e Christendom College Quarterly Magazine Vol. XVI, No. IV Winter 2008 Alumnus Donates $300K and Joins Board - pg 5 Inside this issue... Special 2007-08 Annual Giving Report - pgs 9-23 Secret Garden Has Audi- ence on its Feet - pg 8 Christendom Crusader Sports Roundup - pg 31 Patronal Feast of Christ the King


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The Christendom College Quarterly Magazine Vol. XVI, No. IVWinter 2008

Alumnus Donates $300K and Joins Board - pg 5

Inside this issue...

Special 2007-08 Annual Giving Report - pgs 9-23

Secret Garden Has Audi-ence on its Feet - pg 8

Christendom CrusaderSports Roundup - pg 31

Patronal Feast of Christ the King



From the President


Dear Friends:

In the midst of so many difficulties besetting our beloved nation, the Church and the world, I would like to begin by thanking all of you, our faithful supporters, for all the prayers you have offered on behalf of the work of Christendom College, and especial-

ly your continued financial support. I ask you to please continue to do all you can to support the work of the College, through your prayer, by spreading the good word about Christendom College, and through the financial sacrifices so many of you make to ensure that this gem in the crown of higher Catholic education will continue to grow and thrive.

It’s hard to believe that when I first came to Christendom College back in 1985, there were only 120 students enrolled. It is truly a joy to see all the development that has taken place since that time, especially after our 30th anniversary celebration, which led us to our current record enrollment of over 420 students. Together we have accomplished great things. In the midst of so many challenges, it is important we continue to reflect on our blessings and the great gifts and consolations that come to us through our Catholic Faith.

Our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, has asked all of us to raise our hearts and minds this year to reflect on the great apostle to the Gen-tiles, St. Paul. In declaring this year to be especially dedicated to St. Paul, Pope Benedict, in his general audience of July 2, 2008, spoke explicitly of what he hoped would be the fruits of this year: “And this is the goal of the Pauline year: to learn from St. Paul, to learn faith, to learn Christ, and finally to learn the way of upright living.” Pope Bene-dict chose the year of 2008 as the year to recall Paul’s birth in 8 AD.

Although raised as a zealous Pharisee and educated in Jerusalem un-der Gamaliel, in approximately 35 AD, while traveling bearing letters from the high priest for the persecution of Christians, Paul encoun-tered the Risen Lord on the road to Damascus. This overwhelming experience transformed him, and Saul the Persecutor rose as Paul the Apostle. One cannot underestimate the power of this great encoun-ter with the Risen Lord.

Pope Benedict expresses the hope that we would all learn the faith from St. Paul – faith in Jesus Christ was the dominant passion in Paul’s life. He embraced it not only in his personal life, but in his zeal, longed with the most ardent passion to spread that faith to the entire world. Looking at the extent of his missionary journeys, throughout the Middle East to Asia Minor, Greece, and even as far as Rome and distant Spain, we cannot but be in awe at the depth of Paul’s faith.

Along with learning about the faith, Pope Benedict also expressed the hope that we would learn Christ from St. Paul. He was a man seized by Jesus Christ. As St. John Chrysostom once wrote, “The heart of Paul is truly the Heart of Christ.” In Paul’s Second Letter to the Cor-inthians, his intense love for Christ is manifested in his “boasting.” He speaks of the extent to which he has been willing to suffer for the gift of faith in Christ Jesus.

Timothy T. O’Donnell, STD, KGCHS

“Are they offspring of Abraham? So am I. Are they ministers of Christ? I – to speak as a fool – am more: in many more labors, in prisons more frequently, in lashes above measure, often exposed to death. From the Jews five times I received forty lashes less one. Thrice I was scourged, once I was stoned, thrice I suffered shipwreck, a night and day I was adrift on the sea; in journeyings often, in perils from floods, in perils from robbers, in perils from my own nation, in perils from the Gentiles, in perils in the city, in perils in the wilderness, in perils in the sea, in perils from false brethren; in labor and hardships, in many sleep-less nights, in hunger and thirst, in fastings often, in cold and nakedness. Besides those outer things, there is my daily pressing anxiety, the care of all the churches! Who is weak, and I am not weak? Who is made to stumble, and I am not inflamed?” 2 Corinthians 11:22 – 30

Only a man totally in love with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ could have possibly endured so much on His behalf. There is cer-tainly much we can learn about the faith and about Jesus Christ from St. Paul, and also much we can learn, as Pope Benedict expressed, in terms of “the way of upright living.” Today, when hostile seculariza-tion continues to drive religious faith underground, and a reemerging paganism seeks to suffocate the gift which faith in Christ brings to life, a reading of St. Paul can bring us back to our senses.

The pagan world of Greece and Rome was deeply aware of its own sinfulness and recognized the need of a divine liberator. The Hebrew people themselves were falling under the weight of the law, which convicted them of sin but did not provide the channels of grace nec-essary to overcome that sin. St. Paul reminds us that when the Gospel was ushered into the world, it truly was Good News. This is why on almost every page of his epistles, he breaks forth with hymns and joy whenever he reflects on the great mystery hidden from all ages that had now been revealed in his day.

Certainly as we reflect on the great gift Paul is to the Church, there is much we as part of the Christendom College clan can learn and take to heart during these challenging times. Let us renew and recommit ourselves with the same type of untiring loyalty St. Paul manifested in his life to boldly proclaim to everyone, “in season and out of season,” the truth of our Holy Catholic Faith. Let us boldly proclaim that life has been answered in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, our spes unica, our one hope. And let us seek in our own lives to implement and live an authentically Christian life, in order that the light of our lives might shine out in the present darkness.

May God bless you all during the Christmas season, and may all of us during this year dedicated to the great apostle Paul, “have Christ dwelling through faith in [our] hearts: so that, being rooted and grounded in love, [we] may be able to comprehend with all the saints which is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know Christ’s love which surpasses knowledge, in order that [we] may be filled unto all the fullness of God.” Eph 3:17-19

A Blessed Christmas to you all,




College Celebrates Feast of Christ the King with Procession and Consecration

Christendom’s Major Speakers Program was in full swing during the fall semester, showcasing three top-notch speakers, Dr. Scott Hahn, Mrs. Camille Pauley, and Mr. Russell Shaw, who each enthralled the College community with their respective lectures.

The College Speakers Program, an important aspect of the academic life at the College, offers the students and community an opportunity for cultural, intellectual, and spiritual enrichment beyond the class-room. The Speakers Program gives students the opportunity to gain

greater insights and depth of understanding in regards important is-sues, and to interact personally with a wide range of influential men and women who are shapers and critics of our society.

World-renowned Scripture scholar and Theology professor Dr. Scott Hahn launched the Major Speakers Program, delivering a lecture on “The Gospel According to St. Paul,” on September 29.

“In the last forty years, not Catholic, but Protestant biblical scholars are the ones who have caused us to revisit Paul and rethink many misunderstandings of Paul that are rooted in Luther’s own misread-ing,” Hahn began.

His lecture focused both on Paul’s conversion and his understanding of Christ. Quoting scripture Hahn said, “‘Though he was in the form of God, he did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped’ … a better translation would read, ‘He did not count equality with God something to be exploited for personal advantage.’”

As a Pharisee, Paul’s justification for persecuting the Christians was Christ’s claim to equality with God. After his conversion, Paul sees that it is the cross that exactly displays Christ’s equality with God, Hahn said.

An exceptionally popular author, speaker, and teacher, Hahn has de-livered numerous talks nationally and internationally on a wide vari-ety of topics related to Scripture and the Catholic faith.

In his address, Hahn told the audience that although we tend to

Cover Story

Scott Hahn kicked off Christendom’s Major Speakers Program by deliver-ing a talk on St. Paul on September 29.

Major Speakers Program Brings Catholic Intellectuals to Campus

On November 23, Christendom College marked its patronal feast of Christ the King with a solemn Mass, Eucharistic procession, and fes-tive brunch. College President Dr. Timothy O’Donnell led the entire community in a consecration prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary following the Mass.

Christendom has celebrated this great feast annually since 1992, by saying the consecration prayers as a College community.

In a symbolic gesture aimed to unite everyone in the community, the College sent the consecration prayers to friends, donors, and the College students who were traveling abroad on their way home from their Junior Semester in Rome.

“The word ‘Christendom’ means ‘reign of Christ,’” Dr. O’Donnell said, “so this feast is naturally important for our College, but it is also important for the world. Both Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI have encouraged the celebration of this feast. At a time when society seems to be overrun by the culture of death, it is fitting to

proclaim Christ as king of all men and creation.”

The Feast of Christ the King was instituted in 1925 by Pope Pius XI with his encyclical Quas Primas.

Dr. O’Donnell led the entire community in the annual consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary.


think that Paul fell off a horse when he had his vision and converted, in reality, there is no mention of a horse, just a bright light.

Paul was not converted in the traditional sense, but was called by Christ and converted “not from Judaism to Christianity, but from a natu-ralistic understanding of the Jewish faith to truly supernatural experience of the divine grace and righteousness of God through Christ,” he said.

Hahn also gave deep insights into some of Paul’s writings, pointing out that it was St. Paul who first used the term “Body” for the Church, with Christ as the Head and all the members com-prising the body. Hahn concluded by exhort-ing his listeners to realize that conversion is not something that happens once, but something that happens continuously.

“Every day we must take up our cross and follow Him,” he said. “We do not simply convert and we are saved once and for all. We must change our lives, as St. Paul did, and follow Christ daily.”

Pro-life educator Camille Pauley delivered a talk on the various methods for changing the culture on October 13.

“There is something embedded in the root of our culture that is missing out on the most important thing about life,” President and Co-Founder of Healing the Culture Camille Pauley said, “and it is because of this that our culture is in dire straits.”

Pauley enumerated and explained the “ten life principles” in her lively address. The prin-ciples logically proved that the unborn child is a person, all persons have intrinsic dignity, all beings with intrinsic dignity have inalien-able rights, and therefore, the unborn child has an inalienable right to life.

She asserted that it is not enough that we have an intelligent explanation and sophisti-cated defense of the pro-life movement.

“Our arguments are far more sophisticated than the other side,” she said. “But it is not enough that we have that sophisticated dia-logue. We must also give people a reason to care. Too many people have bought into the lie that what makes life worth living is mate-rial wealth, possessions, popularity, admira-tion, and ego-high. They buy into this lie.”

Pauley urged listeners to both pray for a pro-life culture and give a good example through how they live, so that they can become liv-ing witnesses to others about what makes life truly worth living.

“If you want a pro-life culture, teach the cul-ture about what is truly worthy of them,” she concluded. “Because if they don’t know who they are, if they don’t value the goodness and dignity and the image and likeness of God in themselves, they will not value the dignity and likeness of God in an unborn child. Give them that gift—the gift of love, the gift of faith, and the gift of hope—and you will build a pro-life culture.”

The College community was privileged to welcome renowned Catholic journalist Rus-sell Shaw, who discussed the topic of secrecy in the Church and how it has led to some difficult situations in recent times.

“The abuse of secrecy has played a part in some of the most serious problems of the Church, and it goes on doing that at all levels from par-ishes to the national level and beyond,” Russell Shaw said in his November 3 talk entitled “Se-crecy vs. Communio in the Catholic Church.”

“It is withholding information that begets ignorance,” Shaw said, “and the only way to correct it is by sharing information and sup-plying explanations as needed.”

Shaw is author or coauthor of 20 books and a contributor to and/or editor of several oth-ers. His most recent book is Nothing To Hide: Secrecy, Communication, and Communion in the Catholic Church. Shaw has published thousands of magazine and newspaper articles, columns, and reviews in US and foreign periodicals.

“The clergy abuse scandal–an official con-cealment–in other words, cover-up—is an especially painful instance, but there are

many others,” Shaw said.

He explained that clericalism is a key fac-tor in the abuse of secrecy in the Church. Both the laity and clerics alike contribute to clericalism, which has its roots in a deficient theology of vocation. The culture of clerical-ism encourages people to think that priests and religious are the only people who should be in charge and then attributes to them a benevo-lent paternalism. The laity are then seen as a permanent ecclesiastic under class. This stifles the channels of communications and allows unneeded secrecy to flourish.

“The Catholic Church has a right to practice secrecy, in fact a grave duty to do that, when secrecy is necessary to protect important hu-man goods, especially the good name and privacy of individuals,” Shaw clarified.

He pointed out that the Church will always have the Sacraments, the fullness of God’s Revelation, the means of salvation, and will remain a communio—a communion of faith. However, on the human level, our commu-nion as Church is impaired by the practice of unnecessary secrecy.

“That—nothing else—is the target of my criticism,” he said. “To be sure, communion in the Church is a spiritual reality that far transcends ordinary human community and communication—that goes without saying. But grace does build on nature, and ordinary human standards of community and com-munication must be observed for the sake of ecclesial communion itself.”

All of these talks may be listened to online at Christendom on iTunes U.

Mrs. Pauley speaks with senior Kieran DuFrain following her talk on changing the culture.

Catholic journalist Russell Shaw spoke on secrecy in the Catholic Church.



During its annual meeting in September, Christendom’s Board of Directors voted ap-provingly to have alumnus Steve O’Keefe ‘93 join the Board.

“I am honored to be asked to serve on the Board,” he said. “Education is the key hu-man endeavor to change the culture for the good. I could not be more pleased to be able to be part of one of the premier institutions restoring value to the university experience.”

Following graduation from Christendom with a BA in history, Steve O’Keefe pursued a career in the IT field, working with fellow graduate Sean Garvey. In June 2000, he and O’Keefe founded Novus Consulting Group, a business which focused primarily on en-terprise storage consulting. After its first six months, the company reached $1 million in revenue, and in late 2007, due to the overwhelming success of the company, they agreed to be purchased by IBM.

At lunch with College President Timothy O’Donnell earlier this year, O’Keefe told a moving story about how his late father, Ed-ward O’Keefe, gradually persuaded him to en-roll at Christendom College. He had wanted to go to a state college where he would have received a handsome athletic scholarship, but his father was determined to have him attend Christendom. After just a little while at col-lege, O’Keefe said he soon realized attending Christendom was the “best thing that could have happened to me.”

Mindful of the overwhelmingly positive im-pact the Christendom experience has had upon their lives, Steve and his wife, Paula (Quest, ‘94), pledged a most generous gift of $300,000 to the College. They want to make it possible for young Christendom students to experience the same authentic Catholic atmosphere, coupled with the rigorous aca-demic education that defined their own col-lege years in Front Royal.

To make this happen, they have designated a substantial portion of this gift to honor the memory of O’Keefe’s late father by es-tablishing a new scholarship, the Edward T. O’Keefe Memorial Endowed Scholar-ship. The O’Keefe Scholarship will pro-vide substantial financial assistance to qualified history majors at Christendom College.

Newest Board Member Establishes Scholarship with $300K Donation

The O’Keefe Scholarship will achieve the O’Keefes’ goal by providing a one-quarter tu-ition to a one-half tuition scholarship annually and in perpetuity for qualifying Christendom students. The O’Keefe Scholarship – the first ever created by a single gift from a member of the alumni ranks – will be an important part of the College’s strategic plan to ensure Chris-tendom’s survival year after year.

“The O’Keefe Scholarship is the College’s 27th endowed scholarship,” says John Cis-kanik, Vice President for Advancement. “As the sum value of all Christendom endowed scholarships approaches $5,000,000, this portion of the endowment typically awards up to $200,000 in tuition support year af-ter year. Endowed scholarships are gifts that keep on giving!”

Steve and Paula O’Keefe with their lovely family.

2009 Summer Institute – June 26-27, 2009 St. Paul: His Spiritual and Scriptural Contributions to the Church

Speakers include: Bishop Paul Loverde, Bishop James Conley, Dr. Timo-thy O’Donnell, Prof. Eric Jenislawski, and others.

Experience Christendom Summer Program for Rising SeniorsJune 20-27 Session I (one week -$500)

June 28-July 4 Session II (one week - $500)July 12-24 Session III (two week - $950)

Register online today!

Latin Immersion Program for High School StudentsTwo sessions: July 12-18 and July 19-25 ($895 each session)

Notre Dame Graduate School Summer SessionJune 22 – August 1



TMen’s Soccer Team Has Historic Season Dedicated to Former Coach

Team Captain Ryan Doughty led his team in one of the best seasons in Crusader history.

Sophomore Johnny Ciskanik was one of the leading scorers for the season.

The Men’s Soccer Team: (back, l to r) Johnny Hambleton, Francis Aul, Ted Cantu, Sam McMa-hon, James Hannon, Peter McNeely, Joseph Stephens, Coach Chris Vander Woude; (front) Andrew Grimes, Brandon Gorman, Johnny Ciskanik, Michael Bugin, Paul Nangurai, Seth Elmenhurst, Chris Foeckler, Ryan Doughty, and Brian Killackey.

The Christendom College men’s soccer team completed one of the most successful seasons for any sport in Christendom history this past fall, finishing with a record of 6-1-1.

The ground-work was laid early in the semes-ter, in fact, the players arrived on campus a week before anyone else to prepare for a spe-cial season, one that would see 7 players score; a team without even one senior; a final win-ning streak of the last 4 games; and a grand fi-nale at the end with the defense not allowing a goal in over 200 minutes of play.

The team practiced 3 times a day including an early morning run during their mini-camp, attended daily Mass, and said the rosary after dinner as a team along with the women’s soc-cer team who were also having a mini-camp.

The chemistry of the team was evident in the well-balanced attack that Christendom pos-sessed. In total, seven players scored, includ-ing Junior Captain Ryan Doughty who netted 7 goals and had 4 assists. Sophomore Johnny Ciskanik finished the year with 5 goals and 3 assists while freshmen Paul Nangurai and Pe-ter McNeely each added 3 goals and 6 assists, and fellow freshman Joseph Stephens round-ed out the leading scorers with 4 goals and 5 assists. While the offense was powerful, the defense was determined and effective. Led by freshmen Brandon Gorman and Michael Bugin, opposing team offenses were suffo-cated and frustrated by the Crusaders’ physi-cal defense. Sophomores Sam McMahon and James Hannon also played important roles in the defense, showing leadership during prac-

Freshman Paul Nangurai, of Kenya, surprised many with his great talent.

tices and games. The team finished ranked 6th in the USCAA. Ryan Doughty finished 7th in the USCAA in points per game.

Possibly the biggest highlight of the year was the way in which the Crusaders beat their op-ponents. A majority of the goals were scored in the second half and games that were tied or close at halftime were broken open due to the great endurance and determination of the team.

A perfect example of their endurance is the championship game of the Shenandoah Chesapeake Conference against Patrick Hen-ry College, where the score was 0-0 at half-time. The second half was a different story as Christendom scored 2 goals to win the game 2-0. Other highlights throughout the year included freshman Paul Nangurai’s first goal, which resulted in a celebration that ri-vals World Cup enthusiasm, much to the de-light of the Christendom fans who came out to the game. Ryan Doughty’s opening game 4-goal performance and the final game where the Crusaders wore black armbands with the initials “TVW 9-8-08” in remembrance of Mr. Tom Vander Woude, former coach and Christendom Athletic Director who passed away on September 8, 2008, were both mem-orable events. The Crusaders dedicated the remainder of their season to Vander Woude’s memory and, as Providence would have it, didn’t lose another game!

With no seniors on the team to lose at gradu-ation, the Crusaders are excited about what next year will bring!



Lady Crusaders Make Christendom Sports History in USCAA Tourney

Senior Mairin Vieira scored the final goal in her last game at home.

Senior Courtney Nelson finished her 4-year ca-reer as a Lady Crusader with a win.

The Lady Crusaders Soccer team: (back, l to r) Allison Firehammer, Mary Kate Vander Woude, Theresa Nelson, Mary Hill, Courtney Nelson, Carly Traina, Liz Newcombe, Emily Scrivener, Coach Mike Miller; (middle) Katie Coyne, Mairin Vieira, Katie Urban, Margaret Antunes, Mol-ly Morey, Cecilia O’Reilly, Ky Leopold; (front) Hilary Schafer, Jane Snyder.

Senior Ky Leopold scored two goals in the final game against Columbia Union.

Freshman Cecilia O’Reilly added a lot of energy to this year’s team.

This year’s women’s soccer team has been the most successful team in the past 6 years, and possibly in the history of the College.

The Lady Crusaders, under the guidance of 4-year coach Mike Miller and his wife Kaylie (Minick, ‘04), orchestrated another great year for the women’s soccer team, finishing 8-3 with a regular season ranking of 3rd in the USCAA.

The team finished the regular season with a record of 6-2 with both losses coming by just one goal to soccer powers Southern Virginia University (NAIA) and Lancaster Bible Col-lege (DIII). The Lady Crusaders proceeded to defeat all other opponents, including USCAA rival Columbia Union with a decisive 5-0 vic-tory. The team was led by senior Ky Leopold who, in her four years at Christendom, has become the all-time leading scorer in Lady Crusader’s history with over 70 goals. Fellow seniors Hilary Schafer, Mairin Vieira, and Courtney Nelson have accompanied Ky on an amazing four-year journey on the soccer field.

The Crusaders ended their season by play-ing in the USCAA national tournament in Burlington, VT, on October 29, where they entered the competition ranked 3rd overall and a first round victory would give the Lady Crusaders Christendom’s first-ever, first-round win in the USCAA. With both the number-one and -two ranked teams having

barely beaten Christendom earlier in the sea-son, the team’s confidence grew.

In the first-round match, the Lady Crusaders dominated their opponent, the 2007 USCAA champions Robert Morris – Springfield, and posted a final score of 3-0, with two goals being scored by freshmen Katie Coyne and Cecilia O’Reilly. With that victory, history had been made and a date in the semifinals with Penn College was to come. Penn Col-lege, having beaten Christendom earlier in the season and Christendom playing without 2 of their starters, no doubt felt like the game was theirs, but the Lady Crusaders were not finished and ended up beating Penn College with two goals by Ky Leopold, again making history as the Crusaders entered the finals.

Unfortunately, in the final game, the soccer powerhouse Southern Virginia University, a member of the NAIA, prevailed and claimed the championship. Mairin Vieira and fresh-man Theresa Nelson were named to the USCAA all-tournament team. But no disap-pointment was felt by the Christendom Lady Crusaders, who had beaten all odds.

A large silver trophy now adorns the lobby of the gym as proof of their skill, dedication, and hard work that enabled them to finish 2nd in the nation in the USCAA and mark their place in Crusader history.




Talented Students Found Playing and Singing in The Secret Garden

“Everyone knows of someone with a very high IQ who never did anything with it,” Fr. James Schall, SJ, told the audience of a crowded Thomas Aquinas Lecture Hall on November 6. “He never achieved his poten-tial, as they say—we may even suspect it of ourselves.”

The Cincinnatus League of Christendom College and the Intercollegiate Studies Insti-tute sponsored Schall’s lecture, entitled “Do-cilitas: Its Importance for Liberal Education and Knowing What It Is.”

Schall, a Professor in the Department of Government at Georgetown University, has written numerous books, including: Reason, Revelation, and the Foundations of Political Philosophy and Jacques Maritain: The Philoso-pher in Society. He also writes columns for Gilbert! and InsideCatholic.com.

Schall explained to his Christendom audi-ence that not everyone is teachable, but it requires a certain disposition on the part of

the student—an openness to receive the gift of knowledge.

“I’ve always loved that Latin word docilitas—the capacity of being taught,” Schall said. “‘Teachableness’ implies something beyond IQ’s—or whatever is said to measure one’s na-tive intellectual capacity. Not only our capac-ity to know, but also our desire from within to know and do something to acquire knowledge of what we know we do not yet know.”

Schall said that the reason why we are not in-terested in a particular subject is not because something is wrong with that subject, but that there is something wrong with us. “So you re-call what Chesterton once said, ‘There is no such thing as an uninteresting subject. There are only uninterested people,’” Schall said.

Much of our “teachableness” comes from our upbringing. He pointed out that Chesterton and Aristotle have noted that we need to be brought up with fine habits if we are to be adequate students of what is fine and just.

Student and current President of the Cincin-natus League Tara Jackson found the talk “to be a breath of fresh air, especially after the election of our nation’s most liberal presi-dent. It was so refreshing to hear very astute and conservative advice explaining that a lib-eral arts education is about living the Truth in humility.”

This lecture can be heard online at Christen-dom on iTunes U.

Fr. James Schall Explains Importance of Docility in Education

Fr. James Schall spoke on docility during his lecture on November 6.

The Christendom Players, directed by alum-nus Mike Powell, gave four outstanding per-formances of the musical, The Secret Garden, on November 21, 22, and 23.

Alumnus Jonathan Dittert directed the orches-tra, comprised mostly of freshmen, that provided a wonderful accompaniment for the actors.

Freshman Dominic De Souza (l) played Dr. Neville Craven, the brother of Archibald Cra-ven, played by seasoned actor Cyrus Artz.

Freshman Meghan Kelly (l) played the lead role of Mary Lennox, a ten year old orphaned girl while her roommate, Freshman Brianna Miller, took on the role of Colin Craven, a ten year old boy.

Meghan Kelly’s beautiful voice made the production an absolute joy to watch, and the Yorkshire accent put on by Senior Bridget Randolph was sensational.

Freshman Jacqueline Kenney’s portrayal of the deceased Lily Craven was amazing, as was her operatic voice.

Senior Tim Curran added humor and professional-ism with his portrayal of the Scot named Dickon.

Annual Giving Report2007-08

“Restoring all things in Christ.”9


Christendom’s Annual FundWith your help, Christendom recently sent 97 new graduates into the world, ready to make a difference and to become citizen leaders in their own communities.

Thank you for making their education a life-changing experience through your support of Christendom’s Annual Fund.

There is truly a growing sense of pride here at Christendom College! New and improved facilities enhance our campus, and new programs and scholarship assistance continue to attract academically talented students who come “to breathe the Catholic air” here at Christendom!

Support from alumni, parents and friends enables the College to provide the quality of instruction and unique experience that makes Christendom the preferred choice of many of today’s young Catholics.

Please consider continuing your generous support by:

Calling 1-540-551-9300 or 1-800-877-5456, ext. 1251

Or mailing Christendom College, Advancement Office 134 Christendom Drive Front Royal, VA 22630


Dear Friends,

May the peace of Christ be with you in this joyous season!

Please accept my heartfelt thanks in the form of this Annual Giving Report. I thank you for supporting Christendom with your prayers and sacrifices, and for the messages of encouragement you have sent to me personally. I thank you also, and especially, for your unflag-ging financial support of Christendom College during such difficult economic times.

Now more than ever.

Is there any area in our society that doesn’t need Christendom College graduates? Business, law, politics, film, science, family, art, literature, the Church; who doesn’t need graduates who are articulate in their faith, bright and capable, wise beyond their years, able and willing to take on any challenge? Who doesn’t need discerning, critical thinkers, solution providers, effective communicators, pursuing that which is just, true, and noble?

If you’ll let me have the next 3 ½ minutes of your time, I’ll explain why today, more than ever before, Christendom College is doing an urgent work for the Church, for our beloved nation, and for the world.

Recall that during the period from 1966–1976, much of Western civilization made a decisive break with its Christian roots. The re-sult is that we have largely lost sight of the Christian foundations of our civilization and its freedoms.

The solution, of course, is to re-evangelize our civilization by helping our brothers and sisters to encounter Christ. But this brings us face-to-face with the heart of the problem: many people today can neither remember nor imagine what a Christian culture actually looks like. What is needed then, are men and women who possess the education, vision, and drive to renew society.

It was for this purpose that Christendom College was founded in 1977: to provide a Catholic liberal arts education, an educa-tion grounded in natural and supernatural truth; an education that, paradoxically, is eminently practical; an education for the student who believes in the necessity and possibility of a more Christian-oriented social order. Christendom College exists, then, to prepare men and women for their task of transforming the culture—in their own homes, in the places where they work, and in their social lives—by sharing their faith in Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church. Thus will they assist in the re-Christianization of our civilization, a worthy goal that will not be without cost.

Annual Investment. Daily Impact.

A Christendom education, like all things good and worthy, car-ries a price. As you probably know, the true cost of this education is not fully covered by tuition. There is a gap. To close this gap, each year Christendom must raise additional funds from gener-ous individuals like you and from other charitable sources.

Many colleges and universities close this gap through the use of gov-ernment funds, or through the financial support of their large, multi-generational base of alumni. Christendom College has neither.

In order to remain free of undue government intervention, Chris-tendom remains one of only four private Colleges nationwide who accept no Federal funds (Hillsdale College, Grove City College, and Patrick Henry College being the other three). Then too, being a relatively young college (only 31 years old!), Christendom’s alumni family is still young and growing. I am deeply grateful to all of you alumni of other colleges who have made Christendom your adoptive “alma mater,” and have blessed the College with your gifts year in and year out.

Last year (the 2007-08 school year) the gap between tuition rev-enues and Christendom’s true costs totaled $1.8 million. This An-nual Giving Report is a celebration of your part in the successful achievement of that goal. In the pages that follow, you will find the names of each and every supporter of Christendom during the 2007-08 academic year, listed by their President’s Council or Giving Club levels. This issue also highlights Corporate Matching Gifts, recent Planned Gifts, and all Scholarships and Scholarship Recipients. Finally, you will find the first annual listing of Alumni Class giving competitions.

For this 2008-09 school year, “the gap” (and therefore our fundrais-ing goal) stands at $1,925,000. I hope you will agree that this is truly a bargain for a full year’s preparation of the 421 students now being formed! As this Report went to press, $604,000 (31%) has already been contributed, with $1.3 million still to be raised. This is good news, since donations during the joyous season of Christmas account, on average, for 50% of the College’s fundraising goal.

Annual Giving truly is the lifeblood of Christendom College, sup-porting everything from financial aid to the preservation of the beau-tiful campus and its facilities.

Your gifts to Christendom College change people’s lives – in Front Royal, Virginia, and around the world. In many cases, your gifts af-ford students the opportunity to receive one of the finest and most rigorous Catholic educations available anywhere. Whether your gift is large or small, it has an impact—at the College, in the Church and on our beloved nation—that far exceeds the actual dollar amount.Once again, I thank you. Everything that happens at the College hap-pens because of you.

Sincerely in the Heart of the Newborn Savior,

Timothy T. O’Donnell, STD, KGCHS

P.S. If you have not yet made your gift this academic year, I urge you to do so today using the enclosed envelope. Your investment in the College truly makes a difference for our students and faculty every single day. May God give you every joy this Christmastide!

The President’s Report


The following pages recognize gifts made to Christendom College during the fiscal year from June 1, 2007, to May 31, 2008. Gifts received for all purposes are combined for placement in the appropriate gift club category.

This listing publicly acknowledges Christendom College’s appreciation to all who have invested in Christendom’s mission of “Restoring All Things in Christ”— to prepare men and women to exercise an enduring and transformational influence in society, and thus to help re-Christianize Western civilization.

2007–2008 GIFT CLUB CATEGORIESFounder’s Circle $10,000 or more

Board Associate $5,000 – $9,999

President’s Council Sustaining Member $2,500 – $4,999

President’s Council Member $1,000 – $2,499

Gold Club $500 – $999

Silver Club $250 – $499

Century Club $100 – $249

President’s Council Founder’s Circle

Anonymous* Fred C. and Katherine B. Andersen Foundation* W. G. Christianson Foundation* Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crnkovich* Dr. Philip T. Crotty The Dan Murphy Foundation* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Dietrich Mr. L. T. Ellis* Mr. and Mrs. Ned Farinholt III* Mr. Richard S. Flahavan* Mrs. Edwin G. Gemrich* Mrs. Frances Hardart Deceased Rev. Robert L. Keesler Dr. Eleanor A. Kelly* Rev. Joseph C. Kolb Ms. Adele A. Kovanic* Mr. and Mrs. William S. Martin, Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. John A. McNeice Deceased Mr. Edwin Morehead* Mr. and Mrs. John F. Murphy* Mr. John J. O’Brien* Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T. O’Keefe Theresa and Edward O’Toole Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Richard E. Peters Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Steven J. Redmann* Rev. Robert L. Roedig Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Ruedy Patricia Scott (d)* Mr. and Mrs. Howard Shannon* Mr. John J. Shaughnessy, Sr.* Mr. Martin R. Smith* Southern Cross, Inc.* Mr. William G. Stoops, Jr. Strake Foundation* Mr. and Mrs. Scott Turicchi* Mr. and Mrs. M.J. Velasco* Mrs. Anne E. Vicinanzo* Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Walsh* John F. Ward, M.D. Mr. Harry Warfield (d)* Major Patrick C. Weinert, USMC* Eugene and Catherine Wurster* Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Zurlo

President’s Council Board Associate

Anonymous AllianceBernstein* Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Baird* Mrs. Caroline C. Ball

Basilian Fathers of Michigan Mr. and Mrs. Edward Broom* Mr. and Mrs. John A. Cecconi Christendom College Class of ‘06* The G. L. Connolly Foundation* Mr. and Mrs. Chris Cuddeback* Rev. Jerome R. Daly* Mr. and Mrs. John DeMatteo* Mr. and Mrs. Douglas D. Dewey* Di Loreto Foundation Divine Mercy Care* Mr. and Mrs. Leon W. Doty Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Duggan* Mr. Edward R. Ettner* Dr. and Mrs. Paul Fallon Rev. Jerome Fasano Mr. and Mrs. William H. Fletcher, Jr. Fraser Family Foundation, Inc.* Ms. Charlotte Foulk* Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Gorman Mr. and Mrs. Norman A. Goyette, Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. David A. Hickin* Mr. and Mrs. William A. Higgins Corey F. & Katherine L. Huber Mr. and Mrs. George Jackson John C. Grimberg Company, Inc.* K & B Underwriters, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Michael Leahy* Miss Jeanette M. Maschmann* Miss Joan Maschmann* Robert James Monahan* Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Moore* The Moran Foundation* Rev. Robert E. Morey Mr. and Mrs. Jim Nicholson* Mr. and Mrs. James M. Nolan* Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. O’Connor Owens-Illinois, Inc.* Mr. and Mrs. Craig Pascoe* Plain Sight Foundation Miss Mary Porter The Rafael Madan & Lilian Casas Foundation* Mr. and Mrs. John Saeman Saint John the Beloved Catholic Church* Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Small* Mr. Edward R. Thielk* Mrs. Kathleen Tomaszewski* Mr. and Mrs. David A. Vicinanzo* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. West, Jr.

President’s Council Sustaining Member

Anonymous* Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Anater

AT&T Foundation* Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Baker* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bauernfeind* Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bellafiore* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bethell* Mr. and Mrs. Anthony R. Bodoh Ms. Kate Britton Dr. James B. Chu* The Honorable and Mrs. Wayne Cobb* Mr. and Mrs. Christopher E. Cridge* Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. De Rosa* Mr. Robert J. Dietrich* Mrs. Lucie Dilger* Mr. John B. Dooley* Mr. and Mrs. William J. Downey* Mr. and Mrs. Richard Esposito Mr. and Mrs. Keith Fimian* Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Flay* Mr. and Mrs. Armando Flocchini* Mr. Mark D. Harber* Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Hickin* Dr. and Mrs. Donald J. Higby* Mrs. Virginia R. Higgins* Rev. Edward R. Horkan* Ms. Marion A. Horn Mrs. Blanche L. Kane Dr. and Mrs. Brian F. Kenney* Mr. Robert F. McDermott* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Murray* Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Nelson* Dr. and Mrs. Timothy T. O’Donnell* Mrs. Elizabeth O’Keefe* Mrs. R. J. Poranski* Mr. Raymond J. Preski Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Riordan Mr. and Mrs. David B. Scrivener* Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Scrivener* Miss Lois M. Skinner* Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Stumpf Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Vander Woude* Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Wavering

* Ms. Julianne A. Zelov* Mr. and Mrs. Lyle L. Zitzman* Miss Rose Zukas

President’s Council Member

Anonymous Acton Institute for the Study of Religion & Liberty Mr. Daniel Baird* Mrs. H. C. Beekley* Mr. Frank Berberich Dr. and Mrs. Milan Beres Mr. and Mrs. Marion Bickford Mr. and Mrs. Richard Boak* Mr. Edward J. Bochniak* Mr. William H. Borghesani, Jr.* Dr. and Mrs. Philip L. Brach Miss Barbara Brine Mr. Pierce Brockman Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Buchanan* Mr. David G. Budinger, Jr.* Dr. and Dr. Paul G. Byers Mr. and Mrs. John R. Cady Cancer Federation, Inc. Cardinal Newman Society Mr. Robert M. Cashman* Mrs. Renate Chapman RADM and Mrs. Thomas J. Connelly (Ret.)* Mr. and Mrs. George C. Creel* Mr. John F. Croddick* Mr. Leslie Cronau Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Curtin Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Daly* Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Date Dominican Sisters of Hawthorne* Dr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Donahue Mrs. Patricia Downing* Miss Theresa A. Egan

Name of donors deserving recognition may have been omitted. While we remind you that only gifts received between June 1, 2007 and May 31, 2008 are listed here, we apologize for any oversights and encouraged you to call them to our attention. Please contact the Vice President for Advancement, Christendom College, Front Royal, VA 22630.


Founder’s Circle ($10,000 or more), Board Associate ($5,000–$9,999), President’s Council Sustaining Member ($2,500–$4,999), President’s Council Member ($1,000–$2,499), Gold Club ($500–$999), Silver Club ($250–$499), Century Club ($100–$249).

*Indicates three consecutive years of giving. (d) Indicates donor has since died.

* Col. James F. Egbert (d) Mr. and Mrs. George T. Elliott III* Mr. and Mrs. Bennett T. Ellis* Rev. Thomas C. Fahey, OFM* Mrs. Dolores Falatyn* Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Feld* Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Flippen* Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Foeckler* Mr. Joseph P. Frank, Jr.* Mrs. John B. Friedrich* Mr. and Mrs. John F. Gaburick Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Gallagher Dr. and Mrs. Ivan H. Garcia, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. Garvey* Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Gossin* Dr. and Mrs. James Grundl Mr. and Mrs. John Guevremont* Mrs. Margaret E. Hagans* Miss Norene A. Halvonik* Miss Patricia M. Hann* Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Harrigan* Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy J. Haugh* Mr. Kenneth M. Haught* Dr. and Mrs. James Heisler* Mr. and Mrs. Leo B. Heitker Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Hill* Rev. Richard A. Hughes Miss Mary K. Hunt* Miss Carmen Iacobelli Dr. and Mrs. David Inman* Mr. Walter Janaro III Mr. and Mrs. David Jennings Miss Laura M. Judge K of C #1393 Rev. Martin P. Keegan* Rev. Patrick W. Kemp* Mr. George A. Kendall Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Kerrigan Dr. and Mrs. Donald J. Killelea* Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Kimmich, Sr.* Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. LaVelle* Mr. Vincent Lin, Ph.D.* Capt. and Mrs. Richard M. Lindenauer (Ret.) Mr. and Mrs. James Lippert Most Reverend William E. Lori* Col. and Mrs. M. John Lundberg (Ret.) Mr. and Mrs. William K. Mahon Dr. and Mrs. Christopher Manion* Dr. and Mrs. Alexander A. Manning* Dr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Marcolin Dr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Marks III* Mr. and Mrs. David J. Marra* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Matey* Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. McCaffrey Mrs. Susan M. McCready* Mr. and Mrs. John P. McDonald* Mrs. Lois F. McEnrue* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. McFadden* Rev. Stephen F. McGraw* Miss Elizabeth A. McGuire* Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Menke Mrs. Terri S. Mersereau Mrs. Helena Metzger Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Minette Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Mooney* Mr. Samuel L. Morell Morgan Stanley Mr. and Mrs. Juergen F. Mross* Mr. and Mrs. Aloysius J. Mullally* Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Neglia

* Miss Alice J. Neugent Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Oberlin* Rev. Joseph O’Meara Palmer Snyder Furniture Company* Mr. and Mrs. James Patton* Very Rev. Kevin T. M. Peek His Eminence George Cardinal Pell Mr. Steve Petullo* Mrs. Ruth Pfeiffer Rev. Mark A. Pilon, S.T.D.* Hon. Barbara K. Powell* Col. and Mrs. John E. Quigley (Ret.)* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Ryan* Saint Ann’s Infant & Maternity Home Saint Elizabeth Church* Saint Joseph’s Roofing, Inc.* Saint Mary’s Catholic Church* Mrs. Shirley Sassani* Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Scanlon* Mr. Francis J. Scavitto Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Schaeffer Mr. and Mrs. John P. Schmitz* Mrs. John G. Schmitz Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Schuberg* Dr. J. B. Sheedy* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Silva Mr. Frank D. Spicer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Spiering* Pauline A. Stolteben Foundation* Mr. and Mrs. Carlisle M. Strening, Jr.* Miss Ann T. Sullivan* Mr. and Mrs. Roderic Thomas* Mr. Richard F. Thompson* Mr. Thomas Trykowski* Mr. Charles P. Tymon Mr. Thomas Vander Woude (d) * Mr. and Mrs. James Vargas, S.F.O.* Dr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Walz* Dr. and Mrs. Frederick G. Walz, Jr.* Col. and Mrs. Robert E. Ward III* Mr. Edward F. Waterbury* Mr. Leonard N. Weydert, Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wise Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Wynn Mr. William Yontz* Mr. Thomas L. Young* Mr. Harold Ziegler, Jr.

Gold Benefactor

Anonymous* Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton R. Armstrong Dr. and Dr. Samuel H. Aronhime* Mr. and Mrs. Duane Banderob Dr. and Mrs. Philip Bellow* Mr. and Mrs. Patrick F. Beno, Sr.* Rev. Kevin J. Beres* Mrs. Mary E. Bergan* Mr. Raymond W. Bergan (d) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Brady Mr. and Mrs. John A. Branly Brent Society* Mr. Francis J. Briscoe, Esq.* Mr. and Mrs. Brian Brodfuehrer* Rev. Frederick J. Brost Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Brown* Mr. Robert Cahill Mr. Philip A. Carrescia Dr. & Mrs. Warren H. Carroll Catholic Daughters of the Americas

#1486 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Clancy* Col. and Mrs. Kevin P. Clearkin (Ret.)* Mr. and Mrs. John W. Corbett* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cuny* Mr. John A. Dailey Mr. Paul DeCleva Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Deslauriers* Dr. J. Frederick Doepker, Jr. Dominican Laity, Mother of God Chapter Rev. Denis M. Donahue* Mr. John J. Donovan, Jr. Mr. Brian J. Duffy Mr. William G. Earley Rev. Thomas J. Euteneuer* Ms. Jennifer N. Fakult* Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Fanning* Mr. and Mrs. Damian B. Fedoryka* Dr. Anita Figueredo, LGCHS* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Finnegan, Jr.* Dr. Elizabeth Frauenhoffer* Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Fritz Mr. John F. Gecik

* Mrs. John T. Geldermann Mr. and Mrs. Michel Gemond* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Ghering* Mr. John Goebel* Mr. Gary J. Goth Mr. John C. Grimberg* Mr. Edward W. Habert* Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hambleton* Mr. Lawrence P. Hayes* Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Heim* Dr. and Mrs. Henry J. Heim Miss Elizabeth C. Henderson* Mr. and Mrs. Julian Heron* Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hofbauer* Mr. and Mrs. Ernest P. Hogan III Mr. William J. Hogan* Mr. and Mrs. Adam T. Irving* Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Janaro* Mrs. Patricia Jennett Mrs. Hope C. Johnson* Mr. and Mrs. Ryan M. Jones* Mr. and Mrs. James J. Judge* Mr. Edward F. Jurgielewicz K of C (Norfolk, 367)

Wisdom from Christendom’s Founding President

The years 1966–1976 were the years when Christendom died—when the revolutionary spirit of the late sixties made so sharp a break with the past that the concept of Western Christian civilization became no more than a distant memory. The very word “Christendom” dropped out of the language. Though most Americans still called themselves Christians, most could no longer define what a Christian was.

Then, those of us who by God’s grace still kept the Faith were called by Him not only to keep it alive, but to re-evangelize in every possible way despite the opposition of the post-Christian society in which we had to work and the post-Christian world view which permeated our culture.

The purpose and goals of Christendom College are:

· To provide a fully and truly Catholic liberal arts education equal in quality to any in the country.

· To maintain the idea of Christendom as an arrangement of temporal affairs animated by Christian principles and perme-ated by Christian culture.

· To provide a beautiful setting where students can not only study—but also see and experience—a Christian social order.

In sum, it is Christendom’s goal to graduate students who possess the capability for logical thought and clear, effective and persuasive expression, and who are also prepared to help reshape the entire temporal order, striving always for lives of the greatest possible influence. One man can make a difference!

—Dr. Warren H. Carroll (cf. “A Brief History of Christendom College,” 1997)


* Mr. and Mrs. Gerhart Karg* Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kaul Mr. and Mrs. Brian Kavanagh* Mr. and Mrs. James Kelly* Mr. Francis J. Kelsey* Mr. John E. Keogh Mrs. Elizabeth S. Kernen* Dr. and Mrs. Hak L. Kim, M.D.* Rev. S. M. Kleinschmidt* Mr. Stephen J. Kofron* Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Kunath* Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Lambert Ms. Virginia K. Landry* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Laylock Mr. Matthew J. Ley Mr. Frank J. Longto Mr. Jim Loughran Ms. Trish Lowney Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lyons* Dr. Buenaventura G. Manalo, Jr.* Mrs. Caroline Marchuck* Mr. Frank A. Marciniak Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Martino Mr. David E. McBee, KC*HS* Mr. and Mrs. Ronald McClain* Mr. Gregory M. McCoy* Mr. John McDermott Mr. Paul J. McFadden* Mr. and Mrs. Michael McGinley* Mr. J. D. McKittrick Mr. Mark J. McKnight Ms. Eleanor C. McMahon* Mr. and Mrs. James P. McNally* Mr. and Mrs. John W. Meng* Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Merle* Mr. Michael J. Metzger* Mr. Dale Meyn Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Mirus Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Molineaux* Mr. Donald V. Murray Mr. David Najvar* Rev. Fred J. Nietfeld* Northrop Grumman Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Michael Novak Sisters of St. Joseph the Worker* Rev. James P. O’Kielty Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. Oligny* Mr. and Mrs. Francis D. O’Reilly* Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M. Palladino* Mr. and Mrs. Anthony T. Petullo* Ms. Angela M. Pfister Mr. David M. Phelan* Mrs. Margaret H. Pickard Mr. Bernard Pilon* Mr. Frank J. Pollnow, Jr.* Mr. Daniel L. Pratt Mr. Joseph Pritchard* Mr. and Mrs. William J. Quinn* Mr. Michael Raible* Mr. John Regan* Mr. Glenn Rice* Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Rice* Rev. Joseph Roach Roman Catholic Bishop of Springfield* Mr. and Mrs. Warren L. Rose Rev. George Rutler* Mr. and Mrs. James M. Saboe* Mr. Michael Santelli* Miss Marie T. Scanlan* Mrs. Rita C. Schleker

* Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Schoenster* Mrs. Anne S. Scrivener* John J. Shea, Jr., M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Shepherd* Mr. John O. Shields* Mr. Joseph Silek, Esq.* Col. Walter B. Simmons, Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Phillip D. Slagel* Dr. and Mrs. Gary C. Smith* Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Sobocinski Society for the Propagation of the Faith (Trenton Diocese)* Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stecklein III Mr. and Mrs. Francis Strazzulla, Jr.* Mr. David F. Sullivan* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Sullivan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James O. Tallman* Mr. Gary Taphorn Mr. Frank Terek* Mr. Edward B. Timko Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tondra Mr. and Mrs. Michael Urban* Mrs. Alice Vandenberg Mr. Charles Veneklase* Dr. and Mrs. Matthew D. Walz Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Weidenkopf Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Weidert His Excellency Thomas J. Welsh, D.D. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Whitehead* Mr. and Mrs. Ernest M. Wickstrand* Mr. Edward H. Wiles* Mr. and Mrs. Irving Wisneski Mr. and Mrs. Andre Zganiacz Miss Anna M. Zganiacz

Silver Benefactor

Ancient Order of Hibernians Mr. Duncan M. Anderson Mr. John S. Anderson Mr. Andrew Armstrong* Mr. Edward W. Atkinson* Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas N. Baily Mrs. Diana Banister* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Battocletti* Mr. Louis C. Bauer Mr. Mark Bayne Ms. Mary Becksted Mrs. Wolkyun Beecher Mrs. Beatrys M. Beekwilder* Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Benz Mr. Richard M. Berger Rev. Paul A. Berghout Ms. Marion M. Bonvillain* Miss Dolores J. Bormann Ms. Maureen R. Bozell Mr. and Mrs. James J. Brady* Mr. and Mrs. James J. Brake* Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Brand* Mr. Richard L. Breault* Mrs. L. Brent Buckley-Bozell Jr. (d) Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Byrnes Mr. John D. Campbell* Mr. and Mrs. Alfredo Campo* Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Carlsson* Mr. and Mrs. Carlin Carpenter* Mr. Joseph F. Chismar Dr. and Mrs. Mark Clark* Mrs. Ingrid D. Climis

* Miss Diane Collins* Mrs. Marilyn G. Collins Mr. Thomas A. Collins Mr. William A. Collins* Dr. Eileen Conway* Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Cottone* Fr. Francis J. Culkin* Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Dalton* Dr. and Mrs. George P. Damewood* Dr. and Mrs. Paul R. Davidson* Ms. Teresa Dees Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Defeo* Mr. and Mrs. George DePillo* Mr. and Mrs. Eugene C. Diamond Mr. Peter G. Dilworth* Mrs. Frances E. Dombrowski Dominion Aircraft, Inc.* Mr. Thomas K. Doyle Mr. and Mrs. Jack DuFrain* Mr. Richard W. Dufresne* Mr. Robert Eastman* Mr. and Mrs. William W. Elliott* Mr. and Mrs. George Emilio Mr. Ed Farinholt* Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Farley* Mrs. Edmund Fitzgerald* Mr. Kevin Flaherty* Capt. and Mrs. Thomas A. Francis Mrs. Barbara Froio Mr. Frank Galeone Mr. Daniel B. Gallagher* Mrs. Theresa Gallagher* Mr. Peter M. Garding Mr. and Mrs. John M. Ginski Mr. John F. Glennon* Mr. Gerald J. Goldee* Rev. Msgr. George P. Graham Mrs. Mary C. Graham Mrs. Laura Guerrero* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Guiffre* Mr. John Hanrahan* Mr. John B. Heenan Rev. John Heisler Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Hester* The Honorable William E. Holdridge* Mrs. Jolita Hopkins Mr. John J. Jakubczyk* Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Jalsevac Mrs. Mary A. James* Mrs. Elizabeth M. Johnson K of C (Padre Pio, 10754)

K of C (St. Veronica’s, #12579) Dr. and Mrs. Patrick Keats* Mr. Thomas J. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. T. Gavin King* Rev. Dennis Kleinmann Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Kopeck* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Kosten, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. George Kovach* Miss Helen M. Kowalski Mr. Wayne E. Krupp* Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Kuhn Mr. Nicholas S. Kunkle* Mr. and Mrs. Jack Land* Mr. Paul A. Leehan* Rev. Francis G. Lendacky* Mr. and Mrs. Albert P. Lesperance Mrs. Colette Lienhard Mr. Larry Linton* Mr. and Mrs. Howard C. Littlefield* Mr. Jerome J. Longawa Miss Danielle T. Lussier Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Maier Mr. John E. Maloy* Rev. Roger L. Marot* Ms. Anna M. Marques* Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Martin Maxkol Communications Dr. and Mrs. William Maxted* Mr. and Mrs. Robert McDonald* Rev. Walter McGovern* Miss Patricia McGuire Dr. Ralph McInerny* Mr. and Mrs. M. R. McKone* Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. McShurley* Miss Patricia D. Metzger Dr. Catherine A. Michon, M.D. Mrs. Katharine L. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Michael Miller* Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Minneman* Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle N. Montanye, Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. David Monuszko Mr. Jarred P. Mooney Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Moriarty* Mr. and Mrs. Eric Mott* Mrs. Helen M. Myers Northern Westchester Music School, Inc. Miss Mary E. O’Donnell* Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. O’Donnell* Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. O’Herron* Mr. Patrick O’Neill Mr. Roger Ostrom





Corporations and Businesses...$31,995(excluding matching gifts)

Matching Gifts.......................$32,076




(Total includes Annual, Capital, and Endowment Giving)

Name of donors deserving recognition may have been omitted. While we remind you that only gifts received between June 1, 2007 and May 31, 2008 are listed here, we apologize for any oversights and encouraged you to call them to our attention. Please contact the Vice President for Advancement, Christendom College, Front Royal, VA 22630.


Founder’s Circle ($10,000 or more), Board Associate ($5,000–$9,999), President’s Council Sustaining Member ($2,500–$4,999), President’s Council Member ($1,000–$2,499), Gold Club ($500–$999), Silver Club ($250–$499), Century Club ($100–$249).

*Indicates three consecutive years of giving. (d) Indicates donor has since died.

Mr. and Mrs. William R. Pickett Mr. Joel Pidel Sir John C. Piunno* Rev. John J. Purtell Mrs. Eugenia Quintos Mrs. Teresa Ratledge* Miss Suzannah E. Redner* Miss Rosemary T. Reid* Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence P. Riley* Mr. John Rittue* Mr. and Mrs. James Rudolph* Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Ryan Deacon and Mrs. John E. Sadowski Saint Anthony Post #1791 Rev. William P. Saunders, Ph.D.* Mr. Richard Schaefer* Mr. James Schluender Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Schmitz* Mr. Thomas F. Skehan* Mrs. Madgel M. Skinner Fr. Christopher E. Smith* Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Smith Mr. Robert R. Smith Southeast Dairy Consulting, Inc.* Mr. and Mrs. John P. Stanton* Miss Mary E. Stewart* Dr. and Mrs. Edward Strickland* Rev. Edward S. Szymanski Miss Helen Taucher Ms. Mary Tong* Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Trudel Mr. and Mrs. Jose Trujillo* Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Turecek* Mr. Lee Van Schaick Brother Pachomius Vu* Mr. and Mrs. Raymond F. Wacker* Mr. and Mrs. William J. Waldron Rev. Francis X. Wallace* Mr. Robert Wenderski* Mrs. Grace Wiesman Mr. and Mrs. David Y. Williams* Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Woisard* Mr. and Mrs. George R. Yoder* Capt. and Mrs. Edward B. Young* Mr. Gary E. Young Rev. Matthew H. Zuberbueler

Century Club

Anonymous* Mr. and Mrs. Paul Abel Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Adams All Saints Catholic Church* Mr. and Mrs. Mark Allen* Mr. Guy L. Amisano* Mr. Joseph C. Anderson* Mr. and Mrs. Marvin J. Anitzberger Mrs. Marlyn Arellano As Written Productions, LLC Mrs. Patricia M. Asch* Mr. Robert Barclay, Jr.* Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas E. Barreca, USA (Ret.)* Mrs. Elizabeth T. Barry* Ms. Lisa Basarab Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Bastress Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Becher Mr. and Mrs. Eric S. Belk* Miss Claire E. Beller* Benchmark Management SVCS. LTD.* Mr. Patrick J. Bender (d)

* Mrs. Patrick J. Bender* Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Beran Rev. Thomas E. Berberich* Mr. James Bernard* Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Bianco Rev. Michael Clinton Bliss* Mr. and Mrs. Francis Bohan* The Hon. & Mrs. Robert Bork* Mr. Thomas W. Bresler Mr. and Mrs. John P. Briody Mr. C. David Brown Mr. and Mrs. James D. Brown* Rev. Joseph Mary Brown* Mr. and Mrs. John P. Browne Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Buckner Mrs. Patricia Buerck Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Burke Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Burke* Dr. and Mrs. Paul A. Busam, M.D. Rev. Ben J. Cameron, C.P.M. Mr. and Mrs. Keith T. Cameron* Mr. Leo Campbell* Mr. and Mrs. David E. Capan Mr. Andrew B. Cardinal Carmelite Nuns* Mr. Phillip A. Carnaggio* Dr. and Dr. William S. Carnazzo, M.D.* Dr. Ellen Carney Mr. and Mrs. Dan Carroll Carroll OB Gyn Associates, Ltd. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Caster Mr. and Mrs. John Caterini* Mrs. Michael P. Cavanaugh Mr. and Mrs. Michael Chapman Mrs. Mary K. Chervenka* Chiropractic Health & Wellness Center, LLC* Mr. Martin J. Ciskanik Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Clark Ms. Ann M. Claure* Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Cole Mr. Gregory S. Colevas* Mr. Peter E. Connell Mr. and Mrs. David Coriale Mr. John P. Corrigan* Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Costello Miss Kristin A. Cronkhite* Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Cross Ms. Katherine Cuddeback* Mr. Donald E. Culkin* Mr. Peter M. Curran* Miss Anna M. Daloisio* Mrs. Ila M. Daly* Mr. and Mrs. Jack Daughters* Rev. Francis A. Dauss* Mr. James L. Davison* Mr. Andrew R. Day Mr. Raymond Dean Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Decesare* Mr. and Mrs. Michael Deighan* Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. deLadurantaye Mr. Anthony Delserone Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. DeMatteo* Mr. Lauro Diaz General & Mrs. Kenneth Dohleman Mr. John R. Dombroski Col. and Mrs. James H. Drennan (Ret.) Mr. and Mrs. Denis Driscoll Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. Duffy* Mr. Dexter Duggan

* Mr. Paul Dunn Mr. John F. Duquaine Mrs. Maureen M. Duran* Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Durel Mrs. Katherine H. Eanes* Mr. and Mrs. John F. Echaniz* Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elder* Mr. and Mrs. Clinton M. Elges* Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Elliott* Miss Theresa Eppolito* Mr. and Mrs. John W. Erwin Mr. Roger Eschenbaum Ms. Eileen C. Facchina* Mr. Paul J. Faraci* Mr. Albert T. Farese Mr. and Mrs. John C. Farris Mr. and Mrs. William M. Faulkner* Mr. Robert Feist Miss Theresa M. Fer Mr. and Mrs. Benedict G. Ferri Rev. Charles R. Fink* Capt. and Mrs. William A. Finn* Mr. and Mrs. George T. Finnegan Mr. John J. Finnegan* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Flamminio* Mr. and Mrs. Francois T. Flippen* Miss Kelly Fogarty* Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Follett* Mr. Samuel Fontana Mr. and Mrs. Dennis C. Ford* Mr. Paul J. Ford Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Forr, Jr.

* Mr. John J. Fortin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James Freshour Mr. James A. Frost Mr. Richard Fuhrer Mr. Richard Furgiuele* Mr. Richard W. Gaenzler* Mrs. Mary Ann Gaffney* Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Gallagher, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Garvey* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Genco Ms. Patricia Genn Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Gerrity Mr. Joshua A. Gideon Mr. Edmund J. Gieske Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gilbert* Dr. William Godfrey, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. James T. Goggins Mr. and Mrs. James E. Golley Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Goodman Mr. and Mrs. John F. Gordon III Mrs. Jaime E. Gorman Mr. and Mrs. James Goscinski* Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Gossin Mr. Karl D. Gottschalk* Mr. Alex M. Gover (d) Dr. John R. Griffin Rev. Ronald J. Gripshover* Rev. Lee W. Gross* Mr. Russell W. Haas Rev. Charles Hagearty* Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hamm Mr. John-Cyril P. Hanisko

Mr. Peter AdamsMr. Patrick J. BenderMrs. Helen BerensMr. Raymond W. BerganMr. James P. BickReverend Mr. Joe BoschMr. William F. Buckley, Jr.Mrs. L. Brent Buckley-Bozell, Jr.Mr. James Carney, Jr.Mrs. Jeanne ChartierRev. Alessandro M. CostaRev. John DelaneyMs. Marie A. DonahueCol. James F. EgbertMrs. Maryann R. ElliottRev. Leo FarragherMr. Michael FerrierMr. Edgar ForandDr. Elizabeth Fox-GenoveseMr. Richard F. GabrielMr. Arthur L. GahartMiss Isabella GeppertMr. Robert A. GorskiMr. Alex M. GoverRev. Thomas W. GroenewoldMr. Michael HadroMiss Mary C. HayesMr. Wilbert G. HegenerMsgr. E. O. HeymerThe Honorable Henry HydeMrs. Helen JensenRev. Robert L. KeeslerMr. John W. KelliherRev. Patrick W. KempDr. Edward J. Kenney, Ph.D.

Rev. Herman H. KenningMr. Arthur R. KernenMrs. Patrick KirbyMiss Virginia G. LalorMr. Vito J. MaltaRev. Thomas V. ManningMrs. William C. McCarthyMr. John McEnhillMrs. Mary McSweeneyMr. Don MeyerMr. Edwin MoreheadMrs. Jean MulhernMrs. Doris R. MulvanityMr. Ralph MurosMr. Jack PapkeMrs. Helen H. PerreaultRev. William A. Richardson, SSJMr. Walter J. SanokMrs. Judith P. SchiminskyMs. Patricia ScottMrs. Rose-Blanche ShieldsMr. Patrick L. SmileyMiss Agnes V. SullivanMr. Hjalmar SyversenAlfonso Cardinal Lopez TrujilloMr. M. O. TurnerMr. Thomas Vander Woude, Sr.Fr. J. C. Vogel, Jr.Mr. David P. WalkeyMr. Harry WarfieldMiss Margaret G. WatersMrs. W. H. WelchMrs. Mary WilliamsonRev. Msgr. Michael J. Wrenn

In your charity, please pray for the members of Christendom’s extended family

who have died in the past year.


* Rev. James E. Haran Captain and Mrs. William H. Hardcastle* Dr. Edward Harkenrider, Ph.D. Ms. Patricia Harmon* Mr. John Harrer Mr. Robert A. Healy* Mr. and Mrs. Jerome W. Hedler Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Heisler* Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Heisler* Rt. Reverend Frank J. Hendrick* Mr. and Mrs. Felix Hernandez Mr. and Mrs. James A. Hernon Mr. and Mrs. Matthew S. Herter Mr. and Mrs. Kevin F. Hickey Mrs. Catherine T. Hochschild Mr. and Mrs. Rich Hoefling Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Hofmeister Mr. and Mrs. John M. Hogan Ms. Judith M. Hoormann* Mr. and Mrs. Robert Howard* Miss Bette J. Hulighan* Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Hundt* Mrs. Gordette S. Huntsberry* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Hurd Mr. and Mrs. Clem Hutzel

Mr. Joseph P. Immordino* Mr. Giuseppe A. Ippolito Mr. and Mrs. John F. Jackson Mr. James Jahna* Dr. Robert Jaminet Jet Industries, Inc.* Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. John K of C #794 K of C Holyoke Council #90* Mrs. Patricia L. Kacsir* Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Kasperski Mr. William J. Kavanagh* Mr. and Mrs. Sean A. Kay Mr. and Mrs. John Kazyak* Rev. Vincent Keane* Ms. Caitlin E. Kelly* Miss Elizabeth M. Kelly* Mr. and Mrs. James P. Kelly* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Kenneally* Rev. Herman H. Kenning (d)* Mr. Martin Kenny Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Kerns* Mr. John Kettelkamp Mr. Robert C. Kish* Mr. John Kleinhenz

Miss Betty Klink Mrs. Claudia Knowlton Mr. and Mrs. Dale Kocurek* Mr. Raymond Kolb Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Kolb* Mrs. Stephen Kraychy* Mrs. Margaret Kreischer Mr. and Mrs. Horst Krippner* Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Kroodsma* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ksycewski Miss Anne M. Kulick* Mr. and Mrs. John F. Kulick* Mr. and Mrs. John Kurt* Ms. Theresa La Padula* Miss Grace M. Lallement Mr. Thomas J. Lalonde* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Landvogt Mrs. Florence Langlois Eunice M. Lasche, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Rick LaTurner Mr. Benedict M. Lee* Miss Margaret D. Legath Mr. Donald R. Letzkus Fr. Ryan P. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Gerald C. Ley

* Mrs. Donald Libera Mr. and Mrs. William C. Link* Ms. Mildred I. Loeffler* Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Lowney* Mr. William J. Lucas* Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lukezich* Mrs. Anthony Lutz Miss Ariel M. Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Lynch* Mr. Stuart Lyons Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Macdonald Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Mack, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Malone* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Margiasso* Mr. and Mrs. Francis Marra* Robert E. Martin, M.D. Ms. Zena Martin Most Reverend Joseph F. Martino* Mr. Chester P. Masel Mr. and Mrs. David S. Mason Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mavretich* Mr. Rolland L. Mays* Mrs. E. Marie McArtor* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McCabe Mr. and Mrs. Richard McCaffrey* Ms. Kathleen B. McCormick Mr. and Mrs. James P. McCoy* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. McFadden, Jr. Ms. Linda A. McFarland Ms. Doris B. McFee* Miss Therese M. McGranaghan Mr. and Mrs. Mark McGroarty* Mrs. Doreen B. McGuckin* Mr. and Mrs. Eugene G. McGuirk* Rev. John J. McMenamin, O.S.F.S. Mr. Mark M. McShurley* Miss Megan J. Mead Ms. Marie T. Medvick Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mendoza Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Menze* Mr. Michael J. Meredith* Dr. Marcella V. Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Gary Meza Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Michalski Mrs. Stephen Mikowski Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Miles Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Miller Mr. Kyle A. Miller* Mrs. Alice M. Minarik Dr. and Mrs. Mark M. Mitros* Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Mohler* Rev. M. J. Mokrzycki Monadnock Appraisal Company Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Monahan* Mr. and Mrs. Nash Monsour Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Moore III Mr. Leo M. Moore IV* Morgan Company* Dr. George L. Morgan* Mrs. Maris W. Moriarty Rev. Msgr. Joseph L. Mroczkowski Mr. William P. Murphy Rev. John F. Murray, S.M.A.* Mrs. Marion Murray* Mr. Eugene L. Myers* Mr. and Mrs. Wayne J. Nacey* Mr. and Mrs. John Naughton* Mrs. Richard F. Nelson Miss Maria T. Newton Ms. Marilyn Ng

Name of donors deserving recognition may have been omitted. While we remind you that only gifts received between June 1, 2007 and May 31, 2008 are listed here, we apologize for any oversights and encouraged you to call them to our attention. Please contact the Vice President for Advancement, Christendom College, Front Royal, VA 22630.

Tuition & Fees – 54.81%

Auxiliary Enterprises – 16.97%

Investment/Endowment – 3.85%

Private Gifts & Grants – 24.27%





Financial Aid Scholarship – 14.07%

Academic Support – 34.41%

Student Services – 18.57%

Institutional Support – 14.05%

Auxiliary Enterprises – 18.90%







Expenditures for Fiscal Year 2007-08


Founder’s Circle ($10,000 or more), Board Associate ($5,000–$9,999), President’s Council Sustaining Member ($2,500–$4,999), President’s Council Member ($1,000–$2,499), Gold Club ($500–$999), Silver Club ($250–$499), Century Club ($100–


Over 1,000 American corporations match gifts to colleges and universities. During the 2007-08 fiscal year, Christendom re-ceived over 50 gifts from corporations that matched gifts from alumni and friends. You may be eligible to participate in a pro-gram and not know it. Inquire at your personnel office to see if your firm or its parent company has a matching gifts program.

ACE INA FoundationAlcoa FoundationAT&T FoundationBlack & Decker CorporationBoeing CompanyDominion Foundation Matching Gift ProgramDOW Matching Gift OfficeEaton CorporationGE FoundationGeneral Motors Higher Ed.IBM CorporationKey FoundationKimberly-Clark CorporationLubrizolMarathon Matching Gifts PlanMerck Company FoundationMerrill LynchMobil Foundation, Inc.National City Matching Gift Program

Corporate Matching Gifts

Pfizer Inc.Pharmacia FoundationProcter & Gamble FundShell Oil Company FoundationSprint FoundationState Farm Co. FoundationTemple-Inland FoundationTexaco Philanthropic Found.The Hartford Insurance GroupThe Northrop Grumman Litton FoundationThe Prudential Foundation Matching GiftsTyco Matching Gifts ProgramUPS FoundationVerizon FoundationWiley Rein & Fielding, LLPWisconsin Electric Power Co.WYETHXerox Foundation

* Mr. and Mrs. Terence J. Nolan Mr. and Mrs. John D. Noonan* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Norton Mr. and Mrs. William J. Norton* Mr. Michael J. Nowicki* Miss Katherine Louise O’Brien Ms. Lorraine O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. O’Connell* Miss Siobhan M. O’Connor Mr. John J. O’Donnell* Mr. and Mrs. Niall O’Donnell Mr. Dennis O’Dowd* Miss Alice L. O’Meara Oracle Corporation* Mr. Walter J. Ornot* Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. O’Rourke* Mr. Joseph H. Orth Ms. Susan L. Osborne Mrs. Megan M. Parker* Miss Anita Peduto* Mr. and Mrs. David Peete* Mrs. Deirdre B. Pennefather* Mr. Luke N. Petersen* Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Petrulis Mr. Samuel Philips* Miss Trena C. Pilegaard* Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Pilon Miss Kelly J. Poe Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Polking* Mr. Richard M. Popeck Mrs. Nona R. Porter* Mr. and Mrs. Allan J. Potts* Mrs. Michele L. Poynton Precious Blood Catholic Church* Rev. Venantius P. Preske Mr. and Mrs. Larry Pribyl* Miss Rita M. Price* Rev. Thomas W. Prior, C.M. Sister M. Timothy Prokes, F.S.E.* Dr. and Mrs. Marc Provencher* Rev. Richard Puetz Miss Katherine A. Quest Dr. Marguerite Quinn Dr. Kenneth Rabine* Mr. Norbert Rackensperger* Mrs. Jeanette Raffa* Mr. and Mrs. Matthew S. Reagan Mr. and Mrs. Michael Reardon Ms. Frances L. Reed* Mr. Walter Reilly* Deacon and Mrs. Daniel Resendes* Mr. and Mrs. James P. Rice Miss Maria Ripa Miss Kathleen F. Rock Mr. and Mrs. Derek J. Rogers* Mr. and Mrs. William M. Rowe Ms. Lynn Roy Miss Maria A. Ruhl Dr. and Mrs. Donald W. Russell Mr. and Mrs. Frank Russo, Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. James Rutherford Mr. Thomas F. Ryan* Dr. Stephen D. Rycyna, Jr.* Mr. Ray Ryland Saint John the Baptist Catholic Church Mr. and Mrs. James R. Salera* Mr. James M. Santschi Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Santschi* Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Sarahan* Miss Bethany A. Sargis

Mr. and Mrs. John E. Savage* Mrs. Leo J. Scheetz Miss Donna L. Schmidt* Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Schmidt Mr. William G. Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Schmitz Mr. and Mrs. John V. Schobelock Mrs. Ruby G. Schuetz Mrs. Mary E. Schultz* Mrs. Albert M. Scruton* Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Settducati Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Sevilla Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shaia, Jr. Rev. Msgr. Robert J. Siffrin* Mrs. Beverly Silvernail* Mr. and Mrs. James A. Sinclair* Miss Mary J. Skinner* Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Skolnik Ms. Gertrude Skrable* Miss Mary C. Smith* Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spiering* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Soltis* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Sommers South Hadley K of C #1721 Mr. and Mrs. John L. Spaar* Miss Karen J. Spiering* Mr. and Mrs. David L. Sponseller Mr. Marvin E. Spychaj Miss Moira M. Stanton Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Stanton Mr. William J. Stanton* Mr. Alan J. Stegmayer Mrs. Jane Stepan* Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Stephan Miss Clare M. Storck Mr. William B. Stroble* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Stuart Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Sullivan* Ms. Maryann Surine* Mr. and Mrs. Mark Swartzberg* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Sweeney Miss Heather R. Tansey* Mr. Anthony Tintillo Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Tappe Rev. Michael G. Taylor* Mrs. Marjorie P. Teetor Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Terry Mr. Rick Thelen Mr. and Mrs. Michael Theulen* Mrs. Agnes Thissen Mr. James P. Thornton Mr. Robert P. Thurner Miss Susan D. Toscani Ms. Alison A. Trimble Ms. Lisa Trimble Mrs. Katherine E. Troxel Mrs. M. O. Turner Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Uhlmann Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Valaike Mm. Carmen Valdes* Mr. Donald J. Vande Sand Mr. and Mrs. Leslie R. Vay Ms. Marie C. Vicinanzo Mr. and Mrs. Matthew G. Vicinanzo Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Viviano Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Vodopest Mr. John M. Wagner* Mr. William F. Walker Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Wallacavage* Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Wallmeyer

* Miss Christine M. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. David Walz* Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Ward* Dr. and Mrs. James R. Watson* Miss Joan M. Watson* Mr. Dane J. Weber* Dr. and Mrs. Moody D. Wharam, M.D.* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Wheeler, Jr. Mr. Michael J. White* Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Wilcox Ms. Desiree M. Wilkinson Ms. Charlotte A. Williams* Mr. Donald R. Williams Mr. Michael C. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Adam T. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. David L. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wingate Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Woltering Mr. S. Woo Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wurtz* Mr. Mark A. Yanochik Mrs. Maryellen C. York* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Youket Mr. Camillo A. Zarroli Miss Barbara Zelenko Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Zimmerer Mr. and Mrs. Patrick K. Zuberbueler

Additional Gifts

Anonymous* Mr. Rafael P. Abad Sister John R. Acker* Mr. and Mrs. Matthew S. Akers Miss Sarah E. Akers* Mr. John Albanese* Mr. Victor J. Alcantara

* Mr. Alfred Almeida* Rev. David Altman, OCSO* Mr. and Mrs. John J. Amann Mr. and Mrs. John E. Ames* Rev. Raymond M. Amiro Miss Danielle L. Ampi Mr. William D. Anderson* Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Andreoli* Mr. Donald J. Angell* Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Anthony Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Antosca Ms. Elizabeth H. Appel* Mr. and Mrs. Dan F. Arnold Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Aronhime* Mr. and Mrs. Collins Arsem Mr. and Mrs. Gary Artz Mr. and Mrs. Paul Audino Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Aul Mr. Joseph M. Aversa* Mr. Edwin J. Aviles* Ms. Joan Aylesworth* Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Barnett* Mr. Robert Barnett* Mr. George B. Baron Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Bartlett III Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Barton, Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Basile Mr. Anthony Bauer* Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Bauer* Mr. and Mrs. Guy A. Bauer Mr. and Mrs. John Beary Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beattie* Mr. and Mrs. J. A. L. Beaudet* Mr. and Mrs. Quinn Beekwilder* Miss Charlotte Belden Mr. Thomas Bell Mr. Richard Bennert* Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Berger


Rev. William J. Bernacki Mrs. Judith T. Berry Rev. David P. Bertolotti* Ms. Patience Berube Ms. H. M. Betts Mr. Donald M. Bishop Mr. A. D. Black Miss Elizabeth N. Black Rev. John C. Blackall Mr. Brian J. Blaney* Mr. Charles R. Blanford Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Blankenship Mr. James A. Blankenship* Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Bodoh Mr. Paul E. Bonnette Miss Angela M. Borci Mr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Borden Miss Maria Cristina B. Borges* Mr. William H. Borsch Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Bouffard Mr. and Mrs. George Boulanger Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bourque Capt. and Mrs. John C. Bowes* Dr. Mary Bowes Mr. and Mrs. Marion Bowman* Rev. Louis P. Bracket* Mr. Michael F. Bradford* Mr. Roy Brassesco* Miss Lesly K. Bratt Ms. Mary J. Braum Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Breda Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Briggs Rev. Louis B. Brinker Mr. and Mrs. George Bromberek* Mr. David Brown* Mr. Kenneth Buchanan Ms. Linda Buckley Mr. Joseph Burkholder* Col. Olive Y. Burner, Ph.D. Mr. Gregory M. Burns* Mr. Ted Bussen* Mr. and Mrs. Gaetano T. Butera Miss Janet E. Calkins

Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Callaghan Mr. and Mrs. Matthew S. Cameron Miss Clara Cammack* Mrs. Blanche Campisi* Mr. and Mrs. Lenio Caprioglio Mr. Girio P. Carestia* Miss Priscilla Carmody* Mr. John Caroselli Ms. Mary Ann Carpenter Mr. Jeffrey D. Carr* Mrs. Mary W. Carrano* Mr. James F. Casey* Rev. Frank P. Cassidy Mrs. Veronica Cavanagh* Ms. Kathy Cebrowski Ms. Maria S. Ceplecha Mr. and Mrs. John Cerasuolo Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Cervellini* Mrs. Jeanne Chartier (d)* Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Christel Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chronowski* Mr. Lawrence A. Ciner Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ciskanik Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Clark Mr. and Mrs. Matthew B. Coffey Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Coffey* Mr. Thomas E. Cole* Mr. and Mrs. Edward Coleman, Sr. Mr. Daniel Conigliaro Mr. and Mrs. Scott O. Conklin Ms. Estelle E. Connolly Mrs. Patrice Connolly Mr. Edward A. Conte Ms. Marie Coogan* Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Corbett Mrs. Emma G. Corrigan Mrs. Catherine L. Craige* Frank W. Creel, Ph.D. Ms. Mary E. Crumley Dr. and Mrs. Matthew C. Cuddeback Mr. John D. Curell* Miss Constance Curley Rev. Maurice Current

* Mr. and Mrs. Ignatius G. Custer Ms. Janice Cuttingham Mr. and Mrs. James P. Daley Mr. and Mrs. William A. Dami, Jr. Ms. Doris Danahey* Mr. and Mrs. Philip Dancause Mr. and Mrs. George S. D’Arcy* Dr. John E. D’Aria, M.D. Miss Paula G. Davey Mrs. Theresa M. Davies* Mr. Tony J. Debevec Mr. Raymond DeFazio Mr. Daniel R. Delaney Mr. and Mrs. Edward Delate Mr. Jacques Demers* Ms. Carol A. Dent Mr. and Mrs. John A. D’Epagnier Mr. and Mrs. Roger Depue Mr. Lee M. Derr Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Desnoyers Mr. and Mrs. Marc E. Desrosiers* Mr. James Deters Mr. and Mrs. Donald Devine* Ms. Mary A. Di Paola Ms. Susan Dickerson Mr. and Mrs. Dean Diederich Mrs. Rosemary Diemer* Mrs. S. L. Dietrich* Discalced Carmelite Nuns Mr. Jonathan R. Dittert* Mr. John V. Ditto* Mrs. Mary L. Dix Dominican Monastery Mrs. Thomas R. Donnelly* Mr. and Mrs. John J. Donohue Mr. James P. Doperalski* Mrs. Dietlinde Doyle Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Doyle Ms. Doris Drew* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Duffy* Mr. and Mrs. William Duffy* Miss Alicia J. M. Dugas* The Duke Power Company Foundation Mr. Michael S. Ebelhar Miss Maria L. Echeverria* Mr. and Mrs. Theodore R. Eidem* Mr. and Mrs. Ted Enderlein Mr. and Mrs. John Engelstad Dr. and Mrs. Joseph T. English* Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Errera Mrs. Joan Espinola* Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Falco Ms. Barbara L. Fay* Mr. and Mrs. John Federer Miss Jeanette Fehner* Mr. and Mrs. and Anthony R. Ferguson Mrs. Sarah B. Ferguson* Mr. and Mrs. A V P. Ferlazzo, D.D.S. Mr. James A. Fessia Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Fetsko Mrs. Bernadette M. Fikac* Dr. Francis Fischer* Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Dan Fisher* Miss Betty Fitzpatrick Ms. Mary Fitzsimmons* Mr. and Mrs. George F. Flagg* Mr. Gerald D. Flanagan* Mr. and Mrs. Eugene P. Foeckler, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ford

Mrs. Frances Fortier* Mr. Robert T. Foss, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Steve B. Fowler Mr. and Mrs. Roy Francis Mr. Thomas A. Francis* Mr. Victor Frascione Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fraser* Mr. Vincent Frattaruolo Mr. Bruce Fuggiti Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Furlong* Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Gacki* Mrs. Cecile Gagne Dr. Joseph Galioto Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Gallagher, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Patrick L. Gallagher Lt. John J. Galvin Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Gangi Dr. and Mrs. Jorge Garcia-Gomez Mr. John L. Gardinale Mr. George Garrigan Mrs. Ellen T. Gartside Mr. and Mrs. John E. Gartside Mr. and Mrs. Roger Gartside* Mrs. Howard Gassert Mr. and Mrs. Chris N. Gawarecki Mr. John E. Gearity Ms. Dolores Gensch* Ms. Kathleen Gibson* Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Gieske Miss Teresa M. Ginski* Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. Glass* Mr. and Mrs. Robert Glover Ms. Margaret Gonzales* Mr. and Mrs. John F. Gordon, Jr. Mr. Frank Grabarits Mr. and Mrs. William F. Grant* Mr. and Mrs. Walter Grasser Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Greene Jr. Mr. Stephen R. Griffin Miss Flora M. Grippo Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Groeber Rev. Thomas W. Groenewold (d) Mr. Frederick W. Gruber* Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Grundman Miss Maria Gutschke Mr. and Mrs. Francis C. Hadro* Mr. Joseph F. Hagan Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. Haggerty* Mr. and Mrs. Raymond F. Hain IV* Mr. J R. Hall* Fr. Joseph S. Hall* Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Hall Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hambleton* Miss Elizabeth A. Hammer* Mrs. Virginia G. Hannum* Mr. and Mrs. John F. Harrington Mr. and Mrs. Dan Harrington* Mr. C. M. Harris Miss Roseanne M. Harris* Mr. and Mrs. William Harris Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Harrison* Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hartmann Mr. and Mrs. John B. Hattrup* Mr. J. G. Hauck* Mrs. Rose Mary Hayden Miss Mary C. Hayes (d)* Mrs. Dorothy M. Headley* Mr. Daniel R. Heenan* Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Heidgen Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Herbert

This year a number of friends of the College made several planned gifts, including gifts of charitable gift annuities.

Christendom also received a number of bequests or trust provi-sions during the year. By making Christendom the beneficiary of these plans, these donors have provided for the future of Chris-tendom students for years to come. Some of these arrangements provide significant tax advantages and/or provide an income for the life of the donor or another beneficiary.

Gifts were received from the following donors or estates in the 2007-08 fiscal year. We thank them for their far-sighted and generous pro-visions for Christendom, and recommend them to your prayers.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. DietrichMiss Isabella Geppert (d)Mrs. Blanche L. KaneRev. Robert L. Keesler (d)Rev. Joseph C. KolbMr. Edwin Morehead (d)Mrs. Ruth Pfeiffer

Planned Gifts

Rev. William A. Richardson, SSJ (d)Mrs. Judith P. Schiminsky (d)Patricia Scott (d)Mr. Patrick L. Smiley (d)Mrs. Kathleen TomaszewskiMr. Harry Warfield (d)

Name of donors deserving recognition may have been omitted. While we remind you that only gifts received between June 1, 2007 and May 31, 2008 are listed here, we apologize for any oversights and encouraged you to call them to our attention. Please contact the Vice President for Advancement, Christendom College, Front Royal, VA 22630.


Founder’s Circle ($10,000 or more), Board Associate ($5,000–$9,999), President’s Council Sustaining Member ($2,500–$4,999), President’s Council Member ($1,000–$2,499), Gold Club ($500–$999), Silver Club ($250–$499), Century Club ($100–$249).

*Indicates three consecutive years of giving. (d) Indicates donor has since died.

* Mrs. Katharine Hering* Mrs. Mary Hesson* Mr. Joseph H. Hewes* Mr. and Mrs. Alan R. Hiester Miss Sharon K. Higby* Mrs. Genevieve M. Hilgen Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Hill Miss Mary E. Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Holland Holy Union Sisters* Ms. Helen L. Honhart Mrs. Virginia Horton Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B. Hough Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Hough Mr. and Mrs. Van Ness D. Hough Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Howerton Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius E. Hubner Mr. and Mrs. Robert Huisenfeldt Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hunter* Mr. Thomas J. Hurley Mrs. Virginia Hutto Mr. and Mrs. John J. Immerso Mrs. Jane Ingraham Mrs. Betty Insley Ms. Agnes Jackson Mr. and Mrs. William C. Janson Mr. and Mrs. Eric Jenislawski* Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Johnson Ms. Lovella Jones Mr. and Mrs. Todd E. Kaercher* Miss Margaret M. Kalmanek Mr. Leo R. Kamalsky Mr. and Mrs. John T. Kane* Mr. Robert Kastelic Mr. and Mrs. Keith F. Kauffman* Mr. and Mrs. Scottie Kay Mr. James R. Keegan* Mr. William Keeley Mr. David B. Keller Mr. Brendan Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Lee Kemper Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Kempf Mr. Richard M. Kephart Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Kerin Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Kerin Mr. Joseph Killion

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kimball* Mrs. Janet A. King* Ms. Dolores M. Kinyon Miss Lisa R. Kirchner Miss Ruth L. Kish* Mrs. Mildred Klein Miss Jacqueline M. Kleinschmidt Mr. David M. Klocek* Mr. Jerry Kloiber* Mr. and Mrs. Edward Knizewski Rev. Thomas P. Kobuszewski Koehr Family Foundation* Mr. and Mrs. John T. Kopeck* Mr. Robert Kostelic* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Kosten Mr. Mark Kristine Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Krueger* Mr. and Mrs. Larry Krupicka* Mr. Thomas T. Kubista Ms. Ruth Kulick* Mr. and Mrs. Marvin H. Kuntz Miss Mary T. Lademan Mr. Adam LaFave Mr. and Mrs. Glen M. Lafleche Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Lang* Mr. and Mrs. James R. LaPalm Miss Marlena S. Larson Mr. and Mrs. Philip F. Lawler Mr. Raymond Leaver* Miss Robyn B. Lee* Mr. Carl A. Lekan* Mr. and Mrs. Chester J. Lewandowski Mrs. Rebecca Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lipari Mr. Joseph D. Liptak Mr. Albert T. Littner Mr. and Mrs. Alan C. Lockwood* Mr. Thomas F. Loftus* Rev. John J. Lombardi Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Loutzenhiser* Mr. and Mrs. John T. Luna Mr. Richard Lung* Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Lupo* Mr. James H. Lynch* Mr. and Mrs. Dana Maanum Mr. and Mrs. Douglas MacDonald

* Mr. and Mrs. Patrick MacDougall Mrs. Thomas C. Madigan* Mrs. Grace Maganzini Ms. Inez C. Maguire Mr. and Mrs. John L. Malinowski* Miss Catherine S. Malo Mrs. Sandra Manger* Rev. Lawrence Mann* Mr. Louis O. Marcotte Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Marks Mr. and Mrs. Pearse R. Marschner* Mrs. Wendy Marsh* Mr. and Mrs. James R. Marshall* Ms. Kristin Martin Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Martino Ms. Alice Masone* Mr. John Materazzo* Dr. Theodora Mathues, Ph.D. Mrs. Steffanie A. Maynard Dr. and Mrs. William J. McAveney Ms. Patricia McCafferty Rev. Daniel McCaffrey Mr. Roger J. McCarville McClanahan School of Irish Dance, LLC* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. McCleary Mr. Hugh McCluskey Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. McCue Mr. Joseph H. McDermott* Mr. Thomas McDonald Miss Anne M. McDonnell Mr. and Mrs. James H. McDonnell* Mr. and Mrs. Tom McDonough Mr. Patrick J. McGann, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen McGann* Mr. Charles A. McGowan Mr. and Mrs. Brendan McGuire* Mrs. Elizabeth A. McGuirk Dr. Richard McHugh Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. McKenna* Mr. Hugh McLaughlin* Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin S. McMahon* Mr. and Mrs. Christopher McMahon Mr. Paul J. McManamen* Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Meade Ms. Mary O. Meagher Mr. and Mrs. Eugene F. Meenagh* Mrs. Elizabeth L. Mercure Mr. Paul Merola Mr. William E. Metta Mr. and Mrs. Jacob L. Meza Mr. Thomas R. Mezzo Mr. and Mrs. Vernon L. Miller Dr. Christopher V. Mirus* Mrs. Joseph J. Monahon III* Mrs. Ann M. Montchyk* Mr. and Mrs. Hillar C. Moore, Jr.* Ms. Mary F. Moran* Mr. Jose I. Moreno Ms. S. M. JoAnne* Mrs. John L. Moriarty Mrs. Virginia B. Mudd Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Mueller* Mr. and Mrs. Michael Muller Mrs. Cosmine Mulvihill Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Munson* Mr. David V. Murawski* Mr. Joseph K. Murdock Ms. Marie E. Murnane Mr. and Mrs. Tim Murnane* Mr. and Mrs. Christopher V. Muro

* Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Muro Mr. Ralph Muros (d)* Rev. Edward W. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy* Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Murphy Mr. Sean P. Murphy* The Hon. & Mrs. Timothy C. Murphy* Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Murray* Mr. Johnny Mustajib* Mrs. Mary K. Nauman Ms. Agatha Nazaran Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Nee Rev. Kieran Neilson* Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Nelson* Professor Virgil Nemoianu Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Newcombe, Jr.* Mr. Terry Nickey Mr. Louis C. Niglio Mrs. Lorien E. Nonnenmann Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Norman, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Norton Mrs. Natalie B. Novak Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert M. Nowacki* Mr. and Mrs. Harry Oakley* Mr. Raymond J. O’Beirne Mr. Brendan O’Boyle Mr. and Mrs. John L. O’Brien Mr. Michael E. O’Connell Mr. Robert L. Oerther* Mr. and Mrs. John P. O’Herron Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. O’Herron* Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. O’Herron* Mr. and Mrs. Raymund O’Herron* Mr. and Mrs. Shawn J. O’Neil Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. Domenick Orazio* Mr. and Mrs. Sean O’Reilly* Mr. John A. Oswald Mr. Quinton C. Oswald Mr. and Mrs. Michael Palladino Mr. Adrian Panther Mr. and Mrs. David R. Parriott Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Partridge Dr. Eugene T. Partridge Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Pasquale* Miss Anne Patterson* Mrs. Monica L. Patterson Rev. Francis J. Peffley* Miss Mary C. Pegis* Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Penny* Mr. and Mrs. Marc Perrington* Mr. Edward H. Pesely Mr. William Petermeier Mrs. R. M. Petrucelli Mr. Jack Phalen Mr. and Mrs. Toney L. Phillips, II Mr. and Mrs. Michael Piercefield* Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Pincus Dr. Louis V. Pisciotta* Mr. James Pogue Mr. and Mrs. Robert Polley Mrs. Virginia A. Pontzer Poor Clare Monastery* Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Porras* Mrs. A. E. Posada Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Pressley Mrs. Mary Kate Pride* Mr. Gerard Pryor* Miss Janet R. Purdy Mr. and Mrs. Richard Quinn

Donors of Voluntary ServiceMembers of Christendom’s Board of Directors 2007-08

Donna Fitzpatrick Bethell, Esq. Warren H. Carroll, Ph.D. Mr. Robert J. Crnkovich Mr. Douglas D. Dewey Mr. Richard S. Esposito, ChFC Mr. Kenneth Ferguson Mrs. Joan M. Janaro

Rev. Robert E. MoreyMr. Robert J. Mylod Dr. Timothy T. O’Donnell Mrs. Mary Beth Riordan Mr. Robert Scrivener Mr. David VicinanzoMr. Eugene Zurlo

Members of the Christendom College Advisory Board 2007-0808Mrs. Mary Ellen Bork Mr. Chris Cuddeback Mr. John De Matteo Senator Jeremiah A. Denton Miss Claire L. Huang Mrs. K. MacAvoy Mr. John McNeice

Mr. Thomas Monaghan Mr. Robert Monahan The Honorable Robert D. Potter Dr. Charles E. Rice Rev. George W. Rutler Mr. Rick Santorum Rev. William P. Saunders


Mr. and Mrs. William Quinn Mr. and Mrs. Neal Quitno* Mr. Robert G. Rabuse Mr. and Mrs. David Racine Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rainone Mrs. Margaret H. Ramage* Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Randolph Ms. Margaret M. Rao* Mr. and Mrs. Sonadri C. Rao Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rathbun* Mrs. Ann Marie G. Read* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Redlinger Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Reese* Miss Regina M. Reninger Ms. Barbara Renner* Rev. Charles Repole Msgr. Roger A. Reynolds Mr. John Rhodes* Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Riddle Mr. Kenneth Riello Ms. Adrienne Riley Miss Mary L. Riley* Rev. Michael J. Roach* Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rocha Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Rodgers Ms. Anne Rogers* Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Rohan* Mr. John Peter Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Rosaschi Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rossi Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rossie* Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Rossnagel Mr. and Mrs. John Royce Miss Teri A. Rusnak* Mr. and Mrs. Michael Russo* Mr. William J. Rustia* Mr. and Mrs. Bradley P. Salmon Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Sanderfer* Mr. Joe Sanger

* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Santschi Miss Katherine T. Sartor Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Sasscer* Mr. and Mrs. Howard Schafer* Mrs. Margaret M. Scheetz Dr. Ronald J. Scheidelman, Ph.D. Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Schindelman Mr. and Mrs. John C. Schirra* Mr. Gerald R. Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Schmitt Mrs. J. F. Schoen, Jr. Ms. Mary N. Schreyer Mrs. Erica M. Schuman Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schussler Rev. Wilfred J. Schuster* Mr. Theodore C. Schwalm* Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Sciscilo Mr. and Mrs. David Scott Miss Cynthia Sebring Mr. Alec C. Seelau Ms. Sylvia G. Seguin* Mr. Richard Senfield Mr. William W. Senft Mr. Gregory R. Settducati Mrs. Ashley M. Severance Dr. Robert J. Shalhoub Mrs. Heather J. Shane* Mr. Edward J. Shaughnessy Mr. and Mrs. Brian Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Shearer Ms. Patricia Sheehan Mrs. Mary Shelton Mrs. Rose-Blanche Shields (d) Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Shine Mrs. Kelly A. Shininger Dr. Mary Shivanandan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shorba Miss J. Marianne Siegmund

* Sienna Communications Group* Mr. Thaddeus S. Sikora* Mr. Anthony Sileo Ms. Margot Silva* Mr. and Mrs. I. G. Sinaguglia Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Singletary* Mr. and Mrs. Frank Skowronski* Mr. Eugene J. Slaby, OCDS* Mrs. Ruth S. Sloan* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Smak Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence H. Smith* Mrs. Monica Smith* Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Smith* Ms. Rosemary Smith Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Smith Mr. Edward A. Smitha Rev. Louis M. Solcia Mr. Marc Solitario Ms. Gloria Soltis* Mr. and Mrs. James H. Spellmeyer Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Springs Mrs. Theresa J. Squire* Mr. and Mrs. Roland R. St. Louis Mr. Joseph Stanczak* Mr. Steven D. Stauffer Mr. James E. Steckel* Mr. and Mrs. Preston Stemmann* Rev. Anthony M. Stephens* Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stipanov* Mr. and Mrs. James Stock Ms. Shirley A. Stokes* Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Strada Mr. Douglas R. Streeks Mr. and Mrs. William Stuyt* Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Suess* Mr. Richard H. Surridge Mr. and Mrs. William A. Swagler III* Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Swope Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur W. Szillat, Jr.* Miss Edna M. Tanzer Mr. Andrew R. Tatum Rev. David K. Taylor Mr. David P. Teague* Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Teel Mrs. Babette Thomasy* Mrs. George E. Thompson* Mr. Paul E. Thurston Mr. and Mrs. John Tighe Ms. Teresita Tiongson* Rev. Francis Toan Mr. Robert Toffolo* Dr. and Mrs. Gregory Townsend* Mrs. Elmer J. Trawle* Mr. John J. Trazino Miss Margaret M. Treacy Mr. and Mrs. John Tsakanikas

Mr. and Mrs. Gregg M. Turner* Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Turner* Mrs. Susan D. Turner* Valley Drilling Corp. of Virginia Ms. Pamela A. Van De Water Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Vander Woude Mr. and Mrs. Steven F. Vander Woude Miss Eleanor D. Verba* Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Verderber Mr. Sylvester F. Verry, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Vicinanzo Mr. and Mrs. Gary Villhauer* Mr. and Mrs. Milan J. Vlha Miss Angela M. Von Ehr* Mr. Frank L. Wagner Mr. and Mrs. David M. Wallace* Mr. and Mrs. Harold V. Walter Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Walters* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Ward* Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Warner Adm. and Mrs. James D. Watkins Dr. Bernard J. Way Mr. Thomas H. Way Mr. Kevin Weakland* Miss Jaclyn K. Weber* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Weber Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan S. Weinberg Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wells Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Wheeler Mr. and Mrs. Alfred L. White, Jr.* Miss Jacinta T. Whittaker Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Wick* Mrs. Gloria D. Wiggins* Miss Christiana D. Williams Mr. Gregg C. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. Williams Rev. Peter Y. Williams Mr. Ralph J. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Wineholt Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Wingate Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Witter Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Wittstadt Miss Anne M. Wolpert* Mr. David Woodring Mr. and Mrs. Philip Woodward Mr. Daniel P. Wright Mr. Eldon Wyly* Mr. William E. Wynne* Mr. and Mrs. Paul Young Mr. and Mrs. Mark Zaccheo Mr. Charles Zakrzwski* Mr. N. Gerard Zapiain* Mr. and Mrs. Bryon E. Zawaski Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Zepeda* Mrs. Stephanie Zonenberg Mr. and Mrs. William J. Zuberbueler

IRA charitable rollovers have returned!

Legislation President Bush signed into law on October 3, 2008, extended opportunities for IRA owners age 70½ to make direct, tax-free transfers to Christendom College — up to $100,000 in both 2008 and 2009.

People 70½ and older can take advantage of this opportunity to give up to $100,000 tax-free to Christendom before December 31, 2008, and again before December 31, 2009. Details:

~Direct transfer from regular/Roth IRA accounts to Christendom.

~Such transfers may be designated (e.g., Financial Aid, Chapel of Christ the King expansion, etc.)

~Such transfers may fulfill documented pledges (e.g., Annual Fund pledge, etc.)

~These IRA charitable rollovers will qualify—in part or in whole—for the yearly required minimum distributions for persons age 70½ and older.

~While IRA owners cannot take an income tax deduction for this transfer, neither will they have to realize it as taxable income.

Questions? Contact VP for Advancement, John F. Ciskanik at [email protected] or 800.877.5456, ext. 1250

Name of donors deserving recognition may have been omitted. While we remind you that only gifts received between June 1, 2007 and May 31, 2008 are listed here, we apologize for any oversights and encouraged you to call them to our attention. Please contact the Vice President for Advancement, Christendom College, Front Royal, VA 22630.


Founder’s Circle ($10,000 or more), Board Associate ($5,000–$9,999), President’s Council Sustaining Member ($2,500–$4,999), President’s Council Member ($1,000–$2,499), Gold Club ($500–$999), Silver Club ($250–$499), Century Club ($100–$249).


Alumni recognized that the success of Christendom College in the next cen-tury will depend on increased alumni support. Stepping up to be counted as someone who supports the mission of the College and appreciates what being part of the Christendom community has done for you personally is a critically important first step. These classes of alumni have accepted the challenge, and Christendom College is grateful to them.

The top 5 classes in percentage of participation in the 2007-08 fiscal year are listed below. The percentage of total alumni giving was 30.62%.

1st Place: Class of 1986 – 50%

2nd Place: Class of 2006 – 47.54% 3rd Place: Class of 1983 – 46.67%

4th Place: Class of 1993 – 44.74%

5th Place: Class of 1989 – 44.44%

1980Participation 33%Additional GiftsAlfred L. White

1981Participation 21%President’s Council Sustaining MemberRobert ScrivenerSilver ClubLaura GuerreroCentury ClubJoseph Stuart

1982Participation 25%Additional GiftsBrenda O’ReillyFr. Peter Williams

1983Participation 47%President’s Council MemberWalter JanaroGold ClubDavid McBeeAngelique O’ReillyFrancis O’ReillyAdditional GiftsJacqueline FetskoEdward MurphyMary Nauman

1984Participation 20%Gold ClubAnonymousMargaret CiskanikMargaret Pickard

1985Participation 39%Board Associate

Mary VicinanzoPresident’s Council Sustaining MemberAnne ScrivenerDavid ScrivenerPresident’s Council MemberMichael FoecklerSilver ClubHolly McShurleyCentury ClubFr. Joseph Mary BrownTherese McGranaghanAdditional GiftsMarguerite HarringtonKathleen KerinN.Gerry Zapiain

1986Participation 50%Gold ClubHope JohnsonCentury ClubFr. Michael BlissAdditional GiftsKevin ClarkLaura J. ClarkSteffanie MaynardFr. Francis PeffleyMary Catherine Pegis

1987Participation 24%Gold ClubMichael HofbauerCentury ClubDaniel ClarkLaura M. ClarkLaura GossinKatherine O’BrienMaryellen YorkAdditional GiftsCatherine DoyleJoseph Doyle

Alumni Donors 2007-081988Participation 26%Board AssociateDiana PascoePresident’s Council MemberDavid MarraFr. Stephen McGraw Additional GiftsAnnemarie CiskanikMatthew CuddebackThomas Kosten

1989Participation 44%President’s Council MemberJoan MarraCentury ClubJohn CorriganFr. Michael TaylorAdditional GiftsAnonymousBrian BlaneySuzanne KostenMarguerite MurphyMichael RohanThomas SantschiJ. Marianne SiegmundTheresa SquireSteven Vander WoudeErin Vander Woude

1990Participation 40%Board AssociateDavid HickinSilver ClubChristopher KopeckMichelle KopeckCentury ClubPaul HeislerThomas McFaddenJames SantschiAdditional GiftsMaria EcheverriaMark GallagherSharon HigbyJacqueline KleinschmidtPaul KruegerNicholas Murphy

1991Participation 30%Founder’s CircleMichele VelascoPresident’s Council MemberBennett EllisKathryn FoecklerGold ClubTina KaulSilver ClubMary WaldronCentury ClubFr. Ben CameronRobert KishMichael WilliamsAdditional GiftsBernadette FikacJill Pogue

Clare RohanErica SchumanKelly Shininger

1992Participation 30%President’s Council MemberMary Beth EllisFr. Kevin PeekGold ClubLeslie HofbauerSilver ClubMatthew ZuberbuelerCentury ClubStephen PilonAdditional GiftsDan ArnoldC. David BrownPauline GallagherRegina ReningerDaniel Vander WoudeSandra Ward

1993Participation 45%Founder’s CircleStephen O’KeefePresident’s Council MemberSean GarveyGold ClubSamuel AronhimeSilver ClubChristine MottMatthew O’HerronCentury ClubClare ColeJohn EchanizMary Ann GaffneyLisa HeislerDeirdre PennefatherElizabeth PilonDorotea RutherfordElmer WolteringPatrick ZuberbuelerAdditional GiftsMichelle BodohMatthew CameronJonathan Scott Weinberg

1994Participation 41%Founder’s CirclePaula O’KeefeGold ClubDamian FedorykaEllen KellyCentury ClubDenise WolteringAmy ZuberbuelerAdditional GiftsGregory BodohTheresa DaviesTheodore Schwalm

1995Participation 31%Gold ClubKatherine Fedoryka


Gregory McCoyMatthew WalzTeresa WalzCentury ClubSharon EchanizJeanette GieskeMatthew HerterJames McCoyAdditional GiftsMary HoffmanCatherine MaloMichael PalladinoHeather Shane

1996Participation 26%Gold ClubFr. Kevin BeresCentury ClubKatherine HerterAnn Marie McCoyAdditional GiftsNancy BauerGretchen BowesMarlena LarsonKatrina Sanderfer

1997Participation 34%President’s Council Sustaining MemberAnthony BodohJulie BodohCentury ClubJohn GordonSean KayMichael MeredithAdditional GiftsAnonymousJohn BowesChristopher MirusAgnes PennyDaniel PennyJanet PurdyCatherine Zuberbueler

1998Participation 28%Founder’s CircleMaj. Patrick Weinert, USMCGold ClubAngela PfisterSilver ClubMary BrandCentury ClubAndrew ColeJennifer FlippenAdditional GiftsPhilip DancauseThomas HurleyChristopher MuroMary Kate PrideElizabeth SwopeJanine Tsakanikas

1999Participation 39%Gold ClubMatthew LeyBevlin LyonsSilver ClubKarla HesterFr. Christopher SmithCentury Club

Francois FlippenKevin GerrityElizabeth KellyMegan ParkerMary RiceAdditional GiftsSusan HaggertyElizabeth O’HerronAndrew O’NeillAnn Marie ReadShalon RiddleFr. Anthony StephensJohn TsakanikasChristiana Williams

2000Participation 23%Gold ClubRyan JonesSilver ClubElisabeth GideonCentury ClubAnne ReaganMatthew ReaganJames RiceMary WingateAdditional GiftsSarah AkersKatherine DancauseTheodore EidemEmily EidemPhilip O’Herron

2001Participation 10%Gold ClubAngela JonesAdditional GiftsLisa KirchnerTherese Zepeda

2002Participation 27%Century ClubGuy AmisanoSherry O’DonnellAdditional GiftsKatherine CallaghanRyan CallaghanJeffrey CarrTimothy CoffeyAlicia DugasDominique HainRaymond HainRobyn LeePearse MarschnerMaria O’BrienMichael Reese

2003Participation 36%President’s Council MemberLaura ScanlonPatrick ScanlonSilver ClubMegan JalsevacPaul JalsevacCentury ClubTheresa FerCatherine GoodmanDonald GoodmanJaime GormanNiall O’Donnell

Bethany SargisHeather TanseyDane WeberAdditional GiftsMatthew AkersJan AkersGregory BurnsMatthew CoffeyLeah CoffeyTheresa FisherSusan McGuireBrendan McGuireMichael McGuirkSean MurphyMichael SchmittGregory Settducati

2004Participation 18%President’s Council Sustaining MemberJill Vander WoudeSilver ClubKatharine MillerCentury ClubKathleen RockDonna SchmidtMoira StantonAdditional GiftsQuinn BeekwilderLesly BrattPatricia CoffeyThomas ColeElizabeth McGuirkBenjamin McMahonJohn O’BrienTeri RusnakAnne Schmitt

2005Participation 29%President’s Council Sustaining MemberPatrick Vander WoudeGold ClubHeather HambletonElizabeth HendersonSilver ClubPatricia MetzgerCentury ClubCatherine HochschildMichael MooreSiobhan O’ConnorKelly PoeKatherine QuestAdditional GiftsVictor AlcantaraJames BlankenshipRachel FurlongDaniel HeenanMargaret KayJacob Meza

Jessica MezaEryka O’HerronMark RiddleAnthony SmithaElizabeth WallaceJacinta WhittakerAnne WolpertDaniel Wright

2006Participation 48%Gold ClubNicholas OlignySilver ClubSuzannah RednerCentury ClubAnonymousClaire BellerAndrew DayKelly FogartyAnne KulickAriel LynchMegan MeadBeth McMahonKyle MillerMaria NewtonLuke PetersenTrena PilegaardMichele PoyntonMaria RuhlRebecca SpieringKaren SpieringClare StorckChristine WalshJoan WatsonAdditional GiftsJonathan DittertPeter FurlongFrederick GruberMary LademanNicole MacDougallPatrick MacDougallJohn O’HerronVeronica PerringtonJaclyn Weber

2007Participation 13%Silver ClubDanielle LussierCentury ClubAdam WilsonAdditional GiftsDanielle AmpiLisa BeekwilderElizabeth BlackDaniel DelaneyTeresa GinskiAshley SeveranceAngela Von Ehr


Scholarships and Recipients — 2007-2008Named scholarship funds are made possible by gifts provided by alumni and friends of the College. Most of these are endowed funds—earnings generated by the principal of these gifts provide financial aid for deserving students each and every year. Annual gifts (indicated with an *) provide scholarships in the year after the gift was received. The students listed below received scholarship during the 2007-08 school year.



Alumni Scholarship Therese Fetsko Madison, OH Elizabeth Francis Falls Church, VA Thomas Francis Falls Church, VA John Hambleton Falls Church, VA Mary Harrington Pearl City, IL Bernadette Horiuchi Fredericksburg, VA Monica Horiuchi Fredericksburg, VA Katie Lademan Annapolis, MD Virginia Norris Front Royal, VA Anna Scheetz Manassas, VA Rosemary Scheetz Montrose, CO Emily Scrivener Millersville, MD Nathan Scrivener Davidsonville, MD Richard Scrivener Davidsonville, MD Mary Kate Vander Woude Nokesville, VA Joseph Vicinanzo Concord, NH Thomas Vicinanzo Concord, NH

William & Sophia Casey Memorial Scholarship Peter Donohue Warner, NH Ryan Mitchell Mount Pleasant, SC Dominic Severance Farmington, NY

Classics Scholarship Meredith Wise Cupertino, CA

George and Mary Creed Memorial Scholarship David Wilson Downington, PA

Fr. James Cowan Memorial Scholarship Teresa Boak Springfield, VA James Hannon Bolton, MA Miriam Rauschert Macomb, IL Marc Solitario W. Springfield, MA James Wynn Ledyard, CT

Byron & Mary Doyle Memorial Scholarship Abigail Hill Woodstock, MD

Patrick J. Duffy Scholarship* Micah Willard Purcellville, VA

Hungarian Scholarship Fund* Bence Gonda Hungary

Kline Endowment Fund Steven Curtin Stanley, NM Christopher Genn Pawling, NY

Benjamin F. Homan Memorial Scholarship Jennifer O’Neil London, NH

Francis A. & Lilian B. Mekus Scholarship Benjamin Allen Berwick, PA Joseph Ruhl Fincastle, VA

Marie O’Donohue Monahan Memorial Scholarship Brittany Buckner Stafford, VA

Valary & Howard Morrison Scholarship Lisa Irwin Chatsworth, CA Janie Wells Louisville, KY

Harvey Noel Memorial Scholarship David Klosterman Webster, NY Mary Wright Memphis, TN

Palestrina Scholarship* Mary Beth Baker Suffolk, VA Meghan Beller Burtonsville, MD Paul English Lancaster, PA Draper Warren Front Royal, VA

Padre Pio Memorial Scholarship Daniel Gutschke Ashbury, NJ William Waller Neptune Beach, FL Brady Wilson Mt. Vernon, OH Paul Wilson Franklin, NJ

David T. Ricks Memorial Scholarship Michael Inzeo Stephens City, VA

William & Clara Roedig & Family Memorial Scholarship Rebekah Skiba Bath, MI

Sacred Heart Scholarship Francis Feingold St. Louis, MO John Jalsevac Toronto, Ontario

Harold V. Welch Memorial Scholarship Elise Anderson Fredericksburg, VA Amanda Dean Fremont, CA

The College counts on your prayer-ful and financial support year in and year out. Nothing that happens at the College could hap-pen without you.

The Annual Fund sup-ports the entire experi-ence at Christendom College and targets the most pressing needs in education—schol-arships, teaching and

A Message from the Vice President for Advancement

John F. Ciskanik

learning, and campus culture.

As Dr. O’Donnell’s highest prior-ity, annual giv-ing is the means by which Chris-tendom College friends, alumni, students, parents, faculty and staff can most effective-ly contribute their financial support

for education and student life.

The Annual Fund is used by Dr. O’Donnell exclusively to support today’s students. Christendom Col-lege encourages participation at all levels.

The cost of a Christendom education is not fully covered by tuition. Please see the enclosed envelope to find out how you can help fill the gap.

Want to double or triple your gift?

Many companies match or exceed charitable contributions made by their employees. To see if you are eligible, please contact your ben-efits or human resources depart-ment.

When should I make my annual gift? Your gift is most needed to-day! However, the College’s fiscal year runs June 1 through May 31. So by making a gift early you help the college plan and budget for campus needs more efficiently.

SStephen Grundman, Christendom’s Director of Development, recently achieved the status of Certified Fundraising Executive (CFRE), which serves as an impartial, third-party en-dorsement of an individual’s knowledge and experience against international standards in philanthropy. It adds credibility to the fund-raiser and sets him apart from other profes-sionals, preparing him for greater on-the-job responsibilities.

“Occasionally, I’ve had a donor or colleague ask how my PhD in Philosophy prepared me to be a fundraiser,” says Grundman.

Development Director Grundman Achieves Fundraising Certification“That’s why I got my CFRE. It tells the world I’m a fund-raiser – that I’m dedicated to the profession. You have to have a minimum of at least five years of successful fund-raising experience before you even qualify as a candidate to take the exam.”

“Stephen’s achievement of the CFRE credential raises the level of professionalism in our department even higher,” said


Virginia’s 10th District Congressman Frank Wolf Talks to Students

Cong. Frank Wolf (center) with Christendom Political Science students and Prof. Bernie Way.

Vice President Ciskanik. “Re-ally it’s a feather not only in his cap, but for our entire of-fice.”

The CFRE exam is designed to test the baseline fundamental knowledge a candidate would have after 5 years. The exam covers a broad range of topics and does not expect expertise in any specific area. For more information, see www.cfre.org.

Christendom’s College Republicans. In his ad-dress, he warned students of the various eco-nomic challenges currently facing America.

“We need to reallocate spending and put it in other areas, to truly create a renaissance—to do what your parents and your grandparents did for you—so I can say to my youngest grandkid, ‘Noah, America’s best days are yet ahead and the sun has barely begun to rise.’”

The Congressman explained that when America becomes weakened the world be-comes a more dangerous place.

“As we become weaker economically, the world becomes a more dangerous place. There are forces out there that want to de-stroy us... It isn’t important only for us and our nation, but for the world... When we become weakened as a nation, around the world, it becomes more dangerous, particu-larly for people who are oppressed.

“The challenge I give to you is that you need to become a part of this. You’ve got to have some passion! You have to care! ...You’ve got to understand and you’ve got to be a part of the solution, because if you’re not part of the solution, you really almost become part of the problem... This is the time to participate and to really be involved. We’ve got to take care of this economy, to get control of this debt, and to bring about a renaissance in this nation, because when we do, it’s good for us, but also it has a calming influence around the world. We are the nation always that stands by the poor and the hungry.”

This talk may be heard on Christendom’s iTunes U.

Christendom was honored on October 15 with a visit from its congressman, Frank Wolf, R-VA.

Congressman Wolf, representing Vir-ginia’s 10th Dis-trict since 1981, has a long record of speaking out for the persecuted around the world and is considered one the leading crusaders in Congress for human rights.

The Congressman’s visit was arranged by


CChristendom has adopted e2Campus, a noti-fication system that enables school administra-tors to notify its constituents of important in-formation via email, voice, and text messages.

“In the wake of such horrific events as the Virginia Tech shooting, hurricanes, flood-ing, or other natural disasters, it is important

New Alert and Notification System Implemented College-Widethat we are able to get the word out to our community as soon as possible,” says Vice President for Planning and Operations Mike Foeckler. “And this new system will serve our purposes well.”

Students who sign up for the service can re-ceive a text to their cell phone with timely

information about emergen-cies, class cancellations, sports news, or campus reminders such as a registration dead-lines.

“Once students sign up, the alerts go right to their cell phones the minute the news happens,” explains Foeckler. “It’s a real convenient system for everyone, because it reach-es people whether they are on campus or off campus.”

Although still in its early stages, the notification system

will be used to communicate important in-formation during any potential emergency, such as a snow delay or closing, homeland security advisory, weather warning, gas leak, fire, crime watch, power failure, parking lot closure, or other events. It can also be used to announce school sports scores, registration deadlines, and campus life activities.

“This new system will enable a greater broad-cast of time-sensitive communication to reach students, faculty, and staff whether they are in class, at home, or at their office desk,” says Tom McFadden, Director of Admissions and Marketing, and in the case of an emergen-cy, the college’s public information officer. “Hopefully, we learn from others’ mistakes about what not to do in an emergency, and now we can be more aware of how to handle a situation, should one arise in the future.”

Additionally, Christendom has begun set-ting up interfaces with e2Campus and the college’s website, digital visual displays, and loudspeakers.

Students Flood Campus During Admissions Office Visit WeekendsA new initiative in the Admissions Office this year was the institution of Visit Weekends. Rather than having prospective high school juniors and seniors visit on any weekend throughout the semester, Admissions Direc-tor Tom McFadden created 4 different Visi-tor Weekends that would entice students to visit with many other prospective students.

The last of the Fall semester Visit Weekends was held November 21-23, and attracted more than 40 students to campus.

According to high school senior Catherine

Burke from Florida, “The best part about Christendom College is that it already feels like a spiritual home, which is perfect, con-sidering college is more than a place to earn a degree, but rather a place where you will spend four of the most important years that will end up forming you for the rest of your life.”

Burke had attended the Experience Chris-tendom High School Program last summer and came to visit with a group of her fellow “campers” to have a reunion and to visit the College while it was in session.

“Walking around the campus and attending classes and Mass, there was no doubt that God was everywhere, sur-rounding the school with His graces. As a Catholic, what is better than an environment in which I feel my soul will thrive? I am still com-pletely open to wher-ever God leads me, but because of my visit, it is impossible to imagine myself not attending

Christendom,” she said.

And Catey Maher from New York, who took part in the November 21-23 Visit Weekend soaking in everything that Christendom has to offer, agrees.

“It’s so hard today, with all the ‘Catholic’ col-leges promising the faith, but not really de-livering. At Christendom, it’s different. Not only is the faith a priority among the faculty, but among the students as well,” she said.

“Visiting a college is one of the best ways to determine if it is the place for you,” says McFadden. “When I meet with all of the students, I never tell them that they should come to Christendom. My only job is to tell them what Christendom College is and why it is different than other schools they might be looking into. Every student who visits definitely leaves here with a great idea of what kind of place Christendom is, and sometimes, they leave feeling that it isn’t for them, which is an achievement in itself. My recommendation is for all high school ju-niors and seniors to plan on visiting during one of our upcoming Visitor Weekends in the Spring. You will not be disappointed – I guarantee it!”Admissions Director Tom McFadden talks with a group of visitors.



Annual Giving is the lifeblood of Christendom College, supporting ev-erything from financial aid to the preservation of the beautiful campus and its facilities.

Your investment in the College truly makes the difference for our students and faculty every single day.

Gifts to the Annual Fund have an im-mediate impact on Christendom because they support all aspects of operating the college—from keeping classroom and Chapel lights on to providing merit- and need-based scholarships. Annual gifts support Christendom’s most pressing needs and help create a vibrant campus community.


Fall Semester Activities – A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

The Wise Guys come out every year during the College’s celebration of Italian Night.

Theology professor Eric Jenislawski toasts his daughter during the celebration of Oktoberfest.

You haven’t really danced until you’ve taken part in Christendom’s Contra Winter Formal.

Although there was no Medieval Fest, the stu-dents still had a Medieval dinner and dance.

Figuring out who’s who is always a challenge during the Halloween Dance.

The Homecoming Dance is always one of the best dances of the year with a live swing band.

The Killackey brothers amazed the audience with their violin playing during St. Cecilia’s Eve.

This semester’s Mega Shield had the students pray-ing at an abortion mill in Washington, DC.

Students Nick Freeman and the Texas Heat kicked up some country music during Saloon Night.

Chaplain Fr. Dan Gee began boxing classes this se-mester. Sophomore James Wynn spars with Father.

On November 18, the College’s faculty and staff offered their appreciation for the dedication that Prof. John Janaro has shown to Christendom over the past 21 years. Prof. Janaro (r), pictured with his wife, Eileen, and Dr. and Mrs. O’Donnell, had to retire due to health reasons.

VP for Academics Steve Snyder talks with Mr. and Mrs. Anderson during Parents’ Weekend.



Published quarterly by the Christendom College Admissions & Marketing Office.

Editor: Tom McFadden Contributing Editor: Niall O’Donnell

Copy Editor: Maria O’Brien

Christendom College 134 Christendom Drive, Front Royal, VA 22630

800.877.5456 ~ www.christendom.edu

Copyright © 2008. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is hereby granted, provided the follow-ing credit line is used: “Reprinted by permission from INSTAURARE, the quarterly magazine of Christendom College (www.christendom.edu).” SUBSCRIPTION FREE UPON REQUEST.


“He believed the gods of Homer and ancient Egypt were with him, and we know as Chris-tians that the One True God must have been with him,” Dr. Warren Carroll said on Sep-tember 22 during his public lecture on Alex-ander the Great. “For by his march across the world, Alexander the Great prepared the way for its conversion.”

Carroll explained that due to the conquests of Alexander, the entire ancient world spoke Greek, which made it possible for the spread-ing of the teaching of the Gospels, which

were written in Greek.

“Alexander’s conquests united the world of the Middle East with the Classical world of Greece and Rome—for the first time in his-tory,” Carroll said. “Jew and Greek entered the same cultural orbit.”

A convert to Christianity, Carroll was edu-cated at Bates College and received a Doctor-ate of History from Columbia University. After founding Christendom College, he served as the College’s president until 1985 and then as the chairman of its History Department until his retirement in 2002. He is the author of nu-merous historical works, including The Rise and Fall of the Communist Revolution, 1917: Red Banners White Mantle, and his major multi-volume work The History of Christendom.

Carroll’s spirited lecture focused on the his-toric march of Alexander, whom he described as being “more an elemental force than a mortal man.”

“Alexander never lost a battle and actually and deliberately aspired to take over the

Dr. Warren Carroll Delivers Lively Lectures on Two Great Military Leaders: Alexander the Great and Lord Horatio Nelson

whole civilized world. There is no convinc-ing evidence that Alexander was driven by power and wealth for their own sakes, but the cultural unification of East and West was his explicit and announced objective,” Car-roll said.

“His teacher was the supreme Greek intellect, the philosopher Aristotle,” Carroll noted. “Alexander was always a Greek first, and con-sidered himself the guardian and champion of Hellenic culture.

“He was the greatest general of all time…He might have conquered the world, but died before he was forty, with his armies at the border of China. He was a meteor and trans-former of history, who created the Hellenis-tic world through which the Gospel of Jesus Christ spread three hundred years later.”

Carroll delighted his audience with the story of the great Englishman, Lord Horatio Nel-son, during the second in his series of fall lec-tures on October 27.

“Nelson was not Catholic, but he saved the Catholic Church, which the French Revolu-tion and Napoleon had sworn to destroy, and would have destroyed, were it not for Nel-son’s victory at Trafalgar,” he began.

The lecture gave a brief summary of Nelson’s life and his great victory over Napoleon’s French and Spanish navies at Trafalgar on October 21, 1805.

Carroll explained that Napoleon, who inher-ited the French Revolution, had sought the destruction of the Catholic Church, impris-oning Pope Pius VII.

“When the war ended and Napoleon had fit-tingly surrendered to a warship of the Brit-ish Navy named Bellerophon, and was im-prisoned for the rest of his life on St. Helena Island in the South Atlantic—the most iso-lated bit of land in the then known world—Pope Pius VII was still gloriously reigning,” Carroll said.

“It was at the decisive victory of Trafalgar that Nelson died. All of England mourned the loss of their great admiral. More than thirty sub-stantial monuments were created in England’s

surge of grief and pride,” he explained.

“Few men have died so nobly and written their name so large upon the pages of history as Horatio Nelson,” Carroll concluded.

Hear Exciting Talks at iTunes U Website Christendom’s Public Relations Office digi-tally records many of the lectures and events that take place throughout the year and has recently created a Christendom College iTunes site where anyone interested may download the various talks or music for free.

Christendom on iTunes U provides access to a wide range of Christendom-related digital audio and video content via the iTunes Store, Apple’s popular online music, video, and podcast service.

Currently, people may hear lectures from Dr. Timothy O’Donnell, Fr. James Schall, Dr. Warren Carroll, Francis Cardinal Arinze, Cong. Frank Wolf, Dr. Scott Hahn, all of the talks from Christendom’s last three Summer Institutes, as well as all of the tracks from the Christendom choir’s four CDs – all for free!

Go to www.christendom.edu/itunes_u.shtml to listen to these faith-filled, educational talks and inspiring musical offerings.



College’s Notre Dame Graduate School Faculty Stays Busy During FallChristendom’s Graduate School faculty are talented, dedicated, and in much demand across the nation for their expertise and knowledge in their respective academic areas of interest.

This past September, as a member of the board of directors of the organiza-tion, Graduate School Dean Kristin Burns at-tended the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars Conven-tion in San Antonio, TX, which was co-sponsored by the Graduate School and fo-cused on “Conscience, Co-operation, and Complicity.”

Theology professor Sr. M. Timothy Prokes, FSE, was a lecturer at the Symposium: A Celebration of the Twenti-eth Anniversary of Mulieris Dignitatem, held October 3-4 at the John Paul II Cultural Center in Washington, DC. There, she spoke on “The Feminine Vocation: An Overview,” and was moderator for a session on “The Dual Dimen-sion of the Feminine Vocation.” The Sym-posium was co-sponsored by The Columbus School of Law at CUA, and The Ave Maria School of Law. In addition, Sr. Timothy’s address on “Mary, Mediatrix: Exemplar for the Contemporary World,” given at Fatima, Portugal, in July 2006, has been published in the book Mary at the Foot of the Cross – VII (Academy of the Immaculate, New Bedford, Mass). In November, Sr. Timothy was a guest lecturer for the Diocese of Pittsburgh in its Five-Part Adult Lecture Series for the Year of St. Paul. Additionally, Sr. Timothy was re-cently elected to the board of directors of the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars.

Professor Steven Weidenkopf taped a 20-week presentation on Church history entitled “Epic: A Journey through Church History” at St. Raymond of Penafort Parish in Spring-field, VA. This presentation will be available on CD and DVD in January 2009. Professor Weidenkopf was also a featured speaker at the Arlington Diocesan Education Institute on October 24 on the theme of “Teaching History in the New Evangelization.”

Dr. William E. May was the first recipient of

the “William E. May Award for Promoting Ethics and the Human Person,” given by the Culture of Life Foundation in Washington, DC, in September.

Professor Colette Lienhard is the founder and director of the Catholic Educa-tion Center, LLC, (www.catholicedu-cationcenter.com) an internet-based resource which provides Catholic education resources to teachers and par-ish catechists, in-cluding classes that can be used toward Catechist Certifica-tion in the Dioceses of Arlington and Knoxville. Some of her courses can be taken for gradu-

ate credit through the Christendom Graduate School. In November, Prof. Lienhard gave two talks at the Arlington Diocesan Catechetical Conference, “Tips for Teaching” and “Online Catechist Formation and Resources.”

Professor Fr. Paul de Ladurantaye spoke at Holy Spirit Parish in Annandale and St. Ray-mond of Penafort in Springfield on the topic “Saint Paul and Communion: The Eucharist as the Heart of Christian Unity.” Fr. de La-

durantaye was also a presenter at the Work-shop on Gregorian Chant held at St. John the Beloved in McLean.

Professor Stephen Pimentel recently had a series of four articles published in Inside the Vatican magazine: “The Todah Sacri-fice as Pattern for the Eucharist” (March 2008),“Abrahamic, Mosaic, and Prophetic Foundations of the Eucharist” (April 2008), “The Practice of the Eucharist in the Apostol-ic Church” (May 2008), and “The Eucharistic Tabernacle in the Book of Hebrews” (June 2008). These articles are based on a series of four lectures that were given by Prof. Pimentel at a seminar held at The University of Dallas on September 8, 2007. The seminar was co-sponsored by Inside the Vatican and the Dallas chapter of Catholics United for the Faith.

Professor Salvatore Ciresi has given a series of lectures around the Arlington Diocese on St. Paul for the Year of St. Paul. In July, he gave a 2-part lecture series at Blessed Sacra-ment Catholic Church in Alexandria en-titled “Raised with Christ: A Bible Study of St Paul’s Epistle to the Colossians.” In September, Prof. Ciresi spoke at St. Louis Catholic Church in Alexandria on the theme of “St. Paul the Apostle: A Study of the Key Milestones of His Life.” In October, he was invited to be the opening speaker for the Diocese of Arlington’s “Theology on Tap,” during which he spoke on “The Road to Da-mascus: An Apostle’s Journey from Darkness to Light.”

Sr. M. Timothy Prokes, FSE.

Dr. Bill May receives the inaugural William E. May Award for Promoting Ethics and the Human Person from Archbishop Donald Wuerl at the Culture of Life Foundation’s awards dinner in September.



CFaculty Speak at Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture ConferenceChristendom College faculty members, Dr. Chris Shannon, Dr. Thomas Stanford, and Mrs. Mary Stanford, delivered papers at a conference held by the Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture, held November 6-8, 2008. The faculty’s contributions were well received by both institutional leaders and attendees alike.

Dr. Chris Shannon delivered a paper enti-tled “What Does It Take? Community and Family in Contemporary American Politi-cal Discourse.” Shannon, Assistant Profes-sor of History, examined the contemporary American debate over the role of the family in society in light of the understanding of community at the heart of Catholic social teaching.

“For the last thirty or so years, ‘family val-ues’ has served as one of the major fault lines dividing left and right in American political discourse,” Shannon said. “Con-servative Republicans came to political dominance in part by claiming to defend the family against attack from social engi-neering by liberal Democrats. Yet, the free-market economic ideals espoused by the Republican Party have done just as much to

undermine the community stability necessary for family stability.”

Dr. Thomas Stanford, Chair-man of Christendom’s Eng-lish Department, delivered a paper entitled “Membership and its Privileges: Family and Community in the Novels of Wendell Berry.”

Stanford noted that all of Berry’s novels feature the same fictional setting, the small farming community of Port William, Kentucky, and all the stories are drawn from the same set of characters – that being the people of Port William.

“The community found in Berry’s novels ef-fectively becomes its own character, which is understood as a particular web of mar-riages, familial relations, and friendships,” Stanford said. “As a character, this commu-nity lives and grows and changes and even decays over time—it is an organic reflection of the persons of which it consists.”

Mrs. Mary Stanford, an adjunct professor of Theology, delivered a paper entitled “Wives be Submissive to your Husbands: Author-ity in Marriage.” She said that a husband’s authority—headship—is not even possible without a free and gracious reception on the part of his wife. “Indeed, a husband needs to be allowed—freed—enabled—to be head,” she said. “A man’s headship is a free gift from wife to husband for the sake of all. A father is called to self-sacrifice to the point of death for his beloved ones. Like Christ, he is not a tyrant, but a lover. He does not exercise authority by taking, but by giving.

“There will be no authentic equality between spouses, no true flourishing of the persons in the family and no embodiment of the do-mestic church without self-sacrificing love and generous acceptance on the part of man and wife. The asymmetry—or better the complementary difference—between man and woman is placed at the foundation of family life precisely because it is life-giving—physically and spiritually,” she said.

Inspired by the late Pope John Paul II’s en-cyclicals Centesimus Annus, Veritatis Splen-dor, Evangelium Vitae and Fides et Ratio, the Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Cul-ture aims to transform the culture into one where the dignity of human life is respected, the compatibility of faith and reason is rec-ognized, and the connection between the truth and genuine freedom is understood. The Center funds appropriately focused scholarly research in ethics and its dissemi-nation in the classroom and the broader culture.

Dr. Thomas Stanford, Mrs. Mary Stanford, and Dr. Chris Shan-non delivered lectures at the Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture Conference.

Library Hosts Series of Enlightening EventsIn collaboration with the Beato Fra Angelico Fine Arts Program and the Chaplains of Christendom College, a series of events were held in the St. John the Evangelist library, designed to culturally uplift and enliven the lives of the students and the entire College community.

In September, Christendom’s professor of music, Dr. Kurt Poterack, spoke to the students about the history, beauty, and form

of Gregorian chant. Dr. Poterack used the great acoustics in the library’s rotunda to highlight the different modes of chant, and he eloquently responded to some excellent questions from the alert and eager students and others in attendance at the event.

In October, the library invited Fr. William Fitzgerald, OPraem, one of Christendom’s Assistant Chaplains, to speak on the Mass in the Extraordinary Rite, which Pope Benedict XVI has urged upon the Church. Filling up the library’s ground floor coffee bar, the “Sacred Grounds,” the students listened attentively as Fr. William eloquently expounded on the beauty and history of this Extraordinary Rite of the Mass, which is now available on campus and in more and more parish churches around the world.

In November, the Fine Arts events continued as Dr. Robert Rice, interim Chairman of the English Department, and Dr. Adam Schwartz, Chairman of the History Department, discussed the Catholic genius and imagination of J.R.R. Tolkien.

Dr. Adam Schwartz spoke to the students about the Catholic genius of J.R.R. Tolkien



When students apply to Christendom, they are asked their intended major, and more of-ten than not, they write history, theology, or political science. Rarely do students express a desire to major in philosophy.

But over the past five years, 111 students have majored in philosophy, making it the second most popular major after history, which had 126 majors in the same time period.

There are a number of reasons for the great in-terest shown by the students toward philosophy after coming to Christendom, the two biggest being the subject matter and the very talented faculty in the philosophy department.

“Our program is set apart from most other philosophy programs,” philosophy profes-sor and Department Chairman Dr. Douglas Flippen said. “We take the thought of Aristo-tle, and especially of St. Thomas Aquinas, as essentially true, forming students in accord with their thought—then we are open to truth wherever it is found.”

Philosophy, along with theology, dominates Christendom’s core curriculum, exposing students to the rich Catholic intellectual heritage enlightened by the Faith and right reason. Students learn how to use the gift of reason in order to grow in wisdom and de-fend reason itself.

Currently, there are 7 faculty members who teach philosophy courses: Prof. Mike Brown, Prof. Ray O’Herron, Dr. John Cuddeback, Dr. Greg Townsend, Dr. Doug Flippen, Prof. Mark Wunsch, and Dr. Steve Snyder.

“Because so many popes through the ages, including the late John Paul II, have urged us to seriously study the thought of St. Thomas as a sure guide to much that is true about the nature of reality, our program is especially Catholic,” Flippen said.

The Love of Wisdom Has Students Thinking About PhilosophyBut the philosophy department’s strong Catholic identity is not the only thing that sets it apart. Christendom students are re-quired to take many more courses in philoso-phy than the average college student.

“It exceeds what is found in most colleges or universities,” Flippen said. “This used to be fairly common—indeed four years of phi-losophy and theology were often found not so long ago—but at present the number of required courses in philosophy in colleges is down to one, two or three courses. The fact that we require all of our students to take six philosophy classes is unique.”

According to Flippen, there are few philoso-phy programs that are solidly Thomistic and have a strong core of philosophy courses like Christendom’s.

Students at Christendom take courses that cover ancient Western philosophy, Aristote-lian logic, ethics, philosophy of human na-ture, metaphysics, medieval philosophy, and modern philosophy. Flippen explained that unlike history, litera-ture, and math, philosophy is open to con-necting the whole of the physical world, and especially man, to God and generally to im-material reality.

“Philosophy makes that connection in a clear and reasoned way,” Flippen said. “In this way philosophy is the queen of the sciences on the natural level and is surpassed only by the-

ology because of the way theology bases itself on the special Revelation of God and uses other branches of knowledge to illuminate special Revelation.”

Christendom alumni who have majored in philosophy do quite well in the workplace af-ter graduation from the College. Philosophy majors go in to a variety of fields of work – Bennett Ellis (’01) is a software architect for IBM, Neill Mollard (’97) is an anesthesiolo-gist, and Matthew Akers (’03) is a law clerk at the US Court of Appeals, to name just a few.

“Life does not always follow the outline that we initially make for ourselves,” says FBI agent and philosophy major John Curran (‘91). “Often we find that God has other plans for us. These unexpected turns of life often reveal the true value of a liberal arts ed-ucation from Christendom. Christendom’s core curriculum, with its emphasis on histo-ry, English, philosophy, and theology, teaches one to think critically and to approach what-ever circumstances life may present in light of the larger issues.

“I have discovered that the technical training required for a specific job can be obtained as needed. However, it is the education I re-ceived from Christendom that provided me with the foundation that has enabled me to get the job offers in the first place. Christen-dom prepared me well for the various posi-tions I’ve had since graduation, and in par-ticular, for my role as a Special Agent for the FBI,” he said.

Christendom’s Philosophy Department (l to r): Prof. Mike Brown, Prof. Raymund O’Herron, Dr. John Cuddeback, Dr. Greg Townsend, Dr. Doug Flippen, Prof. Mark Wunsch, and Dr. Steve Snyder.


The Lady Crusaders Volleyball team: (back, l to r) Coach Jill Vander Woude, Ali Schuberg, Amanda Dean, Becca Harris, Anna Zganiacz, Megan Walters, Mary Catherine Wright, Bernadette Hori-uchi; (front) Megan Speer, Katie Anzalone, Sarah Massett, Patricia Lademan, Anna Adams.


Junior Ryan Doughty runs for the endzone.

Senior Alex McCullough runs over his oppo-nent to score.

Marion Miner stiff arms freshman Tom Debish.

Although they seemed to have the most spirited fans, the Under lost to the Upper: 32-6.

Troy Spring intercepts a long ball thrown by the Underclassmen.

Trevor Karas brings down Brian “Too Tall” Fox.

Freshman Rob Fetsko rushes through the defense. The freshmen scored once with a gadget play where QB Peter McNeely pitched the ball to Tom Debish who then threw a touchdown to Joe Long.

College Gives Students Ample Opportunity for Sport and RecreationChristendom gives its students the opportu-nity to play inter-collegiate sports (men’s soc-cer, basketball, rugby, and baseball; women’s volleyball, soccer, and basketball) but also provides many opportunities for intramural competition amongst students including flag football (both men’s and women’s), tennis, volleyball, whiffleball, dodgeball, 3-on-3 bas-ketball, and much more.

Christendom’s mission of “restoring all things in Christ” is not something that is relegated to the classroom or the Chapel, but rather, is a way of life that is lived day in and day out, even in the area of sports and recreation.

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