+2 Physics Important FIVE marks Questions English Medium : Volume I (From - March: 2006 to Oct : 2015) www.Padasalai.Net www.TrbTnpsc.com http://www.trbtnpsc.com/2013/07/latest-12th-study-materials-2013.html www.Padasalai.Net

Physics Important FIVE marks Questions English Medium : Volume –I (From - March: 2006 to Oct : 2015)

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+2 Physics Important FIVE marks Questions

English Medium : Volume –I

(From - March: 2006 to Oct : 2015)

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Page 2: Physics Important FIVE marks Questions English Medium : Volume –I (From - March: 2006 to Oct : 2015)

+2 Physics Unit -1 Electrostatics - Five marks questions

1. Write the properties of electric lines of forces. ( M - 07, O - 07,M - 08,M - 10,M -11,O - 11,J - 12,M -13,M -15 )

2. Define electric potential at a point. Obtain an expression for electric potential due to a point charges.( M - 09 )

3. What is electrostatic potential energy of a system of two point charges? Deduce an expression for it. ( O - 09 )

4. Prove that the energy stored in a parallel plate capacitors E = q2 / 2C ( M - 12,O-15 )

5. Deduce an expression for the capacitance of the parallel plate capacitor. ( J - 10, J - 15 )

6. Derive an expression for the torque on the electric dipole when placed in uniform electric field. ( O - 10,12,14 )

7. Explain the effect of introducing a dielectric slab between the plates of parallel plate capacitor. ( J - 13 )

8. What is a capacitor? Explain the principle of a capacitor. ( J - 14 )

9. State Gauss law. Using this drive an expression for electric field due to two parallel charges sheets.

10. Three capacitors of capacitances C1, C2 and C3 are connected in series. Calculate the effective capacitance

of the capacitors connected. ( M - 14 )

11. ( M - 06 )

12. ( J - 06, O -06, J - 11 )

13. ( J – 08 )

14. ( O – 08 )

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Unit : 1 Page -2

15. ( J - 07 )


16. ( J – 09, O - 13 )

17. ( J – 11 )

( OR )

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+2 Physics Unit : 2 Current Electricity - Five marks questions

1. Define mobility. Derive the relation between drift velocity and the current. ( M-06 )

2. Obtain the condition for bridge balance in Wheatstone’s bridge. ( M-06,J-06,O-06,M-08,J-09,M-10,M-15 )

3. State and verify Faraday’s second law of electrolysis. ( J-06,M-08,M-11 )

4. If two or more resistors are connected in parallel, derive the effective resistance. ( O-06,O-15 )

5. How will you compare the emfs of the two cells using the Potentiometer. ( M-07,O-10,O-11,M-12,M-14 )

6. State and explain Faraday’s second law for electrical network. ( J-07,O-13 )

7. Explain the working of Leclanche cell. ( J-07,O-12,O-13 )

8. Explain the principle of the potentiometer. ( O-07,J-14 ,J-15 )

9. Explain the working of lead acid accumulator. ( O-07,O-15 )

10. Explain the method to find the internal resistance of a cell using the potentiometer( or voltmeter).

( J-08,O-09,J-11,M-13,J-13,J-15 )

11. State and explain Faraday’s first law of electrolysis. ( J-08,O-09 )

12. Give any five applications of superconductors. ( O-08,M-09,J-11,O-12,M-13,J-14 )

13. Explain the construction and the working of a Daniel cell. ( O-08,J-09,J-10,M-11,M-14 )

14. Explain the variation of resistance with temperature using a graph. ( J-12 )

15. ( M-09,J-10C )

16. ( M-10,O-11 )

17. ( J-10C,M-12 )

Continued in the next page ……………..

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Unit-2 Current Electricity Page -2

18. ( J-12 )

19. ( M-07 )

20. ( O-10, M -15 )

21. ( O-10,J-12 )

22. The resistance of a coil of wire at 20oC is 50 ohm and the resistance is 65 ohm at 70oC. Calculate the

temperature coefficient of resistance of the wire. ( J - 13 )

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+2 Physics UNIT : 3 Effects of Electric current

1. What are the special features of magnetic Lorentz force? ( J-07,M-11 )

2. Explain the conversion of moving coil galvanometer into an ammeter. ( M-08,J-12,O-13 )

3. Explain the principle and the construction of tangent galvanometer. ( O-08 )

4. State and explain Biot-Savart law. ( J-09 )

5. Explain the conversion of moving coil galvanometer into an ammeter. ( M-10,J-11,M-12 )

6. ( M-06,O-06,M-09C, J-15 )

7. ( J-06,O-09C,M-13C, O-15C )

8. ( M-07,M-09C,J-13,M-15 )

9. ( J-08 )

10. ( O-09C,J-10,M-13C )

11. ( O-11 )

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12. ( O-10 )

13. ( O-12 )

14. ( M-14 )

15. ( O-14 )

16. ( J-14 )

17. ( O-15C )

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Page 8: Physics Important FIVE marks Questions English Medium : Volume –I (From - March: 2006 to Oct : 2015)

+2 Physics UNIT : 4 Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current

Five Marks Questions

1. Obtain the phase relation between the current and the voltage in an AC circuit containing an

inductor only. Draw the corresponding graph. ( M-06,M-08 )

2. What are the various types of energy losses in a transformer? Explain how these losses can be

minimized. ( J-06,O-06,O-09,J-10,O-10,M-11,M-13,O-14,M-15 )

3. Explain the applications of eddy currents. ( M-07,O-08,M-10,J-14 )

4. Explain how an emf can be produced by changing the area enclosed by a coil.

(J-07,O-07,M-09,O-12,J-13,J-15,O-15 )

5. Explain the mutual induction between two long solenoids. Derive an expression for the mutual

inductance between two long solenoids. ( J-08,M-12 )

6. State and explain Faraday’s laws and Lenz law in electromagnetic induction. ( J-11 )

7. Obtain the phase relation between the current and the voltage in an AC circuit containing a resistor

only. Draw the corresponding graph. ( O-11,J-12 )

8. Obtain an expression for the energy associated with an inductor. ( O -13 )

9. Derive an expression for the self inductance of a long solenoid. ( M-14 )

10. ( J-09 )

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+2 Physics UNIT : 5 Electromagnetic waves and wave optics

1. Writs a note on pile of plates. ( M-06,J-09 )

2. State and prove Brewster’s law. ( J-06,O-06,J-07,J-08,M-09,J-10,O-12,M-13,M-15 )

3. Write a note on Nicol prism. ( M-07,O-09,O-11 )

4. Distinguish between interference and diffraction. ( O-10 )

5. Derive the radius of the nth dark ring in Newton’s ring experiment ( J-11,M-12 )

6. ( O-07C,O-08,O-13 )

7. ( O-07C )

8. ( M-08,M-10C,J-12,J-13C,J-15C )

9. ( M-10C,M-14,O-15 )

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10. ( M-11 )


11. ( J-14 )

12. ( I-13C )

13. ( O-14C )

14. ( O-14C, J-15C )

Prepared by

( TN Dr. Radhakrishnan State level Best Teacher Award recipient )


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+2 Physics Important FIVE marks Questions

English Medium : Volume – 2

(From - March: 2006 to Oct : 2015)

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+2 Physics - Important Five Marks Questions English Medium – Volume : 2


1. Explain the spectral series of hydrogen.(Diagram not needed) ( M-06,M-10,J-10,M-12,M-13,J-14 )

2. Describe Laue experiment. What are the facts established by it? ( O-06,O-15 )

3. Mention any five properties of X-rays. ( J-06,M-11,O-13, M-15 )

4. Derive the expression for energy of the electron in the nth orbit of hydrogen atom. ( O-07 )

5. Derive the expression for radius of the electron in the nth orbit of hydrogen atom. ( J-13 )

6. State and obtain Bragg’s law. ( J-08,O-09,O-11,J-15 )

7. Give any five properties of cathode rays. (O-08,J-09, O-14 )

8. Explain the origin of characteristic X-rays. ( M-09,J-11,J-12,O-12 )

9. The wavelength of Balmer second line is 4861A0. Calculate the wavelength of the first line of

Balmer series. ( M-07 )

10. Give any five properties of canal rays ( M-14 )

11. ( J-07 )

12. ( M-08 )

13. ( O-10 )

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+2 Physics - Unit: 7 Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter and Relativity

1. What is work function? State the laws of photoelectric emission. ( M-07,M-09 )

2. What is photoelectric effect? State the laws of photoelectric emission. ( M-11,J-15 )

3. Derive Einstein’s photoelectric equation. ( M-06,J-06,O-09,M-10,J-10,O-11,M-14,J-14 )

4. State any five applications of photoelectric cells. ( O-06,J-07,M-08,J-08,J-09,M-12,J-13 )

5. Derive an equation for de Broglie wavelength of matter waves.

( O-06,M-07,M-09,J-10,O-10,J-11,J-12,M-13,O-14,M-15 )

6. Explain length contraction. ( M-06,M-08,M-10,O-10,O-11,J-13,M-15,O-15 )

7. Explain time dilation. ( J-06,J-08,O-13 )

8. Explain wave mechanical concept of atom. ( O-07 )

9. Explain the photo emissive cell. ( O-08,O-13 )

10. Derive Einstein’s mass energy equivalence. ( J-07,O-12 )

11. Write the limitations and uses of an electron microscope. ( M-14 ) 12. ( O-09,J-12,M-13 )

13. ( O-08,O-14,J-15 )

14. ( J-07,J-11,M-12,J-14C )

15. ( J-09C,M-12C )

16. ( J-09C )

17. ( M-11 )

18. ( J-14C )

19. (O-12)

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Page 14: Physics Important FIVE marks Questions English Medium : Volume –I (From - March: 2006 to Oct : 2015)

+2 Physics Unit: 8 NUCLEAR PHYSICS

1. Give the explanation for binding energy curve( Graph not necessary) ( J-10 )

2. Explain the Soddy- Fajan’s radioactive displacement laws. ( M-11 )

3. Write a note on biological hazards of nuclear radiations. ( O-08 )

4. Write any five properties α - rays. ( O-10,J-15 )

5. Write any five properties γ - rays. ( O-15 )

6. Explain the latitude effect of cosmic rays. ( O-07,J-09 )

7. Explain how cosmic ray shower is formed. ( M-07,J-12 )

8. If the mass defect of the 6C12 nucleus is 0.098amu, calculate the binding energy per nucleon. ( J-07 )

9. State the properties of neutrons. ( J-13 )

10. State and explain the working of an atom bomb. ( J-14 )

11. How stellar energy is formed by carbon-nitrogen cycle? ( O-14 )

12. ( M-09,M-15 )

13. ( M-08C, M-13 )

14. ( M-06C,O-13C )

15. ( O-06C,J-08C )

16. ( M-06C, M-14C )

Continued in the next page ………..

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Unit: 8 Page - 2

17. ( J-06C )

18. ( O-11 )

19. ( O-06C,M-08C,M-12 )

20. ( M-10 )

21. ( J-06C,J-08C,O-09,J-11,M-14 )

22. ( O-13C )

23. ( O-12 )

B.Elangovan.M.Sc.,M.Ed.,M.Phil., P.G.Teacher in Physics,

Pachaiyappa’s Hr.Sec.School,Kanchipuram-631501.

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Page 16: Physics Important FIVE marks Questions English Medium : Volume –I (From - March: 2006 to Oct : 2015)

+2 Physics Unit: 9 Semiconductor Devices and their Applications

1. Explain the working of a half wave diode rectifier. ( M-09,J-11,M-12,M-13,O-13 )

2. Explain the working of bridge rectifier. ( J-06,M-10 )

3. Deduce the relation between α and β of a transistor. ( J-07,M-14 )

4. Draw the frequency response curve of a single stage CE amplifier and discuss the results. ( M-08 )

5. With a neat circuit diagram, explain voltage divider biasing of a transistor. ( M-07,J-09 )

6. Explain the function of a transistor as a switch. ( O-07,O-14, M-15 )

7. Explain the function of AND gate using diodes. ( J-08 )

8. State and prove De Morgan’s theorems. ( M-06,O-06,O-10,J-13,J-14 )

9. Explain with the circuit symbol and pin-out configuration of OP-AMP. ( O-08 )

10. Explain how operational amplifier is used as a summer. ( J-12 )

11. Explain how multimeter is used as ohm meter. ( M-11,O-15 )

12. Explain the action of Zener diode as a voltage regulator with a necessary circuit. ( O-12,J-15 )

13. ( O-11 )

14. ( J-10 )

15. ( O-09 )

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Page 17: Physics Important FIVE marks Questions English Medium : Volume –I (From - March: 2006 to Oct : 2015)

+2 Physics Unit: 10 Communication Systems

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of digital communication. ( M-06,J-06,J-08,J-09,J-12 )

2. Explain the space wave propagation of radio waves. ( O-06 )

3. Mention the principle of radar and write its applications. ( M-07,M-08,M-10,M-12,M-13,O-14 )

4. Write a short notes on optical fiber communication and give its uses. ( J-07,O-11 )

5. Draw the block diagram of AM radio transmitter. ( O-07,O-10,M-14,O-15 )

6. Explain with a block diagram of FM radio transmitter. ( O-08,O-09,J-10,J-11,O-12,J-14 )

7. Explain the operation of a FM superheterodyne receiver. ( M-09,M-15 )

8. What are the merits and demerits of satellite communication? (J-13, O-13,J-15 )

9. ( M-11 )

Hard working never fails

Prepared by :

B.ELANGOVAN. M.Sc., M.Ed., M.Phil., Post Graduate Teacher (Physics),

( Dr. Radhakrishnan State level Best Teacher Award – 2011 Recipient )

Pachaiyappa’s Hr.Sec.School, KANCHIPURAM -631501.

E-MAIL: [email protected] Phone: 9444438464.

Date of Appointment as P.G. Teacher in Physics : 03-12-1984

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