THE INT i IoRlOURNA t > I VOLUME XXXVU STANFORD LINCOLN COUNTY KENTUCKY riESDAY DECEMBER G 1910 NO 81 NO FIREWORKS FOR STANFORD THIS XMAS COUNCIL ORDERS LAW ENFORC ED AND REFUSES TO RE DUCE SELLING LICENSE 1lrecrnckcrn may not be fired with In tholty limits of Stanford during till Christmas holidays This was the edict or tho City Fathers at a meeting of the rouncJJ last Thursday night the manbal was Instructed to rigid lly orforco the city ordinance pro Mblting the ore of flrerrnckcra of any kind nnd all offenders will be prost cured to the lull extent or the law JA strong effort was made to rcdur the llcentc Imposed t > y tho city fur 4 butft illman ShtiRars led the light tor a reduction of lilA license fen from flU thp pment figure to i HP nr auwl that the city which needs mono o badly mlghf as well got the bone tit of the site for Cnrlntmni of lire work tor they will bt hold nnywn iiitalno the cit j limits by several In rill dealer One hustling locnl mn < nnnt has been In the habit of nee in t tent lust outside tho city limb- and Uioro disusing lure works to al viio wleh to celebrate the glad Cbrit nRA time In thnt fanhlon Councilman Shimnrs contended thn i> riro iraiUent lire sold anyway ti fill ntcntn ana purposes in tho city 1hit tho rite ought to gel Home ben in from their sale tint the majorll cud nut think his plan b t and st fated his plan down And then tt lipy nt nh tar us will bo poMlblo inn fvr ot accidents from the use of Or works durlnp ChTletmnB limo It ws tirided to hate tho ordinance agalni tit ua of fireworks rigidly enforce ibis year The rite otflclnts drew their Scud inunl salary checks nt till nicolln Thursday night which of cour pu them all in happy frame of ratnd tin h clad Chrletniaa time y rhCouncil adjourned to tht 2 n 1 < IIpn R number lor + trct work putt 11 K l will bo considered Fishing Creek Dam TO BE RAISED THREE FEET 01 O A Co RAILROAD IIngs Mountain lee The Cincinnati Somnern Raiiroai Iompun U lIe ftrlpg to robe th dam or lu n ervolr nt aping Creet- yISt wow thtP city throe lOt In 01 cier to swurt a larger capacity of wa- ter The ralimad maintains two Mrs tnnM there and keops K pump ninnlri constantly for nit of Jlio henry train loaded with frolKht for ori r tht mountain take water there had a large + ippjy Is necearyI- D railroad has agreed to rebulli Hi bridge over tho creek on tin tre t leading to the depot which wll be a big improvement County Attorney >V 8 Burch cams- otnr Friday and prosecuted a num Ir ol cases In Squire Hlngloton court Jake Nance was given a Mm e nl ft and emits for cussing Arct llnrton Wm Ashby Leech got oC Hllh a Judgment for 1 cent and coet ugalnst him on a charge of breach of A the pence A number of other cases tn the docket were continued Sipple Farm FOUGHT IN BY FLOUR FIRM TC PROTECT THEMSELVES The 47 acres of land owned by C J Slpple of London who wi adjudged bankrupt was sold on Sat urdny byTrustce A U Dyche of Lon don who came hctt and cried the property The purchnsers were Pal lard X Hallnrd the flour firm nl I ljiifcvlllo who bid In tho property It protest a mortsraF thy held attains I It or 1110 It h utidcrstoou unit I they may hat to put up some other I mn to ratlify other creditors but this cans the only course left opoi to them to protect their own claim PUBLIC SALE w 1 O i laving decided to change my lo S citmil I will on Tnur day December 15th 1910 offer for sale to the highest bidder tho following described property 74 lined nt onttloj 30 head of 760- I iMiutd yearling1 and 44 head of UOO I to 1109 poiind cattle 42 hand of hogs iron HO to 2a3 pounds In bunches to I run porcha er Good moat hogs 1 five year old saddle mare extra goof 1 one Year old colt pair extra good 10 haiil mar mules ono pair ib 12 liiiiid ware mules two good milk cows I ono fresh 700 to 800 barrels of IIrneold on ground 800 bales of liij fanning Implements of nil kinds 2 twohorse wagons hay rake mow lag machine harness kitchen furni t ture and household furniture ERNSAll bills 110 and under cash in hand over 10 a negotiable nix months note bearing 0 per cent interest from date of note JOHN G LYNN N Don same day and date V W Burton will ofler for solo farm now occupied by me consisting of 270 65100 acres with good house and 1 stock and tobacco barn well watered by a never falling spring well fenced nnd fences are in excel- lent ¬ condition 200 acres of this farm u AIS in blue grass and will grow hemp tobacco anything other farms In I rccTbis soldon easy terns For particular write Y W BurUs o enet y I Alln AIversDn COUI orSdtllrdllY Mlllerburgot tntorturellt bridele MissIbrabeth niuirlag to Mr Jesse M Alverson The wedding took place at the hom Mllloburg friends of the happy couple To th e fromLohenJrln Mrs Cnnrlcs W orCadiz MissSalho Judge William K Dowllnsr of Law otf ofNuWport lolowetl the bridal party which wall mot by Rev W 1C Kill cf Cynthlana ono til the nuptial kntt while th handnmo maids and groomsmoii ttood It foro A bower of palms nnd form and pink cathedral canoles she d a iol klow on the nnsetnhlape Th > line ceremony was hrautilnl and 1m preci > ie radiantlyII chllton over satin With trimming of leiil nee pearls nnd crystals Thc short bridal veil was caught with or ornptnPhty Rift or tho groom She carried rhowtr bouquet ot valley III loa Alr + Klrkpatrlnk was ftrlklnglv handsiitno In blue marquisette ore wlin on train vitli panel of point lass pearl nnd crystal trimmings alas Woods gown WM ofpnlo bin r cliltfon over satin with lace trimming a The mHld of honor bliss Sloadd a iifbcd in pink dew drop duller I veer satin with Immli of rbte or nine Immediately aftci UI cen mony an Informal recrptlon WM neJtl and re irMliiuents were bMHtllully erred the InaivMtMl rakes Iwnitt Ib > I A In htfrtui ol 1K and the 111111- 1pre pink rusehuds The stately old iwnilnt was boiiutjtkillr dccornted tarminitmit with noU ti plants and Killnrney roses and was a bonutllui vetting for the affair Alter the wedding and reception sir and Mrs Alvermn were driven In an iiittomobllo to Paris where caught the train for Cincinnati an went to Now York for a three weeks stay They will be at home In city at Sirs 1Illlsm Ol > onncir8 n Sn lby street South Sid after the llrst of Jnnuar- Mr < Alver < on ls very pretty and th- contest e > daughter of Mr M Allen a ountrr cf MlllerrtbuvR and will r r chive n hearty welcome on her arrl val hero Mr Alvcrion Is a former resident of Stanford vut for almost u year he hat resided here where he lit popular and a valued employe ot tha Frankfort Printing Company Many nselul and beautiful gills cut glass silver china and linen- were received by the young couple Among the number were toll In gold from Judge Lasslng and several larg e Lnecks from the brides ather Amon the prominent guests In attendance w > tc Mr C A Hanlri of Harrodt burg Mr and Mrs a A ShankCn ut Mayftvlllo Mr and Mrs R K Fleet lug of Louisville Mr end Mrs W P Walton and daughter Miss Mary Wai ton of Lexington Miss Rosa A her son sister of the groom Aliases Map Florcncf anti Irene Alvenon of Rich ¬ mond Mr George H etors of louls Ilin and Senator R I Ilubbe of Stanford FINE BUSINESS FOR SALE Having made up my mind to go to Arkansas 1 will sell my stock of goods at Shelby City Ky It is a nice clean stock and well worth the mon ey Itune about a 1500 stock now and will sell It nt a bargain Come and mo me GEORGE HUNN 804 Shelby City Ky FOR SALEI As 1 have decided to go to a wnrmei climite I will offer my little home for sale ctmtnlnlng two acres and I talcs comfortable houso unit nil necessary outbuildings cistern and orchard from 8 to 15 years old guar tcr mile from Duddei> r8 mill on Dlx river four nulls south of Stanford and four miles south of Lancaster apply to PROF J D DATSON Ullberts Creek Ky HOG RAISERS Arc your hogs worth 5 cents per head Ve guarantee Bourbon Hog Cholera Remedy to keep hogs heJlthy and free from disease for 5 cents per hoad per month It cures Cholera mils Worms Stimulates tho Appetite Aids Digestion and causes hogs to fatten very rapidly This remedy Is used and endorsed by leading hog raisers throughout the country Come In and lot us tell you about IL Sold by Now Stanford tfrug Co That lump of lead at pit of stomach will melt away and all stomach dls trss will vanish in live minutes when itana stomach tablets are taken Guaranteed by G L Penny to cure any cue of Indigestion or money back Large bos CO cents ITEN MORE TOBACCO HEREIKINCAID 1 RESUME BUYINO SOON CROP I SHORT HERE NEXT YEAR I Although W P Klntald has not yet received orders from the Ixniltt iVlllo Tobacco Warehouse to resume the buying of tobacco at tilt ware house lucre be Is confident that or Jura will be received within a few d for received a letter from wase d that he had boon Rhl > Mrf Klncald already hau eighteen ou hand he believes that this informa ton Is Indlontlv of the intention of tons to resume dateC Some Lincoln county tobacco grow ers are selling their crops at the loose loaf warehouses lu Dunvllle for what trey can get let them but those who intro weed ol quality arc holding for here for tobaccof and no Iyng hw the wee1I very light The farmer seem d ¬ mined to turn their attention more t corn wheat hog and cattle null no lake another chance on n product Ihn requires so much effort toN li shape for wile trod tnon In llaMe to drop to a price which will unite their labor unprolltnble after all n Lota SOLD BY HARVEY HELM TO MRS H M BALLOU Congressman Harvey Helm lu i week sold to Mrs II M Ballou the pirden lot of his property on Danillle 1vC2i for a price which was but 1s understood to nave been around 1V0 This place adjoins the place now occupied by I ML McCarty family on the rcuth and one of th trot att ctlvp building Iota In th rlq It fe understood tIt Mm Jai ln i will Party In the spring begf dNelllns there Mrs Itallou who her homo In lnctr lor a numbs of years will iw cordially welcomed to Stanford ATTENTION WOODMEN All members of Moreland Camp No Modern Woodmen of Anterior iegulad meeting Friday itlght a there will bo business of Importune transactedn ItOHWKT Consul FOR RENT OR SALE My plitce at Mllledgevlltc containing about JO acres four for tobacco bal ¬ ance In small grain or earn GOod iOacrc tobacco barn on t- Nr1s S S OWSLEY SALis A No 1 banging Fork farm of C6S acres well Improved and well water ¬ Iaacasteg r ¬ caster turnpike 1 mite from 2 churches good school store and black wnlth strop rural route runs by door Dwelling of 6 rooms and two commo Omits porches comparatively new 1 largo barn two tobacco barns other necessary outbuildings all In good re pair For further information apply to Goo F Bright Agent Stanford Ky 1 tie peculiar properties of Chamh- ulalns Cough Remedy have been thor mighty tested during epidemics of in lluenm and when It was taken in time we have not heard of n single fluff of pneumonia Sold by Pennys UiiK Store Here is a Remedy That Will Cure Eczema WE PROVE IT Why waste thus nnd money expert menting with greasy salves nnd lo ¬ Lions trying to drive the eczema germ iron underneath the skin when Pen ¬ nys Drug Store guarantees ZKMO n clean liquid preparation for external use to rill tho skin of the germ lire that causes the trouble t One appli cation will relieve the Itching and of ¬ ten times one bottle is sufficient to cure a minor case of ec7oum5- CKMO U sold by druggists every- where and In Stanford by U L Pen ¬ ny and they will tell you of the marvel one cures made by this clean simple treatment ZKMO and ZKMO soap are recognized as the cleanest nnd most popular treatment for Eczema pimples dandruff and all otcr fohrms of skin or scalp effectlons whether on Infant or grown person Will you try ZEMO and ZKMO soap on our recom ¬ mendation and guarantee of satisfac ¬ tlon or your money back Pennya Drug Store II you are suffering from bilious ¬ teas constipation indigestion chron ¬ ic headache invest one cent Into a postal card send to Chamberlains Medicine Company Des Moines Iowa With your name and address plalnl on the back and they will forward you n free sample of Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Ut lta Sold by Pennys Unit Store I LINCOLN MAKES GOOD GAIN IN TEN YEARS CENSUS REPORT SHOWS HEAL- THY INCREASE IN POPULA ¬ TION SOME HAVE LOST WOJhlngtonhafl lotion of Kentucky as shown by the 1910 consul It Is given nt 225990 a gain of 60 per cent over the figures of 100 or 142 731 gain Lincoln was one of the counties of galaIn Ing 17897 ns compared with 17059 In laoo Many of the counties showed losses among them being Oarrard with JlSHI tbds year compared with 12042 In Bloo The others which lost were Hath Boone Bourbon Bracken Bui lilt Butler Cnldwell Carlisle Carroll GrantGreen Hart Henderson Henry Lnnie Lewis Livingston Logan Mason Meade Menloe Mercer Nicholas Owen Pen dleton Robertson Scott Shelby Simpson Todd Trimble Union and WashingtonThe made by n number of other counties In this section during thp decade are as follows AdaIr from 14883 to 16503 Boyle from toe Fayo otto from 42071 to 47715 fromt to to 26I51 I ilaskl from 312 3 to 35HS6 liockrnstle Cronin 1241 to 14473 Rus bell iron 9695 to 10S01 Wnyno from JI 2 to 1751S Whltley from 25016 to tllr91 Good Prices Realized I AT ROBERT SCUDDERS SALE LAST WEEK There vas a big crowd present and ate one and Shelb lacy pikes last Friday boohtg nt J6580 an acre Mr Smith sold Ihs place < hlch adjoins this faro a teas monlht ago and has been living In town since There was active bidding on stock ash farm implements Hollers sold at 25 to 3steers from 12 to 46r p nice brood mArs wer taken down at JS60 farmlnS nyAwwnts sold very well TO OUR LNCOLN FRIENDS tou hove a special Invitation to Inspect our Christmas holiday line consisting of Cut OI5CMAtirts and Crafts ware Ivory Art work I owney candles toys in fact anything yoli unity want for p present for old or young We can save you money Reynolds A Evans Junction City Ky RHEUMATISM CURED BY THE MARVEL OF THE CENTURY B B B1FST ED FOR 30 YEARS Aching hones swollen Joins puts manently cured through tho blood with pure Botanical Ingredients To prove it we will send you n Sample Treatment Free If you have bone pniii sciatica or legr ¬ len Joints or swollen muscles diffi ¬ cull In moving around so you have to me crutches blood thin or skin pale skin Itches and burns shifting pains bad breath lumbago gout Bo tanic Blood BahmB B B which re moves every symptom because B B B sends a rich tfngang flood of warm rich pure blood direct to the paralyzed nerves bones and joints giving warmth nnd strength Just whore It Is needed and In this way uialtlnt n perfect lasting cure of rheu niatisnt In nil Its forms B B B has made thousands of euros of rheumatism after all oilier itiedlclneM liniments nnd doctors nave failed to help or cure UUIOOISTS or by express 11 PKK LARGE BUT TLI SKNT FllEE by writing Blooa Balm Co Atlanta Ga Describe your trouble and free medical advice glv eii Sold by Shugars nnd Tanner To Equalize Assessments SUPERVISORS ARE NAMED FOR CITY AND COUNTY Supervisors to equalize the tax as ECSsmrntH of both the city of Stanford and the count yof Lincoln have ben named by Mayor A ft Florence nnd I County Judge Jnmos P Halley re spectively Judge Bailey has nnui dU1rerent IIbegIn foe Sr of Stanford J W Carter ofI Walter Martin or nersvllleand J C JllIl1dlU1or Vaynesburg I Mayor A H Florence has appoint eJ the hoard of SupcrvUors for the city of Stanford to equalize the ass sessors books for the current taxing year The members are th reoQfQ4kt test known cltlirens of Ihe commun- ity ¬ Messrs K 1 Relnnart J N Men f Sr and W A Carson a Hustonville Honor Roll I rof s s Uoblnsou principal o iligSehool 1 of ills school trr the months of Oc ¬ tober and Novunber III follows October Anna Floyd Patti Vlllle Ola WII harts Mallnda Nave siamle NortL MayiteynoHa Larker Margaret PowoJi Flora Back John Wesley foikw oho Russet Hay Mclleath Annie 1ItkS- Nnverncr Anna Floyd Iaul Willis Iottl took Ora Will am lallnda Nave Mamie North Marion Ilppa Dunn Sunairtge Louise Cock Roberta Blaln Nunnlc Weddlo field Conway LIzzta Ashley NoTe Allen Carl AshlocK Huston Farley Forest i erring Alfred Tucker Flora Hack Charles Pipes 13YearOld Bride PARENTS CONSENT TO ISSUA OF LICENSE TO WED Ore of the youngest brides heard o C In tills section of the state In a lon- Counts time was licensed to wed by r Clerk George B Coopor this week upon tho filing of written pertnlssiot Iron herfeiarcuts Peat nnd Julia fur nor ITn young girls age was given I at 13 yirs while that of the grow wns given In nt 22 years The con tractlng couple were B V Krvln und Mss Dorotha May Turner They art Leslie county people nnd recentij moved to Lincoln to make their homo County Clerk Coopor says thnt h has on one or two previous occasions Issued license to couples where th e girl was as young as 13 but never yet has ho gone under that age License was also Issued to Porter a prominent nnd well know- Llacoln county farmer nnd Miss Bou lah Grimes to wed TheY have thi best wishes of n wide circle o 1 friends I Lancaster Misses fettle and Alllo Anderso- be hostesses fur The Tuesday Attar non Club at their home on Luxtng ton street AIr John M Sunders and family recently living at tho Daniel Wnlkoi residence near Ktrksvllle have DIOVCM I to the handsome farm he purchawn of Mr W Woods ot Mnrkflbury- Mlfic Fannie and Bettle Wel t n tertalneil Rider P M Tinders IIbl- class quite handsomely In honor n Miss Nell Johnston who will leaf Lancaster soon to reside in Lexingto- tulle Kstes son of Mr and Mrs S N Kstes nnd Miss Susie Meadows daughter of Mr John Meadows CJ1 llyattsvllle were united In marriugi the nast week at the Baptist parson ago tier O P Bush officiating Ben n Herndon has received a appointment ns ganger at Camp Nel eon in this county nnd is now at work The fine display of holiday goods ire attracting marked attention urn i Ih0 unusual assortment > f of tovs art delighting the hearts of the folks anad holding then almoh- speechless Hn elden Bros the popular Lan- caster hardware merchants have been awarded the contract fur the heating and plumbing of W H Shanks residence In the city of Stanford Miss Sadie Andersen entertained handsomely at n progressive Ana- gram Party th guests of honor be iJIalmoulh candy was won by Miss Sadie Cobb of Richmond And the ooby prize a china doll by Mss Elizabeth ColHor The corn show held by Mr Bd C Gaines the hustling Insurance aent was quite Interesting nsthereywag four vnhtible prizes awarded 1st prize was given James House n 10 tarpaulin 2d prize to Mr II Clay Sutton nleo a progressive Garrant for- mer a 10 overcoat Jrd prize t Thomas Chappel n hat and 4t prize to Mr James II Denny a popu- lar fanner near Point Leavel u years bubscrlptlou to the Central Record The Circle girls held a bazaar last Saturday at F U Hurts furniture tore and realized quite a neat sun by the sale of their fancy articles The ladles of the Methodist clutch will hold an exchange this Saturday nt Judge K W Harris storeroom Miss Bculah Grimes of this place land W H Tarter of Lincoln were united In marriage In the city of Star ford Eider D M Walker minister of the Christian church pronouncing tho ceremony The bride Is tho oldest daughter of Mr Charley Grimes nnd n remarkably energetic young woman while the groom Is quite a well to do farmer of Lincoln They Ire now with Garrard relatives and being en tertained at a number of hnndsoino tlnlngs and receiving many good wishes from friends Mr David Chenault of Richmond was here on legal business Mr William Broaddus and bride of Lincoln county are guests of tho lat ters parents Mr and Mrs J J Poor Mrs Cormelln Clay of Rich mond Is with her niece Mrs Geo l > Robinson Miss Lilllo Garner of Stan- ford Is the gue t of Mtrs Halllo Drown Miss Amelia Ifavatinugh of Richmond tins been visiting Mr and Mrs A W Kavanaugh Mrs Clar ¬ cnce Morton of Chicago Is being en- tertained by Mrs R H Matson Miss lies Annie Herndon is In Lexington I visiting Mr and Mrs Leslie Herndon Mrs Sallie Lawson Is with Arnold in Frankfort Mrs Johnson is visiting her 1lIzabetbI r Minor of Louisville Mrs V Uastln and little son are from a visit to Mr and 1IrsC F i t enman ot Nlcholaavllle Mrs How hid Hoeing of MllwaukeevWls Is Mere for several neekayiJJ lr IUd Mrs J W ll Crum visited DauTllle rel < lwT lo ceatij LAMP CAUSES LOSS OF TOBACCO BARN WHITES MILL FARMER WAS WORKING ON HIS CROP AT NIQHT EAST END NEWS Wilsonn went up In smoke Monday night as the result ore lamp upsetting Mr W was takee The The lamp was on some hay and overturned while the nun were In another portion of the building Tho barn and crop were Insured Chas Ooten of Tappnanna Is tAm < Ing a wild duck whica he found In a drill on the river It had a broken wing and It being a large mallard ho put It with his tame ducks At first It reused to eat hut now is ao greedy ns ducks ever get to be J 11 Thompson wnilo heplni at hog Killing was knocked over and IorkerII the 1 condition of Mr and trs aienefee hiiuuitt IH ha loilows NO cnanvge in Mr Klmore perfectly quiet Mrs Bl moro Is slightly Improved beens I III Air Ftnnk Itlgsbv tendered his re slifrntlon as superintendent ol the spendr relatives Mason Holtzclaw null family have < 1 to ORrrlrc1 couptl We re rSt Ito IOSd this nice family s I STOPPIK6 YdUft PAPER hcat Sane time ago a cranky sort individual canto uto ibIs office sells ttopp ad bU paper hecnus somethinx in It did not exactly suit his fancy thcplrcet to note thelook of urprlse on the thatthe ncI notbe up lull toes His heart will he stiller OrProuty lifeIss tombAn hURband prolpesshfnnd recording angel will look over for UnteI wrapped slleat knowthe paperwhich Have you gfntle trader ever paused n moment to think that your edltor whoever he miry bewlh same day write your obituary The greatest danger from influenza Is of its resulting in pneumonia This Chamberslalas cures Inflenza but contracts any tend eucy of the disease towards pneu ¬ moots Sold by Pennya Drug Store Since the republicans and independ ¬ neath expected over the choice of a success t or to James B Frazier in the United States Sonata A sprained ankle will usually dig ¬ able the injured person for three or four weeks This Is due to lack of nrnper treatment When Chamber marII by Pennys Drug Store Many persons rind themselves are fected with n persistent cough after an attack of Influenza As this cough ran be promptly cured by the use of Chamberlains Cough Remedy It should tint be allowed to run on until i it becomes troublesome Sold by Pen Inya Drug Store y Ike United States Department of Agriculture conducted experiments at Rotund Hill and McLean Va and at Piketon Ohio thnt seem to point to a better way ot planting corn Mils of four stalks each placed att squareH creased yield over ordinary methods of planting corn at the three places respectively were 3 J4 5 and 4 per cent Tho corn was cultivated an easily as ordinarily spaced corn aaa stood up better It Is suggested that a plant be made with twoPZ iiioes for each corn row and spa rate tube for each kernel no that netorumar be jlant taccor > ft > to 1M new method ia rapidly u It- t MM MU W4 WItk P1 deml day tiiii

1C ateone dNelllns 46r ncI - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt780g3gzb9f/data/0879.pdfThursday night which of cour pu them all in happy frame of ratnd tin h clad Chrletniaa

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Page 1: 1C ateone dNelllns 46r ncI - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt780g3gzb9f/data/0879.pdfThursday night which of cour pu them all in happy frame of ratnd tin h clad Chrletniaa






1lrecrnckcrn may not be fired withIn tholty limits of Stanford duringtill Christmas holidays This was theedict or tho City Fathers at a meetingof the rouncJJ last Thursday nightthe manbal was Instructed to rigidlly orforco the city ordinance proMblting the ore of flrerrnckcra of anykind nnd all offenders will be prostcured to the lull extent or the law

JA strong effort was made to rcdurthe llcentc Imposed t >y tho city fur

4 butftillman ShtiRars led the light tor areduction of lilA license fen from flU

thp pment figure to i HP nrauwl that the city which needs mono

o badly mlghf as well got the bonetit of the site for Cnrlntmni of lirework tor they will bt hold nnywniiitalno the cit j limits by several Inrill dealer One hustling locnl mn< nnnt has been In the habit of neein t tent lust outside tho city limb-and Uioro disusing lure works to alviio wleh to celebrate the glad CbritnRA time In thnt fanhlonCouncilman Shimnrs contended thn

i > riro iraiUent lire sold anyway tifill ntcntn ana purposes in tho city1hit tho rite ought to gel Home benin from their sale tint the majorllcud nut think his plan b t and stfated his plan down And then ttlipy nt nh tar us will bo poMlblo innfvr ot accidents from the use of Orworks durlnp ChTletmnB limo It wstirided to hate tho ordinance agalnitit ua of fireworks rigidly enforceibis year

The rite otflclnts drew their Scudinunl salary checks nt till nicollnThursday night which of cour puthem all in happy frame of ratnd tin

h clad Chrletniaa timey rhCouncil adjourned to tht 2 n 1

< IIpn R number lor + trct work putt11 K l will bo considered

Fishing Creek Dam


IIngs Mountain leeThe Cincinnati Somnern Raiiroai

Iompun U lIe ftrlpg to robe thdam or lu n ervolr nt aping Creet-yISt wow thtP city throe lOt In 01cier to swurt a larger capacity of wa-

ter The ralimad maintains two MrstnnM there and keops K pump ninnlriconstantly for nit of Jlio henry trainloaded with frolKht for ori r thtmountain take water there had a large+ ippjy Is necearyI-

D railroad has agreed to rebulliHi bridge over tho creek on tintre t leading to the depot which wll

be a big improvementCounty Attorney >V 8 Burch cams-

otnr Friday and prosecuted a num

Ir ol cases In Squire Hlnglotoncourt Jake Nance was given a Mm

e nl ft and emits for cussing Arctllnrton Wm Ashby Leech got oC

Hllh a Judgment for 1 cent and coetugalnst him on a charge of breach of

A the pence A number of other casestn the docket were continued

Sipple Farm


The 47 acres of land owned byC J Slpple of London who wiadjudged bankrupt was sold on Saturdny byTrustce A U Dyche of London who came hctt and cried theproperty The purchnsers were Pallard X Hallnrd the flour firm nl

I ljiifcvlllo who bid In tho property Itprotest a mortsraF thy held attains


It or 1110 It h utidcrstoou unitI they may hat to put up some otherI mn to ratlify other creditors but

this cans the only course left opoito them to protect their own claim


1 O

i laving decided to change my loS citmil I will on

Tnur day December 15th 1910offer for sale to the highest biddertho following described property

74 lined nt onttloj 30 head of 760-

I iMiutd yearling1 and 44 head of UOO

I to 1109 poiind cattle 42 hand of hogsiron HO to 2a3 pounds In bunches to

I run porcha er Good moat hogs 1

five year old saddle mare extra goof1 one Year old colt pair extra good10 haiil mar mules ono pair ib 12liiiiid ware mules two good milk cows

Iono fresh 700 to 800 barrels of

IIrneold on ground 800 bales of

liij fanning Implements of nil kinds2 twohorse wagons hay rake mowlag machine harness kitchen furni

t ture and household furnitureERNSAll bills 110 and under

cash in hand over 10 a negotiablenix months note bearing 0 per centinterest from date of note


N Don same day and date V WBurton will ofler for solo farm nowoccupied by me consisting of 27065100 acres with good house and

1 stock and tobacco barnwell watered by a never falling springwell fenced nnd fences are in excel-lent


condition 200 acres of this farmu AIS in blue grass and will grow hemp

tobacco anything other farms InI rccTbis soldon easyterns For particular write Y WBurUs o enet


I Alln AIversDn

COUIorSdtllrdllYMlllerburgottntorturelltbrideleMissIbrabethniuirlag to Mr Jesse M AlversonThe wedding took place at the homMllloburgfriends of the happy couple To th e

fromLohenJrlnMrs Cnnrlcs WorCadizMissSalhoJudge William K Dowllnsr of LawotfofNuWportlolowetl the bridal party which wallmot by Rev W 1C Kill cf Cynthlanaono til the nuptial kntt while thhandnmo maids and groomsmoiittood It foro A bower of palms nndform and pink cathedral canoles sheda iol klow on the nnsetnhlape Th >line ceremony was hrautilnl and 1mpreci>ieradiantlyIIchllton over satin With trimming o fleiil nee pearls nnd crystals Thcshort bridal veil was caught with orornptnPhtyRift or tho groom She carriedrhowtr bouquet ot valley III loa

Alr + Klrkpatrlnk was ftrlklnglvhandsiitno In blue marquisette orewlin on train vitli panel of pointlass pearl nnd crystal trimmings

alas Woods gown WM ofpnlo binrcliltfon over satin with lace trimming a

The mHld of honor bliss Sloadda iifbcd in pink dew drop duller I

veer satin with Immli of rbte ornine

Immediately aftci UI cen mony anInformal recrptlon WM neJtl and reirMliiuents were bMHtllully erredthe InaivMtMl rakes Iwnitt Ib > I

A In htfrtui ol 1K and the 111111-

1pre pink rusehuds The stately oldiwnilnt was boiiutjtkillr dccorntedtarminitmit with noU ti plants andKillnrney roses and was a bonutlluivetting for the affair

Alter the wedding and receptionsir and Mrs Alvermn were drivenIn an iiittomobllo to Paris wherecaught the train for Cincinnati anwent to Now York for a three weeksstay They will be at home Incity at Sirs 1Illlsm Ol >onncir8 nSn lby street South Sid after thellrst of Jnnuar-

Mr < Alver <on ls very pretty and th-


> daughter of Mr M Allen aountrr cf MlllerrtbuvR and will rrchive n hearty welcome on her arrlval hero Mr Alvcrion Is a formerresident of Stanford vut for almostu year he hat resided here where helit popular and a valued employe ottha Frankfort Printing Company

Many nselul and beautiful gillscut glass silver china and linen-were received by the young coupleAmong the number were toll In goldfrom Judge Lasslng and several larg eLnecks from the brides ather Amonthe prominent guests In attendancew > tc Mr C A Hanlri of Harrodtburg Mr and Mrs a A ShankCnut Mayftvlllo Mr and Mrs R K Fleetlug of Louisville Mr end Mrs W PWalton and daughter Miss Mary Waiton of Lexington Miss Rosa Aherson sister of the groom Aliases Map

Florcncf anti Irene Alvenon of Rich ¬

mond Mr George H etors of loulsIlin and Senator R I Ilubbe of


FINE BUSINESS FOR SALEHaving made up my mind to go

to Arkansas 1 will sell my stock ofgoods at Shelby City Ky It is a niceclean stock and well worth the money Itune about a 1500 stock nowand will sell It nt a bargain Comeand mo me GEORGE HUNN804 Shelby City Ky


As 1 have decided to go to a wnrmeiclimite I will offer my little home forsale ctmtnlnlng two acres and I

talcs comfortable houso unit nilnecessary outbuildings cistern and

orchard from 8 to 15 years old guar

tcr mile from Duddei> r8 mill on Dlx

river four nulls south of Stanford

and four miles south of Lancasterapply to PROF J D DATSON

Ullberts Creek Ky

HOG RAISERSArc your hogs worth 5 cents per

head Ve guarantee

Bourbon Hog Cholera Remedy

to keep hogs heJlthy and free fromdisease for 5 cents per hoad permonth It cures Cholera milsWorms Stimulates tho Appetite AidsDigestion and causes hogs to fattenvery rapidly This remedy Is usedand endorsed by leading hog raisersthroughout the country Come Inand lot us tell you about IL

Sold by Now Stanford tfrug Co

That lump of lead at pit of stomachwill melt away and all stomach dlstrss will vanish in live minutes whenitana stomach tablets are takenGuaranteed by G L Penny to cureany cue of Indigestion or money backLarge bos CO cents




I Although W P Klntald has notyet received orders from the Ixniltt

iVlllo Tobacco Warehouse to resumethe buying of tobacco at tilt warehouse lucre be Is confident that orJura will be received within a fewd for received a letter fromwased that he had boon Rhl >MrfKlncald already hau eighteen ouhand he believes that this informaton Is Indlontlv of the intention of

tons to resumedateCSome Lincoln county tobacco growers are selling their crops at the looseloaf warehouses lu Dunvllle for whattrey can get let them but those whointro weed ol quality arc holding for

here fortobaccofand noIyng hwthe

wee1Ivery light The farmer seem d ¬

mined to turn their attention more tcorn wheat hog and cattle null nolake another chance on n product Ihnrequires so much effort toN lishape for wile trod tnon In llaMe todrop to a price which will unite theirlabor unprolltnble after all


Congressman Harvey Helm lu i

week sold to Mrs II M Ballou thepirden lot of his property on Danillle1vC2i for a price which wasbut 1s understood to nave been around1V0 This place adjoins the place

now occupied by I ML McCartyfamily on the rcuth and one of thtrot att ctlvp building Iota In thrlq It fe understood tIt Mm Jailn i will Party In the spring begfdNelllnsthere Mrs Itallou whoher homo In lnctr lor a numbsof years will iw cordially welcomedto Stanford

ATTENTION WOODMENAll members of Moreland Camp No

Modern Woodmen of Anteriorieguladmeeting Friday itlght a

there will bo business of Importune

transactednItOHWKT Consul


My plitce at Mllledgevlltc containingabout JO acres four for tobacco bal ¬

ance In small grain or earn GOod

iOacrc tobacco barn on t-


SALisA No 1 banging Fork farm of C6S

acres well Improved and well water¬Iaacasteg r¬

caster turnpike 1 mite from 2

churches good school store and blackwnlth strop rural route runs by doorDwelling of 6 rooms and two commoOmits porches comparatively new 1

largo barn two tobacco barns othernecessary outbuildings all In good repair

For further information apply toGoo F Bright Agent Stanford Ky

1 tie peculiar properties of Chamh-ulalns Cough Remedy have been thormighty tested during epidemics of inlluenm and when It was taken intime we have not heard of n singlefluff of pneumonia Sold by Pennys

UiiK Store

Here is a Remedy That

Will Cure EczemaWE PROVE IT

Why waste thus nnd money expertmenting with greasy salves nnd lo ¬

Lions trying to drive the eczema germiron underneath the skin when Pen ¬

nys Drug Store guarantees ZKMO nclean liquid preparation for externaluse to rill tho skin of the germ lirethat causes the trouble t One application will relieve the Itching and of¬

ten times one bottle is sufficient tocure a minor case of ec7oum5-

CKMO U sold by druggists every-where and In Stanford by U L Pen ¬

ny and they will tell you of the marvelone cures made by this clean simpletreatment ZKMO and ZKMO soapare recognized as the cleanest nndmost popular treatment for Eczemapimples dandruff and all otcr fohrmsof skin or scalp effectlons whether onInfant or grown person Will you tryZEMO and ZKMO soap on our recom ¬

mendation and guarantee of satisfac ¬

tlon or your money back PennyaDrug Store

II you are suffering from bilious ¬

teas constipation indigestion chron ¬

ic headache invest one cent Into apostal card send to ChamberlainsMedicine Company Des Moines IowaWith your name and address plalnlon the back and they will forwardyou n free sample of ChamberlainsStomach and Liver Ut lta Sold byPennys Unit Store I





WOJhlngtonhafllotion of Kentucky as shown by the1910 consul It Is given nt 225990a gain of 60 per cent over the figuresof 100 or 142 731 gain

Lincoln was one of the counties ofgalaInIng 17897 ns compared with 17059 Inlaoo Many of the counties showedlosses among them being Oarrard withJlSHI tbds year compared with 12042In Bloo The others which lost wereHath Boone Bourbon Bracken Buililt Butler Cnldwell Carlisle Carroll

GrantGreenHart Henderson Henry Lnnie LewisLivingston Logan Mason MeadeMenloe Mercer Nicholas Owen Pendleton Robertson Scott ShelbySimpson Todd Trimble Union andWashingtonThe

made by n number ofother counties In this section duringthp decade are as follows AdaIrfrom 14883 to 16503 Boyle fromtoeFayootto from 42071 to 47715fromttoto 26I51 I ilaskl from 312 3 to 35HS6liockrnstle Cronin 1241 to 14473 Rusbell iron 9695 to 10S01 Wnyno fromJI2 to 1751S Whltley from 25016

to tllr91

Good Prices Realized


There vas a big crowd present andateoneand Shelb lacy pikes last Fridayboohtgnt J6580 an acre Mr Smith sold Ihsplace < hlch adjoins this faro a teasmonlht ago and has been living Intown since

There was active bidding on stockash farm implements Hollers soldat 25 to 3steers from 12 to46rpnice brood mArs wer taken down atJS60 farmlnS nyAwwnts sold verywell


tou hove a special Invitation toInspect our Christmas holiday lineconsisting of Cut OI5CMAtirts andCrafts ware Ivory Art work I owneycandles toys in fact anything yoliunity want for p present for old oryoung We can save you money

Reynolds A EvansJunction City Ky



ED FOR 30 YEARSAching hones swollen Joins puts

manently cured through tho bloodwith pure Botanical Ingredients Toprove it we will send you n

Sample Treatment FreeIf you have bone pniii sciatica orlegr ¬

len Joints or swollen muscles diffi ¬

cull In moving around so you haveto me crutches blood thin or skinpale skin Itches and burns shiftingpains bad breath lumbago gout Botanic Blood BahmB B B which removes every symptom because B BB sends a rich tfngang flood ofwarm rich pure blood direct to theparalyzed nerves bones and jointsgiving warmth nnd strength Justwhore It Is needed and In this wayuialtlnt n perfect lasting cure of rheuniatisnt In nil Its forms

B B B has made thousands ofeuros of rheumatism after all oilieritiedlclneM liniments nnd doctors navefailed to help or cure UUIOOISTSor by express 11 PKK LARGE BUTTLI SKNT FllEE by writing BlooaBalm Co Atlanta Ga Describe yourtrouble and free medical advice glveii Sold by Shugars nnd Tanner



Supervisors to equalize the tax asECSsmrntH of both the city of Stanfordand the count yof Lincoln have bennamed by Mayor A ft Florence nnd

ICounty Judge Jnmos P Halley respectively Judge Bailey has nnui

dU1rerentIIbegInfoe Sr of Stanford J W Carter ofI

Walter Martin ornersvllleand J C JllIl1dlU1orVaynesburg I

Mayor A H Florence has appointeJ the hoard of SupcrvUors for thecity of Stanford to equalize the asssessors books for the current taxingyear The members are threoQfQ4kttest known cltlirens of Ihe commun-ity


Messrs K 1 Relnnart J N Menf Sr and W A Carsona

Hustonville Honor RollI rof s s Uoblnsou principal oiligSehool 1

of ills school trr the months of Oc ¬

tober and Novunber III followsOctober

Anna Floyd Patti Vlllle Ola WIIharts Mallnda Nave siamle NortL

MayiteynoHaLarker Margaret PowoJi Flora BackJohn Wesley foikw oho RussetHay Mclleath Annie 1ItkS-

NnverncrAnna Floyd Iaul Willis Iottl

took Ora Will am lallnda NaveMamie North Marion Ilppa DunnSunairtge Louise Cock Roberta BlalnNunnlc Weddlo field Conway LIzztaAshley NoTe Allen Carl AshlocKHuston Farley Forest i erring AlfredTucker Flora Hack Charles Pipes

13YearOld Bride


Ore of the youngest brides heard oC

In tills section of the state In a lon-Countstime was licensed to wed by r

Clerk George B Coopor this weekupon tho filing of written pertnlssiotIron herfeiarcuts Peat nnd Julia furnor ITn young girls age was given

I at 13 yirs while that of the growwns given In nt 22 years The contractlng couple were B V Krvln undMss Dorotha May Turner They artLeslie county people nnd recentijmoved to Lincoln to make their homo

County Clerk Coopor says thnt hhas on one or two previous occasionsIssued license to couples where th egirl was as young as 13 but never yethas ho gone under that age

License was also Issued toPorter a prominent nnd well know-

Llacoln county farmer nnd Miss Boulah Grimes to wed TheY have thibest wishes of n wide circle o 1



Misses fettle and Alllo Anderso-be hostesses fur The Tuesday Attarnon Club at their home on Luxtngton street

AIr John M Sunders and familyrecently living at tho Daniel Wnlkoiresidence near Ktrksvllle have DIOVCM I

to the handsome farm he purchawnof Mr W Woods ot Mnrkflbury-

Mlfic Fannie and Bettle Wel t n

tertalneil Rider P M Tinders IIbl-class quite handsomely In honor nMiss Nell Johnston who will leafLancaster soon to reside in Lexingto-

tulle Kstes son of Mr and Mrs SN Kstes nnd Miss Susie Meadowsdaughter of Mr John Meadows CJ1

llyattsvllle were united In marriugithe nast week at the Baptist parsonago tier O P Bush officiating

Ben n Herndon has received aappointment ns ganger at Camp Neleon in this county nnd is now at work

The fine display of holiday goodsire attracting marked attention urn i

Ih0 unusual assortment > f of tovs artdelighting the hearts of thefolks anad holding then almoh-speechless

Hn elden Bros the popular Lan-caster hardware merchants havebeen awarded the contract fur theheating and plumbing of W H Shanksresidence In the city of Stanford

Miss Sadie Andersen entertainedhandsomely at n progressive Ana-gram Party th guests of honor be

iJIalmoulhcandy was won by Miss Sadie Cobbof Richmond And the ooby prize achina doll by Mss Elizabeth ColHor

The corn show held by Mr Bd CGaines the hustling Insurance aentwas quite Interesting nsthereywagfour vnhtible prizes awarded 1stprize was given James House n 10tarpaulin 2d prize to Mr II ClaySutton nleo a progressive Garrant for-mer a 10 overcoat Jrd prize tThomas Chappel n hat and 4tprize to Mr James II Denny a popu-lar fanner near Point Leavel u yearsbubscrlptlou to the Central Record

The Circle girls held a bazaar lastSaturday at F U Hurts furnituretore and realized quite a neat sun

by the sale of their fancy articlesThe ladles of the Methodist clutchwill hold an exchange this Saturdaynt Judge K W Harris storeroom

Miss Bculah Grimes of this placeland W H Tarter of Lincoln wereunited In marriage In the city of Starford Eider D M Walker minister ofthe Christian church pronouncing thoceremony The bride Is tho oldestdaughter of Mr Charley Grimes nndn remarkably energetic young womanwhile the groom Is quite a well to dofarmer of Lincoln They Ire nowwith Garrard relatives and being entertained at a number of hnndsoinotlnlngs and receiving many goodwishes from friends

Mr David Chenault of Richmondwas here on legal business

Mr William Broaddus and bride ofLincoln county are guests of tho latters parents Mr and Mrs J JPoor Mrs Cormelln Clay of Richmond Is with her niece Mrs Geo l>

Robinson Miss Lilllo Garner of Stan-ford Is the gue t of Mtrs HallloDrown Miss Amelia Ifavatinugh ofRichmond tins been visiting Mr andMrs A W Kavanaugh Mrs Clar ¬

cnce Morton of Chicago Is being en-tertained by Mrs R H Matson Miss

lies Annie Herndon is In LexingtonI

visiting Mr and Mrs Leslie HerndonMrs Sallie Lawson Is withArnold in Frankfort MrsJohnson is visiting her 1lIzabetbIr Minor of Louisville MrsV Uastln and little son arefrom a visit to Mr and 1IrsC F itenman ot Nlcholaavllle Mrs Howhid Hoeing of MllwaukeevWls Is

Mere for several neekayiJJ lrIUd Mrs J W llCrum visited DauTllle rel <lwT loceatij





Wilsonnwent upIn smoke Monday night as the resultore lamp upsetting Mr W wastakeeTheThe lamp was on some hay andoverturned while the nun were Inanother portion of the building Thobarn and crop were Insured

Chas Ooten of Tappnanna Is tAm <

Ing a wild duck whica he found In adrill on the river It had a brokenwing and It being a large mallard hoput It with his tame ducks At firstIt reused to eat hut now is ao greedyns ducks ever get to be

J 11 Thompson wnilo heplni athog Killing was knocked over and

IorkerIIthe1condition of Mr and trs aienefeehiiuuitt IH ha loilows NO cnanvge inMr Klmore perfectly quiet Mrs Blmoro Is slightly Improvedbeens IIII

Air Ftnnk Itlgsbv tendered his reslifrntlon as superintendent ol thespendrrelatives

Mason Holtzclaw null family have< 1 to ORrrlrc1 couptl We re rSt

ItoIOSd this nice family

sI STOPPIK6 YdUft PAPERhcatSane time ago a cranky sortindividual canto uto ibIs office sellsttopp ad bU paper hecnus somethinx

in It did not exactly suit his fancythcplrcetto note thelook of urprlse on thethatthencInotbeup lull toes His heart will he stillerOrProutylifeIsstombAnhURbandprolpesshfnndrecording angel will look over forUnteIwrapped slleatknowthepaperwhich

Have you gfntle trader everpaused n moment to think that youredltor whoever he miry bewlhsame day write your obituary

The greatest danger from influenzaIs of its resulting in pneumonia This

Chamberslalascures Inflenza but contracts any tendeucy of the disease towards pneu ¬

moots Sold by Pennya Drug Store

Since the republicans and independ ¬neathexpected over the choice of a successt or to James B Frazier in the UnitedStates Sonata

A sprained ankle will usually dig ¬

able the injured person for three orfour weeks This Is due to lack ofnrnper treatment When Chamber

marIIby Pennys Drug Store

Many persons rind themselves arefected with n persistent cough afteran attack of Influenza As this coughran be promptly cured by the use ofChamberlains Cough Remedy Itshould tint be allowed to run on until

i it becomes troublesome Sold by PenInya Drug Store y

Ike United States Department ofAgriculture conducted experimentsat Rotund Hill and McLean Va andat Piketon Ohio thnt seem to pointto a better way ot planting cornMils of four stalks each placed attsquareHcreased yield over ordinary methodsof planting corn at the three placesrespectively were 3 J4 5 and 4 percent Tho corn was cultivated aneasily as ordinarily spaced corn aaastood up better It Is suggestedthat a plant be made with twoPZiiioes for each corn row and sparate tube for each kernel no thatnetorumar be jlant taccor > ft >

to 1M new method ia rapidly u It-

t MM MU W4 WItk P1 deml day tiiii