1.Open the Purple Box at your table. 2.Pour out the contents onto your table. 3.Organize all items in a way that make sense to everyone at the table. ISN,

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Protein Synthesis (transcription and translation), Genetics, and Evolution CBA Review 2014

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1.Open the Purple Box at your table. 2.Pour out the contents onto your table. 3.Organize all items in a way that make sense to everyone at the table. ISN, Explain why (be sure to convince the class that your way of organizing the items is the BEST) 4.In your ISN, Explain why you organized the contents of the box the way you did. (be sure to convince the class that your way of organizing the items is the BEST) 5.Clean up & Return the box. 1.EXPLAIN organization 1.EXPLAIN why organization is an important part of our society? 2.Why do Scientists need to organize all living things? Protein Synthesis (transcription and translation), Genetics, and Evolution CBA Review 2014 TRANSCRIPTION TRANSLATION DNA vs. RNA DNARNA 1.Double stranded 2.Deoxyribose sugar 3.Guanine, cytosine, adenine, thymine 4.(G-C), (A-T) 5.Stays in nucleus 1.Single-stranded 2.Ribose sugar 3.Guanine, cytosine, adenine, uracil 4.(G-C), (A-U) 5.mRNA moves from nucleus to cytoplasm, tRNA and rRNA (ribosomes) stay in cytoplasm. TRANSCRIPTION! mRNA copies DNA in nucleus takes copied gene to cytoplasm Attaches to RIBOSOME (rRNA) Made up of three letter triplets called CODONS DNA Strand: AGG-GAC-TAT-GAT-AGC Complimentary RNA Strand: UCC-CUG-AUA-CUA-UCG TRANSLATION! tRNA Reads the mRNA each CODON at a time Has the opposite of the codon, called the ANTI-CODON, which matches using base-pairing rules (A-U), (G-C) Translation happens in the CYTOPLASM within RIBOSOMES. tRNA ANTI-CODON Amino Acids Monomers of proteins Every codon codes for an amino acid DNA Strand: ATA-CGG-ACC-TAA-GAG mRNA Strand: Write on white board Amino Acid Sequence: Write on white board Meiosis Meiosis VS Mitosis MitosisMeiosis 2n 2n Diploid cells to diploid cells Somatic (body) cells 2n 1n Diploid cells to haploid cells Makes GAMETES (eggs and sperm) Chromosomal Mutations Normal Chromosome: Deletion: Duplication: Inversion: Translocation: Chromosomal Mutations Karyotype Non-Disjunction Mutations Cause a TRISOMY or MONOSOMY on a karyotype Chromosomes dont separate during meiosis GENETICS! Gene Regulation Mendelian Genetics Principle of Dominance Monohybrid and dihybrid crosses Non-Mendelian Genetics Incomplete Dominance Codominance Polygenic Traits X-Linked Traits Gene Technology Recombinant DNA DNA Fingerprinting Karyotyping Pedigrees Chromosomal Mutations Meiosis Gene Regulation Remember Oxana Malaya, the girl who was raised by dogs When she was born, she was completely normal, mentally and physically She now experiences difficulties learning and with language and lives in assisted living. Why? Gene Regulation The environment influences gene expression. Genes: Expressed = transcription CAN happen Not expressed = transcription CANNOT happen Prokaryotes (Bacteria) LAC Operon set of genes that make the enzymes that digest lactose No lactose present: genes NOT expressed (Turned off) Lactose present: genes EXPRESSED (turned on) Gene Regulation Eukaryotes: Use transcription factors More complex process than in prokaryotes Epigenome: the marker proteins that turn genes on and off Mendelian Genetics If I have two wrinkled seed pea plants (rr) and two round seed pea plants (RR), and all the offspring are round, what PRINCIPLE are you observing? THE PRINCIPLE OF DOMINANCE Mendelian Genetics What is the genotypic ratio resulting from the cross Aa x Aa? Mendelian Genetics What trait will ALL offspring have from the cross below? GREEN FEATHERS Pedigrees What is the PHENOTYPE of person II, 2? NORMAL Dihybrid cross Dihybrid Cross: TTYy x Ttyy How many offspring will be TTYy? Non-Mendelian Genetics Incomplete Dominance: heterogygotes have blended appearance (If RR = Red, and WW = White, then RW = Pink) Codominance: BOTH traits are expressed equally in heterozygotes (COWdominance: if BB = black cow and WW = white cow, then BW = black and white spotted cow) Non-Mendelian Genetics (cont.) X-Linked Traits: Carried on the X-Chromosome Females are XX, males are XY, so males CANNOT be heterozygous for X-linked traits Polygenic Traits: More than one set of alleles for the trait You see a bell-curve distribution of phenotypes with these traits Ex- hair color, height, skin tone, etc Gene Technology Recombinant DNA: genes inserted into PLASMIDS of bacteria to trick the bacteria into making the proteins that are desired Ex: Insulin for people with diabetes Gene Technology DNA fingerprinting: Everyone has different DNA fingerprints EXCEPT IDENTICAL TWINS! Used in paternity tests and crime scenes Gene Technology Karyotyping: Used to detect chromosomal abnormalities Can be performed while a woman is pregnant to detect abnormalities in the fetus: amniocentesis NON-DISJUNCTION mutations cause TRISOMIES! Trisomy 21: Down Syndrome Caused by NON- DISJUNCTION mutation Pedigrees DARKENED individuals are AFFECTED If you see half-colored circles or squares, the individual is a CARRIER Not all carriers are half-colored. Evolution Endosymbiotic Theory Origin of Complex Molecules Evidence of Evolution Fossils Homologous, Vestigial structures Embryology DNA evidence Mechanisms of Evolution Natural selection, mutation, migration (gene flow), genetic drift (bottlenecking, founder-effect) Directional, Disruptive, Stabilizing selection Convergent vs Divergent Evolution Iron-Sulfur World Hypothesis Discovery of ecosystems based on chemosynthesis in deep hydrothermal vents offered support Chemosynthesis: making glucose using inorganic molecules instead of sunlight as a catalyst Catalysts in this instance: Iron (Fe) and Sulfur (S) Which organisms are the most related? Which of the following describes the role of RNA in cell differentiation? A. The RNA determines the protein that will be made for a specific type of cell. B. Each cell has a different set of DNA and RNA that determines cells type. C. The RNA determines the type of DNA that will be made. D. RNA has nothing to do with cell differentiation Label the following models of evolution: RNA World Hypothesis RNA came before DNA because CATALYTIC RNA is SELF-REPLICATING. Catalytic RNA needs no proteins to aid in the process of replication, unlike DNA Catalytic RNA acts like an enzyme, but it is not RNA = nucleic acid, enzymes = proteins Name and explain the theory depicted in the picture: Which species is the common ancestor for the others? How do you know? Gradualism vs Punctuated Equilibrium Gradualism TRANSITION FOSSILS Punctuated Equilibrium NO transition fossils Punctuated Equilibrium Miller and Urey created what molecules in the experiment below? True or False: Modern chloroplasts and mitochondria have their own DNA TRUE- this is evidence for the Endosymbiotic Theory. Their chromosomes resemble those of prokaryotes. 9. What kinds of structures are shown below? Homologous Structures Similar because of common ancestry DIVERGENT EVOLUTION Analogous Structures Independent evolutioncommon ancestor doesnt have the trait CONVERGENT EVOLUTION Vestigial Structures Not used in modern species; evidence of ancestry Ex- leg bones in whales, appendix in humans Molecular Evidence More DNA in common = more closely related DNA similarities = Amino Acid similarities The similarities in these embryos suggests-- A. all undergo external development. B. may have evolved from a common ancestor. C. are all members of the same species. D. Have adaptations for the same environment as adults. Embryology All vertebrates go through similar embryonic stages early in development Tails become backbones What does x represent in the picture below? Common Ancestor Who is the most related in the picture below? A. Snakes and crocodiles B. Birds and Lizards C. Snakes and Lizards D. Crocodiles and Lizards Adaptive Radiation Divergent Evolution An ancestral species diversifies into many different species Ex- mammals after dinosaur extinction Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium When no evolution is happening Random mating No environmental pressures Convergent vs Divergent CONVERGENTDIVERGENT UNRELATED species adapt to similar environments Produces ANALOGOUS sturctures RELATED species become more different Produces HOMOLOGOUS structures Types of Natural Selection StabilizingDirectionalDisruptive Cladograms Mechanisms of Evolution Most members of a population are killed in a natural disaster. The survivors have to reestablish the new population. This is an example of: A Genetic drift B Mutation pressure C Decreased predation D Random mating Mechanisms of Evolution T or F: The organisms with the highest evolutionary FITNESS are the largest and strongest. FALSE: FITNESS has to do with how many offspring an organism has. Being strong doesnt mean youll always have the most offspring. You may be slow and get eaten. Mechanisms of Evolution Why do organisms like fish or frogs lay a lot of eggs instead of only one egg? More eggs laid increases the chances some of the eggs will survive to adulthood and avoid predators, etc. Pesticide Resistance List the four steps of pesticide resistance. (Think back to your review!) Sprayed with pesticide Some have a mutation that makes them survive The surviving ones reproduce The resulting population is pesticide-resistant AND, the mutation becomes an ADAPTATION! What is this process called? ADAPTIVE RADIATION After geographic isolation causes speciation, will those two new species be able to reproduce and make fertile offspring? NO Why can you have similar fossils on different continents? They were once connected but separated due to continental drift. What explains why species on one continent can be closely related to species on another continent? BIOGEOGRAPHY Divergent evolution is to homologous structures as convergent evolution is to __________________________. Analogous structures What two things introduce new alleles? A Independent assortment and evolution B Genetic drift and natural selection C Gene flow and mutation D Recombination and crossing-over Why is high genetic variation a good thing? It increases the chances that there are beneficial traits in the gene pool that can allow the species to avoid extinction.