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2بروفايل - انجليزي

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Who we are: Aliaa Specialist Hospital - Omdurman is one of the largest private hospitals in Sudan. It is geographically located in the city of Omdurman south of the Youth & Children Palace, at entrance of the White Nile Bridge from the western direction. The Hospital is designed at the highest and state of the art specifications and international standards of health institutions. It has been chosen medical sophisticated equipment and administrative systems of technology and medical sciences. The Hospital receives all emergency and cold cases and is contracted with all the institutions and the largest medical insurance companies, which covers all sectors of the community such as the holder of constitutional posts, businessmen, citizens and foreigners.

The Hospital is founded to cover all the needs of the citizens of the integrated diagnosis and medical treatment services save the need for medical treatment abroad and thus indigenize home medical treatment in addition to being the first institution for all patients from neighboring countries.

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Vision: To make Aliaa Specialist Hospital-Omdurman the best choice for Sudan to receive medical service, and to lead the change towards the culture of excellence in the medical service as well as contributing in the indigenization of home medical treatment.

Mission: The provision of prompt and continuous, integrated and safe medical service, by following medical protocols universally adopted, and fine work systems, and qualified personnel, using state-of-the art equipment and technology, under the leadership of Rashida.

Values: Integrated team work spirit. Excellence in providing medical service. Attaining a safe and sound medical care through the creativity and vision of professional personnel as well as striving towards efficiency and quick service to the satisfaction of patients and their families.

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Aliaa Specialist Hospital is Characterized by: ١. Quality of service provided. ٢. The efficiency and good handling of the medical staff. ٣. Service prices and easy payment procedures.

٤. Geographical location of the hospital, it is located at the entrance of a White Nile Bridge, thus easily accessible. The Hospital also provides car parking for checkups patients and visitors. ٥. Activities and services provided. ٦. Infrastructure such as buildings, equipment, devices and administrative and medical work systems.

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Policy to Provide Services in Aliaa Specialist Hospital:Aliaa Private Specialist Hospital receives all emergency and cold cases by providing medical treatment services all day round according to the highest standard under the supervision of senior specialists and consultants. The Hospital is keen on providing the quality medical services through the qualified staff and modern equipment, techniques and building designed at the highest levels and specifications. The indigenization of medical treatment is among the main objectives of the Hospital.

Patients are attracted from neighboring countries through the provision of outstanding medical tourism service. The hospital is keeping on the development, training and continuous improvement of medical service and through observation method and analysis of data related to the service provided. Hospital management is interested in all proposals and complaints and endeavors to analyze and solve them immediately.

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The Product (services): Medical services are diverse and continual. Medical service cannot be judged before trial. We find that the hospital provides non-physical product which contains in substance the work and performance of staff within the activities that achieve satisfaction of service recipient for a specific price against high-quality and various services. The Hospital is restricted to one service but it is characterized by continual, diverse and integrated services .

Information Service and Reception of Patient:• Reception staff is specialized in serving patients and visitors. • Reservations services: Direct, by phone call or e-mail• ٢٤ hours round Call center to reply to enquiries.

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Emergency services :• Receive all emergency ٧/٢٤. • Medical teams specialized in emergency medicine. • The state-of–the-art medical equipments.

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Outpatient clinics :Consultancy Clinics Working from ٠٨:٠٠ A. M - ٢٣:٠٠ in both main and micro-specializations. VIP Clinics Internal Medicine Clinic Neurology Clinic Cardiovascular Clinic Nephrology Clinic

Neuro-spinal surgery Clinical Hematology Gastroenterology & Endoscopies Clinic Pediatrics Clinic Dermatology Clinic Psychiatric Clinic Obstetrics and Gynecology Eye diseases and surgery

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Outpatient clinics : Diseases and Surgery of Ear Nose and Throat General Surgery Orthopedic Surgery Urology Pediatric Surgery

Cosmetic surgery and burns Clinical oncology and early detection Rheumatology clinic Pulmonology Clinic psychology Clinic

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Specialized Medical Centers:

The center includes an integrated clinic to examine, treat and follow-up patients with diabetes in the presence of an integrated and specialized team in diabetes, specialists of endocrinology, Diabetes, specialists of therapeutic feeding, specialists of Clinical Pharmacy, specialists of diabetic foot surgery (wounds diabetes), along with the availability of all medical analysis of diabetes and endocrine checkups.

Research Center and Treatment of Diabetes

Research Center and Treatment of viral hepatitis and liver health :With the increasing prevalence of hepatitis; both types of inflammatory disease B and C in in a rapid way, there must be thinking about the establishment of a specialized center for research and treatment of this disease. The center will include an integrated team and a group of researchers and specialist. There is also a device of Fibro scan which is the first and unique of its kind in Sudan. It is a device that measures and evaluates cirrhosis of the liver artery portal hypertension (portal hypertension) used as a tool for early detection of liver cancer patients for every viral hepatitis infections patients.

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Center for Dental and Oral Disease and Maxillofacial Surgery :Due Development Which is witnessed by medicine and the need to control and cure dental diseases, the Hospital provided advanced technologies used In curing oral, dental and Jaw diseases carried out by a group of consultants, specialists with experience And efficiency as well as developing trust in the patient by the showing an attractive smile of whiter teeth.

Research Center of Neurology and Neuro-Spinal surgery :Surgery of brain and spinal cord tumors. Brain and nerves CT scan Curing of paralysis resulting from a stroke.

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Surgical services:There are five rooms in hospital for various surgical operations General surgery, specialized surgery and daily surgery operations.Bones and arthroscopic surgery. Brain, nerves and spine surgery. Pediatric surgery Maxillofacial surgery

In-patients Services: There are ٩٤ hospital beds. Ownership of wards; wards private and distinctive rooms.Natural birth and caesarean rooms. Rooms of intensive care. Cardiac care. Nurseries and intensive care for newborns rooms.

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Gynecology and obstetrics operations Urology Eye surgery operations Ear Nose and Throat surgery.

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Surgical services:There are five rooms in hospital for various surgical operations General surgery, specialized surgery and daily surgery operations.Bones and arthroscopic surgery. Brain, nerves and spine surgery. Pediatric surgery

Endoscopy Services: There is a special section of the hospital for all diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopic operations Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Binoculars urinary tract Binoculars respiratory system

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Nursery and Neonatal Intensive care Unit (NICU): It is the most sophisticated Unit with global standards and artificial respiration devices to provide the best care for newborn babies and pre-term birth as well as following up of their growth and health conditions.

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Intensive care Unit (ICU):It contains advanced appliances and equipment, which is concerned with intensive care and employs a team of the most qualified consultants and nursing staff

Cardiac care CCU : Availability of hospital rooms for cardiac care with the most equipment and staffed by qualified medical cadres in cardiovascular diseases care.

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The Medical Imaging Diagnostic Complex :The Section provides integrated medical service in medical scanning and under the supervision of a group of qualified and experienced consultants. It is provided with the state-of- the art equipments and devices in order to ensure the quality and accuracy of diagnostic service. - Magnetic Resonance - CT scan - Doppler Ultrasound

- Mammography - Flouroscopy scan - Ultrasound - X-rays. - Bone Densometry. - Echocardiography. - Lithotripsy

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Medical laboratories and blood bank :There is an integrated hospital's department of medical laboratory which contains the most modern appliances and equipment to provide diagnostic laboratory service for all medical tests. Hematology Laboratory Clinical Chemistry Laboratory Microbiology Laboratory

ImmunologyLaboratory Histopathology & Cytology Laboratory Molecular Biology Laboratory Hormones and tumors markers Laboratory Blood Bank

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Therapeutic& pharmaceutical services :Complete team of pharmacists to provide Care Characterized by Safety And efficiency Provision of all the medications within the hospital pharmacy Clinical Pharmacy service for inpatients. Center of Pharmaceutical information for pharmaceutical Cadres and patients.

Therapeutic& pharmaceutical services :

Central sterilization Unit: In the Hospital, there is the most advanced and greatest unit of sterilization in Sudan for the disinfection of machinery, equipment, clothing and packaging.

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Nutrition to suit each patient. Safety and food hygiene.

Clinical Nutrition Services :

Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Services :The Hospital provide the service of medical treatment to physical injuries and Rehabilitation of diseases related to nervous system and disability, such as accidents and sports injuries resulting from viral infections, strokes and paralysis.

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The most advanced bloody dialysis machines Specialized and qualified cadres in kidney disease and dialysis.

The dialysis Unit :

Ambulance&Mobile ICU Services : Ambulances equipped with the most modern appliances and equipment. Mobile ICU.With a highly experienced and efficient medical team in the services of ambulance

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Our services revolve around patient satisfaction, and we provide excellent homogenous medical service, which ensures the best results, the best cost and with the least risk. Easy access to a safe sound medical care through the creativity and vision of a professional team.

Quality and continuous improvement services :

We strive towards effectiveness and efficiency, continuity and integrated quick service. We seek to achieve medical service accessories (wards and distinctive rooms, comfortable lounges, clean toilets to maintain the patient's secrets and privacy).

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The Hospital is characterized by excellent geographical location and accessibility. It is located at the main entrance of the White Nile from the western side and easily accessible from all cities.

The Place:

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It is the amount paid by the patient either direct payment or through medical insurance companies in exchange for outstanding service received from the Hospital. The hospital in determining the prices relies on what fits the current economic situation according to the external market requirements, where it offers high quality services at affordable and competitive prices not exceeding the prices of private hospitals.

The Price :

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They are the activities that during service delivery and communication between the service provider and the patient lead to provision of diagnostic and therapeutic activities for each patient in a homogenous way that ensures the best results with the best standards to reduce the risks and mistakes: Diagnosis - Treatment - Inpatients - Surgical operations - Rehabilitation - Health Education - immunization.

The Processes :

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Service providers are persons with a high degree of awareness and responsibility towards work. The responsibility of the recipient satisfaction lies on them due to their medical competence and good treatment with patients. Among them are consultants – Specialists - Doctors - Technicians - Technical staff, non-medical cadres - Administrative cadres and other cadres working to provide hospital services.

The Human Resources :

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The hospital was designed according to the latest standards and specifications to fit with the architectural environment and the Sudanese ancient habits. The built up area of the hospital is about 1700 m2. It consists of a basement, ground floor and five floors with clinical capacity of (94) beds spread over the wards private rooms, prompt and intensive cares for cardiac diseases and emergency, birth and recovery.

The Physical Structures (Buildings, equipment,medical and administrative Organs and Systems):

We are providing the best health services and the most modern equipment and state-of- the art technology of medical and administrative systems in order to ensure the accuracy and speed of diagnostic and therapeutic efficiency.

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