= ilili)fl ____ : BolseX™^ -------- Bacoin)f-T*fiii^llsDsllvi Annual - A d d r e s s . ------- .......................BOiafi, Jan. la - woo: grovoTB met In BoIm todar foi th«-flrst session- of a twcHlAy coa ferenco, heard reports of officers &tt«nded ft joint session v itk tlu Itaho Otttio and HorM. Orotrars' * oommoa to the two organizations ’and in tho evening wero serrod o bi&quot, th* pleco de roriatance ol ------------ ^— wMcJrvraii” tbe - grand diamplor lamb raised at Thousand Springs which took the honors at two n> c«nt atock shows. ..-TIio caltli'iiu'n'u imaociutloii, £iu iej({ ut thu *aniii tlmcTTs coufljilng” nctivi^icA tu ii muutliis' of tho cxc< ------------,tlv8 commlttuo, owing to tho light tcndanci)! ------------ Lobbioic of IIqIbp hotcln wero crowd with.il«li,'Buti'« toiluy. uud It wn# ci mated fully 300. atod^uu^ nriT In 1 ~ ~cUy~Tor~ni6~~twn..'(pl{igrInff!t. ~ .V— I ^ TEo wool growers' mcotiiig v cnHcd to order .this morning' nnd Clydo Bacon, .Xwin .'Fall*, preside ---------^'«adc-h>g nnng»l~addrow.— Ifinampl or'lliT'Iniluil .~amt-iw>iil^rn}mtg-tn-thtmlnTn'm'~nf I Jnduatry,. (raeiag tho changes since i early days. Ho complimeutod Ht Sproat, Boise, hla predeccMor, a thnitkod! tho roombers' for tbeir s ; — ^-.port.-..-:: ------------ ---------------- 1.— ____• \ .Prank_Hagenb:tft 6 of-^-^jt--Lo p'rosident of tiie .National wool Or< *_ crs* nssociodon, In d tho man who. yoam. .oiro forocd.'. ihe Idaho W ^ Torowers* osseciutloUT—n d d re w ti—■ ________coaYtintlon-thli-aftQfnxion,. .explain] -the Phipps bUl, Introduced-at .the I ses^cn of coDgross and again bef coiigross at this sesiieo. This I protests' tho increase in ^azb g f of approrima’toly 100 per cent, wh Mr. Hagonbarth claiDis is unjait.' Ing ao much,” ho said.‘ The fees do ________ lunoiuit tn n .Unin, ihrj- nrn »nly~ Incroaso of 100 por eent. Tho gr y T tliiog-is tho un-American- princij Wo she'opinen bolleve iii' conacfvat ' nnd when conservation was first flUTi| tb o -ite « inneH**weiB ' j ssPMCd'* the baro cost of putting'tbe conser tion policy into, offeet.. lOiOjjnnt -haslnoir rcnch'ed‘-thCT»rofiteennp-stj ■whbro Tfo are charged 20Q_ per..c more thnn tho coat of nditiinJatmtioi Mr. I|[agonbarth objected also to - .inct.that uudor’tho present policy , - .sccrctnry 'of ngrlcjiUujo 'througl —— — chlof-foroator, who-niay-Jinow-netli of western conditions, holds the c tinles of tho~shcop and cattle non :*.2r*— h1i-tilnd».,_— ~ . ........ * (Oontl»ued-on-Pfl^-fi, Co1. 2) Test, in California Edison Pli Results In P eath of Men j — , Injury to Eighteen. : . : j r . Ja' g ~ 18-w-tn f steam ^a n t of tho Southern Califoi ' Edison cojppany-horo-today, belle . to hRTo been caused by a poeket ' gas in a firebox, killed‘two men* WntU. ------ - ; ------- . .. ......... r^ar.-JfftlU of .the .flroboi.jind. i . ■ ■woriJnjf, onTrt#giag‘n t:tto .i^ -^] c?- ^ io boiler J I I . I >>(>|ie^F.^B|Q0Q-hompower,*9U'ti]td 3-----------^agtd^Zi^u.MHn-emrantmrbvt- r- ...... -lHiing->te«n>d.:ugr^or.i-.tMt.---^ ~ !IIZ^-...ii3i^.!BUl^rghonip«og,rtwi«»jn>y«: taday, ia a w i VOl* 7. NO. 241. 0 SIXTEENTH SESSION ^T-iH-tEGlSfcAilURE- _ PREPARE SJ-OR WOR I Law Miking Body Oonnnes at 6a I _ Z ^ e City and Oteara Awa'jr Pi .'V V Uminary Builneu in Sbort Tin ■jll";? 3ALT LAKE CITY, Jiin.-12 (/ i Ilk —Tim sixteenth Utiin IcgiHlatu ---------- i- nsonvpnott^horo -todnj^'-nnrt sottli ~ all prvlimiaitry buslnoss In a; tw )ja n d [ l»o»_r_i'oMjnr.j|[id_ndoufncd-nntil-t morrow whtiii both bousn* w ill ho iu B i^ *11~ Ill-annual ..nicaaaga— ------- IVerSj Willimn W M c K e ll wn.n elect. _____ S[»cnkQr of tho hom t b.v npeloiii tinn atlll A. B, Irvine wns nam< iirPHidcnt of the ariinlo wUliout.o ,001 for I ’l'® gnvornor's mc»*.ngc i* exjiee ^Q. cd to deal witl) ccouotny und U Tcductioii. . Both houses uro ovurwhelming gjgi rV;»Hbl!cftn| wh11o~l)Drn~lB~nr-dnn mm* crat. - • - ______ ; ------------ ona, I . ' rM ipms g ilD E iliflliE S owdod > '•ti- Kansas Chief Executive a n the _ _ __ _ , , on, Bribery'Charge. ildont, ______________• ■ mpha-’ ■’ Ju,-{^ —TOPEKA,-KnnsiiarJffn.-32'M»)^o f>rtVn7 thaTfMr'Davi^^'dirt farm ergoy» ice the ot Kansas, slopped out of offico toi nugh tho end of a tnrbnlont two year ti , and just a fow hours nftor his nrrcat • jup- n chargo ofnccoptlng a <1250 bribe g pardon, . •— ----- ------------------- Lake, JoinUy .cbn_rgi;djwith _thf* rntirftd- Orow- ocutivo is his son, Ituuoll 0. BaTiii, 10. 32 who was caugbtm tho aot of r«col« Wool th^ money nad deUroring tho pardoi S5-\T.-PollmW^/on«.r-b«»k<ir-, alning- tonTiotod-forger;-------------- :---------------- 10 last - Bo?h wore reteuod dn bond oI>l( beforo Tliclr preliminary bearing was act j bill) January 23. . 5 . Meets lisa®. * Qorornor-Davis .m ilitantiy met iaam>._Hn wrnr tn ccniTt -tA-faao- don’t made'bond, w'roto a'lei ,iy~ „ to the presiding officers of the Icgl turci, demanding " a fu ll and contp: iicitik*. of hia elomoncy rec vatloV “ "d-thon- corricd through his part St be- inauguration ceromonies, turn isen'a* I’l^utea, republican., matter stand before you today, tho c r&tago gAV.cruor jot Kansas i].rcr .placed''.‘UB ^.CQnt nrrcst'while iii offico,” Governor Di tion." told tho. inaugural crowd tliat pae to tho the city auditorium, oy tho ' '.'J haVo commlttod no crime. I.h ugh a not tin te d tho oath of office I t othinn^ two-yows-ogo;—hosA-nolthor-soUei e de.i nor. accepted ft bribe. Tliroughout oon in official conduct I havo had an oai tho poor-and the . downtroddoBv~ prctttor'portIert~5t”tho''jwiTOte(j'grnT hagft hnnti ^nm». ttf ^hlfh tho Imprti f ment of n man was causing othen ---------snffer CTon''more-thna-hinJSelf.' - ! ____________ —" X gwftt~ uewspaput' in scmuh prestlga.and influence hns sought \M \ tonnlrchTma.-ThorhaVo-tnv«tdod- 11 llu sanclty of my home and sought to so l-U-11 tbo ftfforts-of-eriminals and thoat ----------- low-charaetor.— Tho-pooplo-Tif-KB: I'-":"' will roont.BuclirflUcwPtg. * * ' The nndietsee'applandMnbiig riant loud as the governor fiiOshed his --------r j dress-wlth-A-word-^ -lioArty->«oIe rt a n d to 'iili suoccssor. ' ’ Tho c1i»goa against Uovomor D ,and his son were illed^ by .Tink An er opened this morning.^ Panl H« • the new county attorney. VUI prose ,, , loe . ' •to!” •: cet of Looming of the iasBaaea of warr en'and aft«r o’clooki Oove agQM tow aad w>r>.jn »t by n ftrbwd eager to sign tntur bond. Inelnde id. meii]wju.^...B..BnzcOT,.]iead.0f 'tholu bankipg lnsM tiHotf-ii-tljo -eitjr ai WPUMIWU' f w ailil ---- - ^ ^ i^ w n c r D avli-laid h»-gxpoct> mfr-wtar go-t<rl»14i:Bom5on',-WMnty iw in Ic —jT-T---; mila.natH-JaaniiyJSrtbfcdfttteci .' preUaiinaiT-liflaripg—- ........ •- - -— ..... ~„jBiailro»JiagcwATi()K.l »7«r-«£ Kwtmtiwl t^i> *yi{pitLttttn ftt' )T IWia y . ' j i rt wrnUri j ^ ^O C M riE P P /iflg g ri _____ : TWPf rALLS, IDAHO,' Tte )A ^ p a ijW B E g r LEQ ISLATIDN i i mSsT — BtlHntrodueed-in .uyoj- —Instate--Lejida^ ll hold ---------- -' , J>emoorat ft-'A6te-foi«-Paifftge ----------- .,— UoMur^H>i^WhJoh--The3^a L'lect.-d paignod; Fivo Toko Hand. 'B018K, Jun. IWP)—BcUiOrroi lodny introilupfd <i "tntc-wiel direct primary M il 'In tfic^lcmt hnUKu of thp righteonlh lilnhn lc( id tax lilntiiri', thun keuplng u pledgo thu in.iclc' nt thp pnrty rotivcntiDn lii« mingly taumtiiof. . ---------------- "dnno^ lr“ j>v.'iTi~iJri> ji;jj;it\V"of~Hir~nr . -cirTnnrmt»-nf tho hniiiio »« - Aora mill in kuiiwii iix hoiixo liil = = No. 0. ' ----------------- I A __ Cmittcr-of V»llpy rnunty ««lil tl» I (• 'duiiticnl wicb tho ono intri: I n diii'oci two ycnrii i-xpopt for datoj I W It ]iri>viili'.H fa r thr> Kulortiuri o Ktnln offioers by tho primary elec *pT tinn rt'iftliod nn.l i.rcucrtbeii tb ' ^ I ■ii'('C'<9:iry niiichincry for boldiii iJ I tlic I'h'ctioniu -------- MUSSOLINrCONTINOES~ sand HIS AHACKS ON FREE MASONRY- 9F-COUNT ------- , ■l-lm M ll, .la .i.'l: ■(J )=.'Hilimi|;li— I'lijjorly iMvnitvd bmhIou of. tbe ch. [lior of .JapuMw ;.fovci-n-rfiiinppo. i-=-Joiu“ ™‘‘''t-t<MH)ini«ttoiH»ecker*.who-pnmt •OYcrnor gnllcrit^, tiio~sifflTig-tndtiT''TOV 0 today wilhoul importance, in Ihnt It again larterm 'calod Mns*oliiil in the chnracteri Teat-on aggrpwor. Continuing to 1 ribo for Marshal Foch’a t ______ fif tftrHfHi that th" AT . Ilttnck. n M il ivis ”8 to deal a death blow to F "“ "'jr' 1" Italy. irdon to provides tbat all secrel Itor-and l-'?^ytlpii_aud._dMb"_ninit_fU r_w ltiii: _lpnHrp foptM nf thnlr fnn«< filOOOr •»w«,-TnlciTand‘TBgalatlons,-T8 woTl act for «o™P*''to liats of tlw full iinmea of tl officer* nnd members. Sovero'pc; ties nro provided for failure to c I'ly with thoJio. provisions. Altho net tho It wns kno^^p that tbo fascist govi !a«a-tho. tiK'nt-hnd-rontemplAtvd-Hiioh-iv-riiMK a' lettM for mnny month*, its preaentntlnn i Icglsla. crthelPM‘ indufpd n iirofniind imp lomplete aion. ' record '* SURRENDER'S TO SHERI L03 ANQELE0, Jan. 12 C/f)—Wii tho only D. Campba,!!, indiotcd last week in i d.-under neetion wlHi^-jary tampering in the 3r Davis cent Kid McCoy manslaughter verc packed snrrondcrcd today to Sheriff W ill Trau'gor. Ho wiis arraigned and rclet I havo ou #5000 bonds. - . -------- > I took Information of the alleged atte aolieitod at-jury-tarapering—wos—giv.rti-to- out my i^ourt by William Apffel, one of > oar to jurorsa._________________ )Bv Tlie , ----- . .1 to solicit those of —^ --------- ------- ■■ • • -K.«»ur ofjlericirPartTAid! lits ad- Attempt to ■Form "New~ _ __ _ ministration Group. )r Davis ' ' .................. ' rinkham ,, ■■■■-» •• , Vnni- go-round'-of Oerinan ^politics shfl II Hdn^ (,£ jlowing down tonight t >rosocnte|tbQ_.clarleal-party-voUd-t<^rwil .. preaent. cabinet momSor7 br.’ Br'ii ^ minister of labo-r, to accept that warrants Lnthor’sycabinot, Qovemor vlded Dr. Oessler, tho d^ocratlo hw <.onrt ister of defense, also Is retained. «w d-of- - Aa-Iiiithor plsii»~the—aljotmeni DUtlelus^ , t1in,J>n«Ia, ' h t.3>no - Joded ia ^Of'tha Obfmiln nSlWWtat party, .1 . ' Oeraan people’sptarty, the eler and l|"J democrnU, Dr, Marx's r .(clbrlcalO'Vflaftlly. liM ' eoaMritei — ■ -In ri Luther now^i».ftWftUing..the : dqelsiiHLorjiio naUpa4lsts Vho»« k « mT eomlng >nionoi5^-'lB-whJoli_ case tteCfitM. government w lir b V eonilUi T iw -fitK ftriqiim tjT yffnraO g (jjy • • from, the mnk«.-of-^he under I = W = 4 t- - ^ mmv OHusumniiij. Uiu u iS efga .ininltier, ^ bo • delegated , Topeka be 'appointed to tba. port of .n ii t-NEWSPAPtlR IN TWi 'j 'f a fo itn im iL iE i iHiiP IS STILL HEEm Senator-From-ldaho-Oemai Campaign Promise ; Pally Be IMef; Aid Must »ge-» ----------- : ------------------- 6 iven;-He Declares. lOd. "rot* 1 WASHINOTON, Jan. 12 . While tha_pr^d|nt’B agrlcultiir ’ ‘"'f'-''’ commisalon continued today " ''■K' wrestle with tho problem of tar >tliuy relief. Senator Borah, repnbUca 11 lii«t Idaho, urged in tho aenato thj _ ^.thero bo.an early extra seaaloa I 1 ~tlon~dealing w ith ttie'gnblaet. —j Culling .attuution -thnt fnrm -aid- jbeon n predoiriiimnt jnM|<^iu_thii— jcampMgii, the i<iah^o 'sonardr 'leirl; I tho problem confronting tiie countr jlho fnrmers nre to hnvo any pernut ** rplipf In tbo .lamo n» it wnn bufore election. „ ' lUliiiff rpginlor mj' protojt,’ « aaid, “ agninat. the proposition I agricutturo hns ndjoatcd itself or nJjuat itaolf inHbo nenr future.” > _ ."Europe’s Crops roiluro. ^EE I llettrrment In some Tini'* of .-ii;ri ------------ ^ a-aauBunr-^he-fitiliifft-of erop. i in __ !ropc, nnd the Da^ca repnrutiou p 1^" ^ '' I'lio added, liowover, that thi' Dn 3 chntii-jpian .could not bo-of lasting-.bon pRmmedil‘=^<l:l'.v-aomati.^.fixod_aUa-d6fi wai'^^t 8°^ ~ ~ c ^ rU u •fo^'is’ upwith Senator Borah, that to bor. greaaional action was necemry. Hi I ’a code that tbo plight of tho fai f. was being relieved- by ‘*pat;|fnl MU CB««6« with Whieb-thc (»flwntn..nt :o Tree- nothing to do." ' “ Tho truth la," the M oijlfti crel so soaator said, ‘'tliat thd west* ithiO liit —farmer dees aeft tey-terd-«wa« _H8_U_iJroao"tOllli tq.th«.8am woTl aa meat w ith hla tronblas. No matt of their fppjj legislatlTo ftmctlo: > pcnnl. m , trouble may.be, liq sets up cry. andwo mayconiider.oOTelT ilthough fortuni^ If. tho. cry^doei-jiot a govern- ^ rnwt.orn. -TthB-pyveruuiBuU-' When-Smat inn ncv- declared at aaother poi -tbst^rBrTmsmaaarvrmr^' there na Bgrlcnitnmi problem ftU"? seTenl'senatflrs wore ^ ERIPF loekiag to give the i _______ formation, hnt the Marylaiy^ .T^ijbur tor deoliaed to yield,' : in eon* . J^flsommnndatloa for relief n f the . the TC-, "tock industry occuiSbT' tfici ntteii verdict, ngnrrf'tBHay of Iho ngriciiltural com William «'o"- These ivill bo submitted to I released i‘lo "t Coolidgo next w«ik. CTiair ------------Carey announeing that tho report w attempt was expected td be completod w j-to-th® «wait-tli»roturn-hefeef-Pfcd-H7-B<) of the president of tho American Lives _____ _ niisdciatlon, nnd a member of tho mission, who la attending tho ass< E tiou'41ronv6nlI6rat‘AlFnqul!'r^7i: -r cu.«pBrauv8‘Bnin{6UhSf” —Pnnding^mpleUon- of- tho -Ilvea _ reoprt~ the coTnmlsalon witl tako'ui 1 ■ K Thero is no.forecast.noW-os-tO'T^^ I _ l l thU snctlon of tho report wHU hn plotH but adminlatratlon loadoi tho capital nro of yio opinion that of tho rocomme_nila_ti.ons_.jTjlI_i Aids in ggngrw tn time for aetion-ftt this W -Ad" *" Senator Boi _______^ discnsBioa o f fa rm nroblema.__Ho. thnt if thoro was delay until tho -. congress m tt in tho annual conrBo December, thoro could bo no lo'gisli .-r---- fe> at -least- a yTjar.-^ Then,-hq a< showed elcetldn'inipciiaiiig ond wonld- be" ht when ed to a great degree by expodfone k.™o“.'i aanina. of HM,«. ■ iflt, pro- Hominding his coUea^ea that ri itie min. lioao_patty had pledged itself to ned. relief and tbat this nledcro stood ment—e f tj> tho-‘.Ulm^ of the conntlng''^^ gr toit:^»s3mtltr3hsr^t:xwi6e iTty, tht heardT’*-Swifter'Borah said the elericali tA j nstes mliliited.- n o ;p ^ tem-or yitg rafeuwnl i UJ^owWodUatnfentbo !t&!lii.ri»if -lalcBitl ' n t- tlLnjm! »tlT~^l br. tliM.-Bn)tcaiUon. im lnrt ..t« .njnUiir Mmp«Btlo;. ftoUl: 1»:.. V ik PALLS COVNTy UI2M11KU AUDtT nORBAU OF* CinCUIiATtONS t t ~ | l METAL l=OLISH KIH,S. - '2 ^ -4W0-M=^D01NGir3^ EC , _1N. GRA.VE. CONDITIO Police and rEysiclaai Uystined n rn to Henson for Placing Poison UtU PidJcir afPeuasyivftnia-'NuptlJ I'ofrnviLij:,, pii,. !•: w>i T «.1 Iiicni. lliv!, tlin ........ w. fnands -uuuli^ttllitally_ill_tt...l-4.i.m..r.j - in...iiTii.ru *' ***'‘l ‘lill^ 1‘urt S ' iS6 of' iii'iir lii'rn wi-r<> -inti ___; _..j Jj:i;itt'lt'j:-'.l’!rii:Mzlnzhomc3=ilonj:=) I'e* R fl M;‘li;‘'“ ''' 'ail.'v ;m a r.'fliilt i.f w\ P^l i-j.T o rtiM 1)V [inll.’o nn.l tibvni.-l:i III liiivii l«..'n_..il!!ur ffi.\vholom ' j.ciii'iitiiHi; pl;iii iir ;m lil.lim i'il Jo' Tlu- iiMiiii's ij{ till- viiTiiiM wrro 1 _______ I .L'ilVltiiiHtw;------ ; -------------------------- (4>)_ A<*J-i>rtllnif ti> ri'iMirU nnmni; C ,, , I'.-rtfill frnicli'iili •.onip nii.i nt“ 'i ' ^ - wpililing pul HiVti.ri'Jniiiir*Tn“ l f to - y j t;,,, ,VO,1,11,,,, f,.|| tarm Kirai ri'|u>rlN »crp that poiion 'Ucan. oilm l wat ri'!'|>oai.il.ly, but 11 pi I that .Mi-lau wild tri'atni llii< vii'tima At oa of .; I'll. Ihut it ivait .a. |iuwrrful piili ^ialo^ "nf.'it hill] iioui' Ilf thi' I'iuiriii'tiTht ..... ! nf- ati'nlinV pnUnntiig ;' __~ -••--7 lid-Jwd t '- - iu _ Ja ju l-------------------------------------------------------- Evidence Points to -nuncnt _ ■■ . ' ' - no Further Change in Cabinet Oftic 'Washing;ton Bqzzob W ith ! . -ports of Impending TJpa m . gjjygg Indicati '1;"^.;^" • Ar» OthorTrinn- w A a m M O T O lf, T IUI. 12 m bonofit ^11® Washington buzzed with r .nnriii offtirthBr imWillnyl'o>;i.«g^ lisfijiiu. in high administration drclea ft '~ ibw^g -tte Tmagpafflt^^nmBftiinp hS «n! B*creUry Hughee, evidence, i Hons. crwsod that in Whito Houso drcl farmnr Cabinet Changes wero e T . Pocted for March 4. except ia t] rw reaioa-of"a-ird«gror a^ ] ture to sncwkr^waid M. Gcj . . _ . .whOLwUl at that timo bocoma goTi nor of West Vlrglalfl. ------------------ astert A t tho jame time it waa nppn tbat'A^wttfwi^Cootidg^waVji'ee^ni mnu __ um i' euunsel and uvuir t n "t tift~Tni natter of selecting a aufcessor'to .Ambass , Eellogg nt London, when ' the It “P • comes to Woshiogton to sueceed telVM , Hughes, was conaulting, if at all, • >t 0*.- a-Tory-fcw. Thiiro.was a growing liof, however, that tho appointmen mator London of Alnnson XI. lloughtl>D, nmbflinn.lop tn nt.nnn«y ,t, cst possibility: ** ®“ The president, it is nnderstood, 1 Mr. Houghton in high regard, both eiatiy Bnd'i« isuim ir aud 'fuiili ' tliu would in every respect be' an oj thff ilva. nblo repreaentatlvo of th»-TJnltedil1 ttention nt tho Court of B t Jamea. Zf he sfa commis- bo ap[>ointed to the post, what fni to Proa-, changes in tho diploraatie circles hairman would lend to in the belief of offic rt which is a question too rcmotp at this timi 1 would dofinlto dlaeusaion. . -DeJtby,' ” -Aj~tbcBa'"dlscnsslons 'proeeedodj ivestock senate took a further step toward ho com* firmation of Attorney Qenerol Hi assoclnv K ..Stone ns asaoclato juatlco n f ie, y n'M i 'supro'mo c o u flT ^ of Charles B» 3Cwyoi>-o<-Miel»lgtn»r M ot^rnoy- ernl. Both nominations wore sen Iveatoek jtho-cnpltal_last week andzthntipf orup. en- j.Warron wna ?ofswsd.»'teday-'(»-w« ?rodP.?ta, |rnuni(>.of A fliih-rnmTnlttftft nf thn, j •bfl-£om-. «na-ao-suggo«tlaa.o<-*ppo6lHon-ot adorn of Warren. bat none . Nomination Avprored. I_ica(± _Tho.nomlnatlnn.nf Mr.-8tono-wa this ses- p[i}y.cd-by_ftJiahi£ommltteorJ»t4h( ~r ' 5nai£iary»nUWfa««n*a^!' Borah's notion on It when ffenatbr Over ilojuU d. domoeta^-JIprth.-CaiolinftV-doellne the nm join with the m^erity of tho sub- no noxt mittee-and-lnaiated-on fnzther.iai gialation into tbo eonrt proceedings brough o addod,' oxw ntorf bt:tlrfl. fla^e'of~J.~Ploi b e * ^ d . Colorado. Mr. Stone w u 'o f eonasi feney in* tho exeentora Jn that-aetioa- and ■■■ 0iT(?iib'r h ‘^ F ^ t M t ^ ~ n '| n A ir H l r t - Iniitien. ■'URY TO TRY MEANS IS »L«t COMPi m D IN JIEW YO h¥AR1N13-0P-ENS-T0I new YOUK. Jan. 12 M>)—Woi jHeking a jury for tho,trial of- Q B:Ttcn“na:-,r6nii)r depnrtmfcnt of H B w yiir ■Mrn.Bffnnt Qnd.li|*inin»-tU afci»« ?alder._pTclior^of inrTP?7Ia!a~mBy -------^ ^'Aftor^the Jury had been iwdi and discharged'^aritn 't'omorrowri (T-uiieM. Bontlnp-Colonel-TeMer,'moved to M>^<the Bjlsr-ilfo-liiSlcinicnt—dn ' th«';;ii ..c-::, ___ nihT^tla aa-fasnfflaUnt^lBSgv^^ tho man. f«o,'nnd that there was; not a j ^OQUfli t y- nnf B»qp*a rppagfw ta n d e n ^ U M tfic ir^ w w M » f l U t « •rA lK ra •^ -’■^Seneriil^;-Dai^j . PBIOB n ™ OENTa -nnnnn nrin ^ iEifl-lltiffiG ■Ptlftls. ' ...................... ....... IITBli •Inting ■=«■'= -Offioial^AnnouncemenfMade^ whut — AaFMmeBt-flR-Afmy-ol-teHt pation Costs and Damages 7SIT I erms Arranged. It 'tlK'" ' ---------------------------------------------T” i>“ llie‘ --------- f.‘iii.t. 1‘AHls,. Ja„, 12 (>P)—Tli'p nrltUli dplegationa nt tho con s nlii't- ef the aliiod finnnco inininlcr piiixQii have rettclii‘<l n final and Jefiuito ar rJ«fk» oonl relativi- to thu puymi'nt of th. ------ rnttrrt--at;rtr:T-nflhp-roRtirortlra^n«j orcupnllon nnti war damage clnlmi IT This WUH uffic-ittUy aunouucctl towigUt 0 _ Tho nBrpcmirnl is aubjeet to m tifi ■ cfitiuii by u.plenary aesslou uf tbo con frrpiicp, but innamnch as rrance, Italj PpQ ii'Kl il«l){iiini iiiitnro.| nogntiatlona al O riMily. plcilci'il to aiippnrt tbe America Lf_" viewpoint anil - iHvnrgpncl0B~oicUloi [1C6 S *■"’ ilritlah and Ameri rnnx, rntifirntion l!< regarded us c Jpset^r >»lv. touu ations 'rhi-_Unitud_8tat_e» uniler thn _tcrmi ........ »f"tIio ngn-rmcni will rec^vo .nhoni - _ ?jii,guij,uuu yearly on tho total of ho: i-iniin. f|p|/i^nting |t*( npprotimntcli Ih r*. ^000,0(10,000. Thus roimburspmeat 0: ...r— »UI "«»CT- a-M " 5T 'rloa of 25 y ^ ^ i Tho sum romainlnf dntrfor tho'eoBts of tho-Annrtannra 000 ond 1200,000,000, while tho nmoun j * of wnr damage claims tho eonferonc . hns ngreed Avill be based on the finding of tbe mixed, claims commisalon. Thi 5 ^1 - : . hna , hoen- tantatlKaly-. fixod-t;«t-|%5<> Gcro^' -• ^ ^ piTDt- . . AgTMnient. __ ------------------Tfar-terma of the agreement proVidc apparent .first—Tlio payjaoot to the Unite ping M rj^ c a of <^6M;oOO gold marks yearl "TamtBT iiy jirlorityT)n"'tIio caab payments ui lassador dor tho Dawes plan, to apply oa th 0 latter American army of occupation eoat sd Mr. Tbeae payments aro to begin Sopten dl, with ber 1, 1020, or after th e ^ a |In g ^ ring Ijfr nieiit of lH^lgluni's priority'pojmenti ment to I f tho Dawrs plan fiinetlons normall on, now tliat part of thu 1/nitod (jtotos' claim >strong- — Ijo— »iitton.4>f£^-tb»-Hpftratieii book in 1013 or J0«. • . Second-The United States _wl d holds •J*'"'* tho” DftWcs annuities nt th 3th Bffl- I**’ a I runrks annually, beginning rotroai tively Septewber 1, 1024. Thcso paj Dsbonld uaed .to. amortl20 -.tli . .. amount of'tho war'damage clorms't , ' fixed by tho ndxod claims'commissloi ” , , , Tho Amerlcon ' representatives hov )rrictms, ngrood ,thot_this Jotter- amount..Bhoul timo for not exceed ♦3C0,000,000 or w ith Inte . cst, rotighly 1.500.000,000 gold mark loaptmr i i i i i l : d'^hero ' • - . a-ot-M r.. —----------------------= = ----------------------- Fate of Underwood Measui — Depend^^iCOutSiBSCatSa iiirffn'ar - *' ■ ate Action onJubstitute._ sub-eom- . . -WAaiDKOTOlf, Jtn.- : IS W )^l lUgat by fnto of the Underwood Muscle shea •enDynff Fcnate- will'vote.on tbe Jones,anbsl aaselfor tute to creato a commlsBloh to nuil Tecemm£2dutlooj^^to_^con|25^^^_foi^^^ I f 'the Underwood b ill successful: burilles .this substitute iatrodaeod I IS " tho ropublioan whip,-: seaate leade VnnV agree that Ita passage w! J i t n n ~ b>-assB><aTr -i'iill8"ATIItmTmi sunator w. rODAYc <ion»dont toolght tbot his bill wou ■'pass.-— ---------- -------------------- ---------- WerV nf B>tuation -WE>'clarified lato todi f whBn'Senator-Norris,-Topablloanr H 0° ^s“ o^teaTG^ consent to vote*on the-Janea .amen ^7?.^ iwora' In utrs for oaeh-kenator.— WTnio^

2^ ^ p a ijW B E afoitnim iLiEi g r LEQISLATIDNi i iHiiP IS STILL …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014. 12. 12. · bi", th* pleco de roriatance

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    ____ : B o lseX ™ ^

    -------- B acoin)f-T*fiii^ llsD sllv i— Annual -A d d re s s .-------

    .......................B O ia fi, Jan. la - woo:grovoTB met In BoIm toda r foi th « - flrs t session- o f a twcHlAy coa ferenco, heard reports o f officers &tt«nded ft jo in t session v i t k tlu Ita h o Otttio and H orM . Orotrars'

    * oommoa to the two organizations ’and in tho evening wero serrod o b i&quot, th * pleco de roriatance ol

    ------------ —̂ wMcJrvraii” tbe - grand diamplorlam b raised a t Thousand Springs w hich took the honors a t tw o n> c«nt atock shows.

    ..-TIio caltli'iiu 'n 'u imaociu tlo ii, £ iu ■ iej({ u t thu *aniii tlmcTTs coufljilng”

    nctivi^icA tu i i m uutliis' o f tho cxc<------------, t lv 8 commlttuo, owing to tho l ight

    tcndanci)! ------------Lobbioic o f IIqIbp hotcln wero crowd

    with.il«li,'Buti'« to iluy. uud I t wn# ci mated fu lly 300. a tod^uu^ nriT In 1

    ~ ~cUy~Tor~ni6~~twn..'(pl{igrInff!t. ~ .V— I

    ̂ TEo wool growers' m cotiiig v cnHcd to order .this morning' nnd Clydo Bacon, .Xwin .'Fall*, preside

    ---------^'«adc-h>g nnng»l~addrow.— Ifinam plo r 'l l iT 'In ilu il

    .~am t-iw>iil^rn}m tg-tn-thtm lnTn'm '~nf I Jnduatry,. (raeiag tho changes since i early days. Ho complimeutod H t Sproat, Boise, hla predeccMor, a thnitkod! tho roombers' fo r tbe ir s

    ;— ^ -.p o rt.- ..-::------------ -— ---------------1.—____• \ .Prank_Hagenb:tft6 of-^-^jt--Lo

    p'rosident o f tiie .National w ool Or< *_ crs* nssociodon, In d tho man who.

    yoam. .oiro forocd.'. ihe Idaho W ^ Torow ers* osseciutloUT—nd dre w ti—■

    ________coaYtin tlon-th li-a ftQ fnxion,. .explain]- th e Phipps bUl, Introduced-at .the I

    ses^cn o f coDgross and again be f coiigross a t this sesiieo. This I protests' tho increase in ^ a z b g f o f approrim a’toly 100 per cent, wh M r. Hagonbarth claiDis is u n ja it . '

    Ing ao much,” ho sa id .‘ The fees do________ lunoiu it tn n .Unin, ih r j- nrn »nly~

    Incroaso o f 100 por eent. Tho gr y T t l i io g - is tho un-American- princij

    Wo she'opinen bolleve i i i ' conacfvat ' nnd when conservation was f irs t

    — flUTi| tb o -ite « inneH**weiB ' j ssPMCd'* the baro cost o f pu ttin g 'tbe conser tion policy in to , o f fe e t.. lO iO jjnnt

    -h a s ln o ir rcnch'ed‘-thCT»rofiteennp-stj ■whbro Tfo are charged 20Q_ per..c more thnn tho coat o f nditiinJatmtioi

    M r. I|[agonbarth objected also to - . in c t . th a t uudor’tho present policy

    , - .sccrctnry 'o f ngrlcjiUujo 'th ro u g l — — — chlof-foroator, who-niay-Jinow-netli

    o f western conditions, holds the c tinles o f tho~shcop and cattle non

    :*.2r*— h1i-tilnd».,_— ~ .

    ........ * (O ontl»ued-on-P fl^-fi, Co1. 2)

    • Test, in California Edison PliResults In P eath of Men j

    — , Injury to Eighteen. : . :

    j r . Ja' g ~ 1 8 -w - tn

    f steam ^ a n t o f tho Southern Califoi ' Edison cojppany-horo-today, belle

    . to hRTo been caused b y a poeket' gas in a firebox, k i l le d ‘two men*

    W ntU .------ - ; -------. .. .........r ^ a r.-J ff t lU o f .the . f lro b o i. j in d . i■ . ■ ■woriJnjf, onTrt#giag‘ n t : t t o . i ^

    — - ^ ] c?- ̂ io boiler J I I . I >> (>|ie^F.^B|Q0Q-hom power,*9U'ti]td

    3-----------^agtd^Zi^u.MHn-emrantmrbvt-r - ...... -lH iin g -> te « n > d .:u g r^o r.i-.tM t.---^

    ~ ! I IZ ^ - . . . i i3 i^ .!B U l^ rgh onip«og,rtw i«»jn>y«: taday, ia a w i

    VOl* 7. NO. 241.

    0SIXTEENTH SESSION ^ T -iH -tE G lS fc A ilU R E - _ PREPARE SJ-OR WORI Law M ik in g Body Oonnnes a t 6a I _ Z ^ e C ity and Oteara Awa'jr P i .'V V Uminary B u iln e u in Sbort T in■ j l l " ; ? 3A LT LA K E C ITY , J iin .-12 (/ i I l k —Tim sixteenth U tiin IcgiHlatu---------- i- nsonvpnott^horo -todnj^ '-nnrt sottli~ all p rv lim ia itry buslnoss In a; tw ) ja n d [ l»o»_r_i'oMjnr.j|[id_ndoufnc d -n n til- t

    morrow whtiii both bousn* w ill ho

    i u B i ^ *11 ~ Ill-annual ..nicaaaga— -------IV e rS j W illim n W M cK ell wn.n elect._____ S[»cnkQr o f tho hom t b.v npeloiii

    tinn atlll A. B, Irv in e wns nam< iirPHidcnt o f the ariinlo w U liout.o

    ,001fo r I ’l'® gnvornor's mc»*.ngc i* exjiee

    ^ Q . cd to deal w itl) ccouotny und U ’ Tcductioii.. Both houses uro ovurwhelming

    g jg i rV;»Hbl!cftn| wh11o~l)Drn~lB~nr-dnnmm* crat. - • - ______ ■ ;------------ona, I . '

    rMipmsg ilD E iliflliE Sowdod> '•ti- Kansas Chief Executive an the _ _ __ _

    , , on, Bribery'Charge.i ld o n t ,______________• ■mpha-’ ■’ ■J u ,-{^ — TOPEKA,-Knnsiia rJffn .-32 'M »)^o f>rtVn7 th a T fM r 'D a v i^ ^ 'd irt f a r m e r g o y » ice the o t Kansas, slopped out o f o ffico toi nugh tho end o f a tnrbn lont tw o year ti

    , and ju s t a fow hours n fto r his nrrcat • jup- n chargo ofnccoptlng a l ( beforo T lic lr prelim inary bearing was actj b ill) January 23. .5 . Meets lisa®.

    * Q orornor-D avis .m ilita n t iy met iaam>._Hn w rn r tn ccniTt - tA -faao -

    don’ t made'bond, w'roto a 'le i, iy ~ „ to the presiding officers o f the Icgl

    turci, demanding " a fu ll and contp: iicitik*. o f hia elomoncy recvatloV “ "d -thon- corricd through his pa rt St be- inauguration ceromonies, turn

    isen'a* I ’ l^utea, republican.,matter stand before you today, tho c r&tago gAV.cruor jo t Kansas i].rcr .placed''.‘UB ^.CQnt nrrcst'w h ile i i i o f fico ,” Governor Di t io n ." to ld tho. inaugural crowd t l ia t pae to tho the c ity auditorium, oy tho ' '.'J haVo commlttod no crime. I .h ugh a not t i n t e d tho oath o f o f fice I t othinn^ tw o-yows-ogo;—hosA-nolthor-soUei e de.i nor. accepted ft bribe. Tliroughout oon in o f fic ia l conduct I havo had an oai

    tho poor-and the . downtroddoBv~ prctttor'portIe rt~5 t” tho''jwiTOte(j'grnThagft hnnti n̂m». ttf ^ h lfh tho Imprti

    f ment o f n man was causing othen---------sn ffe r CTon''more-thna-hinJSelf.' -!____________

    —" X gw ftt~ uewspapu t' in scmuh prestlga.and influence hns sought

    \M \ tonn lrchTm a.-ThorhaV o-tnv« tdod-11 llu sanclty o f my home and sought to so l-U-11 tbo ftffo rts -o f-e rim ina ls and thoat----------- low-charaetor.— Tho-pooplo-Tif-KB:I ' - " : " ' w ill roo n t.B uc lirflU cw P tg. * *

    ' The nndie tsee 'app landM nbiigriant loud as the governor fiiOshed his--------r j d re s s -w lth -A -w o rd -^ -lioArty->«oIert a n d to ' i i l i suoccssor. ' ’

    Tho c1i»goa against Uovomor D ,and his son were il le d ^ b y .T in k

    An e r opened th is morning.^ Panl H« • the new county attorney. V U I prose

    , , , loe ■ . '

    • to !” •:cet o f Loom ing o f the iasBaaea o f w arr en 'and a ft« r o ’clooki Oove

    a g Q M to w aad w>r>.j n »t b y n ftrbwd

    eager to sign tn tur bond. Inelnde

    id. m eii]w ju .^ ...B ..B nzcO T,.]iead.0 f ' t h o lu bankipg ln s M tiH o tf - ii- t ljo -e itjr ai WPUMIWU' f w aili l

    ---- -^ ^ i ^ w n c r D a v l i - lai d h »--gxpoct> mfr-wtar go-t *yi{pitLttttn ftt')T IWia y . ' j i rtwrnUri j

    ^ ^ O C M r i E P P / i f l g g r i

    _____ : T W P f rA L L S , ID A H O ,' Tt e ) A

    ^ p a ijW B Eg r LEQISLATIDNi imSsT — BtlHntrodueed-in .uyoj- —In s ta te --L e jid a ^ll hold ---------- - ' ,

    J>emooratft-'A6te- foi«-Paifftge----------- .,— UoMur^H>i^WhJoh--The3̂ aL'lect.-d paignod; Fivo Toko Hand.

    ■” 'B 018K, Jun. IW P)—BcUiOrroi lodny in tro ilupfd v.'iTi~iJri> ji;jj; it\V "of~H ir~nr

    . -cirTnnrmt»-nf tho hniiiio »«— ■ - Aora m ill in ku iiw ii iix hoiixo liil= = No. 0. ' -----------------I A __ Cmittcr-of V»llpy rnunty ««lil tl»I ( • 'duiiticnl wicb tho ono intri:I n diii'oci two ycnrii i-xpopt fo r datojI W I t ]iri>viili'.H fa r thr> Kulortiuri o

    Ktnln offioers by tho prim ary elec * p T t inn rt'i ftlio d nn.l i.rcucrtbeii tb ' ^ I ■ii'('C' n io n o i5̂ -'lB -w hJo li_ case tte C fitM . government w l i r b V eonilUi

    T i w - f i t K f t r i q i im t jT y f f n r a O g(jjy • • from , the m nk« .-o f-^h e under I

    = W = 4 t - - ^ mmv OHusumniiij. Uiu u i S efga .in in ltie r, ^ bo • delegated

    , Topeka be 'appointed to tba . po rt o f .n ii


    ' j 'f

    a fo itn im iL iE iiHiiP IS STILL HEEm

    Senator-From-ldaho-OemaiCampaign Promise

    ; Pally Be IMef; Aid Must » g e -» ----------- :- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -6 iven;-He Declares.

    lOd. •

    " r o t * 1 W ASHINOTON, Jan. 12. W hile th a _ p r ^ d |n t ’B agrlcu ltiir

    ’ ‘"'f'-''’ commisalon continued today

    " ''■K' wrestle w ith tho problem o f ta r> tliuy re lie f. Senator Borah, repnbUca 11 lii«t Idaho, urged in tho aenato thj _ ^.thero bo .an early extra seaaloa I

    1 ~tlon~dealing w ith t t ie'gnblaet.

    — j C ulling .attuution -thn t fnrm -aid- jbeon n predoiriiimnt jnM| _ ."Europe’s Crops ro ilu ro .

    ^ E E I lle ttrrm e n t In some Tini'* o f .-ii;ri

    ------------ ^ a-aauBunr-^he-fitiliifft-of erop.i in__ !ropc, nnd th e Da^ca repnrutiou p

    1̂ " ̂ '' I'lio added, liowover, tha t th i' Dn 3 chntii- jp ia n .could not bo -o f lasting-.bon

    pRmmedil‘= ^< l:l'.v -aom ati.^ .fixod_aU a-d6 fi w a i'^ ^ t 8 ° ^ ~ ~

    c ^ r U u •fo ^ 'is ’ u p w ith Senator Borah, that to bor. greaaional action was necem ry. Hi

    I ’a code th a t tbo p light o f tho fa if . was being re lieved- b y ‘ *pat;| fnl

    MU CB««6« w ith Whieb-thc (»flwntn..nt:o Tree- noth ing to d o ."

    ' “ Tho tru th la ," the M o ijlf t i crel so soaator said, ‘ 't l ia t thd west* ith iO li i t — farm er dees aeft te y -te rd -«w a «

    _H 8 _U _ iJ roa o"tO llli tq .th « .8 a m woTl aa m eat w ith hla tronblas. N o m att o f their fp p jj legislatlTo ftmctlo:> pcnnl. m , trouble may.be, liq sets up

    cry. an dw o m ayconiider.oOTelT ilthough f o r t u n i^ I f . tho. c ry^d oe i- jio t a govern- ^

    rnwt.orn. -T thB-pyveruu iBuU-' When-S m at inn ncv- declared a t aaother poi

    - tb s t^ r B r T m s m a a a r v r m r ^ 'there na Bgrlcn itnm i problem ftU "? seT e n l'se n a tflrs wore ̂

    E R IP F loekiag to give the i_______ form ation, hn t the Marylaiy^.T^ ijb ur to r deoliaed to yield,'

    : in eon* . J^flsommnndatloa fo r re lie f n f the . the TC-, "tock industry occuiSbT' tfici ntteii verdict, ngnrrf'tBHay o f Iho ngric iiltu ra l com W illiam «'o"- These iv ill bo submitted to I released i‘lo " t Coolidgo next w «ik. CTiair------------Carey announeing that tho report wattempt was expected td be completod w j-to -th® «w a it-tli» ro tu rn -hefeef-P fcd-H7-Bt 0* . - a -Tory-fcw . Thiiro.was a growing

    lio f, however, tha t tho appointmen m ator London o f Alnnson XI. lloughtl>D,

    nmbflinn.lop tn nt.nnn«y , t ,cst possibility:

    * * ®“ The president, i t is nnderstood, 1 M r. Houghton in high regard, both

    ■ e ia tiy Bnd' i« i s u im ir aud 'fu iili ' tliuwould in every respect be' an o j

    thff i lva . nblo repreaentatlvo o f th»-TJnltedil1 tte n tio n n t tho Court o f B t Jamea. Zf he sfa commis- bo ap[>ointed to the post, w ha t fn i to Proa-, changes in tho diploraatie circles hairman would lend to in the be lie f o f offic rt w hich is a question too rcmotp a t th is tim i 1 would do fin lto dlaeusaion.. -DeJtby,' ” -Aj~tbcBa'"dlscnsslons 'proeeedodj ivestock senate took a fu rthe r step toward ho com* firm a tion o f Attorney Qenerol H i assoclnv K ..Stone ns asaoclato jua tlco n f

    ie, y n 'M i 'supro'mo c o u f lT ^ o f Charles B » 3Cwyoi>-o.of A fliih-rnmTnlttftft n f thn, j

    •bfl-£om-. «na-ao-suggo«tlaa.o^“ llie‘ ---------f.‘ iii.t. ■ 1‘ A H ls ,. Ja„, 12 (>P)—Tli'p n rltU li

    dplegationa n t tho cons nlii't- e f the aliiod finnnco inin in lcrpiiixQii have rettclii‘

  • :,g«ge;,,Two . . - TW

    liosfflisP= l i I M

    ‘ •S c a n 'd a lo u s P a y o f M a i r E m -

    p lo y e s w m p e ls jn e r n l u B li

    _ _ - D i s h o n e s t , . F e d e r a l . J u r is t De- c ia r e s in H e w Y o rk C ase . ~

    . , M i: \v ..-V4>Ri; . iraii. U r 14 ^ 1‘trr- ; .“ BcawUilntin v ’* y ” rW iU cmii-

    I«'1h tlic iti I d 1)0 (liiili(iiii!>t iV flrrt il l'*tnncis A. SVi»»it»w hu'h> tm 'iiv in vimt-

    iijToti fm ir rlcrliK, «}io-------- mti«f T f» iyp n n rr» itt-

    Httiiiipn : i t II p ro fit (if nbuiit $109 ru c ti.!" 1 hiivn I(i(iiii- l i i i t r r i d.TY ̂irTtrFiitii~ii. A fcaolu tiua ro«!*rdln? th(| „

    cndnmed liy tho Hiomberii. I ’ lAus fo r t- tht> nM viiiR .p f lit5t JuneliM to Usp »eliOO\ ,

    ohildroh fo r thn next t'vo lunntln w fjo | vomjilcU 'il, rtiu l luR ^cn -wUl Iw 'i

    .roliimiin ( if K iinn . f«ir tlKv-pvt-nlnj; o f ] J iinm iry nil, «lgo woro comvlcti-d. Cacon y ju id oddkli'H weri* b ' tv i i I ut-lJic-duse o f t th f na'otin;f, ' t

    , T lio Chrletlnii- K n d i-iw ir nocioty o f r thi< I ’resbytcrlnn church ulngod' ii fivo- ne t,p iny, en lltlcd ,“ Thc Kcrvimt in iho irdu^ i',” nt tliu th iu ilc r heru limt Friday ovoninj; w lii(!li wns nHotided ity a la rge |i

    ------nnit" n|i|irrc1nt1rrTlim }Pn/‘̂ TIIO " I 'in y Hwns under tiio (lifcctlun nnd

    M r. und M r*. U . Q. I t iiy u * wfo!T\vin ii ->b llH -v lH ltn rfr-S n tn fdflvr— -

    w ith Mrrt. F rnnk Fulton nnd^hiQil a^bo- pi

    J lik o T iit li transnetcd buslni-n* nT ^ — T V In -l'n trii-rrU ln y .— I"

    n . O. nnrncB, Powers nud 0. h. a; Johnson wero n il 'fw in I ’tiHs bUHincfl*

    ___vl»il(»r« Mondnv. j-------- I i-------- JtT». A- *“ “ BcrionBly a

    hiheart trotible. but fa now mnking rc- |n

    l i i r k Hoico eolobrntcd hU iKsvonlb )ii W rthdfty Ifts l F r lilfly . aftcrnocm by Uav- Ivt

    - in c it l i t t le , pa rty a t tha s thoo l,. t lio (u gttCKtt Uetng hts e1a»Btanto»:________ _ «f

    O A lvLAN D . Cal.. Jnn lS '» n pifflitr»-f I iIh onn money that thft bn''ine-»-TiTtd-my biiiin(-'*s ml(!htJ I.e iToti-i'ted ami its pro-inority, Jn-

    ' ;c r r ji5

    'Vnnlil e iT la in ly In- imable lo r iillo .'t thm .me, hut they save me Ihe per- nil^-iinn ami prnmi.'.ed tn fliipport' liie.' li iiiiii 'd u ili- ly ri'flcr, .w llh Ihe a^ is liiiioe

    . n f l ) , „ - ! „ r Mi'Cliire, lo o u llin c ' IbewnrlrT—Tvn l.Tr.il n permaiieijl_jicrre-fn r^ n « t-n p rn m } nf f iiT.n’ . ii '1‘Tri n -h ^ tt ir

    __ BullcUning l " ‘i : i 'i i Ihc . puMi.'iilion o f n

    ''.•i'l(iy__ui;w!t-Jcttcr_and_throuKlK-Oil-* in .-.litim -w r-w rre -n lile -1 n*'«P t-Iti'ln iii-li'

    ' w ill, a ll the Miinl grower* o f Mnlio.- 7 •^r^1l^^T T lli(•^-tn— vs>i.vtrviniTr'aiia“ i wIial due?. liCKUii to come in. W hilu .woi«-. iiav.i iio i raini-d ns ,mueh money nsiife wo I'diild havo tim'd f(.r the p ro fitn" a n d '!iu n .- f!f i i f Ihe iiiduKlry, wo hnve'

    '111' li,.i'ri a h l. 'J o (in a lo t of thinsH wIiIpIk.1 ,l.,.'lirv soon ns the woo owb growers o f Idaho r ealize whnt i t w il

    ~"‘^'^'‘~7 ,̂7 ^ f 'n i' '7 ^ By~~w^r~c6nsIdF1r'~I ” nae u f l i l t best ii.j.^rVtitiuu* Ibut *wi

    have made. ̂ H ay B ta iotln .

    — iloa C -.tliC -la flt_ a f..Ju ly . wo bogai Tn“ )'Pt” numfrBUi' nn(I“ h'h*lbus'M0t t 01' fr.'n i Hheejunen n il over tho stnto n

    ' I • In what the hay a itnation would bcI,1_______ . n f them ' were r t lh c r pnnlek;

    ____ Illl.I fe ll thnt on nernittif n f iV r lU^*iimmer the sitnntion would, be 40

    ___ ,t;ini’(,_,and_fherc_n'erc..rumoi'ji 'c'u?fcn[UOL .uninnK-tJie farmer*, th a t tho .prieo 0 I 'o f I.I.V would be fn im fifte e n to twent’

    ^ iwri.i- > A < I lm I'At i 'uHTi. - r miTirnnF ivith m .c iia t’ in lii.ise, cnrly in AuRust, w jses, dul.l. uuaritjr j— lV*-a iU -noL,-tr>^lu -M it..th« :;ire JTir.' ( if hay. . ■nor^ _____ L ike Vttrmors.

    line are nnt a .liffe re n t i ir .....- fn r f r -Hl.. U.,r a' Irm '.l Mial m i 'o „ t l|.. t.i lecd 111.' farai.'r, 11.1 innny fa rnnT i riiid~»oni. iTIsT Tdaho |nipi'rH n.'cni lo pr('siii.]Kr.T'.~J|i>.i1 'ont o f Ihe slieeji men are b ij^ farnierj

    f ( ^ Hlal.. ;ir.' .n vn .'d 'b v • l in -d . ie k • mi'ii, " t o ' Th.'.V i.Tl r.-iTlire i1»n̂ lITiMr jirosperlly ..ive ia - in L in ia te lv - iiu k u d -w ith - t lu t-o f-t li'a

    laniMT. 'I lic y know th a t neither they ['er-. iior thc fa rn i.'r can I.e jirosp.TonM liie. n ii l i l Ih .'y 't ;. 'l a |-ayinc pri-Sf>-p(T*Trnt-of-fhp-Tmr» , ji„ i-.'t fo r hay. Th.'ro is li" l> i shippinK,I1i:ir r^ b h -A -p e r'C P 'm T ’.m tit- rn ttt f l 'T T ir^ r,y,, .....................ore tlian 1." p.T cent of(IB I'^iy tlm t stnys here, .'^o, i f bay had

    , j j j cnne I.) a j.r ic i' li.’yond which stnek- m en'roiild" not a ffnn i tn fecd 'ltpn fitt'h

    iniK "'d iild baVj;,1n 'i 'f t j j i ip j> '( i_ ?*''*'■' n» l.MM vc laa lly hap'

    jii-a*''! to a iirealer esteni than' «-.•

    ri-.ir,. "'if fic io n t w iilo r nnd almndanr, crops. II liirtje part o f the ir hav w ill

    ^ l i S u i.n p rn e j '- i l!'”m J il'-'’ .'i»d twenty

    (ItiUar^.. RIop.k wa-s Hhippod-out aiid was not replnee.l. The fo llow in jf twn or three years thc hay-rrnp-was h iro ’ toni w.'nt iK'Kcinff a t five and *1*

    i" i i ' " ‘ 'I j " " o f the wnr finaneeniana«er. pul i l, ‘ Md j.e r rent o f the fiirn ie r ’s misery iu the. last few rears

    .(J,! hns. been due tn -r r -v e rr - lim ite d -h a y j j i j niarkef at a low price. ” 'Whenever

    l.-'H'If.'r. ft|d liinn nioiii.y l»- Hl^pjinienIn buy Ihat hiph (.rleed ha.v, Ihe rc;

    ,1 -nits werf disaatrnus' a i l ir ' ih n liiin lT r , and the stn.te ns n whole nre a t il l aiif-

    Q raitng lA n d Amcaaiaenta„ ( In KoiiiK aboiit 1T10 stale, vour see- 1,^ ri-Ia ry-funn iL that, thcro , wa» n wide ^ rtiffe ieui'c—ln " '11i r ” ilH9r'iIHrrt' v iiliiritl.m ' ^ ta i.i;«--h.m l».of-o.,unUvaIu...-in-dk^..I, f.'rc iit iiartH n f Iho Ktnle. l ie fonml

    .li.aU jiiU ll-..a.i:7-th ..y_wm .--.7BS(-«w :r

    n, .•nii'.i be b..nj-ht for nnd Ihnt in ninuy n. ea/*.‘M. laxc i and interest per year were

    ^ rrn1-fr)r-ppr-TtrTe-Tinrt-ThnT-tI^—wlfolir nitiia lion w ith in the stale Ik very iin- l.n iln e s s .lik p .-v e ry - '^ if lfa lr—find ' vcrr- u n iu lc llig ih ly . handled. __ :____:■ ■ .!_

    I,, lie wrol.'’ a b rie f on . Ihe aubject w liii'h .was jirenenled to the Stale.'. Hoard n f l'”(|unllzntii>n, liu t liepnuso of

    - I this helnB n .political yenr nnd for

    W / i j l n it* ■

    . il'scrim inalion. apiinHt our induntry

    ?T yiT.i' In jiludx lire Biiuation In your * .•oiinly nnd get tho nctun i fnclH, bo ' thnt' w . '.c a ^ digcat them in-.oar-,o f. 1 flee nnd-prrp-trc briefs, f ira t'K O lting < your enunly nsROBsnr lo ndjnat ih rn i '

    p. Incnlly in 11 ^ n lr manner n f le r wjiieh «

    0 " "L o ca l A M w S tio n ii “ I

    0 the - Ts jstin;r""*iim 1lo r ' «hpop' nMnel.hr-' ̂i . tiQll.t -Of-Tilahn.gn,l Hc luontnl in fo rm ine-n -nnm ber of_af-m ar!ie l-‘*1|y Itiff Tn t „ r t In in in v they i1n

    HKi' fron t servire 1>y [iK-ing n i n more ’ T. elaslic market and bringinR tbe m ar

    ket closer lo u«, who nre more nl vout 1^» li’ol-'N'd, * We do not w ish to

    market Iheir wool .jnat one. w«y_«i , , X tlimui-h nnly-one nfteney,. but we ,dr

    . feel that we should thoroughly inform r nir (rtr members o f the d ifferen t moth-

    n.lH nf marketini; nnd make I t posBb ‘I’ " ' feiisible fo r them to u«e ihr

    Iiiclhnd whieh mort nearly f i t * then ; m-cd». - AVe partlen larly want to Blvn — j|,«,.miat_t{rowcr h i* chuicc c f two ni

    ’ I.r.'.. ni.'tljnd»_of-BiJlin2 J n .a nuiahOf »i(1d ' ' f l''ivcr«. instead o f loligcr tnloratim:

    the iiruauut cuudition .under .which - beis able lo M-11 In n tily ono .innk -Icaler »hn .,ft(-n-lak*‘« -» -|> r« fit of from 3c1.. :o,. ...T .... 111.' .VO.I 1,1. li»n.

    i,„ ille i. T liis : i l»0 w ork^ a liar.Iship oa,1.- , ; nthcr w.).il i;r.nveri; :ih it oslabllshes a

    1...V.T lev.-l o f .price:. f..r the buyer In trade on. ' ,,

    the 'T lir..iii;li ,onr buH.'Hn we are goinc IMiiii tn jilvj- Ihe best nnd mnrit nepnrat.' oiild infnraialion nvallublo nud. hccp our

    wool i;r."vcri iaforme.l as In all ^

    Ili.‘ iirevaijluK I'riees t hat are i.eiiii: | i i i i . n o r it.

    V..U wUi hoiir more n f -n u r wool r,,,.'] iiia rki'linK".TepV.H~~wheu ~tUlg~!mnjn-t

    Irf>ng aod Short Hanl.— 'Vonr' K.'ii'cUilVi'' L'.jn iiiiliii.‘y li!iin rt!nr

    ,ii,,r^ vi.te.l to ccinlribute $J(lO to tbu Inter- .,l,p,i.HHlrnfits accruing to his busi.

    ’ ing ne*s. < _•'rat.' Z>noB tbo Same.-

    I th ink tho dues should bo', mnin- . . ^ taine.T at^ Ihc ]iresuu t nmoiint. The

    -iiTil. CalifurntA .Juid. ,O icgna-le;r-aniI_mfl.st— .if_tlie slates equal und in many eaaes •

    '-ool 'w hal we an i (Jhnrglng yon;J rrt W ic 'e a ir il lir ru n a -rm l-n im nB tta inn-lor- •------;ui,l,ii.4 iniig 3» y il li- af.:. g c tll ĥ >—

    tlic - I 'r v ic , wo feel Iha t vou nhonldrrtsn- -r?— vnmrry~tT:— [iTtr— rnn— fiVisr.naM.'—ter- nmniial, >

    the nuiii dues fc r w ill be one rent r^ li7 ? rn -f.;'r". lie e p ba''i'e.|'o'u ■lli^TJITinT -'.n:[_-nC.-hi;;id.-aho.ft-u.-aii.-thc.-{ax-iolla__

    the III,, s.'crol.'iry^ receives tho lists from this 111.- Various eounty' as.sessors, you w iil - e p -_ > i fa le m e n tH ._ . l Iu w o v o r , do not, ens wail fo r that, bu t fiend ynur checks ina- now, Yon k now fo r how rnanv shecw

    a t .Von'“ irrr-''asses«e.|. !Pioneer Btago Gone.

    Wn.ii growers o f Id.iho, - ynu--arc . 'xtninling to .liiy on tho threshold o f n

    — Tirw---rrx— T lin r-p lo nccr- itag o " i i r~ h r i . - - J l k ii i'L a i' j. - .T h n iirnhirm o f Uto-public.—

    . range i» in a largo .mensuro' .solve.i. The- range »vara waged ' between the ratll.-nien nnd sheepmen nre Inrgely,

    i!!|| a m atter o f history-and moat o f those-----wbn wage.l them nro no longer w ith •IIS, Hut w iih those new .conditions, We.THavi-' iiTsi-'' pr.ohrnTi*; upou '-tho sop-

    J L £ L iifu l.,J ftm illoa ^u f_ w m o !,“ r 7 . i r - . |h .c r ^« fu tu rf'-p rospo ritv rd f'-ou r-ln iltrs lry ;-------------

    - - -- Now^AdJnstmont .NoajBsary.-------- -Iho Freight rntea, wool marketing, lamb

    “ marketing, rn r sorviee, nsiessed vnlii- f f l alinn o f gra'Mng lands nnd -IM 's lo rk ,

    j in jd a to ry animal*; nd-

    dl- i ia u y 'o lli.-r ( in o n t io ii ir 'b f l i l fe impo'rl ■111 ii-'iu ire our careful consideration. f}ucb •ho [iridirciiis IIS wo liiivo ' to siilvis iue iilit

    ..Oji’. j ' l ‘'-hl.eni'„.pf_.tjic.,;ivool gro\'C.-.--...'îta- pf»—ill many o f them tho cattleman “ I hii* an ei[ual Interest. H is wclfuro ÎJI is oqiially nffectcd nnd hSs counsel

    I ‘I and advic(> should bo brought to bear «e oh-the lr Bolution.'' '• OalUo and shoop. •."‘•j I t waa w ith this Idea Iq mind that - t- i- yonr-AwKn»tntioii ar t ii in»i?(r'fo r a jo ln l •Uf- mooting o f the stockmen and tho for-

    esiry Bervico this nftornoon. I th ink

    .1' o f Idnfio should,get together nnd'workl iJ - f lut . u. I hf i i mutual liLTicf l t 811̂ 1 .Vio>--------

    linns as tb e s i^ In which thev both are

    OB- M ngoB-lo-t)io- best -possib lo-w ivantngr-------— In,.a ll cnnror.in.l M,.'., --------

    ^ .'fiilion of^theso two industries from or which the nvijor portion o f their rev- __earn- i^ .Icrivo.j._______

    INO new BilnatloRa w h ic li arise, i t is ur absolutely imperative th a t we have'•ll n-gnod-TitTonc-rorKanlzaUon.;. No ‘ in.er • (luHl ry,- in-thir-modom,-«om plO)f; l i l^ h '^ ------I.' l.v orgiinizod day and jige , can hope ul lo compete or hns bvor' been nido to p- ni(-ot new conditions, w ithout tho aid .1.5 of n strong, well mhhagcd organlui- 'K tion. ^ \

    ^ ^ l3 i ih o w T io ^ Y o n g c f^ ^ftwnv fTom fhc

    »l roads, tftodorn truck 'tm nsporta tlon , au- i" tnwobiles^ na well na tho jrroat im- i t provement in a ll the qldor iiieth'ods' ' :h o f trnnapoftn tinn 'nnd : communication,

    Ihe m o^t.rem nto ranch in Idaho is

    1- ~ ;Tho-idea-that-icom ir-tD*-(ixlst-lU -(Iie--------± a ik d ju o f -j>oiii(L.-of- uui-woolsgTa>fi£r

  • • ' - - ' "'"■Wc ME -io ........ •— ' , j t owT s 'to y-

    -1« N \ "TCV" I J N O !

    __________ ■ . \ I \

    ; . k M

    r ^ r l a

    z t J B M

    ^ ? ^ 5 E E 0 1 iF if te e n H u n d r e d D o lla r s T o

    G iv e n in P r iz e s a t S I

    " P la n n e d in B o is e F i r s t W

    :----------------- in - F e b ru a ry ^ ---------------------------

    HOIHH, .T.-iii. lL’—Onf hiinclri'd m_________ fiv .. .■iitrioM h iiv i-O iffn n-ri;lvoi]

    fo r tlio liln lio -'itutB noi'il Riitu |„. tlu- firh t wook in :

    to r . 15. AlilKon. Bccroliiry «>f the r! T l]v B o w .,8v r \W lv n rm n 11uiii of

    _________flUftiKltiU tlnv-'(HU'a-l!i(v-KrnwOf*-lmv>• tliO Bnmplo nnd ttic anu Iii-IH for unlr. Kticli y i'u r n pn'0 cataloK i» pulilialicd.

    ___________ A Intnl o f Sl.’IOO is given In i»rTU.-re :.rfcttod a

    . .....KurJy-Ohio8..aud;Il]Bh.Cnbblorii COiin t'xh lb it.

    N ,m .ccrtlfic(L «Pc.l-Ten ponnd* inm ll HCPfl any v n r i t 'y comnwrcltai fivd pounds, special, exccpt whtto

    , - v c r - Only flv o nnd fwo pounili nr quircd fo r tbo rciti«ctlvo clnuMB

    •tVift vario ty . ,Corn: Ten oafB yellow, whtto, <

    Dent, yU nt, pop'and *w cot

    ----------------VBfOtii ur oth f r v n flotUn---------------Pc m : Ton pounds fio li l or gar

    - -

    __ .■.______, .81ioaf- g ia lna -! and— RMi'SCa:-—tneh^*onr-'

    ta ry , Bolsc^________.

    ...... j h * y A r« H a rd .io u o t' ■ N cn rly n i l ' o f our United 8

    moths nnd b o ttc rn ics 'n ro easily

    ---------- ' - ^ ^ • | f U l 6“ A inerlcan*Porf8lry -n o ir__________ ^ W M b ln « to n ^ - Tbc_8onUi .A m. . - g n ^ c a o f-M o rp W ^n w macnlflcei

    m cdca a ro fn l ly n1nn. The B - -v f


    in two ed MftdsnuijJea . mimcrcini — * * ■ —

    A S o ^ ! li»SU»TCG ZE&OE0 tru ly t f U I X W A M : K A N T E CrowiT

    p E s m E > r ~ M M r > n m f l^ ^


    .W X LU A M H . ANDERSON, ferin<■ ” o f Y ork, rew aU y relsaaod 1

    - ora tion .w hoa ho attended sorvic

    ,1 '"’“ "^ ; E . OBOSSLAND P P A iT , a-New-' - !i> Jlght w e ifib t fltflom power plant

    ;= o - la io r * nonnrtop fU g h ti ftcro8».,.ti1 Uoini;. „ 2 j a b o Y A L HIOHNESS, PEIN

    .4 liiO T i

    K i i i r af c Birtiiday of Benjamin Fr ^ lin, January 17, Marl --4 ^ i« 5 r-w i} t ifc _____ l itiTVfd t l iroughout the countrv__ij^ ' ' .... ' T frB n T 'iif iv c ii Uiiys o? ompiinsiHH ______ hi.< iiriiicip lea n f suphomh. Thi’ in■ ---------plnns-B-cro‘'nniiOunced ]iyro“ t ^ ■ Wook .beaiiijimrt

    V N'litlonnI 'f li r lf 't w ecJ t'is ’ foatcri^:n the Y. M. C. A . through n comi M , « 'h irli rcpreaenta. -IH tvoll knfiu-i y . tionnl, civic, eommercinl, cduca ' nnd rollBlous orRaniajtions, incl

    tho Antcrleah. Bunkura’ ilmocI___ ____ Amerlcftn Itcd Cross, Aanocljttoc

    ^ ver^ninR glubs o f the W orld, jk" IT tion o f'7 '^ 'T u a u rn n co PreslJlenl'ii

    Heoulfl o f Amorica, Camp Pire ' Chamber o f Com m urco.of th 'o_l

    States, PeflcrnJ Council o f Chu X 1 & G irl Scout,a Qeneral Psdcrntj T I Women 'a clubs, ICiwnnIa clubs, Nn

    Board o f tho Y. W . 0 . A., Nn TecutvPd-ATnwcb t llBii u f Itogl-Katato- BTOfg :aUlortne^ironnl~l?Uluil "D ry - . Uooda aaspcl

    U nited Stales Posto fflco denaritl loaguo __' ‘ .olvod an Obaenoncb Grows.o f Yon- The obgcrvance o f N ittlannl '

    ftjw eok hna grown from a modcat ! th a t in to nn •0HtnCllNhc<

    l^ o jn . Itceords o f laa t-yoar.’s-o »lf.atyled,anco sbow thn t the “ w eek” wn id Statea o j'iikcd in ono form or another in

    '!»nnds o f communltled in th in oo^-y HONW ^ I


    . i'KNE-f I f §



    [iod-of. - k 4 — ■'

    'hrdisth E itr u v u ,,. — ' ■T h r if t , ” '

    wiH ui>on «'■■ L '-.'iivn il____ •• \today a t f * ^ ^ ’ '

    itcrcd by ■ominiltoo — - ...... ; . v - r / --1- - - ^Ifiu-n nri. I'J ’ ^ ■' ' : - . 'lucatiomiL V V , : : i ' . r . . .■■lyincluding V '■sociatioa, ’ 'V ’ > utod Ad-. _____, A "80cin- • i L I ' '- j/- ' cm V B p yire Girls, ^o_Uaitod ICburches, / is ,0t ; jn s m e s J D » K w x o a

    l^n tln n n l HaBTAlT ̂" “ I H A S L A lf r . STONE o f New

    u r t , itu . the lBW_Khl

    socintion, months nttom ey. geaeral * of pnrtment. un ite d SUtos, has been n ra l

    to the supreme court o f ’ iho \

    .'. . a :

    wns rcc- ' ' . ir in thou- S av ins E le c tr ic F ix ta r tI) country j f j.yu f ek-clrlc llx iu res ure ci I in^ftvery ,^,1 ,iiR«)Uir

    1 ™ * '^ “ -adgfltj'Ror - - ______Bank Ac- A ' jOwn Your ^ I

    tly . Share ................. “ -------

    _ w U r bo ThouBnndB-Qf Maa nnd~ ~Womet rday. Jan- K ow Taking Olandojen to Ho ; Sunday, ja la Norm al Health, VIgoi : ^ n d « y , s treng th- •ag“ D ay’ Y ____i. D a y " ; -------------V.—iwju-IIomo. - p r . ArnqJjl .Lorand o f A«strln:( ■>0, . '» -;r;rr his bonk,- "O ld Age Deferre. ^ 1 1 ......... « neftk lti^e t'- t l i t - T;t.niafl.

    fnnction* I f rhnnged by ngo . Bf J i i fa k e extrnct» -olB retained from th o -*a im ila r organa o f 1 eommitteo yonnu nnlmnl*. •

    nr.ANPimiR^ .:ACTmTY-^^OF BO DY . PBEXORBi

    S NWS. -rTOCTIOWa.' - - -' " A f r t ' retfent~inpdlcal co'n̂ ’ontl Chlrugo Dr. Boy Upham, prrsld

    i l l rtap* connection ox the nervous systoi

    ' oua disorders woro rocriv lug r flhlo banofits - ..from IglnndiUat

    T IM Bjia ^ n d u ln r tieuluiOUl t!uuid -be tnJ

    g g s g rTreentr!d lspntch.-inid“ th n tT e o p

    here'~~:>~~ 4e»anein^*~lMg:rof^etgtir,~ n M 'w ■ ■ i l j j i z : r ig h t by havUiff- tbo IMHHM - ^ h c i r ^ ^ a n i o r ^ n a n t l ^


    R.-ENakia>j!r.;7.i------------ —r W ' l C - 6 E a ' l \ W f ^ N W E S r n --------------,NC, - ^ S M U C H - \ S . . - t _ -----------^ W O R t OF COMtlWNT-

    K T O Y T - - W E ^ ^ S T JAItNa_lT_OUT- ----------

    t o Sou - ,\ RE6\ST6e a » r r e w )H E N - \ s u v M f A 'e b . - _ r S ; t v j E K S "T i iA ’e,» HORN V'T

    — [ - B *n fio -JU M ly -8 4 « p p e _ P b o n *-*7CH;- - U r . ^

    Y. ^ V J{

    ^ Dr. Wm. D. Reynoldsi * [ successor to

    ’ J ' D A V IS O P T IC A L C O. r ^ . T ' O ffice at

    >W •'y * * : , N ext ta..Ooldon Buie Store

    • L - ______ ________ — -^ L l S J ^ i i r e Z i ^ -

    One f

    1̂ --------------

    ^ W r o t t w i

    ^ . . X Q u m i n e iMhQQi_Qf; _ ' - r . - ■# - f a r f r t T . _ _ 3 ^ — ta M e ta z W* o f tho _ ' ' lomtaatod '

    idg- .ue. The First and Original ” - tx > it t a n a A ir ip T 'a D ie t

    !» « lu P r b v m 'S a fe T 'o r m o i ^ ^------_____ a-Quarter of.a.CentMy.aa

    _ an effective remedy^for u r« COLDS; GRIP, INPLU- e spotted ■ ENZA. and oa a Preventive.la t black . Tbo box bear* ̂ r i g n a t a t e

    , r £ ^ . ^ S f r t r v t ^•° '° ________:.R ic o 3 lli! .-

    M S ' —

    IT O C lE N m'MCTAte. —7 ~ y __

    Help Be- S l j A

    ‘rret!,” ' ' '

    - o f— rm>irJO or d i i»-ol>lttln«^ ------W j n v ' ^ ---------------------------------^) f henlthy j t \

    = 3 fC 0 E S ..----- -

    r«M ^. 'i; . ' O L A V ^ O '^ L X b - " ' * B B A T i au l i i (OLANDOOEN) OAN NOW

    rsmon. Of 1 -a K B N IN CONVENIENT T.

    '";^S ^ -------•atom w ith Thouimn'dB~i3f .men and w omen

    g ramnrk- helivreCaiUJoat‘ ft’ «n g th .v^w r,.T tt« U a t- tro a u m d . health. - Since-Beiengo has • ~tlifli,-*nta pnred-ar-y tnn tt--trw am o n t. .sTi

    ?, 1925. ■ , . . Paw,Thr«

  • I - . P a g e - F o i i r - ' •—

    Today’s Spd H B E:J iL iE 5 I^____ F i r s t G a m e o t S easo n G oes t o

    T w in F a i ls 2 5 to 1 7 ; K f t t T

    b o r ly Is O u tp la y e d .

    — Tu-i i i I ' li lU IiV)>ti~ti?iiMil Jjiinkrr tiiill '■•'uiii itK l i il t in i (tatiiu v f Uic. Hut-M.m liis t iiiK h t t l “ ‘ K liiilii 'r ly Iiik Ii

    ~ ~ m'litml ntiuii.l lilnyihR on lliu local floor t.y II M-iir.' «.f fn 17. K liiithT ly,.

    riiMii- hiM'U llic MuUiurn-aud.~ [•Ijiyi'ii a' [luVU ■'TnKt■ t;;iinV "Xrith—fT:ishT*ir;

    o f .Mly )iuHklii); ii'x t ^Inur wurk. tha t : l.i.ninlil--tlic'i>( iiiiil< r Mm' T w iirF ii l Ix jjoril l in ir iiin i .■ii.'iiiii. Tl»' wnn

    ■" r»y lli_l:iki»„uil'_vanliii;l llRijim

    — — i.i.'.l-l'nM*TtM.ii -iiin .lr, Ih r-J rrr- th rtiw n -- u i.I , ii.uT rii..: : ;- .:.r: i.y .„ . The toa.u-

    — .Un--lm:al : i .u i i i fin .L ln id .t tlii'ia fie ld K In tbrL'ii I r i 'u '

    ------- nirn«"ir— rii'n i ii^~Tfi>T7|i,TT r? ;n iiV 'i;iiiiio~-lum ('i,l ,lrvlir:il..lLllll» !l.

    ' l i l t . ' * bu t tlilo i l l m> niaiin i'r nbiwpd »i» llx ' t>t»|’ l ’*.‘d IIh' ^ l̂)r)nJ,’ o f Ibc

    • Il'Cllln. ___ ,__________.l^ ic Kimbd'rly miiind fi’tn y i'. l i ii m i'f

    dcfi-nsivi' Komc-a«d accuiird cuntontoil

    M'Vi'rai ni'diHldiix I tr ijiiii or I ’ littcrRoi:------ U v»m lJ_lrcak.aw ai_for-ii."trav »li» t nn.l.

    I{n |ila , Mlf . ICIii»b'ixh and Oa d ic a m o * eiution to b o j i j- ld n t H oV.toek thU'

    . . iuwiiatutf-»i>-4li»*»-4»1k»*~ ‘ It-.i.ft. iMMllllli to ̂‘ U orw. I'Oiin.’inls ami i>lln'rn atfd tlio c(»ni- I'J niu iii!.lii aro srizinK h i'a r in ji'as n; os cood n ird iiin i fo r (’ropapiTidn. ......

    : s u iS A R m e e t j n F a d j o u r n s :

    ■ NKW YtMtIC; .Tiih, 12 OP^-^irmeeting pp. o f tlio Ktorkboldera o f tho :* 20, ),i to r Ivo tho A in crlra ii Sugar IJcfinlnK

    - company nn op|H>rtunltr to np p lr fo r i iiod ificn tlon o f tho 'U n ltcd Htatca court'a ducrt'O o f 1922 rea trn ln in^ it- from controlling tho N ational. Aniorl-’ can Suf^ar'j option on tbo N’ntionni cx-

    [{. jiiro * M nrcli l.i.

    JOITM W . V ia K E R , M , M . D. OllnlciU ond Lftborntory Diagnosis

    ^’ iiT^(lu^|:^r/^1“ trass._________

    ..... .............^ ■ 1 0 ,0 a .g lr- ... : _____ _

    . . : J --------1 • - ..... ~:1 d.74iu>7- J . Z —

    .. »i>.i.»ni.r.7 C i ty C o ra m is s lo n e n s . P a y C o n -

    „ . t r a c t o r ’s C la im A f t e r H e a r -

    '.‘ i r in g H is A r g u m e n t . ^Iiiu ■ ......______________ ■ ________ _

    eHMT — liftTir-MijitlQn fi, Ilu liluT g 'o f Burbage ted .. for oijcht. dayii tbo Innt-of Dcccmbcr nnd >aed tlio firRt o f Jnnuiiry-w as tho prlncl]m l tho .tn p ir .o f dinrunxlon a t » regular meet-

    ear, ;ing .M onday-crcning-of Tw in Falls m n" ttcJ-|V.ld pa l-c o minlt.qtwwi-Hhtr-TtWtnrrtm p 1 ir 'r e - iJTe n iiim ’ (•.■irHcd on .by - Dr. l l . Jt.

    (■rooMio o f Groomc.aud iIcCoy,.holdorii o f Ihe contract fo r gaibngo reinovcl.

    ^Occiiainn fo r tho dlseuxHlon wiiii caused by aclion o f Ibe coniinliillioni'r* u t n

    --------lir l i ir irin -tiu g -iii. d i- f f jr in tu a y n » y \^ fcjlbo ro iitra i'lo r 'h m onthly b ill.

    | » j r — Ur^Jroomo-at-tbl»-uiofitlDg explained- l y . t b a t aeve ro 'irin tc r weather had been I I ,lar(;i.-ia ra lU ’ burnwl-____JUDri;_toal. t liiin . i iu .n n y . corrcsi’ondinK

    I'Oriod il l ilK h in lo ry .” Tbu period, ho Klatcd inrludod tw o hollduys during

    ,)ii. which, ho awnorted, “ men Wliojo wives il id n ’l carry out^tho ii*bcs,‘’dld I t them-

    ,);iv'Helvca,” w ltb tho result tbn t larger •qunn titie j o f nsbes llia n usual bail boon

    .:ij;n il'la rcd In the nlleya. ,IIo pointoiL.OUt ..rnui t i» -of ■lus-w gttow nt, ■ P r.

    ' ''rrrniiiii(r7TvrrT;7yo(7~ti[» f (be worTt wn» lie- int! llono now moro ecnnomic.allv niuT

    th c 'e f f ic ie n t ly Ih im over 'boforo In tho ib le c ity '.! liM tfiry and nbi'crted that when

    o f tbo. work had been dono by the c ity on ilocL.foMo-'aca.uiiL.tUo cost, bad boon $133 j * ^ '] 'o r month.

    C O p f r o r H E C I T F S I R

    ■•‘ •a-l— P O P.A T4:M .O .-J«a.-.a2.(fl^ ’rh»J-thc. .slati-iM vnt.ot-U iii-clk-bslBK in bn iLc '"':.

    ^'^Jilition on nppor Olbnon. .Tuck und

    ■^"^.|il(iyod in fbo jmlRniont l> f 'W ill Iln y i,------ jtlrp u ty—gnnio vr.ird*'Tr;~who—yi'sto filjiy

    jniadc i l a KpooinI order o f biwinom to H Jg 'rb le tho rango in tbal locality whore

    • ;;MhP r lk . t jre w\id to h c ; ln a bnd cnndi- Ulon hndMn'wiint'^n^Tiay.*’ Bcpiify 'T liryir

    j j j j “ «tflti '■»wwi i_ . cording to tolegrapbie ndvices recolved

    hm?.— No-CTttTnntirhnB-tiBnn-TBn4n-n< tho damago d o no ^ the r erops.

    The m ereniy droppc'd to 17 legTM i ___ anU rdoy n ig b t_ ™ B _ is _ th o _ coldest

    ^ t t i o p - t ! i n r “ im i’ UCTHSTeijweU'' "WJ n o - w n n r y ^Sa]. Tclcgrnphic advices received by to ^ l y tnuto buyers n t tho international bordei

    in liero from growers n t Los Moieh, 6ina‘ rc f.' Io n ,'d is tric t,-p lne o lliO 'tom «lo-Jow -ft(

    .'U>-p«.i^nVH»f-tlio-iirtpieke4- e » jv 6 fOw. past ere from tho Uamoa, tiuragoaa nnd (Juay ju id nwiTO d is tr ic ts ..ha vo .. reported large nnd loaves becauso o f the nnpreccdontetl n to cold. ■■ ' • . • bors ' . ' — ------

    WAflR£N-PREPftRES-TO-----; ; ; :— g iv e _ up— b u s in e s s —

    , FOR -CABINET P0S1r - j^ ------OBTIfO IT, ,Tnn.'- -12 (/p)—Chirrin

    Hoi'cbor Wurreu. wbono' nomluation ti ^ 1.0 nttornoy general o f the Unltot

    State# wan uont' to th o 'U n ltod Stato'i k ‘ vo up buMhi'., y a r n ’ ntaiidint

    wlion bo IcavoB lle tro it to aX.Jt~vac- .


    IM S . - I B i kdc»t, . _ Y ._• w

    to-rder (linn-' -mm V '

    A A - # - i ^ 1 ' 1 I - —

    -I-• ••nted -

    I A ^ T J B IO E

    ------- ------ --------- ■TOOBNBUB- -

    ------- ■ ' pgodactioa —

    J.'” _ _Comedy,' Charles, Chase, and

    — --------------Irttsst-N«w»^W «kly.-------- —Nlgbt Only. Balcony., -̂.......... -20o

    ' lstpf noor..:..:::.::.:............-30c

    i,i. TOMOBBOWM am m oth V au d e v ille Show ■

    rivo Big Acts of Talentod '• ‘■I* . Variety . . .

    W ith F ea tu re P ic tu re

    S f l MADG E B E L L A M YiiKoIJ_____ ^ O Y D .H U G H B S .______ _thuj S A N T O H T '

    ^ 3 -1— OaPM EgM 0B gH B 8aUW= —

    ly to roaii iJiIm HoroV what u woman ovo, bi» proloclion, hin loyjilly, bin friend* tendornuM of hin Mlrongth. iind the'com-

    . I t ’s a cboarr iireminm to iniv npuiniil «.idL‘a ,_ £ d lc r s J - _______

    « r s \ — ^ pSioes-----K( J ) Uatinoe................ 10c and SOcJ W fe — -X w ning ,...-^-^lOo-and-aOc- - —

    Timo 2. 3:30. 7 and- 0

    W S H O W IN G ' __________

    ISS. BLUEBEARD^\am a P rom t£ V P e n o T A v e r^ H o p r ~ 3W P a ra m o u n t P ic ttire

    Iff Bebe Daniels ~



    ,080 ■ .D U N K L E Y 'SH A E M O N Y D O Q -DADS ,

    tfO T H P H 8D A Y ......

    Feature Comedy Ever

    i . ' I

    A Deep Sea Diver_ _---- Who-Comes-Up~— ~ ~. With the Laughs!

    t i j r ^ o a d o w n in t h e ^

    ^ ocean," ” b u B b lM ^ o T ~ " ~~ ”

    ' g i g g l o . 8 ascend.

    An Ocean o f Fun!

    U i \ ■ |i f I M I ^

    : P IO T O K B

    ___ - 1 __

  • i i i i i l i iL E T illT e t

    W il l ia m H a r i™ s ' t o J 3 r a v e l

    - : - ^ „ ^ M i le s . . o t - H i f lh w a y - N o p t t w

    T w in F a l ls D is t r i c t H a k e

    ________ A n a u a L R e p o r t . ■ .

    —p---'*-...... .'C ontract fo r fu rn is liin j; itncl npplie;

    • ̂ t io n oE jjrnvel on a tlircii-m ilcs »trctc ’ . ' .o f lond e itcu d in ir w«»t from n jto ln t o

    'B luo La kc i boulevard two m iles-uorl o f T»vin FulU was awardcil Haliirdny b

    -------- r^lH rtTnPiri^h iR tnrnrttlSTH cl commiMibtCM to W illiam Hnrkiii#, wIiobu bid o

    m it tH , Oradinu u f U iis'road hna bee ..c'omiil.i'li'd 'incl i:riivi.'linK. M r. U arkiu

    • ntnti-d, l-n_nD dJ>cff.rc tu raod--to -_M ou iU a i

    *•“ ’ ‘■‘•f '0 Rot »o»'o ’ “ •'•■Ifik e s repalM.

    retell j

    lOrlU......... ............. 1::___ __:__y i,y I V A U D E V ILLE A T OEPUEUM. slon- • uU» luuhUul lu 'ti “W llti Variations o ,j o f yoddin ff, daneiaK, aiid comedy, and :

    been. “ '1'̂ tumbling niakis up tbo.vnnd*' •kina ' ' i l ’o bil2_at tlio_Orj)heum Wcdiicaday.lUior___?*‘'b LS '"(3 ;it l. 'iiiitt- I3 ro w ii liiivu a - r t

    marl:ably pretty and decidcdlj- u tlra c t 'fo r , *‘̂ 1’ "/fT ir ^

    liir^ €^^rrr~r^


    T , [which ypu hnvc ownod ito c lt— i f yti •« lw dH bM » i»^U ArBZ.U k J 3 PMA..01 fl" I Add tb ii a o i o f y lu r^ t '^ th o f^ ii i lu v

    your grpnt-grnndfatbi'r und your oh H u t- ( .( t-rh lli], a llowing 40 i« r cent fu r d'

    Qt> liirociatlon, and I f you are n bachrlo / 'm a k o nn estimate o f your neighbor

    ^ i> rf!^ fam U y ’ !,.-a iul—fro m - .t im ■nw- iIih1>k ij ' f o r ;o n c h a l f o f the 1 jw r c rn t o f yoi* pftU ^̂ r |>nWi*r**pilinrlilMoun 'and cmp—and m u ltip ly the result b wen- r’tho numbers o f l ' ‘ f in g e rs " o f "lii>utch

    1 and >(’U hav^.taken during Iho Inni quart* -Wcca. af_tbe!Du i t veu^ t jo e 8mi1hflonlLn_JV 'fn m i -port IK«7, Boc..93,-Pi»g«> 75»—«r*arr} WHEN wa> tlio Brest pyramid of

    l - iy , Cliwp. built f - -id ti l HOWcanyeudlitlneuUh-soaJsrtsJ— lo iin t I moiQulta?- '''o - ' I WKEAEItCaoberra? Z«abrure«f

    & ’e I WHO waa (tie Klllboy ot lha Blaahaa?------- — Art»ti»»e 'a l* men" ierrins yon teo?

    OI«a tti«m aa oppcrtuoltz by plBClsc

    ...... .Webster’s ':rNEW-IjffgNATMAL


    . -Imroodiflfa, constant, Insilnfctm it?-. worthy. ■AnsweraallTclndoof quoar.• I tloni. A coniuiy o f davoloplng, enlarging, and (Xtreetlng under ex>

    ~ Insurornccurncjr, cotDplottneas, compactnoss, authority.


    8 ' Ib4I a” "

    STEWS, TWIN FALLS, ID̂:DAH0, TUESDAYi\lbRlf vo u ! ■ ' ' '-------^ — *7 — ^

    Edited, t j M R & I I B. W ILL IA M S

    ■holor, ^ o n o 900 ib o r ’a . ......... •. .------lad>t«t-p=g»ar:4»«ll.g.hBpt»i.. l )aw g h W ^ f-«

    yo"*" Amorican llov idu tlo ii met w ith .Mrs. ' i l l l!v nfier'noflti, ’ Ti»tch*' ■“ "'•hoon w as'servcdut I o'c’louartcr j '» ‘ th Mr». W. A. Darker, Mrs, 'fhom n R o-! Robortson, Mrs. Marv Y. Norton ni ' 'T l i^ Mrs.-U4‘rlh(k*î >uiir'i

    The ri'g i'u t, .Mrs. M. i \ (bimblo, pres! cd at lh . . . —

    I .Mt>. i:rh.'>t Clauilin ealorlalnrd t: igrrrnr meml>iTs o f her .Sunday xcliool cIiuh ■ ^ ^ “ jih u .im i! ii" i)P in T iM i r i ' i J is , i in t i 'M j

    |a . i;. S lIf.T . on .Monday aftoraoini. — i.,oriy li in i- WIIH api'at w ith gaini'o ai w ill I* .b lu n ts '' ;ii.d late in Ihe aftoraoi

    Wod- jd iijn ty rofn;>hinenj». were served.'Tho ptc«i:iit'..w-.iffT.|p>- ton-wus-ulu

  • • rWIW FAILS . DAILY ilEW SlMU«rf - cvwT -maraltiK-^MCTOt t Mon4*r

    ^ Ig ’ " '' EniMAd oa ..M O M d-cU ji^ 'n U ir in^ r*t

    77̂ — - jS n f O ^ n ^ V o i i r i n B ^ r r p ^ ^


    MICMItKIl OV AflflO fllATBD PRB88 AMOclfltiHl Pr*M II exeluilT*!?

    •niltlPU to -tno 0All nrw« to))M orwJUM to «. or nol

    ----------«th«rwlM-onMlU«>1 In -th U . p > W - tnS— '— ii® n m no a irT iB w rT nJ tilt« irt-h eT e tn r^ l______ri*uu_ot_rcDUl»UcaUQn_oLJC«^^LJlt

    patclifu liflrMn oro aUo rtwrvod. .' M l rnrnnt AMoclftmJ I’mw.

    . T im Nuwi l« ft member of' the Au^lt

    S fm rn m a tT M M u ^ ^UlH'-il iii'on npnileailon. Detullwl tnfor* oinihm luptjUetl locAlIr upon rmucei.

    t lc l"" IMlor iiiirl no mnnu»crlnt» will 1>" ru Iialliit...Tho t.ull«M w ill li.'i.r Illl ' iKinion n f tUo nr.’H ii|..ii|i;il nml v icu |if.'i>|(|..-iitiaLcau. d i. i; i l i- . wIilHi w ill purniil .llr.'ot vot- iiiK' fn r tliOHO nfrich ilx. Tliv c lccton

    — iriH-liv-rCTpitTTTi;-at"ihti-1116011 ng -of "thn E lo i'inn il J^ollfBP, In rn»t. Ihoir bnllotii fo r tlin rlin io^ ’ iii(ticatc '(ro ii' 't lio bnl-'

    T l i i i i.i nol r i' ii l ly nn.inriovnlion, nor . iB ilH li-cTility qiicstiiin.iJilo. I t lins ..^bl;cn.^|^)nv.iu.4(l^^•u.aO}l-^’ obraJlka..uud.

    _____ h n n .bccu J id il.vu llil.by -.U ttcx iu rtJ . _ l t

    tc llic ib lo to Uio votrrn nml makes tln 'iii fi'p l llia t. thn ir votes'really count In clinosiiii; th o lr o liin f i'*ocutlvc. I t lookR liko itK o n il wny ti> ci-t nrminil tho awkward cniiHtltutlcTnaT roqulre

    _____ nn'iH un til,, niirli__ttm c.aa.a VRilRralnniciulmoiit oaii bc uiloplcd bringing

    — :— lhc_ tt'ii« li{ ijL lnn n ljnn cU iiic ry - la to -ha r- n io iij* «’i l l i mndorn foctn.

    ___________n r r n n o s a iv n w nrn ftR -

    A now M ifoty Uuvioo lim boon in- etu llJ il l i t a .iannorouii milrnacl orosa' ing near Hnii Frnnoisco, iioiir ii " b l i in l curve.'_'__Inst.-n« nor«.*H-. I i m itfl.l itw d it- c iticg, too, a t bud iiitcrgfctioiin.

    _ -̂-------ilU M lA N - EXPORTS - ___ ~

    D r. H arry H . Lauftlilin , in u report to tho im m igration committco o f thu

    - - A u iim *-o i—K e prm un tn tim r'ta tces -no ^o f tho rcmnrkablo f.ic t Hint wlul p. in.—.N'lu'hUciivk frnli.-.^ * 7 ------------ l u c m 's ir x y g m r s:— ~■ifk- ^ p. ni.— A rt llii'k riian '.i orclii'stra,rU li! '7 :.in p irn .—C h ililr i'ii’s B lo rv V -------

    I 11 p. i i i . ~ I ’ rnj;ram onnrlo/iy o f llnrr.ani = M ninr I ’l i r .-nmimny..-- : . . r * 11 p, in.— i:a rl I l i i r l i i . ' l t ’H or.-li.-stra,

    t , , ' KPO. SAN rilANO ISCO. i , 1 p. Ml,— Iludy Wi'iKor'sixrcho-Hlra.-.

    p. III.— C t.iH rcn’« nlnry. '|i. ,1,̂ — rrn j;riiiii uiid'T

    , 1̂ ,̂ iV il ia .M..rcl,Mu-.i>' |iiibllHlti-rs.i 111 p. 111.— ..................... . nfiV ir tn r VoK.-l, b:iM," !’• It.ra'itldd.-s-voraa-.

    fo r ] K F I, -Irf38 ANOELES.L;? ia_Q :aU _|i_ iii.--j:«a-L«riiit'-V-r.rw n 'w ic}t :(iH ;V ill,ij;n nrolioKlra.f f i- j 10 p. iii.-^-l’ M «riiiii o f III,- •Criltciicloii' ..rH'Cnnnorvalnry o f Mii^ir,I,., KSD, BT. LOUIS.

    [• a p, m ^-M fn rt o f Hpo.-lal Innp d l i ta n c if^^jlc 's t lam ing IH. hniir*. Music'nad other tho 'lu rin g onlire poricd.

    ___ ;K 0 W , PORTLANp,__________* ‘ ■ i\ p, in.—4’h ililro n ‘s program. .

    9 p. Ul,—Agriculture Irctu ro from Oregon Agricu ltura l colli-go." ! I | . . - | - S : - C i l r 7 r t . --------_ l l : p . m.— Bunoe-iiMiHic br-MuUnomnh

    ini- Hotel Strollers.

    CASTLEFORDhas _____ _iud-) .C .M .S 'n.M roH U —Ur. .-47„ n . Wcnvpr,

    luu u ty [i liyril r imi. I.US mado Hoveral t r ip i l l -P in t lo f . r r .1 - fh ilT ■nTnl--'i,Vv,:,'iig,,fij^R

    7 '" nnd qnaruntii.ing e.asw o f ehickonpox. kes Tho It. ^\^ 0«Kor, James llouk, Milos uut Duilson nnd '.lo liu fiolber fauillios nro

    J. under iiunruntine,J Mrs. I), n . Kldrldse rnlurned to Cns-

    J - tlerflrd-''r iiosd iry fmm-Colonirtn.-- ^ Iw . ^ K ldridgo is a gji.'nt n t th ii J . D. Acha-«ral buLiim l A ^ ir Immoa_________■ing Theodore IM lo r mado n business tr ip»ar- J ’a lls-a’uosdny, •--------------------—

    Mrs. K. K.~Dcnrioy hns' substituted as ti'uclie r fo r Ihe seventh and eighth grades th is ivee.lc.

    ___.jlrs . M n rlev Dbipkiiiii Is n pp tlent nt- Iho county hosplinl where sho under-

    - - w«.nl nn-4^H>rntion. - ............— -C. J . M ille r, stnto commlttoemnn, re-

    iin l tu riiod Thursday, from lioiso. While ,rn. 'l"» 'o he :itlunde(l tho opening o f thc . - pros.Mit leg islative Hi'ssion. . .

    Tho funeral o f Mrs. Andrew J. Mocks i i i i l iv n e -h u ld -T ln ir iM la y -n ftm io tm - in -th c •Ofl Odd Fellows hall in Duhl under tbo nus- n.|i. picc* o f tho liastorn Star lodK^ IJrs.

    Mooks Is survived J>y her husband, throo slstors,' Mrs. t . P. Scarnino ot

    ----- a n r ' U i t ^ ! .Mh. Ai d Ui.ok nn a ' Missbns m rg tire t 'T h o m .is o f Castleford: four i l ly liro tliers, Wnrner -ofr.-Spanlah Fork, ,11.. U tab j John ThomaaTDrTJ; Thomns nnd

    f 0. F. Thomaa all o f CasUoford. Mrs. ; “ MfiPks vjnis n teacher a t tin rT ^ ~ « -6 e lc

    school provious to her deiilh, nnd sho ght is mourncfl by 'a liost of'friends. on J- D. Acliobol was iu Tw in Falls on

    . F riday and Hnturdny. - .M r.-anQ Mra. A; K. Holler nnd cUil-

    'o.” ) dron spent a few days tills week w ith sec reiutivi-s’ in Tw in Falls.

    ---------->----------i,_____ Great Chlnesc.Encylopedla - _

    ' ■ ■ T l i l~ ‘ n i'0 r tr J-:nrylnppdln' « ' f - t ‘ r:Jnn7

    ~ • tfru n lo x r^ lH t'H ry •.MiKloriiiUliiR.-.-.jivo'r ■' k n b w n r ’ fV f 'f ' K rhntnrron um a uropy...tnnd o - ln 1607 nnd .stored nt ,thc Unnlin i-ollogo;

    :of- Peking, wns n lln rke d 'b y flri* lu 1000. 'ine Only nbciiit 100 vnlnnies were s:ivt«d.in g ..........7

    Nature[$ Protection the. ji'Tbc.baU erlllcs '.c ls -zag t in tli tbruucb' „ a .ih a _ ilr_m ftlti;a _ Il_ m o fc_ d i.iiicu it- ;fo r- jre r M nU lu i a t t l i Ihem « o - th i .rluj;.

    - _________________ . ^ n i ^ nea.____1I.L liJ. IlflL_____ W—

    ILfiraras-BeaTPgppOT--Bob-tnlcB j- th o -**opelr**'

    nld3r tc a m tt t ie s t^ ntpat^gnfla.--.:^.^;igfg=W ttfn yuu arc BUffOfJhjj id y s il ilf i l"

    , - i nfoohd.-'junt t r r Bod Popdct.L:/i gqb,aDEo''on_wiil .luivtLtSii fi*- - ' 'r n n if t-> lii n few iL .iirn ;" ,loukK l.nwe,l

    bis h.'ml. “ I oiiu 'l be lli worrj'InK." he •1 -o f pnnfr-.«ofi nlnn’̂ t'liiiinb l.v .-— ’̂ ll- . lo n 'l

    xeciu llko i f nmn. ban uiiioh cliunci I nf' wlM'U III' II.-X lltii- tliiil," .

    . Ilciiahuw’a.llii.'t im fled.. Uii-liuiLbuuT Liraa.-- i ib ii iiU u lw !.H ia l. . tb i- . i i ld -lU iin llitd .lll

    . wl-.iiHni-Kx, .1.111. lie \-liiin i;. '< l bis mln.l, -Tlii'ii_ni!«*rul)i':^. T lii'y could-Bufuly-Jvst.on hotI yp now, fo r hor own eyes wore clc«*rtl

    und bor d.'op! q u lo l-b ro u tli ln s -liu ll ' ' the 'hot «li.< »!>•' iisl»oi>. Me \vn>

    gln il o f tlm r,_S |u ' won lijilooL’. nml. "be ;oeks wiis.wunu. Sin* hug ovon lo t him tuck -th e - -n irT rrK lu iu~m Tum r'Io !r“ l{ni-oK.- Now, nus- w ithout ofronxe, ho r in ili l stuily. her in

    deinll. ns ho m lc lit hiivo sttidled snino- th ing beautiful In u tniiHoutu.

    on her fim-bond. 'Cliurc w a ii-n t in j ?orl(, peak in th - t-onter. tbo “ widow'sponlr,“ and bo Imd lioiird It cniled. the old Kupe^

    Mrs. m itlon bcin i;' th a t u .woman who» »6oTd .lm lr. tn.''ir In tlm t l i t t le po inTon Ihe

    "lio brow wns dnonied , to bo a wldow^ I H er Closed «yos nnd tho Tclvcty whUe*

    • ness o f her skin gave he r fa ta -a n . . . oddly Ilfoli'RH look, tlie-llfelossness oi

    -a beautiful sta tue ; b u t oo Htatuo bad those exqulsKoly nrebed black e^c-

    — - •4»rows.-tlm»r-long. s llg lit ly curW -l.l«ek__ m la flbea.-una_-tU ose.juaglc .c'rlmflon

    Ann; 'curveB-of-tlu i-m ouUi. I t waa.ji.proui) ’ he inuutli almost n cold mouth, thoucli

    jivor lt ; ,w n s iin lovpjy. Indeed,.,the’ Wliolp ving- face- seemetl - coid. di>Bpltc-tho-.|iur.

    ^Isheil lila rkn eM o f b n lr nnd eyebrows *und nnd jj-e lns lies^ Yet_^rity_C um p l)e l1

    ii> u n>ady to finsh up In (l^rco ungcr lit a ■-JX w ord o r B look: piVhnpB,-h.JtWD hla locc;< th oo ih ts on her., K o wa« tired of 1000. th ln k la * o b o n f~ » « t i> jp V o f 'T a w iib

    '•'♦J. Ker, o f gpeculntlnc aa to v^at*Onrap- 7 b e in io d mouiit by w ha t ho had s a il

    • - » u t his tbouglita rotum od to snct iu*b* conneetlcin w5lb the g ir l, aad-'■tot- -P ’ ?-I'rPW uua.thejj).tcscatc-^6o hard-heudcd,’ In-

    --------- d r i;d...tha t.. lt . wa u ld ^ -v « ry -< lin ie u H..for.-h|iA? to

    blue circles nnd uncanny m idnight I P (uiunds. Stanley wou ld e ither thinkII tha t Kenshnw wn» exaggerating nnt* 1 T _ural cojiditlons,easily.'cxpIalBOd,.or-lio l u jrQllUl..JhlPk. lkn sh n w ’9 ncm a were

    -tiln y lng.bbu tr le k s f^ e n f ih s ir -d ld 'a o t rnn . wIsh' Stnnloy to get any auch notion na t f t t r 'c-nindinld f r l fn d

    iOM*- ncrvea wero .uncerlnln... A nd .what »aa u u i .uf 8 tin.ilgy- .wuB

    r p i ^ r o . m p w j r u e o t i lb r r U . . . Stanley,St.

    man a .nppeamDec, tfad- non& . I f lio'

    fEWS, TWIN FALLS, IM.. tt | ld -h la . cxiierlenco - tor .M orta,'- abot

    llrs r th ing M orrllTw nu ld do woul r S ..he to 08k Jenka w hn t;flo rt n f fc l lo i— -^the n w - e t w i r t n r r - i r a ^ A a d - t t - w a

    flu lte on tho (uir.lg-f^t-plani4»d-iK>-Hrml,

    tc m ii" " - -----------h i j r : " T l i i r iK . t 'u i l i : l i t l i . ‘ n . lo t worseV m iil'cht i 'h 'U '"" ho to ld V e rity w llh bniiiqu

    kindliness. “ I i l iln k we’l l bring bit ull r ig h t, but i t . w i l l ^ k

    i t h # ' ® ' ^ ’ ‘ “I t He lo^ikod n t tbe c lrl'a face. Kvcr

    foaniro 'vas q iilvo rln j: under the sui 4 fln -r« ln*u t Ion - ;i,t. sioei> lu to i f yuu cun.”"mo- He jfiivc tlie yonng innn's ahouraer'

    friendly l l t t lu push, sho t.a atrulsli ■ * 'n iif| lw k liil> f bin vjoh. uiiU noaueu con tloy plncenlly. .u a - I f Uic glanco had coi

    jnk," iinued an enrller'ImprcssioD.Iiw r^ "Go to bod," Jio refonted. “ Jenk hOM R,ya ypu^e_both been on tho w iitc ' Ihe over alncc i t happened. I fa our tu r dow. now.”bile* • Ho listened w ith Interest to nor r a n ghaw’H report o f the pnttenl’s nioko IS o f o f conscIousnosK. He wiis In eicelleu bad spirits, evidently grenliy relieved t c^c- discover th n t b is o ld .frien d hud wim

    ilftW '-h e cnilcd "a — d—d —g o od '-flg litinnsoii .cliunce.’̂ — ------------------- -----roud- . . - iW lU f ls h t ,- to o .5 -b o -c liu c k l& d - t augli Morris, a l i t t le Inter, ' i l o ’s mndo u Tiolfc hla m ind to ou tiivo mcl— ThulTwHbur-, help-h lm .’---------- ;-------- -̂----------------------

    rows Itenabaw escorted - Verity to th P.belj. door o f-her rpotiifc Tli'ere. to-hla-sut ln t= , l pH ic .^h»«-tHH~her-h nnd ' in his.*' 'A il l 0- tho touch o f the small Ilngm , blfJ.sell• no t' ■cons'cloUflness returned. “ H c” hciii ‘ tli Hash hand vaguely a moment, ns If he db

    not know q u ite : what to do w ith il hla then gently gnvn Ir li'nrlf tn tmr.

    II Of “ Good n ight," he HDld. "Sleep woll iwao I ’m almoat euro there's nothlhg ti nratv ’fo rry , about now."s a i l ’ Slie“ h"o3aea. “ I tnow',’‘ ’ s'lio said SQOj,. .“ Good-nlglit. And tliank you again

    rm aorr3>' I waa so horrid.”. _______J not --B o -^o o k -h la -b e n d ;-r '’ Yon-irere no

    hlng, St'c entered her room and closed' th< j door, bu t 'ahd d id no t Immediately los' vohe , thn-JH'nar n f hla Thcy.Ja i. T ^ ^bflw U tPgplhur .JB rJauu ti ,. nnfl- M P ln idod, ,cr.gd!l)lC-.Qilni^Jind—happened. . Not , In- w llliatandIbgn»or a is lllfo ' f o r l lm , E f

    y .o l i i lm . - . ^ OrJtnow .,tb ia4ihM U aagt~-U Ul tlm o 's lio hud depended on him. Shi

    hink a w a y .- . le o n e d .o n -h lm ^ iQQ(. aomethlng lo h im wblcb, lo thoso boon , f n t . least, had seemed llko- atrcogth

    .The koowIe-ilg«’'h o tk c t iS e d lin d 'e m ±aiiaased. h*fr-6 he -e he e l» .-» evF 5 R l

    a n , equn l^to^ t hf l^ m e iy ia ^ ^

    cept co n ^ .h c rig fa n d fo tb e r to .b lftbcd •fie b a d -d ro o :th W w ltrm rtT > a « ir ''K j

    il lrc a u s tu i^ ln r iJgure' to -hhfiive r ich dressing goOTL_.i.-...I,.■ j j je i ? ! 9 b < ^ n 3 r o m E S 5 f f l 5 E 5 7 ^ m ;tan. .w asjp ..lo tigcE ji£< ‘ r_flnidnua.aboiit. hci

    :mmdtsthw>;adHag?H W » liF P o ^

    fiPf f f

    w«.», I f w n it-nn f nf_-^n»np_«h., . though'^ npV ( lid -sh e even recn irh o i

    ’ h o P ® ™

    DAHO; TUESDAYibout- ptctor^ oii«d her faind—th * plctn^B^ ronid the moment -when' the young man hs

    i(^ e ^ 'tb e -o l< l vm an 'ia 'lf'~1)«-w er« - w w T m n re ii ira ;- i> « < rw iu n iy in g pLrmw n lg lit nad tho. a w tfi, aplendld stride o f

    ncG- . , ______Chapter IX

    _ h la . ..................... ........................... . . .. .

    . ___;^enahaw Takaa Chtrga.! ^ _ n e sD lJe a to n lo ’s advice and th ’ ' .dawn th a t peprcd n t him aa bc wei

    ,,,, to bed, Hcnahaw waa up til. seven t t next m om ing ....ne bad not slept w cl l ie hnd 't r lc d . to Bleep, knowing tl i i

    t l the_comlng day m ight lie a strenupi I f ” !! I

    ' -lentes In nn ‘ n tnu inn ' blBsi. Thoug • Connected .mental effort wns imposs

    ’ ■ ble, hn could ndt fcase th inking . I

    1 tho nn res tfiil ns his thoughts. B o wu I'by-, wandering tbrouKb dark labyrinths. H

    -Kaa_laborlouHlj_nBccndJng . dcw la t t mountain paths. He wa# lost j>nd coi ) „ 0 t . fHsmJ-lo-crowda.—Andxw»v;^amused'by tlie awe w llh w hic^ iUs_lCflimttx~colb.‘UKUor^'gur»J«5a-'^ilii

    • the TIotli creeled «tny npwrj-p n rti ln g , wn'EeiT 'g iyea'them 't'o 'm e.**77 ....................n .o f____aCou do tha -o fda iin g -ftn d .jn a rko i4MC : She *Tes. s in mostly by (^ephone. W

    ^ n haTo a largo store room. wcU.auppUW oors .and a iu m p e r comet from . New T o r

    .55?® a week." • • __ _

    B » i ri f te r I n r m ore to him self .-than to .th

    w ii.m iub e d . ,_______ -. 7 ' • ‘ •_________

    S . . . s i e.h e r “ Now, jjioya ,*^ .sa id— th e— school ttnna Iw c iw ^ tt t to a w ^ tM w a to tte T tt j d r ^ rtioK li t al > *- -ry o t t* an y ■ BOW. rg o T T M te B w r ^ < M s t im ii i t r :7 J ir ^-sha. fw L m ln iitrw In tfr 'h n flgked.-.np Joh n •her' a y B row h’a-ACttort. fcn d 'A a d .aloud ^ IG F f t f n r fK E e n R F ra g o m jf e ggg g i ^ i w ^ 'M i- T r n i r ^

    JAKUARY 13, 19


    ^ M a r y - E r a h a m a a n n e K .a/k/K/irrrWaTorMumftaimr

    w ent A M A Z O W H U t . K ; U l l l t > l t r 4I the ^ • w e ll., 't iia 'be nk 'w n a 'lo ng nnd he h a d -a T u l- Unit body bu t bis less—or rather bis long

    lugUH. feet—were very th in. ■ . ..m/i» '*Mv n lr tiiro wns sent to a little .b o y .

    lOUgh the other day,” he aald.)Ofsl- “ Ah yes." bo tontlnucil, " I nm• In handsome a creature that they send- .qtlon tny p letiirn i]lin iit nn po■;̂ 'l.•̂ lT̂ I-̂ ,̂, any-,^

    wns “ Pcoplo HO love to aee m ?! For I ’m• n hnndsome. colorful bird us you cau olai 6y r i n l '

    very handsome bealdea._________ '-̂ 17tr»a>ms ;to M » - th » ^ y wou ld

    W e ptitlsed h lm a tlf up, too. bn t he didn’t jlled . .W e ll.J ’m .fla i! he fo f lm y . p ic tu re .. K lo r k b e .Is handsome be.can appreciate a '

    . p l ^ r e o t a handsome creature.” ve a - f ia t the o lher b irds w e re .c tc k lla * w n ltr w m f ia Bghter-i n f i y c li lld re tt^ p p M re ^ ^ ■ the - -r F o r ao one ceuld ta lk-m ore o r b o as t.

    —I ™ Z ~ l T 6 o J I S a ^ A i t m t i o n ^ — ^

    nhn. unJiTh'rbshing op~ agaln tt bar. . j Dud: "i^yeaa ̂ s a " baJf' a l r a if - o f •’ Sm rninS *^

    I t J to

    1925. ■ • .

  • W MARKET^- ̂ m a r k e t s AT A GLANCE'

    MC\V YORK, 3^.''iy^4>> -S toekK | ^^Trongi' u. o. tstool ’commuQ af "I i:;s_.__ ____________■

    • ••-Uonds-^FIrm; jo v c f i i l m il lipaa at ■ . iievr lilgUa.

    F 0 r c i K o -^c iia u g c —>lrioj{ularj------- Btprl^ng g n in i n iig lit ly — ~ ’ ' j

    Cotton—i'irm ; rcduccd W?rnni ,̂>t hnd i^i^'.$g~a.-huahel:.and-0T0r 1' f •for-im m .odlato deUvery ■ o f-w h o a t - a t

    :r,Q i^nv« j:B t."Ibu ii and'Toled6.:~:ln flddl» i ^ tl;>n .fo 7 m iiltng ^B m a gd ;;th C rft_ i^^

    wwcra.ftt hand tb a t irh e a t atoeki In Pol-.

    ■•wwHnwat 'iw u t l iiuBT̂I. u l arT-lmpftdrfl HiA irh iiat ,nilTiuiRfl

    W I N J A L I ^ S D A I L Y ^ ^

    — |bTosdP»tTiE’,— n n h I» “ fimi‘io'rllon i t w n i— «i«Norfc-,nfMi( the lUnnculic whout ailua-


    --------------------i n>-c— Xo, 2 jl,.-.! | . " to I ..'.2 l-'2. ■> Tii.M.thy hco,l-:„r,« i-\V iH W ,[).ili_3aektair.Tcu.iil—1#1 t-> l.l.- i; I.H.hlly ?l.o,' 10 f,,,v 1[fftiirv ; il.L ’O to. 1.2.*.; b iilk #1.10 to 1.20; [,

    2. ifk-w UlKhvTi W iiliu m irk fii UnMctn ♦2.1t) 1 U a ,to2 .2 .'................. ;()■•[ l lt l lt .T — ........ - ................- ______ 1

    l.-2.'.;.il;iiiaurds.J8 ;i'!e ;.u j:tra fir«U -j “ « j: i7 'l-2 tl. f iH i i 2,- tci ;iO 1-2.'; sec- ̂

    n^d.s :i2 to ;Mo. . I'5o — ti iy ’Uilii_15va_ctiautU.) , firnt.H .'iO to :.7o; orditinrj- fImta-4.T lo ] ' . .’•.Oc; rofriKorator firnta 44 to 44 l'2c. !'

    Se ■ _____ ;)c PO BTLAND LIVBBTOOK,— - •'

    Vt>UTLAND, .Inn. 1" M >)-C attlc uiul _ ca lixs—Stcaay;.. rui'o ipu • IWIO; • niccrji,-

    _ !f{oo d t7.r,0 tl) H; iiicfliiim $0,75 tC'7.5i)j IcoiniiK.ii *,n,i>,’i to i!,2.1j (V1IIUI.T imd cuttor-

    r -^n ft^U ri-T I- lo ,■,.2:.; lic-l^rK good HM '• ||ii)iiiiila ii}> ?« In tl.75; coniinnn.and tin.'..

    I^ f i l li i in n ii wriKlifB. ? l U> li; cowti j-ood

    » '■•’‘. ' iiw u jin d ciittcTH ?2 to_4; IniHi)3. jgiHtd l io ^ f yonrliiifpi cxciudcd'$4 to '- l! .lo r 'y ji'D iilinm rtoTilPdlu iM I'unnor nniVbolot'nn;

    l o u 'ixiiindH dawn t ' to 10..'i0; culls ami

    fT" i'o iiiitiiiir lO O pDiiniln'iiown #.V to 7; ini‘. t»* d iiiiii to rhoice .100 tu'2G0 jKninda JG.7ri

    . tu 0..'0 ; iiiodiutu' lo choicu 200- iwundM ry. np fV iO tu-7.2.'>;..onll find common 100

    IKiUiids up «4,.’iu to a.IO.HogH—Strong to 10c hi(,’̂ iM ; ro-

    1^2*»: 2l!S dierct nr th rnq[;li;~ C htfnvy. weight 250 to a.lO pounda medium,

    good :in—Stendyp. roeolpta

    1600,,491 d lrcc ti Inmbs U g H m d handy. w e lg h t-^ in od ln m -to -toh o iM -^H -to 16;

    in hoftvv w eight 93 pounda un medium to prim e~»K-‘ tft-I4yn lt-'w e l fiht8-eniBUM rjJVB '.-li

    l l . eelpU 18,BOO; net tyo IS to CCo 'h igher;

    \ j pbakinir ta n t 10.79 to 10: ba lk o t All

    T W T N P A T , T , S i . T r v A ;

    f lU a T C H L tH t f t p j r I KNOW '• . I? HO GOOD- T : bur UMl!-

    ■ i - f S O / E B W l IT? NtVEB

    [ i V . ■m i d _ ) i c a r i i n g i _ s l o i K ; - a r o u n d - ; ( . ' - e - H w r r Tb u l k e a r l y s a le s J f i -50 t o J , 7r i ; f o w l o u d *

    ^ » l ' W a r ' l - - t n - * l ( * . S O T - t h o . i ^ t n r l f - n t i n v r T i - O j i c n b i g M t e a d \ u b n . . b c l t e r . - B r a d e f f ; t . t t l . i » - i n g w e a k o l 2 .’ c l o w e r ; v w i I h - i t o a . l y j b u l l a w v a i : t o 2 ,’ o l o w e r ; u l o c k o r s ' a m i f o o d o r s f u l l y n f i ' a d y ; b u l k b u t e . l i o t c o w . ^

    • " 1 a m i h o i f o r j i < ; i , . ’ iO t o (1. 7.*>; c J i n n r r * n m l i ' U | t . T s J 2 , . 1 0 t o ; i ,2 . ’ . ; l iD l o g n u b u l l n

    , t o 4.4.1: p r . ' i c l i i ' i i l v o i i l t o p $ 9. 25..S h c o p — u e p e i p t i i r , r : n n r i i i i i i b ! t i . i n w ;

    m o s t l y ;!:■) f n MIC l o w e r ; b u l k f i - d w o » l - t r i 17,2' . ; b O K l h o l d a l $ 17-50;

    '7 ' j d i r r [ ) a m l f e i 'd p r , 4 S t M i l y V r h i . i c o f a t _ , . o w o H J i n fc i 1 0 ,2 .T ; f i , ' o d i a j ; l a i n b . ^ u p -

    w i i n i t o

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - e m c A ^ o L I V E 8 T O C I C - - - - - - - - - - - - -— ■ ^ « . ' M I C A U 0 . - J ; u i . ; ] 2 ' ( / P ) - - H u i ’ '* — IN '- -

    r i - i , i t . 7 0 . 0 m . : e lo p in g w i t l . l i i g ; . a o k e r - s t i l l . i n t ' o f t h i - a i a r k o t : i n o H t i v 1 . ' t o

    ; 2 . V t i i i c h r r : l i i ^ i n l o r o H i . . l i i i l . l i n ; . « t o « - " j ; ; d y ; t i < i . J l l . O , ! ; i l i ' n i r a l i l o l i l O t o M O l ' ' f - p o i m . l b u t r h i T . 1 i i i o . ; t l y * 10. 7. ' l o t l ; l i l n ' i ■ « : t „ a .1o p o m i . l f ; i i M i J i o t o 10. 70; \ w \ '■ « : t o 100 , . o a n . l , . v . . ^ a « . ^ i m . M l y i i t t o K t ; | ‘ ' " ■ j l . . i l k p i r n # 7,.'0 t n p n c k i n R •

    i 1 0 . 2 0 ^ u , . d i i i a « i d i i i a t c d ^ m l d . =____ ______________

    [ S i i o r p — - i ] . ! * IJ .^O O O ; t i l o w ; f ; i t j

    i l V m ^ r x i i m i i n “ d < '^ f i n i ' 011 l o u T r ' i r n d ^ r i m i i r I ! L ' . - ' - !4 i 7. ; o _ i o - _ J S . 2j ; a o p . . i l . S J i O ; - « l i i . | . . . . | -

    *.‘ ! . l a u i l i s i l . ' : f a t • .> J ie t ;p .. . H t c . i d y . - t o . .2. : » - l i ! i L l U i { - l i . . r i - I . i i l k - # I » , r . l M i h - l ( l i 2. ' . ; - t o p - « > l f t . - 4( . - — J f m — r t m l r i ' - M i ' i p n i r i M t ~ \ r ( ' l ( [ t i r T ~ f C o d l i j g , " i ' ' i " ' n i T i i b 7 i : n ~ 2" c " i i i i ! i i o r ; i . i i n r ? i n . T : n “ i r

    I " : t o p J 17.2,';.

    W O O L . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    k r t - i n K r i i e i a H i T T h T n r i n g t i i u r u I t H i T i ' H t i l l f o r u i g t i l i n e s . O f f e r i n g s o f A i m -

    ^ '' 'm T in r ,. « n r « o n t t t l o n : t o t h e t r t t a m r e r .


    p M

    1̂ ONE CEKT PiER', WC 1 ^ A d v e r t i s e m e n t s u n d e r t h i s l i e s

    ^ - r s o - l a r i l e v i s e ^ t - o ^ b f i n n l n B - t ^ l » ■ ^

    B M E R C H A N T M A R I N E A I D ’

    I r r — O T i r a E D I N - R E P b R T - =

    I G I V E N T O P R E S I D E N T

    = = “ “ WAMHINT.TON', .Inn: i Im J ) —I'frr-nTIinr.-iMhilii.ii. f.,r tho .|h'i' '|n il li It'K •lo» -lf,.f-in.T iii|rnhtirr nm i-upbuild ing nf-thi> . l y i | f lw l me ro iila liird in the report of, a ami lujiceial ■•i.nimittoi' o f h ljjh govoriiniriit ov,-.̂ U\ till' p rfK i.li'u i.'m n ilr piiW irnml in t llie Whito ll.„i,o ,:i,7.'i 1 Till- r< ]inrl r ■r(irniiioml« rrn iil'le lo i.( ]i-

    la ra t jiiii o f ili.. , i.hi]iiiinj; l.i.nr.i im-l nw; ^eiiuTuiiiey flrol ci>rporulii'n • :.lfin-7 o»l-•lines MiKtirsI.'.l by Iho pro^id.'iit Yii h i. ,50; .mcf.'.rige to i niij-riisa w ltli .thiK boar.! f!it_ ;rontrolllng qurMk.n«"Vf polleV iiiid_tl... i,p. ,rorpfira iion (•ontroliing operation' i>!

    Iho fie,'I. ______________________...i Tho eotnmlllpi. which, tiia ilr ' tbi-, poyr'v 'a5,;iiiiiioVuua l»y Uve pn-nirtfi,'

    | f , \ last .March with T. V. . 0 'Connor, lin i.l ;i.f^ o f tho fchi]ipliig board, oh rlia irii.an.

    t(. nnd PciTol;i»ieH .Mellon. Weeks, W illm r nnd Hoover and President I'n ltii.-r i.f

    ;iOi) tho fleet corpnralioTi na members.

    S T O P C A T ^ m R H r O P E N " . . . . . . . f

    ; ; c 2 H O S T R I L S - A W g H E A D j

    I Uoli.ve.rijoaa.ColdB nt Once. _ j

    " ' ' j ' I f your noatrlls aro cloygeil [ in d .y n r "liend Is sliif?cd nnd vou can’ t bre ;iih r

    - '" - f r e e ly beefiuuo o f n eold oF?;it:irrh ; In.t' >--«t’- |p ?rn-STn.'il l bfttlto - p f E ira~C?eam n a^iiV' la^, u t IdlJ'^TUnj; at^ro._^Aiixiiy_nnTtni,-_..t' “ n th ia frng ranC antlsep iic creiiiii iiitu

    yonr no.«trils and le t i t poaotniii.;,

    s d o t h l n V n n d L a n awol'~~~ loirw eo i'iT r^im ri7n....~ ';rn~y;:.r

    atant relief.T«— -ATil I 10W g o o d 'If 'fo flls . ■ Your no- .UH- tr i ls arc opon, y i ju ^ c n d Is clo:ir, no a ir moro hawking, snuffling, blow ing; im f,l) moro headncho, dryness or strugyliiu*

    — --fgr-b rcn thr"E iy*ircrcnn i~~Bal ti'r ia j o T ' ; what sufferers from ho.id colds nml ra- “ ‘H a n lr n c c d . - I t 'a .a -de lIgh t.-advT -

    ■' i _Humor Alivayt Safe^ard! VVlMii un .irun iw nt nnil H[\fccunrd

    bum nr! I ' l i r honor llinn w it fo r a------w rltv r - It iH n Kcnliia Itaclf,-

    and so defendo from the Insiin ltle i.— ----- i-S lr-W titPr-S eo lt.------- ------------------- 7

    I; ilisL iiis— I »i!yiji>fiiK'■OO I'ji i i i ijiii] rcitigcslion Ix Konc. Ouil-k- '■ ; l .'» V l '.i. ' ^U lllJ lit '’ i ;m ;b?dn iom ,.gen tle -j . ■ jiia/i pTi.f«'jToJ,\I.'.'VI Third n w iiie /torfJi'. I J - 2.-.I.T, - ,, ;

    |.„,I FOB OALE—UIBO BLLAM liO Da ' j

    l.ti,’ SAIJC—20 tons mr. Hox./i2,_Twln I'id it. Idaho. f j ; l LOANS—Are you too

    ■ much Interest on ynur lonnt Hoo n«^ fviiuwHvg •'T.mnVlng tbiJt new '■ loan. " 0 hnvo nn unlim itet'B moufit oif •

    ■ moin-y for long time lonni. on best o fI.- t- rh * W i|ji„n i,,-M ij..,

    ml I M lB O E L liA jn : lUk- -

    1^ ! ' i . ' im z f ; . \ ' i i , i 'D iA T o im ,c p . i „d .1 I' .Idaho \u loau lr.ing Worka, 230 Shoshone

    ‘ - ;- lro e t wont. Phono 729. - ___

    ffA 'O T F t' ll..m from _l;.t'.l> i-A iillogg,.301-ao«ond-M #uUrrn^l>.—— .0 -n ox-7M .------------- ^

    j H ' I . . . . . . . . — - - - - - - - - --- ■

    ---------.W ANTEDrJlTulUy'To'f-nll kinds; to p - -3|'.,!prlcei.,..„ll . C ..nun ter..P hooc.Q 03W .--.......' ‘ ilj-C M JO K H X B fo r V ilo ; ' __L£lih_nt^.-Ln.-?Sa\V;-----------_ I -F O lt-8 A T T l? ^ fx t 'r ir finu puro 'a in ilo ” ' ikrjcom b Rhode Wnnd Kcd cockcrcls from •_

    I U .L ^ ^ ;p p :y .— ,,, ̂ '

    —..Ijroedcra. of-.puro blood Rarro.1 l io e k a - t - B*>'aiia Tlhbdti Island Hods. liox 1.5, Tw in •‘T Fnlla N cwk.

    = = ^ = = = =Bd- POE BAIJ ^ -B T IA I. rkT A T B

    FOR H.VLi:— to acre ranch close la, 'p rlccd r igh t. Address.729 8econd-av&-____

    . " ' I FOR B A L K -A ll o f o tr^ T V n T l^ ira , . ;ln n d In parcels o f S acrca to 500 actcs.

    IWu Iw lievo we havo the best bargaina :in Tw in I ’nlls eouiily,-whether fo r tho

    , 'I tru c k e r, tho ri'f^ujnr farmer,, or tho _ • ‘ atockman; and well located aa to water,

    ffichdoTT'rdiTda, (owm Edwin ■Damman, Phono 70B.T.__________________ ' -

    r tli TOE SE N T—tJU rO B H ia ilB D .

    rc -j APART.M ENT fo r're n t, 130 Fourth •__jnvnnuo oaat. $22.50 por month. Jjidulroyn i.upxtiiirK^.________ __________________*».! T O ^ tK V lW 'i in i is h w l - and un fu ^ ‘ ^•dinlHhcd houaea. C. E.-Potter,. Real Ka^ '̂-

    i » l l ' . - I - ' ' ' . - - - .er, I .......... -

    = ' P R O F E S S I O N A L - . . . . . . . . . .

    ; I . ■■ . K s m m i i ’: - ' -

    ’" " ‘ b H A D L , H O D O ra - llo o m . 12 u.d I t F 'r i t K a tiooal Dank Bldg. Phone I

    *» O. O. H A U t over Clos Rook »*tore.JO H N 'W . O EAH AM —Lawyer, tlaak A

    lad T rus t-B u ild ing . Phono 03fi-B.

    ( at-law. Practice” i i i all courta.. Tw C— I - Falla. Id aho,_________- -

    BUSINESS D lR EnTnR Y-__^,,,11 -B h M E o a ra - ; - *


    — W elding Hardwareler- ________ Bonetboofr_______:__ ^;i!e .JoBonnakiaB - - - - - - - - - - ^Wftstm-MakWB- - - - - - -̂ - - - - -_ Blackam lthlog ‘ ' "Spring W ork* rsc.i _ Erengel MacUoa Oo. iue-phonB-1202--------- 2 i0 .2 2 0 -S W 0 a rB 0 t ia r~

    AUTO M E V IO B . '

    ■" S T U D E B A K E B iK 'd lA L IB T ^ L IJ lM l___no A . Dean. AVe correct u ll Stodvbaker . on' trpiibles. ISO Second Aveana. W«at.

    --------I , I.I....................................._ - ...... " ' o i A A a ' ■ ........................

    np not w ork. rHoon's Shop, Photic.R '

    ’ AO B 0 0 . Coal and wood. Phone 148.— M cNlO B O LS TBANBFEE *STO EAO k

    Oarbiige .h im led -da lly .-P hoae y o •

    ir» HTTnB B» | n . ,1 ■ .1 ------- ------• - I ■ uiu liL .1. [g r ------

    = T w m P A ;J .S 'tH O B E B P A lto T O I M

    U & Q d io iirJ ie 6 B I V . S ! S g =

    : = i -1^. f lP W .: HTA'TTI:-TfTTTjriawlp.llj'fJ-̂ ^̂ ^ y ^ '- ^ ^"Tv -JSC SMond.Bvo, ire a L jQ o o d jre trtik

    XftnffF tiMi« •

    - — I-------- ■—HTT.f .TA'trh i r — ■' r ̂■

    Unr M A a A m m M B H O B . - g ^ < b F a im n jg ^

    m S a a m m M a n t E i o a ^y " H U IH ^ W L ; J a m iw f f . ; - v>-‘.v.K-Tfl'TT

    3v T

  • --------------G o n t fo v e rs y - O v e r - ^ a s ts - V lfc i t i

    E x c h a n g e S e em s C e r ta in

    ' . Ca n s e - E H v is r o i r m r F ln m - a i

    in - B a l lo t i n g f o r D ire c to r s .

    I'rr io iiA li lic * j 'fT ln l iL tu cut u rn f. i^ m ;, ; i: , i i, . „ f in ^ . j„

    t 0< ii.} 'o f lliL'-'J’w iti Kulli ChmhI niiuiwi ■toi'U ioIili-fH— Ix illi 111 tl.«'iirocifoijin o f llio nipctinj; nnd in the Im llotlnu caiiclictiilcii fo r tlittlirm rd o f liirectorii be flo l'tc il n t lliix lln ii'. I'o iiIn .vc i t l i i i l Ih iii nit’ i 'd ii^ w ill lir liig to n lici raiiKi'*, lin t tilio iil l l ii ’ (,'onernl maiiac M hibt (ieturrir.1 an HovornrocfnsionH.

    ■{lux' compnnjr'« 'jmfil, but nbout in v iilim l canilicliito/i fo r tJio dirootnra and tho ,m vran imiipntfd- (tovn: Wi'i'kii a);n In tlio action o f .(hn mooti o f (ilncklioMfrii i i f tho nest rad, l i I).' flio JiiiJIv/dinJ n ttiliiifn o f thrao-tr

    - ■̂id rif .-.i w i t li ' T̂w p rrt tO~Hic iiul l c r 'ppriiiittinK upper Hnnko river wal user* to I'ie lio iiifu wntor claimed und driTccd TiBlils for- utorngo wntor Jnch*on lnko reservoir.

    • - — ; -------- - pcnt«rB on B a i r i ...........la .liK iia tio ii .o f il ii- west nd oloi

    holder* Ufider lfl:uiunilil|i o f Curl J. .M •lf.r iircslilent o f the board nnd cna dato /o r ro-flc i^ion , i» diroctcd ngaii Itle iiiber^'n f 't liF ird n rd w hn.'“ n fto r ppiited Itivoslijjatio tis o f tlio rive t n tirrl-i ntid ponditinns, failed to concur

    - • Jakinc tlip m-cOBsurjr stops t r lf ih ts / ’ Thia ilcclai

    ■ tiiiii,'wh ic ira iijie 'iirB ''h ‘i n Vfsoliitlbn Hi V *0 bo prMonted to tlrB'iitockliotilfli

    ^ ~~-7r'Wi7»nin:_ wuero i l is Mpegfril ~tn nt?-------------a .iivo ly-o fln tw it|-iit'g< ‘flemH^-re(pird

    as boing dirocted nRalnst T. M. Itaii ■ pofimps. »u_ lc-:|is.or_(iot;rcu_,i.L>ai;

    P fun k Bower o f Rock Crcok. M r. IJ.ili

    _ono o f tho ‘ ‘ cnm_mlUec_o( iiiae l.’_£S' elslDg control o f distributioa u f Baa

    ̂ r iv e r wators, which two years ago r ’ proved tho plon Hint permits o f t

    — — e««|iojiffe-bf-donTTO4^ffti!rrf0r~8r0r Wftiera, aad la * t yoii- rcnowod .th is ;

    ,, . Opponoala o f the e*chnti(;o nunort It------------4 t la j i t - y « i r - ' ‘ r

    nkoty~to rceur iu tho Immodlntn f iitu- • - • - and'probab ly not'u(ja ln boforo bu ild i

    o f tho Amorlenn Fnllk dnm which ti _ . effec tua lly aolvo tho problem nnd o

    — t h o 'd l f f l ^ l t y . In tho meantime, th OMoft. U Is bottar'. to mnintuln nn i

    ' cord w ith tho uppor rlvor users than resort to n h igh ly har.ar y— — — ■i -« h fttn n ii» rJ 'r ilM « p w » n t- th » -» w

    . - ■— Do you

    " " “ J Bn lc lc 'an i'iiiodge (1■ H»T» m a t oTcm aau^

    _ ' J J 'J U D J I lU K','.r ; ■■ v “ ' ~— -~^r^as-ntom

    _ Pail* Eight T'

    r . : - A I«U S E M E N T C O M P A N V O lJ

    ■ : : i : ~ ; j ^ M ‘ j J N A i r e i A i r , p i

    r liavo ffdHi' t i iw iir 'i piiympnt o f" jiv id o i havo bocii applied by the manngomo; Ilf.tho Twin Falls Amuaoiiiont eompnn owner o f tho Orphonm thontur, to wl

    I l l l ia nnw.'on a ln - ttu r financial bssis tai [ i n ^ (TFhas liena fo r Bomo ycnm -past, #loc

    •. an iinaiiul inp o tln jf. .Caaji FJggo ai_____I Frank D ollorllli-, whono terms ns direi

    oratPXpirfl » t y iis^ tln ie, jycte re-oluntt

    ‘ It.-A in leriidn,-P . J. Hahn nn il.W . n to Iliirk lio liliT . A^proXlnm luly thr<

    ■ ^ 'fu u r th n o f iln> to ta l .atock o f the eo.

    3EBEiifffisf.vcmyl“ 'IC hanges in C o u n ty 's p f f ic i

    ’ " • j N — P e rs o n n d -A re -E ffe c te d -W i

    S m all- C e rem ony; --: rooling ■ _____ _

    Is toi — - l ) y. . A*_l L_Kl i as_Bu;

    cy n f l vnn-0 . f i i iif oln. 'iV iTT -fa ll.a, .in il W. water •'rhn ‘ "2V-auuu-of.-thffi«-p

    i,»l.,uni,tn.d-by --Mfr—KHM- to - n e t ^^jJj_|lJ!'« t< '(i_mni_n;-clcclcd—o^lJciiiU- a ll- lla lrd present w ith the excopti

    j^^"l"J^::'w ho-w nB -ln -m jffc-fm 'iiT jW ai'fis“ rrrommii^.tininxni - thnn —iiiiiti

    ,t l» ‘i r attention to routine buslncsa a |;,*,j^wrr.^oreHplP(inin 'm i}n55Ut7n3-r?hinIh7

    ^ o f tho day w ith tho conaldoration f th o i* ’ ** '' i»*‘Ufrcd Inst month.

    TO BE TH EM B o r _ ! j ‘„ B I^ B B Y T E R IA N m T!W h nr.1

    t*! I)ouglaJi H iiw loy, d ia lrlr t hci t thnt I,liv ,.; H i'oatiiiaster .lohn 8. Fc

    Canal Hpenliers i it n dinner m i'uting u t (1: “ 7 n V ln p k -th ig -p r ro In g Df ' tni) T rciil

    ite rlan Men’s ehib. fling ing o f old-ti imago i»iint;«-4a In bn load- hv .Tnnips S .-II i-Fn11a-!ind-W r-f.-«p illoy-|*.to -1 ip l..a*tinii»

    • jn t n spfsion o f jokes nud pop. 1 j i ji i 'i 't i i ig l» Id Iio ’hold in Ihi- I'resl

    U. a B IEAT M A E K E T 0L08I1D.*® ; Under nttnehmont issued out o f J

    I'lH*’* the I ’ouco Kennwly Pnckari

    .1 ° " t r ” r u ^ T-

    il*'^*^n 1"“ * ̂ iustltu tod by Frnnk U. Caaaemev “ who clnlma $100 on account o f lab

    and who ia roproacnted by 0 . 0. Hi |nttornoy.

    lan to j i a u n f IX E T O H E E H O M E . jxpon. R O U E ,,Jan . 12 M>>—Firo wh

    broko out today lu tho h ltto rle ra in : K rlloshlgllonl, in which Amorlean Amb i-ft o f the palace, were not i ‘ **^_^^";dangerwl.

    i namod en rlr Inat fn ll by F. E. Ohnmb “****** lalnT'chalrthan o f Inat your V meoti Jock* In aceordanco w ith action taketi a t-t l ̂ timo. Oppo rtun ity hna been prosenl

    Is Ito n il atockfioldcni darlDg th la ^ r lo d Ijirnaent ifor tho eonm ittee'a conalde tlon their own raggcstloni oa to .w l

    9P***" ought to bo Ineludcd In the rcBolntlc ,1. to bo ad op ljd .'" ..

    ^ T enporary o rg m ixa tlon of the me fg fo r ing, oa usaal, is to take place a t 10 a. la to ^ In the ■ e an5r'^m pony’«'~offleof he

    sntlnglon to rcrconvone in a more spacb ’ m ln. Ihnll. A iino lntm ent or olceCion o f t ort to '̂‘«^5^i»-«^peeto4-tfr-b»^a»-eftrly^rde^

    ou helieve in r ; -----

    E g lB p i gH m - d o n » ^ o r » «nauner eoaw . ■


    0 wip.MU>f> IIV____» tlian ~ ' ' -.look- R e p o r t " oh Successfu l $ loiq-JiL l_____ ______________________ I_____ _

    m o u n tin g o f D if f ic u lt ie sdjrect- ■ _______________ ..

    W. H. - • -1 • -three- • -

    0 com- I ’a y i ' i f i t o f regular s«,*jni-aiinunl .1!

    jtho M utual D uild ing nnd Loan assoi jtion , according to report mndo by

    1 dirnctor«-to-thf» -yfopkhrrHcn r nt~nrr- f niKil m eeting held horo Mondtiy.


    1 I 1. aubm jttcd a t th ls jnno tlng .J I U 'l'^f’® cl6ffl"hnnbunced'tlu t cftrnlnga ft

    ti l l ' .'UiaOelrttiuii's Inveatmtfats toget w ith th c fu nd * recovered on —«ur bonds du rin g tho paat year, had 1/

    f f i c i S i ’•lim lunto 'entire lyjd o fic lt reported a year .ago, .aud t

    jinn cents on th i; dollar.--------- -Tho sl«toin(‘nl-sliowi>«l na*fltn in -

    .-[nm oant o f «2.12,I)32, and'llnbinHeV

    . in rco iin t o f insta llm ent atockj snid A ltu ri-' had sf mnro thnn tSOnO fo r flownrs O'Uannion 'a funeral.

    IBD. “ Dion O ’Dnnnlon waa ii* iiinm o f Jus- new-born bahckard'a jurora. • -

    M a in ' the Inqiient wa» eontinui'd

    Illino is , w ill he am

    cmoyer, ------------

    3 'S S f S T A T E G A S O LIN E T A X

    • - M A Y B E AD VAN C ED TO

    m T H R E E OR FOUR CENwhich ----------- - .

    PalaZM nO ISI*. -Jnn. 12— I t IrpoSRlhlo 1 Ambna- hn'a gas ta * w ill - l ip increaacd. ' ^ s E o J ” In if ifS lin ily or tan" tax," lU eaao flamea paymoiit and Ihc iit ilim tlo n .for l»i

    l ib ra ry ni-iintnuaaco coaatUute rnaai10 am- rcndnreil i t vory aat^ifnotiecupted 'I’ho -g row in^do inn nd -fo r rcdlstrlbut not on- o f t ill# tax Ib the countinn

    givim ttupct-u* to cae incronao piao, ^ jt=ia=felt=the=prc»enfc7tar=a£=Sr^

    L-weokr |'*o'^H«-r«^ Ihe-j

    . * poso is to rudiico ta xa tio n -o ricec t » In . l . t « , 110.)lntlonfl __ . ______________ •_.....' . H ^ b T im T]iYtM FAU8"'NK^e. mcot^

    -r9 tn^op«rV M t;:to .T6«::M a ln-

    ~ L u c k jW« v l i l serve yoa in the sain^

    --------- - n n a old na m C w

    ^ V ........._____ _________________ 'frB

    - 'SM a u ln K o itt . •' ' ' ■ V"~'

    ' . -■asaaaaaaaaaa— )— fa aa sH e a

    — —. rH O M B 's a ir '__


    I . | . a R - E ^ . T r E

    ^4BuniIay-j>n a tr lp - la - f fa jh lo gtoarJ).

    l u L - -O o e s to Pooatdllo—c. A, B ickford ; l i u ilon 'lny .P .n> bualnus tr ip to I ’ocatc

    From Oallfom l»-«.Vnrvln ,1.'K c i

    $ [J { ; - jV ii it w ith rohitlvcs.

    e s Is Hundiry uvunlng on a tr ip to I>i -------------to r,-Illino is . — ------------------—

    Oooa to ' Oklahomiv—Mr*, i l . W, ( ton lo ft Bunilay on a v lt l t to Muako

    nl ^ iv i-

    l ic a ffo fo r D rm g —Mr.' • • iii^ ‘ ". assocla- Itlcurgo ntid ^ - 8alo nricn,....... y w ^ O w

    ~ ■ M e n V H Ig h Grade '- — p r PR—_̂_____; _OyBt«,81ioll:_cwt.^— 5 J - f 0 3 _


    y 1 A ftfD S U P P LY CO., Idaho's Leading Poultry Supply

    —— __ _ ' • TTnnasIs’ ~ j ■ 'TWTO FALLS

    ' j p - - : . .......... ^

    i'/l ivAWirt, I I jh ( K I ' , y IIt ; \ \ A

    i Helping Handser I - WIira yoa call on thia ngoncy

    of tho Hartford Firo Insurnnco------ “.V: _Co'Cyoii.' liuvo_cnUstcil. tlio sor\’- .

    ; ' Ico of atroug, ready, capable nnd— ^ , \ helping hands.

    Wfiether y o u mnnufnctureI gooda or keep ii atoro; whether

    ' ^•y«u.-p«r rcnt.or-nwn-your own'LUC home, we can - hcln von. Tlio

    I men of this agency aro' aklllod------ - - in —iBBiirahee—fcnowledgej-export '-------- - '^n -w lK n e -p o lk lr ir th T rt-fltn ifa r*la s t ■ tcclrnnd"pn>'; iour liiBuratico Ta~mIfA . Hafo in our handa.___________ _a f l. . ; ; . ----------- - - - - - -

    ;e a t^ ________ ^ ^ ________ '•

    Twin^alls Titleii ts " E m y Sind o f Inmranee and

    ------------- --------- Bonds"--------------------S a .............. raoM IM.____

    -® e ry. Specialare '

    - - a n h - ^

    ■, 40c Dovira.Pood._- A E a -[(O d - C .k . 2 5 0

    ^ f i i 8 ; U 7 o : q t o d y ; M a n ^ ^

    n " r i » « » _ B l i : » l i l f i lM lL !g U t i j^__I,.,. ..........--

    1925.-. ... : ..y.-:.'