1st Lec on Histology of Bone by Dr Roomi

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8/2/2019 1st Lec on Histology of Bone by Dr Roomi

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Definition of bone : Bone isa specialized supportingconnective tissuecomposed of calcifiedintercellular material,

the bone matrix, andthree cell types.

1. Support & Protectionfor soft body parts

2. Points of attachmentsfor muscles (Makesmovement possible)

3. Red & Yellow marrow ->Blood cell production

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Bone cells

1. Osteocytes (Gr. osteon, bone+ cytos, cell), which arefound in cavities (lacunae)between layers (lamellae) of bone matrix

2. Osteoblasts (osteon + Gr.blastos, germ), whichsynthesize the organiccomponents of the matrix

3. Osteoclasts (osteon + Gr.clastos, broken), which aremulti-nucleated giant cellsinvolved in the resorptionand remodeling of bonetissue.

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OSTEOBLASTS (Bone forming cells)

Synthesize and secrete osteoid

Osteoid= organic components of bone

matrix, consisting of type I collagen fibers,

proteoglycans, and several glycoproteins

including osteonectin.

Deposition of the inorganic components

of bone also depends on them via

secretion of ALP enzyme.

located at the surfaces of bone matrix, in a

layer somewhat resembling a simple


When active, they have a cuboidal to

columnar shape and basophilic cytoplasm


When their activity declines, they flatten

and cytoplasmic basophilia is reduced.

stimulated by PTH

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osteocytes (mature bone cells)

Individual osteoblasts are graduallysurrounded by their own secretion and

become osteocytes

enclosed singly within spaces called lacunae.

In the transition from osteoblasts to

osteocytes the cells extend many long

cytoplasmic processes, which also becomesurrounded by calcifying matrix.

An osteocyte and its processes occupy each

lacuna and the canaliculi radiating from it .

maintain matrix, if they die matrix is


Processes of adjacent cells make contact viagap junctions.

they are flat and almond-shaped cells

Cytoplasm: reduced RER and Golgi apparatus

Nucleus: more condensed nuclear chromatin


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Osteoclasts (bone resorbing cells)

very large (dia=150 um), motile cells with

multiple nuclei.

Origin: from the fusion of monocytes.

osteoclasts lie within depressions in the bone

matrix known as resorption bays (Howship


In active osteoclasts, the surface against the

bone matrix is folded into irregular projections,

which form a ruffled border.

Surrounding the ruffled border is a clear

cytoplasmic zone rich in actin filaments which is

the site of adhesion to the bone matrix.

This circumferential adhesion zone creates a

microenvironment between the osteoclast andthe matrix in which bone resorption occurs .

Into this subcellular pocket the osteoclast

secretes collagenase and other enzymes and

pumps protons, forming an acidic environment

locally for dissolving hydroxyapatite and

promoting the localized digestion of collagen.

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Osteoclasts (bone resorbing cells)

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Functions of osteoclasts

1. Remodeling of the bone during bone repair

and bone growth.

2. Calcium homeostasis:

maintenance of constant calcium ions in blood.