FEBRUARY 11–13, 2010 PHOENIX, ARIZONA PRESENTED BY: BUILD A 2010 Exhibit Prospectus & Sponsorship Catalog

2010 exhibit prospectus & sponsorship Catalog · 2009. 8. 17. · Heating, Ventilating & Air Conditioning Insurance Lockers & Storage Equipment Maintenance — Building ... The leaders

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Page 1: 2010 exhibit prospectus & sponsorship Catalog · 2009. 8. 17. · Heating, Ventilating & Air Conditioning Insurance Lockers & Storage Equipment Maintenance — Building ... The leaders

StrongerFutureF e b r u a r y 1 1 – 1 3 , 2 0 1 0 • P H o e n i x , a r i z o n a

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2010 exhibit prospectus & sponsorship Catalog

Page 2: 2010 exhibit prospectus & sponsorship Catalog · 2009. 8. 17. · Heating, Ventilating & Air Conditioning Insurance Lockers & Storage Equipment Maintenance — Building ... The leaders

As an exhibitor, you are a vital component of the success of the National Conference on Education, and AASA is committed to providing you a forum to present your products and services to the education leaders and decision makers expected to attend.

Exhibitors are encouraged to make their viewpoints and concerns known to AASA or an Exhibitor Advisory Committee member throughout the year, or on-site at the 2010 National Conference on Education.

The committee provides a communication link between AASA and its exhibitors for the following purposes:

•Reviewingandprovidingfeedbackoncurrentand proposed exhibitor regulations

•Reviewingandprovidingfeedbackoncurrentand proposed practices affecting exhibitors

•SuggestingwaysinwhichtheNCEMarketplacecould be improved both from the exhibitors’ and attendees’ viewpoints

•ServingasaliaisonbetweenAASAexhibitorsand expo management staff

exHibitor advisory Committee

Jennifer AltiereMarketingSpecialist—TradeShowsARAMARKEducation630.271.2687altiere-jennifer@aramark.com

Staci CastleberryEventManager/Association&[email protected]

Ashley GreccoMarketingManagerFirstGroup [email protected]

Gwenn McDanielK–12SolutionsSalesDirectorJohnson [email protected]

Marlene [email protected]

Ketul ThakerNationalDirector,[email protected]

Sheri ThompsonEventManagerFollett [email protected]

Dana TilghmanTradeShow&EventsManagerSchoolwires 814.272.7277 [email protected]

dear valued Partner,

On behalf of the American Association of School Administrators, I invite

you to participate in the National Conference on Education in Phoenix,



powerful opportunity to demonstrate your solutions, emphasize your cor-

porate objectives and showcase how your company can help move public

education forward. For the 2010 National Conference on Education, AASA

has implemented a number of changes and new programs designed to


• New! Professional development on the NCE Marketplace floor —AASA


addition to exhibitor-led sessions for attendees

• New! ExpoSuites—exhibitorsmayrentexclusivesuitesinsidethe

exhibit hall to host private meetings and demos with attendees, hold

staff meetings, etc.

•New! Receptions in the NCE Marketplace on Friday and Saturday

• Increased dedicated NCE Marketplace hours— allow attendees more

time to visit the exhibit hall

•New! Coffee breaks on Friday and Saturday

• New! Priority housing for exhibitors—exhibitorswhobooktheirspace

by July 1, 2009, are able to secure preferred accommodations at

NCE-designated hotels before they are available to the general public

• New! Exhibitor Advisory Committee—designedtoprovideNCE


Information about these new opportunities and other exciting changes,

as well as 2010 National Conference on Education attendee demograph-

ics, sponsorship opportunities and the rules and regulations governing

exhibit participation, are included in this Exhibit Prospectus and

Sponsorship Catalog.

tHank you For your suPPort oF aasa and tHe national

ConFerenCe on eduCation. We look ForWard to seeing

you in PHoenix!


Kay M. Ferris, Director

Business Development and Exposition Management


Page 3: 2010 exhibit prospectus & sponsorship Catalog · 2009. 8. 17. · Heating, Ventilating & Air Conditioning Insurance Lockers & Storage Equipment Maintenance — Building ... The leaders





WelCome Customers From aCross tHe Country, all under one rooF

Claim your sHare oF tHe marketThe conference attendees’ annual budget for educational products:

34% under $499,99923%$500,000–$999,99919%1,000,000–$4,999,999 15% more than $5 million 9% uncertain

Aspiring School System Leader

Central Office

Chief Academic Officer

Chief Business Officer

Chief Financial Officer



Education Commissioner

ExecutiveDirector& AssistantDirector

Guidance Counselor

Library Staff

Principal&Assistant Principal

Professor&Assistant Professor



Superintendent& Assistant Superintendent


strengtHen your Customer baseAttendees represent more than 35,000


65% have final say or direct influence on purchasing for their district


41% said that they did not come with a specific buyingplan,butdiscoveredproducts/servicesthey would likely buy

60%aresuperintendents—CEOsoftheirschool districts

25% are brand new customers who have never been to the National Conference on Education before

77% have more than 21 years working in education

buildtHe rigHt audienCe to

your bottom line

dear valued Partner,

On behalf of the American Association of School Administrators, I invite

you to participate in the National Conference on Education in Phoenix,



powerful opportunity to demonstrate your solutions, emphasize your cor-

porate objectives and showcase how your company can help move public

education forward. For the 2010 National Conference on Education, AASA

has implemented a number of changes and new programs designed to


• New! Professional development on the NCE Marketplace floor —AASA


addition to exhibitor-led sessions for attendees

• New! ExpoSuites—exhibitorsmayrentexclusivesuitesinsidethe

exhibit hall to host private meetings and demos with attendees, hold

staff meetings, etc.

•New! Receptions in the NCE Marketplace on Friday and Saturday

• Increased dedicated NCE Marketplace hours— allow attendees more

time to visit the exhibit hall

•New! Coffee breaks on Friday and Saturday

• New! Priority housing for exhibitors—exhibitorswhobooktheirspace

by July 1, 2009, are able to secure preferred accommodations at

NCE-designated hotels before they are available to the general public

• New! Exhibitor Advisory Committee—designedtoprovideNCE


Information about these new opportunities and other exciting changes,

as well as 2010 National Conference on Education attendee demograph-

ics, sponsorship opportunities and the rules and regulations governing

exhibit participation, are included in this Exhibit Prospectus and

Sponsorship Catalog.

tHank you For your suPPort oF aasa and tHe national

ConFerenCe on eduCation. We look ForWard to seeing

you in PHoenix!


Kay M. Ferris, Director

Business Development and Exposition Management


Page 4: 2010 exhibit prospectus & sponsorship Catalog · 2009. 8. 17. · Heating, Ventilating & Air Conditioning Insurance Lockers & Storage Equipment Maintenance — Building ... The leaders

















Financial Services









Maintenance—Building&Grounds Equipment










Teaching Aids






Priority Point systemA point system based on the amount of space used in previous years is followed. An exhibitor accrues one point for each 10 square feet of exhibit and ExpoSuite space occupied during each of the most recent five years. Exhibitors also accrue one point for each year of participation, without limit. An exhibitor accrues an additional point if exhibit space is booked by July 1, 2009.

exhibitWHo sHould exHibit?If your company provides solutions to enhance the technology, services and facilities at K–12 school systems, you will meet your target audience at the National Conference on Education. Exhibits include:

sHoW your Commitment to PubliC eduCation!





Call 703.875.0761 today!


Page 5: 2010 exhibit prospectus & sponsorship Catalog · 2009. 8. 17. · Heating, Ventilating & Air Conditioning Insurance Lockers & Storage Equipment Maintenance — Building ... The leaders

Access to an audience of key decision makers with busy work schedules A unique opportunity to connect with existing clients while networking with new prospects.

Promotion of your participation to AASA’s membership of 13,000 school system leaders The National Conference on Education is a must-attend event, and is heavily promoted via mailings, targeted e-mails, newsletters, faxes, the Conference Program and other communications with our members.

Marketing exposure within The School Administrator — more than 20,000 print impressions each month AASA is dedicated to driving more traffic than ever before to the National Conference onEducationandintotheNCEMarketplace.

Online exhibitor directory and toolsYour company message will be included in the online exhibitor directory for all members to search.

New for 2010! As an exhibitor, you are provided self-service, online access to your account.

Dedicated NCE Marketplace hours NCEMarketplacehoursaredevotedtohelping you showcase your products and services without conference competition.

Enhanced audience Brand new conference programming for 2010 will attract a broader attendee base, including cabinet members, school boards and senior management professionals while continuing to offer high-impact leadership training and invaluable networking to the core audience of superintendents.

On-site exhibitor lounge Relaxwithyourco-workersandnetworkwithyour fellow exhibitors.

ExpoSuitesA convenient place for exhibitors to hold staff meetings, meet privately with potential clients or host hospitality events.

Additional promotional offerings Get the most for your exhibiting dollar by promoting your participation in and beyond theNCEMarketplace.Totebaginserts,NCEMarketplacescavengerhunts,mailinglistrentals and more offer promotional opportu-nitiestodeliveragreaterROI.

Show floor traffic buildersInternet cafés, coffee breaks, a relaxation station, receptions, exhibitor-led professional development presentations, educational sessions and fabulous prize drawings on the show floor will keep attend-ees front and center inside the hall.

Featured areas on the show floor include AASACentral,ExhibitWellness,KnowledgeExchangeTheatre,MusicPavilion, ExpoSuites and the Internet cafés.

Your Investment Goes BeYond the Booth

Call 703.875.0761 today!

imPortant datesJuNE 1, 2009 Exhibitor space confirmations and invoices begin to go out.

July 1, 2009To be considered for priority hotel placement, exhibitors must have secured exhibit booth space by July 1.

NOvEMbER 15, 2009 Final deadline for submission of company description in the Conference Program.

DECEMbER 1, 2009Balance due for exhibit space. On or after this date, full payment is required with exhibit applications. 100% cancellation fees apply to cancellations received on or after this date.

JANuARy 14, 2010 Deadlineforprovidingnameofcontractor.

JANuARy 20, 2010Final housing cutoff. This is the last date to make housing changes through the conference housing center.

FEbRuARy 3, 2010Advanced shipment deadline. To avoid penalties, advanced shipments must arrive at the Freeman warehouse by this date.

FEbRuARy 10, 2010 Shipment must be sent directly to show site no earlier than this date.

FEbRuARy 10, 2010 On-site exhibitor registration opens.

FEbRuARy 10, 2010 Move in

FEbRuARy 11–13, 2010 National Conference on Education

FEbRuARy 13, 2010 Move out


Page 6: 2010 exhibit prospectus & sponsorship Catalog · 2009. 8. 17. · Heating, Ventilating & Air Conditioning Insurance Lockers & Storage Equipment Maintenance — Building ... The leaders

ExECuTIvE lEADERShIPThe leaders of the future require extensive background knowledge and professional development in all aspects of executive leadership, whether they are a principal, cabinet mem-ber or head of a school system. These sessions help attendees to build effective teams, use a systems thinking approach for change, understand what succession planning really means and how school-level organization increases student achievement.

STuDENT AChIEvEMENTStudents of today must be prepared for a global society through innovative instructional practices, curriculum and technology. Sessions will include the hot topics of today coupled with practi-cal application strategies to help school system leaders deal with unions, pay-for-performance, observations and evaluations as they strive to improve student achievement.

bOARD/SuPERINTENDENT ISSuESWhether attendees are in a new job, new to a district or a veteran educator who has to work with a Board of Education, this year’s programming will feature panels of their colleagues discussing BOE/superintendentissuesandwaystodealwiththemyriadofissues that come across their desks every day. Attendees will learn how to build a great relationship, communicate effectively and deal with problems so there is a win-win solution for everyone.

DISTRICT MANAGEMENTChances are the current economy has put a damper on future in-novations for many school systems. At these sessions, attendees will learn how they can work through these turbulent times and survive the economy. They will hear about national standards, leadership techniques and use of technology for data driven re-sults. And, they will catch a glimpse at how social networking and current technologies can improve student achievement. Leading with knowledge is powerful!

FOCuS ZONE PARTNERSSupport of each focus zone includes recognition in all thought leader series and breakout sessions within that zone, in addition to all general sessions.

Innovator — $20,000 (exclusive to one sponsor for each zone)All sustainer benefits plus a sponsor-led breakout session

Sustainer — $10,000Logo recognition on: conference website, opening slides at the general session, Conference Program, on-site signage

Partner — $5,000Acknowledgement on: conference website, opening slides at the general session, Conference Program, on-site signage

The National Conference on Education is your best resource for targeted and focused investments. As a sponsor at the National Conference on Education, you maximize your company’s visibility with education leaders and help set your name apart from the competition. With a wide variety of choices offered for every budget, AASA helps you customize your sponsorship for maximum return on investment. Choose programs to fit your marketing objectives and watch your presence in the industry grow to new levels.

sponsorsPonsorsHiP oPPortunities

eduCational oPPortunities: FoCus zones



Page 7: 2010 exhibit prospectus & sponsorship Catalog · 2009. 8. 17. · Heating, Ventilating & Air Conditioning Insurance Lockers & Storage Equipment Maintenance — Building ... The leaders

bADGE hOlDER$10,000 Badges must be worn at all times by all conference attendees. Sponsoring the badges will guarantee visibility of your company logo throughout the conference.

bOOKSTORE$10,500The AASA bookstore is an extremely popular feature at the conference. In addition to extensive signage in the bookstore, bags and bookmarks are printed with your company’s logo, and collateral information is packaged with each purchase. All purchases over $150 are also shipped with your company collateralenclosed.Drawingevenmoretraffictothebookstore,early-bird reviews and author signings are scheduled each day of the conference.

CONFERENCE bAGS$30,000Conference bags provide long-lasting visibility for the sponsor. Attendees will receive a conference bag produced with the AASA and sponsoring company’s logos. These are quality bags that will be a “keeper” for all of the attendees. The sponsoring company will also be given the opportunity to place a collateral item in the bags.

ePROGRAM/CONFERENCE PlANNER NEw$10,000ThisapplicationisforsmartphonesandPDAstodownloadimportant 2010 conference information, including meeting and exhibitor information. This opportunity includes extensive corporaterecognitionatthe2010conference—exposuretoall attendees via pre-show promotion, high-visibility kiosk on-site and splash screens during application launch.

ExhIbIT wEllNESS wAlKING PATh$1,500Aone-milewalkingcourseontheNCEMarketplacefloorwill encourage attendees to get moving. Gain exposure by way of floor decals designed to direct the course for exercising attendees.

ExPOCARD & ADvANCE REGISTRATION PACKETS NEw$15,000Each pre-registered 2010 attendee will receive an advance registration packet which includes badge, admission pass and additional key meeting information. Sponsors will receive a corporate or product insert in the registration packet and logo recognition on the envelope. The advance registration packets also include an ExpoCard that allows attendees an efficient way to exchange their contact information with exhibitors. Sponsors may imprint a corporate or product logo on the front of the card.

hOTEl ShuTTlE$25,000The hotel shuttles are a great way to bring brand exposure to yourcompanyand/orproducts.Attendeesusetheseshuttlestoprovide transportation to and from the convention center andthe conference hotels. Sponsorship includes signage at each hotel, slipcovers for the bus seats bearing your company’s logo and collateral materials distributed at the convention center.

INTERNET CAFÉS (INCluDES All 3)$20,000Internet cafés are very visible and popular with conference attendees. Your company logo will be the screensaver on each computer and you will receive special signage at each location.

Promotional/advertising oPPortunities


Page 8: 2010 exhibit prospectus & sponsorship Catalog · 2009. 8. 17. · Heating, Ventilating & Air Conditioning Insurance Lockers & Storage Equipment Maintenance — Building ... The leaders

luNCh COuPONS NEw$1,000 + $8 per used couponSaturday, February 12, Noon–2:00p.m.Attendees use these special coupons in the convention cen-terrestaurantsonlyduringthisdesignatedtime.Reservethispremium opportunity to promote your product or booth on the coupon. These coupons are an excellent booth driver requiring attendees to visit your booth for pick up.

MINI MAPS$20,000Printed with your corporate logo on the front cover and corporate ad on the inside, these mini maps will provide critical information for navigating Phoenix. All attendees will receive this valuable resource in their registration bag.

NCE MARKETPlACE AISlE SIGNS NEw$7,500Placing your company logo on each aisle sign within the NCE Marketplaceprovidesgreatexposureandhelpsattendees navigate the expo floor.

NCE MARKETPlACE wATER STATIONS $1,000Sponsoring these four water stations positioned around the NCEMarketplacefloorwillnotonlybeappreciatedbyattendees,but will also promote your company via on-site signage and recognition in the Exhibit Wellness flyer inserted in each registration bag.

PRE-MEETING MAIlER NEwCall for pricingThe official 2010 conference pre-meeting mailer is sent by AASA to all pre-registered 2010 attendees. This one-of-a-kind opportunity allows participating exhibitors the chance to get their pre-meeting booth invitations, product announcements and other marketing messages into the hands of attendees as they plan their visit to Phoenix.

RElAxATION STATION NEw$8,000This high-traffic station is visited daily by attendees. Sponsor-ship includes signage, promotional materials and the ability to providestationstaffwithyourcorporateapparel.Distributingcoupons from your booth is an excellent traffic builder requiring attendees to visit your booth for pick up.

uSb MEMORy STICKS N E w$25,000Receivecorporateorproductlogorecognitionontheseusefuland handy resource tools. Attendees will use them to store and transfer information throughout the meeting and at their offices.These can be placed in the official conference bags or used as a booth driver.

Promotional/advertising oPPortunities (Continued)

exclusiveFor print advertising opportunities in the Conference Program, please contact Brett Goldfine of Sage.

Call 215.675.9133 ext. 226 e-mail brett.goldfine@


Exclusive sponsorship items* that may be distributed only by AASA-approved corporate supporters are as follows:


* No exhibitor other than the official AASA supporter will be permitted to produce/distribute these items at the 2010 confer-ence. Companies violating this rule will have items confiscated and will lose priority points. Exclusive sponsorship items are subject to change.


Page 9: 2010 exhibit prospectus & sponsorship Catalog · 2009. 8. 17. · Heating, Ventilating & Air Conditioning Insurance Lockers & Storage Equipment Maintenance — Building ... The leaders

GOvERNING bOARD luNChEONWednesday, February 10$7,000This luncheon is typically attended by the 25 members of the Executive Committee, 140 members of the Governing Board and AASA senior staff. This is an exclusive opportunity for the sponsor to meet AASA’s leadership. On-site signage will be pro-vided and your company representative will be introduced and given an opportunity to address the group.

COFFEE bREAK IN ExhIbIT hAllThursday, February 11 and Friday, February 12$10,000 for one/$15,000 for both Armed with a delicious cup of coffee, conference attendees will be “caffeine charged” and ready to walk the exhibit hall. This opportunity offers your company on-site and event signage, recognition in the Conference Program, and customized cup wraps encouraging attendees to stop by your booth.

ExPOSITION OF SChOOl ARChITECTuREthursday, February 11–saturday, february 13$10,000AASA’s Architecture Awards and Exhibition, co-sponsored by the American Institute of Architects and the Council of Educational Facility Planners International, honors architects for excel-lence in educational facility planning, design and renovation of schools to better fit the educational goals of the district and the needs of students. The winning designs will be displayed in the Exposition of School Architecture. Sponsorship of this display includes on-site signage, distribution of collateral material, and a hosted wine and cheese reception.

wElCOME RECEPTION AND ClOSING CElEbRATIONThursday, February 11 and Saturday, February 13$25,000This sponsorship provides an excellent opportunity for high visibility during the opening evening and final closing celebration of the conference. Sponsorship is limited to four exclusive companies at $25,000 each. Your logo will appear on promotional materials, on-site signage and throughout each event.

FEDERAl RElATIONS luNChEONFriday, February 12$6,000A prominent speaker will address topics in politics and educa-tion. The sponsor company representative will be introduced and given an opportunity to address the group. Special signage will also be provided.

hAPPy hOuR IN ThE hAll Friday, February 12$10,000Become a sponsor of the Happy Hour hosted in the NCE Marketplace.Thisopportunityoffersyourcompanyon-siteand

event signage, recognition in the Conference Program, and the opportunity to distribute logo napkins at each food station.

PAST PRESIDENTS DINNERFriday, February 12$3,500This annual dinner brings together AASA past presidents, their spouses, and current AASA officers and their spouses. The AASA executive director is the host of this event. Special signage will be provided.

PRESIDENT’S RECEPTIONFriday, February 12$10,000This is a festive evening reception featuring desserts and mixed beverages. The AASA president hosts this exclusive “invitation-only” reception for AASA’s leadership. The sponsoring organiza-tion will receive special signage and recognition at the event.

EFFIE JONES MEMORIAl luNChEONsaturday, February 13$6,000As a networking opportunity for women and minorities and all who support their leadership, this annual luncheon features a powerful speaker who will address one of today’s most press-ing issues. Special signage will be provided and your company representative will be introduced and given an opportunity to address the group.

AASA uRbAN NETwORKDate TBD$5,000This meeting provides an opportunity for leaders of state urban associations to share and discuss their experiences. The spon-soring company will have the opportunity to address the group and network with leaders. On-site signage and recognition at all five sessions will be provided.

lARGE CITy SChOOlS RECEPTIONDAte TBD$7,500This reception is a networking event for AASA members of large city and urban school districts. This is the perfect opportunity to host a social event for perhaps your company’s most critical market. On-site signage and recognition will be provided.

RuRAl RECEPTIONDate TBD$4,000This reception is a networking event for AASA members of rural school districts. This is the perfect opportunity to host a social event and address a group of school system decision makers. On-site signage and recognition will be provided.

reCePtions & sPeCial eventsPROFESSIONAl DEvElOPMENT SESSIONS IN ThE NCE MARKETPlACE NEw$5,000 (rights only)ExhibitingcompanieshavetheopportunitytoholdaprofessionaldevelopmentsessionfromtheKnowledgeExchangeTheatrelocatedinthecenteroftheNCEMarketplace.Specialacknowledgementwillbeprovidedandallsessionswillbepromotedinprogrammaterials.


Page 10: 2010 exhibit prospectus & sponsorship Catalog · 2009. 8. 17. · Heating, Ventilating & Air Conditioning Insurance Lockers & Storage Equipment Maintenance — Building ... The leaders

vISIONARy $30,000

lEADER $20,000

PATRON $10,000

SuPPORTER $2,500

Acknowledgement on the NCE website (www.aasa.org/nce)   3

logo  3   3   3

Acknowledgement on opening slides prior to each General Session   3

logo  3   3   3

Acknowledgement in the Conference Program   3 logo   3   3   3

Acknowledgement in The School Administrator   3

logo  3   3   3

Acknowledgement throughout the 2010 conference within the convention center   3

logo  3   3   3

visual recognition at your company’s booth (e.g., easel signs)   3   3   3   3

Corporate vIP badge ribbons  3   3   3   3

Complimentary conference registrations   36



One complimentary pre- and post-conference attendee list   3   3

Enhance your visibility, integrate your branding and stand out from the crowd!

RESERvE yOuR OPPORTuNITy TODAy!Contact Kay Ferris, Director, business Development and Exposition Management

Phone: 703.875.0761 E-mail: [email protected]

As a sponsor of the 2010 National Conference on Education, your company will receive the following benefits based on the total amount of your support:

Conference sponsorship is an excellent way to enhance your corporate image and is an important part of your marketing plan.Sponsorship allows you to differentiate your product and message. As a sponsor, your company will be at the forefront of this crucial audience of buyers. You will receive added exposure via the NCE Marketplace,marketing,promotionsandnetworkingevents.

nCe sPonsorsHiP beneFits



Page 11: 2010 exhibit prospectus & sponsorship Catalog · 2009. 8. 17. · Heating, Ventilating & Air Conditioning Insurance Lockers & Storage Equipment Maintenance — Building ... The leaders


Page 12: 2010 exhibit prospectus & sponsorship Catalog · 2009. 8. 17. · Heating, Ventilating & Air Conditioning Insurance Lockers & Storage Equipment Maintenance — Building ... The leaders

Application & Contract for Exhibit Space 142nd Annual Conference & ExpositionFebruary 11 – 13, 2010 • Phoenix Convention Center • Phoenix, AZ

Four Easy Steps • Apply Today!


Contact Name


Contact Address

Contact City State Zip

Contact Phone Contact Fax

Contact E-mail

Company Web Address

Company/Organization Name (as it will appear in printed materials)

Street Address (if different contact address)

City State Zip

Company Main Telephone #

If your booth will be branded under a product name(s) please list it/them:


If this company exhibited at NCE under a different name, what was it?


Last year that this company exhibited at NCE: __________________________


Booth Choice (visit www.aasa.org/nce to view current floor plan):1st Choice: ______ 2nd Choice: ______ 3rd Choice: ______ 4th Choice: ______ 5th Choice: ______ Size of Booth ___________

Please assign near _______________________________________

Do not assign near _______________________________________

Check One: I will I will not be selling merchandise. Check All Applicable Boxes First-Time Exhibitor Wellness Pavilion Requested

ExpoSuite Sponsorship Information Requested

3. RATES/PAYMENT: Exhibitor Rates: First-time exhibitors receive a $200 discount

$1,500 per 10’ x 10’ inline booth $1,700 per 10’ x 10’ corner or island booth

ExpoSuite Rates: $2,000 for duration of the conference $1,000 for 1/2 day rental

$500 for 2 hour rental (minimum)

(Only ExpoSuite rates include rental of furniture and floor covering)

Priority Point System: A point system based on the amount of space used in previous years is followed. An exhibitor accrues one point for each 10 square feet of exhibit and ExpoSuite space occupied during the last five years. Exhibitors also accrue one point for each year of participation, without limit. An exhibitor accrues an additional point if exhibit space is booked by July 1, 2009.


ID Number _____________________________

Date Received __________________________

Booth(s) Assigned _______________________

Booth Size/Dimensions __________________

Total Booth Cost $ ______________________

Deposit Amount $ _______________________

Balance Due $ __________________________

Confirmation ___________________________

Priority Points ___________________________

AASA Signature/Date:


4. AGREEMENT:I, the undersigned, hereby make application for exhibit space at the National Conference on Education (NCE) 2010 Exposition. I am an authorized representative of the company and with the full power and authority to sign and deliver this Application. I hereby agree to the rules and regulations of exhibition with AASA.

Authorized Printed Name Authorized Signature Date

Return Signed Applications to: American Association of School Administrators; ATTN: Exposition; 801 North Quincy Street, Suite 700; Arlington, VA 22203; Phone: 703-875-0706; Fax: 703-528-2146AASA’s tax ID number is: 54-1999773

Payment Method Check – (AASA will accept U.S. funds drawn on U.S. banks only.)Make checks payable to the American Association of School Administrators – Exhibits

Credit Card: (check one) Visa MasterCard American Express Discover Card

Credit Card Number Exp. Date CSV # (3-digit # on back of card)

Cardholder’s Name (Print) Phone E-mail

I, the undersigned, authorize the American Association of School Administrators to charge my credit card for the amount listed on this Application & Contract for Exhibit Space plus a 3% processing fee.

Cardholder’s Signature

Amount Being Paid* As of Dec 1, 2009, full payment is required with Application.50% Deposit $___________ Or 100% payment $ __________- $200 for First-Time Exhibitor $ __________+ 3% processing fee (for credit card payments only) $__________Total $____________

Please note: Mathematical errors in this section of the Application will be disregarded. Accurate applicable amounts, according to the rate schedule and date payment was received by AASA, will be charged. These charges include the booth space payment and the 3% credit card processing fee.

Page 13: 2010 exhibit prospectus & sponsorship Catalog · 2009. 8. 17. · Heating, Ventilating & Air Conditioning Insurance Lockers & Storage Equipment Maintenance — Building ... The leaders

1. Payment Policy — All Exhibit Applications/Contracts must be accompanied by a fifty percent (50%) deposit of the total booth rental fee for the space requested. Exhibit space is not guaranteed and will not be held without appropriate deposits. Should Exhibitor fail to pay for exhibit space in full by December 1, 2009, AASA shall have the right to retain the Exhibitor’s deposit and resell, use or otherwise dispose the of Exhibitor’s space in any manner deemed appropriate by AASA. Failure to make payment will be considered as a cancellation by the Exhibitor and shall entitle AASA to recover liquidated damages as provided in Cancellations/Refunds below.

2. Cancellations/Refunds — Cancellations must be made in writing (e-mail is accepted); they cannot be taken over the phone. Any exhibitor canceling booth space on or before December 1, 2009, will receive a refund less 50% of the total rental cost for each booth requested. Any company canceling after December 1, 2009 forfeits the entire booth rental fee (no exceptions). Reductions or downsizing in booth space will be treated as booth cancellations; refunds will be made accord-ingly. Cancellations are effective as of the date of receipt. If a company does not occupy and exhibit in the designated space at the opening of the Exposition, and has not given AASA the required written notice of cancellation, then AASA shall have the right to use the exhibit space in such a manner as it may deem in the Exposition’s best interest. Failure to occupy exhibit space does not relieve the exhibitor from their obligation to pay the full booth rental fee. Any exhibiting company canceling with a balance due is responsible for paying the remainder in full within 30 days of the cancellation.

3. Exhibits, Eligibility, Assignment and Relocation — AASA reserves the right to determine the eligibility of any company or product for inclusion as an Exhibitor. Exhibitor understands and agrees that AASA has sole discretion on the assignment of booths and is under no obligation to assign Exhibitor any of the five booths preferred by the Exhibitor. AASA reserves the right to alter Exhibitor’s assigned location any time in its sole discre-tion if deemed in the best interests of the exhibit. AASA also reserves the right to alter the exhibit hall floor plan at any time.

4. Moving and Removal of Exhibits — Exhibits may be moved into the hall beginning Wednesday, February 10, 2010. No materials can be accepted in the exhibit hall before this time. Exhibits must be set up by 5:00 p.m. on the evening prior to the opening of the exposition. Displays must remain fully in-tact and manned during exposition hours. Any dismantling, re-arranging, or removal of displays prior to specified dismantling hours will jeopardize the Exhibitor’s participation in future AASA shows and will result in loss of priority points. No goods shall be removed from the building until all bills accumulating against Exhibitor are fully paid, and for which AASA shall have a lien. In case of attachments or other legal proceedings brought, AASA reserves the right to take charge of exhibits.

5. Subletting Space — No Exhibitor shall assign, sublet, or apportion the whole or any part of the space allotted to him, or them, or exhibit therein, any other goods, apparatus, etc. than those manufactured or sold by the Exhibitor in the regular course of business. Subdivisions and subsidiary organizations that share space with a parent company will not be recognized as an exhibitor.

6. Exhibit Services and Exhibitor Appointed Contractors — As a convenience to Exhibitors, AASA has selected certain firms as official contractors for the 2010 Exposition, with labor and equipment to be provided at prevailing rates and terms. The official service contractor for the AASA’s National Conference on Education is Freeman. AASA assumes no liability or responsibil-ity whatsoever related to the performance or nonperformance by such firm or firms. Exhibitors who plan to have an Exhibitor Contractor (other than the official service contractor) unpack, erect, assemble, dismantle, and pack display/equipment must abide by the following regulations: The Exhibitor shall notify AASA in writing by January 14, 2010, the name of the contractor, address, and the supervisor who will be in atten-dance. Failure to make such notification will result in refusal of admission to exhibitor appointed contractors.

7. Displays — Exhibitors must adhere to IAEM guidelines for all displays/exhibits. Exhibitor displays which do not meet IAEM guidelines must be approved by Show Management prior to the conference. Exhibitors who assemble a display that does not meet IAEM guidelines or obstructs sight to other exhibitor booths will have their booths moved, rearranged, or dismantled at the exhibitor’s expense.

8. Empty Crates and Boxes — Exhibitors may not store containers, crates, or boxes in their booths. AASA has the right to enforce this policy at the exhibiting company’s expense. All Exhibitors may request that the official service contractor store empty crates and boxes for reuse prior to the opening of the exposition. Excelsior and paper will be removed from all packing boxes before going to storage.

9. Shipments of Exhibits — All shipments by rail, motor freight, or air must be prepaid and made on a straight bill of lading and carefully prepared to show number of pieces, weight classifica-tions, carrier, routing to show, delivering carrier, etc. A copy of

bills of lading and notice of shipment should be mailed to the official service contractor at the address listed in the Exhibitor Service Manual. Shipments made in Exhibitor’s own truck or not covered by bills of lading must be accompanied by a delivery ticket showing number of pieces, weights, etc. All shipments must be prepaid. Shipments consigned to the official service contractor will be received, handled, sorted, and delivered to the Convention Center docks at the rates listed in the Exhibitor Service Manual. All labor will be at prevailing rates. Minimum charges will be listed in the Exhibitor Service Manual.

10. Placement and Care of Exhibit Space — All goods of rea-sonable weight and bulk will be placed in exhibit space by AASA or its appointed contractors. Exhibitor shall properly protect and maintain its exhibit space and appurtenant property. Exhibitors shall pay AASA or its designee the cost of restoring Exhibitor’s space and appurtenances to the condition as of initial use by the Exhibitor; reasonable wear and tear expected.

11. Floor Covering — All Exhibitors must carpet/cover the floors of their entire booth area. Any booth not carpeted by 5 p.m. on the evening prior to the opening of the exposition will be done so by Freeman at the Exhibitor’s expense.

12. Exhibitor Admission and Access — Exhibitors earn six (6) complementary registrations per 100 square feet of space (or each 10 x 10 booth rented). Additional exhibit registrations may be purchased for $59.00 each. All company representa-tives must register upon arrival and wear AASA furnished identification badges at all times. Exhibitor registrations are non-transferable and non-refundable. Exhibitors and distributors will be allowed to enter the Exhibit Hall ONE HOUR before the Exposition opens each day. There are no exceptions to this policy.

13. Conflicting Meetings and Social Activities — In the inter-est of the success of the entire convention, Exhibitor agrees not to extend invitations to meetings, receptions, or other so-cial events, or otherwise encourage attendee absence from the convention or Exhibit Hall during official show hours. Exhibitors must obtain approval from Show Management for all activities planned during the course of the convention. AASA reserves the right to request and enforce cessation of any non-approved activity as it sees fit.

14. Food and Beverage — Any food and beverages larger than 2 oz. sample size may only be distributed in the exhibit hall with prior approval by Show Management. If approved, all food and beverages must be ordered from the official caterer designated by the convention facility.

15. Prize Drawings and Promotions — All drawings, promo-tions, prizes and related activities must be pre-approved by Show Management prior to the conference and exposition. No drawings or sweepstakes that require the purchase of raffle or lottery tickets are permitted. Drawings must be available to all paid AASA attendees (except persons under 18 years of age, exhibitors and exhibit personnel, and AASA staff). Registration for drawings must be done within the confines of the rented exhibit booth(s) and may not distract from other exhibitor dis-plays. No cash prizes, automobiles, or food/beverages may be awarded as prizes. Exhibitors cannot require attendees to be present to win. AASA reserves the right to request and enforce cessation of any activity as it sees fit.

16. Exclusive Sponsorship Items — Exclusive* sponsorship items which may be distributed only by AASA-approved corpo-rate supporters, are as follows: AASA Official Badge Holder, AASA Official Conference Bag, AASA Mini Map of Phoenix. *No exhibitor other than the official AASA supporter will be permitted to produce/ distribute these items at the 2010 National Confer-ence in Education. Companies violating this rule will have items confiscated and will lose all priority points for the 2010 National Conference on Education. Exclusive sponsorship items are subject to change.

17. Insurance — AASA shall not be liable for loss or damage of any article of equipment or property of Exhibitor that Exhibitor may suffer during installation or removal or during the exhibit itself, by reason of robbery, fire, accident or any other destruc-tive cause. Insurance must be placed by the Exhibitor. Exhibitor shall, at its own expense, secure and maintain through the period of the exhibit, inclusive of move-in and move-out days, the following insurance: (a) workers’ compensation insurance; (b) employer’s liability insurance with limits not less than $1,000,000 each accident; and (c) comprehensive general liability insurance with limits not less than $1,000,000 each (occurrence combined single limit) for bodily injury and property damage. Required comprehensive general liability and liability insurance policies shall name AASA, its affiliates and their respective officers, directors, agents, and employees, as ad-ditional insurers.

18. Indemnification and Waiver — Exhibitor agrees to indem-nify, hold harmless and defend AASA, the Phoenix Convention Center, and the City of Phoenix and their respective members, officers, directors, agents and employees (‘indemnities’) from and against any and all liabilities, damages, actions, losses, claims and expenses (inclusive of attorney’s fees) on account of personal injury, death, or damage to or loss of property or

profits arising out of or contributed to by any act, omission, negligence, fault, or violation of a law or ordinance by the Exhibi-tor or its employees, agents, contractors, patrons, and invitees. Exhibitor hereby waives each and every claim that arises or may arise in its favor against any one or more of the indemnities for any and all losses of damage covered by valid and collectible insurance. Such waiver precludes the assignment of any claim by subrogation or otherwise.

19. Protection of Facilities and the Public — Exhibitor shall not use the exhibit facilities or permit them to be used by any employee, patron, contractor, or invitee: (a) for any illegal pur-pose; (b) in conflict with any applicable law, ordinance, rule, or regulation of any governmental authority; (c) in any manner that could violate the insurance or increase the rate of insurance on the facilities; (d) in any manner that constitutes any waste or nuisance; (e) in any manner that causes any injury to the facili-ties; or (f) in violation of any applicable rule or regulation issued by management of the exhibit facilities.

20. Facilities Rules — Exhibitor agrees to comply with all rules and regulations prescribed by the management of the exhibit facilities, meet the requirements of all local authorities, and obtain, at their own expense, any necessary permits, licenses, or equipment, should any be required for the particular indi-vidual displays or the particular exhibit of the Exhibitor. Exhibitor agrees that failure to conform to all facilities and city rules and regulations may result in the close of its exhibit by AASA.

21. Audiovisual Equipment — Audiovisual equipment that will enable Exhibitors to show manufacturing processes and similar matters may be used providing the users adhere strictly to the following provisions. The machines must be self-contained, fireproof, acceptable to the Phoenix Convention Facilities Public Safety and Fire Management Plan, and safe in every detail. The sound must be kept at a volume not to exceed that of normal conversations, 80 decibels. It must not interfere with neighbor-ing Exhibitors, and must be devoted exclusively to the business of the Exhibitor. The operator must be in the space, not in the aisle. The film and/or tape must be approved by Phoenix Con-vention Facilities Public Safety and Fire Management Plan.

22. Violations — If Exhibitor defaults in the performance of any term of this contract (inclusive of payment of fees, mainte-nance of insurance, and compliance with any and all rules and requirements concerning the use of the exhibit facilities), AASA, at its option, may immediately terminate this contract. Upon such termination, Exhibitor’s rights and privileges under this contract shall terminate, and AASA shall have the right to take possession of the space occupied by the Exhibitor and to re-move all persons and goods, without any liability whatsoever to the Exhibitor. In addition, AASA shall be entitled to recover any and all damages caused, in whole or in part, by such default, including liquidated damages. AASA shall be entitled to pursue any and all appropriate remedies and to recover attorney’s fees and costs. To secure performance of Exhibitor’s obligations under this contract, Exhibitor hereby grants AASA a lien against all property of the Exhibitor in the exhibit facilities.

23. Union Labor — Exhibitors shall be bound by all contracts in effect between service contractors, the Phoenix Convention Center and labor organizations.

24. Miscellaneous — Neither company shall be liable for failure to perform its obligations, if prevented from doing so by any cause beyond its reasonable control, inclusive of fire, flood, riot, earthquake, hurricane, civil commotion, insurrection, Act of God, labor disputes, strikes, war, shortage of or inability to obtain materials, supplies or utilities, or any law or government action that becomes effective after the date of execution of this contract. If any provision of this contract is held invalid or unenforceable under applicable law, such provision shall be ineffective, without invalidating the remaining provisions hereof. The headings of this contract are intended for convenience of reference and shall not affect their interpretation. This contract contains the entire understanding of the parties, and there are no representatives, warranties, or undertaking other than those expressly set forth herein.

25. Cancellation of Show — In the event the show is canceled because of a reason beyond the control of AASA, space rental fees or deposits already paid will be returned to Exhibitors on a priority basis after all related show expenses incurred by AASA through the date of cancellation have been met plus an administrative fee and overhead charges. However, Exhibitors will not be reimbursed if the Exhibition is canceled, postponed, curtailed or abandoned due to an act of war, insurrection, radio-active contamination, seepage, pollution, or contamination.

26. Amendment to Terms and Conditions — Any and all matters or questions not specifically covered by the terms and conditions contained herein shall be subject to the sole discre-tion of AASA. AASA may, in its sole discretion, make reasonable changes, amendments, or additions to these terms and condi-tions. Any such changes shall be binding on Exhibitor equally with the other terms and conditions contained herein.

2010 Exhibitor Rules and Regulations

Page 14: 2010 exhibit prospectus & sponsorship Catalog · 2009. 8. 17. · Heating, Ventilating & Air Conditioning Insurance Lockers & Storage Equipment Maintenance — Building ... The leaders

ExhIbIT SAlESKay FerrisDirector,Business Developmentand [email protected]

lOGISTICS AND PAyMENTSPei hungBusinessDevelopmentandExhibits [email protected]

FREEMANJim TomenyNationalAccountManager,National Sales [email protected]


A Fashion Hayvin, Inc.AAF/McQuayAcademic InnovationsAcademicResearch

ProfessionalsAcellus Learning System-

International Academy of Science

ACT, Inc.ADTSecurityServices,Inc.Advantas Consulting, LLCAIGRetirementAlertNowAlexandria/KeepnTrackAmerica’s Foundation For

ChessAmerican Education

CorporationAmerican Fidelity Assurance

Co.American Library AssociationAmericanPublicUniversityAmericanSchool&University


(ASQ)Ameristar Fence ProductsApangea Learning, Inc.APEX LearningARAMARKEducationArcherManufacturingASVAB Career Exploration

Program(USMEPCOM)Audio EnhancementAVRoverAwardPlace.comAWEAXA EquitableBaldridgeNationalQuality


for AutismBeyondQuestionsLearning

Technologies Inc.Bioclimatic Air Systems, LLCBlackboard Connect Inc.BoardDocsByEmeraldData

SolutionsBrainPOPBrivo Systems, LLCCaliforniaCasualtyAtAuto&

Home InsuranceCalvert Education ServicesCambridge Educational

ServicesCambridge Strategic ServicesCarnegie Learning, Inc.CDCDivisionofAdolescent&

School HealthCEIA-USA

Channel One NetworkCHARACTERCOUNTS!ChartwellsCHPAClaridgeProducts&Equipment,

Inc.Class.comCoastal EnterprisesCommonSenseMediaCOMOTIVSystemsCompassLearningCouncil of Educational Facility

Planners International (CEFPI)


Creative Learning SystemsCrisisManagementPlanfor





Public Sourcing SolutionsE-LangLab, LLCE-RateOnline,LLCEChalkEClassroomEdison Schools, Inc.EdlineEducation Logistics, Inc.Education Service Center


DirectionsEducationalResearchServiceEducational Services of


Intercom NetworkEPECErase-RighteSchool NewsEspar Products, Inc.ESRIEvergreen PackagingEveryday WirelessExcel Alternative SchoolsExcelsior Software


PartnersFieldTurf TarkettFirst Student, Inc.Flashmaster LLCFollett SoftwareForrestT.Jones&CoInc.Freedom Concepts Inc.GardeningWithKidsGCA Services Group, Inc.General ASP Inc.GenetecGeorgia Chair CompanyGlobal Compliance NetworkGlobal ConnectGoethe-InstitutGreat American Financial

Resources,IncHampden Engineering

CorporationHandwriting Without Tears, Inc.Happy Feet Gel InsolesHarris Connect Graduate

ConnectionHarvard Education Publishing

GroupHeery InternationalHeifer InternationalHOPSports, Inc.HotChalkHoughtonMifflinHarcourt

Supplemental PublishersHugh OBrian Youth LeadershipHuntington Learning Centers

Inc.Hussey Seating Co.IDEAPartnershipIdeaPaintIllinois Association of School


TechnologiesInnovative Educational

Programs, LLCInnovative Learning LimitedIntand CorporationInternational Baccalaureate

OrganizationInternational Society for

Technology in EducationInventNowKids,Inc.IQ-ityISS Facility Services Inc.It Works- Inches GoneJiangsu Education Services

for International Exchange- JESIE

Johnson Controls, Inc.K-5KaplanK12InsightK12Systems,Inc.KaplanCollegePreparatory

SchoolKaplanK-12LearningServicesKellyEducationalStaffingKLCSchoolPartnershipsKnowledgeDeliverySystemsL-1 Identity Solutions, Inc.Learning Sciences InternationalLearning.Com, Inc.LifeTrack Services, Inc.LightSPEEDTechnologies,Inc.Lindamood-Bell Learning

ProcessesLJ CreateManufacturersApplied



Products AssociationNational Association of School

ResourceOfficersNational Association of

Secondary PrincipalsNational Board for Certification

in Occupational Therapy, Inc.-NBCOT

National Board for Professional Teaching Standards

National Insurance ServicesNational Joint Powers AllianceNational School Boards

AssocationNational School Public

RelationsAssociationNational School Transportation

AssociationNational Student

ClearinghouseNavajoJewelry&CraftsNavianceNERRTCNetchemia, LLCNora® Systems, Inc.NovaSoutheasternUniversity/

Fischler School of Education and Human Services

O4 SchoolsOne Call Now

Opportunity Education Foundation–SisterSchools

Optimize: Professional Development,LLC

Outdoor Aluminum, Inc.ParentLinkPartnership for ExcellencePaxton/PattersonLLCPearsonPepperdineUniv.Grad.School

ofEdu.&Psych.Perma-CoatPitney BowesPitsco SystemsPlanware Systems, LLCPlascoIDPMAFinancialNetwork,Inc.PolaroidIDSystemPower ITPreferred Educational SoftwarePreferredMealSystemsInc.Premier Election SolutionsPreparedResponse,Inc.Project 7th GradeProjectFROGPromethean/LogisticalChoice

TechnologiesPropell CorporationPSST WorldRenaissanceLearningRhymesN’TimesRightDecisions,RightNowRomexsoftUSAInc.RosettaStoneRTHProcessing,IncSadlierSAFARIMontageScholarChipScholasticProfessionalMediaSchoolDatebooks,Inc.SchoolDistrictUSchoolInnovations&AdvocacySchoolPlanning&

ManagementMagazineSchool WebmastersSchoolDude.comSchoolFusionSchoolMessengerSchoolNet, Inc.SchoolTipline, Inc.SchoolwiresSchwabe BooksShield the VulnerableSimple TruthsSkyward, Inc.SmarthinkingSnapSportsSodexoSolution TreeSoundtree

Southern Bleacher CompanySpiralUniverseSportsGraphics, Inc.SSC Service SolutionsSturdisteel CompanySuccess for All FoundationSuccess FoundationSunGard Public SectorTandalay CurriculumTeacher Appraisal SystemTeachers College InnovationsTeleParent Educational

SystemsTesco Library FurnitureThe American AcademyThe BizWorld FoundationThe BudgetCardThe Great Books FoundationTheHoraceMannCompaniesTheMactonCorporationTheMarkerBoardPeopleThe New York TimesThePrincetonReviewThe Standards Company, LLCTower PinksterTrapeze SoftwareTremco, Inc.Troops To TeachersTroxell CommunicationsTurner Construction CompanyTutaPoint.comTyler Technologies Inc.U.S.DepartmentofEducationU.S.CensusBureauU.S.DOE–EnergySmart



International, Inc.UNLIndependentStudyUNUM/MGMEducator

Employee Benefit PlansUPSLOPESOLUTIONSLLC.USNavyRecruitingVH1SaveTheMusic

FoundationVideo InsightViKiwiVirtual High SchoolWindow To Leadership, LLCWizards of the CoastWLS ConsultingWorkForce SoftwareZOLLMedicalCorporation





ExhIbIT PRICING$1,500 per 10’ x 10’ ft. inline booth$1,700 per 10’ x 10’ ft. corner or island boothExpoSuite Pricing: Refer to the Exhibit Space


ExhIbIT bOOTh COSTS INCluDE:•Pipeanddrapetooutlineyourbooth•Six(6)exhibitorregistrationsper10’x10’booth•Companyidentificationsign•24-hourperimetersecurity•Listinginthe2010Conference Program


Note: Carpet or floor covering required (not included)

ExPOSuITE COSTS INCluDE:•6’skirtedtable •36”x30”table•10sidechairs •Carpeting•Wastebasket•Fabricpanelsandkeyedentry