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques

• Being victimized is a life altering event

• Proceed with caution and compassion

• Victims may experience a traumatic emotional response - making interviewing challenging

• Victims should walk away feeling heard, validated, and believed


Treatment of Victims

19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques

• Within 24 hours provide the Victims' Rights Form* regarding victim’s rights and services

oAllegheny County Example

• Written record must be signed by the victim/family and attached to the police report


Victims’ Rights

*Victims’ Rights Forms Menu Path: https://www.pccd.pa.gov/ > Victim Services > Forms and Apps > Law Enforcement Victims’ Rights Guide

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19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques

• PA Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD) Victim Services: https://www.pccd.pa.gov/Victim-Services/Pages/default.aspx

• PA Office of Victim Services (OVS): http://pcv.pccd.pa.gov/for-victims/Pages/default.aspx

• PA SAVIN/VINE: https://www.ova.pa.gov/Services/SAVIN/PASAVINandFAQs/Pages/default.aspx

• Office for Victims of Crime (OVC): https://ovc.ncjrs.gov/findvictimservices/


Victims’ RightsAdditional Resources

19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques

1. Honest and Cooperativeo First interviewo Get clarification

2. Silent, Know-Nothing, or Disinterestedo Initially write down his/her nameo Try to get this witness to open up

3. Reluctant or Suspiciouso Fear of LE and/or neighborhood retaliationo Continue to build rapport


Witness Types

19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques

4. Bashful or Timido Be sensitiveo Take your time

5. Hostile and Deceitfulo Deliberate attempts to lieo Examine the motives

6. Talkative or Boastfulo Very cooperativeo Be cautious

7. Under the Influenceo Freed of inhibitionso Typically truthful


Witness Types

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19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques

Cognitive Interview


Victim and Witness Application

Trauma-Informed Victim Interview

19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques

• Provide proper emotional environment

• Understand the stages of crisis reaction1. Impact - an initial disorganization of the self2. Recoil - a period of struggle3. Reorganization - the eventual readjustment of

the self


Initial Experience

19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques

• Person’s state of mind will influenceoResponses/answersoAttention span

• May not get all info at the first interview

• Importance of follow-up interviews


Initial Experience

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19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques

• Collection of memory jogging techniques

• Physical and psychological reconstruction

• First moments of police contact are the most critical to accurate memory

• Psychological First Aid


Cognitive Interview

19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques

• Avoid rapid succession and leading-type questions

• Ask open-ended questionsoFirst question should be – “Are you okay?”oReassure confidentiality


Cognitive Interview - Methodology

19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques

1. Report Everything

2. Reconstruct the Circumstances

3. Change Sequence

4. Change Perspectives


Cognitive Interview – Four Stages

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19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques

• Every detail counts

• Include info from a prosecutor’s perspective

• Support info with facts

• Remain objective


Step 1 – Report Everything

19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques

• Mood, feelings, sounds, smells, weather, and lighting are all interconnected to memory recall.

• With interviewee reestablish the:oEnvironmentoMood oSetting oExperiences


Step 2 – Reconstruct the Circumstances

19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques

• Reverse order recall oAsk questions that begin with the time police

arrived at the scene and work backwardsoEach stage of the event is treated as a

separate componentoEncourages interviewees to stick with the facts

• Difficult to provide deceitful information


Step 3 – Change Sequence

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19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques

• Interviewees will recall the event from their perspective, ask them to switch perspectives to someone else’s.

• For example:oGuide the victim to view the incident from the

suspect's positionoPrompt the witness to view the incident from

the victim’s perspective


Step 4 – Change Perspectives

19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques

• Appearance o Did the criminal

remind you of anyone?

• Nameso Familiar or go through

the alphabet?

• Numberso How many numbers

did you see?

• Speecho Sounds like someone

you know?

• Conversationso What was your

reaction to what was said? How did you feel?

• Smello Did you notice a

particular odor?


Additional Retrieval Questions

19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques


Cognitive Interview Video Example

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19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques

What methods did the officers use?• Report Everything

• Reconstruct the Circumstances

• Reverse Order Recall

• Change Perspectives

• Ask Additional Retrieval Questions


Video Debrief

19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques

• Specific for victims

• Establish probable cause

• Typical role – gather info only and schedule delayed interview

oException: domestic violence situation

• Presence of victim’s advocate


Trauma-Informed Victim Interview

19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques

Recognize victim perceives the crime as a crisis


Trauma-Informed Victim Interview

Initial contact between victim and officer is crucial

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19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques

Three Phases:

1. Set the Tone

2. Victim Response

3. Explain the Process


Trauma-Informed Victim Interview Methodology

19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques

• Safety and security

• Roles

• Develop rapport

• Purpose of the interview

• Share everything


Phase 1 - Set the Tone - Explain

19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques

Don’t Say:• “Calm down and

relax.”• “Don’t worry, it’s going

to be all right.”• “I understand.”


Phase 2 – Victim Response

LISTEN - Don’t Interrupt

Practice Patience

Do Say:• “I’m glad you’re talking

with me now.”• “I can’t imagine how

terrible this must have been.”

• “It wasn’t your fault.”

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19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques

• Contact after the interview

• Criminal justice system

• Make no promises


Phase 3 – Explain the Process

Your interaction with a victim is “critically important and helps a victim become a survivor.” (Boardman)

19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques


Trauma-Informed Video Example

19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques

Practice Empathy

What else did the officers do?


Video Debrief

Set the Tone

Listened Explained the Process

Continued to show support/reassurance

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19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques

• Ask the right questions

• Use tactics to uncover the truthoBehavior Symptom AnalysisoMirandized Interview


Suspect Application

19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques

When asked specific questions:• Compare verbal and nonverbal behaviors• Be observant• Match words and actions


Behavior Symptom Analysis

19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques


Evaluating the Narrative Form

“Tell me what you did that day…”RESPONSES BEFORE




TRUTHFUL Person Equal distribution of information.

Information is provided consistently throughout the narrative.


• More detail provided

• Less important in nature

• Fluff and filler

• More concise responses

• Fewer details• Vague phrases

describing passage of time - “After a period of time…”

• More detail provided

• Less important in nature

• Fluff and filler

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19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques

• Collect info and build rapport – not a suspect yet

• Begin with basic questionsoAcclimation to the “questioning environment”

oEvaluate verbal and nonverbal behavior –baseline behaviors


Behavior Symptom Analysis

19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques

• Focus on visual and speech-related cues

• Compare behavior responses to basic questions with crime-specific questions

oExample: Interviewee starts with crossed arms, opens them as he/she is discussing basic background information, and then closes his/her arms again when the subject of the crime comes up.


Baseline Behaviors

19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques

• Acknowledge nervousness

• Evaluateo Interviewee’s

behavioral norm oPopulation’s

average responseoSituational context


Baseline Behaviors

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19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques

• Behavior clusters provide validation

• Single behavior does not prove truth or deception

• Deceptive: hesitation, lack of eye contact, closed body posture, grooming gestures

• Truthful: spontaneous responses, good eye contact, open body posture, related fluid movements


Behavior Clusters

19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques

• Avoid personal bias

• Be aware of cultural and ethnic differences

• Understand attitudes about police

• Recognize that all behavior has meaning


Cautions with Evaluating Behavior

19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques


Behavior Symptom Analysis Example

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19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques

What Behavior Symptom Analysis tactics did you observe the officers using with the suspect?


Video Debrief

Observed Baseline Behaviors and Behavior Clusters

Evaluated the Narrative

19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques

• Document any suspect statements

• Continue the conversation

• Provide general nature of the crime – avoid crimes code terminology

• Provide the seriousness of the crime committed


Approach Before Miranda

19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques

• Verbal

• Written form – preferred method

• Document any admission/confession

• Develop your own consistent process


Mirandized InterviewAdvisement of Rights

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19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques

• Verbal or signed pre-printed Miranda form

• Document exact responses in your notes and report - avoid paraphrasing and subjective comments


Mirandized InterviewAcknowledgement of Rights

19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques

• Suspect waivers must be knowing, intelligent, and voluntary

o For example: Suspects under the influence are unable to waiver their rights, has to be voluntary –not coerced

• US Supreme Court ruled

o As long as Miranda is given and understood by the suspect, questioning may commence

o Suspect waives his/her rights when he/she speaks


Mirandized InterviewWaiver of Rights

19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques

• Interview MUST end when suspects specifically:oAsk for an attorney – Sixth AmendmentoSay they are done talking – Fifth Amendment

• Information obtained AFTER invocation of rights will be suppressed

• Document, document, document

• NEVER give legal advice


Mirandized InterviewInvocation of Rights

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19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques

• Take the time

• Strengthens cases

• Practice builds confidence

• Never underestimate your role


Mirandized InterviewBegins with YOU!

19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques


Mirandized Video Example

19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques

What are some important take-aways from this video example of the Mirandized Interview?• Communicated the seriousness of the crime

• Provided verbal and written advisement of rights

• Suspect’s invocation of rights were not specific –kept the suspect talking

• No legal advice was given

• Interview ended when the suspect clearly invoked his rights


Video Debrief

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19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques


“Important Piece of Equipment…”

19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques

• If it’s not documented, it didn’t happen

• Foundation of any successful investigation

• Protection against faulty technology & fuzzy memory

• Articulate exactly what took place


Importance of Notetaking

19-003 Advanced Interviewing Techniques

• Practice good communication skills –incorporate active listening tactics

• Demonstrate characteristics of an effective interviewer

• Application of:o Free Format Interviewo Cognitive Interviewo Trauma-Informed Victim Interviewo Behavior Symptom Analysiso Mirandized Interview

