Superintendent of Documents U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 Official Business Penalty for Private Use, $300 FIRST-CLASS MAIL POSTAGE & FEES PAID CENSUS PERMIT No. G-58 U.S. Department of Commerce BUREAU OF THE CENSUS CURRENT POPULATION REPORTS Local Population Estlmat•s Series P-26, No. 82-14-SC Issued September 1984 Indiana 1982 Population Estimates and 1981 Per Capita Income Estimates for Counties, Incorporated Places, and Selected Minor Civil Divisions This report is one of a series containing current estimates of July1, 1982, population and calendar year 1981 per capita money income for au general-purpose governmental units in each State. Current estimates of per capita money income and population for these areas were prompted by the State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972. The estimates are used by a wide variety of Federal, State, and local govern- mental agencies for program planning and administrative pur- poses. To the extent possible, the population estimates reflect revisions made during the Census Bureau's review of the figures with local officials. They do not yet include any changes made through the Data Improvement Program admin- istered by the Office of Revenue Sharing. The figures shown in the tables are for areas defined under the provisions of the general revenue sharing program and may not coincide with the areas covered in the latest decen- nial census. Areas included in this series of reports are (1) counties ior county equivalents such as census areas in Alaska, parishes in Louisiana, and independent ci·des in Maryland, Missouri, Nevada, and Virginia}; 121 incorporated places; and (3) active minor civil divisions (MCD's), i.e., towns in New England, New York, and Wisconsin, or townships in other parts of the United States. 1 Separate reports app-ear for each State in Current Population Reports, Series P-26. The report numbers range from No. 82-1-SC (Alabama} through No, 82-50-SC (Wyoming}. The detailed table shows the July 1, 1982, population estimate and the April 1, 1980, base population for each area, along with the numerical and percent change between 1980 and 1982, In addition, the table presents the 1981 per capita money income estimate, together with the 1979 per capita money income and the percent change between these two figures. 1 ln Illinois, Kansas, Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota, some counties have active townships while others do not. The estimates are presented in the table in county order, with all incorporated places in the county listed in alphabetical order, followed by any functioning MCD's also listed in alphabetical order. The MCD's are always identified in the listing by the term "township," 'town," or other MCD category. When incorporated places fall in more than one county, each county piece is marked "part," and totals for these places are presented at the end of the table. POPULATION ESTIMATES METHODOLOGY Subcounty Areas To estimate the population of each subcounty area, a com- ponent procedure w&s used in which each of the components of population change (births, deaths, net migration, and special populations) was estimated separately. These com- ponents of change cover the time period from April 1, 1980, to July 1, 1982. They were added to the April 1, 1980, base population to determine a July 1, 1982, estimate. This pro- cedure is known as the Administrative Records method. 2 April 1, 1980, base population. For most areas, the base population is identical to the published April 1, 1980, cen- sus population. Differences from the 1980 counts are gen- erally the result of census corrections or annexations. 1 . Census corrections. For some areas, errors in the 1980 census have been identified and subsequent corrections made. All available corrections to the 1980 census are reflected in the base population. 2. Annexations. The base population also reflects certain an- nexat'ion activity that occurred between April 1, 1980, and 3 For a more detailed description of this method, see Current tlon Reports, Series P·25, No. 699, Population and Per Capita Money Income Estimates for Local Areas: Detailed Methodology and Evalua- tion, June 1980. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402.

1982 Population Estimates and 1981 Per Capita Income ... · places; and (3) active minor civil divisions (MCD's), i.e., towns in New England, New York, and Wisconsin, or townships

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Page 1: 1982 Population Estimates and 1981 Per Capita Income ... · places; and (3) active minor civil divisions (MCD's), i.e., towns in New England, New York, and Wisconsin, or townships

Superintendent of Documents U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402

Official Business Penalty for Private Use, $300



U.S. Department of Commerce BUREAU OF THE CENSUS


Local Population Estlmat•s

Series P-26, No. 82-14-SC Issued September 1984


1982 Population Estimates and 1981 Per Capita Income Estimates for Counties, Incorporated Places, and Selected Minor Civil Divisions

This report is one of a series containing current estimates of July1, 1982, population and calendar year 1981 per capita money income for au general-purpose governmental units in each State. Current estimates of per capita money income and population for these areas were prompted by the State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972. The estimates are used by a wide variety of Federal, State, and local govern­mental agencies for program planning and administrative pur­poses. To the extent possible, the population estimates reflect revisions made during the Census Bureau's review of the figures with local officials. They do not yet include any changes made through the Data Improvement Program admin­istered by the Office of Revenue Sharing.

The figures shown in the tables are for areas defined under the provisions of the general revenue sharing program and may not coincide with the areas covered in the latest decen­nial census. Areas included in this series of reports are (1) counties ior county equivalents such as census areas in Alaska, parishes in Louisiana, and independent ci·des in Maryland, Missouri, Nevada, and Virginia}; 121 incorporated places; and (3) active minor civil divisions (MCD's), i.e., towns in New England, New York, and Wisconsin, or townships in other parts of the United States. 1 Separate reports app-ear for each State in Current Population Reports, Series P-26. The report numbers range from No. 82-1-SC (Alabama} through No, 82-50-SC (Wyoming}.

The detailed table shows the July 1, 1982, population estimate and the April 1, 1980, base population for each area, along with the numerical and percent change between 1980 and 1982, In addition, the table presents the 1981 per capita money income estimate, together with the 1979 per capita money income and the percent change between these two figures.

1ln Illinois, Kansas, Minnesota, Nebrask~, North Dakota, and South Dakota, some counties have active townships while others do not.

The estimates are presented in the table in county order, with all incorporated places in the county listed in alphabetical order, followed by any functioning MCD's also listed in alphabetical order. The MCD's are always identified in the listing by the term "township," 'town," or other MCD category. When incorporated places fall in more than one county, each county piece is marked "part," and totals for these places are presented at the end of the table.


Subcounty Areas

To estimate the population of each subcounty area, a com­ponent procedure w&s used in which each of the components of population change (births, deaths, net migration, and special populations) was estimated separately. These com­ponents of change cover the time period from April 1, 1980, to July 1, 1982. They were added to the April 1, 1980, base population to determine a July 1, 1982, estimate. This pro­cedure is known as the Administrative Records method. 2

April 1, 1980, base population. For most areas, the base population is identical to the published April 1, 1980, cen­sus population. Differences from the 1980 counts are gen­erally the result of census corrections or annexations.

1 . Census corrections. For some areas, errors in the 1980 census have been identified and subsequent corrections made. All available corrections to the 1980 census are reflected in the base population.

2. Annexations. The base population also reflects certain an­nexat'ion activity that occurred between April 1, 1980, and

3For a more detailed description of this method, see Current Popula~ tlon Reports, Series P·25, No. 699, Population and Per Capita Money Income Estimates for Local Areas: Detailed Methodology and Evalua­tion, June 1980.

For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402.

Page 2: 1982 Population Estimates and 1981 Per Capita Income ... · places; and (3) active minor civil divisions (MCD's), i.e., towns in New England, New York, and Wisconsin, or townships


December 31, 1982. Annexations are included only if the

Census Bureau has determined an official April 1, 1980, population for the annexed area from 1980 census records. This determination is done routinely for places with popula­tions greater than 5,000 for which the annexed area con­

stituted lover 5 percent of the total population. For other areas, it is done by request on a fee-paid basis.

Natural change. Reported resident birth and death statistics were used for counties. These data were collected from State health departments and supplemented, where necessary, by data prepared and published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Center for Health Statistics.

For subcounty areas, births and deaths were estimated us­ing local fertility and mortality rates and demographic data

from the census. The results were controlled to match the reported figures for counties.

Migration. Federal income tax data were used to measure

migration by comparing tax data for 1980 and 1982. A net migration rate was derived for each locality and was applied to a base population to yield an estimate of net migration for all persons in the area. Immigrants from abroad are added

based upon data from the U.S. Immigration and Naturaliza­tion Service. 3

Adjustment for special populations. In addition to the above components of population change, estimates of special populations were also taken into account. Special populations

include persons who are residents of an institution, college dormitory, or military barracks. Data for these groups are col­lected from the specific institutions involved.

Other adjustments. In seven States (California, Florida, Oregon, New Jersey, New Hampshire, Washington, and

Wisconsin) subcounty population estimates prepared by a State agency were used to help arrive at a final figure.


Estimates of the population of counties, independent cities, cities whose boundaries are coextensive with a county, and cities made up .of more than one county were developed by

a technique that differs from that used for the subcounty

places. The reason for this is the availability of more types of data sources at the county level, usually enabling the derivation of estimates by more than one method.

The first technique is the Ratio-Correlation method in which

a multiple regression equation is used to relate changes in the distribution of a number of different data series to changes

in the distribution of population among the counties. For both the development of the regression equation and the computa­

tion of the population estimates, the data for all variables are transformed by calculating ratios of percentage shares in the

estimate year to corresponding percentage shares in 1980.

3This number refers to legal immigrants only.

The second technique is the Administrative Records method described earlier for subcounty places. The only variation at

the county level is that the techni.que is specific for the popula­tion under age 65. The county population over age 65 is estimated based on the change in the number of Medicare

enrollees. These two estimates by age are then added together to produce an estimate for the total county population.

In approximately 14 States, a third technique (Component

Method II) is also used. This technique, which is similar to the Administrative Records method described earlier, uses changes in elementary school enrollment to estimate the net migration rate of the nongroup quarters population under 65 years old. The birth and death components are estimated in an identical manner to those described for the Administrative Records method. A more detailed discussion of all three methods can be found in the "C" series of Current Popula­

tion Reports, Series P-26, and in Series P-25, No. 640. The county estimates were obtained by using the best com­

bination of the above methods, as determined by comparison of estimates from the previous decade against the 1980 cen­sus. T~is determination was made on a State-by~State basis.

Generally two or more methods are used for each State,. and they are averaged to obtain the final estimate.


The estimates for counties were adjusted to agree with population estimates for each State. The State estimates were

prepared using two procedures: the Administrative Records method that is described above for counties and a composite

method that develops estimates for several age segments of the population and sums them to obtain a total. The methods

are described in more detail in Current Population Reports, Series P-25, No. 944.


The 1981 per capita income (PCI) figure is the estimated average amount per person of total money income received during the calendar year 1981 for all persons residing in a

given political jurisdiction. The 1981 estimates are based on the 1980 census and have been updated using rates of change developed from various administrative record sets and

compilations, mainly from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA).

The PCI estimates are based on a money income concept. Total money income is defined by the Bureau of the Census for statistical purposes as the sum of:

• Wage or salary income • Net nonfarm self-employment income • Net farm self-employment income

• Interest, dividends, and net rental income

• Social Security and railroad retirement income • All other regu.larly received income such as Veterans'

payments, pensions, unemployment compensation, and alimony.

Receipts not counted as income include various "lump­sum" payments such as capital gains or inheritances. The total represents the amount of income received before deduc­

tions for personal income taxes, Social Security, bond pur­

chases, union dues, Medicare deductions, etc.

Procedures .for State and cQunty estimates. As noted above, the 1981 State and county PCI estimates were based on the

1980 census. 4 The updates for States were developed by car­rying forward the aggregate amount (i.e., the sum of all in­

dividual incomes in the State) independently for each type

of income identified in the census to reflect differential changes in these income sources between 1979 and 1981. Federal tax data from 1979 and 1981 were used to estimate the change in wage or salary income at the State or county level. All other types of income for these governmental units

were updated using rates of change based on estimates of

aggregate money income provided by BEA.

At the county level, several modifications of these pro­

cedures were used to obtain a better estimate of income change. For example, the IRS data for county jurisdictions were subject to nonreporting of address information on the tax return and to misassignment of geographic location for reported addresses. To minimize the impact on the estimates

from such potential sources of error, per capita wage or salary income for counties was updated intact as a per capita figure using the percentage change in wage or salary income per

exemption reported on IRS returns. In addition, because of differences in the qefinition of income, data collection tech­

niques, and estimation procedures, 1979 income estimates from the census and BEA were not strictly comparable. These

differences were more especially evident at the county level for nonfarm and farm self-employment income. BEA estimates

for these types of income tend to have considerably more year-to-year variation than estimates derived from surveys

and censuses. To minimize the effects of these differences, constraints were imposed on the rate of change in income

from these sources in developing the 1981 PCI updates.

As a final step to ensure a uniform series of estimates at the State and county levels, the updated county per capita figures were converted to a total aggregate income and were

adjusted to agree with the State aggregate level before a final

county per capita income was calculated.

Procedures for subcounty per capita income estimates. The 1981 PCI estimates for subcounty governmental units were

developed using a methodology similar to that used to deri.ve the county-level figures. However, there are differences in the number of separate categories of income types used in

the estimation procedure, and in the sources used to update the income components. The 1981 estimates were updated

from the 1979 figures. The subcounty income data were uniformly adjusted to reflect major annexation and boundary

changes which occurred since 1980.

4 lncome data from the 1 980 census reflect income received in the calen­dar year 1979.


1979 baoe estimates. The 1980 census PCI figures for small areas are subject to sizable sampling v~riability, causing them to lack sufficient statistical reliability for use in the estima­

tion process. For this report, the 1979 PCI shown for sub­county areas with a 1980 census sample population estimate of less than 100 is the 1980 census PCI figure for the county.

For subcounty updating, the 1979 total money income was

divided into two components:

1 . Tax able income which is approximately comparable to that

portion of income included in IRS adjusted gross income

and 2. Transfer income such as Social Security and Public

Assistance payments which, for the most part, is not in­

cluded in adjusted gross income.

1981 per capita income updates. The taxable income por­tion of the 1979 money income was updated using the per­cent change in adjusted gross income (AGI) per exemption

as computed from IRS tax return data. However, if the number

of IRS tax returns for any area was very small, or if the ratios of exemptions to the population or the change in the ratios

for any update period were not within an acceptable range, the IRS data for the subcounty area was not used in the up­date process. In such cases, the average percent change in AGI per exemption for similar governmental units was used. Similarly, if the IRS data for a particular subcounty area passed

the above conditions, but the percentage change in AGI per exemption was excessively large or small compared with that

for similar units in the county, the change was constrained to a proportion of the average change of similar units.

Because of a lack of information about transfer income below the county lev01, the percentage change in per capita

transfer income at the subcounty level was assumed to be

the same as that implied by the BEA estimates at the county

level. The estimates of per capita taxable income and transfer

income were multiplied by population and adjusted separately

to the county controls and were then combined to produce total money income. The PCI estimates were formed by dividing the total money income aggregates by the popula­

tion estimates. As with the 1979 estimates for subcounty areas with a 1980 population of less than 100, the 1981

county PCI was used.


Population. In order to assess the accuracy of the population estimates for subcounty areas, a set of April 1, 1980, .estimates was produced for evaluation by comparison to the

1980 decennial census counts. The results of the comparison between the-April 1, 1980, test estimates for population and the April 1, 1980, census counts a_r_e presented in table A.

The average absolute percent errOr for all areas was 1 5 per­cent. The average error varied sharply by size of area, from a low of 4 percent for areas with a population of 100,000

or greater to a high of 37 percent for areas with population less than 100. The relatively high overall average error was

Page 3: 1982 Population Estimates and 1981 Per Capita Income ... · places; and (3) active minor civil divisions (MCD's), i.e., towns in New England, New York, and Wisconsin, or townships


T111ble A. Selected Measures of the Accuracy of Subcounty Population Estimates: 1980

Average Number absolute

Size of area of percent areas error

Total .............. 35,644 15.2

Less than 100 ......... 2,425 35.1 100 to 499 ........... 11,085 19.8 500 to 999 ........... 6,613 13.2 1,000 to 2.499 ........ 7, 141 11.6 2,500 to 4,999 ........ 3,348 9.6 5,000 to 9,999 ........ 2,212 8.3 10,000 to 24,999 ...... 1,740 6.5 25,000 to 49,999 ...... 636 5.5 50,000 to 99,999 ...... 284 4.5 100,000 and over ...... 160 3.9

due in part to the preponderance of small areas among revenue sharing governments. Approximately 76 percent of

the areas estimated had less than 2,500 people. For areas with population greater than 2,500, the average absolute per­cent error was 8 percent.

Approximately 49 percent of the estimation errors were positive, indicating virtually no bias. For areas with popula­tion of 100,000 or more only 37 percent of the errors were

positive, indicating a fairly strong negative bias. Estimates for areas in the 1,000-4,999 size range also had a negative

bias, with 44 percent of the estimates being greater than the census count. Some of this negative bias may be attributed to the relatively large underestimation of the national popula­tion in 1980 (approximately 2.5 percent).

The estimates for approximately 24 percent of the areas had an absolute error of 20 percent or more. Of these, 80

percent were in areas with populations less than 1 ,000 per­sons. For areas with populations of 10,000 or more, only 4 percent had errors of 20 percent or more.

The availability of the 1980 decennial census data provid­ed the first opportunity for the comprehensive testing of the Administrative Records method and alternative estimation

procedures. A program of research and testing was conducted in an effort to improve the accuracy of the estimates to be used for the 1980's, especially for small areas. Substantial improvements were made in the birth and death estimation procedures, the migration rate calculations, and the immigra­tion estimates. These changes should result in a significant

increase in the accuracy of the estimates.

Per capita income. To evaluate the per capita income

estimates for 1979, the file containing the administrative estimates was matched to a file containing per capita income figures from the 1980 decennial census. Matches were

achieved for all States, 3, 129 counties, and 41,048 sub-

Percent Less 10.0 to 20 positive than 10 19.9 percent

errors percent percent or more

48.5 51.9 24.5 23.6

55.1 21.4 20.0 58.6 52.8 37.5 26.9 35.6 46.5 52.2 27.7 20.2 43.9 58.6 26.3 15.1 43.0 66.7 22.6 10.6 45.8 72.3 20.6 7.1 51. 7 80.6 14.4 4.9 52.7 84.9 11.9 3.1 46.5 93.3 6.0 .7 36.9 95.6 4.4 .0

county areas. (More than one area is required for some incorporated governmental units.)

The average absolute percent error in per capita income for all matched subcounty areas was 17 .0 percent. (See table B.) This compares with 1.9 percent for all States and 6.5 per­cent for all matched counties. Subcounty areas of 50,000 persons or more averaged 4. 7 percent error in per capita inw come, compared with areas of populations less than 100 with an average error of 62.5 percent.

A slight negative bias may be indicated by the fact that for about 52 percent of the subcounty areas the administrative estimates were less than the decennial census figures. For areas with population over 100,000, the percentage of

positive errors exceeded 50 percent, for areas with popula­tion 50,000 to 100,000, the number of positive and negative errors were about the same, and for areas with population less than 50,000, more than half the errors were negative.

As the size of the population of subcounty areas de­creased, generally the spread in the errors increased. For areas

with population over 100,000, no error was more than 20 percent, while for areas with 2, 500 to 10,000 persons, 7.4 percent of ail estimates had errors of 20 percent or more; for the smallest areas, less than 100 persons, 63. 1 percent of all estimates had such errors.

Broadly speaking, the measures in table B reflect the net effect of three different principal sources of error: sampling

error in the 1970 census, 5 error in predicting change from 1969 income to 1979 income, and sampling error in the 1960 census .. Additionally, nonsampling errors in the 1970 and

1980 census figures also contribute to the overall error. Thus, the figures in table B exaggerate the actual error in the estima­tion procedure particularly for subcounty areas below 2,500.

'For subcounty estimates for areas with less than 1,000 persons in 1970, for which James-Stein estimates were used, error includes the combined effect of sampling and model error.


Table B. Selected Measures of the Accuracy of Subcounty Per Capita Income Estimates: 1979

Average Number absolute Percent Less 10.0 20

Size of area of percent positive than 10 to 19.9 percent areas error errors percent percent or more

Total . ............. 41,048 17.0 47.8 50.2 26.2 23.6

Lass than 100 . . . . . . ... 2,858 62.5 49.2 18.9 18.1 63.1 100 to 499 ........... 10,697 21. 7 48.6 33.6 26.7 39.8 500 to 999 ........... 7,005 13.9 48.2 45.2 31.1 23.7 1,000 to 2.499 ........ 8,640 11.2 48.0 54.8 30.1 15.2 2,500 to 9,999 ........ 7,599 8.6 46.7 67.0 25.6 7.4 10,000 to 49,999 ...... 3,560 6.4 44.1 80.3 16.6 3.1 50,000 to 99,999 ...... 420 4.8 50.2 87.4 11. 7 1.0 100,000 to 249,999 .... 187 4.8 57.8 89.3 10.7 0.0 250,000 to 499,999 .... 55 4.0 65.5 94.5 5.5 0.0 500,000 to 999,9~9 . : .. 18 3.4 55.6 100.0 0.0 0.0 1,000,000 or more ..... 9 3.4 77.8 100.0 0.0 0.0

Page 4: 1982 Population Estimates and 1981 Per Capita Income ... · places; and (3) active minor civil divisions (MCD's), i.e., towns in New England, New York, and Wisconsin, or townships


Table 1. July 1, 1982, Population and Calendar Year 1981 Per Capita Income Estimates for the State c f and Subcounty Areas , oun ies,



STATE OF INiIANA •• ,,,,,,

ADA"IS COUl\JTY •• ,., ••• , •• ,.,

BERNE •••••••• , •••• ,, •••• ,,.,., DECATUR,,,,,.,, ••• ,,,, •• ,, ••• ,

~~~~~~: :::::::: :::::: :::::: :: : ~~~~C~Ri~:Nil~;~::i~ ~::::::::::: HARTFORD TOWNSHIP ••••••••••••• JEFFERSON TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,, ••

~lRKLAND TOWNSHIP ••••••••••••• ONROE TOWNSHIP •••••••••••••••

PREBLE TO~~SHIP ••••••••••••••• ROOT TOWNSHJP,, 0 ,,,,,,,,,,, 0


ST, MARYS TOWNSHIP •••••••••••• UNION TOWNSHIP, •••• , •• ,.,, •• ,. WABASH TOWNSHIP ••••••••••••••• WASHIN~TON iOWNSHIP •••••••••••

ALLEN COUNTY •••••••••• , •• ,

FORT WAYNE ••• , •••• ,.,.,,,,,, •• ~~~B~~~EN, ••••• , •••••• ,, , • , •••

······················· :g~~~~R~·c·•••··••••••••'••••• V L E,,, •• ,., ••• ,., ••• ,.

HUNTERTOWN., •••••• , •••• , •• ,,,,

:~~~~FT6~~~~~~~::::::::::::::: CEEDAR CREEK TOWNSHIP,,, ••• , •• , EL RIVER TOWNSHIP.,,,,,,,,,,,

j;~~~~~o~o~61~~~~j~;:;:;;;;;;;; Lil.FAYETTE TOWNSHIP, ••• ,, •• ,,,,

~:~is6~w~6~~~~iP:::::::::;:::: MARION TOWNSHIP •••••••••••••••

MAUMEF TOWNSHIP •••••• , •••••••• ~b~~~ETiWNSHI~·•••••••••••••••

OWNSH p., •• ,, ••••• ,,., PERRY TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, PLEASANT TOWN~HIP ••••••••••••• ST JOSF:PH TO'llNSHIP •••••••• , • , SCIPIO TOWNSHIP ••••••••••••••• SPRINGFIELD TO~NSHIP •••••• ,, ••

~:sH~NGTOM TOWNSHIP,.,.,, •• ,,. YN TOWNSHIP •••• ,.,., ••• ,,.,


~~~~:~~~:::::::::::::::::::::: HA ; (PART).,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

HO~~:~::~:::::::::::::.:::::::: 55~~i8~~~JOWN, ••••••••• , •••• ,,

v ••••••••••••••••••.•• CLAY TOWNSHJP ••••••••.••••••••

CLIFTY TOWNSHIP •• ,,,,,,,,,,,,, COLUMBUS TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,.,,,,

~~~~A~o~~w~~~~~~:~:::::::::::: HARRISON TOWNSHIP .••••••••••• , HAW CREEK TOWNSHIP.,, ••••••••• ~ei~s~~ TOWNSHIP ••••••••••••••

WNSHIP ••• , •••• ,,.,, •• ,.

ROCK CREEK TO#NSHIP ••• , •• ,,,,, SANO CREEK TOWNSHIP,,,,,,.,, •• WAYNE TOWNSHIP,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,

BENTON COl!NTV., ••• , , ••••• ,

~~!~~~EIN (PART).,,,,,,,,,,,.,


JULV 1, 1982:

5 q.97 41.16

29 466

3 217 8 496

742 1 q.11


'" 7"3 7'1

813 q 037 1 0311 J 344 1 182 1 001 I.I 689

10 266

290 988

167 633 1 oq.6

642 1 039 1 326 1 279

11 676 31 108

6 611-1.1 2 1.131

S66 2 071 2 351.1 2 315 1 671 J 551.1

2 1.181 3 llJ 2 137 8 630 3 1.132

55 187 351

2 786

2't 7CJ.2 123 739

oq. 744

30 890

"" '76

"" 2 390 55• 207

2 51.13

8SS 37 256

1 636 5 698 2 342 4 662

700 1 950

1 336 2 237 ) 529

10 1 JO

807 2 JOI!

817 308


CHANGE, 1980 TO 1982

APRIL 1, i--~~~~-r~~~~---i 1980 NUMBER

5 490 212

2Q 619

3 JOO 8 61.19

739 1 llJO

813 83" 775 735

"" 3 90::> 1 026 3 J65 l 198 1 013 4 782

10 362

291.1- )35

172 J91 7 101

658 1 002 1 372 1 265

11 663 31 f\97

5 86q. 2 '1-23

602 2 11.12 2 389 2 181.1-1 729 3 600

2 408 J 178 2 174 8 299 3 q.72

55 )48 396

2 987

23 851 127 729

65 088

30 611.1-

''° •61 379

2 185 603

'" 2 647

90S 37 012

1 719 5 631 2 520 4 517

760 1 964

1 361 2' 370 J 682

10 218

818 2 )19

810 27•

-2 766


-83 -153

' -l9 _,, 2

-32 _, -1

!JS 8

-21 -16 -12 _,, -96

-J 31.17

.q. 758 -SS -16

37 -•6 '" " -789

780 8

-36 -71 -3S 1'1 -58 -116

.,, -65 -37 331 -•o

-161 -"5


891 -3 990


276 -16

15 15

20S _., -6


-so 2'­-8,

67 -178 1"' -60 -1"

-25 ~133



-l! -15




-o .1


.,.5 -1.8 o.•

-1,3 _,,8 0.2

-ll .1 -n,5

-0.1 J.S 0.8

-0,6 -1.3 -1.2 -1.9 -o,9


-2.8 -o.e -2.4 3.7

-3.4 1, l 0 .1 _,_5

lJ.3 o.J

-6.0 -3,3 -1.5 6.0

-J.4 -1.J

3,0 -2.0 -1.7 •.o

-1.2 -o.J

-11.4 -6,7

3.7 .03, 1


0,9 -5,2

'·' •.o 9.•

-8 .1 -2.a -3,9

-5.5 o.7

M4,8 1.'


3.2 -7,9 -o.7

-1.8 -5,6 -1.1-.2


-1.3 -0,6 0,9




8 41!-2

7 205

8 451 7 6711 7 829 7 382 5 471 6 891.1 6 5711 Lt 511

7 091 6 561 8 187 7 7J! 6 922 6 815 6 77q. 7 860

9 053

8 5tt6 9 083 7 675 7 687 7 5J5 7 21.11

13 541 8 825

8 512 8 337 8 5£1.9 7 544 8 1.168 7 737 7 773 9 039

7 516 7 Of\5 7 586

11 115 9 218

10 598 8 369 6 547

9 168 8 119

9 376

10 111 6 379 'I 118 8 588 6 574 7 022 7 0£1.) 7 786

8 628 10 209

7 821 7 851

11 630 7 295 7 279 9 468

8 1175 8 112 7 855

7 68J

7 714 8 330 8 010 6 59't


7 l ll 1

6 1.159

7 Jl.13 6 570 6 950 6 156 5 117 6 J9J 6 01.17 4 q.29

7 074 6 018 7 774 7 133 6 )511 6 1121.1 5 886 6 796

7 766

7 258 7 721.1 6 940 7 11.15 6 1.1q.1.1 6 651

12 292 7 651

7 665 7 397 7 366 6 972 7 J27 6 907 7 157 7 951

7 17't 6 697 6 q.93 9 518 8 207 8 932 7 526 6 21.12

7 803 6 893

7 947

8 443 5 422 3 518 7 146 5 516 6 036 5 909 6 789

7 557 8 522 6 801 6 841

10 180 6 262 6 357 8 285

7 398 6 945 6 839

6 906

6 800 7 179 6 906 6 103




11 .5

15.1 16,8 12.6 19,9 6.9 7.8 8.7 1.9

0.2 9.0 s.J

'·" 8.9 6 .1

15.1 15.7


17.7 17.6 10.6 7.6

16.9 8.9

10.2 15.3

11 .1 12.7 16 .1 8.2

15.6 12.0 8.6


•.8 5.8

16,8 16.8 12.3 18,7 11. 2 ,,9

17.5 17,8


19.8 17.7 17.1 20 .2 19.2 16.3 19.2 111. 7

14.2 19.8 15.0 lq.. 8 lq. .1 16,5 11.!. 5 11.j .3

14,6 16.8 11!.9


13,11 16.0 16.0 8.0

Table 1. July l, 1982, Population and Calendar Year 1981 Per Capita Income Estimates for the State, Counties, and Subcounty Areas-Continued



AREA CHANGE, 1980 TO t982

JULV 1, APRIL 1. 1982 1980 NUMBER PERCENT 1981 1979

OXFORD,.,,,,,,,.,.,,, ••• ,,,,., 1 2SS 1 327 -72 -5.'l- 7 766 6 •SO EARL PARK, ••• ,,, •••••••• ,,,,,. "6S "69 _, .. o.9 s S90 s 162 BOLIVAR TOWNSHIP ••••••••••••• , 1 252 1 235 17 1." 7 22S 6 S72 CENTER TOWNSHip,,,,,,,,,,,,,., ' 032 ' 062 -30 -1.0 7 939 7 005 GILBOA TOWNSHIP ••• ,•··•.•••••• '°' '" -8 .... 6 7 '+38 7 386 GRANT TOWNSHIP,,,,,.,,,,,.•••. 1 217 1 202 1S 1.2 8 220 7 JO• HICKORY GROVE TOW~SHJP, •• ,,,,, S86 560 26 ,,6 6 388 6 219 OAK GROVE TOWNSHIP •••••••• ,, •• 1 733 1 810 -77 Ml.l,J 7 836 6 707

PARISH GROVE TOWNSHIP.,, •••••• "°" 39S 9 '" 6 8'6 6 •os PINE TOWNSHIP,, ••• ,,, •••••• ,,, 261 26•

_, -1.1 7 231.1 6 S70

RICHLAND TOWNSHIP ••• ,•••,,,.,, 7"9 767 -18 M,,J 7 279 6 768 UNION TOWNSHIP,, ••• •••• ••••• ,. "' 367

_,. -7.6 9 063 8 soc

YORK TOWNSHIP,, ••• ,••••,•••••· 25S 245 10 •.1 7 656 7 105

BLACKFORD COUNTY ••••• ,,,., 1S 376 1S 570 -194 -1,? 7 202 6 157

MONTPELIER,.,,,.,., •• ,,,, ••• ,, 2 00. 1 995 ' o.s 7 228 6 271 DUNKIRK CPAFTl,. •••,, •••• , • , ,, 156 163 -7 -4.J 6 913 5 899 HARTFORD CITY ••• ,., ••••• • ••• •• 7 S51 7 622 -71 -o.9 7 612 6 318 SHAMROCK LAKES,.,.,.,.,,, ••• ,. "' 206 7 '·" 7 358 6 Sl 1 HARRISON TOWNSHIP •••• ,,,,,,,,. ' 103 ' 103 - - 6 699 s 935 JACKSON TOWNSHIP ••••••••• ,,,,, 1 673 1 "' -so -?..Cl 6 396 s 818 LICKING TOWNSHIP •••••••••••••• 9 559 9 670 -111 Mlol 7 S01 6 239 WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP.,,,,,,,,,, 1 0"2 l 07" -32 -3.0 7 '"' 6 611

BOONE COUNTY •••• ,.,,,,,,,, " 9So 36 ""° 1 so• "' 1

9 659 8 030

LEBANON,,, ••• ,,,.,,.,,,,,,,.,. 12 156 11 '56 700 6 .1 8 229 6 874 ULEN.,.,., •• ,,,, •••• ,.,.,,,,,. 198 193 s 2.6 15 520 12 909 ZIONSVILLE,,.,,•••• •• ,, ••••••• " 060 ' 9"5 I 12 2.a " 78S 11 527 ADVANCE,,••••,, ••••• ,••••,,,,, 529 SS9 -30 -5,1.1 6 838 s 291 JAMESTOWN IPARTl,.,,,,, •• ,.,,, "" "" - - 8 185 7 121 THORNTOWN,,.,,,,,.,.,.,,, ••• ,. 1 S02 1 468 3" 2.J 6 696 6 088 WHITESTOWN,.,,,,,,,.,,,,,.•.,. '66 497 _,, -6,2 8 022 6 08S CENTER TOWNSHIP.,.,,,.,.••••·• 1S 167 '" 376 791 s.s 8 485 7 OS7

CLINTON TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 903 8S6 "' s.s 7 710 6 SS7 EAGLE TOWNSHIP, •• ,,••••,,.,,,. 8 "49 7 995 "'" s.7 " 197 10 826 HARRISON TOWNSHIP •••• ,,, •• , ••• 698 602 16 2:,3 9 02" 8 2-. JACKSON TOWNSHIP, ••••• , ••••••• 2 719 2 725 -6 -0.2 8 000 6 811 JEFFERSON TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,, 1 110 1 090 '° 1,8 7 98S 6 "" MARION TOWNSHIP ••••••••••••••• 1 233 1 "" 19 1.6 7 "'" 6 585 PERRY TOWNSHIP ••••••• ,,, •• , ••• 1 136 1 1"" -8 -0,7 11 "" 9 310 SUGAR CREEK TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,. 2 228 2 188 "° 1,8 7 SOJ 6 629

UNION TOWNSHIP ••••••••••••• , •• 1 827 1 63" '" 11.8 12 292 9 6"2 WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP.,,,,,,,,,, 1 118 1 16" -46 -11.0 7 '91 6 918 WORTH TOWNSHIP ••••••••••• ,,,., 1 363 1 378 -ls -1.1 9 "' 7 613

BROWN COUNTY •••••• ,, •••••• 12 "" 12 '" _.,

-0.11 8 417 6 690

NASHVILLE,,,,,,, •• ,•., ••• ,.,,. 699 70S -6 -o.9 10 171 8 °"' HAMBLEN TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ' 316 ' 365 _., -1.5 8 652 6 903 JACKSON TOWNSHIP •••• ,,,,, •• ,,, ' 7'2 ' "" -"2 -1.1 8 237 6 377 VAN BUREN TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,, 1 180 1 207 -27 -2.2 7 919 6 .ao WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP •• ,,,,,,,,, " 096 " 031 6S 1,6 8 536 6 89'

CARROLL COUNTY •• ,,,,,,,,,. 19 7"1 l9 722 19 0.1 8 153 6 976

BURLINGTON,,,,,••••.,.,,,.,.,. 6S9 680 -21 -3.1 9 130 7 713 DELPHI,,,, •• ,.,, •••• ,.,.,,, •• , ' 026 ' 042 -16 -o,5 8 0'5 6 73' CAMDEN.,,,.,,,,, •• ,,,.,.,,,,,, S99 618 -19 -3.1 7 921 6 1"6 YEOMAN,.,,,.,,,.,.,.,.,,,, •• ,. 170 15" 16 10.4 7 116 s 853 FLORA,,,.,,,., •• ,.,.,.,,,,,,., 2 27• 2 '°' -29 Ml,) 8 039 6 698 ADAMS TOWNSHIP •• , ••• ,, •••• ,,., S71 S67 • o.7 7 ""° 6 522 BURLINGTON TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,, 1 818 1 "' -115 -5,9 9 30S 7 630 CARROLLTON TOWNSHIP.,,,,,,,, •• 586 637 -51 -l1.0 7 095 6 829

CLAY TOWNSHIP,,••••.•·•••·•••• 780 787 -7 -0.9 8 OlS 6 63' DEER CREEK TOWNSHIP •••• ,,,,,,, 4 .a2 " "58 -S6 -1,3 7 "' 6 7S6 DEMOCRAT TOWNSHIP •••••••• ,,,,, 826 80S 21 2.6 7 396 6 329 JACKSON TOWNSHIP,, •••• ,.,,,,., 1 27S 1 269 6 o.s 8 676 7 712 JEFFERSON TOW~SHJP,,,,,,,,,,,, 1 969 1 908 61 3,2 8 "" 7 177 LIBERTY TOWNSHIP, •• ,,,,, ••• ,,. SS6 523 " 6.3 6 9S7 s "' MADISON TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,.,, •• 627 580 " 8.1 7 682 7 188 MONROE TOWNSHIP., •• ,,., •••• ,,. ' 0"7 ' 108 -61 -2.0 7 963 6 729

ROCK CREEi< TWP,••••.,,,,,,,••• "96 "57 29 6,3 6 913 6 1S6 TIPPECANOE TOWNSHIP.,,,,,,,,,, 2 097 1 982 11S !i.a 8 753 7 237 WASHINGTOO TOWNSHIP •• ,,,,,,,,, 698 708 -10 -1.'I 8 60S 7 81S





20 ,LI 8.' 9 .9

13.3 o.7

12.5 2.7


6.9 10.1 7.6 6.6 7.8


15.J 17.2 20.5 13.0 1?.9 9.9

20.2 9.6


19.7 20.2 19,6 29.2 14.9 10.0 Jl.8 20.2

17,6 21. 9 9.S

17 .5 18.9 12.7 23.2 13.2


'·' 23.6


26,5 25.3 29.2 23.7 23.9


18.4 l 9. 3 28,9 21 .6 20.0 14 .1 22.0 3.9

20.8 17.4 16.9 12,5 17.5 17.5 6.9

18 .3

12,J 20.9 10.1

Page 5: 1982 Population Estimates and 1981 Per Capita Income ... · places; and (3) active minor civil divisions (MCD's), i.e., towns in New England, New York, and Wisconsin, or townships


Table 1. July l, 1982, Population and Calendar Year 1981 Per Capita Income Estimates for the State, Counties, and Subcounty Areas-Continued



AREA CHANGE, 1980 TO 1982

JUL 'f 1, A\)RIL 1. 1982 1980 NUMBER PERCENT 1981 1979

CAS~ COUNTY •• ",.,.,.,,,,., •o "' •o 936 ·612 -1.5 B 077 7 OJl

LOGANSPORT.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 17 6"5 17 731 -B6 -o.5 7 7:?J 6 651 ROYAL CENTEI'!., •• ,. •. •.,. • •. • • • B89 908 -19 -?.1 7 792 6 56• GALVESTON,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, •• ,., 1 705 1 B22 ·117 -6,1.1 B 707 7 329 ON\'IARD,,.,,. ,., , •• ,,, • , ,,, , , , • 118 .l21 -3 -.'.5 7 Jl.IJ 6 177 WAL TON,,, •••• ,,,,.,.,.,,,.,,,. 1 1J2 1 202 -70 -5,8 7 819 6 569 ADAMS TOil/l~SH IP,.,.,.,,,,,.,,,, 97B 969 9 0,9 7 357 6 BB5 BETHLEHE~ TOWNSHIP,.,.,.,.,,., 913 9"1 -28 -3,0 B 180 7 179 BOONE TOl'INSHI?,,,.,.,.,,,,.,,. 1 633 1 627 6 o.• 8 0'1 7 OBB

CLAY TOWN'5"1JP,,, •• ••• •••••• • •. 2 7BO ' 779 1 - 9 717 8 '" CLINTON TOWNS~IP,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1 0~8 1 2•9 -201 -16,1 s o•6 • So• DEER CREEK TOWNSHIP ••• ,.,,,.,. 1 072 1 069 3 0.3 7 770 7 119 EEL TOWNSHIP,,, ••• , ••• ,.,.,,., lB 8U9 18 B90 -Bl ... Q,4 7 9()2 6 859 HARRISON TQWN~HIP,,,,,,,,,,,,, 899 908 -9 -1.0 B ••7 7 '9S JACJ(SON TOW/\1SHIP,, ••• ,, •••••• , 3 2S5 3 325 -70 ... ;:i .1 B .. , 7 36' JEFFERSO~ TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,, 1 297 1 )26 -29 -::i:.2 6 96S 6 .. 3 MIAMI TO\'INSl-IIP,.,.,., ••• ,.,,., 1 278 1 306 -2B -::i.1 7 720 7 023

NOBLE TOWNSHIP, ••••• , ••• ,.,,,, 2 011 2 052 _., -2.0 B 963 7 609 TIPTON TOWN.".iHIP, ,,, • , ••• , •• ,,, 2 ... ' 68• -lilO -s.2 8 121 '7 12' WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP.,,,,,.,,., 1 807 1 811

_, -0.2 8 255 7 330

CLARK COUNTY, .• ,,.,.,.,,., 89 261 88 B38 42.3 0,5 B 083 6 552

CHARLESTOWN,,, •• , .•• ,,, •••••• , 5 791 5 596 19S 3,5 6 B13 s 350 CLARKSVILLE ••• ,,,,,.,.,,,, •••• 1' 988 15 16~ -1'76 -1.2 8 579 6 793 JEFFERSO~VILLE •••••••• ,, ••••• , '° BBQ 21 220 -JilO -1.6 7 601 6 175 SELLERSBURG •• ,,,,., •• ,,,,, •• ,, 3 311 3 211 100 3,1 8 773 7 133 UTICA,,., •• ,,, ••••• ,,., ••• ,,., 52.0 501 19 "' 8 465 6 •9B NEW PROVIDENCE ••••• ,,,,, •• ,,., 383 38• -1 -o.J 6 287 s 17B BETHLEHEM TOWNSHIP,.,.,,,, •• ,. 361 359 ' 0,6 6 965 5 367 CARR TOWNSHIP, ••••••••••• , •••• 1 667 1 660 7 o.• 8 072 • 710

CHARLESTOWN TOWNS~IP •••••••••• 9 385 9 196 189 2.1 7 ! 76 5 681 JEFFERSONVILLE TOWNSHIP ••••••• 55 399 55 831 -432 .. o.a B 329 6 7'0 MONROE TOWNSHIP.,, ••• ,, ••••• ,, ' 1'3 3 966 177 •.5 1 061 5 782 OREGON TOWN'>HIP,,,, ,, , , , •••••. 1 1 .. 1 1'7 -3 .. o.3 7 267 s 700 OWEN TOWNSHIP ••••••••••••••••• 719 690 29 £1.,2 7 B62 6 159 SILVER CREE!<: TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,, 8 091 7 BB7 20• >.6 8 392 6 B65 UNION TOWNSHIP ••••••••••••• , •• 1 B35 1 B05 30 1, 7 7 611 6 222 urrr.A TOl/NSHIP,,,,,,,,,,~ ••• ,, 2 671 2 10• ... '53 -1.2 8 684 7 2'0

WASHINGTON TO~NSHIP,,,,,,,,,,, 1 737 l 566 !71 10.9 7 422 5 911 WOOD TOWNSHIP,,,,,,.,.,,,, •• ,, 2 109 ' 027 B2 •.o 7 362 6 19S

CLAY COUNTY ••• ,,,.,.,.,.,. ,. 2'3 " B62 -619 -2.5 7 269 6 218

BRA?IL, ,., , • , ,, ••• •••.,. ,, , , , , 7 730 7 852 -122 -1,6 6 8P.i6 s 670 CLAY CITY •••• ,.,,., •• ,,.,, •• ,. 865 '" -lB .. ;:i,o 7 450 6 496 STAUNTON, •••• ,, ••• , ••• ,., ••••• 5BO 607 -27 -il.4 6 443 5 506 CtNTER POINT,., ••••• ,.,.•••••• 222 ;_l_.q.2 ->o -8.J 7 313 6 276 CARBON,.,,,.,.,.,, •• ,.,,,,,, •• 3'1 307 ,. 7.• 6 864 5 370 HARMONY •• ,,., ••• ,.,,,, •• , •• , •• 5'B 613 -65 -10.6 7 721 6 561 KNIGHTSVILLE ••••••• ,,, ••• , •••• 7'2 763 -21 .. ;:i.a 7 371 6 257 BRAZIL TOWNSHIP.,.,,,.,.,,,,,• B 236 8 .,, -186 -:? .2 6 917 5 718

CASS TOWNSHIP ••••••••••••••••• 269 267 2 o.7 8 90• B 01' DICI< JOHNSON TOWNSHIP.,, •• , •• , 1 063 1 125 -62 -5.5 7 OB3 6 lB2 HARRISON TOWNSHIP .•• ,.,.,,,••• 2 22' 2 220 ' 0.2 7 J52 6 .,. JACKSON TOWNSHIP •••• ,,,,,.,, •• 1 925 ' 022 -97 -il.8 8 345 7 057 LEWIS TOWNSHIP,,,,.,,,,,,,,,., 1 512 1 502 10 o.7 7 333 6 •o• PERRY TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,.,, ••••• , B93 971 -78 -s.o 7 558 6 63' POSEY TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3 JJ6 3 '59 -123 .. J.6 7 '10 6 799 SUGAR RIDGE f!1WNSHIP, ••••••••• BB7 9S6 -·· -7.2 7 269 6 SOJ

VAN BUREN TOWNSHIP ••••••••• ,., 3 161 3 168 -7 -IJ,2 6 926 5 886 WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP •• ,,,,.,,., 737 750 -13 -1.7 6 3!5 5 697

CLINTON COUNTY,,,,,,,,,.,, 31 B9' 31 545 339 1,1 B 230 6 960

FRANKFORT •••• , •• ,.,,,,,., •• ,,. 15 .. 9 lS 168 281 1,9 B 322 6 76l KIRKLIN •• ,,., ••••••• , •• ••,,••• 6'3 662 J1 •.7 B 9S2 7 22B MULBERRY ••• ,,, •• ,,,,,.,.,,,,,. 1 2'2 1 225 17 '·' 7 S7' 6 363 MICH!GANTOW~1., ••• , , •••• , , •• , ,, 429 '53 -24 -5.'.3 6 951 5 832 COLFAX •• ,,••• ••••••• ,•••.,,••• B09 823 -1' -1.7 7 620 6 0'3 ROSSVILLE •• ,,,,,, ••• , •••• , •••• 1 106 1 "'

_., -3.7 7 206 5 999 CENTER TOWNSHIP,•••,,,,,, •• ••• 16 652 16 33' Jl.4 1,9 B 503 6 962 FOREST TOWNSH [p,,., ••. ,., •• , •, 9'6 935 11 .I ,2 B 0'2 7 OBO

JACKSON TOWNSHIP,, ••• ,, •••• ,., 1 220 1 200 20 1, 7 B B75 7 8011 JOHNSON TOWNSHIP •. ,,, •• ,,••••. 601 679 -7B -11.5 7 51• 6 200 KIRKLIN TOWMSHIP,.,.,.,., ••• ,, 1 32' 1 279 "' J,5 7 9S• 6 9'7 MADISON TOW~ISHJP, •• , , ••••., ••• 1 B65 1 '" 18 1.0 7 7 .. 6 66'




11.1. 9

16.1 18. 7 18.6 18.9 19,0 6.9

13.9 lJ .ii

17.2 12.1 9.1

16 .1 12.7 li!,6

8 .1 9,9

17.8 14,0 12.6


27 • .3 26,J 2J.O 23,0 21. 2 21.4 29.8 20,J

26.J 2.3 ,6 22.1 27,5 27.7 22,2 22.J 19.9

25.6 18,8


21 .... 1'1. 7 17.0 16.5 27.8 17,7 17,B 21 .o

11.1 14.6 14. ii 18.J 11!. 5 13.9 14. 9 11 ,8

17.7 10,8


23.1 2J,9 19.0 19,2 26.l 20.1 22.1 13,6

lJ.7 21.2 14,5 16.2


Table 1. July l, 1982, Population and Calendar Year 1981 Per Capita Income Estimates for the State, Counties,

and Subcounty Areas-Continued



MICHIGAN TOWNSHIP •••••••• ,,,,, OWEN TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,, ••••••••• PERRY TOWNSHIP,, •• •••.•••••••• ROSS TOWNSHIP,, •• ,, •••••••••• , SUGAR CREEK TOWNSHIP •••••••••• UNION TOWNSHIP.,, •• , •••••• ,, •• WARREN TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP., •• , •• ,,,,


ALTON,., •••••••••••••••••••••• CAREFREE ••••••••••••••••••• , •• LEAVENWORTH ••• ,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,. MARENGO.,.,.,., .. ,.,.•.••••••••• ENGLISH •••••••• ·•·•••·•••••••• MILLTOWN (PARTJ,,,,_,,,, •• ,,,,. BOONE TOWNSHIP.••••,,••·•••••• JENNINGS TOWNSHIP •••••••••••••

JOHNSON TOWNSHIP •••••••••••••• LIBERTY TOWNSHIP ••••••••••• , •• OHIO TOWNSHIP., •••• ,··•••••••• PATOKA TOWNSHIP •••• , •••••••••• STERLING TOWNSHIP •••••••• ,,,,, UNION TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,, •••• WHISKEY RUN TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,

DAVIESS COUNTY,,,.,,.,,,,,

CANNELBURG •••••••••••••••••••• MONTGOMERY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,, ELNORA.,.,,,,.,,,,•.•••••••••• ODON, ••••••••• •••···•·•••••••• ALFORDSVlLLt •••••••••••••• ,, •• PLAINVILLE ••••••••••• :•·••••·· WASHINGTON,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, BARR TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,

BOGARD TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ELMORE TOWN~HIP ••••••••••• , ••• HARRISON TOWNSHIP,,, •• ,,,,,,,, MADISON TOWNSHIP ••• , •• ,,.,,,,, REEVE TOWNSHIP,,,, •••••••••••• STEELE TOWNSHIP ••••••••••••••• VAN BUREN TOW~SHlP •• o••••••••• VEALE TOWNSHIP, ••••••••••••••• WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP •••• , ••••••


AURORA.,,.,.,, •••••• •·•••••••• DILLSBOR0, 0 , ••••••••••••••••••

WEST HARRISON •••••• , •••••••••• ST, LEON,,., •• ,,, •• , ••••••••• , GREENDALE ••••••••••••••••••••• LAWRENCEBURii •• , ••••••••••••••• MOORES HILL ••••••••••••••••••• CAESAR CREEK TOWNSHIP,,,.,,,,,

CENTER TOWNSHIP,,,, •• ,,,,,,, •• CLAY TOWNSHIP,,,,,, •••••• ,,,., HARRISON TOWNSHIP,, ••••••••.••• HOGAN TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, JACKSON TOWNSHIP •••••••••••••• KELSO TOWNSHIP •••••••••••••••• LAWRENCEBURG TOWNSHIP ••••••• ,. LOGAN TOWNSHIP,,, ••••••••••• ,,

MANCHESTER TOWNSHIP••••••••••• MILLER TOWNSHIP,,,, ••••••••••• SPARTA TOWNSHJP, •• , •••••••• , •• WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP ••••••••••• YORK TOWNSHIP ••••• , ••• ,,,,.,,,

DECATUR COUNTY ••••••••••••

ST, PAUL (PART),,,,,,,,,.,,,,. MILFORD •••••• ••••·•••••·•••••· MILLHOUSEN.,, •••••••••• , ••• , •• NEWPOINT •••••••••••••••••••••• WESTPORT,,.,,,,.,.,.,.•,•, •• •. GREENSBURG, •• ,, ••••••••• • ••••• ADAMS TOWNSHIP 0 ,,,, •••••••••••

JULY 1, 1982

1 607 883

1 •'7 2 17'

ij83 873 718

1 090

9 7SO

56 '3

389 B2S 600 S85 17B

1 3'3

•69 1 69B

50B 1 185 l 769

83' 1 766

2B 73'

1S3 37' 8J.8

1 •61 13S 561

11 596 J '.348

1 021 1 11-60

603 2 8q.2

7S2 l 009 1 <06

70• 15 S89

35 039

3 801 1 031

370 '59


• so• 567 261

5 lBO 2 4714 1 999

96• l lSl 1 636 9 782 1 7J2

2 418 J 179 2 316 1 172


214 004

70< 162 220 313

1 '39 9 272 1 9614


CHANGE, 1980 TO 1982

APRIL 1, l---"---,------1 1980 NUMBER PERCEMT 1981 1979



1 585 BB6

1 •62 2 182

508 B50 722

1 072

9 820


" 356 892 633 620 200

l 285

•S3 1 760

508 1 1B5 1 799

B61 1 769

27 836

152 390 756

1 •63 132 556

il 325 3 205

9'0 1 376

600 2 7B8

723 9Bl

1 333 6B2

15 208

,. 291

3 816 1 OJ8

328 s1s

> 795

' •o3 S66 27S

5 157 2 ... 1 801

932 ! 12' 1 706 9 6'7 ! 657

2 342 2 903 2 J14 1 210


23 8'1

650 177 21' 296

1 •so 9 2s• 1 903

" -3 -15

-8 -25

23 _, lB


-8 2

" -67 _,, -35 -22


16 -62

-30 -27



1 -16

62 -2

3 s

27! 1'3

Bl .. 3


" 2B

" 22 381


6S -7

" -56 13

101 1


" 30 !98

" " -70 !JS


76 276

2 _,. -·


5' -1'

6 17

-11 lB 61

t.• -o.J -1.0 -o.14 -4,9 "7

-o.6 1, 7


-12 ,5 •• 9

'" -7.5 -5,2 -5.6

-11,0 •.S J,5


-1.7 -J.1 -0.2


0,7 -4.1

8,2 -0.1 2.3 0,9 ,,. •• 5

8,6 6.1 0,5 !.9 •.o 2,9 5,S 3.2 2,S


1, 7 -o.7 12.a

-10.9 0.3

'" 0.2 -5.1

o.• l .2


"' ,,. -4.1 t.• •.S 3.2 9,S 0.1

-J,l -o.s


8.3 -8,5

2,8 S,7

-o.a 0.2 3.2

7 796 6 860 a 7J7 7 675 7 2:95 7 951 7 803 8 I93

5 907

5 907 5 907 6 116 6 855 6 ¢37 5 982 J 9J4 6 287

5 394 6 067 6 007 5 889 6 lJJ 5 134 5 928

7 037

6 099 6 326 7 757 8 024 6 030 7 613 7 380 5 539

ii 655 7 753 7 737 7 i+JS 5 732 7 198 3 933 7 753 7 645

7 981

7 71q. 7 217 6 174 7 133 9 791 7 107 5 787 7 683

8 026 7 8i15 7 276 7 898 7 114 7 2il0 8 ~85 7 866

7 1914 8 814 6 827 a 604 8 4il4

7 287

6 857 3 486 6 849 6 555 7 109 7 673 6 !58 \

6 829 6 286 7 373 6 551-l-6 748 7 659 7 146 7 321

5 115

5 115 5 115 5 566 5 805 5 487 5 100 J 414 5 355

4 420 5 2Jil 5 387 5 265 5 129 4 689 5 199

5 565

ii 678 5 109 5 928 5 990 4 779 5 991 5 802 4 666

J 487 6 249 6 357 5 592 q 799 5 858 J 310 5 804 5 987

6 567

6 281 5 849 5 124 6 055 7 926 5 7814 4 870 6 i113

6 5914 6 i151 6 129 6 430 5 993 5 934 6 904 6 304

6 061 7 357 5 679 6 981 7 1140

6 013

5 851 2 902 5 7144 5 482 5 778 6 166 5 808

lil. 2 9 ,1

18.5 17.1 '.1 "' 9,2



15.5 15.5 9,9

18 .1 26.4 17.3 15 .2 17. ii

22.0 15.9 11. 5 11. 9 19.6 9,5

14. 0


30.4 2J.8 J0,9 34.0 26,2 27,1 27.2 18.7

33,5 24 .1 21. 7 JJ,O 19 .4 22.9 18,8 JJ.6 27.7

21. 5

22.8 23,4 20.5 17.8 23.5 22.9 1e.a 19.8

21.7 21.6 18.7 22.a 18.7 22.0 22.9 24 ,8

18,7 19 ,8 20.2 23.2 18.J

21. 2

17.2 20.1 19,2 19.6 2.3,0 24.4 19,8

Page 6: 1982 Population Estimates and 1981 Per Capita Income ... · places; and (3) active minor civil divisions (MCD's), i.e., towns in New England, New York, and Wisconsin, or townships


Table l. July l, 1982, Population and Calendar Year 1981 Per Capita Income Estimates for the State, Counties, and Subcounty Areas-Continued



CLAY TOWNSHIP, •••••••••••• ,~·· CLINTON TOWNSHIP.,, ••••••• , •• , FUGIT TOWNSHIP, •• ,,.,,,,,,,,,, JACKSON TOWNS~IP.,,,,,,,,,,,,, MARION TOWNSHIP •••• ,,.,,,,,,,, SALT CREEK TOWNSHIP.,,.,,.,,,, SAND CREEK TOWNSHIP,,.,,,,,,,. WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP.,,,,,,,,,,

DE KALB COUNTY ••••••••••••

AUBURN •• ,•,,,,, •• ,,,,.,,,,.,,, WATERLOO,,,,,,,,••••• •••••• ,,, ST, JOE,,••••••••,,_,,.,,,,,,,, HAMILTON tPART> •••• , •• , •••••• , ALTONA ••••••• ••••••,••••,, •••• GARRETT.,,,,,,,,,.,, •• ,,,,,.•,, CORUNNA,.,,,, •• ,,,.,,,,,,,,,,, ASHLEY (PARTJ •••••••••••••••••

BUTLER,.,,,,,,,,,.,.,, •• ,.,,,. BUTLER TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,, •• ,,., CONCORD TOWNSHIP •• ,,,,,,,,,,,, FAIRFIELD TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,, FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP.,,,,,,,,,,,, GRANT TOWNSHIP,.,,,,,,,,,.,,,, JACKSON TOWNSHIP •• ,,,,,,,,,,,, KEYSER TOWNSHIP,,.,,,, •• ,,,,,,

NEWVILLE TOWNSHIP •• , ••••••• , •• RICHLAND TOWNSHIP.,,,,,,,,,,,, SMITHFIELD TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,, SPENCER TOWNSHIP.,,,,,,, ••• , •• STAFFORD TOWNSHIP •• , •• ,,.,,,,, TROY TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,., UNION TOWNSHIP ••••••••••••• ,,, WILMINGTON TOWNSHIP ••••••• ,,,,


ALBANY CPART> •••••• , •••••••••• MUNCIE.,,,•••••••••••,••••••,. SELMA •• ,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,, YORKTOWN,,,,,,•.,,,,,,,,,,,,,, DALEVILLE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, EATON,•,,,••,,,,, •• ,,,,•,•,,,, GASTON,.,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,, CENTER TOWNSHIP ••••••••••• ,,,,

DELAWARE TOWNSHIP,,,_,, 01,,,,,, HAMILTON TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,,, HARRISON TOWNSHIP •• , ••••••• , •• L.IBERTY TOWNSHIP,,.,·,, ••• ,,••• MONROE T¢WNSHIP ••••••••••••• ,, MOUNT PLEASANT TOWNSHIP ••••• ,, NILES TOWNSHIP •.•••• ,, •• _.,,,,,, PERRY TOWNSHIP.,, •• ,,.,,,,,,,,

SALEM TOWNSHIP •••• ,,,,,,,••••• UNION TOWNSHIP •••••• ,,,,,,,,,, WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,

DUBOIS COUNTY •••••••••••••

HUNTINGBURG.,,,,, •• ,,,.,,,,,,, JASPER·,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,, HOLLAND,.,,.,,,,.,.,,,,,,,,,,, FERDINAND •• , ••••• ,., •••••••.••.• BIRDSEYE.,,.,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,., BAINBRIDGE TOWNSHIP,,.,, •••.••• BOONE TOWNSHJP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, CASS TOWNSHIP •••••••••••••• , ••

COLUMBIA TOWNSHIP •• ,,,,,,,,,,, FERDINANq TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,, HALL TOWNSHIP •••••••••••••• , •• HARBISON -TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,.,,,,, JACKSON TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,,,, JEFFERSON TOWNSHIP.,,.,, •• ,,,, MADISON TOWNSHIP ••• ,, ••••••••• MARION TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, PATOKA TOWNSHIP •••••••••••••••

JULY 1. 1982

l 1.175 S09

l 516 l 086 1 696 1 139 3 201./

11 415

33 0~7

8 290 1 941

S'7 !OS 25'

4 599

'" sos 2 577 1 592 1 145 1 07J 1 021 2 739 1 772 5 92_5

'" 1 193 1 509 1 029

211 27•

9 424 3 737

125 756

2 .322 75 510

l 01./6 3 888 l 694 1 795 1 071

78 216

4 12q. 7 Jl./1 J 369 5 q.43 J 780

10 612 1 J21 1 545

q. 191 3 Ll24 2 390

34 252

5 329 8 987

7'0 2 220

•'1 11 974

7'• 1 9J6

ass J q57

878 1 5110 1 7q.7 l 340 1 507 1 564 6 720


APRIL 1.1--~~~~~~~~~---" 1980

CHANGE. 1980 TO 1982


1 507 q97

1 520 1 092 1 651 1 119 J 206

il 346

33 606

8 122 1 951

5'6 121 263

q. 757

'o• 52•

2 509 1 612 1 195 1 119 1 050 2 769 1 899 6 148

.,, 1 201 1 590 1 016

239 '11

9 29J 3 734

128 587

2 380 77 216

1 056 J 945 1 749 1 804 1 150

So 012

4 267 7 525 J 585 5 487 3 839

io 812 1 3J3 1 528

4 JOJ J 428 2 468

34 238

5 J76 9 097

68, 2 192

SJJ l.2 OJ6

7'1 1 911

••o J 431

8'1 1 !524 1 729 1 377 1 492 1 567 6 71./9

-32 12 -· -6 .. 20 -2 69


168 -10 -9

-16 -9

-158 10


68 -20 -so _ .. -29 -JO

-I.?7 -223 _., -· -•1 1J

-28 -37 !31


-2 831

-SB -1 706

-10 -S7 -ss -9

-79 -1 796

-1'£13 -ISL! -216 _ .. -59

-200 -12


-112 -· -78

" _., .. 110

'7 28 _.,

-62 -7 2S

lS 26 37 16 18

-37 lS .3



-2.1 2.•

-o.J -o.s 2.7 1.8

-0.1 o.6

'.1 -o.s -1,6

-lJ.2 -J,Lj -J • .J 3.3


2.7 -1.2 -Ll.2 -LI. l -.?.8 -1.1 -6.7 -J,6

-10.9 -o.7 -5.J 1.'

-11. 7 -11,9

1 •• 0 .1

... ;i.2

-::>.I.I -2.2 ... o.9 -1.4 -J,1 -o.s -6,9 -2.2

-J,Lj -2.lf .;,6,0 .:a.a .:.1.s .:.1.a •0,9


-2.6 ~0.1 -J.2

-0.9 -1.2 6.9

'1,J -7,9 -o.5 -0,9 1.' 1.8 a.a ... 1. 0 1.0

-2,7 1. 0

-0.2 •o.q.



7 959 5 J66 8 129 6 81./1./ 6 70J 7 61./2 6 651 7 50J

7 71./1

8 1./90 7 01./7 7 517 7 792 6 2J8 7 506 4 8)9 6 51./3

6 972 8 lJI./ 7 lj.21./ 6 592 7 4J5 7 171./ 9 107 7 557

6 71./J 6 736 6 9oq. 6 99J 7 210 7 861 8 531 7 11.:3

7 886

6 572 7 q.q.8 7 116 8 492 8 686 6 81q. 6 791 7 489

7 577 10 005

8 600 7 ll45 9 li7J 9 021 7 611 7 814

8 792 6 966 7 270

8 q29

7 836 9 451 8 026 7 q.37 6 1./29 9 962 6 801 8 165

7 j86 7 650 6 614J 6 9145 7 91./5 6 5142 8 1./08 7 229 7 841


6 186 I./ 707 7 013 6 063 5 730 6 336 5 565 6 077

6 760

7 302 6 040 6 238 6 81./1 5 JlO 6 3314 J 908 5 739

6 305 6 915 6 442 5 860 6 642 6 365 8 209 6 Ll12

6 0148 6 075 6 094 6 q.05 6 426 6 981 7 356 6 410

6 716

5 918 6 225 6 185 6 923 7 617 5 654 5 71.11 6 277

6 707 8 528 7 479 6 6)5 7 982 7 783 7 003 6 715

7 861./ 6 059 6 607

6 926

6 259 7 817 6 656 5 876 5 191 8 218 5 861.! 6 651

5 859 6 110 5 870 6 096 6 556 5 525 6 791 6 223 6 258



28,7 14 .o 15.9 12,9 17.0 20.6 19,5 23,5


16,3 16.7 20.s lJ.9 17.5 18.5 2J.8 14.0

10,6 17.6 15.2 12,5 11.9 12.7 10,9 17,9

11 .5 10,9 13.J 9.2

12.2 12,6 16.0 11,4

17 ,I./

11,1 19.6 15 .1 22,7 11./ .o 20.5 18,3 19,J

13.o 17.3 15.0 12.2 18.7 15,9 e.7


11. 8 15,0 10.0


25.2 20,9 20,6 26.6 2J,8 21.2 16,0 22.8

26 .1 25,2 13,2 13,9 21.2 18, I./ 23.8 16.2 25,3


Table l. July 1, 1982, Population and Calendar Year 1981 Per Capita Income Estimates for the State, Counties, and Subcounty Areas-Continued



ELKHART COUNTY •••••••••• ,,

ELKHART •• ,.,., •••••• •.•••••.•. GOSHEN.,, ••• ,••·•••·•••••••••• MILLERSBURG •••••••• ,,,,,,,,,,, NAPPANEE CPARTJ.,,,, ••••••• , •• WAKARUSA., ••••• ,, ••• ,.,.• ••••• MtODLEBURy, ••••• • ••• ,, •• • • • • • • BRISTOL,.,,,,,.••• •. ••·•••••••• BAUGO TOWNSHIP •••• ,,,,,,,,,,,,

BENTON TOWNSHIP,,.,,,,,, •••••• CLEVELAND TOWNSHIP,, ••••••••• , CLINTON TOWNSHIP •• , ••••••••••• CONCORD TOWNSHIP •••••• ,, ••• , •• ELKHART TOWNSHIP •• ,,.,,,,,,, •• HARRISON TOWNSHIP.,,,,,,,.,,., JACKSON TOWNSHIP,,,,,,.,,,,,,, JEFFERSON TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,,

LOCKE TOWNSHJP,.,.,,,,,,,,,,,, MIDDLEBURY TOWNSH!p,,,,,,,,,,, OLIVE TOWNSHIP, ••••••••••••••• OSOLO TOWNSHIP •••• , ••••••• ,,,, UNION TOWNSHIP •••••••••••••••• WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP •••••••• ,., YORK TOWNSHIP ••••••••.••••••••

FAYETTE COUNTY.,,,,,,,,,,,

CONNERSVILLF.,,, • • ·, • • • • • • • • • • • GLENWOOD <PARTJ, •• , ••••••••••• COLUMAIA TOWNSHIP •• ,,., •••• , •• CONNERSVILLE TOWNSHIP., ••••••• FAIRVIEW TOWNSHIP.,,,••••••.••• HARRISON TOWNSHIP.,,,,,,,,,,,, JACKSON TOWNSHIP ••••••••• , •••• JENNINGS TOWNSHIP.,,,,,,, •• ,,,

ORANGE TOWNSHIP ••••••• , ••••• ,. POSEY TOWNSHIP,,.,,,,,, ••••• ,, WATERLOO TOWNSHIP •• , ••••••••• ,

FLOYD COUNTY •• ,,.,,,,,,,,,

GEORGETOWN ••• , •••• ,.•.•.•••·•• GREENVILLE.••••, ••• ,,.•••·• ••• NEW ALBANY •• ,,,.,.,,•.•.••••·• FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP.,, ••••• ,,,,, GEORGETOWN TOWNSHIP,,.,,,,,,,, GREENVILLE TOWNSHIP ••• ,,.,,,,, LAFAYETTE TOWNSHIP.,,,,,,,,,,, NEW ALBANY TOWNSHIP •••••••• , ••


HILLSBORO,,,,.,., •• ,•.•.•••••· WALLACE •• , ••• •••·••·•••••••••• ATTICA.,,,•••••••••·•••••••••• KINGMAN,,••••,•••••••••••••••• MELLOTT., •••• , •••• ,., ••• •.·•·• NEWTOWN,., •• ,,.,.,, ••• ,,• •• , •• COVINGTON,,,•••.•••••.•·•••••· VEEDERSBURG ••••••• ,,,,,,,,,,,,

CAIN TOWNSHIP,•••• •• , ••• •••••. DAVIS TOWNSHIP ••••••••• , ••• , •• FULTON TOWNSHIP,.,,,,,,, •• ,,,, JACKSON TOWNSHIP •.••••• , •• ,,,, LOGAN TOWNSHIP, ••• ,,., ••••• , •• MILLCREEK TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,.~·· RICHLAND TOWNSHIP., ••••••••••• SHAWNEE TOWNSHIP •• ,, •• , •••••••

TROY TOWNSHIP •••••••••••••• ,., VAN BUREN TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,, WABASH TOWNSHIP ••••• , •••••••••


BROOKVILLE,,., •• ,,,.•.•.•••••· CEDAR GROVE ••••••• , •••••••••• , LAUREL, •• ,, ••••••••••• ,.• •• ,,. BATESVILLE (PART)., ..... ••••"

JULY 1, 1982

137 179

1./1 005 19 661

8'3 4 561 1 306 1 632 1 11./8 6 811

1 458 6 456 3 011

!15 825 2J 207

2 1./62 2 639 3 565

3 061./ 4 61./0 2 44J

19 885 I./ 792 I./ 500 2 421

27 82q.

16 646 133

1 057 11./ 173

395 7 697 1 547


857 596 696

62 1./17

1 515 557

37 869 1 272 6 227 I./ 82J 5 41./2

!14 653

19 011-1./

6•9 78

3 875 S61 289 250

2 soa 2 261

1 295 623 692 662

4 1./89 1 1./18 1 124 ... 3 993 3 271


20 445

J 106 222 852 719


CHANGE, 1980 TO 1982

APRIL 1 , >-----.----PE:CRC'.CC:E:'."N::1•, 1980 NUMBER

137 330

41 305 19 665

809 I./ 694 1 281 1 665 1 20J 6 097

1 479 6 51./7 2 918

ij.6 214 23 202

2 421 2 642 J 687

3 1J7 4 604 2 398

20 115 4 872 I./ 681 2 316

28 272

17 023 12'

1 078 14 1.179

397 7 797 1 582

"' ••o 607 689

61 205

1 1491./ 537

37 103 1 213 6 110 I.I 729 5 273

1./3 880

19 033


" 3 81./1 566 29' 277

2 88J 2 261

1 21./2 S71 731 662

14 456 1 1./75 1 11./9


I./ 019 3 266


19 612

2 980 217 819 683


-JOO -· 2' -13)

25 _,, -5S 71'

-'1 -91

" -J89 5

'1 -3



" .. -230 -ea

-181 105

-377 9

-21 -306 _, .. roo _,.

• 17

-11 7

1 212

21 20

766 S9


'" 169 773


88 -10 ,. -s -5

-27 .,,75

" S2 _,, " -S7

-25 '7

-26 5


.,, 12'


" 56



3.0 -2.8 2.0

-2.0 -4.6 11.7

-1.4 -1.4 3.2


1. 7 -0.1 -3,3

-2.J o.a 1.9

-1.1 -1.6 -3.9 •.5


-2.2 ·1.J -1.9 -? .1 -o.5 -1.3 -?.2


?,O -1.a

1. 0


1.• 3.7 2. 1 •• 9 1.9 2.0 3.2 1.a

0 .1

15,7 -11. 4

0,9 -0,9 -1.7 -9.7 -<'.6

._, 9 .1


0.1 -J.9 -?.2 S.6

-0.6 0.2


•.2 •.2 2., •.o a.2



8 371./

8 366 7 898 7 081 8 101./ 9 352 7 942 8 763 8 t.150

7 085 9 775 6 287 7 937 8 051./ 7 701./ 8 076 8 417

7 785 6 815 8 729

10 611 7 332 8 576 6 719

7 162

7 268 7 08J 5 874 7 021 6 11-15 7 872 1 319 6 710

5 061 7 541 6 <;!99

8 365

7 9J2 10 750

8 123 7 123 8 058 8 580 9 218 8 316

7 690

7 290 7 690 8 341.1 7 613 5 1./69 7 350 8 371./ 7 !09

6 791 6 921./ 7 6J2 6 559 8 269 7 )98 ; 140 7 870

8 317 7 156 7 660

6 931./

8 376 8 091 5 261

11 115


7 222

7 196 6 798 6 088 7 057 7 83;:> 7 256 7 446 7 631

6 J55 8 106 5 1465 6 940 6 929 6 396 7 051 7 526

6 421./ 6 075 7 618 8 776 6 706 7 260 6 011

6 072

6 006 6 01./0 5 038 5 940 5 911./ 6 547 6 388 5 633

I.I 601./ 6 J77 6 486

6 8£t3

6 276 8 580 6 615 5 945 6 592 7 008 7 603 6 794

6 505

5 966 6 505 6 840 6 078 4 366 5 980 6 844 5 920

5 929 6 1./95 6 454 6 125 6 772 6 041 6 259 6 799

6 91./9 6 134 6 494

5 757

6 738 6 394 I./ 269 9 097




16 .3 16,2 16,3 14. 8 19.4 9.5

17.7 10.7

11. 5 20,6 1s.o 14,1./ 16.2 20,5 11.1. 5 11,8

21.2 12.2 11./. 6 20.9 9.3

18.1 11.8


21.0 17.3 16,6 18,2 e.5

20.2 14,6 19 .1

9.9 18,3 7.9


26 .4 25,3 22.8 19.8 22.2 22 .4 21. 2 22 .4


22,2 18,2 22.0 25.3 25.3 22.9 22 ,I./ 20,1

14,5 6.6

18.J 7 .1

22.1 22,5 14,1 15.8

19,7 16,7 18.0


24,J 26.5 23,2 22.2

Page 7: 1982 Population Estimates and 1981 Per Capita Income ... · places; and (3) active minor civil divisions (MCD's), i.e., towns in New England, New York, and Wisconsin, or townships


Table 1. Judlysl, bl982, Population an~ Calendar Year 1981 Per Capita Income Estimates for the State Co t" an u county Areas-Continued • un 1es,



~~B~~a~~~MEL''''·············· BATH TOWNSHIP::::::::::::::::: BLOOMING GROVE TO~~NSHIP BROOKVILLE TOWNSHIP ••••••• B LE • •.' • • •.''' F~IRFiETOWNSHIP ••••••••••••••• HIGHLANDLD TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,,


LAUREL TOWNSHIP.,,,,,,,,,,,,,, METAMORA TOWNSHIP POSEY TOWNSHIP ••• ::::::::::::: RAY TOWNSHIP ••••••••••••••••• , SALT CREEK TOWNSHTP, 0 ,,,,, 0



FULTON COUNTY, •••• ,,,,,,,,

~~~~~~ii~::::::::::::::::::::: AUBBEENAUBBFE'TOWNSHiP''''•··· HENR 0 '''' •'' • LEIBE~T~ ;~~~;~iP:::::::::::::: N WC ASTLE TOWllJSHIP ••• •• ·••• ••,

~~E~~~~~RT~~~~~~i;············ UNION TOWNSHIP •••• :::::::::::: WAYNE TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,,., ••

GIBSON COUNTY.,,,,,,,,,,,,

~~~~~JiLLE:::::::::::::::::::: 6RANCISCo,,,,,,.,,,,,.,,,,, •,

~~i!i~~~~;~~:::::::::::::::::~ FORT BRANCH ••••••• ,,,,,,,,,:.:

~:i~~~~~:::::::::::::::::::.:. BARTON TOWNSHIP ••••••• ,, ••• :.•

sg~~~:z! 0~~~~~~iP::::::::::::: HNSON TOWNSHIP ••••••••••••• :


G10MERY TOWNSHIP ••• ,,,,,,,,

PAT K TOWNSHIP, ••••••••••••••

~~ION TOWNSHJP,,,,, 0 ,,,, 00 ,,,

BASH TOWNSHIP, •• , •• ,,,,,,,,• WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP,,.,,.,, •• : WHITE RIVER TOWNSHJP,, 0 ,,,,,, 0

GRANT COUNTY •••••••••••• ,,

MARION ••••• ,,••• •• ,,, ••• ,,,,,,

~=i~~~0~T ... · ..... · · · · · · · · · · · · FOkl/LERTON • • • • • • • • • • • • •' • • • •'''

MATTHEWS.::::::::::::::::::::· ~~LAND,, ••• ,,, •• ,.•.,••••,,•,:

JO~E;~6~o::::::::::::::::::::: CONVERS€ CPARTl ••••••••••••• ,,

~:~y~G~EN::::::::::::::::::::: CENTER TOWNSHIP •••••• ,,,,,,,,, FAIRMOUNT TOWNSHIP ••••••••• ,,, ~~:~~LIN TOWNSHIP ••• ,,,,,,,,,,

TOWNSHIP •• ,••,,·•••, •••• JEFFERSON TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,,

LIBERTY TOWNSHIP ...... ,, .... , ~~~L TOWNSHrP, ••••••••••••••• :

PLEROE TOWNSHIP •••• ,,,,,,,,,,, ASANT TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,,,

RICHLAND TOWNSHIP •• ,,.,,.,,.,, e!~S TOWNSHIP, ••••••••••• ,,,,,

BUREN TOWNSHII='. ••••. ,,,,,,

JULY 1, 1982

761 lSO S18 887

5 457 986 268

1 332

1 799 9'9

1 187 3 1145

870 989

2 059

19 367

1 009 366

5 254 688

1 283 2 613 1 885 1 125

909 9 2q.7 1 5149


314 1403

172 3'0 600

J 4q.5 1 407 1 324 9 389 2 607

3so 899

2 030 l 638 't 872 2 920 3 280

12 518

4 328 90

71! 2 015

78 442

34 698 9So

3 158 310 7J6

3 315 6 320 2 152

126 1 132

921 27 578 4 730 9 162

728 5 q.45

1 358 11 663

1 470 6 723

9'6 1 997 2 036


CHANGE, 1980 TO 1982

APRIL 1, r----~_:.:_:_::.__~ 1980

770 !Sl 453 877

5 294 9"2 236

1 273

1 739 977

1 121' 2 999

8_21 952

1 925

19 335

1 oq.5 393

5 050 711

1 306 2 698 1 827 1 180

945 9 057 1 588


33 156

16S 3"° 612

3 Jot 1 J89 1 261 8 976 2 50LI

368 832

1 921 1 563 q. 717 2 882 3 112

11 999

4 197 88

718 1 959

so 93q

35 871.1-9 ..

3 286 300 74S

3 JJ5 6 370 2 279

12" 1 127

9'S 28 703

4 868 9 405

71S 5 516

1 '118 11 976

1 520 7 005

979 2 035 2 055


-9 -1 6S 10

163 .. " S9

60 -28

63 1"6 •9 '7

"" ,, -36 -27 20• _,, -2J -85

58 -ss

-36 \90 _,, 2J

1 2'17


-12 1'4

18 63

"13 IOJ

-18 67

109 7S

lSS 38

!68 Sl9

131 2

-7 S6

-1 176 6

-128 lo -9

-20 -so


2 s

-1" -1 125

-I38 -2LIJ

13 -71

-60 -313 -so

-282 -33 -38 -19


-1.2 .. o.7 14.3 1.1 3.1 •.7

13,6 4.6

3.S -2.9 S.6 •• 9 6,0 -3. 9 7.0


.. 3,q. -6,9 •.o

-3.2 -1.e -J.2 J.2


.. 3,a 2.1

-2.5 ·3.1



-2.0 ••• 1.3 s.o

••• •• 1

.:.4,9 8,1 S.7 •.8 3.3 1.3 ... •.3 3.1 2.3

-1.0 ·2,9


-J,3 0,6

-J.9 J,3

.. 1.2 -o.6 -o.a ... s.6 '1,6 o.•

.:.1. 5 -J.9 -2.8 -2,6 1.8


... q,2

.. 2.6 -J.3 -4.0 -3.4 -1.9 -0,9



6 076 5 998 6 809 7 330 7 831 6 452 8 353 6 867

5 504 5 757 4 456 7 582 6 S1q. 6 621 6 ¢35

7 709

8 3214 7 11J4 8 034 6 386 6 087 7 ?75 6 929 6 81J2

7 306 a sss 6 3146 6 375

a 3qo

7 872 7 939 7 220 7 fl.BJ 8 682 7 957 8 144 9 711

7 043 6 055 7 523 1 !i51 7 980 8 773 7 318 8 704

9 616 8 340 8 251 6 187

7 ¢25

7 ?59 9 082 7 386 5 967 6 838 4 852 7 Soq. 7 2J6

7 992 8 442 6 768 7 871 7 469 7 577 6 412 5 830

9 090 7 697 8 171

10 243 7 615 8 202 7 366


4 866 4 819 6 111 6 363 6 453 5 395 7 083 5 893

4 485 't 655 3 680 6 16LI 5 1'71 5 599 5 916

6 717

6 875 5 786 6 751 5 390 5 631 6 624 6 456 6 078

6 41'6 7 JIJ7 5 442 6 002

6 940

6 399 6 '155 6 006 6 234 7 182 6 259 6 720 7 872

6 027 5 038 6 331 6 54q. 6 745 7 423 6 175 7 194

7 715 6 911-0 6 975 5 706

6 703

6 473 7 813 6 208 5 092 6 011-7 4 261 6 257 6 224

6 893 7 291 6 013 6 606 6 293 6 325 7 1'69 5 106

8 058 6 498 6 878 8 565 6 361 7 188 6 501



24,9 24,5 11.4 15,2 21.4 19,6 17.9 16.5

22.7 23.7 21 .1 23,0 24.5 18.J 17.2


21.1 23,5 19.0 18.5

8 .1 17.4 7.3


13.J 16,5 16,6 6.2


23.0 23.0 20.2 20.0 20.9 27,1 21.2 23,4

16,9 20.2 18,8 15 ,-4 18,3 18.2 18.5 21,0

24,6 20,2 18,J 18,9


19,9 16,2 19,0 17,2 13,1 13,9 19,9 16.J

15,9 15.8 12.6 19.1 ll!,7 19,B 12.6 14.2

12.8 18,5 18.8 19,6 19.7 14.1 13.J

Table l. July l, 1982, Population and Calendar Year 1981 Per Capita Income Estimates !or !he State, Counties, and Subcounty Areas-Continued



AREA CHANGE, 1980 TO 1982

JULY 1, APRIL 1. 1982 1980 NUMBER PERCENT 1981 1979

WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP ••••••••••• • b07 • 739 -I32 ~2.8 8 759 7 '49

GREENE COUNTY,.,, ••• •••,•. 30 7So '° .,. 33" 1.1 7 378 6 017

SWITZ CITY •••••••••••••••••••• 3!7 300 17 5.7 7 SS. 6 152 NEWBERRY, ••• ,,,,,., ••• ,,, ••• ,. 273 246 27 11.0 s 226 • 277 WORTHINGTON,,.•, •••••• ,.• ••• ,. 1 SSS 1 S74 -19 -1. 2 ' 98" s S27 BLOOMFIELD,, ••• ,.,.,,., •• ,,,,. 2 729 2 70S ,. 0,9 8 603 6 816 LINTON ••• ,,••••., •• ,, •••• ,•••• 6 267 6 3!S -28 ~o,q 7 269 s 883 LYONS ••• ,••••,,••••.,,,,, •••• , 8!!-1 782 S9 7.5 s 893 s 205 JASONVILLE,,,,,,,.'..,,,,, •••• , 2 473 2 '97 _,. -1.0 6 664 s 3"6 BEECH CREEK TOWNSHIP,,, ••• ,,,, 1 .,, 1 ... iS 1.0 6 542 s S49

CASS TOWNSHIP,,,,.,,,.,,,•,, •• ... 418 26 6.2 s 685 • 737 CENTER TOWNSHIP ••••••••••••• ,, 1 983 1 912 71 3.7 7 S82 s 964 FAIRPLAY TOWNSHIP •• , •• ,,.,,,,, 653 6'5 8 1.2 6 992 6 072 GRANT TOWNSHIP,., •• ,,.•••,,,,, 779 76• lS 2.0 7 928 6 S7' HIGHLAND TOWNSHIP ••• ,,••,., ••• 59!!- S81 13 2.2 6 288 s 154 JACKSON TOWNSHIP •••••••••••••• 1 389 1 328 61 4.6 7 262 6 127 JEFFERSON TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,, ••• 2 073 2 041 " 1.6 7 080 5 635 RICHLAND TOWNSHIP, •••• ,,,,,,,. • 902 • 882 20 o.• 8 203 6 S62

SMITH TOWNSHIP •••• ,,,,,,,,,,,, "38 '40 -2 .. o.5 6 860 s 742 STAFFORD TOWNSHIP.,, •• , •••• ,., S95 S90 s 0,8 6 616 s 989 STOCKTON TOWNSHIP •••••••••• , •• 8 649 8 6S8 -9 -0.1 7 S6S 6 19S TAYLOR TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,.,,,,, 1 1"° 1 107 ,, 3.0 7 -.2 s 90• WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP,,, •• , •• ,,, 1 .,, 1 366 63 •.6 6 60S s "80 WRIGHT TOWNSHIP ••• ,, •• ,,•,, •• , • 20S • 220 -ls -0.4 7 11' 5 792

HAMILTON COUNTY ••••••• ,,., .. 539 " 027 2 S12 3 .1 11 37" 9 426

SHERIDAN,,,.,,, ••• ,,,.•, •• ,.,., 2 176 2 200 .,.2'1 -1.1 7 S07 6 222 CARMEL,,., 0 ,.,, •••• , •••• ,,,.,. 18 S88 i8 272 316 1. 7 1" 638 11 8b2 FISHERS ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 132 2 008 12• 6.2 10 836 9 13S ARCADIA,••••,•••••,,,,,,•••••, 1 830 1 801 29 1.6 ' 690 s SS7 ATLANTA. 0 , 0 , 000 , 0 , 0 ,,,.,, •• ,,, 636 6S7 -21 -3.2 7 SS. 6 330 CICERO,,,, ••••••••••••••• ,, ••• 2 800 2 SS7 2'3 9.S 9 8'8 8 277 NOBLESVILLE •• , •• , ••. •, ••• ,,~ ••• 12 "67 i2 OS6 "11 "' 10 3S6 8 Sl7 WESTF IELO •• ,,,.,., •••• ,.,.,.,. 2 8!S 2 783 " 1.1 8 227 7 1Sl

ADAMS TOWNSHIP,, •• ,,,,,,,,,,,, • 282 • 307 -2S -0,6 8 197 6 8S9 CLAY TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,, •••• ,,, ,, 211 " 606 60S 1.9 1' 919 11 339 DELAWARE TOWNSHIP.,,,,,,,,,,., s 067 • 660 •01 8,7 ll 69S 9 78\ FALL CREEK TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,, 3 022 2 7S7 26S 9.6 9 742 8 322 JACKSON TOWNSHIP •• ,,,,,,,,,,,, 7 7"7 7 935 '12 •• 2 8 '" 7 252 NOBLESVILLE TOWNSHIP •• ,,,,,,,, 19 609 18 89' 71S 3.8 10 198 8 .,, WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP ••••••••••• 7 S91 7 •25 166 2,2 9 9"8 8 336 WAYNE TOWNSHIP,,,.,,,.,·•••,,. 1 897 1 898 -1 -0.1 8 35" 7 289 WHITE RIVER TOWNSHIP ••••••••• , 2 113 2 0'5 68 3.3 8 192 7 "38

HANCOCK COUNTY,,.,,,,.,,,, ., 8S9 ., 939 -80 -0.2 9 03S 7 609

CUMBERLAND !PART>.,., •• , •• ,.,. 1 1S7 1 129 28 2.s 11 969 10 168 SHIRLEY {PARTJ •••••••••••••••• 69" 742

_., -6.5 6 683 s S99

WILKINSON •••••••••• , •••••••.••• '93 •93 -so ~10.1 8 176 7 179 GREENFIELD.,., •••• , ••• ,., ••• ,, 11 363 11 30• S9 0,5 8 680 7 219 NEW PALE.STINE,,.,.,,,.,.•,,,,, 760 7"9 11 l.S 8 679 7 •69 SPRING LAKE .• ,,,,,.••••,,, •• ,,, 2"2 236 6 2.S 10 •51 8 779 FORTI/ILLE, •••••••••••••••••••• 2 726 2 787 -61 -2.2 7 829 6 618 BLUE RIVER TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,, 1 1'3 1 201 -S8 -1.1-,8 a 80S 7 .. , BRANDYWINE TOWNSHIP,, ••••••••• 1 SB3 1 6S8 -7S -4.5 8 669 7 307 BROWN TOWNSHIP,,,••••.,••••,,, 2 SB7 2 703 -116 -4.J 7 S72 6 S82 BUCK CREEK TOWMSHIP •,., •• ,,,., • 731 • 67S S6 1.2 10 968 9 306 CENTER TOWNSHIP ••••••••••••••• 16 200 l6 13S 6S o.• 8 833 7 399 GREEN TOWNSHIP.,,,,,,~ •••••• ,, 1 6S7 1 686 -29 -1. 7 8 3'8 7 \76 JACKSON TOWNSl-lIP •• , ••••., ••••, 1 .,. 1 88• lS 0.8 7 7•6 6 5'8 SUGAR CREEK TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,, 8 2% 8 11" 132 1.6 9 8"7 8 27S VERNON TOWNSHIP,, ••••• ,.••,, •• s 81' s 883 -69 ~1.2 8 292 6 97S

HARRISON COUNTY •••••• ,,,,, 28 620 27 276 1 3 .. 4.9 7 30S 6 028

MILL TOWN !PART!,., •• , ••• ,,.,,. .,, '86 ., 12.2 7 2 .. s 9'3 LACONIA,,, •• ,,,,, •• ,, •••• ,,,,, S9 S8 1 1. 7 7 30S 6 028 LANESVILLE ••••••• _.,,,·•·•, ••• , SS9 S70 -11 -1.9 8 870 6 8'1 CORYDON,,.,.,, •••• ,.,.,,• ••••• 2 972 2 72" 2'8 9 .1 7 717 6 380 MAUCKPORT.,,.,, ••••. •, ••• ,,,,., 121 109 12 11.0 8 289 6 769 CRANDALL,,.,., ••••• ,,.,.•,.,., 177 176 1 0.6 6 632 s 359 PALMYRA.,,,, •••.• ,.••••,, •••• ,, 690 692 -2 -0.J 7 608 6 218 EL I 7-ABETH.,.,.,, •• , ••• , •• ,,,,. 196 178 18 10.1 8 9S1 7 302

NEW AMSTERDAM,, ••••••••••••••• '" 31 3 9.7 7 305 6 028 NEW MIDDLETOWN •••••••••••••••• 132 llS 17 11.1-. 8 s 270 • 209 BLUE RIVER TOWNSHIP •••••••••• , 1 S79 1 •71 108 7.3 6 •11 s S36







22.8 22.2 26 .it 26.2 23,6 13,2 24.7 17,9

20.0 27 .1 15.2 20.6 22.0 18,5 25,6 25.0

19.5 20.5 22.1 26,1 20.5 22.8


20.7 23.4 18,6 20 ,!!-19.3 19,0 21.6 15,0

19,5 22.8 19,6 17.1 18. 9 20.0 19,3 11.!. 6 10.1


17,7 19.4 13.9 20.2 18.9 19.0 18.3 18.3

18,6 15,0 17,9 19.5 16,3 18.5 19.0 1e.9

21. 2

21.9 21.2 29.7 21 .o 22.5 2J.8 22 ,LI 22.6

21. 2 25.2 19.ll

Page 8: 1982 Population Estimates and 1981 Per Capita Income ... · places; and (3) active minor civil divisions (MCD's), i.e., towns in New England, New York, and Wisconsin, or townships


Table 1. ~~~ i~~;:u2~1~0f~~:!io~~~~in<;,~~ndar Year 1981 Per Capita Income Estimates for the State, Counties,



BOONE TOWNSHIP ••••••••••••••••

~AER~~~~b~ ~g~~~~~~::::::::::::: H TH TOWNSHIP JACKSON TOWNS~i~:::::::::::::: MORGAN TOWNSHip,,, 0 ,,,,, 0 ,,,,,

POSEY TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, SPENCER TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,



~:~~~c~~~~:::::::::::::::::::: AMO,, •• , •• ,,.,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,.


AMESTOWN CPARTJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ~ORTH SALEM,,., ••• , •••• , •••• ,,

p~!i~;r~t~:::::::::::::::::::: CLAYTON,,,,.,., ••• •••., •••• , ••

r:~~5~~~~::::::::::::::::::::: ~;~*~RTOWNSHIP,,., •••••••••••• C TOWNSHIP.,,,,,.,,,,, •••

EELAY TOWNSHIP ••••••••••••• ,,,.

L RIVER TOWNSHIP •••••••• ,, •• FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP ••••• , •• ,,,,.

G~~LFORD TOWNSHIP ••••••••• ,,., L FRTY TOW~SHIP •••••• , •••••• , LINCOLN TOWNSHIP ~ARION TOWNSHIP.:::::::::::::: .,JOOLE TOWNSHIP,, ••••••••• ,,,, UNION TnWNSHIP ••••••••••••••• , WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP ••••••• ,,.,

HENRY C~UNTY ••••• ,,.,,,,,.

MOORELAND, •••••••••••• ,_ .• ,,., s;~~UGHt.J, ••• ,.,, •••• ,.,., •• ,.,

~EWI~~i~~~:::::::::::::::::::: ~~~~~~~~~~:::::::::::::::::::: ~~IRLEY (PAP Tl,,.,,.,,,.,.,,.,

DIZ •••• ,, •• ,,, •• ,.,.,.,.,, ••

NEW CASTLE, •• •••, •••• ,••••,,,,

~~~~~u~u~~~i~~:::::::::::::::· SPRINGPORT ••• ,,., •• ,,.,.,,,,,:

~~~~~cr~o::::::::::::::::::::: ~~OlJNTSVILLE,.,,,.,.,.,,, •••• ,

IGHTSTOWN,,,,., , •• , ,,, , , ••••

BLUE RIVER TOWNSHIP,,.,,,,,,,. ~~OLEY TOWNS~IP.,, ••••••••• ,,. FRLL CREEK TOWNSHIP •••••••••••


HARRISON TOWNSHIP •••••••••• ,,.

JHEENRY TOWNSHIP •••••••••••• ,,.,

FFERSON TOWNSHIP ••••••••••• ,

~~BERTY TOWNSHIP •••••••••• ,,,, AIRIE TOWNSHIP,,,~··•·••••••

SPICELAND TOWNSHJP,, 0 ,,, 0 ,,,,,

~!$~i ~~~~~Hi~~~:~~~::::::::::

HOWARD COUNTY •• , ••••••••••

KOKOMO,,,, •• ,,, •• ,.,,.,,,,,., ~~~SIAVILLE,,, ••••• , ,,, , , ••••: CEN ENTOWN,.,,, •• ,,,., •• ,,,,,, CLATER TOWNSHIP,,,, •• , •• , •• ,,: ERVY TOWNSHIP •••••••••••••••••

lN TOWNSHIP •• , •••••• ,,,,,,, HARRISON TOWNSHIP ••••• , •• ,.,,.

JlJLY 1, 1982

1 097 2 ,,. 8 212


• 213 3 080 2 "°0 1 652

611 •38

1 ... 71 620

6 •75 • 350 .,. "80

-580 388

9 723

695 912 500

• 151 7 299 2 032 1 652 1 33•

17 632

• 799 13 597

1 281 3 269 1 662

12 91•

51 675

503 333

2 867 526 183 '13 153 177

19 167 307 353 228 159 909 186

2 271

1 35) 1 •02

• 97' 1 '15 1 ... 1 559

25 602 1 318

1 609 J 612 2 335


• o•o

85 326 .. 0'3 1 007 2 317

50 861 3 829 1 892 6 916


1 065 2 872 7 727

880 3 977 2 965 2 203 1 625

611 387

1 q.93

69 804

6 2-42 4 220 . .. '" 581 350

9 191

703 891 '56

• 176 7 057

' 030 1 595 1 261

17 052

• 719 13 351

1 289 3 189 1 579

12 506

53 336

'79 331

2 978 577 175 .. 1 177 180

20 056 3'5 357 221 18' 9'0 213

2 325

1 351 1 •01 5 09' 1 '57 1 503 1 560

26 730 1 3'0

1 652 3 769 2 365


• 125

86 896

'7 808 973

2 265 52 5o<

3 970 1 966 6 960


CHANGE, 1980 TO 1982

NUMBER PERCEi'iT 1981 1979

32 3.0 6 777 5 ••o 62 '" 8 ... 6 851 ••5 6.3 7 509 6 330 39 ••• 7 318 5 905 236 5.9 7 387 5 800 115 3,9 7 122 5 873 197 A,9 6 951 5 809 27 1. 7 7 216 6 072

- - 6 815 5 9'3 51 13,2 6 392 5 389 -9 -o.6 6 259 5 230

1 816 2,6 9 623 7 925

233 3.7 10 509 8 6'6 130 3, 1 9 293 7 619 -20 -11-.s 7 269 6 237 6 1.3 1 278 6 587 - ... - --1 -0.2 7 056 5 913 38 10.9 8 215 6 905 532 5.8 10 037 8 07'

-8 -1.1 7 57' 6 385 21 '·' 8 869 7 1128 .. 9.6 8 707 7 318 -25 -0,6 11 295 9 101 242 3.• 9 49'1 7 982

2 0.1 7 Sit! 6 682 57 3.6 7 IJ88 6 JJO 73 5.8 7 779 6 697

580 3 •• 9 362 7 585 BO 1. 7 8 657 7 2'15 246 J.8 10 255 8 377 -8 -0,6 9 072 7 978 BO 2,5 9 20• 7 567 83 5,3 8 972 7 359 •00 3.3 10 237 8 '25

-1 661 -3.1 7 5'3 6 •01 ,. 5,0 7 059 5 82' 2 0,6 6 360 5 256 -111 -3.7 7 776 6 353 -51 -8,e 6 665 5 392 8 •.6 7 138 5 8'6

-2B -6,3 7 500 6 '10 _,. -7,9 7 332 6 268

-3 -1.7 5 775 • 829

-889 -11,!j. 7 152 5 919 -38 -11.0 8 33• 6 79• 6 1. 7 7 863 6 •57 7 3,2 6 072 5 153 -25 -13,6 8 821 7 392 -31 -3,J 7 Ii51 6 368 -27 -12.7 5 958 • 853 _,.

-2,3 8 381 6 929

2 0.1 6 916 6 076 1 0.1 7 219 6 '7• -r20 -::>,'! 7 813 6 5'1 _.,

-2.9 7 160 5 852 _, -0,6 7 388 6 567

-1 -0,1 7 soo 6 883 -1 128 -4,2 7 555 6 337 _,,

-1,6 8 626 7 '86 _., -?,6 8 399 7 2'9 -rs7 -11.2 7 155 5 883 -30 -1.J 7 Li-56 6 575

-2B -;'1.8 6 111 5 360 -85 -2.1 7 715 6 611

-1 570 -1.8 9 003 7 656

-1 765 -3.7 8 589 7 2 .. 34 3,5 8 Joo 6 792 52 2.3 8 '92 7 105

-1 643 -3.1 8 690 7 311 -l'H -3.6 10 921 9 015 -74 -3,8 10 1'2 9 278 _ ..

-0.6 9 835 8 •74




23.7 23.9 18.6 23,9 27 .4 21.J 19.7 18,8

111. 7 18.6 19.7

21. LI

21.5 22.0 16,5 10.s ... 19.J 19.0 21t.J

18.6 19. It 19.0 211 .1 18.9 12.9 18.J 16. 2

23 .It 19.5 22.4 13.7 21. 6 21.9 21. 5


21. 2 21. 0 2;:> .it 23.6 22.1 17.0 17.0 19.6

20.8 22.7 21. 8 17.8 19.3 17.0 22,8 21.0

13.8 11 .s 19.4 22.LI 12.5 9,0

19,2 15,2

15.9 21,6 13,L! 111, 0 16.7


18.6 2;:> .2 19.5 18.9 21.1 9.3


Table 1. July l, 1982, Population and Calendar Year 1981 Per Capita Income Estimates for the State, Counties, and Subcounty Areas-Continued



AREA CHANGE, 1980 TO 1982

JULY 1. APRIL 1. 1982 1980 NUMBER PERCENT 1981 1979

HONEY CREEK TOWNSHIP,., •••••• , 1 801 1 79• 7 o.• 8 736 7 389 HOWARD TOWNSHIP., •• , •• , •• ,, ••• 2 802 ' 88' -82 _,, .8 10 02' 8 651 JACKSON Tl"JW~ISl-JIP •••• , • , , , • •••• 582 617 -35 -5,7 8 343 7 318 LIBERTY TOWNSHIP,., ••••••••••• • 367 • 371 -· -0.1 8 707 7 523 MONROE TOWNSHIP •••• , •••• ••~··· 1 128 1 2'1 .. 113 -9.1 8 37' 7 37' TAYLOR TOWNSHIP ••.•••••• ,,•••, 10 257 9 628 629 6,5 9 120 7 9% UNION TOWNSHIP •••.•••••••••••• 891 961 -70 -7.] 8 '16 7 ...

HUNTINGTON COUNTY,,,,,,,,. ,. 200 35 596 -1 396 -3.9 8 016 6 76•

MOUNT ETNA ••• ,,,, ••• ,.,,, ••••• 119 122 _,

-2.5 7 438 6 039 ANDREWS,.••••, •••••• ,,,,,,•••. 1 158 1 2'3 -85 -6.8 6 390 5 338 HUNTINGTON,, •••••••• •••.,,,,., 15 503 16 202 -699 -11.J 7 960 6 515 ROANOKE,.,., •••• ,.,,,.,.•,.,,. 1 160 1 177 -17 -1.11- 8 708 6 96• MARKLE CPARTJ,,,,.,.,.,, •• ,.,. 753 755 -2 -o.J 7 051 6 209 WARRE~I, ~,,,.,,,.,,,., •••• ,,,., 1 2'1 1 25' -13 -1.0 8 191 6 8'7 CLEAR CREEK TOWNSHIP,,,, •• , ••• 1 262 1 286

_,. -1.9 8 862 7 797 DALLAS TOWNSHIP,., •• ,.,,,,,,,. 1 921 2 072 -151 -7,3 6 .,, 5 639

HUNTIN~TON TOWNSHIP ••• ,,,,,,,, 19 155 20 032 -877 -II.II 8 167 6 79• JACKSON TOWNSHIP,.••,., •• ,,,,, 3 259 3 325 -66 -2.0 8 675 7 207 JEFFERSON TOWNSHIP,., •• , •• , ••• 1 213 1 306 -93 -7,1 7 167 6 065 LANCASTER TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,.,,, 1 126 1 185 -59 -s.o 6 962 6 •o• POLK TOWNSHIP.••••,.•••.•,,,•• <09 •09 - - 7 309 6 369 ROCK CREEK T01iNSH1P,,.,., ••• ,, 1 .. 3 1 •63 -20 -1.LI 7 018 6 208 SALAMONIE TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,, •••• 2 007 2 018 -11 -o.5 8 215 7 107 UNION TOWNSHIP.,, ••• ,.,,,.,, •• 1 100 1 120 -20 -1.8 8 '96 7 217

WARREN TOWNSHIP ••• ,.,,,,,••••• 713 759 -•6 -6.1 6 972 6 183 WAYNE TOW"ISHIP, •• , •• ,,,,, ., , , • 590 621 -31 -5.0 8 672 7 507

JACKSON CO~NTY,,,,,,., •• ,, 37 3'9 36 523 826 2.3 7 2'3 6 2'3

SEYMOUR, ••• ,.,,.,.,.,",.,.,,,,,, 15 '" 15 050 '39 2,9 7 695 6 '67 BROWNSTOWN •• , •• , •••••••••••••• 2 737 2 10• 33 1.2 7 317 6 271 MEDORA,,,, ••••• ,,.,.,.,,,,,,,, '13 853 -•o -11.7 6 307 5 327 CROTHERSVILLE.,, ••••••••• ,,,., 1 762 1 7'7 15 o.9 6 701 5 607 BROWNSTOWN TOWNSHJP,,,,, 0 ,,,,, • 805 • 650 155 3,3 7 2'0 6 333 CARR TOWNSHIP,••••,.,,,,,••••. 1 57' 1 55' 20 1.3 6 017 5 222 DRIFTWOOD TOWNSHIP •• ,,,,,,,,,. 992 937 55 5.9 5 9'6 5 673 GRASSY FORK TOWNSHIP •••••••• ,, 810 792 18 2,3 5 808 5 627

HAMILTON TOWNSHIP ••••• ,.,,,,,, 1 •93 1 509 -16 -1.1 6 5'2 5 684 JACKSON TOWNSHIP ••••• ,,,.,.,,, 16 222 15 784 438 2.8 7 865 6 627 OWEN TOWNSHIP •• ,, ••• ,,,,,,,.•. 1 386 1 380 6 o.• 5 683 5 4'1 PERSHING TO~NSHlP ••• ,,.,,,,.,, 1 387 1 296 91 7,0 6 5'1 5 799 REDOING TOWNSHIP •••• ,,,, •• , ••• 3 8'4 3 786 58 1.5 7 102 6 227 SALT CREEK TOWNSHIP ••••••••••• 336 31• 22 1.0 5 777 5 551 VERNON TOWNSHIP ••• ,,,·•.•••••• ' 569 3 613 _ .. -1.2 7 059 5 888 WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP.,,,,,,,,., 930 908 22 ' .. 7 "" 6 60•

JASPER COUNTY,,.,,,,,.,.,, 26 869 26 138 731 2.8 7 922 6 855

REMINGTON.,.,,,,,.,,,, •• ,,,,,. 1 232 1 268 -36 -2,8 9 09' 8 10• DEMOTTE,,,,,,,,.,.,,,., •• ,,,,, 2 729 ' 559 170 '·' 8 1'0 7 070 RENSSELAER ••• , ••• ,,.,,,,, ••••• • 902 • ... _., -o.s 9 087 7 280 WHEATFIELD •• ,,,,,.,••••.,,,,., 756 755 1 0 .1 7 68' 6 39' BARKLEY TOWNSHIP •• ,,,.,,,,,.,. 916 909 7 o.8 6 887 6 •60 CARPENTER TOWNSHIP •• ,, •••• , ••• 2 0'9 2 038 11 0,5 8 731 8 017 GILLAM TOWNSHIP,,,,.,.,,,,,, •• 8'2 818 ,. 2.9 6 853 6 5"6 HANGING GROVE TOWNSHIP,.,,.,,, 308 313 -5 -1.6 7 935 7 339

JORDAN TOWNSHIP ••• , ••• ,.••.,,, 376 37' 2 o.5 7 688 6 933 KANKAKEE TO'.~NSHIP.,.,,,,,.,,,. 1 10• 1 05' 50 •• 7 7 181 6 287 KEENER TOWNSHIP,,.,.,., •• ,,,,. 6 938 6 578 360 5.5 8 300 7 1'9 MARION TOWN~HIP., ,, , , • , ,,, , , , • 7 217 7 150 67 0,9 8 196 6 728 MILROY TOWNSHIP ••••••••••••• ,, 2'6 237 9 3.8 6 031 5 226 NEWTON TOWNSHIP ••••••• ,, •••••• 685 715 .30 -4.2 8 786 7 926 UNION TOWNSHIP,,.,, •• ,,,,,, ••• 1 319 1 260 59 4.7 6 961 6 415 WALKER TOWNSHIP ••• , ••• ,,•••••• 2 359 2 250 109 ••• 6 961 6 0'7 WHEATFIELD TOWNSHIP.,., •• ,.,,, 2 509 2 4'2 67 "7 7 882 6 669

JAY COUNTY., •• ,,,.,,• •• ••• 22 "60 23 239 -779 -3.4 7 02' 5 925

BRYANT, ••••• ,,,,,,,.,.,,, ••• ,. 250 277 -27 -9,7 7 •oo 6 002 SALAMON I A,,,.,,., ••• ,.,,, •• , •• 159 1'7 12 8.2 6 616 5 2'6 PENNVILLE, •••• ,, •••• ,, •••••••• 729 805 -76 -9,!!- 6 333 5 655 DUNKIRK (PART>,,,.,,, •• ,,,,,., 2 897 3 017 -120 -11.0 7 522 6 015 REDKEY.,.,.,, ••••• ,, •• ,., ••• ,, 1 .,, 1 537 -78 -5 .1 6 952 5 662 PORTLAND •• ,,, ••••••• ,.,.,,.,,, 6 828 7 07' -2q.6 -3.5 7 030 5 918 BEAR CREEK TOWNSHIP ••••••••••• 1 130 1 162 -32 -2.8 6 4'2 5 395 GREENE TOWNSHIP,, ••• , ••• ,,,, •• 1 003 1 066 -63 -5,9 7 061 5 8'5

JACKSON TOWNSHIP •••• ,, •••• , ••• 783 829 -'6 -5.5 5 657 5 266





18.2 15,9 111. 0 15.7 13.6 111. 8 13.1


23.2 19.7 22.2 25.0 !J.6 19 .6 13.7 13.9

20,5 20 ,I.I 18.2 8.7

111. 8 13.0 15.6 17.7

12.8 15,5


19.0 16. 7 18,q. 19,5 14,3 15.2 •• 8 3.2

15.1 18.7

••• 12.a 111, 1 •• 1

19.9 12.8


12,2 15.l 211 0 8 20.2 6.6 8,9 •.7 8 .1

10,9 1'1.2 16,1 21. 8 15.LI-10.9

8 ,5 15.l 18.2


23,J 26.1 12.0 25.1 22.8 18,8 19.L! 20,8


Page 9: 1982 Population Estimates and 1981 Per Capita Income ... · places; and (3) active minor civil divisions (MCD's), i.e., towns in New England, New York, and Wisconsin, or townships


Table 1. July 1, 1982, Population and Calendar Year 1981 Per Capita Income Estimates for the State, Counties, and Subcounty Areas-Continued



AREA CHANGE, 1980 To 1982

JULY 1, APRIL 1. 1982 1980 NUMBER PERCENT 1981 1979

JEFFERSON TOWNSHIP •• ,, ••••• ,,, 939 9"5 -6 -0,6 6 8•6 5 890 KNOX TOWNSHIP ••••• , •• ,,.,.,,., sao 602 _,, -3.7 7 484 7 015 MADISON TOWNSHIP ••• , ••• ,,,,,,, 65J 693 -•o -5.8 6 •60 5 128 NOBLE TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 7'a 732 16 '" 6 290 5 6"° PENN TOl'INSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 00 1 '°' 1 362 -5a -4.3 6 563 5 953 PIKE TOWNSHIP, •• •·••, •••• , •• ,, 919 955 -36 -3.a 6 18• 5 39• RICHLAND TOWNSHIP ••• ,,,•••,,., 5 ,., 5 66a -221 -3,9 7 533 6 093 WABASH TOWNSKip,,., ••• , • ,,, , , • 579 59' -15 _;:i,s 6 102 • 94' WAYNE TOWNSHIP, ••• ,., •• ,,,.,., 8 3H 8 631 -257 -3.0 7 221 6 095

JEFFERSON COUNTY.,,,,,,, •• " 152 Jo "19 -1 267 _q.,2 7 "96 6 050

HANOVER,.,,.,,,,,.,.,,, ••• ,, •• 3 973 • 05" -81 -2.0 5 056 • 102. DUPONT,,,, •••• ,.,., •• ,,.,.,,., 355 392 -37 -9,1.1 6 051 • 610 MAOJ·SON,,,.,,,,, •• ,,,.,,, •• ,,. 11 962 12 '72 -510 -1.1.1 8 221 8 583 BRQOKSBURG,, 0 , 0 , 0 ,,,,,,, •• ,,., 123 132 -9 -6,8 6 693 5 '" GRAHAM TOWNSHIP,,,, •• ,,,,.,••• 1 Jao 1 .. 8 -66 -11.6 6 a.o 5 550 HANOVER TOWNSHIP,,,,,••••, •• ,, 5 0'6 5 182 -116 -·2.2 6 532 5 239 LANCASTER TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,, 1 •35 1 '"

_., -3.3 6 '" 5 '96 MADISON TOWNSHIP,.,,,,,,,,,,,, 15 513 16 225 -712 -4.1.! 8 262 6 630

MILTON TOWNSHIP.,,,, 0 ,,,,, 0 ,,, 1 {a7 1 20• -17 -1.1.1 6 021 • 963 MONROE TOWNSHIP •• ,.,, ••••••••• 320 '57 -37 -10.11 7 710 8 370 REPUBLJCA~ TOWNSHIP,, ••••• ,, •• 1 26a 1 '" -!59 -11.0 7 413 5 a31 SALUDA TOWNSHIP •••••• , ••••• ,,, 1 323 1 358 -35 -2.6 7 189 5 '" SHELBY TOWNSHIP •••••••••••• ,,, ao1 850 _., -5,8 5 651 • 923 SMYRNA TOWNSHIP.,.,••·•.,•••., 858 88' -28 .:.3,2 6 '81 5 560

JENNINGS COUNTY •••••••• ,., 22 7'5 " a5" -109 -0,5 6 932 5 802

NORTH VERNON.,,, •• ,,,.,,,,,, •• 5 627 5 76a -IIH .;,2,4 7 291 5 922 VERNON,,, 0 ••• ,.,, ~.,,,,,,,,, •• 306 329 _,, -7,0 6 067 • 733 BIGGER TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,, 609 57' 35 6.1 5 690 • 668 CAMPBELL TOWNSHIP,,,,,, ••••••• 2 066 2 16• -98 -4.5 • 6'2 3 872 CENTER TOWNSHIP,,.,.,.,,••·•,, 7 677 7 ao6 -!29 -1.7 7 ... 6 157 COLUMBIA TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,,, 772 77' -2 -o.3 6 050 5 '" GENEVA TOWNSHip,,.,,,,,,,,,,,. 3 878 3 8'9 " o.8 7 8'1 6 833 LOVETT TOWNSHIP,, ••• ,.,,, ••• •• 77• 809 -35 -11,3 6 026 • 905

MARION TOWN5HIP.,,,,,,,,,,,,., 1 020 98' 36 3.7 6 21a 5 5'1 MONTGOMERY TOWNSHIP.•·•,, •• ,., 955 9'1 '" 1.5 7 37a 5 a99 SAND CREEK TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,, 810 aoJ 7 0,9 6 1'6 5 355 SPENCER TOWNSHIP,.,.,,,,,,.,,, 2 1'3 2 093 50 2,LI 6 787 5 818 VERNON TOWNSHIP,,.,,,,,,,.,,,, 2 o•o 2 057 -17 -o.8 7 077 6 001

JOHNSON COUNTY.,,,,,,,,,,, T9 659 77 2'0 2 "19 3 .1 9 023 7 520

BARGERSVILLE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1 917 1 6'7 270 16,LI 7 625 6 382 FRANKLIN •• , •• ,, •••• , ••• ,,,,,,, 11 590 11 563 27 0.2 7 9'2 6 5'3 GREENWOOD,,,.,,,,.,,,,,.,,,.•,. 20 811 19 327 1 •84 7.7 9 726 a 099 TRAFALGAR,,,.,, ••• ,,.,, ••• ,,,. 490 '86 ,. 5.2 6 935 6 122 WHITELAND •• ,,•••• ••••• , ••••• ,. 1 996 1 956 •o 2.0 8 122 6 ••1 EDINBURG !PART) •••• , •• ,,.,,,,, • 310 • 395 -as -1.9 6 801 5 662 PRINCES LAKES,,,,,,,,,

0,,,,, 00 92' 937 ·13 -!.LI 9 422 7 712 NEW WHITELAND •••• ,,,,., •••• ,,, • •62 • 502 -•o -o.9 7 579 6 195

BLUE RIVER TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,, •• 5 126 5 319 -!93 -3,6 7 016 5 869 CLARK TOWNSHIP,, •••••••••••••• 1 682 1 890 -28 -1.7 8 001 8 956 FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP 0 ,,,, 0 ,,,,, •• 12 919 12 972 -53 -O,LI 7 769 6 "" HENSLEY TOWNSHIP •••••••••••••• 2 376 2 265 Ill •• 9 9 027 7 565 NEEDHAM TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3 316 3 339 -23 -o.7 9 559 a 325 NINEVEH TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3 121 2 999 !22 • '1 6 770 5 a'3 PLEASANT TOWNSHIP •••••••••• , •• 27 521 " 106 1 "15 5.• 9 262 7 6'7 UNION TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,.,,,, •• 1 962 2 023 -61 -3.0 a 955 7 77• WHITE RIVER TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,, 21 655 20 527 1 128 5,5 10 280 8 587

KNOX COUNTY,,,, •• ,,.,.,,,. ., 517 " aJa 879 1.' 7 263 6 186

BICKNELL,,.,.,,•••••,••••,•••• • 1'2 • 713 29 o.6 7 033 5 795 OAKTOWN •• ,,, •• ,.,,,,, •• , •••••• 681 778 -95 -12.2 6 425 5 380 MONROE CI TV •• ,~.,.,.,.,,, •• ,,, 635 569 66 11.6 6 '18 5 738 DECKER,,,.,,,,,., •• ,, •• ,,, •• ,, 278 256 22 8.6 6 22a 5 410 WHEATLAND,,,,, •••••••••• , •••• , 592 532 80 11.3 8 277 5 028 EDWARDSPORT •••••••• , •••••••••• '" '59 32 1.0 6 55a 5 665 SANDBORN,,,••••·• •• · •• , ••• ,,,,, 550 576 -26 -Ll-.5 7 55' 8 189 VINCENNES,, •• ,,,,.,.,.,,,.,,,. 21 333 20 857 '76 "' 7 136 5 913

BRUCEVILLE, •• ,•••••,,,,.,,,,,. 655 6'8 9 i.• 6 652 5 7'9 BUSSERON TOWNSHIP ••••••••••••• 1 '" 1 •85 -71 -4.8 ' 828 ' ooa DECKER TOWNSHIP,, ••• ,•••'.,,,, 30• 270 ,. 12.6 5 519 • 832 HARRISON TOWNSHIP,,,,,,.,,,,,, 1 959 1 a12 a1 •• 6 6 976 6 335 JOHNSON TOWNSHIP •••••• ,,.,,,,, 1 523 1 501 " 1.5 8 1'8 5 773 PALMYRA TOWNSHIP.,,,,,,.,,,,,, 1 527 1 578 -51 -3.2 7 397 8 499 STEEN TOWNSHIP, ••••••••••• ,,., 1 107 1 071 36 '·' 7 590 ' 1'8




16.2 6.7

26.0 11.5 10.2 14 .6 23.6 23.i+ 18,5


21.1.5 31.3 21.1.9 23.6 23.2 24. 7 16,6 211 ,6

21. 3 21. 0 27,1 30,6 111 .8 16,6


23.1 28,2 21. 9 19.9 21.7 11. 8 18,2 22,9

12.2 25,1 111. 8 16.7 17.9


19.5 21. 11 20.1 13,3 25.2 20.l 22.2 22.3

19.5 15,0 19.7 19,3 14.8 15.9 21 .1 15,2 20.0


21. I.! 19. 4 11.9 15 .1 24.8 15 ,8 22.1 20.7

15,7 13,6 111,2 10.1 8.5

13,8 23.5

Table l. July l, 1982, Population and Calendar Year 1981 Per Capita Income Estimates for the State, Counties, and Subcounty Areas-Continued



AREA CHANGE, 1980 TO 1982

JULY 1, APRIL 1. 1982 1980 NUMBER PERCENT 1981 1979

VIGO TOWNSHIP,,,.,, •• ,,.,,,, •• 5 529 5 513 16 0.3 7 !59 '5 978 VINCENNES TOWNSHIP, •••• ,, •• ,., 25 421 ,. 9"5 '76 1.9 7 '13 6 206 WASHINGTO~~ TOWNSHIP., ••••••••• 2 361 2 316 " 1.9 7 191 8 1'9 WIDNER TOWNSHIP •• ,•.,,,,,,,,,, 1 372 1 287 85 6,6 7 075 6 527

KOSCIUSKO COUNTY ••••• ,.,,, 59 8'0 59 555 285 0,5 a 342 6 86•

ME'NTONE •• ,, •• , •• , •••••• ,,,, •• , 988 973 13 1.3 7 977 8 751 CLAYPOOL, •••• ,,, ••• ,,••••, •••• "59 46• -5 -1.1 5 793 • 882 ETNA GREEN,.,, •••• ,.,.,.• ••• •, •85 522 -57 -10,9 7 585 6 280 SI ONEY.,.,, •• ,,.,.,.,.,.•.,.•. lH 19' -20 -10.3 5 792 • 731 NAPPANEE tPARTl., •• ,,.,,.,,.,. - - - ... - -SILVER LAKE •• ,,,•,,.,,,, ••• ,,. 551 576 -25 -4.3 7 578 5 872 LEESBURG,, •• , ••• , ••• , •• ,,,••·• 680 629 31 •• 9 8 585 6 970 BURKET,, •• ,., ••• , •• , •• ,.,,, •• • 237 260 -23 .. a.a 7 223 5 988

NORTH WEBSTER.,,,,,,, •••••••• , 6'6 709 -63 -8.9 7 992 8 653 SYRACUSE.,••••,,•••,,,,,,,•••• 2 555 2 579 _,. -0,9 8 a11 7 •08 MILFORD •• ,, •• , ••••• ,,,,,,, •• ,. 1 1'7 1 153 -6 .. o.s 7 591 6 269 PIERCETON, ••• ,,,•••·•,•••,,•.••• 1 051 1 oa6 -35 -3.2 7 451 8 139 WARSAW ••• ,,,,,,.,.,., ••••• ,,,, 10 8'3 10 647 216 2.0 8 975 7 33' WINONA LAKE ••••••• ,,, •• ,,, •• ,, 2 981 2 a21 154 s.• 6 606 5 278 CLAY TOWNSHIP ••• ,.,., ••••• ,,,, 1 631 1 821 10 o.6 6 820 6 013 ETNA TOWNSHIP,,,,.,,,,, ••• ,,,. 1 071 1 150 -79 -6.9 7 187 6 1'3

FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP.,.,,,,, •• ,,. 987 1 019 -32 -3.1 6 873 5 769 HARRISON TOPNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3 192 3 226 -34 -1.1 a 169 6 883 JACKSON TOWNSHIP~ •••••••• ,,,,, 1 218 1 251 -33 -2.6 6 87a 5 7'0 JEFFERSON TOWNSHIP •••••••••••• 1 095 1 089 6 0.6 6 810 6 28' LAKE TOWNSHIP.,,, ••• ,.•·•·•••• 1 62' 1 661 -37 -2.2 7 4'0 6 171 MONROE TOWNSHIP,.,,,,.•••••••• 976 932 .. 4. 7 6 180 5 358 PLAIN TOWNSHIP,,,,,.,.,,,,•••• • 9H • 968 6 0.1 10 018 7 852 PRAIRIE TOWNSHIP,.,,,,•••,., •• 1 187 1 !Ba -1 ..o .1 7 896 6 697

SCOTT TOWNSHIP, •• ,•••,,,,,,,,. 1 202 1 190 12 1,0 5 345 • 721 SEWARD TOWNSHIP ••••••••••••••• 1 a82 1 921 -39 -2.0 7 350 5 83' TIPPECANOE TOWNSHIP,.,,,,,,,,, 5 34a 5 340 a 0 .1 8 371 6 795 TURKEY CREEK TOWNSHIP,,.,,,,,, 6 557 6 587 -Jo -o.s 9 997 8 098 VAN BUREN TOWNSHIP,,, •• ,,,,,., 3 130 3 118 12 o.• 7 638 6 5'0 WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP •••• ,,,,,., 2 aoo 2 a'7 _.,

-1.7 7 081 6 03' WAYNE TOWNSHIP,, •••••••••••••• 20 984 20 '" 517 2,5 8 623 7 027

LAGRANGE COUNTY,,,,,.,,.,. 26 051 25 550 501 ;i.o 6 671 5 638

TOPEKA.,.,,.,.,.,.,.,,,,,,.,., 887 a18 11 1,3 a 303 6 ao2 LAGRANGE.•••• ••••• ,••••,,,,,., 2 169 2 16• 5 0,2 a 450 6 750 WOLCOTTVILLE" tPARTl.,.,,,,,,,. 379 370 9 ,_, a 390 6 559 SHIPSHEWANA •• ,,, •••• ,,,,,,•••• 513 •66 " 10.1 7 912 6 341 BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,. • 232 • 159 73 1. a 8 £1.96 6 780 CLAY TOWNSHIP,,.,.,., ••• •.,,•, 2 358 2 213 !'5 6,6 • .,, • 506 CLEARSPRING TOWNSHIP,,,.,,.,,, 2 ao1 2 778 23 o.a 4 981 • 29' EDEN TOWNSHIP ••• •••.,., •• ,,••• 2 087 2 067 20 1.0 5 121 • •62

GREENFIELD TOWNSHIP ••• ,.,,,,,, 1 07' 1 088 _,. -1.) 7 7'5 6 .ia JOHNSON TOWNSHIP.,,••••,,••••, 2 600 2 593 7 0,3 a 0'3 6 816 LIMA TOlllNSHIP, •• ,,, • , •••• , , ••• 1 933 1 a89 .. ?.3 9 o•o 7 '" MILFORD TOWNSHJP,,,,,,,,,,,,,. 2 272 2 297 -25 -1.1 7 540 6 188 NEWBURY TOWNSHIP,,, ••• ,••••,,, 3 5Ja 3 16a 370 11.7 5 677 5 02' SPRINGFIELD TOWNSHIP,,,,,,.,,, 1 0"1 1 09' -53 -Ll,8 6 951 5 583 VAN BUREN TOWNSHIP •••• ,.,,,,,, 2 115 2 20•

_., •LI.a 5 01' • 696

LAKE COUNTY.,.,,,., •• ,,,,, 51' 377 522 917 -8 5'0 -1.6 9 0"1 7 725

CEDAR LAKE •••• ,.,,,,,.,.,.,,,. 8 932 8 75" t78 2.0 7 726 6 760 CROWN POINT,,,,,,.,.,.,,, ••• ,, 16 •87 16 •55 32 0,2 10 1'5 8 629 GARY,,,, ••••• ,,,, •• ,,., •• ,,.,. 1'7 537 151 968 -· '31 -2.9 7 203 6 170 GRIFFITH ••• ,,,, ••••••••••••.••• 16 •62 17 026 -56LI -:3.3 10 767 9 266 LAKE STATION,,,.,,.,,,,,,,,,,. ,. 928 15 083 .. 155 -1.0 a 138 7 021 LOWELL,., •• ,,.,, •••••• ,., ••• ,, 5 931 5 827 IO• 1.8 a 5'1 7 572 ST, JOHN,,.,,,,.,.,.,.,,,,,.,, 4 051 3 97' 77 1.9 10 382 9 049 HOBART.,.,,.,., •• ,.,,,,,•.•••• 22 966 22 987 -21 -0 .1 9 962 a 5'8

NEW CHICAGO.,,••••, •••• ,, •• ,,. 2 617 2 585 32 1.2 9 053 7 733 EAST CHICAGO •••••••••• ,,,,,,,, Ja .sa 39 786 -1 328 -3.3 7 67' 6 499 HAMMOND,,.,,.,,.,.,.,.,.,.,,,, 91 5'6 93 71• -2 168 -2,) 9 181 7 799 HIGHLAND •••••• ••••,,,.,,,,•••• 25 165 25 935 -770 -J.O 11 165 9 '25 MUNSTER,., •••• ,,,.,,,,,.,,•.•, 20 607 20 671 -64 -0,3 " 509 12 223 WHITING,.,,.,,,.,.,,,, •• ,,,,,, 5 •68 5 630 -I62 -2.9 9 75a 8 235 MERRILLVILLE •••••••••••••••••• 27 526 27 677 -151 -o.5 10 6"1 9 130 OVER,, •• , •• ,.,,,,,,.,.,,•,,,,, 9 672 9 555 117 1.2 10 273 9 008

SCHERERVILLE.,, •• ,.,,,.,,,.,,. 13 953 13 209 7'4 5.6 11 056 9 595 SCHNEIDER., ••••• , ••• ,,, ••••• ,. 359 364 -5 -1.4 9 017 7 56• CALUMET TOW~JSHIP,,. ,,., ,, ••,,, 171 69" 176 916 -5 2?.2 .. ),0 7 630 6 543 CEDAR CREEK TOWNSHIP,,,, 0 ,,,,, 8 793 8 10• 89 1.0 8 391 7 '"





19,8 19, lj. 16.9 8,,

21. 5

18.2 18.7 20,8 22.LI ... 29.1 23.2 20,6

20.1 19.7 21.1 21.LI 22,LI 25.2 13,LI 16,7

19.1 18.7 19.8 8.•

20.6 15 .3 27.6 17.9

13.2 26.0 23,2 22.2 16,8 17 .LI 22,7


22.1 25.2 27.9 2Ll,8 25.3 7.2

16.0 lLl.8

20.7 21. 6 21.7 21,9 13.0 2Ll.5 a.a


lLl,3 17.6 16.7 16.2 15.9 12,8 lLl,7 16.5

17.1 18.1 17.7 18.5 18.7 18.5 16.5 lLl.O

15.2 19.2 16,6 12.0

Page 10: 1982 Population Estimates and 1981 Per Capita Income ... · places; and (3) active minor civil divisions (MCD's), i.e., towns in New England, New York, and Wisconsin, or townships


Table 1. July 1, 1982, Population and Calendar Year 1981 Per Capita Income Estimates for the State, Counties, and Subcounty Areas-Continued



AREA CHANGE. 1980 TO 1982

JULY 1. APRIL 1, 1982 1980 NUMBER PERCENT !981 1979

CENTER TOl\'NSH IP., ••• , ••• •,,.,, ,. "' 24 017 216 0.9 9 6)2 8 J18

EAGLE CREEK TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,, •• 1 .,, 1 "21 " 2.J 8 800 7 777

HANOVER TOWNSHIP •••• ,.•••• •• ,. 7 160 7 101 59 o,8 8 552 7 "52

HOBART TOWN~Hlp,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ., 318 ., •85 -167 -0,4 9 209 7 915

NORTH TOWNSHIP, •••••••••• ,,,,. 181 2'" 185 7)6 -· '92 -;i.rf 9 758 8 25J

ROSS TOWNSHIP,,, ••••••••• ,,,,, ,. 63" ,. 8"2 -208 -0,6 10 q,. 8 979

ST, JOHN TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,. 653 " 71' 9J5 2. 8 10 4o• 9 040

WEST CREEK TOWNSHIP., •• ,,,,,,, • J90 • 316 ,. 1. 7 8 10J 7 210

WINFIELD TOWNSHIP,.,, ••••••••• 3 806 J 661 1"5 •.o 11 251 9 577

LA PORTE COUNTY •••• ,,,,,., 108 505 168 6)2 -127 -0.1 8 502 7 279

LA PORTE ••• , •• ,.,.,.,.,.,,,,,, 21 872 21 796 76 0.3 8 877 7 561

MICHIANA SHORES,,,.,,.,.•• •• •• ... •64 -18 ~3.9 9 861 8 26?..

MICHIGAN CI Ty,,,,.,.,., •••• ,,. 36 608 J6 850 -2!J.2 m0,7 7 807 6 604

TRAIL CREEK •••• ,, •• ,,,•••.,,,. 2 558 2 581 _,, -o.9 10 556 8 986

WANATAH,,••••,.••••,, ••• ,,•••• 877 879 -2 -0.2 8 2 .. 7 1"5

LA CROSSE •• ,.,,.,.,,,.,.,,,,., 7o1 71J -12 -1.7 7 150 6 628

LONG BEAC+-1 •• ,,.,, ••• ,, •• ,,,,,. 2 197 2 262 -65 .. 2.9 ,. 528 12 384

POTTAWATTOMIE PARK,,, ••••••••• 278 284 -6 -?.1 17 Q05 ,. 760

WESTVILLE,,,,,,.,,,.,.,,,,,,., 2 795 2 887 _,, -3.2 6 6J7 5 6"7

KINGSFORD HEIGHTS,,,,.,, ••• , •• 1 63) 1 618 15 o.9 5 852 5 009

Kl NGSBURY,,,,,,,,.,,, ••• •,,,,. )66 )29 J7 11.2 5 991.1 5 565

CASS TOWNSHIP,,,,.,,,.,.,,,,., 1 826 1 772 ,. J.O 8 2 .. 7 1'8

CENTER TOWNSHIP,,•••,••••••••· 22 959 22 763 !96 o.9 9 4"7 7 989

CLINTON TOWMSHIP ••• , , ••• , , •••• 1 030 969 61 6.3 9 123 7 976

COOL SPRING TOWNSHIP,.,,,,.,,, ,. 698 ,. 679 19 0.1 9 772 8 346

DEWEY TOWNSHIP •••• , ••••• ,, ••• , 1 237 1 260 _,, -1.fl 7 555 7 085

GALENA TOWNSHIP •• ,, ••••• •••••• 1 477 1 55) -76 -1.1,9 8 3JJ 6 8"3

HANNA TOWNSHIP •• ,.,.,,,,,,,,,, 912 858 ,. 6.J 7 745 7 , .. HUDSON TOWNSHIP.,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1 655 1 682 -27 -1.6 7 370 6 305

JOHNSON TOWNSHIP •••••••••• ,,,, 23" 228 6 2,6 6 371 5 627

KANKAKEE TOWNSHIP •• ,,., •• ,,,•• J 516 3 •8J " 0,9 7 607 6 777

LINCOLN TOWNSHIP ••• ,••••'•'•••• 1 682 1 "' -57 .. 3,3 7 569 6 5J9

MICHIGAN TOWNSHIP •• ,,.,,,,,,,. ,. 337 ,. 65) -316 -o.9 8 102 6 879

NEW DURHAM TOWNSHIP,, •• ,,,,,,, • 350 • .,, -63 -1.1.1 7 313 6 JO)

NOBLE TOWNSHIP.,,.•••,,,,.,.,. 1 J67 1 350 17 1.J 8 500 7 J87

PLEASANT TOWNSHIP,,,,.,,,,,,,, J 096 3 098 -2 -0.1 7 327 6 521

PRAIRIE TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,,,. 173 19" -21 -10,8 8 5"6 7 618

SC'IPIO TOWNSHIP.,,,,•••,,,•••• 3 8'9 • 008 -!39 -3,5 8 600 7 650

SPRINGFIELD TOWNSHIP •••••••••• • 921 • 968 _., -0,9 8 29" 6 ,,.

UNION TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. 2 789 2 757 " 1.2 6 '" 5 ""' WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,, ••• 1 016 ,., ,. 7,9 7 805 7 J76

WILLS TOWNSHIP,,,,,, •••••••••• 1 361 1 26) 98 7,, 7 "' 6 552

LAWRENCE COUNTY.•·•·•••••• ., .,, ., 472 -1 013 -2.1.1 7 663 6 )02

OOLITIC •••••• ••••·,, •• ,,,••••, 1 6•8 1 •95 15J 10.2 8 472 6 795

MITCHELL •• ,.,.,,.,,,,,,,,,.,,, 4 591 • 6"1 -50 -1.1 7 258 5 9)1

BEDFORD,,,.,,,, ••• , •• ,,.,,,,,, 13 753 ,. "10 -657 .q.,6 8 268 6 696

BONO TOWNSKIP,.,,.,.,.,. •,,,., 702 721 -19 -2,6 6 '22 s 006

GUTHRIE TOW~SHIP.,.,,.,.,,,,,, 1 270 1 275 -5 -0.1.1 6 ;., 5 29"

INDIAN CREEK TOWNSH~P ••••••••• 2 232 2 296 -6· -::i.e 7 .,. 6 ,,. MARION TOWNSHIP,,,.,,,,,,,, ••• 8 688 8 91) -225 -2.5 7 312 6 1JJ

MARSHALL TOWNSHIP •••••••• ,,,,, J ... 3 so• -60 -1.7 7 )69 6 076

PERRY TOWNSHIP, ••• , ••••• •••••, 1 512 1 5JJ -21 -1.ll 6 ... 5 072

PLEASANT RUN TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,, 1 597 1 579 18 1.1 6 47" 5 ,., SHAWSWICK TOWNSHIP,,,,.,,,,,,, 19 955 20 569 .. 614 -3.0 8 JO) 6 7'0

SPICE VALLEY TOWNSHIP., ••••••• 2 05" 2 077 _,, -1 .1 6 65J 5 ,,.

MADISON COUNTY ••••••• ,,,,, 135 33) 139 ))6 -· 003 -::>.9 8 363 7 161

ANDERSON,,, •• ,,,,,,.,.,.,,.,,, " 1"8 6• 695 -2 5"7 -3,9 8 097 6 842

ELWOOD CPARTl,,.,.,. •. •. • • • • • • 10 221 10 608 -387 -3.6 7 219 6 01"

FRANKTON,,.,.,,.,.,.,,,,,,,,,, 1 965 2 080 -115 -5.5 7 817 6 627

MARKLEVILLE •••••••••••••••••• , .09 .,, -18 -1.1.2 7 ,., 6 846

COUNTRY CLUB HEIGHTS,.,·••,,,, " 97 -· -4.1 8 J6J 7 161

EDGEWOOD,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,.,,,, 2 131 2 215 -8" -J,e H 671 12 522 RIVER FOREST,,,,.,, ••• ,,,,,,,, " 29 J 10,3 8 36' 7 161

WOODLAWN HEIGHTS ••• ,•••••, •••• 110 109 1 0,9 8 j6J 7 161

PENDLETON,.,, ••• ,.,,,., •• ,., •• 2 05" 2 1)0 -76 ,;,3 ,6 9 51.18 7 657

INGALLS,,••••,, •••• ••••,, ••• ,, 863 909 -•6 -5.1 6 406 5 5"1

ALEXANDRIA,.,••••,,,.,••••,,,. 5 730 6 028 -298 -4,9 7 1"6 6 073

ORESTES., ••• ,,,.,,,.,.,.,,,,., 602 539 63 11.7 6 735 5 950

LAPEL,,,,.,.,,, •• ,,,•,,,•.,,•, 1 870 1 881 -11 -0,6 8 276 7 071

CHESTERFIELD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. 2 703 2 701 2 0.1 8 225 7 JJ9

SUMMITVILLE ••••••••••••••••••• 1 066 1 085 1 0.1 6 561.1 5 786

ADAMS TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,, 3 588 3 795 -207 -5,5 8 659 7 694

ANDERSON TOWNSHIP., •• ••••••••, 62 600 65 1J4 -2 "" -3.9 8 '" 7 117




15.8 13.2 14.8 16.3 18,2 16.6 15,l 12.4 17.5


17. q. 19 ,I.I 18,2 17,5 15, I.I 7.9

17.J 17.9

17,5 15.9 7.7

11.1 .5 18,J 14.1.1 17.1 6,6

21. 8 8.•

16.9 13.2 12.2 15,8 17.8 16,0

15.1 12.1.1 12.2 12,5 19,) 18,3 5.8

11. 2


24,7 22.

"· • 5

18. 19. 19 • 19. 21.

8 8 5 2 J

27. 16. 2J. 20.

8 8 2 2


18. 20. 18. 16. 16. 17. 16, 16.

,. . 15. 17. 1J. 17. 12. 13. 12.


J 0 0 0 8 2 8 8

7 6 7 2 0 1 • 5

18, •

Table 1. July 1, 1982, Population and Calendar Year 1981 Per Capita Income Estimates for the State Counties and Subcounty Areas-Continued ' '



BOONE TOWNSHIP,,.,,,.,,,,,,,,, DUCK CREEK TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,., FALL CREEK TOWNSHIP, •• ,,,,,,,, GREEN TOWNSHIP, •••••••• ,,,,, •• JACKSON TOWNSHIP •••••••• ,,,,,, LAFAYETTE TOWNSHIP.,,.,.•,,.,, MONROE TOWNSHIP •••••••••••• ,,, PIPE CREEK TO~NSHIP, •• , •• , ••••

RICHLAND TOWNSHIP ••••• , •• ,,,,, STONY CREEK TOWNSHIP •• ,,,,,,,, UNION TOWNSHIP,,,.,,,,, •••••• , VAN BUREN TOW~SHIP,,,,, 0 ,,, 0 ,,

MARION COUNTY ••• ,.,,,,,.•,

BEECH GR.OVE.,.,,,., •,,,. •. ••., CLERMONT •• , ••• ,,.,,,,,, ••••••• INDIANAPOLIS ••••• ·••,.•·•••,,, CASTLETON •••••••••••• ,,,,,.,,, LAWRENCE,., •••• ,.,,.,,,,,,,,,, HOMECROFT.,,,,,,,.,.,,,,,.,,,, SOUTHPORT,,.,,,,,,, 0 ,,,,., 0 ,, 0

CUMBER.LANO CPARTl ,,,,, ••••• •••

WARREN PARK,•••••••-••••,,,,••• CROWS NEST,.,,,,,,,,,., 00 ,,,,,

MERIDIAN HILLS •••••••••••••••• NORTH CROWS NEST,.,,,,,,,,,,,, RAVENSWOOD,,,.,,,,.,,.,,,,, 0 ,,

ROCKY RIPPLE •••••••••••••••••• SPRING HILLS•••••••••·•••••••• WILLIAMS CREEK,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,

WYNNEDALE •••••••••••••••••• ,., LYNHURST •••••••••••••••••••••• SPEEDWAY,,.••••·•••-••••••••••• CENTER TOWNSHIP,,,,,,, 0 ,,,, 0 ,,

DECATUR TOWNSHIP •••••••••••••• FRANKLIN TO~NSHIP.,,,, •••••••• LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP •••••••• ,.,,, PERRY TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,, 0 ,,,., ••

PIKE TOWNSHIP,, •• ,,,,,,,,,,, •• WARREN TOWNSHIP,,,,, •••••••••• WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP., 0 ,,, •• ,,,

WAYNE TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,.,,.,

MARSHALL COUNTY ••••••• ,,.,

ARGOS,•,,.••,., .... ,.,,•,•.,.,, BOURBON,,.,,,,.,•., ••• ,,,,•,,, PLYMOUTH •••••••••••••••••••••• BREMEN,,,,••,,,.,., ••• ,.,,,•,, LA PAZ.,, ••• ,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,, CULVER.,, •• ,,,,,.,,,,,.,,,.,,• BOURBON TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,,,. CENTER TOWNSHIP,, •• ,,,,,,,, •••

GERMAN TOWNSHIP •• -. •• ,••••••,,, GREEN TOWNSHIP,,,,,, 0 ,,,,,,.,,

NORTH TOWNSHIP •••• •••••••••,,, POLK TOWNSHIP••••••••••••••••• TIPPECANOE TOWNSHIP~•••••••••• u • •

s c L c H L M p R

p M

NION TOWNSHIP,,,,,_,,,,_,,,._,,, ALNUT TOWNSHIP ••• ,•,.,,,,,,, • EST TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,.,

MARTIN COUNTY.,,.,,, 0 ,, 0 ,,

HOALS.,.,,.,,,.,., •,.,.,,,. •. RANE,,.,•,.,,,,,.,_.,, ••• ,,• •• OOGOOTEE,, ••••••••• ,.,,,.,,., ENTER TOWNSHIP •••• , •••• ,,,,,, ALBERT TOWNSHIP.,,,,,,,,,,.,, OST RIVER TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,, ••• ITCHELTREE TOWNSHIP •••••••••• ERRY TOWNSHIP •••••••••••••••• UTHERFORD TOWNSHIP ••••• ••••••

MIAMI COUNT·Y,.,.,. •.,,, •••

ERU.,, •• ,,., •• ,,,,,,,,,,,.,,. ACY,.,, •• ,,.,,, •••• ,.,., •• ·.,, I


JULY 1. APRIL 1. 1982 1980

738 734 522 572

11 2"9 io 85" 2 665 2 732 2 065 2 159 6 073 6 166

10 576 10 832 ,. 804 15 "11

5 472 5 63" 3 7118 3 890 9 119 9 288 2 11" 2 135

771 670 765 233

12 9"2 i3 196 1 7'8 1 671

707 655 700 807 75 80

25 .. 5 25 591 838 8)1

2 1'5 2 266 2 261 2 2"6

1 721 1 803 109 106

1 789 1 801 .. 82 •'1 .,. 786 778

27 27 '36 •27

296 269 170 167

12 691 12 Ml 206 707 20a 624

19 807 l9 "26 16 805 i6 "77 77 771 75 860 80 028 78 48S

27 097 25 336 89 236 89 208

129 230 129 008 124 988 122 609

" 78" 39 155

1 553 1 547 l 610 1 522 7 920 7 693 3 691 3 565

680 651 1 665 1 601 2 762 2 708

11 6'5 ll 377

7 172 7 166 912 963

3 982 3 913 2 561 2 527 1 271 1 2 .. 3 768 J 604 2 "22 2 486 3 279 3 167

10 892 il 001

898 967 27" 297

3 1"3 ' 100 1 722 1 761 1 62" 1 6•6

"97 52" 733 792

5 6•6 5 6211 670 65'

37 815 " 820

13 168 13 764 261 282


CHANGE, 1980 TO 1982


4 0.5 8 276 7 7J8 -50 ... a.1 8 ;,, 8 172 )95 J.6 7 ;.a 6 688 -67 -2.s 8 559 7 •o• -94 -4.lt 10 330 8 725 _,, .. 1.s 8 070 7 205

.. 256 .. 2.ll 7 551 6 5'8

.. 607 .. 3,9 7 460 6 350

.. {62 -2.9 9 99" 8 571 -llt2 -3.7 9 )18 8 065 -169 -1.8 9 281 8 199

-21 -1.0 7 19J 6 56•

6 '37 0.8 9 002 7 677

-2511- .. 1. 9 9 008 7 707 77 4,6 10 800 9 .,,

6 848 1.0 8 897 7 585 -5 ... 6.3 9 002 7 677

·lll6 -0.6 8 ;96 7 718 7 0,8 11 365 9 B08

-101 -ll.5 9 585 8 J19 15 0.1 6 395 5 501

-82 -ll.5 10 "" 8 765 3 2.8 61 728 " 083

-12 -o.7 23 460 20 "54 2 "" 9 002 7 677 7 1, 7 6 450 5 517 8 1.0 7 ;86 6 811 - - 9 002 7 677 9 2.1 ,. 881 21 6)6

7 2 .ti 16 380 '" 099 3 1.8 6 798 5 769

50 o.• 11 458 9 628 -1 917 -0.9 s 997 5 088

381 2.0 7 86• 7 213 328 2.0 10 070 8 556

1 911 2.5 10 J17 8 860 1 543 2.0 9 791 8 4"1

1 761 7,0 11 202 9 "79

" - 9 081 7 7"9 222 0.2 12 306 lo .,,

2 179 1.8 8 7"8 7 .,, 629 1.6 7 ;05 6 705

6 o.• ',' 901 6 .. , " 5.8 8 2"1 6 874

227 J.O 7 570 6 2"8 I26 J.5 8 211 6 872

29 0,5 6 815 5 812 64 •• o 8 135 7 266

" 2.0 7 795 6 703 278 .2.4 8 156 6 691

6 0.1 8 069 6 912 -51 -5.J 7 695 6 515

69 1.8 7 871 6 686 34 1.3 7 777 6 910 27 2.2 7 277 5 809

164 •• 6 8 7'7 7 S72 -6• -2,6 6 9"7 5 ''" 112 J.5 6 931 6 17•

-109 -1.0 7 024 5 377

-69 .. 7,1 7 706 5 71" _,, -7.7 8 586 6 216 ., 1.• 7 727 5 812

-39 -2.2 7 148 5 S06 -22 -1.3 6 .,, 5 186 -27 -5 .2 5 330 • 329 .59 -7.4 4 Q52 J "70

22 o.• 7 736 5 8"6 16 "" 6 097 • 612

-2 005 -s.o 7 333 6 222

-596 -4.3 7 705 6 309 -21 .. 7,4 7 Qaa 6 427





7.0 9,6

18,8 15,5 18.1.1 12.0 15.5 17,5

16,6 15,5 13.2 9,6


16,9 11.1.0 17.J 17.3 16.6 15.9 15.2 16.3

19.0 111.1 11.1. 7 17,3 16.9 17.J 17.3 15.o

16.2 17,8 19.0 17.9 9.0

17.7 16. I.I 16.0

18.2 17.2 17.J 17.7


22.5 19.9 21. 2 19.5 17,J 11.7 16.J 21.9

16.7 18 .1 17.7 12.s 25,J 15.5 17.5 12.3


31.1,9 JS,1 32.9 29.8 25.2 23.l 28.3 J2.J J2.2


22.1 16.5

Page 11: 1982 Population Estimates and 1981 Per Capita Income ... · places; and (3) active minor civil divisions (MCD's), i.e., towns in New England, New York, and Wisconsin, or townships


Table 1. July l, 1982, Population and Calendar Year 1981 Per Capita Income Estimates for the State, Counties, and Subcounty Areas-Continued



AREA CHANGE, 1980 TO 1982

JULY 1, APRIL 1. 1982 1980 NUMBER PERCENT 1981 1979

NORTH GROVE,,,,,,.,,,,,,.,,,,, 65 91 -6 -6,6 7 333 6 222 AMBOY,,,.,,.,,,,,,.,•.•.•••••• "36 "50 -14 -3.1 7 936 6 969 CONVERSE CPARTl ••• ,,,,,,,,,,., 1 051 1 155 -104 .. 9,0 7 '57 6 760 DENVER •• , •••• ,, ••••• , ••• •··.•· 570 569 -19 -3.2 7 574 6 126 BUNKER HILL.,.,.,.,., ••• ,, .••• 956 96• -26 -2.8 7 347 6 06• ALLEN TOl'INSHIP, ••••• , ., ••• , ••• 64' 695 -51 -7.3 6 665 5 976 BUTLER TOWNSHIP., ••• ,.,,, ••• •• 765 826 -63 -7.6 7 067 6 274 CLAY TOWNSHIP,,,, •• ,,,,,,,,,., 709 611 -102 -12,6 6 466 7 511

DEER CREEK TOWNSHIP.,,,,,,,,,. 1 642 1 609 -167 .Q,2 6 419 7 423 ERIE TOWNSHIP, •••••• , ••• •,.,., 504 496 6 1.2 7 627 6 723 HARRISON TOWNSHIP ••••••••••••• 710 722 -12 -1.7 6 036 7 717 JACKSON TOWNSHIP ••••••••• ,,,,, 2 073 2 231 -158 -7.1 7 573 6 636 JEFFERSON TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,, 2 497 2 702 -205 -7.6 7 499 6 413 Pt:RRY lOWNSHIP, ••••,, •••,, •••• 677 905 -26 -J.1 6 036 5 669 PERU TOWNSHIP., ••••••• , ••• , ••• 13 269 13 796 -529 -3.8 7 737 6 358 PIPE CREEK TOWNSHIP.,., ••• ,,,, 6 503 6 901 -398 -Lt..5 6 646 5 430

RICHLAND TOWNSHIP •••••••• ,,,,, 1 074 1 115 -41 -J.7 6 142 5 937 UNION TOWNSHIP,,,,,••••,,,,,., 964 967 -3 -o.J 5 522 5 311 WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,, •• 3 583 3 636 -255 -6,6 7 59• 6 336

Ml'lNROE COUNTY.,,,.,.••••·• 101 166 98 765 2 383 ?:,I.I 7 554 6 303

BLOOMINGTON.,,,,,.•••.•·••,,,. 53 045 52 04' 1 001 1.9 6 644 5 803 STINESVILLE ••••• ,.,,,., ••••• ,. 206 227 -19 -8.4 5 342 4 139 ELLETTSVILLE •••••••••••••••••• 3 541 3 326 213 6.4 7 236 5 657 BEAN BLOSSOM TOWNSHIP ••••••••• 2 236 2 166 70 3.2 6 901 5 551 BENTON TOWNSHIP •••••••• ~ •••••• 3 119 2 692 227 7.6 6 4'0 6 963 BLOOMINGTON TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,, 40 58' 39 677 707 1.6 5 776 5 006 CLEAR CREEK TOWNSHIP,·• .. ,•••• 3 246 3 069 1'57 5 .1 9 522 7 658 INDIAN CREEK TOWNSHIP., ••• ,••• 1 357 1 261 76 5.9 6 371 5 376

PERRY TOWNS!-' IP,, •• ,,,,,,•••••, 27 042 26 63' 406 1.5 9 390 7 798 POLK TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 376 373 5 1. 3 6 406 5 203 RICHLAND TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,., 10 184 9 765 419 4.3 6 411 6 776 SALT CREEK TOWNSHIP.,,,,,,,,,, 1 169 1 157 12 1.0 10 150 6 168 VAN BUREN TOWNSHIO,,,,,,,,,,,, 10 097 9 639 256 2,6 8 023 6 529 WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,, 1 754 1 710 .. ?.6 7 732 6 216

MONTGOMERY COUNTY,,,,,,,,, '5 375 35 501 -!26 -0.1.1 6 217 6 966

NEW MARKET.,,,,.,., ••• ,.•,,,•• 607 606 -1 -0.2 6 013 6 564 WAVELAND, ••••••• , ••• ,, •••• ,,,. 591 559 32 5.7 5 694 4 713 LADOGA,.,,,,.,,,, •• ,,,,.,,,,,. 1 161 1 151 10 0.9 7 349 5 999 NEW RICHMOND •• ,.,,,.,.,,,., ••• 373 403 -Jo -7 ·" 6 273 7 059 WINGATE,.,,.,,,, •• ,.•,,,,,,,, •• 373 373 - - 6 182 5 551 DARL tNGTON •• ,,, ••• ,, •. ,,,,,,., 675 611 .. 7.9 7 4'6 6 222 LINDEN, ••••• , ••••• ,.,.,.•• •• ,. 722 700 " 3.1 6 262 6 997 ALAMO,.,, •••• , •• ,.,.,.,,• •• ,,. 156 176 -20 -11.2 3 66• 3 172

CRAWFORDSVILLE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 13 037 13 325 -288 -2.2 6 356 6 873 NEW ROSS,,,.,,,,,.,., ••• ,,,,,. 290 306 -16 -5.2 7 606 6 709 WAYNETOWN,,,,,••••,,,,,.,,,,., 959 915 .. 4.6 7 596 6 391 BROWN TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1 776 1 764 12 0.1 7 171 6 334 CLARK TOWNSHIP, ••••••••• ,, •••• 1 952 1 972 -20 -1.0 7 113 6 198 COAL CREEK TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,, 1 509 1 541 -32 -2.1 7 909 6 980 FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP.,,,,,,,,,,., 1 736 1 700 36 2.1 7 279 6 166 MADISON TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1 191 1 156 33 2,6 6 609 7 816

RIPLEY TOWNSHIP,,.,.,,,,,,,,,, 1 037 1 032 5 o.5 6 645 5 560 SCOTT TOWNSHIP,.,.,.,.,.,,,,,, 636 626 10 1.2 6 929 6 469 SUGAR CREEK TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,, '71 447 24 5.4 7 677 6 636 UNION TOWNSHJ?,,,, ,,, • , ,, • , , , , 21 773 21 992 -219 -1.0 6 676 7 242 WALNUT TOWNSHIP ••• •••,,,,,,,., 1 '71 1 •75 -4 -o.3 6 016 6 7"1 WAYNE TOWNSHIP •• ,.,,,., ••••• ,. 1 623 1 59• 29 1.6 7 •77 6 469

MORGAN COUNTY ••••• ,.,,,,,, 52 672 51 999 673 1.3 6 465 7 016

BROOKLYN,,,.••••• ••• ,.•••··,•• 676 669 -13 -1.5 7 442 5 998 MOORESVILLE,.,,, •••• ••••,,•••, 5 363 5 349 14 0.3 6 2'5 ' 927 BETHANY, •••• ,, •• ,.,,, ••• , •• ,., 119 127 -6 -6,3 5 380 4 493 MORGANTOWN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 635 697 -62 -6,9 7 365 6 146 LAKE HART •• ,.,,.•.•·•·•·•••••• 233 231 2 0.9 6 944 7 395 PARAGON,,,,.,,,.,.,.,., ••• ,,,. 506 536 -30 -5,6 5 850 5 140 MARTINSVILLE •• , •• , •• ,,,,,,,,,, 11 576 ii 311 267 2.4 7 536 6 192 ADAMS TOWNSHIP,,, ••• , •• ,,,,,,, 1 013 970 43 •.4 6 786 7 461

ASHLAND TOWNSl-IJP,, •• , • ,,, • , , •• 1 100 1 096 2 0.2 7 079 5 682 BAKER TOWNSHIP,.,,,.,,,,, ••••• 530 549 -19 -3.5 9 311 7 524 BROWN TOWNSHIP,,, •••• ••••.,,., 9 292 9 265 7 0 .1 9 354 7 644 CLAY TOWNSHIP,,., •• ,, ••••• ,, •• 3 '33 3 361 52 1.5 7 115 5 992 GREEN TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,., 2 041 1 966 73 3.7 9 ... 7 567 GREGG TOWNSHIP,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2 326 2 315 11 o.5 6 472 7 107 HARRISON TOWNSHIP.,,,,,,,,,,,, 1 477 1 501 -24 -1.6 6 953 7 465




17.9 13,6 10.0 23.6 21.2 15,2 13.0 12,7

lJ.4 13. It 4.2

10.8 16.9

6 .1 21. 7 22.ti.

J.5 4.0



17.9 29.1 27.9 21.1 ,3 20.9 15, II 211.3 18,5

20.1.1 23.2 21.1. l 21.1.J 22.9 24 .J


22.1 25.1 22.5 17.2 11, I.I 19.7 18. 22.

21. 16. 18. 13. 14. 13. 16. 10.

19. 7.

15. 19. 16. 15.


24. 19. 19. 19. 20. 13. 21. 17.

24. 23. 19. 16. 27. 19. 19.

1 • 6 4 9 2 6 3 1 1

1 1 2 6 9 6


1 7 7 6 9 6 7 4

6 6 3 7 4 2 6

Table 1. July l, 1982, Population and Calendar Year 1981 Per Capita Income Estimates for the State, Counties, and Subcounty Areas-Continued



AREA CHANGE, 1980 TO 1982

JULY 1. APRIL '· 1952 1980 NUMBER PERCENT 1981 1979

JO.Cl<SON TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2 642 2 666 -26 -1.0 6 269 6 772 JEFFERSON TOWNSHIP,,,,,.,·, •• ,. 2 725 2 617 [06 4 .1 9 066 7 140 MADISON.TOWNSHIP •••••• , ••• ,,., 5 313 5 290 23 o.• 6 736 7 414 MONROE TOWNSHIP •••••••••••••• , 3 920 3 613 I07 '. 6 6 403 7 Olt5 RAY TOWNSHIP, ••••• ,,, ••••• ,,., 1 263 1 266 .,.2_3 -1.8 6 210 5 299 WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP ••••••• ,,., 15 595 15 256 337 2.2 8 113 6 677

NEWTON COUNTY •• ,,.,,,,,,., 15 106 14 844 264 1.6 7 560 6 690 MOROCCO., ••• ,.,., ••• ,,,,,,,,,. 1 343 1 346 -5 -0.1.1 6 803 6 255 GOODLAND.,, ••• ,.,.,., ••••• ,, •• 1 235 1 200 35 2.9 7 569 6 348 Bfl.OOK •• ,,, •• ,,,,,.,.,.,., •• ,,, 660 926 -66 -7.1 7 955 6 457 MOUNT AYR,,.,,,.,,,.,.,,.,,,,. 205 207 -2 -1.0 7 097 5 779 KENTLAND,,,,,.,.,.,.,.,,,.,,,. 1 9"7 1 936 11 0.6 9 033 7 666 BEAVER TOWNSHIP •••• ,, ••• ,.•••, 1 645 1 863 ·16 -1.0 6 805 6 456 COLFAX TOWN~HIP,, •• , , • •••., ••• 195 213 -16 -8,5 7 811 7 OJ9 GRANT TOWNSHIP •• ,.,, •• ,.,., ••• 1 613 1 567 46 2.9 6 112 6 722 IROQUOIS TOWNSHIP •••••••• ,,,,, 1 341 1 359 -16 -1.3 7 362 6 456 JACKSON TOWNS4IP,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 569 578 11 1.9 7 363 6 907 JEFFERSON TOWNSHIP.,.,,,,,,,,, 2 '25 , 364 41 1. 7 9 297 7 996 LO.KE TOWNSHIP., •••• ••••.•• ••• , 2 311-0 2 '11 29 1.3 6 ~06 6 166 LINCOLN TOWNS4IP •. ,, •••••••••• 3 697 3 753 144 3.6 7 104 6 211 MCCLELLAN TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,, 321 260 41 11.1. 6 7 064 6 339 WASHINGTON TO~NSHIP ••• , ••••••• 541 536 5 o.9 7 697 7 562

NOBLE COUNTY, ••• ,.,,, •• ,,, J5 324 35 443 -119 -0,3 7 326 6 235 KENDALLVILLE.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,., 7 333 7 299 34 o.5 7 646 6 296 ALBION,,, •• ,.,,, •• ,.•,.,.,,,,,. 1 64' 1 637 7 o.• 6 266 6 905 AVILLA.,,••·•,, •••• ,,•••,,•••• 1 315 1 272 43 3.4 6 676 5 619 ROME CITY,.,,,,.,.,.,.,.,.,,., 1 223 1 319 -96 -7,3 7 566 6 266 WOLCOTTVILLF !PART),,,,,,,,,,, 555 520 35 6,7 6 612 5 537 LIGONIER ••••••••••••••• ,•••, •• 3 085 3 13' -49 -1.6 7 Mo 6 366 CROMWELL.,.,,,,.,., ••• ,,,,,,., '66 456 6 1. 7 6 710 5 553 ALBION TOWNSHIP,,,,,\••·•••••• 1 734 1 732 2 0.1 6 214 6 662 ALLEN TOW"fSHI?,,,.,,,., •••• , , • • 635 4 796 37 0.6 6 603 5 600 ELKHART TOWNS~IP,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1 525 1 501 24 1.6 7 19• 5 994 GREEN TOWNSHIP,,,.,,,., ••• ,,,, 1 315 1 301 14 1.1 6 776 5 699 JEFFERSON TOWNSHIP, ••• ,,,,,,,, 1 173 1 169 -16 -1.J 7 760 6 663 NOBLE TOWNSHIP,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2 451 2 490 -39 -1.6 7 319 6 170 ORANGE TO~NSHIP ••• 1 ••••••••••• 3 940 4 016 -76 -1.9 6 57• 5 670 PERRY TOl'llllSHJP, ,, ••• , •••• , , ••• 4 360 • 436 -76 -1.7 7 499 6 370 SPARTA TOWNSHIP, ••• ,,,,,,,.,,, 1 929 1 867 62 '·' 7 290 6 194 SWAN TOWNSHIP,,,,.•••••••••,,, 1 665 1 661 4 0.2 7 478 6 623 WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP ••••••••• ,. 954 979 -25 -2.6 6 80'1 5 629 WAYNE TOWNSHIP,,,,•-••••••••,,. 6 210 ' 274 -64 -o.8 8 033 6 66' YORK TOWNSHIP.,,,,, •• ,,,•·•,,, 1 034 999 35 3.5 6 Il-81.1 5 51.19

OHIO COUNTY,,.,,,,,,.,, ••• 5 122 5 114 6 0.2 7 q50 6 259 RISING SUN.,,,,,,.,,,.,.,,.,,, 2 460 2 •76 -16 -0,7 7 366 6 133 CASS TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,, •••••• , 492 461 11 2.3 7 696 6 167 PIKE TOWNSHIP,•••••••••.•,•••, 321 332 -11 -3.J 7 230 6 262 RANDOLPH TOWNSHIP ••••• ,.,,,,,, 4 015 • 03' -19 .;.o,5 7 469 6 242 UNION TOWNSHIP,,, •• ,,,,,•,,.•. 294 267 27 10,1 7 533 6 662

ORANGE COUNTY.,.,.,.•,,,•• 16 624 16 677 -53 -o.3 6 262 5 316 FRENCH LICK,,,,••••.,.,,,.,,,, 2 303 2 265 36 1. 7 5 862 5 190 WEST BADEN.,,,,,,.,.,.,.,.•••• 774 796 -22 -2.8 6 261 5 278 ORLEANS.,,.,,,,,,.,.,., ••• , •• , 2 105 2 161 -56 -:?.6 6 905 5 624 PAOLI,,,,,,.,,,.,,,,,,.,,

0,,,. 3 560 3 637 -77 -2.1 6 979 5 696 FRENCH LICK TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,, 5 150 5 164 -34 -0,7 5 977 5 177 GREENFIELD TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,, 461 469 -6 -1.7 5 357 • 666 JACKSON TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,, •• 371 346 25 7.2 7 !23 6 273 NORTHEAST TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,, 586 594 -6 -1.0 7 165 5 967

NORTHWEST TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,, 372 343 29 6.5 4 667 4 260 ORANGEVILLE TOWNS~IP,,,,,,,,,, 517 521 -· -o,8 5 152 4 654 ORLEANS TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3 124 3 210 -66 -2.7 6 628 5 515 PAOLI TOWNSHIP •••••••••••••• ,, 5 719 5 760 -61 ..1.1 6 778 5 590 SOUTHEAST TOW'4SH1;),,,.,., ••••• 1 455 1 435 20 1.4 5 162 • 374 STAMPERS CREEK TOWNSHIP.,,,,,, 867 795 72 9 .1 5 802 5 405

OWEN COUNTY ••••••••••••••• 15 902 15 641 61 o.• 7 134 5 769 SPENCER, ••• ,., ••••• , •• ,., ••• ,, 2 6"7 2 732 -65 -3.l 7 507 5 632 GOSPORT.,,,,,,,., ••• ,.,,.,,,,. 786 729 59 6 .1 6 77• 5 326 CLAY TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1 855 1 623 32 1. 6 6 295 5 109 FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP •••••••• ,,,,, 774 791 -17 -2.1 6 SI.lo 5 364





22.1 27.0 17,9 19,J 17.2 21.5


6.6 19.5 23,2 22.8 17,8 5.4

11.0 20.7

111 .3 6.6

16.2 12.0 lit .14 11. 8 1.5


21." 19.7 114. 8 21. 0 19 ,q. 23.5 20.8 19 .II

13,8 20.0 lit. 9 16,5 18.6 15.9 17,7 17.7

12.9 16,7 20,5 16,8


20,5 2'1 ,8 15,5 19.7 13,1


13.3 19.0 22.8 22.5 15,5 11.1,3 13,6 20 .14

114.2 6 .1

20.2 21,J 18.0 7,3


28.7 27.1 23,2 27.0

Page 12: 1982 Population Estimates and 1981 Per Capita Income ... · places; and (3) active minor civil divisions (MCD's), i.e., towns in New England, New York, and Wisconsin, or townships


Table 1. July l, 1982, Population and Calendar Year 1981 Per Capita Income Estimates for the State, Counties, and Subcounty Areas-Continued



AREA CHANGE. 1980 TO 1982

JULY 1. APRIL 1. 1982 1980 NUMBER PERCENT 1981 1979

HARRISON TOWNSHIP •• ,,,••••,,,, 366 355 11 3.1 6 553 5 515 JACKSON TOWNSHIP,,.••••,,••••, 1 335 1 248 87 7.0 7 788 6 059 JEFFERSON TOWNSHI~ •.•• ,,,,,,,, 872 853 19 2.2 6 249 5 214 JENNINGS TOWNSHIP ••••••••••• ,, 635 6"0 ·5 -o.e 8 022 6 295 LAFAYETTE TOWNSHIP •• , •• ,,,,,,, 613 589 2' 4 .1 7 458 6 165 MARION TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 733 723 10 1.4 6 338 4 919 MONTGOMERY TOWNSHIP.,.,,,,,, •• 752 718 ,. 4.7 7 793 6 207 MORGAN TOWNSHIP~•·•••••••••••• 73' 677 57 8.4 6 931 5 623

TAYLOR TOWNSHIP •• ,,••••,,,,,,, 9oq 922 -18 -2.0 7 07' 5 835 WASHINGTON TOWNSHTP,,,,,,,,,,, 4 898 5 070 -172 .. J,1.j 7 509 6 145 WAYNE TOWNSHIP.,, ••• ,.,,,,,,,, 1 4'2 1 432 - - 6 834 5 495

PARKE COUNTY •• ,.,,,,,,,,., 16 753 " '.5"12 38! .?.) 7 417 6 172

MONTEZUMA •• ,.,, ••••••••••••••• 1 333 1 352 -19 -1.1.1 7 113 5 578 ROCKVILLE,.•••• •••••• ,•••., ••• 2 927 2 785 142 5.1 8 539 6 856 ROSt:DALE,, ••••• ,, ••• ,,, •• ,,, •• 734 744 -10 -1.) 8 184 6 648 BLOOMINGDALE •••••••••• , •••• ,., '39 409 30 7.3 7 634 6 681 MECCA •• ,,, •••• , •• , ••••• , •• ,,., ••s 482 3 o.6 5 501 ' 477 JUDSON,.,,., •••• ,, •• ,., ••••• ,. 75 80 -5 -6.J 7 417 ' 172 MARSHALL., •• ,., ••• ,.,.,., •• ,,. 378 413 -35 ,;.8.5 6 227 5 525 ADAMS TOWNSHIP,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,, 4 778 4 535 243 5.4 7 612 ' 362

FLORDIA TOWNSHIP •••• ,,.,,,,,., 2 704 2 632 72 2.7 8 372 6 862 GREENE TOWNSHIP.,,.,,.,,,.,,,, 545 524 21 4.0 6 196 5 615 HOWARD TOWNSHIP •••••••••••• ,,. 221 226 -5 -2.2 9 800 8 336 JACKSON TOWNSHIP,.,,.,,,,,,,., 631 669 -38 -5,7 6 776 5 723 LIBERTY TOWNSHIP •••••••••••••• 910 889 21 ;i.1.1 5 ~23 5 097 PENN TOWNSHIP.,.,.,., ••• , ••• •• 929 897 " 3.6 8 000 6 880 RACCOON TOWNSHIP,,,,,,.,,,,,,, 884 856 " 3.3 6 597 5 1.188 RESERVE TOWNSHIP, •• ,, ••• ••••., 1 646 1 635 11 o.7 7 221 5 761

SUGAR CREEK TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,. 283 292 -9 -3.1 7 301 6 143 UNION TOWNSHIP,,,.,,,,,,.,,.,, 1 195 1 172 " 2.0 7 915 6 39\ WABASH TOWNSHIP,,.,,,,,,,,,,,. 1 023 1 028 -5 -o.s 6 30< 5 375 WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP ••••••••••• l 004 1 017 -13 -1.3 6 896 5 717

PERRY COUNTY,.,.,.,.,.,,,. 19 091 l9 346 -255 -1,) 7 219 5 92!

CANNELTON,.,, •• , •• ,., •• ,,.,, •• 2 256 2 373 -!17 -Ll-.9 6 033 4 833 TELL CITY,.,.•, ••••••• •·•··••· 8 723 8 704 19 0.2 8 236 6 76'5 TROY,,,,,,,.,, ••• ,,.,., •••• , •• 532 550 -18 -J,3 7 807 6 022 ANDERSON TOWNSHIP •• ,,,,,,,.,,, l 430 1 359 71 5.2 6 866 5 575 CLARK TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,, 1 104 1 111 -7 -o.6 5 340 4 579 LEOPOLD TOWNSHIP,,,,,.,, •• , ••• 594 619 ·25 -1.1,0 6 425 5 239 OIL TOWNSHIP,,,,,.,,,.,••••,,, 893 894 _, -0.1 5 842 ' 822 TOBIN TOWNSHIP •••• ,,,,,, ••• ,., 847 901 -54 -6.0 6 338 5 267

TROY TOWNSHIP, •••••••••••• ,,., 13 707 l3 921 -21q. -1.5 7 604 6 222 UNION TOWNSHIP,,,.,•••,.••••,, 517 541

_,. -I.I.LI- 6 699 5 588

PIKE COUNTY.,., •• ,,.,,., •• 13 391 13 465 .74 -o.s 7 ;s5 6 535

SPURGEON., •• ,,, ••• ,.,., •• ,,•,. 223 250 -27 -10,8 8 201 6 676 WINSLOW ••••••••• , ••• , •••• ,,,,. 935 1 017 -•2 -e.1 7 )87 5 915 PETERSBURG •••••••••••••••••••• 2 928 ' 987 ·59 -2.0 a 1110 6 730 CLAY TOWNSHIP •• ,,,,,,,••••,,,. 400 374 26 7.0 7 872 6 569 JEFFERSON TOWNSHIP,,,,,,.,,, •• 1 701 1 657 •• ?.7 6 765 5 953 LOCKHART TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,,. 693 681 12 1.8 7 596 6 946 LOGAN TOWNSHIP,.,,•••,.•'•.,,, 341 380

_,, -10.'3 6 600 5 478

MADISON TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,, •• ,, •• ••9 472 17 3.6 7 801 6 196

MARION TOWNSHIP ••••• ,., ••• ,, •• 538 587 -49 .. 8.J 7 053 5 938 MONROE TOWNSHIP.,,,.•••., ••••• 829 839 -10 -1.2 8 094 6 806 PATOKA TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. 3 129 3 21' -84 -2,6 7 789 6 365 WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,., 5 271 5 262 9 0,2 8 665 6 904

PORTER COUNTY •• ,, ••• ,,, ••• 123 083 .!. f 9 816 3 267 2.7 9 957 8 •59

CHESTERTON,.,,,, •• ,,,.,,,,,,., 8 668 8 531 137 1.6 10 015 8 479 PORTAGE,,, •• , •• ,,.,., •• ,, •• ,,. 28 392 27 <o9 983 3,6 9 637 8 296 HEBRON,., •• ,,,.,,.,,,, •• , •• ,., 2 761 2 696 65 2.4 9 040 7 964 VALPARAISO,••••.,,.,,••••,,••• 22 773 22 247 526 2.4 9 968 8 370 BEVERLY SHORES,,,,,,, •• ,.,,, •• 854 864 -10 -1.2 13 651 10 664 PINES ••• ,,,.,,., •• ,,,.,,.,, •• , 990 962 28 2,9 8 962 7 450 KOUTS,,,.,,.,,,,•.,, •• •••••••• 1 6'2 1 619 13 o.s 7 ;os 7 046 OGDEN DUNES,,, ••••••••• , •••••• 1 524 1 "89 35 2.• 17 127 " 378

BURNS HARBOR,,.,,,,.,.,.,,,,,, 970 920 50 5 •• 9 815 8 229 DUNE ACRES ••• ,,.,.,,,,,,,, ••• , 326 291 35 1<>. 0 27 462 23 076 PORTER,.,, •.•• , •••• ,,,.,,,,.,., 3 708 3 .. , 267 7.8 10 256 8 712 BOONE TOWNSHIP,,,, ••••• ,, ••••• 4 523 4 '92 " o.7 8 962 7 875 CENTER TOWNSHIP,,,,•••,., ••• ,, 30 037 29 392 645 2.2 10 229 8 602




18.8 28,5 19,9 27.Lt 21.0 28,8 25.6 23,3

21.2 22,2 21.1 ,I.I


27.5 21.1 .5 2),1 11.1 .) 22,9 20.2 12.7 19.6

21. 7 10,) 17.6 18. I.I 16.2 16,) 20.2 25,3

18.9 23.8 17.3 20.6

21. 9

21.1 .8 21.7 29.6 23.2 16.6 22.6 21. 2 20.3

22,2 19,9

21. 7

22,8 21.1 ,9 25.9 19.8 13.6 9.4

20,5 25,9

18.8 18,9 22.LI-25.5


18,1 16.2 13.5 19.l 28.0 20.3 12.2 19,l

19.3 19.0 17.7 13,8 18,9

Table 1. July 1, 1982, Population and Calendar Year 1981 Per Capita Income Estimates for the State Counties and Subcounty Areas-Continued ' '



JACKSON TOWNSHIP, ••• ,, •• , ••••• LIBERTY TOWNSHIP, ••••••••• ,, •• MORGAN TOWNSHIP,, •••••• , •• ,,,, PINE TOWNSHIP., •• ,,, •••• ,.•••. PLEASANT TOWNSHIP ••• ,,,.,, •• ,. PORTAGE TOWNSHIP,., •••• ,•••,,. PORTER TOWN!=>HIP ••• ,, , ••••••• , • UNION TOWNSHIP, ••• ,., •••••• ,.,


POSEY COUNTY,., ••••• ,,.,,.

GRIFFIN.,,•••,,.•••,, ••• ,, •••• MOUNT VERNON, •• ,,.,., •••• ,, ••• NEW HARMONY.,,,.,, ••• ,,.,.,, •• POSEYVILLE, •• ,, ••• ,.,.,., ••••• CYNTHIANA.,,.,,,.,,.,, •• ,,, ••• BETHEL TOWNSHIP •• ,,,,,, •• ••,,, BLACK TOWNSHI1;1 •••• ,,, , , , •••,,, CENTER TOWNSHIP •• ,,•• ••• , ••• ,.

HARMONY TOWNSHIP •••• ,.••,,.••• LYNN TOWNSHIP,.,•••.,.•••,,••• MARRS TOWNSHIP •• ,,,,,.,.,.,, •• POINT TOWNSHIP ••••••••• ,.,,.,, ROBB TOW1\ISH!P ••••••••••••••• ,, ROBINSON TOWNSHIP ••••• ,,.,,.,, SMITH TOWNSHIP ••• ,,,,,,,,,.,,,

PULASKI COUNTY, •••••••••• ,

WINAMAC, ••••• ,,,,,,.•••••,•••• F M M B c F H

RANCESVILLE •• ,,,. ,., • , , •••,,, ONTEREY,,.,,,,,,., ••• ,.,.,,,. EOARYVJLLE ••••••••••••••••••• EAVER TOWNSHIP •••• ,,,,,,,,,,, ASS TOWNSHIP,,,,.,.,,.,,, ••• , RANKLIN TOWNSHiP,,.,,,, •• ,.,, ARRISON TOWNSHIP., •• ,,,,,.,.,

I J M R 5 T v w

NO IAN CREEK TOWNSHIP,.,,,,, •• EFFERSON TOWNSHIP,,, •••• ,,,,, ONROE TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,.,,,,, ICH GROVE TOWNSHIP,,,,. 0 , 0 ,,,

ALEM TOWNSHIP.,, ••••• , •• ,,,,, IPPECANOE TOWNSH!P,,,,, •••••• AN BUREN TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,, HITE POST TOWNSHIP ••• ,,.,,, ••

c R G 8 R c c F

PUTNAM COUNTY ••••• , •• , ••••

LOVERDALE,, 0 ,, • , ,, • , • , ••••,.,

OACHDALE •• ,,,, ••• ,.,.,,.,,, •• REENCASTLE,, •••,. •••.,, ••••,. AINBRIOGE, •• ••••, •••• , , , ••• , , USSELLVILLE •••••••••••••••••• LINTON TOWNSHIP •••••••••••••• LOVERDALE TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,, •• LOYD TOWNSHIP,.,.,., •• ,,,,,,.

RANKLIN TOWNSKIP •• ,,,,,,,.,,. REENCASTLE TOWNSHIP •••••••••• ACKSON TOWNSHIP •••••• , •••••••



w w

R A F p L H s L

AD ISON TOWNSHIP.,, ••••••••••• ARION TOWNSHIP ••••••••••••••• ON ROE TOWNSHIP.,,., •• ,,,.,••• USSELL TOWNSHIP,.,.,,.,,,.,,.

AAREN TOWNSHIP •• ,.,,, •••• ,, •• ASHINGTON TOWNSHIP •••••• ,,,,,


IDGEVILLE,., •••,, •• ,,,., ••• , ,

~~~~XN6~~~:~::::::::::::::::: ARKER CITY,,., ••• 0 ••••• ,, •• • ••

~~~~~~~::~::::::::::::::::::: ······················ YNN., ••••• ,,., ••• ,.,.,,, •••••


JULY 1, APRIL !, J 982 1980

2 918 2 983 5 410 5 367 1 812 1 769 3 258 ' 311 3 244 3 172

41 308 " 765 6 749 6 "" 5 517 5 '37

2 556 2 424 15 H! 15 311

26 886 26 "" 197 192

7 878 7 656 973 945

l 168 1 247 903 674 003 386

10 710 10 429 1 168 1 151

1 566 1 536 870 891

' 152 ' 182 •n '43

2 079 2 167 3 950 ' 750 1 553 1 "79

13 216 13 ,,. 2 351 2 370

950 '"' 216 236 688 731 431 '39 89" "' 687 644 70• 725

626 645 528 482

' 818 3 .,, 835 811

1 4'8 1 459 1 031 1 041 1 019 1 014 1 195 1 252

" 554 29 163

1 399 1 357 859 958

8 426 8 "°' 6'2 6"4 336 376

1 204 1 14• 2 672 2 58• 1 506 1 487

1 670 1 699 10 958 10 986

754 797 1 000 1 008 1 003 1 040 1 993 1 974 1 486 1 '42 .,, 876

2 '96 2 174 1 998 1 952

29 070 " 997

927 933 252 2"5

1 535 1 560 1 306 1 414

282 306 237 2'3 325 338

1 139 1 250


CHANGE, 1980 TO 1982


-65 -2,2 10 501 8 682 43 0.8 9 606 8 125 43 2,4 9 537 7 8"1

-5' 91.6 10 477 8 "' 72 2.3 8 199 7 '" 1 543 3.9 9 086 8 143 256 J.9 10 317 8 796 rao '·" 11 359 9 759

142 5.9 9 970 8 2'6 430 2.8 10 634 8 976

472 1.8 8 579 6 "" 5 2.6 7 789 5 885 222 ?.9 8 731 6 996

28 3.0 8 711 6 995 -79 -5.3 9 °'" 6 975

29 3,.3 6 519 5 258 17 1,1.1.1 8 005 6 087

281 2.7 8 726 7 005 17 1.5 8 '52 6 926

Jo '. 0 8 980 7 027 -.?.1 -?.I.I 9 179 7 496 -30 -o.7 9 I19 7 501 -6 -1.1.1 6 267 5 386

-88 -I.I, 1 8 731 6 637 200 5.3 8 285 6 888 7' 5.0 6 804 5 508

·"2 -o.J 7 238 6 336

-19 -0,8 7 935 6 580 6 o.6 9 '40 7 554

-20 -8.5 6 533 5 346 _., -5.9 7 084 6 140

-8 -1,8 6 525 6 177 -19 -? , 1 5 913 5 565

" 6.7 6 056 5 56! -21 -2.9 5 349 " 91.15

-19 -2,9 8 351 7 201 46 9.5 6 271 6 11'

-15 -0.1.1 8 441 7 018 24 J.O 5 182 4 827

-11 ~o.8 8 364 7 "' -10 -1.0 6 "' 5 .07 5 0.5 7 631 6 710

-57 -1.1,6 6 925 6 103

'" 1.J 7 785 6 "" "' 3, 1 7 917 6 306

.99 -10.3 7 797 6 '52 23 0.3 7 065 5 809 48 7.5 7 909 6 739

-40 -10.6 7 309 6 000 60 5.2 7 837 6 400 88 3.• 7 967 6 "" 19 1.3 9 644 7 8'5

-29 -1,7 7 390 6 373 -28 -0,J 7 8'2 6 ,., _., -5,4 7 607 6 158

" '·' 7 !BJ 6 '19 3 0.3 9 109 7 27'

19 1.0 7 865 6 721

"' 3 .1 7 937 6 999 _., -Ll-.9 7 043 6 101

222 10.2 6 179 5 275 46 2.4 7 547 6 316

-927 ~3,1 7 255 6 149

-6 -0.6 6 ¢03 5 859 7 2.9 5 948 " 887

-25 ~1.6 7 008 5 910 -108 -7,6 7 454 6 00. ·24 ~7.8 6 752 5 515 -6 -2,5 5 961 4 '" -13 -3,8 7 261 6 087

-111 ~8.9 7 093 5 "6'





21. 0 18.2 21. 6 23.1 11. 8 16.5 17.3 16 ·"

20.9 18.5


32 .I.I 21.1 .8 21.1,5 29,5 21.1 .o 31.5 21.1.6 22.0

27.8 22.5 21. 6 16." 31,6 20.3 23.5

11.1. 2

20.6 23,6 22.2 15 .LI-5. 6 6.3 8,9 8.2

16.0 2.6

20.3 7.4

16, l.j 11.1 .5 lJ.7 13,5


25.5 20.8 21. 6 17. I.I 21 .8 22.5 21.1.0 22,6

16.0 21.8 2J.5 13,7 25.2 17.J 13 .LI-15.1.1

17,1 19.,5


17.8 21. 7 18,6 2£1,2 22 .I.I 23 ·" 19.3 29.8

Page 13: 1982 Population Estimates and 1981 Per Capita Income ... · places; and (3) active minor civil divisions (MCD's), i.e., towns in New England, New York, and Wisconsin, or townships


Table 1. July 1, 1982, Population and Calendar Year 1981 Per Capita Income Estimates for the State, Counties, and Subcounty Areas-Continued



AREA CHANGE, 1980 TO 1982

JULY 1. APRIL 1. 1982 1980 NUMBER PERCENT 1981 1979

UNION CITY,.,, •• ,.,., 3 61.13 J 908 -265 .. 6,8 7 ,,. 6 188

WINCHESTER.,.,.,, •• ,.,:::::::: 5 5S8 5 659 -71 -1,3 8 30J 6 6•5

FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP •••••••• ,,,,, 1 579 1 578 1 0 .1 6 199 5 J55

GREEN TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,.,,., 1 092 1 119 -n -2 ·" 7 083 6 023

GREENSFORK TOWNSHIP,••••• •• 1 319 1 360 ... 41 -3.o 7 313 6 J56

JACKSON TOWNSHIP,.,••••,,,,,., 6'1 736 _,, -7.5 6 453 6 119

MONROE TOWNSHIP •• ,••• •• ,•••••, 3 75J 3 916 -163 -'-1-.2 7 ,,. 6 1'9

STONEY CREEK TOWNSHIP., ••••••• 1 oso 1 11' _,, -3.0 6 778 5 822

UNION TOWNSHIP,.,,."'"'"''•'"" 2 635 2 628 7 0.3 6 •67 5 755

WARD TOWNSHIP, •••••••••••• ,,,, 1 J61 1 '70 -9 -o.7 6 736 5 970

WASHINGTON TOWNSH!P,,.,, •• , ••• 2 . ., 2 596 ·131.1 -s.2 7 175 5 966

WAYNE TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,••••,,,,, • 810 5 160 -350 -6.B 7 2"1 6 27"

WHITE RIVER TOWNSHIF,,,,,,,,,, 8 296 8 .,, -125 -1.5 7 929 6 •60

RIPLEY COUNTY., ......... ,. 774 ,. ,,. J76 1.5 6 860 5 739

BATESVILLE <PART) •• ,,.,,,,,,•. 3 "55 3 •69 _,. -o.4 B 283 6 637

MILAN,,,.,, •• ,, ••• ,.,.,., •••• , 1 517 1 566 -•9 .... 3,1 6 237 5 •• 9

SUNMAN,,,.,.,, •••• , ••• ,., ••• ,, 955 92• " 3.• 6 6'19 5 758

OSGOOD.,,,,,,.,,,.,,,,,,,.,, •• 1 .,, 1 551.1 -•1 ... s.2 6 708 5 71B

NAPOLEON •• ,,.,,,,.,,,,,,.,,,,, 21" 2•6 28 11." 6 259 5 .,3

VERSAILLES •••• ,,, ••• ,,•••••,,. 1 6•5 1 560 85 5.4 7 253 5 675

HOLTON,,••••••,, ••• ,,••••,,, •• 504 ••1 17 J,5 7 061.1 5 527

ADAMS TOl'INSHIP,, •,,,,.,,.,,,,, 3 ••5 3 ,85 60 1.8 6 9511- 5 881

BROWN TOl'INSHIP.,,,,,, ••••,, ••• 1 ••1 1 •61 20 1.4 6 159 5 308

CENTER TOWNSHIP,,,,,,, •••••••• 2 "12 ' .,. -86 -3.11- 6 '57 5 532

DELAWARE TO~NSHIP ••••• ,.,,,,,, 1 167 1 181 _,. -1.2 7 219 5 706

FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP ••••• ,,,,,,,, J 493 3 •34 59 1.7 6 167 5 072

JACKSON TOWNSHIP •••••••••••••• 1 076 1 033 •3 .,, 5 728 5 321 JOHNSON TOWNSHIP., •• , ••••••••• J o•o 2 960 too ,,. 6 587 5 '139

LAUGHERY TOWNSHIP,,••••,,.•••, • 375 4 357 18 o.• 8 617 7 018

OTTER CREEK TOWNSHIP,,,.,,,,., 1 .,1 1 377 11" .,, 6 025 5 186

SHELBY TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 922 901 21 ?. .• 3 6 '10 ij 990

WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP ••• , ••••••• 1 852 1 811 ., 2.3 6 7"1 5 813

RUSH COUNTY,,.,.,.,.,,,,,. 18 997 19 604 -607 -3.1 7 1"3 6 019

CARTHAGE.,,., ••• , ••••• ,.• ••• •. 876 886 -10 -1.1 6 792 5 367

RUSHVILLE.••••,,•••,,•••••,,,, 5 82' 6 113 -2B9 .. q,7 7 177 5 789

GLENWOOD !PARTl,,.,,,., •• ,,,., 226 2•6 -20 -s.1 6 02" 4 758

ANDERSON TOWNSHIP •• ,,,,,,,,,., 1 512 1 487 " 1.7 6 739 5 82'

CENTER TOWNSHIP •• ,.,,,.,,,,,,. 1 169 1 177 -· -0,7 6 092 5 297

JACKSON TOWNSHIP, ••••••••••••• •O• 435 _,, -7.l B 452 7 117

NOBLE TOWNSHIP,,,,,••••,,••••, .,. 817 37 4.5 5 23'1 • 726

ORANGE TOWNSHIP ••••• ,,,,,,,,., 760 828 -68 -8.2 6 668 6 222

POSEY TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,.,, •• ,,,, 1 212 1 271 -59 -ti,6 7 523 6 537

RICHLAND TOWNSHIP •••••••••••• , "67 •60 7 1.5 8 163 7 n• RIPLEY TOWNSHIP,,.,••••,,••••, 1 958 1 986 -JO .. 1.s 7 875 6 463

RUSHVILLE TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,, 8 252 8 596 -3'11.1 -'1.0 7 269 5 9••

UNION TOWNSHIP,.,.,,,,,,,,,.,, 856 920 -64 -7,0 6 785 5 89J

WAL.KER TOWNSHIP •••••• ,,,,,,,,, 1 027 1 057 -30 -2.B 7 281 6 1'9

WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP,,,,,,.,,,, 527 568 _., -7.2 7 219 5 858

ST. JOSEPH COUNTY, •••• ,, •• 239 899 2"1 617 -1 718 -0.1 8 620 7 '" MISHAWAKA,.,,,, ••••• •••••.•••• •o 898 •o 201 697 1.7 B 361 7 033

SOUTH BEND,.,,,,,.,.,.,.,,,,., 107 690 169 727 -2 037 -1,9 B 436 7 140

INDIAN VILLAGE,,,.,••••.,••••, 1"1 151 -10 -6,6 9 '139 8 062

ROSELAND,,,,,,,.,.,., ••• ,,,,,. 774 .,, -58 -7.0 7 B56 6 566

NORTH LIBERTY.,,,., •••• ,, ••••• 1 228 1 211 17 1.• 7 728 6 592

WALKERTON,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,, 1 9•6 2 051 -!05 .. 5,1 7 2'11.1 6 312

NEW CARLISLE •• , ••••••• ,.,, •••• 1 .,. 1 .,, -5 -0.3 B 530 7 329

OSCEOLA.,.,,,,,••••,•••••,•••• 1 952 1 990 -38 .. 1 ,9 7 938 6 710

LAKEVILLE,,.,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,, 674 629 •5 7.2 7 ~., 6 798

CE:NTRE TOVINSHip,,,, ,. ,, , •••••, 12 '11 12 •02 _,, -0.1 10 530 9 28J

CLAY TOWNSHIP.,.,.,.••••••., •• 27 909 28 1"7 -238 ~o.B 10 793 9 055

GERMAN TOWNSHIP.,,,.•·•·•,•••• 6 71.12 6 826 -·· -1.2 8 638 7 781

GREENE TOWNSHIP.•·•••••••••••• 2 931 ' 036 -ros -3.5 B ~'16 7 ,.7

HARRIS TOWNSHip,,,,,, 00 ,,,,,,, 5 680 5 265 "15 7.9 8 611.1 7 826

LIBERTY TOWNSHIP•••••••••••••• 2 936 2 922 ,. 0,5 B 369 7 20•

LINCOLN TOWNSHJp,,,,,,,,,,., •• 2 767 2 875 .. 10B -3,8 7 332 6 370

MADISON TOWNSHIP •••••••••••••• 1 Bl.II.I 1 860 -16 -o.9 7 933 6 538

OLIVE TOWNSHIP,,•••,,,,,,,,,,, 3 '122 3 .,. • 0 .1 B 605 7 479

PENN TOWNSHIP,, ••••••••••••••• 56 7'16 56 471 275 o.5 B 65'1 7 316

PORTAGE TOWNSHIP ••• , ••••••••• ~ 107 B10 109 69• -1 ••• -1.7 7 aos 6 572

UNION TOWNSHIP, ••••••••••••••• J •02 ' ,,. 28 o.s 9 B8'1 8 626

WARREN TOWNSHIP, ••• ,,,,,,,,,,, 5 '-1-00 5 327 " 1, 4 9 307 7 911.1




17.2 25.0 15.B 17.6 15.1 5.5

19.3 16.4

12.4 12.B 20.3 15.4 22.7


24.B 1'1 ,5 15.5 17.3 15.'I 21.B 27.B 1B.2

16,0 16.7 26,5 21. 6

7.6 21.1 22.8 16.2

26.5 16,0


26,6 2'1.0 26.6 15.7 15.0 18.B 10,7 7.2

15.1 5.7

21.a 22.3 15.1 18.6 23,2


18,9 lB.2 17.1 19,6 17.2 11.1.B 16.'I 18.3

16.B 13 ·" 19.2 11.0 15.0 10.1 16.2 15.1

21.3 15.1 18.3 18,B 11.1.6 17,6

Table 1. July l, 1982, Population and Calendar Year 1981 Per Capita Income Estimates for the State Counties and Subcounty Areas-Continued ' '



SCOTT COUNTY •••••• ,,,,,,,,

AUSTIN.,,••-••••••·••• ••••• , ••• SCOTTSBURG ••••••••• ~··•·•·•••• F"INLEY TOWNSHIP ••• ,,,,,,,,,,,, JENNINGS TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,,, JOHNSON TOWNSHIP.,,,,,,,,,,,,, LEXINGTON TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,, VIENNA TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

SHELBY COUNTY •••••••••••••

.SHELBYVILLE .•••• , •••• ,,, ••• , •• , MORRISTOWN •••••••••••••••••••• ST. PAUL !PART! •••••••••••• · ••• ADDISON TOWNSHIP, ••••••••••••• BRANDYWINE CIVIL TOWNSHIP, •••• HANOVER TOWNSHIP •••••••••••••• HENDRICKS TOWNSHIP •••••••••••• JACKSON TOWNSHIP •••• ,.,, •• ,,,.

LIBERTY TOWNSHIP,.,, •• , ••••••• MARION TOWNSHIP,, ••••••••••••• MORAL TOWNSHIP ••••• ,., ••••• , •• NOBLE TOWNSHIP •••••••••••••••• SHELBY TOWNSHIP ••••••• , •• , •••• SUGAR CREEK TOWNSHIP •• ,, •• ,,., UNION TOWNSHIP, ••••••••••• ,, •• VAN BUREN TOWNSHIP ••••••••• , •• WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP •••••••••••

SPENCER COUNTY.,.,,,•, •. ••,

SANTA CLAUS, ••••••• , •••••••••• DALE, •• •,.,,•,,, ••• ,,,,.,,,,,, CHRISNEY, •• , •••••••••••••••••• GRANDVIEW •••••••••••••••••• , •• GENTRYVILLE,•,,.,.,, •• ,,,,,,,, ROCKPORT, •• ,,,,, •• ,.•,,.,,,, ••• CARTER TOWNSHIP ••• ,,,,,,,,,,,, CLAY TOWNSHIP •••••••••••••••••

. . GRASS TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,.,, •• , ••• HAMMOND TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,.,,,, •• HARRISON TOWNSHIP,,.,,,,,,,, •• H UFF TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,. JACKSON TOWNSHIP, ••. •,,,.,,,.,, LUCE TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, OHIO TOWNSHIP •••••••••••••••••

H K N c c D J N

0 R • •

H c F 0 H A A c

STARKE COUNTY •••••••••••••

AMI.ET,,,,,,,,,•,,,•.,,,,,,,,. Nox •••••••••••••••••••.••••••• ORTH JUOSON,,,,,,,,,,, 0 ,,, 0 ,,

ALIFORNIA TOWNSHIP ••••••• ,, •• ENTER TOWNSHIP ••••••••••••••• AVIS TOWNSHIP.,, ••••••••••••• ACKSON TOWNSHI~ •••••••••••••• ORTH BEND TOWNSHIP ••• ,,.,,,,,

REGON TOWNSHIP ••••••••••••••• AILROAO TOWNSHIP •••••••••••• , ASHINGTON TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,, AYNE TOWNSHIP,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,

STEUBEN COUNTY,,,,,,,,,,,,

UDSON,.,,,.,, •• ,., ••• ,,,,,,,, LEAR LAKE,,, •• ,,.,.• ••••• ,, •••

~~~~~~::: :: : : : : : : : : : : :·::: :·::: AMIL.TON (PART> ••••••••••• , ••• NGOLA,,,, •• ,,,,.,, ••• ,,,, •• ,, SHLEY fPARTJ ••••••••••••••••• LEAR LAKE TOWNSHIP •••••••••••

REMO~T TOWNSHIP,,, ••••••••••• ACK SON TOWNSHIP,,,,.,,,.,.,,, AMESTOWN TOWNSHIP •••••••••••• I~LGROVE TOWNSHIP,, •••••••••• TSEGO TOWNSHIP ••• , ••••• ,.·, •••

F J J H 0 p R

LEASANT TOWNSHIP,.,,,,,,,,,,, ICHLANO TOWNSHIP,,.,,,,,,,, ••


JULY 1, APRIL 1. 1982 1980

20 2'8 20 ti.22

• 729 • 857 5 065 5 066

982 1 o•• 6 861 7 091 2 038 1 989 2 676 2 605 7 691 7 689

" ,.. " 887

,. 89• ,. 989 1 0,. 989

J5J '26 17 238 17 334

2 144 2 167 2 175 2 134 1 223 1 2•• 1 140 1 196

1 798 1 ••• 1 JOS 1 '26 4 62J • 565 1 382 1 3<5 2 192 2 122

976 928 7BJ 782

1 508 1 ••• 1 "17 1 •12

20 057 19 J61

577 514 1 809 1 693

595 537 687 670 315 299

2 539 2 590 J J63 J 160 1 0., 996

1 .,0 1 387 1 660 1 653 2 321 2 ,,. 1 15" 1 034

939 848 2 95" 2 981 5 128 5 068

21 •02 21 997

693 ,,. 3 •• 5 3 67• 1 61' 1 653 2 030 ;;i. 0'11 5 969 6 195 1 OB• 1 123

•62 •65 1 1"5 1 153

2 739 2 826 1 .,, 1 •95 2 034 2 112

• 516 • 587

24 61.17 ,. 694

"10 ••1 J06 301

1 287 1 180 •01 •2• .,. •66

5 •19 5 •• 6 280 31' 579 576

1 817 1 730 1 180 1 157 2 o•6 2 051 1 J21 1 295 2 256 2 29' 9 276 9 387

%0 •so


CHANGE, 1980 TO 1982


.. 17q. .. (),9 6 581 5 '10

-128 .. 2.6 5 265 • 298 -3 -0.1 7 823 6 382

-66 -6,3 7 851 6 191 .. 230 ... 3.2 5 592 • 5•6

"' >.5 6 398 5 397 71 2.7 6 3•2 5 "' 2 - 7 43• 6 191

77 0.2 8 2•0 6 926 _,, -0.6 7 759 6 .,. 35 J .5 8 05J 6 378 27 8,J 5 803 4 775

-96 -0,6 8 11" 6 7•• -2J -1.1 8 255 7 116 ., 1.9 7 927 6 "50 -21 -1.7 7 462 5 902 -56 -1.1.7 7 286 6 256

-•6 -2.5 7 712 6 5"1 J9 2.9 10 J58 9 255 58 1.3 9 0., 7 •77 37 2.8 7 658 6 594 70 J.3 8 274 7 176 48 5,2 8 959 7 927

1 0.1 8 703 7 401 20 1.3 8 031.1 6 83•

5 0,4 7 677 6 62?

696 J.6 7 378 6 2•6

63 12.3 11 999 10 024 116 6 ,9 7 296 6 129

58 10.8 7 053 6 075 17 2.5 7 2•• 6 J78 16 ,,. 7 712 6 037

-51 -2.0 7 629 6 280 203 6,• 7 355 6 187

51 5 .1 9 1.165 7 526

103 7.• 7 ,.2 6 1'2 7 o.• 6 96'5 6 180

87 3,9 6 71.10 5 819 120 11 ,6 6 99B 5 829

" 10.7 7 010 5 671 -27 -0.9 7 427 6 251

60 1. 2 7 555 6 .,. -595 -2.7 6 608 5 6'1

-·5 -6,1 7 625 6 651 .. 1a9 ... 5,1 6 271 5 182 -•o .. 2.11 7 128 6 108 -11 -0 ,5 6 717 5 826

-226 .. 3,6 5 974 5 165 _,, -3.5 7 263 6 392 -3 -0,6 7 115 6 057 -· -0.7 6 595 5 810

-87 -3.1 7 862 6 372 -73 .. 1.1,9 6 ,,. 5 298 -78 -3.7 6 732 5 67J -71 -1.5 6 •• 3 5 583

-•7 ... 0.2 8 076 6 .,, -37 -8.3 6 734 5 506

5 1. 7 16 7., 1J 7'1 107 9.1 8 060 6 638 -17 .. Q,O 8 129 6 296

12 2.6 7 "90 6 386 -67 -1.2 8 029 6 626 _,, -10.5 7 166 5 727

3 o.5 12 748 10 162

87 5.0 7 252 6 069

" ?,0 6 ~·· 5 969 15 o.7 9 126 7 699 26 2,0 6 779 5 671

-•o -1.7 8 ,.. 7 439 -111 .. 1.2 8 530 7 128 -20 -'1.2 6 075 5 266






22.s 22,6 26.8 23,0 18.5 21. 4 20.1


20.7 26,3 21. 5 20.2 16.0 22.9 26.l.I 16.5

17.9 11,9 20,9 16, 1 15,3 13.0 17.6 17,6 15.9


19,7 19.0 16 .1 13,6 27.7 21.5 18.9 25.8

18.1 12.7 15,8 20.1 23,6 18.8 17.0


1'1 .6 21.0 16.7 15.3 15,7 13.6 17.5 13.5

23 ·" 20.B 18,7 15."


22.3 22.0 21 ·" 29, l 17.3 21.2 25.l 25 ,I.I

19.5 16,1.1 18,5 19,5 10.8 19,7 15,1.1

Page 14: 1982 Population Estimates and 1981 Per Capita Income ... · places; and (3) active minor civil divisions (MCD's), i.e., towns in New England, New York, and Wisconsin, or townships


Table 1. July 1, 1982, Population and Calendar Year 1981 Per Capita Income Estimates for the Slate, Counties, and Subcounty Areas-Continued



AREA CHAi\'GE, 1980 TO 198::?

JULY 1. APRIL 1. 1982 1980 NUMBER PERCENT 1981 1979

SALEM TOWNSHIP •••• ,.•••.,,., •• 1 872 1 9"5 -73 ~J.8 6 967 6 17"

SCOTT TOWNSHIP •••• ,,,.,.,,,,., 875 8Jl "" 5.J 7 492 6 616

STEUBEN TOWNSHIP,.,,.,,,, •• , •• 2 JJO 2 352 _,, -o.9 7 755 6 4'2

yORI< TOWNSHIP ••• ,.,.,.,.,,,,., 615 59" 21 J.5 7 013 5 62J

SULLIVAN COUNTY •••• , •• ,,., 20 92J 21 107 ~181t ~o.9 7 258 6 JOJ

DUGGER., ••••• ,,.,., ••• , ••••••• 1 065 1 118 .SJ -it.7 7 189 6 17J

FARMERS~URG., •• , ••• " •• ,,.,,, •• 1 239 1 21.10 -1 -o .1 7 655 6 1"0

SHELBURN.,,,,,,,.,., ••• ,, ••• ,. 1 22J 1 259 -J6 -2.9 6 5J6 5 478

MEROM •• ••••, •• , •• "., ••••••••• " J62 J60 2 0.6 6 607 5 718

CARLISLE'.,,,,., •• " •• , ••••••• ,. 688 717 _,, -i+.o 6 618 5 8J7

SULLIVAN.,,.,,,, ••••• ,,, •••••• 4 70J 4 774 -71 -1,5 7 7J8 6 635

HYMERA,,.,,, •••••• , •• , ••••• ,,. 1 049 1 05" -5 -o,5 5 88• 5 267

CASS TOWNSHIP ••• ,., •• ",.•·.•·" 2 448 2 45" -6 -0.2 6 983 6 132

CURRY TOWNSl-I IP,, •• ,,,, •• , •• ,,. 3 94J J 988 _., -1,1 7 155 5 995

FAIRBANKS TOWNSHIP,.,., ••••• ,. 826 86" -38 -i+.4 7 079 6 J26

GILL TOWNSHIP, ••••• , ••• ,,.,,•• 1 119 1 089 JO 2. 8 7 706 6 962

HA ODON TOWNSHIP, •••••••••• ,.,. 1 783 1 817 -3" -1.9 6 697 5 955

HAMILTON TOWNSHIP., ••••••••••• 6 '57 6 9"5 -88 -1 .J 7 977 6 8J7

JACKSON TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,.,,., 2 047 2 099 -52 -2,5 6 112 5 J70

JEFFERSON TOWNSHIP,,.,,,,., ••• 9JJ 887 .. 5 .2 6 898 6 078

TURMAN TOWNSHIP., ••• ,,, ••• ,,;, 964 964 - - 6 72'1 6 J22

SWITZERLAND COUNTY •••••••• 7 402 7 153 249 J.5 6 196 5 196

VEVAY •••••••••••••••••••••• , •• 1 J30 1 J4J -13 -1.0 6 347 5 195

PATRIOT•••••,,, •••• , •• ,., ••• ,. 247 265 -18 -6.8 5 388 4 J'2

COTTON TOWNSHIP., ••• , ••••••• ,. 1 066 1 009 57 5.6 6 261 5 59J

CRAIG TOWNSHIP,., •••••• ,, •• ,,. 757 761 -4 -0,5 6 OJ6 5 028

JEFFERSON TOWNSHIP •••• ,.•••,,. 2 495 2 487 8 O.J 6 J79 5 J51

PLEASANT TOWNSHIP ••• ,,,,,.,, •• 1 058 1 OJ9 19 1.8 6 JJl 5 017

PDSt:Y TOWMSHJP •••• , ••• , , •,., •• 1 214 1 149 65 5,7 6 078 5 159

yORK TOWNSHIP.,.,, •••••• ···.•. 812 708 104 14. 7 5 692 4 605

TIPPECANOE COUNTY ••••••••• 12J 979 121 702 ' 277 1.9 8 321 6 929

LAFAYETTE ••• , ••• , ••••• ,.•••••, 43 914 43 011 90J '.1 8 9J7 7 J07

CLARKS HILL ••• ,.,, •••••••••• ,, 690 65J 37 5.7 6 J07 5 169

DAYTON,,,, •• ,,,, •• •••.,,,,,,., 792 781 11 1.4 8 J85 7 625

OTTERBEIN <PART),.,., ••• • •• ,,. JJ8 JOO J8 12.7 6 671 5 764

BATTLE GROUND,, ••. ,.•.,.· ••• •. 842 812 JO J.7 8 001 6 JJJ

WEST LAFAYETTE, ••••••••••••• ,. 21 717 21 247 "70 "' 9 OOJ 7 625

FAIRFIELD TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,, •• "' J29 .. 533 796 1.8 9 119 7 4"7

JACKSON TOWNSHIP." ••• ,,,, ••••• 539 520 19 3.7 8 629 7 233

LAURAMIE TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,., 2 166 2 125 "1 1.9 8 25" 6 871

PERRY TOWNSHIP •• , ••• ,.,.,,,,., 2 759 2 720 J9 1.4 9 179 7 51J

RANDOLPH TOWNSHIP .•• , ••••••• ,. 7J5 75" -19 -2.5 10 162 8 029

SHEFFIELD TOWNSHI;:i.,,., •'.,.,. 2 J21 2 254 67 3.0 8 66J 7 520

SHELBY TOWNSHIP •••••••••••••• , 2 067 1 855 212 11,1.1 9 216 7 6JJ

TIPPECANOE' TOWNSHIP.,,,,,,,, •• 4 776 4 636 f/1.0 J.O 8 S68 7 12J

UNION TOWNSHIP, ••••••••••••••• 1 755 1 713 "' 2,5 8 467 7 058

WABASH TOWN~HIP ••••••••••• ,,., '" '165 "" 267 198 o.4 7 148 6 105

WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP ••••••••••• 2 462 2 394 68 '·8 9 278 7 892

WAYNE TOWNSHIP •• ,,,.,,,.,., •• , 1 J2" 1 23J " 7,il- 7 482 6 475

"' TOWNSHIP.,••• ••••••• • ••••• 13 282 12 698 584 4,6 8 85" 7 J55

TIPTON COUNTY ••• , , , , •.,, •• 16 2"2 16 819 -577 -J.lf 8 715 7 520

TIPTON, •••• , •••• ,,,,, ••• , ••• ,. 4 794 5 004 -210 -4.2 8 220 6 739

KEMPTON., •• ,.,,., ••• , •• , •••••• J99 410 -11 -2.7 8 822 7 067

SHARPSVILLE., •••••••••• ,••••·• 6J8 617 21 J.4 8 202 6 965

ELWOOD <PART>, •••• ,.,.,.• •• ,•. 250 259 -9 -3,5 7 6JO 6 409

WINDFALL CITY ••• ,.,., ••• , •• ,,, 92J 911 12 1.3 7 822 6 497

CICERO TOWNSHIP, •• , ••• ,,, •• ,., 8 076 8 J74 -298 -3.6 8 62.2 7 J29

Jt:FFERSON TOWNSHIP;,,,,, ••••• , 1 471 1 550 ·79 -5,1 8 572 7 483

LIBERTY TOWNSHIP •.•••••••••••• 2 496 2 "55 "' 1. 7 8 916 7 966

MADISON TOWNSHIP •• •• •• ,,, •• ,., 1 501 1 602 -101 -6.J 9 100 7 860

PRAIRIE TOWNSHIP •. , ••• , ••••••• 1 0"3 1 141 -98 -8,6 9 3"J 8 232

WILDCAT TOWNSHIP ••• ,,,, ••• ,, •• 1 65" 1 697 _., ..;.2,5 8 255 7 058

UNION COUNTY •••••••••••••• 6 837 6 860 -2J -o.3 6 866 5 90J

LIBERTY ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 802 1 84" _., -2.3 7 269 5 970

WEST COLLEGt: CORNER ••••••••••• 602 61" -12 -2.0 6 J67 l 5 2"0

BROWNSVILLE TOWNSHIP,, •••••••• 922 921 1 0 .1 6 '70 5 590

CENTER TOWNSHIP •• ,,.,.,.,•••,. 2 724 2 754 -Jo -1 .1 6 672 5 648

HARMONY TOWNSHIP •••••••••••••• JSO J77 J o.8 6 692 5 900

HARRISON TOWNSHIP •• ,•••,,,•••• 549 5J8 11 2.0 7 170 6 745




12.8 13.2 20.6 2it.7


16.5 2'1.7 19.J 15.5 13 .it 16.6 11. 7 lJ.9

19.3 11.9 10,7 12.5 16,7 lJ.8 lJ.5 6.4


22.2 22.7 11. 9 20.0 19,2 26.2 17.8 2J,6

20 .1

22.3 22,0 10.0 15.7 26.3 18.1 22.5 19,J

20 .1 22.2 26.6 15.2 20,7 20.3 20.0 17.1

17.6 15.6 20 .it


22.0 24 .8 17.8 19.l 20 .It 17.6 1II.6 11.9

15.8 13.5 17.0


21.8 21.5 14.0 18 .1 13. it 6.J

Table 1. July l, 1982, Population and Calendar Year 1981 Per Capita Income Estimates for the State Counties and Subcounty Areas-Continued ' '



LIBERTY TOWNSHIP,.,,.,,,••• •• , UNION TOWNSHIP,.,., ••••• ,,,,,.



EVANSVILLE ••• ,, ••• ,.,,,., ••••• ARMSTRONG TOWNSHIP,.,.,.,, •• ,. CENTER TOWNSHIP,,,.,,.••,,,, •• GERMAN TOWNSHIP ••••• , ••• •.•••• KNIGHT TOWNSHIP.••• ••••••••••• PERRY TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,, PIGEON TOWNSHIP, •• ,,,,,,,,,,,,

SCOTT TOWNSHIP ••••••••••••••• , UNION TOWNSHIP •• , ••• ,.,,,••••,


CLINTON, •••• •••••., ••• , ••• ,,., FAIRVIEW PARK,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,, UNIVERSAL,,,.,,, •• , ••• , •••• ,., CAYUGA,., ••• ,.,.,.,.,.,,,,,,,. DANA,.,,,.,,,,,,,.,.,.•,•.,,., PERRYSVILLE ••• , •••••• ,,,,,,,,, NEWPORT,.,,., ••• ,.,., •• ,,,,,,. CLINTON TOWNSHIP •••••••••• ,,.,

EUGENE TOWNSHIP.,,,,,,,,,,,,,, HELT TOWNSHIP., •• ,,,,.,,,••••• HIGHLAND TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,,, VERMILLION TOWNSHIP., .... ,.,,,,

VIGO COUNTY.,.,.,.,,,,,,,,

TERRE HAUTE,,,,,,.,,,.,,,,,,•, SEELYVILLE ••••••••• ••••••••••• RILEY,,,,,,,,,,, •• ,.,.,,,.,,,, Wt:ST TERRE HAUTE,.,,,,,,,,,,,, F H H L

L N 0 p p p R s

N L L • R c L L

N p p

p s • • A J K L

M M p

AYETTE TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ARRISON TOWNSHIP ••••• ,,,,,,,, ONEY CREfK TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,, INTON TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

OST Cf!t:EK TOWMSHIP,,,,,,,,,,, EVINS TOWNSHIP.,,,,,,,,,,,,,, TTt:R CREEK TOWNS~fP, ••••••••• IERSON TOWNSHIP •••••••••• ,,,, RA IRIE CREFI< TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,, RAIR!ETON TOWNSHJP,,., •• ,,,,, ILEY TOWNSH%P, ••••••••••••••• UGAR CREEK TOWNSHIP •••••• ,,,,

WABAS4 COUNTY •••••••• ,,,,,

ORTH MANCHt:STER •••• ,.,,,,,,,. AGRO.,., ••• , •• ,,,,,,,,.,.,,,, A FONTAINE •••••••••••••• ,,,,, ABASH,,,•,•.,,,,.,.,,,,,, •• ,, OANN •••••••• ,,, 0 ,, 0 ,.,,.,,.,,

HESTER TOWNSHIP,,,.,,,,,,,,,, AGRO TOWNSHIP,,,.,.,.,,,,,,,, IBERTY TOWNSHIP,.,,,,,,,,,,,,

OSLE TOWNSHIP 0 , ••••••••••••••

AW PAW TOWNSHIP•·•••••••••••• LEASANT TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,,, ALTZ TOWNSHIP •••••••• ,,,,,,,,

WARREN COUNTY,.,,,,,,,,,,,

!NE VILLAGE •••••••••• ••••••,, TATE LINE CITY ••• •,,.,., •• ,,. EST LEBANON •••••••••••••• ,,,, ILLIAMSPORT,,,,,,,.,,,,.,,,,, OAMS TOWNSHIP, •••• ,,,,,,,,,,, ORD AN TOWNSHIP, ••••••••• ,,,,, ENT TOWNSHIP ••• ,,,••••.•••,,., IBERTY TOWNSHIP, •••••••••• ,,,

EDINA TOWNSHIP.,.,,,,•,•.,.•. OUNO TOWNSHIP ••••• , •• ,,,,,,,, !KE TOWNSHIP •••••••••••• ,,,,,


JULY 1' APRIL l. 1982 1980

90J 87J 1 3'0 1 J97

167 "50 167 515

1 249 1 280 lJO 275 1JO 496

1 646 1 665 2J 640 23 8J9

6 66J 6 718 64 J07 6J 515 19 870 19 "55 .. 196 47 226

• 678 4 674 449 423

17 981 18 229

5 095 5 267 1 607 1 545

426 "28 1 246 1 258

733 80J 501 5J2 7'6 704

9 65J 9 781

2 427 2 407 J 002 J 102 1 772 1 85" 1 128 1 085

111 866 112 385

60 297 61 125 1 lSJ 1 J74

250 269 2 628 2 806 J 121 J 095

59 632 60 462 11 762 11 5JJ

1 5"3 1 "51

7 807 7 75J 2 J79 2 J06 9 J'2 9 485 1 51" 1 469 1 390 1 339 1 760 1 766 2 246 2 224 9 Jlo 9 502

'5 "29 J6 640

5 840 5 998 5J7 549 888 946

12 "55 12 985 486 548

8 061.1 8 JJ4 2 87J 2 990 2 433 2 506

16 607 17 3111-1 616 1 674 2 440 2 456 1 J96 1 J66

9 1"1 8 976

251 257 250 2JJ 947 946

1 808 1 747 557 578 J44 J6" 534 504 831 811

409 381 492 48J

1 "66 1 480


CHA!\' GE, 1980 TO 1982


JO J.4 7 901 6 611 -J7 -2.6 6 828 5 827

-65 - 8 887 7 480

-J1 -2.4 11 745 9 098 ... 221 -0.2 8 J94 7 040

-19 -1.l 8 147 7 078 -199 -o.a 10 146 8 6J9

-55 -o.a 10 420 8 775 792 1.2 9 926 8 "14 415 '·' 8 991 7 526

-1 oJo -2.2 6 J74 5 282

4 0 .1 10 6J9 9 064 ,. 6 .1 10 128 8 "12

-248 -1. q. 7 "31 6 151

-172 -J.3 7 J58 6 047 62 4.o 8 270 6 890 -2 -o.5 7 254 5 945

-12 -1,0 6 927 5 87" -70 .. a. 7 6 Jll 5 116 -Jl -5.8 7 376 5 925

32 •• s 7 871 6 432 -r28 -1.3 7 605 6 28J

20 o.8 6 670 5 76J -100 -3.2 6 •29 5 482 -82 .;.q.,l.j 8 159 6 854

43 4.o 8 OJ6 6 517

-519 -o.5 8 056 6 671

-828 -1. q. 7 28J 6 066 -21 -1.5 9 18• 7 400

-" -7.1 8 441 6 "40 -178 -6,3 5 a9s 4 956

26 o.8 8 919 7 443 -830 -1.4 7 2J6 6 OJO

229 2.0 10 58J 8 704 9, 6,J 9 070 7 534

54 0.7 9 999 8 204 7J 3.2 7 996 6 618

-1'03 -1.1 9 269 7 556 "5 J.1 8 269 7 J07 51 J,8 7 65J 6 40J 14 o.8 6 479 5 "68

" '· 0 8 723 7 528

-t92 -2.0 7 010 5 7"9

-1 211 -J.3 7 .89 6 722

-158 -2.6 8 14J 6 895 -12 -2.2 7 868 6 195 -58 -6,1 7 414 6 114

-530 -4.1 8 068 6 750 -62 -11.3 6 707 5 815

-270 -3.2 7 843 6 699 -!17 -J,9 7 760 6 569 -7J -2,9 7 514 6 420

... 707 -ti. .1 8 145 6 858 -58 .;.3,5 7 227 6 490 -16 -0,7 7 151 6 273

Jo 2,2 8 072 7 112

165 1.8 7 584 6 600

-· -2,3 8 196 7 211 17 7.J • J5J 7 021

1 0.1 6 019 5 091 61 J.5 7 "78 6 571

-21 -J.6 8 062 6 980 -20 -5.5 6 738 5 450

JO 6.0 8 5Jl 7 515 20 2.5 9 20J 7 S29

28 7.J 7 292 6 969 9 1.9 7 90J 6 699

-14 -o.9 6 620 5 728





19.5 17.2


29.1 19,2 15,1 17 .4 18.7 18.0 19,5 20,7

17. q. 20 .II-


21. 7 20.0 22.0 17.9 2J ,q. 24.5 22.11-21.0

15. 7 21.i .6 19.0 2J,J


20.l 24, l 31.1 18,9 19,8 20.0 21. 6 20.11-

21,9 20.8 22.7 13.2 19.5 18,5 15.9 21.9

17 ,q.

18.1 27,0 21. J 19.5 15,3 17.1 18.1 17,0

18,8 11. It 14 .o 13 .5

14. 9

1:5. 7 19.0 18.2 19.9 15.5 2J,6 1J.5 22.2

4.6 18.0 15,6

Page 15: 1982 Population Estimates and 1981 Per Capita Income ... · places; and (3) active minor civil divisions (MCD's), i.e., towns in New England, New York, and Wisconsin, or townships


Table 1. July 1, 1982, Population and Calendar Year 1981 Per Capita Income Estimates for the State, Counties, and Subcounty Areas-Continued




PINE TOWNSHIP •• ,,.,,,,,,,,,,,, PRAIRIE TOW~ISl-tlP ••• ,, ••• , , , , ,, STEUBEN TOWNSHIP •••••••••• , ••• WARREN TOWNSHIP •••••••• , •••••• WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP.,., ••• , •••

WARRICK COUNTY ••• ,,,,,,,,,

CHANDLER.,,,,, •• ,, ••••• , ••• , •• BOONVILLE,,••••••.,,,,,.,,,,,, ELBERFELD,,., ••• ,.,., •• , , , , • , • LYNNVILLE ••••••• ,., ••••••• ,, •• NEWBURGH,,, ••• ,.,.,.,., •• ,.,,, TENNYSON,,,.,,.,,.,,,,,, •• ,,,, ANDERSON TOWNSHIP ••••••••••••• BOON TOWNSHIP,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

CAMPBELL TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,,, GREER TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, HART TOWNSHIP., ••• , ••••••••••• LANE TOWNSHIP •••• ,,.,.,, •••••• OHIO TOWNSHIP,,, ••• _,,.,,,.,,., OWEN TOWNSHIP •• ,,,,,,,,,.,, •• , PIGEON TOWNSHIP ••••••••••••••• SKELTON TOWNSHIP ••••••••• ,,,,,


NEW PEKIN,,.,, •• ,,, ••• ,.,.,,,, CAMPBELLS9URG,,.,. , • , ••• •.,, •. SALTILLO.,.,,,, ••••••••• • •••• • LITTLE YORK,,,,.,.,.,.,,,,,,,, LIVONIA •••• ,,,,,,,, ••• ,, •••• ,. FREDERICKSBURG,,,,,,,,, ••••••• HARDINSBURG,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,, •• SALEM,,,., •••••• , ••••• ,, ••• ,,.

BROWN TOWNSHIP,,,,.,, •• , •• , ••• FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP •• ,,,,,,,,,,, GIBSON TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. HOWARD TOWNSHip,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, JACKSON TOWNSHIP,,,,,.,,,,,,,, JtFFERSON TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,, MADISON TOWNSHIP,,,_,,,,,,,,,,, MONROE TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,, •• ,,,,

PIERCE TOWNSHIP ••••••••••••••• POLK TOWNSHIP,,.,,,,,,,,,••.••, POSEY TOWNSHIP ••••• ••••,,,•••, VERNON TOWNSHIP,.,,,,,,,,,,,,. WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP.,,,,,,,,,,

WAYNE COUNTY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

RICHMOND.,,,,,,.,,,.,.,,•.•••, BOSTON,,,,,,,,., ••••• ,,,,,, ••• CENTERVILLE 0 ,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,

GREENSFORK,,,,,,,,.,,.,,,,,,,, WHITEWATER ••• ••••••••••,•••.••• CAMBRIDGE CITY ••••• ,.,,,,,,,,, DUBLIN,,,,,,,••••·,••••,,,,,,, EAST GERMANTOWN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

MOUNT AUBURN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,., HAGERSTOWN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,., FOUNTAIN CITY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ECONOMY,,,,,,,,.,.,.,.,.,,,,., MILTON,,•••••,•••·•••••,,,•.••, SPRING GROVE,,,,,,,,,••-•,,,••• ABINGTON TOWNSHIP •••••••••••• , BOSTON TOWNSHIP,,,., •• ,, ••• ,,,

CENTER TOWNSHIP, ••••• ,,,,,,,,, CLAY TOWNSHIP ••••••.••••••• ,_, •• OALTON TOWNSHlp,,,,.,,,,,,,,., FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,,, GREENE TOWNSHIP •••••••••• ,,,,, HARRI SON. TOWNSHIP •• , •• ,,•.,,•· JACKSON tOWNSHIP ••••••••••• , •• JEFFERSO~ TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,,

NEW GARDEN TOWNSHIP ••••••••••• PERRY TOWNSHIP, ••••••••••••••• WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP.,,,,,,,,,, WAYNE TOWNSHIP.,,,, •••••••••••

JUL'!' 1, 1982

•BO "19 610 .,.

2 JD6

•• 009

3 298 6 710

630 601

3 127 36"

1 026 12 009

1 017 1 933 1 396

320 22 90<

616 1 067 1 721

22 ••2

1 158 709 123 170 120 220 277

5 375

1 356 1 285

9JJ 1 059 1 0<2

871 523 486

1 767 1 795 1 522

693 9 111

75 0<2

40 752 182

2 J07 •58 104

2 276 1 033


178 1 903

818 2"6 706 05'

"' 960

7 '10 1 066

631 1 402 1 JDl

342 5 •SJ

' 401

1 928 806

1 655

"' 501

APRIL 1, 1980 . .,

396 575 71l

2 251

"' •H

3 0<3 6 JOO

6<0 566

2 906 JJl 999

11 •20

1 001 1 935 1 360

J02 21 31B

576 992

1 571

21 932

1 125 695 13• 150 120 2JJ 298

5 290

1 JJ6 1 290

917 1 079

972 836 555 •60

1 738 1 682 1 525

659 8 883

76 058

., 3"9 189

' 2•• 426 107

2 407 979 038

192 1 950

839 237 729 '69 793

1 029

7 315 1 061

612 1 "50 1 326

33' 5 588 3 "79

1 92q 762

1 706 "7 236

CHANGE, 1980 TO 1982


" 8.6 23 5,8 35 6.1

-17 -2,1.1 55 2.•

2 535 6.1

255 8 •• "10 6,5 -10 -1,6

35 6.2 221 7,6

53 16,0 27 ? • 7

589 5.2

16 1.6 -2 -0.1 )6 :? ,6 18 6,0

1 586 7.•

"° 6,9 75 7.6

150 9.5

510 2.3

" 2. 9 1' 2.0

-11 -8.2 20 13,3 - -

-13 -5,6 -21 -7.0

85 1.6

20 J ,5 -5 -o,q. 16 1,7

-20 -1.9 70 7.2 35 .,, _,, -5,8 26 5,7

29 1, 7 1'13 6,7 _,

-0.2 ,. 5.2 228 2.6

-1 016 -1.3

.. 597 .:.1. 4 -7 -3.7

" 1.0

" 7.5 _, -2.8 -131 -5,4 .. 5,5

-7 -1.6

-1" -7,3 -"7 -2,lf -21 -?.5

9 3,8 -23 -J,2 -16 -3.4 . --69 -6.7

95 1.J 5 o.5

19 '3,1 -48 .:.3,3 -25 -1,9

9 2.7 -135 -2.11--78 -2.2

• 0.2 .. '5.8 -51 .;.3,0

-735 .;.1.6



1981 1979 1981

6 '62 6 085 •.6 9 477 9 251 ,,. 8 4•2 7 5lt 12. I.I 5 907 5 29• 11 .6 7 582 6 "56 17, LI

9 053 7 520 20,L!

7 '32 6 311 17.8 8 842 7 353 20,3 7 813 6 74• 15.9 8 JJO 7 D<O 18.3

10 381 8 591 20.a 5 403 • 660 15,9 7 029 6 JJ6 17.3 8 532 7 123 19' 8

7 617 6 ... 17.3 8 036 6 Bl• 17. 9

• a10 7 350 19' 9 6 572 5 560 18' 2 9 950 8 175 21. 7 6 398 5 806 10. 2 6 496 5 662 1'. 7 6 907 6 115 13. 0

6 529 5 "57 19' 6

6 036 • 9% 22. 0 5 63" • 7 .. 18. 8 5 696 • 616 23. • 7 361 6 006 "· 9 5 212 • 312 20. 9 5 6"3 • 361 29' • 5 908 • 563 29. 5 7 618 6 1'7 23. 9

5 783 • 858 19' 0 5 916 5 139 15' 1 5 823 • 927 18. 2 5 155 • 3•8 18' 6 7 262 6 2"2 16. 3 'I 367 ' 978 9' 8 l.j 914 • .. , 9 • 6 6 161 • 8"1 27. ' 6 J8J 5 278 20. 9 5 611 • 9•8 13. • 6 1"9 • 862 26' 5 6 230 • 881 27, 6 7 490 6 20< 20. 7

7 686 6 512 18. 0

7 602 6 373 19 " 7 525 6 340 1B .7 7 169 5 915 21 .2 6 405 5 823 10 .o 7 So1 6 <so 16 ·' 7 502 6 356 18 .o 5 91.17 5 '23 11 ,7 6 756 5 977 1J ,0

5 160 • •66 15 .6

' 293 7 603 22 • 2 7 010 6 028 16 " 5 773 • 8'9 19 ·' 5 960 5 211 1" .4 7 288 6 112 19 .2 6 972 6 327 10 .2 9 475 7 870 20 .3

7 461 6 '76 17 .o 7 432 6 636 12 .o 7 l.!45 6 659 11 .8 7 325 6 563 11 ,6 5 94l!- 5 273 12 .7 7 833 6 . ., 21 .2 7 193 6 313 lJ ,9 9 182 7 51' 22 .2

7 JOO 6 ,,. 1 •.2 6 518 5 7"9 1 3,0 6 763 5 981 1 ',1 7 782 6 52" 1 9"

Table 1. July l, 1982, Population and Calendar Year 1981 Per Capita Income Estimates for the State, Counties, and Subcounty Areas-Continued



AREA CHANGE, 1980 TO 1982 JULY 1. APRIL 1.

1982 1980 NUMBER PERCENT 1981 1979

WEBSTER TOWNSHJP,.,,.,, •• ,,, •• 1 , .. 1 4•• -50 -3.5 7 662 6 505

WELLS COUNTY •••••••••• ,, •• 25 15' 25 401 -2q.a -1.0 8 '" 7 19• BLUFFTON,,,,,, •• ,,,., •• ,, •• , •• 8 572 8 705 -133 -1.s 8 536 6 975 MARKLE !PARTJ,,,, •• _ •••• ,.,, •• , 227 220 7 J.2 10 '" 8 763 PONETO, ••• •,,,,, •• ,.,.,, •••••• 229 250 -21 -8.4 7 '29 6 020 UNIONDALE.,,.•,.,.,, •• ,,,.,.,. 299 JO) -· -1.3 9 358 7 771 VERA CRUZ,,•, ••• , ••••• ,.,, •••• 116 117 -1 -o.9 6 048 5 005 OSSIAN,••••·•••••,.••••,,••• •• 1 940 1 9'5 -5 -0,3 8 822 7 "90 CHESTER TOWNSHIP •••••••••••••• 1 098 1 085 1J 1.2 6 290 6 035 HARRISON TOWNSHIP,,.,, •••••••• 8 757 8 957 -200 -2.2 8 582 7 213 JACKSON TOWNSHIP •• , ••• ,,,•••,, 8•3 BB• -21 -2.tt 7 709 6 835 JEFFERSON TOWNSHIP •••••••• ,,., • 716 0 637 79 1. 7 7 996 6 867 LANCASTER TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,, • 221 • 259 _,.

-0,9 9 '25 7 906 LIBERTY TOWNSHIP •••• ,,,,,,,,,, 1 2'7 1 ,.. -27 -2.1 7 ... 6 938 NOTTINGHAf.1 TOWNSHIP ••••••• ,,., 1 128 1 1'2 _, -o.4 7 056 6 277 ROCK CREEK TO~NSHIP.,.,, •••••• 1 317 1 "' -6 -o.s e 531.1 7 756 UNION TOWNSHIP,,,,, ••••••••••• 1 836 1 880 "" -2.J 8 409 7 •78

WHITE COUNTY ••••••••••• ,., " 986 23 867 119 o.5 7 816 6 816 CHALMERS,,,,.,,, •• ,.,,.,,.,, •• 55• 55• - - 8 075 6 669 REYNOLDS,,.,,,,.,,, ••••• , ••• ,. 596 6)2 _,.

-5.7 8 8"6 7 165 BUR"IETTSVILLE •••• ,, • , ,, • ,·, ••• , •56 •96 _., -8.1 6 ••8 6 .,, MONON, ••• ,,., ••• , •• ,,,, •••• , •• 1 •90 1 5<0 -50 -J.2 7 522 6 189 BROOKSTON,, 0 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1 755 1 701 " J.2 8 3<2 7 049 WOLCOTT.,,•,,, •• , •••• ,, •••••• , 9•> 923 20 ?.2 7 357 6 667 MONTICELLO,,, ••••••••••••• ,,,, 5 285 5 162 I2J '. 0 7 675 6 «5 BIG CREEK TOWNSHI~ •••••••••••• 902 911 -9 -1.0 8 002 6 725

CASS TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,.,,, •• 5'1 570 -39 .:.6,8 6 187 5 566 HONEY CREl::K TOWNSHIP •••••• ,,,, 1 2'5 1 296 -51 -3.9 7 85< 6 981 JACKSON TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,., •• , •• 840 862 -22 .. 2.6 6 676 6 255 LIBERTY TOWNSHIP ••••••••••••• , 1 852 1 7JJ 119 6.9 7 700 6 956 LINCOLN TOWNSHIP,,,.,.••,, ••• , 677 71" _,7 -s.2 8 266 7 ,., MONON TOWNSHIP, ••• ,,,,,,,,,,,, ' '?< ' '89 -15 -o,q. 7 720 6 •86 PRAIRIE TOWNSHIP, •• ,,,, ••• ,,., 2 878 2 788 90 '" 8 ,.. 7 110 PRINCETON TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,.,, 1 556 1 535 21 l .• 6 766 6 151 ROUND GROVE TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,, 282 282 - - 10 398 9 ,7. UNION TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,.,,.,,,,, 9 '90 9 357 " o.• 8 073 6 9•9 WEST POINT TOWNSHIP ••••••••••• '59 •JO 29 6,7 6 488 6 420

WHITLEY COUNTY.,, ••••••••• " 056 26 215 -159 -o,6 7 B16 6 793

SOUTH WHITLEY,,• •••••••• •.•••• 1 592 1 575 17 1.1 7 q09 6 >7• COLUMBIA CITY,,,,,,, ••••••••• , 5 115 5 091 24 o.5 7 885 6 797 LARWILL,.,,., ••• ,.•.•.·••••·•• JOO 286 1' 0,9 8 '98 7 230 CHURUBUSCO, •• , •• ,.,.,,, 0,,,,,, 1 "' 1 638 5 O.J 7 819 6 401 CLEVELAND TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,, ' 088 3 071 17 0,6 7 280 6 •85 COLUMBIA TOWNSHIP ••••••••••••• 7 635 7 694 -59 -a.a 7 919 6 650 ETNA TROY TOWNSHIP,,,,, •• ,,,,, 1 "6 1 "' -7 -o.5 7 635 6 572 JEF~ERSON TOWNSHIP,,•••••,•••• 1 713 1 697 16 0,9 8 957 7 597

RICHLAND TOWNSHIP ••••• ,, •• , •• , 1 ''° 1 452 _,, -2.2 6 961 6 2'6 SMITH TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4 763 • 821 -58 -1.2 8 090 6 850 THORNCREEK TOWNSHIP, •••••••••• 3 036 3 036 - - 7 736 6 810 UNION TOWNSHIP,,,,,.•••••••.••• 1 767 1 801 -3· -1.9 7 756 6 665 WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP,,,,,,,,,,, 1 190 1 190 - - 7 337 6 625


ALBANY,., •• ,.,,.,.,,,.,,,,, • 2 57< 2 625 -51 -1.9 6 512 5 822 ASHLEY •• , •••• ,,.,.,., ••• ,,,. 788 8'1 _., -6,3 6 766 5 735 BATESVILLE •••• ,, ••• , •••• •.,, • 10• • 152 " 1.0 8 778 7 042 CONVERSE,,,.,.,, •• ,.,.,,,,,, 1 177 1 279 -102 .:.8.0 7 514 6 791 CUMBERLAN0,., 00 ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ' '18 ' '75 •3 1.J 8 280 7 062 DUNKIRK •• ,, ••••• , ••• ,.,,,,., ' 05' 3 180 -127 -4.0 7 491 6 009 EDINBURG,.,,,,, ••• ,., ••• ,,., ' 786 • 856 -70 -1,4 6 536 5 •58 ELWOOD, •• ,,,,,,.,.,,,,,.,,,, 10 •11 10 867 -396 -3.6 7 229 6 023

GLENWOOD.,, •• ,, ••••• ,,, •••• , 359 370 -11 -3.0 6 '12 5 188 HAMILTON •• , •• ,, ••••••• ,, ••• , 5BJ 587 _, -o.7 7 5<5 6 480 JAMESTOWN,,, 0 ,,,,, •••••••••• 924 "' - - 8 185 7 121 MARKLE,,.,,,,.,,, ••• , ••• ,, •• 980 975 5 o.5 7 839 6 785 MILL TOWN.,,., ••• ,.,., •• ,, ••• 1 018 1 006 12 1.2 6 ;13 5 423 NAPPANEE,,,,.,,.,,,.•, •• ,,,,.• • 561 ' 69• -133 -2.8 8 10< 7 057 OTTERBEIN.,, ••••••••••••••• , 1 1"5 1 118 27 ,,. 7 409 6 522 ST, PAUL.•,.,,, ••• , ••• ,, ••• , 1 057 976 81 8., 6 505 5 492

SHIRLEy,,,,, ••••, ·•·•·•,, ••• 857 919 -62 -6.7 6 807 5 728 WOLCOTTVtLLE •••••••••••••••• .,, 890 " _;_4.9 7 '" 5 962







22.11-19. I.I 21. 7 2c.4 20,8 17,8 •.2


12.8 16 ·"' 17.9 8.7

1.?. If 10.0 12.4

11.1-. 7

21 .1 23.5 6.9

21. 5 lB.3 10.3 19.1 19.0

11.2 12.5 6,7

10.7 12,6 19.0 11.! .5 10.0

10.9 16.2 1.1


16.2 16,0 17,5 22.2 12.3 15,6 16.2 li.9

11.6 18.1 13,6 13,0 10.7

11. 9 18,0 24.7 10.6 17.2 24.7 19.8 20.0

23.6 16. I.! 11.j. 9 15.5 20.1 14.8 13,6 18,L!

18.8 23,0

Page 16: 1982 Population Estimates and 1981 Per Capita Income ... · places; and (3) active minor civil divisions (MCD's), i.e., towns in New England, New York, and Wisconsin, or townships

current p ulation report1 from the BUREAU OF THE CENSUS

In addition to the findings of the Census of Population 1 conducted every 10 years, the Bureau of the Census publishes con­tinuing and up-to-date statistics on popu­lation counts, characteristics, and other special studies of the American people. Data are issued in the seven separate series of reports described here and are released under the general title, Current Population Reports.

P-20 Population Characteristics. Current national and, in some cases, regional data on geographic residence and mobility, fertility, educational attainment, school enrollment, marital status, numbers and characteristics of households and families, and persons of Spanish origin. Approxi­mately 20 reports each year.

P-23 Special Studies. Reports on methods, concepts, or specialized data. Included in the series are periodic reports on the Black population, metropolitan­nonmetropolitan population, American yeuth, the older population, and other topics.

P-27 Farm Population. Data on the size and selected characteristics of the farm population of the United States. Issued jointly with the Bureau of the Census and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. One report each year.

P-60 Consumer Income. Information on the proportions of families, individuals, and househofds at various income levels. Data are also presented on the relation-

ship of income to age, sex, race, family size, education, occupation, work experience, and other characteristics. A special annual report provides detailed information on low-income families and individuals. Four to five reports each year.

P-25 Population Estimates and Projec­tions. Includes monthly estimates of the total population of the United States; annual mid-year estimates of the population of States by broad age groups; and of the United States by age, race, and sex; annual estimates of the components of papulation change. Annual estimates of the population of metropalitan areas and their compo­nent counties will be released, as well as projections for the United States and individual States. Generally, about 23 series P-25 reports are published each year.

P-26 Local Population Estimates. Annual county population estimates, most of which are produced under the auspices of the Federal-State Cooperative Program for Local Population Estimates, are published in the P-26 reports individually for each State (50 reports). Also pub­lished individually in the P-26 series, on a biennial basis, are the subcoynty revenue sharing estimates for each State (50 reports). These estimates were pub­lished previously in the P-25 series. In addition, annual estimates of the popula­tion of Puerto Rico municipios will also be published. There will be approximately 100 reports published in this series.


P-28 Special Censuses. Presents results of population censuses taken at the request and expense of city or other local governments. Biannual summaries showing the total population figures for all the censuses conducted during the particular period as well as individual reports issued for areas of 50,000 or more, showing the population by age, sex, and race, are available sepa­rately. See "How to Order Reports."


Current Population Reports are sold as two separate subscriptions. Series P-20, 23, 27, and 60 (Population Charac­teristics, Special Studies, Farm Popu­lation, and Consumer Income) cost $71 a year ($88. 75 for foreign mailing). The second subscription, Series P-25 (Population Estimates and Projections) is priced at $25 a year ($31.25 for foreign mailing). Release of the P-26 Series and single copies of the in­dividual Series P-28, Special Censuses, must be ordered separately through the Superin­tendent of Documents, u.s_. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. Prices vary.

For information concerning subscription pricing on Current Population Reports, write to Data User Services Division, Customer Services (Publications), Bureau of the Census, Washington, D .C. 20233.