NORTH LANARKSHIRE COUNCIL To: SCRUTINY PANEL STRATEGY AND POL I CY I MPLE M E NTATlON REPORT Subject: GRANTS TO VOLUNTRY AND COMMUN ITY ORGAN ISATIONS I Date: 1 June 2005 From: CHIEF EXECUTIVE Ref: YCll61Grants 1. 1 .I 2. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 This report aims to address issues raised at the Scrutiny Panel meeting held on the 5 March 2005 in relation to financial support available to the voluntary and community sector from the Council and the progress being made in relation to the customers satisfaction survey. Background The voluntary sector in North Lanarkshire, as elsewhere, is diverse and accommodates a wide range and type of voluntary and community organisations. It is estimated that there are in excess of 1500 voluntary and community organisations operating within North Lanarkshire. These include small-scale community run organisations involved in locally based activities, interest groups and large scale voluntary organisations that provide services to North Lanarkshire residents. The Council supports a significant number of community and voluntary organisations across the spectrum through various funding arrangements. Within the Council there are 5 departments that organisations can apply to for funding Table one below details the Council departments that offer support to voluntary and community organisations and the amount allocated by each department in 2004l2005. Table one Community Services: Annual Grants Community Grants Playscheme Grants Total Grant Aid 2004105 Social Work Department: Community Grants Carer Development Funding Total Grant Aid 2004105 Planning and Environment: Voluntary Organisations and Other Bodies Total Grant Aid 2004/05 670,480.00 268,173.39 19,760.66 f958,414.05 456,709.00 351,543.00 f 808,252.00 f2,188,558

2. - North Lanarkshire · /Allanton Villaae Christmas Liahtina Proiect l€200.00 Allershaw Tower Neighbours Association Anderson Church Mens Fellowship €500.00 €300.00 Andrew

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I Date: 1 June 2005


Ref: YCll61Grants


1 .I







This report aims to address issues raised at the Scrutiny Panel meeting held on the 5 March 2005 in relation to financial support available to the voluntary and community sector from the Council and the progress being made in relation to the customers satisfaction survey.


The voluntary sector in North Lanarkshire, as elsewhere, is diverse and accommodates a wide range and type of voluntary and community organisations. It is estimated that there are in excess of 1500 voluntary and community organisations operating within North Lanarkshire.

These include small-scale community run organisations involved in locally based activities, interest groups and large scale voluntary organisations that provide services to North Lanarkshire residents.

The Council supports a significant number of community and voluntary organisations across the spectrum through various funding arrangements.

Within the Council there are 5 departments that organisations can apply to for funding

Table one below details the Council departments that offer support to voluntary and community organisations and the amount allocated by each department in 2004l2005.

Table one

Community Services: Annual Grants Community Grants Playscheme Grants Total Grant Aid 2004105 Social Work Department: Community Grants Carer Development Funding Total Grant Aid 2004105 Planning and Environment: Voluntary Organisations and Other Bodies Total Grant Aid 2004/05

670,480.00 268,173.39 19,760.66 f958,414.05

456,709.00 351,543.00 f 808,252.00

f 2,188,558










Education Department: Child Care (Childcare Strategy) Child Care (Early Years General) C h i Id Care (Accessi bi I i ty/Availa bi I i ty) Child Care (Infrastructure) Child Care (Child Poverty) Child Care (Education - QDS) Child Care (Quality) Child Care ( Early Years Commission) Total Grant Aid 2004105

Housing and Property Services Total Grant Aid 2004/05 Chief Executives - Social Inclusion Partnership Fund Total Grant Aid 2004/05 Total

19,050.00 96,921 .OO 83,355.00 22,897.00 157,160.00 10,840.00 9,900.00 318,361 -00 f 71 8,484

f 76,946

fl .I1 1.188 f 5.861.843

To support the Audit Scotland “Follow the Public Pound” code, a corporate funding process including guidance notes, application form and the assessment process has been developed and is used across the Council.

Organisations in receipt of funding of more than f 10,000 have the support of a monitoring officer and organisations receiving between f2,000 and E 10,000 have a link officer.

The role of these officers is to ensure that funding is spent appropriately as set out in the conditions of grant agreed by the grant recipient.

Appendix one details the funding awarded to the voluntary and community sector in 2004/05.

Customer Survey

At the last meeting of the Panel it was requested that a customer survey be undertaken with organisations and groups who receive funding from the Council.

A customer survey form was developed and is attached as appendix two. The survey looks at all aspects of applying to the Council for funding.

The surveys were sent out in April 2005 and are due to be returned on the 27 May 2005. The results will be available at the meeting.


It is recommended that the Scrutiny Panel:

(i) note the content of this report.

Chief Executive June 2005

Appendix 1

Name of Organisation Rochsoles Community Resource Project, Airdrie North Airdrie Music and Arts Proiect, Airdrie

Department: Community Services Annual Grants

Amount f40,253 f2.000

Caldercruix Youth and Community Development Project, Caldercruix Youth and Community Development Project - Caldercruix Youth and Communitv DeveloPment Proiect -

f45,253 f 1,000 f 1.000

Caldercruix Youth and Community Development Project - Jackson Youth Group, Airdrie Longriggend Village Association, Longriggend Airdrie Craft Workshop. Airdrie

f 1,000 f 1,000 f2,000 f2.000

Caldercruix Ladies Educational Group, Airdrie Youth United, Airdrie Chapelhall Womens Group. Airdrie

f 300 f 10,300 f 1 .ooo

Bellshill and Mossend YMCA, Bellshill Living Waters Community Outreach Project, Bellshill St Gerards & Noble Primarv Adult Education Group. Bellshill

f24,387 f3,000 f300

The Safety Zone, Bargeddie

Glenboia Neiahbourhood House. Glenboia Langloan I Dundyvan Community Care Caravan,

f 10,403 f2,000 f3.000

Benhar Youth and Activities Club, Harthill Golden Opportunities in Education, Coatbridge Interdav. Coatbridae

ILEAD Scotland, Edinburgh jf 1,000 ~

f2,000 f 300 €4.000

Ace/complan/l6scrutiny panel/grants Voluntary Organisation Appendix

Townhead Adult Returners to Education Group, Coatbridge Kirkshaws Single Parents Holiday Scheme, Coatbridge Calder Senior Citizens Holidav Caravan Scheme.

f500 f2,500 f 1.400

Ladywell Womens Group, Motherwell Forgewood Womens Group, Motherwell L.A.C.E., Motherwell Biro Babes Womens Writing Group, Motherwell Croy Community Centre, Croy Carbrain Learning Centre Trust, Cumbernauld Communitv Help and Resource Information Service

€300 f 500 f 300 f 300 f20,600 f 13,500 f 11.749

Answers Youth Information Project, Cumbernauld

Abronhill Regeneration Forum, Cumbernauld Cumbernauld & Kilsyth Unemployed Workers Centre, Shotts Community Music Project, Shotts Wishaw YMCA. Wishaw

The Mount Ellen Project Group, Mount Ellen


f 10,300 €2,000 f 800 f 1,500 f 750 ~

f 500 Craigneuk Lifelong Learning Association, Wishaw Glencassels Community Development Project, Wishaw Newmains Action Group, Newmains The Caledonian Award. Bearsden

f51,481 f29,146 f4,500 f 500

Sense Scotland, Glasgow North Lanarkshire Muslim Women and Familv Alliance.

f 1,250 f2.500

Mobile Play In Action, Coatbridge Campaigners Scotland, Glasgow North Lanarkshire Federation of Food Co-ODS - Mobile Food

f30,451 f 500 f24.876

Workers Educational Association (WEA Lanarkshire), Coatbridge Federation of Tenant and Resident Lanarkshire Scout Area. Larkhall

f6,000 f7,210 €3.000

I Junior Focus Committee. Uddinaston If860 I

North Lanarkshire Disability Forum, Motherwell Rape Crisis Centre, Glasgow Lanarkshire Deaf Club. Motherwell

f 1,000 f 1,000 f 1 .ooo

North Lanarkshire Senior Citizens Asian Group, Coatbridge West of Scotland Playscheme Advisory Forum, Bellshill Reeltime Music. Newarthill

f 150 f 18,360 f 15.244

North Lanarkshire Foyer - YMCA-YWCA, Cumbernauld Cu m be rna u Id Y M CA-Y WCA, C u m be rna u Id

f2,000 €24,372

Groovy Chicks, Uddingston Keenagers ITC, Bellshill Eastfield Community Action Group, Harthill Eastfield and Harthill Flute Orchestra. Eastfield

(Communitv Grants I I

f 1,000 f 300 f6,250 f3.000

Motherwell YMCA, Motherwell Monklands Association for Voluntary Services (MAVS), Communitv and Voluntarv Oraanisations Council (CAVOC).

€3,000 f10,712 f 10.71 2

11 st A Tannochside Brownies lf200.00

North Lanarkshire North Council for Voluntary Services North Lanarkshire Volunteer Development Agency Sikeside And Greenend Education Centre (SAGE Centre).

Acelcomplan/l6scrutiny panel/grants Voluntary Organisation Appendix

f 10,712 f64,840 f62.984

CSV-1 Clyde Action I Cash for Kids, Glasgow Youth United - F.A.C.T., Airdrie Lanarkshire District Fellowship of The Boys' Brigade, Lanarkshire Chinese Association, East Kilbride Ethnic Junior Youth Group, Motherwell Islamic Societv (Asian Education. Culture. Welfare).

f5,000 €2,500 f 500 f4,000 €7,000 f2.000

Muslim Boys Group, Carfin Parent Action for Safe Play, Coatbridge Kirkwood Familv Holidav Scheme. Coatbridae

f3,000 f 12,000 f5.575

North Lanarkshire Youth Council, Bellshill f5,000 f 670,480

10th Coatbridge Guide Unit 14th Airdrie (St David's) Scout Grow

f475.00 f400.00

14th Airdrie Guides 15th Motherwell Guides 16th Coatbridge Brownies 18th Cumbernauld Brownies 18th Cumbernauld Brownies 18th Cumbernauld Guides 19th A Coatbridae Brownie Pack

f200.00 f300.00 f 150.00 f 170.00 f260.00 f700.00 f400.00

-1 st A Tannochside Guides f200.00 f250.00 1 st A Tannochside Guides

1st Bonkle Brownies 1st Chapelhall Boys Brigade (Junior & Company Section) 1st Chapelhall Girls Brigade 1st Newmains Boys Brigade 1 st ViewPark Senior Section Unit

f80.00 f550.00 f400.00 f80.00 f200.00

-20th Coatbridge Rainbows f218.00 20th Cumbernauld Brownies €300.00 2nd Bargeddie Brownie Pack 3rd Bellshill Boys Brigade 3rd Motherwell Girls Brigade 4th Coatbridge Girls Brigade 4th Stems Brownie Unit

f300.00 f300.00 f250.00 f 250.00 f275.00

5th Airdrie Scouts 5th Cumbernauld Girls Briaade

f450.00 f300.00

5th Motherwell Girls Brigade 6th Coatbridae Girls Briaade

f400.00 f200.00

8th Airdrie Brownies 9th A Motherwell Brownies St Brendans

f 120.00 f300.00

9th Cumbernauld Girls Brigade Abbotsford Court Neighbourhood Watch Abilitv Fest

f300.00 f300.00 f240.00

Abronhill C.E Indoor Bowling Club Abronhill Church Mother & Toddlers and PlavarouD

f290.00 f425.00

Abronhill Credit Union Abronhill District Guidina

f50.00 f 220.00

Ace/complan/l6scrutiny panel/grants Voluntary Organisation Appendix

Abronhill District Guiding Fund Abronhill Indoor Bowlina Club

f 170.00 f 11 0.00

Abronhill Regeneration Forum Abronhill South Over 60's Club Abronhill Thistle Boys Club Abronhill thistle Football Club Ailsa Nurserv Centre Parents Group

f 550.00 f 175.00 f300.00 f830.00 f600.00

Air Training Corps Airdire Shotokan Karate Club

f 500.00 f220.00

Airdrie & Coatbridge Cage Bird Society Airdrie Central Bowlina Club

f 190.00 f250.00

Airdrie Craft Workshop Airdrie Hiah Church Senior Members

f300.00 f 175.00

Airdrie St John Senior Citizens Club Airdrie United Boys Club 16's (Independent) Airdrie United Youths Under 16 Football Club

f 180.00 f250.00 f620.00

Alcoholics Anonymous Alexandra Primarv School Board

f300.00 f300.00

Allanton & Hartwood Youth Group Allanton and Hartwood Lunch Club Allanton Jollv Beaaars Burns Club

f 100.00 f 100.00 f500.00

/Allanton Villaae Christmas Liahtina Proiect l€200.00 Allershaw Tower Neighbours Association Anderson Church Mens Fellowship

€500.00 €300.00

Andrew Hamilton Centre Senior Citizens Carfin Angus AvenueKumbrae Drive Neighbourhood Anstruther Holidav Proiect

€300.00 €300.00 €1.700.00

Apex Players Arthritis Care 401 Cumbernauld

€200.00 €500.00

Arthritis Support Bellshill & District Aston Villa Colts

€650.00 €900.00

Auchinloch Community Council Baillie Court Recreation Club Baillies Lane Over 60's Old Tyme Dancing & Recreation Balloch Eastfield Community Council Balloch Eastfield Toddlers

€450.00 €200.00 €75.00 €500.00 €500.00

Banton & Kelvinhead Community Action Banton & Kelvinhead OAP Association

€300.00 €200.00

Banton & Kelvinhead OAP Association Banton & Rural Gala Committee Bargeddie Forward Bargeddie Indoor Carpet Bowling Club Bargeddie Pensioners Wednesday Club Bargeddie Pensioners Wednesday Club Bellshill & District Citizens Advice Bureau Bellshill & District Inter-Church Linx Bellshill & District Retired Miners

Ace/complan/ 16scmtiny panel/grants Voluntary Organisation Appendix

€1 00.00 €300.00 €300.00 €300.00 €650.00 €160.00 €300.00 €1,250.00 f750.00

Bellshill (South) Senior Citizens Club Bellshill (South) Senior Citizens Club Bellshill and District Crime Prevention Panel Bellshill Boys Club Bellshill North Road Playgroup Bellshill Salvation Army Home League Bellshill Sharks Beltane Bowling Club Retired Mens Section Beltane Over 60's

€600.00 €600.00 €400.00 €845.00 €600.00 €350.00 €500.00 €500.00 €300.00

Berryhill Parent Teachers & Friends Association Biro Babes Womens Writina Grow

€200.00 €1 75.00

Blairhill Dundyvan Senior Citizens Bothwellhaugh Memorial Fund British Legion Cumbernauld Seniors Section Broomknoll Church of Scotland Guild Bujin Karate Club (SASKU) Burnbank Boys Club (Burnbank Yellow)

€1 37.50 €600.00 €480.00 €75.00 €400.00 f927.50

CABIA (Counselling and Benefits in Action) Calder Court Elderlv and Disabled Club

€300.00 €300.00

Calder Senior Citizens Club Calderbank Bowling Club Junior Section

€500.00 €300.00

Calderbank Parish Church Guild Calderbank Primary Parent Teacher Association Calderbank Womens Group Caldercruix & District OAP Club Caldercruix & Lonariaaend Parish Church

f300.00 f500.00 f400.00 f230.00 f500.00

C a Id e r c i i x Pen si o ne rs F u nd ra i s i n g Co m m i ttee Calderhead Erskine & Allanton Parish Church Christmas

f 300.00 f450.00


Cambusnethan Boxing Club f500.00 Cambusnethan Churches Joint Holiday Club f700.00 Carbrain and Hillcrest Community Council f 1,300.00 Carbrain Learning Centre Trust f900.00 Carbrain Senior's Friday Club f300.00 Carbrain Seniors f 250.00 Carbrain Tenants Association f200.00 Carers Having a Teabreak (CHAT) Carfin Childrens Carnival Group f350.00 Carfin Childrens Carnival Group f350.00 Carfin Harr, AFC f200.00


Carnbroe Residents and Tenants Association Carrick Carpet Bowls & Social Club castlecary Community Residents Association Cathedral Adult Education Group Cathedral Parish Altarservers Cathedral Parish Chilldrens Summer Club Cathedral Womens Guild

f500.00 f 150.00 f300.00 f500.00 f850.00 f 300.00 f 166.00

Centralpark Residents Association f250.00 Central Park Residents Association (Sheltered Housing) f350.00

Ace/complanll6scrutiny paneligrants Voluntary Organisation Appendix

Central Wishaw Community Council Central Wishaw Community Council Chapelhall Amateur Football Club Chapelhall Over 60's Club Chapelhall Scout Group Chapelhall Senior Citizens Chapelhall Womans Group Charter Pensioners Association CHAT (Carers havina a teabreak)

f700.00 f 1,250.00 f250.00 f400.00 f 1,000.00 f 1,000.00 f250.00 f285.00 f 225.00


Cheeky Cherubs Playgroup f 300.00 Christian Outreach Centre f 100.00 Christians In Action f350.00 Chryston & District Credit Union f500.00 Chryston & District Horticultural Society f400.00 Chryston Discussion Group f250.00 Chrvston District OAP Association f400.00 Church of the Nazarene Silver Liners f200.00 Clanranald Trust for Scotland f 150.00 Clarkston Lunch Club f 125.00 Clarkston Luncheon Club f250.00 Clarkston Parish Church f300.00

Clay Road Sheltered Housing Complex Clav Road Sheltered Housina ComPlex

f 300.00 f300.00

Cleland District Old Folks Cleland Miners Amateur Boxina Club

f250.00 f225.00

Cleland Parish Church Cleland Parish Church Choir

f200.00 f75.00

Cleland Parish Church Sunday Club

Cleland Senior Citizen Lunch Club Cleland Sports and Community Centre Cliftonville & Coatdvke Neiahbourhood Watch

.Cleland Primary School Parent Teacher Association f75.00 f200.00 f 100.00 f 250.00 f290.00

Clyde Rangers Amateur Football Club Clvde Vallev Thistle Football Club Under 13's

f50.00 f 100.00

Coatbridge Arts and Crafts Coatbridae BaDtist Church Over 60's Fellowship

f 1,273.00 f240.00

Coatbridge Bowling Club Coatbridge Helping Hands Coatbridge Indoor Bowling Club - Senior Section Coatdyke Congregational Over 60's Club Coatdyke Congregational Over 60's Club Coltness Senior Citizens Lunch Club Coltswood Court Tenants & Residents Association

f 100.00 f600.00 f 155.00 f 125.00 f 125.00 f300.00 f 150.00

Coltswood Tenants & Residents Association Committee for the Care of the Semi & Housebound

f350.00 f200.00

Condorrat Bowling Club (Senior Section) Condorrat Bovs Football Club

f300.00 f400.00

1 Cumbernauld Baton Twirlers 1 f 260.00

Condorrat Primary School PTA Corpus Christi Church Corpus Christi Primarv Parent Teacher Association

Aceicomplani 16scrutiny paneligrants Voluntary Organisation Appendix

f 2,000.00 f2,000.00 f500.00

Craigmarloch Community Council f400.00 Craiamarloch Communitv Council f200.00 Craigneuk Amateurs Craianeuk Seniors Forum

f400.00 f200.00

Creative Crafts Crov Bereavement Group

f225.00 f 200.00

Croy Food Co-op Crov Historical Societv

f 200.00 f 200.00

Croy Instrumental Maestroes Croy Miners Charitable Society Crov Miners Charitable Societv

f415.00 f 150.00 f 500.00

Croy Miners Male Voice Choir Crov Senior Citizens Seauence Dancers

f 1,090.00 f 150.00

Cumbernauld & District Aquarist Society Cumbernauld & District Branch of Multiple Sclerosis Society Cumbernauld & District Burns Club

f420.00 f500.00 f400.00

Cumbernauld & Kilsythxreas Seniors Forum Cumbernauld Action for Care of the Elderlv

f440.00 f 1,000.00

Cumbernauld Central Credit Union Ltd Cumbernauld Colts Youth Football Club - Under 12's

f 635.00 f210.00

Cumbernauld Colts Youth Football Club - Under 15's 1990 f445.00 Cumbernauld Colts Youth Football Club - Under 16's 1989 f495.00 Cumbernauld Colts Youth Football Club - Under 17's 1988 Cumbernauld Colts Youth Football Club - Under 18's 1997 Cumbernauld South Credit Union Ltd Cumbernauld Traditional Tae Kwon Do Cumbernauld United Soccer Academv

f495.00 f480.00 €450.00 f 320.00 f90.00

Cumbernauld Utd Under 12's Boys Club Football Team Cumbernauld Villaae Area Senior Citizens Association

f290.00 f500.00

Cumbernauld Village Area Senior Citizens Association Cumbernauld Villaae Nurserv and Mother & Toddlers

f500.00 €71 0.00

Cumbernauld Wargames Club Cumbernauld Womans Association

f 150.00 f340.00

Daisy Park 60+ Activity Club Daisy Park Bingo & Social Club Dalziel Ruabv Football Club - Mini Section

f 185.00 f 400.00 f 785.00

Dalzm St Andrews Indoor Bowling Club Dalziel St Andrews Parish Church Guild

IFour Isles Bowling Club lf95.00 I

f200.00 f525.00

Ace/cornplan/l6scrutiny panellgrants Voluntary Organisation Appendix


Dalziel St Andrews Parish Church Mens Fellowship Dalziel St Andrews Sisterhood

f75.00 f 100.00

Delletts Angling Club Delletts Analina Club

€270.00 f 125.00

District 25 Drumpellier Allotments Association Drumpellier Neiahbourhood Watch

f400.00 f600.00 f300.00

-Dual%nants and Residents Association f350.00 Dual Tenants and Residents Association f900.00 D u I I at u r Co m m u n it y Co u n ci I Dunrobin Gardens Social Club

f400.00 €200.00

Forgewood Senior Citizens Group Foraewood Wider Action GrouD

f 400.00 f 100.00 1

I Four Isles Senior Citizens lf100.00 Four Isles Senior Citizens Club Four Isles Stitchers

f 150.00 f 150.00

Friends of Burngreen Park and Recreational Ground Friends of Centenarv & West End Parks

f600.00 f340.00

Friends of Cumbernauld House Park Friends of Golfhill Friends of Kerr Grieve Court

f640.00 f200.00 f400.00

Friends of North Motherwell (Jubilee Committee) Friends of the Airbles Road Rehab Unit

f 175.00 f 350.00

Friends of West End Park Coatbridge Gardenside Senior Citizens

f375.00 f 400.00

Gardenside Senior Citizens Club Garnkirk '95s' Football Team

f300.00 f 200.00

Garnkirk Utd Boys Club Garrell Lunch Club Garrell Lunch Club

f 300.00 f 150.00 f 150.00

G K e l l Vale'Time for Us' Group Gartcosh Parish Church

f225.00 f 1.300.00

Gartcosh Womens Rural Institute Gartlea (Children Plavina Safelv) Proiect

Acelcomplani 16scrutiny panellgrants Voluntary Organisation Appendix

f575.00 f350.00

Gartlea Gardens Social Committee Gartlea Gardens Social Committee

f400.00 f400.00

Gartlea Over 60's Carpet Bowling Club Gartlea Overs Carpet Bowling Club Gartlea Residents Group Gartlea Residents Group Gartlea Residents Grow

f 300.00 f 350.00 f 500.00 f 445.00 f 100.00

Gartlea Residents Group General Motors Senior Citizens Club General Motors Senior Citizens Section Glassford Tower Tenants Association Glenbiog Neighbourhood House Glenboia 2000

f800.00 f300.00 f 100.00 f250.00 f500.00 f600.00 -

Glenboig Community Council Glenboig Neighbourhood House Glenboia Senior Citizens Association

f 400.00 f 600.00 f500.00

Glenboig United Football Club Glenmavis Activities Grow

f250.00 f400.00

Glenmavis Autumn Club Glenmavis Old Peoples Welfare Committee Glenmavis Old Peoples Welfare Committee Glenmavis Pre Fives Golden Oldies Luncheon Club Goldwork Embroidery Group Good Neiahbours Muirhouse

f300.00 f500.00 f 500.00 f 150.00 f500.00 f 130.00 f 400.00

Good Neighbours of Muirhouse Good Neighbours of Muirhouse

f 550.00 f 600.00

Good Neighbours of Muirhouse Gospel Hall (Christian Brethren Church)

€1,450.00 €600.00


Gowkthrapple Action for Safe Play Gowkthrawle Senior Citizens

€1,000.1 0 €1 00.00

Greater Northforge Credit Union Ltd Greenend and Sikeside Tenants & Residents Association

€1,000.00 €1,500.00

Greengairs Lunch Club Greenaairs Senior Citizens Committee

Holm GardenslBurnside Avenue TenantslResidents (€400.00 Holv Cross Parents Teachers Association I f 1 00.00

€160.00 €500.00

Greenhead Moss Community Trust Greenlawn Court Social Club Greenrigg harthill & Eastfield Scottish Pensioners Greenrigg, Harthill & Eastfield Scottish Pensioners Ground Force Parents Committee Shotts Nurserv Centre

€789.90 €400.00 €300.00 €350.00 €600.00

Harthill Angling Club Harthill Angling Club

Harthill, Eastfield and Greenrigg Childrens Gala Day Hattonrigg Lunch Club Hattonrigg Senior Citizens Centre

Harthill Benhar & District Horticultural Society

Helping Hands St Aloysius Chapelhall High Church Senior Members Holehills Residents Association

€50.00 €50.00 €1 00.00 €500.00 €1 50.00 €300.00 €200.00 €120.00 €200.00

Jackson Plavaroup l€250.00 I

Holehills Senior Citizens Club Holehills Senior Citizens Club

€250.00 €200.00

Holy Family PTA Holy Trinity & All Saints St Vincent De Paul Holytown Beer and Wine Club Holytown Bowling Club Holvtown Primarv Parents Association

1: €300.00

€640.00 €550.00 €350.00 €300.00 €300.00

Ace/cornplan/l6scrutiny panel/grants Voluntary Organisation Appendix

Holytown Senior Citizens Holytown Senior Citizens Centre Honeytree Nursery HoDe for Autism in North Lanarkshire

€200.00 €500.00 €300.00 €355.00

HOPE for Autism in North Lanarkshire House of Edaar Shotts & Dvkehead PiDe Band

€465.00 €1,700.00

Inter Cultural Milan Club Jackson Courts Pensioners Group

€50.00 €500.00

Jackson Senior Citizens Club Jackson Senior Citizens Club

€150.00 €250.00

Jerivston Carers and Toddlers Group Jerviston Neighbourhood Group Jim Baxter Memorial Football Club

Kew Gardens Sheltered Housina Senior Citizens Club Kerr Grieve Court Ladies Night & Sheltered Housing

€400.00 €250.00 €500.00 €1 00.00 €400.00

I Kildrum & Park Senior Citizens Committee /€500.00 Kildrum Church Ladies Tuesday Fellowship Kildrum Parish Church Sunday School Kildrum Parish Church Womens Institute

€300.00 €400.00 €250.00

Kildrum United Football Club Kilsvth Burns & Old Parish Church Carlset Bowlina Club

€320.00 €300.00

Kilsyth Burns & Old Parish Church Guild Kilsvth Christmas Paaeant

€300.00 €550.00

Kilsyth Civic Week Committee Kilsvth District Guides

€1,500.00 €21 0.00

Kilsyth District Horticultural Society Kilsyth Irish Dancers Kilsyth Music Society

Kilsvth Townswomans Association Kilsyth Rangers JFC

€490.00 €375.00 €350.00 €1,000.00 €155.00

Kilsyth Townswornens Association Kilsyth Traditional Tae Kwon Doh Club Kirkintilloch & Kilsyth Amateur Swimming Club

Kirkshaws Golden Oldies Kirkintilloch and Kilsyth Amateur Swimming Club

Kirkshaws Neighbourhood Centre Luncheon Club Kirkshaws Neighbourhood Centre Luncheon Club Kirkshaws Sheltered Housing Kirkshaws Sinale Parents Holidav Caravan Scheme

€150.00 €300.00 €400.00 €1 00.00 €300.00 €200.00 €200.00 €500.00 €1 00.00

Kirkshaws Tiny Tots Playgroup Klondvke Plavscheme

, Little Rascals lf260.00

€740.00 €200.00

Acelcomplani 16scrutiny panel/grants Voluntary Organisation Appendix

Ladywell Tenants Organisation Lanarkshire Cancer Care Trust Lanarkshire Central Budgerigar Society Lanarkshire Darts Association Lanarkshire Deaf Football Club Lanarkshire Furniture Initiative Lanarkshire PiDe Band

€300.00 €1,230.00 €340.00 €205.00 €1 70.00 €530.00 €200.00

Lanarkshire Pipe Band Larcharove ComDlex Bowlina Club

€370.00 €500.00

Larchgrove Complex Monday Club Law & District Amateur Athletic Club

Lawview Registered Tenants Organisation Lenzie Youth Club Lilac Neighbourhood Watch Lilvbank Club

Lawview Registered Tenants Organisation

€320.00 €270.00 €200.00 €250.00 €50.00 €400.00 €1 75.00

Link Children's Club Link Senior Citizens

€600.00 €1 80.00

Link Senior Citizens Links Senior Citizens Little Gems Parent & Toddler Grour,

€200.00 €365.00 €1 50.00

Longriggend Village Association Lorne Gardens Senior Citizens Club Luchd - L.I.G.F.L.T. Manse Road Church Guild Margaret Murray School of Irish Dancing Masonic Lodge St Enoch Tannochside No 1288 Men With Pens

Ace/complanll6scrutiny paneligrants Voluntary Organisation Appendix

€200.00 f 240.00 f410.00 €200.00 f 150.00 €625.00 f350.00

New Wellwynd Parish Church Young Womans Group Newarthill Amateur Boxina and Fitness Club

f 120.00 €500.00

Newmains & District Gala Day Newmains & District Gala Dav

f839.00 f 1,500.00

Newmains & District OAP Association Newmains & District Pipe Band Newmains & District Senior Citizens Lunch Club Newmains Action Group Newmains Credit Union Ltd

f200.00 f500.00 f 100.00 f636.00 f 200.00

Newmains Hammers Boys Club Under 8's Newmains Hammers Travel Group

f 200.00 f200.00

Newmains Hammers Under 1 1's Newmains Nurserv Centre Advisorv Group

f 180.00 f 100.00

Nifty Fifties Noble Primary PTA

f343.00 f350.00

North Lanarkshire Senior Citizens Asian Group

North Motherwell Community Partnership Forum North Motherwell Parish Church Womans Guild North Motherwell Parish Church Womans Guild

North Motherwell Community Partnership Forum f 150.00 f200.00 f895.00 f400.00 f300.00

North Motherwell Senior Citizens Northern Corridor Befriendina Proiect

I Parkinsons Self Help Group (North Lanarkshire) lf510.00

f200.00 f500.00

Acelcomplanl 16scrutiny panellgrants Voluntary Organisation Appendix

Northern Corridor Regeneration Group - Community Cafe OAP Long Term Unemploved Indoor Carpet Bowls

€850.00 f200.00

Ochil House Social Club Old Monkland Community Centre OAP Binqo

€200.00 f400.00

One Step Forward Support Group Orbiston Amateur Boxing Club Orbiston Bowlina Club

€50.00 f400.00 €400.00

Orbiston United Our Lady's High School Former Pupils Association Light Our Ladys High Parent Teacher Association Our Ladvs Hiah School Board


€230.00 f720.00 €650.00 f 1,080.00

Over 55 Club Over 55 Club Over 55 Club Muirhouse Over Sixty's Club Overage Club Overtown and Waterloo Derby and Joan Club Overtown Briahter Villaae Association

€400.00 €400.00 f300.00 €1 12.00 f300.00 f250.00 f360.00

Overtown Community Nursery Overtown Hearts Amateur Football Club Overtown Parish Church Castlehill Project Overtown Primary School Board

f250.00 f 250 -00 f317.39 f450.00

Parent Action for Safe Play Parish of Our Lady of Good Aid Parkinsons Self Help Group (Motherwell)

f343.00 f 250.00 f500.00

Pathfinder Guide Dog Programme Petersburn & Craianeuk Communitv Forum

f615.00 f 1,922.00

Petersburn & Craigneuk Food co-op Plains Childrens Santa Fund Plains Development Project Plains Flying Club Plains Senior Citizens

f500.00 f200.00 f400.00 f280.00 f250.00

Plains Senior Citizens Plains Thistle Bovs Club

f300.00 f20.00

Pollock Hall Mothers and Toddlers Group Queenzieburn Senior Citizens Association

f 180.00 f350.00

Queenzieburn Youth Club Junior Group Queenzieburn Youth Club Senior Group Queen Elizabeth court and Ladvwell Pensioners Social Club

f 150.00 f 150.00 f400.00

Rochsolloch Community Club f200.00 Rochsolloch Communitv Club

Rain bow Club Raith Drive Residents Association (RDRA)

f 120.00 f200.00

Ravens Court Social Club Ravenswood Mother & Toddlers Group

f200.00 f 150.00

Recycling Emergency Community Action Plan (RECAP) Roval Marines Association Lanarkshire Branch

f830.00 f500.00

Rochsoles Boys Club Rochsoles Communitv Resource Proiect

f 175.00 f200.00

Rochsoles Community Resource Project Rochsoles Over 50's Afternoon Club Rochsoles Over 50's Club

Ace/complan/ 16scrutiny panel/grants Voluntary Organisation Appendix

f 725.00 f 100.00 f 175.00

Rosehall High School PTA Rosehall Residents Association

f500.00 f300.00

Royal Air Forces Association Cumbernauld Branch 1355 Roval British Leaion Cumbernauld Senior Citizens Section

f455.00 f575.00

Royal Naval Association (Wishaw Branch) Sacred Heart 3rd World Group Sacred Heart Parish Hall Committee

f 150.00 f250.00 f400.00

Sacred Heart Young People f200.00 Safe Healthv & Active Plav for Evervone (SHAPE) f 100.00 Saint Augustines St Vincent De Paul Society Saint Auaustines SVDP Societv

f700.00 f550.00

Saint Patricks SVDP School Board - Airdrie Academv

f200.00 f 700.00

Schweinfurt Twinning Association Scott Maclver Appeal Fund Scottish Pensions Association

f1,160.00 f 460.00 f315.00

Scottish Pensions Association Seafar Senior Citizens Club Seafar Senior Citizens Club Senior Citizens Club Shawhead Senior Citizens Club

f325.00 f505.00 f600.00 f 100.00 f700.00

Ace/complanll6scrutiny panel/grants Voluntary Organisation Appendix

St Helens Special Needs Club St lgnatius Church Social Committee St James OAP Sequence Dance Club

St James' Monday Club St John Bosco's Parish Council St Lukes SVDP Society St Margaret's High School Senior Citizens Club

St Margarets High School Senior Citizens Club St Marks Parish Church St Marys Parent and Toddler Group St Marys PTA

St Maurices High School Duke of Edinburgh Award Group St Michaels Parent Teacher Association

St James Sheltered Housing Association

St Margarets Church Art Class

St Marys Senior Citizens Festive Dinner Committee

€320.00 €600.00 €350.00 €200.00 €300.00 €400.00 €500.00 €1 75.00 €200.00 €1 55.00 €1,500.00 €300.00 €300.00 €900.00 €360.00 €460.00

St Monica's Ramblers Club St Monicas OAP Club

€200.00 €500.00

St Monicas OAP Club St Monicas Ramblers Club St Monicas SVDP St Mungos Senior Fellowship ,St Patricks Bowling Club (Craigneuk) 1st Patricks Festival Committee 1st Serfs Childrens Liturav Grow

€700.00 €41 5.00 €600.00 €220.00 €200.00 €1,443.00 €1 80.00

Ace/complan/l6scrutiny panel/grants Voluntary Organisation Appendix


St Teresa's Social Committee €850.00 St Teresa's Support Group €300.00 St Vincent De Paul €300.00 St Vincent De Paul Conference of St Johns Bellshill €350.00 St Vincent De Paul Holy Family Conference €600.00 St Vincent De Paul Society €450.00 St Vincent De Paul Society €300.00 Stepps & District OAP Association €450.00

€1 00.00 Stepps District Guide Association €500.00 Stems FriendshiD Club €250.00

Stepps and District Floral Art Club

Stepps Pre School Nursery Stepps Primary School Board Strathcarron Hospice Charity Shop - Kilsyth SVDP Sacred Heart Tannochside Bowling Club Tannochside Senior Citizens Centre The Afternoon Club

€250.00 €250.00 €995.00 €475.00 €450.00 €500.00 €220.00

The Clanranald Trust for Scotland The Cumbernauld Choir The Dove Association

€460.00 €600.00 €460.00

The Meadow Club The Mount Ellen Proiect

f320.00 f250.00

The Residents of Afton Gardens & Associate Members The Royal British Legion Scotland Wishaw & Shotts Branch The Spark Initiative (Honeypot Nursery) The Spark Initiative, Honeypot Befriending Service The Sunshine Club

f500.00 f400.00 f650.00 f950.00 f 200.00

The Sunshine Club The Tuesdav Club

f400.00 f200.00

Thornhill House Residents Group Tots-N-TOVS

f200.00 f250.00

Townhead Senior Citizens Wednesday Club Townhead TenantslResidents Association Townhead Wednesdav Senior Citizens Club

f500.00 f600.00 f400.00

Treetops Playgroup and Toddlers Trinitv (Carpet) Bowlina Club

f200.00 f 325.00

Tryst Handball Club Uddinaston & District Homina Club

f 455.00 f300.00

Uddingston Pride Uddingston Pride Union of Catholic Mothers Union of Catholic Mothers Viewpark Church of the Nazarene Silverliners

f 100.00 f250.00 f600.00 f 300.00 f300.00

Ace/complan/l6scrutiny pandgrants Voluntary Organisation Appendix

Waterloo Over 60's Fun Club Waterloo Senior Citizens Group

f 100.00 f 185.00

Watson Street OAP Club Wattston and District Homina Societv

f200.00 f600.00

Wave rley M eta I craft Wellwynd Gardens Sheltered Housing West Coltness Senior Citizens Club West Free Church Coffee Club West Lothian and North Lanarkshire Retired Miners West-End Bowling Club Ladies Section Westend Drive Residents Association

f440.00 f495.00 f 250.00 f350.00 f550.00 f 300.00 f 200.00

Westfield Senior Citizens Tuesday Club Westfield Senior Citizens Tuesdav Club

f 450.00 f 400.00

Whifflet 60+ Activity Club Whifflet Park Bowlina Club Senior Citizens Club

f220.00 f300.00

Whifflet Senior Citizens Club Whifflet United Free Church Whifflet United Free Church Windsor Gate - Carrickstone Residents Association Wishaw & District Mental Health Issues Group

f400.00 f600.00 f300.00 f400.00 f370.00

Wishaw Crime Prevention Panel Wishaw Ex Servicemens Senior Citizens Section

f 225.00 f600.00

Wishaw Ex-Servicemens Club Ladies Section Wishaw Ex-Servicemens Senior Citizen Section Wishaw Hiah School Reunion June 2005 Group

f200.00 f500.00 f 440.00

Partners In Play - Wishaw Monklands Activity Programme Parent Action for Safe Play Partners In Play - Airdrie (@ Home Centre) Partners In Play - Motherwell (Dalziel High School) Monklands Playscheme for Children with Special Needs Ca rb ra i n PI aysch e me Partners In Play - Motherwell (Ladywell)


Ace/compIan/l6scrutiny panel/grants Voluntary Organisation Appendix

f288.00 f 755.52 f840.00 f429.84 €457.68 €272.52 f409.20 €1 63.68 f 19,760.66 f 958,415

Appendix 1

Scottish Spina Bifida Association

British Retinitis Pigmentosa Society Victim Support Scotland

Parkinson's Self Help Group (North Lanarkshire)

Grants to Voluntary and Community Organisations 200412005

f 1,000.00 f 8,000.00 f 100.00 f 6.500.00

Department: Social Work

Section 10

North Lanarkshire Disability Forum Airdrie Helping Hands Multiple Sclerosis Society Cumbernauld & District

I An st ri 1 the r H n I id av P rniect I €1.000.00 I

f 2,000.00 f 1,000.00 f650.00

Victim Support North Lanarkshire Dementia Services Development Trust Monklands Council on Addictions Monklands Elderly Asian Womens Group Lanarkshire Couple Counselling Service

f 6,000.00 f 1,050.00 f 9,000.00 f4,000.00 f 2,000.00

Aceicompladl6scrutiny paneligrants Voluntary Organisation Appendix

Alzheimers Scotland Cumbernauld Action for Care of the Elderly

€1 2,960 €1 7,640

Enable Cumbernauld Hillview Special Needs Playscheme Monklands Mental Health Issues Group NCH Youna Carers Proiect

€1,000 €1,400 €2,000 €33-97 1

Ace/complan/l6scrutiny paneligrants Voluntary Organisation Appendix

Partners in Play PRT Lanarkshire Carers Centre Redburn After School Care and Leisure Scheme

€28,330 €123,972 €21,704

University of Stirling Carers Scotland


€7,586 €2 1,980

f351,543 f 808.252

Appendix I

Department: Planning & Environment

Grants to Voluntary Organisations and Other Bodies 200412005

Ace/complan/ 16scrutiny paneligrants Voluntary Organisation Appendix

Appendix 1

Young Adults Parent Group M i I le rston Playgroup Utheo Out of School Care Viewpark Community Education Centre Playgroup Growing Together Condorrat Mother & Toddler Group

Department: Education

f 1,666.00 f 1,265.00 f450.00 f 1,600.00 f 1,540.00 f 250.00

I Childcare Strategy I Amount


Early Years General

Ace/cornplan/l6scrutiny paneligrants Voluntary Organisation Appendix

Ravenswood PreSchool Group Cumbernauld Village Nursery Airdrie Pre School Playgroup Little Rascals Playgroup The Spark Initiative Gartcosh Playgroup Parent & Toddler Group

Viewpark Out of School Care St Aidans Mother & Toddler Group

Motherwell District Childminding group

f 990.00 f 1,815.00 f 1,100.00 f 1,320.00 f4,700.00 f2,365.00 f 1,000.00 f 2,420 .OO f 2,000.00

Ace/compIan/l6scrutiny panel/grants Voluntary Organisation Appendix

AccessabilitylAvailability Partners in Play

Infrastructure Monklands Association for Voluntary Sectors



Education - QDS Guide Dogs for the Blind f 10,840

Ace/complan/l6scrutiny panel/grants Voluntary Organisation Appendix

Quality Cumbernauld YMCNYWCA Partners in Play Lanarkshire C hi Id care Service

€6,000.00 €250.00 €3,650.00


h i n n i n a T o ~ s I f41.422.69 Stepping Stones Nursery Stepps Pre-School Nursery Motherwell YMCA Nursery TOTAL FUNDING - EDUCATION DEPARTMENT

f 20,433.69 f 14,189.44 f 12,321 .I9 f 31 8,360.81

Ace/complan/l6scrutiny panellgrants Voluntary Organisation Appendix

Appendix 1

Department: Housing & Property Grants to Voluntary and Community Organisations 2004/2005

Acelcomplani 16scrutiny paneligrants Voluntary Organisation Appendix

Appendix 1

Grants to Voluntary and Community Organisations 2004/2005

Department: Social Inclusion Partnership

Ace/complan/l6scrutiny panel/grants Voluntary Organisation Appendix

Appendix 2 Customer Feedback Form

Community and Voluntary Sector Grants

North Lanarkshire Council strives to deliver the best service that it can, and as part of informing the delivery of our services we would welcome your comments on the service you received when applying to North Lanarkshire Council for Grant Aid for you r community or voluntary organisation.

We would appreciate if you could take five minutes to provide feedback using the questionnaire below. Please provide feed back by ticking and completing the appropriate boxes.

The information gained from the questionnaire is confidential and will only be used to improve the service you receive in the future.


1. Name of your Community or Voluntary Organisation

If your Organisation would prefer to remain anonymous, you do not need to complete questions I or 2 of this form

2. Name of person completing this form

3. How did you first find out about the Voluntary and Community Sector Grants? Please tick one box

Council’s website

I PressAdvert I I Letter from the Council

01 2/01 G/External Funding Customer survey March O5.doc

Other, please specify

4. Which Grant did you apply for?

If you applied for more than one grant please complete one form for each grant applied for, please tick one box

Community Grant Community Learning and Development Annual Grants Social Work - Section 10 Grants Trading Standards - Annual Grant Education - Early Years Voluntary Sector Grant

5. What type of service did you receive from the Council?

Information or advice from Council Staff Assistance i.e. completion of the form by Council staff Information or advice from your Local Councillor No assistance at all

I Other, please specify

6. Did you find it easy to contact us? Please tick one box

I Easv I Difficult I

7. If your contact was difficult, please tell us about your experience

8. Did you receive guidance notes on the grant scheme along with your application?

Yes 0 No I7

9. Did you find the notes clear and easy to understand?

Yes 0 No 0

01 2/01 GlExternal Funding Customer survey March 05.doc








Please rate the guidance notes

Easy to follow 0 Excellent 0 Good 0

Poor 0

Written in clear language 0 Easy to read (print size) 0

If no, please say why

Please rate the grant application form

Easy to follow 0 Excellent 0 Good 0

Poor 0

Written in clear language 0 Easy to read (print size) 0

If below average or poor, please say why

Were the timescales for the whole process (application to award) fully explained to you?

Yes U No 0

Were the timescales met?

Yes U No 0

If not, please tell us why not

01 2/01 6IExternal Funding Customer survey March 05.doc


17. Were you treated courteously at all times?

Yes 0 No 0

18. Do you think the Council’s grants process is transparent? (from a p p I i ca t i o n to award)

Yes 0 No 0







If not, please tell us which section of the process is not transparent

Did the grant process meet your overall expectations?

Yes U No 0

If no please tell us why:

Did you receive a grant from North Lanarkshire Council in 200412005?

Yes 0 No 0

Did you receive the full amount of funding applied for?

Yes 0 No 0

If no, did you receive a full explanation as to why not?

Yes U No 0

01 2/01 G/External Funding Customer survey March 05.doc

25. Did you receive funding for you project from any other funding body?

Yes 0 No 0

26. If yes who?

Please return to XXX by 20 May 2005

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