2013-2014 Syllabus Adv Lit

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  • 7/30/2019 2013-2014 Syllabus Adv Lit


    Advanced Literature: Hilarides. Page 1

    Mrs. Hilarides Advanced Literature Room #121

    Assignment #1: As I read through the syllabus, underline/highlight parts of my writing that showgreat

    voicevoice being style, interest, and different ways of saying, or in this case, writing something. There

    is no real wrong answer herebut you are looking for things I said in a funny, new, or innovative way.

    ____Lets be honest. I have been in your shoes. I have been in your desks. Well not your exact desk. Mine

    was a lot smaller and much more uncomfortable. Sure, it has been a fewyears. I have listened to the

    endless rambling that is the first day of school, yawned my way through the class syllabus, and

    squirmed in the hard-plastic of what my school deemed to be a suitable classroom chair. How can it

    be comfortable if your feet dont touch the floor? I knew after my first few tries at going over my

    syllabus that what I was doing to my students was torture. I had to make a change, so here it goes:

    I am trying something new; I am trying to take what we all know as a traditional English Compositionclassroom and turning it on its head. We will write. I mean really writewrite in ways that you may

    have not written like in years, ways that we make each and every one of useven myselfmore

    sophisticated and interesting writers. I will write with you and you will write with me. We are going to

    try writers workshop this year and to get there you will need to be open. Think. Share. Revise.

    Explore. I want you to see yourself grow and I want to see you grow so you will be able to write

    successfully in life after high school. Whether it be a university or community college, a trade school,

    or a full time job, you will need to write, and write well. So here is what you need toget-to-writing in

    my class.

    VITAL Class Materials:

    Composition Notebook/Writers Notebook* 1 Durable Folder Highlighter A Reading Book for SSR Days*

    Classroom Procedures:

    I hate to state the obvious but this is a friendly reminder: Everyday, and I mean EVERYDAY while you

    are here in my modest little classroom you are expected to

    1. Come to class preparedpaper, pens, writers notebook, textbook, and SSR book. If youare like me and have occasional brain farts and need to borrow something, please ask.

    Nothing irks me more than when I get 40 minutes through class and I have a student who is

    sitting with nothing done because they didnt want to ask for supplies. Ahh! Im not a

    crazy person. Just ask me for what you need! While I am nice and will lone things out, I also

    Education is not the filling of a pail, butthe lighting of a fire. WilliamYeats

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    Advanced Literature: Hilarides. Page 2

    hate losing my precious materials (and hate even more spending my own money to buy

    more). So in order to borrow something I will ask for collateral. So if you plan to borrow

    from me, be ready to give something of yours up as well.

    2. Be ready at the bell: Opening Activity!!!When the bell rings, just get your tush in yourseat and be prepared to do a really awesome activity!

    3. Complete your assignmentsIf you do all your assignments, you will pass!4. Be RespectfulDont be a meanie! I am nice to you, so you better be nice to me and your

    classmates. Oh and also respect my room! I hate having to tape down my cards all over

    again and reorganizing my bookselves when they are left a mess. Please keep me happy by

    respecting everything and everyone.

    Grading Procedures:

    Our class will work on a point scale meaningevery point counts in this class. Everything will have its

    own value and while a homework activity is worth 20 points, a paper could be worth 100 points (Iman English major; I am, therefore, Math challenged and use this scale). Every point counts and the

    more you turn in and participate the better your points will be at the end of the semester. As I said

    before if you do all the assignments, you will pass. So just remember, Every point counts!

    Homework and Late Work:

    Homework will be assigned throughout the semester. Homework has a stigma all its ownand guess

    what, teachers hate assigning it just as much as students hate receiving it, BUT, the purpose of

    homework is to prepare and practice. Lets think more about thiswould you expect to go play thebig Friday night football game and do well without EVER attending practice? Unless youre superbly-

    talented, I am guessing you probably wouldnt do so hot on the field. It works the same way in school

    Most of our homework will include reading because, lets face it, there is not enough time in class for

    us to read every book, page, by page, aloud. I will accept late homework, but there will be a late

    work deduction of 50%. Half credit is better than no credit! I know this seems tough, but college

    professors arent as generous as me. Any other arrangements need to be made with Mrs. Hilarides.

    Late papers and major projects are subject to a 10% deduction of the final grade unless you

    speak to me beforehand. See the student handbook for the policy on late work and absences. Late

    work will only be accepted until the end of the unit that it is from. Once that unit ends, the grade will

    remain a zero. GET YOUR WORK IN!!!

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    Homework Bus and Afterschool Help:

    Harper Creek offers Extended Learning for students who would like to stay after school to work with a

    teacher. Every Wednesday, there will be buses that leave the school at 4:00. This means that students

    have a full hour after school to get help with teachers and make up work.

    In addition to the homework bus, I am available to stay after school with students most days as long

    as it is arranged with me ahead of time (I have a dog a home that would much rather be out of his

    kennel than in). If you would like to stay after school on a specific day, please just let me know a few

    days in advanced.


    If a student is asked to serve a detention it is because of one of the following reasons

    1. The student was tardy for class (lunch detention).2. The student has shown disrespect towards the teacher, another student, or school property.3. The student is repeatedly violating the technology policy of the school (see technology policy).

    Parents may receive a phone call if a student needs to serve a detention so we can organize a time

    and date, and also so I can explain the situation. Students will use their detention time to make up

    work or work on other classroom assignments and reading.

    SSR Book:

    Students will also need a SSR (silent sustain reading) book. This is a book students can read for

    personal enjoyment, and it must NOT be class related. SSR is silent reading we will be doing threetimes a week (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday). This is a chance for you to develop your reading

    skills and find inspiration for our writers workshop. You may bring in a book from home, or borrow

    from the school or my personal library. Please ask me for recommendations I love telling people

    what to read (I guess thats part of the reason I became an English teacher). Remember that all SSR

    books should be approved for reading by a parent/guardian.

    Emergency Hall Passes

    You should use the passing time in-between your classes to take care of your bathroom needs. I

    understand that needs arise and will try to be flexible; however, students who abuse their bathroom

    privileges are subject to lose these privileges during the semester. The bathroom is RIGHT by my

    classroom, so students should return to class in a timely manner.

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    Technology Policy

    See Harper Creeks student handbook (pages 43-44) for the specifics, but cell phones and IPODS/Mp3

    players are not allowed; therefore, if I see it, I will confiscate it and it goes to the office. No

    exceptions. No tears. No excuses. You get to pick up that bad boy at the end of the day.

    Teacher rant: I know you love your cellphone and technology because I do too! Just know that there is

    a time when its OK to use it and when its not OK. Please understand that your friends are in class too

    and the text they sent you is most likely telling you that theyre bored or how awesome Mr. Hilardes

    hair looks today. Its not that important. It can wait until Im finished teaching.

    Remind 101

    Remind 101 is a way for me to send you text messages (or emails if you dont have a cell phone)

    without either of us exchanging numbers. Simply text @hilarides2 to (660)329-9582. This will sign you

    up to receive text alerts that will notify you of upcoming events in class like quizzes, homework, etc.

    Before you sign up, please talk to your parent or guardian. Because the messages are sent through

    text message, normal text message rates will apply. Only sign up once your parent has approved it

    and is aware of the charges.

    Film Study

    An additional resource that we will utilize in English 4 to understand themes and develop our analysis

    skills is films. In this class we will watch clips and full films to further develop our understanding of

    texts. Below is a list of films that may be utilized throughout the semester. If you or your

    parent/guardian has an issue with watching any of these films, they may indicate so on the following


    Films that may be viewed:

    The Great Gatsby (2013) PG13 The Great Gatsby (1974) - PG Pleasantville PG13 1984 R (Clips Only) V for Vendetta R Schindlers List R Inglorious Bastards R (Clips Only)

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    Curriculum: (schedule and assignments are tentative and subject to change)

    Unit #1: Personal Narrative, Story

    The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

    Unit #2: Media Bias and Propaganda, Complex Analysis

    1984 by George Orwell

    Unit #3: Social Issue Project, Research, and Proposal

    Night by Elie Wiesel

    Other Units/Studies: Scholarship Paper, Film Analysis, Poetry, Short Stories, and Editorials.

    I look forward to working with you this year!

    Mrs. Hilarides Contact Information:

    Mrs. Kathleen Hilarides

    12677 Beadle Lake Road

    Battle Creek, MI 49014

    Phone: 269-441-8450 Ext. 8431


    E-mail:[email protected]


    http://hilaridesenglish4.weebly.com/http://hilaridesenglish4.weebly.com/http://hilaridesenglish4.weebly.com/mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://hilaridesenglish4.weebly.com/
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    Contact me any time, e-mail is the best!

    Homework Assignment!

    Students: Fill in your name on the line below and sign your name stating that you have read through the

    syllabus. You will also need to have your parents/guardian sign and write their contact information below. Thisis due Friday, September 6, 2013 along with your folder, writers notebook, and SSR book.

    I _________________________________________ have read through the class syllabus and understand the rules and

    expectations for English 3.

    Students Signature: ______________________________________________________

    Parents: Fill in your name on the line below and initial next to the Remind 101 agreement and the film

    permission agreement to indicate that you approve of your student watching these films and using remind 101

    If you leave these areas blank, I will assume that you do not approve and I will find alternatives for your

    student. Please also sign below to indicate that you have read the syllabus and provide your contact

    information so that I may contact you in the future.

    _____ Remind 101: I agree to allow my student to use Remind 101 to receive text message alerts from Mrs.

    Hilarides regarding information from class. I understand that this means that I will be charged for these text


    _____ Film Studies: I agree to allow my student to view the films that are being studied during class. If I do not

    want them watching certain films, I will indicate that below in the additional information section.

    Parents Signature: ___________________________________________________________________

    Parents E-Mail Address: ______________________________________________________________

    Parents Phone Number: _________________________________Best Time to Contact:____________

    Additional Information: Please indicate if there is anything else I should know about your student to help me

    teach them this semester.