Contents 2013_Installation_Manual.pdf · First make sure that AutoCAD 2013 software has been installed complete with the AutoCAD Express tools. ... loader and AutoSYS have been incorporated

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Page 1: Contents 2013_Installation_Manual.pdf · First make sure that AutoCAD 2013 software has been installed complete with the AutoCAD Express tools. ... loader and AutoSYS have been incorporated
Page 2: Contents 2013_Installation_Manual.pdf · First make sure that AutoCAD 2013 software has been installed complete with the AutoCAD Express tools. ... loader and AutoSYS have been incorporated

draPRO 2013 Installation Manual


Copyright ....................................................................................................1

System Requirements ................................................................................3

AutoCAD Installation .................................................................................5

Chapter 1 draPRO Installation.....................................................................................7

Chapter 2 Licensing draPRO.....................................................................................21

Chapter 3 Starting draPRO .......................................................................................25

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draPRO 2013 Installation Manual

Page 4: Contents 2013_Installation_Manual.pdf · First make sure that AutoCAD 2013 software has been installed complete with the AutoCAD Express tools. ... loader and AutoSYS have been incorporated

draPRO 2013 Installation Manual 1

Copyright © 1990-2012 Brooklyn Towns Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.

draPRO is provided on the condition that the purchaser agrees to these conditions of use. The

purchaser should see a copy of this notice before accepting the package. In the event of delivery

by mail or courier, the purchaser should read the conditions before opening the sealed part of the

package, and if not prepared to accept the conditions, should return the sealed package,

unopened, for refund.

draPRO software is the copyright of Brooklyn Towns Pty Ltd. Each copy of draPRO is sold for use only

by the purchaser or one of his or her business associates on a single computer at any one time. Just

as in the case of copyright in a book, it is an offence under copyright law for the purchaser to copy

this material (software or printed), or allow it to be copied, so that it is used simultaneously by more

than one user. There is of course, no prohibition on copying the software as a backup copy.

The producers of this software have taken every care to ensure its error-free operation. Where errors

are discovered, the authors will make every effort to prevent their further occurrence, unless the

cause is beyond their control. To this end, purchasers are asked to register their copy so that they

may be kept informed of any error fixes and other developments.

Brooklyn Towns Pty Ltd, the producers of draPRO, makes no express or implied warranties beyond

those provided by statute under the Trade Practices Act. The provisions of the Trade Practices Act

regarding responsibility for consequential damage apply of course, but the producers draw

attention to the assertion that this software is a drafting tool, and that the onus of responsibility for

errors in the drawings produced remains, as in manual drafting, with the persons who check the

final drawings.


Autodesk, the Autodesk logo, AutoCAD and AutoLISP are registered trademarks of


draPRO is not an Autodesk product. The Autodesk logo is registered in the U.S. Patent and

Trademark Office by Autodesk, Inc.

AutoSYS, and The Application Loader are the copyright of Oasys Software Pty Ltd.

All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective


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System Requirements for draPRO 2013

To run draPRO2013 the following software and hardware is required:

• Windows 2000, XP & Vista (32bit & 64Bit).

• AutoCAD 2013 complete with AutoCAD Express Tool. If you do not have a copy of this,

please see the AutoCAD 2013 CD.

• Hardware requirements as recommended for the use of AutoCAD on the above

operating systems.

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AutoCAD Installation

Users of Windows 2000, XP or Vista must have Administrator permissions to install

draPRO 2013. Not assigning these permissions can cause draPRO 2013 to perform

incorrectly. See Windows Help for information about assigning user permissions.

To successfully install draPRO:

First make sure that AutoCAD 2013 software has been installed complete with the

AutoCAD Express tools.

Run AutoCAD 2013 to assure that installation has no errors.

AutoCAD Profile

Ensure that an AutoCAD Profile has been created and saved as DEFAULT.

1. Run AutoCAD 2013.

2. go to the Options Dialogue Box under the Tool Menu.

3. Create a New Profile (eg AutoCAD 2013).

4. Set that Profile as Current.

5. Exit AutoCAD, use your mouse (right click on the shortcut on your Desktop.

6. Go to Properties dialogue, add the name of your profile to the shortcut under

TARGET: eg: "E:\Program Files\AutoCAD 2013\acad.exe" /p "AutoCAD 2013"

Also making sure that all service patches are installed for your AutoCAD software

product. (see the www.usa.autodesk.com web site) The installation procedure

contained in this document is your reference to installing draPRO. The application

loader and AutoSYS have been incorporated into the draPRO installation.

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draPRO Installation


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draPRO Installation (Standalone)

This section provides instruction for installing, draPRO 2013.

Insert the CD into CD-ROM drive and follow on-screen instructions.

If setup program does start automatically, see step 3.

� Step 1 - SELECT RUN from the Start Menu.

� Step 2 - Type d:\setup (where d is the CD-ROM drive).

� Step 3 - SELECT OK or press ENTER.

The install wizard will now take you through a number of dialog boxes to install


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Setup Language.

The Setup Language dialog box will appear on the screen.

SELECT English in the pull down menu.

To continue, then click the OK button.

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Next, the Welcome dialogue box will appear on the screen.

Please read all information.

To continue, click on the NEXT button.

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Licensing Agreement.

Next, the Licensing Agreement dialogue box will appear on the screen.

This is warning you of the copyright laws.

Please read all information.

Once you are satisfied with the information provided to you,

SELECT I accept the agreement.

To continue, click on the NEXT button.

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User Information.

Next, the User Information dialogue box will appear on the screen.

Please provide required information for installation.

You will find/locate your serial number on the back of your draPRO DVD case and

draPRO software box.

Please record this information.

Your serial number is used in the authorisation section.

You will also need your serial number for when you upgrade or re-install the software.

To continue, click on the NEXT button.

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Destination Directory.

Next, the Destination Directory dialogue box will appear on the screen.

This will display the destination directory to install all of the draPRO files.

By default; it will be on the same drive as the installation for AutoCAD.

If you would like to change the location, click on the BROWSE button.

Make your changes, then click on the OK button.

To continue, click on the NEXT button.

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Ready to Install.

Next, the Ready to Install dialogue box will appear on the screen.

This displays the installation configuration settings you have selected.

To makes changes, click on the BACK button.

To continue, click on the INSTALL button.

The files have now been copied to your hard drive.

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Next, the Installing dialogue box will appear on the screen.

Please wait while draPRO 2013 is installed on your computer.

To cancel the installation process, click on the CANCEL button.

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Final Setup.

Next, the Setup Message dialogue box will appear on the screen.

You will now be prompted to select the AutoCAD version/s & profile/s with which you

want to run draPRO 2013.

To continue, click on the OK button.

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Final Setup (continued).

Next, the Acad Install 1.5 dialogue box will appear on the screen.

Please select the version/s of AutoCAD you wish to run draPRO 2013.

Eg: to ONLY run on AutoCAD 2013


to run on MULTIPLE versions - AutoCAD 2007 - 2012.

To make your selection, click on the version/s to become highlighted.

To continue, click on the OK button.

If for some reason you fail to select a profile, or your profile is broken for any reason, you

can build another profile by accessing the “Acadinst.exe” (“Acadinst_x64” for 64 bit

machines) in the draPRO 2013 folder.

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Next, the Completion dialogue box will appear on the screen.

draPRO 2013 has successfully been installed on to your computer.

To finish, click on the FINISH button.

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Licensing draPRO


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Licensing draPRO

How to license draPRO

draPRO comes with a 30 day trial period, in which you have to license the product.

Within that period, a licence application key can be generated by typing

“draproappkey” into the command line of AutoCAD.

This will generate a message (see below) with the application key for the computer:

To continue, click on the OK button.

COPY the application key from the command line of AutoCAD.

PASTE the application key in an email and send to [email protected].

A licence key file will then be generated and returned via email within 24 hours.

This file then needs to be copied to the root directory of draPRO.

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Starting draPRO


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Starting draPRO.

All applications are run from inside AutoCAD using The Application Loader as the

loading tool.

To Start draPRO.

START AutoCAD/draPRO by selecting from the Windows Taskbar Start > Programs >

Autodesk > AutoCAD2013.


SELECT the AutoCAD2013 icon/shortcut on your desktop.

AutoCAD will start and load the Application Loader.

The Application Loader will load the draPRO services specified as part of the

Autoload function.

(Refer to the application loader user’s guide for details of Autoload).

By default only draPRO Base is loaded automatically.

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Load a Service.

To load a service, use the draPRO Application toolbar.

1. SELECT the service you wish to use (load), from the draPRO Application toolbar above.

2. The fly-out toolbar for the selected service will be displayed below the Application toolbar (or in the last position you moved it to), replacing

previously selected services from the toolbar.

3. The selected service is now loaded and ready to use.

Once a service has been loaded, the pull down menu for that service is also


From the pull down menu you can select draPRO commands, display specific

toolbars or set the service table menu to be the current.

Any draPRO services loaded when you save the drawing will automatically get

loaded the next time you open the drawing.








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Load a Service (continued).

If you don’t want a service to load automatically use the LOAD or UNLOAD

(DPQ_EXECUTE) command from the application loader toolbar to unload it before

you exit (and save) the drawing.

Of course you can still use the LOAD or UNLOAD command to load any draPRO

service instead of using the draPRO application toolbar.

Load and Unload

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