11/16/14 1 Introduction to Muscle Anatomy Types of Muscle 1. Skeletal Elongated Cells Multi nucleated Striated – striped appearance – Voluntary Produces powerful contractions Tires easily, needs rest (fatigue). Covers bony skeleton (motility) Cross Section Notice nuclei around outside of cell. Longitudinal View Notice striations and nuclei around outside of cell. Skeletal Muscle Composite Sketch

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Introduction to Muscle Anatomy

Types of Muscle 1. Skeletal

–  Elongated Cells –  Multi nucleated –  Striated – striped

appearance –  Voluntary –  Produces powerful

contractions –  Tires easily, needs rest

(fatigue). –  Covers bony skeleton

(motility) Cross Section

Notice nuclei around outside of cell.

Longitudinal View

Notice striations and nuclei around outside of cell.

Skeletal Muscle Composite Sketch

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2. Smooth – Spindle-shaped Cell – Single nucleus in each

cell – No Striations –  Involuntary – Slow, sustained

contractions –  In hollow visceral

organs (stomach, bladder, respiratory passages)

Cross Section Nucleus is in center of cell. Cells much smaller.

Smooth Muscle Composite Sketch

3. Cardiac (Heart) – Branched cell – Contain intercalated

discs – Single nucleus in each

cell – Striations –  Involuntary – Steady, constant

contractions – Never tires

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Cardiac Muscle Composite Sketch

Muscle Functions •  Produce movement

– locomotion & manipulation – Help blood move through veins & food

thru small intestines •  Maintain posture •  Stabilize joints •  Body temp homeostasis

– Shivering: movement produces heat energy

Muscle Requirements

•  Demands continuous oxygen/nutrient supply. – Lots of arteries/capillaries to muscle.

•  Each muscle cell w/ its own nerve ending controlling its activity.

•  Produce much metabolic waste due to constant activity.

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Muscle Requirements

•  Demands continuous oxygen/nutrient supply. – Lots of arteries/capillaries to muscle.

•  Each muscle cell w/ its own nerve ending controlling its activity.

•  Produce much metabolic waste due to constant activity.

Motor end plate (terminus)

Axon of neuron

Muscle Attachments •  Most muscles span joints •  Attaches to bone in two places: (video)

1. Insertion: the moveable bone •  Bicep insertion is the radius

2. Origin: the stationary bone •  bicep originates in two different places in scapula

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Muscle Attachments •  Attachment types

1.  Direct: attaches right onto bone - ex. intercostal muscles of ribs

Muscle Attachments •  Attachment types

1.  2.  Indirect: via tendon or aponeurosis (sheet-like

tendon) to connect to bone -  leaves bone markings such as tubercle

Agonist vs. Antagonist

•  If you do a bicep curl, how do you re-straighten your arm?

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