2014-07-29 1 JMUSE: Java 프로그램을 위한 돌연변이 기반 오류 추적 시스템 연광흠, 김문주 Software Testing & Verification Group (SWTV) CS Dept., KAIST

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  • 2014-07-29 1 JMUSE: Java , Software Testing & Verification Group (SWTV) CS Dept., KAIST
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  • 0 Motivation: Finding Cause of SW Error is Difficult Developers have spent a large amount of time in debugging. One of the most laborious task of debugging activities is to locate the cause of failures (i.e., fault), which is called fault localization. Research Goal: To develop automated fault location techniques that assist developers effectively locate the cause of program failures (i.e., fault) Test case #1 : assertEquals(3, Example. setMax(3,1)) Test result: pass Inspecting line by line public class Example { public int SetMax(int x, int y) { 1: int max = x; // should be max=x; 2: if(max