Concepts of Philosophy of education

2 Basic Concepts of Philosophy of Education

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Branches of Philosophy

Concepts of Philosophy of educationETYMOLOGY (LANGUAGE)Philosophers: those who have a love for knowledgePhilosophiaPhilo: loveSophia: knowledgePhilosophy: love for knowledge or wisdom knowledge which encompasses truth. contains metaphysics, logic, rhetoric, ethics, economics, politics and aesthetics.

382SM 322SMonly through knowledge can man attain the real truth.

427SM 348SM knowledge about the physical universe.

Al- Farabi870SM 950SMPRACTICALITYThinking thoroughlyFree from the bonds of traditionCharacteristics: systematic, rational, universalExample 1If the sky is overcast, it is very likely that it will rain. If that is so, then it is not advisable to hang out the clothes. When it rains, there will be nobody to take the clothes in.Example 2A Mathematics teacher discovers that there is a pupil in his class who often skips lessons. He not only refers this particular pupil to the discipline teacher, but he takes the trouble to find out from the pupil himself the reasons for his behaviour. He even goes to the extent of visiting the pupils home to find out the exact condition of his family and surroundings. If necessary, he refers this case to the relevant authorities, for instance, the Social Welfare Department, and so on.Example 3The street light in front of the house has not been working for the past week. Before reporting to the relevant authorities, perhaps it would be a good idea to check if there are other street lamps with the same condition. Such an act goes a long way to ensure the safety of the residents in the same housing area. Russel (1946)Philosophy is situated between theology and science.

Theology - knowledge about the attributes and religionScience physical science and humanities Concept of Philosophy Schofield (1972)

QuestionAnswerCan we say all questions are philosophical questions?No.What is classified as philosophy?All kinds of knowledge including science and theology.Who philosophises?Man.Is there a difference between a common man who philosophises and a philosopher?Yes.What is the difference?Philosophers usually formulate wholesome ideas based on logic and consistencies before disseminating these ideas to the masses.Branches of Philosophy

Metaphysics (Ontology)Branch of philosophy which examines things such as reality, what exists in this world, and how it is arranged.SpeculativeFocuses on cause-and-effect relationship of things and phenomena.

For example,What is truth?What is mankind?Is this world make up of matter only?Does man possess a mind? What is the relationship between the mind and body?AxiologyThe branch of philosophy that questions good or bad, true or false, beautiful or ugly.

2 types:EthicsAesthetic

EthicsFocuses on MORAL and BEHAVIOUR of mankind

WHY??? Investigates the goodness of a person, society and life.

TYPES OF ETHICS:Meta ethicsNormative ethicsApplied ethics

AestheticsRefers to the criteria for beauty in the arts, environment and life.Focuses more on taste and sentiments

QUESTIONS:What is beauty?How can we appreciate beauty in our natural environment?

EpistemologyPhilosophy that studies about KNOWLEDGE and BELIEFSFocuses on the analysis and generation of knowledge the pursuit of knowledge

LogicExplains the relationship between ideas besides giving reasons for the proposed answer

Attempts to differentiate between what is right and what is confusing

2 types of logic:Inductive LogicDeductive Logic

Concept of Philosophy of EducationWhat is EDUCATION???

Education is a process to elevate mans status. School is seen as a special environment which is the same as the social environment. John Dewey

Education encompasses our whole being physically, emotionally, spiritually and intellectually. Its purpose is to prepare man to face the world which is continually faced with good and bad, sweetness and bitterness. Dr. Yusuf al- Qardawi (1980)

Definition of educationWestern, Eastern and Islamic philosophies

Types of philosophiesDefinition of educationPhilosopherWesternThe purpose of education is to live a honest, pure and respectful life.

Friedrich Froebel (1782 1852)EasternEducation nurtures good behaviour in man through the following practices: good manner, consideration, respect for our elders, love of those younger than us as well as loyalty to and love for King and country.

Confucius (551 479 BC)IslamicEducation encompasses the intellect and physical domain as well as character formation characterized by bravery and respect for others.Al- Ghazali (1058 1111 C.B. )Philosophy of educationA form of analytical thought that is used to explain the basic concepts related to educationHelps teachers to understand theoretical foundations related to educationInfluencing his or her practices as a teacherSuch as teaching and learning process29Function of Education ExamplesIf the teacher believes the child is a receptacle to be filled like a bucket, by reading or listening, that will lead to a didactic kind of teaching.

If the teacher believes the child constructs his or her own meanings from experience and social interaction, that will lead to an inquiry approach to teaching, one that is more hands-on than "telling."