20-something To Life

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If you’re going to try, go all the way. Otherwise, don’t even start. This could mean losing girlfriends, wives, relatives and maybe even your mind. It could mean not eating for three or four days. It could mean freezing on a park bench. It could mean jail. It could mean derision. It could mean mockery—isolation. Isolation is the gift. All the others are a test of your endurance, of how much you really want to do it. And, you’ll do it, despite rejection and the worst odds. And it will be better than anything else you can imagine. If you’re going to try, go all the way. There is no other feeling like that. You will be alone with the gods, and the nights will flame with fire. You will ride life straight to perfect laughter. It’s the only good fight there is.

-Charles Bukowski

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Lazy and unmotivated are words that have plagued this generation. The boomers and the gen-Xers claim that we have been spoon-fed our entire lives and we do not know the true definition of hard work. Our hands have never been dirtied, our minds never pushed to the brink of insanity. While ther are plenty of individuals who idle through the basic motions of life, there are brilliant minds hidden in the masses. They do not have years of experience, but where the quantity lacks, the quality shines. They beg to be different and wish to stand out and above those who float through life and never challenge themselves. These twelve young people provide a glimpse at the drive that exists within our peers. Never considering the word “no” and always considering that life does not idle. This book is dedicated to them. To the crumpled coffee cups filling their trashcan. To the baggy bloodshot eyes of late nights. To the countless failures that they must learn and move forward from. May you find inspiration in their stories, and may it help you flourish in your future endeavors.


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10Imagine coming from a small town by the likes of Port Orford, Oregon where you’re forced into submitting to a strict school dress code but the only way you feel comfortable is dressing up in the clothes you and your mother went thrifting for the week earlier. Yeah, I’d say that all that in combination with a few pokes from some of your fellow peers can make you feel like an outsider. What do you do now? Do you strip down to the basics and wear a plain t-shirt tucked into a skirt that passes the length of your fingertips or do you carry on with your eccentric colored hair, cat-rimmed glasses, hand-sewn bottoms and bejeweled top? In Signe’s case, you choose the latter because you know that “after a while if you’re persistent enough people will stop bothering you and then they will bother you when you dress ‘normally’ “. People are always going to expect so much out of you and so it then becomes impossible to please everyone simultaneously. Go with what makes you comfortable and you’ll discover that there are also people out there who will wholly accept you for who you are. Faking a personality, a trait, or a way of living never did anyone good because one, it proves to be a total waste of time and two, you end up surrounded by a group of people who like you for all the wrong reasons. Fake attracts the wrong fit and real lands you a solid deal. Like Signe, pay no mind to the initial jokes and wise cracks from people who think being different is weird. At the end of the day they are somewhat envious that they let their own insecurities hold them back from doing the thing you dared to do.

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14Meeting people like Kendaris Hill is a refreshing event because it reminds us that no matter what the world think of us, we have the right to be who are, come from where we do and be proud of it. Due to the fact that our generation is so plagued with stereotypes we often forget to stop and evaluate their validity. We instead sometimes deem them as truth and don’t give two seconds to think otherwise. Although he is probably unaware of the affect he has, he is a reminder to all those around that you do not have to act a certain way just because that is what the rest of the world sees us as. It’s okay to be reserved, observant, and focused -you won’t be though of any less of a millennial if you are so. Everyone has a different background that then makes them who they are today and if that makes you different, so be it. His peers respect who is because it comes with no fronts and alterations in order to fit in. Yes, he can be loud at times but he knows that he does not have to put on that side of him 24/7. There are times when he will just sit and watch not for lack of things to say but because the need does not present itself. Him being comfortable in who is despite what people say he should be makes him all the more comfortable to be around. This group of millennials sure could use more people like him. Not necessarily quiet beings but ones who are okay in acting a certain way even when it comes of abnormal.

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There is no such thing as being too busy - it’s either you do want to do something or you don’t. Ultimately, no matter which way you spin it people make time for what they want to make time for. So in spending some time with Chynna Miley it came as a bit of a surprise when she stated what her goals were. She passionately wants to change the world by giving back to the community. Not a big deal right? Everyone wants to do the same to some degree. However, it was not her actual goals that came as a surprise but because all of it was in addition to the fact that she is an athlete. The University of Oregon’s athletic department is one of the most committed sport departments in the nation. Its athletes are expected to train and preform at nothing but the best of their capabilities all while remaining in good standing with their grades. It is simply incredible to think that being an athlete is not enough for her. The main reason why she continued on the path to becoming a basketball player lies in the fact that she knew it would give her access to a higher education. In obtaining a college degree she knew se could then make a bigger impact on the world around her. Younger kids like her siblings look up to her and she uses that to her advantage. Not only is she a team player but an active student. The Multi-Cultural Center, Black Student Union, Black Woman of Achievement, O-Heroes are just a few organizations she is involved in that represent the tip of the iceberg. It’s not enough anymore to want change and then say you’re too busy to go forth and implement it, you have to make time for it too.

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In every class there is that person who always has to raise their hand to ask a question, answer one, or make a comment. We all say it’s annoying but deep down inside we wish we had the guts to be that person because they get their crap done and do so with flying colors. Meet Chelsea Jennings. She is that person. Judging without knowing her makes it so easy to complain about her ways but why must we? College is too expensive and life is too short to not utilize the resources given to us. Why waste time hoping to understand the curriculum on our own? For Chelsea, she knows all too well what it’s like to waste time trying to find an answer to her own questions on life, choices, herself, and her goals. She spent three years at Syracuse University as a theater design major only to realize that she was never truly happy. Even though theater was a chief part of her life since 6th grade, she did not know how to let go. It was tough for her to cut ties but if you’re in a position that will ultimately lead you nowhere, the best thing is to just leave. Now, a few years later and some weeks shy of graduation she is on her way to becoming a professional account planner. Maybe that’s the reason she’s constantly asking questions and putting her piece into everything, so she can catch up for lost time. To all the people who have a problem with the question askers and critical thinkers, consider this, what do you have to lose by being a little bit more inquisitive?

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26The future is so uncertain. We are struggling to make it out alive with careers built on love over money. Maybe that is why our parents think us to be lazy beings but it’s like, no mom and dad, we just refuse to work meaningless jobs that take up our time and dry out or passion. Noah Porter is just that and a little more. With the Disney channel pumping out lip syncers every month, auto tune giving anyone the ability to carry a note, and hip hop stars gaining fame through YouTube, the music industry is one of the hardest areas to differentiate yourself right now. With his talent for producing beats, filming and editing videos - not to mention he’s pretty book smart too - there are hundreds of other avenues Noah could take his skills but he wont. He just wants to have a life surrounded by things that he loves and for him that’s music. Growing up he spent his Tuesday and Wednesday nights pushing his sister away from the computer so he could practice and hone his craft and love: music. Even to this day you can catch him in the computer lab at school (thank goodness for his sister) working on something. Although he still thinks he has a long way to go, he has come so far. All those late nights, early mornings and cups of coffee are starting to get him noticed by a few other artists who want him on their team. He may not be making the big bucks but he’s making big moves. So next time someone tells you that wages are in direct correlation to how hard you’re working, pay them no mind and continue on your grind.

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Did you know that the word “no” is a grammatically correct and full sentence? One word comprised of two letters, so small yet it packs a powerful punch. You will hear it many times during your life, but that’s okay because it should urge you to get to what you want even more. Amanda has been told “no” in just about every facet of her life. Growing up in a small town, her friends and family didn’t always support her big dreams. When she switched majors from Human Physiology to Product Design halfway through college, she spent a year trying to get the support of her peers and professors even after she was rejected from the program the first time. Just because you hear “no” does not mean to give up. You think if Amanda stopped when people told her that she would be where she is today? Head Designer and Creator of the industrial jewelry line LUXLA, Brand Director of Elly Clay NYC, and musician, all while she is about to graduate from the University of Oregon at the tender age of 22? She wasn’t expected to go to college, but her determination to be the first college graduate in her family pushed her to apply anyway. Now graduating on a full-ride scholarship with a B.S in Product Design, Amanda is moving to Los Angeles to work in the fashion industry at one of the most respected high-end luxury boutiques. Amanda is far from where she grew up in a small town of four thousand. In this world many people will tell you no, but just like Amanda said, “Who is anybody to tell you no? If anything no should be the word that pushes you.” It is with that I now recommend you make a decision: Are you going to take no for an answer or shove it right back in society’s face?

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34Do not be discouraged if on the way to finding out who you are you have to take a few detours along the way. No one has an exact M.O. on how life is supposed to be because no two people are similar. Michael is like the stationary nomad. His body is present but his head is everywhere and anywhere. He is only in his second year of college and already he has big plans for himself. It seems as most of his peers are busy with their head in the books and wondering how to make it to finals week without failing out of school. This kid Michael though, he in the middle of planning what times are best for night bike rides in Eugene with a few friends and not to mention his trip to Argentina for the Fall. He told me, “have your feet planted but to always look forward’ and important advice like that needs to be adhered to more often. Yes, school is important and so are getting good grades but what would it all mean if you never actually learned something. Looking down at your books and papers handed to you by professors can only take you as far the door frame but it up to you to then take all that and then apply it to the outside world. Never let someone tell you that it’s a waste to spend money on a plane, bus, or train ticket because it is not. Whether it be down the street or across the world, seeing more now in necessary. It will prepare your mind and your heart for anything that may come later.

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The notion that one needs money to buy their way into a powerful position is extremely overrated and not to mention, false. You don’t have to be Nelson Mandela or Kitty Piercy to become a catalyst of change because all you need is a want and drive. The want is the initiator and the drive is the motivator. Alexis White didn’t just sit in her chair and wait for someone to come up and say “Hey, the world needs help!” Instead, she saw a need for the betterment of basic human and civil rights and decided to do something. It started all because she simply wanted to educate herself. Reading the list of books required for school was not enough so she dug deeper and did more research on her own. At this point you are probably thinking what I was before I finished the interview: a lot good she cam do, she is only one person. It is amazing how much the notion that one person can do nothing consumes us. This society – me included – has got to stop limiting our actions just because we are small in number. We need to see it the way Alexis does and notice “things aren’t the same, they’re vastly different and the people before have changed something.” Never be the one who thinks that they are “too small to make a change” because you’re not. Besides reading, she became a regular attendee at student union meetings on campus, she placed herself in positions where it required her to act as a liaison between students and those that were higher up, Alexis actively voted by knowing who was running for office and who could make the best change. You see, it is not about making the biggest splash but by knowing that small drops do indeed lead to some sort of ripple.

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Just because she is the ultimate optimist do not think her naive. Her optimism comes from the result of seeing her hard work and enduring faith in God pay off time and time again. Where most people second-guess their actions and wonder if there is an actual viable way of going about them, Mercedes has already started on the task at hand. There is no “if”s, “but”s or “maybe”s just “go”. The way she sees it is that there should be no excuse just get what you want and be where you want. You cannot tell her there is no way of getting from point A to B because she will then build a dirt road and prove you wrong.. “We all started out hunters and gatherers. look at all the jobs that have come today. Come to think of it, that is not optimism at all, just plain old truth. I think she is the only person I know who has actually stuck to the list of five hundred different careers we all wanted when we were growing up. If we were all only a little more people actively focused on that mindset the world would could say good riddance to all crabbiness.

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46Life is the greatest adversary anyone will ever have to face. It will have you walking on one path one day only to find out that you should have been strolling down another. It pays no attention to what you want and just pushes you along. That is why it is so easy to get caught up in what you think you should be and not focus on who you know you need to be. It was only a few years ago when Joel was the captain and quarterback of his high school’s football team and involved in student government. Still feeling the glowing after affects of the power, pleasure, and popularity he received in high school, he took that mentality with him and went on to play football in college. Although, towards the end of his first year at school he felt as though his life should be worth more than the sum of trophies, awards, and accolades. It was around then that he dropped everything, transferred schools, became more involved with his church ministry, and started living out his life for Jesus Christ. It was not that easy to get to where he is right now. During his football years Joel thought he was on the right path because no one ever told him there was something more. Don’t be afraid to take the smaller path. That road may be narrow, riskier, easy to avoid, and a lot less traveled but taking it can make a world of difference.

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It would be every parent’s dream for their son or daughter to be an aspiring doctor, but making your parents content is not the main reason you were put on this Earth. If Ann’s biggest reason for becoming a doctor was not to be happy but to please her mother, I think she would have asked herself, “What the hell am I doing with my life?!” a whole lot more than she already has. Even she is in disbelief about joining the medical field, but then again she seriously could not imagine doing anything else. There have been times where she has called her mom, bawling about how stressful class is but not because she’s a Biochemistry and Biology double major, it’s because everything in life is hard. Don’t think that you have an automatic win because it looks easy -you will eventually fail at everything if you have no passion for it. For the times you find yourself pulling out your hair by its follicles and don’t think you can go on any longer, your passion will be there to tell you otherwise. When the amount of loans accruing at the bank surpasses the amount of money in your pocket, passion will be there to tell you it will all work out. In Ann’s case, when her schedule jammed full of volunteering, working, tutoring, studying, and interning takes over, without a doubt, her passion will be there whispering that this too shall pass. Humankind is crazy for thinking money makes the world go round. It’s time to change the old and replace it with new. From now on it’s passion before pension.

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54Want to be good at something? Find your passion and do it. Want to be great at it? Find more people who have similar goals, think like you and most importantly, have the same dedication and willingness to work that you do. Stop believing they are not out there because they are. Some might be hiding behind the wall of preconceived notions and judgments you create at first glance. Let fate take control and open your eyes to people you would have never thought of. Taylor Parrish did, and look at him now. He and three other buddies of his just opened up Telos, a recording studio in Eugene, Oregon that’s successfully running. All because he was walking through the Erb Memorial Union on campus, bumped into an old friend and took the time to talk to him. Through that initial chat followed by a few others with the remaining group of friends, they discovered that they all love to be involved with concerts, music, and events. A few months later they began to record music for local talent, take photos at music events, and DJ at a few of them as well. Every person was given something unique to do in this life, so “you find that niche and you occupy it.”

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Now, it is your turn. Your future will not shape itself and there is no time to waste. You have read the stories of a dozen young people who refuse to let life slide past while watching idly from afar. Now, we call upon you to create your own story. Do not shy away from potential failure. Take every bad idea and unsuccessful attempt and build a foundation to stand above your fears, your doubts, and the “no”s you will hear. You have every tool you will need and the knowledge to use them. It is time to prove to those who doubt this generation that there are some who reject the stereotype and refuse to idle through their prime. They are the ones who will create the future. They will prove that brilliance exists within this generation. You have the ability to join them and write the history books of tomorrow. Life will not wait until you are thirty. Today belongs to you. Own it and shine, you brave and brilliant twenty-something.

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