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  • 7/25/2019 2 - Copy (11)



    Announcing the 2016 RhymeZone Poetry Prize

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    From King Richard II: Act I, scene I:

    To be a make-peace shall become my age: Throw down, my son, the Duke of Norfolk's gage.

    From King Henry VI, part I: Act IV, scene VI:

    Of bold-faced victory. Then leaden age, Quicken'd with youthful spleen and warlike rage,

    From Shakespeare's Sonnet CVIII.:

    So that eternal love in love's fresh case Weighs not the dust and injury of age, Nor gives to necessary wrinkles place, But makes antiquity for aye his page,

    From Shakespeare's Sonnet LXIV.:

    The rich proud cost of outworn buried age; When sometime lofty towers I see down-razed And brass eternal slave to mortal rage; When I have seen the hungry ocean gain

    From Shakespeare's Sonnet XVII.:

    So should my papers yellow'd with their age

    Be scorn'd like old men of less truth than tongue, And your true rights be term'd a poet's rage And stretched metre of an antique song:

    From "From A Full Moon In March" by William Butler Yeats:

    Stamped boy and tree upon Sicilian coin. An age is the reversal of an age: When strangers murdered Emmet, Fitzgerald, Tone, We lived like men that watch a painted stage.

    From "Narrative And Dramatic The Wanderings Of Oisin" by William Butler Yeats:

    And they have fallen or fled, age after age.

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    Light is man's love, and lighter is man's rage;

    From "Peace" by William Butler Yeats:

    That could show what Homer's age Bred to be a hero's wage.

    From "The Wage-Slaves" by Rudyard Kipling:

    From age to cheated age: "Send us the men who do the work "For which they draw the wage!" Words cannot help nor wit achieve,

    From "An Elegie. On The Death Of Mrs. Cassandra Cotton, Only Sister To Mr. C. Cotton." by Richard Lovelace:

    Dare to live virgins, till the honour'd age Of thrice fifteen cals matrons on the stage,

    From "To My Dear Friend Mr. E[ldred] R[evett]. On His Poems Moral And Divine" byRichard Lovelace:

    Thus the repeated acts of Nestor's age, That now had three times ore out-liv'd the stage,

    From "Love Made In The First Age. To Chloris." by Richard Lovelace:

    Thrice happy was that golden age, When complement was constru'd rage,

    From "Sonnet VII" by Robert Louis Stevenson:

    The strong man's hand, the snow-cool head of age, The certain-footed sympathies of youth - These, and that lofty passion after truth, Hunger unsatisfied in priest or sage

    From "De M. Antonio" by Robert Louis Stevenson:

    NOW Antoninus, in a smiling age, Counts of his life the fifteenth finished stage.

    From "Once by the Pacific" by Robert Lee Frost:

    Was coming, and not only a night, an age. Someone had better be prepared for rage.

    From "John Barleycorn: A Ballad" by Robert Burns:

    His colour sicken'd more and more,

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    He faded into age; And then his enemies began To show their deadly rage.

    From "Oak and The Broom, The: A Pastoral Poem" by William Wordsworth:

    When, in a voice sedate with age, This Oak, a giant and a sage,

    From "Guilt and Sorrow" by William Wordsworth:

    Though loth to be a burthen on his age. But sickness stopped me in an early stage

    From "Lines written as a School Exercise at Hawkshead, Anno Aetatis" by WilliamWordsworth:

    Nor that vile wretch who bade the tender age Spurn Reason's law and humour Passion's rage;

    From "Lines written as a School Exercise at Hawkshead, Anno Aetatis" by WilliamWordsworth:

    There have I loved to show the tender age The golden precepts of the classic page;

    From "By The Fire-Side" by Robert Browning:

    I shall be found by the fire, suppose, O'er a great wise book as beseemeth age, While the shutters flap as the cross-wind blows And I turn the page, and I turn the page,

    From "Protus" by Robert Browning:

    ``And slip away. 'Tis said, he reached man's age ``At some blind northern court; made, first a page,

    From "Flight Of The Duchess, The" by Robert Browning:

    ``So, at the last shall come old age, ``Decrepit as befits that stage;

    From "Lara" by George Gordon, Lord Byron:

    And pleased not him the sports that please his age, The tricks of youth, the frolics of the page;

    From "Prisoner of Chillon, The" by George Gordon, Lord Byron:

    We were seven - who now are one,

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    Six in youth, and one in age, Finish'd as they had begun, Proud of Persecution's rage;

    From "Giaour, The" by George Gordon, Lord Byron:

    Has been thy lot from youth to age; And thou wilt bless thee from the rage

    From "Mazeppa" by George Gordon, Lord Byron:

    This change was wrought, too, long ere age Had ta'en my features for his page:

    From "Siege of Corinth, The" by George Gordon, Lord Byron:

    Many a vanish'd year and age, And tempest's breath, and battle's rage,

    From "The Garden Of Eros" by Oscar Wilde:

    What profit if this scientific age Burst through our gates with all its retinue Of modern miracles! Can it assuage One lover's breaking heart? what can it do

    From "Christabel" by Samuel Taylor Coleridge:

    O then the Baron forgot his age, His noble heart swelled high with rage ;

    From "A Poem Upon The Death Of O.C." by Andrew Marvell:

    So have I seen a Vine, whose lasting Age Of many a Winter hath surviv'd the rage.

    From "My Foe" by Robert W. Service:

    I'd a brother of his age Perished in the war's red rage;

    From "Godolphin Horne" by Hilaire Belloc:

    (For such was Young Godolphin's age). Just then, the Court required a Page,

    From "Scholar-Gipsy, The" by Matthew Arnold:

    And we imagine thee exempt from age And living as thou liv'st on Glanvil's page,

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    From "To a Friend" by Matthew Arnold:

    From first youth tested up to extreme old age, Business could not make dull, nor passion wild; Who saw life steadily, and saw it whole; The mellow glory of the Attic stage,

    From "Bacchanalia or The New Age" by Matthew Arnold:

    And o'er the plain, where the dead age Did its now silent warfare wage--

    From "Stanzas from the Grande Chartreuse" by Matthew Arnold:

    Years hence, perhaps, may dawn an age, More fortunate, alas! than we,

    Which without hardness will be sage, And gay without frivolity.

    From "An Anatomy Of The World..." by John Donne:

    Where is this mankind now? Who lives to age, Fit to be made Methusalem his page?

    From "Satire III" by John Donne:

    As virtue was in the first blinded age?

    Are not heaven's joys as valiant to assuage

    From "Vanity of All Worldly Things, The" by Anne Bradstreet:

    What is't in flow'ring youth, or manly age? The first is prone to vice, the last to rage.

    From "A Game of Fives" by Lewis Carroll:

    Five showy girls - but Thirty is an age When girls may be ENGAGING, but they somehow don't ENGAGE.

    From "The Old Man Dreams" by Oliver Wendell Holmes:

    Off with the spoils of wrinkled age! Away with Learning's crown! Tear out life's Wisdom-written page, And dash its trophies down!

    From "The Witch Of Atlas" by Percy Bysshe Shelley:

    Which taught the expiations at whose price Men from the Gods might win that happy age Too lightly lost, redeeming native vice,--

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    And which might quench the earth-consuming rage

    From "Tragedy, The" by Richard Harris Barham:

    About twelve years of age, For so little a boy was remarkably sage;

    From "Some Account of a New Play" by Richard Harris Barham:

    Was imprudent enough at fifteen years of age, A period of life when we're not over sage,

    From "To The Pious Memory Of The Accomplished young Lady Mrs. Anne Killigrew..."by John Dryden:

    This lubrique and adult'rate age,

    (Nay added fat pollutions of our own) T'increase the steaming ordures of the stage? What can we say t'excuse our Second Fall?

    From "Religio Laici" by John Dryden:

    Heav'n's early care prescrib'd for every age; First, in the soul, and after, in the page.

    From "Absalom And Achitophel A Poem" by John Dryden:

    Whose dawning day, in very distant age, Has exercis'd the sacred prophet's rage:

    From "Absalom And Achitophel A Poem" by John Dryden:

    So willing to forgive th'offending age; So much the father did the king assuage.

    From "To My Dear Friend Mr. Congreve On His Commedy Call'd The Double Dealer" byJohn Dryden:

    In differing talents both adorn'd their age; One for the study, t'other for the stage.

    From "On the Death of E. Waller, Esq." by Arphra Behn:

    Yet, fallen with the World, untir'd by Age, Scorning th'unthinking Crowd, thou quit'st the Stage.

    From "To Mr. Dryden" by Joseph Addison:

    Can eneither injuries of time, or age, Damp thy poetic heat, and quench thy rage?

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    From "An Essay on Criticism" by Alexander Pope:

    Stemm'd the wild torrent of a barb'rous age, And drove those holy Vandals off the stage.

    From "Fable L: The Hare and Many Friends" by John Gay:

    "Shall I, says he, of tender age, In this important care engage?

    From "Drury-lane Prologue Spoken by Mr. Garrick" by Samuel Johnson:

    Bid scenic Virtue form the rising age, And Truth diffuse her radiance from the stage.

    From "Marilyn Monroe 2" from "Blood Brothers":

    Y' know he's at that age When you mention girls, or courting, He flies into a rage

    From "The Boyfriend" from "The Boy Friend":

    Any girl who's reached the age Of seventeen or thereabouts Has but one desire in view She knows she has reached the stage

    From "(You're) Timeless To Me" from "Hairspray":

    Just gettin' riper with age You're like a fatal disease, babe But there's no cure So let this fever rage

    From "Can You Find It in Your Heart?" from "Footloose":

    When we were that age? Pumped up with promise And wrestling with rage Can't you remember

    From "Old Maid" from "110 in the Shade":

    Growing old alone. Lonelier with age. Buy a tiny mockingbird And lock him in a cage.

    From "Sugar Daddy" from "Hedwig And The Angry Inch":

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    I want all the luxuries of the modern age, and every item on every page

    From "Caitlyn and Haley" from "Edges":

    Was I that young at her age`

    I tell all my friends She`s just going through a stage

    From "Welcome to the Renaissance" from "Something Rotten!":

    The soul of the age The wiz of the elizabethan stage

    From "Sunrise Letter" from "Passion":

    As a milestone of my age, As a turning of the page...

    From "A Sword And A Rose And A Cape" from "Carnival":

    In me you see a relic of a long lamented age When masculine behavior wrote a grand romantic page

    From "Angela" by Bee Gees:

    Her eyes the wonder of the age

    But all I mean to you, my love Is just a spotlight on an empty stage

    From "Van Diemen's Land" by U2:

    But a day will come in this dawning age When an honest man sees an honest wage

    From "Six-Fingered Man" by Elvis Costello:

    Couldn't even act his age If you put him on a stage

    From "Flaming Youth" by Kiss:

    My uniform is leather And my power is my age I'm gettin' it together To break out of my cage

    From "Difficult Age" by XTC:

    Difficult age Turn on the page

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    From "Paper And Iron (Notes And Coins)" by XTC:

    Is this anybody's golden age Or am I dreaming of a golden cage

    From "Handsome Musician" by Ani Difranco:

    As the rhythm came of age He knew me like a blue note And the lights went down on stage

    From "Live and Learn" by Michael W. Smith:

    A time for understanding has now come of age So I heed the word of the counselor and the voice of the sage

    From "The Entertainer" by Billy Joel:

    The idol of my age I make all kinds of money When I go on the stage Ah, you've seen me in the papers

    From "Entertainer" by Billy Joel:

    I am the entertainer, the idol of my age,

    I make all kinds of money when I go on the stage

    From "Penguin Attack" by Gwar:

    Stumbling from the ice age They were last in flight They would write a new page If they could only write

    From "Career Choice" by Ben Lee:

    But instead I was busy enjoying my age With teen punk rock anthems and hearts paid to rage

    From "Sucker Row" by Mark Knopfler:

    Annie's arrivin' at a dangerous age Don't you go gettin' ill? Get another woman up in the cage Who ain't over the hill

    From "Mccassery" by Lloyd:

    When I was seventeen year of age

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    Into the army I did engage.

    From "Prophets of Rage" by Public Enemy:

    I declare it a new age Get down for the prophets of rage

    From "A Dream" by Common:

    hate has no color or age flip the page

    From "Fires at Midnight" by Blackmore's Night:

    Bring to me wisdom of the age All that's locked within the book of secrets

    I longed for the knowledge of a sage

    From "Everything Louder Than Everything Else" by Meat Loaf:

    I should be acting my age I'm an impressionable child in a tumultuous world And they say I'm at a difficult stage

    From "Countess Bathory" by Venom:

    The castle walls are closing in, she's crippled now with age

    Welcomes death with open arms, the Reaper turns the page

    From "Da Club (Featuring Mannie Fresh)" by Trina:

    And I was kinda fast for my age It was the first time, drinkin' cheap wine And then she took her place on the stage

    From "Anger" by Marvin Gaye:

    I'll reach that wiser age Hope I will learn I really never never profit From things I do in rage

    From "Cigarettes & Whisky" by Adam Brand:

    And now I am feeble broken with age The lines on my face make a well written page

    From "From The Ashes" by Ayreon:

    Daniel Gildenlow: We're at the dawn of a new age Bob Catley: As we hear the final cries Daniel Gildenlow: Ready to enter the next stage

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    Bob Catley: From the ashes we will rise

    From "Teenagers, Kick Our Butts" by Dar Williams:

    And when the media tries to act your age Don't be seduced, they're full of rage

    From "In The Days Of A Caveman" by Crash Test Dummies:

    I see creatures come back from the Ice Age Alive and being fed inside a zoo cage

    From "In the Days of the Caveman" by Crash Test Dummies:

    Well, I see creatures come back from the ice age Alive and being fed inside a zoo cage

    From "Modern" by Peter Hammill:

    Atlantis is strange, the explosion of an age - No-one really knows what to do, And the city is a cage. It traps in ashen hours and concrete towers,

    From "Adrian" by Eurythmics:

    Some of them just half your age

    Get written off, page by page

    From "Doing Bad" by B.G.:

    I was turned out at an early age On V.L. not afraid the rocks and the twelfth gauge

    From "Bacchanal" by Clutch:

    Of a coming of age Decades of suppression Released in a rage Have mercy

    From "O.G. Original Gamer" by MC Lars:

    Then you're sick of the meaning of life at your age Better try a little harder, you want to clear that stage

    From "Do As I Say Not As I Do" by Ed Harcourt:

    If we hit the ice age Should we start again or turn the next page

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    From "The Few" by Billy Bragg:

    Come the heralds of the 'New Dark Age' With the simplicities of bigotry And to whom all the world's a stage

    From "Time To Go" by Black 47:

    an innocent child, two years of age, don't ask me as to the reason for my rage

    From "Don't Talk To Strangers" by Hedley:

    Hey pretty lady, it's crazy, you're almost twice my age I wanna dance on your body the way I shake it on stage

    From "The World is a Ghetto" by Geto Boys:

    And very few died of old age In most cases the incident covered up the whole page

    From "Closed Session" by Dilated Peoples:

    I sold my soul at an early age And now my hearts releasing daemons in a rage

    From "View Of The Rain" by Urge Overkill:

    I don't try anymore, 'cause only booze improves with age I don't fight anymore, but sometimes my fists clench up in rage

    From "His Dream" by Asher Roth:

    Black is turnin' gray, patches of his age Reflectin' from the glasses, a pass of every page

    From "Leave Me Alone" by Razorlight:

    You'll only lie about your age But it's the distance you travel And the fields you unravel Ravel the bars on your cage

    From "Just A Song" by Goodie Mob:

    Whether you old or whether it struck you at an early age No difference between the two, cause they both in the same stage

    From "Give the People What They Want (Live)" by The Kinks:

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    A different performance with every age So open up the history book to any old page

    From "High Rollers" by Ice-T:

    You're a titan of the nuclear age

    Your muscles flex with a Uzi or 12 gauge

    From "I Must Stand" by Ice-T:

    It's hell when you're an orphan at a early age This impressionable stage, no love breeds rage

    From "Coming of Age" by Damn Yankees:

    She can't help it, she's comin' of age

    Little junior, he's all in a rage

    From "The Lord's Prayer" by Harper Roy:

    There once was a man from the old stone age And he used to follow the weather But now he's got hung up on filling a page Upon whether to go or together

    From "No Such Thing" by Agent Orange:

    It's time for you to act your age No you're never going to get your way So break into a screaming rage

    From "Black Math" by The White Stripes:

    Unequivocally showing my age Well, I'm practically center stage

    From "Can't Repeat" by The Offspring:

    Come of age Can't hold on Turn the page

    From "Cut And Dried" by Echo & The Bunnymen:

    As you approach middle age Hard to take Hard to gauge

    From "Diggin' On James Brown" by Tower Of Power:

    It may be a different age

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    But I'm on the same page

    From "A Drinking Song" by Divine Comedy, The:

    Well heaven be thanked we live in an age Where no man need bother except on the stage

    From "Bleek Is..." by The Game:

    When you was in the streets comin' of age I was in the streets pumpin' the gauge

    From "In My Hour of Darkness" by Gram Parsons:

    Then there was an old man, kind and wise with age And he read me just like a book and he never missed a page

    From "Modern Age" by Eric Hutchinson:

    Said I'm still living in a modern age When I'm getting caught up in my primal rage

    From "Workin Man" by Hank Williams:

    i've been working for the man since a tender age now a rich politician wants to lower my wage

    From "Something Special" by Earth, Wind & Fire:

    The game of love, it seems to have no age Wind the clock, move the hands, now let's turn the page

    From "Blackened Page" by Boiled In Lead:

    Don't you understand; we've both outlived our age? There is no final curtain; this is not a stage.

    From "Hey, Good Lookin'" by The Mavericks:

    I'll keep 'til it's covered with age Because I'm writin' your name down on every page

    From "Winds Of Change" by EMC:

    Holdin' a picture frame wishin' that we didn't age Photo album cellophane, shocked as I flip the page

    From "Whatever Happened To Old Fashioned Love?" by Bj Thomas:

    We live in the modern age

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    Where love is fast like a turning page

    From "Old Downtown" by Laura Cantrell:

    I left this place at a tender age In the family book you know I turned the page

    From "Life Is A Carnival" by Band:

    Run away, run away--it's the restless age Look away, look away--you can turn the page

    From "Empires" by Lamya:

    Visions of a new age Who will not engage

    From "Everybody's Numb [Electric]" by Thea Gilmore:

    And the sun's been slowly setting on your golden age And you'll recheck the figures but you'll skip the page

    From "Neon Bible" by Arcade Fire:

    Take the poison of your age Don't lick your fingers when you turn the page

    From "O Death" by Ralph Stanley:

    Oh death please consider my age Please don't take me at this stage

    From "Town Without Pity" by The Nylons:

    Ours is not an easy age We're like tigers in a cage

    From "Love And Pain" by Captain Hollywood Project:

    Stand up straight and act my age Life is a book and this is the first page

    From "Where Are We Going" by Jones Howard:

    At such an early age Straps where tightned in thse class Scripts by the school sage Putting out the spark

    From "Hey, Good Lookin' (Single Version)" by Hank Williams & Hank Williams, Jr.:

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    I'll keep it 'til it's covered with age 'Cause I'm writin' your name down on every page

    From "Josephine Baker" by Stewart Al:

    Now some they stand out from a crowd Even at an early age I suppose that her call was loud 'Cause she just lit up the stage

    From "Plumskinzz" by KMD:

    I never touch young bright them plums til they reach age Oooh-ahh plumsauce baby food is Subroc stage

    From "One By One" by Illusions Of Sadness:

    My lifes gone since an early age. Right about now Im full of rage.

    From "Old Blue Tomorrow" by George Jones:

    These hard workin' hands now calloused with age The lines on my face are a well written page

    From "Hey Good Lookin'" by Dean Martin:

    I'll keep it till it's covered with age 'Cause I'm writin' your name down on every page.

    From "The Everlasting Now" by Prince:

    Now turn the page, at an early age This brutha on stage, he was all the rage

    From "Hey Good Lookin'" by Waylon Jennings:

    I'll keep it 'til it's covered with age Writin' your name down on every page.

    From "Entertainer" by Waylon Jennings:

    I am the entertainer Idol of my age Make all kinds of money Boy, when I go on the stage.

    From "If Ole Hank Could See Us Now" by Waylon Jennings:

    I guess they finally think we've come of age

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    Singin' through the smoke, strobe lights on the stage

    From "Make Up and Faded Blue Jeans" by Merle Haggard:

    With one passin' glance I could tell she was young for her age Yeah she got to looking better as she got down closer to the stage

    From "Cygnet Committee" by David Bowie:

    We broke the ruptured structure built of age Our weapons were the tongues of crying rage

    From "Walk It Off" by Lil Wayne:

    She twice my age everytime she hit me up she send a picture with her page

    From "Son Of Your Father" by Elton John:

    We must try to act our age You're pursuing your convictions Like some hermit in a cage

    From "One Step at a Time" by Brenda Lee:

    And if you wanna grow up to be a ripe old age Stick to the book and live it page by page.

    From "Summer Sun" by Bill Anderson:

    For I was once a boy your age And you're goin' through that special stage

    From "Expert Rites" by Elvis Costello:

    I marvel at the wonder of it in our souless age Fast flow the tears upon the page

    From "Daddy Can I Turn This?" by Elvis Costello:

    Is anybody acting your age? You got a girl you keep in a cage

    From "Lament" by King Crimson:

    And strong men strove to hold the doors While with my friends i passed the age When people stomped on dirty floors

    Before i trod the rock'n'roll stage

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    From "Rave On, John Donne" by Van Morrison:

    Empiricism, atomic and nuclear age Rave on down through time and space down through the corridors Rave on words on printed page

    From "Cigareets Whusky And Wild Wild Women" by Buck Owens:

    2. Now I am feeble and broken with age The lines on my face make a well written page

    From "Dust On Mother's Bible" by Buck Owens:

    There's dust on mother's bible Its cover's worn with age And though it's old and wrinkled Mama's there on every page.

    From "Be True to Me" by Rick Nelson:

    Untill we come of age And to our precious book of love We'll add another page A page that says these two will walk

    From "Atom Age" by XTC:

    I'm heading into the atom age

    My contemporary house is all the rage

    From "Dearest Esmeralda" by John Denver:

    Dearest Esmeralda, in another age Antiques would be modern We would be the rage Silk would be in fashion

    From "Hey, Good Lookin'" by Jim Ed Brown and the Browns:

    I'll keep it till It's covered with age 'Cause I'm writin' your name Down on every page.

    From "Bump" by Kottonmouth Kings:

    Said Saint represent for the under age Same damn year, my face is up in rays Got that ring in my nose labeled 16 gauge Nah, Saint Dog, I hunt ducks with a 12 gauge

    From "El Nio" by Jethro Tull:

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    Bathing in uncertainty, another age seems to wing from T.V. screens in weather rage.

    From "Pacing The Cage" by Jimmy Buffett:

    In the constitution of the age Sooner or later you'll wind up Pacing the cage

    From "Bob Roberts Society Band" by Jimmy Buffett:

    Down a secondary road that severely shows it's age The forties comes to life on a make-shift stage.

    From "It's Too Late To Change The Time" by Michael Jackson:

    In this automatic age We shop through the Yellow Page

    From "Shout" by Michael Jackson:

    There has to be some type of change for this day and age We gotta rearrange and flip the page

    From "Bedrock Anthem" by Weird Al Yankovic:

    Realize I'm livin' in the Stone Age No fax, no cellular phone-Age Pick my teeth with a dinosaur bone-Age Liftin' heavy boulders every day for my wage

    From "Gimme That" by Chris Brown:

    I'm a HUSTLA! Trust my frame and age. Got you thinking that I'm just too young to turn your page.

    From "Turn The Page" by Rush:

    It's just the age It's just a stage

    From "Other Peoples Lives" by Duran Duran:

    because nothing matters in the self obsessive age where they dare you not to notice but it's everywhere in shocking colour on the page

    From "The Grinch" by Tech N9ne:

    We're livin in the cold age

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    Road rage

    From "Last Words" by Nas:

    Face to face with a cage no matter your age I can shatter you turn you into a savage in rage

    From "Here Is Joy for Every Age" by Religious Music:

    Here is joy for every age, Every generation; Prince and peasant, chief and sage, Every tongue and nation:

    From "A Charge to Keep I Have" by Religious Music:

    To serve to present age, My calling to fulfill. O may it all my powers engage To do my Master's will!

    From "Hey Good Lookin'" by Tammy Wynette:

    I'll keep it till it's covered with age 'Cause I'm writin' your name on every page.

    From "The Book of Love" by Cher:

    In the book of love come of age When you lose your love, you turn the page

    From "The Beat Goes On" by Cher:

    When you have reached the age Uh-huh History has turned the page Uh-huh

    From "I Sing For Joy" by Don Williams:

    I will not surrender at this wiser and tender age I turn the page.

    From "Flesh Cartoons" by Robyn Hitchcock:

    She doesn't age Despite the weather She looks the same on every page

    From "Who We Be" by DMX:

    The beatins til they age Of carryin' a 12 gage

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    From "Now Ride" by Fabolous:

    Gotta be careful, I could pull a thick of the age Chick on the stage, and winde up, sick in a cage

    From "My Next Thirty Years" by Tim McGraw:

    I think I'll take a moment to celebrate my age The ending of an era, and the turning of a page

    From "In These Last Few Days" by Vince Gill:

    In these last few days, I have felt my age. I wish that I was younger, but time has turned the page.

    From "Jailbait" by Motorhead:

    I don't even want to know your age I'm just happy you're back stage

    From "Hey, Good Lookin'" by Faron Young:

    Keep it till It's covered with age I'm writin' your name down On every page.

    From "Beat You To Death" by Gwar:

    I am a throwback to primeval age I'm easy to anger I'm quick to enrage

    From "Good Time Boys" by Red Hot Chili Peppers:

    and don't believe in age travel round the world gettin naked on the stage bustin people out of

    From "It's All Bad" by E-40:

    Nobody's to be trusted in this day and age To much jealousy and envy on the wrong page

    From "Wait for the Healing" by Amy Grant:

    Hungry hearted reason coming of age

    Running headlong into the the latest rage

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    From "Left To My Own Devices" by Pet Shop Boys:

    I was faced with a choice at a difficult age Would I write a book? Or should I take to the stage?

    From "Little Bocephus" by Hank Williams Sr.:

    The complicated phase of life is called adolescent age And sometimes breaks a father's heart, wish you could skip that stage.

    From "We Work The Black Seam" by Sting:

    One day in a nuclear age They may understand our rage

    From "What's Your Virtue?" by Bear Quartet:

    Something was wrong at an early age So little a creature But consumed by uncontrollable rage

    From "Ain't You Ashamed" by Jean Shepard:

    These gray hairs I wear are not put there by age In my book of life your name's on many a page

    From "Caramia" by Indigo Girls:

    How you mixed with the darkness at such a young age until in your chemistry science and violence turned silence to rage

    From "Prince Of Darkness" by Indigo Girls:

    Maybe there's no haven in this world for tender age My heart beat like the wings of wild birds in a cage

    From "The Innocent Age" by Dan Fogelberg:

    Back to the days of the innocent age Storybook endings never appear They're just someone's way of leading us here Waiting for wisdom to open the cage

    From "The Concert Of The Age" by Hazell Dean:

    At the concert of the age The great I Am takes center stage

    From "A golden age" by Waterboys:

    I heard a rumour of a golden age

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    in the song, on a screen and printed page

    See age used in context: 138 Shakespeare works, 11 quotations, 38 Bible passages, 368 definitions

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