Gympie Regional Council MINUTES of the PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING CHAIRMAN: Cr Ian Petersen Held in the Boardroom Town Hall 2 Caledonian Hill, Gympie Qld 4570 On Wednesday 6 April 2011 at 9.00 a.m. For Adoption at the General Meeting to be held on Wednesday 11 April 2011

2011-04-06 Planning & Development Committee Meeting …€¦ · Hazard Facility’, ... Planning & Development Committee Meeting ... Internal stormwater management can be conditioned

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Page 1: 2011-04-06 Planning & Development Committee Meeting …€¦ · Hazard Facility’, ... Planning & Development Committee Meeting ... Internal stormwater management can be conditioned

Gympie Regional Council


of the


CHAIRMAN: Cr Ian Petersen

Held in the Boardroom Town Hall

2 Caledonian Hill, Gympie Qld 4570

On Wednesday 6 April 2011 at 9.00 a.m.

For Adoption at the General Meeting to be held on Wednesday 11 April 2011

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PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Cr I.T. Petersen (Chairman), Crs R.J. Dyne, G.L. Engeman, L.J. Friske, R.A. Gâté,

D.R. Neilson, A.J. Perrett, J.A. Walker & J. Watt.

APPOINTMENTS etc. 9.30 James & Chrissy Peskops and Danya Cook from Murrays and Associates re 2011-

0124 - MCU – Intensive Animal Husbandry, 355 Sterling Road, Kandanga Creek 10.00 “InCommittee”

CONTENTS LEAVE OF ABSENCE......................................................................................................................................... 3

NIL ...................................................................................................................................................................... 3 APOLOGIES ......................................................................................................................................................... 3 DECLARATION OF INTERESTS BY COUNCILLORS ................................................................................ 3

NIL ...................................................................................................................................................................... 3 CONFIRMATION OF PREVIOUS MINUTES................................................................................................. 3 SECTION 2: PLANNING APPLICATIONS ..................................................................................................... 4


SECTION 1: STRATEGIC PLANNING MATTERS ..................................................................................... 23

1/1 ENTRY OF PLACES IN THE QUEENSLAND HERITAGE REGISTER............................................................ 23 1/2 GREENING AUSTRALIA........................................................................................................................ 32 1/3 ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING UPDATE ................................................................................................. 34

SECTION 2: PLANNING APPLICATIONS ................................................................................................... 39


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2/5 2010-0387 – REQUEST TO CHANGE AN EXISTING APPROVAL FOR MATERIAL CHANGE OF USE - DISPLAY YARD (EQUIPMENT HIRE PREMISES) – 17 HALL ROAD, GLANMIRE – PERSAL & CO. ENGINEERING PTY LTD ............................................................................................... 80

SECTION 3: RECONFIGURING A LOT APPLICATIONS......................................................................... 84


SECTION 4: PLANNING APPLICATIONS PENDING ................................................................................ 97

4/1 PLANNING APPLICATIONS PENDING .................................................................................................... 97 4/2 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS APPROVED........................................................................................ 107

SECTION 5: GENERAL MATTERS ............................................................................................................. 113

NIL .................................................................................................................................................................. 113 SECTION 6: MATTERS FOR COUNCIL’S INFORMATION................................................................... 114 SECTION 7: “IN COMMITTEE” ITEMS.................................................................................................... 114

NIL .................................................................................................................................................................. 114 SECTION 8: GENERAL BUSINESS.............................................................................................................. 114

NIL .................................................................................................................................................................. 114 SECTION 9: ATTACHMENTS....................................................................................................................... 115

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The meeting opened at 9.00 a.m.

PRESENT: Crs I.T. Petersen (Chairman), R.J. Dyne, G.L. Engeman, L.J. Friske, R.A. Gâté,

D.R. Neilson, A.J. Perrett, J.A. Walker & J. Watt. Also in attendance were Mr M. Hartley (Director of Planning & Development),

Ms T.M. Stenholm (Manager Development and Compliance) and Ms K. Sullivan (Minutes Secretary).

Cr L. Friske was not present when the meeting commenced.



APOLOGIES P01/04/11 Moved: Cr A.J. Perrett Seconded: Cr R.J. Dyne That the apology from Cr G.L. Engeman be accepted.





P02/04/11 Moved: Cr R.A. Gâté Seconded: Cr J. Watt That the Minutes of the Planning & Development Committee Meeting held on 16 March 2011 be taken as read and confirmed.


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2/1 2009-0748 – Development Application for a Material Change of Use of Premises – Special Industry (Bulk Storage Depot and Magazine Facility) at 720 Moy Pocket Road, Moy Pocket – Orica Quarry Services

FILE: Minute: P03/04/11 2009-0748 APPLICANT: Orica Quarry Services LANDOWNER: Sunshine Coast Quarries Pty Ltd RPD: Lot 1 SP221900 SITE: 720 Moy Pocket Road, Moy Pocket CURRENT USE OF LAND: Quarry PROPOSAL: Development Permit for Material

Change of Use – Special Industry (Bulk Storage Depot and Magazine Facility)

EXISTING ZONE: Rural SITE AREA: 132.1 hectares APPLICATION ADVERTISED: 9/7/10 – 28/8/10; and 20/10/10 – 12/11/10 SUBMISSIONS RECEIVED: 162 submissions (156 properly made)

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KEY POINT SUMMARY Application to establish a facility for storage and distribution of blast

related supplies at the Moy Pocket Quarry site; Some of the materials to be stored will be used by the Moy Pocket Quarry

but the bulk will be distributed off-site between Beenleigh and Gladstone; The facility does not meet the threshold to be classified as a ‘Major

Hazard Facility’, however the recommended clearance radius is achieved; The application is supported by comprehensive technical reports

addressing hazard/risk, bushfire impact and visual amenity; The technical reports submitted and discussions with State Government

indicate the facility to be of low risk, including that posed by any traffic incident with vehicles carrying the hazardous materials;

Issues relating to bushfire, ecological impacts, stormwater and visual amenity are discussed and addressed in the report;

The proportional increase in traffic to be generated by the use is not considered significant enough to warrant a detailed traffic assessment however a contribution of $25 600 towards Moy Pocket Road upgrading is recommended;

A large number of submissions was received objecting to the proposal, however all the issues raised are considered able to be addressed and/or conditioned in any approval of the development;

Application recommended for approval.

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Report: (Manager Development and Compliance – T.M. Stenholm)

1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 The Proposal This application was lodged with Council in June 2009, seeking approval to establish a facility for storage and distribution of blast related supplies. The proponent, Orica Quarry Services, are indicated in the application to currently operate chemical production and storage facilities at Yarwun (west of Gladstone) and Beenleigh (south of Brisbane). The Moy Pocket site has been identified by the company as a suitable location for a storage only depot to service areas between Gladstone and Beenleigh and reduce cartage distances. It was indicated in a presentation to Council by the applicant that approximately 25% of the supplies to be stored will service the Moy Pocket Quarry. Application for environmentally relevant activity # 8 – Chemical storage was also initially made, however was deemed unnecessary through the application process. The materials are to be contained and stored as follows: - a vertical steel tank (for the Ammonium Nitrate Emulsion); - a steel silo (for the Ammonium Nitrate); - separate bunded storage modules (for each of the gasser solutions); and - two (2) modular steel containerised units within a mounded compound,

one being for high explosives and the other the detonators. The magazine compound takes up an area measuring 30m x 27m ie 810m2. The plant layout dimensions are approximately 40m x 48m x 72m x 70m, which incorporates all the container and access and manoeuvring areas for semi-rigid vehicles. Aside from the proposal report and plans, the application is accompanied by the following specialist reports:

a Property Vegetation Management Plan (DERM requirement) Security Plan Preliminary Hazard Analysis Bushfire Management Plan Ecological advice Environmental Management Plan Visual Analysis Report Traffic comment

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The following extract from the proposal report best describes the activity.

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1.2 Site Description The property is situated oN Moy Pocket Road, Moy Pocket on the Gympie region’s border with Sunshine Coast Regional Council. The subject property is 132.1 hectares in size and adjoins a property to the north that is held in the same ownership and currently used as part of existing quarrying activities on-site.

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1.3 Surrounding Land Uses Land uses to the general north, south and east directions are rural and rural residential in nature. Adjoining the property to the west is Kenilworth Bluff (Wilcox Family) Conservation Park which is owned and managed by Sunshine Coast Regional Council. 2.0 STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS 2.1 Planning Scheme The proposed use is most appropriately defined in Council’s 2005 Planning Scheme as a ‘Special Industry’ which means the use of premises for an industrial activity that: ‘(a) principally involves animal products processing, food processing or

beverage production; or, (b) involves the use, storage, handling or disposal of any radioactive

substance or material; or (c) involves dangerous goods; or (d) involves an activity or product stated in Schedule Table 16 Special

Industry Activities or Products.’ The subject site falls within the Rural zone in Council’s 2005 Planning Scheme. Within the Rural Zone, the proposed Special Industry requires Impact Assessment. 2.2 Local and/or State Planning Policies State Planning Policy 2/07 for Protection of Extractive Resources, makes particular mention of the Moy Pocket Key Resource Area – KRA 89. The proposal will not compromise the intent of the Policy, primarily being to protect the resource area from encroachment of incompatible land uses or compromise the accessibility of the resource. 3.0 ASSESSMENT 3.1 Compliance with the Planning Scheme The development is subject to assessment against the entire planning scheme and also Council must have regard to any valid issues raised during public notification of the proposal.

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The following codes are considered most relevant to the proposal: Rural Planning Area Code Infrastructure Works Code Landscaping Code Vehicle Parking and Access Code Resource Areas Code Rural Planning Area Code The facility proposes no production and only storage and distribution. Therefore no noise, lighting or air emission concerns are raised. The bulk storage facility is estimated to be 11 metres high, however 2 metres of cut is proposed beneath this. Given the location of the facility at the rear of an extractive industry and the significant variations in topography throughout the site the structure is not anticipated to dominate the landscape. Infrastructure Works Code The site is not connected to the reticulated water or sewerage systems. No internal or external roadworks are considered necessary for any approval of the development. Internal stormwater management can be conditioned through the material change of use approval and is not considered necessary to assess through a separate operational works application. Landscaping Code Given the existing use on site and location of the proposed development landscaping is not considered required or to be of any benefit. Vehicle Parking and Access Code The planning scheme nominates 1 space per 100m2 of total use area as being appropriate for a Special Industry. The development proposes four (4) additional on-site car parks next to the plant layout to cater for an estimated six (6) additional staff required for the operation, which will not all be on-site at any time. The car parking provided is therefore considered adequate for the use. These spaces are not necessary to be sealed given their location and extra overflow area is available should more car parks be required.

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Resource Areas Code Only small parts of the site are considered to be good quality agricultural as mapped below.

Given the existing use on-site and the nature of the development the potential use of the site for agricultural pursuits is not considered any further compromised by the proposal. Conservation Significant Areas Code The development site is mapped as Local Ecosystem Value Area.

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The Code aims to: - prevent development from causing adverse environmental effects on these

areas by the emission of light that causes environmental nuisance; - ensure any stormwater quality management systems are installed that

achieve accepted water quality guidelines to prevent water-borne pollutants from the development entering Local Ecosystem Value Areas;

- minimise hydrological flow volumes across and through the Local Ecosystem Value Areas;

- minimise habitat destruction; and - minimise disturbance, fragmentation and isolation of Local Ecosystem

Value Areas. The sites proposed for the explosive storage and magazine facility will only necessitate minor clearing of vegetation. An assessment was submitted by an ecological consultant who also confirms that all drainage will be directed away from bushland, which is upslope anyway, towards the quarry’s existing management system. The application also indicates that only security sensor lighting will be placed in the vicinity of the development which should have minimal effect on the local ecosystem value area. 3.2 Other Planning Considerations (i) Appropriateness of the Use The use is complimentary to the existing quarry operations, which already imports and stores blast materials. The positioning of the development in a low density rural environment is considered preferable to a location in closer proximity to a built up area. (ii) Hazard / Risk Assessment Concern was raised in the information request in regards to transportation and storage of hazardous goods within a rural and rural residential setting and along access roads used by local residents, school buses, tourists and the like. A detailed hazard risk assessment was requested to address this concern. The comprehensive report submitted in response indicates overall that there is an extremely low risk of explosion with the facility, however should one occur the risk of it affecting off-site residential buildings or property beyond the quarry boundary is also very low.

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The study concludes that the only neighbouring infrastructure or populations that may be affected in the extremely unlikely event of an explosion are on land owned by Sunshine Coast Quarries and the heavily timbered bush block to the south. A recommendation is included in the assessment requiring the preparation of an emergency response plan to document: - guidelines for evacuation in a bushfire scenario; and - plans for scheduled training sessions to be provided to the Rural Fire

Brigade to ensure the hazards of Class 5.1 materials such as ANEs involved in a fire and evacuation distance requirements are understood.

(iii) Bushfire In the hazard analysis submitted the threat of bushfire on the premises is addressed and recommends suitable fire breaks be installed around both the bulk depot and explosive magazines, consisting of removing all fuel within 10 metres and all standing timber removed within 15 metres to reduce the fuel load available. The threat of bushfire on the development is not considered significant given the topography slopes upward of the facility. The bushfire management plan submitted recommends a fuel reduction burn be conducted in winter every 5-7 years along the western edge of the subject site. It also indicates the quarry has on site a fire fighting vehicle that carries suitable quantities of water to allow timely suppression in the event of a fire incident. The bushfire management plan has been prepared by a suitably qualified consultant and concludes: ‘These proposals are quite unique in character. There is no increase in people living or working in the assessment zone as these storage facilities will be visited intermittently for storage or to remove produce. There is no issue of people safety as these are not permanent or temporary dwellings, but materials storage facilities. While they have a perception of danger the southern storage material will not burn and the proposed storage units are steel containers. As such, the capacity for a bushfire concern is very low. Adequate separation is provided in this area to meet State Planning Policy 01/03. The northern storage unit is small with suitable containers that would require sustained high temperatures to pose a risk.

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The cleared surrounds and the managed fuel loads for a 20 metre buffer provide an adequate separation from the remote chance of a low intensity fire approaching downhill from the west. The management of the quarry has adequate on site vehicles with suitable water carrying capacity to respond quickly should any action be required.’ (iv) Site Access and Traffic The following traffic is estimated to be generated by the development:

A brief traffic comment has been prepared by Cardo Eppell Olsen in relation to the development which recommends that the proportional increase in traffic volume is not enough to warrant the preparation of a detailed traffic impact assessment or safety audit, having regard to the requirements of ‘The Guidelines for Assessment of Road Impacts of Development’ published by the Department of Transport and Main Roads. Concern was raised in the information request in regards to the likeliness and potential consequences for a traffic accident involving vehicles carrying substances used in explosives. The traffic report indicates the probability of an accident as a consequence of the proposal is no greater than currently exists. Also, hazardous goods will be carried in specialised dangerous goods vehicles, assumedly more able to contain materials in the event of an accident. Discussions with a representative from the State Government’s Hazardous Industries and Chemicals Branch (whose full comments on the proposal are discussed further in the report) indicate the chance of an explosion from a traffic accident with vehicle carrying hazardous goods is extremely low and would require a very large fire. (v) Vegetation Clearing The application indicates only minor clearing is required to facilitate the explosive storage and magazine facility.

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Department of Environment and Resource Management have accepted the information provided by the applicant and issued conditional approval of the proposal under their jurisdiction in the Vegetation Management Act. Conditions include: - no clearing or infrastructure within a GPS point defined area; - clearing to establish necessary infrastructure and firebreaks is to occur

only in accordance with the Vegetation Clearing and Construction Works Erosion and Sediment Control Plan prepared by the applicant’s consultant.

4.0 PUBLIC NOTIFICATION The application underwent public notification twice. The applicant chose to readvertise the proposal following removal of the ERA component of the application and to avoid any perceived non-compliance with due process arising, given the comment from DERM (Vegetation Management) in regards to the amendment was not received until after commencement of the advertising. As a result of both advertising periods 162 submissions (of which 156 were properly made) were received. The issues raised are summarised and commented on following.

Grounds of Submission Comment Standard of Moy Pocket Road and inappropriateness of endorsing additional traffic using it.

No engineering concerns have been raised with the additional traffic proposed. Some further upgrading of Moy Pocket Road is planned by Council, in addition to seeking further funds from the State Government. A contribution is recommended to be levied on the developer towards this work.

Safety of having vehicles carrying explosives on Moy Pocket Road.

Engineering advice indicates there is no greater probability of a traffic accident from an approval of the use. Further, discussions with a hazardous industries’ expert at the State Government indicates a very low chance of explosion should an accident occur.

Safety of surrounding properties from storage of hazardous goods and explosives.

A thorough hazard analysis has been submitted by the applicant in addition to a workplace health and safety report. The facility does not constitute a scale of interest to the State Hazardous Industries and Chemicals Branch who’ve advised the most likely overpressure from any explosion would not exceed the boundaries of land owned by Sunshine Coast Quarries.

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Grounds of Submission Comment Bushfire risk to the facility A bushfire management plan has been

submitted recommending the required firebreaks and other measures to prevent a fire incident. DERM (Vegetation Management) have endorsed such firebreaks in their conditioning of any approval. The Quarry are also understood to have their own fire fighting vehicle on-site with sufficient water carrying capacity.

Inappropriate separation distance to prevent impact of an explosion on adjoining properties

The Hazardous Industries and Chemicals Branch indicate a 480 metre radius is the accepted standard that should be applied. An overlay of this radius on a map of the proposed facility indicates it does not reach the boundaries of land owned by Sunshine Coast Quarries.

Detrimental impact on the amenity of the Kenilworth Bluff

The facility is considered a small addition in regards to the scale of the existing quarry operations on-site and not considered to be visually prominent from any close property. The visual assessment submitted with the application confirms the facility may be viewed from some distant elevated properties who already have the quarry in their landscape.

Detrimental impact on tourism in the area

It is hard to understand how the addition of this facility to the existing large scale quarry operation will affect tourists coming to the area.

No available area for expansion of the facility

The applicant has not indicated any future need for expansion of the facility and to do so would require additional approval from DERM for vegetation clearing which may be difficult.

Effect on water quality of the Mary River

Stormwater from the development area is indicated to be diverted to existing stormwater management system used by the quarry and this could be conditioned on any approval.

Conflict with SPP2/7 “Protection of Extractive Resources”

The Moy Pocket Key Resource Area is not considered compromised by the proposal and it is difficult to believe Sunshine Coast Quarries would compromise the winning of additional valuable material as this would be at the detriment of their core business.

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Grounds of Submission Comment Impact on koala habitat The Kenilworth Bluff Koala Habitat Atlas

indicates the quarry to border ‘Secondary Habitat’ area. The additional impact posed by the development, when considered in conjunction with the existing quarry operations is considered negligible. No permanent lighting is proposed, no production or no air emissions.

Remoteness of the site should emergency services be required

The proponent operates other facilities and is experienced in preventing and preparing for an emergency situation. In professional reports accompanying the application the risk of an emergency is identified as low, however a number of recommendations are made to further address this issue. Such recommendations are included in the conditions.

No site specific reason to be placed at this location and should be in a more remote location in closer proximity to emergency services

Approximately 25% of the facility’s operations will service the Moy Pocket Quarry. A very low risk has been identified of any overpressure from an explosion going beyond the boundaries of land owned by Sunshine Coast Quarries. It would be difficult to find another suitable location that is more remote while being more accessible to emergency services.

5.0 CONSULTATION 5.1 Internal

(a) Department of Engineering Report: (Manager, Major Projects) This engineering report is based on further information submitted by Groundwork Plus by letter dated 17 June 2010 and Council’s undated application for Special Funding for Moy Pocket Road. TRAFFIC The Cardno Eppell Olsen Report submitted by Groundwork Plus did not address the impact of the proposal on Moy Pocket Road or provide a Road Safety Audit that would establish priority safety works. The report states:

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“With the low traffic volumes that will be generated from the proposed material change of use at Moy Pocket Quarry, in conjunction with the low existing traffic volumes it is our view that the development impact is not significant. On that basis, a detailed traffic impact assessment or road safety audit is not warranted in consideration of the requirements described in the GARID.” Considering the current standard of the road, a contribution to upgrading is warranted. Without safety priorities being further defined than those in the Council Application for Special Funding, the contribution is calculated using the estimated cost of replacing Pickering Bridge and the road upgrading estimates of the Application for Special Funding – total $6.1 million. The calculation used only the commercial vehicle (C.V.) component of the existing traffic and the traffic to be generated by the activity as well the current level of TIDS funding (50%) for works on the road. The contribution is calculated at $25,600 (2010/11 dollars). 5.2 External (a) Department of Environment and Resource Management The application required referred to DERM as a Concurrence Agency for remnant vegetation matters. This Department has issued conditional approval to the development based on only minor clearing occurring to facilitate the facilities and installation of appropriate firebreaks. (b) Department of Justice and Attorney-General (Hazardous Industries

and Chemicals Branch) This Agency was initially nominated as a Concurrence Agency for the proposal, given the application included a ‘Major Hazard Facility or Possible Major Hazard Facility’. This Agency subsequently advised that the proposal does not meet the storage thresholds to be classified as a ‘Major Hazard Facility’ and provided third party advice for Council’s consideration only. The advice suggests a 480 metre radius should be maintained and controlled by the proponent around the facility to prevent any significant impact from overpressure caused by a potential explosion. The map following shows the development site and a 500 metre radius. As indicated the radius does not go beyond land currently owned by the quarry. The Branch is required to be notified prior to the introduction of dangerous goods to the facility.

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6.0 CONCLUSION Proposal is made for the storage of hazardous materials and detonators used in manufacturing explosives on the Moy Pocket Quarry Site.

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The materials are expected to service the Moy Pocket Quarry itself, in addition to other clients of the proponent between Gladstone and Beenleigh. Public notification of the application attracted a large number of submissions whose issues have been addressed in the report. The facility raised issues including effect of bushfire, ecological impact, traffic safety and impact on nearby residents. Assessment of the proposal, and acknowledging the large scale quarry activity already occurring on the site, indicates a very low risk in regards to safety, and other impacts are considered able to be appropriately conditioned.

P03/04/11 Moved: Cr J. Watt Seconded: Cr R.A. Gâté Recommend that Council refer the application to the Planning & Development committee meeting scheduled for 20 April 2011 and seek further independent third party opinion from a specialist planning consultant.


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Mr R. Halse (Strategic Planning Officer) entered the meeting at 9.06 a.m.


1/1 Entry of places in the Queensland Heritage Register

Re: Minute: P04/04/11 Notice of Application to Enter a Place in the

QLD Heritage Register From: Department of Environment and Resource Management File: 6/6/9/004 Date: 14 February 2011 Reference: Nil EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report is to advise Council that the Department of Environment and Resource Management (DERM) has nominated five (5) new places to be entered in the Queensland Heritage Register. Of the five (5) new places being proposed for listing, two (2) are owned or in trust of Council, the first being the Gympie Court House and Lands Office, the other being the Traveston Soldier’s Memorial Hall, the other three (3) places nominated for listing are privately owned. The places nominated for Queensland Heritage Register listing are as follows: Crawford and Co Building (former), also known as the Goldsworthy

Building, 216 Mary Street, Gympie; Traveston Powder Magazine (former) (incorporated in Traveston

Soldier’s Memorial Hall), 7 Traveston Road, Traveston; Tozer’s Building, 218 Mary Street, Gympie;

Gympie Court House and Lands Office (former), 26 Channon Street,

Gympie; Smithfield Chambers, 235 Mary Street, Gympie.



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Report: (Strategic Planning Officer – R. N. Halse) 1. INTRODUCTION The nominations for the state heritage listing were received on the 14 February 2011. If Council has any objections or any concerns about the heritage listing a submission can be made to the department. 2. ASSESSMENT Please note that the act, as per s58 & s59, requires property owners to give notice to the Chief Executive of: Any proposed development at least 10 business days before an application

is made for a development approval on the place. Any application for Development Approval on the place that has been

made but not decided under the Planning Act within 10 business days from the receipt of this notice.

Any existing Development Approval on the place within 10 business days from the receipt of this notice.

Note for council: The Lands Office is undergoing renovations and therefore requires council to notify DERM of the development taking place. Traveston Soldiers Memorial Hall is also undergoing renovations to replace the existing timber floors.

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3. PROPOSED PLACES FOR ENTRY Crawford and Co Building (former), also known as the Goldsworthy Building, 216 Mary Street, Gympie

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Traveston Powder Magazine (former) (incorporated in Traveston Soldier’s Memorial Hall), 7 Traveston Road, Traveston

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Tozer’s Building, 218 Mary Street, Gympie

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Gympie Court House and Lands Office (former), 26 Channon Street, Gympie

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Smithfield Chambers, 235 Mary Street, Gympie

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4. CONCLUSION In conclusion, it is recommended to Council that no objection be offered to the proposed Queensland Heritage listing of Traveston Soldiers Memorial Hall and the Lands Office. Furthermore, it is recommended that Council advise the Department of Environment and Resource Management that the Lands Office is undergoing extensive renovations and that the Traveston Soldiers Memorial Hall is having the existing flooring replaced. 5. STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS Corporate Plan Outcome 3.5 -‘Recognise and promote the history and heritage of the Gympie Region’. Operational Plan 3.3 (ii) ‘Community Complexes’ Budget No budget allocation required. Legal/Statutory Nil Risks Low 6. CONSULTATION Heritage Advisory Committee On the 15 March 2011 Council’s Heritage Advisory Committee considered the nominations. The committee resolved to recommend to Council that no objection be offered to the nominations of State Heritage Listing.

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Other Departments and Agencies Consulted Community Services; Engineering Services; Department of Environment and Resource Management.


P04/04/11 Moved: Cr A.J. Perrett Seconded: Cr J. Watt Recommend that Council writes to the Department of Environment and Resource Management offering no objections to the proposed State heritage listing of Gympie Court House and Lands Office and the Traveston Powder and Magazine. Further that Council advise the Department that the Gympie Court House and Lands Office is currently undergoing extensive renovations, and that the Traveston Powder and Magazine is having the rotten timber floor replaced with ‘like for like’ material. Further that Council proceed with its objection to the Heritage Listing of 242 Mary Street, Gympie.

Carried. Mr R. Halse left the meeting at 9.14 a.m. Ms A. Gosley (Environmental Planning Officer) entered the meeting at 9.14 a.m.

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1/2 Greening Australia

Re: Minute: P05/04/11 Greening Australia From: Environmental Planning Officer File: 6/5/06/0005 Date: 03 March 2011 Executive Summary: Services undertaken by Greening Australia provided for Councils information. Previous Council Considerations: Nil. Report: (Environmental Planning Officer– A.J. Gosley) 1.0 INTRODUCTION A meeting was held with the Greening Australia Executive Manager (Sunshine Coast branch) and the Environmental Planning Officer to discuss the services available to Councils. Greening Australia is a not for profit organisation with 28 years experience in natural resource management. Greening Australia specialises in native vegetation management and nature conservation. 2.0 SERVICES Greening Australia undertakes a wide variety of services; below are a selection of these services: Bushland Rehabilitation Mine site rehabilitation Revegetation works Land Management Erosion and sediment control Vegetation maintenance programs Mapping Fire history mapping Threatened species mapping Vegetation mapping Planning and Consultation Erosion and sediment control plans Fire management plans Open space planning Property management planning

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Rehabilitation plans and programs Sustainable development planning – carbon offsets Vegetation and management plant Revegetation/Landscaping Revegetation works Wetland construction Surveys Biodiversity surveys Flora and fauna surveys Weed Management and Eradication Programs Woody weeds Vines Exotic grasses Water weeds 3.0 Conclusion Provided for Councils information only. Further information can be obtained by contacting Greening Australia. Strategic Implications: Corporate Plan: 3.1 (Continue to deliver practical natural resource

management practices) Operational Plan: NA. Budget: NA. Budget: NA. Legal/Statutory: NA. Risks: NA. Consultation: Greening Australia Executive Manager (Sunshine Coast) Parks Manager

P05/04/11 Moved: Cr R.A. Gâté Seconded: Cr J.A. Walker

Recommend that the information be noted.


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1/3 Environmental Planning update Re: Minute: P06/04/11 Environmental Planning Update From: Environmental Planning Officer File: NA Date: 23 March 2011 Executive Summary: Update provided for Councillors on environmental planning projects. Previous Council Considerations: Nil. Report: (Environmental Planning Officer– A.J. Gosley) 1.0 Introduction For Councils information an update is being provided on environmental planning projects. The following outlines the major projects/programs: 2.0 Environment and Natural Resource Levy Community Group

Grants An advertisement for the 2011/2012 Environment and Natural Resource Levy Community Group Grants will be published in the Gympie Times on the 02nd April 2011. In 2009 the Environment and Natural Resource Levy Community Group Grant Policy was adopted by Council. This policy states that ‘A minimum of $110 000.00 raised through the Environment and Natural Resource Levy will be set aside for distribution to eligible community groups and projects through a grants program. This amount will be adjusted annually in line with movements of the CPI for the year ending the March quarter’. The policy aims to ensure that activities of community groups funded by the levy: (i) align with identified environmental and natural resource priorities

including key threatening processes; (ii) maximise external funding opportunities and volunteerism; (iii) integrate with Council’s work program; (iv) are well planned in advance; and (v) are responsibly and safely managed in accordance with standard

financial and Workplace Health and Safety requirements. Conclusion: Applications from community groups need to be submitted by the 06th May 2011. Once the applications are received they will be assessed and a report will be provided for Councils consideration at the Draft Budget Meeting. 3.0 Environment Strategy The Gympie Regional Council Environment Strategy is in draft form. Power SS Media was engaged to undertake the graphic design for the Environment Strategy (icons for each theme have been designed by Michael Johns).

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The draft Environment Strategy is being reviewed before it is being released for comments by staff and the Steering Committee. Following approval of the draft, a workshop will be held with staff to review the action plan component of the Environment Strategy. The draft Environment Strategy will then be presented to a Steering Committee meeting for additional suggestions and endorsement. Conclusion: Following endorsement by the Steering Committee the draft Environment Strategy will be presented to Council for approval to be released for public comment. 4.0 Foreshore Management Plan Following meetings and discussions with the Parks Manager it was decided that updates were needed to the Foreshore Management Plan maps. These maps have been recreated by the Design Department and are currently in draft format. A review of these maps is being undertaken on-site and should be finalised by mid-April. The maps will then go back to the Design Department for editing. Conclusion: Following the changes to the maps being undertaken the Foreshore Management Plan can be edited to ensure that the information contained in the Plan aligns with the maps. The Foreshore Management Plan will then be presented to Council for endorsement. 5.0 Nature Conservation Act Updates are being made to clearing permits under the Nature Conservation Act. I have been in contact with the Local Government Association Queensland (LGAQ) to find out further information and possible implications for Council. Recently I was emailed with the following update: The Natural Resources and Other Legislation Amendment Act (No. 2) 2010 (Part 8) has been passed but is currently not enacted (at this stage no one is certain when it will be enacted); it will hopefully resolve the current local government issues – in particular having to apply for permits for: (a) Emergency work; (b) Fire management; (c) Least concern wildlife; and (d) Development where exemption under the Vegetation Management Act

applies. The best available option for local government in the interim is to apply for a six month permit. The basic requirements of this permit are: Nature of the works; Timing; Locations; Nature of impacts on protected plants; and Mitigations works proposed.

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The Department of Environment and Resource Management (DERM) and LGAQ have agreed to work together to prepare a template for a six month permit for local government. DERM will also be investigating arranging workshops on how to complete a six month permit, to ensure that everyone is working in the same format. Conclusion: Contact will be kept with LGAQ and the information received will be provided to the relevant staff members. Guidance, as requested, will also be provided in-house on the Nature Conservation Act 1992. 6.0 Nestle Community Environment Program Funding was received from the Nestle Community Environment Program to undertake habitat improvements, establish a wetland and to design and improve the bird and wetland signage at Lake Alford. The Parks Manager is responsible for the management of the project, but assistance is being provided to design bird and wetland signage and also to assist with the species selection for the wetland. Conclusion: Bird images have been sourced and descriptions about each bird species are currently being written. This information will then be added to a template and the signs will be designed. 7.0 The External NRM Technical Working Group An External NRM Technical Working Group was set up in late 2008 to discuss the needs of the community groups, as an information sharing forum, to discuss the environment levy and to help raise the community groups profile within Council. Following the Council decision to undertake the Environment Strategy the group as a whole decided to end these meetings as many of the participants would be on the Environment Strategy Working Group and there would be an overlap. Conclusion: To date the issue of re-establishing this group has not been raised internally or by the community groups. 8.0 The Wide Bay Burnett Framework for Natural Resource

Management The GRC submission was sent to the Department of Environment and Resource Management (DERM) on the 01st March 2011. No response has been received from DERM to date.

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A Wide Bay Burnett Environment and Natural Resource Working Group meeting was held on the 10th March 2011. The consultation progress and feedback to date was discussed at this meeting. Below is a summary of consultation and feedback from the Wide Bay Burnett Environment and Natural Resource Working Group meeting members (draft minutes meeting # 16): Timeline of events: Released for public consultation on the 1st of October coinciding with

the release of the Department of Local Government & Planning Draft Regional Plan.

Original date for closure of submissions 24th of December. BMRG assisted with a mail out to all stakeholders on the spreadsheet

which was approved by the ENRWG. Only 4 submissions received – limited value to Framework

development. Submissions were related to implementation and local issues. Several requests for an extended submissions period. T.O.’s, GRC, Greater Mary Association. Submissions period extended until 18th of March 2011. Presentations and workshop with the BMRG’s Traditional Owner

Working Group in December 2010 and March 2011 (ongoing). BMRG completed a second mail out to the identified stakeholders-4th of

February 2011. Additional discussions and meetings with stakeholder groups

throughout. Key findings/feedback: Broad support for the development of an NRM Framework. ‘Cart before the horse’ issue re: framework, targets, baseline data,

MERI, implementation–how do all of these fit together? Concern regarding fundamental questions absent from document:

Who is responsible to lead/contribute to the achievement of targets?

Implementation of framework missing. Where will the funding/investment come from? Accuracy of these targets? Are they achievable? Can’t sign off on

an ‘x’ in a target? A great deal of baseline data is still needed/interim targets are too

close. Some indicators are not correctly defined. Implications for stakeholders are unclear.

Concerns regarding the regional approach–some targets/baseline data are not applicable across the region; for example the bush versus the coast.

Natural disasters have not been accounted for in the document.

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Concern re: increased regulation vegetation management/water etc. Framework must balance the environment, social and economic issues. Frustration regarding: overall lack of clarity/understanding with regard

to roles and responsibilities, implications for stakeholders, costs etc. General agreement on an integrated assets based approach General comments included: The framework sets out an agenda for sustainability. The plan needs to be kept simple or it will sit on the shelf. Relevance of the plan if the region experiences another flood. The framework does not require any further consultation, as there will

always be a lack of support until the other components are built around the plan.

Actions from the meeting include: Discussions will be initiated with Local Governments in the near future

to help to improve their understanding and involvement in the development of the NRM Framework.

The NRM Framework project team are commencing reformatting of the NRM Framework in line with consultation feedback.

P06/04/11 Moved: Cr J.A. Walker Seconded: Cr A.J. Perrett

Recommend that the information be noted.


Ms A. Gosley left the meeting at 9.16 a.m.

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2/2 2010-1489 – Material Change of Use – General &/or Low Impact Industry – Queens Park Drive, Gympie – Allan Prestwood & Alix Simpson

FILE: Minute: P07/04/11 2010-1489 APPLICANT: Allan James Prestwood & Alix Ermina Simpson RPD: Lot 1 on MPH5492 SITE: Queens Park Drive, Gympie PROPOSAL: Material Change of Use – General &/or Low

Impact Industry EXISTING ZONE: Community PLANNING AREA: Gympie LEVEL OF ASSESSMENT: Code Assessable (Inconsistent)


Application to formalise use of existing premises as General &/or Low Impact Industry

Development site zoned Community, however has a significant use history for similar or higher impact industrial uses.

Application subject to code assessment and is an inconsistent use due to the Community zoning.

The development site is isolated from areas with an intact residential amenity.

The development site is subject to inundation in a Q50 and Q100 flood event and future residential development on surrounding allotments is unlikely.

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Given the significant use history, contributions and upgrading infrastructure (i.e. road widening, access and footpath construction) are not recommended.

Application recommended for approval subject to appropriate conditions.

Further recommendation that the matter of appropriate zoning for Lot 1 on MPH5492 be referred to Council’s Principal Planner (Major Projects) for consideration as part of the Planning Scheme review process.

Report: (Planning Assistant – S. A. Capell) 1.0 INTRODUCTION This application seeks approval to formalise the use of existing premises at Queens Park Drive, Gympie as General &/or Low Impact Industry.

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Site Plan

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Existing Main Shed

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Existing Storage Shed 1

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Existing Storage Shed 2

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Existing Storage Shed 3

1.1 Site History A history of the various uses conducted onsite is listed below: 27 March 1979 – Approval for consent to use and extend an existing

building and erect a new building for the purpose of the storage and sale of hay and stock foods

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29 November 1979 – Approval for consent to erect a building for the

purpose of the storage of hay 25 March 1980 – Approval for consent to erect a building for the purpose

of the storage and resale of stockfeeds and produce 29 July 1986 – Approval to rezone part of the site from Parks and Open

Space to Service Industry to allow the storage of refuse collection vehicles

28 April 1988 – Approval for consent to use a building for the purpose of

Building Material Sales 22 January 1991 – Approval to rezone part of the site from Service

Industry to Special Facilities – Recycling Depot 7 October 1997 – Approval to rezone the site from Special Facilities –

Recycling Depot and Service Industry to part Special Facilities (Transport Depot) and Parks and Open Space

15 February 1999 – Approval for Material Change of Use – Motor Cycle

Sales, Service and Repair (Environmentally Relevant Activity – Motor Cycle Repair Workshop)

The zoning matter was considered at Council’s Planning & Development Committee Meeting held on 14 June 2005. Minute P17/06/05 is reproduced below:

Report: (Director of Planning & Development – M.J. Ball)

1.0 A letter from Alix Simpson and Allan Prestwood dated 16 May 2005 reads:

“I refer to the discussion on 13 May 2005 between Mick Venardos, Michael Ball and Alix Simpson on the matter of zoning of 3 Queens Park Drive, Gympie. With regard to the land at 3 Queens Park Drive, we understand that the original use of the property, since the building was established, was for industrial use. The building was first built and used for a nursery/stockfoods business, then by Masters Engineering who used it for prefabricating the Melawondi Mill at Imbil, then by the Red Cross as a recycling depot, then subsequently a like-type industry, by Allan Prestwood and Brenden Cummins as sales/service and repairs of English motorcycles. The result of these activities show the purpose of the land to be industrial; in fact, in the case of Masters Engineering, the use was heavy industry, therefore we would be pleased if your department would confirm that this use would continue.

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In addition to the above request, we would also ask the Development Department to correct the zoning, from the current Parks and Recreation zoning to the original Industry zoning. Thank you very much for your time.”

2.0 The site zoning history is as follows:

(1) Gympie City – part Special Facilities (Recycling Depot) and part Service

Industry; (2) Cooloola 1997 Scheme – Park and Recreation; (3) Cooloola 2005 IPA Scheme – Community.

3.0 File records are not clear but it is clear the building was originally approved for storage and sale of stockfeeds and produce on 26 March 1980.

The site was zoned and operated for a recycling depot. The site had approval to be used for light industry but some of the conditions have not been met. Various other approvals have been granted but it is unclear if the approvals were taken up and it is clear some of the conditions have not been complied with.

4.0 The site is subject to flood inundation.

5.0 A letter dated 11 March 1998 to the owner of Lot 1 on MPH5492 reads:

“Further to your representations to Councillor M. Venardos (Mayor) in regard to the above property, I wish to advise that this land is currently included within the Park and Recreation zone under the Planning Scheme for the Shire of Cooloola. This zoning however is an error and it is acknowledged that Council intended to retain the previous zone (i.e. part Special Facilities – Recycling Depot and part Service Industry) although, as there is no longer a Service Industry zone, it is likely that this area would have been included in an equivalent zone. The error will be corrected in due course, unless the land is otherwise rezoned, but unfortunately, Council is unable to advise at this point in time when this will occur. Council regrets any inconvenience this error may have cause. Should you require any further information please contact David Sabiston of Council’s Planning and Development Department on (07) 5483 0644.” This acknowledged oversight has not been corrected and should be referred to the first review of the IPA Scheme for consideration.

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P17/06/05 Moved: Cr DR Neilson Seconded: Cr J Watt Recommend that in relation to Lot 1 on MPH5492 – Queens Park Drive, Gympie and the land use letter dated 16 May 2005 from Alix Simpson and Allan Prestwood, Council advise the enquirer of: (A) the zoning history;

(B) the 11 March 1998 letter from Council to Mr H. Twikler;

(C) the existing use rights for the old Gympie scheme still apply provided the site

has been used continuously; and

(D) the matter raised by the 11 March 1998 letter will be considered as part of the review of the IPA Planning Scheme.


The zoning has not been amended in the 2005 Cooloola Shire Council IPA Planning Scheme. A recommendation is included to refer the matter of appropriate zoning to Council’s Principal Planner (Major Projects) for consideration as part of the Planning Scheme review process. Gympie Lattice have been operating from the site since approximately 2009 and the matter of the Community zoning has been drawn to Council’s attention as a result of the intended sale of the business. 1.2 Surrounding Development The development site and surrounding area are zoned Community. The plan below identifies surrounding development.

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2.0 ASSESSMENT The proposal is Code Assessable and is subject to assessment against the Gympie Planning Area Code, Erosion and Sediment Control Code, Infrastructure Works Code, Landscaping Code, Vehicle Parking and Access Code, Natural Waterways and Wetland Areas Code and Resource Areas Code. Gympie Planning Area Code Specific Outcome SO-1 of the Gympie Planning Area Code identifies ‘General Industry’ and ‘Low Impact Industry’ uses as inconsistent in the Community zone. Given that the site is located away from areas with an intact residential amenity and the extensive site history, no issues are raised with the proposed Material Change of Use for General and/or Low Impact Industry. All buildings to be used currently exist and the application proposes no increased visual impacts. The proposal complies with Probable Solution PS-8 which requires the maximum height of buildings to be less than 8.5 metres and 2 storeys. The existing ‘Main Shed’ is approximately 8 metres in height. Specific Outcome SO-9 requires ‘Buildings and structures are appropriately sited with respect to boundary setbacks to protect the privacy and access to natural light and breeze of adjoining and surrounding premises.’ Existing storage sheds on the eastern boundary of the site are within 10 metres of the side boundary with Lot 2 on MPH23817 which is currently vacant. Given that significant flooding issues exist (all vacant lots are entirely crossed by the Q50 and Q100 flood lines), it is unlikely that any dwellings will be constructed in the future and no issue is raised in relation to privacy and access to natural light and breeze of adjoining and surrounding premises.

Development Site

Pony Club Grounds

Dwelling House

Queens Park Caravan Park

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Erosion and Sediment Control Code No additional buildings/works are proposed and the requirements of the code are considered to be satisfied. Infrastructure Works Code Queens Park Drive to the west of the access point is an unformed and unmaintained road reserve. Approximately 120 metres of Queens Park Drive from the access point at the east of the site and across the frontage of the existing dwelling on Queens Park Drive is constructed to a 5 metre wide bitumen sealed standard and was constructed by the then Gympie City Council to satisfy a condition of the previous approval for consent to use the building for the propose of Building Material Sales. The remaining 320 metres of Queens Park Drive to the Bruce Highway is of a gravel standard. Given previous approved uses of the site (i.e. Recycling Depot and Transport Depot) and nature of vehicles servicing these uses, the proposed General and/or Low Impact Industry use of the site is likely to result in a reduced impact to the road network. As a result of the above, provision of upgraded infrastructure (i.e. road widening, access and footpath construction) and contributions have not been conditioned. The development site is connected to Council’s reticulated water and sewer system. Given the previous uses occurring on site, no additional load is expected on Council’s services and as a result, no contributions have been imposed. Landscaping Code The proposal is located at the end of Queens Park Drive and is isolated from intact residential areas and major thoroughfares (i.e. Bruce Highway). It is therefore unlikely to benefit from additional landscape plantings. Furthermore, all buildings currently exist on the site and any landscaping would not visually screen them from the existing single residence located on Queens Park Drive. Additional landscaping has therefore not been imposed. Vehicle Parking and Access Code Probable Solution PS-1 of the Vehicle Parking and Access Code requires two (2) spaces per tenancy plus an additional one (1) space per 100m2 of Gross Floor Area.

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The calculated Gross Floor Area (GFA) of the ‘Main Shed’ is 247m2 and Storage Sheds 1 to 3 is 150.96m2. Five (5) concreted car parking spaces currently exist on an existing concrete slab at the front of the ‘Main Shed’ and are considered sufficient given a valid planning argument exists that the Storage Sheds will not technically generate additional traffic. Furthermore, the site is of sufficient size to accommodation additional overflow car parking should it be required. The existing gravel access and driveway are considered suitable to service the development which is well removed (approximately 57 metres) from the existing single dwelling on Queens Park Drive. Natural Waterways and Wetland Areas Code The Mary River is identified as a Priority Natural Waterway. The proposed development will not result in increased impacts to the Priority Natural Waterway given that buildings are existing. Any environmental impacts with respect to potential pollution will be managed through the Environmental Protection Act. Resource Areas Code The development site contains an area mapped as Good Quality Agricultural Land Class A. The existing buildings, car parking and access areas are located on land which is not mapped as Good Quality Agricultural Land and no issue is raised with the proposal. Furthermore the development site is in an area that does not support rural uses, is isolated from viable rural holdings by road reserve and the Mary River and at only 4 047m2 contains insufficient area to operated as a viable agricultural holding in its own right. 3.0 CONSULTATION 3.1 Internal (a) Report: (Design Services Civil Engineer – BJ Garrad) This engineering report is based on the information submitted by Allan Prestwood and Alix Simpson for Preliminary Approval to apply the land use entitlements of the Low Impact Industrial Zone rather than the current Community zone entitlements on Lot 1 on MPH5492, Queens Park Drive, Gympie. OVERVIEW The site has a history of being used for industrial purposes. The main shed was originally built and used for nursery/stockfood sales then for prefabricating the Melawondi mill, as a Red Cross recycling depot and sales/service/repairs of motorcycles. Currently it is used to fabricate lattice.

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TRAFFIC A traffic contribution of $12,111 will apply due to the increased traffic generated as determined under PSP13 Urban Road Contributions. (This has not been recommended – see key point summary). FRONTAGE ROAD and ACCESS The proposed industry has frontage to Queens Park Road which is unsealed from the Bruce Highway for approximately 320 metres and sealed to 5.0 metres width for approximately 120 metres to the site and then becomes an unformed road along the frontage and past the site. Queens Park Road has an average traffic count of 34 vehicles per day and is currently not furnished with kerb and channel or footpaths. Council needs to assess if it is appropriate to extend industrial use on a road that is unsealed for most of its length. If Council decides that industry is an appropriate use for this area there are other lots on Queens Park Drive with potential to be similarly developed. In this case the gravel section needs to be sealed and consideration given to a “half width” road upgrade to 7 metres with kerb and channel and a 1.2 metre concrete footpath as per PSP8 Infrastructure Works. The existing access is a single gravel access leading to the main shed and should be upgraded to a concrete commercial type access if a road upgrade is to occur or to a rural type access if the existing umimproved road is used. CAR PARKING There are already 5 car parking spaces (existing concrete slab)located at the front of the main shed which should be adequate. WATER SUPPLY There is a 50mm water main running along the Queens Park Road frontage of the site which currently supplies water from Council’s reticulated system to cater for the site. Headworks charges may not apply in this instance. SEWERAGE RETICULATION A sewer line exists on the road frontage and currently services the site. Headworks charges may not apply in this instance.

FLOODING The site has Mary River frontage and lies within the 1 in 40 flood zone which is allowable for a low impact industrial use. STORMWATER DRAINAGE The slope runs generally from front to back so roof and surface water flows to the Mary River. No stormwater issues are anticipated due to this proposed change of use.

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MISCELLANEOUS Power and communication services already supply the site. Street lighting is considered to be adequate at this location. (b) Community Services Directorate The application was referred to the Community Services Directorate and appropriate conditions have been included in the recommendation. 3.2 External (a) Department of Environment and Resource Management (i) The Department of Environment and Resource Management was a

Concurrence Agency due to the site being included on the Environment Management Register. The Concurrence Agency Response dated 7 February 2011 had no conditions and will be attached to the approval.

(ii) The Department of Environment and Resource Management was an

Advice Agency due to the development site being located within the trigger area to a referrable wetland. The Advice Agency Response dated 22 February 2011 will be attached to the approval.

4.0 CONCLUSION The development site has a significant use history for similar or higher impact industrial uses. The development site is subject to inundation in a Q50 and Q100 flood event and future residential development on surrounding vacant allotments is unlikely. Furthermore, the proposal is isolated from areas with an intact residential amenity. The application proposed to formalise the use of existing premises as General &/or Low Impact Industry due to the rezoning of the property as a result of the 2005 Cooloola Shire Council IPA Planning Scheme and is considered to constitute an appropriate use of the site. The proposal has been recommended for approval subject to appropriate conditions.

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P07/04/11 Moved: Cr D.R. Neilson Seconded: Cr R.A. Gâté

(A) Recommend that Council, as Assessment Manager, APPROVE

development application 2010-1489 for Material Change of Use – General &/or Low Impact Industry over Lot 1 on MPH5492 located at Queens Park Drive, Gympie subject to the following conditions:

Assessment Manager Conditions Section 1 - Conditions To Be Satisfied Prior To Commencement of the

Approved Use 1. The development shall be generally in accordance with the plans

submitted with the application (Plan Nos. Amended Site Plan, Main Shed, Storage Shed 1, Storage Shed 2 and Storage Shed 3 drawn by unauthored and undated).

2. The development herein approved may not start until:

(i) the following development permit has been issued and complied with as required - (a) Development Permit for Material Change of Use –

Environmentally Relevant Activity (if required). (ii) development authorised by the above permit has been

completed to the satisfaction of Council’s Chief Executive Officer.

3. Approved refuse containers are to be provided and maintained in

accordance with the Environmental Protection (Waste Management) Regulation 2000 and kept in an imperviously paved area with a suitable screened enclosure to enclose the refuse storage to the satisfaction of Council’s Chief Executive Officer.

4. The number and type of refuse containers provided on site is to be

determined in accordance with Council’s Rating Policy.

Preliminary calculations indicate the following estimated waste removal requirements:

Waste - (approximately 0.5m3 per week)

1 m3 bulk bin or equivalent serviced fortnightly or 2 x 240 L wheelie bins serviced weekly

Recyclables - (approximately 0.25 m3 per week)

240 L recycling (wheelie) bin serviced fortnightly

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It is recommended that there be sufficient space provided for 1 x 3m3 bulk bin to accommodate the future needs of the development. The above requirements are estimates only and are based on currently available waste generation data. Actual waste removal requirements may differ.

5. Servicing of refuse containers is to be at a location approved by

Council’s Chief Executive Officer. 6. Access to the site is to be constructed in accordance with the

requirements of Council’s Standard – Drawing No R-15. 7. Off-street car parking is to be provided in accordance with the

Vehicle Parking and Access Code of Council’s Planning Scheme and Planning Scheme Policy 8 - Infrastructure Works. Note: The 5 existing car parking spaces are considered sufficient.

8. Loading/unloading operations shall be conducted within the site and

vehicles waiting to be loaded/unloaded shall stand entirely within the site.

9. Undertake at no cost to Council, the alteration of any public utility

mains (eg. Electricity, water, sewerage, gas etc.) or other facilities necessitated by the development of the land or associated construction works external to the site.

10. Stormwater is to be disposed of on site so as to cause no scour or

damage to adjoining properties to the satisfaction of Council’s Chief Executive Officer.

Notes (i) This approval does not extend to the provision of environmentally

relevant activities on the site. Commencement of these activities will require development approval and registration pursuant to the Environmental Protection Act 1994.

It is noted that the current activity conducted at the site – lattice fabrication – may constitute an environmentally relevant activity (ERA), which may require additional development approval.

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ERA # 48 Wooden and laminated product manufacturing Wooden and laminated product manufacturing consists of— (1) manufacturing, in a year, a total of 100t or more of wooden

products; or (2) fabricating, in a year, the following quantity of reconstituted

timber products— (a) 5000t to 10000t; or (b) more than 10000t; or

(3) fabricating in a year 100t or more of laminated products. Excludes - carrying out an activity to which ERA 46 (Chemically treating timber) applies; or milling or kiln-drying timber or logs; or manufacturing house frames or timber trusses.

(ii) Existing concreted car parking and dust reduced gravel access and

drive are considered sufficient, however in the event of Council receiving a valid complaint regarding dust nuisance, upgrading to a sealed pavement will be required in accordance with Council’s Vehicle Parking and Access Code.

(iii) All operations conducted on the site shall be carried out in accordance

with the Environmental Protection Act 1994 and other relevant Acts, Regulations and Local Laws.

(iv) Any plans for operational works, water supply and sewerage works,

drainage works and street lighting required by this development permit, are to be surveyed, designed and constructed in accordance with Council’s Infrastructure Works Code.

(B) Recommend that the matter of appropriate zoning for Lot 1 on

MPH5492 be referred to Council’s Principal Planner (Major Projects) for consideration as part of the Planning Scheme review process.


James & Chrissy Peskops and Danya Cook from Murrays and Associates entered the meeting at 9.17 a.m. and provided council with a powerpoint presentation and left the meeting at 9.36 a.m.

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ADJOURNMENT OF MEETING The meeting adjourned for morning tea at 9.40 a.m. RESUMPTION OF MEETING The meeting resumed at 10.00 a.m.


The Chairman advised the meeting that Council was going “Into Committee” to discuss

1. “In-Committee” Appointment P08/04/11 Moved: Cr R.A. Gâté Seconded: CrJ.A. Walker That pursuant to the provisions of Section 72 of the Local Government

(Operations) Regulation 2010, Council resolves to close the meeting to the public and move “into committee” to consider the following matter/s:-

1. “In-Committee” Appointment Further, that in relation to the provisions of Section 171 of the Local

Government Act 2009, Council resolves that following the closing of the meeting to the public and the moving ‘into committee’ that all matters and all documents (whether in hard copy, electronic, optical, visual or magnetic form) discussed, raised, tabled and/or considered whilst the meeting is closed and ‘in committee’, are confidential to the Council and the Council wishes to keep them confidential.


Appointment attendees entered the meeting at 10.00 a.m. Cr L.J. Friske entered the meeting at 10.05 a.m. Cr R.J. Dyne left the meeting at 10.11 a.m. and returned to the meeting at

10.17 a.m. Cr D.R. Neilson left the meeting at 10.20 a.m. Cr J.A. Walker left the meeting at 10.30 a.m. and returned to the meeting at

10.35 a.m. Appointment attendees left the meeting at 10.36 a.m.

COUNCIL OUT OF COMMITTEE P09/04/11 Moved: Cr J.A. Walker Seconded: Cr A.J. Perrett That proceedings be resumed in Open Council.


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2/3 2009-1935 – Material Change of Use – Extractive Industry (Removal of up to 3000 Tonnes of Quarry Material per Annum) – 1866 Kin Kin Road, Wolvi – Elliott

FILE: Minute: P10/04/11 2009-1935 APPLICANT: Elliott RPD: Lot 1 RP883249 SITE: 1866 Kin Kin Road, Wolvi PROPOSAL: Material Change of Use – Extractive

Industry (Removal of up to 3000 Tonnes of Quarry Material per Annum)


Kin Kin

Stewart Road

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Material Change of Use application to establish an extractive industry for

a quarry for up to 3000 tonnes per annum; The application only proposes removal of surface rocks as part of the

operation, there is to be no quarry face or digging for further extraction; The development does not meet the threshold to be classified as an

Environmentally Relevant Activity; The proposed use is applied for as ‘Extractive Industry’ which is Impact

Assessable development within the Rural zone; Referral required to Queensland Department of Transport and Main

Roads as a Concurrence Agency as the site fronts Kin Kin Road; No submissions were received objecting to, or supporting the proposal; Recommended that Council approve the proposal subject to conditions. Report: (Planning Officer – M. K. Matthews) 1.0 INTRODUCTION This application seeks Council’s approval to establish an Extractive Industry as a quarry for the removal of up to 3000 tonnes of surface rock from the site per annum within the Rural Zone on Kin Kin Road, Wolvi. 1.1 The Proposal The applicant has made an application for a Material Change of Use to establish an Extractive Industry. There is a proposed extraction of surface rocks from the site itself, of up to 3000 tonnes per annum. The subject site is proposed to contain one (1) stockpile and one (1) extraction area, both of which are located to the rear of the site. The purpose of the extractive industry is to remove surface rock from the site for weed eradication and pastoral improvements. No timeframe has been given for the life of the activity by the applicant specifically, however the surface rock is a finite resource, and extraction is to be limited to within the boundaries of the extraction area outlined within the proposal plan.

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1.2 Site Description The subject site is 74.17 Ha and slopes downwards towards the Kin Kin Road frontage of the site. The slope is at about 11% for the front portion of the allotment, and then increases to approximately 17% in parts in the western (rear) section of the site.

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1.3 Surrounding Land Uses

The surrounding sites are predominantly rural in nature. Properties on the western side of Kin Kin Road are zoned Rural, however to the north-east is the Toolara State Forest. The subject site itself currently has a dwelling house, associated outbuilding and access road which will allow transportation to the quarry stockpile area.

1.4 Site Development There is currently a dwelling and associated outbuilding on site near the Kin Kin Road frontage. Activities being undertaken on site are generally rural in nature. 2.0 STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS 2.1 Planning Scheme

An Extractive Industry is defined in the Cooloola Shire Planning Scheme, means the use of ‘premises for the extraction of sand, gravel, rock, soil or similar materials and the removal of these materials from the premises for commercial gain. The term includes the winning of materials, ripping, blasting, dredging, storage, stockpiling, loading, cartage and treatment of extracted materials by such processes as crushing, screening, washing, blending and grading.’

This application is determined to be Impact Assessable Development and is therefore assessable against the entire Planning Scheme. The most relevant Codes for assessment however, have been outlined below.

2.1.1 Rural Planning Area Code The proposed Extractive Industry (Quarry) is not an inconsistent use in the Rural zone. Subject to appropriately addressing scenic amenity, environmental qualities, use compatibility, the transport network, natural hazard no outcomes of the Code are considered compromised.

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The proposal does not have a quarry face as such, and is only proposing the removal of surface rock for export from the site with the eventual aim to improve pasture on the land for livestock grazing. It is not anticipated that there would be any significant adverse impact of the visual amenity of surrounding properties. The proposal is also relatively small scale and only proposes the removal of a maximum of 3000 tonnes of rocks per annum. This is reflected by the lack of requirement for the applicant to obtain a licence for an Environmentally Relevant Activity. The proposal is for the export of a resource which already exists on site, and conditions have been incorporated into the recommendation to appropriately address any amenity concerns. The application has been referred to the Department of Transport of Main Roads who have conditioned the proposal accordingly.

2.1.2 Conservation Significant Areas Code The proposed quarry and haulage road are located outside those parts of the site identified as being of State or Regional Ecosystem Significance or Regional Connectivity Value. No outcomes of the Code are considered compromised.

2.1.3 Resource Areas Code The site is identified as containing Class A and B GQAL. The components of the proposal located on GQAL do not permanently alienate the GQAL and no outcomes of the Code are considered compromised. 2.1.4 Erosion and Sediment Control Code Stormwater run-off from the quarry and surrounding areas should be controlled in accordance with the recommendations. Subject to appropriately addressing this issue no specific outcomes of the Code are considered compromised. 2.1.5 Filling and Excavation Code Given the nature of the proposal and the fact that the site is identified as containing areas of Very Low to Very High Erosion Hazard, there is some potential for significant adverse impacts associated with amenity and the environment from the extraction process. Conditioning is required to ensure operational impacts are not significant and that post-extraction rehabilitation re-establishes and maintains natural drainage patterns. 2.1.6 Infrastructure Works Code Roadworks conditions have been incorporated into the recommendation.

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2.1.7 Vehicle Parking and Access Code It is not anticipated that the proposal will compromise any specific outcome associated with this Code. The proposal is to be undertaken by the landowners, therefore there is no requirement for staff car parking. The rock is proposed to be exported and delivered off site, therefore there will be no customers visiting the site. 3.0 PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS 3.1 Appropriateness of the Proposal The proposal is not identified as an inconsistent use in this zone, and the proposal is not for a large scale operation. The nature of extractive industries is to utilise an existing resource on site for economic benefit. The landowners wish to extract surface rock on a small scale in order to gradually improve the pastoral land of the site.

3.2 Impact on Amenity Potential noise sources associated with the development include traffic movements on the road network, internal vehicle movements, operating machine noise and quarrying activities. The proposal has the potential to generate dust from use of the internal haulage road and the extraction itself. The proposed use is a means for the landowners to generate a form of supplementary income by providing surface rock for local landscape supplies. There are no specific traffic generation figures supplied by the applicant, however, it is considered justified that any approval could incorporate reasonable conditions to ameliorate any potential amenity concerns.

3.3 Site Access and Traffic The site is to be accessed via a single entrance and exit point from Kin Kin Road. Council’s Design Services Division requirements in this regard have been included within the recommendation, and Department of Transport and Main Roads conditions also refer.

3.4 Flooding The site is not known to be subject to flooding.

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4.0 CONSULTATION 4.1 Internal (a) Design Services Division

There are no Council engineering issues in relation to this application. As the proposed development has frontage to the Kin Kin Road, the application was referred to the Department of Transport and Main Roads for its assessment. The Department issued conditions of approval.

(b) Health & Environmental Services Council’s Health & Environmental Services have issued conditions of approval which have been incorporated into the recommendation. (c) Environmental Planning The proposal was referred to Council’s Environmental Planner who advises that the property contains remnant of concern vegetation regional ecosystem (RE) 12.8.13 – Araucarian complex microphyll vine forest and RE12.9-10.16 – Araucarian microphyll to notophyll vine forest. This section of vegetation is mapped as having local connectivity value. Latitude maps the property as having habitat value for local flora present on site. The property is mapped as being bush fire prone. The majority of the site is mapped as very high erosion prone – this is also in the proposed extraction area. The majority of the site is mapped as having indigenous cultural heritage significance – this is also in the proposed extraction area. Given the nature of this extractive industry, there a no anticipated long term detrimental impacts for the site. Subject to the submission of a rehabilitation plan, the requirements of the Conservation Significant Areas Code are considered to be satisfied. 4.2 External (a) Department of Transport and Main Roads The application was referred to the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads as a Concurrence Agency given the proximity of the development site to Kin Kin Road. Conditions imposed in this instance by this Department approve the existing access location, however there is some upgrading work required to achieve safe visibility and turning facilities for Kin Kin Road traffic. Their conditions form part of any development permit.

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(b) Department of Environment and Resource Management The application was referred to the Queensland Department of Environment and Resource Management as a Concurrence Agency. They advised that there are no requirements in regards to this proposal.

5.0 PUBLIC CONSULTATION This Development Application was required to undertake formal public notification as it is identified as Impact Assessable Development under the provisions of Council’s Planning Scheme. No submissions were received either objecting to or supporting the proposal.

6.0 CONCLUSION This proposal is a Material Change of Use application for an Extractive Industry located in the Rural Zone. The proposal is relatively small scale in terms of an extractive industry. No submissions were received indicating that the proposed use is expected in the vicinity. The proposal is recommended for approval subject to conditions.

P10/04/11 Moved: Cr A.J. Perrett Seconded: Cr R.J. Dyne Recommend that Council, as Assessment Manager, APPROVE development application (2009-1635) for Material Change of Use – Extractive Industry (Removal of up to 3000 Tonnes of Surface Rocks per Annum) over Lot 1 RP883249 located at 1866 Kin Kin Road, Wolvi subject to the following conditions:

SECTION 1.0 – Conditions to be Satisfied Prior to the Commencement

of the Approved Use 1.1 A declared plants clearance is required to be obtained from Council

and/or a satisfactory management plan approved. The enclosed Notification of Compliance Form is to be completed and lodged with Council as evidence that this has been undertaken.

1.2 A rehabilitation plan detailing measures to re-profile and re-vegetate

extracted areas to a standard commensurate with the natural characteristics of the surrounding areas is to be submitted to and approved by Council.

1.3 Access to the proposed development is to be constructed in

accordance with the requirements of Council’s Standard Drawing No. R-15.

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1.4 Undertake at no cost to Council, the alteration of any public utility

mains (eg. Electricity, water, sewerage, gas etc.) or other facilities necessitated by the development of the land or associated construction works external to the site.

1.5 The development herein approved may not start until written

confirmation is provided to Council that Department of Transport and Main Roads attached to this Development Permit are substantially completed/fulfilled to the satisfaction of the Department of Transport and Main Roads.

SECTION 2.0 – General Conditions of Approval 2.1 Any plans for operational works, water supply and sewerage works

and drainage works required by this development permit, are to be surveyed, designed and constructed in accordance with Council’s Infrastructure Works Code.

2.2 In carrying out your activity you must take all reasonable and

practicable measures to ensure that it does not harm Aboriginal cultural heritage (the “cultural heritage duty of care”). You will comply with the cultural heritage duty of care if you are acting in accordance with the gazetted cultural heritage duty of care guidelines. An assessment of your proposed activity against the duty of care guidelines will help determine whether or to what extent Aboriginal cultural heritage may be harmed by your activity. Further information on cultural heritage, together with a copy of the duty of care guidelines and cultural heritage search forms, may be obtained from the Department of Environment and Resource Management ~ phone (07) 3238 3838 or website www.derm.qld.gov.au.

Amenity Issues 2.3 The development shall be generally in accordance with the plans

submitted with the application (‘Map Attachment’ unauthored and undated).

2.4 The operator is required to limit any dust emission from the site to

the absolute minimum by implementing such measures as limiting work areas, establishing grass cover, regular watering of the site etc.

2.5 The use is not to produce noise levels greater than background levels

plus 5 dB(A) when measured at a sensitive receiving environment. This condition does not apply to noise generated by development traffic on public roads.

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2.6 No blasting is to occur on the site. 2.7 All operations conducted on the site shall be carried out in

accordance with the Environmental Protection Act 1994 and other relevant Acts, Regulations and Local Laws.

Roads and Traffic 2.8 Quarry traffic is to use the existing access to the site.

2.9 The development is restricted to ten (10) loaded vehicle movements

per week or a maximum of 1,000 tonnes of material in any 3-week period.

Hours of Operation 2.10 Permitted hours of operation are 0700 hours to 1800 hours Monday

to Friday. There are to be no operations on Saturdays, Sundays or Public Holidays.


2.11 A rehabilitation plan is to be prepared for the property detailing

what will happen once extraction is finished on site. The rehabilitation plan should aim to return the site as closely as possible to its original form.


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2/4 DA07113 – Request to Change an Existing Approval for Material Change of Use – Multi-Unit Accommodation (43 Dwelling Units) and Reconfiguring a Lot (to create 43 lots) – Lot 14 MCH18119 – Eaglemont Nominees Pty Ltd

Re: Minute: P11/04/11 Request to Change an Existing Approval for

Material Change of Use – Multi-Unit Accommodation (43 Dwelling Units) and Reconfiguring a Lot (to create 43 lots)

Site: Community Title’s Scheme SP167404, 20 Gympie Road, Tin Can Bay

From: Eaglemont Nominees c/- GHD File: DA07113

Report: (Manager Development and Compliance – T.M. Stenholm) 1.0 Introduction This application was previously reported to Council’s Planning and Development Committee Meeting on 19 January 2011, where Council resolved vide Minute P10/01/11 to: ‘Recommend that the application be held over until the next Planning and Development Committee Meeting on 2 February 2011.’

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A copy of the previous report is reproduced following. 1.0 Introduction Application is made to change an existing approval for multi-residential development at Tin Can Bay, at the Tuncunba Gardens residential estate.

2010 Aerial Photo of Site


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2.0 History This development was originally approved in 2002 as a ‘Relocatable Home Park’. In 2003 a subsequent application was made over the site for multi-unit accommodation, comprising 43 slab on ground units on individual titles. This approval incorporated 8 x 2 storey buildings on sites 10-17. A condition of the approval also restricted the plot ratio of units within individual sites to 0.6. A request to amend the application was made in 2005 to permit an additional 10 x 2 storey units to that previously approved. Overall, two storey units were permitted on lots 5, 7, 10-17, 19, 21, 27, 29, 32, 34, 38 and 41. The approved plan for the development nominated the setbacks to be achieved for each unit. A copy of this plan follows.

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A complaint was made to Council late 2009, alleging the required setbacks for lot 4 were not being adhered to, as construction on this lot had commenced. Investigations indicated the building had been privately certified and the approved building work plans conflicted with the setbacks nominated on the approved material change of use plan. Additionally, the unit constructed on lot 30 appeared to encroach the approved setbacks. Subsequent meetings with the applicant resulted in this ‘request to change’ application being lodged. 3.0 Requested Changes The requested changes include: - extend the currency period to 1 January 2015; - approval of amended plan to legitimise buildings constructed over lots 4-6 and 30 and

allow reduced setbacks; - further approve reduced setbacks on lots 8, 18-21, 28, 32, 33 which are yet to be

constructed; - delete the restriction in condition 7.2 to a 0.6 plot ratio; and - amend condition 9.6 to allow the development already completed not to have water


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The approved and proposed setbacks are summarised in the following table.

Approved Setbacks Proposed Setbacks Lot

Side Boundary Front Boundary Side Boundary Front Boundary 4 3.5m - 1.7m at the

corner 2m internally 3m (Bream St)

1.5m – 0.1m at the corner

1.5m internally 1m (Bream St)

5 0m 2m internally 3m (Bream St)

0m 2m internally 2m (Bream St)

6 0.75m 0m

2m internally 3m (Bream St)

0.1m 0m

1.5m (internally) 0.75m (Bream St)

8 0.75m 2m (internally) 3m (Bream St)

0m 0m

1.5m internally 1m (Bream St)

18 1.85m (except 0.4m at the cnr with lot


2m internally 3.2m (Whiting St)

0.25m (to lot 17)

1.25m internally 1m (Whiting St)

19 1.5m 2m (internally) 3.2m (Whiting St)

0.75m 1.5m (internally) 2.5m (Whiting St)

20 1.5m 2m (internally) 3.2m (Whiting St)

0m 1.25m internally 1.25m (Whiting St)

21 1.5m 2m (internally) 3.2m (Whiting St)

0.75m 1.5m (internally) 2.5m (Whiting St)

28 1.5m 2m 0m 1.5m 30 0m 2m (except cnr at

0.5m) 2m

0m 0.75m (except cnr at 0m) 1.25m

32 1.5m 2m 0.75m 1.5m 33 1.5m 1.9m 0m 1.5m

Grounds submitted to support the amendments include: ‘The variations to the development setbacks are minor when viewed from the sites road

frontages; The number and location of two (2) storey buildings remains unchanged; The development type and use remains unchanged; The overall site plot ratio is about 0.43 which is well below the maximum allowable by

the Planning Scheme of 0.60. In our clients view the restriction in the last sentence of condition 7.2 was never intended to limit the two (2) storey plot ratio as it could be interpreted;

Some of the buildings have greater articulation in the façade and setbacks and there is some give and take which probably improves the overall appearance;

The amount of private open space remains similar with some open space lost due to the setback changes but with the inclusion of additional decks/patios the net outcome or result will be similar;

The extent of community open space and facilities remains unchanged and is more than is normal for this type of development. In addition the development is adjacent to the town reserve which provides an added amenity which would have been in Council’s mind when the approval was granted.’

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Units built over lots 4-6 backing onto Bream Street

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Whiting Street

Dwelling Units constructed on Lots 29 and 30

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4.0 Assessment Water Meters Previous Council minute P17/11/10 resolved to support an amendment of the approval to delete the requirement for individual water meters to be provided to those houses that were the subject of a plumbing assessment application before 1 January 2008. Extension of Currency The request for an extension of the currency period is supported given 23 of the 43 approved dwelling units are built and occupied and all the civil works and common facilities have been completed. Amended Development Plan The reduced setbacks and increased plot ratio result in a substantially denser development to that initially approved by Council and, as indicated by complaints from existing residents, cannot be considered expected by those that bought into the estate. Additionally, the site is not included within the ‘mixed housing preferred use area’ in the 2005 Cooloola Planning Scheme nor does it comply with the setbacks for multi-residential development in this Scheme. This multi-residential development was initially supported in 2003 on the basis that it was similar to the previously approved Relocatable Home Park and was to adopt the previously determined development parameters established in that development. It is considered unlikely, particularly given Council’s more recent decisions on unit proposals outside the designated area at Tin Can Bay, that a fresh development application proposing units at this density would be supported today. The scale and bulk of the amended development plan is also much greater than that of the immediate surrounding area. Concerns raised by a complainant of the increased density include:

inappropriateness of having 2 storey buildings less than 1.5m from the Bream Street road frontage;

reduced garden space; fire protection from reduced setbacks; blind corners created internally due to minimal setbacks; reduction in views externally to those dwelling units constructed as single storey; no consultation from the developer to existing residents/owners; the proposal was not anticipated when they bought into the estate.

The majority of these concerns raised are considered legitimate, however building regulations would dictate fire protection requirements in relation to the reduced setbacks. Some other concerns have also been raised with the overall development, including:

pedestrian and vehicle conflict on the internal driveways; no boat parking; and narrow internal roads,

however these are design issues that should have been addressed during the original assessment. Based on the reasons outlined above, support for the amended development plan is not considered warranted and the setbacks and plot ratio parameters imposed on the original approval should remain for the dwelling units still to be constructed. Any action to make those units already built accord with the approval could be lengthy and costly, but ultimately needs to be a decision of Council.

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DTMR Referral The request was referred to Department of Transport and Main Roads given they were a Concurrence Agency for the original application. This Agency has offered no objection to the change, including an extension of the currency period to 2015. Recommendation: (Director of Planning & Development – M. Hartley) Recommend that in relation to the request to change existing approval for Material Change of Use – Multi-Unit Accommodation (43 Dwelling Units) and Reconfiguring a Lot (to create 43 lots) (DA07113) Council issue and Amended Decision Notice incorporating the following: (i) amended lapsing date of 1 January 2015; (ii) condition 9.6 to read: ‘A main water meter servicing the full development with individual water meters for

those houses that are subject to a plumbing assessment application after 1 January 2008 shall be installed.’

(iii) condition 7.2 be amended to read: ‘The development shall be generally in accordance with the plans submitted with the

application. (Plan prepared by BJS Design and Development Consultants, referenced 1762-002 A and dated 29 November 2002.

All buildings, with the exception of lots 4-6 and 30, shall be sited within the general

building envelopes as depicted on the plan prepared by BJS Design & Development Consultants, referenced 1762-L-010 and dated 9 October 2003 and the untitled plan dated 10 October 2003.

Buildings on lots 4-6 and 30 are approved to be sited within the general building

envelopes as depicted on the plan prepared by T.R and S.L. Roper, referenced DA 7113-2, undated acknowledging the following setbacks:

Lot No. Side Boundary Front Boundary 4 1.5m – 0.1m at the corner 1.5m internally

1m (Bream St) 5 0m 2m internally

2m (Bream St) 6 0.1m

0m 1.5m (internally) 0.75m (Bream St)

30 0m 0.75m (except cnr at 0m) 1.25m

Building height for buildings is limited to single storey except for sites 5, 7, 10 to 17

inclusive, 19, 21, 27, 29, 32, 34, 38 and 41 which are permitted to be two storeys with a maximum height of 7.0m above natural ground level.

The maximum plot ratio of units within individual sites is limited to 0.6 except for lots

4-6 and 30.’

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2.0 Further Submission Following Council’s resolution the applicant and his representative met with staff and Cr Petersen. From the meeting it was resolved that the applicant would submit a more detailed, marked up plan that clearly nominated the setbacks they were proposing in the amendment. The following plan was subsequently e-mailed.

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The new plan does not show nominated setbacks, but only the extent of the increased site coverage proposed and the plan is submitted at A3 size but is scaled to A2. The original table of setbacks therefore remains the most accurate indication of the setbacks proposed. No further grounds or submission has been included with the plan to provide further justification for the amended development or in response to assessment comments previously reported to Council. 3.0 Assessment The application does not acknowledge that the development was originally considered acceptable and approved on the basis of it being a consistent scale to the previously approved relocatable home park. The existing development opposite the site in Whiting and Bream Street is of a low dense residential nature where the minimum 6 metre road boundary setback is largely adhered to. Any encroachment of this on the subject site is considered to be out of context with the area and compromises the suitability of the overall development at this location. Should Council have been given an opportunity to consider the proposal at the scale now requested the decision in 2003 may have been different. Additionally, the land remains outside the area nominated in the 2005 planning scheme as being suitable for multi-residential development. On the basis of this, it is recommended the originally approved setbacks to the outermost building projections to road boundaries on Units 7, 8 and 18-21 should be retained at a minimum 3 metre setback. Some scope is considered to exist for the amended footprints of units 10-12 and 15-17 given they adjoin undeveloped reserve land, however should be a minimum of 2 metres as depicted on the latest plan. Proposed internal side boundary setbacks to units 8, 18, 20, 28, 31 and 33 are not supported. ATTACHMENT See Attachment 2 – Letter from GHD

P11/04/11 Moved: Cr A.J. Perrett Seconded: Cr R.A. Gâté Recommend that Council note the application was withdrawn from the Agenda at the request of the applicant, pending their further submission.


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2/5 2010-0387 – Request to Change an Existing Approval for Material Change of Use - Display Yard (Equipment Hire Premises) – 17 Hall Road, Glanmire – Persal & Co. Engineering Pty Ltd

Re: Minute: P12/04/11 Request to Change an Existing Approval for

Display Yard (Equipment Hire Premises) – 17 Hall Road, Glanmire – Persal & Co. Engineering Pty Ltd (Lot 2 SP194597)

From: Persal & Co. Engineering Pty Ltd File: 2010-0387

Report: (Planning Officer – M. K. Matthews and Manager Development

and Compliance – T.M. Stenholm) 1.0 INTRODUCTION Development approval for Material Change of Use – Display Yard (Equipment Hire Premises) was issued on 23 June 2010. The applicant then suspended their appeal period and lodged representations in relation to some of the conditions on 16 July 2010, relating to headworks and roadworks contributions. A Negotiated Decision Notice was then issued 20 December 2010 after being considered by Council. The applicant has lodged a Request to Change an Existing Approval to incorporate an additional shed for storage purposes.

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The Request to Change was lodged seeking endorsement of a new approved plan that incorporates an additional shed to store higher value equipment out of weather and for security purposes. The additional gross floor area proposed is 818m2. Current Approved Plan:

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Proposed Plan:

2.1 Applicant’s Supporting Submission ‘The requested modification to the approved plan is for an additional shed in which some of the higher value equipment will be stored out of the weather and for security reasons.

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It is noted that the modification will not result in an intensification of the use and as such will not be a material change to the use. Pre-lodgement discussion were held with Council (sic) Tania Stenholm.’

2.2 Assessment (Planning Officer – M. K. Matthews) The proposal has been approved as a Display Yard incorporating outdoor use area as per the original approved plan. The definition of the proposed use is not changing, as the proposal remains defined as a Display Yard, which means ‘the use of premises for the display or sale, hire or leasing of any industrial plant or equipment, motor vehicles, agricultural machinery, vessels, caravans, trailers, plants, building materials, construction and landscaping materials, when involving more than 200m2 of outdoor use area.’ The proposed shed to be utilised as an equipment storage area is to be located in the area previously designated as outdoor use area. Instead of the area now being outdoor, it is a dedicated 818m2 storage shed. It is to be sited a minimum of six (6) metres from the Eldorado Road frontage of the site, and this frontage has been conditioned on the approval to be landscaped in accordance with planning scheme requirements. No other amendments to the Permit are considered necessitated by the change given no further intensification of the use.

P12/04/11 Moved: Cr R.A. Gâté Seconded: Cr L.J. Friske Recommend that in relation to Development Application 2010-0387 for Material Change of Use – Display Yard (Equipment Hire Premises) over Lot 12 SP194597, located at 17 Hall Road, Glanmire, Council issue an Amended Decision Notice incorporating the following: Condition 1.1 be amended to read: ‘The development shall be generally in accordance with the plan submitted with the application (Drawing No. HHG-11-01-001 Revision 1 unauthored and dated February 2011).’


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3/1 2010-1184 – Development Application for Reconfiguring A Lot –Subdivision to Create 23 Additional Lots – Smerdon Road, Southside – I & L Lobegeier Super Fund

FILE NO: Minute: P13/04/11 & P14/04/11 2009-2166 APPLICANT: I & L Lobegeier RPD: Lot 1 MPH24486 SITE ADDRESS: Smerdon Road, Southside CURRENT USE OF LAND: Vacant Land PROPOSAL: Reconfiguring a Lot –Subdivision to

Create 23 Additional Lots EXISTING ZONE: Rural DRAFT WBBRP: Urban Footprint LEVEL OF ASSESSMENT: Code SUBMISSIONS: Two (2)

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Previously reported to Planning & Development Committee 16 March 2011

KEY POINT SUMMARY Application for subdivision to create 25 residential lots on Southside; Site zoned rural in the Planning Scheme so residential development not

currently foreshadowed; 14 of the lots are less than 600m2 and do not comply with current road

frontage requirements for residential development; Development site is within a ‘still developing’ area and the number of

small lots proposed is considered excessive; Two (2) submissions received from nearby residents opposing

subdivision of the site; Application recommended for PRELIMINARY APPROVAL only with a

new layout plan to be submitted reducing the number of small lots proposed.

Report: (Manager Development and Compliance – T.M. Stenholm)

1.0 APPLICATION This application seeks approval to subdivide to create 25 residential lots on Smerdon Road, Southside.

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2.0 STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS 2.1 State Planning Policies No Policies are relevant. 2.2 Planning Scheme Provisions The subject site is zoned Rural under the Cooloola Planning Scheme, but within the Gympie Planning Area, and the proposed Reconfiguring a Lot application is code assessable.

The following codes apply to the assessment of this proposal:

Gympie Planning Area Code Infrastructure Works Code Landscaping Code Reconfiguring a Lot Code

Gympie Planning Area Code The Code addresses uses more than subdivision development, however some amenity concern is raised by the number of lots proposed within the existing low dense environment. This issue is discussed in more detail further in the report.

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Infrastructure Works Code The development proposed is capable of being serviced by expected infrastructure standards for urban development. Landscaping Code Provisions of the Code are not considered applicable considering Council no longer requires street trees for new residential subdivisions. Reconfiguring a Lot Code The application does not accord with the minimum lot sizes for the rural zone, being 100 hectares, however residential development of the site is considered acceptable given: - the developer will be funding the provision of urban infrastructure to the

development; - the site is within a developing area of Southside; - the lot is included in the Urban Footprint of the Draft Wide Bay Burnett

Regulatory Provisions, indicating its acceptability for residential development; and

- it has been over six (6) years since the current planning scheme provisions were drafted and urban infrastructure has become more readily accessible to this area in that time.

Fourteen (14) out of the 25 lots proposed do not comply with minimum lot size or road frontage for new housing lots and range in size from 400m2 (lots 15-17) to 589m2 (lot 21). Initially, the proposal was for 20 out of 28 lots to be less than 600m2, however an amended plan was submitted in response to an information request stating: ‘Given the site’s rural zoning and location within an urban area that is still developing, the proposal is considered in great contrast to other lots in the immediate area. As a preliminary comment to the proposal, it may be more appropriate to have any small lots proposed (ie lots less than 600m2) more evenly interspersed with complying lots and the number of complying lots outweighing those that don’t.’ In justifying the variation from the nominated standards in the planning scheme, the applicant submits the following: ‘there is a mix of lot sizes proposed . . .;

the WBBRP will create a need for Council to achieve higher density targets for infill development and this proposal will assist to that end;

there is an increasing demand for smaller lots and houses for sustainability and lifestyle reasons;

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the relative flat nature of the site is suited for smaller fully useable lots and this is unusual in the Gympie setting;

in the majority of the SEQ Planning Schemes the housing minimum lot size has now decreased to 450 sqm instead of the previous minimum of 600 sqm and this proposal is consistent with that trend;

there are plenty of standard house designs available for the smaller lot sizes in response to the continuing trend.’

Small lot proposals are becoming increasingly common, and it is expected that provisions will be incorporated into the next Planning Scheme that recognise and facilitate them. There are also recent examples of Council endorsing such, as it was agreed that the incorporation of some smaller lots into a planned larger estate was considered appropriate, where purchasers are fully aware of what they are buying into. This particular proposal would not be considered a large estate, but rather a small subdivision within an existing established low dense environment. The transition, therefore to higher density should be gradual to respect the existing amenity of the area. For this reason the number of small lots proposed is considered excessive and not in keeping with the surrounding development. For a recent subdivision proposal at Victory Heights, proposing some 150 new lots, Council concurred it was appropriate to restrict the maximum number of small lots in the estate to 15%. Should that figure be applied to this application, the number of lots less than 600m2 would be reduced 2 or 3. Until planning for this area has progressed, via the current review of the planning schemes, support for the current layout is not recommended. 3.0 PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS 3.1 Amenity The proposed site is not in the Mixed Housing Preferred use area and it could be argued that development of the site under the current planning scheme was not foreshadowed. Existing residents have therefore not had opportunity to have input into Council’s planning for the area. The proposed development, with 14 out of the 25 lots being less than 600m2 is considered to have some detrimental impact on the amenity of the area. 3.2 Park Contributions to park and open space on a per lot basis would be a condition of any approval issued.

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3.3 Adjoining Subdivision Potential Adjoining lots are currently zoned rural, however lots on the southern side of Johns Road are zoned housing. Future density and subdivision in the area will be partially dictated by flooding.

3.4 Flooding The site is partially affected by a Q100 flood event as depicted on the plan below. All proposed lots, however, can contain the required building envelope above this level.

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3.5 Traffic/Road Design Engineering advice includes recommendations for upgrading the road frontages of the development site, to Johns and Smerdon Roads, and upgrading of the Johns/Rosslyn Road intersection.

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Lead-in roads to the development site, however, are not of sufficient width to allow 2 vehicles to pass on bitumen and conditioning such upgrading on this relatively small development would not be considered reasonable. Road contributions collected by Council would need to be allocated to upgrading of roads in this area as it develops further. 3.6 Water Supply & Sewerage The developer will be required to provide reticulated water and sewer mains for the development at no cost to Council. In addition to these works, headworks contributions should be conditioned as they apply to new residential lots. 4.0 CONSULTATION 4.1 Internal Report: (Manager, Major Projects – N. Weller) This engineering report is based on the original application by GHD dated 23 July 2010 and further information submitted by GHD dated 21 January 2011 (25 lots). TRANSPORT The additional 24 lots lie within the PSP13 catchment area. The contribution for 2010/2011 is calculated at 23 x $3,562.14 = $81,929.22 (It is recommended that one lot be amalgamated with other lots). Smerdon Road is identified as a future Urban Collector Street. Johns Road is identified as a future Urban Access Street. There are no plans for pathways on the frontages of the subject land. The Smerdon Road and Johns Road frontages should be upgraded to half-width Urban Collector and Urban Access standard respectively, with Smerdon Road as a public bus route. FLOODING A section of the site has been filled. This leaves about 8 metres of Lots 12, 18, 19 and 22 below the Q100 flood level of 62.35 metres AHD. The proposed Lots 18 and 19 do not have a 15 metre x 20 metre building area above Q100. There is an escape route available from the site via Rosslyn Road. DRAINAGE An existing open drain runs from a saddle on Smerdon Road near the boundary with Lot 2 on MPH24886 through the proposed Lot 1 to a proposed easement down the Lot 22 access handle. This saddle will be drained as part of this development with a Council contribution of (letter of 13 September 2005) “30 metres of stormwater drain, 1 entry pit on Smerdon Road, 1 junction pit at 30 metres.”

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The drainage from the easement through Lot 22 will discharge onto Rural Lot 1 on MPH23604 and then to a defined gully on the same block. An easement on Lot 1 on MPH23604 will be required. INTERNAL ROADS The internal road is proposed at “8 metres kerb to kerb”. PSP8 current standard requires a 5.5 metre carriageway width with kerb and channel and 4 metre verges. The minimum width should be constructed. LOT LAYOUT/PREVIOUS APPROVAL The lot layout includes 14 of the 25 lots less than 600m2 being the minimum area. There would appear to be no grounds to support these small size lots in such an area generally remote of other urban lots. However, this is considered to be more of a town planning nature. A previous approval for Operational Works for allotment filling (DA 2008-1943) was conditioned in May 2009. The filling that has occurred on the site will require certification in accordance with AS3798. ACCESS The access to the proposed Lot 11 from Johns Road cannot comply with AS2890 because of its proximity to Rosslyn Road intersection. This proposed lot should be incorporated into other lots. All lots except Lot 25 should have access from the new road. WATER SUPPLY The proposal can be serviced by connecting existing mains in Smerdon and Johns Roads. Water Supply headworks charges in addition to the external works are applicable. SEWERAGE The proposal can be sewered by gravity connection to a manhole in Lot 237 on LX 2354, owned by Gympie Regional Council, about 150 metres to the south-west of the development boundary. Contributions to the existing pump station and rising main and future rising main in accordance with Council’s letter of 21 April 2005 are required. Sewerage headworks charges in addition to the external works are applicable. The sewer should be designed to service existing residents on Johns Road with additional costs borne by Council. POWER AND LANDLINE TELECOMMUNICATIONS Costs associated with provision of these services will be borne by the developer. Street lighting will be required. 4.2 External Given the level of assessment for the application, formal public notification was not required.

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Two (2) submissions, however, were received from residents in the immediate vicinity with the following concerns.

Issue raised Comment Existing roads not wide enough to support additional traffic.

Upgrading of the development site’s frontage to Smerdon and Johns Road to half-width urban collector and access streets would be recommended for any approval.

Added population will affect existing wildlife in the area.

The development site is in the centre of the urban footprint and for efficient development (ie reducing urban sprawl) cannot remain in its current density.

Extra traffic will create a safety issue with people that walk and ride on the road as there are no footpaths.

A road contribution would be levied on any approval in accordance with PSP 13 and part of this money could be spent by Council on future pathways in the area.

Impact of traffic on patients at the Respite Centre.

Smerdon Road will ultimately by an ‘Urban Collector’ for this area, however the impact of traffic on this road to patients is considered minimal.

Access to sewerage is in a flood zone. No engineering concerns are raised with installation of sewerage infrastructure below a Q100 flood event.

5.0 CONCLUSION Whilst the development site is considered conducive to residential development, the number of small lots proposed is considered unacceptable and in conflict with the existing surrounding development. P18/03/11 Moved: Cr G.L. Engeman Seconded: Cr Recommend that Council, as Assessment Manager, issue a PRELIMINARY APPROVAL in relation to Development Application 2010-1184 for Reconfiguring A Lot – Subdivision to Create 25 Residential Lots over Lot 1 MPH24486 located at Smerdon Road, Southside subject to the following conditions:

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Assessment Manager’s Conditions Conditions to be Satisfied Prior to the Release of the Plan of Survey 1. A development permit for reconfiguring a lot is to be obtained and

complied with. 2. The proposal plan for the application required by condition 1 is to

incorporate the following design elements: (i) a maximum 15% of lots between 450m2 and 600m2; and (ii) lots less than 600m2 are not to have direct frontage to Smerdon or

Johns Roads. The motion lapsed for want of Seconder. P19/03/11 Moved: Cr A.J. Perrett Seconded: Cr R.A. Gâté Recommend that Council, as Assessment Manager, issue a PRELIMINARY APPROVAL in relation to Development Application 2010-1184 for Reconfiguring A Lot – Subdivision to Create 25 Residential Lots over Lot 1 MPH24486 located at Smerdon Road, Southside subject to the following conditions: Assessment Manager’s Conditions Conditions to be Satisfied Prior to the Release of the Plan of Survey 1. A development permit for reconfiguring a lot is to be obtained and

complied with. 2. The proposal plan for the application required by condition 1 is to

incorporate the following design elements: (i) all lots to have a minimum lot size of 600m2.


WITHDRAWN MINUTE G19/03/11 REFERS G19/03/11Moved: Cr I.T. Petersen Seconded: Cr J. Watt

That Recommendation P19/03/11 of the Recommendations of the Planning & Development Committee Meeting held on 16 March 2011 be referred to a future Planning meeting for further discussion.


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P13/04/11 Moved: Cr L.J. Friske Seconded: Cr I.T. Petersen Recommend that Council, as Assessment Manager, issue a PRELIMINARY APPROVAL in relation to Development Application 2010-1184 for Reconfiguring A Lot – Subdivision to Create 25 Residential Lots over Lot 1 MPH24486 located at Smerdon Road, Southside subject to the following conditions: Assessment Manager’s Conditions Conditions to be Satisfied Prior to the Release of the Plan of Survey 1. A development permit for reconfiguring a lot is to be obtained and

complied with. 2. The proposal plan for the application required by condition 1 is to

incorporate the following design elements: (i) a maximum of 50% of the lots between 450m2 and 600m2; and (ii) lots less than 600m2 are not to have direct frontage to Smerdon

or Johns Roads. Lost.

P14/04/11 Moved: Cr J.A. Walker Seconded: Cr R.A. Gâté

Recommend that Council, as Assessment Manager, issue a PRELIMINARY APPROVAL in relation to Development Application 2010-1184 for Reconfiguring A Lot – Subdivision to Create 25 Residential Lots over Lot 1 MPH24486 located at Smerdon Road, Southside subject to the following conditions: Assessment Manager’s Conditions Conditions to be Satisfied Prior to the Release of the Plan of Survey 1. A development permit for reconfiguring a lot is to be obtained and

complied with. 2. The proposal plan for the application required by condition 1 is to

incorporate the following design elements: (i) a maximum of 15% of the lots between 450m2 and 600m2; and (ii) lots less than 600m2 are not to have direct frontage to Smerdon

or Johns Roads. Carried.


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4/1 Planning Applications Pending

NOTE: New Applications are in BOLD AND ITALICS

Abbreviations: AN Acknowledgment Notice AL Acknowledgement Letter RFI Request for Further Information DMS Decision Making Stage DN Decision Notice ADN Amended Decision Notice NDN Negotiated Decision Notice ALOD Adjoining Land Owners Details PN Public Notification PNS Public Notification Stage SP Survey Plan

File Number &

Applicant Location Nature of Application Status


7-9 Power Road, Southside

Education or Health Premises (School Age Facility)

RFI sent 03/03/08. Awaiting applicant’s response. Proposal plan received 13/10/08. (In conjunction with DA13664)

DA253 Allen & Dray (MKM)

Dray Road, Widgee

Extractive Industry (Rock Quarry) & ERA # 20

DMS. Application on hold pending applicant’s advice.

2009-0748 Orica Quarry Services (TMS)

720 Moy Pocket Road, Moy Pocket

Special Industry (Bulk Storage Depot & Magazine Facility) and Environmentally Relevant Activity (ERA# 8 Chemical Storage (Threshold 4)

DMS. Report to P&D Committee Meeting. (160) Submissions. (2) Petitions. Refer to Item 2/1 in Today’s Agenda.

2009-1859 Christensen (MKM)

14 Glastonbury Road, Southside

2 x Two (2) Storey Town Houses & 2 x Two (2) Unit Apartments

DMS. Report to P&D Committee Meeting. (1) Submission.

2009-1935 Elliot (MKM)

1866 Kin Kin Road, Wolvi

Extractive Industry (Removal of up to 3000 tonnes of Material per Annum)

DMS. Report to P&D Committee Meeting. Refer to Item 2/3 in Today’s Agenda.

2010-0827 Gear Family Investments Pty Ltd (MKM)

6A Parsons Road, Gympie

Multi-Residential (Nine (9) Units)

PNS. Submissions due 11/04/11.

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File Number & Applicant

Location Nature of Application Status

2010-0860 Tim Developments Pty Ltd (MKM)

168 Old Maryborough Road, Gympie

COMBINED Preliminary Approval (Industrial & Commercial Development) & Subdivision to Create 18 Additional Lots

PNS. Submissions due 16/03/11. Four (4) Submissions.

2010-0891 Roberts Bros Pty Ltd (TMS)

600 Bruce Highway, Chatsworth

Preliminary Approval to Effect the Local Planning Scheme

Application on hold till 30/06/11. DTMR rfi issued 15/07/10 & DIP rfi issued 05/07/10.

2010-1030 White (SFC)

28 Smyth Street, Gympie

Multi-Residential Four (4) Units

RFI sent 09/08/10. Applicant’s response time extended until 09/08/11. Concurrence Agency DTMR rfi issued 27/07/10.

2010-1280 Venaglia Enterprises Pty Ltd (SFC)

105 Duke Street, Gympie

Multi-Residential (Four (4) Dwelling Units)

PNS. Submissions due 29/03/11.

2010-1348 Newman (SFC)

149 Tagigan Road, Goomboorian

Food or Entertainment Venue (Function Venue)

DMS. Report to P&D Committee Meeting. (11) Submissions. One (1) Petition. Application held pending further supporting information.

2010-1362 Barton (SFC)

27 Dan Meurant Drive, Curra

Low Impact Industry (Storage Shed for Four (4) School Buses)

DMS. Report to P&D Committee Meeting.

2010-1870 Canty (SFC)

Bella Creek Road, Bella Creek

Accommodation Premises (Camping & Cabins) Food or Entertainment Venue (Multi Sports Park & Kiosk) and ERA #63 Sewage Treatment (2) (a) 21ep to 100ep Premises)

Amended AN issued 08/02/11. RFI sent 10/01/11. Awaiting applicant’s response. Concurrence Agencies DERM, DTMR response received 16/03/11 & DIP rfi issued 19/01/11. Advice Agency DERM.

2010-1921 Nargoon Cattle Co (SFC)

Old Boonara Road, Cinnabar

MCU - Intensive Animal Husbandry (Increasing Existing 100 to 499 SCU Feedlot) & ERA #2(1)(b) Intense Animal Feed Lotting Cattle 150-1000scu

AN issued 10/12/10. RFI not required. Concurrency Agency DEEDI rfi issued 12/01/11.

2010-1948 Optus Pty Ltd C/- Aurecon Group (MKM)

Bayside Road, Tin Can Bay

Public Utility (Telecommunications Facility)

DMS. DN due.

2010-2019 G & G Securities (TMS)

Cootharaba Road, Gympie

Seeking a Preliminary Approval Varying the Effect of the Local Planning Instrument

AN issued 10/01/11. RFI not required. Concurrence Agencies DTMR response received 07/03/11, DIP rfi issued 21/02/11. Advice Agency Energex response received 04/03/11.

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File Number & Applicant

Location Nature of Application Status

2010-2055 Anderleigh Enterprises Pty Ltd (MKM)

270 Sorensen Road, Gunulda

Extractive Industry & ERA # 16 Extractive and Screening Activities, 2 (c) 100,000 to 1,000,000 Tonnes Per Annum

RFI issued 14/02/11. Awaiting applicant’s response. Concurrence Agency DERM (ERA & VMA).

2010-2014 Monkira Dev P/L AFT Tilt Family Trust (SFC)

3 & 7 Flynn Road, Gympie

MCU – Multi-Residential (23 Dwelling Units) & RAL – Boundary Realignment.

RFI sent 08/02/11. Awaiting applicant’s response.

2011-0069 Gresham (MKM)

Bruce Highway & Fullerton Road, Kybong

Twelve (12) Residential Airpark Allotments

RFI issued 17/03/11. Awaiting applicant’s response. Concurrence Agencies DERM (VMA), DTMR rfi issued 15/03/11, & DIP.

2011-0101 Broadcast Transmission Services Pty Ltd (MKM)

Carlo Road, Rainbow Beach

Public Utility (Digital TV repeater site)

PNS. ALOD sent 28/03/11.

2011-0107 Coasteel Buildings Sunshine Coast & Gympie (PKM)

31 Hidden Place, Curra

Domestic Shed on Vacant Land

PNS. Submissions due 08/04/11.

2011-0109 Garage World Gympie (PKM)

55 Severn Chase, Curra

Domestic Shed on Vacant Land

PNS. Submissions due 10/05/11.

2011-0154 Tamaree Developments Pty Ltd (TMS)

Tamaree, Garowme & Cloey Roads, Gympie

Preliminary Approval to Vary the Effect of the Planning Scheme for an Industrial Development

AN issued 07/03/11. RFI due. Concurrence Agency DIP.


27 Louisa Street, Gympie

General Industry (Motor Vehicle Workshop & Environmentally Relevant Activity ERA #28 – Motor Vehicle Workshop)

Part RFI response received 16/12/10.

DA17123 Wilson (MKM)

26 Burns Road, Ross Creek

Accommodation Premises (Farm Cabins)

Letter sent 08/10/10 requesting intentions to finalise.

2008-1574 Gerhardt (TMS)

15 Stanley Street, Gympie

Commercial Premises DMS. Report to P&D Committee Meeting.

2008-1962 Gympie Regional Council (MKM)

Cnr Double Island Drive & Rainbow Beach Road & Green Valley Drive, Rainbow Beach

Food or Entertainment Venue – Outdoor Aquatic Facility

AN issued 14/03/11. RFI due.

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Gympie Regional Council

File Number & Applicant

Location Nature of Application Status

2009-0893 The Clayton Family Superannuation Fund (TMS)

Chapple Street, Gympie

Display Yard (Construction Equipment for Sale, Hire and Lease)

DMS. DN due. Additional information received 08/11/10.

2009-1312 SSJ Bay Developments Pty Ltd (TMS)

20 Nautilus Drive, Cooloola Cove

Eight (8) Dwelling Units

DMS. Report to P&D Committee Meeting.

2009-1648 Reyloh (KMT)

17,19,21, & 23 Oak Street and 22 Chatsworth Road, Gympie

Accommodation Premises (84 Motel Units and Caretaker’s Residence) and Food or Entertainment Venue (Restaurant and Function Room)

Applicant negotiating with DTMR.

2009-2130 CJ Black Medical Pty Ltd aft CJ Black Investment Trust (SFC)

63 King Street, Gympie

Combined – MCU - Multi-Residential Six (6) Units & Reconfiguring a Lot - Subdivision to Create One (1) Additional Lot

DMS. Report to P&D Committee Meeting.

2009-2121 Campbell (MKM)

53 Violet Street, Gympie

Display Yard (Extension to existing Landscape Supplies Centre)

DMS. Report to P&D Committee.

2010-1209 Gympie Regional Council (TMS)

Bayside Road, Tin Can Bay

Public Utility (Waste Transfer Station) & ERA # 62 (Waste transfer station operation)

RFI sent 22/09/10. Awaiting applicant’s response. Concurrence Agency DERM (ERA).

2010-1489 Prestwood & Simpson (SAC)

Queens Park Drive, Gympie

Preliminary Approval to Apply the Land Use Entitlements of the Industry Zone

DMS. DN due. Refer to Item 2/2 in Today’s Agenda.

2010-1553 I3 Consulting (MKM) (eDA)

3 Langton Road, Monkland

General Industry (Commercial showroom for the sale of building and hardware products)

Letter sent 14/03/11. DMS on hold 3 months. Concurrence agency DTMR.

2010-1520 Building Suncoast Green (SFC)

18 Brisbane Road, Gympie

Combined MCU - General Industry (Tyre Fitting Workshop) & Operational Works (Stormwater, Earthworks, Landscaping & Driveway)

RFI issued 18/11/10. Awaiting applicant’s response. Concurrence Agency DTMR rfi issued 05/11/10.

2010-1649 AJ & DA Corbet ATF AJ & DA Corbet Family Trust (MKM)

20 Barter Street, Gympie

Commercial Premises (Professional Offices)

RFI issued 08/11/10. Awaiting applicant’s response. Concurrency Agency DTMR response received 30/11/10.

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Gympie Regional Council

File Number & Applicant

Location Nature of Application Status

2010-1672 Fineline Residential Design (PKM)

Glory Hill Road, Kybong

Multi-Residential (Dwelling)

RFI issued 26/11/10. Awaiting applicant’s response. Concurrency Agency DTMR rfi issued 29/11/10.

2010-1703 Anderson (SFC)

98-102 River Road & 29 Excelsior Road, Gympie

Combined MCU Commercial Premises (Service Station, Showroom & Shop), RAL Subdivision to Create (2) Lots and Two (2) Access Easements from Four (4) Existing Lots & ERA #8.

RFI response received 25/02/11. Concurrence Agency DTMR response due 20/04/11.

2010-1729 Optus Mobile Pty Ltd C/- Daly International Pty Ltd (MKM)

21 Olive Street, Goomeri

Major Utility (Telecommunications Facility)

DMS. DN due.

2010-1752 Morrison (MKM)

2 Stanley Street, Gympie

Multi-Residential (Seven (7) Units in Two (2) Stages

RFI issued 15/12/10. Awaiting applicant’s response. Concurrence Agency DTMR response received 09/12/10.

2010-1765 Gympie Regional Council (TMS)

Bonnick Road, Gympie

Public Utility – (Expansion of Waste Management Facility)

RFI sent 21/12/10. Awaiting applicant’s response. Concurrence Agency DERM rfi sent 27/01/11.

2010-1925 Gasmith Investments (MKM)

25 Dennis Little Drive, Glanmire

General Industry RFI issued 03/02/11. Awaiting applicant’s response. Concurrence Agency DTMR response received 24/02/11.

2010-2026 AHC Ltd (TMS)

5 Woolgar Road, Southside

Commercial Premises (Service Station, & Shop)

RFI sent 17/02/11. Concurrence Agency DTMR response received 01/03/11.

2011-0018 Pamenter & Blackburn (SAC)

471 Jimbour Road, The Palms

Multi-Residential (Two New Dwellings incorporating Second Dwelling for Relative)

DMS. DN due.

2011-0051 Stirling Homes Qld (PKM)

12 Wisteria Lane, Southside

Multi-Residential (Two (2) Unit Duplex)

DMS. DN due.

2011-0124 Peskops (KMF)

355 Sterling Road, Kandanga Creek

Animal Husbandry - Piggery (Free Range Pig Farm) and ERA#3 (1) Pig Keeping - Keeping more than 20 but no more than 400 standard pig units - no AES

AN issued 09/03/11. RFI due. Concurrence Agencies DEEDI & DERM.

2011-0188 Jennings (TMS)

48 Violet Street, Gympie

ERA #20 (Metal Recovery) & ERA #21 (Motor Vehicle Workshop)

RFI due.

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Gympie Regional Council

File Number & Applicant

Location Nature of Application Status

2010-0231 Schmidt (SAC)

66 Channon Street, Gympie

Homes Business (Home Office)

AN issued 28/03/11. RFI due. Concurrence Agency DTMR.

2011-0300 Pinetech Australia (TMS)

24 Drummond Drive, Glanmire

ERA #48 Wooden & Laminated Product Manufacturing (Threshold 1-manufacturing in a year 100t or more of wooden products)

RFI due.

2011-0266 Woolley (PKM)

2 Bowleers Drive, Southside

Multi-Residential (Duplex)

RFI due.

2011-0235 Boyce (PKM)

Brooyar Road Woolooga

Dwelling House RFI due.

2011-0234 Polley & Read (PKM)

727 Eel Creek Road Langshaw

Multi-Residential (Removal Dwelling)

RFI due.

2011-0287 Cooper (PKM)

27 Severn Chase, Curra

Dwelling House (within Bushfire Prone Area)

RFI due.

2011-0275 Cunningham (SFC)

18 Karibu Lane, Araluen

Dwelling House (within Wetland Area)

RFI due.


2110 Gympie Woolooga Road, Widgee

Subdivision to Create 67 Lots in Two (2) Stages

RFI sent 11/11/09. Awaiting applicant’s response. Concurrence Agencies DTMR rfi issued 20/08/10. DERM (VMA) rfi issued 06/09/10 & DERM (EPA-clu) rfi issued 06/09/10.

2010-1601 Ahern James Naismith (Gympie) (SFC)

53 Upper Widgee Road, Widgee

Subdivision to Create One (1) Additional Lot

PNS. ALOD issued 23/03/11.


Ballard Road, Imbilf

Development Permit – Stage 6 (3 Lots) and Stage 7 (18 and Balance)

DMS. Report to P&D Committee Meeting.

DA14342 Christensen (MKM)

16-18 Glastonbury Road, Southside

Subdivision to Create One (1) Additional Lot

DMS. Report to P&D Committee Meeting. Letter sent to DTMR 14/04/10. Awaiting response.

SD518 Hawkins (SFC)

Hawkins Road Widgee

Boundary Realignment

Letter sent 19/01/11 requesting intentions to finalise by 19/03/11.

2008-0076 Carmichael (SFC)

225 Allen Road, Chatsworth

Subdivision to Create One (1) Additional Lot

DMS. DN due.

2008-1187 Gympie Regional Council (MKM)

Scullett Drive, Tin Can Bay

Subdivision to Create 14 Additional Industrial Lots

Response to RFI received 24/06/09. Referral Agency DMR rfi issued 23/03/09. Advice Agency Energex response received 20/03/09.

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Gympie Regional Council

File Number & Applicant

Location Nature of Application Status

2009-1717 Hood (KMF)

885 Glastonbury Road, Glastonbury

Subdivision to Create One (1) Additional Lot

DMS. DN due. Application on hold till 23/07/11.

2009-2002 O’Leary & Pearman (SAC)

Glastonbury Road, The Palms

Subdivision to Create Twenty Four (24) Additional Lots

DERM & DTMR responses received. RFI sent 19/06/10. Awaiting applicant’s response.

2010-0248 Degen (MKM)

159 Tamaree Road Tamaree

Subdivision to Create One (1) Additional Lot

RFI not required. Concurrence Agency DERM advise application not properly made 23/03/10. Amended proposal plans received 01/12/10.

2010-0428 Bay Survey Consultants (KMF)

Langton Road, Monkland

Subdivision to Create Eleven Additional Lots

Amended AN & RFI issued 26/08/10. Awaiting applicant’s response (due 28/05/11). Concurrence Agency DTMR response received 01/10/10. Concurrence & Advice Agency DERM (CLU & Heritage) response received 04/11/10.

2010-0539 Keeldale Pty Ltd (TMS)

95 Mooloo Road, Pie Creek

Subdivision to Create 29 additional Lots

RFI response received 20/08/10. Concurrence Agency DERM (VMA). Advice Agency DERM (Wetlands) rfi issued 09/11/10. Amended AN sent 21/09/10.

2010-1009 Whaite & Clutterbuck (SFC)

4-6 Harding Street, Kilkivan

Subdivision to Create One (1) Additional Lot

DMS. Report to P&D Committee Meeting. Applicant extended DMS until 23/05/11.

2010-1184 Lobegeier (TMS)

17 Smerdon Road, Southside

Subdivision to Create (27) Additional Lots

Reported to P&D Committee Meeting 16/03/11. Refer to Item 3/1 in Today’s Agenda.

2010-1325 Martoo Consulting (SAC)

11 Kauri Court, Chatsworth

Subdivision to Create (3) Three Additional Lots in Two (2) Stages

RFI sent 27/09/10. Awaiting applicant’s response.

2010-1566 Martin (PKM)

16 Charles Place, Curra

Subdivision to Create One (1) Additional Lot

DMS. Report to P&D Committee Meeting

2010-1596 Alexander (SAC)

72 Old Veteran Road, Gympie

Subdivision to Create One (1) Additional Lot

RFI issued 08/11/10. Awaiting applicant’s response.

2010-1772 Jenkins (MKM)

Lehman Road, Traveston

Boundary Realignment

DMS. DN due.

2010-1730 Murray & Associates (QLD) Pty Ltd (TMS) (eDA)

600 Bruce Highway, Chatsworth

Subdivision to Create Nineteen (19) Additional Lots

RFI issued 23/03/11. Awaiting applicant’s response. (related file DA15764)

2010-1977 Hess (TMS)

Briere Road, The Palms

Subdivision to Create (1) One Additional Lot

Pending Concurrence Agency DERM (VMA) response & Advice Agency DERM (Wetland & Conservation Estate)

2010-2058 Dickinson (TMS)

308 Carlo Road, Rainbow Beach

Subdivision to Create (45) Additional Lots

RFI issued 14/02/11. Concurrence & Advice Agency DERM rfi issued 14/02/11.

2010-1944 Bentley (TMS)

66 Emperor Street, Tin Can Bay

Subdivision to Create (2) Two Additional Lots

RFI sent 18/01/11. Awaiting applicant’s response.

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Gympie Regional Council

File Number & Applicant

Location Nature of Application Status

2011-0009 Gerritson (KMF)

659 Old Maryborough Road, Chatsworth

Subdivision to Create One (1) Additional Lot

DMS. DN due.

2010-2001 EFEL Holdings Pty Ltd (SAC)

1 Tooth Drive, Widgee

Subdivision to Create One (1) Additional Lot

DMS. DN due.

2011-0032 Moore (SFC)

208 Brisbane Road, Monkland

Subdivision to Create Three (3) Additional Lots

RFI issued 17/02/11. Awaiting applicant’s response. Concurrence Agency DTMR & Qld Tport. Advice Agency DERM response received 14/03/11.

2011-0050 Long (MKM)

679 East Deep Creek Road, Cedar Pocket

Subdivision to Create Two (2) Additional Lots

DMS. DN due.

2011-0048 Alford (MKM)

McIntosh Creek Road, Jones Hill

Subdivision to Create Five (5) Additional Lots

RFI issued 21/02/11. Awaiting applicant’s response.

2011-0157 Gray (KMF)

34 Cartwright Road, Gympie

Subdivision to Create One (1) Additional Lot

DMS. DN due.

2011-0152 Dunn (MKM)

25 Samantha Drive, Pie Creek

Subdivision to Create One (1) Additional Lot

RFI issued 16/03/11. Awaiting applicant’s response.

2011-0156 Purssell (PKM)

18 Carmel Crescent, Curra

Subdivision to Create One (1) Additional Lot

RFI issued 22/03/11.

2011-0169 Burke (SFC)

590 Noosa Road, Mothar Mountain

Subdivision to Create Seven (7) Additional Lots

RFI issued 08/03/11. Awaiting applicant’s response. Concurrence Agency DERM. Advice Agency DERM & Energex.

2011-0155 Podberseck & Griffiths (SAC)

4 Busby St & 30 Diamond Field Rd, Amamoor

Boundary Realignment

AN issued 04/03/11. RFI not required. Concurrence Agencies DTMR & DERM. Advice Agencies DERM & Powerlink.

2011-0204 Ahern Naismith Pty (SFC)

78-79 Greenoak Road, Kandanga

Boundary Realignment

RFI issued 16/03/11. Awaiting applicant’s response. Advice Agency Energex.

2011-0198 Snow (SAC)

383 Nash Road, Tamaree

Subdivision to Create Six (6) Additional Lots

RFI sent 25/03/11. Awaiting applicant’s response.

2011-0230 MacKay (SFC)

343 Hyland Road, East Deep Creek

Subdivision to Create (2) Additional Lots in Two (2) Stages

RFI issued 17/03/11. Awaiting applicant’s response.

2011-0244 Osborne (KMF)

27 Watson road, Southside

Subdivision to Create (1) Additional Lot

RFI due.

2011-0259 Smilie (SFC)

38 Trout Road, The Dawn

Subdivision to Create Two (2) Additional Lots and Access Easement

AN issued 24/03/11. RFI due. Concurrence Agency DTMR.

2011-0281 Trembath (MKM)

284 Bryant Road, Bollier

Subdivision to Create One (1) Additional Lot

RFI due.

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Gympie Regional Council

File Number & Applicant

Location Nature of Application Status

OPERATIONAL WORK (Including Combined Building/Plumbing and Operational Work) DA13337 Wagner (TMS)

391 Bruce Highway North, Two Mile

Earthworks Part response to RFI received 07/08/09.

DA13568 Crampton (TMS)

10 Mitchell Street, Tin Can Bay

Op Works – Site Works, Driveway Access, Carparking & Landscaping

DMS. DN due.

DA15865 Zerner (MKM)

8 Wadell Road, Two Mile

Driveways, Stormwater Drainage, Retaining Wall, Carparking & Earthworks)

DMS. DN due.

2008-0273 Gympie Residential Golf Pty Ltd (SAC)

25 Corella Road, Gympie

Civil Works for Stages 3 & 4 of Approved Multi-Residential Development

DMS. DN due. Stage 3 DN issued 26/11/08. Awaiting Stage 4 information.

2008-1400 Millers (TMS)

2 Tucker Street & 20 Chapple Street, Gympie

Roadworks, Stormwater, Landscaping & Earthworks

Letter sent requesting intentions. Response due 30/06/11.

2008-1682 Lohage (SFC)

Ian Drive, Curra Dam RFI sent 10/12/08. Awaiting applicant’s response.

2009-0297 Niduts Investment Trust (KMF)

Power Road, Widgee

Roadworks RFI extended until 18/03/11. Awaiting applicant’s response.

2009-1438 Opus Qantec McWilliam (TMS)

Old Imbil Road, Monkland

Roadworks, Stormwater Drainage, Water and Sewerage Infrastructure

DMS. DN due.

2010-1259 AECOM (TMS)

Queen Elizabeth Drive, Cooloola Cove

Landscaping for Approved Subdivision.

DMS. DN due.

2010-1698 Maidment Developments Pty Ltd (TMS)

Fairview Drive, Gympie

Roadworks, Stormwater, Earthworks, Landscaping, Water & Sewerage Infrastructure for Residential Subdivision (Stage 10)

DMS. DN due.

2010-1761 Wewer & Starkey (KMF)

116 & 146 Fritz Road, Chatsworth

Earthworks, Roadworks and Stormwater

DMS. DN due. Amended plans received 15/03/11.

2010-1997 Opus International Consultants (Aust) (TMS)

67 Channon Street, Gympie

Roadworks, Drainage Works, Landscaping and Signage for Approved Commercial Premises

DMS. DN due.

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Gympie Regional Council

File Number & Applicant

Location Nature of Application Status

2010-1910 Ken Hudson & Associates Consulting Engineers (TMS)

5 Rose Road, Southside

Roadworks, Associated Drainage, Access, Earthworks, Landscaping, Water Supply and Sewerage for Approved Multi-Residential Development

DMS. DN due. Additional information requested 23/03/11.

2010-1738 Manage Design Construct Pty Ltd (TMS)

Curra Estate Road, Curra

Roadworks, Earthworks, Stormwater & Drainage Works

RFI sent 03/02/11. Awaiting applicant’s response.

2010-2020 Stateland Pty Ltd (TMS)

Sorensen Road, Southside

Roadworks, Drainage, Stormwater, Earthworks, Water & Sewerage Infrastructure and Landscaping

RFI issued 18/02/11. Awaiting applicant’s response.

2010-2072 Raw Ochre (MKM)

25 Dennis Little Drive, Glanmire

Stormwater, Drainage Works, Earthworks & Landscaping

DMS. DN due.

2011-0147 Earsman (MKM)

10 Shayduk Close, Gympie

Retaining Structures, Access Driveway and Car Parking

DMS. DN due.

2010-2060 Ken Hudson & Associates (SFC)

Valley Vista Road, The Dawn

Roadworks, Drainage Works, Stormwater & Earthworks

RFI sent 14/03/11. Awaiting applicant’s response. Third party advice SEQ water received 17/03/11.

2011-0286 Pegasus Biz Pty Ltd (TMS)

Wisteria Lane, Southside

Roadworks, Stormwater, Water Infrastructure, Clearing Vegetation under the Planning Scheme, Drainage works, Earthworks, Sewerage Infrastructure & Landscaping

RFI due.

2011-0127 Ken Hudson & Associates (PKM)

378 Eel Creek Road Pie Creek

Earthworks Roadworks Stormwater & Drainage Works

RFI due.


10 Bonnick Road, Gympie

Advertising Device (One freestanding non-moving sign) & Building Work Class 10b Sign

RFI issued 08/03/11. Awaiting applicant’s response.

2011-0321 Bishopp Outdoor Advertising Pty Ltd (PKM)

44 Edwin Campion Drive Monkland

Advertising Device (One freestanding non-moving sign)

RFI due.

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File Number & Applicant

Location Nature of Application Status



44-45 Esplanade, Tin Can Bay

Preliminary Approval for Building Work – Four (4) Dwelling Houses on Four (4) Proposed Lots.

DMS. DN due.

2008-1904 Lawless (TMS)

Booubyjan Road, Booubyjan

(Additions to Building on a Cultural Heritage Site)

DMS. DN due. Assessed (State Act) refer 2009-0353 Building Application.


P15/04/11 Moved: Cr A.J. Perrett Seconded: Cr J. Watt

Recommend that the information be noted.


4/2 Development Applications Approved

File: DA15799 Applicant: Sigma Developments P/L Site Address: Groundwater Road, Southside The proposal is for Material Change of Use – To Change the Land Use Entitlements from the Rural Zone to the Housing Zone & Reconfiguring a Lot – Subdivision to Create 207 Additional Lots over Lot 42 L371042. The Amended Decision Notice was approved on 18 March 2011 and issued on 18 March 2011 subject to conditions from the Assessment Manager. File: 2009-1663 Applicant: Sheehy & Partners Pty Ltd Site Address: Queen Elizabeth Drive, Cooloola Cove The proposal is for Operational Work – (Roadworks, Water Infrastructure, Sewerage Infrastructure, Earthworks for Residential Subdivision Stage 3) over Lot 501 SP207316. The Decision Notice was approved on 22 March 2011 and issued on 22 March 2011 subject to conditions from the Assessment Manager.

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File: 2010-0625 Applicant: Joanne Job Site Address: 46 Herron Road, Pie Creek. The proposal is for Reconfiguring a Lot – Subdivision to Create Two (2) Additional Lots and Two (2) Access Easements over Lot 58 RP181837. The Decision Notice was approved on 14 March 2011 and issued on 14 March 2011 subject to conditions from the Assessment Manager. File: 2010-1017 Applicant: Apostolic Church Of Queensland Site Address: Old Maryborough Road & Atkinson Road, Araluen The proposal is for Material Change of Use – Community Service (Hall Associated with Existing Place of Worship) over Lot 328 & Lot 329 SP170131. The Negotiated Decision Notice was approved on 14 March 2011 and issued on 14 March 2011 subject to conditions from the Assessment Manager. File: 2010-1555 Applicant: Robmark Homes Pty Ltd Site Address: 7 Smith Street Glanmire The proposal is for Material Change of Use – General Industry (Engineering Workshop) & Environmentally Relevant Activity (ERA #21 – Motor Vehicle Workshop) over Lot 391 MCH4561. The Decision Notice was approved on 23 March 2011 and issued on 23 March 2011 subject to conditions from the Assessment Manager.

File: 2010-1637 Applicant: Benjamin Bath & Shae Thorogood Site Address: 535 Burridge Road, Tandur The proposal is for Material Change of Use Multi-Residential – Second Dwelling (Relative’s Accommodation) over Lot 4 SP191238. The Decision Notice was approved on 11 March 2011 and issued on 11 March 2011 subject to conditions from the Assessment Manager.

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File: 2010-1802 Applicant: Bryan Boaden Site Address: 201 Herron Road, Pie Creek The proposal is for Reconfiguring a Lot – Subdivision to Create Two (2) Additional Lots over Lot 3 RP151258. The Decision Notice was approved on 21 March 2011 and issued on 21 March 2011 subject to conditions from the Assessment Manager.

File: 2010-1955 Applicant: E & C Ward Site Address: 40 Grecian Bends Road, Greens Creek The proposal is for Reconfiguring a Lot – Subdivision to Create One (1) Additional Lot over Lot 2 SP178904. The Decision Notice was approved on 14 March 2011 and issued on 14 March 2011 subject to conditions from the Assessment Manager. File: 2010-1998 Applicant: Shane Wildman Site Address: Kandanga Amamoor Road, Amamoor The proposal is for Material Change of Use – Dwelling House (Removal House) over Lot 6 SP218892. The Decision Notice was approved on 18 March 2011 and issued on 18 March 2011 subject to conditions from the Assessment Manager. File: 2011-0001 Applicant: Don Clarkson Site Address: 87 Robert Road, Chatsworth The proposal is for Reconfiguring a Lot – Subdivision to Create One (1) Additional Lot over Lot 9 RP898914. The Decision Notice was approved on 16 March 2011 and issued on 16 March 2011 subject to conditions from the Assessment Manager.

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File: 2011-0126 Applicant: Building Approvals Group Site Address: 303 Power Road, Widgee The proposal is for Material Change of Use – Dwelling House within a Bushfire Prone Area over Lot 6 SP206532. The Decision Notice was approved on 21 March 2011 and issued on 21 March 2011 subject to conditions from the Assessment Manager.

File: 2011-0142 Applicant: Bishopp Outdoor Advertising Pty Ltd Site Address: 2 Shields Street, Gympie The proposal is for Operational Works – Advertising Device [Two (2) Freestanding Non-Moving Signs over Lot 40 SP145797 & Lot 1 MPH23173. The Decision Notice was approved on 15 March 2011 and issued on 15 March 2011 subject to conditions from the Assessment Manager.

File: 2011-0149 Applicant: Faye Bowring Site Address: 28 Calumet Road, Goomboorian The proposal is for Material Change of Use – Multi-Residential (Second Dwelling for a relative) over Lot 2 RP186806. The Decision Notice was approved on 21 March 2011 and issued on 21 March 2011 subject to conditions from the Assessment Manager. File: 2011-0162 Applicant: DB Sheds Durabuilt Site Address: 33 Summer Way Tin Can Bay The proposal is for Building Work made assessable against the Planning Scheme over Lot 128 SP183792. The Decision Notice was approved on 16 March 2011 and issued on 16 March 2011 subject to conditions from the Assessment Manager.

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File: 2011-0167 Applicant: Go West Gympie Pty Ltd Site Address: 27 Louisa Street, Gympie The proposal is for Material Change of Use for an Environmentally Relevant Activity ERA#8 Chemical Storage (threshold (3)(a) storing 10m3 to 500m3 of chemicals of class C1 or C2 combustible liquids under AS1940 or dangerous goods class 3) over Lot 1 MPH6692. The Decision Notice was approved on 16 March 2011 and issued on 16 March 2011 subject to conditions from the Assessment Manager.

File: 2011-0175 Applicant: Mitrem Caleis Pty Ltd Site Address: 146 River Road, Gympie The proposal is for Material Change of Use for an Environmentally Relevant Activity – ERA #21 Motor Vehicle Workshop over Lot 490 MCH 5023. The Decision Notice was approved on 16 March 2011 and issued on 16 March 2011 subject to conditions from the Assessment Manager.

File: 2011-0203 Applicant: Robmark Homes Pty Ltd Site Address: - 7 Smith Street, Glanmire The proposal is for Material Change of Use – General Industry (Engineering Workshop) & Environmentally Relevant Activity (ERA #21 – Motor Vehicle Workshop) over Lot 391 MCH4561. The Decision Notice was approved on 23 March 2011 and issued on 23 March 2011 subject to conditions from the Assessment Manager. File: 2011-0255 Applicant: Peter Charles Saal & Diane Fay Saal Site Address: 532 Upper Widgee Road, Widgee The proposal is for Material Change of Use of Premises – Environmentally Relevant Activity - #17 (Abrasive Blasting) over Lot 1 RP199738. The Decision Notice was approved on 23 March 2011 and issued on 23 March 2011 subject to conditions from the Assessment Manager.

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Gympie Regional Council

EXTENTION OF CURRENCY PERIOD APPLICATIONS File: DA13367 Applicant: NC & PM Andreassen Site Address: 25 McIntosh Creek Road, Jones Hill The proposal is for is a request to change an existing approval (to extend the current period) for Reconfiguring a Lot – Subdivision to Create Nine (9) Lots over Lot 3 MPH23552 and part of Lot 5 MPH23552. The request was approved 14 March 2011 and extended until 20 February 2013. File: DA14496 Applicant: Maidment Holdings Pty Ltd Site Address: 114 Corella Road, Gympie The proposal is for is a request to change an existing approval (to extend the current period) for Development Application for Material Change of Use Multi-Residential (6 Units) over Lot 1 SP191102. The request was approved 14 March 2011 and extended until 6 February 2013.

File: DA14829 Applicant: Drewe and Susan Henzell Site Address: 2 & 6 Chatsworth Road, Gympie The proposal is for is a request to change an existing approval (to extend the current period) for Material Change of Use – Multi-Residential (Nine Dwellings) over Lot 611 MCH5221 & Lot 1 MPH24268. The request was approved 2 March 2011 and extended until 20 March 2013.

Page 114: 2011-04-06 Planning & Development Committee Meeting …€¦ · Hazard Facility’, ... Planning & Development Committee Meeting ... Internal stormwater management can be conditioned

Planning & Development Committee Meeting – 6 April 2011 - 113 -

Gympie Regional Council

File: 2008-1805 Applicant: Brian Naismith Site Address: Bruce Highway, Kybong The proposal is for is a request to change an existing approval (to extend the current period) for Reconfiguring a Lot - Boundary Alteration over Lot 2 RP227812 & Lot 1185 MCH2253. The request was approved 17 March 2011 and extended until 11 March 2013.

P16/04/11 Moved: Cr R.A. Gâté Seconded: Cr J.A. Walker Recommend that the information be noted.




Page 115: 2011-04-06 Planning & Development Committee Meeting …€¦ · Hazard Facility’, ... Planning & Development Committee Meeting ... Internal stormwater management can be conditioned

Planning & Development Committee Meeting – 6 April 2011 - 114 -

Gympie Regional Council

SECTION 6: MATTERS FOR COUNCIL’S INFORMATION The following item is for Council’s Information (see Attachment 1). No Date

Received Received from Subject

1 15/03/11 Deputy Premier The Honourable Paul Lucus

Infrastructure Charges Taskforce turns out ten recommendation to improve housing affordability

2 11/03/11 Aspire Housing Group Natural Disasters and Housing Affordability in Gympie

3 9/03/11 Department of Public Works Proposed Ministerial Designation of Land for Community Infrastructure Gympie Neighbourhood Centre

P17/04/11 Moved: Cr J.A. Walker Seconded: Cr A.J. Perrett

Recommend that Council notes the contents of the correspondence. Further that Council provide a letter of general support to Aspire Housing Group for the concept of providing affordable housing under the National Rental Affordability Scheme.






Page 116: 2011-04-06 Planning & Development Committee Meeting …€¦ · Hazard Facility’, ... Planning & Development Committee Meeting ... Internal stormwater management can be conditioned

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Gympie Regional Council

SECTION 9: ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1: Letter from Deputy Premier Letter from Aspire Housing Group Letter from Department of Public Work and Report

There being no further business the meeting closed at 11.15 a.m.


_____________________________________________ Cr I.T. Petersen
