3X3X3 Marketing Strategyby: Frank D’Angelo, Broker/Trainer EXIT Realty Nexus – Minneapolis, MN Join our Referral Network at: www.MNEXITReferral.com 1

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‘3X3X3 Marketing Strategy’ by: Frank D’Angelo, Broker/Trainer EXIT Realty Nexus – Minneapolis, MN

Join our Referral Network at: www.MNEXITReferral.com 1

‘3X3X3 Marketing Strategy’ by: Frank D’Angelo, Broker/Trainer EXIT Realty Nexus – Minneapolis, MN

Join our Referral Network at: www.MNEXITReferral.com 2


Welcome and thank you for choosing this eBook associated with our proven and

successful „3x3x3 Marketing Strategy‟ written by: Frank Michael D‟Angelo –

EXIT Realty Nexus - Minneapolis, MN. I feel truly blessed to be with EXIT

Realty. Much of the material in this eBook is based on the great wisdom and

training provided by our technology gurus such as Jeff Lobb with EXIT Realty

International. Also, the technology tools leveraged in this 3x3x3 Strategy are

available from our EXIT Realty Resource Center and approved suppliers. In

addition, I highly recommend all readers of this eBook to go to

www.EXITRealty.com/Training and obtain as much technology training from Jeff

Lobb. Jeff is on studies and is on top of the evolving changes associated with the

technology tools will enhance your ability to build and generate more business.

Make sure what you learn from Jeff Lobbs‟ training and this E-Book does not sit in

your library. It must be in your life!

. All me Digital Contact & Social Media Information can be

found at: www.COACHDANGELO.com

‘3X3X3 Marketing Strategy’ by: Frank D’Angelo, Broker/Trainer EXIT Realty Nexus – Minneapolis, MN

Join our Referral Network at: www.MNEXITReferral.com 3

There is nothing more disenchanting to a sales professional who reads a document associated

with improving productivity when the document skirts around the actual elements associated

with improved productivity. This eBook is written with deliberate intent towards the specific

details, techniques and strategies that generates more productivity. To further enhance the

content in this eBook, it would be my pleasure to mindshare with you to elaborate on the details

associated with the methodologies described in this eBook. Let me warn the savvy professional,

that the content in this eBook will at the very least initiate a mastery review of your individual

marketing strategies currently being utilized.

Prior to introducing the concept of generating an extra $3 million in sales over the next 3

months; understand the fact that a change in existing marketing strategies will likely be required

by most agents. An inventory review of your existing marketing tool box is fundamentally

necessary to embark on a pro-active movement towards a more productive sales career. On a

sheet of paper, make a list of all marketing or lead generating tools you have purchased or

utilized in the past year. Next to each tool, note or estimate the annual expenses incurred

followed by the reason for purchasing. Also include the return on investment (R.O.I) if possible.

See the example below for the headings necessary for this inventory exercise:

Marketing Tool Annual Cost Reason for Purchase Annual (R.O.I)

IDX Website $420.00 Buyer & Seller Leads 11 Closed Ends

E-Listings $155.00 Listing & Buyer Leads 4 Buyers/4Listings

Active Rain Blog $2 hrs/wk Buyer & Seller Leads 24% of e-listing traffic

Facebook $15 mins/day Feed page to landing pages 12% of e-listing traffic

CraigsList $2 hrs/wk Feed page to landing pages 42% of e-listing traffic

List all tools purchased or utilized in the past year. After reviewing your own ‘Marketing Tool

Box’ and reading this eBook, you may be motivated to throw out or revise the tools necessary

to achieve your sales production goals established in your personal business plan.

The above example is also a partial sample of our very own lead-generating marketing tool box

associated with this „3x3x3 Marketing Strategy‟. Furthermore, the activity of reviewing your

own Marketing Tool Box will clearly define your new direction going forward. Before reading

any more, make the list now! Couple the activity of taking a personal inventory and also

consider the tools and strategies outlined in this eBook. It will provide you with a solid

marketing foundation to build your business to a new level of success and personal achievement.

If you haven‟t caught on yet; the 3 marketing strategies are all Internet-based and each of the

strategies are linked to each other with a deliberate intent to do four things: 1) generate buyer

‘3X3X3 Marketing Strategy’ by: Frank D’Angelo, Broker/Trainer EXIT Realty Nexus – Minneapolis, MN

Join our Referral Network at: www.MNEXITReferral.com 4

inquiries/leads, 2) generate exclusive traffic to your seller inventory, 3) track leads and

communicate buyer inquiries with clients and 4) generate „Raving Fans‟ who generate more


Lets‟ get started by illustrating the 3 Marketing Strategies. They are: 1) IDX Website, 2) Blog

Platform and 3) Social Networking Feed Pages. (Total Estimated Annual Cost <$950.00 of

this Entire 3x3x3 Internet Marketing Strategy)

(All 3 Elements from above illustration must overlap and feed each other directly)

Most sales agents already have some or all three marketing tools in place already. However,

they may not be effectively leveraging or working with each other. Often times, these 3

marketing tools are utilized independently without a strategic plan to leverage each of their own

strengths and benefits. Warning! If finances are impacting the decision to implement the

strategies associated with this eBook; then you may be experiencing a „syndrome‟ I refer to often

as; “An Agent Having a Going-Out-of-Business Sale with their Career”. Challenging market

conditions make most independent business people look at their over-head and reduce expenses

as much as possible to stay in business. That is a necessary and efficient practice, however,

whenever the marketplace has shifted; your success will be directly related to what we utilize to

adjust and adapt. That would be the 3 R’s. To Review, Re-Do and Renew whatever is

necessary to make the pro-active shift towards current consumer needs and trends in both

marketing and inventory preferences.




Primary BLOG


Personal IDX


‘3X3X3 Marketing Strategy’ by: Frank D’Angelo, Broker/Trainer EXIT Realty Nexus – Minneapolis, MN

Join our Referral Network at: www.MNEXITReferral.com 5

Also, the IDX Website you choose should have the appropriate Broker reciprocity agreements to

reveal all MLS inventory. Also, your IDX Website should have a consumer login or sign-up

feature that links consumers directly and instantly to you. There are many advantages and

disadvantages of requiring a registration on agent websites. It ultimately provides the agent an

ability to screen or qualify leads. Most websites can be set to provide free public information or

„thumb-nail‟ views of properties for the general „tire-kickers‟. Choose a website that is user

friendly and set the security settings to a level that requires registration once the consumer

initiates a more detailed look into the real estate property options. Consumers will bookmark

and comeback to your website for two main reasons: 1) familiarity and 2) it is user friendly. We

encourage or lead or direct consumers from our other 2 marketing platforms to register on our

website with incentives such as: accessing our future inventory or ‘Shadow Inventory’ that is

not currently listed on the MLS. Everybody loves a secret and everybody wants a great deal!

Take a look at one of our websites in the Minneapolis/St. Paul Metro area: as an example:


SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Background Information

This topic has evolved and shifted immensely over the past year from an expense related SEO

business to more interactive and relevant content-based internet business. As an example, last

year when all consumers in the country GOOGLED the word „Java‟, all consumers would have

the same ranked listings of pages associated with GOOGLE’s ranked ads pointing to the word

„Java‟. Now, that‟s all changed whereby each and every search varies with consumer tendencies

and their DNS location. For example, a consumer who frequents coffee houses from their

computer habits may produce coffee house ads as top ranked listings. A computer software

engineer might generate JAVA software ads as top ranked listings. What does this all mean to a

sales agent utilizing the internet to leverage their exposure? Beware of the internet marketing

SEO Optimists! They‟re going out of business because of relevant content-based material being

posted by agents. How can anyone guarantee #1 ranking of anything any longer, particularly if

the agent doesn‟t submit current or relevant content on their websites and blogs?

Also, Search Engine Optimization or SEO on the internet involves more than driving traffic to

the front page of a particular web site(s). Ego centric real estate agents are still marketing Web

1.0 websites. These „old school‟ marketing platforms literally do very little for their business

other than promote their own egos. This style of marketing was very popular in the late 80‟s and

90‟s during the independent business revolution. Back then, conventional brokerages were

literally raped by the independent movement of agents marketing themselves on the internet.

That also spawned a growth of independent brokerages associated with the popular desk fee

companies at the time. Top producing independent agents went wild with the internet by stroking

their own sales production records and egos on the world-wide-web. Those independent models

continued to grow in the 90‟s with already proven and successful agents who were effectively

utilizing the internet by independently branding themselves as the proven leaders the industry.

‘3X3X3 Marketing Strategy’ by: Frank D’Angelo, Broker/Trainer EXIT Realty Nexus – Minneapolis, MN

Join our Referral Network at: www.MNEXITReferral.com 6

The internet launched a brand of independent agents and the desk fee companies who

strategically placed themselves in the right place at the right time. Guess what? Things have

shifted exponentially again towards a much more digital era associated with the internet.

This new digital era has spawned an abundance of information sources available to the general

public. Consumers were educating themselves at incredible rates which also impacted the

business models for traditional agents who did not keep up with information boom. Education

and information has become a key to everyone‟s current success including real estate agents.

Post millennium, a new era of brokerages such as EXIT Realty promoting and delivering

training, technology and marketing tools spawned yet another shift in agent populations.

Over the years the internet has generated a more level playing field for real estate agents. Most

leaders and forward thinking associates discovered the need to network more, train more,

leverage more and continue to think outside of the box. A „New Paradigm‟ has shifted from the

conventional Web 1.0 marketing platforms to the more social platforms associated with Web 2.0,

2.1 and 2.2 platforms. In fact there is already a movement at an exponential pace towards what

is already referred to as the Web 3.0 social and interactive platforms. Agents beware! The

internet has shifted from the impersonal to a very social and personal information sharing

platform. Are you ready for this or are you having a „Going-Out-of-Business Sale‟? Keep this

in mind when thinking about how consumers have shifted agent marketing trends.

Across the nation MLS and IDX marketing websites can be generally defined categorically as;

‘Commodity-Based’ information resources. They are necessary resources for consumers to

obtain the raw and generally speaking, accurate facts associated with square footage, lot and

room dimensions, taxes etc. In my opinion, pro-active REALTOR associations will need to

adapt to this social trend by implementing ideas associated with more ‘Lifestyle-Based’

information sources. Otherwise, entities such as GOOGLE or ZILLOW can potentially take

over the entire MLS and make the REALTORS more dependent on third party entities! The

sooner MLS associations make that shift, the better.

The second marketing strategy associated with this eBook is a ‘Blog Platform’. There are

several to choose from. Some are free, others have fees. In the marketing tool box example

provided at the beginning of this eBook, Active Rain was the chosen blog platform. We have

experienced incredible success with Active Rain when considering its‟ Search Engine

Optimizing capabilities. It provides agents the opportunity to build and on-going series of

marketing ads for all listing inventory, any related consumer publications and creative articles

that might generate consumer interest. Remember, we‟re in an information era and if you‟re not

providing the information for your potential clients, someone else will. Make it your mission to

making your sphere the most informed consumers in their neighborhood. One of the more

important considerations associated with choosing a blog platform is ensuring the consumer easy

link-out access to your supporting or related search tools. The key in this 3x3x3 strategy is

that the links should be linking directly back to your IDX Website page(s) with direct links

‘3X3X3 Marketing Strategy’ by: Frank D’Angelo, Broker/Trainer EXIT Realty Nexus – Minneapolis, MN

Join our Referral Network at: www.MNEXITReferral.com 7

versus front page links, thus saving the consumer time to find or familiarize themselves with

your webpage. An example of our lead generating Blog that provides consumers the link-outs

back to our consumer friendly IDX website provide above is:

www.ActiveRain.com/metrobroker . Note the specific links associated with our signature

section at the bottom of every blog. This is one of our primary IDX web registration sources!

Today, consumers generally GOOGLE their search criteria and organically land on a

content rich blog ad specific to their search criteria before they go to any „Commodity-Based‟

Broker Reciprocity site. More details on optimizing ads later in this eBook. There are blog

platforms such as Word Press that are not third party in nature such as Active Rain, however they

may also be more time intensive with respect to the learning curve, development and

optimization versus the very popular and GOOGLE friendly Active Rain blog platform. To get

started with a free Active Rain Blog and at the same time subscribe to our blog for additional

support associated with training, go to: www.Activerain.com/referrals/metrobroker .

Keeping the above in mind, please remember that the vast majority of your internet marketing

ads should be directing traffic to one of the two ‘Landing Pages’ with direct links to the

appropriate subject matter related to what the consumer is expecting to see. The worst mistake

made on any internet ad or blog involves the following example: „Click here to find more homes

like this Minneapolis home etc… and the link brings the consumer to the front page of a new

website they are not familiar with and it requires them to make numerous additional clicks to

finally get to their desired or expected destination. This is the primary reason that generates high

consumer click-out rates and low retention rates on blogs. Good content generates good


Generating Exclusive Internet Traffic to your ‘Landing Pages’

The intent of this eBook is to provide enough detail for any agent to fulfill their promised

obligations made at the listing appointment. It is specifically associated with a digital marketing

advantage beyond the conventional competition as well as the promised weekly communications

most clients hope to receive from their real estate agent. This eBook will help with the


Generating exclusive internet traffic to either of the two ‘Landing Pages’ above and

beyond the competition, producing buyers, regular automatic client communications,

unique traffic reports, feedback and resources.

More importantly: Creating „Raving Fans‟, who will ultimately generate more future

business for you.

‘3X3X3 Marketing Strategy’ by: Frank D’Angelo, Broker/Trainer EXIT Realty Nexus – Minneapolis, MN

Join our Referral Network at: www.MNEXITReferral.com 8

Please note: This is designed to help the most basic internet user and the more advance

internet user. Be patient and bare with the basics in that it all strategically supports each

strategy associated with booking yourself solid on the internet in a more passive, social and

interactive manner. The steps following the section below will help you pro-actively shift

your business in your own marketplace. Enjoy! But lets‟ first dig deeper into understanding

current consumer search trends.

Where are consumers searching?

The obvious answer is on the internet. However, understanding the consumers‟ primary or

first organic internet tendencies is critical to our business. More importantly, it should also

comfort you knowing that traditional brokerages continue to spend advertising dollars

towards directing traffic to their ‘Super- Brokerage.com’ web sites that are limited to the

‘Commodity-based’ resources. Their primary goals involve company brand advertising

making their associates feel good about their brand combined with the additional revenue

they generate with the re-sale or referral income when they sell back the leads to their

agents. Some charge as much as 33% referrals for cold internet leads. This concept is very

similar to what most third party vendors do with their relatively cold internet leads to their

paying customers/agents who will pay for those leads.

Consider this. You Have No Real Competition!

Here is the saddest set of statistics you can test run in your market place as well. Below

you‟ll find a sample search from a very popular broker reciprocity site (Realtor.com) in a

variety of major marketplaces across the country. The search statistics below indicates the

number of average priced homes listed for sale in each market center that has multiple

photos. Take a moment and review these embarrassing statistics. Over 75% of average

priced homes listed on the market DO NOT have multiple photos. Imagine what the

percentage of listed properties do not have visual tours with this already limited

„Commodity-Based‟ consumer resource. This is one of the primary reasons consumers are

no longer utilizing public Broker Reciprocity sites as their first organic or primary search

tool. The statistics below reveal both good and bad news. The bad news is obvious

regarding the poor effort by many agents. The good news is that you really do not have

much competition if you apply these strategies on a consistent and persistent basis.


15% 23% 25% 22% 32%

‘3X3X3 Marketing Strategy’ by: Frank D’Angelo, Broker/Trainer EXIT Realty Nexus – Minneapolis, MN

Join our Referral Network at: www.MNEXITReferral.com 9

Today, the majority of buyers no longer do their initial search on the once popular major

broker reciprocity sites because they typically lack the visual stimulus they seek (as

described above). Whenever they want data associated with price, size and/or square

footage on a property they have previously located on a more „Lifestyle-Based‟ information

resource; they will then use a broker reciprocity site to obtain the „Commodity-Based‟

details to support their internet decision of potentially making a move into that property.

However, they have likely already contacted or embraced the first person they located

on their initial search (usually highest ranking agent who provided the ‘Lifestyle-

Based’ information). Likely, that person provided a detailed visual description that

enamored them enough to consider making a phone call or email inquiry to the agent who

provided that visual stimulus. Key word in the above is the initial search. The initial

organic search occurs on a search engine: i.e. Google, Yahoo, MSN, BING etc.

Lets‟ deviate from real estate for a moment and look at the Automobile industry. Think for a

moment how consumers might pursue a brand new car? Auto web sites allow consumers to

choose model colors, change interior colors, add, remove options, watch them in motion and

view all of it online. Real Estate consumers today are seeking the same by going to search

engines such as: #1 Google, #2 Yahoo, #3 MSN or any other favorite search engine sources

to do their initial search with specific terms that meet their specific needs such as:

Executive Lakeshore Home for sale on Lake Minnetonka, MN. They then look at the top

ranked front web-pages that provide one-click visuals of the information they are seeking.

One-click visual searches associated with key search engine words are the key!

One-Click Search is a key SEO Tip!

• * 75% of North Americans use search engines on a regular basis

• * 56% of North Americans use Search Engines every day

• * 40% of all search engine searches are for local businesses and services

• * 54% of North Americans regularly use the internet instead of the phone book to

find local services

• * 56% of Google users click the 1st organic result after a search query

What are Consumers searching for?

The question most agents ask at this moment is; “What are the consumers actually clicking

onto to find their real estate? They utilize their favorite search engines and are clicking onto

the organic links with subject specific digital tours of specific properties for sale, by simply

making only one click! They are tired of clicking through a multitude of steps associated

with criteria-based narrowing parameters to find what they want only to be frustrated with a

‘3X3X3 Marketing Strategy’ by: Frank D’Angelo, Broker/Trainer EXIT Realty Nexus – Minneapolis, MN

Join our Referral Network at: www.MNEXITReferral.com 10

one or two pictures associated with a public listing service. In other words, consumers are

clicking on optimized Craigslist, Active Rain, Oodle and/or Postlets virtual ads. That is the

key paradigm shift that has occurred in marketing real estate inventory on-line today. One

Click Optimized virtual ads are ranked at the top of major search engines because the search

engine spiders are reading fresh optimized material (digital photos and detailed

information) and posting them on the front search engines pages. Please note: Our

CraigsList Accounts have approximately 4 to 6 active ads per listing. I dedicate one hour

every Thursday for generating new ads for new inventory and one hour every Friday revising

or renewing expired ads from the previous weeks. Included in this eBook is my Social

Marketing Calendar that will actually provide suggestions on how to tastefully obtain your

own visibility in a viral manner. In my opinion, agents should not be wasting there hard

earned income paying others to optimize their personal IDX web sites. In fact, agents need

to provide the consumers as much information as possible offering the consumer an

opportunity to access the agent with a single click, call or text message. Idol IDX sites that

are waiting and expecting consumer registration and capturing contact information on-line

are old school marketing and are likely a hopeless waste of resources without the other 2

marketing principles we recommend. Get your viral visibility calendar (included in this

eBook) in effect so you can have internet consumers connect with you and your IDX

website. Furthermore, calling back or emailing cold internet leads without leveraging the

other 2 marketing principles is generally no longer recommended. Even today, most front

pages of agent web sites still brag about agent production levels and status within their

company. That tends to rub consumers the wrong way and increases click-out rates. More

good news for agents who are focused on keeping their consumers best interests first.

Consumers want information, not ego-centric marketing!

The next question agents have at this point is: How they can do this without spending a

fortune in time and money? The following Step-By-Step Guide allows agents the

opportunity to produce the necessary information for buyers and generate additional leads,

inquiries and ultimately more closed business. Let‟s get started with the theme; „a picture(s)

painting a thousand words‟.

Digital Photos

You‟ve heard this before. „A picture paints a thousand words‟. That is literally very true

and is a great tip to share with you regarding optimization. Let‟s start with any digital photo

you have ever posted on the internet that was associated with marketing yourself, your

business or your clients‟ properties. What did those photos tell the Search Spiders reading

your content before ranking them on their Search Engines? In most cases, the digital photos

were uploaded directly from the camera telling the Search Spiders the following sample

story: DSC095632, DSC095633, DSC095643 etc. etc. Correct??? When in fact they should

‘3X3X3 Marketing Strategy’ by: Frank D’Angelo, Broker/Trainer EXIT Realty Nexus – Minneapolis, MN

Join our Referral Network at: www.MNEXITReferral.com 11

be tagged or in simple terms, tell a specific content based story associated with the property.

The headings or phrases the general public most likely will be searching with on their

favorite search engines should match your photo tags.

Photo Optimization or Tagging

The basic process of converting your digital photos to tell a story associated with your

subject photo is very simple. Converting a photo from DSC095632 to having it tell a

business generating specific story on the internet (Search Spider Food) involves the

following: This is done by simply renaming (right-click on the photo) and/or re-saving the

digital photos using „key search engine terms‟ such as: 1st time homebuyer home for sale

Minneapolis, MN 55408 Stainless appliances. HINT: Rename the subject digital photos by

using less than 100 characters. A standard 600x600 DPI translates into literally thousands of

search engine words associated with re-naming or tagging the photos to; 1st time homebuyer

home for sale Minneapolis, MN 55408. This is all done with just one renamed or optimized

photo. More importantly, from this point on, lets‟ refer to optimized photos as great „spider

bait‟ and „Google Juice‟ for the major search engines. Think for a moment about your own

head shot photos you have uploaded on the web in the past! Do they tell a digital story about

what you do and where you do business? Go back and re-name/tag and re-upload your

existing personal marketing photos and enjoy the new found exposure with that simple tip.

The basic how-to-steps regarding tagging your inventory and your personal promotion

photos will be outlined in the following segment.

Go back to your computer and take the following basic steps to all the photos you have

uploaded recently and will upload in the future:

1. Right click on your desk top screen, scroll down to folder and create a new

folder. Rename the folder: ex. 123 Main St (if you have listing pictures) or

rename your marketing photos of yourself: ex. Minneapolis MN Real Estate

Broker Bank Owned Foreclosure Properties For Sale

2. Rename each picture for the subject property using key search engine words

that buyer would use on a search engine to find a specific type of property:

ex. Executive Lakeshore Home For Sale Lake Calhoun Mn 55408 (identifier

ie. Kitchen)

3. Store all your subject optimized or tagged photos in a labeled folder on your

desktop for quick access and future ads.

Congratulations! You‟ve you are now ready leverage all three marketing


‘3X3X3 Marketing Strategy’ by: Frank D’Angelo, Broker/Trainer EXIT Realty Nexus – Minneapolis, MN

Join our Referral Network at: www.MNEXITReferral.com 12

Uploading Optimized Pictures and Audio/Video Tours

Now that you‟ve signed the listing agreement and converted the raw digital photos with the key

search engine words telling a property specific story; you‟re ready to upload those photos to your

own listing on the MLS, your own personal website(s), visual tours and wherever else your heart

desires. However, the key point that will fulfill the obligations made at the listing appointment

regarding generating more traffic to their property than the majority of agents involves the

coordination of all 3 marketing platforms. That coordination process will be outlined later.

Create a virtual real estate show or tour utilizing your optimized photos described on e-listings

(exclusive EXIT tool) or any other virtual tour vendor that supplies virtual coding links and

tools. Upload a minimum of 15 optimized photos to the virtual real estate show/tour (as

described above re: optimization/tagging steps). Make sure to enhance the written script by

clicking the bilingual link allowing consumers to convert the automated tour/script to their

preferred language. (If you do not yet have an unlimited virtual tour vendor, unlimited call

capture marketing platform yet, purchase e-listings today and get started) The remaining steps

are exclusive to EXIT e-listings and may require adaptation steps for those utilizing other tour


Next, after saving the e-listing real estate show, click on the e-listing tool bar and drop down to

the links/codes menu. Most office administrators send out a company wide congratulatory

email identifying, Agent X with a new listing MLS#12345 in Town Z for $210,000. However,

most agents receiving this email simply discard it to the trash bin. Try this successful tip!

Simply email the Website Link provided by your e-listing tool kit, generate an email and forward

the web links to your office administrator in an email so they can simply network the news to the

entire company and region. The email should be generated by the agent and can be as simple

and direct as the following example:

Quality First Time Home Buyer Property Just Listed in Minneapolis, MN by Frank D‟Angelo

with EXIT Realty Nexus. Details and Tours can be seen on the property specific website

provided by our agent e-listing Tool Kit. Click Here for a Branded Tour: http://www.exite-

listings.com/15460 and if you feel this property qualifies for your client, forward this Un-

Branded Tour Link to them and let them know you‟ve already previewed the property for

them: http://www.exite-listing.som/15460unbranded

Once the office administrator notifies the entire company and region of the newly optimized

listing; it then becomes the agents‟ fundamental duty and obligation to drive visual traffic and

awareness to the new listing each and every week (see enclosed Cribsheet Calendar of a

Successful Agent). The tracking mechanisms associated with e-listings is our primary seller

resource for consumer activity. It also provides us with a great visual and acts as a medium for

our regular and consistent communication platform with the sellers. More importantly, your own

communication tracking mechanisms on the e-listing account provides you with immediate

‘3X3X3 Marketing Strategy’ by: Frank D’Angelo, Broker/Trainer EXIT Realty Nexus – Minneapolis, MN

Join our Referral Network at: www.MNEXITReferral.com 13

feedback of the „Feed Pages‟ that are actually directing traffic to the properties. You should

know what is working and what is not working!

Next Step: Most MLS platforms allows listing agents to click on their own listing and then click

on a „reverse prospecting‟ button that identifies all of the MLS agents who have a saved profile

of a buyer that matches the criteria associated with their new listing. The next step in generating

more internet traffic from qualified people to this tracking and marketing system involves

emailing (preferably BCC which stands for Blind Carbon Copy) each agent on the reverse

prospecting list the same or similar email that was forwarded to the office administrator as

described previously. Three quick questions! Will these activities generate more visual tour

clicks from qualified agents and prospective buyers? Might there be a few agents who may be

sleeping at the wheel or working another job while their buyers are waiting for that perfect

home? Might your clients see that you are going above and beyond the conventional marketing

efforts exhibited by most others? Obviously yes to all three!

The above two tasks and networking emails might generate hundreds of qualified unique visual

tour hits that most conventional marketing strategies might not generate. That‟s great news for

the first week of marketing; now lets‟ focus on hitting a homerun on the internet in the

subsequent weeks.

The next steps involve ensuring top rankings on major search engines including Google and

generating many more future unique internet visitors to the subject properties during the

marketing campaign.

This can be done by utilizing the e-listing production codes and tools provided. Start by

copying the „embeddable flyer‟ HTML code. After copying the lengthy HTML code that will

create a professional interactive online virtual advertisement, it can be posted on a variety of

Blog platforms that will be viewed by people specifically looking for matching properties.

Here is a sample HTML Embeddable Flyer code that produces the FREE Virtual Ads that should

be posted on your primary Blog Platform such as Active Rain. The other feed networks such as

CraigList, BackPage, Oodle, Postlets etc can also receive these codes:

<table width="770" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr>

<td colspan="5"><img src="" alt="Logo" width="770" height="50"></td>

The HTML sample code above is abbreviated and only a sample. HTML code will publish the

visual ads similar to the following ad and carry specific messages to the Search Engines.

‘3X3X3 Marketing Strategy’ by: Frank D’Angelo, Broker/Trainer EXIT Realty Nexus – Minneapolis, MN

Join our Referral Network at: www.MNEXITReferral.com 14

Sample Ad:

27XX 107th Ave Minneapolis, MN 55449 (Motivated Sale)

Click For Listing Website Click For Interactive e-Tour

MLS# 35xxxxx


3 Bed, 3 Bath

27xx 107th Ave

Minneapolis MN,


Frank D'Angelo


763-548-1444 [email protected]

‘3X3X3 Marketing Strategy’ by: Frank D’Angelo, Broker/Trainer EXIT Realty Nexus – Minneapolis, MN

Join our Referral Network at: www.MNEXITReferral.com 15

Places to advertise the optimized listing(s) and generate many more qualified virtual tour hits

than most Broker reciprocity sites will generate include: CraigsList.org, Postlets.com,

Backpage.com, Listing2Leads.com, Facebook.com etc. Our tracking data reveals a slim 14%

coming from the combined Broker Reciprocity sites, MLS sites and reverse prospecting links.

The remaining 83% of the tracked hits come from our agent specific ads, blogs and ‘Feed Pages’

links that will be described later in this guide: Posting the „embeddable flyer‟ link codes in at

least two places (others already recommended previously).

1. Post the html code onto Craigs list (remember to renew the ad after 14 days and/or

update the ad re: price changes). The beauty of the html code/ad is that it is a full

color optimized e-listing brochure that allows consumers to find it from any search

engine. More importantly, consumers can click onto your bilingual interactive visual

tours for more information and immediately access the listing agent via phone or


2. The second step excites us. Paste your html embeddable flyer code that will generate

almost as much independent traffic as your CraigsList Ad will be to post it on one of

the most GOOGLE friendly real estate networks: www.Activerain.com . We have

since piloted and endorse another automatic step here by including a multi-faceted

lead generator ad with www.Listings2Leads.com . It‟s a very cost effective lead

generating „Feed Page‟ ad that has become a great IDX registering source of leads.

Again, establish an Active Rain account as soon as possible, post an optimized profile

for the general public to find your ads and then post the embeddable flyer html code

as an independent post or should I say and independent and exclusive advertisement.

“I cannot emphasize the importance of establishing an active

rain account and posting virtual lead generating ads for

buyers and seller”. In no way am I suggesting you become a two hour a day

blogger on active rain”. I‟m simply suggesting you post your inventory on active rain

on your sellers behalf and post a „fishing‟ buyers ad that entices consumers to call

you „the expert‟. For more information on lead generating ads, I have already posted

a whole series of optimization and buyer generation activities on Active Rain.com.

Simply locate this special group called: http://activerain.com/groups/WWWEXiT

Feel free to read, learn and post additional tips for our associates.

3. The next lead generating tip is associated with Active Rain signatures and Profiles.

The signatures and profile settings are attached to each and every Virtual Ad or Blog

posted. The signatures and settings beside each and every blog must allow direct

linking to the lead generating IDX Website. Remember, the ad generated the interest

and the Signature links initiates continued linking to sites owned by the same agent.

‘3X3X3 Marketing Strategy’ by: Frank D’Angelo, Broker/Trainer EXIT Realty Nexus – Minneapolis, MN

Join our Referral Network at: www.MNEXITReferral.com 16

4. There are many other places to post virtual ads including Postlets.com Oodle.com

YouTube.com etc. The above steps will generate more optimized traffic to the agent

listings than most MLS broker reciprocity vendors can do. Furthermore, be

confident that the majority of agents will not be consistent with the simple

efforts associated with this guide. You can count on it!

Virtual ads allow consumers to access more information, pictures, bilingual scripts, tours maps

and quick agent access tools. Consumers who take the next step in viewing the property are

more likely to call for more information or set up a showing because they have qualified the

potential of living in that property. If the client calls the listing agent or their own agent for a

showing; it‟s a Win-Win for everybody. Typically, when viewers of the on-line real estate ad

book a showing appointment, they are more likely to be enamored buyers.

Here is an example and true story: We listed a small acreage in Buffalo, MN. The buyers

found the „one-click‟ virtual ad on Google (the specific ad was posted on Craigs list as described

previously from posting the „embeddable flyer html code‟ and they found the ad on Google).

They viewed it several times and even forwarded the ad to their friends and family. Here is

what the email said prior to setting up their first showing: “Here is the home we are buying, if

you want to come to the showing, let me know”. Of course, we arranged the showing when they

called. Here is what happened: We literally opened the door and stepped back. Mrs. Buyer

literally took over the showing and led the extended family and friends throughout the home on a

tour. We stepped back and proceeded to arrange the paperwork at the kitchen island as Mrs.

Buyer lead the showing tour. Please remember, this was her first time inside the home. Mr.

Buyer had no chance but to do the right thing and negotiate a deal with us. Mrs. Buyer was

literally enamored and they purchased a $675,000 home on-line in a market place that had

over 14 similar properties available for sale per buyer. She viewed and reviewed the

property on-line and made a decision to set up a showing. She mentally purchased this property

on-line because we marketed it in a „Lifestyle-Based‟ platform. All we needed to do was

facilitate the information, the showing and of course the necessary paper-work for a „sweet


Additional Optimization Ideas/Strategies

For those looking to do more advanced optimization, you can dabble in Meta Tags and

Descriptions. I strongly suggest your signature lines include re-direction domain names for your

sphere such as: www.BankOwnedEXiT.info (re-directs to our REO Real Estate Magazine)

Domain names can be purchased for a couple of dollars on GoDaddy.com

Note: Refrain from focusing too much attention on the keywords tags. It is mostly disregarded

nowadays due to abuse by people stuffing keywords that didn't belong into the web page. You

can almost skip this technique entirely. Focus on fresh content, optimized digital photos, quick

easy virtual access. There are other SEO strategies that can be leveraged to generate more

‘3X3X3 Marketing Strategy’ by: Frank D’Angelo, Broker/Trainer EXIT Realty Nexus – Minneapolis, MN

Join our Referral Network at: www.MNEXITReferral.com 17

traffic. However, there should also be limits to the amount of ‘techie time’ necessary to

improve your internet exposure. The more time spent on these efforts may negatively

impact your sales production. There should be some balance on all your activities.

‘Feeding’ your Business by Leveraging Social Networks

Facebook isn't exactly the: be all, end all for small business internet marketing, but it sure doesn't

hurt to start using Facebook and additional Social Networking Platforms. Why? Because social

networking or should I say, „Social Marketing‟ sites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are

very popular platforms for internet marketing. The key element of the success associated with

this „3x3x3‟strategy greatly depends on the social marketing aspect which primarily acts as

‘Feed Pages’ directing related and enhanced content to our lead-generating ‘Landing

Pages. Consumers are very familiar with navigating multiple social media sites and they are

prepared for personalized business networking. As an Independent Sales Agent trying to

generate more business; imagine that you are handling the internet marketing department for a

small business. You're not, of course, going to take over the world by creating communities on

existing social networking sites. However, imagine if you could build your own social business

network and build your target database and your own community or niche. In time, most people

including real estate agents will be old pros at building profiles, finding communities of common

interest, and sharing pertinent videos and articles. So get started now so you're not left behind.

Please note: Your competition will not do this with any consistency as evidence of abandoned

social networks hosted by active real estate agents surfaces everywhere on the internet.

Remember this, every business related post you make on a social network from this point on

should have a deliberate intent to feed or invite consumers who are interested in your title/feed

post to one of your two ‘Landing Pages’.

Social Networking Suggestions

1. Join Facebook and build your Business Page link(s) right away: The best way to learn how to

replicate a social networking site is to familiarize yourself with how they work. Use the „Friend

Finder‟ feature on Facebook to find people you already know, organize your data base into

categories such as: family, met group, out-of-state realtors, local realtors, clients etc. By doing

so, you can control who sees your marketing posts. Join or subscribe to groups that share

valuable information on how people interact on social networking sites. Post video clips and real

estate appropriate articles that interest you to see how others respond. You will also find that

Facebook allows you to make business contacts you would have never met in real life. Establish

your own business Fan Page and regularly invite new people to “Like” your page. Remember, as

you add friends, you‟ll want to invite them to Like your page intermittently. Your ‘Viral

Visibility’ will be directly related to the organization of your Facebook marketing ads.

Remember to schedule 1-2 hours per week on this habit. (See Social Marketing Calendar)

‘3X3X3 Marketing Strategy’ by: Frank D’Angelo, Broker/Trainer EXIT Realty Nexus – Minneapolis, MN

Join our Referral Network at: www.MNEXITReferral.com 18

2. Comment on other colleagues Blogs: This is as simple as social networking gets. People get to

know you, what you do, where you work and you get more traffic to your own sites!

3. Blog and Post deeply embedded web pages found on your personal website utilizing Feed

Sites such as: Facebook, LinkedIn, PingFM, HooteSuite, etc. Remember, your landing pages

are potential lead generators with invitations to register or see more details.

4. Post 4-6 types of CraigsList Ads per week. Several ads can be specific to each listing such

as an optimized HTML e-listing brochure, an Active Rain Blog ad etc. Other ads can be specific

to the community that promotes x number of listings and a link that points to those listings. A

third example ad might be associated with helping Sellers Avoid Foreclosure which in turn,

points them to one of the deeply embedded landing pages of your own webpage. If you have a

relocation page, post one additional ad per week in a different major US City offering MN

relocation services.

5. Open a Twitter Account: Twitter is a scaled down version of blogging. It‟s a great „Feed

page‟ and points to your Lead Generating „Landing Pages‟. Feed to your deeper pages of your

Website since they are great resources, however few consumers will find them unless you lead

them with an appropriately titled Social „Feed page‟ link. Essentially, Twitter allows you to type

160 characters about what you're doing at the moment. It seems a little silly, but many folks are

using it and effectively generating business from Twitter. Utilizing your own Twitter account

will allow you to gain some insight about how it might be helpful for you as you market your

own business.

Personalized business networks are already becoming the norm for the successful internet

marketing gurus. It's worth your time and effort now to learn how to use the social networking

sites upon which the personalized business networks will be based. Also, remember this simple

fact. The majority of your competition will NOT do these kinds of strategies with any plan or

simply won‟t do it on a consistent basis. When you develop any consistency with the above,

you‟ll begin to dominate your competition and enjoy your business more.

6. QR Codes are becoming popular „Feed Page‟ links. In a nutshell QR Codes stand for Quick

Response codes. It‟s a cell phone readable bar code that can deliver website information, video,

audio, emails, business card information in a digital format. People utilizing the QR Code

deliver are doing so on websites, for sale signs, t-shirts, business cards, property information

brochures etc. For example, the following QR Code will direct Smart phones to our website:

‘3X3X3 Marketing Strategy’ by: Frank D’Angelo, Broker/Trainer EXIT Realty Nexus – Minneapolis, MN

Join our Referral Network at: www.MNEXITReferral.com 19

How To Add 5,000 Points To Your Active Rain Blog In 2 Weeks!

Whether you're a new or an experienced Rainer on Active Rain, adding points quickly is possible

and is not very complicated for even the novice blogger. Most active Active Rainers, may have

missed some of the "low hanging fruit" I have recently discovered. Here we go:

1. Profile Points - Make sure you get all the Profile points possible. I still see veteran Rainers‟

with incomplete profiles. Pick the City you actually work or live in and do not be intimidated by

your competition. Stake your claim and start swinging the bat. Upload an optimized photo of

yourself (rename it first with your city, state and zip code), fill out all the contact fields, complete

all the descriptions, testimonials, etc.

2. Linking Points – Link to the so called, big hitters as much as possible. Put a large company

logo your blog which is the same as your website logo. Many agents brand their faces

significantly larger than their company logo, this technique actually minimizes your face as

being associated with the brand. If you don't have a personal web site yet, get one ASAP. You

need it for search engine ranking and it must be linked back to your blog platform such as Active

Rain. This is fundamentally the most important advice I have to say about this entire „3x3x3‟



3. Invitation Points - Get your invitation link and craft up an email informing folks about Active

Rain, and send it to as many agents, mortgage folks, appraisers, title, etc. that you know. Post

the link on your "other" blog or website letting others know about this great site for networking

purposes. Let me invite you again to Active Rain with this link:


4. Commenting Points - You will receive 25 points by simply commenting on other peoples

blog posts and you can do that 10 times max per day. I wasn‟t aware of this until a short time

ago, so I really could have done much better there on a personal level. The big hitters (Internet

Marketing Gurus) get the most points from blogging and the second most points from

commenting. I know there are many people who simply comment with words such as; "Great

post, thanks" to obtain comment points. Those types of comments do not generate points.

Comment because you have read the blog and you have something of value to add. Everyone

likes encouragement. That's helping you by building a community also.

5. Blogging Points – Here is one of the most important ones to include. Each blog post is worth

a minimum of 200 points and then you receive points when others comment on your blog.

Should your post become a "Featured Post" you will receive 500 points for a single post. Getting

featured posts involves stroking a few egos sometimes. Active Rain Ambassadors do have egos.

Oh, by the way; you‟ll rarely be featured or suggested if your signature is loaded with lead

generating links like mine does. If you have something worth while and think it might warrant

being featured, then I suggest you remove those links from your signature. Nobody really knows

what criteria warrants a post being featured, but I think writing for others is the key. If you see a

need and fill it, you'll get rewarded by writing a post that matters to others. So pick your topics

judiciously. But don't worry about that too much in the beginning. Search your skills - a web

‘3X3X3 Marketing Strategy’ by: Frank D’Angelo, Broker/Trainer EXIT Realty Nexus – Minneapolis, MN

Join our Referral Network at: www.MNEXITReferral.com 20

tip, a marketing tip, or time management tip that worked for you and write a blog post about it.

You may want to use the sites search to see if it's already been covered and then just get in there

and post away.

6. Prior to posting blogs; you should select the Groups section and join as many Groups that

might add knowledge and value to your business. When it comes to time to post your blog or ad,

you'll choose from a list of Groups to send your posts. There more readers you have, the more

comments you are likely to receive. Also, refrain from posting to Groups that your topic may

not really apply.

7. Now here's the hard part, since it involves some basic discipline. It is recommended that you

post and comment on 8 to 10 posts everyday or as often as possible. This can be easily done in

front of the TV in the evening, with your Notepad or Smartphone while typing a comment or

blog post. Paste it into your blog, spell check it, pick the chosen Groups, and hit send. Finally,

go to the Active Rain Dashboard, select a few featured posts and comment on those posts.

8. Re-Blog your own companies listings. All it takes is to simply log into your own account

and find your colleagues listings posted on Active Rain and hit the Re-Blog button. All of their

marketing and optimizing efforts now appear in your account and advertising platform. You

may generate the buyer for your colleagues listing. One organizing strategy for each office is to

create an Active Rain Group called; OFFICE REBLOG and have your agents within your office

join the group. This way whenever you post your embeddable flyer ads on Active Rain, you can

make sure this group receives the ads automatically and they can re-blog your own ad for


Crib-Notes and suggestions for your FaceBook Account

Post good content several times per week. Share news headlines, add links. Be engaging and

share other events (this promotes your visibility). Post photos and video. „Like‟ your friends

and colleagues postings. It makes them feel good and makes you visible on their News Feeds as

well. Set your default account settings to your own level of comfort with respect to security.

Invite people to your events and your friends events.

Be considerate of your friends by pacing yourself with good content and limiting both personal

and business posts.

Utilize the HELP center offered by Facebook for tips and ideas.

Have a plan and stick to it. Your competition will likely not have a plan or stick with one if they


See our „Social Marketing Calendar‟ to plan when and what type of marketing you want to


‘3X3X3 Marketing Strategy’ by: Frank D’Angelo, Broker/Trainer EXIT Realty Nexus – Minneapolis, MN

Join our Referral Network at: www.MNEXITReferral.com 21

I like to schedule out Social Marketing Links on www.HootSuite.com . It‟s a great tool for

reading, following and scheduling posts to a variety of your social networks. Remember, some

of your friends are on other social networks such as Pulse.com, FriendFinder.com etc. Utilize

your FaceBook account to find your own friend from your own email accounts.

P.S. I recommend you use a personal email for your Facebook account rather than your

business email. (JMHO – Just My Humble Opinion)

‘3X3X3 Marketing Strategy’ by: Frank D’Angelo, Broker/Trainer EXIT Realty Nexus – Minneapolis, MN

Join our Referral Network at: www.MNEXITReferral.com 22

Your 3x3x3 success will be achieved by employing a minimum of 20 days from the above

recommendations. Be consistent and persistent and your success will follow.

‘3X3X3 Marketing Strategy’ by: Frank D’Angelo, Broker/Trainer EXIT Realty Nexus – Minneapolis, MN

Join our Referral Network at: www.MNEXITReferral.com 23

As I conclude this eBook I wish to remind all readers to obtain more training from our very own

technology gurus such as Jeff Lobb at www.EXITRealty.com/Training . My hope is that this

eBook has provided you with the necessary tools, confidence and motivation to implement your

very own „3x3x3 Marketing Strategy‟ immediately. I am very confident that these strategies will

also fulfill your promised obligation of generating more traffic to your clients‟ listing, create

„Raving Client Fans‟ and getting IT SOLD! It‟s Time to EXIT Conventional Real Estate! Feel

free to contact me regarding any of the details associated with this eBook or to have our

Relocation Team provide your Minnesota Referrals the „Trusted‟ service you would expect from

one of the ‘Best Trained in the Industry’. Be with the best trained in the industry!

Thank you again and may your year be blessed with more double-enders!

God Bless you and your family!

Frank D’Angelo – EcoBroker


(612) 281-1033 (cell/Txt)


(Your Trusted Minnesota Referral)