2004 Camden County Cancer Capacity and Needs Assessment: The Next Steps Jean F. Mouch, MD, MPH Camden County Coalition Coordinator April 6, 2005

2004 Camden County Cancer Capacity and Needs Assessment: The Next Steps Jean F. Mouch, MD, MPH Camden County Coalition Coordinator April 6, 2005

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Page 1: 2004 Camden County Cancer Capacity and Needs Assessment: The Next Steps Jean F. Mouch, MD, MPH Camden County Coalition Coordinator April 6, 2005

2004 Camden County Cancer Capacity and Needs Assessment: The Next Steps

Jean F. Mouch, MD, MPH

Camden County Coalition Coordinator

April 6, 2005

Page 2: 2004 Camden County Cancer Capacity and Needs Assessment: The Next Steps Jean F. Mouch, MD, MPH Camden County Coalition Coordinator April 6, 2005

2002 NJ Comprehensive Cancer Control Plan – NJCCCP History

The CDC defines Comprehensive Cancer Control as “an integrated and coordinated approach to reduce the incidence, morbidity and mortality of cancer through prevention, early detection, treatment, rehabilitation and palliation.”

Office for Cancer Control and Prevention with the NJ-CEED -- first ever statewide capacity and needs assessment for each county from May 2003-Dec. 2004

Page 3: 2004 Camden County Cancer Capacity and Needs Assessment: The Next Steps Jean F. Mouch, MD, MPH Camden County Coalition Coordinator April 6, 2005

2004 Camden County Cancer Capacity and Needs Assessment

Section 1: Demographic Profile

Section 2: Overview of Overarching Issues

Section 3: Cancer Burden

Section 4: Discussion, Analysis and Recommendations.

Page 4: 2004 Camden County Cancer Capacity and Needs Assessment: The Next Steps Jean F. Mouch, MD, MPH Camden County Coalition Coordinator April 6, 2005

Findings at the Camden County Level:

Top four cancers – Breast, Prostate, Lung and Colorectal Cancers – 55.3% of new cancers in women and 57.4% of new cancers in men

The Seven Priority Cancers of NJCCCP cover 62.5% of new cancers in men and 60.7% of new cancers in women with a total number of survivors = 11,555 as of Jan. 2000.

Disparities in cancer rates and % of late stage at time of diagnosis, involve minority groups of African Americans, Hispanics, residents living below the poverty level, and uninsured

Page 5: 2004 Camden County Cancer Capacity and Needs Assessment: The Next Steps Jean F. Mouch, MD, MPH Camden County Coalition Coordinator April 6, 2005

continuing the major findings…..

Services for diagnosis, treatment, and care of those with cancer are good in the county

Screening and prevention strategies for cancer need greater support and expansion e.g. Cancer Education and Early Detection.

Cancer Resource Database of New Jersey has been created – 309 county participants in the survey work to identify programs, services, and extent of access to healthcare.

Though we have a good baseline of cancer incidence/mortality rates and staging, the baseline for screening, prevention, and education is over 10 years old.

Page 6: 2004 Camden County Cancer Capacity and Needs Assessment: The Next Steps Jean F. Mouch, MD, MPH Camden County Coalition Coordinator April 6, 2005


Concentrate on the top 4 Cancers Follow the NJ-CCCP strategies for County Two principles of implementation:

(1) all general awareness, education, and screening strategies reach out to adults 18+, and health care providers

(2) primary prevention strategies provided for all school age children and youth e.g. not starting to smoke and smoking cessation.

Page 7: 2004 Camden County Cancer Capacity and Needs Assessment: The Next Steps Jean F. Mouch, MD, MPH Camden County Coalition Coordinator April 6, 2005

…for County and Local Priorities

General Awareness and Education for NJCCCP via coalitions and ACS activities; via presentations to major health care provider groups; via work with CCDHHS on their CHIP

Research Study on Primary Care Providers and Cancer Prevention, Screening, and Treatment

Continue to strengthen coalition work for Cancer Plan at local levels e.g. directory

Page 8: 2004 Camden County Cancer Capacity and Needs Assessment: The Next Steps Jean F. Mouch, MD, MPH Camden County Coalition Coordinator April 6, 2005

Regional approach in Burlington, Camden, and Gloucester Counties

Page 9: 2004 Camden County Cancer Capacity and Needs Assessment: The Next Steps Jean F. Mouch, MD, MPH Camden County Coalition Coordinator April 6, 2005

The Mission of the Camden County Cancer Coalition is to effectively and efficiently support cancer prevention, education, early detection and advocacy for all residents in the county to help reduce the cancer burden.

Camden County Cancer Coalition March 29, 2005

Page 10: 2004 Camden County Cancer Capacity and Needs Assessment: The Next Steps Jean F. Mouch, MD, MPH Camden County Coalition Coordinator April 6, 2005

Provisional Goal #1: The Camden County Cancer Coalition will serve as a forum to bring together information sharing and project/program collaboration on cancer care efforts of both public and private agencies and health providers in the county in order to reduce the cancer burden by implementing the 2004 Camden County Capacity and Needs Assessment recommendations.

Objective 1.1 Coordinator Role to help facilitate the Camden County Cancer CoalitionObjective 1.2 Have working groups to assist in planning and implementing the yearly plan – see plan on next slideObjective 1.3 Design a website for the Cancer Coalitions in South Jersey to share information and activities.

Page 11: 2004 Camden County Cancer Capacity and Needs Assessment: The Next Steps Jean F. Mouch, MD, MPH Camden County Coalition Coordinator April 6, 2005

Provisional Goal #2

The Camden County Cancer Coalition will identify priorities from the Camden Cancer Capacity and Needs Assessment Report for 2005, and set a yearly plan to implement the recommendations of the report.

Objective 2.1 Each quarter increase the screening for prostate, breast, and colorectal among minority groups, uninsured, and low income groups, especially working with CEED.Objective 2.2 As a Cancer Coalition, work with the Communities Against Tobacco and R.E.B.E.L. groups to decrease the number of residents who smoke, on one joint project a year.Objective 2.3 Host a tri-county Cancer Information Event with hospitals, cancer centers, hospices, mammography centers, insurance companies, HMOs, primary care physicians and practitioners to promote the NJCCCP/County strategies.

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New Jersey Cancer Control Plan, New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services (NJDHSS), July 2002

New Jersey State Cancer Registry, New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services (NJDHSS), August 2003

Center for Health Statistics, New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services (NJDHSS), www.state.nj.us/health/chs, 2004

National Cancer Institute, www.statecancerprofiles.cancer.gov, 2003/2004

American Cancer Society (ACS), www.cancer.org, 2003/2004

US Census Bureau, Census 2000, www.census.gov, 2003/2004

Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), Centers for Disease Control (CDC), http://apps.nccd.cdc.gov/brfss/index.asp, 2003/2004

SEER Database for National Cancer Registries http://seer.cancer.gov/faststats/html/inc_all.html

References and Data Sources: