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LS-Euro_Covers-F1.indd 1 5/27/10 2:31 PMC e r t a i n p r o d u c t s m a y b e i n v e n t e d f o r o n l y o n ep u r p o s e . B u t b r e a k t h r o u g h i d e a s c a n t r a n s f o r m t h e mi n t o s o m e t h i n g c o m p l e t e l y n e w .2 0 1 1 i n s p i r a t i o n c o m e s f r o m o u r h e r i t a g e o f u s i n gi n n o v a t i v e d e s i g n a n d m a t e r i a l s t o m a k e m o r e w i t hl e s s . O f d i s c o v e r i n g o b j e c t s t h a t s t a r t e d l i f e a s o n et h i n g a n d r e p u r p o s i n g a n d r e e n g i n e e r i n g t h e m i n t os o m e t h i n g t o t a l l y f r e s h a n d d i f f e r e n t . D e s i g n s a r er e i n v e n t e d a n d e a c h h a s a p u r p o s e . I t s f a s h i o n t h a th a s a f u n c t i o n .T h i s i s O a k l e y a t i t s n e s t . D i s c o v e r i n g n e w m a t e r i a l s ,g i v i n g t h e m a n e w p u r p o s e a n d t r a n s f o r m i n gt h e m i n t o a r t .Certai nproductsmaybei nventedforonl yone purpose. But breakthrough ideas can transform them into something completely new. 2011inspirationcomesfromourheritageofusing innovativedesignandmaterialstomakemorewith less. Of discovering objects that started life as one thingandrepurposingandreengineeringtheminto somethingtotallyfreshanddifferent.Designsare reinvented and each has a purpose. Its fashion that has a function. This is Oakley at its nest. Discovering new materials, gi vi ngt hemanewpurposeandt ransf ormi ng them into art.Call OAKLEY ICON toll free:Europe: 00800 625539 38|UK: 01462 475400|Belgium: 0800 765 73|Sweden: 020 799 444|Fax: 00800 625539 39EUROPEAN HEADQUARTERSPuls 5Giessereistrasse 188005 ZurichSwitzerlandOakley France, Belgium, Luxemburg27 Rue du Prsident Favre74000 Annecy [email protected] ItalyVia Salaria 1307/O00138 Roma [email protected] ScandinaviaHangvgen 19,Hus 1 Plan 611541 Stockholm [email protected] Ibericac/ Joan DAustria, 39-474ta C08005 Barcelona [email protected] Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Netherlands, PolandC/o Oakley GmbH,124-127 Lilienthalallee 4080939 [email protected]@[email protected] UKIcon HouseIcknield WayLetchworthHertsSG6 1GD [email protected] ICON EUROPELS-Euro_Covers-F1.indd 2 5/27/10 2:34 PM indicates registration in the U.S.A and certain countries. 2010 Oakley, Inc. 5/10LS_1MensSurf_Int-F1.indd 1 5/27/10 12:28 PMMENS SIZING CHARTSAPPARELACCESSORIESMEN MEN MEN MMENSSSSSS SSSS SSSSSSS TOP TOP TOP TOP T SSSUS/ US/ US/ US/ US/ US/ US/ US/ US/ US/ US/ S UU / S/ /CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN N AN CAN AN AN CAN CAN AN AN NNN CAN AN N ANNN/EU /EU /EU /EU /EU /EU /EU /EU /EU //EU /EU EU /EU / UUROP ROP ROP ROP ROP O ROP OP ROP ROP RROP ROP R EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL XL XL XL XL XL XL XL XL XL XL XL XL XL XL XL XXL XLLLL XXL XXL XXL XXL XXL XXL XXL XXL XXLL XXL XXL XXL XXLLL XXL XX XXLLLL XXLLL X L XXLLLL X LLLL XXL XXL XXL XXL XX XXL XXL XXL XXL XXLLL XXL XXLL XXLL XLLLL XXL XXL XXLL XLL XXLLLLLLLBR BR BR BBBBBR BR BBR BR BBBBBBBBR SSSSSSSSSSSS MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL XL XL XL XL XL XL XL XL XL XL XL XL XXL XXL XXL XXL XX XXL XXL XLLLL XXLLLL XXLLL XXL XXLLLLLLLL X LLLLLLLLLLL -----MEN MEN MMMEN MMMMMMMMM SSS BOT BBBOT BOT BBBBBBBBBBB TOM TOM OMMMMMMMMMMMMMSSSXS XS XS XS XS XS XS XS XS XS XXS XXSS SSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS MMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMM LLLLLLLLL XL XL XL XXXL XXL XX XXL XXL XXL XXXXXL XXL XXL XXXXXL XXXXXL XXXXXL XXL XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXL XXL XXL XX XXL XXL XX XXL XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXUS US USS US US US USS US UUS 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 8 28 88 228 228 28 28 22228 28 28 228 28 88 28 28 2 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 330 30 30 30 30000 30 30 30 33000 30 330000 30 0 30 31 331 31 31 31 331 31 1 31 31 33333331 31 3331 33331 31 331 311 31 33331 3333333333333333 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 332 3332 32 32 332 332 32 2 32 2 32 2222222 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 333 333 33 33 333333 33 3 33 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 334 34 444 344 33 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 336 36 36 36 36 66 36 336 36 36 36 6 38 338 38 38 38 38 33338 8 38 338 3338 333338 338 8 33338 38 338 38 38 88 38 333333333333333 40 40 40 40 000 40 40 40 40 40 000 40 40 40 40 40 00 440 00 40 00 40 0000EUR EUR EEEEUR EU EEEEEEEEEEEEE OPE OPE OPE OPE 36 36 36 36 336 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 33 38 38 38 38 38 38 338 38 38 38 38 8 39 39 39 39 333339 39 39 39 3333333339 3333333333333 40. 40. 40. 40. 40. 40. 40. 40. 0 40 5555555555555555555555555555555 42 42 42 42 42 42 442 2 42 42 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 46 46 46 446 446 46 446 4 48 44448 48 48 48 48 4448 4444444444444444444444 51 51 55551 111 511 51 11111111 511111111111111BR BR BR ------ SSSSSSSSSSSS ---------- MMMMMMMMM ----- LLLLLLLL XL XL XL XL XL XL XL XL ------- ----BRBRBR DEN DEN DEN DDDDDDD IM IM IM36 36 36 36 36 36 36 336 36 36 66 38 38 38 38 38 338 38 38 ------- 0 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 00 ------ 42 42 442 42 2 42 42 42 42 44 44 44 44 44 44 444 46 46 46 46 446 46 44444444444444444446 4444444444444 ----MEN MEN MMMMMMMMMM SSS SOC SOC OOOOOOOOOOOO KS KS KUS US US US USS UUUSS 777777 - 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M - M- M- MMMMMMMMMMMMMM - MMMMMMMMM57 57 577 557 5 CM CM CMMMMMMMMMM CMM CMMM CMMMMM -- 59C 59C 59C 59CM - M - M - MMMMMMMMMMMM61 61 61CM CM CMLS_1MensSurf_Int-F1.indd 2 5/27/10 12:28 PMOAKLEY MENS SURF TEAMCharacters in the surng world dont get more colorful than Sebastian Seabass Zietz. Born on the Garden Isle, with three thumbs and no birth certificate, Seabass quietly began ripping under the radar only to discover he was freakishly talented in the water (and on the dance floor). His accelerated progression as a versatile surfer gained the attention of the industry andsoonenoughSeabasswasgivenapassport and the opportunity to surf every corner of the globe. With a wild blonde mane and contagious enthusiasm, Seabass is pumping some much needed animation and vitality info the surf world.A strong regular -footer from Bronte Beach, Australia, Whitakerwasentering(andwinning)competitions aroundSydneybyage13.Anallaroundathlete butespeciallymasterfulinthewater,hespentthree years on the ASP WQS before joining the tour in 2003. Boastingastylethatfeaturesclassicrailworkas wellasprogressiven-freemaneuvers,Whitakerhas proven he has the goods to take on all conditions with beautiful precision. Hes a mentor to all the groms he surfs with, passing on a stellar work ethic and a sunny outlook on life.Hailing from the wave-rich town of Lennox Head, Australia,AdamMellingisturningheadswithhis smooth approach that bridges the gap between power and are.Surng waves like Lennox Point and being a drive away from the infamous Super Bank gave Adam the tools to reach the top in the sport.After winning the 6-Star Cold Water Classic in Scotland last year and nishing the season in fourth on the WQS, Adam is now in his rookie year on the WCT, and is where he belongsamong the best in the world.LS_1MensSurf_Int-F1.indd 3 5/27/10 12:30 PMA P P A R E L M F G . C O .VAGABOND COLLECTION411399 411408481452452237441252 441248421392 421394471420ECO O CO OOOLLE LECTI TTT ON ONLS_1MensSurf_Int-F1.indd 4 5/27/10 12:31 PMVAGABOND COLLECTION481433 481456ECO ECO ECO ECO CCO CO CO O COOLLE LLE LLE LL CTI CTI CTION ON ON ON ECO ECO ECO ECO CCCO CO CO COLLE LLE LLLE LE L CTI CTI CTI CTI ION ON OON ON ON O481439452239ECO ECO ECO ECO O CO CO CO C LLE LLE LLE LLE EECTI CTI CTT ON ON ON NN452234 452238401283SLFM 401280SSFM 431854SSFMECO ECO CO COLLE LLECTI CTI TTTT ON ONLS_1MensSurf_Int-F1.indd 5 5/27/10 12:31 PMECO ECO CO CO CCC LLE LLECTI CTI C ON ON ECO ECO CO CO CCCCC LLE LLECTI CTI CT ON ONECO ECO ECO ECO ECO ECO ECO EEEEEEECO CCO CO CCCO CCCO COLLE LLE LLE LLE E LLE E LLE L EECTI CTI CCTI CT TION ON ON ON ON OOPEN ROAD COLLECTION411398 471431B401282SSFM452231441246 441244 481455452236431844SSFM452233LS_1MensSurf_Int-F1.indd 6 5/27/10 12:32 PMECO O CO O CO COLLE E LE ECTI CT ON ON NNECO ECO ECO ECO ECO ECO ECO ECO CO CO CO CO CO CO C LLE LLE LLE LLE LLE LLE E L CTI CTI CTI CTI CTI CTI C ON ON ON ON ON ON OOPEN ROAD COLLECTION471425B 431838481457481447421395LS_1MensSurf_Int-F1.indd 7 5/27/10 12:40 PMTECHNOLOGY KEYFOUR WAY STRETCHWITH RIPSTOPORGANIC/RECYCLEDMATERIALRECYCLEDMICROSUEDEFOUR WAYSTRETCHBASIC FOURWAY STRETCHABRASION RESISTANTEXCEPTIONALBREATHABILITYANTI MICROBIALQUICK DRYINGLIGHTWEIGHTEXCELLENTUV PROTECTIONDURABLEWATER REPELLENTUV PROTECTIONMOISTUREMANAGEMENTHYDROPHOBICLS_1MensSurf_Int-F1.indd 8 5/27/10 12:41 PMTECHNOLOGY KEYSHAPE RETENTION MICROSUEDESTRETCH CARGOPACKABLE TAFFETAREVERSIBLE STRETCH FLYBAJA EYEWEAR MICROBAG LINED POCKETMECHANICALSTRETCH JACQUARDPLAID JACQUARDMEDIA POCKETTAPED INSEAMAND HEMEYEWEAR HOLDERINSIDELS_1MensSurf_Int-F1.indd 9 5/27/10 12:42 PM1 2 3 481443Reimage Boardshort481443Reimage Boardshort481441Frogyle Boardshort4 481455Faster Boardshort124 13LS_1MensSurf_Int-F1.indd 10 5/27/10 12:43 PM5 6 7 8 481439 Voyage Boardshort481433O-Vagabond481440Turbocharge Boardshort481438Switch Boardshort5678LS_1MensSurf_Int-F1.indd 11 5/27/10 12:44 PM736| Bright Orange573 | Sepia Yellow001 | BlackVAGABOND BOARDSHORT 481433Ripstop 4-way stretch boardshort with glued and taped hem and inseam, no side seam, allover sublimated print, zip y, drawstring closure, back pocket and back patch Outseam 21 74% Polyester 26% Spandex 28-38ORIGINAL BOARDSHORT 481508Ripstop 4-way stretch boardshort with glued and taped hem and outseam, strech y, side pocket with Square O logo, engineered clear ink print. Outseam 21 74% Polyester 26% Spandex 28-3860B| Navy Blue001 | Black465 | Red Line12LS_1MensSurf_Int-F1.indd 12 5/27/10 12:44 PMRETURN BOARDSHORT 481434BEmbossed Baja boardshort, no side seam, zip y, drawstring closure, back pocket and square O back patch Outseam 21 100% Ployester 28-38001 | Black70E | JadeRETURN BOARDSHORT 481434Embossed 4-way stretch boardshortwith glued and taped hem and inseam, no side seam,zip y, drawstring closure, back pocket andsquare O back patch Outseam 21 80% Polyester 20% Spandex 28-3870E | Jade001 | BlackFASTER BOARDSHORTNOTES:481455 Outseam 21 74% Polyester 26% Spandex 28-38Ripstop 4-way stretch boardshort with glued and taped hem and inseam, no side seam, engineered sublimated print, zip y, drawstring closure, back pocket and square O back patch62A | Aqua 100 | White736| Bright Orange13LS_1MensSurf_Int-F1.indd 13 5/27/10 12:45 PMREIMAGE BOARDSHORTNOTES:481443Solid/print on jacquard plaid base fabric boardshortwith zip y, drawstring closure, side pocket withsquare O logo snap, and square O back patch Outseam 23 100% Ployester 28-38100 | White 65Z | Blue Violet 001 | Black 009 | Black / RedMIST BOARDSHORT 481444Basic 4-way stretch engineered sublimated boardshort with glued and taped inseam and hem, stretch y, drawstring closure, back pocket and back Ellipse label Outseam 21 89% Polyester 11% Spandex 28-3879B | Worn Olive 001 | Black 60B | Navy Blue14LS_1MensSurf_Int-F1.indd 14 5/27/10 12:45 PMpFROGYLE BOARDSHORT 481441Basic 4-way stretch engineered sublimated boardshort with no side seam, zip y, drawstring closure, back pocket and back square O patch Outseam 21 89% Polyester 11% Spandex 28-38736| Bright Orange 762 | Sulphur 65Z | Blue Violet70E | Jade465 | Red Line 62E | Illusion Blue001 | Black Outseam 21 89% Polyester 11% Spandex 28-38TAKEOVER BOARDSHORTNOTES:481442Basic 4-way stretch color block/printed boardshort with zip y, drawstring closure, back square O logo screen print and back welt pocket15LS_1MensSurf_Int-F1.indd 15 5/27/10 12:45 PM62A | Aquaq001 | Black736| Bright OrangeVOYAGE BOARDSHORT 481439Recycled polyester color block graphic boardshort with zip y, drawstring closure, no side seam and side pocket with patches Outseam 22 55% Recycled Polyester 45% Polyester 28-38279 | Sheet Metal65Z | Blue Violet Outseam 20 100% Polyester 28-38O-JUPITER BOARDSHORT 481446Reversible solid/print boardshort with logo snap front, velcro y, back ap pocket and logo screen print on back16LS_1MensSurf_Int-F1.indd 16 5/27/10 12:45 PMCHATTER BOARDSHORTNOTES:481435Baja engineered sublimated printed boardshort with zip y, drawstring closure, no side seam, and side pocket with snap closure Outseam 22 100% Polyester 28-3865Z | Blue Violet 65Z | Blue Violet001 | Black 762 | SulphurSWITCH BOARDSHORT 481438Anti-microbial microsuede stripe/plaid print boardshort with zip y, drawstring closure, ap side pocket and back logo patch Outseam 22 100% Polyester 28-38002 | Black / White663 | Navy / Green65Z | Blue Violet001 | BlackSTOWAWAY BOARDSHORT 481456Recycled polyester allover print boardshort with zip y, drawstring closure,and side pocket wth patches Outseam 22 55% Recycled Polyester 45% Polyester 28-38001 | Black70E | Jade62A | Aqua17LS_1MensSurf_Int-F1.indd 17 5/27/10 12:47 PM Outseam 22 100% Polyester 28-38001 | Black 465 | Red Line78L | Bright Green 762 | SulphurTURBOCHARGE BOARDSHORT 481440Microber color block boardshort with logo printed panel, stretch y, drawstring closure and side pocketNOTES:OF 465 | Red LinePOINT BOARDSHORTNOTES:481445Recycled microsuede boardshort with solid/stripe panels , stretch y, drawstring closure, and back ap pocket Outseam 22 55% Recycled Polyester 45% Polyester 28-3818LS_1MensSurf_Int-F1.indd 18 5/27/10 12:48 PMDREDGE 2.11NOTES:481457Recycled microsuede boardshort with stretch y, drawstring closure, back ap pocket and logo embroideries481457B 55% Recycled Polyester 45% Polyester 28-38 Outseam 18 Outseam 2079B | Worn Olive 65Z | Blue Violet 736 | Bright Orange 78L | Bright Green60B | Navy Blue 001 | Black 100 | White(Lined)465 | Red LineFASTER RASHGUARDNOTES:481447Long sleeve rashguard with sublimated printed panels, traditional t, atlock stitching and front and back logo screen prints Traditional Fit 92% Nylon 8% Spandex S-XXL001 | Black70E | Jade100 | White19LS_1MensSurf_Int-F1.indd 19 5/27/10 12:49 PMSS PRESSURE 2.8NOTES:481148Short sleeve color block / solid rashguard with atlock stitching, UPF 50+ and screen prints Traditional Fit 82% Nylon 18% Spandex S-XXL100 | White62E | Illusion Blue081 | Black/Black465 | Red Line 279 | Sheet MetalLong sleeve color block / solid rashguard with atlock stitching, UPF 50+ and screen prints Traditional Fit 82% Nylon 18% Spandex S-XXL081 | Black/BlackLS PRESSURE 2.8 481151100 | White 465 | Red Line279 | Sheet Metal62E | Illusion Blue20LS_1MensSurf_Int-F1.indd 20 5/27/10 12:49 PMVOYAGE SUNSHIRT 481452Short sleeve Dry shirt rashguard, tee t, with atlock stitching and front logo screen print Tee Fit 85% Poly 15%Cotton S-XXL001 | Black100 | White203 | Heather GrayCHATTER SUNSHIRT 481453Short sleeve Dry shirt rashguard, tee t, with atlock stitching and front panel logo screen print Tee Fit 85% Poly 15%Cotton S-XXL001 | Black100 | White203 | Heather GrayFROGYLE SUNSHIRTNOTES:481454Short sleeve Dry shirt rashguard, tee t, with atlock stitching and front logo screen print Tee Fit 85% Poly 15%Cotton S-XXL100 | White 001 | Black 203 | Heather Gray21LS_1MensSurf_Int-F1.indd 21 5/27/10 12:49 PM1 2 3 4 5 452253SSFMRelogo Tee471430Relogo452237SSFMO-Vagabond Tee431854SSFMRetro V Top452225SSFMRepeat Tee421396Restock Denim421396Restock Denim421394O-Vagabond Denim401280SSFMCampground441247O-Jupiter Short431861Revamp Sweater471420BBolt23451LS_2Lifestyle_Int-F1.indd 22 5/27/10 1:25 PM6 7421395Travel Denim452225SSFMRepeat Tee471426BHalfway441247O-Jupiter Short9 401277SSFMBraid Woven67898452233SSFMFaster Tee421394O-Vagabond Denim471419BZipsterLS_2Lifestyle_Int-F1.indd 23 5/27/10 1:26 PMLS_2Lifestyle_Int-F1.indd 24 5/27/10 1:26 PMDYNOMITE 2.11 SHORT 441244DWR short with zip y, button closure, front and back welt pockets and side cargo pockets with embroidery logo 55% Recycled Poly/45% Poly microsuede 28-4061G | Marine Blue 001 | Black22Y | Stone Gray79B | Worn OliveTRICKED OUT SHORT 441248Cotton dobby cargo short with enzyme stone wash, zip y button closure, front and back ap pockets and side cargo pockets with logo Regular 100% Cotton dobby 28-40001 | Black79B | Worn Olive22Y | Stone Gray25LS_2Lifestyle_Int-F1.indd 25 5/27/10 1:27 PMO SHORT 2.11NOTES:441245BSlim t Enzyme stone and silicone wash short with zip y, button closure, front and back welt pockets, front embroidery logo and eyewear micro bag lined pocket 65% Cotton/35% Poly 28-40323 | New Khaki001 | Black61G | Marine BlueSPACE SHORTNOTES:441246Loose t Yarn dye ripstop plaid loose t short with zip y, button closure, front and back welt pockets, front embroidery logo and eyewear micro bag lined pocket 100% Cotton 28-4079B | Worn Olive62A | Aqua736 | Bright Orange26LS_2Lifestyle_Int-F1.indd 26 5/27/10 1:27 PM441247Loose t O-JUPITER SHORTEnzyme stone and silicone wash yarn dye loose t short with zip y, button closure, front and back welt pockets, front embroidery logo and eyewear micro bag lined pocket 100% Cotton 28-4000V | Black Gingham66D | Blue Gingham66C | Blue StripeTRANSIENT SHORT 441252Enzyme stone and silicone wash yarn dye short with zip y, button closure, front and back welt pockets and front embroidery logo 100% Cotton 28-4022W | Crystal Gray79B | Worn Olive076 | Black Plaid 082 | Black StripeTRAVEL DENIM 421395Classic t denim pant with zip y, shank closure and back label 100% Cotton 28-4093D | Distressed91D | Industrial Rinse DistressedO-VAGABOND DENIM 421394Enzyme stone and silicone wash straight t denim pant with button y, shank closure, drawstring waist, back labels and embroidery logo 100% Cotton 28-4093E | Black Devastation93F | VagabondTRICKED OUT PANTNOTES:421392Enzyme stone wash cargo t pant with zip y, button closure, front and back ap pockets, detailed side cargo pockets with logo and roll up leg with reective screen print 100% Cotton 28-4022Y | Stone Gray001 | Black 79B | Worn Olive28LS_2Lifestyle_Int-F1.indd 28 5/27/10 1:27 PM22Y | Stone GrayRESTOCK DENIM 42139612oz. straight t Bull denim pant with button y, drawstring waist, and back patch logo 100% Cotton 28-40001 | Black Stone GrayMODERN PANT 421391Yarn dye plaid straight t pant with zip y, shank closure, front welt and back ap pockets and back label 100% Cotton 28-4020G | Shadow22W | Crystal GrayO PANT 2.11 421393Enzyme stone and silicone wash straight t pant with zip y, shank closure, side embroidery logo and eyewear micro bag lined pocket 65% Poly/35% cotton 28-40001 | Black61G | Marine Blue323 | New Khaki29LS_2Lifestyle_Int-F1.indd 29 5/27/10 1:27 PMREVAMP SWEATER 431860100% cotton jacquard sweater with back embroidery 100% Cotton S-XXL673 | Royal BlueAPPAREL MFG. CO.APPAREL MFG. CO.REVERSE SWEATER 431861Reversible double layer crew neck stripe sweater with back embroidery 100% Cotton S-XXL001 | Black001 | Reverse viewAPPAREL MFG. CO.APPAREL MFG. CO.30LS_2Lifestyle_Int-F1.indd 30 5/27/10 1:28 PMFASTER SWEATERNOTES:431838Jacquard stripe sweater with sleeve and back embroidery 100% Cotton S-XXL22W | Crystal Gray001 | BlackA P P A R E L M F G . C O .APPAREL MFG. CO.APPAREL MFG. CO.APPAREL MFG. CO.O-JUPITER SWEATERNOTES:431839Long sleeve knit cardigan sweater with button placket, hand pockets and front and back embroideries 80% Cotton 10% Silk 10% Cashmere S-XXL673 | Royal Blue001 | BlackAPPAREL MFG. CO.APPAREL MFG. CO.SLIM FITA P P A R E L M F G . C O .APPAREL MFG. CO.SLIM FIT31LS_2Lifestyle_Int-F1.indd 31 5/27/10 1:28 PMO-JUPITER POLONOTES:Short sleeve cotton pique knit polo with button placket, front embroidery logo and rib collar 100% Cotton S-XXL733 | Flare Orange001 | Black203 | Heather Gray 573 | Sepia Yellow431840SSFMSlim t APPAREL MFG. CO.SLIM FITAPPAREL MFG. CO.APPAREL MFG. CO.SLIM FITAPPAREL MFG. CO.APPAREL MFG. CO.SLIM FITAPPAREL MFG. CO.APPAREL MFG. CO.SLIM FITPATCH POLOShort sleeve stripe knit polo with button placket, woven collar and front logo applique 100% Cotton jersey Sizing S-XXL431843SSFMSlim t 736 | Bright OrangeAPPAREL MFG. CO.REGULAR FIT001 | BlackAPPAREL MFG. CO.REGULAR FIT78L | Bright GreenAPPAREL MFG. CO.REGULAR FIT762 | SulphurAPPAREL MFG. CO.REGULAR FIT32LS_2Lifestyle_Int-F1.indd 32 5/27/10 1:28 PMRESTRIPE POLOShort sleeve stripe knit top with button placket and front and back embroidery 100% Cotton S-XXL431853SSFMSlim t 761 | Bay Green65Z | Blue VioletAPPAREL MFG. CO.APPAREL MFG. CO.REDESIGN TOPNOTES:Reversible double layer short sleeve crew neck knit top with front chest pocket and back embroidery 65% Poly/35% Cotton heather S-XXL431862SSFMSlim t 673 | Royal Blue 673 | Reverse view20Q | Dark Heather Gray20Q | Reverse viewDUAL POLOShort sleeve stripe/solid knit polo with button placket and front embroidery 100% Cotton jersey S-XXL431920SSFRRegular t022 | Black/White61G | Marine Blue104 | White/Black001 | Black 100 | WhiteAPPAREL MFG. CO.REGULAR FITAPPAREL MFG. CO.REGULAR FITAPPAREL MFG. CO.REGULAR FITAPPAREL MFG. CO.REGULAR FITAPPAREL MFG. CO.REGULAR FIT33LS_2Lifestyle_Int-F1.indd 33 5/27/10 1:14 PMFASTER TOPNOTES:Short sleeve V-neck knit top with front panel screen print 100% Cotton S-XXL733 | Flare Orange20G | Shadow431844SSFMSlim t APPAREL MFG. CO.APPAREL MFG. CO. RETRO V TOPNOTES:Short sleeve tri-blend V-neck knit top, chest pocket and front and back embroidery 80% Recycled Poly/20% Recycled cotton jersey S-XXL20G | Shadow22Y | Stone Gray431854SSFMSlim t APPAREL MFG. CO.A P P A R E L M F G . C O .APPAREL MFG. CO.34LS_2Lifestyle_Int-F1.indd 34 5/27/10 1:14 PMTURBOCHARGE TANKNOTES:Knit tank top with front screen, contrast rib and back embroidery Regular 100% Cotton jersey S-XXL100 | White62E | Illusion Blue431855SSFRAPPAREL MFG. CO.APPAREL MFG. CO.35LS_2Lifestyle_Int-F1.indd 35 5/27/10 1:14 PMGRUNGE WOVENNOTES:Long sleeve yarn dye plaid with crinkle and acid wash, decorative button placket, chest pockets, roll up sleeve details and back and side embroideries 100% Cotton S-XXL401283SLFMSlim t 22Y | Stone Gray736 | Bright Orange 65Z | Blue VioletMIXED WOVENNOTES:Long sleeve yarn dye multi-pattern shirt with decorative button placket, chest pocket and front and back embroideries 100% Cotton S-XXL401278SLFMSlim t 082 | Black Stripe00W | Black Grid 00V | Black Gingham36LS_2Lifestyle_Int-F1.indd 36 5/27/10 1:14 PMREPURPOSE WOVENNOTES:Short sleeve yarn dye shirt with sleeve tab detail, front metal logo and back embroidery 60% Cotton/40% Poly S-XXL100 | White673 | Royal Blue/401284SSFRRegular t 401284SSFMSlim t APPAREL MFG. CO.APPAREL MFG. CO.REPURPOSEREDESIGNREINVENTAPPAREL MFG. CO.APPAREL MFG. CO.REPURPOSEREDESIGNREINVENTREUSE WOVENLong sleeve yarn dye multi-pattern shirt, decorative button placket, chest pocket and front and back embroideries 100% Cotton S-XXL082 | Black Stripe00W | Black Grid00V | Black Gingham401285SLFRRegular t APPAREL MFG. CO.APPAREL MFG. CO.APPAREL MFG. CO.37LS_2Lifestyle_Int-F1.indd 37 5/27/10 1:14 PMCAMPGROUND WOVENNOTES:Short sleeve yarn dye woven shirt with snap placket, chest pockets, side embroidery and roll up sleeve detail 100% Cotton S-XXL401280SSFMSlim t 65Z | Blue Violet22W | Crystal GrayAPPAREL MFG. CO.APPAREL MFG. CO.NOTES:PATCHED WOVENShort sleeve yarn dye multi-pattern shirt with decorative button placket, chest pockets, sleeve tabs and side embroidery 100% Cotton jersey S-XXL00W | Black Grid00V | Black Gingham082 | Black Stripe401279SSFMSlim t APPAREL MFG. CO.APPAREL MFG. CO.APPAREL MFG. CO.38LS_2Lifestyle_Int-F1.indd 38 5/27/10 1:15 PMRODIE WOVENNOTES:Short sleeve yarn dye woven shirt with button front placket, chest pockets, roll up sleeve detail and front logo label 100% Cotton jersey S-XXL401282SSFMSlim t 65Z | Blue Violet001 | BlackAPPAREL MFG. CO.APPAREL MFG. CO.BRAID WOVENNOTES:Short sleeve yarn dye woven shirt with button front placket, chest pocket, and front and back embroidery 100% Cotton S-XXL401277SSFMSlim t 40H | Red Sienna78L | Bright GreenAPPAREL MFG. CO.APPAREL MFG. CO.APPAREL MFG. CO.APPAREL MFG. CO.39LS_2Lifestyle_Int-F1.indd 39 5/27/10 1:15 PMBOLT JACKETNOTES:411399Zip front twill jacket with zipper enclosed hood on collar, chest and hand pockets ,front logo label and back embroidery 100% Cotton S-XXL22W | Crystal Gray001 | BlackAPPAREL MFG. CO.APPAREL MFG. CO.RECHARGE JACKETNOTES:411404DWR reversible and packable nylon jacket with mesh lined pockets Regular 100% Nylon S-XXL673 | Royal Blue / Black reversible 761 | Bay Green / Jade reversible 40LS_2Lifestyle_Int-F1.indd 40 5/27/10 1:15 PMFRAGMENTNOTES:411398DWR zip front hooded jacket with mesh lining, packable into pocket with reverse head zipper, two hand pockets and front panel logo screen print 100% Recycled Polyester and 100% Polyester mesh lining S-XXL001 | Black733 | Flare OrangeMECHANIZED 2.11NOTES:411408DWR zip front jacket with mesh lining, chest pockets, front label, sleeve embroidery and printed side panel insets Regular Fit 100% Recycled Polyester and 100% Polyester mesh lining S-XXL001 | Black22W | Crystal GrayA P P A R E L M F G . C O .A P P A R E L M F G . C O .41LS_2Lifestyle_Int-F1.indd 41 5/27/10 1:15 PMTRACKERZip front french terry jacket with striped yarn dye rib,hand pockets, sleeve embroidery and front logo label 98% Cotton/2% Spandex S-XXL736 | Bright Orange001 | Black411397BSlim t A P P A R E L M F G . C O .A P P A R E L M F G . C O .42LS_2Lifestyle_Int-F1.indd 42 5/27/10 1:15 PMLS_2Lifestyle_Int-F1.indd 43 5/27/10 1:15 PMHALFWAYSlim t 3/4 zip hoody with marsupial hand pockets, sunglass welt pocket, color blocked, back embroidery and front logo label 60% Cotton/40% Poly S-XXL001 | Black471426BSlim t 773 | Flare OrangeAPPAREL MFG. CO.SLIM FITAPPAREL MFG. CO.APPAREL MFG. CO.SLIM FITAPPAREL MFG. CO.TURBOCHARGEFull zip hoody with marsupial hand pockets and front logo panel screenprint 75% Organic cotton/25% Recycled Poly S-XXL471425BSlim t 203 | Heather Gray 61G | Marine Blue001 | Black62A | Aqua44LS_3Fleece_Int-F1.indd 44 5/27/10 10:54 AMTHE POINTNOTES:Full zip hoody with marsupial hand pockets and front logo screenprint 80% Poly/20% Cotton S-XXL47142879B | Worn Olive 465 | Red Line001 | Black203 | Heather GrayNOTES:REWEARHerringbone button front cardigan hoody with front hand pockets, woven hood liner, and front and back embroideries 80% Cotton/20% Poly S-XXL70E | Jade001 | BlackAPPAREL MFG. CO.APPAREL MFG. CO.471432BSlim t 45LS_3Fleece_Int-F1.indd 45 5/27/10 10:55 AMNOTES:465 | Red Line61G | Marine Blue001 | Black65Z | Blue Voilet 100 | White203 | Heather Gray Regular Fit 70% Cotton/30% Poly S-XXLPROTECTIONDWR full zip hoody with hand pockets, thumb hole cuffs, and front and back embroideries471439RETRO 2.11NOTES:471429Full zip hoody with marsupial hand pockets and logo front screen print Also available in size XS 75% Cotton 25% Poly XS-XXL001 | Black70E | Jade 465 | Red Line203 | Heather Gray46LS_3Fleece_Int-F1.indd 46 5/27/10 10:55 AMLOUDERNOTES:Pull over crew neck french terry eece with front logo ,back embroidery and interior optic cloth 98% Cotton/2% Spandex S-XXL001 | Black465 | Red Line61G | Marine Blue471423BSlim t APPAREL MFG. CO.APPAREL MFG. CO.APPAREL MFG. CO.APPAREL MFG. CO.APPAREL MFG. CO.APPAREL MFG. CO.ZIPSTERNOTES:French terry full zip hoody with marsupial hand pockets, thumb hole cuffs and front embroidery 100% Cotton S-XXL203 | Heather Gray001 | Black 65Z | Blue Voilet471419BSlim t APPAREL MFG. CO.APPAREL MFG. CO.RAPPAREL MFG. CO.APPAREL MFG. CO.APPAREL MFG. CO.APPAREL MFG. CO.47LS_3Fleece_Int-F1.indd 47 5/27/10 10:55 AMFASTERFull zip french terry hoody with marsupial hand pockets, contrast top stitch detail, and back logo label 98% Cotton/2% Spandex S-XXL203 | Heather Gray100 | White471431BSlim t APPAREL MFG. CO.SLIM FITAPPAREL MFG. CO.SLIM FITBOLTSolid and stripe French Terry full zip hoody with marsupial hand pockets, with cut and sew panel detail, front and back embroderies 80% Cotton/20% Poly S-XXL20G | Shadow61G | Marine Blue673 | Royal Blue001 | BlackAPPAREL MFG. CO.APPAREL MFG. CO.APPAREL MFG. CO.APPAREL MFG. CO.471420BSlim t 48LS_3Fleece_Int-F1.indd 48 5/27/10 10:55 AMRELOGO 471430Double layer reversible full zip hoody with marsupial hand pockets, logo front screen print, back embroidery and logo label Regular 100% Cotton S-XXL673 | Royal Blue / Jade reversible 001 | Black / Heather Gray reversible REBLOCKSlim t full zip french terry hoody with marsupial hand pockets, sunglass welt pocket, chest pocket and back embroidery 80% Cotton/20% Poly S-XXL203 | Heather GrayAPPAREL MFG. CO.APPAREL MFG. CO.001 | Black471418BSlim t 49LS_3Fleece_Int-F1.indd 49 5/27/10 10:55 AMMOD ELLIPSE 2.11NOTES:471421Pull over hoody with marsupial handpockets and front logo screen print Regular Fit 75% Cotton 25% Poly S-XXL001 | Black61G | Marine Blue 465 | Red Line203 | Heather GrayCHOPPEDNOTES:Short sleeve full zip french terry hoody with hand pockets, and front and sleeve embroideries 80% Cotton 20% Poly S-XXL78L | Bright Green203 | Heather Gray001 | Black471424BSlim t APPAREL MFG. CO.SLIM FITA P P A R E L M F G . C O .APPAREL MFG. CO.SLIM FITA P P A R E L M F G . C O .APPAREL MFG. CO.SLIM FITA P P A R E L M F G . C O .50LS_3Fleece_Int-F1.indd 50 5/27/10 10:55 AMMOD SQ ONOTES:Pull over hoody with marsupial hand pockets and logo front screen print Also available in size XS 75% Cotton 25% Poly XS-XXL61G | Marine Blue203 | Heather Gray 465 | Red Line001 | Black471427APPAREL MFG. CO.APPAREL MFG. CO. APPAREL MFG. CO.APPAREL MFG. CO.51LS_3Fleece_Int-F1.indd 51 5/27/10 10:55 AMSPRING 2011 MENS TEES452224SSFM452246SSFM 452233SSFM452225SSFM452249SSFR452375SSFM452250SSFR452236SSFM452262SSFM452263SSFM452237SSFM452239SSFM452244SSFM452253SSFMRange consists of our highest quality fabrics- including30-40singlesringspuncombed cotton,triblends,cotton/polyesterblends,dri release, recycled cotton and enzyme washes. Designs to include unique garment construction, ladder stitching, trim detail, yoke paneling and always embellished with state of the art screen printing.Artincludesbasicbrandingtopanel printing and sublimation.Range consists of 30 singles, combed ring spun cotton. Usually heavily branded with artistic logomanipulationsandallembellishedwith state of the art screen printing. Oakley does not use carded cotton. Nor do we construct tee shirts with anything less than 30 singles ring spun combed fabric, which offers a great hand feel and an extremely ne canvas to print on. This collection includes clean basic branding with deep color assortments.LS_4MensTees_int-rF1.indd 52 5/27/10 10:49 AMSPRING 2011 MENS TEES452234SSFR452252SSFR452264SSFM 452254SSFR452226SSFM 452227SSFM451357SSFR 452377SSFR452229SSFM452240SSFM452238SSFM452231SSFM452245SSFM 452251SSFRLS_4MensTees_int-rF1.indd 53 5/27/10 10:49 AMLS_4MensTees_int-rF1.indd 54 5/27/10 10:49 AMSTOWAWAY TEETri Blend tee with front screen print, ladder stitching andback yoke and trim detail. Slim fit 50%Poly 25% Cotton 25% Rayon S-XXL001 | Black62A | Aqua573 | Sepia Yellow736 | Bright Orange70E | Jade452238SSFMSlim t736 | Bright Orange65Z | Blue Violet70E | Jade001 | BlackSTRANDED TEETri Blend tee with front screen print and ladder stitching. Slim fit 50%Poly 25% Cotton 25% Rayon S-XXL452236SSFMSlim t55LS_4MensTees_int-rF1.indd 55 5/27/10 10:50 AM452239SSFMSlim t BOLT TEERecycled cotton tee with front screen print Slim fit 60% Recycled Cotton 40% Recycled Poly S-XXL 62A | Aqua100 | White001 | Black70E | JadeRENECK TEEV-neck enzyme wash tee with front logo screen print andladder stitching. 100% Cotton S-XXL22W | Crystal Gray573 | Sepia Yellow20G | Shadow 65Z | Blue Violet452240SSFMSlim t56LS_4MensTees_int-rF1.indd 56 5/27/10 10:50 AM Slim t 100% Cotton S-XXLFASTER TEETee with front and back screen printed panels62A | Aqua100 | White65Z | Blue Violet001 | Black452233SSFMSlim t452262SSFMSlim t FROGYLE TEEShort sleeve enzyme wash raglan tee with ladder stitching, and screen printed front panel Slim fit 100% Cotton XS-XXL70E | Jade65E | Blue Violet100 | White57LS_4MensTees_int-rF1.indd 57 5/27/10 10:50 AMREPURPOSE TEEReversible tee with front and inside screen prints. Regular t 100% Cotton S-XXL452251SSFR001 | Black 100 | White 70E | Jade 673 | Royal BlueREWORD TEE 452252SSFRTee with front panel screen print and back trim and yoke detail. Regular t 100% Cotton S-XXL203 | Heather Gray001 | Black100 | White 761 | Bay Green58LS_4MensTees_int-rF1.indd 58 5/27/10 10:50 AM Slim t 100% Cotton S-XXLMELTED TEETee with front screen print.62A | Aqua100 | White70E | Jade001 | Black452224SSFMSlim tTee with front and inside screen print. Slim fit 100% Cotton S-XXL001 | BlackO-JUPITER TEE62A | Aqua70E | Jade100 | White452244SSFMSlim t59LS_4MensTees_int-rF1.indd 59 5/27/10 10:51 AM452237SSFMSlim tTee with multi colored and clear ink screen print. Slim t 100% Cotton S-XXL40 | Red Sienna 62A | AquaO-VAGABOND TEE70E | Jade 001 | Black 100 | WhiteTee with front screen printMOSAIC TEE Slim fit 100% Cotton S-XXL465 | Red Line 203 | Heather Gray 001 | Black 60B | Navy Blue452246SSFMSlim t60LS_4MensTees_int-rF1.indd 60 5/27/10 10:51 AMTee with front belt screen print Slim t 100% Cotton S-XXL001 | Black60B | Navy BlueREPEAT TEE733 | Flare Orange100 | White761 | Bay Green 203 | Heather Gray452225SSFMSlim tTee with front screen print Slim t 100% Cotton S-XXLHORSES TEE001 | Black62A | Aqua 60B | Navy Blue100 | White203 | Heather Gray452245SSFMSlim t61LS_4MensTees_int-rF1.indd 61 5/27/10 10:51 AM203 | Heather Gray100 | White60B | Navy Blue001 | BlackMOVING TEE Regular fit 100% Cotton XS-XXL452377SSFR Regular tDri release tee with reective logo. Slim t 100% Cotton S-XXLSKETCHED TEETee with front belt screen print60B | Navy Blue40H | Red Sienna100 | White001 | Black 452227SSFMSlim tTee with front screen printICON 2.8 TEE 451357SSFR Regular t 100% Cotton S-XXL203 | Heather Gray65Z | Blue Violet60B | Navy Blue465 | Red Line 100 | White62A | Aqua 001 | Black62LS_4MensTees_int-rF1.indd 62 5/27/10 10:51 AMTee with logo front screen printSQUARE O 2.11452264SSFMSlim t733 | Flare Orange65Z | Blue Violet761 | Bay Green 573 | Sepia Yellow62A | Aqua 65Z | Blue Violet60B | Navy Blue 465 | Red Line 100 | White001 | Black Also available in size XS Slim t 100% Cotton XS-XXL63LS_4MensTees_int-rF1.indd 63 5/27/10 10:51 AMOCTO TEE Slim fit 100% Cotton XS-XXL001 | Black100 | White203 | Heather Gray62A | Aqua452263SSFMSlim tRaglan tee with contrast sleeves, ladder stitching and trim detail.ORIGINAL TEE Slim fit 100% Cotton XS-XXL001 | Black60B | Navy Blue100 | White465 | Red Line203 | Heather Gray452375SSFMSlim tTee with front screen print64LS_4MensTees_int-rF1.indd 64 5/27/10 10:51 AM452226SSFMSlim tTee with front screen print Also available in size XS Slim t 100% Cotton XS-XXL100 | White60B | Navy BlueRETRO 2.11 TEE001 | Black70E | Jade 465 | Red Line203 | Heather Gray Also available in size XS Slim t 100% Cotton XS-XXL100 | Black452229SSFMSlim t TURBOCHARGE TEETee with front screen print65Z | Blue Violet 203 | Heather Gray465 | Red Line 100 | White 70E | Jade65LS_4MensTees_int-rF1.indd 65 5/27/10 10:51 AMTee with front screen print Slim fit 100% Cotton S-XXL100 | WhiteRIDER TEE70E | Jade62A | Aqua001 | Black452234SSFMSlim t100 | White452249SSFR Regular tTee with front screen print Regular t 100% Cotton S-XXLPOINT TEE203 | Heather Gray465 | Red Line001 | Black452250SSFR Regular tTee with front and back screen printMIST TEE Regular t 100% Cotton S-XXL100 | White 203 | Heather Gray62A | Aqua 465 | Red Line001 | Black66LS_4MensTees_int-rF1.indd 66 5/27/10 10:51 AMSPEED TEETee with front screen print Slim fit 100% Cotton S-XXL733 | Flare Orange62A | Aqua100 | White 001 | Black70E | Jade452231SSFMSlim t452253SSFMSlim tTee with front screen printRELOGO TEE Slim fit 100% Cotton S-XXL001 | Black70E | Jade203 | Heather Gray100 | White673 | Royal Blue6REVAMPED TEETee with front screen print Slim fit 100% Cotton S-XXL761 | Bay Green001 | Black100 | White 573 | Sepia Yellow203 | Heather Gray452254SSFMSlim t67LS_4MensTees_int-rF1.indd 67 5/27/10 10:51 AMLS_5Mens_ACC_int-F1.indd 68 5/27/10 5:40 PMPLANETARY PACK 2.0NOTES: 16 H x 16 W x 6 D 21L capacity Pique mesh back panel Mesh pockets inside main panel Organizer panel Brushed optics pocket92270-61G | Marine Blue92270-001 | Black92270-063 | Black/Green 92270-100 | White92270-22W | Crystal Gray 92270-20G | ShadowSmall to mid sized backpack with single top entry and 3 outside pockets.SERVICE PACKSingle panel pack that holds a laptop and has a crush proof front hat pocket. 18 H x 11 W x 7 D 21Lcapacity Padded laptop sleeve for up to 15 widescreen laptop Front crush proof hat pocket Organizer panel with key ring Media pocket with headphone port 92293-62A | Aqua 92293-22W | Crystal Gray92293-001 | Black 92293-22Y | Stone Gray92293-21S | Gray Plaid69LS_5Mens_ACC_int-F1.indd 69 5/27/10 5:41 PMECHO CHARLIE PACKNOTES:Mid sized backpack with 2 panel divider, padded computer panel, side pockets, and front pocket. 19.25 H x 13.75 W x 7 D 27Lcapacity Dedicated padded panel for up to 15 widescreen laptop Mesh back panel Organizer panel Water bottle side pocket Media pocket with headphone port Brushed optics pocket in front Mobile phone holster on shoulder strap Daisy chain detail for lashing accessories Optics holster on shoulder strap92239-62A | Aqua 92239-70E | JadeFLAK PACK 3.0NOTES:Mid sized backpack with 3 panel divider, dedicated padded computer panel, side pockets, and front pockets.92271-958 | Eco 92271-22Y | Stone Gray92271-20G | Shadow Recycled fabric (92271-958 only) 19.5 H x 14 W x 6 D 28L capacity Padded dedicated panel for up to 15 widescreen laptop Mesh back panel Organizer panel Included mesh bag for cables and peripherals Media pocket with headphone port Brushed optics pocket Mobile phone holster on shoulder strap Optics holster on shoulder strap Accessory grommets92239-001 | Black92271-79K | Enamel Mint 92271-001 | Black70LS_5Mens_ACC_int-F1.indd 70 5/27/10 5:42 PMCONTACT PACKMid sized backpack with 2 panel divider, padded computer panel, removable top pocket, and front zip pocket. 20H X 13W X 6D 22L capacity Mesh back panelRemovable lid with 2 pockets, 1 brushed optics/media pocket, and Headphone portPadded panel for up to 17 widescreen laptop Organizer panel Front zip pocket Leather handle Leather bottom Nylon92212-001 | BlackSURF PACKLarge sized backpack top-loading backpack with wetsuit changing mat, dry/wetstorage, padded computer panel with side entry, 4 side pockets, and front pocket. 19.75 H x 14.25 W x 9 D 40L capacity Padded panel for up to 17 widescreen laptop with side access Wetsuit changing mat that doubles as stuff sack Water resistant storage compartment with drain ports for wetsuit Sealed wax bag, wax comb, and key clip Compression molded back panel Water bottle sleeve Media pocket with headphone port Optics pocket on lid Mobile phone holster on shoulder strap Waist strap for carrying heavy loads Rubberized bottom92237-21S | Gray Plaid 92237-22W Crystal Gray92237-001 | BlackKITCHEN SINKLarge sized backpack with lid style opening, single panel main compartment, padded computer panel with side entry, 2 side pockets, and front organizer panel. 20 H x 14 W x 8 D 31L capacity Padded panel for up to 17 widescreen laptop with side access Front compression molded organizer panelBottom shoe compartmentCompression molded brushed optics / media player pocket on lidCompression molded back panel with embossed channels for airowDual mobile electronics holsters on shoulder strapsRemovable padded waist strap with extra pocketsMetal accents for lid closure, handle, and shoulder strap detailRubberized bottomNylon and Polyester92060-001 | Black71LS_5Mens_ACC_int-F1.indd 71 5/27/10 5:42 PMICON PACKLarge sized backpack with lid style opening, single panel main compartment, padded computer panel with side entry, 2 side pockets, and front organizer panel. 21 H x 17 W x 9 D 30L capacity Padded panel for up to 15 widescreen laptop with side access Front compression molded organizer panel Mesh optics pocket Brushed media pocket on lid with headphone port Compression molded back panel Brushed shoulder strap padding for comfort Mobile phone holster on shoulder strap Accessory D rings on shoulder strap Waist strap for carrying heavy loads Rubberized bottom Nylon Recycled fabric (92075-958 only)92075-001 | Black 92075-736 | Bright Orange92075-62A | Aqua 92075-81W | New Lavender 92075-958 | EcoAP PACK 3.0Large sized backpack with lid style opening, single panel main compartment, padded computer panel with side entry, 2 side pockets, and front organizer panel. 21 H x 17 W x 9 D 30L capacity Padded panel for up to 15 widescreen laptop with side access Front compression molded organizer panel Mesh optics pocket Brushed media pocket on lid with headphone port Compression molded back panel Brushed shoulder strap padding for comfort Mobile phone holster on shoulder strapAccessory D rings on shoulder strapWaist strap for carrying heavy loads Rubberized bottom Nylon92151-001 | BlackHARDSHELLLarge sized backpack with single panel main compartment, padded computer panel, 2 side pockets, top media/optics pocket, and front panel pocket. 18 H x 15 W x 8 D 29.5 L capacity Padded panel for up to 15 widescreen laptop with side access Removable hardshell panels can be customized Brushed optics/media pocket on lid with headphone port Mesh slip pockets on front and sides Compression molded back panel Mobile phone holster on shoulder strapPadded waist strap with pockets for carrying heavy loads Rubberized bottom NylonRecycled plastic hardshell plates (92149-958 only)92149-958 | Eco92149-001 | Black72LS_5Mens_ACC_int-F1.indd 72 5/27/10 5:42 PMTOOL POCKETNOTES:NOTES:TOOL POUCHCompact sized hydration pack that includes the 70 oz. hydration reservoir. 15.75 H X 9 W X 2.5D 8L capacity 70 oz. hydration reservoir Reservoir, tube, and mouthpiece are treated with Microban antimicrobial protection Magnetic tube trap Organizer panel for ID card, spare tire, pump, and key Lightweight mesh shoulder straps Mobile phone holster on shoulder strap Adjustable sternum strap with rescue whistle Removable waist strapMid sized hydration pack with plenty of organization and 100 oz. hydration reservoir 16.5 H X 10 W X 3.5D 11L capacity 100 oz. hydration reservoirReservoir, tube, and mouthpiece are treated with Microban antimicrobial protectionMagnetic tube trapClamshell body design cradles helmet for transportBrushed optics pocketOrganizer panel for ID card, spare tire, pump, and keyFront pocket for toolsLightweight mesh shoulder strapsMobile phone holster on shoulder strapAdjustable sternum strap with rescue whistle Removable waist strap92245-009 | Black/Red 92245-762 | Sulphur92246-762 | Sulphur 92246-22Y| Stone Gray 92246-009 | Black/Red73LS_5Mens_ACC_int-F1.indd 73 5/27/10 5:42 PMCHECKPOINT VERTICALNOTES:Lightweight and compact laptop bag that ts most 13 widescreen computers with main zipper that llets open to expose laptop for travel checkpoints. 14 H X 10.5 L X 2.75 W Outer front panel with organizer pockets for pens, water bottle, and small accessories Inner organizer panel with slip pockets, disk slots, and computer peripherals storage Padded laptop sleeve with secure closure Padded shoulder strap Carry handle92251-001 | Black 92251-20G | Shadow 92251-22Y | Stone GrayCHECKPOINT COMPUTERNOTES:Lightweight and compact laptop bag that ts most 15 widescreen computers with main zipper that llets open to expose laptop for travel checkpoints. 15.12 H X 12 L X 2.75 W Outer front panel with organizer pockets for pens, water bottle, and small accessories Inner organizer panel with slip pockets, disk slots, and computer peripherals storage Padded laptop sleeve with secure closure Padded shoulder strap Carry handle92252-001 | Black 92252-20G | Shadow 92252-22Y | Stone Gray74LS_5Mens_ACC_int-F1.indd 74 5/27/10 6:56 PMOAKLEY VERTICAL MESSENGERNOTES:Heavy duty vertical laptop bag ts most 15 widescreen computers withmain zipper that llets open to expose laptop for travel checkpoints. Heavy grade 1680D polyester Outer front panel with outside pocket and organizer panel for pens, disks, keys, and computer peripherals 2 side pockets one brushed inside for optics Zippered slip pocket Padded laptop sleeve with secure closure Padded shoulder strap Carry handle Trolley pocket for rolling bag handle92297-001 | BlackNEW OAKLEY COMPUTER BAGNOTES:Heavy duty laptop bag ts most 15 widescreen computers with main zipper that llets open to expose laptop for travel checkpoints. Heavy grade 1680D polyester Outer front panel with outside pocket and organizer panel for pens and computer peripherals Inner organizer panel with slip pockets, disk slots, and a removable computer cable storage bag Padded laptop sleeve with secure closure Padded shoulder strap Carry handle Trolley pocket for rolling bag handle Rubberized bottom92298-001 | Black75LS_5Mens_ACC_int-F1.indd 75 5/27/10 6:56 PMMessenger with front zip pocket, adjustable shoulder strap with large cam buckle, cycling cross strap, and molded accents. 17.5 H X 12 L X 5.5 W Weather proof lined interior Inside mesh zip pocket Side optics holster Back slip pocket Brushed media pocket with headphone port Reversible shoulder strap (left or right)ALPHA CHARLIEMESSENGERNOTES:92289-202 | Light GrayPortrait aspect messenger bag with front zip pocket, adjustable shoulder strap, cycling cross strap, and molded accents. 16 H X 10.5 L X 3 W Internal divider ts 15 widescreen laptop Weather proof lined interior Inside mesh zip pocket Back slip pocket Side optics holster Brushed media pocket with headphone port Adjustable shoulder strapALPHA CHARLIEVERTICALNOTES:92290-202 | Light Gray 92290-001 | Black92289-001 | Black76LS_5Mens_ACC_int-F1.indd 76 5/27/10 6:56 PMBACKPACK DUFFELNOTES:Carry duffel with tuck away backpack straps. 21L X12W X 8D 32L capacity 3 modes of carry hand grip, shoulder strap, backpack straps Split main opening allows for easy access to gear Lockable zipper pull ID tag holster Outer zip pocket92277-063 | Black/Green 92277-001 | BlackCARRY ON ROLLERNOTES:Carry on size rolling bag. 22L X14W X 9.5D 43L capacity Telescoping handle Split main opening allows for easy access to gear Zip accessory mesh pocket inside Lockable zipper pull 3 wide grip handles ID tag holster Wheels with sure-grip tread and smooth rolling bearings 92278-063 | Black/Green 92278-001 | Black77LS_5Mens_ACC_int-F1.indd 77 5/27/10 6:57 PMMEDIUM ROLLERNOTES:Medium size rolling bag. 27L X15W X 11.5D 70L capacity Telescoping handle Split main opening allows for easy access to gear Zip accessory mesh pocket inside Lockable zipper pull 4 wide grip handles ID tag holster Wheels with sure-grip tread and smooth rolling bearings92279-063 | Black/GreenLARGE ROLLERNOTES:Large size rolling bag that splits into 2 bags to ease airline bag weight limits. 30L X16.5W X 15D 100L capacity Top half of bag zips off and bags can be checked separately Telescoping handle Split main opening allows for easy access to gear Zip accessory mesh pocket inside Lockable zipper pull 4 wide grip handles ID tag holster Wheels with sure-grip tread and smooth rolling bearings92280-063 | Black/Green92279-001 | Black92280-001 | Black78LS_5Mens_ACC_int-F1.indd 78 5/27/10 6:57 PMMECHANICAL FLEX FIT Sizing S/M, L/XL22Y | Stone Gray 001 | Black81W | New Lavender100 | White91535Flex Fit 210 tted hat with deep t design, wide brim, frontembroidered logo and clear screenprint, contrast undervisor,custom moisture wicking sweatband, and eyelet venting.RIDER FLEX FIT 91536 Sizing S/M, L/XL009 | Black/Red 279 | Sheet Metal001 | BlackFlex Fit 210 tted hat with deep t design, wide brim, frontembroidered logo, contrast undervisor, custom moisture wicking sweatband, and eyelet venting.79LS_5Mens_ACC_int-F1.indd 79 5/27/10 6:57 PMFACTORY NEW ERA 7 1/8, 7 1/4, 7 3/8, 7 1/2, 7 5/8022 | Black/White 22Y | Stone Gray 673 | Royal BlueAuthentic New Era 59Fifty tted hat with deep t design, wide brim, embroidered logo on front, padded sweatband, and eyelet venting.SQUARE O PINSTRIPE 7 1/8, 7 1/4, 7 3/8, 7 1/2, 7 5/8001 | Black 81W | New Lavender 100 | White 22W | Crystal GrayAuthentic New Era 59Fifty tted hat with deep t design, wide brim, embroidered logo and screenprint on front, padded sweatband, and eyelet venting. Sizes: 7 1/8, 7 , 7 3/8, 7 , 7 5/8 6 unit pre packs by color, 1 X each size, 2 X 7 3/8 91537-001P6 BLACK91537-100P6 WHITE91537-22WP6 CRYSTAL GRAY91537-81WP6 NEW LAVENDER6UNI TPREPACKBYCOLOR7 1/8 7 7 3/8 7 7 5/891537-001P391537-100P3N/A 91537-22WP3 N/AN/A 91537-81WP3 N/AI NDI VI DUALSI ZESI N3PACKS35103 | White/Green 001 | Black7 1/8 7 7 3/8 7 7 5/891306-001P391306-022P3N/A 91306-673P3 N/AN/A 91306-22YP3 N/AI NDI VI DUALSI ZESI N3PACKSN/A 91306-103P3 N/A Sizes: 7 1/8, 7 , 7 3/8, 7 , 7 5/8 6 unit pre packs by color, 1 X each size, 2 X 7 3/8 91306-001P6 BLACK91306-022P6 BLACK/WHITE91306-103P6 WHITE/LT. GREEN91306-22YP6 STONE GRAY6UNI TPREPACKBYCOLOR91306-673P6 ROYAL BLUE80LS_5Mens_ACC_int-F1.indd 80 5/27/10 6:58 PMJUPITER NEW ERA One Size91538-001 | Black91538-78L | Bright Green91538-100 | WhiteAuthentic New Era 59Fifty trucker, with deep t design, wide brim, embroidered 3D graphic, padded sweatband, and eyelet venting. OCTO NEW ERA 7 1/8, 7 1/4, 7 3/8, 7 1/2, 7 5/8001 | Black 22W | Crystal Gray 100 | White 78L | Bright GreenAuthentic New Era 59Fifty tted hat with deep t design, wide brim, front 3-D embroidery and embroidery on the side panel, padded sweatband, and eyelet venting. Sizes: 7 1/8, 7 , 7 3/8, 7 , 7 5/8 6 unit pre packs by color, 1 X each size, 2 X 7 3/8 91540-001P6 BLACK91540-100P6 WHITE91540-22WP6 CRYSTAL GRAY91540-78LP6 BRIGHT GREEN6UNI TPREPACKBYCOLOR7 1/8 7 7 3/8 7 7 5/891540-001P391540-100P3N/A 91540-22WP3 N/AN/A 91540-78LP3 N/AI NDI VI DUALSI ZESI N3PACKSJUMBLED NEW ERA 7 1/8, 7 1/4, 7 3/8, 7 1/2, 7 5/891549-100 | White91549-001 | BlackAuthentic New Era 59Fifty tted hat with deep t design, wide brim, front 3-D embroidery and embroidery on the side panel, padded sweatband, and eyelet venting.81LS_5Mens_ACC_int-F1.indd 81 5/27/10 6:58 PMACCELERATE FLEX FITNOTES: S/M, L/XL22Y | Stone Gray001 | Black 100 | White465 | Red LineFlex Fit regular t with subtly contoured brim, front embroidered logo, contrast undervisor, custom moisture wicking sweatband, and eyelet venting. Sizes: S/M, L/XL 3 unit pre packs by color, by size. 91539-001P3 BLACK91539-103P3 WHITE/LT. GREEN91539-22QP3 GRAY/PURPLES/M91539-22YP3 STONE GRAYL/XLS/M L/XLS/M L/XLS/M L/XLS/M L/XL3UNI TPREPACKBYCOLOR, BYSI ZE.91539-673P3 ROYAL BLUESILICON OAKLEY CAPNOTES: S/M, L/XL465 | Red Line673 | Royal Blue 22Y | Stone GrayStretch t cap with polyester mesh for cool feel, subtly contoured brim, sonic welded logo on front and back, custom moisture wicking sweatband with brushed face, and eyelet venting.100 | White 279 | Sheet Metal 001 | Black Sizes: S/M, L/XL 3 unit pre packs by color, by size. 91241-001P3 BLACK91241-100P3 WHITE91241-279P3 SHEETMETALS/M91241-465P3 REDLINEL/XLS/M L/XLS/M L/XLS/M L/XLS/M L/XL3UNI TPREPACKBYCOLOR, BYSI ZE.91241-673P3 ROYAL BLUES/M L/XL 91241-22YP3 STONE GRAY82LS_5Mens_ACC_int-F1.indd 82 5/27/10 6:58 PMSMALL FACTORY PILOT FLEX S/M, L/XL001 | Black100 | White 279 | Sheet MetalFlex Fit regular t with subtly contoured brim, front embroidery, contrast undervisor, custom moisture wicking sweatband, and eyelet venting. Sizes: S/M, L/XL 3 unit pre packs by color, by size. 91550-001P3 BLACK91550-100P3 WHITE91550-279P3 SHEETMETALS/M L/XLS/M L/XLS/M L/XL3UNI TPREPACKBYCOLOR, BYSI ZE.OCTANE NEW ERA001 | Black 100 | White 465 | Red LineAuthentic New Era 59Fifty tted hat with deep t design, wide brim, front embroidery and screenprint, padded sweatband, and eyelet venting. 7 1/8, 7 1/4, 7 3/8, 7 1/2, 7 5/8 Sizes: 7 1/8, 7 , 7 3/8, 7 , 7 5/8 6 unit pre packs by color, 1 X each size, 2 X 7 3/8 91551001P6 BLACK91551-100P6 WHITE91551-465P6 REDLINE6UNI TPREPACKBYCOLOR7 1/8 7 7 3/8 7 7 5/891551-001P391551-100P3N/A 91551-465P3 N/AI NDI VI DUALSI ZESI N3PACKSBOLT FLEX FIT S/M, L/XL91552-100 | White91552-001 | BlackFlex t 210 tted hat with deep t design, wide brim, front embroidered logo and screenprint, padded sweatband, and eyelet venting.83LS_5Mens_ACC_int-F1.indd 83 5/27/10 6:59 PMWOOL CAP 3.0 S/M, L/XL60B | NavyStretch t cap with subtly contoured brim, metal icon set into crater on front, embroidered logo on back, sonic welded logo on back, custom moisture wicking sweatband with brushed face, and eyelet venting.EMBROIDERED PLAYERS CAP One Size385 | Khaki Plaid61R | Navy Blue/Marine BlueUnstructured adjustable cap with contoured brim, embroidered 3D logo on front, padded sweatband, and eyelet venting.001 | Black100 | White 279 | Sheet Metal Sizes: S/M, L/XL 3 unit pre packs by color, by size 91113-001P3 BLACK91113-100 P3 WHITE91113-279P3 SHEETMETAL91113-60BP3 NAVY3UNI TPREPACKBYCOLOR, BYSI ZE.S/M L/XLS/M L/XLS/M L/XLS/M L/XLNOTES:100 | White 001 | Black279 | Sheet Metal Sizes: One size 3 unit pre packs by color, by size 91342-001P3 BLACK91342-100P3 WHITE91342-279P3 SHEETMETAL91342-61RP3 NAVY BLUE/MARINE BLUE3UNI TPREPACKBYCOLOR, BYSI ZE.91342-385P3 KHAKI PLAID84LS_5Mens_ACC_int-F1.indd 84 5/27/10 7:48 PMMETAL GAS CAN CAPNOTES: S/M, L/XL673 | Royal BlueStretch t cap with subtly contoured brim, metal logo on front and back, custom moisture wicking sweatband with brushed face, mesh lining for additional moisture transport, and eyelet venting.100 | White001 | Black279 | Sheet Metal 465 | Red Line Sizes: S/M, L/XL 3 unit pre packs by color, by size 91220-001P3 BLACK91220-100P3 WHITE91220-279P3 SHEETMETAL91220-465P3 REDLINE3UNI TPREPACKBYCOLOR, BYSI ZE.S/M L/XLS/M L/XLS/M L/XLS/M L/XL91220-673P3 ROYAL BLUE S/M L/XL00K | Black / PurpleStretch t cap with subtly contoured brim, polyester mesh for cool feel, sonic welded logo on front and back, custom moisture wicking sweatband with brushed face, mesh lining for additional moisture transport, graphic undervisor, and eyelet venting.SILICON O CAP 3.0NOTES: S/M, L/XL22Y | Stone Gray10A | White / Sulphur001 | Black100 | White279 | Sheet Metal Sizes: S/M, L/XL 3 unit pre packs by color, by size 91223-001P3 BLACK91223-100P3 WHITE91223-279P3 SHEETMETAL91223-22YP3 STONE GRAY3UNI TPREPACKBYCOLOR, BYSI ZE.S/M L/XLS/M L/XLS/M L/XLS/M L/XL91223-10AP3 WHITE/SULPHUR S/M L/XL91223-00KP3 BLACK/PURPLE S/M L/XL85LS_5Mens_ACC_int-F1.indd 85 5/27/10 7:49 PM62A | AquaFINE KNIT BEANIE 3.0Fine knit gauge beanie with 8.5 depth, embroidered icon, and ag label. Adjustable t with subtly contoured brim, contrast front panel, structured polyester mesh, sonic welded logo on front, and woven label on back.GAS CAN TRUCKER S/M, L/XL91218-62A | Aqua91218-81W | New Lavender279 | Sheet Metal001 | Black Sizes: One size 3 unit pre packs by color, by size. 91099-001P3 BLACK91099-279P3AQUA 91099-62AP3SHEETMETAL3UNI TPREPACKBYCOLOR, BYSI ZE.91218-001 | BlackHigh quality New Era visor for sun and sweat protection while climbing the mountains with your Bike or just for chilling in the bar with friends. One size Velcro adjustment Moisture wicking terry lining Single unitsRETRO STRIPE VISOR 91544-001 | Black91544-001 | Black91544-100 | White91544-736 | Bright OrangeRETRO STRIPE BANDANA 99118-736 | Bright OrangeStretch bandana for sun and sweat protection while climbing the mountains with your Bike. 52cm x 52cm 96% Polyester 4% Spandex Moisture wicking Elastic99118-001 | Black99118-100 | White99118-736 | Bright Orange86LS_5Mens_ACC_int-F1.indd 86 5/27/10 7:49 PMPERF LEATHER BELT S-XL1 3/4 wide belt in S-XL sizing, perforated leather strap with icon inset, double prong metal buckle and double holes.96054-001 | Black96054-899 | Earth Brown96054-100 | WhiteOAKLEY LEATHER BELT S-XL1-wide belt in SXL sizing with custom metal buckle and holding loop.96035-279 | Sheet Metal96035-899 | Earth Brown96035-100 | White96035-001 | BlackOAKLEYOAKLEYOAKLEYOAKLEYTECH WEB BELTNOTES: S/M, L/XL96060-762 | Sulphur96060-61G | Marine Blue96060-21P | Neutral GrayLightweight 1 1/2 wide nylon belt in S/M-L/XL sizing with custom metal buckle andmetal rivets.96060-001 | Black96060-783 | Olive Green87LS_5Mens_ACC_int-F1.indd 87 5/27/10 7:49 PMNO SHOW 3 PACK 7-9, 10-13Low-cut cuff, breathable mesh instep and arch, and jacquard logo. Offered as a 3-pack.93067-100 | White 93067-001 | BlackBLOCKED CREW 3 PACK 7-9, 10-13Crew length with micro rib cuff and jacquard logo, sold in 3 pack.93068-001 | Black93068-100 | White93068-279 | Sheet MetalSQUARE O CREWNOTES: 7-9, 10-13Crew length with micro rib cuff and jacquard square logo.93058-00K | Black / Purple 93058-199 | White/Aqua93058-001 | Black 93058-100 | White 93058-279 | Sheet Metal88LS_5Mens_ACC_int-F1.indd 88 5/27/10 7:49 PM93065-100 | White 93065-279 | Sheet MetalLOW COMPRESSION SOCKNOTES: 7-9, 10-1393065-001 | BlackCompression properties help vascular ow in the extremities to reduce muscular breakdown, reduce swelling, and promote faster recovery. Nylon and spandex blend Low cut Ankle, instep, and arch compression Made in the USA93066-001 | BlackHIGH COMPRESSION SOCK 7-9, 10-1393066-279 | Sheet MetalCompression properties help vascular ow in the extremities to reduce muscular breakdown, reduce swelling, and promote faster recovery. Nylon and spandex blend Crew length Lower calf, ankle, instep, and arch compression Made in the USA99097-001 | Black 60 Canopy. 100% polyester fabric Patented windex rib design Composite shaft Custom rubber molded handle Screenprinted Icons on canopy Nylon sleeve cover Lightweight design (24 oz.)ELLIPSE UMBRELLA89LS_5Mens_ACC_int-F1.indd 89 5/27/10 7:49 PMEUROPE PERF WALLETLeather, coin pocket, bi fold perforated wallet with square O mesh logo, multiple card pockets, and full length bill holder.95064-899 | Earth GreenMONEY CLIP WALLET95062-206 | SilverAluminum money clip wallet with leather sleeve.95064-001 | BlackSMALL LEATHER WALLETUtility design with multiple card pockets, full-length bill holder with divider, removable license holder with monolament window and coin pocket, true metal icon in leather embossment, and Oakley Genuine Leather embossment.95004-899 | Earth Brown 95004-001 | BlackNOTES:90LS_5Mens_ACC_int-F1.indd 90 5/27/10 7:49 PMICON CARD CASEAluminum card case with molded icon on front.99011-206 | SilverGOLF TOWEL99074-100 | WhiteCotton golf towel with logo on front, contrast color on back, and rivet to hang.NEW LANYARD99112-001Black99112-22WCrystal Gray99112-65ZBlue Violet99112-78LBright Green99112-79BWorn Olive99112-20GShadowWebbing lanyard with jacquard logo and metal latch.99050-001Black99050-70MMilitary Olive99050-465Red Line99050-279Sheet Metal99050-899Earth BrownWebbing lanyard with jacquard logo and metal latch.STRETCH LANYARD 91LS_5Mens_ACC_int-F1.indd 91 5/27/10 7:49 PMFACTORY GLOVE Sizing XS-XLFor the MTB purist who prefers absolute dexterity to armor-clad protection, this is our lightest and most breathable glove. Spandura and Airprene maximize exibility in design that offers the t of 3-D anatomical construction. The one piece Clarino palm and high friction surface on ngers provides superior grip feel.94048-762 | Sulphur94048-20G | Shadow 94048-465 | Red Line 94048-001 | Black 94048-62Z | Blue LineNOTES:TMOAKLEY SUPERLIGHT 2.0300 GramsWashable soft padsHelmet comes with two sizes of comfort padsMeets the EN1078 and CPSC safety standardsBoth color ways are specifically designed to perfectly match with the Spring 2011 Oakley MTB Apparel CollectionThe durable outer shell of this skateboard design bike helmet is fused to the internal shock-absorbing EPS liner, resulting in a remarkable weight reduction. An aerodynamic 14 hole ventilation system combined with air channels in the inner foam guarantee ideal air exchange.99128-762 | Sulphur99128-81W | New LavenderLS_5Mens_ACC_int-F1.indd 92 5/27/10 7:52 PM22Y | Stone Gray Sizing XS-XLOur best riding glove for protection, grip, and durability. Stretch Kevlar knuckles Pittards Digital palm, nger tips, and thumb knuckle Articulated inset thumb Reverse nger seams for comfort 2 strap closure system for better grip palm t Airmesh chassis is light and breathable Clarino little nger for added protection Terry nose wipeHAND RATCHET012 | Black/Gray94085NEW AUTOMATIC GLOVE Sizing XS-XLThe best compromise between weight and protection. Unobtainium framed knuckle plate Lightweight mesh chassis One piece Clarino palm and thumb knuckle Gasket cuff with pull tab Reverse nger seams for comfort High friction grip patternTerry nose wipe762 | Sulphur 465 | Red Line 62Z | Blue Line001 | Black94102TM93LS_5Mens_ACC_int-F1.indd 93 5/27/10 7:53 PMFACTORY ROAD GLOVE Sizing S-XLWe took the classic styling of our Factory Glove and added a performance fabrication to make it road worthy. Pittards leather. Skin tight pull on t for ultimate control Microber nose wipe thumb Double stitched at key wear points Padded palm Mesh ventilation001 | Black 100 | White94112OVERLOAD GLOVE Sizing XS-XLLots of protection without giving up too much weight and airow Unobtainium knuckles, ngers, and strap Structured mesh chassis Double layer Clarino palm Hook and loop closure High friction grip pattern Terry nose wipe465 | Red Line62Z | Blue Line 001 | Black 279 | Sheet Metal94104TM94LS_5Mens_ACC_int-F1.indd 94 5/27/10 8:22 PM