, ' ij _ . .ullt l£'\fltlR VONE, '. . !la. We want to find out what the averll£lt' canadialll ralus in the c:ounl M & day. Would yoo tell me what yOIJl had for break- No , ".. 1 D,QI.a'h' .. : .. , ..' : , .. .. .. , , /,3. ..1.!; . :." " (SIaH 40 M_."w- . b. the': Go'I'ernmentoperued a big national lottery to . for hetllth tnll welfare, would yOIl approve or diaappf'lft,* 1 1II D' YIIl 3 No iniftl are better than others, but speQldq ilonerally. do you think that are harmful tc children or not]. 1 0 :I 0 Net lHl_fId :I 0 b. What about cornice in the newspaper? . . 1.0 a ...... . .. 0 "-1.Haranhl s D N\lll ... _£..: Ja. Now, ahead to Christmas. what i. the first thing that comos to )'Cur mind when you hear the word "Cbristmae"] o-: LA! '7" . .. .. ... -r. 0 !i)QIIl'ft baw l;. Sorite lay Christmas ia losing its real meaning. Do yO'll with this or not? y'r_ - 'CI D_ 'ClN........ e-.•• t ....... , ".' -" 5 .. <ia. And eae more about Christmas. Is there llny one gif t you're particularly hoping to get this year? " ''0'.,[.,. ICl ... "r u..... .,.... Nil .".., /. b. Would you mind tellinlif me what it is? .ao Alit EVaRYONEI ..Ja. Tbiak.l1l/I back, ADW, to last New Year', did you make any .. I N"w Yur'. resol\ltions? lOY.. 10 Ne If "Y .." uk "It": b. Are YOU' -till keeping these resolutions, entirely, partially, or not at .It' 'to'III.e17 {"} . Alit' avtlYONE. 6&. Gener&UJbFjakinll, if you could live your life over again, would YOll VI in much the lame way as you have, or WQuid you 1 differently? 7} -:-> . 10 S_."!'., 1 0 DI .........p;:J(J'lO D.. ', __ If .........t4r.... "It": b. Wha t 'fIIOuld you do ditfermtly? ;<!; , .. .. , , , ,.._ , , . Alit IlVIIlYONE, 7a. If you were taking a new job and had your choice of a boll, would you prefer to work under a man or a woman? 10 P.... _ .. '-a P..... '0"."_ ., "PrJ. M_ .. a-" uk "'''1 b. What i. your objection to havialr a woman .. a bos.? ,3({e · , ·· ·· .. .. ·· .. · .. , .. ·· .. · .. fa.st today? Lunch? Dinner'? Did JI'Oli Mve IIll1ythinl' to eat !Hltween mealll? ' (UN i!WII""- .y, .... ,Bdiq _ ti_ 'ii' b1ill1ni1rw) D_', write' -.t th"" i'00lis -...&. Juet ch-=II tho• bon. oppoaiu the ho4 th.lie8ti ..... aM llboa:id fdo 0- daec:.k Il& III liDN i. .1lI tt. j ] -i Q :10 Ciinu f'1'1Iii WI' J" 7Q Oda.. Fnait or JIliN 1 0 '0 • 0 Greell V.r-iaba.. 70 II 0 YeIlo,," Ve ••taw.. X [] Vo Oth... V ......... 0 17"/ 90 1 0 Potato.. .... - 2 B M_t, rill'" P_itrJ', or Ene () ..,. Cooked e-i • 0 Ullcooked e.-I 50 Brwaa , eo ell .... t:JI!j. 7 0 Milk-No. of GIa.... .. .,,;;; (Total tW. of glassts if4 0 day) irll..pon.nl iG II H_•• Wif., ••k '"b'"'i b. Do you have any children between the ages of 3 and 12? g!Y 10 V.. 20 N. If "Y.. what th••»aiWnm ..... to _t ju.t .. WIUl ..._ in ll!Wftdon ... '." \; , "0 Citrwa PPIIli .... "... 8 0) 0tJa ... Fnia all' J'" "0 GII'_II V taWoo 80 Yellow V . Vo Oth_ V w.. 10 1P.__toM I 0 M ..t, Fi.h, PoulbT. 01' En- 30 e-W c.r-n dO U__keci e:..-l $-2 0 ar-t ,. o .... .. .. :.:. (Stpat'IJle figure for eoch AIK ItVIUIYONEI 9a. Have you read or heard anything of Canada's fOQd ruies? 10 Yell 20 N. If "Y." ..k "1»": , . b. Can you tell me in general reri s t they are? ' .... ,...... HAND CARD TO ALL RESPONDENTS 1 lOa. Here 011 a card are a lilt of six serious illnesses. Whicb ONE do you think should receive mOlt support from public fundo, for a prOil'ramme of ruearch and public education? 10 p.u. lOT•••••01. 10 e::--r f. 0 M.. talllla__ , p ......... · 0 HMri.o--. .If ,fj) TO 0-', a-

-1.Haranhl s D - Carleton University · 2015-08-31 · , ' ij _. .ullt . l£'\fltlR VONE, '. . !la. We want to find out what the averll£lt' canadialll ralus in the c:ounl . M & day

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Page 1: -1.Haranhl s D - Carleton University · 2015-08-31 · , ' ij _. .ullt . l£'\fltlR VONE, '. . !la. We want to find out what the averll£lt' canadialll ralus in the c:ounl . M & day



ullt lpoundfltlR VONE la We want to find out what the averllpoundlt canadialll ralus in the

counl M amp day Would yoo tell me what yOIJl had for breakshy

No niftl~ ~


~r 1 i~~~ _~ DQIah ~ ~ ~ _~ 3 ~o 1~ (SIaH pIIlt~

40 M_wshy b S~POle the GoIernmentoperued a big national lottery to

~e ~J for hetllth tnll welfare would yOIl approve or diaappflft 1 1II D YIIl 3 No iniftl

middot~gtmiddotOfcOlse 10Il1~ are better than others but speQldq ilonerally do you think that c~J~qQb are harmful tc children or not] 1 0 ~ I 0 Net lHl_fId I 0

b What about cornice in the newspaper 10 a 0 -1Haranhl s D Nlll _pound

Ja Now Iooki~ ahead to Christmas what i the first thing that comos to )Cur mind when you hear the word Cbristmae]

o- LA 7 ~rtfAt (J ~~ middot ~~~Z ~ -r 0 i)QIIlft baw

l Sorite peOpI~ lay Christmas ia losing its real meaning Do yOll ~ with this or notO~f1eyr_ - CI D_ ClN

e-bullbullt - 5

ltia And eae more about Christmas Is there llny one gif t youre particularly hoping to get this year

0[ ICl r u Nil b Would you mind tellinlif me what it is


Ja Tbiakl1lI back ADW to last New Year did you make any

I Nw Yur resolltions lOY 10 Ne If Y uk It

b Are YOU -till keeping these resolutions entirely partially or not at It


Alit avtlYONE 6amp GenerampUJbFjakinll if you could live your life over again

would YOll VI ~ in much the lame way as you have or WQuid you Ii~ 1 differently 7 --gt

10 S_ 1 0 DIpJ(JlO D __

If t4r It

b Wha t fIIOuld you do ditfermtly lt _ Alit IlVIIlYONE

7a If you were taking a new job and had your choice of a boll would you prefer to work under a man or a woman 10 P _ -a ~ P ~0_ ~~ONo PrJ M_ a- uk 1

b What i your objection to havialr a woman a bos

3(emiddot middotmiddot middotmiddot ~i7 middotmiddot middotmiddotmiddot middot

fast today Lunch Dinner Did JIOli Mve IIll1ythinl to eat Hltween mealll (UN iWII- y Bdiq _ ti_ ii b1ill1ni1rw) U~TdVJIWJUt D_ write -t th ~ i00lis -amp Juet ch-=II thobull bon oppoaiu the ho4 thlie8ti aM llboaid fdo 0- daeck Ilamp III liDN i 1lI tt

j] -i


10 Ciinu f11Iii WI J7Q Oda Fnait or JIliN

1 0 0 bull 0 Greell Vr-iaba70 II 0 YeIlo Vebullbulltaw X [] Vo Oth V

~ 0 17 9 0

1 0 Potato shy-------li=~~~ 2BM_t rill P_itrJ or Ene

~ () Cooked e-i ~ bull 0 Ullcooked e-I

50 Brwaa eo ell ~

tJIj 7 0 Milk-No of GIa ~ (Total tW of glassts if4 0 day)

irllponnl iG II H_bullbullWif bullbullk bi b Do you have any children between the ages of 3 and 12 gY 10 V 20 N

If Y ~rd what thbullbullraquoaiWnm to _t jut WIUl _

in llWftdon

0 Citrwa PPIIli 8 0) 0tJa Fnia all J 0 GII_II V taWoo 80 Yellow V

Vo Oth_ V w 10 1P__toM

I 0 Mt Fih PoulbT 01 Enshy30 e-W cr-ndO U__keci e-l

$-2 0 ar-t ~oc~~

o ~~No~f~ ~

(StpatIJle figure for eoch ~hjld)

AIK ItVIUIYONEI 9a Have you read or heard anything of Canadas fOQd ruies

10 Yell 20 N ~lIf Y k 1raquo b Can you tell me in general reri s wmiddot t they are


lOa Here 011 a card are a lilt of six serious illnesses Whicb ONE do you think should receive mOlt support from public fundo for a prOilramme of ruearch and public education 10 pu lOTbullbullbullbullbull01 10 e--r f 0 Mtalllla__ p middot0 HMrio--Iffj) TO 0- a shy

j tmiddot

dUllC lEyenJltIYOJil5 8

Ha Here are IIQme $tPeil~ type ot quesdons-c-aboer P adiOlmllnt h OIlllJivilOW the Canadian iGovemment nnciudel the House of Commons and the Sdlate WlUt would you lay II the maim tob cj the SltenUIlP

middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot middot1middot middotmiddot o fDi_~ bow u ~_Q 1IIn_ uill b8

b Do you think the Senate is d~nIthis job atiafactorily or notaaupoundactorily ( 1 0 Rk~ AI 0 M~ actollilfraquo 0 OllIal iUllCraquo~ If Nell tJuiiv ulk 111

c What do you think coutd be done about this r

o Dont bow

A51tC EVERYONE 12a At the present members of parliament receive about $6000

a year in expenses and salary Would you approve or disshyapprove of raiina- this to $10000 a year 1 [] Appro II 0 Diapp~eJJLI 3 D No opinion IUnieaa Ne cpi uk b 7 r

b What is the main reason why you say that


U Im going to read you the titles of some books and Id like you to tell me who wrote them The fir st is Uncle Torns Cabin-ltlo you happen to know who wrote that book(bull-t OlI each boollt below in ordeli)

U IT Cab n o Jl)ont know 0T ~ino~lte m(~pp) o DOlilt kn e w

c The Time is Late o DOlIt knowf - d Maria Chapdelaine I o Dont know

14 if a Dominion election were held today which party candida te do you think you would favor

0 IfNI~ie CoDa_iii ~ 0 LibtatJlAll 3D CClF 0 ociampJ C-dit e 0 lAbor il lrocr-lIi1le 1 0 ~fIIr IflUtj

80 UflIltlikaltlidoad Ii 0 RefwoMl to WlW_

1~fElRViEWEJR U rrelpoacLallllt wana to rrefu to IlDOWIigtIl

tili queltion oure him that no namel or a~_1 takall and th t we e uainlr this iaiFormatiOll io t treodo ampCrollil

Canada nly

15a Did you vote ill the Dominion election on August 10th J [J Y 01)11 2 0 Nj 11

If lfIilA uk b t LJ Which party did the candidate for whom you voted represhy

sen t 1 D Prolreuhe ICoIMTati

liD Lib e ral 3[J CCIF e 4 0 SDCiat Creclit Il D Lbo Prolreallive f 7 [] Other Party

I Write in) B [] Dont remember

_____9_0 Rctf_eci to anawOll

ASK EVERYONE lila Would you have continued SdlOOI after 16 yean of age if you

had been able ASK EVERYONE

h Would fJU mind telling me how far you went in school 1 [J Public Scbool (Grado 1middot8) 2 [J Secondary r HiL School (Gratlea 13)

3 0 Univeitsr rtlJ4 [J No achoolinl

INTERVIEWER Check app boa whther 01 not achaoHnll wa complete

c If Univeraity which one

[ltterviewer lntroduce thIS sec lion as [ollotcs Ninv may 1 iJJk 11 I tl( qurstims sa thnt I call sure 1 ant gplling the right sGmflle of peoflle in this community 1

Which language is spoken in the home

10 French only ~() I 0 English emly ~ 3 0 Both 1fiUh and rench

Would gtou mind telling mewwraquo~ age group you are In P )1J(INTERVIEWER If middot 21-2lt) years JHII--i rehbullbull to I 0 30-39 yearsI 110 k _ t1aYte) 3 0 4Q-49 years

bJ 50and over

Are you married or all1ample 10 Married 51 0 IIbullbullbull 3 0 WllIoweG onwiIQII teti

If ~WiDh or s~~ bullbullk

Do you have any children IlPlter 16

~~ How many 2 D No

Do YDU uuud telling me whether yuu arc Roman Catholic Pr otestant or Jewish

1 [l Roman Cadaoli 5302 G Proteatant 30 Jewillh bull 0 Other

Is (was ) the head of the ranjily an employee Dr self-employed

1 Eraplo- - Z 0 Slfmiddotmployed

-pecific Occupa tiou

cif h~lUewif ~r ~~~~~ faci bull alao rord OGCllpatibullbull of had of family If redr or unmpltd Ift-Ol1llOl oaSupIltion)

Are you (or is any member of your family) a

memb~r ofy~ labor uni~11 ij 2 D No

If Y~ How man altunfon members tJ Do you or does any member of your immediate household own a pasea-er car-not a truck

lOY 110 NDt21

Is there a telephone here in your family name

1 D Y L 2 D No (i22 10 Wealthy 2 D Aver+

3D Av ~3 4 D Poer+ 11 D Poor

1 0 M_lIOW__ 67 10 Fenn 2 0 Rural NbullbullmiddotarM (Under 1008 pop) ~

3 D Urhaa f-gt


1 Good it used tor good cause

2 Good il used tor hopitals health purposes etc

3 IT used justly - properly handled

- operated by charity

-i U government supervised

5 u detlnate purpose - tor research (cancer)

6 Hot cards dice games etc

Up to people

v Ilisc

1 FamilY family reunion - friends ~Jeeting friends - home

2 Hol iriay 3 hlIJpy t rne s p i r t of -ood II ill

5 Fun for k Id s toy s for kids ch i l o hood d ay s

4 Chr Lat mas bonu s ext-r-a bU3inA~S

7 on8Y sperrt foolishly bills hriitlJaB shoppin no money no cker-y ooumer-c i a Li sm ~

8 Fatigue rush ~orry heBriache3

J Ch~istIllBs treL and snow ~)nntc GI us mu i c sleLh bells Ninrieer ---_~

- st o ck inr-

O 1ood tur-k ey _ruddincs link

x ilarder work preparntionb

v ~tiscellaneous

No BnBwer

--g~ ~r

c~~~l iAil~~

jh~f p~ u

~ ~i~ amp-1 l4~i 1 ~

M~i~7 -0 eW14~

~~ -dmiddotJ - ~~


Larpr hOWlehold app118Ilc -~ T 8ft 1ft410 we ag aoh1Jae- StOy atr1praMI


3mIlller howehold aplllailo -- Iron l8aster 1l1xaa8ter eta

Clothing - coat suit dreaa etc

15 Mon8Y - make mar mOIl7 8004 bODU8 lot ot IIDlley

I _ LP lIurn1ture for house - ohair a1rlOl( ~

bull Health h~~~ileB81 ~ ~~

6 l Itm --(tM~c


------shyI-t 4--

V Wlaoellaneous




No 81Uo6r



r ) ~ _IishyI

I I Ishy


Question 4b 233

1 Larger household appliances shy - T V set Radio Washing Machine Stove Refrigerator

2 Smaller household appliances shy- Iron Toaster mixmaster etc

3 Clothing - coat suit dress etc

4 Jewellery - wrist watch Pearls

5 Money - make more money good bonus lots of money

6 Furniture for house - chair mirror (mantel)

7 Health happiness companionship health of someone

8 Non-material things - realization of all my work in the interest of God

V Miscellaneous

No answer

Misc - trip to Vancouver - money for teeth - carpenter tools - seat covers for car - mirror ampcomb set - encyclopedia

milking machine - new pipe - set of legs - ticket to Calif - son home for visit - door bell chimes - set of stainless steel knives ampforks - electric ra zor plusmnplusmnplusmnplusmn nn 11 - purse - bedspread - book that helped - new baby - liquor amp beer - tools - fountain pen - power tool 11


i Ii

1 XduoatlOJl - IllOre edvoat1olt better edu08tion - take adT~nt~ge of eduoat10nHl po8s1bi11ties

- try to learn a good tr~de

2 10b - would ohooee a dlfterent Career - get a good job in the oity

tv~dJ~~~ ~r4~

3 Yarr1age - wo Idnt have married 80 foung - wold marry earller - wouldnt get Married

- 1lJBrrl a rioh nan

4 L1Te a better 11le - try to 1ftk 1I18elt and others happ1er - liT8 8 beter Chrlstian 11fe

-Av~i k faA ~j~~tf ~ -~~_ + ~JJ


ES -njo7 lite - enj07 myself filar ~~ I

HOBey - save more money - spend Jk)Jl87 more w1aely

w~ ~-AA~



x GeJlerttl - a lot of th1nga

f M1soelllJleous


GALLUP POLL It lt33 Nwnber i

If 31 872 --t~ pound-YIt- )TOTAL CliRD COUNT (NATIONAL) ~ yen U raquoUt-~1




Ont ar io ~3


-)iJSkcLtch8VJan)1 Alberta

British Columbia

Community Size


Hurecl norr-far-m

1 - 10000

7S 110001 - 30000

30001 - 100000

Over 100000



laquouestloD 2 1233 IL

i (

Bomen too bOBSy ottic1ous think they are too important - domineering

2 JOJll6n are temperrunental emotional - very touchy too moody - decisions btl~ed too uuch on emotion

3 Men are more r-eaeonabLe women not a re-sonable as ruen __J- I _I

4 iomen not und ez-at and Ing considerate - men more understan4int3 - can approach a man ea~ier with troubles

W-W~8a - wonen not as consider te ~8 men

5 omen not as 6asy to get aLong with - man Ls ncr-e congenial - nen easier to get along with

llen command JIOre author i ty - men keep bet- er discipline eaier

- better knowledge of nanagement know hal to handLe en better - women cnt direct coipet entLy have favouritws

~~ ~AA-b~~7 ~en ea~ier to work for - easier to please not so critical ~J

- women pick on you more

9 ~ Jail 818 bwCef wsaes 1amp8 - W01ltAJ3 it bull Ud 1

o Alw~ys had a man boa never work~d under a woman just accustomed to working under a man

x General - just prefer a man ----~l

v lUscellaneous

No ana war

A 11 ~ I 1laquo-~ t v --L

I t I -If


1 bullbullbull Check or brake or appro~e

-shy pass or

control on House at Commons the laws reject legislation

2 Vague - hdvise tive advice - probe - governing power - pass divorces

3 bullbullbullbull Fiaal Voice in Parliament - passes bills hws (finEll) - approve ratify (tinal) - have the last vote - veto

4 ~ bullbullbull W~ng answer ~1t~~ ~~ ~c(~1-~

~~~ 5 bullbull Ridiculing -sinecures

- figure heads - dont do anything just draw - instrument of party in power -~J ~


No answer


-uestilbn lle

1 1~bo11Bh it

2 Elet (by -

Heorganize -----

4 - too rettr-e

o Do nc t h m

- only igure heads - do away with it

-ner-ves no useful purpose - not ne ed ed - eLfrainrte it

people) Lna t sad of -i ppo irrt shouLd be chosen by people

- sift out clead wuod ne ed senate reform nebcls a good Ghampke-ufl too llhny - reduce the number-s perhrps nut R Lf fe t Lte ppo intrnent more pr-o por-t Lone L party r-epee sent-at ton

old at 70 I 65 - put younte r uen in

X Jont know

V Mi~cellBneous

No answer


Ji1 l ~ laquolaquo

middoteat ion 12b ItAPPROVE



To attract better men to run ~or otfice - to get good men at head ot Parle - keep better and honest men in govt - get hi~her calibre n~n

Deserve more -shy work hard for it have a big job do it well

0 To meet cost of living higher cost of living

4 Have high costs and expeKses - two homes to maintain - traveJ_ling expenses

b ~6000 is not sufficient





~ua11fied answer



1 People

2 Not wo~h more earn enough for What they do dont work for their

money - dont do enough to earn $6000


bull Too large an increase too much money

e pZJO ~-

4 Have incomes fran other sources - other busines 6S

5 are paid sUfficient~ell paid paid too much - sufficient considering average worker - sufficient comprrod to other pe9ple

~M ~~I

I~~f bull


x Qualified answer (hand tab)

V Miscellaneous

No answer ~ ~~ I


Page 2: -1.Haranhl s D - Carleton University · 2015-08-31 · , ' ij _. .ullt . l£'\fltlR VONE, '. . !la. We want to find out what the averll£lt' canadialll ralus in the c:ounl . M & day

j tmiddot

dUllC lEyenJltIYOJil5 8

Ha Here are IIQme $tPeil~ type ot quesdons-c-aboer P adiOlmllnt h OIlllJivilOW the Canadian iGovemment nnciudel the House of Commons and the Sdlate WlUt would you lay II the maim tob cj the SltenUIlP

middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot middot1middot middotmiddot o fDi_~ bow u ~_Q 1IIn_ uill b8

b Do you think the Senate is d~nIthis job atiafactorily or notaaupoundactorily ( 1 0 Rk~ AI 0 M~ actollilfraquo 0 OllIal iUllCraquo~ If Nell tJuiiv ulk 111

c What do you think coutd be done about this r

o Dont bow

A51tC EVERYONE 12a At the present members of parliament receive about $6000

a year in expenses and salary Would you approve or disshyapprove of raiina- this to $10000 a year 1 [] Appro II 0 Diapp~eJJLI 3 D No opinion IUnieaa Ne cpi uk b 7 r

b What is the main reason why you say that


U Im going to read you the titles of some books and Id like you to tell me who wrote them The fir st is Uncle Torns Cabin-ltlo you happen to know who wrote that book(bull-t OlI each boollt below in ordeli)

U IT Cab n o Jl)ont know 0T ~ino~lte m(~pp) o DOlilt kn e w

c The Time is Late o DOlIt knowf - d Maria Chapdelaine I o Dont know

14 if a Dominion election were held today which party candida te do you think you would favor

0 IfNI~ie CoDa_iii ~ 0 LibtatJlAll 3D CClF 0 ociampJ C-dit e 0 lAbor il lrocr-lIi1le 1 0 ~fIIr IflUtj

80 UflIltlikaltlidoad Ii 0 RefwoMl to WlW_

1~fElRViEWEJR U rrelpoacLallllt wana to rrefu to IlDOWIigtIl

tili queltion oure him that no namel or a~_1 takall and th t we e uainlr this iaiFormatiOll io t treodo ampCrollil

Canada nly

15a Did you vote ill the Dominion election on August 10th J [J Y 01)11 2 0 Nj 11

If lfIilA uk b t LJ Which party did the candidate for whom you voted represhy

sen t 1 D Prolreuhe ICoIMTati

liD Lib e ral 3[J CCIF e 4 0 SDCiat Creclit Il D Lbo Prolreallive f 7 [] Other Party

I Write in) B [] Dont remember

_____9_0 Rctf_eci to anawOll

ASK EVERYONE lila Would you have continued SdlOOI after 16 yean of age if you

had been able ASK EVERYONE

h Would fJU mind telling me how far you went in school 1 [J Public Scbool (Grado 1middot8) 2 [J Secondary r HiL School (Gratlea 13)

3 0 Univeitsr rtlJ4 [J No achoolinl

INTERVIEWER Check app boa whther 01 not achaoHnll wa complete

c If Univeraity which one

[ltterviewer lntroduce thIS sec lion as [ollotcs Ninv may 1 iJJk 11 I tl( qurstims sa thnt I call sure 1 ant gplling the right sGmflle of peoflle in this community 1

Which language is spoken in the home

10 French only ~() I 0 English emly ~ 3 0 Both 1fiUh and rench

Would gtou mind telling mewwraquo~ age group you are In P )1J(INTERVIEWER If middot 21-2lt) years JHII--i rehbullbull to I 0 30-39 yearsI 110 k _ t1aYte) 3 0 4Q-49 years

bJ 50and over

Are you married or all1ample 10 Married 51 0 IIbullbullbull 3 0 WllIoweG onwiIQII teti

If ~WiDh or s~~ bullbullk

Do you have any children IlPlter 16

~~ How many 2 D No

Do YDU uuud telling me whether yuu arc Roman Catholic Pr otestant or Jewish

1 [l Roman Cadaoli 5302 G Proteatant 30 Jewillh bull 0 Other

Is (was ) the head of the ranjily an employee Dr self-employed

1 Eraplo- - Z 0 Slfmiddotmployed

-pecific Occupa tiou

cif h~lUewif ~r ~~~~~ faci bull alao rord OGCllpatibullbull of had of family If redr or unmpltd Ift-Ol1llOl oaSupIltion)

Are you (or is any member of your family) a

memb~r ofy~ labor uni~11 ij 2 D No

If Y~ How man altunfon members tJ Do you or does any member of your immediate household own a pasea-er car-not a truck

lOY 110 NDt21

Is there a telephone here in your family name

1 D Y L 2 D No (i22 10 Wealthy 2 D Aver+

3D Av ~3 4 D Poer+ 11 D Poor

1 0 M_lIOW__ 67 10 Fenn 2 0 Rural NbullbullmiddotarM (Under 1008 pop) ~

3 D Urhaa f-gt


1 Good it used tor good cause

2 Good il used tor hopitals health purposes etc

3 IT used justly - properly handled

- operated by charity

-i U government supervised

5 u detlnate purpose - tor research (cancer)

6 Hot cards dice games etc

Up to people

v Ilisc

1 FamilY family reunion - friends ~Jeeting friends - home

2 Hol iriay 3 hlIJpy t rne s p i r t of -ood II ill

5 Fun for k Id s toy s for kids ch i l o hood d ay s

4 Chr Lat mas bonu s ext-r-a bU3inA~S

7 on8Y sperrt foolishly bills hriitlJaB shoppin no money no cker-y ooumer-c i a Li sm ~

8 Fatigue rush ~orry heBriache3

J Ch~istIllBs treL and snow ~)nntc GI us mu i c sleLh bells Ninrieer ---_~

- st o ck inr-

O 1ood tur-k ey _ruddincs link

x ilarder work preparntionb

v ~tiscellaneous

No BnBwer

--g~ ~r

c~~~l iAil~~

jh~f p~ u

~ ~i~ amp-1 l4~i 1 ~

M~i~7 -0 eW14~

~~ -dmiddotJ - ~~


Larpr hOWlehold app118Ilc -~ T 8ft 1ft410 we ag aoh1Jae- StOy atr1praMI


3mIlller howehold aplllailo -- Iron l8aster 1l1xaa8ter eta

Clothing - coat suit dreaa etc

15 Mon8Y - make mar mOIl7 8004 bODU8 lot ot IIDlley

I _ LP lIurn1ture for house - ohair a1rlOl( ~

bull Health h~~~ileB81 ~ ~~

6 l Itm --(tM~c


------shyI-t 4--

V Wlaoellaneous




No 81Uo6r



r ) ~ _IishyI

I I Ishy


Question 4b 233

1 Larger household appliances shy - T V set Radio Washing Machine Stove Refrigerator

2 Smaller household appliances shy- Iron Toaster mixmaster etc

3 Clothing - coat suit dress etc

4 Jewellery - wrist watch Pearls

5 Money - make more money good bonus lots of money

6 Furniture for house - chair mirror (mantel)

7 Health happiness companionship health of someone

8 Non-material things - realization of all my work in the interest of God

V Miscellaneous

No answer

Misc - trip to Vancouver - money for teeth - carpenter tools - seat covers for car - mirror ampcomb set - encyclopedia

milking machine - new pipe - set of legs - ticket to Calif - son home for visit - door bell chimes - set of stainless steel knives ampforks - electric ra zor plusmnplusmnplusmnplusmn nn 11 - purse - bedspread - book that helped - new baby - liquor amp beer - tools - fountain pen - power tool 11


i Ii

1 XduoatlOJl - IllOre edvoat1olt better edu08tion - take adT~nt~ge of eduoat10nHl po8s1bi11ties

- try to learn a good tr~de

2 10b - would ohooee a dlfterent Career - get a good job in the oity

tv~dJ~~~ ~r4~

3 Yarr1age - wo Idnt have married 80 foung - wold marry earller - wouldnt get Married

- 1lJBrrl a rioh nan

4 L1Te a better 11le - try to 1ftk 1I18elt and others happ1er - liT8 8 beter Chrlstian 11fe

-Av~i k faA ~j~~tf ~ -~~_ + ~JJ


ES -njo7 lite - enj07 myself filar ~~ I

HOBey - save more money - spend Jk)Jl87 more w1aely

w~ ~-AA~



x GeJlerttl - a lot of th1nga

f M1soelllJleous


GALLUP POLL It lt33 Nwnber i

If 31 872 --t~ pound-YIt- )TOTAL CliRD COUNT (NATIONAL) ~ yen U raquoUt-~1




Ont ar io ~3


-)iJSkcLtch8VJan)1 Alberta

British Columbia

Community Size


Hurecl norr-far-m

1 - 10000

7S 110001 - 30000

30001 - 100000

Over 100000



laquouestloD 2 1233 IL

i (

Bomen too bOBSy ottic1ous think they are too important - domineering

2 JOJll6n are temperrunental emotional - very touchy too moody - decisions btl~ed too uuch on emotion

3 Men are more r-eaeonabLe women not a re-sonable as ruen __J- I _I

4 iomen not und ez-at and Ing considerate - men more understan4int3 - can approach a man ea~ier with troubles

W-W~8a - wonen not as consider te ~8 men

5 omen not as 6asy to get aLong with - man Ls ncr-e congenial - nen easier to get along with

llen command JIOre author i ty - men keep bet- er discipline eaier

- better knowledge of nanagement know hal to handLe en better - women cnt direct coipet entLy have favouritws

~~ ~AA-b~~7 ~en ea~ier to work for - easier to please not so critical ~J

- women pick on you more

9 ~ Jail 818 bwCef wsaes 1amp8 - W01ltAJ3 it bull Ud 1

o Alw~ys had a man boa never work~d under a woman just accustomed to working under a man

x General - just prefer a man ----~l

v lUscellaneous

No ana war

A 11 ~ I 1laquo-~ t v --L

I t I -If


1 bullbullbull Check or brake or appro~e

-shy pass or

control on House at Commons the laws reject legislation

2 Vague - hdvise tive advice - probe - governing power - pass divorces

3 bullbullbullbull Fiaal Voice in Parliament - passes bills hws (finEll) - approve ratify (tinal) - have the last vote - veto

4 ~ bullbullbull W~ng answer ~1t~~ ~~ ~c(~1-~

~~~ 5 bullbull Ridiculing -sinecures

- figure heads - dont do anything just draw - instrument of party in power -~J ~


No answer


-uestilbn lle

1 1~bo11Bh it

2 Elet (by -

Heorganize -----

4 - too rettr-e

o Do nc t h m

- only igure heads - do away with it

-ner-ves no useful purpose - not ne ed ed - eLfrainrte it

people) Lna t sad of -i ppo irrt shouLd be chosen by people

- sift out clead wuod ne ed senate reform nebcls a good Ghampke-ufl too llhny - reduce the number-s perhrps nut R Lf fe t Lte ppo intrnent more pr-o por-t Lone L party r-epee sent-at ton

old at 70 I 65 - put younte r uen in

X Jont know

V Mi~cellBneous

No answer


Ji1 l ~ laquolaquo

middoteat ion 12b ItAPPROVE



To attract better men to run ~or otfice - to get good men at head ot Parle - keep better and honest men in govt - get hi~her calibre n~n

Deserve more -shy work hard for it have a big job do it well

0 To meet cost of living higher cost of living

4 Have high costs and expeKses - two homes to maintain - traveJ_ling expenses

b ~6000 is not sufficient





~ua11fied answer



1 People

2 Not wo~h more earn enough for What they do dont work for their

money - dont do enough to earn $6000


bull Too large an increase too much money

e pZJO ~-

4 Have incomes fran other sources - other busines 6S

5 are paid sUfficient~ell paid paid too much - sufficient considering average worker - sufficient comprrod to other pe9ple

~M ~~I

I~~f bull


x Qualified answer (hand tab)

V Miscellaneous

No answer ~ ~~ I


Page 3: -1.Haranhl s D - Carleton University · 2015-08-31 · , ' ij _. .ullt . l£'\fltlR VONE, '. . !la. We want to find out what the averll£lt' canadialll ralus in the c:ounl . M & day

1 Good it used tor good cause

2 Good il used tor hopitals health purposes etc

3 IT used justly - properly handled

- operated by charity

-i U government supervised

5 u detlnate purpose - tor research (cancer)

6 Hot cards dice games etc

Up to people

v Ilisc

1 FamilY family reunion - friends ~Jeeting friends - home

2 Hol iriay 3 hlIJpy t rne s p i r t of -ood II ill

5 Fun for k Id s toy s for kids ch i l o hood d ay s

4 Chr Lat mas bonu s ext-r-a bU3inA~S

7 on8Y sperrt foolishly bills hriitlJaB shoppin no money no cker-y ooumer-c i a Li sm ~

8 Fatigue rush ~orry heBriache3

J Ch~istIllBs treL and snow ~)nntc GI us mu i c sleLh bells Ninrieer ---_~

- st o ck inr-

O 1ood tur-k ey _ruddincs link

x ilarder work preparntionb

v ~tiscellaneous

No BnBwer

--g~ ~r

c~~~l iAil~~

jh~f p~ u

~ ~i~ amp-1 l4~i 1 ~

M~i~7 -0 eW14~

~~ -dmiddotJ - ~~


Larpr hOWlehold app118Ilc -~ T 8ft 1ft410 we ag aoh1Jae- StOy atr1praMI


3mIlller howehold aplllailo -- Iron l8aster 1l1xaa8ter eta

Clothing - coat suit dreaa etc

15 Mon8Y - make mar mOIl7 8004 bODU8 lot ot IIDlley

I _ LP lIurn1ture for house - ohair a1rlOl( ~

bull Health h~~~ileB81 ~ ~~

6 l Itm --(tM~c


------shyI-t 4--

V Wlaoellaneous




No 81Uo6r



r ) ~ _IishyI

I I Ishy


Question 4b 233

1 Larger household appliances shy - T V set Radio Washing Machine Stove Refrigerator

2 Smaller household appliances shy- Iron Toaster mixmaster etc

3 Clothing - coat suit dress etc

4 Jewellery - wrist watch Pearls

5 Money - make more money good bonus lots of money

6 Furniture for house - chair mirror (mantel)

7 Health happiness companionship health of someone

8 Non-material things - realization of all my work in the interest of God

V Miscellaneous

No answer

Misc - trip to Vancouver - money for teeth - carpenter tools - seat covers for car - mirror ampcomb set - encyclopedia

milking machine - new pipe - set of legs - ticket to Calif - son home for visit - door bell chimes - set of stainless steel knives ampforks - electric ra zor plusmnplusmnplusmnplusmn nn 11 - purse - bedspread - book that helped - new baby - liquor amp beer - tools - fountain pen - power tool 11


i Ii

1 XduoatlOJl - IllOre edvoat1olt better edu08tion - take adT~nt~ge of eduoat10nHl po8s1bi11ties

- try to learn a good tr~de

2 10b - would ohooee a dlfterent Career - get a good job in the oity

tv~dJ~~~ ~r4~

3 Yarr1age - wo Idnt have married 80 foung - wold marry earller - wouldnt get Married

- 1lJBrrl a rioh nan

4 L1Te a better 11le - try to 1ftk 1I18elt and others happ1er - liT8 8 beter Chrlstian 11fe

-Av~i k faA ~j~~tf ~ -~~_ + ~JJ


ES -njo7 lite - enj07 myself filar ~~ I

HOBey - save more money - spend Jk)Jl87 more w1aely

w~ ~-AA~



x GeJlerttl - a lot of th1nga

f M1soelllJleous


GALLUP POLL It lt33 Nwnber i

If 31 872 --t~ pound-YIt- )TOTAL CliRD COUNT (NATIONAL) ~ yen U raquoUt-~1




Ont ar io ~3


-)iJSkcLtch8VJan)1 Alberta

British Columbia

Community Size


Hurecl norr-far-m

1 - 10000

7S 110001 - 30000

30001 - 100000

Over 100000



laquouestloD 2 1233 IL

i (

Bomen too bOBSy ottic1ous think they are too important - domineering

2 JOJll6n are temperrunental emotional - very touchy too moody - decisions btl~ed too uuch on emotion

3 Men are more r-eaeonabLe women not a re-sonable as ruen __J- I _I

4 iomen not und ez-at and Ing considerate - men more understan4int3 - can approach a man ea~ier with troubles

W-W~8a - wonen not as consider te ~8 men

5 omen not as 6asy to get aLong with - man Ls ncr-e congenial - nen easier to get along with

llen command JIOre author i ty - men keep bet- er discipline eaier

- better knowledge of nanagement know hal to handLe en better - women cnt direct coipet entLy have favouritws

~~ ~AA-b~~7 ~en ea~ier to work for - easier to please not so critical ~J

- women pick on you more

9 ~ Jail 818 bwCef wsaes 1amp8 - W01ltAJ3 it bull Ud 1

o Alw~ys had a man boa never work~d under a woman just accustomed to working under a man

x General - just prefer a man ----~l

v lUscellaneous

No ana war

A 11 ~ I 1laquo-~ t v --L

I t I -If


1 bullbullbull Check or brake or appro~e

-shy pass or

control on House at Commons the laws reject legislation

2 Vague - hdvise tive advice - probe - governing power - pass divorces

3 bullbullbullbull Fiaal Voice in Parliament - passes bills hws (finEll) - approve ratify (tinal) - have the last vote - veto

4 ~ bullbullbull W~ng answer ~1t~~ ~~ ~c(~1-~

~~~ 5 bullbull Ridiculing -sinecures

- figure heads - dont do anything just draw - instrument of party in power -~J ~


No answer


-uestilbn lle

1 1~bo11Bh it

2 Elet (by -

Heorganize -----

4 - too rettr-e

o Do nc t h m

- only igure heads - do away with it

-ner-ves no useful purpose - not ne ed ed - eLfrainrte it

people) Lna t sad of -i ppo irrt shouLd be chosen by people

- sift out clead wuod ne ed senate reform nebcls a good Ghampke-ufl too llhny - reduce the number-s perhrps nut R Lf fe t Lte ppo intrnent more pr-o por-t Lone L party r-epee sent-at ton

old at 70 I 65 - put younte r uen in

X Jont know

V Mi~cellBneous

No answer


Ji1 l ~ laquolaquo

middoteat ion 12b ItAPPROVE



To attract better men to run ~or otfice - to get good men at head ot Parle - keep better and honest men in govt - get hi~her calibre n~n

Deserve more -shy work hard for it have a big job do it well

0 To meet cost of living higher cost of living

4 Have high costs and expeKses - two homes to maintain - traveJ_ling expenses

b ~6000 is not sufficient





~ua11fied answer



1 People

2 Not wo~h more earn enough for What they do dont work for their

money - dont do enough to earn $6000


bull Too large an increase too much money

e pZJO ~-

4 Have incomes fran other sources - other busines 6S

5 are paid sUfficient~ell paid paid too much - sufficient considering average worker - sufficient comprrod to other pe9ple

~M ~~I

I~~f bull


x Qualified answer (hand tab)

V Miscellaneous

No answer ~ ~~ I


Page 4: -1.Haranhl s D - Carleton University · 2015-08-31 · , ' ij _. .ullt . l£'\fltlR VONE, '. . !la. We want to find out what the averll£lt' canadialll ralus in the c:ounl . M & day

1 FamilY family reunion - friends ~Jeeting friends - home

2 Hol iriay 3 hlIJpy t rne s p i r t of -ood II ill

5 Fun for k Id s toy s for kids ch i l o hood d ay s

4 Chr Lat mas bonu s ext-r-a bU3inA~S

7 on8Y sperrt foolishly bills hriitlJaB shoppin no money no cker-y ooumer-c i a Li sm ~

8 Fatigue rush ~orry heBriache3

J Ch~istIllBs treL and snow ~)nntc GI us mu i c sleLh bells Ninrieer ---_~

- st o ck inr-

O 1ood tur-k ey _ruddincs link

x ilarder work preparntionb

v ~tiscellaneous

No BnBwer

--g~ ~r

c~~~l iAil~~

jh~f p~ u

~ ~i~ amp-1 l4~i 1 ~

M~i~7 -0 eW14~

~~ -dmiddotJ - ~~


Larpr hOWlehold app118Ilc -~ T 8ft 1ft410 we ag aoh1Jae- StOy atr1praMI


3mIlller howehold aplllailo -- Iron l8aster 1l1xaa8ter eta

Clothing - coat suit dreaa etc

15 Mon8Y - make mar mOIl7 8004 bODU8 lot ot IIDlley

I _ LP lIurn1ture for house - ohair a1rlOl( ~

bull Health h~~~ileB81 ~ ~~

6 l Itm --(tM~c


------shyI-t 4--

V Wlaoellaneous




No 81Uo6r



r ) ~ _IishyI

I I Ishy


Question 4b 233

1 Larger household appliances shy - T V set Radio Washing Machine Stove Refrigerator

2 Smaller household appliances shy- Iron Toaster mixmaster etc

3 Clothing - coat suit dress etc

4 Jewellery - wrist watch Pearls

5 Money - make more money good bonus lots of money

6 Furniture for house - chair mirror (mantel)

7 Health happiness companionship health of someone

8 Non-material things - realization of all my work in the interest of God

V Miscellaneous

No answer

Misc - trip to Vancouver - money for teeth - carpenter tools - seat covers for car - mirror ampcomb set - encyclopedia

milking machine - new pipe - set of legs - ticket to Calif - son home for visit - door bell chimes - set of stainless steel knives ampforks - electric ra zor plusmnplusmnplusmnplusmn nn 11 - purse - bedspread - book that helped - new baby - liquor amp beer - tools - fountain pen - power tool 11


i Ii

1 XduoatlOJl - IllOre edvoat1olt better edu08tion - take adT~nt~ge of eduoat10nHl po8s1bi11ties

- try to learn a good tr~de

2 10b - would ohooee a dlfterent Career - get a good job in the oity

tv~dJ~~~ ~r4~

3 Yarr1age - wo Idnt have married 80 foung - wold marry earller - wouldnt get Married

- 1lJBrrl a rioh nan

4 L1Te a better 11le - try to 1ftk 1I18elt and others happ1er - liT8 8 beter Chrlstian 11fe

-Av~i k faA ~j~~tf ~ -~~_ + ~JJ


ES -njo7 lite - enj07 myself filar ~~ I

HOBey - save more money - spend Jk)Jl87 more w1aely

w~ ~-AA~



x GeJlerttl - a lot of th1nga

f M1soelllJleous


GALLUP POLL It lt33 Nwnber i

If 31 872 --t~ pound-YIt- )TOTAL CliRD COUNT (NATIONAL) ~ yen U raquoUt-~1




Ont ar io ~3


-)iJSkcLtch8VJan)1 Alberta

British Columbia

Community Size


Hurecl norr-far-m

1 - 10000

7S 110001 - 30000

30001 - 100000

Over 100000



laquouestloD 2 1233 IL

i (

Bomen too bOBSy ottic1ous think they are too important - domineering

2 JOJll6n are temperrunental emotional - very touchy too moody - decisions btl~ed too uuch on emotion

3 Men are more r-eaeonabLe women not a re-sonable as ruen __J- I _I

4 iomen not und ez-at and Ing considerate - men more understan4int3 - can approach a man ea~ier with troubles

W-W~8a - wonen not as consider te ~8 men

5 omen not as 6asy to get aLong with - man Ls ncr-e congenial - nen easier to get along with

llen command JIOre author i ty - men keep bet- er discipline eaier

- better knowledge of nanagement know hal to handLe en better - women cnt direct coipet entLy have favouritws

~~ ~AA-b~~7 ~en ea~ier to work for - easier to please not so critical ~J

- women pick on you more

9 ~ Jail 818 bwCef wsaes 1amp8 - W01ltAJ3 it bull Ud 1

o Alw~ys had a man boa never work~d under a woman just accustomed to working under a man

x General - just prefer a man ----~l

v lUscellaneous

No ana war

A 11 ~ I 1laquo-~ t v --L

I t I -If


1 bullbullbull Check or brake or appro~e

-shy pass or

control on House at Commons the laws reject legislation

2 Vague - hdvise tive advice - probe - governing power - pass divorces

3 bullbullbullbull Fiaal Voice in Parliament - passes bills hws (finEll) - approve ratify (tinal) - have the last vote - veto

4 ~ bullbullbull W~ng answer ~1t~~ ~~ ~c(~1-~

~~~ 5 bullbull Ridiculing -sinecures

- figure heads - dont do anything just draw - instrument of party in power -~J ~


No answer


-uestilbn lle

1 1~bo11Bh it

2 Elet (by -

Heorganize -----

4 - too rettr-e

o Do nc t h m

- only igure heads - do away with it

-ner-ves no useful purpose - not ne ed ed - eLfrainrte it

people) Lna t sad of -i ppo irrt shouLd be chosen by people

- sift out clead wuod ne ed senate reform nebcls a good Ghampke-ufl too llhny - reduce the number-s perhrps nut R Lf fe t Lte ppo intrnent more pr-o por-t Lone L party r-epee sent-at ton

old at 70 I 65 - put younte r uen in

X Jont know

V Mi~cellBneous

No answer


Ji1 l ~ laquolaquo

middoteat ion 12b ItAPPROVE



To attract better men to run ~or otfice - to get good men at head ot Parle - keep better and honest men in govt - get hi~her calibre n~n

Deserve more -shy work hard for it have a big job do it well

0 To meet cost of living higher cost of living

4 Have high costs and expeKses - two homes to maintain - traveJ_ling expenses

b ~6000 is not sufficient





~ua11fied answer



1 People

2 Not wo~h more earn enough for What they do dont work for their

money - dont do enough to earn $6000


bull Too large an increase too much money

e pZJO ~-

4 Have incomes fran other sources - other busines 6S

5 are paid sUfficient~ell paid paid too much - sufficient considering average worker - sufficient comprrod to other pe9ple

~M ~~I

I~~f bull


x Qualified answer (hand tab)

V Miscellaneous

No answer ~ ~~ I


Page 5: -1.Haranhl s D - Carleton University · 2015-08-31 · , ' ij _. .ullt . l£'\fltlR VONE, '. . !la. We want to find out what the averll£lt' canadialll ralus in the c:ounl . M & day

Larpr hOWlehold app118Ilc -~ T 8ft 1ft410 we ag aoh1Jae- StOy atr1praMI


3mIlller howehold aplllailo -- Iron l8aster 1l1xaa8ter eta

Clothing - coat suit dreaa etc

15 Mon8Y - make mar mOIl7 8004 bODU8 lot ot IIDlley

I _ LP lIurn1ture for house - ohair a1rlOl( ~

bull Health h~~~ileB81 ~ ~~

6 l Itm --(tM~c


------shyI-t 4--

V Wlaoellaneous




No 81Uo6r



r ) ~ _IishyI

I I Ishy


Question 4b 233

1 Larger household appliances shy - T V set Radio Washing Machine Stove Refrigerator

2 Smaller household appliances shy- Iron Toaster mixmaster etc

3 Clothing - coat suit dress etc

4 Jewellery - wrist watch Pearls

5 Money - make more money good bonus lots of money

6 Furniture for house - chair mirror (mantel)

7 Health happiness companionship health of someone

8 Non-material things - realization of all my work in the interest of God

V Miscellaneous

No answer

Misc - trip to Vancouver - money for teeth - carpenter tools - seat covers for car - mirror ampcomb set - encyclopedia

milking machine - new pipe - set of legs - ticket to Calif - son home for visit - door bell chimes - set of stainless steel knives ampforks - electric ra zor plusmnplusmnplusmnplusmn nn 11 - purse - bedspread - book that helped - new baby - liquor amp beer - tools - fountain pen - power tool 11


i Ii

1 XduoatlOJl - IllOre edvoat1olt better edu08tion - take adT~nt~ge of eduoat10nHl po8s1bi11ties

- try to learn a good tr~de

2 10b - would ohooee a dlfterent Career - get a good job in the oity

tv~dJ~~~ ~r4~

3 Yarr1age - wo Idnt have married 80 foung - wold marry earller - wouldnt get Married

- 1lJBrrl a rioh nan

4 L1Te a better 11le - try to 1ftk 1I18elt and others happ1er - liT8 8 beter Chrlstian 11fe

-Av~i k faA ~j~~tf ~ -~~_ + ~JJ


ES -njo7 lite - enj07 myself filar ~~ I

HOBey - save more money - spend Jk)Jl87 more w1aely

w~ ~-AA~



x GeJlerttl - a lot of th1nga

f M1soelllJleous


GALLUP POLL It lt33 Nwnber i

If 31 872 --t~ pound-YIt- )TOTAL CliRD COUNT (NATIONAL) ~ yen U raquoUt-~1




Ont ar io ~3


-)iJSkcLtch8VJan)1 Alberta

British Columbia

Community Size


Hurecl norr-far-m

1 - 10000

7S 110001 - 30000

30001 - 100000

Over 100000



laquouestloD 2 1233 IL

i (

Bomen too bOBSy ottic1ous think they are too important - domineering

2 JOJll6n are temperrunental emotional - very touchy too moody - decisions btl~ed too uuch on emotion

3 Men are more r-eaeonabLe women not a re-sonable as ruen __J- I _I

4 iomen not und ez-at and Ing considerate - men more understan4int3 - can approach a man ea~ier with troubles

W-W~8a - wonen not as consider te ~8 men

5 omen not as 6asy to get aLong with - man Ls ncr-e congenial - nen easier to get along with

llen command JIOre author i ty - men keep bet- er discipline eaier

- better knowledge of nanagement know hal to handLe en better - women cnt direct coipet entLy have favouritws

~~ ~AA-b~~7 ~en ea~ier to work for - easier to please not so critical ~J

- women pick on you more

9 ~ Jail 818 bwCef wsaes 1amp8 - W01ltAJ3 it bull Ud 1

o Alw~ys had a man boa never work~d under a woman just accustomed to working under a man

x General - just prefer a man ----~l

v lUscellaneous

No ana war

A 11 ~ I 1laquo-~ t v --L

I t I -If


1 bullbullbull Check or brake or appro~e

-shy pass or

control on House at Commons the laws reject legislation

2 Vague - hdvise tive advice - probe - governing power - pass divorces

3 bullbullbullbull Fiaal Voice in Parliament - passes bills hws (finEll) - approve ratify (tinal) - have the last vote - veto

4 ~ bullbullbull W~ng answer ~1t~~ ~~ ~c(~1-~

~~~ 5 bullbull Ridiculing -sinecures

- figure heads - dont do anything just draw - instrument of party in power -~J ~


No answer


-uestilbn lle

1 1~bo11Bh it

2 Elet (by -

Heorganize -----

4 - too rettr-e

o Do nc t h m

- only igure heads - do away with it

-ner-ves no useful purpose - not ne ed ed - eLfrainrte it

people) Lna t sad of -i ppo irrt shouLd be chosen by people

- sift out clead wuod ne ed senate reform nebcls a good Ghampke-ufl too llhny - reduce the number-s perhrps nut R Lf fe t Lte ppo intrnent more pr-o por-t Lone L party r-epee sent-at ton

old at 70 I 65 - put younte r uen in

X Jont know

V Mi~cellBneous

No answer


Ji1 l ~ laquolaquo

middoteat ion 12b ItAPPROVE



To attract better men to run ~or otfice - to get good men at head ot Parle - keep better and honest men in govt - get hi~her calibre n~n

Deserve more -shy work hard for it have a big job do it well

0 To meet cost of living higher cost of living

4 Have high costs and expeKses - two homes to maintain - traveJ_ling expenses

b ~6000 is not sufficient





~ua11fied answer



1 People

2 Not wo~h more earn enough for What they do dont work for their

money - dont do enough to earn $6000


bull Too large an increase too much money

e pZJO ~-

4 Have incomes fran other sources - other busines 6S

5 are paid sUfficient~ell paid paid too much - sufficient considering average worker - sufficient comprrod to other pe9ple

~M ~~I

I~~f bull


x Qualified answer (hand tab)

V Miscellaneous

No answer ~ ~~ I


Page 6: -1.Haranhl s D - Carleton University · 2015-08-31 · , ' ij _. .ullt . l£'\fltlR VONE, '. . !la. We want to find out what the averll£lt' canadialll ralus in the c:ounl . M & day

Question 4b 233

1 Larger household appliances shy - T V set Radio Washing Machine Stove Refrigerator

2 Smaller household appliances shy- Iron Toaster mixmaster etc

3 Clothing - coat suit dress etc

4 Jewellery - wrist watch Pearls

5 Money - make more money good bonus lots of money

6 Furniture for house - chair mirror (mantel)

7 Health happiness companionship health of someone

8 Non-material things - realization of all my work in the interest of God

V Miscellaneous

No answer

Misc - trip to Vancouver - money for teeth - carpenter tools - seat covers for car - mirror ampcomb set - encyclopedia

milking machine - new pipe - set of legs - ticket to Calif - son home for visit - door bell chimes - set of stainless steel knives ampforks - electric ra zor plusmnplusmnplusmnplusmn nn 11 - purse - bedspread - book that helped - new baby - liquor amp beer - tools - fountain pen - power tool 11


i Ii

1 XduoatlOJl - IllOre edvoat1olt better edu08tion - take adT~nt~ge of eduoat10nHl po8s1bi11ties

- try to learn a good tr~de

2 10b - would ohooee a dlfterent Career - get a good job in the oity

tv~dJ~~~ ~r4~

3 Yarr1age - wo Idnt have married 80 foung - wold marry earller - wouldnt get Married

- 1lJBrrl a rioh nan

4 L1Te a better 11le - try to 1ftk 1I18elt and others happ1er - liT8 8 beter Chrlstian 11fe

-Av~i k faA ~j~~tf ~ -~~_ + ~JJ


ES -njo7 lite - enj07 myself filar ~~ I

HOBey - save more money - spend Jk)Jl87 more w1aely

w~ ~-AA~



x GeJlerttl - a lot of th1nga

f M1soelllJleous


GALLUP POLL It lt33 Nwnber i

If 31 872 --t~ pound-YIt- )TOTAL CliRD COUNT (NATIONAL) ~ yen U raquoUt-~1




Ont ar io ~3


-)iJSkcLtch8VJan)1 Alberta

British Columbia

Community Size


Hurecl norr-far-m

1 - 10000

7S 110001 - 30000

30001 - 100000

Over 100000



laquouestloD 2 1233 IL

i (

Bomen too bOBSy ottic1ous think they are too important - domineering

2 JOJll6n are temperrunental emotional - very touchy too moody - decisions btl~ed too uuch on emotion

3 Men are more r-eaeonabLe women not a re-sonable as ruen __J- I _I

4 iomen not und ez-at and Ing considerate - men more understan4int3 - can approach a man ea~ier with troubles

W-W~8a - wonen not as consider te ~8 men

5 omen not as 6asy to get aLong with - man Ls ncr-e congenial - nen easier to get along with

llen command JIOre author i ty - men keep bet- er discipline eaier

- better knowledge of nanagement know hal to handLe en better - women cnt direct coipet entLy have favouritws

~~ ~AA-b~~7 ~en ea~ier to work for - easier to please not so critical ~J

- women pick on you more

9 ~ Jail 818 bwCef wsaes 1amp8 - W01ltAJ3 it bull Ud 1

o Alw~ys had a man boa never work~d under a woman just accustomed to working under a man

x General - just prefer a man ----~l

v lUscellaneous

No ana war

A 11 ~ I 1laquo-~ t v --L

I t I -If


1 bullbullbull Check or brake or appro~e

-shy pass or

control on House at Commons the laws reject legislation

2 Vague - hdvise tive advice - probe - governing power - pass divorces

3 bullbullbullbull Fiaal Voice in Parliament - passes bills hws (finEll) - approve ratify (tinal) - have the last vote - veto

4 ~ bullbullbull W~ng answer ~1t~~ ~~ ~c(~1-~

~~~ 5 bullbull Ridiculing -sinecures

- figure heads - dont do anything just draw - instrument of party in power -~J ~


No answer


-uestilbn lle

1 1~bo11Bh it

2 Elet (by -

Heorganize -----

4 - too rettr-e

o Do nc t h m

- only igure heads - do away with it

-ner-ves no useful purpose - not ne ed ed - eLfrainrte it

people) Lna t sad of -i ppo irrt shouLd be chosen by people

- sift out clead wuod ne ed senate reform nebcls a good Ghampke-ufl too llhny - reduce the number-s perhrps nut R Lf fe t Lte ppo intrnent more pr-o por-t Lone L party r-epee sent-at ton

old at 70 I 65 - put younte r uen in

X Jont know

V Mi~cellBneous

No answer


Ji1 l ~ laquolaquo

middoteat ion 12b ItAPPROVE



To attract better men to run ~or otfice - to get good men at head ot Parle - keep better and honest men in govt - get hi~her calibre n~n

Deserve more -shy work hard for it have a big job do it well

0 To meet cost of living higher cost of living

4 Have high costs and expeKses - two homes to maintain - traveJ_ling expenses

b ~6000 is not sufficient





~ua11fied answer



1 People

2 Not wo~h more earn enough for What they do dont work for their

money - dont do enough to earn $6000


bull Too large an increase too much money

e pZJO ~-

4 Have incomes fran other sources - other busines 6S

5 are paid sUfficient~ell paid paid too much - sufficient considering average worker - sufficient comprrod to other pe9ple

~M ~~I

I~~f bull


x Qualified answer (hand tab)

V Miscellaneous

No answer ~ ~~ I


Page 7: -1.Haranhl s D - Carleton University · 2015-08-31 · , ' ij _. .ullt . l£'\fltlR VONE, '. . !la. We want to find out what the averll£lt' canadialll ralus in the c:ounl . M & day


i Ii

1 XduoatlOJl - IllOre edvoat1olt better edu08tion - take adT~nt~ge of eduoat10nHl po8s1bi11ties

- try to learn a good tr~de

2 10b - would ohooee a dlfterent Career - get a good job in the oity

tv~dJ~~~ ~r4~

3 Yarr1age - wo Idnt have married 80 foung - wold marry earller - wouldnt get Married

- 1lJBrrl a rioh nan

4 L1Te a better 11le - try to 1ftk 1I18elt and others happ1er - liT8 8 beter Chrlstian 11fe

-Av~i k faA ~j~~tf ~ -~~_ + ~JJ


ES -njo7 lite - enj07 myself filar ~~ I

HOBey - save more money - spend Jk)Jl87 more w1aely

w~ ~-AA~



x GeJlerttl - a lot of th1nga

f M1soelllJleous


GALLUP POLL It lt33 Nwnber i

If 31 872 --t~ pound-YIt- )TOTAL CliRD COUNT (NATIONAL) ~ yen U raquoUt-~1




Ont ar io ~3


-)iJSkcLtch8VJan)1 Alberta

British Columbia

Community Size


Hurecl norr-far-m

1 - 10000

7S 110001 - 30000

30001 - 100000

Over 100000



laquouestloD 2 1233 IL

i (

Bomen too bOBSy ottic1ous think they are too important - domineering

2 JOJll6n are temperrunental emotional - very touchy too moody - decisions btl~ed too uuch on emotion

3 Men are more r-eaeonabLe women not a re-sonable as ruen __J- I _I

4 iomen not und ez-at and Ing considerate - men more understan4int3 - can approach a man ea~ier with troubles

W-W~8a - wonen not as consider te ~8 men

5 omen not as 6asy to get aLong with - man Ls ncr-e congenial - nen easier to get along with

llen command JIOre author i ty - men keep bet- er discipline eaier

- better knowledge of nanagement know hal to handLe en better - women cnt direct coipet entLy have favouritws

~~ ~AA-b~~7 ~en ea~ier to work for - easier to please not so critical ~J

- women pick on you more

9 ~ Jail 818 bwCef wsaes 1amp8 - W01ltAJ3 it bull Ud 1

o Alw~ys had a man boa never work~d under a woman just accustomed to working under a man

x General - just prefer a man ----~l

v lUscellaneous

No ana war

A 11 ~ I 1laquo-~ t v --L

I t I -If


1 bullbullbull Check or brake or appro~e

-shy pass or

control on House at Commons the laws reject legislation

2 Vague - hdvise tive advice - probe - governing power - pass divorces

3 bullbullbullbull Fiaal Voice in Parliament - passes bills hws (finEll) - approve ratify (tinal) - have the last vote - veto

4 ~ bullbullbull W~ng answer ~1t~~ ~~ ~c(~1-~

~~~ 5 bullbull Ridiculing -sinecures

- figure heads - dont do anything just draw - instrument of party in power -~J ~


No answer


-uestilbn lle

1 1~bo11Bh it

2 Elet (by -

Heorganize -----

4 - too rettr-e

o Do nc t h m

- only igure heads - do away with it

-ner-ves no useful purpose - not ne ed ed - eLfrainrte it

people) Lna t sad of -i ppo irrt shouLd be chosen by people

- sift out clead wuod ne ed senate reform nebcls a good Ghampke-ufl too llhny - reduce the number-s perhrps nut R Lf fe t Lte ppo intrnent more pr-o por-t Lone L party r-epee sent-at ton

old at 70 I 65 - put younte r uen in

X Jont know

V Mi~cellBneous

No answer


Ji1 l ~ laquolaquo

middoteat ion 12b ItAPPROVE



To attract better men to run ~or otfice - to get good men at head ot Parle - keep better and honest men in govt - get hi~her calibre n~n

Deserve more -shy work hard for it have a big job do it well

0 To meet cost of living higher cost of living

4 Have high costs and expeKses - two homes to maintain - traveJ_ling expenses

b ~6000 is not sufficient





~ua11fied answer



1 People

2 Not wo~h more earn enough for What they do dont work for their

money - dont do enough to earn $6000


bull Too large an increase too much money

e pZJO ~-

4 Have incomes fran other sources - other busines 6S

5 are paid sUfficient~ell paid paid too much - sufficient considering average worker - sufficient comprrod to other pe9ple

~M ~~I

I~~f bull


x Qualified answer (hand tab)

V Miscellaneous

No answer ~ ~~ I


Page 8: -1.Haranhl s D - Carleton University · 2015-08-31 · , ' ij _. .ullt . l£'\fltlR VONE, '. . !la. We want to find out what the averll£lt' canadialll ralus in the c:ounl . M & day


GALLUP POLL It lt33 Nwnber i

If 31 872 --t~ pound-YIt- )TOTAL CliRD COUNT (NATIONAL) ~ yen U raquoUt-~1




Ont ar io ~3


-)iJSkcLtch8VJan)1 Alberta

British Columbia

Community Size


Hurecl norr-far-m

1 - 10000

7S 110001 - 30000

30001 - 100000

Over 100000



laquouestloD 2 1233 IL

i (

Bomen too bOBSy ottic1ous think they are too important - domineering

2 JOJll6n are temperrunental emotional - very touchy too moody - decisions btl~ed too uuch on emotion

3 Men are more r-eaeonabLe women not a re-sonable as ruen __J- I _I

4 iomen not und ez-at and Ing considerate - men more understan4int3 - can approach a man ea~ier with troubles

W-W~8a - wonen not as consider te ~8 men

5 omen not as 6asy to get aLong with - man Ls ncr-e congenial - nen easier to get along with

llen command JIOre author i ty - men keep bet- er discipline eaier

- better knowledge of nanagement know hal to handLe en better - women cnt direct coipet entLy have favouritws

~~ ~AA-b~~7 ~en ea~ier to work for - easier to please not so critical ~J

- women pick on you more

9 ~ Jail 818 bwCef wsaes 1amp8 - W01ltAJ3 it bull Ud 1

o Alw~ys had a man boa never work~d under a woman just accustomed to working under a man

x General - just prefer a man ----~l

v lUscellaneous

No ana war

A 11 ~ I 1laquo-~ t v --L

I t I -If


1 bullbullbull Check or brake or appro~e

-shy pass or

control on House at Commons the laws reject legislation

2 Vague - hdvise tive advice - probe - governing power - pass divorces

3 bullbullbullbull Fiaal Voice in Parliament - passes bills hws (finEll) - approve ratify (tinal) - have the last vote - veto

4 ~ bullbullbull W~ng answer ~1t~~ ~~ ~c(~1-~

~~~ 5 bullbull Ridiculing -sinecures

- figure heads - dont do anything just draw - instrument of party in power -~J ~


No answer


-uestilbn lle

1 1~bo11Bh it

2 Elet (by -

Heorganize -----

4 - too rettr-e

o Do nc t h m

- only igure heads - do away with it

-ner-ves no useful purpose - not ne ed ed - eLfrainrte it

people) Lna t sad of -i ppo irrt shouLd be chosen by people

- sift out clead wuod ne ed senate reform nebcls a good Ghampke-ufl too llhny - reduce the number-s perhrps nut R Lf fe t Lte ppo intrnent more pr-o por-t Lone L party r-epee sent-at ton

old at 70 I 65 - put younte r uen in

X Jont know

V Mi~cellBneous

No answer


Ji1 l ~ laquolaquo

middoteat ion 12b ItAPPROVE



To attract better men to run ~or otfice - to get good men at head ot Parle - keep better and honest men in govt - get hi~her calibre n~n

Deserve more -shy work hard for it have a big job do it well

0 To meet cost of living higher cost of living

4 Have high costs and expeKses - two homes to maintain - traveJ_ling expenses

b ~6000 is not sufficient





~ua11fied answer



1 People

2 Not wo~h more earn enough for What they do dont work for their

money - dont do enough to earn $6000


bull Too large an increase too much money

e pZJO ~-

4 Have incomes fran other sources - other busines 6S

5 are paid sUfficient~ell paid paid too much - sufficient considering average worker - sufficient comprrod to other pe9ple

~M ~~I

I~~f bull


x Qualified answer (hand tab)

V Miscellaneous

No answer ~ ~~ I


Page 9: -1.Haranhl s D - Carleton University · 2015-08-31 · , ' ij _. .ullt . l£'\fltlR VONE, '. . !la. We want to find out what the averll£lt' canadialll ralus in the c:ounl . M & day

laquouestloD 2 1233 IL

i (

Bomen too bOBSy ottic1ous think they are too important - domineering

2 JOJll6n are temperrunental emotional - very touchy too moody - decisions btl~ed too uuch on emotion

3 Men are more r-eaeonabLe women not a re-sonable as ruen __J- I _I

4 iomen not und ez-at and Ing considerate - men more understan4int3 - can approach a man ea~ier with troubles

W-W~8a - wonen not as consider te ~8 men

5 omen not as 6asy to get aLong with - man Ls ncr-e congenial - nen easier to get along with

llen command JIOre author i ty - men keep bet- er discipline eaier

- better knowledge of nanagement know hal to handLe en better - women cnt direct coipet entLy have favouritws

~~ ~AA-b~~7 ~en ea~ier to work for - easier to please not so critical ~J

- women pick on you more

9 ~ Jail 818 bwCef wsaes 1amp8 - W01ltAJ3 it bull Ud 1

o Alw~ys had a man boa never work~d under a woman just accustomed to working under a man

x General - just prefer a man ----~l

v lUscellaneous

No ana war

A 11 ~ I 1laquo-~ t v --L

I t I -If


1 bullbullbull Check or brake or appro~e

-shy pass or

control on House at Commons the laws reject legislation

2 Vague - hdvise tive advice - probe - governing power - pass divorces

3 bullbullbullbull Fiaal Voice in Parliament - passes bills hws (finEll) - approve ratify (tinal) - have the last vote - veto

4 ~ bullbullbull W~ng answer ~1t~~ ~~ ~c(~1-~

~~~ 5 bullbull Ridiculing -sinecures

- figure heads - dont do anything just draw - instrument of party in power -~J ~


No answer


-uestilbn lle

1 1~bo11Bh it

2 Elet (by -

Heorganize -----

4 - too rettr-e

o Do nc t h m

- only igure heads - do away with it

-ner-ves no useful purpose - not ne ed ed - eLfrainrte it

people) Lna t sad of -i ppo irrt shouLd be chosen by people

- sift out clead wuod ne ed senate reform nebcls a good Ghampke-ufl too llhny - reduce the number-s perhrps nut R Lf fe t Lte ppo intrnent more pr-o por-t Lone L party r-epee sent-at ton

old at 70 I 65 - put younte r uen in

X Jont know

V Mi~cellBneous

No answer


Ji1 l ~ laquolaquo

middoteat ion 12b ItAPPROVE



To attract better men to run ~or otfice - to get good men at head ot Parle - keep better and honest men in govt - get hi~her calibre n~n

Deserve more -shy work hard for it have a big job do it well

0 To meet cost of living higher cost of living

4 Have high costs and expeKses - two homes to maintain - traveJ_ling expenses

b ~6000 is not sufficient





~ua11fied answer



1 People

2 Not wo~h more earn enough for What they do dont work for their

money - dont do enough to earn $6000


bull Too large an increase too much money

e pZJO ~-

4 Have incomes fran other sources - other busines 6S

5 are paid sUfficient~ell paid paid too much - sufficient considering average worker - sufficient comprrod to other pe9ple

~M ~~I

I~~f bull


x Qualified answer (hand tab)

V Miscellaneous

No answer ~ ~~ I


Page 10: -1.Haranhl s D - Carleton University · 2015-08-31 · , ' ij _. .ullt . l£'\fltlR VONE, '. . !la. We want to find out what the averll£lt' canadialll ralus in the c:ounl . M & day


1 bullbullbull Check or brake or appro~e

-shy pass or

control on House at Commons the laws reject legislation

2 Vague - hdvise tive advice - probe - governing power - pass divorces

3 bullbullbullbull Fiaal Voice in Parliament - passes bills hws (finEll) - approve ratify (tinal) - have the last vote - veto

4 ~ bullbullbull W~ng answer ~1t~~ ~~ ~c(~1-~

~~~ 5 bullbull Ridiculing -sinecures

- figure heads - dont do anything just draw - instrument of party in power -~J ~


No answer


-uestilbn lle

1 1~bo11Bh it

2 Elet (by -

Heorganize -----

4 - too rettr-e

o Do nc t h m

- only igure heads - do away with it

-ner-ves no useful purpose - not ne ed ed - eLfrainrte it

people) Lna t sad of -i ppo irrt shouLd be chosen by people

- sift out clead wuod ne ed senate reform nebcls a good Ghampke-ufl too llhny - reduce the number-s perhrps nut R Lf fe t Lte ppo intrnent more pr-o por-t Lone L party r-epee sent-at ton

old at 70 I 65 - put younte r uen in

X Jont know

V Mi~cellBneous

No answer


Ji1 l ~ laquolaquo

middoteat ion 12b ItAPPROVE



To attract better men to run ~or otfice - to get good men at head ot Parle - keep better and honest men in govt - get hi~her calibre n~n

Deserve more -shy work hard for it have a big job do it well

0 To meet cost of living higher cost of living

4 Have high costs and expeKses - two homes to maintain - traveJ_ling expenses

b ~6000 is not sufficient





~ua11fied answer



1 People

2 Not wo~h more earn enough for What they do dont work for their

money - dont do enough to earn $6000


bull Too large an increase too much money

e pZJO ~-

4 Have incomes fran other sources - other busines 6S

5 are paid sUfficient~ell paid paid too much - sufficient considering average worker - sufficient comprrod to other pe9ple

~M ~~I

I~~f bull


x Qualified answer (hand tab)

V Miscellaneous

No answer ~ ~~ I


Page 11: -1.Haranhl s D - Carleton University · 2015-08-31 · , ' ij _. .ullt . l£'\fltlR VONE, '. . !la. We want to find out what the averll£lt' canadialll ralus in the c:ounl . M & day

-uestilbn lle

1 1~bo11Bh it

2 Elet (by -

Heorganize -----

4 - too rettr-e

o Do nc t h m

- only igure heads - do away with it

-ner-ves no useful purpose - not ne ed ed - eLfrainrte it

people) Lna t sad of -i ppo irrt shouLd be chosen by people

- sift out clead wuod ne ed senate reform nebcls a good Ghampke-ufl too llhny - reduce the number-s perhrps nut R Lf fe t Lte ppo intrnent more pr-o por-t Lone L party r-epee sent-at ton

old at 70 I 65 - put younte r uen in

X Jont know

V Mi~cellBneous

No answer


Ji1 l ~ laquolaquo

middoteat ion 12b ItAPPROVE



To attract better men to run ~or otfice - to get good men at head ot Parle - keep better and honest men in govt - get hi~her calibre n~n

Deserve more -shy work hard for it have a big job do it well

0 To meet cost of living higher cost of living

4 Have high costs and expeKses - two homes to maintain - traveJ_ling expenses

b ~6000 is not sufficient





~ua11fied answer



1 People

2 Not wo~h more earn enough for What they do dont work for their

money - dont do enough to earn $6000


bull Too large an increase too much money

e pZJO ~-

4 Have incomes fran other sources - other busines 6S

5 are paid sUfficient~ell paid paid too much - sufficient considering average worker - sufficient comprrod to other pe9ple

~M ~~I

I~~f bull


x Qualified answer (hand tab)

V Miscellaneous

No answer ~ ~~ I


Page 12: -1.Haranhl s D - Carleton University · 2015-08-31 · , ' ij _. .ullt . l£'\fltlR VONE, '. . !la. We want to find out what the averll£lt' canadialll ralus in the c:ounl . M & day

middoteat ion 12b ItAPPROVE



To attract better men to run ~or otfice - to get good men at head ot Parle - keep better and honest men in govt - get hi~her calibre n~n

Deserve more -shy work hard for it have a big job do it well

0 To meet cost of living higher cost of living

4 Have high costs and expeKses - two homes to maintain - traveJ_ling expenses

b ~6000 is not sufficient





~ua11fied answer



1 People

2 Not wo~h more earn enough for What they do dont work for their

money - dont do enough to earn $6000


bull Too large an increase too much money

e pZJO ~-

4 Have incomes fran other sources - other busines 6S

5 are paid sUfficient~ell paid paid too much - sufficient considering average worker - sufficient comprrod to other pe9ple

~M ~~I

I~~f bull


x Qualified answer (hand tab)

V Miscellaneous

No answer ~ ~~ I


Page 13: -1.Haranhl s D - Carleton University · 2015-08-31 · , ' ij _. .ullt . l£'\fltlR VONE, '. . !la. We want to find out what the averll£lt' canadialll ralus in the c:ounl . M & day


1 People

2 Not wo~h more earn enough for What they do dont work for their

money - dont do enough to earn $6000


bull Too large an increase too much money

e pZJO ~-

4 Have incomes fran other sources - other busines 6S

5 are paid sUfficient~ell paid paid too much - sufficient considering average worker - sufficient comprrod to other pe9ple

~M ~~I

I~~f bull


x Qualified answer (hand tab)

V Miscellaneous

No answer ~ ~~ I
