2011 Annual Report for 2012

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  • 8/3/2019 2011 Annual Report for 2012



    January 6, 2012

    Dear Friends:

    This year we celebrated the 50th Anniversary of Denbigh Presbyterian Church. Our

    theme was "Looking Back While Moving Forward in Faith."

    As we celebrated our church's 50 years in ministry, I was struck by how much things

    are the same and how much things are different.

    First and foremost, we serve the same faithful God. Amid all the changes over the

    past 50 years, God has remained the same. Amid warp speed changes in our society

    and in our personal lives it is comforting to know "the steadfast love of the Lord never

    ceases, God's mercies never come to an end."

    Second, we as people are much the same. We gather for worship, fellowship,education and service. We love our traditions. We stand with one another through all

    the seasons of life -- from the baptismal font to the grave. We as people are much the

    same. We laugh and cry, agree and disagree, build up and tear down, mourn and

    dance (although not too much in the Presbyterian Church!).

    While much is the same, I am in awe of how different our world, community and

    church are from 50 years ago. As a church, along with all other churches, we have

    important decisions to make about how to be the church God would have us be in the

    21st century. We must continue to wrestle with what will remain the same and why it

    should remain the same. We must also wrestle with and be ever open to the HolySpirit's guidance on what must change in order to reach people with the Gospel in

    2012 and beyond. We must be open to discuss the "why of change" as well as the

    how. In our faith tradition we call this "Being Reformed and Always Being

    Reformed by the Spirit of God."

    God is the same in character, love and presence, but God is a dynamic God who

    always meets people in their unique cultural, personal and social situations. I pray we

    will follow God's leading and example as we discern the way forward.

    I am grateful to each of you. I am hopeful for our church's future as we keep our eyeson Jesus. I am hopeful and trust in God for provision of financial resources, leaders

    and stamina so that we may be and do all God desires of us.

    Happy New Year, DPC! Great is God's faithfulness!

    In Christ's Love and Service,


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    Table of Contents

    Meeting Notice.....................................................................................................3

    Meeting Agenda...................................................................................................4

    Staff .................................................................................................................. 5-6


    Session ........................................................................................................ 7-8

    2011 Annual Reports

    Session ...................................................................................................... 9-33

    Other Ministries ..............................................................................................33

    2011 New Members, Baptisms .........................................................................36

    2011 Weddings and Deaths ..............................................................................37

    2011 Finances Special Offerings and Causes-Three Year Comparison ....38

    2008-2011 Financial Comparisons...................................................................39

    2011 Balance Sheet...........................................................................................40

    2012 Operating Budget ....................................................................................41

    2010 2011 Pre-Kindergarten Budget Analysis .............................................46

    2012 2013 Pre-Kindergarten Budget.............................................................47

    Gathered and Scattered....................................................................................48

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    Meeting Notice

    Subject: Annual Congregational Meeting and Annual Corporation Meeting

    To: Members of Denbigh Presbyterian Church

    The Annual Congregational Meeting of Denbigh Presbyterian Church is called bythe Session for Sunday, January 15, 2012, following the worship service. TheAnnual Corporation meeting is also called and will be conducted concurrently.

    The purpose of the meeting is to:a. Receive annual reports from the Session and other ministry groups.

    b. Receive as information the Operating Budget for 2012 as approved bythe Session.

    c. Review the adequacy of the compensation of the pastor as reflected inthe 2012 Operating Budget and act on any changes in the pastors call(Book of Order G-2.0804).

    Total Cash Salary (of which $27,844.65 is designated asallowance for housing, utilities, etc.45 percent of the cash salary) $61,877

    Social Security Self-Employment Tax 4,734

    Board of Pension Dues (32.25 percent of cash salary)Medical (20.25 percent of cash salary) 12,530

    Pension; Death/Disability (12 percent of cash salary) 7,425

    Professional Expense Reimbursement 2,700

    Education Expenses 1,000

    Total Cost to the Church $90,266Four Weeks Vacation

    Two Weeks Continuing Education

    A Sabbatical Leave of three months will be provided during the seventh year ofcontinuous service to Denbigh Presbyterian Church and multiples thereof.Salary/housing allowance, pension/major medical benefits, and professionalexpenses in effect at that time will be maintained during the leave period. Annualstudy period will be waived in that year. The intended program of activity will besubmitted six months prior to the scheduled proposed beginning of the SabbaticalLeave in accordance with the Presbytery of Eastern Virginia Guidelines forSabbatical Leave. It is agreed that upon completion of the leave that the serviceto Denbigh Presbyterian Church will continue for a period of at least four times thelength of the Sabbatical Leave.

    d. Any other action coming out of the above.

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    Meeting Agenda

    Annual Meeting of the CongregationAnnual Meeting of the DPC Corporation

    Denbigh Presbyterian ChurchJanuary 15, 2012

    The Call to Order and Prayer

    The Declaration of a Quorum

    The Purpose of the Meeting

    1. Receive the annual reports from the Session and other ministry teams.

    2. Receive as information the Operating Budget for 2012 as approved bythe Session.

    3. Review the adequacy of the compensation of the pastor as reflected inthe 2012Operating Budget and act on any changes in the pastors call(Book of Order G-2.0804)

    4. Take action on any recommendations coming out of the above.

    The Reading and Approval of the Minutes

    The Closing Prayer and Adjournment

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    2011-2012 Church Staff

    Pastor The Reverend Deborah Dail

    Ministerial Intern Rusty Norton

    (November 2011 forward)

    Childrens/Youth Ministry Director

    Liz Marshall

    Administrative Assistant Wanda Hale

    Director of Music Ministries Dr.Kelly Montgomery(formerly Samarzea)

    Sexton Team Mark, June, Nick and LaurenTessarolo

    Pastor EmeritusThe Honorable Reverend Jerry F. Helms

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    2011-2012 Pre-Kindergarten Staff


    Maggie Vincelette


    AssistantKelly Phelps

    Music Teacher

    Vangie Alston

    Teachers Assistant Teachers

    Kristy Ayers Camilla Lasson

    Donna Hamadyk Katie McIlroy

    Sharon Ng JoAnn Phelan

    Elaine Diehl Stephanie Billings

    Lesley Spitzer Cindy Halverson

    Kelly Phelps

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    2012 Sessional Committee AssignmentsThis list includes only the Session members who are serving on the Committees.

    The Committees are composed of teams whose leaders and members may be churchofficers, members and regular attendees.

    Moderator: Rev. Deborah Dail

    Clerk of Session: John McLeod

    Childrens & Youth Ministry: Kathy Baldwin, Chair (Class of 2013)

    Pre-Kindergarten: Kristi Spivey, Chair (Class of 2012)

    Worship: Delores Fleming, Chair (Class of 2013); Jay Dunn (Class of 2012);Rusty Norton (Class of 2012)

    Information Technology: Pete Marshall, Chair (Class of 2014); Kristi Spivey(Class of 2012)

    Adult Spiritual Growth, Education and Discipleship: Jay Dunn (Class of


    Administration: Penny Norton, Chair (Class of 2012); Don Bickhart (Class of2014)

    Stewardship: Shirley Rucker, Chair (Class of 2012)

    Congregational Care: Pat Horton, Chair (Class of 2014); Janeane Reynolds(Class of 2012) Carolyn Woodard (Class of 2013); Rusty Norton (Class of 2012)

    Fellowship: Becky Skaar, Chair (Class of 2013)

    Outreach: Dale Pennell (Class of 2014)

    Finance: Bill Johnson, Chair (Class of 2013); John Fleming (Class of 2012)

    Facilities: David Canaday, Chair (Class of 2013)

    Nominating: TBD

    Long Range Planning: Rev. Deborah Dail

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    Worship Committee Co-Chairs: Rusty Norton and Delores Fleming

    The Worship Committee consists of many dedicated and hard-working individuals Vision and Planning Team, Greeters and Ushering Team, Worship Leaders andReaders, Music Ministries Team, Sacraments Team, Seasonal Dcor Team, andWeddings and Funerals Coordinator. The Contemporary Worship Team is currentlyinactive.

    Vision and Planning Team Rev. Deborah Dail, Chair

    2011 Highlights:

    The team was instrumental in developing five sermon series throughout theyear: Eyes Wide Open during Lent and Easter, Under Construction: TheBuilding Blocks of Christs Church after Easter to the beginning of summer,Characters of the Bible during the summer, The Stained Glass Windows ofthe Church during fall, and Waiting for Advent and Christmas.

    Team members and others created eight purple banners for the Lentenseason and hung them from the light fixtures of the church. The bannerslisted a word on either side that represented the passion of Christ.

    Three special services were created for Ash Wednesday, the 50th Anniversaryfestival on October 15, 2011, and Maundy Thursday.

    During the PORT ministry in March, our guests were given an opportunity ontwo occasions to come into the sanctuary for a time of prayer, scripturereading, music, and sharing.

    As an outreach to the community, the team changed the Worship in thePark to Worship on the Lawn at DPC adjacent to the Pre-Kindergarten

    wing. The change was positively received and gathered more participantsthan usual. Devotionals were provided to the congregation during Lent and Advent. New Ministry of Friendship pads were ordered to replace the old ones.

    2012 Goals:

    Continue to assist the minister in developing themes and ideas to enhancethe worship service.

    Review the worship service elements and order of service to improve ourservice, so it is a spiritual blessing and reaches all who attend.

    Explore better ways to handle announcements on Sunday morning.

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    Redesign the worship service to add time for reflection.

    Explore ways to have more youth involved in the worship service to includeacolytes, music for assembly, a youth prayer, youth plays or singing, moreyouth services, etc.

    Greeting and Ushering Team

    2011 Highlights:

    Provided greeters and ushers each Sunday, for special events, and forfunerals. Enhanced the churchs outreach through greeting and ushering.

    The greeters welcomed individuals at the back door and at the entrance tothe sanctuary.

    Maintained Ministry of Friendship pads, other worship supplies and usherscloset.

    2012 Goals:

    Conduct training for ushers, ushering team captains and greeters in order toimprove these hospitality ministries and to refine procedures.

    Review the contents of the Ministry of Friendship pads and explore adding acomment card that can be dropped in the offering plate. This card wouldalert the pastor and others of special needs of the congregant or visitor.

    Explore with the Outreach Committee and Evangelism Team lead thepossibility of having the ushers or greeters distribute the 1st time VisitorsWelcome Bag.

    Worship Leaders and Readers

    2011 Highlights:

    Provided worship leaders for regular and special worship services to assistthe minister in conducting the service.

    Provided youth readers each week to assist with a reading.

    2012 Goals:

    Continue to provide worship leaders for regular and special services. Provide training for worship leaders so there is more consistency.

    Study the assignment of Worship leaders into blocks of time (i.e. consecutiveSundays in a row)

    Study the reduction of worship leaders needed. Train the youth readers to better articulate their readings. Train the youth on how to focus on their respective concerns and how to

    express themselves in a youth prayer.

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    Music Ministries Team Dr. Kelly Montgomery, Chair

    2011 Highlights:

    The adult choir provided worshipful music each Sunday and took a welldeserved break for two months in the summer.

    The adult choir performed both an Easter and Christmas cantata that wereenjoyed by all in the congregation.

    A brass ensemble was included in our outdoor Sunrise service on Eastermorning and brought wonderful music to those attending and to the homessurrounding our church.

    Soloists and instrumentalists were provided to enhance the worship service. The Cloud 6 dancers composed of four to six young ladies have blessed our

    worship service with their dance interpretation of religious melodies. The adult hand bell group has re-formed and brings lovely music to our

    service. Kelly provided an adult choir workshop to help improve the choir and

    encourage other members to join in song. Youth musicians were occasionally added to the service and proved to be a

    nice addition.

    2012 Goals:

    Continue to lead the choir in singing a vast array of music and styles. Explore having the hand bells play on a regular schedule (i.e. once a month

    or once every six weeks) Utilize the Cloud 6 dancers more often if the dancers are interested.

    Increase the number of youth that participate musically in the service (i.e.either playing an instrument or singing)

    Sacraments Team Debbie Ames, Chair

    2011 Highlights:

    For the first time, Communion was provided on a monthly basis in addition tospecial liturgical days. At a few of the services communion was served byintinction.

    The Sacraments Team provided the elements, did the set-up and clean-up,and insured that servers were available for all communion services.

    2012 Goals:

    Provide the communion elements, set-up and clean-up personnel, andservers for all communion services as approved by the Session.

    Develop a plan for the proper disposal of sacramental elements.

    Develop a plan to use various breads for the communion services.

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    Seasonal Dcor Team Patti Hall, Chair

    2011 Highlights:

    Provided lovely seasonal dcor for Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter. Purchased a new Christmas tree for the church.

    2012 Goals:

    Continue to provide creative and beautiful seasonal dcor. Arrange existing storage space for the dcor team, so that items will not be

    moved or discarded without knowledge of the team lead.

    Weddings/Funerals Team- Jan Spruill, Chair

    2011 Highlights:

    Coordinated five of the six weddings at the church providing assistance to thebridal party and families to make it a joyous day.

    Provided assistance with five funerals that were conducted at DPC andextended hospitality to the bereaved families at the services.

    2012 Goals:

    Provide hospitality and all coordination needs for weddings and funeralsconducted at DPC.

    Revise the wedding/funeral procedure manual to include giving the MusicDirector first opportunity to accept/refuse playing at any pending service andhaving the Music Director approve the use of equipment by outside organist.

    Revise the wedding manual to explain the procedure for having communionduring a wedding service.

    Contemporary Worship Team

    2011 Highlights:

    We did not have a contemporary worship team this past year.

    2012 Goals:

    We continue to have a blended worship service incorporating both traditionaland contemporary elements and music.

    There are no plans to activate this team this year.

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    Committee Chair: Penny Norton

    Staff/Volunteer Oversight Team, Historian, Archivist, Records AdministrationTeam, Master Scheduling Team, Calendar Activities Team

    Advisor: John McLeod, Clerk of Session

    2011 Highlights:

    Continued with church membership input to church database Maintained and updated rolls of the church (active membership, inactive and


    Updated marriage and baptized registers Maintained and updated the church calendar Provided research and historical information as requested Updated all staff contracts and job descriptions

    2012 Goals:

    Continue to establish administrative procedures which will enhanceadministrative functions at DPC

    Ensure church rolls are maintained and updated Continue to update DPCs administrative database Continue to maintain DPCs calendar

    Provide support to the Clerk of Session for required Presbytery and GeneralAssembly reports

    Develop and maintain a master schedule of volunteers for Sunday morningresponsibilities for 2012 and 2013

    Hire a part-time Nursery Coordinator for Sundays and special DPC events Update all staff and volunteer lists Create a Manual of Operations per new guidelines of the Book of Order


    Committee Chair: John Fleming

    Members: Kathy Baldwin, Van Rhodes, Miranda Troyer

    Ex-officio Member: The Rev. Deborah Dail

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    2011 Highlights:

    Supported the 50th anniversary of Denbigh Presbyterian committee and the

    Fall Festival.

    2012 Goals:

    Assist committees and teams in providing their input for long range planning.

    Assess the committees input and visions for their respective areas of ministry

    for the next plan.

    Assist in assessing the size and structure of the Session.

    Continue to use Percept information and information from community groups

    to aid in the development of the long range plan.

    Prepare a Long Range Action Plan for the ministry of Denbigh Presbyterian,and present it to the Session, various ministry groups and committees and the



    Committee Chair: Jay Dunn

    Helpers: Mary Lee Dunn, Iris Lewis, Van Rhodes, John Fleming, Rusty Norton

    Adult Education and Adult Disciples Team

    Provided the following study opportunities for adults:o Adult I Sunday morning class utilizing the

    Uniform Lesson Serieso Adult II Sunday morning class offering a variety of topical studies,

    including Presbyterian Questions/Presbyterian Answerso Womens Bible study using Beth Moores Breaking Free, based upon

    the Book of Isaiaho Monday evening Bible study in the Letter to the Hebrews

    Facilitated a parenting class during Wednesday night Faith Weaver Friendsinthe Spring semester and taught a Bible study based on the Uniform LessonSeriesin the Fall semester

    Assisted in teaching confirmation and new member classes

    2012 Goals for Adult Education and Adult Disciples Team:

    Continue a short-term Womens Bible study Continue Adult I and II Sunday morning classes Add additional studies as opportunity warrants

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    Officer Training Team

    Obtained Planning Calendars and Books of Confession/Orderfor new officers

    Updated and revised officer training manual, particularly reflecting changes in

    the New Book of Order

    2012 Goals for Officer Training Team:

    Order Books of Confession/Orderas necessary for new officers

    Provide new/returning officer training

    Small Group Ministries

    Leadership has not been identified to establish and grow this ministry Women/Men of the Church, Circles, Prime Timers, etc. will continue

    Leadership Development/Offsite Training

    John and Delores Fleming participated in a new member assimilation webinar Committee chair completed service on Massanetta Board of Trustees

    Presbytery training events were advertised to officers

    Committee chair preached at Wythe Presbyterian on Reformation Sundayand participated in the DPC Christmas Cantata

    2012 Goals for Leadership Development/Offsite Training:

    Provide a train the trainer class for prospective teachers if warranted

    Provide financial support as able to leaders attending approved training Utilize updated Time and Talent Survey to recruit potential teachers/leaders


    Staff: Liz Marshall, Director of Childrens and Youth Ministries

    Committee Chair: Kathy Baldwin

    2011 Highlights:

    Nursery Team Kathy Baldwin

    Thanks to many dedicated volunteers, nurseries for infants and childrenthrough age 6 were made available during worship services for 2011. Wehad an average of 5 infants/children in the nurseries each week.

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    2012 Goals:

    Assist in process to hire new Nursery Coordinator.

    Elementary Youth Group Dawn Hafner & Jennifer Bishop (spring)

    Provided social and service activities on a monthly basis for children in Kindergartenthrough 5th grade.

    CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP AND DISCIPLESHIP: 4th and 5th gradersattended Ground Zero retreat with the 2011 theme Shine Show HimEverything and shared their experience with the congregation.

    2012 Goals:

    Provide social and service activities and coordinate opportunity to attendGround Zero 2012.

    Childrens and Youth Church School Kathy Baldwin and Shirley Rucker

    Spring -Offered worship arts opportunity to learn to play tone chimes andperform for church during worship service.

    Summer Sunday School classes were combined and class did a Bible Quest-reading Bible stories and applying lessons to our lives today.

    Fall - Re-established classes for various age groups as part of effort toincrease attendance in Sunday School program. Fall classes learned about

    the Bible stories illustrated in our churchs stained glass windows. Offered Wednesday night Adult Sunday School as part of the Wednesday

    night Faith Weavers Friends program.

    2012 Goals for Childrens and Youth Church School Team:

    Continue efforts to increase attendance in Sunday School and recruitadditional volunteers for teaching.

    Middle School Team Liz Marshall, Lana Tuftie & Jennifer Bishop (fall)

    2011 Highlights:

    FUN: Bowling, Super Bowl party, pool party, concert, end of year party,James River tubing trip

    OUTREACH AND SERVICE TO COMMUNITY : Volunteered at Food Bank,Souper Bowl of Caring, Easter Egg Hunt, Relay for Life, Fall Festival, Trunk-or-Treating, Human Race, Christmas Caroling, New Years poppers forPORT

    CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP AND DISCIPLESHIP: Small group Bible studyat Faith Weaver Friends

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    LEADERSHIP: Assisted in worship with reading and participation in YouthSunday, Provided youth leadership during VBS, Easter Egg Hunt, FallFestival and Trunk-or-Treating.

    2012 Goals:

    Organize opportunities for weekend mission trips (i.e. Habitat for Humanity,Makemie Woods).

    High School Team Lisa and David Canaday and Becky Skaar

    2011 Highlights:

    FUN: Tubing down the river, concert, pool party, movies, Christmas Carolingand Christmas party

    Outreach and Service to Community: Prime Timers luncheon, New Yearspoppers for PORT, Relay for Life, Human Race, Zuni bake sale, volunteeredat Food Bank, Fall Festival, Trunk-or-Treating, Christmas Caroling

    Christian Fellowship and Discipleship: Girls Only (spring), Small groupBible study (My Friend Dave) at Faith Weaver Friends, Student Ministries ofVirginia retreat at Virginia Beach

    Leadership: Assisted in worship through drama, music, and reading;provided youth leadership during VBS and at Fall Festival.

    2012 Goals:

    Organize opportunities for weekend mission trips (i.e. Habitat for Humanity,Makemie Woods).

    Confirmation Class Deborah Dail and Liz Marshall

    2011 Highlights:

    Confirmation Class was not held this year

    2012 Goals:

    Seek confirmands and their families for 2012 class

    Continue to develop team approach to help lead the Confirmation Class

    Faith Weaver Friends Liz Marshall

    2011 Highlights:

    During 2011 we completed our seventh year in the spring and began oureighth in the fall. For both terms we had an average of 35-45 youth and 25adults participating each week. This program could not exist without the

    support of over 75 members of our congregation who help in every aspect.

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    2012 Goals:

    Maintain the level of participation and enthusiasm with the youth and adults Offer training opportunities for leaders

    Seek and train a new Faith Weavers director

    Vacation Bible School (VBS) Liz Marshall

    2011 Highlights:

    Thanks to dedicated volunteers, 2011 Pandamania Where God is WildAbout You edition was a HUGE success. We had about 85 children enrolledand 60 volunteers.

    VBS service project this year supported Pauls Trailer Park and families in ourchurch. Collected school supplies for those in need in our community.

    VBS was offered in an evening session, Monday through Friday from 6:00 to8:30 PM. A light dinner was offered each night.

    Closing program was held on Sunday with the childrens performance duringworship.

    Family picnic with games.

    2012 Goals:

    Seek and train a new VBS director

    Advent/Lent Church Family/Outreach Programs Liz Marshall

    2011 Highlights:

    Journey to the Cross (spring): Was offered two nights during Lent. We utilized Group Publishings

    Journey to the Cross 47 families attended

    2012 Goals:

    Offer spiritual growth opportunities for families Offer time for families to interact with each other

    Adult/Youth Leadership Development Team Deborah Dail / Liz Marshall

    2011 Highlights:

    Created Youth Planning Council to assist with organizing and coordinating allaspects of the church youth programs.

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    2012 Goals:

    Continue opportunities to nurture our Youth Leaders and teachers throughregular training/study events at our church.


    Pre-Kindergarten Board Chair: Kristi Spivey

    Members: Kristi Spivey (Chair), Rebecca Wightman (Secretary), Carolyn Vassos,Shirlie Anson, John McLeod (Treasurer), Shirley Rucker (Assistant Treasurer),Carolyn Vassos Maggie Vincelette (Director), Carolyn Woodard

    The DPC Pre-K Program provides Christian ministry to the community through

    preschool education for 2 , 3 and 4 year old children. Enrollment isapproximately 67 students with a staff of 13; 5 teachers, 6 assistant teachers,an administrative assistant, music teacher and the director. (One staffmember is both an assistant teacher and the administrative assistant.)Operating budget is approximately $130,000.

    2011 Highlights:

    The DPC Pre-Kindergarten continued to provide quality Christian nurture tothe community.

    The School provided ministry to the community through its quality educationprogram that included bi-weekly chapel for all students and their parents. Stay

    and Play, an afternoon program offered 1 day weekly for children to stay into theafternoon, continued to be successful.

    The School also participated in Church programs such as Samaritans PurseOperation Christmas Child Shoeboxes, food collections for DUCO, and AngelsAbound.

    Made a donation to a church youth mission project in exchange for fall play yardmaintenance.

    Contributed approximately $3,800 to the church for utilities usage. The Pre-K maintains a scholarship fund to provide assistance to low-income and

    temporarily stressed families who wish to take advantage of the outstandingcapabilities of the School.

    The current breakdown of classes is: 3 classes of 4-year-old children, 3 classesof 3-year-old children and one class of 2 year-old children.

    Currently participating in the state of Virginia Quality Rating and ImprovementSystem (QRIS). The rater from VSQI (Virginia Star Quality Initiative) came to theschool in February 2011, and a 4 star quality rating was awarded to DPPK inApril 2011. This rating is valid for 2 years.

    2012 Goals:

    Continue Church ministry to the community by providing high quality pre-schoolprogram

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    Continue strengthening ties between the Pre-School and the Church throughmore opportunities for integrated ministries and operations.

    Continue to participate in the state of Virginia Star Quality Initiative. As part ofthis initiative, the Director and Program Mentor from VSQI created a Quality

    Improvement Plan with goals to help DPPK aim for an improved rating in early2013. One important emphasis in the Quality Improvement Plan is to increaseStaff Training and Professional Development.

    Continue to support the churchs outreach by requesting food donations forDUCO and shoeboxes for Samaritans Purse Operation Christmas Child from theschool families.


    Information Technology Committee Chair: Jim Wightman, Chair

    Members: Pete Marshall, Rita Stevens, Jackie LedBetter, Kristi Spivey

    The IT committee which includes the library and media center, has grown over thepast few years and continues to provide a large amount of support to the staff, thePre-K and the congregation.

    2011 Highlights:

    Replaced Reverend Dails Laptop Computer due to multiple failures and

    imminent failure of operating system Continued to maintain contract with J & S Computers to maintain operating

    systems free of viruses and maintain antivirus programs up to date

    Continued process of reducing inventory of obsolete equipment in SundaySchool Office

    Provided A/V support for Denbigh Presbyterian Women events

    Provided A/V support for Denbigh Presbyterian Men events

    Provided A/V support for Church services and congregational meeting

    Conducted repairs on the pulpit microphone due to grounding issue

    Received and put into immediate service donated 32 television Purchased DVD player for church

    2012 Goals:

    At the end of 2011 IT Committee Chair met with Cyber Exchange owner todiscuss options for taking over computer support functions from J & SComputers in an effort to reduce costs

    Additionally, contacted Verizon to discuss a proposal for transitioning to Fioshigh speed internet in an effort to decrease overall phone/internet costs. The

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    goal is to complete these two service transitions during the first quarter of2012

    STEWARDSHIPStewardship Committee Chair: Shirley Rucker

    Members: Ann Pharr, David Anson, Anneliese Collins, Helen Thiessen, KatieCanaday, Jennifer Bishop

    2011 Highlights:

    Promoted the four General Assembly Special Offerings (Christmas Joy, OneGreat Hour of Sharing, Pentecost and Peacemaking). Four different

    committee members were in charge of the special offerings. Visual emphasison the Special Offerings was prominent this year. Materials for each of theseofferings were supplied by the General Assembly (posters, inserts, etc.)

    o One Great Hour of Sharing -- Directed by Ann Pharro Pentecost Sunday -- Directed by Helen Thiesseno Peacemaking -- Directed by David Ansono Christmas Joy -- Directed by Anneliese Collins

    Time and Talent Surveys were sent to all congregants. Adopt-a-Spot was observed four times during the year directed by David


    Commitment Sunday emphasized the theme of the 50th

    Anniversary, Lookingto the Future in Faith. A booklet had been written by members of thecongregation telling of the wonderful memories they have of their lives inDenbigh Presbyterian Church. Letters, Power Point, the Digest, and areminder sent by email were used to make the congregation aware that thepossibilities for the next fifty years depended upon them.

    Sent follow-up letters to those who did not respond to the stewardship letter,encouraging them to submit their pledge card.

    Apprised the Finance Committee of status of pledges. Notified thecongregation through the Digestand the bulletin of pledge status.

    Ordered Pledge cards and offering envelopes to be used in 2012.

    2012 Goals:

    Promote the four General Assembly Special Offerings (Christmas Joy, OneGreat Hour of Sharing, Pentecost and Peacemaking)

    Conduct the Stewardship Campaign for the 2013 budget.

    Time and Talent Surveys distributed with a return deadline on the outside ofthe envelope. Individuals who express an interest on the Time and Talentsurvey will receive a letter acknowledging the areas the individual hasvolunteered for and the contact information for committee/ministry leaders.

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    Organize four Adopt-A-Spot clean-up days. Recruit more volunteers throughinviting specific church groups to participate.

    Continue to look for ways and means to develop the grace of liberality, a giftof the Holy Spirit.


    Chair: Pat Horton

    Members: Connie Hunt, Janeane Reynolds, Carolyn Woodard,Verni Saunders, Carolyn Vassos

    2011 Highlights:

    Bereavement Ministries: Rev. Deborah Dail officiated six (6) funeral/memorial services for DPC

    members and non-members who attend DPC who had a death in their family Regretfully, twenty one (21) deaths occurred among DPC members and non-

    members who attend DPC and our Pre-K teachers. Five (5) were DPCchurch members, Charles Britt, Lacy Powell, Lois Lilygren, Jewel Ford andJane Mayhue. Regular attendee Vicky Peck was also among those who died.

    Four (4) funeral/memorial services and three (3) receptions were held at DPC Church members provided food for receptions and ushered for

    funeral/memorial services

    Sympathy cards and grief books were distributed to DPC member's who losta loved one and meals were provided to families of the bereaved

    Families of the bereaved were visited or phone calls were made to family Cards of remembrance were sent to families one year after the death of a

    loved one

    Absentee Follow-up:

    Cards were provided by DPC and the committee composed a paragraphstating that the member was missed and we hoped to see them soon. Weprofessionally imprinted the message on the cards and cards were sent tothose who have not attended church for awhile.

    Shepherding Ministry:

    Shepherding was updated and in practice for ten (10) months of the past year In October Carolyn Vassos, head of Shepherding conducted a thorough

    investigation into the number of shepherds and concluded we were lackingmore than 12 shepherds and needed to assign 50 new members to thealready stressed system. After meeting with Rev. Dail and members of theCongregational Care Committee, it was decided to suspend the program.

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    Homebound/Nursing Home Visitation

    Delivered seasonal gifts, e.g. Spring flower arrangements, Fall mums, andChristmas poinsettias

    Visited home bound and nursing home residents Sent "Get Well" and "Thinking of You" cards Offered communion upon request

    Hospital /Home Visitation:

    Visited church members in the hospital or at their home Prayer shawls or gift baskets were given to those who had surgery Provided meals to families who had a member in the hospital or just returning

    home from the hospital


    Prayer shawls were given to ten (10) members or members or friends offamilies After consulting with Verni Saunders, head of the Prayer Shawl Team, she

    informed us there was a lack of knitters to continue the ministry. Also, almosteveryone in our DPC community has received one of these beautiful shawls.It was decided to suspend the prayer shawl ministry.A THANK YOU to VerniSaunders for starting this ministry; it has blessed so many people

    We will continue to visit the sick, but will give out a gift bag instead containingseveral different items according to gender

    The Monday morning prayer group met regularly throughout 2011 to pray fora host of needs and to praise God

    The phone and e-mail prayer chains were active throughout the yearcommunicating prayer requests, updates and praise reports

    Food Team:

    Provided meals throughout the year to families in need of support andfamilies who had lost a loved one

    Provided food for funeral/receptions and mingling at church

    Provided meals to families who had a baby

    Card Ministry:

    Cards have been sent to 34 people who were ill, needing prayer, returning

    from hospital, having a baby and grieving a loved one

    2012 Goals:

    Continue to monitor and contact absentee members

    Incorporate Time and Talent Survey into our ministry Provide a "Thank You" luncheon for all on the cooking committee Gift bags will be provided for those who have surgery or are ill containing a

    variety of items for either female, male or baby

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    Fellowship Committee Chair: Becky Skaar

    Members: Elaine Minch, Shirlie Anson, Maria King, Daryl King, Jim Hiltabidle andmany wonderful cookie bakers!

    2011 Highlights:

    Events: Easter Ham Biscuit Breakfast Worship on the Lawn

    Vacation Bible School Picnic

    Pre-Kindergarten Sunday with social following led by Pre-K Board

    Fall Festival Denbigh Presbyterian Church 50th Anniversary Back Home Potluck

    December - Christmas Family Dinner

    The kitchen renovation is complete; we have an easy, well thought out re-designedfacility to use. Thanks to all who labored and planned the work.

    2012 Goals:

    Host one activity/mingling per month as our congregation wishes andsupports the activity

    Seeking a co-chair to be an active part of planning and implementingFellowship activities

    Increase the volunteer pool by using the time and talent referrals.

    Prime Timers

    2011 Highlights:

    Church and Community Outreach

    Worked two Saturdays at the Peninsula Foodbank

    Updated our churchs Our Military bulletin board Volunteered one Saturday for our churchs Adopt-a-Spot commitment Honored church graduates with a reception Sponsored AARP Defensive Driving Class Managed the Bake Booth at DPC Fall Festival and raised $470.52 for PORT


    Participated in Trunk-or-Treat Collected socks and underwear for PORT

    Provided cookies for the youth Christmas party

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    Held a Chili Cook-off Contest and lunch Were guests at a luncheon sponsored by the PW and church youth

    Saw Two by Twoat Peninsula Community Theatre Attended dinner and saw The Living Passoverat Crosswalk Community

    Church, Williamsburg

    Took a trip to Tangier Island Picnic at the home of Pat Horton Went on a Spirit of Norfolk Christmas lunch cruise New Years Eve party at the home of Charlotte and Don Eason

    2012 Goals

    Reach out to people 55 years and older with fellowship and outreachprograms as a means to show our churchs love and commitment to God,each other, and our community

    Support our churchs outreach projects Continue to support various community endeavors

    Not Ready for Prime Timers (55 and under group)

    2011 Highlights:

    Served at the Peninsula Foodbank

    Collected socks and underwear for PORT homeless ministry

    2012 Goals:

    Revitalize this group by offering several social events during the year Reach out to new 55 and under church members and friends Seek leadership for this group

    Denbigh Presbyterian Women (DPW)

    DPW Moderator: Anneliese Collins

    DPW Council Members: Shirlie Anson, Pat Smith, Shirley Aiken, Janet Bill, Sara

    Crippen, Frances Greene

    2011 Highlights:

    DPW Council:

    Confessing The Beatitudes was the Bible study for this year, speaking thetruth about WHO GOD IS CALLING US TO BE

    Participated in the Bible study, Breaking Free, by Beth Moore for ten weeks Our Prime Timers luncheon was February 13 hosted by the Middle and High

    School Youth

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    Joint meeting with Denbigh Presbyterian Men of the Church on May 2. Dinnerwas prepared by the Haiti Mission Team, additional proceeds went to fund theJanuary 2012 trip to Haiti

    Life membership was presented to Debbie Ames and Connie Hunt for their

    contribution to Denbigh Presbyterian Women Thank Offering, October 24, program was presented by council members.

    The meal was prepared lovingly by the Haiti Mission Team to fund their nexttrip

    DPW Circles:

    Sent birthday cards to residents at Childrens Home of the Highlands inWytheville, VA and Prime Timers, kept in touch with Haiti Missionaries, Bruceand Deb Robinson, extended welcome to potential new circle members

    Phone cards were donated to Walter Reed Hospital for wounded soldiers

    (Family Assistance Program) Provided food (through the SHARE program), gift cards, clothing, and money

    to needy church member

    Created Love Fund for one member to provide continuous support Visited homebound members

    Prepared health kits for Church World Service

    Visited members in nursing homes and provided blankets to sick members inhospitals

    Prepared food for church gatherings, VBS, Faith Weavers, and those whowere ill or bereaved

    Collected school supplies and food for Pauls Trailer Park; participated in theSummer lunch program at the same location

    Assisted in the restoration project of one trailer at Pauls Helped with food distribution at Peninsula Food Bank Collected shoe boxes filled with gifts for Samaritan Purse Provided free study books for circle members thanks to a donation from the

    Adult Education Committee

    DPW provided money, food or needed items to the following organizations:


    PORT Ministries Menchville House

    Our missionaries (Bruce and Deb Robinson) Church World Service Samaritans Purse

    Walter Reed Hospital

    Pauls Trailer Park Peninsula Food Bank Food Closet

    DPW donated to the following causes in 2011:

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    Prime Timers Luncheon $149.48 Birthday Offering $440.50 Thank Offering $323.10

    Least Coin $ 47.63 Presbytery Mission Pledge $500.00

    Church Women United $ 98.00 Church Women United $ 50.00 Menchville House $ 50.00

    Food Bank $100.00 DUCO $100.00 Haiti (Bruce and Deb Robinson) $250.00

    2012 Goals:

    We pray for the spiritual strengthening of our women through the Bible studyConfessing the Beatitudes and by sharing our personal strengths and hopes. Aswe grow in Christ, we will be led to fulfill His mission on earth. We especially hopefor growth in numbers within the Denbigh Presbyterian Women

    Presbyterian Men

    Presbyterian Men Officers: Charles Miller, Don Eason

    2011 Highlights:

    Met with the Women of the Church in May Speaker Tom Joyce spoke regarding his military service and his new

    placement with the Air Force after a wonderful dinner in the Fellowship Room

    Ended the year with a steak cookout at the home of Don Eason Members of the Men of the Church were active in projects such as Habitat for

    Humanity, working at the Food Bank, helping residents of Pauls Trailer Parkand prepared and served dinner for the Women of the Church

    2012 Goals:

    Continue to revitalize the Men of the Church via regular meetings, service tochurch and community undertakings, and fellowship/spiritual growthopportunities


    Committee Co-Chairs: Gerry Ellis and Betty Mayes

    Community Missions/ Pauls Team (Shared leads)

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    2011 Highlights:

    Hosted PORT Homeless Ministry in March and December, 2011 under

    excellent organization and leadership of Wanda Hale. The city of Newport

    News requested that LINK add an additional four weeks to the schedule, thusour additional week.

    Chairs of the committee served on the Denbigh United Christian Outreach

    (DUCO) board. Special offerings from the Souper Bowl of Caring were

    designated for DUCO. Pledge to DUCO was honored.

    Chairs attended Denbigh Community Action Team (DCAT) meetings. DCAT

    has waned over the latter half of the year. Joining with a subcommittee of

    People to People has been seriously considered.

    Provided emergency assistance to DPC members and other Denbigh

    residents who were facing utilities shut-offs, evictions, or other dire financialsituations. Also made referrals to DUCO for similar situations beyond our

    means or level of expertise.

    Individuals worked extensively with families to help develop budgets and take

    steps toward financial stability.

    Provided volunteers to assist Brenda Lamb in serving lunches at Pauls. We

    attempted to increase the amount of time spent with the children at Pauls in

    activities such as reading, playing board games, scrapbooking, and

    photography. We also took field trips to Grissom Public Library two days a

    week for high quality and high interest programs.

    With generous contributions from the DPC family, we provided Thanksgiving

    and Christmas dinners to a total of 18 families, most from Pauls Mobile Home

    Estates. In addition, clothing and a gift were given to school aged children in

    these households. Food was also collected to help provide for these same

    children over the Christmas break from school where many receive free or

    reduced lunch. Besides the monetary generosity, many people gave a

    tremendous amount of time and energy to this outreach.

    2012 Goals:

    Minister to the children of Pauls Mobile Home Estates Secure information about services for the needy provided by public agencies,

    and share it with those in need of these services.

    Collaborate with other agencies and organizations to assist the needy. Respond to needy community members who request the churchs assistance Follow an agreed-upon process for facilitating communication and decision-

    making relative to the teams budget

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    Evangelism Team:

    2011 Highlights:

    Provided first time visitors with a welcome bag and asked them to fill outinformation card

    Staffed a Welcome Table in narthex area each Sunday which includedinformation about DPC, the PCUSA, as well as Christian books andresources

    2012 Goals:

    Develop a team of volunteers to follow up with visitors by calling them orwriting to them

    Continue to have the Welcome Table

    Explore new means of evangelism at DPC

    Fall Festival Team Leads: Iris Lewis, David Canaday

    2011 Highlights:

    Fall Festival coincided with the 50th Anniversary Reunion for DPC.Attendance exceeded previous years on a beautiful warm day. Food, musicalentertainment, and games were enjoyed by many visitors from the localneighborhood. Gift bags were handed out to first time visitors who were alsoencouraged to worship with us. The upcoming Womens Bible Study wasalso promoted. Pumpkin sales, a yard sale, and Ben & Jerrys sales raised

    $1456.78 for the Haiti Mission Team.2012 Goals:

    In an effort to reduce our on faith budget it was recommended and approvedthat we have the Fall Festival every other year instead of annually.Fundraisers for the Haiti Mission Teams might still occur. If the Festival canbe self-supporting, the Festival may continue annually.

    Food Bank Team: Ken Bowers Team lead

    2011 Highlights:

    Over the course of the year, 198 individuals donated 591 volunteer hours atthe Food Bank at the new Aluminum Road location in Hampton.

    Groups who volunteered included Session, Prime Timers, PresbyterianWomen, Presbyterian Men, Not Ready for Prime Timers, college students,Menchville High School Air Force Junior ROTC, and members on a standbylist.

    A total of 85 SHARE orders were distributed.

    2012 Goals:

    Continue with scheduled volunteer days

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    Mission Giving Team

    2011 Highlights:

    Honored pledges as designated in the budget to Presbytery of EasternVirginia, Peninsula Pastoral Counseling Center, Massanetta Springs Camp

    and Conference Center, Theological Fund, Makemie Woods Sustaining Fund,

    Habitat for Humanity, and Bruce and Deb Robinsons retirement fund

    2012 Goals:

    Several recipients of support from DPC were downsized or eliminated to keep

    our budget within line of pledges. We will try to communicate the needs of

    these organizations to the congregation so members can give as they feel


    Nation/World Missions Team: Van Rhodes- Team lead

    2011 Highlights:

    Coordinated preparation, fund raising, and team building for Haiti Mission

    Team trip

    Members of the team to leave in January 2012 are Deborah Dail, Sandra

    Beebe, Delores Fleming, Patti Hall, Dale Pennell, Mason Murawski, Shannon

    Weaver and Megan Spivey. Hosted Salvation Army Disaster Response Canteen representative to speak

    about this ministry.

    Conducted Christmas in November missionary fund drive.

    Sponsored Samaritans Purse Operation Christmas Child under leadership of

    Debbie Ames

    2012 Goals:

    Take actions necessary to field a short term mission team to Haiti every 18 to24 months (preferably every 18)

    Expose the congregation to new mission field opportunities at least one peryear

    Encourage the congregation to support Nation/Mission causes through fundraisers and special offerings.

    New Member Assimilation - Team Lead: Barbara Keesee

    2011 Highlights:

    New members were mailed cards welcoming them to the congregation

    New members were mailed cards reminding them and inviting them to specialevents in the church

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    2012 Goals:

    Clarify functions and goals of the committee and develop a systematic way tocarry them out.

    Recruit members for the team.

    Habitat for Humanity

    2011 Highlights:

    Volunteers from DPC worked on the Build on Faith house in the 2400 block ofMarshall Avenue.

    2012 Goals:

    Find a team lead to speak for this ministry to the congregation at DPC.


    Church Facilities Chair: David Canaday, Pete Marshall

    Grounds Team

    2011 Highlights:

    Mulched and cleaned all flower beds and trimmed all trees Stayed within our budget

    2012 Goals: Maintain a well kept property

    Property Team

    PropertyTeam Lead:::: David Canaday, Pete Marshall

    Members: Mark and June Tessarolo, Bob Murphy, Keith Pennell (with theassistance of additional church members)

    2011 Highlights:

    To provide Continued maintenance and repairs to building

    All fire extinguishers were inspected and tested as necessary.

    The building passed the yearly City of Newport News Fire Marshallinspection with a keep up the good work notation.

    2012 Goals:

    Continue maintenance of the building

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    Aesthetics / Decor Team

    Members: Debbie Ames, Patti Hall, Connie Hunt, Dale Pennell, Sharon Shires andLana Tuftie

    Ex-officio Member: David Canaday

    2011 Highlights:(with the assistance of additional church members), the

    Aesthetics/Dcor Team:

    Cleaned and painted, re-carpeted Youth room

    Secured window treatments and accessories for the Fellowship room Carpeted room 9 Secured window treatments and accessories for the library Repainted all bathrooms and door frames in education wing Purchased new chairs for the fellowship room Redecorated choir room

    Goals 2012:

    Implement the redecoration plan for the Pre-School hallway Redecorate pastors office

    Building Committee

    BuildingCommittee Chair:::: Pete Marshall, David Canaday

    Members: Elaine Minch, Bev Daniels, Ray Minch, Christine Ragsdale, Gerry Ellis,Betty Mayes and John Mayes

    2011 Highlights:

    Collected all funds for the kitchen remodel

    Completed kitchen remodel

    Utilities Team

    Utilities Team Lead: Doug Hertz

    2011 Highlights:

    Maintained heating/cooling environment target of 72 degrees for year-roundoperation during normal occupied business hours.

    Replaced 2 Roof Units

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    2012 Goals:

    Conduct engineering survey of aging heating and air conditioning equipmentand determine estimated remaining useful life. Prepare replacement plan.

    Conduct building engineering study of electrical systems. Identify itemsneeding repair or replacement due to aging conditions or long-termoperation.

    Prepare repair/overhaul plan.

    Maintain heating/cooling environment target of 72 degrees for year-roundoperation during normal occupied building hours


    Finance Committee Chair: Bill Johnson

    Members: Sarah Rogers, Don Harvey, Heather Schwarting, Ray Minch and allSession Chairs

    2011 Highlights:

    Completed audit of church books for 2010 fiscal year

    Heather Schwarting was elected Treasurer to replace Gail McLeod whoresigned from that position

    2012 Goals:

    Monitor Church investments closely



    2011 Highlights:

    Provided the Scholarship Fund as an avenue for members to contribute

    toward scholarships for current and future assistance to those pursuingtraining in Christian Education or Pastoral Ministry.

    Endorsed Rusty Norton as a Candidate for the Ministry of Word andSacrament. Involved Rusty in worship leadership, pastoral care team andother ministerial opportunities. Hired Rusty as Ministerial Intern.

    2012 Goals:

    Offer opportunities for members to contribute to the Scholarship Fund.

    Involve Rusty Norton in worship leadership and provide preachingopportunities. Deborah will continue to mentor Rusty. John Fleming will serve

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    as Rustys liaison with the Presbyterys Committee on Preparation forMinistry.

    Encourage and support Liz Marshall in her pursuit of certification as anEnrolled Educational Assistant within the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

    Encourage other church members to consider seminary education and toexplore their calls to ministry.


    Director of Facilities: Jackie LedBetter

    2011 Highlights:

    Jackie LedBetter continued to serve as the volunteer Director of Facilities tocoordinate and interface with outside groups using the building. The buildingis used by church and community groups on a regular basis.

    12-Step Groups (AA and OA) continue to meet regularly in our facility toreceive support in their recovery process.

    PORT (People Offering Resources Together) homeless ministry was hostedby our church for two weeks in 2011.

    Other community groups utilize the building upon request. Our Pre-Kindergarten ministry is housed in our building and provides high

    quality early childhood education for approximately 75 children.

    We continue to offer garden plots to church and community members. This

    allows those who may not have adequate garden space at home to growfood. We have 25 garden plots.

    2012 Goals:

    Continue to implement the recommendations of the Building UseTask Force.

    Continue to be good stewards of the building and grounds God hasprovided as we seek to serve our congregation and community.


    2011 Highlights:

    Updated the Our Military bulletin board, featuring photographs of andinformation about our church familys military personnel.

    Included prayer list of all military personnel in our congregation and thoseassociated with the congregation in every Digest.

    Deployed military personnel were prayed for regularly in worship, prayergroup and Sunday School.

    Denbigh Presbyterian Women supplied phone cards to wounded servicemembers.

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    Congregation wrote Christmas cards to all the deployed military members

    Supported family members of those deployed

    2012 Goals:

    Support military personnel and their families during periods of deploymentthrough prayer, correspondence, gifts and other assistance.


    2011 Highlights:

    Elected commissioners to all Stated Meetings of the Presbytery in 2011

    Elder Don Bickhart continued as Stated Clerk of the Presbytery of EasternVirginia (PEVA).

    Rusty Norton is a candidate for the Office of Teaching Elder (Minister of Wordand Sacrament).

    Elder Bill McCullough serves as Commissioned Lay Pastor at GrovesMemorial Presbyterian Church in Hayes, VA

    Contributed to General Assembly and Synod offerings and responded tospecial needs requests

    Numerous contributors gave generously to designated programs of thePresbytery, Synod and General Assembly

    2012 Goals: Support and encourage the members of our church who serve on Presbytery

    staff and on Presbytery committees.

    Encourage more church members to serve on Presbytery committees.

    Elect commissioners to all Stated Meetings of PEVA.

    Publicize and collect all General Assembly Special Offerings (Christmas Joy,Peacemaking, Pentecost and One Great Hour of Sharing) and the SynodsThanksgiving Offering to support Presbyterian Childrens Homes.

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    Denbigh Presbyterian Church


    2011 New MembersRobert Brown (Reaffirmation of Faith)Sarah Brown (Reaffirmation of Faith)Donna Dellinger (Reaffirmation of Faith)Stephanie Harris (Profession of Faith)Brian Harris (Reaffirmation of Faith)

    Stacey Coll (Reaffirmation of Faith)Jim Hiltabidle (Profession of Faith)Lazaro Durruty, Sr. (Profession of Faith)Crystal Durruty (Reaffirmation of Faith)Debbie Richardson (Letter of Transfer)

    BaptismsIsaiah Jaidyn McGowanHayden Pham

    Antonio CollStephanie Harris (adult)JewLeigha HarrisLazaro Durruty, Sr. (adult)Lazaro Durruty, Jr.Alanna Durruty

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    WeddingsBenjamin Harris Carr and Sarah Lynne Terry March 11Russell Wade Scott and Jessica Brooke Moore April 16

    Eric Randolph Estep and Amanda Jo Cutrona June 7Mark Adam Kurek and Carmen Elizabeth Ellis June 25Gabriel Watts and Geeta Ramnarine November 5Lazaro Antwann Durruty and Crystal-Dawn Ellis November 11

    DeathsJane Mayhue January 18Lois Lilygren March 22

    Lacy Powell May 19Jewel Ford July 23Charles Britt July 24

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    2011 FINANCES2011 Special Offerings and Causes

    ("over and above" giving; not from the operating budget)

    2009 2010 2011

    One Great Hour of Sharing $ 470.00 $ 904.54 $ 1,314.00

    Pentecost $ 789.00 $ 688.00 $ 778.00

    Peacemaking $ 283.00 $ 704.00 $ 497.00

    Children's Thanksgiving $ 215.00 $ 276.00 $ 198.10

    Christmas Joy Offering $ 606.00 $ 1,033.53 $ 1,060.00

    Hailti Relief Fund $ - $ 1,655.00 $ -

    Food Closet $ 2,312.93 $ 3,590.00 $ 2,146.00

    UFM International (Haiti/Robinsons) $12,934.45 $ 9,406.00 $14,117.00

    Christmas in October (Missionaries) $ 370.60 $ 473.16 $ 313.00Haiti Mission Trip $ 7,083.74 $11,857.29 $10,264.78

    Pew Bibles $ 2,567.00 $ - $ -

    Building Fund $22,059.51 $ 8,757.83 $ 5,313.49

    Kitchen Building Fund $ 1,000.00 $14,414.17 $13,647.63

    Endowment Fund $ 1,050.00 $ 1,880.00 $ 1,870.00

    Relay for Life (American Cancer Society) $ 1,356.00 $ 1,178.26 $ 1,963.00

    Gideons International $ - $ 186.49 $ 134.00

    PEVA Funeral Fund $ - $ 290.00 $ -Maundy Thursday Offering (Pre-K ScholarshipFund) $ 312.00 $ 157.25 $ 189.00

    Ash Wednesday Offering (Menchville House) $ 203.00 $ 268.00 $ 119.00

    Thanksgiving Offering (DUCO) $ - $ 138.00 $ 206.00

    Denbigh Community Action Team $ 158.00 $ - $ -

    Christmas Shoebox Postage $ 215.00 $ 225.00 $ 55.00

    Menchville House (Concert in 2010) $ - $ 829.00 $ -

    SOUPER Bowl of Caring (DUCO) $ 461.32 $ 160.07 $ 260.00

    Fall Festival Bake Sale (DUCO) $ 619.25 $ 623.04 $ -

    Outreach Fund $ - $ 3,700.00 $ 2,050.00

    Outreach Families $ - $ 5,000.00 $ 6,930.00Home Renovations $ - $ 1,153.00 $ 3,426.30

    PORT Lunches (Fall Festival & other donations) $ - $ 754.32 $ 1,240.82

    PORT Mats $ - $ 435.00 $ -

    Pre-K Family $ - $ 755.00 $ -

    Bethel Manor $ - $ 120.00 $ -

    Japanese Relief $ - $ - $ 850.00

    Stop Hunger NOW $ 132.65

    Faith Weaver Friends $ - $ 250.00 $ 515.00

    Total $54,446.55 $71,861.95 $69,589.77

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    BudgetedPledges and On Faith Received Difference Percentage

    2009 $337,358 $275,916 ($61,442) 81.79%

    2010 $310,803 $284,245 ($26,558) 91.46%2011 $305,621 $292,193 ($13,428) 95.61%

    In 2009, we finished the year $9,258.75 in the red. We received 81.79percent of our projected income (pledges and "on faith"), and our projectedexpenses were at 85.35 percent at year's end.

    In 2010, we finished the year $9,994 in the red. We received 91.5 percentof our projected income (pledges and "on faith"), and our projectedexpenses were at 95.42 percent at year's end.

    In 2011, we finished the year $4,418.35 in the red. We received 95.61percent of our projected income (pledges and "on faith"), and our projectedexpenses were at 97.65 percent at year's end.

    Our church also gave generous gifts and gifts in kind to many causes in addition tothe many benevolences included in the church budget. Please see the reports of

    the Denbigh Presbyterian Women, Presbyterian Men, and Youth Groups for recordsof their benevolences and service projects. Please see page 38 which lists all theofferings and causes we contributed to in 2011 over and above the operatingbudget.

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    Denbigh Presbyterian Church

    Balance Sheet

    Reporting As Of 12/31/2011

    OPERATING CASHOperating Funds $11,642

    Transfer from Savings $10,000

    Petty Cash 200



    Memorial Gifts (for specific items) $1,268

    Undesignated Memorial Gifts 179

    Seminary Scholarship Fund 153

    Redecorating Funds 1,054

    Denbigh Community Action Team 376

    Food Closet 2,821

    PORT Lunches 1,119

    Garden Plots 1,639

    Kitchen Building Fund 430

    Pastor's Education Fund (2010) 2,550

    Building Fund 3,723

    Outreach Families 6,443

    Faith Weaver Friends Ministry 979

    Community Service Fund 100

    Haiti Mission Trip Fund 7,587

    Middle School Missions 150

    High School Missions 825

    Pew Bibles 377

    Miscellaneous Restricted Offerings 2,524



    Smith Barney* $79,284

    2011 Faith Offerings 33,579

    Union First Market Bk (2.51% 10/1/13) 25,261



    Savings Account $31,723

    Undesignated Memorials 1,598


    TOTAL ASSETS $227,583

    *As of the last statement's balance

    Operating Funds (checkbook) began 2011 with a balance of $16,500.Ended 2011 with $11,642 showing a loss of income over expenses of $4,858 for2011.

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    2012 BUDGET

    2011 2012

    INCOME 246,516 225,158RECEIPTS 25,526 31,511

    41001 Pledges/Envelopes 272,042 256,669

    Faith Offerings 33,579 30,317TOTAL PLEDGES/ENVELOPES/FAITH 305,621 286,986

    41002 Loose Plate 3,500 3,500

    41004 Pre-Kindergarten 3,918 3,765

    41006 Other Income 1,600 2,000TOTALINCOME $314,639 $296,251




    51010 Dtr, Music Ministry 20,000 20,000

    51011 Dtr, FICA 1,530 1,530

    51012 Substitute Organist 700 600

    51013 Substitute Organist FICA 54 46

    51016 Organist for Funerals 400 400

    51017 Continuing Education 200 20051018 Instrumentalists 500 500

    TOTAL MUSICMINISTERS 23,384 23,276


    51021 Custodian Salary 14,339 14,339

    51022 Custodian FICA 1,097 1,097

    TOTAL CUSTODIAN 15,436 15,436



    51031Administrative AssistantSalary 21,879 21,879

    51032Administrative AssistantFICA 1,674 1,674

    51033 Substitute Secretary Salary 1,638 1,600

    51034 Substitute Secretary FICA 125 122TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVEASSISTANT 25,316 25,275

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    2011 2012


    51041 Minister Salary 61,877 61,877

    51042 Pension/Disability 7,425 7,425

    51043 Professional Expenses 2,700 2,70051044 Medical Insurance 12,066 12,530

    51045 Minister FICA 4,734 4,734

    51046 Education Expenses 1,000 1,000

    TOTAL MINISTER 89,802 90,266


    51051 Pulpit Supply 400 0

    Intern Salary 10,000

    Intern FICA 765

    TOTAL PULPIT SUPPLY 400 10,765


    51061 Director's Salary 15,600 15,600

    51063 Professional Expenses 430 430

    51065 Director's FICA 1,194 1,194TOTAL DTR,CHILDREN/YOUTH MINISTRY 17,224 17,224


    51071 Coordinator's Salary 1,820 2,730

    51072 Coordinator's FICA 139 209TOTAL NURSERYCOORDINATOR 1,959 2,939


    52010 Office Supplies 5,000 4,000

    52011 Postage 1,500 1,000

    TOTAL CHURCH OFFICE 6,500 5,000


    52021Recognition Awards(allstaff) 500 0

    52022 Background Checks 50 50


    TOTAL - STAFF &VOLUNTEER OVERSIGHT $180,571 $190,231

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    53010 Youth Education 700 500

    53011Adult LeadershipDevelopment 700 0

    53012Elementary/Children'sChurch 300 150

    53013 Nursery 100 100

    53014 Youth Camp Registration 5,000 4,000

    53015 Middle Sch Youth 700 700

    53016 Vacation Bible School 2,000 1,650

    53017 Senior High Youth 700 700

    53019Family Advent/LentOutreach 400 0

    53020 Confirmation Materials 650 650

    53021 LOGOS 1,800 1,400

    TOTAL YOUTH MINISTRY 13,050 9,850


    54010 Sanctuary Decorations 250 225

    54012 Adult Choir 750 500

    54013Music EquipmentMaintenance 900 900

    54014 Worship Supplies 1,000 900

    54015 Handbells 100 80


    Contemporary Worship

    Team 1,000 054018 Lent/Advent Devotionals 500 450

    TOTAL WORSHIP 4,500 3,055


    55010 Adult Education 1,700 1,000

    55011 Officer Training and Retreat 500 400TOTAL ADULT SPR GR, EDU& DISC 2,200 1,400


    56021 Stewardship 350 275

    56022Financial EducationalPrograms 50 0



    56032 Administrative Expenses 100 50


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    56041 I T Services 2,170 2,200

    56042 I T Equipment 8,662 7,000

    56043 I T Supplies 700 1,200

    56044 Communications 5,004 4,000

    56045 Library 150 0

    56046 Periodicals 250 100TOTAL INFORMATIONTECHNOLOGY 16,936 14,500


    56051 Long-Range Planning Team 250 0TOTAL LONG-RANGEPLANNING 250 0


    57001 Unified Mission Giving 24,082 18,375

    57002 Missionary Support 1,500 1,500

    57003 Theological Education Fund 500 0

    57005 Missionary-Retirement 1,500 1,500

    57006 Makemie Woods 750 750

    57009Habitat forHumanity(Presbyterian House) 2,000 1,000

    57010 Haiti Projects 5,000 0


    Peninsula Pastoral Counseling

    Center 500 057012 Denbigh At-Risk Youth 500 500

    57013 Bibles 400 200

    57015 Local Mission 2,000 0

    57016 Harvest Festival 1,500 0

    57017 New Member Assimilation 100 0

    57018Massenetta Camp & ConfCtr 500 0

    57019 PORT 1,100 1,100

    57020 DUCO 500 500

    57022 Evangelism Ministry 350 25057024 Opr Christmas Child 50 50

    TOTAL OUTREACH 42,832 25,725


    57031 Insurance 10,800 11,374

    57032Finance AdministrativeExpenses 680 896

    TOTAL FINANCE 11,480 12,270

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    57041Receptions/Family Meals/KitSupplies 1,825 1,500

    57043 Presbyterian Women 1,370 1,370

    57045 Dinner with Deborah 350 0

    57046Presbytery Meeting/50thAnniversary 1,000 0

    TOTAL FELLOWSHIP 4,545 2,870


    57051Congregational CareExpenses 550 450TOTAL CONGREGATIONALCARE 550 450


    57071PropertyMaintenance/Repair 2,000 2,000

    57072 Custodian Supplies 1,700 1,500

    57073 Custodian Equipment 500 250

    57074 Dcor Team 1,000 0

    TOTAL PROPERTY 5,200 3,750


    57081 Lawn Care 5,000 5,000

    TOTAL GROUNDS 5,000 5,000


    57091 Utilities Maintenance/Repair 2,000 2,000

    57092 Electricity 13,000 13,000

    57093 Gas 6,000 6,600

    57094 Sanitation 1,600 800

    59095 Waste/Water Management 1,500 1,500

    57096 Storm Water Management 2,925 2,925

    TOTAL UTILITIES 27,025 26,825

    TOTAL CHURCHFACILITIES $37,225 $35,575

    TOTALEXPENSES $314,639 $296,251

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  • 8/3/2019 2011 Annual Report for 2012



  • 8/3/2019 2011 Annual Report for 2012


    GATHERED AND SCATTEREDThis Annual Report Booklet has drawn our attention to what God has done in andthrough us as a congregationa congregation gathered for worship, witnessand nurture.

    However, we spend most of our time scattered. We are scattered throughout theweek to our workplaces, schools, homes, community organizations, the golf course,the daycare center, the doctors office and so many other places. As baptizedbelievers we are called to be ministers of the Gospel wherever we are, especially aswe are scattered throughout the world and community during the week. I praise God

    for your ministries in all these arenas.

    Take a few moments and write your own annual report. What have been thehighlights of your ministry in the world, community, home, etc. during 2011?

    Take a few moments and write your goals for 2012. How would you like to serve

    God as you are scattered and intentionally placed by God in various arenas ofwork, study and play in the coming year?

    Now pause to pray for Gods wisdom, guidance and strength. Go forth to serve theLord in 2012.