STATIO : NARY ··ENGINE 1 ERS· LOCAL 39 :VOL. 17---,-NO. 9 SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA . . ' . . . . 1959t WA T . ER PROGRAM··- 1 .5 VITAL TO ALL · OF . CALIFORNIA ·. ' By NEWELL J. Local Union Manager , If the . $1,750,000,000 water program is approved by a vote of the: P.eople at next general election 'to be · held in the. month of' November, 1960, it will have an economic im• pact on Calif<knia Cities and rural . areas far exceeding the actual amount spent on the project.· · It is estimated that expenditures on the pro grain will average more than 12 per cent annually of the amount of money expected to be spent annually on all· general ipdustrial construc tion in California. · ' · A county by county down of where the proposed $1 ;- 750,000,000 bond issue will be spent was · compiled, by Ralph Br9dy, Deputy Director · of the Department of Water Resources · - and Special ·Counsel ·to Goyer- ·• nor Brown on water proble:ms. His figures are as follows: ramento County, · $22;00. o,oO'oi Butte · C.o u n ty, $368;000,000; Conti'! Costa Coul).tY, $43;Qoo, - Go.un,tv. $38;006,- 000; Sa11 Jpaquin County; . ooo;ooo;ooo; sarita ' clara . colin, ·I (y; .$20;ooo,ooo;· St _anislaus ·Coun-· · l'ty, $, 47,QOQ,OOO; Merce<;l Coui:i(y, ... Fresno . Coimty, County, $53,- ()00,000, Santa C.o u· . : OFFICIAL NOTICE JO··M ' EMBERS . . DistriCt meetings sche().uled Jor October, 1959: l OCTOBER 7 San Francisco, 200 Guerrero i " 13 Eureka, 9th and E, , Labor .l " 14 . Redding,. Eagles' Hall, 1005 Yuba .. . " . 15 Marysville, Friendship Hall, 323 E · Street . J. · · IiVIP.ORTANT!! .- .. ASSESSMENT No. 10 IN THEAM(rUNT OF $6.0.0 DVE & PAYABLE ON OR BEFORE OCTQB,ER 1St, 1959. : All members who participate in the Burial Expense aitd ·.Go3d . Standing Funds should send in · an additional $6.00 fm; the No. 10 ASSESSMENT, paying thf:ir fourth dl«=s > A . : _,PAYMENT- OF· CURRENr DUES, · IS THE PERSONAL ·OF EACH ' MEMBERi, ! f .: . The · to·which your family would be entitled · hi ca se . of death 'is · entirely dependent on tiuf payment of your union . dues· , and assessment_s: must have paid . for the month . which he died in order for his to be eligible for the .... death JJe .nefit. . ( · , SIERRA, '!JIGH:WAY .PROGRAM-::-Nearly $.100 million in ty, $43; 0Qo,OOQ; Kern County, ·h\ghway· conh'acts-. are unge'rway, :or. set to go on mou11tain h_igq-... Jn. to · H · R II · . designed tc,r get . these ,vital . Cou:nties m · th,e li)Uil!_\.117 .. 1 ' ...•. ,_" ;_ ,' -' 0 , . O·f -. r : fQr t·ne·. :stea,di}y;ipe.feasin:g. po,puiation:·:load; plus '_ .. Ca,ltfq_ r,!lia .. ,. .. · 9 ·· · ·' · '} .. .. .. ':-''. ,_, . en;ors __ ;.:s.ev:g:l' ·';lili _ghwc,y_ s_ 89 > view · .In to · the , . .. .. · "'. on. StG\te ,'Rpute i a9 :in Plcicer. County near .Cabin, ·l?»tP:ese v .u., l"- '1 IVJ.es:u """ ... - ,. · creek\ 2 south .of.' Doiiner Cre. ek und.erpas· s. _ . pe<;:ted_ val?t . new · · · - · , . · · · ·. · ects .will be butlt which will-pro- AUBREY L. KAFTON , · Chas. V. Snyder ; ""· ·- . · ·< ·, · · · • · · · .: vide a shot in the arm to the ec- Carson City, Nev. July. 10, 1959 SAN MATEO }. J · . <rbe .: .. c .·: .. it" ·' b . '- ' .. G . .. .... olden ' Gate : ._ · ... onoi:nics of numerous other . GEORGE L. BUHRIG FRrabncits _ RP. LDrloesch i ; ' : I . · J. J 8ounties. - . Lewiston, Calif. July 12, 1959 ° er · e Ito . · , .. , ; . . · · .. · · · . . · · · · ' : . · ., >' · . The bill suppo;ting this R. N. Carl Warner . / :: sa ::ri:-'>Fra · nciscO ·. Ma-s· 4 ' 1959 · stuart .. :] ·:: ·· ty and specifically earmarked Hayward, Calif. August 5, 1959 S',l'OCKTON ' · M ' ' o '·st' 'I ., -'a · . ' ' .I.·d· ·n·g ... ' 'J· o& · $1,30 ,000,000 to suchlocal proj- IJ. E. SCHERER Roy D. Brawley _; : : •·. · J ·, U I .·. 1'. : . ·. : · .. . . ects. Most :of this. money is Poliock Pines, Calif. Aug. 6, 1959 OAKLAND _ pected to be spent in.the North- NICK CHAMBERS · Lester 0. Griffith · , PAUL EDGECOMBE; JERRY DOWD, DAN. IVIAT'JESO. N, ern Counties and will be in ad- Selma, Calif. August 15, 1959 Jim B. Johnston · · · ·- Business. Representatives · ·_ · dition to money to be spent in LEO L. WILSON Edgar w. Locke : Work in our- great City by the Golden Gate· has impioved very the Counties already listed . . Porterville, Calif. Aug. 15, 1959 l ittle in . the Iasf month. have quj.te .a ]ohs 'in progress but 'rhe Governor has pointed out F. COCHRANE the type of 'construction going is Of demolition · and com- that the figures cover only the Lodi, Calif. August 17, 1959 LATE JOB REPORTS p1ercial. building,. One the .; construction industry; knows State's part in construction , of JOHN L. BiRMINGHAM SAN JOSE, Contra- ct awarded thaftbis tY,pe of·costruction does 1 . . , . the project. He adds that they San Francisco. Calif. Aug. 18, '59 to Barnhart Const: Co., 785 .riot employ- the ?'Perators that a·l Two on the I not il).clude many more mil- ·CARL B. Walsh Ave., Santa Clara, $1 ,450,· fair dirt job .would. - For tlie men I hOists · and ,one on - the mside lions to be spent by the Federal San Bruno, Call£. Aug. 18, 1959 281, for const: school facils. on :·• . .. . · eLeVator . Government and by local areas · J. B. 'GORDON Kooser Rd. betw. Almaden & Sei- who. are . these · JObs 1 - · construction of reclamation Oroville, Calif. Aug. 19, 1959 fert Ave. in San Jose. · are steady and -generally of long . On the Crown Zellerbach I and flood control pro)·ects and DONALD · D. KLUMP · b 'ld' t t h SAN FRANCISCO, · Contract ·duration . .One operator was tell- m mg a presen we ave by local areas on facilities tying Castella, Calif. Aug. 20, 1959 awarded to Christensen & Foster ing. us . the . other _ dayhe's . been three .. operators on the elevators I i;n wit.h the system. HARLEY A. LUCKE & R: J. Somm. er -s Const. Co. of · o!l the . e · h0ist, on-.a 'commer- . an,d. ol').e compressor rna. n. Henry I Mr. Brody has th . at U . kiah, Calif. Aug . ust 1959 1 Rosa, (for an u. ndisclosed cral. bmldmg, for close· to two John Miller and Pe-l about 4,500 persons will })e em- . amount) for const of Geyser years_ now. . · · . ., are, on the ?loyed for each. $100,000:000 Napa, CalL August 24, 19.59 celec. power generating station, . . W_alberg are com- with J?ck Latnrop the spent on tqe proJect. Between JAMES A. Fl!QUA 1 ! 26 ·mi. north of Healdsburg in alon-?' lhmr Bank of Am- 1 compressor. It looks like the ele- 35 to .40 per cent of the con- Lower Lake, Calif. Aug. 26, 1959 N.K Sonoma County, PG&E ex· · enca Bulldmg at Hth & :tyrm: ket yator will be_ ?n this struct10n dollar. spent on . KENNETH K .. KEVAN. .. I pects to aprx. $2,000,00(), We have three hoistmen JOb for a while servic_mg the Will go to salanes Sacramento, Call£. Aug. 27, 1959 in . the project. and a compressor · operator other crafts w1th ma.tenal and and Fo:t ;.each $10,000,000 BERT REYNOLDS SACRAMENTO C t t ployed on this job. Arnold Si- transporting personnel. These spent in· a nearly $4,000,- ' Richmond, Calif. Aug. 27, 1959 d d t L -B' wat$ . Al Wild, and Bill Qra- are really· good jobs, brothers, so 000 will go into wages and. sal- lVI: C. FRANCISCO 0 ° B · · s · ham : are on the hoists; on the the men who are employed as aries. Ogden, utah, · Aug. 31, 1959 . , . ·£ 4 1 '. " compressor we have MacClin- such should take 1 care of them. This gigantic p. rogram is· of ELWOOD L. GARRETT ·. ct ' d &· or: · t. rf · e tock. There has been ·a slight It seefh's the construe- keen interest to all the people San Franciscu ,Calif., Aug. 31, '59 e b mx. b. tn problem pn this job; the contrac- 1 tors would like to· move in on 1 in California but it will ·be pa1·- . r .. f Fl' . &e It· tor had the idea that he didn't our jurisdiction on these eleva- ticularly so to the Operating SACRAMENT 0, .Cont ra ct · · 1 ° £ ;t bt> have to pay t he overtime' rate .tors so the brothers who are em- E!)&ineers in the consti:uction awarded .. to Basalt Rock, Inc., 0 . f ;;erf wh:n the men through ·ployed ··on these is estimated at a P.O. Box 540 Napa, $281,837, for ln an ° 1 ' therr· meal penod on these around town should keep therr mtummm of twelve (12) critical loc. bank prot. & levee · hoists. Wit.h the cooperation of eyes onJhe elevators. When they . - The California Labor const. · on $ado IUver,. COLUSA, · ALMADEN, :contract awardo the .m\m · and a iittle pressure put are .abQut to be. putinto service, . tion points out that there : are SUTTER &.YOLO COUNTIES.' ed to Price McNemar Const. Co., to . bear in the right places, this let your Business Representative - defects in the plan which must SAN FRANCISCO, Contrad P:O. Box 3_157, Van Nuys, ·$717,· situation was rightfully cor- know so he can contact the Su- ' be corrected. Among these are awarded to Harrod & Williams 475, for FD radar facils: F'PS 24.a rected. · perintendent and inform him the enrichment safeguards, Inc., 290 So . Ave., Sun> 24, Almaden AFS, SANTA CLAe . The John Hancock Building that the operation Of the eleva- rights guaranteeing self-organi- nyv!lle, $349,933 for const. air RA COUNTY. that Cahill Bros. are construct- tors is the jurisdiction of-the En- zatiort and the inclusion of cargo bldgs. No. 2 and No. 3 at MT. VIEW, Contract a_warded ing on: lower Califoi·nia St: is gi;neers when they are used . to vailing rates. . Internationl;ll . Airport. . - to .O.C . Jones & SQns, drawing to· its completion stage. hoist niaterial and· personnef iri ·n is . ai1ticipated · that Gover- St., Berke 1 ey, $24'4,545, . for We · have bad · thnie : ein- 1 the . construction of the building. il,or · Brown maY:' convene a spe- Legisiat1.i're . . I>hase 1. ,' p;reliiniri,ary site d'evel"' . on quite. ·. . (Coiitinued& · on· Page, 2) i' · cial ; ·sessio'n! ··:of '' the California · , :, , , opm.en.t College. .-J.: ·,I . !

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' • By NEWELL J. C~RMAN, Local Union Manager , If the. $1,750,000,000 water ~evelopment program is approved by a vote of the: P.eople at th~

next general election 'to be· held in the. month of' November, 1960, it will have an economic im• pact on Calif<knia Cities and rural .areas far exceeding the actual amount spent on the project.·

· It is estimated that expenditures on the pro grain will average more than 12 per cent annually of the t~tal amount of money expected to be spent annually on all·general ipdustrial construction in California. · ' ·

A county by county break~

down of where the proposed $1;-750,000,000 bond issue will be spent was · compiled, by Ralph Br9dy, Deputy Director · of the Department of Water Resources · -and Special ·Counsel ·to Goyer-

·• nor Brown on water proble:ms. His figures are as follows: Sac~ ramento County, · $22;00.o,oO'oi Butte · C.o u n ty, $368;000,000; Conti'! Costa Coul).tY, $43;Qoo,­o~o; ,Al?_meqC~ Go.un,tv. $38;006,-000; Sa11 Jpaquin County; $45;~-

. ooo;ooo;ooo; sarita 'clara. colin, · I (y; .$20;ooo,ooo;· St_anislaus · Coun-· · l' ty, $,47,QOQ,OOO; Merce<;l Coui:i(y, $1~.2,0QO,OOO ; _ ... Fresno . Coimty, $~3,000,000; Kirtgs~ County, $53,­()00,000, Santa Clara,~ C.o u· n~

. :OFFICIAL •NOTICE JO· ·M'EMBERS. . DistriCt meetings sche().uled Jor October, 1959: l

OCTOBER 7 San Francisco, 200 Guerrero i " 13 Eureka, 9th and E, , Labor T~Iitple .l " 14 . Redding, . Eagles' Hall, 1005 Yuba .. . ~ " . 15 Marysville, Friendship Hall, 323 E ·Street . J.·

· IiVIP.ORTANT!! .- .. ASSESSMENT No. 10 IN THEAM(rUNT OF $6.0.0 DVE & PAYABLE ON OR BEFORE OCTQB,ER 1St, 1959. : All members who participate in the Burial Expense aitd ·.Go3d . Standing Funds should send in ·an additional $6.00 fm; the No. 10 ASSESSMENT, wh~n paying thf:ir fourth quartet~ dl«=s> A


.The .bet~efits ·to·which your family would be entitled ·hi case . of death 'is ·entirely dependent on tiuf payment of your union .dues· , and assessment_s: A-dec~ased ~embe1; must have b~en paid. for the month . i~ which he died in order for his b.~n.~fidary to be eligible for the .... death JJe.nefit. . ( ·

, SIERRA, '!JIGH:WAY .PROGRAM-::-Nearly $.100 million in ty, $43;0Qo,OOQ; Kern County, ·h\ghway· conh'acts-.are unge'rway, :or. set to go on mou11tain h_igq-... .$~8.4,000 ;0.90 Jn. ad?i~ion to · H · R II · . ~ay~ .aF!he · p,resep.t :t~me;:;'!- :m:ogr~m. designed tc,r get .these ,vital . }~g~t (~l Cou:nties m · th,e •li)Uil!_\.117 .. 1' ...•. ,_" ;_ .~nQr ,' -'0 , . O·f -. r : route~An,J~1tM fQr t·ne·. :stea,di}y;ipe.feasin:g. po,puiation:·:load; plus '_ et;~~ : .. Ca,ltfq_r,!lia .'fare~ .. ,. .. · 9· · · ·' · '} .. t:1li~:_ ,\\rjnt~rJ~~Q~~.m.itf~,,q~~~~;:~~;1~t1Jtl\v.~~-{l'pe~r:;~:rajQ~'C'tjob;s·:,Ar~. t9.::~52l}.;Q9.9.•~o .. .. ~:~~ . ':-''. ,_, .en;ors '·

__ ;.:s.ev:g:l' ·';lili_ghwc,y_s_ :,4o, ::~OA,:~ :5'0( 49, r :9~,,.2o;··anq : 89> A'Q~v:e.: view :· · .In · ~q41ht10!l - to · the ··~l ·~9l~PmjM~H ,,,~,'." E'c"''r··~",,,e.ts~t~P-~.r~~'·.e·."".Fc~~~--'.a:Ad:~o/~¢I_•~.~.~.;:1C , . ... :·~-.. · "'. ~ sbQws onew~ roa.d on. StG\te,'Rpute ia9 :in Plcicer. County near . Cabin, : ~f$ect ·l?»tP:ese v.u.,l"-' 1 IVJ.es:u """ ... - , . ·creek\ 2 mil~s: south .of.' Doiiner Cre.ek und.erpas·s. _ . pe<;:ted_ ·~hat val?t. new· · · - · , . · ·---'-----,~· · · ·. · ects .will be butlt which will -pro- AUBREY L. KAFTON , · Chas. V. Snyder ; ""· ·-. · ·< ·, · - · · · • · · · .: vide a shot in the arm to the ec- Carson City, Nev. July. 10, 1959 SAN MATEO }.J· .

• <rbe.: ~ .. c.·: ~ .. it"·' b .. '-' .. '· ~. the.> G ... .... olden' Gate: . _·... onoi:nics of numerous other . GEORGE L. BUHRIG FRrabncits_RP. LDrloesch i ; ' : I . · J. J 8ounties. - . Lewiston, Calif. July 12, 1959 ° er · e Ito . · , . . , ; . . · · .. · · · . . · · · · ' : . · ., >' · . The bill suppo;ting this ~ond R. N. MURDOC~ Carl Warner . "''f':~ / ::sa::ri:-'>Fra·nciscO ·. Ma-s· ~~~~ ;~~n:-~~mo~~~l~~n~eg~~~ oa~~~~T~~~¢~~~st 4'

1959 · stuart M:n~~i~~o .. :]·:: ··

ty and specifically earmarked Hayward, Calif. August 5, 1959 S',l'OCKTON ' ·

M' ' o' ·st' 'I ., -'a· . ' ' .I. ·d· ·n·g ... ' 'J·o&·s· $1,30,000,000 to suchlocal proj- IJ. E. SCHERER Roy D. Brawley _; : : • · . · ~· J ~- · , U I . ·.·. 1'. : . · . : · .. . . ects. Most :of this. money is ~x- Poliock Pines, Calif. Aug. 6, 1959 OAKLAND _ pected to be spent in.the North- NICK CHAMBERS · Lester 0. Griffith · , PAUL EDGECOMBE; JERRY DOWD, DAN. IVIAT'JESO.N, ern Counties and will be in ad- Selma, Calif. August 15, 1959 Jim B. Johnston · · · ·- Business. Representatives · ·_ · dition to money to be spent in LEO L. WILSON Edgar w. Locke : Work in our-great City by the Golden Gate· has impioved very the Counties already listed. . Porterville, Calif. Aug. 15, 1959

little in .the Iasf month. We~ have quj.te .a f~w ]ohs 'in progress but 'rhe Governor has pointed out F. COCHRANE the type of 'construction going is !no~tly Of demolition · and com- that the figures cover only the Lodi, Calif. August 17, 1959 LATE JOB REPORTS p1ercial. building,. One ~nowing the.; construction industry; knows State's part in construction , of JOHN L. BiRMINGHAM SAN JOSE, Contra-ct awarded thaftbis tY,pe of ·costruction does 1 . . , . the project. He adds that they San Francisco. Calif. Aug. 18, '59 to Barnhart Const: Co., 785

.riot employ-the ?'Perators that a·l so~etime. Two on the O~lts~de I ~0 not il).clude many more mil- ·CARL B. GI~GER Walsh Ave., Santa Clara, $1,450,· fair dirt job .would. -For tlie men I hOists · and ,one on -the mside lions to be spent by the Federal San Bruno, Call£. Aug. 18, 1959 281, for const: school facils. on :·• . .. . . 1:~·· · eLeVator . Government and by local areas· J . B. 'GORDON Kooser Rd. betw. Almaden & Sei-who. are . employe~ ' · these · JObs 1- · g~ construction of reclamation Oroville, Calif. Aug. 19, 1959 fert Ave. in San Jose. · are steady and-generally of long . On the Crown Zellerbach I and flood control pro)·ects and DONALD· D. KLUMP · b 'ld' t t h SAN FRANCISCO, · Contract ·duration . . One operator was tell- m mg a presen we ave by local areas on facilities tying Castella, Calif. Aug. 20, 1959 awarded to Christensen & Foster ing. us . the . other _ day-· he's . been three .. operators on the elevators I i;n wit.h the Sta.~e system. HARLEY A. LUCKE & R: J. Somm.er-s Const. Co. of · o!l the ~am .. e ·h0ist, on-.a 'commer- .an,d. ol').e compressor rna. n. Henry I Mr. Brody has esti~ated th.at U. kiah, Calif. Aug. ust ~3, 1959


s~nta Rosa , (for an u.ndisclosed cral. bmldmg, for close · to .· two G~aneU, John Miller and C~ Pe-l about 4,500 persons will })e em- ALBER~ CORRI~ . amount) for const of Geyser years_ now. . · · . . , d~1ck. are, .all~ on the el~vators ?loyed for each. $100,000:000 Napa, CalL August 24, 19.59 celec. power generating station, . . Swmerton~ W_alberg are com- with J?ck Latnrop m~,nn~ng the spent on tqe proJect. Between JAMES A. Fl!QUA 1!26 ·mi. north of Healdsburg in ~n~ alon-?' ~n lhmr Bank of Am- 1 compressor. It looks like the ele- 35 to .40 per cent of the con- Lower Lake, Calif. Aug. 26, 1959 N.K Sonoma County, PG&E ex· · enca Bulldmg at Hth & :tyrm:ket yator opera~ors. will be_ ?n this struct10n dollar. spent on . wa~er KENNETH K .. KEVAN. .. I pects to inv~st. aprx. $2,000,00(), Stre~ts. We have three hoistmen JOb for a while ~et; servic_mg the developme~t Will go to salanes Sacramento, Call£. Aug. 27, 1959 in .the project. ~ and a compressor · operator ' em~ other crafts w1th ma.tenal and and wag~s: Fo:t;.each $10,000,000 BERT REYNOLDS SACRAMENTO C t t ployed on this job. Arnold Si- transporting personnel. These spent in· a co~nty nearly $4,000,- ' Richmond, Calif. Aug. 27, 1959 d d t L -B' ;~{a~ wat$ . ~onsen, Al Wild, and Bill Qra- are really· good jobs, brothers, so 000 will go into wages and . sal- lVI: C. FRANCISCO ~war~ 0 ° B · · ·131~ s v· 0~? · ham: are on the hoists; on the the men who are employed as aries. Ogden, utah, · Aug. 31, 1959 . , . $~i'7184 ·£ 0~t 4 1 '. gti~a ~a, "compressor we have MacClin- such should take 1care of them. This gigantic p.rogram is· of ELWOOD L. GARRETT ·. ct ' d &· or: · t. ~.L rf · e tock. There has been ·a slight It seefh's the el~vatoi· construe- keen interest to all the people San Franciscu ,Calif., Aug. 31, '59 gr~ e b su~o't;'PA mx. ~u b. tn problem pn this job; the contrac-


tors would like to· move in on 1 in California but it will ·be pa1·- . ~~ r .. a~e, f Fl' t-v~ . & e It· tor had the idea that he didn't our jurisdiction on these eleva- ticularly so to the Operating SACRAMENT 0, . Contract · m~. · 1° £ ~!1 ;t bt> have to pay the overtime' rate .tors so the brothers who are em- E!)&ineers in the consti:uction awarded .. to Basalt Rock, Inc., ~or~ ~a~c ~ 0 . ~gs f ;;erf a.~: wh:n the men \~orked through ·ployed ··on these buildin~s st~g~s- .whi~h is estimated at a P .O. Box 540 Napa, $281,837, for ln ~.JNGSo co~kTY.0 an °1

' therr· meal penod on these around town should keep therr mtummm of twelve (12) y~ars . critical loc. bank prot. & levee · hoists. Wit.h the cooperation of eyes onJhe elevators. When they . - The California Labor Fed~ra- const. ·on $ado IUver,. COLUSA, · ALMADEN, :contract awardo the .m\m ·and a iittle pressure put are .abQut to be.putinto service, . tion points out that there : are SUTTER &.YOLO COUNTIES.' ed to Price McNemar Const. Co., to .bear in the right places, this let your Business Representative - defects in the plan which must SAN FRANCISCO, Contrad P:O. Box 3_157, Van Nuys, ·$717,· situation was rightfully cor- know so he can contact the Su- ' be corrected. Among these are awarded to Harrod & Williams 475, for FD radar facils: F'PS 24.a rected. · perintendent and inform him the enrichment safeguards, Inc., 290 So. Mii~phy Ave., Sun> 24, Almaden AFS, SANTA CLAe • . The John Hancock Building that the operation Of the eleva- rights guaranteeing self-organi- nyv!lle, $349,933 for const. air RA COUNTY. that Cahill Bros. are construct- tors is the jurisdiction of-the En- zatiort and the inclusion of cargo bldgs. No. 2 and No. 3 at MT. VIEW, Contract a_warded ing on: lower Califoi·nia St: is gi;neers when they are used .to vailing rates. . Internationl;ll . Airport. . - to .O.C. Jones & SQns, ~520-4th drawing to· its completion stage. hoist niaterial and· personnef iri ·n is . ai1ticipated ·that Gover- St., Berke 1 ey, $24'4,545, . for We · have bad · thnie : ~pen ein- 1 the. construction of the building. il,or ·Brown maY:' convene a spe- Legisiat1.i're . to<~onsider . thes~ I>hase 1.,' p;reliiniri,ary site d'evel"' . pl~yed . on th~s:. pfoje'cf. !ov quite. ·. . (Coiitinued&·on· Page, 2) i' · cial ; ·sessio'n!··:of '' the California probi~ms. · , :, , , opm.en.t a~J(o9~hill College. .-J.: ·,I .


Page 2: 1959 - September Engineers News - Home - OE3. NEWS . . : . . ~;~~:·:,::~~::::: .. ~~ ~ :



..... ' ~~. 1~. . ~ . ~· . ~~

~· I . .. :1 ~ ~ :j


. ! ( . S·an '"'1at~·o· .... !~ub of t~u~ ·P-.en~n-sula - ... ..=. -··-

job · ot ·nrne'lhours ·1Jer ·day with veTy li ttle~ltri-rn: · over , of men. It seems tha:t ·v1/h·erf ... th~'br·oth~rs go to work · ·for :•this· c'Omp·any they just stay there.

Bro. Irvin Varwig \vho started

.a. -n~ ll , ! ,· ~ 11 · ,: 1 . ·· A ··s'· as -an ·:o•vner .. ··operator, has l ; '11;V] lftvtemoe~rs :.'Are r . ·usv : branched out W·the .dirt moving .

· - , J busin~ss, v/it1{':Brother ·Harold

·By BILL RANEY·and ~GEORG.E BAKER Business Rep· resentatives Lundberg . as_ :super_:_At present . International Union· of Operating Engineers .. · . ' · he -has four dozers, three · DW

Published each month oy'Local Union No: 3 of the ·

·(Northern California, Northern Nevada; State of Utah, It i's an "odd ball" year in San Mateo. Although there are real- 10's and 1 DW 20 as well as a the Hawaiian Islands) ly no -large jobs going right now iri the area, most of the brothers, gr ade setter ordhe one-half mil-·

Office: 474 Valencia St., San Francisco 3, Calif. are employed. Other offices of Local No. 3 report large dam and lion yard grading project at Pa- ·

' M:ai! a ll n·ews items in· to· editor·not later than the 5th of each month ·highway iobs where hundreds of engineers are employed for many cific Heights. Everyone seems .• . · J . . . • real happy here and Bro. Lund- •.

'. NEWELL . J. CARM'AN .. ~ ..... Mahagin.e Editor ·and Local Union·· Mgr. . months at a- tui.le. Here m Sa~ Mateo we. have hundreds of JO~s 'berg, say's , he is .going to· open up

,' PAUL .EDGECOMBE ................................... ~ .................................. cPre:Siden!t' that employ ·o~ly . a_ few en~l: ar·e •hopeful 'tMbthe housing bill the .. rock so"they''cap. work. most H . o. FOSS .. ................................. ~ ............................................. .:Vice~Presiderit - .neers each. A JOb With 15 skm wiH be ' granted ·so ''that these of ::the winter -' We 'say \'GOOD .

pers on it is considered a fair . ~-t· . ·. .11' . · · 'L"-TCK · TO · ·y·ou " IR-<."'IN ON . w., v. MINAHAN:::: ........................... Recording-Corresponding Secretary . d . b th · H . conul lOllS Wl rmprove. .v . .;.~. v·

AL CLEM ................................................................ .......... Firi~ncial Secretary size JO IS year. owever, our W · d 1. h ·c _ t '·C , t YOUR NEW VENTuRE

· out of work list is stnall enough ·. u~ er lc o. a · _res moor . .' _: . m T. PETERSE~-~b~-~-~iptl~~--i?-;i~~~--$2:5o·P~~--y.~~·;·-- ------------Treasurer that most :of the men are on the ., h~ve .. ~IX :20's~ 4_ cats·, 2 bl~des, 2 ~ The many sch~ol ·Jobs . are

·bench only a · few days between grade ·checkers and two mechan7 _really .r~shmg . WI~h some of · .· §leco~d cl~ss postage paid at Sari Francisco,, Califorl!ia each job. At ' this writing the ! ics with Bro: 'Kelly in charge, the~I.l _t~ be r~a~y. fo_r - the f~ll

0 A .. L·AHD only classification we are loaded ; This j?b has -:s?~e··.time to :run · ~e:~· Rot~schlld .. -Raff~n ~Weir­San Francisco ~ Al ' H· . : ''. . . .. with are shovel-and crane oper- yet -~lth a mtll.Ion ·plus ng~t._-,ICk a~ -theA~ago~ Sch. ool, off the

, . · · - · . a tors. · . across - ~he toad. :rh~ ·outlook 1s A:J11lleda, .. ?a~e .?1!-~.n~ of . the (Continued from P:::ge 1) 1

, The E. ·T. Haas Co. have too· real .good· on this · JOb ·,for ·the ?:.ot~e~s ·Work1~g ?n the, proJect,

~There are a few Superintendents. ~ -s KECP_ ~~~G many small jobs r~mning in the winter. · . )VIbt~ _stitll mtore en:phl~yea_-~Byl :thke •..

who alFeady know this, but still I L U'f area to list their locations. This . '' TI:'e<He~ly Gran~te !~~eak~ate~-. ~or~~~;:~~"r/~~e· ~fumb~~g; '

there are a few who don't!( ... I· fAIRlY BUSY ~omp_any _keeps a large crew J O~ -~h_as b~en · ~r-~ctl~ally shut :E: T. Taas,' etc. Maybe we should say they don't . workmg -very steady. We were down for some .. time· now. Our , ~ H. E' J·p · k ' h . 1 t 1

I · tJ · > t h f B M c th' 1 t , · t f · "' th . . . ar. - · ar er as comp e e y want to know)! Once the eleva· sor~y o ~~\o . ~- fc reaf ~~ t~~l -~e~~~-~ - ron\} e tc~t~p~n~ :firiislfed · th·eir work -in :.our area tor constructors get a man on II by HRAURPOELR~ ~EEWV·EISS. and accide~t. eds WIS esd or at u e s. 'Ltl_s ley · ·';01 \ gle t s ar _-e t" aha :nas .moied ·out. It is· Clur un-these elevators it takes a lot of . 1 1 recovery ,an a spee y re urn. some 1me now. yr as repor : d t· . d' ·g .tJ. t ~h· 1 .. ld ·h·

.. ·· h h F. k F . & M L l f · '' t'h · .. · ·· t· 11" 'th ers an m ~a e las.so 1S time and eff0rt getting him off


Aloah from ~awau w ere t e 1s 1renz~ . c ea~ a so ! ~~~" ,e comp~~y- .~ ? -~~. ey, C(ihi:pany , . to ·'SUTTON-WHITE . .. especi~lly under the_ rules ea~t ?oes meet tne west Proof of hav~ a number of _JO~s through- · w1_11 -g~t st7r~e~ - ~?~e .-,tim_e after- ·Trifck<Co:, :·ana the· Wm. A. Sut­and regulatwns. ·under which we this 1s at the Honolulu Interna- out the ar.ea. TillS. IS another , L~bo:., Day; T_~I~ · s~u_t._,down ~as ·ton Co:,' df ~acramento. 'The sale must operate to.day. TO AVOID tiona! ?ir.port where planeloads ~ompany · that furmshes many I been :,~u~ '-~? · ~pe .::sn~r~ag~ -' of ~clivers .,400 pieces ... of equipment TB:IS BROTHERS .... -LET'S of visitors, businessmen and ~tu- -Jobs for the br:ot~e;·s . Cl~s~ A_ · T~~~- ' ~e are ~o~eful 'wh'ich _ indudes . ·trucks and K,iEEP OUR EYES OPEN AND dents arrive from .all parts ~f Berger C~astw1de h_ave started ! thls'~ P~'?Ject ·_"ml~ ·.?~~ or?ill_ng be~ compressors . . (We noted that SEE THAT WE GET ON THE

11 the . world. Added proof can be some newt·lJobs,t puttmkg severdal , c~us1~ tiht ·sh?t~~ ·1t ur~~sht plenty o~ ;some· 'of 'the' ~ local ·contractors

JOB FIRST. obtained at our University of of the Bro 1ers o wor on gra ' wor c: rougu -t::le wm er. . 'have s·ome ' f•' t' h· , . t .

I · · · · ·· · d d d B . tl - . .F · ·· · . p - · c , 1 . o Is eqmpmen m : Cleveland Wrecking Co.; Flora·, Hawai_I where_ the costume dr~ss .IJng Sant ·k.utn _erog;Bo~n : rdoOltetrs b .. , •re~m~nb av,r(~tgh' t·I:_o: -~ Iavd~· 'their · yards, we~ 'don't know lf C~ S . . A . B 'ld' . & 'of vanous natwns are seen daily. oe oc on . . · . nen an o- ' een very usy \VI leir .gra ... thi·s ·I·s ·storacre ·or· p·urchase)

rane ervice, ron m mg l . . . . ll 1 · th · k · - · b · · ' th · E' ·hl T · t · · " · · Wrecking Co., Bayshore Wreck- . Constr~ctwn ls still gomg neBo aret pup~ 1l~g el ··PIC ups. m_gt1. ]Bo , ~Rn , 11; ~ lC _er 1 rae ,~~PROPOSED · NEW WORK ; •

. ·.. d U . C S . . strong w1th all members work- raga o . -avmg 1ave many w1 1 ro. a.y fuorgan m c 1arge. , Dotiglas.' . & WcS db 1 . · elrl~: ban dm?n drane

1'.te.rvice arke 1 ing Our out-of~work list took a paving jobs in the County. They This ·has been li ' tough one, with 'three . sm·~ll . J·· ob

0 •. ~~lRs'ed lavde

a usy . omg emo 1 Ion wor


· . . ·. . -· 1 . . . h · . t 1 t d tl paving 1 t f · .. k · . ' · · · s m e woo a tound town. When :they start to sharp diVe to ~en at t_us :-vntn~g . ave JUS com~ e e · 1e 0 . s.? :r?c · . . , . . ~City <totaling about '$-100,000 in

1 .1d 11 th t tl 1 t , but our · applicant list 1s still JOb at· Montara, . and the road Utan ConstructiOn Co. JOb at. pa·v1·ncr . reom. a . a ley lave Oin . h . l th s· th c·t . . . ht l o· down in the last few .· months [loaded. WI~h I?en who want to t ere Is _rea smoo . . now. o~ 1 Y I~ movmg pg a ong. Cupertino Gravel picked up a

'lll 1 t f k f , get on umon Jobs. . · Wennch & Associates are d_o- 1 The Brothers there are ~ery hap- curb and. g tte, j b f . $45 OOO' ~~mb~r:~ pen Yo wor or our I Kaiser's dredge. ' ''~udah' : has ing the u~der.grqund·. work m pYas this is ~te~ -hour JOb. Over . Oscar Hol~es ~iif pu~rin a 'sew~ ;;.;

, · . [gone to work · dreagmg a small S,haron Heights . . -Th~ _broth~rs m the yard tillS company. ~as a e dis osal set u at Half Moon . The t,wo ~rack .r_e~:noval :JObs of. [boat ~hannel· at Kais~r's Koko are very bps)' <?ll this ·Job w1th ~ompleted ~he wQrk of repam~g -B~y to 'lhe tune of .. $.121 OOO. ,,,,:,

Har1_1ey.s. and _Pact~Ic Pa~~n~ .~:e - 1 Head estate; ~ . Wheri· this ·is an_other . ?ne to move to when~ the .. two dredges,· and ;have sh.Ip· ~ C. . N_ orman P_· etersbrf will:,\ ~ommg.~l~!J.tal~ng. _At t_lils \Yp~- through ·a'bdut · the :'sec'ond wee.k thiS one 1~ ·com;pleted, : - . ped .b?th O~lt to the J9_b. In the _ stretch ' out the : s'e~vers in San·>: ~ng, P~c1f1c ,;ravmg lSrstill -work- ·of Septerilber,the Judah will -cut ·· Due to : harct money, th~ · de- ~ shop the company p1cked u w Carlo b··d. b . . $276 000 mg mghts but they should be across the Kalanianaole Highway cline ,iil the housing ·industry has some of the broth'ers that were We~n ~ h e~ngA : t · h finished the night shift in a few and . into the .Kuapa fishpo~d had an ,effect on many of the on the dredge repair so all in an adld .rt .. ~c t tl s_so~Iab ebs . kavef weeks - · t . th' 11 tl . 1 b f' . b f 1 1on o 1e1r JO ae o

. . . . . wl_le~e there is · ~n estimated one owner-ope!'a ors m_ IS area. a . us :as een a me JO or Stanford at a cool $41,000. . A~ C1ty CoH~ge, L .. C. Dunn ~s milhon ya_rds of muck and coral These people furmsh a lot of this , year. . . · Bragato Paving Co. got a new.

ma~mg good progress .. on their to be dredged •out (there's also work for our brothers and we J. ~- Arch~bald Co. have . a street job in Millbrae, $35,000. ~roJect. Joh~ ·Bra_dy_ out ?f Bur- an estimate -of one ·million fishes good Job runm_qg at 42nd Av~. m L. C. Smith Co. have a $73,. lingame, Cahforma Is domg the I of the mul~et yariety th_at may ·ation election and negotiation for San Mateo, wi:h several of _the 000 paving project . at the air-underground .· work. be lost because of dredgmg and . . . . , . . . bros. busy her e. They are also ort

There are a few smaller con- bl t· ,.. ) Ius constr:u~twn divisiOn have busy in their shop in Redwood p · . . · • · ·• · 1 as mg operations. . ., f £ . . .. . . . . 0. C. Jones came up with a 1:ractors workmg thro~gh?ut the I Pacific Dredge's "McLeod" is, been_ held ~p oecause o .. un a1r C1tX; . pamt~ng . and puttmg_ the '$:23,000 street job· in So. S: F. area who are also·furmshmg em- ~ sti.ll t1·ed tlp· at -the dock under- labor pract1c.e charges, filed by eqmpment m shape. We noticed B g C t .d . d

' · h ·· · d .. a t T ' t . . . . th er er oas Wl e acqmre ployment for many of our mem- going maii_Itenance repairs while t e _ .. m ~p_en en, . ·. ea~s ers one ng m particular next to e the grading · for the school site bers. - waiting for their next job. There agamst proJect supermtendent, I front fence that sure was a pret- th C t f , $269 000

George M. Philpott Company is an - estimated six· years of Bro. · Roger James, ahd the Kai- ; ty green. (Kinda goes ·with the on Pac~fic oa~oas~r Builders· were has b~en· _appointed ·Muqi'hy-Di- dredge work around the island ser-Bur1_1s ComP.any: !he Team- ~ n~n:e Kelly, huh?) . , . awarded the contract for the esel D1stnbutor for the Central of Oahu alone but no one knows st~rs tneq to orgamz~ tl~e tr~ck Pwmbo ConstructiOn ~o. s JOb Bayside School in San Mateo for Valley of California. You p.re just when it wilJ.cominence. dnvers o:n the construch?n s1te, I at ~Millb_rae ~~ ~oving _d1rt}t a $737;000. well aware· of the excellence of Speaking' of Kaiser, represent- but . gettmg ~m.~here w~th the good chp with _Bro . Jim Su~- Leonard Simas was low bidder Mu:ph'_'-Di_ese} Products a~d also

1 · · · · . , men;, has _decided to use adoles- 1 ~ky" Hawkins 111 cha:ge. Th~s at $227,000 for a library in San.

their distnbuLors reputatiOn for I shift. San Franc1sco was lucky to cent act!?~ as a _means to stall Job has been runnmg . v~ry Mateo and the work on the El . service. This number one line of have this · large dirt job within our -orgamzmg dnve. smoothly all summer, furmshmg

1 Portal Del Sol school in Belmont

Engineers . a n d Gener_ators I its City limits, 1¥hich during the On organizing, petitions for many d_ays of work for our I for '$834,000. coupled with Geo. M. Ph1lp_ott peak of operation employed ap- union recognition have been: worthy brot~ers_. . . . . . Harrod· & Williams . have the Company's good reputatiOn proximately one hundred and filed with Larry Ching's High- Buzz Has_kms JOb m Pac1f1ca ~s bid for $350,000 for air carg-o. should make fbr a ve:·y succes_s- twenty (_120) Operating En- way Co~struction and also with real_ly movmg the yardage. This buildings at the ..-airport. ful futurE! for both firms. Ph1l- gineers and even now, toward Joe Pao who is the key figure proJect was a very steep one Charles Harney was awarded pott< -has . ernployr.d Local No. 3 the completion of the job there I for three development corpora- when it was started, however, the contract for ' Paving at the men it?- all ' their sh?ps for many are , still -t:wenty-five (25) em: tions. Negotiations with Kaiser, this hasbeen overcome and ~he airport to cost $194,000. yeats m San Francisco, Oakland, ployed. Brother Walt Frey back i Territorial Contractor, Highway . haul roads are really a bee h1ve 1 watkins & Sib bald will plant S~cramento .a~d ·Fre~no. 'Murphy has been the Pushe~· on this. j?b ,~ : Cons~r~ction and Joe Pao should of rigs. ·This is another real good 1 a lot qf plants on the freeway Dresel serv1cmg ·will be from throughout the entire operatiOn 1 be fm1shed and the contracts . .· . below Redwood City for about 'llhe Sacram~ilto and F~esno and he's real busy trying ~o stay_1 signed at the publication of this ope~mg ,~f thepuli~k' ~;e . oyer~ $170,000. Shops. We w1sh Geo. lVL Philpott ahead of the ball teams. Even article . A new dredge agreement . pass. _w01_k 011 ~1s_LikehKe _I-IIgh Piombo came up with the con­Company success with ti:is new though they expect the Ball-Park covering all dredge work in the I :;ay JOb m Ka!lhl Valley JS go- tract for a million. dollar job on line which all our Operatmg En- to be ready for -the series . . . Pacific is in the l)laking at this mg along sm:othly and. hopes the highway at La Honda. gin eers are very familiar with. it will not be completely fin- writing. A proposed three year aTe high for Its complehon by E. T. Haas has three new jobs. ··· CANDLESTICK PARK ; .. . ished. The actual completion contract with projected wage in- the end of the year. Bros. Cl~r- totalling $100,000. HOME OF TH~ GIANTS .. . is , date is set approximately at Jan- · crease$ a,nd fringe benefits will ~nee Kapaona, . Ralph Marti~, Roy Maddsen Const. Co. will f iist approaching a hurried close, uary 1st, 1960. The ball diamond be presented· to · the Hawaii '·Mala" Ta~1~slmo ai:d. Dav1d work on the pipelines at Crystal with the Giants crowding the is on solid ground ... the park- dredgemen £or possible 'changes ~apua are_giVI~1g the hilli_n bac~ Springs Lake for $50,000. con sttuction crews out of the ing area is fill; graded and with and ratifications. The eventual of St. Loms H1gh School m Kar- 1 "C" DAY P'ai'-k · for t he World Series t he black top down. This' ball signing of a .dredge industry muki a much needed face lifting Brothers: The San Mateo "C" Games. We .of Local No. 3 have park is a real credit to the aTea agreement will be a milestone in preparing it for a brand new Day will be Saturday, Sept. 19,

. been very fortunate on this job and all that is left to say is that in the Operating Engineers' or- 1 residential sub-division. 1959. This is a most worthy of Chas. Harney's . . . approxi- we ALL HOPE THE GIANTS ganizing program for · Hawaii. A steady flow of new mem- cause and started about three inately six=million yards of fill STAY UP IN FRONT AND Work on the Barbers Point bers into the office was started years ago and has grown and was moved to make a large park- THAT THE WORLD SERIES IS Capehart proj ect at Iroquois as a result of our brother mem- will continue to grow into a ing area and ·excess roads to the PLAYED HERE ... OUR "BIG Point is expected t o slow down bers talking to their non-union wonderful example of what the ;;:rea. They've had .a 120-B Elec- HOPE" IS TO SEE THE GIANTS about the end Of September but engineer friends and if . more combined efforts of Union Labor·· t ricl Shovel which has operated WIN THE WORLD SERIES ! ! ! and Bechtel Corporation jobs members talk to more friends can do for their community. This on . a one-two-three shift basis, If they work as hard at winning will take care of our members. our organizfng campaign will be is one time that all Engineers m~st of the time. As of ·now, Bro. . . . as our brothers did. ,at J . M. Tanka's work on the completed sooner than originally can give a really substantial sum ~rnie Ryde is the day operator building they've got it- Vineyard thoroughfare is pro- anticipated.. Keep up the good without one penny coming out of mid Bill McGuire 011 the second cinched! gressing on schedule with the ·work and mahalo nui loa. (Continy.ed on ,Pag~ 3) , ,

Page 3: 1959 - September Engineers News - Home - OE3. NEWS . . : . . ~;~~:·:,::~~::::: .. ~~ ~ :

SEPTEMBER, ·1959 . -. '


AUtumn , Rush ·Is On in San Jose Area, . . ~

By A. J. HOPE, DANNY 0 . . DiEES and WM. HARLEY DA\7IDSON We are happy to report that lBusline:ss Repre.sentatives



A 1 t th. t· f tlk th d d f - Bro. Mike Kraynich has joined s usua a Is 1me o ue year e eman or men mcreas- , . By WALTER l\'[. TAJLBOT, AL McNAMARA, C. JL. CASEBOLT es due to the final push to .get the jobs done before the rains set in: the San .Jose Staff. Bro: · Mike · Business Representatives A $130,711 contract for a Bayshore Highway project at Agnew is the Dispatcher and is doing a The report from the Stockton~Modesto district _is much the

Road was awarded to 0. C. Jones of .Berkeley. Included in this job same as-last month's with 'the supply of available manpower just is a culvert ·at Cruabasas Creek, a deto_ur and minor changes in good job keeping the Bros. on keeping up. with the demand. This present balance· is. due largely t he·· Alvi~o ·Road:.at the· intersec-· · ~ the job. to the short term jobs which have been let this 'yeaT;. thus enabl· tion. · The proj-ect is preliminary will · be, starting, their 1.5- mile · W I·d· l·'k t · -d · th · ing tUese· officers Jn many.· cases to . dispatch those members · coi:n~ · · . · · . . : . · · . · . · . · · . · . e wou · . I e .· i> remm - e

..J.!l · c. onstruchoJJ. . of - a· freeway road. JOb. at Los Laurei.es :Gra:de_ . B . ·. ·. . .. th . 4th _ t r; pletlng their old jobs to new .

• oJn· Charle~ton.: ~oa~, .to:· tn~: This job~ is lo.cated ' nine -mile.s . • ros. p_aylng e . · . qu,ar e s ones ·without a long waiting the -hope of landing th;it Cor,p of Qp.!id:alupe._ Rwer~111 San: Jo_se; ·east of' Carmel This job ~will be· dues, that the lOtJ~ Assessment period. Engineers levee· jpb. that --was 'Ple.·cul:vert f)roject i~ between'' U·nder the supe.rvision : ·of· 131!0, rof' $6·,00 is · due and.: payable :tt · The . classif:ib:ati:ons - that . are mentioned above, aJthough: they · Sunnyvale- anil· Santa· C],a:ra:.-lt' Paul'' Ma1tos: · · this . time. not moVing in this area are are . using some rock. now " on-

. ~;~~:·:,::~~:::::: A Safe Job Is the Result ~;i~~r~~lt·:ff~t~i~ :~f:~~;:h~:~.;;m~;;::; awarded a $16:9,644' contract for . · require compressors, the pros- Calaveras· County near Pardee landscaping -three interchanges ,


.. 0f M p I I Ef·f· · t pects for work under these class~ Dam; and the gr<!ding at Caswell oA.nl;_oB.ayshore Freeway: pear lPai·0 -


• ••• • . ':a· n.y~_ - ·: .. -_e, O .. p·_.·,' .e. S', ' · or·., 'S, ' ifications is nil. However, we State Park, south of Ripon, go~ L have hopes · of placing the roller ing on at this time. W. R Ebert , Cor porati?n of !· · By GLENN L. DOBYNS, Safety Representative · men before the season is gone. · R. Goold & Son are starting

San Jose were·the lucky bidders . _ -~· Human experience shows that me_n become interes~ed in move- Projects t hat are contemplated to work on the trunk se\Yer line ~~ a $32,960. sewer co. ntr~ct ?ff I ments ·in the ratio of the ~£fort which t~ey e.xpend m behalf of for this · area that will fall into on Sharps Lane. This job · was ~wkaw Road. Sanco P1?elme them and the thought which they contnbute to them. However the large type of jobs will ~e the awarded sometime ago but was Company were the low bidders .strongly we may approve another person's idea, we are no.t likely East Bay Municipal Utilty Dis- I held up due to the County Fai~, on a $3.5;043 sewer ~ontract on . to particularly bother ourselves to push it along. -That is the fel- trict pipe line that is scheduled 1 as the ground~ front on t~IS

-Payne Ave. A. J. Peters are ~usy low's job who thought of it. Any I - to be let for bid next year, and 1 road, and th1s constructiOn

on · severalr underground JOb~ successful safety program will, · the injury prevention program. the Corps of Engineers levee would have made an extremely throu~hout t~e area, same C<J,n therefore, be the composite re- Their duties .include: Super- protection and rebuilding job bad traffic sit uation until. the· be smd of Pr_sano Brothers and 1 sult of the thought and effort vision of workers; and proper which will be let this October. fair closed i ts season. all ~he _othe~ 1.u:~e~ground com- ~ of many people. planning of each and every lay- This job wiH cover approxi- Stockton Construction Com­pames I? this ~Icm:ty. .. . .. . • . · On the 14th of August Bro . . out or operation: and watchin~ mately 23 miles on the San pany .has started the trunk sewer

Watkms . & Sibbald .. were i Casebolt of Modesto asked me to I f?r 1,msafe practi~es and cond1- Joaquin River from San Joaquin lirie j ob on the west side of town awarded. a $169,644. contract_ for I look over a storm sewer job be-l tlons; and correctmg any unsafe City to · the eonf! wence of the and should keep several of the landscapmg three mterchanges ·. ing constructed in the City of I practices or conditions at once. Tuolumne River in Stanislaus brothers busy until the heavy on Bayshore Freeway near lPaLo Modesto. . Incidentally, a construction County. · rains. Alto; u on arrival we found that compm:y, like a_ny other COl"?· Work is progressing at _a fas.t Lord & Bishop .were low bid··

The Royal Corporati?ri of San the ~e ersentatives of the State pany, IS more hkel~ t? obtam pace on the Cherry Valley pro]- ders on the construction of a C~rlos ·were the l~w b1dd.ers on I_ n_ dust~al Safety had just shut 1· and keep workmen If It mak~s I ect Cherry. Tunnel C~n~~a?tors gantry crane rail and recon· •e of the ~arge~t sewer contrac~s down that portion of . the job !hem feel that the_ comp_any IS (Guy ~- Atkmson) are lmmg and struction of an existing dock to ro_ be let m this area. The lmd d · t f c nditions mterested enough m their wel- groutmg the power tunneL Gun- be used for t he dismantling and went for $197,564; location of 1- ue

0 unsa e

0 . · '!fare to spend 'time, money, and ther-Shirley-Lane are erecting loading of scrapped ships at the

t he job will be on Wiitchester I The Compan~, Magmre & H,~- energy to provide a safe place the powerhouse. Consolidated- Port of Stockton. Their bid.,. was Road and Rincon Ave., near / ter were placn~g, a sev~n-~oot j to work, safe equipment, and yYestern Steel are making th~. · $7.8,343 and at this writing there Campbell. · ·storm sewer without cnbbm~. 1 training in safe methods. _ penstocks. is not any equipment on the job.

James Encrineering Company Ask~d Cha?~Yd, tthhe for~ma~£- If · In considering this undertak- Oliver De Silva o_t San Lean- · A. Teicliert _& Son have num· were awardebd a sewer contract he hadh no~~~e th e t~~I~ 0

b IC~ ing, it is realized that a safety dro has commenced the recon- erous small jobs both in the City in ·. th~ amount . of $41,:1.'7:91 ,' fo r an~- w 'I at . ~ wn ~~r -u~~~af: c~~- engin'eer is yrirn,ari.ly - ~ ~oordi- struction of ;Corral Hollow Road \and Co~nty. The l a!est being the City of . CampbeU· on Parr 1 b~I_ng s mt .

0 me . me that he n_a~or of accident PI ev~nt~o~ ac- from the Tracy ~up1ps _to . the 1 the pavmg and . gradmg of ap·

Av.e. and Los Gatos Cr-eek. I d~tions. He mfor_.· dll h . hv1tres and not an . mdlVldual Alameda County lme., a d1stanc. e proxi .. ately t\\.'0 miles sout h of the Mt; Vi_ew, Sunnyvale & lPa ~o AUo did_ not ha;e t~u~td ~a~e ~~~ whoc kn_ows all the_ answe~s. to of seven miles. ~his comp~ny Mar:iposa Road in the 'amount of ·

Krzich & Ramos were awarded offi~e as t ey . b . H 1 everythmg. Where frrms already was also the lovv bidder for five $83,300 and street reconstruc-a $32,288 · sewer contract for rectwns on the JO s~t~ the a_ s~ employ staff specialists in s~ch miles on this same road in Ala- tion at Holiday lPar~ in the the City of Los Altos. stated that he was g ~ e J~ areas as · methods and time meda Countv. making a twelve amount of $183,197.

_ 'Son_dgroth Bros. · are busy_ had _been shut dow~. eca~S€ 111 study, it is _not :eason,able for miles contin~lous stretch of road .. Al~mg with this trend on ~~an 1roughout · the area. They re- / makmg h t:e eorrec robn . t e no the safety coordmator to pre- to be rebuilt. ]ohs as we reported : Stanfield

cently started work on a $38,091 longer - ~ t? :vorry .a 0: 11 s~me sent the fact-fi~ding and an~ly- M. J. Ruddy & Son are prepar- and Moody, of Stockton, were

street job for the cit v of· Mt one- gettmg m]ured or I e · sis a~signment_ to them? ing their road job between Farm- Jow bidders for improvements of · View. This same Firm· are also As I see it Maguire -& H:s_ter In any event, perhaps it is ington and Escalon fOl: paving. Lincoln ViU?ge, Unit 32, for . busy on a $40,589 street jolbl in should have a _safety tr~l_mng I time for many safety engineers Andrew L. Micek should have $58,095 . . Santa Clara. program ~o~ their supervlSlon. to break out of ~ertain ~onfin~n~ the dirt removed by the t ime The job . to ~o more clearing

L. c. Sm_ith of San D/Iateo were 1 T~e. trammg and constant su- \\:raps, concernm~ . t_h~Ir a~tl~I- this is in print. The Ruddy com- a1:d grubbmg_ m the _Cal_averas . the low bidders on a $:W4,849 i pervlSlon of emplo~ees are most hes and r~sp~nsrbilibes w1tl11n pany have set up the hot plant I R1ver, ~vh1ch ~~ dr~ Um time of contract for roads -and sidewalks ' Important, · an~ their value _can- the orgamzatwnal framework and crusher 011 the Stanislaus .. year , w11l be let t!1!S month. Also for the Ames Laborato~y of lVlof- not ~e _too highly. emphasized. of their comp~nies, . and take. a River, n ear Oakdale, to supply t~e For est Servic~ is calling for fe tt Field. Carl Swenson of San But It IS equally Impo:tant to more aggress~ve mterest m the materials for the paving of b1~s on ap~rox1mat~ly .three J ose have the contract for th<e correct all unsafe conditiOns and methods, part1~ularJy a~ they this job. · m1les of roan :relocatmg "~ ~e construction of a new $i603,000 methods. . . . . apply to matenals handlmg_ In Llo d Rodoni of Saratocra has done on Horse .Canyon Trall m building for Ames Researdl. . Every_one I?terested Ill lll]Ury this connection a review ?f ~r?c- four Ji s two cats and t\~o ' DW the-El D()rado National Forest. North State Builders w_l•o , pre.ventwn will agree that safety ess charts lay-outs and mdivld- 20, g 'k. t v. B k' k · The weather_ can change pret-. · · ' d · 1 f ' · s wor mcr a, an , . us Ir empleted, their 12 floor build- should be par~ an par~e o ual operational studies, plus a p .k_ th b f town This con- . ty fast ·at 8;000 feet elevation mg a few months ago at St an- every construction operab~n. A questioning attitude. si~~s 0~

0~aki~g a goli course and and Car~y Brothei~s are _in hi~h ford have ordered a Hammer- safety program, however, IS all , . radincr for the new park site gear trymg to gel the JOb _fm· head all electric Crane from too easy to put o_ff un~ess top I_ SA. 1M • M A' TEO RE·I'JORT ;hich- ~as a gift to the city by ished on Carso~ Sp~:~r , on High-· Sweden to be mounted on the managem~nt_ gets It started and n f' the Van B~skirks. way 88, byfore 1t rams. top of this building, to handle sees that 1t I~ pr?perly and con- (Continued · from Page 2) · I . L. ~roft & Son Inc. are the construction of other build- tinuously mamtamed. your regular check. Your check ~ee Stephens .'has , ~ep! two setting up~ the hot plant and ings in this location. The law requires the employ- for the four hours on Saturday, S~Ifts of o~erator s b\l::.Y bel ween should · be laying plant mix by

Ince Bros. are working on· er to. provide a safe place of ·em- Sept. 19, 1~59 will be made out l11S levee JOb, near the ,Po_:t of the t ime this goes to press on thei.i sewer line on Sand Hill ployment, safe equipment, prop- to you and the United Crusade. Sto:~ton , and the_ ~nd:;pa::.s on the job at Calaver~s Big Trees. Road near the Stanford Campus. erly- guarded, and safe methods This will be endorsed by you ~ardmg W~y . . Althoubh these They have ·approximately' 4,00(]) Santa Cruz, Salinas & Molntere_y 1 of operation> It also requires and sent to the United Crusade. ]obs are wmd~ng up . Stephens feet to drill and shoot, across

Fredickson & Watson are him to see that these safeguards Ygur Employer will contribute plans _to move Lhe eqmp~ent to the river, before the cats can showing good progress on their and ~afe practices are o b~er_ved . 50% of the total given by ~is · J ame~tow~ on a .schoo~ site e~ I move in .to move the di_rt andl - job in Santa Cruz. This job has It IS of course more diffrcult Employees. If you should w1sh cayatwn JOb and usmg bot I rock. · · kept many of the Brothers busy to organize an effective safety your contribution to .go to a shifts. · . . . . I PERSONAL NOTES: ~~ summer and spould last un- program on construction tl;lan in . particular agency of the United , AI J:Iaw?rth ·who 1s bmldmgl Bro. Richard Cochr:ane, who ~ the rains shut them d. own. P_ the ?~ual plant whe_re unsafe I. crusade, you may so specify on tne oxida~wn ponds for S. & Q.l in Lodi and worked around ~~re & E Construction and M.J.B. also , conditions ar.e usually man-made I your check. Construct~on on Rob~rt Island many years , ·was drowned m a have good sized jobs in the l an.d subje~t to control. Your Busine,ss Representative now has SlX cats workmg on the boating mishap at lPardee Dam Santa Cruz area. I As construction operation is , of the Area has been selected by job. recently .. The members and of·

Kelly Bros. of San Jose are l usually ospread out over a large i the -xarious Building Trades un- A. Teicher t_ & Son have re- fice staff wish to take this usino- one of their 50 tonCranes area, it is more difficult to keep. ions to-.act as co-chairman of this sumed, operations on the -rock means of expressing their sym· on ; job in Salinas. Bro. Earl an eye on all employees in that drive. So lets show them that tiuarry in Ospital Canyon with patl1ies to the Co~chrane)amiiy. Webster is the Operator and l operation. So it is' doubly impor- Operating Engineers in San Ma- 1 Bro. Henry Curb }}as become Bro. Bert Miller is the Oil-er. ltant here -that not only the su- ·tea are " Good Guys". Inform with a refresher. Make a date the proprietor of a store in Galt,

· These Brothers are to· be com-1 perinteildent be convinced of the your employer that you are will- for this day through the San Ma- specializing in used t oqls , pipe mended for the part they are j necessity for ~afety , but fore" ing to work on Saturday, Sept.. teo Office or with the Peninsula fittings , et cetra, and would. like doii1g for Safty First. They have 1 me1~ and other key inen at va- 19 for the benefit of the United Memorial Blood Bank, in Mill- to see som~e of the brother en· .E._ainted a large. decal on Safety lrious points of operation as -well. Crusade. . brae. gineers intere. sted in the goods . rst on the deck of the Crane A major responsibility of "B" DAY DUE AGAIN , * * * at hand. · so that everyone working on th'e these men, who should be thor- OCTOBER-3, 1959 · · "My sincere thanks to_ the BLOOD BANK CLUB: job will be reminded of the I ?ughly compete~t, is to _ watch Saturday morning, Octo~er 3, brothers f~r t_he many nice cards Our thanks aga_in to B~o. Roy · necessity for observing a l rules J'_ Ior unsafe practices and correct 1~59 wil lQe ' 'B" Day agam._ It Y?U :en~ aurmg m_,,~- recent hos- : I?· Brawley for h1~ recent _,dona­regarding safety. them on the spot These men w11l be the usual gala mornmg p1tahzabon. ITS N[CE TO BE I hon to the Operatmg Engmeer,s

_Healy Construction Company are t_he most important· part of with sau~age and eggs etc., along I REMEMBERED. · MAY 1 Blood lB.ank Club. _ ,

Page 4: 1959 - September Engineers News - Home - OE3. NEWS . . : . . ~;~~:·:,::~~::::: .. ~~ ~ :



Another two rather quiet years, jobwise it appears as though merce for assistance in locating the boys going until December,

the Oakland District is coming back into a fairly prosperous year, the site for the project. U 1p d the completion date. considering the following jobs which have already been bid or ~~ * * new i roce ure * * * Will be let in the near future. The Alameda tube, approximately Construction of Maloney Res- /

$20,000,000. Bechtel's Fibre-board contract is just starting, $37,- ervoir, a new 25 million .gaUon F.: ~r ... ·~~ ·ewl M~ ~e· . m. b·. e· r. ·s. The house wreckers are still 000,000.00. A new chemical water distribution reservoir for · ·?,}) ~, · · busy getting the new MacArthur

p~ant at Standard Oil. in Rich-J tely 45,000 yds. of rock to be th_e ~ast_ Bay Municipal Utility ~~~~. -·~ U• . ~. ;A\ni~ ·m· freeway free of obstacles. Sher-mond; we have been 111formed I trucked from there. There is ap- Dlstnct 111 Contra Costa County n -~iJ-~ . n~v il- man .Crane Co., Campanella, K.

t h,is job is estimated to cost ap- proximately 750,000 cu. yds. of near Pinole, is now under way. In the past months another T. ' K. Wrecking and Kiss Crane .

Proximately $67,000.000.00. The dirt and roclr to be moved on This nevv water storage basin is all have a part of this project. • stride has been taken that will ~~ * ~~

Martinez-Benicia bridge - Yuba this job. ·being built by Elmer J. Freethy, help the new members to better

Consolidated at $14,238.485:00. * * * of El Cerrito, at their.,__bid price understand the aims , objectives 'Nro sections of MacArthur Blvd. of $553,715.00. It will be an open

Th"' ld' 1 cr t f 11 and rules of ore-anized Labor as in Oakland at about $10.000,- v wor s arbes u Y cut reser voir located 325 ft. ~ 000.00. The new Post Office at mechanized mail handling facil- above sea level on a knoll to the a whole and Local No. 3 in par­

ticular. ari: estimated cost of $10.000,- ity, designed to serve Cen'tral east of Appian Way, approxima' .

The Oakland Grievance Com-000.00 and the Briones Dam in California and the entire Pacific tely one-half mile south of Pi-

. Contra Costa Countv at an es- nole. The 1·eservoir is to be cov- mittee consisting of Bros . Casey, timated cost of $60.000,000.00 in Ocean area , will be under con- ered with a corrugated asbestos Gibeson, Byars Romitti and addition to an expanded sub-di- struction here within a year. cement roofing material, to Petersen along v~ith the help of

vision pro~ram and numerous That announcement came today which coloring is applied to Bro. Barr came up with the

street and underground jobs. from Postmaster General Ar- minimize glare and to produce following: On the third Thursday "'' h t d 1 · ff L T.l · of each month, all the new mem-vv.e :::tve s arte negotiations thur E. Summerfield in mash• a more p easmg e eCL. us

vv t t t · tl f" t f · 1 · d bers from the Oakland District with the scrap metal institute, ington. He reported that con- rea men 1s 1e 1rs o 1ts u n

· t d 1 t b 1 d b H'BlV'rUD d that have been accepted at the eqmpmen ea ers association tract for the huge plant has been o e emp oye Y .u ~ an

d P R. 1 d T · ·11 b t d d t th t last regular meeting of the Ex-an arr- 1c 1mon ermmals led to the Food Machinery and w1 e ex en e o o er s ruc-

'ct h f f bl t f tl · t ·f ecutive Board c:re requested to an ope or a avora e consu- Chemical Corporation of San ures o · 11s na ure, 1 proven

t. f th t· f t urh 1 d · appear before the Grievance rna ·wn o . ese agreements Jose. He said the ·buildiil!Z , 1-11 sa ·1s ac ory. vv en p ace 111

~ '' · ·t ·11 ·a aa· committee at the Oakland office within the near future. be situated on a twelve block service, 1 wt prov1 e . a 1-

t . 1 t·t · f f "lt d for initiation into Local No. 3. * * * site in West Oakland, bounded wna quan 1 Ies o 1 ere wa-t f th ·dl d 1 · The obligation is presented by

by Peralta , 7th., and Wood Sts. er or e rapl Y eve op111g Martin Bros. are going strone- · tl · f EB Executive Board member Casey

~ and the Southern Pacific · rail- nor 1ern serv1ce area o < -on their Tara Hills iob at Pinole. MUD. and repeated by the group, who They are running ·two shifts at road yards. Cost of the facility * * ~~ J then acknowle_dge ~hei_r accept-

the present t ime and have ap- could not be determined at this Oliver de Silva Inc. of San Le- , ance. The Semor D1stnct repre-

The ·scrap industry m gen­eral and Todd's shipyard in par­ticular received a much needed "shot in the arm" in the form of the Battleship Maryland. It is es­timated that a· year -and a half will be required to complete the job of scr apping this ship. We would advise all Navy men and old vets to stay away- it won't be a pretty site to see. The shipyards are quiet now be­cause of .the strike. But we hope . for some activity when the yards resume operations.

:;: :;: :;.:

The airport job is much the same as of last report. Basalt Rock Co. got started with their barging of the crushed rock but are down again pending an OK by the Port of Oakland.

* . * * pioximately 200,000 yds. to time but earlier estimates placed andro, grading ;nd paving con- sentativ~ t hen gives a summary inove. They are working three it at a minimum of $13,000,000, f tl 1 t f L 1 N 3 f 1 We have spent considerable

of which $3 ,000,000 was for the tractor is doing the grading- and o 1e 11s ory o oca . o. , o -rubber tired Tif!s, two can and pavincr for Basco Inc. · on tract lowed by an explanatiOn of the time with the gentlemen from cans, three blades and thi·ee do- site and at least $10,000,000 for No. 2038 on Stephenson and Bla- current benefits _we all ~ec~ive the Motor Vehicle Division guid·

zers. That m eans about twenty the building. The Postmaster cow Rds. in Irvincrton for 311 as members of th1s orgamzatwn. ing him to the jobs and introduc-

ehgineets on this job. ge~fra~ officially na~,~d _th~ lots They will build three bed- The working rules and hiring ing him to the supervision in or-.

* * * I G\ an ,P~fgr;~l asdl r~J~C roo1;1 homes on these lots that procedures are explained, as der that our rubber tire men 0 . C. Jones has several iobs I a ~way . d w\ . !an e ~l f111-_ will sell for $12 500 00 They well as the contracts under tnay avail themselves of the op­

going _in the ar ea. Their job in tchom111tg Ian Cou ~ou11gC· ml~f1 ~r ha;e some 50 000 ~ubi~ y·ards of which the individual is working portunity of obtaining a certifi·

B - 1 e we ve en•:ra a 1 orma . ' · ft . ' · h f d cate· that will make the transfer er (e]ey is finishing up pretty counties in addition to mail for dirt to move . for the street ex- a er wn~c d ~ qhuelds 1~~ ~n . ant-

fast also their job at 40th St. in S · th P T . 1 d I d . . A . cavation San Leandro Pipe Line swer peno 1s e . vv eve JUS of this type of equipment over Oakland is coming along fine . t oul. Haci Ic.:s.&A·nl s,k n lfa, usll- of Ha~~ard has the under- completed our second ritual the road legal so for as the Ve-

- " * "'• ra lad f a wan, . _as ~~ t~r ; crround installation with Bro. session and believe our efforts hicle Dept. is concerned. The

.Lee J. Immel has a iot of pav- I a~ple . orces ~ervl\n;in t ~ at Carl Haley as foreman. Lyle _will be r ewarded in instilling Un- last issue -o~ your newspa~er in P" work < gnine- on in the area. Cl l~l afi ea.Euan a . tehs p' oals . Trentz' has · the .;sub-contract to ionism so that ·our new memqers should acquaint ~ll ,of you ~l~h

- ' ' · ' · · • . ·>'· m<n or . rope Vla .. e.; o _ar . . . ·_, ,, - · . · .. .. ... .. "llh "d :· h" · l ··· l · a·. thefacts.IfanyoftheBros.are Thev are frmshmg the pav1_n~ . t Th . · T 1 1 ·t .b- pub111 ·:the --:.eurb, _gu.tters ~nd . the Wl _ave pn e 1? . 1s oca an ; . , · . . . . . at th .M t<s . ur d b "l lOU e. - e .mua . .vo um.e . o e "d .· .- :<l k··-- 'B·t · .. v·· .. , C6. ' ·1·1 . orcramzed Labor 111 general Also .n on a small JOb-:-ccontact the

· e on f> omerv-n ar m - consolidated in Pro]· ect Gateway Sl ewa~ s. 0 · mce we IS b · ·- • 0 kl. d.·. ff .. · ·. · · d · '11 · k . • g' . . R·.··h ,· d T!' .. . ,h.' a·· 11 ' .f . · '. ' · ·: · -. f tl .. . · b "tl th when they are at-work they·· will a · an 0 1ce an we Wl rna e m 111 1c mon . 1ey a a o f · q f T f ,·n oreman on _11S JO w1 1 e · ff t t t · t the. k " _ ~ d th rom vanous o" 1er ac1 ~ 1es. ~ 1. f . . , . h respect the working conditions every e or o con ac you so

': ~ar mg a. ea aro_un . e be slightly in excess of 2.000,000 oll?wmg BnJs. operatmg t e a that ou rna take the test both bmldnw. The store 1s be111 ~ . f .1 h d B 1970 equmment: Grecr Granados Jess and wages of t h-- contract under . . Y Y . , . stocked' at prese11t so it should- Pthieceds .0

1 ..mall eac. ay. Yt d t Ai·n~tt Owen "'Autry G~orge which they are working. We, the dnvmg and _wntten.

n't be too long- until or)ening e , ai4vOvOoO l01m00e Is edxpebc e t o Vierra, Abel Orn~llas Bill Oakland Grievance Committee ,, "' * • · reacn , . 1 an y en . ' ' · . 1 b ,

date 1 t · -11· b tl Jackson Earl Moore Jules s111cer ely hope that t le a 01 e The Associated Dred!:!e has _ · * vear s a ·er , WI e more 1an ' ' tl· d . d ·11 b ~ -

* * 5 000 000 1 ·1 n · t G ' · Fountain. Harold Braze Wes ou me proce ures WI soon e moved in with a " sucker" to ·.11 ·b ,; al y. • r1 °1t~c acewtay Chown ·Norman Lundstr~m and in effect in every district of Lo- build the small boat harbor at

We were successful in getting w1 e a revo_ u w_nary_ s ep • .' - cal No. o:s ·

t he Howard · Terminal agree- forward" declarme- 1t Will be Walter Pestorese. They also " · the foot of 1st. Ave. in San Le-

m ent wrapned up. We got 6%% used as a working laboratory to have the contract to widen and -- andro. This job will provide a

on wa~es. ;:~ lso $2.00 more on the evaluate and test new methods grade Steppenson and Blacow vilacqu? Bros. with an ultimate few months work for the follow­

H€alth & Welfare plan. The new of handling mClil with electronic Rds_. and ins~all two . box cul- goal of three thousand homes to ing men: ' Iner Nealson, Harry

agreement was submitted to our equipment. Estimate~ for a staff verts. They w1ll also w1~en 2500 I sell in then neighborhood of Hanson Gus Osterman, Jim Ko­members em ployed at Howard were for at least 750 workers. ft. of the flood control ditch that $14,000.00 Active Construction losar, Oran Center, Lenard Ron·

and they accepted it unani- This and the cost of the pro ject borders this housing project an_d Co. is doing the dirt , concrete ning, Ed Nelson, Stan Salonias,

mously. cannot be determined until g~ade out the bottom of tlus and road work, with approxima- Hurb Sawyer, Jimmy Peterson,

* * ''' Food Machinery has completed d1tch. · tely eighty .thousand yards of Ed Story, Enos l'1lorrey and Les ·

Work is picking up some at studies and recommended the Hayward Rock Co., Inc. of dirt to be moved. Underground Fowler. pr.esent in the Richmond-Berk- exact type of building and mech- ~ayward was th~ succes~ful low is being done by Martin & Dias. eley area . There is a lot of small anized devices to be installed. b1dder for gradmg, pav111g and Active ·Construction Co. has jobs starting so we will be able Preliminarv studies iildicate the import fill for the new Irving- three DW 10's, one D-80 caryall , to. put some of the fellows out building will be two stories, with ton Washington Hig!1 Sch?ol, lo- three D-8's , tvvo blades and three for at least a while. Bechtel a total area of more -than 500- cated on Cooks Rd. 111 Ir¥111gton. water wa crons. Bros. Cal Shoop­Corp. is R:etting started on their 000 sauare feet. , This site is some forty acres in man, La;,rence Carter and E. $6,,000,000 job at Standard Oil By far the greater portion of ?re~. They mov~d ~olJle 14,000 Braker on the DW lO's; Bros. H. and should reach the peak about this, some 370.000 square feet', cu~1c .yards .of ~trt 111 the exca- Roll and 0. Windham on the thJrty days from now, At pr.esent will be in workroom areas for vat10n for . parkmg lots , .school blades; and Bros . C. W. Horman, t hey are . driving piliri.g and ex- mail handlinO" The remainder buildings, football field and D. Hodge, C. Rooney and V. Var­cavating for footings . Blair Ex- will be for offices, a lobby and other recreation sites. They im- gas on the D-8's. Paul Stauffer is ca:vators are digging footings other facilities. A conveyor from ported some 58,000 ~ons of rock foreman on the job, with the en­and Duncanson & Harrelson is the adjoining Southern Pacific fo~ s~b-base and flll and put gineering being done by W. E.

* The bids will have beene

opened by the time this goes to press on the new Vehicular sub· way tube to be constructed un­der the Oakland Estuary. The es­timated cost is twenty million dollars . The time on this proj­ect is approximately 750 days .

* * *

<driving pile. Bechtel Corp. has railroad yards will -bring mail tl11S m place and compacted Dutra.

Fluor Maintenance has start· ed its shutdown at A von. This job will run for three and . one­half months , six days per week.

two men on this job fr,om the sacks into th.e building. Plans a:l- same. Eii.gineers and we expect to so call for facilities for servic- This job is under the Super­E>lace more in the near- future. ing mail .trucks. The remainder vision of Brother "Red" Russell ID1,mcanson & Harrelson is driv- of the tw·enty acre site will be who is the foreman . Other Bros. ing pile on the R.ichfield job at used for truck oper ations and on this job are: George Dupree, PQint Richmond. This will be a for parking. Mose of the land has Ed Estrada Walt Masterson, go;od job when it gets under way. already been placed under cip- Manny· Simas, S. J. Barnes, Al-

. , ':' * * tion, but Summerfield sai9, con- vin Delaney, Tony Massey, Vic­The Santa Fe r ailroad job that demnation proceedings have tor Miley, Wilford Mayes and

Piombo Constr uction Co. is do- been instituted against some Rfchard Hull. :i!ng is going along good. Bro. 130 parcels. The area is mostly '' * * Ritchie Piombo is running this sub-standard housing, with a few · Lido Faire sub-div-ision in j ob . There are nine operators jnnk: yards and some commer- Newark is :being started by Be-

' working at present and when cial buildings. The project will t he clearing of Cypress Point is be built by priate investors and complete th e1~e will be a few leased to the Government for a more men going to work They minimum 9f twenty years. This p lim soon to move their DW will keep the property and the 20's is on this job. This will be a new building on city and county pr.etty rough job as there is a lot tax rolls . Summerfield expressed of. rock to be moved. They have particular appreciation to Mayor t heir N/ W 80 working at Ferry Clifford E . Rishel land officials Point for they have a'pproxima- or' the Oakland Chamber of Corn•

Retrc Cheeks Any of the members who have .Retro•pay coming ·from the Piombo-M. & · K.-Connolly-Pa­cific Company may pick - up I your check at the Oakland Office . . . . , _

' ' .., '

* * * At the peak of the job we hope

Construction work in the I to ~ave around t};irty,enginee~s downtown area is much the same employed. Bro. Red. Ivy _will as of the last report numerous be the Foreman on this pro]ect. . small J·obs with one' or two of There will be three separate -

shutdowns. The cracker unit will our Bros. employed on each pro- be the first unit to be shutdown ject. The Kaiser Center has kept the same men going and is for major o~er~au~; rapidly becoming a landmark in the Bay area. Johnny McKee, the Supt. is to be commended for his relation with our organiza­tion. It is a real pleasure to work with him.


Bechtel Corporation at Fibre­board in An tioch has the $37 million addition to the paper mill. This job is just getting un­derway, the ground work has started and at the present time we have two Brothers · working.

Fredrickson, Watson & Ran- This job should be well under­some are about to wind up the way by October 1st. and will nme majo1; portion of the dirt work until June of 1960. Herrick Iron on their million ·dollar Mountain Works and C. C. Moore have all Blvd. job in Oakland. The struc- the steel erection. At the peak tures and retaining wal~s and . of . this job there should be finish work should keep some · of ·. fContlnued:· on Page 11) •· r'

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. SEFfEIVillER;· 1959 ENGINEERS' N:EWS PAGE : FIVE . ~---~ - -•

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P AGE E IGHT ENGINEERS'' NEWS . SEPTEMBJ5R; J9~9 ----- ==~~--------------~------~--------~------~--~~--------~--~~~.



Business Representatives SPECIAL MEETING ·


Despite sem.e me''' · $tarts the. out-of:work list ,nt this area ~. till I QUARTERLY DISTRICT

ea.n-ies too many, far too many, of the brothers names. It JUSt MEETING: This very import-

Meeting will be held 1\'Io:mllay, though their wages are usually , October 12, 1959 at 7:30 p.m. m a way low. We are taking _every j the Teamsters' Hall, 818 WaU step possible to stop this prac- 1 Street, Chico. _

. seems that we ~im't. get it down; We send out six men and_ seven ! ant rneeting .for all members

:re-register. One of the reasons, seems to be that compames are ; regardless where they are

bri.'lging·· in far more of their crews than in the past or it-.may be l'· working (or if they are work- By C. R. VAN WINKLE, Business Representative ··· ·

-that becaiiSe ofthe work situation -some ofthe.· cre,~s . are sticking ing) will be held Thursday, Brothers: ·

closer ·to the companies-. .· · · · · · · · · , October 15, 1959 at 8:00 p~m. I was privileged in being sent by Brother Newel J. Carman

Ball and Simpson is one of the 1

nual affair is fa,st bec?milig one 1

in . the · Alcupalco Dance . Hall 1 with Brother H. T. Peterson to Washington, D.C. duri!ng the first.

~ . · th. t· ·11 ~ . 11 t. t · tOf the most oucstandmg events . (formerly Friendship Hall) two weeks of August. The 'reason we were sent -there was to c"'."'. • . co_m_ pall.Ies oa·f _we~ ·I . . us .1_ a e_s , · I·n·- th~. LI'nc.ol"n area. ·323· E Stre"t, · Marysvi'lle. t t c . f . . I . "':"'W

, "' _ ._ ac our ongressmen rom our Ummi's territoria jurisdiction


s pom!·· B~_or e ~tart~ng . this r· The picnic is proving. of great- · Remember we hear a lot and attempt to have them vote against a vicious and punitive. labor

las~ mont.h · t~ey cam~ mto· the ,·benefit in building a sense _of about democracy in_ trade un- bill, pending in Congress, the

cffrce and leLt .us a list of em- . ~ commtir1ity and fraternaUeeling I ·-ion affairs and the Congress Landrum"Griffin Bill. the optll!Ons of individuals

p loy_:es -m our . craft _who were : among lh~ members employed of the United States says we We lost the battle, the vote rather than organizations. ·

already ~m~loyed and who they in the Gladding, McBean . and ·must have democracy, but being 229 to 201 and the bill was Also · the individual member

were brmg~ng ll'l. ~ So far most Company plant. It is also prov- 1 neither the officers or repre- sent to conference with the Sen- is going to have to become· will·

of them pav,e. sho\:led up ~nd as ing very helpful in_spreading the sentatives· or the Congress of ate, the Senate having previous- ing to voluntarily donate to the

th.e~ are m ·cornp.hance With the good news about the beneficial the United States can assure ly passed a different version political activities of unions ·be· Jlmng ~all Rules _they have work. both for the membershi-p democracy in yom· Union, only than the House~ When this cause unions, if the present

been senL 011 ~0 the JOb. We, of and the community that is being you by your attendance at the reaches you in all probability trend continues, are going to be

course, have oeen · able to put done by the Council · of which · meetings and your active par- the decision will have been more and more -restricted in. tb.e I some local .me_n to work. · · Loc'al " I·s 011e half o·f' tl1e mem- t· · t· · 't ff ·

A L tl b f u ICipa wn m I s a airs can as- made and your Union will be use of dues money for any pa·

WereL I. l11f:orpm~ee-dJOtl 1 -:.ctoncoenrsei.dnecJ:ab~l~ee - bership: . sure a democratic union. saddled with more burdensome litical or legislative influend.n.g . i

- · , ·. ·. . · ~ . > The usual picnic events were GRIEVANCE COMMITTEE . o~. t he gradmg between the two , featur~d such as games, refresh- 1


. MEETING:' rules, more red tape and more activity. •

tunnels. would have to be done ments-and ·Children's events and restric~ions, all. o_f which will In this regard in the Marys-

b efore · the . tunnels can . be . , 1 . Eve1~y Thursday evening "!a~e It more. di~ficult for yo~r- ville Office and with each Busi-. t · , 'f' · ~ . .... ,; · cr ·t tl .. was m tne vorc,s ,of those who at- your - Grievance Committee Umon to servrce Its membership /

. s anea.. n .. Is. ·. a~cc _.ruln. t: o. 1e te .. nded "a .. orand success". Mu_ch I . ' . ' ness Representative are . COPE ll "- s me tiine 11ext ,., meets at 7:00 p.m. in the En- propetl'- and p1obably make 1t

com~any WI "~ . 01

; ,1 . · , ·· of the success of the -picnic and gineers' Hall, 1010 "Eye" St., .J • (Committee on. Political Educa-

Dec"mber. BaH a,]~, Slmp_so.I the thal1ks .go to the fine. Enter- I more expensive to operate. tion the political . arm of the

~are ,overall sponsors of the JOb, . · . ; . Marysville for the purpose of Now I'm not writi~!5 this to 1 AFI~-CIO) ~ donation books. A.-do-,., . G . t d._ F '11 d' tamment Comm"ttee which was hearing your beefs either I h h d h I .l_lm;e~~r, a es an · ox Wl I· . headed up -by Brother- Ray Dutra . · te I you t at ! • a t e P easure nation will only cost you a buck

Drect_ thte workd ~;. the tunnkels . . of the Maintenance Department agamst the employer, the Un- of being sent to Washington, (we'll take more, of course) and

?n!ps ers an . .i:Jlmco nmc ers and a Grievance Committee· and ion, its representatives or em- D. C. in August, because Wash- half goes to the Natiomil Organ-

Will be used, The - company Joint Board member. ployees 0~ Y?ur brother mem-, f ington is not pleasant in August, ization and half goes to the

·'Claims they ·.have a chemical · I bers. Here Is one place you I or to tell you what happened be- State COPE. SenCl or bring your

i?Crubber that v:_vn: keep the ~ir MEETING N~TICE: Th~ Jo_i.nt_ . are assured of a hearing. cause you probably read that in donation in or call it to the at•

·clear. The suctwn method Will Board of the Lmcoln ln~ustnal the newspapers, or at least a tention of your Business Repre·

. ·be used forveatilation. ·. 1 Council will meet Tuesday, Oc- MEETING NOTICE: Subject distorted version of it, 'but to sentative, in case he forgets .

. WORK PENDING~ . j t~ber 6, ' 1959 at ;4:~5. p.m;· _in the. Gold Dredging Companies bring to your attention some-

I ·b 11 C t. t' C f R . : l;mcoln Indus.tnal Council Off. . When you dredge gold you thing else that 1 found out, which Remember we have 201 s e ons rue wn o. o_ e- . L" 1 1 f f . d t d b k t th.

no was low on the Frenchman f Ices. mco n. . . . . work on a twenty-_ our. hou_r, concerns me deeply and . which n~n s o sen ac o .

D · · . Pl · . C t ·t $l· : The General l\'Iembersh1p · seven day week basis w1th six should concern you. While in House, including only 17 Repub- · am .m umas · oun y a · ,- . t' . -.11 .• b h· ld T . d b . d 22 · · ] d

809 l09 · Th · b ~ h b mee mg WI . ~-- e ues ay, days a week emg guaranteed. !i<everal of the Con«ressmeil's of- Iicans, an . 9 enemies, mc.~~u ·

' d d. ·de ... 1 JO · as elen October 131 1959 in. the .City On each dredge there is a winch- fices they showed me letters ing _95 Dem. ocrats, to retire if -awar e · an t 1e company 1as .

1 H. II L' 1 Th. · ~ t' 11 1'll· . . . bl f c t

informed us . that.o before the . • " : mco ~ - " e mee mo Vi 1 .


man and three Oile~s:~each shift that they were rec~iving fro.m 1 possi e ro~ . ongress. ne~

... th . ·n b · b c ~ 1 convene- at 2:ol0·.· p.m. for the and on the day shift there are individuals from their home dis- year. In the State -of Califorma

; tarr erue wt· ~ 1- · t~ _at Pt~·e·JD tl 0 · Swin.e: Shift members and at 4:15 the sharemen repa-ir crew and tricts. I was amazed to find that every Democrat was 100% but

..1erence. n 1 Loa Ime 1ere · · f • . - ' · . h ld . . , ,. "' '· · . t 11 , p.m. for all otters~ , clean-up crew. Everyone knows the number in favor of restric- only one Republican, Jo n Ba: · • lSD t rLLlCl'., else to e . . ; R k s· d ..... . " I·.. d R d l' . . b d t 1 h . f th s· th D' t . t

Bids will be opened . Octob~r :. ~c , an ' ·~I ave an ea y us JO an n_o . mue 1 appens tive and punitive labor legisla- wm rom e IX zs ric ;

. 14th in . Sacramento on . tp.~ , Mixerd Conciet~ \;, ·. . ?ut of the ordmary unle_ss there tion far out numbered those fav- Contra Cos.t.a County, had ·.the·

b .d · · ··'·,. _ -th We·st Bra·1·;-'cl1.1 · What we ·:.~ons1der , a good 1s a . breakdown, an accident or oring a sober, cool and sympa- inte.stinal . fortitu. d. e t_o stand up n ge across . ... e L ' • ~ • t ····· .. ~ · .. d t b . . t h t

nf the Fe~ther River that will be·t agr eemen WflS .: ~r~I_ve a · _e- 1 the · boss. pu?cnes someone m thic approach to the problem, agams t e reac 10nary pressure

the connecting length of the re: • ~ween ~m~reg:tia~m~ C~mmi~ the n~s~ ~r ~lcrversa. f . and the problem is admitted by brought to bear.

l ocated highway and Western ' ee. an le. _oc ; ~n an Whic Is JUS a way 0 · · saymg practically all responsible labor . Remember also that this is not

P 'f' .R .l · a·d a·r unci the pro- \Gravel Associat iOn. Thls agree- that not much has been re- leaders. ac1 1C a1 ro o · ~ .. h. 1 . ~ · t . a one year job. It is going to be '

. d 0 'lle Da· m Al.loca"ed .i ment w IC,l 'S , or a wo year ported, to us, out of the ordmary Th1's I'Itdt'catPd, to me at lea.st, t' · d' g b tt1 •

p ose . rOVl . . l I • d . . d f 71 ' v~ a con .mumg ·never en Ill a B

· b v the lee:islature was $11,800,- ' peno · ~rovi es _or a 12 per- a.nd as. far as we. knmy or ~an that our enemies and our oppo- until the day CQmes when the

- ()00 for this purpose ·and the gen- ' cent raise effect!ve · July lSth fmd out everytlung. IS gon:g sition were able, and .did, put on idea of collective bargaining ~ :i.s eral consensus ot opinion is that and a

7 percent mcreas~ ba~ed along sn:oothlt Now lf- you drs- a far better and more effective enthusiastically accepted by all

-tlo<> h•·i rl'oa will go for around on the 1958.

59 . rate :1fec~IVe agree With this Iet us k_now ~s campaign that we could, or did. employers. I'm afraid when that

$10,000,000. July 16, 1960. Al~o. provl~ded IS a we'll be hap~:\' to hear It as m This in spite of the fact that we occurs it will be the beghmi:Q.g

1'h b d . .11 ha e ... 1T70 much bet-ter vacatiOn clause. that way we 11 at least know fai· out IlUntber· t.hent I'n numbei·s d I h ·t e n f" e WI v " ., d · ' · - of the Millennium an on:es-

decks, with.0

the highway using , ·~ s soon as they are pre?a~e ' that you are reading this col- and have the know-how and ly don't think ~my of us wm be

t he unper dec~ and the railroad wm ch should_llbeb soobn, _strtmdilatr umn. ability to match and to beat here at that time.

t he lower 56 f eet wide the agre~ments WI ~ e su mi e 0 NOTICE OF NEXT MEETINGS them at that game. . .

highway por tion will- be '2,731 i t l_le mdependell~t b opera~fr~l a~d Yuba Consolidated . Go I d Now most of the Congress- You probabl~ thmk,,. I~ you

f eet long, the r ailroad portion . a,lso copl~S '"~~ ~ avai ~dl e o Fields: lVIeets Monday, Septem- men that told me iJf this cam- have bothered- tO read .hrs. £~, 1,875 feet long and it will use t::e 1~,em_ ers .1~ · s -~apl; Y _as ber 28, 1959 in the Engineers' .- . · h 1 t that, perhaps, I'm too pessmns-

4 70 feet above the streambed. ~"'e cc:a_ get ar o,md w" w.ll .get HaH, 1010 ''E.';e" Street, Marys- paign and sho~ved me t ese e "If th t I have ran off at the

Vi' • . t 'mntec1 a tl·e them sie:ned and let you know 1 ters are our fnends and they are . rc, at k . d" 11

my -J. wo vears Is es 1 _ "' , s 1 . ~ . , . . t ville, at the iollowing times: · d d . d If i the ·1 p

en. so o spea · , m soun mo .

1 t.h·' f t' ~ t plete about puttm g fJle new rates m o , ' worne an concerHe . n . L • ~ , . d th t the si't''"·tion . en- o Im~ o co111 10·00 a 1n f .~··· Htose \Vho cant f' 1 h ,.~ th ,. ld a.tann an a ""'·

1:> . ~ • • . I PHP~t. ;ond tloe back pay. NEXT . . ' . . ' h •i . • . ma s ow HOWn . ey StlOil . • 't b d I I hop.

A WORD Ot<' . ADV!t::E . , MEETING: The next .. meeting of attend at . nighi. cast a vote that niay be consid- , rsn·. as. hat J ast I h s_ay. tl . ..l , ~, .. B V ,,,. kl th t ·h · 7:30 p,m. for those members d . · t ,. · bl V!lUTe ng, ; JU ones Y ttO ... ~

ro. an • m, e says a IS the above grouu will be held er~ agams us we can arne tr· k . r .I wouldn't have tak· f atl: er used t o s ay that the only Friday, September 25, at . 8:00 able to attend at night. this p ressur e, pressure that de- . nn so. 0 •

adyice that you had ,to take . I.s n m. in the L~torers' Hall, 1245 Natomas Company: Member- spite the urging and prompting I en the tnne to prepare this.

· t hat wlucn you pay for. So we'll Lincoln Street OroviHP:. ship meetings will be held Mon- of the leadership, we at the Jocal1

I have had 43 years acti-ve p_ar-

offer this for free and leave it I day, October 5. 1959 in the Vet- level did make an adequate ef- ticipation in the Trade Umon

up to you whether or not you ! PETERSON _ TRACTOR: At en!n's Hall, Folsom,- at the fol- f<:Jrt to offset. I Movement, th~ larger portion as

take it as we've been wrong so this writing negotiations are in lowing times: This has convinced me of one ' a rank and file member, and I

many times this year, but due progress for the next years con- 10:30 a.m: for those unable to thing, if nothing else, that our cannot honestly ~ay that I have

' to t he lateness of the season-our tract, althowrh w·e have no posi- attend at night. rank and file members are go- e.ver seen the time when the

best advice "is don't turn down .tive information to pass along to 3:~0 p .m. for all others. ing to have to become more ae- dangers Were greater··for the La-

any rea~onable offei~ of work." you we do hope that by the time Concrete Pipe companies tive. not only in their Union's bor l\'Iovement.

Also we · would advise that · if vou Tead this that an acceptable The nlants. have been rocking affairs, but politically. They are Before _I clos_e I want to leave

you haven't received your retto- · negotiated oHer has been re" along ~bout the san1e as they going to have to not only be on_e. thought ~1th _you. Y ?u may

- active pay for any construction ceived that' can he passed on to have the past few months, how- willing, but they are going to thmk your Umon IS ~antmg a~d

work. verfn.nned si.nce July ' first the membe.rshiP. When · we re- ever, . in the installation a dis- have to perform. They are goiltg lacking and can be I~prove~ m '

that you let - 1ts know just as ceive the word, will pass it along quieting trend has been notice.d to have to start writing their many ways and with this •

£oon as possible. As far as we and call a meeting.. 011 the part of some of the small- u. s Senators and Congressmen wouldn't argue, but I can tell

k n ow most of it has been paid to call. er cities. That is . to advertise and 'their State Le"'islators and yO:u this if our enemies have

and :the new rates put into ef- ( MEETING NOTICE: Subject jobs for bids and then re- tell them emphatic::!Iy that they their way you'll _Hv~ to .see t~e . . I f eet, :however, it is just possible, 'to call. · · feet the bids and threaten to do don't want their Union de- day when today s situatiOn ~ill

especiall,Y whe;·e men have i ''RW YDRK ~c'fACHINE SHOP the job force acco.qnt. stroyed or its activities curtailed seem ·like a p_aradise agamst

been lard-off tnat some · com- · · . · · · · In at least one case the rea- to the point where it is ineffec- what they_ have m store for y~m. • 1 't aid up ·The 1 Meetme-s on a new agreement 1 1

t 1

that .pames Itave~t P . . , h b b ld ·tl th son given was that the bids were tive. And this is going to have to In c osmg e me a so say .

·• , Irn,.,~ . the easier and ave een • r; Wl ·1 e man- · · d I h I 'poke on one sub sn~nler '~ e ·• · ·:11' 'b, able to take . a e-ement . and evervthing we too high, however, in this case be in their own handwntmg. an ave on Y :; · · •

(fmc (er we Wl ~ .· th; k h b . . . ttl d t· tile ·ei1gi·neer·'s estimate was . ap- express their own individual ject, Labm' Legislat~on, but there f th latter : . 1n as · een . se e sa IS· th th g at stake

"Care 0 e n • · '1 f t ·1 t f th g proximately the cost of the pipe. thinking because the time when are many 0 er m 5• •

I NDUSTRIAL REPORT l ac on Y· .excep v · or e wa e a secretary or a business agent For insta_nce, to m. entwn. b. ut a ·G' ..JJ.d; M B & C nl · a'·l 1 scales which . . as thev depend to If this trend gr?ws it is going to f

1 t nummum

~a~ ,ng, e ean · 0 p ' y · .· some extent on the Peterson affect our members who usually could write such letters and ew, socia secun y, .

Sattirday,- August 22nd. over Tractor settlement, has held_ depend on this type of work for greatlv influence the.thinking is w_age~,.une~plo~ment msuranc.

twelv~ hundred . members ,- their 1 l'natters up. As soon as we have a livelihood and probably cost pgst (i11cidently this IS also true disability · msman~e, bet t ~

f amiliPs R'1d fri ends attended 1 anvthing to reoort ·which we i the taxpayers more money as of Chambers of Commerce, etc), schools, better housmg, an eqmt·

-th e Lincoln Indqstrial Co1.,mcil hope is soon - you can depend i we have never seen maintenance because Senators, Congre~smen able tax system, etc., as well as .

.annual: picnic .in the Mc~e'art · unon . us calling. a meeting and I crews beat construction men's and State Legislators are giving the benefits ?ain,ed· b~ ~our Un·

'Memwia'I--Patk;·:i;inc.Oln.JI':hisJan;:· letti:ilgey.ou ·know.•: r. :t ; ' · .f ~ .' costs . in , this type -of wor~ ~v.e:n, greater: and gr~ater_ weight to ion in ~ollectrv.e bargallllll~·: . .

Page 7: 1959 - September Engineers News - Home - OE3. NEWS . . : . . ~;~~:·:,::~~::::: .. ~~ ~ :

S:ePTEMBER, 1959 ' ENGINEERS' NEWS ·PAGE NTh""E • • .-SACR -.i fll ·.·r.···a·E;Jl .. ,r ., ... J~bs. Jh,f'qrded - __ ·-.'. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH,

By: D: R. KIN CHLOE, . ERNEST iVI., NELSON, EDW. G. HEARNE, ~or the company and 100% Un-1

and put . a couple of the Bros. Contracts awarded as ~oll.~ws: HAROLD HUSTON, WiVI. E. METTZ and IRA BASHAW 1011 members. · back on the labor market· but it (1) to Strong Co., Sprmgv1lle,

"Business Representatives Swinterton and Walberg has ' seems all ,... good things have to Utah, $797,215, for ptmx, bit. In the Sacramento area the members have been keeping busy. completed the· water system. end sometime. surf. rd. & ·1 cone. & stl. brdg.

There were 537 men cleared ·during the month of ·August. ' The T,his was · a· go6d j ob for the Pittsburg Des Moines Steel 123:68' to 0.~'·;-(2) to Gardn-er · work is 'good imd niorejobs to be let. --. Bi·others and a good outf-it to have quite a bit to go ·on their Const. Co., Lihleton, -Colo., $1,~

Madonna Construction Co. was awarded a $4,737,000 contract deal with. · structures apd since · the Iron 153,403,-for const. 3" ptmx. surf. · of· a seven-mile freeway on Highway No. 40, location, Mone. Vista. A. E. C. keeps a small crew doesn't seem to fit.the concrete rd., cone. & stl. Overpass; RC

Another contract is coming up ~ - · -- busy in and out of Aerojet do- or vice versa , they have . been struc:, etc.,· Ogden Utah. Se-ptember 8tl1 af Camino on Hi: coming back to finish up the ing crane vv6rk. proceeding very slowly. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, "

•av No 50 . · p . th Pacific Iron completed the The smaller contractors and Contract, awarded to Thorn . · ., J · •

1 · .·,_ • -· paving sometime .ms mon .

I t e Of the framework on the new Manufac- owner operators are ·keeping c011st. Co. Box 1 ... 11, Spr1·11bcrvi11e, n pur 1?S. L wo .ISSU s. . _ we have si crned most of the --~ape_r, we re-po:teq on oqr picket . shop acrree~ne~ts here in Sacra- turing Building and moved on to -xery busy around the Lake and Utah, $636,703, for levee const. lme m Squaw valley. The Squaw b . - • other jobs. . Squaw· Valley. & chann: impvt ., Jorden River Valley Development Co . . has mento and the outlymg areas Dalzell · lost their contract to Pomeroy, at Lake Tahoe, has Proj., Salt Lake City, utah. · bo-wed their neck apd has not and the Brothers .seem to be do the drayage work to Western really been wheeling and deal-tried to negotiate with us in any happy with the r aises. Freight Handlers. We have a ing with the Dredge Skookum, SOLEDAD, Contract awarded

h f · k couple of top engineers doing making vvith the sandy beaches to L. B. Pipes, 2756 So. Elm, way, s ape or orm, so our PIC - The Gravel plants are going tl1e · forklift work. at Tahoe Keys. Fresno, $217,370, for Industrial et line ~is still walking back and ' G ·t ' b · , gooa. ram e nas een runnmg Tel'cl1.erts crew are doing Kaiser . has moved in_ at Jay- Bldg. at State Prison, Soledad. forth. Until the: .Squaw Valley · y 1 Th' 1 t t heir plants 111 . 0 0 · 18 1as no shoulder repair on all ma]· or bird, installing the penstocks i_n MILLBRAE, Contract awarded Development Co. offers the h tl 1 t t · run muc. · 1e as. wo years. streets in Aeroiet and rebuild- the out fall tunnel. to Bragato Pavinbcr Co., 500 B:ra-·working man a fair Wi:\ge and ·' fair conditions, the picket line Madison Sand and Gravel have . ing sections · of the roads near Pacific Bridge has begun to gato Rd., $34,533, for impvts. on will remain·. had quite a bit of blacktop to the test stands. pour concrete on the Jaybird 1 Broadway & Ludeman Lane in.

run this year. Their plants at SACRAMENTO AREA Powerhouse and is keeping the J Millbrae. B1·o. Harry Peterson s_uffered d h tl · Winters and Ma ison ave 1e All of the rock plants are go· Brothers busy and consequently SACRAMENTO, Contract was:


heart attack while working tl 1 d f · 1 11 same crews 1ey 1a or some ing good hours. P . C. A. at Fair 1appy. · ' awarded to Olympian Dredgin!! r Associated Dredge. We a t· · · ' PI ~ 1me. Oaks still are on two shifts. John De Lagrange sHot ant Co., 525 Market St., S.F., $84,-wis. h you a spe. edy recovery, Har- p 1 · · d · d p t' t T ry, A. Teichert & Son have been Brighton at er ems 1s omg an ressure opera ~ons a a- 930, for furn. and operate clam-

runn~ng two · shifts part of the the same. Teicherts Perkins hoe Valley are gomg strong shell dredging plant in Suisun .Bro. Bert Reynolds, working t ime this summer. plant goes the same steady pace enough to keep workers busy Bay and San Joaquin River and

for J. A. Pomeroy at Tahoe P.C.A. have rebuilt their plant 1 as does Fair Oaks Gravel and until the snow fhes. channels etc.

Keys, Tahoe Valley, was electro- in Yolo. It is a much better plant J Haggin Sand. We recently nego- ' Hot Plant and Pressure opera- ~ - ·-' - --------cuted at work. now. . / tiated and sign,ed the ne\v Rock, ti?ns ~ith Harms Brothers are to :finish his Sewage Plant at Ta~

· Bro. Warrep Klein was killed Woods and Kirst Co. have Sand and Gravel Agreement giv- sbll gomg strong als?· . hoe Valley before the cold wea· when a dozer rolled over on him shifted into high gear to com- ing the Brothers a s.ubstantial Norman Peterson 1s .hurrymg 1 ther sets in. , · in. the Tahoe area. plete their fr eeway job on High- raise along with fringe benefits.

Bros. sickness cannot be way No. 40 which starts. ·at The Ready Mix plants are helped '- but accidents and Hampshire Rock and goes to fully manned by able Brother deaths can be prevented. Be Soda Springs. This six miles of engineers and vvorking long careful and be safe. STOP--:- freeway .has been one of the hours to supply concrete · for think and act, for this inay be toughest stretches that has been commercial and subdivision your life. let so far on Highway No. 40. All uses .

• Bros., our Blood Bank is low. the dirt and rock excavation, and And again we find Teichert as We need blood and need it bad- bridge· structures, have been the top producer with plants at ·ly. Here -is- the address and completed. They have poured Perkins, Elvas Ave., Mississippi phone number · of the Blood 15,000 cubic yards of concrete, Bar and West Sacramento, fol­Bank-call and make reserva- and still have 20,000 yards' more lowed close by P. C. A. with Sac­tions and tell them you are do· to go. The concrete should be ramento Ready Mix and Granite nating your blood -to the Oper- completed October 20, ~959. next in line. These Brothers give ating Engineers Local · No. 3. There is a. total of 33,000 .tons of you full measure for anything Blood Bank, .3230 J St. , Sacra- asphalt paving to -lay down on you need. mento; -Californra. Phone GI·· 1- this· job ,and this ·should. stl:}liV by · All of the local' contractors are 1296: . ·· -. · , , ·. · · September .15th. At the pre.s-e~t keeping their crews ·busy ani) :,'. ~ .. -,.-. ·w· . . Q·R.·. ·K.·.I Nr. :; ·Elmer Wendt;._, :Construction time Ahe crusher crew is .work- this is really the peak ofthe sea- w

Company of Rio •Vista was 'row ing two shifts and the restof the son, Lentz Construction is work- w IT-·.H bidder of $261 ,624.00 for bank job is going 1 shift. This has ing overtime to keep on sched-protection and levee construe- been a good job for a lot of our ule with their committments;

,.aon at critical locations in Sac- Brothers .and we _still ha:re 50 this company has run -good HIGH R·IGS? •mento and 'Y_olo Countys. Ba- Enl?;ineers on the JOb workmg. clean jobs with thanks to the · . · · • salt Rock Inc. of Napa was low Frederickson and Watson. and Brothers behind the controls; bidder on placing quarry rock Ransome Company have com- Erickson Construction Company Play it safe! Keep ·pile on Sacra~ento River in Sutter pleted all the dirt and rock ex- are bidding oil everything and drivers, lift-booms, or and Yolo· Counties. This job cavation .on their highway job showing strength with the rest h h ' ot er 1gh-reachin0rr rigs went for $281,837. which starts at D(;mner Park of, the competition. They keep

1\{cGillivray Construction have and runs to Boca. This job is a the Brothers happy with a little clear of power linesf $48,233 putting in an airplane total of 18 miles ,long with 11 overtime · and good union con-parking area at Sacramento bridge structures which are all ditions. Remember these safaty Municipal Airport. completed. Their is still 25 of Granite Construction Co. keep tips: ~eep crane booillJ

A. Teichert & Son are over our Brothers working on· this job a shop crew of top mechanics do- at least six feet from half through on their deep wa- laying down the blacktop. They ing grade "A" work; this com-. ter channel job, al1d -they are have ·placed down 26,000 tons of pany hasn't been .too successful power lines. Securo going strong on their Davis blacktop · and still have 30,000 on the big jobs this se~son , but all tie-downs and Freevvay job. Their subdivision tons to lay. Job completion has plenty of small jobs through· safety barriers. Keep .bs are all over town. should be November 17, 1959. 1 out ti1is district.

Granite Const. have all of A. Teichert & Son Inc. have. Brighton Sand & Gravel are the ground crew away their rigs running mostly on completed pouring all their con- getting a big share of the' work froni the rig. When in streets and underground work. crete on the Lot:miis freeway job. and have crews doing all types d bt up G d E · d ou , ca ~ . an • Lockbridge Construction has This job should·, be complete of construction with subdivisions about half of the concrete in on some time in 'N-ovember. When comprising the bulk of it. and we'll help-the Barge Ch:mnel and most of this link of the f reeway is com- McGillivray started the 14th you do your job safely. , the work done on the bridge. pleted their will ·be a four lane Avenue Crusher again after re-

Luhr Bros. are working their highway all the way from Sac- cently getting some more work. Safety Division 4500-10 hrs. per day trying to ramento to Gold Run. · Their hot plant and crusher at get their jeb' done before the AEROJET Mather runs intermittently. · . p G dE. '~' rains start. They have about 4:5 The contractors working at . The long. boom operators have . • an · • · days left. Aerojet keep busy at odd jobs. had a slow :;eason. The Sacra- .J>ac!fic6as(md£leciricCompa9

McCammon and Wunderlich A. Teichert & Son is doing most mento Valley Crane . Service have six or seven rigs shaping of the grading, this is a go-ahead keep the largest crew with six up the levee that Pacific Dredge spread _with every operator a top to ten rigs ·on the go.

4lliillilmped in. Pacific Dredge ha:s hand. Reliable Crane have their reg-~oved in to the turning basin Robert E. L. Parker is finish- ular customers to service with and this is going to be a hard ing his work and has two to four a few heavy lifts thrown in ex-go on the leveehancls because Brothers repairing the equip- tra. · they only have two and three ment and painting some for sale. Western Concrete Pipe and foot fills. · . . Callahan Const. Co. has moved United Pipe have a happy crew

Hydraulic Dredge Company in on a time and material · basis now, since the recent raise and have a small crew working now with one Hydraulic Backhoe and are looking forward to a good and they think they will have Ford Loader. years . work. the aredge in by the 15th of Joe Vicini js finished on the Delta Pre-Stress is back in September.' This will be another back fill and revetment on the high gear now since the return good dr~dging job. It should be new Cast and Cure Building, No. of Hard Hat Jay. Jay is lucky to about two years work. · 2018. Granite Construction Co. be around since -he's tried to

Gordon Ball have most of the has a three man crew doing hold up a 50 ton girder with his · b-grade in on their job at \~in- patch work anc~ maintena'nce. head . . ters. They should start pavmg We have an e1ght-rnan crew BE ALERT · STAY1 ALIVE before long. They · have about with Nicholson Mechanical do- At Squaw Valley, · prugress on the sa!J1e crew at McClellan· ing top secret work on a time I Harold Petersonrs job is too Field . . They moved the paving and material contractor. These good, as it seems he will com­crew to' 1N,evad'a but should be Brotnets, are· doing a 'good · jDb plete the .roof on the Ieee Arena

Page 8: 1959 - September Engineers News - Home - OE3. NEWS . . : . . ~;~~:·:,::~~::::: .. ~~ ~ :


operators left on the job. Men= _ den hall has all his black · top started and with fall weather looking him in the face, he i~ ~. working six days, ten hours~ with some of the men getting

By TOM J. STAPLETON, MERLIN BOWl\'IAN, HALL, JOHN THORNTON and NEPHI NEMELKA, Business Representatives . twelve hours or more. This is a

During the past month, I have been greatly encouraged and Up on Sorenson's job at Wood~ Wilson Smith Co. has about very good job till the snow flies. enthused with the cooperation and results we have had, through ruff we have finally got a good three· al)d one half miles of road Wells Cargo Co. is still going the · combined efforts of the members and business representa- at Mountain Home Utah with two shifts, forty hours a week.

crew of men to get this job fin- .. · ' . They have been very concerned. tives, in obtaining several new agreements with various contrac- ished. Brothers -Dent Parker, the f~Uowmg _Brothers movmg about the weather. The State . tors ·here in the State of Utah. This is only the beginning and we Jimmie Little and :aud Rich~ the d1rt. Curtis Walker, supt, was going to stop the job on 0~ , are counting on each and . every many chiefs, few Indians. mond are doing the honors with Clarence Oman, doz.er; Clarence tober: 1st. This has been a gre_at; -.one of you~ to .submit infotma- . , the patrols, Brother . George Hansen, pat~ol, . June Edwards, _concern to all of··us. . _ - • tion and facts to us. which will NORTHERN AREA Turner is :Qandling the greasing, pull, John Jones, doz.~r.·, ~ela .. nd . b z· enable us to strengthen our To the North, things are B p Sheldon feeding Bro. Anderson pull and- Dean Bratth· Ralph Prout·has. a ]O at lODI~ -ranks. Report any complaints or pretty much the same. A bid of ro. res. · · 11 · B · th waite, Mechanic. Na.tion.at Pa11:k. The .traffic has--viGlation of agreement to the $41,864 submitted :by the F. W. Kelly Crosley's crus er .. ro ·_ .er It is with. ,deep regret that we held ·himdow~L;ll1~sLofthe:sum. ·: .. :· .

f b . Merl Provosfgaard is doing his_ report t11.. .,. death of two of 011

r .m. er,·. but he ._said- they were , g(} nearest of ice or · usmess r~p- of Salt Lake City was low in re- 11 · f' · b 'th the pull u"' ~ usua Y. me 10 WI . Broth.er", . ·from·. Provo. Nolan mg to let him go after Laoor resentative immediately. Know cent bidding for the construe- A th f'ne crew for any com ,.,

t th '11 no er 1

• Johnso" a"'d Eugene Carter. Day. . . . your agreemen , so at you WI tion of_ two new reservoirs in .. .. be able to assert your rights and Brigham City's $2,500,000 water pa~;~thers on my recent sur- They both met with accidents on t"~he ~len Cat~~n Da:r f~~ : pr'ivileges. On the other hand, be and power development pr_o· vey of the Northern Area, which the jolb. Brother- Johnson was s 1 ou on sri e an m · · conscious of the rights of your gram; however, the c_ontract w1~L I have been assigned to, I find killed when a loader over- don't look too good for an early employer which he must have in not be awarded unhl ~he eng1- a number of conditions which turned and Brother Carter was settleJ?~nt. . . order to turn out the kind of a neers have checked estimates _of . d 1 rable After contacting pinned under the track of a unit Whiting & Haymond; still have job you will both be proud of. all bidders. The two reservoirs are ep 0 · . backhoe. Both of these Brothers a ~oo~ crew of engmeers on

I wish to remark at this will be situated in Box Elder member~ and certa~n cont~~c- were in good standing and our I the1r JOb at Delta. There ha~e time that you members work- Canyon. The upper of the two t~rs: I fmd that we ave a Ig, sympathy g. oes to their families. ~een a few problems on this •. l·ng· I·n' the state of California and ·n b · th · · "t f the big JOb ahead of us. Every mem- k th' ]Olb

WI e m e VICI~ Y 0 ber is desirous of having Cali- I would !.ike !0 remar at ·· ui CEDAR CITY IRON MINES

other states which do not have p1:esent power hou~e mtake and fornia and Nevada's wages and time that a~l me~bers sho.uld Although no ore is being the _ so-called "Right to Work will have a capacit~ o~ 2~,0~0 conditions. We know that the f~el a certam, sense of obll.ga- shipped from the Iron Mines·~ Law'-', are indeed fortunate. We g~llons. The secon _ :reser~01r only way to reach this goal is bon toward tne strengthemng striuping operations still con· here in Utah are faced with will be dowr: ~he ca11yon ]ust th ugh our membership. The of our agreemen~. If a new man thuie

011 two shifts at the Iron.

some difficult problems because above the ex1stmg power plant . r~ - . · , ppears on t-he ]Ob ask to see · · "th ·t f 500 000 gal- busmess representatn es ca_n a. ' - · ·. ' . . Springs Mine. On shovel is "JBig

of this confining law, and in or- w1

.1 a capac1 Y o , never hope to accomplish this ~s clearan~e or his card. Also, 1t Mac"- McCall and Stan Bryan, der to combat this vicious hoax ons. alone:_we must have the sup· IS very 1mport~nt . to know oiling are Ma~ Getz and Reid . it will be necessary for all mem- Bids were . opened in . Layton port and cooperation of every whether th~ contractor you work Johnson. On cat are Julius Den· bers to become acquainted with o.n August 17, f.or the ~nstalla- member in order to tighten our for has s1g1;-ed an agreement nis Jerry Gower and Verl Kel· the facts --so that a solid line can ~1011 of sew:1~ h_ne. This w?r! membership. We have. so~e with the l!Jmon. If he has not, se):. be formed within our ranks so mcluded fmmsh;ng ~nd laymo very fine .and capable officers m your Health and Welfare bene- The company is doing every· 'that we can protect the precious of 4500 feet of mght mch sewer Local No 3 and the only way we fits will be jeopardized. Because thing it can to make work for ~ rights we have gained through line and appurtenances struc- can sho~ them our appreciation our work is · seasonal, we . must the men. Exploration work at _ years of hard work. We do not ture. in what they are doing is to get build up our hours during the the Comstock Mine is taking intend to lose them. On Aug. 19, bid~ will be let on behind them and PUSH, UP- peak of the season. care of some. Donel Hunter -i,g.:

At our last Kennecott mem- Lucin, Earth Dam.' etc. , and a~- HOLD and ENFORCE their SOUTJHERN UTAH (Continued on Page 11) ~ bership meeting, we had a turn· purtenances. Estimate quanti- ideas. When your business repre- Floyd Whiting is . getting a .---------'------: out of two hundred members. ties: 186,00~ cu. yds. emban~- sentative comes 011 the job, good start on his job at Helper This was very gratifying. Let's ment matenal; 9950 cu. yds. rip DON'T run and hide. Come and with thirteen good operators do­double it at the next one. rap; 5000 cu. yds. grave~ blanket; introduce yourself and let him ing him a good job. The going

We are happy to report that J23,000 cu. yds. excavation. loca- know your problems, if you have has been very rough what with j Hood Construction Company ted on West Fork of the Grouse any. If you are satisfied with the the power and telephone poles has started at Coalville on the Creek Da~. , _ ~ way you are being serviced, pass as yet not moved. This job may pipeline. This will cover twenty· Wheelr~ght Const. Co. were .the word around. Contact some have to be shut down till the four miles from Yellow Creek, th~ low b1d~ers, $~ 70,497on the of your neighbprs and friends poles ar1e moved; we hope not. Wyoming to Coalville, Uta:h. Ce- Bngham City .. r~mfQrced con- who may be working at p_lants General Contractors Inc: job cil Jernig~n is the spread boss crete press~n·e pipe. Box- Eld.er or ~hops without union repre: at Koosharem has a good crew and1 to date our relations with aqueduct bids wei:e opened on sentation. We should all be of engineers with Joe Young as this Company have been spleh- August 6th. proud of the fact that we are superintendent. This Company did. Wheelright Const Co. of Og- fortunate in having the privil· has taken up aU the good habits

The International Pipe-line den has started work on the eges and conditions which Local of the Young & Smith Company.

SPUCJING AND SOOKETliNG · ~'<"" ' . ·-'

Agents. for · , Roebling~- Blu,e penter

_.<\li Work Made to Order Guaranteed •and Insured

600 Addison Street IBerkeley, Calif.

Telephone AShberry 3-32318 M

~--------------~·· Agreement reads that we can reservoir at 29th and Buchanan No. 3 offers us. If I haven't had Germell' Abbot and Waldron furnish 50% of the men on this Sts. in Ogden. George Ripley is a chance to get around to you, is off to a' good start at Eureka. project; however, we have not doing the dozer work for them please know that I intend to be· This jolb nms west on Highway Bl'AKE BRO'S. ·co had enough experienced pipe- and Ralph Shumway is running , fore long. This is a big area and 36 and is a shoulder job with , , i I , . . ·· · 1 ,. ( ~ ;)

line operators to fill the orders. the DW 10. Out at Libe1:ty, it will take a little time to get only two feet on each side but These orders include such classi- Wheelwright is really rollmg around. with lots of miles. · fications as sideboom operators, with the gravel on his road job. PROVO AREA Strong Company has put 011 cleaning machine operator and Brother Harvey Buist is on The job situation in this area the second shift; but what a dope machine operators. crusher, Brothers Nyle Bywater is below normal for this time problem to get men to take a jolb

. Producers of




Also we did not have an ex- ,and Herman Furt doing the oil· of year. However, when the that is out of town. This job is at perienced pipe bending machine ing Brother Delbert Bock is do- steel industry settles their ne- Hatch and is a very good did operator; however, the spread ing his usual fihe _job of feedi".,q gotiations, (which looks rather job. Western Knapp still has boss was kind enough to take the crusher with the old TU far off at this time), Consolida- some operators busy with not IP. 0. !ox 100.2 one of our members, Walt Wag- dozer. I ted~ vVestern should employ a much work left to be done. staff,_ and give him a chance to _In telling von about the work' number of men. M. K.'s job at Ash Creek is W<e:stem Drive BEacon 2-5193 qualify. To date he is still on the at wmard- Bay last month, we United Concrete Pipe Corp. about c()mpleted with only four , • job. mentioned. several of the Bros. still has a full crew in the yard,

Ken· Vernon, side boom opera- that were operating the DW 20's but t he shortage of steel -wm tor, and a long time member, and so we'd 1ike to mention a eventually cut their operat~ons was slated to go to .work for few of the Brothers who are unless steel settles. Hood Const. Co., but in the operating the cats. Glen Knuzler The operators for Gibbons and meantime, he and a partner de- is running a dozer along with Reed Co. on the Orem Freeway cided to buy a scraper. Good John Elliott on a D-9, Lytle Di· have worked themselves nearly

,_ luck to you, Ken, and we hone derickson on a D-9. George Jar- out gf a job. This has been the it really pays off dee on a TC 12, as well as Nor- only local job in the Provo area

Following are members who man King and Terrane: Westley of any· size t~i.s season, and has 1 are on the job at this time; Wil- TC 12's, F. L. McNally and kept .around futy operators bus!

liam Dorrance as gre~ser, (we L. T. Garret on patrols. for· five months. We eoul~ sure~.) will have two on the job this With .Brev.rster's job on Wil- use one or two more like this week sometime); Milton Hatch lard Bay we have a fine crew of one. . and Edward Ballow are oilers on DW 20 men including, Emerson At this writing Moi·rison the trencher - day shift, (they Reid. Jim Wright, Tom Tackett Knudsen has Russell Culp as are twelve_ hour shifts);- Joe and Bill Frankos with Nick Nem- Supt., Rupert Dziuk as grade Crebs and William Markus are polis on cat. Eddie Narovich is foreman Harold Johnson, dozer, on the night shift as oilers; making the haul road~. with t~~ Frank Warwood, dozer, Orval Clarence (Fagin) Rehn is trench- No. !4 Patrol. When this crew 1s Gillan, dozer, Max Anderson, er operator on the 1st sh~ft, (he beefing, which they usually are, drili operator, Carence Wiggins, has operated trenchers on pipe- I know they are happy; regard· greaser. NL K is also moving dirt lines for years; Lloyd Critten- le~s, they are a fine bunch of at Stanaker Dam and Vernal un­den, Carlyle Nelson and Jesse Union lVIen. til the frost shuts them down Blythe are dozer operators; dope Miles & Son, sub-contractors this fall. pot firemen are Edward Hill on the Brewster's job at \~il1ard Stro~g .co. has t~r~e ope_rat?rs_ and J. L. Allen. In addition, we Bay, are moving lots of dirt _too, on their JOb, that IS ]Ust gettmg have George Carter, side boom; with the help _of B~o. Leroy


started betwee~ Roosevelt and Kahley Construction Company Dowdle and Paul Roberts on the 1 Gusher .. Lee Gillman, forem~n, Joseph Spiker, sideboom; John~ michigans; Ivan Aibretsen and Clyde lVI.Iller, do~er, Max S:n1~h ny Spiker, sideboom; I. N. Car- Frank Wallace on the dozers; H. on the ng and B1ll Marshall ml· ter, boss; Joel Oviatt, boss; Fran- V. "Doc" Lumby and Omer Wil· ing. They l?lan to move more cis Hamilton, boss; B. H. Keller, hams, Harl Stewart and Bill equipment m from the Hate~ boss'; Dick Odie, boss ; John Bar- Wright on patrols along with jpb, as soon as they can turn 1t nard boss; kinda -adds up to several more brothers. loose.

' - i .

B A C 0 n


/AN 1f WHERE in Nor~hem CMornia there's fasl: servioe on ERBCO equipment, Thoroughly !:rained -and · experienced servicemen deliver new machines, follow-up

- on equipment in use and give emergency service.

Your job is bel:l:er off with equipment from BACON,

9et it I"!Wft#:.

·~ .~nWARn R. BADilll\J [oMPANY ·~:e! li~ . oNJ CONSTR!JC'ilON IEQUJI'MENT

® (S~'C Fol som a! 17th Street, Son Fnon<i>e·o 10, Ca lifornia HEmlock l -37il i~, Sacr-am,e r. to • Oakk:md • Fre·sn:o

Page 9: 1959 - September Engineers News - Home - OE3. NEWS . . : . . ~;~~:·:,::~~::::: .. ~~ ~ :

·.-··. UTAH': ROU~~D~Uf . · ·1 ion out-of-work Est: Many ~· of ;, (C . t-' · - ~ d { . p· ·.. . ) I the m~_n . h~v_e :clone this:,and they · ~-) · · . on , 1~u~ rom age 10 are bemg drspatcheq to jobs in ,,;" .

. on the Back ,Hoe there, Harry their turn. · . g;;i Rhodes :lind <-· 1Fone Fife are oil · Sometimes, due to the rieces- By H. L·. ''CURLEY" SPENCE, JOSEPH ''JOE" MILLER. . trend continu~s. · · · ' -·: cats. Tvvo drill crews,....:.,... Wilmer sity of. getting 1pen on ,certain . and TOMMY ECK, Business Representatives . -. ~ - At" Ma-rlette Lake in Washoe . · Anderson and' Qotdo~ Hey borne jobs. immediatelY, the dispatch- The Silver State Constrilction Company, better known as Aild:v ' County, just above Lake Tahoe, '[

. , . er often has to call·several'men Drumm, Jr. i _ .see~s)o be out infront asusu$1 withthe·number. of 1Helms .C.onstrudion Company is-and, ·he1pers.•·are ' at .Iron .spn?J.gs in or(ler to-fill the job'. IUs ad- contr:;J.,cts gomg m the great State of Nevada. Drumm's job wesLof i busy putting -in .-the · steel .. pipe-, ~n , dtw:o inore_:drill crews-'-Bill viseable ·to· make yourself avail- Eureka, Nevada, on Highway No. 50, is just about ·ili: the.finishing llinefo'r Cu:dis Wright Company, . Hills , .George Vctndenberghe, · Al ''able at all times so that you will _stages. Brother A: Montrose is on the blade putting a few finish- II !heY-have about _ten ,~en on the: .i Iverson a·n_d .. Jess Naegle' ·have :receive any calls from ·· our mg touci:es on the shoulders a!}d · · - ··· Job and ·ar.e ' gomg along v.ery. -.. gone to ·'Nevaaa '-to ' do ·some' ex- 6'£-fice. · . . ·· ·. ' driveways. Also Bro. ·Charles Company.; Inc. , has ,<;tarted to lay· well. ._ .. -ration work. . . . . To,date we :liave had only one Melendy is doing a 'bit of work the gravel •on the ML Rose Rd, Nevada Contractors , . better.

:A.s yet · no · -mechapfcs have negotiating meeting with · K(mc on this job leveling off the bor· Bro. "Link" . Harris . is . on the k.nown as . Mel Schwake1s. outfit . bee!di:!id bff at either job. ' T-he necott ' since the strike began, row pits and trying 'to help th.e I b~aile. Bro. Frank c_;mespie _has are raising the ~am_ at Marlette·. company. is .Htking adyl:intage of but . we are ready and willing to farmer · out on som'e of the ap-

1 hts crusher and outf1t on -the JOb, Lake 22 feet, Tlus.w1ll be a smalL ,

the steel strike to ·do some··over'- ~ meet at ,any --time: The ;local is- ?roachesand ' ?~ssing and :hoJler- crus~ing . the . gravel for ·. the job ·and r~quire about / 20;000'j ,;; haul· work on the plants and ·sues .are very, nearly completed, mg around giVmg everybody_ a Wells:Stewart · Highw:ay job on .yards of material. Schwake will _-..

- equipm'ent. . · . -leaving only the ;~ economic is- bad time as per ·u·sual. · -· .. ~. the Mt. Rose Road. Frank has a have ten ,men .o:r so on the .job·.:~ · Superintendent Ed DeMoss · sues. . Drumm's job east of Etfrek~, :real crushing outfit and he · is after it . gE)ts underway . . He, -~:

brings word back from San A:LL MEETINGS WILL . 'B_E l\Tevada, on H\ghway No. 50 over just the boy that gets -t,he rock shoi:tld ·have . t .he job done .in. -~ Francisco ' that. vrork ·will con- CALtED MEETINGS: Pinto ~ummit seems __ to ;be' going I c~·ushed out and up to s~ecifica~ I about three w~eks. Edwin Haase ;( tinue-on until the end of Septe_m- alon~- m the good. old highball

1 hons, · . _ -· . _ _ _. · and the Hellwmt{~l bros. are the-:.c'

ber at least, without any more k fashwn. I understand "Scor- . LaGrange Construction Com- operators on the ·JOb .at present; ::.: ,·; . layoffs. ·.-Mpst .of the ·brothers Qa' la·n· ·d' chey" was o.ut · on the job raw~ pany has. starteq laying the hot . At t~e .Fallon Naval Air Sta~ · <.-

that ·have-· been ·laid off at the hiding some. of the 'dear brothers stuff on the new ·housing .Project · tlon · :thmgs . are . really -· movif1g .. " r mines have beeri placed on other · (continued . .from page 4) _ back into their usu:il Drumm across the street from Oliver's Operators are all over · the area. ·· ~rk in the area. twenty five to thirty engineers stride ·as he ·has been off the job Club on Highway N~. 50 near like . bees on a hive. Gordon H . ... , •w-e.'re so.iTy b pear .. about the working on this :job. . for a few weeks for a. little re- Stateline, La"ke Talioe. Nevada .. ·Bctll Company is har.d at work on···· · sonof'Bro. 'Julius ~D~rtnis being · * * * laxation; however, with Mr. Jack Bro. I. · A. ''creegim·· : i~ · on. the the concrete paving of the run- :.·· in .tl1e ·"??SP.itfl.l' witb._a . brok..,en, _ C. c: _.Moore .at Pittsburg P. Beach, 'Bro. Joseph (Chip) Mon- spl'e?der and Bro, Hariy··White : ways,: ,Marin- _Rock is working ~: . back, a result .of.-an automobile G. & E. Steam Plant has started trose ·and Bro. Joe Soiaegtii 'push-;1 is the screed•·m~m : Thats ·a: real ·. stea~lly . crushm.g . and :sc'reenjng :. 1

accident, .ana \vlsh 'hiln, a speedy' the second bo1ler erection. this ing the"'job, -they really · get th~ c _ ew for spreadin~ ·hot ·. ~t~f! . . · the . rock for. the_ :concret~ ·plant' :• reeovety . . _ . _-~. · ,:job will run for another f-our- muck moved. Now that Joe ·RI- Bro . . Bud· Jacobsen - somebines and ",.are .s4pply):pg. ,the .aggre~ .

G~ad ·to . s~e~ Brother Harris ·teen months. - -Hef.r-ick iron poli's ,with thebW-21 spread and I known . as· "Deiicat~ 'Bud' ' is · in ,· gatE)_s for the ·Ball operation. _ . ,: Nelson ;- back ·on the :f.o.b after a Works has aii the stairs and rail- >v:ith th'e good operatoi's such as ·charge· of the Necon jQ_b .. on the ·. Gibpons ;& Re.ed. Coiistnrctiorr .. ; .. very 'seriotis._ey'e . .injury received. irigs to be erected on .this ,boiler: .Br?thers ·Fred .spaiJ:lding, ·B_illy'j 'Pe?v_~ne '.D?m ~ite . ,B~g;: _Fred ' Col11?any of Utah .has_ mo~ed. V~- · :'. w..bqe he ~waso_Jj Nay(l.tjon. Kellogg has just ,completed the Fntz and Bro. Mike · Gabwla 1 ~unter . and AlvmTravis are o·n. and the1r .crusher-.·opBratwn .r~ . ·. KE~N..ECO~!f (20P~E_R: I second stack on .the .sam_e proj- th:;J.t's a -real. 21 spread in a dirt I th~ rubber ti]:'ed rigs . :Bro .' Har- going. '·They . e"l):pe,ct .to . dotii:)Je . : ' . ~s_-·w~ ·~ll ·kno"':'t :the 'lnterna-~ect. · · · moving .outfit;a1s"o,-inage range,

11Qld Reynolds is'on the :D'9 push- shift tpe crusher next weeJ_{ . ... . ·

hopal Um?n .. ·:of · Mme-Mill and . . . th~y are all _around 21 'especially ing the pulls.' T·hey a're sti:-fpping · IT'hey are ~pres.ently . setting .-ti:p .' · Sm~lterworkers·- and some -other. ·N, . .. A. b -.. . f ~hen they are"'int?w_ . ~ - whooping ~·off _:th~: d~nl' ' sit~ ·-an. a: aft~r that th~ ~ho~ .plant ,and __ ·-wa_nt _ _. to start __ ·: · l)n~ci!J.s 'rvho t:ar~~niembRrs of- the' I ·~ · .. eWS ... · · OU It up. Now the old w~scraper the-real worlcwiU start, .at lea'st p~vmg as = soon as_ possible.- T}le, -TJmty .Co-q.ncil pulled a strike on r·h . . . ··L spread is different .for between . thats what Bud tells me. . ... Gibbons .& . Reed JOb ':consists "Qf .. · .4J.lgust io, .::!959 at Kennecott. ; e . Brotners "_Chip" .and Bid ' "Cousin" Bow-,1 SHOPS re-surfacing .some :' o£ the ·- exist- ' ~ .this strike, we in·the Operat· . ; . · , ers there is no delay, no rest . . . ing east-w,est : tuhway~. i'ng Engipe.ers _ w:er~ ·forced out · Bro: Norin,an Jones .was liurt periods, just dig in: and keep· Negoti~tions have · bElen c~m- _. . _ . _ · . because -there is-~ ho>work avail-1 drt the job 'jrl August while -set- moving, but the W-Scraper crew I pleted With Isbell Construct~ on n .... ··d . . . . d ;B· ' . ·, .· .. a'J?1e_ ~for us. _ .· _ · . -.· , ting boom oil d;ollY,. A timber fell is a _g'ood bunch~ .of dirt movers I Co~?any for ;a contract covermg ·~e. , W 00· 5 t;] :~·y : . ¥V_e are -haPPY;, to r~port that. a~d. GJ~~hed ~1Is nght ar:n. Bro. s~ch, as .dear Bro. Jo~ _Armas, 1 t~en Reno, Ne~~da, · shoP.. An ·. · (Cb_ntirmed fro!? -Page 12) -

the De2artm~pt: of.E.mploymel).t• J~nes · IS . gettnig alo_ng fme and Bro: 'Tuck" Anders'on; Bro. Joe j Agreement w~s I~ac~ed Jor --~ t:YBuilding· Trades Gotincil; and • . S~q~tity has fo~nd that .. ~e ,_are I w1Wbe back to .work s_oon. . _ Mun~~, Bro. Elmer · Salinas an~ ! !?r~e yea_r _conLra~t, WI~h an 8%.: :Leonard Cahill; pr __ e'sident of the '~' ehcrible to draw · unemployment · · . · . · · Bro. Jr." Anderson T- hey ~work 1 mcrease m wages each yE:)ar, be. ·Redwo· od ·n· t _. t · --C c ·1 L . . , · "' . . * · ,, "' -.. . _ . · . . . A . · , . . JS ne -. ounci urn- . c-om.p-erlsatibrl''(lti'ring -this' strTke. · , -·~ . , . . _·. __ . · ·_. : · · :· . . ·: · .- . < very _ well .together especially· g~~m~g ugu~! .1' 1~59! .and. ad- ber and -Sawmill Worker~: Aibin '·· Mapy 'hours· .:~hd:.,ha'n:L . .w.o:t;k. by . ; ¥i e- ~Ie - .. g~ad- -t~ -- ~~port Ahat · wh~~('~qhi~" - is v;aviiig·ljis' liands . 9~\I?n.al __ va.~a~:ons ~ b~e1l .e f-I ~ ·~ : ·· (lruhn~'- .. secretary ' of 'th~ ·c-!IUm­your BU:~in:ess ::, J;tepresf;)_ntativ~s B~o. Augus~ '· T~s~I - ;Is baq~ to and ha'ndi,ng oli( ' 9i:ders. · ~Hqw-.: ·-'~?.~re ;~~rf} _~lso ~a-~w~_s; be~_efit? .; )oldhDel 'Noite '··centtal- ~uabor . · · haiv_ e"gone · into~s·ec·ui;I·n·_· g ·til' I·s W'e' ~ork.·:;J.fter a -Iu_ ng cancer_ :Op~ra- . ever they "have to ··Io"'o"k'' ou't'' : f'o' r .gamed_ m ·tlie wor_·kHlg• st_ ructure -c-· .. ' '1 '· ';. > ' t .. _ 'f~i' , .,' . . . , - . .. · ti·ona ar · ·g --·ur ·+<t . • h . -- ' ,· , ·f 'th •"· ·· · ... , . t '' f . . , b ,. ounc1 wa., maser o -ceremo-arE!ith~rtkfilrtha:tith~ ;f!e'gotiating ·. _ '. ~ye . 'a, ~ .- vve wa~t·· 0 WI'S "Cousin" for he··js iri: the w~y 1°. e _agree~e~ S; ri~.g~ e'rJ: _e~· riie-s: .Harold>Pavei ·he~;d~d ·the .-·. comnuttee \ were . far sig'htetr Bro. Tesh a complete recovery most of the time trying to drive . f1ts of vacatwn and sick, leave. b• ·b· . '·tt ·Nil'· V .. · · .. - · and ···c·ont·I·n·u· · d' g· · d 1 · lth.- . . A th ·t ·f · .. t .· . ar ecue comrm ee, . ~ax ·. ance · eno~1gh <rt'~he lbeginning of •nego- · . ~ · e 00 lea : a. stak_e or _tw?. If not that then _ n~~ . er 1 em 0

· Impo~ ance Is wa·s chairman , of park m;range- ' t •tio.:r:-s:thi~ y~ar, to .p}ace us in * . '* * .· . Ius p'ick-up 'IS . parked in' t~e. ~,~e fact that ;v~ neg~!I~te~ the merits, ·and E. V: Griffith acted a .P!JSitr<;>n w111c}l en,aliles . us to · _.Bro. Roy "Pop" ·Alexander 1 ~rong place. Bro. Henry Tonn_!s . Agency Shop d _ause · . mto the as publicity chairman. · · re_ce,iye this tinemployment coni~ ' fraCtured "his · shoulder on the I on the N.W. ShoveL That""fellow '., ag~etementthr?!'ear. Th~s Agree- :Mrs. -.Anderson, the lieutenant :

· p .. e· ·n·s·ati'on · .. · · · · b h'l k' f - · . 1·s a · real di·ggPr I·n a rock · t . ' men was rahfred and accepted · . , . .f , . · d . " _ · . , . · ilO w I e wor mg or Hammond - - · 'Y cu . .. . · · . · . · · governors wr e . was · presente Previous to ·t-'his ·strike it was .


1Iron Works on August 28th. He never _sto~s, _trucks or n9ltY t~ebn).emS .. ~ership workmg at _ a, redwood bui"l'saHtd ;bowl gift. · '· repeatedly stated: at our mem- "Pop" has . his arm out of ' the trucks, he IS diggm_g all day. 1 _1e 'f~ · ell ' 0P_, and they . h~ye AlsoAn:Anderson's ·:part_y. was his-bersh'p -m · t' g ' th t · th I .\ · · · · · - . · · .sigm led that they are satisfied . · · · . I · ee. m s · _ a m e · slmg alre~dy and, rs almost ready Gibbons & Reed's JOb at Ely, ·'th th · A'cr a · perso_nal secretary, Carl D1esen- · ev~nt of a stri.ke the •l).lember~ of to .go back to work. · · · Ne~ada is almost completed. WI _ . e new ~"":ev~ent. · roth. - · · "- · - ._ · tlus Local employed at Kenne- . . . . . . Just the guard rail cre\v left on Bros. Lo~al Umon No. 3- was I ~ Following the celebration the·· cott would ·.~avethe · o~portun.ity I .. .· •* "' _ "' , -~ the job. · successful ~n two :ehktions ~eld lieutenant governor·:. and '·rhis-to place their names ol1 the Un-. We - ·also wa1:t teo,- Wish Bro. W ll. -C · I h' h ·. .· b by !he ~atwnal Labor Relatwns party return-ed to Sacramento by

Homer Farrar a · spe~dy and com- e s argo, nc. ·1g. way _]o Board m . Reno on August . 27, 1 cha·rtered -- lane · -

S --R plete ''-recov(!ty':fi'om his' •heart that . Dodge .. Constructwn, Inc., 1959. -~Iections w_ere held at the Ma we~a·, ;-; come · ba~k. real . .

' ' ~ nta--~ _osa_. :~~.ckh - theat he sufi.er_ed recent.ly; ~~~~~~y ako~~1lsis ~:~~d~io~:.·. ?am~ time , f~~- ~m_ployees ~ork- soon,-\ou ar? such :n!ce people. (Contm_ued from Page 5) , . op __ to see him . back to M t f th . t· '11 b· mg for the Srer-ra Machmery We' enJoyed your .VISit so much.

. . .. , . . :- . . work soon os o e excava wn WI e C 1 (' d th s· . . . . . . . ~m,1t _ m the form of an e.n·- · .,. finished by the ti~e . thig paper OI~pany: n .. .' an e · Ierra. an:J ·a~ sure you both are an m~ -' ~·sen1en~ on . ;your dri_vers · li- *· * * will be out: However the gravel En~meenng Compa~y,_ Inc., ~t spirahon to ~ll who ha:re had cense. Tlus protects our JUrisdic- Bro. H. T.:-"Pete" Peterson re- ·t t1 f' · ·11· · .. d their . Reno sb.ops .on lVIC!rnll the opportumty to be with you.. . . _. . . . . , _ _ . p1 crew, 1e m1s mg crew an Ave ·m -Reno Local No 3 won h~nbros: so It 1s ad_visa?le when cently un,der went a major spi- the hot plant crew have quite a · . , · , : : ·-such _-as · we had, good · heal~h.

· tlus specwl representative is on nal opel'ation in which three ver- Jot of work left to do on the job. ?oth electwns b:-, almost a un~n- happmess and· success be with ··your job forvou tomake every tebra .were fused· together and Dodge Construction Inc Iron Imo~~ :ote. ~~ a[~ - now h~ldmg y<'m both always."

effort to obtain · the endorse- hone was taken -from his q~p and 1

Mine near Lovelock Nev~da is me~k~n"'s t~~ t e: emp 0{ees

ment. . . grafted in. After spending three . , · . .' . ' woi. Ing ~ · ese wo opera wns . '· CARSON 'CITY; NEVADA, "- NEW WORK weeks . in the ' hisp-ital he i n rum.mg al~p.g fmrly s~eady. and are m the .process of nego- Contract,·awarded·to·Silver State· ·

. · .· . . s ow Two shovels are workmg m the tia+incr a contr-a"t W ha e b· · .. yYell, yes \Ve can r,ep_ort on convalesmg at home. . .. . "h . • " "' • ~ • · e . v su Gonst. Co. ; P.O. Box ·191;· Fallon, . one job in the area that should Iron Pit fe~dmg .t~,e .crusher. mitted a -pr:oposal to the employ· Nevada $339 '738 for 13.427 . mi ·

h · . " . . . ... · >!• * * One shovel 1s loadmcr out- the e1·s and ·"'1-·11 hav·e an tb · · . · ' ' ' · · - elp some or tne brothers. Guy . ~ . . " .. 0 ,er ses- const. por. ·secondary hwy, sys. ·

F - Atkinson , 1

·· b 'dd . · Bro. J . W. "~ill" Barr is very Iron ore to be haul,ed to the R. swn w1th-them around Septem- SRSA b t n ·· · SE . f 0 . . . . . was ow: I er on . 1 '11 ' . R loading ramp ·One d , d b 14 1. 959 ~ . . I , ~_ w. ~ mL . o ;re- .:. tlle Healdsburg By~Pass job at serfous' Y ·I .. at the Providence ·.. . . . . ' ozer an er , ' . . ·,· :ve are ... con~Ident J gon-Nevada State >Line & ,34.5 : •··

__ $2,~40 , 793. _The ·'details were in Hosrital in Oakland with a lung the crus.hmg CI e~, a!l~ a couple I tha. t:'- ~ . fmr dgreE;me __ · nt ·. Will be ini .. SE of .. 'Line, -HUJ.Vi.lBOLDT .·_., last months issue so there is ·no ·infection . . We sincerely h,ope of. brothe~s are ':vorkmg at the negotiated because. of the sup- COUNTY . . . . need to repe<J.t m"self. At the Bill a speedy and complete• re- R.R.. _loadmg _ ram~. Bro. H. W. port that we ha:v:e from the men · 'MATHER -AFB Contract was- - ,

•. · · . "· · · · . cover Pardrck the office -manacrer o·-n these oper:>ti·ons --W ·- · · h t - .' · · · JOb conference Jtay Atkm- y, a ', · , " "'- '

1 . · ~ · . · e Vi-IS 0 awarded -to 'Harbison &•Mahony. -. ·

son explained that . he would be * * * seaLs mull, boss man a,l~ R?W:i- ta,~e this ·opportumty and thank 220 Sandberg Dr · Sac to 1$374. · the project manager a~d it WOUld tlJ;bOut J:oy", has a f.ul! tJme JOb, each of. the employees for their ··~324 for const . e]~c' eme~'g ·pw~ · . ·

d - .. - . · BLOOD DONORS FOR but he IS an outstand111g person vote an· d ·sup"o·rt and k th t · ' · · · · · · ·

epend on the weather as to how OAKLAND OFFICE , ·t , - · _ · : k' · · .• as. · ~ . · bldg. & eTec. ·distrib. sys> at Ma- · much work they would do this LESTER 0. GRIFFITH . / for ~ne Dodge Ol~tfk- . : they contmue supportmg their th'ar AFB year. It does look however- that ' J-Il\IT B JOHNS"'ON lVIl~eral Mater-Ials Company Is . local-_union. . - . _....._,v""""'==·~=::i====="="~

. . . , m . · 1 1 · r1mnmcr on a sma11 scale one V.le a - · t' ' f ·--- .._. the j,ob will consist mainly of. EDGAR W LOCKE .. . ..., . "' , , . -. . . re m. ne process o or- . IF-\ tl">. ,J. A!>.:~~ .. -~ 'o ~t.!,..!-1 -S ., . rubber-! sure hope so. The. . . ~ . shrft. Bro~ lVL ~ - ~oc. ~~ello Is ~anlZl~g vanous oti~er . opera- v .. ....,, .. v.r~ ~£: ,;;~ ·C!:·~;)'vr-. '-· main portion of thejob should be at $

667 410 f .. R d F -- Tf on the do~er, ttle lVhchigan load- tlons m .the Reno .D1stnct and ·GENER-Al CONTRACTORS ,

completed by . thjs time . next t p , t A or a ar acl I Ies_ er and :vnat have ~ou_ around have -been conducting :;m organ- Cedar & 5th ·St. . BE~KELEY :- ..

PI d 't f . ~ . a om rena. the outfit, .but he Is JUSt the izing dl'ive during the past

year. ease .on . lock mto Lhis Work for this area is still slow "lVI D, that can take . care of - th W , t• · d LAJntlscape -6-3424 area· brothers we still 1 a d h h · d · · 1 · • • ' - - mon ' · e are ge Lmg goo re- Member A.G.C. l ono· otff of -k r t 1 ve a ta'na . as c ange very llttle smce things on the- job .and around suits thus far and hope ·-that the --

"'• , wor IS : nv last report; town also, he is quite the man --'-' ----.• 0cher ~ew work m_ the area COPE (Committee on Political around -Lovelock, Nevada . . L -ludes Walter Lenkm~ who was Education) Tickets still for sale John ·Pedro Company has lo~ _at $86,440 to _ construct a _ -Do you have yours yet? quite a stripping project for the bndge and approaches near Ca--~ , Blood Donors - · JUST . A Eagle Pitcher Company north of · ~eneral Con+.ra ctors- Highway and Publ ic Works : za~ero. -•. WORD OF W f\,RNING - OUR~ Lovelock, Nevada ·

Johnson Drake a~d _Pjper Jow SU£ELY. r.s. BECOMING LOW. [ Wells .. Stewart · Construction , _P_H_O_N_'._E __ l_3~0.........._-'.-"'---"-"-. P..:...~O:..:.-"----'-B~O-X __ .:....6;,___:__..:...:;.· ~-·~~~"~'i_C._.IA.:...· _"'_c __ A~L_IF....:._


Page 10: 1959 - September Engineers News - Home - OE3. NEWS . . : . . ~;~~:·:,::~~::::: .. ~~ ~ :


• • / Field Surpey JVotes FRESNO DIST 1 · · · .OODS SI~tt AI PEAK

By K. A. "KEN" BRO OKS & w. JL. "BILL" TOl\iBERLm ~A~BTA rl AR A c y• ES B SY Business Represm1tatives >J. 11lJ ' . ~: f~:' ' R, , I ) • · · .

Work in the Redwoods is still rolling along in good order; of course the same old thought is , when is the rain coming? As most su· DVEY·. PAfT By G. LYNN I\'IOORE, J. D.l\'IONROE and B. F. (Tiny) HELLING, everyone knows we usually get a .couple days of ratn during the I j . · n . ,_· ; - -~ .-~ . . Business Representatives month of Septembei' and we expect we'll get it this year, too. · . . · The month of September finds most of -the Brothers busy @ _

After thi~ little rain , we can most always plan on a month or 111ore J __ By AL BOARD~'IAN . . the Fresno area;-Thel'e have_ been more engineers at work in this; _ of real good weather. We sure 1 a1id ART PENNEBAKER · area this year than ever before. Many of the : s m all e r citieS> hope that the Bros. who winter Jl road sure needs it sometimes . . i throughout the area have been spending a. little money on curb. ··in other area~ won't take off as you wonder ~ow the ' car takes it. Fmal ag;eement has ~een and gutter work and small street improvement jobs. These jobs ~oon as the .first drop of water Humboldt ColJ.nty is dping their r~a~hed _with the Associated are usually o.f short duration 1 --_ ---------­

"-~lls and m1ss the cha??e of a best to take care of the places ClVll Engmeers and Land Su_r- and the brothers are reluctant cess Dam at Porterville hae ­few weeks .work after Its .over, that most need repair and rea- veyors of Santa Clara County on to take them. laid off the niaht shift on the -$0 B:t:os. stick around aWhile If · Iignment. !he 1959-~960 collectiv~ bargain- Bechtel Co. on the .Mammoth DW20's due . tl' the grout crew. ·we get a little rain and see how . . . _ . I_ng agree.ment. rhe ne~~ . con- . ·· ·. . - · not being far enough ahead. : long it lasts. . ~nckson-Ph~lhps & Weis?erg tr~ct proyides for two ad_ditiOn~LI Pool proJect contm~es t~ be the II The 150B .shovel is . still going

Well lets take a look _ around gomg along ~me on the bndge P~~d holidays - ~as_hmgton s 1. largest empl~ye~ m t.his area,, two shifts and still have _ thre~ t he area, up Crescent City way / a~ s?uth Scotia, should h~ve the Br~ th~ar :and Admrsswn Day, I they are . contmym~ with a full I shifts on mechanics and weld­t here isn't too much going on prers and abutment poured be- , br~ngmg _the total : number of crew .~ntil t.h~ JOb Is complet~. , ers. · _ except for small jobs. Arthur B. fore the bad weather comes. -· I pa1? holidays to eight. If .any I At th1~ wntmg there remams. 1 Sir( will have Pacific Ave. com- Merc.er-Fraser C?. ma~nng holiday falls on S~nday, then approximately 400,000 yards to I Flores &. Pe~ry have .th~ sub~ ~ pleted by the time this goes to 1 good time on the little bndge the Monday followr.ng shall be go into the mai~ ?am. They also ba~e matenal m on th~Ir JOb at_ press, a real improvement to say sot~th of Pepperwood on _101. observe~ as the holiday. Should have a large spillway to com- 1 Str athJ?ore. !~ey strl~ have . .the least. Peter Kiewit & Sons' This sompany also has the filler any holiday fa~l on .. saturday, plete and headgates to install. I !hree mternaho~al 2T75 s hau}.· _ getting started on the little mat.eual, cement treated __ base then th: preced1pg Ft.Iday shall They also h~ve some good road I mg base mater!a!, two TD24 s .·br idge j()b at Gasquet. These pavmg and structl:lres on sub- be observed as the _holiday. work to do m the. area. I and one D8 workmg. · ;

"'mall jobs are always welcome contract from Mornson-Knudson AI h th E 1 Maceo Construction are keep-j W lk & p t · . _a ., . • on lOl from !Jyerville to Myers so, w en e •mp oyer re- . a - b 't 1 e er e erson are .mowr they all provide work for the Fl t M . · K d . quires an employee to use his m"' a crew usy on gunm e ina lots of rock at Johnsondale Bros. We all have hopes of some . ~r· . tornsont-h nlu SOtla .stuhre .biS r own personal automobile to haul work on this job. Consolidated This job is working 9 hours 5' !drastic changes being made on ~0 m~ 0 ~ay T~ e\ls .w\ r~ - materials and / or men he shall Western. Stee~ Co. haye com- days and should be completed : · Hi way 199 into Oregon in . the er. ca s. ey are avmg · b h 1 ' th pleted mstallmg . several hun- - . t' ·t- · th. . -- - . . their problems with the "stab" i rerm urse sue emp oyee at e j d d f t f - t k . th t some 1me nex mon . . ., not too distant future . Arthur . · . rate of ten -cents (:lOc) per mile. re e~ o pens oc . m e ou ·j · . · . _ . . _ __ B. Siri should have their job on tren;he~, 0!d man moun tam Said mileage to _ be computed ~et of the tunJ?-el, the~ also have Wmston-Gree!l . _ on :Termin.us 101 at various points · north of "':'011 t sit s:.1n fo_r them to g~t from the Employei"s office to· mstalled the first section of pe~-! Dam .out of Lel:llon Cove a:e s~ilJ. Klamath sold by the time you filler matenal, pipe & back fill th · b. ·t· (' 1 d. · stock at the power house. This 1 workmg on the core and d1gamg -

. . . in They plan a much larger e JO SI es me u mg any use . j . . .. , . . . "' .. ~ead this. · · . on the job site or between job

1 compa~y is presetn~y ~orkir_g out the upstrea~ portal for tne·:

, CoJ?irig __ on s?uth to Trinidad ~orce and J?~ch more eqmpment sites during .the work . day) and t'?'o ~!ufts at Shak~ Flat sliding l:tunne~. Mou11tam · States .. Co.n,--.. we. frn~ Delphia-Early & Crow m the sprm"'. return to the Erhployer-'s office pipe mto the ::un?el. structwp. has. t~e._ .sub co~trfct · gomg like mad to get as much We almost forgot one of the at the end of the day. . Utah Conshuchon Co. have a for the diversiOn t!ln_nel ,this JOQ, d,trt moved this year as they big ones, which is A & E Paving - . . ; · . · . · . 1 batch plant$~t U.P a~ the tunnel. ~as slowed _d\}w~-. They areqril.l: ~

.~itn, but from the looks of the doing the surfacing from Singley. In the cas_e . of sub~1stance: outlet and are po!Jrllig the tun" mg on tbe floor· of tq.e l t,mneJ. s~ic~eil ~nd potential slides they Bar to Fortuna, working lots of Whe~ <!n.employ~_e -is assigned nellining. 'rhey·wHJ set UI>. a.J forth~ pi~e.It will,beabout;4!i: m::tY wind up. with as much force I hours and really laying that to a ~ob site a?d'IS requested. to b.atch ~lar.tt a,t ,_Rock. Creel~ : soori. l . d~y~ . be~ore· the~ star~ · driv:U1~l · a~count yardage as their is in blacktop down. . remam . oyer~mght at such loca- and will pour from . R.ock to I agam. Isbell Construction . haa t~.e brig,in_al contra~t. _ We want to talce this oppor~ tion, the Einploy~r shall ~rovide Shake Flat.Macco Oonstru.ct~on tpeir _ ~ats doing - pione~r w.o~

\ . 'T,Jle.J~f?~ ~ on the JOb say, "L~t tunity to give Bro. John Kiper a the .. empl~yee- With board and Co .. have completed puurm~ ,,on then:_ acce~s -~oad ou,t of Lem•_ het:,;$hde we're g~ad to mo~~ It, good _slap-on-the-back for the lodgmg without -cost up to, but fo9tmgs ~or. the power lme tow-J .on Cove: ,Th1s IS .a rou.gh ro~ul that s what we are here for. way he has cleaned and dressed not to exceed,. ten . dollars ers on this Job. . due to 1ock and .steep country.

Mercer-Fraser making ?ood up that Americ~n crawler on the ($10.00) per day, mcludmg non- Thomas. Construction C?. ·ke~p J Cameo_ Constru~twn have. ~tart~ . progres~ _ on the parallel strip on Fluor Corp .. job at Scotia. The _work days. ~everal brothers ·busy on· then· ed the1~· sewage treatment plant

iOl at Mad river north of Ar- tig is on hook work and not too 0 . . Eff t· A . t JObs at Bass Lake and El Portal at Earlimart t . . n pensiOns . ec 1ve ugus near Yosemite. . . . _ .

ora a. . . . - many. lifts a day, but John has 1st 19_59 paym~nts to the pen- _.. : .· .· _ .. _-. · -Gnff1th Com:Rany _at Lemoore . . Gom~ east on Hfw:a~ 299 .we the· 0jll~Ji- el~~-e.d;·_and scr.ub,bed sion fund shaW be inerease!Ltp Fr.edeuckseJ1 & Kasle~ 9?· Air Base .<!re ·.an~ad of.,schedule{

ffnd J hJ: Sta~e Hon?r C.amp. J~b and: ~aln,~eQ.<J!w;s r1g. until:ttn.~al- ten c.ents (lOc) .per hour. - , fontm~\ at full speed on . the.1r I on the c,ement 'treat •-and ·cofi., at Lor~- E~s com,m~ along I~ ly spaJ:kle~. il!lS·~de, a;l,l;d out. we:re . . ' . . I e_vee ]0 on- t he · S~n Joaqmn crete. Th~y ex .e~Lto ~~;,jnivfw,O good ord~r. All the ngs on this sure the operator Farrell \Tan- Wage Scale effective August River. They are k~epmg approx- pavers .11 'fh . 99 h ' f . -job are rental and operated by derhoef helped so'me too, when 1, 1959: i~ately . 35 engineers busy oil job in ~ab~~t f:~~ wee~~ 1:~& the · Bros. except for two State he could it sure is something to I . - pr. hr. this proJect. They have progress- start concrete· n th f ~ats . A littl~ fart~1er east, Bro. be proud of. It would pay some Sen. Chief of Party -$3.88 e~ to. a point west of Merced at . i. ' ·

0 e .reeway. ·

·Tom Hull domg his best to com- other Brothers to take note. Sen. Inspector 3:88 this time: .. Aldermatt and Fredricks ha. :plete his big culvert job at Lup- Lieutenant Governor Glenn :M. Chief of Party 3.58 __ ~ ork in the Merced ~rea re- two ·cats, two trenchers and a ton creek. Me~·ce~-Fraser ~as Anderson told a Labor Day au- Inspector 3.58 J?ams slow except for this le:Yee 1 !ruck crane work~ng on their oel~aned UI? the1r JOb at Chu;ta dience at Sequoia Park he be- I~strument Man 3.48 ·JOb. - - . I' JOb at Lemoore Arr Base. · ' shde on Hiway 299, east of -Wil- lieves in a strong labor move- Field Asst. (Class I) 3.16 The rock plant agreements m · . . -_ low creek t ·t f t Field Asts (Class II) 2 93 the Merced area are presently 1 L. E. Dixon, at the far end of

. men as a necessi y or pro ec- · · · - Lemoor A'r Ba' e h th f'l __ l. ·, Jqmes Clack trying his best to tion of working men and women. This is a one year agreement being negotiated and we hope e 1. ~ , ave e I get that access road at Bluff Approximately 2,000 persons in effect until August 1, 1960. to have some news on these and excavation m for the s~wr

' creek completed this year, and attended the picnic and barbecue This month the brothers agreements soon; age .plant .an? also ar~ puttmg get it sold: . . . sponsored by t~e Humboldt"Del working under the. ~teel Erec-1 The roc~ ~lants in the Fresno up the ~mldi?gs. Mobile Crane ·

· . Peter Kiewit &; Sons' the low Norte Central Labor Councitand tors Agreement ratified a new area contmue at full- speed. are keepm~ ~me of the brothers

bidder with ~ bid of $622;036 heard Anderson pay tribute to co~tra~t w~th the Employer Griffith. Company ~onti~ue on 1 busy on this JOb. _

oon the M~rtms Ferry bn?ge 1 the people who helped elevate w_h1ch 1s ~f mterest to the Tech- two shifts ~t therr Pmedale I The Winston-Green Compa· -~hould be m gear by the time labor to the position it holds in meal Engmeers. · plant . supplymg rock for Le- · nies have been awarded a con· .

t his goes t? pr~ss. !his is going the nation today. For the first time, Technical moor~ Air ~a~e and their free-! tract for approxim~tely $13 mii· _ rto• -be a h1gh-lme ~ob and · Bro. "It is no accident," Anderson Engineer cla_ssifications have I way JOb. Gnffith Co. are on the Ilion for 3% miles of tunnel p. ~h~ is r eally back m the brush. said, "that Labor Day belongs been negotiated into this agree- I last of the many overhe.ad struc- stocks and an inverted s~phon · _ ln and around t~e Eureka- especially to _ those who have ment. _ · .


tures on the freeway JOb fro~ on the Kings River. This job will ' Ar~a~a area there IS ylenty of banded themselves together · in I The ground was laid about a Fres~o to Herndon .. There still start at the after bay at Balch . . actlVlty but all small ~obs, here the faternal association of labor year ago with Bethlehem Steel re~a.ms lots of gra~mg to do on Camp and will end near Kirch _and ~here a street bemg pa_ved unions." _ on a state building in Oakland. this JOb before pavmg ~an start. Flat where the new power house ·..or w~dened or bot~, lot l~velmg,J The day-long picnic and horse- An attempt was made .to put South of Fresno Rice B~os. will be built. This job will not ;s,ewage of water lmes bemg put shoes, softball and games -for Technical Engineers on that have com P 1 e ted Grangeville start for several weeks. We

·,:tn, or a building .going up such children. Later in the afternoon job. The Employer refused to Blvd. to about a ~ile and a ha~f might add there is more -than.· as the new Court House er a Musicians Local 333 gave a band discuss the situation. The oper- from Lemoore Air Base. This enough tunnel men on our out .h ospital acldition, a ~ew school concert. ator and oiler on the job felt company was awarded a con- of work list to man thi~ jQb :.here and there, new City hall, or The Rev. Father Michael that the Technical Engineers tract for $387,073 to relocate when it starts. a small housing project, eve_n Cleary gave the invocation, fol- were not getting a fair shuffle so Grangeville Blvd. around · Le-.-one that is supposed to be near lowed by the pledge of alleg- they buttoned up the rig and moore Air Base. This job has CARD OF THANKS ;$20,000,000 if it all comes to ia:nce to the flag by Ronald Gid- went home ! ! !_They invested a three DW20's and some com- We wish to thank all of .the pass, near the new Municipal dings, Eureka boy scout. Wel- week's pay to force the -Em- pacti.ng equipment w or k·i n g. brothers on the Mammoth Pool

· ~9lf cour se, all of this helps to coming address were made by ployed to just sit down and talk This company also have 2.6 i job for all of the kind words and. ~eep the Brothers on the .pay- Councilman E. M. Bistrin for the over the situation. Because your miles of road in Coalinga which 1 beautiful flowers given in IW :roll. city of Eureka, and Sam Merry- brother Union members invested they have already started. membrance t.o my brother, A. R.

As we go south we find Nor- man, Jr., chairman of the Hum- I that week's pay, the Technical John Fields was awarded a McCrary, who was killed in an man I. Fadel, Il~c. over half fin- boldt board of supervisors, for Engineers are now a part of the contract for $34,974 on Alpine automobile accident at Cayucos. :ished on riv~r revetment an? the county. Eureka City Manager Steel Erectors Agreement. We Street in Tulare, California. W. J. D. (Mack) McCrary, and ~lood protectwn at Sandy Prai· Robert Williams also spoke. thank all the Brothers working M. Lyles Co. was awarded a con- our mother, brother.s a.nd :rie near Fortuna. This job is go- On the platform with the in the steel erecting industries tract for $147,967 in Malaga to sisters i~g good hours with DW-21 & speakers were Supervisor E. M. for their help. This is a great construct a sewage collect sys­.D-B's & D-9's all over the place. Pettersen, Councilman Burr advance for the Technical tern and treatment plant. This 'They are making good progress Cannam, Senator Carl Christen- branch of the Operating Engi- company is also doing excava­·'With the rip-rap which is being sen Jr. Frank Lawrence, chair- neers Union. tion and pipe work for L. E. Dix­~auled f-rom Yarger creek at rna~ of' the Northern California We regret to inform the on at Lemoore Air Base. L. B. earlotta. Panel of the California Indus- friends of .John Birmingham Wells Construction Co. have

Out Bridgeville way AI Erick- trial Accident Commission; Eu- that he is no longer of this started their' road job on lOth son Co. _ ready to pour concrete gene Falk, president of the world . .John was a life long un- Avenue out of Hanford. This I on the bridge on the Blocksburg Humboldt-Del Norte Central La- ion member and was one who company have six super C pulls :rGad. Marlin Tryon has a shov~l, bor Council; Kenneth Brooks, could be counted on when the hauling dirt and some compact-2 cats and some trucks on Coun~ president of the Humboldt-Coun· going was rough. We will miss ing equipment at this time.

-t~r rental on this rO;ad, Bro. that . :: .. (Continued on Page 11 him ·very much. · Guy F. Atkinson Co. on Sue-


We are holding checks in this office for :

J. Reidenour B. Richardson ·-C. F. Duncan

· L. Bauer Vance Shepherd

· Irwin Anderson