— ^—-Traffic Deatl Magic Valley . I ll?6t ............. 1....... ___ — 1962 ............ : ...... 3 ........ VOL. 43, NO. 290 H Natio JorKil • On Cut PUNTA DEL ESTE. Ja tiona includiriK the Unite Americnn confcrence Voila debate on their rcsokitioii from the Americaii fnniil ' • l-alcon'Sl‘icCn5~gf Venezuc for th® 14-nation proup. re| ference m ajority, to coiivol< I Old Age t Another a h lp m e n t of P booWeU oylUnSns benetlw ' r of Kwlftl «curlty haa been . & received br the Thncs- S Newi. R M ort than 100 cople.t o( P th# booklet hav# been dU- •• fi trlbuted. C ■ you c»n get your copy of K “Your New Soclal Securl- E ty“ by pialUnR a dime to : ft the Tlmes-News lo cover . h cwt of bsndllnB and mall- f i ^TTie olter wm bs toniin- ' B ued for • limited time only. ; Shoupaaims Censors Have Useful Roles • — WABHXNOrTON.-Jftn.^O 1 Oen David M. ShViip, marine 2,S»-^m andant. testified to- d«y tho PenUBOn's censoring of — iMech"texts-to-keep-theni in Sm with national policy ••pro- tldes a useful eervlceA- - thl«-vlew^at-r» hearing by a special senate.sub- committee InvesllgatinF ch&igea — bf-Beii»*«trom-Thurmond.-D.. 8 C, that the censoring hns munled antl-communlst ipeech- M by ralUtary personnel. . Mllllary officers colled as wlt- ' nuses have not specifically sup- ncited Thurmond’s contention. Bufc ioms-top-army-and-navy of- llcert hive characterized a good deal ol the.censoring.aa coprl- elom, eonfuaing,. and -without ■'dlKemlWa relationship to any appamt i»Ucy. - ^oup laid "not one of my proposed public «peechM hns -been changed, m n slightly, by the department of defense. And. he said, his subordinate oN I tlcwa report “very few" of their ' speech textA have been changed In substance and In every in- lUnce "lhe changts ntr» not unreasonable." J*air Seeldng- RayburnSeat InLow House BHEHMAN, Tejt., Ja n . SO Voteti decide today which of ' two Democrats, bolh pledged to -b*ck-thB -Kenneay-«ilm ln>»‘r*^ tlon. will succeed the late 8am Rayburn an congreuman from Texas' lourlh dlstrlcl. Tha' enntestanta are attorney B, 0. (Bob) aiagle, Jr.. who/iB plitfonn Is liberal, and atate Btn, Hay nobttU, whose vltw- --Twlnt-li-a-inad6-mor#'conserv*= tlve. f They entered today’s special tlwUon tutiolC by leadtnK a. Dec. U preliminary election. Roberls hsrt 8,1M voteji to Slagle's S,S4S. Pour other candidates, Including a Republican, received B.033 votes. *• Both candldatea stressed their (loia tle.i to Democrat Rayburn, a member of the house 411 years and iu speaker for IB yeara. . '^Vltli the candldiCCta'. vlaW- polniA so close, few national Is- sues hava arisen. Tiie winner must run again In Hil» year’s primaries and general •iKilon to hold his aeat. Potato Growers’ Meet Scheduled ' nuRLKY. Jan. .w -A meet- ■nit of Mnglo Valley poUtc Itowers.ttlll be heij-at 8 p.m Wednesday In tha Durley Junloi jhlih school auditorium, L. A ailltlle, member of Ihi nstbnai potato advisory com- announced today, ailletio said hs would reporl a uieeilnR he attenrttd V»»i >»« In WaBhlngton, D.,0 . con- W'lng proposed governmpnl ontroh on potatoes. He urget *!• Mn#lft vnlley potato gioweri "“‘lonal potato advlson w^'HlKca la In the final aUge< « dratiing r apud marketing or- lh I 'c a T ln g a will be WiM “>« the nation, he stated li.hi Ooleoatlon h a a ,i nil it.vhands trying to oU- ^ .‘ program which will lJ< I ^ 'Jic al-to Idaho ir tlie acre- oWKiSr *? Deaths^ --------- (ogle 'oHcy . Idoho 1...... ....... :-l5' -3 ...... ------------------------------ _______ ' mr” tions^slL MlDeibate^ ]uba Ouster :STE. Jan. .”.n (LTl)_Koiirtcen na- le United Slate? ii.'^keii the inter- nee Voil-ay to slan fiill.dre.ss floor c.‘<oliitio!i to 0115=1 Cuba immediately l'lo»JL ciiaii-man Marco.-t Venezuela wa? asked by sjiokcsmen jroup. rcprc.<critiMR a two-ihirds con- Lo convoke a plenary session fo^their .-.(arguments. Purpose^f'th( --------- -f;|-Tlc\v-9lralep^*^vaH-t^vo^old g To end the closed door ses- ent of I which a compro- bencnu ■ ’*''** sought on thi M been ' "‘'''rd" ^nd •'soft" positions tak •nrnffc • re.ii)ccl lo Cuba and apparently, lo have indlvldua r.nU« of -i Stand up and bi •en dLv wunied in the final showdown It wns apparent Secretary o; State Dean Rusk- had'ftbondonec elforla io gel some of th« ^ ■’ American nMlow nm ie i(» ■■ to go along with the conferenc( ; majority ou Iromedlnle actlor d mall- against Cuba] conlin- ' U*natlou bloc held a half- Ti.onlv ' at mid-day ant '• named Rusk. Colombla’a Jos< nnicedQ-CaatUla-jmd_,UjuguflyJ Homero Martinez Montero lo re- lltn c original antl-Cutrc 111119 ‘ Colombian motion to Incorporate Uruguay’s views, ■ n VP. only. difference’ between ' the Colombian and Uruguayar ^ 1 proposals was that the Colombian IA I P 4 propo.icd lhe confcrence Itsell W X \./0 OU.U Cuba arbitrarily while the 1-30 — UruguayvacceptlnR-the principle ip~marine ''’ould-have-the-Organlzatlon 61 'Stifled to- American ulAtea carry out tht •nsorlng of m echanics. _____________ ~theni"ln “ Redrafting o flh e Co'lomblar >llcy *’pro- resolution would be ,alm ^ Al ,A- - - • bringing-In as many antl-Oastn view-at-a votes-*s-posslble-to-botst«>‘"thl enate.sub- 14-natlon bloc's bare two-thirds ig ch&igea conference maJorlVy. •mond.-D.. —’rho-U.-S.-posltion-ln-themld- iorlng nos die of the controversy was i 1st speech- result of Ruck’s desire to line uj .el. ai many \otea aa possible for w led as wit- antt-Cftstro resoluUon even 1 Ically sup- he had to water down the resolu contetitlon. tlon to win over some recalcJt d-navy of- r o n u r ------------------------ sed a good appeared certain that a fim resolution could muster the i I* votes necesaao'- for passase, bu Ip to any wanted to‘wln ov» one o , two ot tJie holdouts—prefcrabl: "I “ niftJor .nations liks Argentina BnizU or Chile. . . , defense" Colombia, whoso motion con rdinale of- '»«’'«* prtaenV lorelgn mln V” of their conference <uid whose draf n chanaed resolution Rusk appeared wllllni every in- I® compromlse-.iKuild not^agree. «7r. not Neither would Quatamala am the other Central Amerlcoi ___ _ _ countrles-who hive deniandei , strong action fast against Cas ^|»nr tro’s communist regime. --------■ I’nii tougBtfatahd got a baos CJ' i yesterday from an unexpecte o A flt Quarter when Haiti switched dra matlcally from the "go alow” t the "do It now" group, o u s e However, tho "soft" lactlor Including Mexico, Bolivia an in. 80 1^-- ohlle, alto appeared ready t which of Btand firm agalntt the Colom W 'JufJ 1" m .n re'Dlullon. cu n 11 lto .con raministra^ agreed on any ona ot sev ' late 8am eral mllder versions proposed b man from Rusk. L P resid en t Is - g i v e n R ep o rt r S % S ecretarj tgle's 8,015. WASHINOTON, Jan. 30 «7D- I, Including President Kennedy received Ived B.033 r e p o r t from Press Secretar Pierre BiHlnger on Salinger ■essed their P“rl« With nua.iia's chl« f S ,b « r" w ™ •MK"™*'' ■»' .. U J...71 ”> S.-80H.t communlctlmi I years. . Tlie report preceded & Kenne [&.• visw- dr^BftiinReriuncirifieetlng wit tHtlnnni Is- Alexei Adzubel, son-in-law t Prnnler Nikita 8, Khrushche , and editor ot the Bovlet govern "’®nt newspaper lavestla. Adthu md general scheduled t attend, Salinger returned laat nlgli vers from a Paris week-end ostenal ,1 1 bly arranged to enable him t m lllen " ''’'Br with U. s. press officers 1 ..U U ll/U Britain and' West Oei r many. However, tho press secr« ley potato (n^y ,]gvoted much of hla time t i,'}^ I.K:!?; meetlhRs with -Mikhail Kil(i:i irley Junior p „ „ officer for the Sc iM ’ of Hie lOTtlan »»Mts Isory com-v r 7='i'w<‘-“»wiiiii n i iiiiniiiiinri i day. j to'nrttS'lasl NEWS Bl governmpot :Wrr—i ito’giowera CaNAVEIIAI,, Jan. JO »w giowera po.ipnnja (tia iohedulea I lo advisory America's flrat manned oi ffill’? ? '! . VIENTIAW!, U o., J.n, jo Itl be held >i««leglnB the iioTUvwettem l*o I, ho stated. »>«« reproujwd'allghUy more i ^lon h a s , a bevAral Vain attem pts 19 ylng to oil- >nlnlitt7 of defense communiq r tlie acre- UNITED NA'nONH. N. V„ . I approved," woMd to hav* lha aeeurily «oi 0|» IlnHla-a demand (0 rtepen m in i'UNTA DEU M TB, Ur»iguaj PJl-A Oatli- eluding the Unltod SUtea tpd AUllo Ama* foreign'minister's conference a IS executed ing Cub& Immediately from th £7 oiisSef. WASniNQTON, >»n. « m rUr having bar uqreaaonablo literacy (oata paiaying ct •ent. lo.». heMiie-ienala-Jttdlef , an official eommitUe was |<veo noUM ( U w na alhaf B>Maar« It nol ' i Th^IaRic'^lley Ncwspapc T teen na- _ le inter- . i- , ' *.ss floor lediately .r*,. _Mai:co.s. . ■okcsmen 1 .... ** *~ Uf irds con- foiitheir l;e^f'tho hvo=fold; door ses- compro- K IH on the sitlons tak- UJL^ Cuba nnd. ■•^Capifc. imSf Individual I ^ p and be showdown. jcrctary of ^ ome of the \1 ■ 4 tn ntiUona ' \ conference J me action. ^ ^ .eld a half- l-day and bin's Jose ^UAiguayJs tero lo re- mtl-Costro . Incorporate Colombian WRECKED' BV XCE waa thi* mce Itself » jotd that crumpled (he bridg. while the pier. Xtra spans of the UOO-fe s prlMlglCi ithetMTUtWrei'Wheii-U'eonajnei nizatlon of ---------------------- : -------------------------- y out the ^ ^ DUffftr vjOir ,alm^ at -- -------- ^“S s '^ R e p ia iir i s-the mid- —Amalgamated Sugar cori sy was a mated 250,000 tons more 1 manger.s reported Mondoy. il even If have sliced up 850,000 toll the resolu- season to'removal of federi le recalcJt- -------------- ^ ------------------------ £? ;5 i'T ,Addicts Sl a£sase, but . ' isis!. Of Loca lollon . 0- T™'n Fulls .polite theoria ■reign mln- wcjre responsible for Sunda whose draft bury’s Medical Center ph ‘S S m OHIce™ P.oinlod out ;amiiiii and narcotics were stolen, "ant American ence with drug.i to tell the demanded variety df'drugs to’be fbui Ijnst Cas- nintcly $200 worth of narci Man Held in I ,„.io„ Area Slaying lollvla and « -J-.-, Jiiiiters rieas K Ita.jtMlli —RUPBRTWanr^O—Wlills-Dettii one *®''* Hereford, SS, charged with the iroposed by jj„^ degree murder of Derrcll N Worsham, entered a plea of In- -------- nocent before Judge Edward t T Heap In dUtrlct court Monday. J.S Judge Heap also denied three motions by Charlea Creason, at* «. torney for-Hereford..Flrst,-a mo- iD O l I lion to hnve the court appoint ad- Jr ditlonal legal‘counsel for Hpre- ford wns denied. However, the C t a i V -«iu allow Bherman Bell- J wood, Rupert atlorney, to ‘'as-w- ji. 30 «7D— clale" with the defense. A motion thal an ln»-cstlgnloi o l>« ai'POlnted hy the court nlsc . .. .MW w«* ‘’cnl"! Ijy inias chief contended that tlie defense ? • sdeauntely quwtlon the nunicauons. ^nne,„g j„ the case. In addl- d a Kenne- non. Judge Heop ruled Hereford eetlng with },td waived hla rlglit to a pre- i-ln.law of llmlnary hearing beforo tha pro- Khrushchev bate court nnd the motion lo <let govern- leturn to ptoUale cowrl waa de- Itia- Adtlju- nied. cheduled to motions were filed be- fore Judge ‘Heap by Hereford'! last night atlorney, .Tlie first waa to gain md ostenal- acccss to the evidence thnt the bio him to prosecution now has, which the a officers in prosecution said they will grant West aer- and lha other motlol^ waa an press secre. order that the Mlnidokn count) his time to coroner conduct an Inquest, khalt KhfCr- Judge Heap hns the aecond mo- for the So- tlon under advisement and will ign allMTS, n»l6 on U In Uw next (ow dayi. II., Jan, SO HTD^The federal sp«ce Bgenny to- cheduled laundhlng ol aalronaut John Olenn ..n iiil .rtll.1 (illM >• T u..d.,, r.b, II, Jnn. 30 ”iw#—Pro-communist rebel forces e*tem lAoUan provlMlal capital ot Nam Tlva tly moro tiian four'miles south pf tlio town ilempU t9 penetrote royal armpr defenses, a communlQUt; safil lodny. H N vl Jan.7o Viilled Hates hai oiuri'iy'eooncll adjeum today without lakln| (0 rtepen tha Cengb d»b«le. DUruguay. Jan! M m-Tourtoen nations In- at2« & «PPr“ved for aubmlsslon to the in If nol clfand ta » «»»»• _________________ ^ ______'v A - W. <1^ — Newspaper Dcrficatcd to Serving and ton " falls . IDAHO, TUi 'E was this bridge over th« Raw river near d (he bridge, but lightly packed moving Ice the UOO-foot-long bridge tumbled Into the lU-colUpiednThe-brtdge-waa about «0^twl GompanyJHan rt^ecordrtor Sugar c6iftpjlnyplaiit.s"aC Twm'Fall.s ns more beets this season than duri . Monday. The two plants at £he comi 0,000 tolls of beets. Both managers ; 1 of federal acreage allotments. The 1 s Suspected jocal Burglary :e theorig^Tuesday that driig addicti for Sun^y night’s burglary of Kings ’enter pharmacy, 608 Shoup avenut inted out that only the mo«t powerfu olen, "and a man has to have experi 6 teirthe difference.between the largi to'be found in a pharmacy.” Approxi h of narcotic.^ 5110 in caah and abou ] were stolen, accordinff t 111 Lloyd E. Mason, store own ^ er. 'Thieves punched a seven b 16-lnch hole In the roof ot th yJlllSl building to gain entry. Tho breakin occurred betwee 10:30 p.m, Sunday and B:30 sji I- I t ^ c t S Monday, A brace and bit v.a .7 5f ‘"8 0“^ opening, police snU )i uerrcii rt. The thieves—police believe-a ui!!:; two cooperated In th ? Job-appnrently kicked out a see t Monday. f[(,„ slieetrock and acoua lenled three lowered Reason, at- snld, - .................- ai^lnt nd- ^he drawer whero narcollcs ar pried open, police re . “Wlnif the entir srman nell- ^ by lh >y. to «'as.«- ihicvcs. Monday, police "dusUd" th investigator store for fingerprints, ond cur I court also ttnlly are aVVempllng to aot I Heap. The out the many fingerprints thi tile defeiue effort produced. Uttsllon the Although no tuspecU wer 10. In addl- named by police, oflfcers did not- ed Hereford an Idenllcai burglary was com t to a pre- milled a week ago In Dolse. Ai iro tha pro- officer noted, too. that " ‘Junklen motion lo (underworld parlance for drui urt waa de- nddlots^ drill Into and out 0 town all the time." ■ere filed be- ------------------------------ KennV Officials "‘.f'l'S !5; Face Charges in Kickback Fraud n. <l'‘y indicted three former offlc L H»?. Ini'! of the Sister Kenny founda I lew days. four Chicago advertl.a mxsuxsai executivea on charges of mal I frnud and conspiracy. JC Tho former executive directo S O . ot tho foundation and the lorma publicity agent were charged wltl USEtiDKUik taking klckbiioks totaling fSfiO, 000 from charitable donations. lo)m iiirim The fmir Chicago extoullve . Feb is Jvere Moused of making^ th payments In retum for dlrec ■oU«l lore., m .ll <dv.rll.liil c»i.lr.cU will It Nam Tlva the foundation. it tlio town The foundation’s former audi defenses, a lor waa charged with falsify n reports to dUguise foundatloi mailing costs under luoh lioad ! Hates haa lugs as -modloal eduoatlon^i houl (akln| Unlnlng” and “publlo relaUons. UNION MAN HELD WASinNQTON, Jan, JO KFt - jution ousl J was arreatod by FJU agenU her liropesal to Jaat ntght .ln connection, with leolfoni was |3P7,M4 embosalemenl at th [ciraTer.Hbt fint-NattonirB«W C^or'»tflW i a U I^d*d p«., of Whlon to* U etialrman 0 ik. ^ th* boMd.' . 'I , . rving and I’ronuilin^ the (Iruwth of ^Hp, TUESDAY, JANUARY 30, 19G B n' river near Endora, Kans. It wasn't (00 heavy moving Ice that leveled a concrete and steel ;d Into the waler. There were no vehicles on out «0^te«t-hlKh.^(AP-wlrephoto)-.- lantsdnArea= foriProcessmg \vlri'Fall.s“iVird'Piuil proce.ssed an est! than during nny previou.s year, plan ; the completion of processing runs wil lanagers attribute the record breakin] nts. The Twin Falls plant was expectci to complete its run Tues d day, Robert B. Day, plan manager noted. E. R. Blai - . er, Paul plant managci 1 said the processing run at Pai completed no later tho « Tt 1 '^ 6 Twin Palls plant processe Ug a d d icts 450i«00 tons of beets this see of Kings- Day adding U\at im in avpniip “®” » w**"® grown In the Twl jp avenue compared to M.w t p o w eriu i acres In 18G0. . , . ve experi- Average yield w ^ 33.9 toi 1 t h e l a r i r c P®*" «cre--i'“?Cye“fS- averat » A 20.5 tons per acre, he nolci Approxi- The pbuI plant will have prc a n d a b o u t cessed about 400,000 tons at th •ttgatettes «impletiett-e(-tts-nmr-Blw •ordintr to Is nearly 100,000 tor .oramg xo processed In store ow n- single season before, he empho 1 a seven by sized. . roof ot the Paul area fnrmers planted JO itry. 000 acres of beets' this pu rred between growing aenson, he noted. I md S:30 sjn . i860, 20.000 acres were pianU and bit v.as in U\e area, Tlie average sW .lo-the-roof pencrrw ar'dow n'this seaso le by punch- in the pnul plant areii. ' , police snld. Farmers realized an average ( :e believe- at 10,4 ions per acre this year cg»u •rated In the pared to lfl,4 tons per acre 1 ed out a sec- 1000, Blauer noiW. t and acous- Doth planU will continue t I lowered a employ a small crew, to do main OK, offlcef* Unonca..work-On_iaciory_equlp ' ment In preparation for the lOfl narcollcs are pfocesalng aeason. n, police re- Tho p,u| plant employee abou L the entire 200 persons during Its prooesaln ver by the season, 370 during harvest sea , son and approximately 80 em ’dusUd ’ the pioyes during tho off-season, ts, ond cur- During processing season, th lng to aoTt Twin P^lls plant employs abou erprlnts this (c*iiiiii**4 r>i* >, Ctimn i) is;'3ia™ « Man Wanted 7 was com- By T. F. Let CO for drug . J . •“ " Go in Boise » I Twin l^lls Olty Doleotlv ICialS Rlohard Frasier complainei 'nwith^ Boise; auihorltlu releas i>‘PR in M a man n«used of a felon ISI violation 0 Fraud If. Tl'e man was IdenUfied a tn. =‘'" s e d wit; Krand larceny: Easter is'accuse L?n « of stealing a hairdryer, value at «(W, from U, H. Matthews, r.f m ill anes of mall A warrant for BasUr’s arrei y\v,. *«u9d by Twin Palla counl JusUce of the Peace Robert 1 USioJ. » Th® P'o''e<> up Mon ^akC thS b^jufioruica m DoUe, niracls''wlth Easter was relewied tiio sam , jtay on ' hU • own recognlsanci >.idl- aasorled, by an Ada coun iy Jwuoo of Uio peace, to appea 1“fo,mffiGn _______________ 6* auDli Ijoad- This, contends Ptailcr, la I luMllon an'd flol^tlon ol whlcli it lo relations" auircs Uiat » (nan accused of ______ felony be arraigned before a Juj U}» orl'hi ullogedly wa i^n, JO rcm — oominllted. . •; president' of Fruier did not have the nam ra diatrict I, of the Ada county Justice avail asenU here ablV, He mentioned, howevoi ctlon with * * TVln TalU county antt ent at the deputy WM "botlveon'Blls r^of'fttflWr, Mil- MounMUtf-nomerwwiin etialrman or lor^^ Ue" when B«at«r wa« r« rmvth of Nine Irrigated Idaho Count! V 30, 19G2 ____________________________ Jl^esid iO or€ & City ;i5 3 WASHINGTON’. Ji\u. SO grc.>is his plan for a new i- agency was urgently nccil __ way of life.” The Prcsiden ^ ’eaver, fc3crnl hoiising » ^ Harding I ForOffii h •' - ‘■I A'charge that second dis D., Ida., “iTUt pressnrc on have a prospective political I Hansen, Idaho Falls, Repub and L. James Koutnik. Tw. active Republican, removi force acaclcmy liaison offii Hansen, in releasing a stat -BO»Lto-Maj>-Lcwis T. John son of the academy, sali Hardmg. repre.senting S^n Frank C h 11 r c h and Rep Gntclc Pfost, objcctcil lo hi MtvSng aa Unison olllcer ' k\\\\< holding the officc ot slate repre t (00 heavy scninllve. e and sleet Rep. Harding, when conlacl« vehicles ct> by the Tlmcs-News al lita W ^h- ----------------- completely taken aback b; ____ charges_orlglnallng.in_lKln.PalL •O Q ___ that I_nm dlctallng_who-li-o; . V 'C v who Is not Sl member of scieenlni teams ot any academy. ■ —“Aa-eoon-aa-1 get the-full-rfe %1 T 1 lJ^ tails of the charges and aascr 7J.JLI.& tlons.thnt have been made li _ ,_ _ Z r _ .T\s'in.Falis.’i:Hardlng-added.-!.' :d nn esti- intend to ask the department 0 ■pnr nlnnf defense for a full InvesUgaUon. ' Hnnsen said Harding’s requea g runs \yill aismlssal. and dismlsst d breakm g of Koutnik and reserve Maj. Wll 13 exDected Unm Clalbom. Kimberly, cam run T ups before Uie Idaho PnlLs attorrie n announced his candidacy fc D ay, p la n t jjcond congressional dlslricl rej; B. R . Blau- resentaUve. At present, Hanse m anager, is the.only--GOE.-candld(lle 1< run at Paul the pos^ Qo later than Koutnik, an air force resen captJUn, commented: ant processed .-Not only did Harding deman that his Republican opponent b Jg that a o ^ removed from his air force acad V'o W n emy assignment, but ho an ed to 16,000 Church and (Mrs.) Pfost als «.. . demanded anyone even remotel V associated wllh his opponent ge ats average the nxe,"- ----------------- ------------ « , he noted. Koutnik added, "Maj. Clalbor 11 have pr^ reinstated by Hnrding whe: tons at the h» rilsenvered h/hnri a first-class blunder by conlus 100,0M tons Jn- hinf-wlth hU father, Jac K w ed In a clalbom. who Is a (0<iP) mem . he emphn- ijaho state ieglsla : j)lanted JO.- ^lie Twin Palls buslnessmai s this pasl contended "It U mora than 1 a noted. In coincidence" that Hansen 1 m e planted Harding’s potenUal OOP oppon tverage yield enL-and-Mrs-Koutnlk Isjiecre this season tary of the "Hansen for Con areli. ' gress" committee in Twin Pall in average Of county. lls year cc»n- concluded Koulnlk. "Wh per aero in . . , what can happei next? Is our membership on Ui contlnua to March of Dimes committee t to do main, bj jnatched away? When the iciory equip, finally-telm e-the-fuli fury 0 for the loaj Ihelr vendettA. will we even los our membership In tho Dlnen iployes about <.|ub and the National Oeographl ta pro<^ng aocleVyr’ harvest sea- Hansen’s atatement soldi "Reji tely 80 em. resentntive Hording hns put prej ff-season. „yre on the air force ncadem season, the have mo removed from a non nploya about paid, non-political, voluntar >■ c«i«w» I) position 1 have held for fou have been noUfled, by ol llC C l ticuls at the academy that U ~ Harding objected to my servln T n f as a liaison officer for lh yj\j\> academy while holding llie ot , tice of slalo representaUve I D O IS6 / rw,i..flKv* polntS^*to this |^lt*on In 1B6B^ comHrt ll^nMn's statement said Uii rltlu rolei?- while iJafdlng waa li> Mah fif ■ fJinn* several weeks ago ho told anothe vioULinn of i^ir forco rescrvo officer "thnt h violation Of unhappy lo learn that ther .. ««» termed -Black Re wolrf «iK publicans' aervlng as llaslon oi i m]:« fleers In Idaho. Jio if reported 1 havo vowed to do^siniemin r »>K>ut it when he relumed t Matthews, % \vaohlngton. All throe of tli lop operator, ia|,ion offlcera whoi (c«<il>ai*4 ta P u t I, I) ister’s arrest ----------------------------------------------- Palla couniy t \ 1 n - .'.■ S n a D re v lo w R e p e ;ed u^ J^on- For Governe ° CIUIOMONT, Idaho, )an, : Ml thfl >ame ITl—Lleut, Oov. William E. Dre\ oinirlnce >ow. * » « « pplUlcal «:ar«er man ri tfl .nftiSr Mnderwcnt ampuUtloA of h . V . nouneed ho intends to lun f( railcr, U In governor. ;; iV. whlcli Ifi- ..Tlie ia.year.-old .Oraiimn accused of a rancher veteran of three tens beforo a Jus- j„ tho Idaho houso of repreaenta 1 the oounty ({y^, i^o in, Uis aUt« son llogedly was Mild, U\,hla itvtwunwraiu "1 have been given a clean bl ve the name of healUt by my doot^^n, Tli lustlce avail- good Lord has seoh ilt ta iIoi d. liowevor, mo down a bit physically. Bo b jounty antr* it. Msntallx. I am ai i^lart a at w on *81118 ever, for which I am ,deop1 n e r i « « « n « ffalefiiT.’? - ' - ------ ^ at«r wa« M- Drevlow was elected,llcutenai) govemoc In iQ&a ntui tino« Uut ^ T • iho Counties iident-Fl 'Cabinet ty Affair s’. Ji\u. SO (UIM).—I’l’t'sulcnt-Kennedy r a new uiljincl.lcvol lieimrtnieiil of iiilly neciK’d bccauso ‘'we linve pa.Hset > President.iiniKimn:cjl-pmjousl.v-thai hoiising administrator and n Ne>:ro, vg Is Scored Officers Ouster second district Rcp. RalplrU. Harding, essnrc on the air. forcc academy” to .’c political opponent, State Ucp. Orval ills. Republican cahdidiite for congrcss, utnik, Twin Falls bu.Hincssman nnd nn .n, removed from their jobs ns air nison officers was leveled here today, ling a statement nnd a copy of n letter i s X _ J o h n-.i . • ' •' I S S! Terror Plan £ : ^ By Rightists; ::::::: mts.'Aigeria M hta Wnjh- ..ALaiERS.._Jan._30_tfl^l. saia ne •'w'n'j gcrla’s largest city moved neare: aback by to anarchy today as the right lUEKln.Palls -wing—Recret-army-organltalloi g_who-li-or stepped up-lts' campalgn"of te^' (Olscreening tor and Intimidation. I'y- ■ Defying ^ench securllv for^ee -the*full-ife*’ Kuropeati terrorists blew ^ 1 I and osser- special police hideout in Algler !en made In Monday, knocked out'power an< ng.added.-I electrlclty-ln-the-tlghtly gunrdei epartmecil ot administrative compound of Ro nvesUgallon. cher NOlr, 30 miles east of th ling’s requesl city, and launched a radio a'ppes ind dismissal u» the French army lo revolt. I-“te Monday night poUc “ urces reported several Uiefl ““f of .arms in the Algiers ar«. On holdup ol-a truck loade *'th suhjuachlne-guas, carrle out by Uiree men .dressed In rle candidate lor ^oijfce uniforms. Harassed .offlcltU, tbeltere force reserve behind barbed wire and armore cars In Rochet Noir, said Uie rdlng demand were flgbUng against heavy odd I opponent be because the terrorist under Ir force acad' bround had accomplices on vlt but ho and tuatly all levels of the admlnU ) Pfost also traUon. !ven remotely in one of Its most spectacula opponent get acts, the terrorist group aniaihti ------------- ------- a- palm-shaded vlUa overlooklni Maj. Clalbom Algiers with a bomb smugglei larding when into the building in a typewrite ifLcommltted .cnsf. .ButJad-^ ndett-the-debri r. by conlus- were some 30 membera of a spe father, Jack clal commando aet-up to seel <O0P) mem- out membera of the secret army atate leglsla- Three men survived, two Vlet namese and a Moslem. Ambu businessman lance workers said Uiey csrrlei nore than a 30 bodies from tho wreckage. Hansen Is " .. OOP oppon- rilfr'g;;: WiUiams^o— J Twin Palis /-i I Tfc nlk, "Who vrct Irrivatc « Aid in Plea _aoiBB.-Jan.-S0.{Bfa-8eM6lat; Of slate AmoI;l .Wllllama- sal. .If he will appeai m l conUo verslal district court legWatlv .lOeographlo apportlonmkt ruling ~ ihrougl M ‘>n private legal counsel, ha^ nutDrea* Williams said he would JnsU irco academy *“to an appeal to the high court fram a non- “* »°on « possible from a rulim I volSv Third 0 »“trlcl Judge Merll eid f ^ four S- Young of Boise which in cm ior u jho also of tho house >0 llflrf to ot- "pteimWllve.. >my thal Mr. Judge Young held In a sum 0 my serving mary judgment recently—In cer for the case brought {igalnat Williams b ding life of- Boise publlo relations man Oeorg esenlaUve In Oaeaar—that the IBfil apMrtion sfflce of rep- ment law was unconatlutlona wna Ilrst np- The order further prohlblte tlon In 1B6B." Williams from cerUfyIng leglsla int said Uiat Uve apportionment to tho 4 ta in Idaho counties on the basis ol the »1 t told another formula and aald that he shoul fleer "that he “*e the IMJ apporUonment lav rn that there Under the law an on the basi the IMO lederal census e 1! rcMrted to PoP“>*‘'on lhe memboi io someUiing ship tn the house next year woul retu m ^ lo Increase to 78 from ttie presen ^hree of the Under the likBl law membei ffleera whose ship would have Increased, cni I. C«N»ii 0 to M. Reports Candidacy vernorslup of Idahc lah'o. )an, SO he said, he h u aerved 180 daj llam E. Drev sa acUng chief execuUve of tt (Career many Oem Btate In the absence of R< sd when he publican Oov.. Robttt s. Bmyll lUoA Of hla ,11,0 popnUr lieutenant iorei mer, has an- nor and, president‘of Uie senat s to Jun for nifferad a blooet otot while 0: tli«e tw ni idfthb, ' lia w u flown 10 . spobn lUoSSoSi l«»tlt*l'Ihfl*.,.Ill-MM tH* Tibvorednor a tlmi near deaU; n a clean bill i.. v u unmiitiM iui 1“S t” to' .to! *'»” , ■ ilcallyr^Bo be Ho underwent » 'second’pre as alart as eauUonary oporaMon Oc^ JO 1 ed,11eutenant b m fitted wlUi / |iv artilloU A tlnoe Uien, Umb atttC noK «tUia 'Kith'%w x x' . . :■ . _ - i * Final * I EditioiT I TEN CENTS--j Pleads ! let Level airs Unit iit-Kennedy Unlay sent a !;lveplical con- - rtnieiil of uiljiui nffairs. He said tlie 1 Iiave pa.ssed from u rural to an urban j ijously-that-ho-would-name-Robcrt-G;— j n Ncirro, to head the department. It would incorporate a wi d e ' range of functions now handled by sei)aratc ngcn- cicH. ister '"'I""/ to l»»l"n; Dill ordMy .M Hep. Orval ned expansion.’ not explos^brt )r congress, said smrnW n,„ „nd„„ iT r S S S ? ' hcrcW a /, b = ™ v '.,S ,‘\n°a ’ of a letter nrens of our cities, w ithal ~ rlchnc&s of economic Plan h! htists^ = ‘ Jgeria « '■mion a o u „ r i „ SS. r-ormlmlon comioir.nyb?5SCT,|SSf^ npato-of t.t- u„„ swurtiy^tetpea. Jmder.our.federal eystenrttfior— ts blew up a emment.” ^n-vi.gor mmM rs “'n i ^ r ! L in dot K .- a y * ‘" ™ _,.,n„l.cf rrorlst under- ?^e President decided to iiiS- npllcej on vlr- ml* ^the reor^anlraUoh' p&n. f Uie admlnU- becomes effective'wlUUn 60 days unless vetoed by either ost spectacular »ftO’' th* group sniasbtd {j®}‘“ :?“les eQmmlltet pigeon- Ua overlooking ^ “ >« W ncr omb smuggled ^'>g“ l» tl o n . ___________ Boiids-- S r € 5 Get Bacldng'^ loslem. Ambu- _ O By Kendedy ---------- - WASHmO'TON, Jan. 30 On— ' _____5rMWenl_K^edy_aaked-oon-— S lO «ress todny for 100 million dol- lars to buy United Nations bonda '■vrni-A Md help ball the U. N. out of J lV ttlC 1^, Congo-MUsed flnatwlal crl- n l^lA a ^ strongly worded message, J. IC l l Kennedy declared the bond pur- lng - thtoujh I ? ' Pre.ld.nll.1 pl<« b u «1- sel, ready run mt6 controversy on B utnnM (n.ti Mpltol hill and Senate Demof lhe hlBh i u M««fleW of 's is s « ? 0 ts rs s n '!'" '-. lae which in" «ouae Speaker John W. Mc- f the house-of v r ; ?« ""S K S T t'i; iSiri rSpiSM inconaUutional, The debate appears likely to ier prohibited range over tho whole question of , llfylng leglilM country's role In Uie U. N. nt to tho 44 ^ -----------—-- --------•: ?iS'.t” l,.‘ ’’.n 5 ’u lJ Stresses Blamed m°o"nT.Viu In Auto Mishaps sral census ot ^0\SZ, Jan. SO On-A psychl- . iL *trHt told members of the Idnho I the member- here ^ V,guilt text year would and'hostility feellngs'nsv cause- m the present more acoldenta In Uie. United 1 law member- atatea tjjan speed or alcohol, increased, only jjr. Dale Cornell told the » peraona at Uto ono-dajf oooclavi ' ..................... Mondayvao-yenr’study of traf- flo accidents ahowed 86^100 mis- llaacy ti>P« wore attributed to causas J of people under/itreas; • M n liA W. O,^ Brlnglejp,-pelsf,'was ICIdllO elected pr^sMMt Ot vU» Idaho M iiSStatp to B^Ud i In northern -TO-'Uirte'-Oem • < . « " ? i 5 . . 'i ^ r “o S « h Hnpuiaied just construoUon o f. m minislra- Uon bulldlngi at rtit* hospital » 'second’pre* loupi at JJlao«ool,.’_.. Ion Oc^ 90 In .Ttie .dSMrtment i' |iv ar^lotftl Usa »t. t)M •U ta'intfum w UvQ^ ^VltbVc*M. to| irtiS5‘W ^ V 'A « tW ^

newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014-12-12 · —^—-Traffic Deatl Magic Valley . I ll?6t............. 1

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Page 1: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014-12-12 · —^—-Traffic Deatl Magic Valley . I ll?6t............. 1

— — -Traffic DeatlM a g ic V a l le y . I

l l? 6 t ............. 1.......

___ — 1962 ............ : ...... 3 ........

VOL. 43, NO. 290

H Natio J o r K i l• On Cut

PUNTA DEL ESTE. Jat io n a in c lu d ir iK th e U n ite A m e r ic n n c o n fc re n c e Voila d e b a te o n t h e i r r c s o k i t io i i f ro m t h e A m e r ic a i i fn n iil

' • l - a l c o n 'S l ‘icC n5~gf V e n e z u c f o r th® 1 4 - n a t io n p r o u p . r e | f e r e n c e m a j o r i t y , t o coiivol<

I Old Aget A nother a h l p m e n t of P booWeU oylUnSns benetlw ' r o f Kwlftl « c u rlty haa been .& received b r th e T hncs- S Newi.R M ort th a n 100 cople.t o(P th# booklet hav# been dU- •• fi trlbuted.C ■ y o u c»n get your copy of K “Your New Soclal Securl- E ty“ by pialUnR a dime to : ft the Tlmes-News lo cover . h cw t of bsndllnB and mall-

f i ^TTie o lte r wm b s to n iin - ' B ued for • lim ited time only. ;

Shoupaaims Censors Have Useful Roles

• — WABHXNOrTON.-Jftn.^O 1Oen David M. ShViip, marine 2 ,S » - ^ m a n d a n t . testified to- d«y tho PenUBOn's censoring of

— iM e c h " te x ts - to -k e e p -th e n i in Sm with na tional policy ••pro- tldes a useful eervlceA- -

th l«-v lew ^at-r» hearing by a special senate .sub­committee InvesllgatinF ch&igea

— bf-B eii»*«trom -T hurm ond.-D .. 8 C , th a t the censoring hns munled antl-com m unlst ipeech-

• M by ralUtary personnel. . Mllllary officers colled a s w lt-

' nuses have n o t specifically sup- ncited Thurmond’s contention. Bufc ioms-top-army-and-navy of- llcert hive characterized a good deal ol the .censoring .aa coprl- elom, eonfuaing,. a n d -without

■'dlKemlWa relationship to any a p p am t i»Ucy. -

^ o u p la id "no t one of my proposed public «peechM hns

-been changed, m n slightly, by the departm ent o f defense. And. he said, his subordinate oN

I tlcwa report “very few" of their ' speech textA have been changed

In substance and In every in- lUnce " lh e c hang ts n t r » n o t unreasonable."

J*air Seeldng-RayburnSeat InLow HouseBHEHMAN, Tejt., J a n . SO

Voteti decide today w hich of ' two Democrats, bolh pledged to-b*ck-thB-Kenneay-«ilmln>»‘r*tlon. will succeed th e la te 8 am Rayburn an cong reum an from Texas' lou rlh dlstrlcl.

Tha' enntestanta are a ttorney B, 0 . (Bob) aiagle , Jr.. who/iB plitfonn Is liberal, and atate Btn, Hay n o b ttU , whose v ltw -

--Tw lnt-li-a-inad6-mor#'conserv*= tlve.

f They entered today’s special tlwUon tutiolC by leadtnK a. Dec. U preliminary election. Roberls hsrt 8,1M voteji to Slagle's S,S4S. Pour other candidates, Including a Republican, received B.033

votes. *•Both candldatea stressed their

(loia tle.i to D em ocrat Rayburn, a member o f the house 411 years and iu speaker for IB yeara. . '^Vltli the candldiCCta'. vlaW-

polniA so close, few n a tional Is­sues hava arisen.

Tiie winner m ust run again In Hil» year’s prim aries and general •iKilon to hold h is aeat.

Potato Growers’ Meet Scheduled

' nuRLKY. J a n . . w - A m eet- ■nit of Mnglo Valley poUtc Itow ers.ttlll be h e i j - a t 8 p .m Wednesday In tha Durley Junloi

jhlih school auditorium , L. A a illtlle, member of Ihi n stb n a i po ta to advisory com-

announced today, aille tio said h s would reporl

a uieeilnR he a tten rttd V»»i > » « In WaBhlngton, D .,0 . con- W 'ln g proposed governmpnl ontroh on potatoes. H e urget

*!• Mn#lft vnlley po ta to gioweri

" “‘lonal po ta to advlson w^'HlKca la In the f ina l aUge< « dratiing r apud m arketing or- l h I ' c a T l n g a will be WiM “>« th e nation, he sta ted li.hi Ooleoatlon h a a , i

nil it.vhands trying to oU- ^ . ‘ program w hich will lJ<

I ^ 'J i c a l-to Idaho ir tlie acre-

o W K iS r *?

I'OR K l U i D e i . SO O ath 'do n " " " BrAUllo Ama-t ^ Q'lewvdft, 47, .yiM flKBCUteC

liy a OaaUo firing aqu»< AB>.H“" ‘" ’«voh ittonary ciiargM ‘i t t »hot a fU r havlni

t“ r lu « a l a y ln g oi n i , i j * 'j^'^i'PPorlers, an offloW

Deaths ---------(o g le

'o H cy . Id o h o —

1...... ....... :- l5 '- 3 ...... ------------------------------

_______ ' mr”

t io n s ^ s lL MlDeibate^ ]uba Ouster:STE. Jan. .”.n ( L T l)_K oiirtcen na- le United Slate? ii.' keii the inter- nee Voil-ay to s lan fiill.dre.ss floor c.‘<oliitio!i to 0115=1 Cuba immediately

l'lo»JL ciiaii-man Marco.-t Venezuela wa? asked by sjiokcsmen

jroup. rcprc.<critiMR a tw o-ihirds con- Lo convoke a plenary session fo ^ th e ir

.-.(arguments. P u rp o se ^ f 'th (--------- -f;|-Tlc\v-9lralep^*^vaH-t^vo^oldg To end the closed door ses-e n t of I which a compro-b e n c n u ■ ’*''** sought on thiM been ' "‘'' 'r d " ^nd •'soft" positions tak •nrnffc • re.ii)ccl lo Cuba and

apparently, lo have indlvldua r.nU« of -i Stand up and bi•en dLv w un ied in th e final showdown

I t wns apparent Secre tary o; S tate Dean Rusk- had'ftbondonec

elforla io gel some of th« ^ ■’ American nMlow

nmie i(» ■■ to go along with th e conferenc( “ ; majority ou Iromedlnle actlo rd m all- against Cuba] conlin - ' U *natlou bloc held a ha lf-Ti.onlv ' a t m id-day a n t

' • named Rusk. Colombla’a Jos< nn icedQ -CaatUla-jm d_,UjuguflyJ Homero M artinez M ontero lo re-

l l t n c original a n tl-C u trc1 1 1 1 1 9 ‘ Colombian motion to Incorporate

U ruguay’s views,■ n V P . on ly . d ifference’ between

' th e Colombian and U ruguayar ^ 1 proposals was th a t the Colombian I A I P 4 propo.icd lhe confcrence Itsell W X \ . / 0 OU.U Cuba a rb itra rily w hile the 1-30 — U ruguayvacceptlnR-the principle ip~ m arine ' ' ’ou ld -have-the-O rganlzatlon 61 'Stifled to- American ulA tea c arry o u t th t•nsorlng of m e c h a n i c s . _____________~ th e n i" ln “ Redrafting o f l h e Co'lomblar >llcy *’pro- resolution would be , a l m ^ Al ,A- - - • b ringing-In as m any a n tl-O a s tn v ie w -a t-a votes-*s-posslble-to-botst«>‘" th l en ate .sub- 14-natlon bloc's bare tw o-thirds ig ch&igea conference maJorlVy.•mond.-D.. —’rho -U .-S .-posltion -ln -them ld - iorlng nos die o f th e controversy was i 1st speech- resu lt o f Ruck’s desire to line u j .el. a i m any \o tea aa possible fo r wled a s w it- an tt-Cftstro resoluUon even 1 Ically sup- h e had to w ater down th e resolu contetitlon. tlo n to w in over som e recalcJtd-navy of- r o n u r ------------------------sed a good appeared certa in th a t a fim

resolution could m u s te r th e i I* votes necesaao'- fo r passase , buIp to any w anted to‘ w ln o v » one o

, tw o ot tJie ho ldou ts—prefcrabl: " I “ niftJor .na tions lik s A rgentina

BnizU o r Chile. . . , d efense" Colombia, whoso m otion con

rd inale o f- '»«’'« * prtaenV lorelgn m ln V” of the ir conference <uid w hose d raf n chanaed reso lu tion Rusk appeared wllllni every in - I® compromlse-.iKuild not^agree. « 7 r . n o t N either would Q uatam ala am

t h e o the r C en tra l Amerlcoi___ _ _ c oun trles-w ho h iv e deniandei

, strong action fa s t again st Cas^ | » n r tro ’s com m unist regime.

--------■I’n i i to u g B tfa tah d got a baosC J ' i yesterday from a n unexpecte o A f l t Quarter when H aiti sw itched d ra

m atlcally from th e "go alow” t th e "do I t now" group,

o u s e However, tho "soft" lactlor Including Mexico, Bolivia an

in . 80 1^-- ohlle , a lto appeared ready t w hich of Btand firm ag a ln tt th e Colom

W 'Ju f J 1" m .n re'Dlullon. c u n 11 lto .con ram inistra^ agreed on any ona o t sev ' la te 8am era l m llder versions proposed b m an from Rusk.

L P r e s i d e n t I s

- g i v e n R e p o r t

r S % S e c r e t a r jtg le's 8,015. W ASHINOTON, Ja n . 30 «7D- I, Including President K ennedy received Ived B.033 report from Press Secretar

P ierre BiHlnger on Salinger ■essed the ir P “ rl« With nua.iia 's chl«f S , b « r " w ™ •M K "™ *'' ■»'. . U J...71 ” > S .-8 0 H .t co m m u n lc tlm i I years. . T lie report preceded & Kenne [&.• visw- dr^B ftiinR eriuncirifieetlng wit tHtlnnni Is- Alexei Adzubel, son-in-law t

‘ P rn n le r N ikita 8, K hrushche, an d editor o t th e Bovlet govern

"’®nt newspaper lavestla. Adthu m d general scheduled t

a ttend,• Salinger retu rned laat nlgli

v e r s from a Paris week-end ostenal , 1 1 bly arranged to enable him t

m l l l e n " ' ' ’'B r w ith U. s . p ress officers 1 . . U U l l / U B rita in a n d ' W est Oeir m any. However, tho press secr«ley potato (n^y ,]gvoted m uch of hla time t i,'}^ I.K:!?; meetlhRs w ith -Mikhail Kil(i:i irley Junior p „ „ officer for th e SciM ’ of Hie lOTtlan »»M ts

Isory com-v r 7= 'i'w <‘-“»wiiiii n i iii in iii iin r i i day. j

to 'n rttS 'las l NEWS Blgovernmpot :Wrr—i

ito ’ giowera Ca NAVEIIAI,, Ja n . JO»w giowera po .ip n n ja (tia iohedulea Ilo advisory America's flra t m anned oi

f f i l l ’? ? ' ! . VIENTIAW!, U o . , J . n , jo Itl be held >i««leglnB th e iioTUvwettem l* o I, ho sta ted . »>«« reproujw d'allghU y more i ^lon h a s , a bevAral Vain a ttem p ts 19 ylng to oil- >nlnlitt7 of defense communiq

r tlie acre- UNITED NA'nONH. N . V„ . I approved," woM d to hav* lh a aeeurily «oi

0 |» IlnHla-a dem and (0 rtepen

m i n i'UN TA DEU M T B , Ur»iguaj PJl-A O atli- eluding th e Unltod SU tea tpd AUllo Ama* foreign 'm inister's conference a IS executed ing Cub& Immediately from th

£ 7 o iisS e f. W ASniN Q TO N , >»n. « m rU r having b a r uqreaaonablo literacy (oata pa iay ing c t •en t. l o .». heM iie-ienala-Jttdlef , an official eom mitUe was |< veo noUM (

U w n a a lh af B>Maar« I t nol

' i

T h ^ I a R i c ' ^ l l e y Ncwspapc

■ ■ T

teen na- _le inter- . i- , '*.ss floor lediately .r*,._Mai:co.s. .■ okcsm en 1 .... ** *~ U f ‘irds con- fo iith e ir l ; e ^ f ' t h o hvo=fold; door ses-

compro- KIH on the sitlons ta k - U J L ^Cuba nnd. ■ •^ C a p ifc . i m S f

Individual I • ^p and be showdown.jcrc tary of ^

ome of th e \1 ■ 4 tn ntiUona ' \conference Jm e action. ^ ^

.eld a h a lf- l-day and b in 's Jose ^UAiguayJs te ro lo re - m tl-C ostro .Incorporate

Colombian W RECKED' BV XCE w aa thi* mce Itself » jo td th a t crum pled (he bridg. w hile th e p ier. Xtra spans of th e UOO-fe

s prlMlglCi ithetM T U tW rei'W heii-U 'eonajneinizatlon of ---------------------- :--------------------------y o u t th e ^ ^

DUffftr vjOir,a lm ^ a t - - --------

“S s '^ R e p ia i ir is-the m id- —Amalgamated S ugar cori sy was a m ated 250,000 tons more 1

manger.s reported Mondoy. il even If have sliced up 850,000 toll the resolu- season to 'rem oval of federi le recalcJt- -------------- ------------------------

£? ;5i'T, Addicts Sla£sase, b u t . '

isis!. Of Localollon . 0- T™'n Fulls .polite theo ria ■reign m ln - wcjre responsible fo r Sunda whose d ra f t bury’s Medical C enter ph ‘S S m “ OHIce™ P.oinlod out ;amiiiii and narcotics were stolen, "ant

A m erican ence with drug.i to tell the dem anded variety d f'd rugs to’be fbui

I j n s t Cas- nintcly $200 w orth of narci

Man Held in I ,„ .io„ Area Slayinglollvla and « -J-.-,

Jiiiiters rieasK Ita .jtM ll i —RUPBRTW anr^O—Wlills-Dettii one *®''* Hereford, SS, charged w ith the iroposed by jj„ ^ degree m urder of D errcll N

Worsham, entered a p lea of In- -------- nocent before Judge Edward

t T Heap In dU trlct c ou rt Monday. J . S Judge H eap also denied three

motions by Charlea Creason, at* «. torney for-H ereford ..F lrst,-a mo-

i D O l I lion to hnve th e cou rt appoin t ad- J r ditlonal le g a l‘counsel fo r Hpre-

ford wns denied. However, the C t a i V -«iu allow B herm an Bell-

J wood, Rupert a tlo rney , to ‘'as-w- ji. 30 «7D— clale" with th e defense.

A motion th a l an ln»-cstlgnloi o l>« ai'POlnted hy th e c o u rt nlsc. .. .M W w«* ‘’cn l"! Ijyin ia s chief contended th a t tlie defense

? • sdeauntely q uw tlon thenunicauons. ^ n n e ,„ g j„ th e case. In addl- d a K enne- non. Judge H eop ru led Hereford eetlng w ith },td waived hla r lg lit to a pre- i-ln .law of llm lnary hearing beforo th a pro- K hrushchev bate court nnd th e m otion lo <let govern- le tu rn to ptoUale cowrl waa de- Itia- A dtlju- nied.cheduled to motions w ere filed be­

fore Judge ‘H eap by Hereford'! la s t n igh t atlorney, .T lie f irs t waa to gain

md ostenal- acccss to the evidence th n t the bio him to prosecution now has, w hich the a officers in prosecution sa id they will g ran t W est a e r - and lha o ther motlol^ waa an

press secre. order tha t th e M lnidokn count) h is time to coroner conduct a n Inquest,

khalt KhfCr- Judge Heap hns th e aecond mo- fo r th e So- tlon under advisem ent and will ign allMTS, n»l6 on U In Uw nex t (ow day i.

II., Ja n , SO HTD^The federal sp«ce Bgenny to- cheduled laundhlng ol aalronaut Jo h n O lenn . . n i i i l . r t l l .1 ( illM >• T u . . d . , , r . b , I I ,

Jn n . 30 ”iw#—Pro-communist rebel forces e* tem lA oU an provlMlal c ap ita l o t N am Tlva tly moro tiian four'm iles sou th pf tlio town ilem pU t 9 penetrote royal armpr defenses, a communlQUt; safil lodny.

H N v l J a n .7 o V iilled Hates h a ioiuri'iy 'eooncll adjeum today w ithou t la k ln | (0 r tep e n th a Cengb d»b«le.

D Uruguay. Jan! M m-Tourtoen nations In- a t2 « & «PPr“ved for aubmlsslon to the

i n If nol clfand ta » «»»»•

_________________ ______'v A -

W . <1 —

Newspaper Dcrficatcd to Serving and

t o n " f a l l s . IDAHO, TUi

'E w as th is bridge over th« R aw riv e r n e a r d (he bridge, but lightly packed m oving Ice the UOO-foot-long bridge tum bled In to th e lU -co lU p iednT he-b rtdge-w aa abou t « 0 ^ tw l

GompanyJHanrt^ecordrtorSugar c6iftpjlnyplaiit.s"aC Tw m 'Fall.s ns more beets this season th an duri . M onday. The two plants a t £he comi 0,000 tolls of beets. B oth m anagers ; 1 of federa l acreage allotm ents. T he 1

s Suspected jocal Burglary:e th eo rig ^ T u e sd ay th a t driig addicti for S u n ^ y n ight’s burglary of K ings ’en te r pharmacy, 608 Shoup avenut inted out th a t only th e mo«t powerfu olen, "and a man has to have experi 6 te ir th e difference.between th e largi to 'b e found in a pharmacy.” Approxi h of narcotic.^ 5110 in caah and abou

] • were stolen, accordinff t1 11 Lloyd E. Mason, store own

e r. 'Thieves punched a seven b 16-lnch hole In th e roof o t th

y J l l l S l building to gain entry.” Tho breakin occurred betwee

10:30 p.m, Sunday and B:30 s j i I- I t ^ c t S M onday, A brace and b it v.a

.7 5 f ‘"8 0“ opening, police snU)i u e rrc i i r t . The thieves—police believe-a

ui!!:; two cooperated In th ? Jo b -appn ren tly kicked o u t a seet M onday. f[(,„ slieetrock a n d acoua lenled th ree loweredR eason , a t-

snld, - .................-a i ^ l n t nd- ^h e draw er whero narcollcs a r

p ried open, police re . “ Wlnif th e en tirsrm an n e ll- ^ by lh>y. to «'as.«- ihicvcs.

Monday, police "dusU d" th investigator store for fingerprints, ond c u r

I c o u rt also t tn l ly a re aVVempllng to aot I Heap. T he out th e m any fingerprints th i tile defe iue effort produced.

Uttsllon th e Although no tuspecU w er 10. In add l- nam ed by police, oflfcers did not- ed H ereford an Idenllcai burglary was com t to a p re- m illed a week ago In Dolse. Ai iro th a pro- officer noted, too. th a t " ‘Junklen

m otion lo (underworld parlance for drui u r t waa d e- nddlots^ d r ill Into and out 0

town all th e time."■ere filed be- ------------------------------

KennV Officials "‘.f 'l 'S !5; Face Charges in

Kickback Fraudn . <l'‘y indicted th ree form er offlcL H»?. Ini'! of th e Sister K enny founda I lew days. fo u r Chicago advertl.am x s u x s a i executivea on charges of mal • I frnud and conspiracy.J C Tho form er executive directoS O . o t tho foundation and th e lorma

publicity agent were charged wltl USEtiDKUik taking klckbiioks tota ling fSfiO,

000 from charitable donations. lo)m i i i r im The fmir Chicago extoullve . Feb i s Jvere M oused of making^ th

paym ents In re tu m for dlrec ■oU«l lo r e . , m .ll < d v .r ll.li il c» i.lr .cU will It N am Tlva the foundation. i t tlio tow n T he foundation’s form er audi defenses, a lo r waa charged w ith falsify n

reports to dUguise foundatloi m ailing costs under luoh lioad

! Hates haa lugs as -modloal e d u o a t lo n ^ i hou l ( a k ln | U nlnlng” an d “publlo relaUons.


ju tion ousl J

‘ w as arreatod by FJU agenU h e rliropesal to Jaat n tgh t .ln connection, w ithleolfoni was |3P7,M4 embosalemenl a t th[ciraTer.Hbt f in t-N a tto n irB « W C ^ o r '» tf lW ia U I^d*d p«., of Whlon to* U e tialrm an 0ik. ’ ^ th* boMd.' •

. 'I , ■ • .

rving and I’ronuilin^ the (Iruwth of


B n '

r iv e r n e a r E ndora, K ans. I t w asn 't (00 heavy m oving Ice th a t leveled a concrete and steel ;d In to th e w aler. T here were no vehicles on o u t «0 ^ te«t-hlK h.^(A P-w lrephoto)-.- — ’

lantsdnArea=foriProcessmg\vlri'Fall.s“iVird'Piuil proce.ssed an est! th an du ring nny previou.s year, plan ; th e completion of processing runs wil lanagers a ttrib u te the record breakin] nts. T he Twin Falls plant was expectci

to complete its run Tues

d day, Robert B. Day, plan m anager noted. E . R. Blai - . er, Paul p lan t managci

1 sa id th e processing ru n a t Paicompleted no la te r tho

« Tt 1 '^ 6 T w in P a lls p lan t processe Ug a d d i c t s 450i«00 tons of beets th is see o f K i n g s - Day adding U\at i m

i n a v p n iip “®” » w**"® grown In th e Twl j p a v e n u e com pared to M.wt p o w e r i u i acres In 18G0. . , . v e e x p e r i - Average yield w ^ 33.9 toi 1 t h e l a r i r c P®*" « c re - - i '“? C y e “f S - averat » A 20.5 tons per acre, h e nolci

A p p r o x i - T he pbuI p lan t will have prc a n d a b o u t cessed abou t 400,000 tons a t th • t t g a t e t t e s « im p l e t i e t t - e ( - t t s - n m r - B lw •o r d in tr t o Is nearly 100,000 tor. o r a m g xo processed Ins to r e o w n - single season before, h e empho 1 a seven by sized. ■ .

roof o t th e Paul area fnrm ers p lan ted JO itry . 000 acres of b e e ts ' th is purred betw een growing aenson, he noted. I md S:30 s jn . i860, 20.000 acres were pianU and b it v .as in U\e area, T lie average sW . lo - th e - r o o f p e n c r r w a r 'd o w n ' t h i s seaso le by punch - in th e pnu l p la n t areii. ', police snld. Farm ers realized an average ( :e believe- a t 10,4 ions pe r acre th is year cg»u •rated In th e pared to lfl,4 tons per acre 1 ed o u t a sec- 1000, B lauer noiW . t a n d acous- Doth p lanU will continue t I lowered a employ a sm all crew, to do main OK, offlcef* Unonca..work-On_iaciory_equlp

' m ent In prepara tion for the lOfl narcollcs a re pfocesalng aeason. n, police re - Tho p ,u | p lan t employee abou L th e en tire 200 persons during Its prooesaln ver by th e season, 370 during harvest sea

, son and approxim ately 80 em ’dusU d ’ th e pioyes during tho off-season, ts, ond c u r- D uring processing season, th lng to aoTt Tw in P^lls p lan t employs abou erprln ts th is (c*iiiiii**4 r>i* >, C tim n i)

is ;'3 ia ™ « Man Wanted7 was com-

By T. F. LetCO for drug . J .

•“ " Go in Boise» • I Twin l ^ l l s Olty DoleotlvICialS R l o h a r d F rasie r complainei

• 'n w ith ^ Boise; a u ih o r l tlu releasi>‘P R i n M a m an n« u se d of a felon

I S I violation 0

FraudIf. T l'e m an was IdenUfied a

tn . =‘'" s e d wit;Krand larceny: E as ter is'accuse

L ? n « of stealing a ha irdryer, value a t «(W, from U, H . Matthews,

r.f m il l a n e s of m all

A w arran t fo r BasU r’s arrei y \v , . *«u9d by T w in Palla counl

JusUce of th e Peace Robert 1

U S i o J .» Th® P'o''e<> up Mon^ a k C thS b ^ ju f io ru i c a m DoUe,

n irac ls ''w lth E aster w as relewied tiio sam , jtay on ' hU • own recognlsanci

>.idl- aasorled, by a n Ada coun iy Jw uoo of Uio peace, to appea

1 “ fo ,m ffiG n _______________ 6* auDli Ijoad- This, contends P ta ilc r , la I

luM llon an'd flol^ tlon o l w hlcli i t lo r e la tio n s" auircs U iat » (nan accused of ______ felony be a rraigned before a Juj

“ U}» o r l 'h i ullogedly wai^n, JO rcm — oominllted. . •; p res id en t' of F r u ie r did n o t have the nam ra d ia trict I, of the Ada county Justice avail

a sen U he re ablV, He m entioned, howevoictlon w ith * * T V ln TalU county a n tt e n t a t th e deputy WM "botlveon'B lls r^ o f 'f ttf lW r, M il - M o u n M U tf-n o m erw w iin e tialrm an o r lor^^ Ue" w hen B«at«r wa« r«

r m v th o f N in e I r r i g a t e d I d a h o C o u n t!

V 3 0 , 19G 2 ____________________________

J l ^ e s i d i O o r € & City; i 5 3 W A S H IN G T O N ’ . J i \u . SO

grc.>is h i s p la n f o r a n ew i- a g e n c y w a s u r g e n t l y n c c il

__ w a y o f l i f e .” T h e P r c s id e n^ ’ e a v e r , f c 3 c r n l h o i i s in g »

^ Harding I ForOffii

h •' - ‘■I A 'c h a r g e t h a t se co n d d is D ., I d a . , “ iTUt p r e s s n r c on h a v e a p r o s p e c t iv e p o lit ica l

I H a n s e n , I d a h o F a l l s , R e p u b

a n d L . J a m e s K o u tn ik . Tw . a c t i v e R e p u b l ic a n , rem o v i f o rc e a c a c lc m y l ia i s o n o ffii H a n s e n , in r e l e a s in g a s t a t

-B O »L to -M aj> -L cw is T . J o h n s o n o f t h e a c a d e m y , s a l i H a r d m g . r e p r e .s e n t in g S ^ n F r a n k C h 11 r c h a n d R e p

Gntclc Pfost, objcctcil lo h i MtvSng aa Unison o lllcer 'k\\\\< holding the officc o t sla te repre

t (00 heavy scninllve. e and sleet Rep. H arding, when conlacl« vehicles ct> by th e Tlm cs-N ews a l lita W ^ h-

----------------- completely t a k e n aback b;____ charges_orlglnallng.in_lK ln.PalL

• O Q ___ th a t I_ n m d lc ta llng_w ho-li-o ;. V 'C v w ho Is n o t Sl member of scieenlni

team s o t any academ y. ■— “Aa-eoon-aa-1 get t he-full-rfe

%1 T 1 l J ^ ta ils o f the charges and aascr 7 J . J L I . & t lo n s . th n t have been made li _ , _ _ Z r _ .T\s'in.Falis.’i:H ard lng-added .-!.' :d n n e s t i - in tend to ask th e departm ent 0 ■pnr n ln n f defense fo r a fu ll InvesUgaUon.

’ ' H nnsen said H arding’s requeag r u n s \y il l aismlssal. a n d dismlsstd b r e a k m g of K outnik and reserve M aj. Wll 13 e x D e c te d Unm Clalbom . Kimberly, cam r u n T u p s before Uie Idaho PnlLs attorrie

n announced his candidacy fcD a y , p l a n t jjc o n d congressional dlslricl rej; B . R . B la u - resentaUve. A t p resent, Hanse

m a n a g e r , is the.only--G O E.-candld(lle 1< ru n a t Pau l th e pos^

Qo la te r th a n K outnik, a n a ir force resen captJUn, com m ented:

a n t processed .-Not only d id Harding deman th a t h is Republican opponent b

Jg th a t a o ^ removed from h is a ir force acad V 'o W n emy assignm ent, bu t ho an

ed to 16,000 Church and (Mrs.) P fost als « . . . demanded anyone even remotel

V associated w llh h is opponent gea t s average th e n x e ," - ----------------- ------------« , h e noted. Koutnik added, "M aj. Clalbor 11 have p r ^ reinstated by Hnrding whe:

tons a t the h» rilsenvered h /h n r ia first-class b lunder by conlus

100,0M tons Jn - h in f-w lth hU father, Jac K w e d In a c lalbom . who Is a (0<iP) mem . h e em phn- i ja h o s ta te ieglsla

: j)lanted JO.- ^ lie Twin P a lls buslnessmai s th is p asl contended "It U mora than 1 a noted. In coincidence" th a t Hansen 1 m e p lanted H arding’s potenUal O O P oppon tverage yield enL -and -M rs-K ou tn lk Isjiecre

th is season tary of the "Hansen for Con areli. ' gress" committee in Twin Pallin average Of county.lls year cc»n- concluded K oulnlk. " W h per aero in . . , w hat can happei

next? Is our membership on Ui contlnua to M arch of Dimes committee t to do m a in , b j jna tched away? W hen the

iciory equip, f in a l ly - t e lm e - th e - f u l i fury 0 for the loa j Ihelr vendettA. will we even los

our m em bership In tho Dlnen iployes about <.|ub and the N ational O eographl ta p r o < ^ n g aocleVyr’harvest sea- H ansen’s atatem ent soldi "Reji tely 80 em . resentntive H ording hns pu t prej ff-season. „yre on th e a ir force ncadem

season, the have mo removed from a non nploya about paid, n o n -p o litica l, voluntar >■ c«i«w» I) position 1 have held for fou

have been noUfled, by ol l l C C l t ic u ls a t th e academ y th a t U

~ H arding objected to m y servlnT n f as a liaison officer for lh

• y j \ j \> academy while holding llie ot , tice of sla lo representaUve I

D O I S 6/ rw,i..flKv* polntS^*to th is |^ l t* o n In 1B6B

c o m H r t ll^ nM n 's sta tem en t said Uiir l t lu rolei?- w hile iJafd lng waa li> Mahfif ■ fJinn* several weeks ago ho told anothevioULinn of i^ir forco rescrvo officer " thn t hviolation Of unhappy lo learn th a t ther

. . « « » te rm ed -Black Rew o l r f « iK publicans' aervlng as llaslon oii m] :« fleers In Idaho . J io if reported 1

havo vowed to do ^ sin ie m inr »>K>ut i t when h e re lum ed t

M atthews, % \vaohlngton. All th roe of tlilo p operator, ia |,ion offlcera whoi

(c«<il>ai*4 ta P u t I, I)ister’s a rrest -----------------------------------------------Palla couniy t \ 1 n -. ' . ■ S n a D r e v l o w R e p e

;ed u ^ J^on- For Governe‘ ° CIU IO M O N T, Idaho , )an , :Ml thfl >ame ITl—Lleut, Oov. W illiam E. Dre\ ” o in ir ln c e >ow. * » « « pplUlcal «:ar«er man

r i tfl .n ftiS r Mnderwcnt ampuU tloA of h

. V . nouneed ho in tends to lu n f( railcr, U In governor. ; ;iV. w hlcli Ifi- ..T lie i a .y e a r . - o ld .O ra iim n accused of a rancher veteran of th ree tens beforo a Jus- j„ tho Idaho houso of repreaenta 1 the oounty ({y^, i^ o in , Uis aU t« son llogedly was Mild, U \,h la itv tw u n w ra iu

"1 have been given a clean bl ve the nam e of healUt by m y doot^^n, Tli lustlce avail- good Lord has seoh i l t ta iIoi d . liowevor, mo down a b it physically. Bo b jounty an tr* it. M sntallx . I am a i i^lart a at w o n *81118 ever, fo r which I am ,deop1n e r i « « « n « ffalefiiT.’? - ' - ------ ^at«r wa« M - Drevlow was elected,llcutenai)

govemoc In iQ&a n tu i tino« U ut T •

iho Counties

iident-Fl 'Cabinet ty Affair

s’ . Ji\u. SO (UIM).— I’l’t'sulcnt-Kennedy r a new uiljincl.lcvol lieimrtnieiil of iiilly neciK’d bccauso ‘'we linve pa.Hset > President.iiniKimn:cjl-pmjousl.v-thai hoiising adm inistrator and n Ne>:ro,

vg Is Scored Officers Oustersecond d istrict Rcp. RalplrU. Harding, essnrc on the air. forcc academy” to .’c political opponent, S tate Ucp. Orval ills. Republican cahdidiite for congrcss, utnik, Twin Falls bu.Hincssman nnd nn .n, removed from their jobs ns air nison officers was leveled here today, ling a statem ent nnd a copy of n letter isX _John-.i . • ' •'

I S S! Terror Plan £ : ^ By Rightists; ::::::: mts.'AigeriaM hta Wnjh - . .A L a iE R S . ._ J a n ._ 3 0 _ t f l^ l . sa ia ne •'w'n'j g crla’s largest city moved neare:

aback by to an archy today as the right lUEK ln.Palls -wing—R ecre t-arm y-organ lta llo i g _ w h o -l i-o r stepped up-lts ' campalgn"of te^' (O lscreening to r a n d Intimidation.I 'y- ■ D efying ^ e n c h securllv for^ee-the*full-ife*’ Kuropeati terro rists blew ^ 1 I and osser- special police hideout in Algler !en made In M onday, knocked out'power an< n g .a d d e d .- I elec trlclty -ln -the-tlgh tly gunrdei epartmecil o t adm in istra tive compound of Ro nvesUgallon. c h e r NOlr, 30 miles east of th ling’s requesl c ity , and launched a radio a'ppes ind dismissal u» the F rench arm y lo revolt.

I-“ te M onday n ight poUc “ urces reported several Uiefl

““ f o f .a rm s in th e Algiers a r « . Onho ldup o l-a truck loade

* 't h suh juach lne-guas, carrle o u t by Uiree m en .dressed In rle

candidate lo r ^oijfce uniform s.H arassed .offlcltU , tbeltere

force reserve beh ind barbed wire and armore c ars In R ochet Noir, said Uie

rdlng demand were flgbU ng against heavy odd I opponent be because th e terrorist under Ir force a c a d ' b round h a d accomplices on vlt bu t ho and tua tly a ll levels of the admlnU ) P fost also traU on.!ven remotely i n one o f Its m ost spectacula opponent ge t acts, th e te rro r is t group aniaihti------------- -------a- pa lm -shaded vlUa overlooklni

Maj. Clalbom Algiers w ith a bomb smugglei larding when in to th e building in a typewrite ifLcommltted .cnsf. .B utJad-^ n d e tt- th e -d eb ri r. by conlus- were some 30 membera of a spe father, Jack clal com m ando aet-up to seel

<O0P) mem- ou t membera of the secret army a tate leglsla- T hree m en survived, two Vlet

nam ese a n d a Moslem. Ambu businessman lance w orkers said Uiey csrrlei

nore than a 30 bodies from tho wreckage. Hansen Is " ..

O O P oppon-

rilfr'g;;: WiUiams^o—J Twin Palis / - i I T fc •

nlk, "Who v r c t I r r i v a t c

« Aid in Plea_aoiB B .-Jan .-S 0 .{B fa-8eM 6lat; Of s la te AmoI;l .W llllama- sal.

. I f h e will appeai m l conUoverslal d is tric t court legWatlv

.lO eographlo a p p o rtlo n m k t ruling ~ ihrougl M ‘>n private legal counsel,

ha^ nutDrea* W illiams said he would JnsU irco academy *“ to a n appeal to the high court

fram a non- “* »°on « possible from a rulim I v o l S v T h ird 0 »“tr lc l Judge M erll eid f ^ four S- Young of Boise which in cm io r u jho also of tho house >0l lf l r f t o o t- " p te im W llv e ..>my th a l M r. Ju dge Y oung held In a sum 0 m y serving m ary judgm en t recently—In cer for the case brought {igalnat Williams b ding life of- Boise publlo relations man Oeorg esenlaUve In Oaeaar—th a t th e IBfil apM rtion sfflce of rep- m ent law was unconatlutlona wna Ilrst np- T he order fu rther prohlblte tlo n In 1B6B." W illiams from cerUfyIng leglsla int said Uiat Uve apportionm ent to tho 4 ta in Idaho counties on th e basis ol th e »1 t told ano ther form ula and aald th a t he shoul fleer " th a t he “*e th e IM J apporUonment lav rn th a t there U nder th e law an on th e basi

th e IMO lederal census e 1! rcM rted to PoP“ >*‘'on lhe memboiio someUiing sh ip tn th e house next year woul

r e tu m ^ lo Increase to 78 from ttie presen ^hree of the U nder th e likBl law membei ffleera whose sh ip would have Increased, cni I. C«N»ii 0 to M.

Reports Candidacy vernorslup of Idahclah'o. )an , SO he sa id , h e h u aerved 180 daj llam E. D re v sa acU ng chief execuUve of t t (Career many Oem B tate In th e absence of R<

sd w hen h e publican Oov.. R o b ttt s . Bmyll lUoA Of hla ,11,0 popnU r lieutenant io re i mer, has an - n o r and, p res id en t‘of Uie senat s to Jun for n ifferad a blooet otot while 0:

t l i « e tw n i idfthb, 'l i a w u flown 10 . s p o b n

l U o S S o S i l « » t l t * l ' I h f l * . , . I l l - M M tH *T ibvorednor a tlm i near deaU;

n a clean bill i . . v u u n m ii tiM iui

1“S t ” to' . t o ! * '» ” , ■ilcallyr^Bo be Ho underw ent » 'second’ pre

a s a lart as eauU onary oporaMon O c^ JO 1

ed,11eutenant b m f itte d wlUi / |iv artilloU A tln o e Uien, Umb atttC noK « tU ia 'K ith '% w x

x ' . . :■

. _ - i* Final * I EditioiT I

TEN C E N T S --j

P le a d s ! let L ev el a ir s U n itiit-Kennedy Unlay sent a !;lveplical con- - rtnieiil of uiljiui nffairs. He said tlie 1 Iiave pa.ssed from u rural to an urban j ijously-that-ho-would-nam e-Robcrt-G;— j

n Ncirro, to head the department. I t would incorporate a w i d e ' range of f u n c t i o n s now handled by sei)aratc ngcn- cicH.

ister ■' " ' I " " / t o l » » l " n ; Dill o rdM y .M H ep . O rv a l ned expansion.’ no t explos^brt

) r c o n g re s s , said smrnWn , „ „ n d „ „ i T r S S S ? '

h c r c W a / , b = ™ v ' . , S , ‘ \n ° a’ o f a l e t t e r nrens of our cities, w i th a l

~ rlchnc&s of economic

Plan h!htists = ‘J g e r i a « '■mion a o u „ r i „ SS.

r - o r m l m l o n c o m i o i r . n y b ? 5 S C T , | S S f ^n p a to -o f t . t - u „ „

swurtiy^tetpea. Jm der.our.federa l e y s te n r ttf io r— ts blew up a em m en t.” ■ ^n -v i.gor

m m M r s“' n i ^ r ! L

in d o t K . - a y * ‘" ™ _ , . , n „ l . c f

rrorlst under- ? ^ e P residen t decided to iiiS - npllcej on v lr- ml* ^ th e reor^anlraU oh' p& n. f Uie admlnU- becomes effective'w lU U n

60 days unless vetoed by e ith er ost spectacular »ftO’' th* group sniasbtd {j®}‘“ :?“ les eQm mlltet pigeon- Ua overlooking ^ “ >« W n c r omb smuggled '>g“ l» tlo n .___________

Boiid s-- S r € 5 Get Bacldng'^loslem. Ambu- _ O

By Kendedy---------- - W ASH m O 'TO N, Ja n . 30 On— '

_____5 r M W e n l_ K ^ e d y _ a a k e d - o o n - —S l O «ress todny for 100 million dol-

la rs to buy United N ations bonda '■ v r n i - A M d help ba ll th e U. N. ou t of J l V t t l C 1^, Congo-MUsed flnatw lal c rl-

nl ^ l A a ^ s trongly worded message,J . I C l l K ennedy declared th e bond pu r-

lng - th to u jh I ? ' P re .ld .n ll.1 pl<« b u «1- sel, ready ru n m t6 controversy onB utnnM (n.ti M pltol h ill and Senate Demof lhe hlBh i u M ««fleW of

' s i s s « ? 0 t s r s s n ' ! ' " ' - .lae which in" « o u a e Speaker Jo h n W. Mc- f the house-of

r » v r ; ? « " " S K S T t ' i ;

i S i r i rSpiSMinconaUutional, T he debate appears likely toier prohibited range over tho whole question of ,llfylng leglilM country 's role In Uie U. N.nt to tho 44 ^ -----------—-- --------•:

?iS'.t”l,.‘’’.n 5 ’u lJ Stresses Blamed m ° o " n T .V iu In Auto Mishapssral census o t ^ 0 \S Z , J a n . SO O n-A psychl- . i L * trH t to ld members of th e IdnhoI the member- here V , g u i l ttext year would a n d 'h o s ti lity fee lln g s 'n sv c au se - m the present m ore acoldenta In Uie. United 1 law member- a ta te a tjja n speed o r alcohol, increased, only j jr . D ale Cornell told the »

peraona a t Uto ono-dajf oooclavi '..................... M o n d a y v a o -y e n r ’study of tra f -

flo acciden ts ahowed 86^100 mis- l l a a c y ti>P« wore a ttribu ted to causas

• J o f people under/itreas; • M n l i A W. O ,^ B r ln g le jp ,-p e ls f, 'w asI C I d l l O elected pr^sM M t Ot vU» Idaho

M iiS S ta tp to B^Ud i

In northern -TO -'U irte '-O em •

< • . « " ? i 5 . . ' i ^ r “o S „ « h

H npuiaied ju s t construoUon o f . m m in islra- Uon bu lld ln g i a t r t i t * hospital

» 'second’ pre* lo u p i a t JJ lao«oo l,.’_ . .Ion O c^ 90 In .T tie .d S M rtm e n t

i' |iv a r^ lo tf tl Usa » t. t)M • U ta 'in t f u m w U vQ ^^ V l tb V c * M . t o | i r t iS 5 ‘W ^ V ' A « t W ^

Page 2: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014-12-12 · —^—-Traffic Deatl Magic Valley . I ll?6t............. 1

T tw p f i

SNOW F L U ^ I E S i r e - e x p k U tn and <n « p a r i o f th e .m O rckt U k n refloD , (be nor th> Oulf tU te « a n d th e w ntl

T uesdoy, Jo n . 3 0 , 1962' 2 Twin Foils Time5»New3

- ^wo-GrashesAreReporte(BURLEV. J a n . 30 — Icy ro

contUtlona caused tw o m inor i cJdeoU Jn B urJe / over U10 wet

. end.-A JM I C h e n o te l driven

L eonard B . Combs. 17, Pau l, ci ] lded w ith a 19S7 Chevro driven by Leon Je d Ewer,'

. Burley, on 0?erU ind avenue P day. T he Bwer c a r h a d slow dow n for traffic a n d th e Com c a r follOTlng v a s unable to «t

I because ot Jce on th a s trK l. f Uce said.

Dam age w as estim ated a t i to the IM l Chevrolet and a t I to th e 1987 Chevrolet.

A t ‘I :ta p . m . Sa tu rday In t_ l___ JOOO block on O verland aveni

d S 6 5 T « rd -d rtre n -b y -D e w a y W lnward. 31, Burlcy, -was h it

; th e rear by a 1050 chev ro ' driven by Jerry D. Peck, je , B t

ley.T ha ? o rd h a d slowed down i

ft c sr-Jn iro n t a n d th e Chevi le t, w hich was loUowlnB, cou

r a d t~ s l« p —becfcuse“ o f - t h e - l____ atreet, officers said. Dam ag«J — th # ;,C fiey rd e tji« 8 «stlm ated_

1180 and to th e Fo rd a t i i S T

^ a n k - N ^ r s h -HonoredatRit

- — ~ K iM tiB IU iY i-Ja n .-8 0 -ru n e i•errtces ior F ra n k A H orsh he ld Tuesday m onau ff a t R<

I \ Bolds funeral chape l w ith t Rev* M axtln T orrence offlclatli

D uets v e re su n s by M rs. Bla V roehlleh a n a M rs. Joe Froellc ] r . M rs, Jo h n BirreU v a » org

' ! . t iU t i P a llbearers w ere R adford Wi

I I k e r iJoe TroeUcl). Ir., N oel Ht I B rake T roehllch. Cecil J a oI a n d Ja ck Shropshire.

• Ooncludlner r ite s w ere held Sunset M em orial pork.

;; . Ernest Sandberg Paid Last Honer u n e ra l eervlces fo r S m ea t

Bandberg were he ld a t 11 a. 1 \iesday a t th s T w ia FHlU mot

!.. u a ry chapel w ith th e Rev, Jol , '1 K oelsch officlatlnB, i -I Mrs. Nellie Ostrom, w aa e r iaI T 1st u d sol^Ut. --------- ---------4 'P " Pallbearers w ere Roy Brool I K K ar l Patrick. R . J . Hawes. W ! ■ la rd Rees, Jam es B rock « n Oeorge Rocks,II I Ooncludlng r ite s w ere helA j , t h e Tw in r a i l s cem etery.

] - |- M a g ic - V a l ]M&gic Valley Alemori

visiting hours In th e maU n lty w ard ar« from a to 4 a 7 to B p. m ,; in a ll o thera fn 11 a. m . to > p . m .

M n . TUy f u rm r, M rs. D an D orothy. T oni EdwaTda,^PleUl N ellsen, L eeter Allen. M rs. 0 «

■ Jlowa a n d M rs. WJlJlam Boire. T w in n a is : M rs, W alte r M; th iu e n and R ose O ary . Ix P ller; P ted W , Dodds', KUnbei

1 M rs. Deraid l ^ c h t . H anaen; U■ W illiam BtombauBh. Mra. P

I B each and M rs, R obert Oona ll Buhl! C harles Johnson , M taugh , a n d H arry K urta, Hoi ton.

■ ^ . . . D ISM ISSEDM n . P a u l P a tte rson 1

B | daughter, N ora Fa rris , M rs, . ■ m tlm r Cannon, M rs, C larenco 1!

r . Bins, A lbert O arbarl, T racy Jl and Rodney MoNew, a ll T

Ij I Falls-, M rs«Davld P o rte r a n d I 1 : K im berly; How ard W alton . I M n . Arole Sallee, b o th H ami ' Bonnla M alone, B uh l; Mrs, J i

Schlund. H ate lton : D o u g How ard. O akley, a n d J e r

A daugh ter w as b o m Tuei to M r. and M ra. R obert Coi B uhl, Sons w ere b o m Monda M r. a n d M i». Pau l B esch. l and M r. a n d M rs. K rneat Nlel Tw in F i l l i . __________

■ AUNT DIBB % tU R T A U aii, J a n . SO — F

I Brow n h a s received word ol

d e a th of h e f a u n t. Mra. Wi W llaon, 90, W reno, O hh .,-i r e s t hom e lit Ardniore, C fiunday m c rn l t i r

; ® H e lp K « e p (I W h i t e p l i

, of Sa r t s


- . . - -- -H o w -U daya wllhQut-a^ U a«to V ality trafflo deat

w V

are~exp«c(ed Tuesday n l f b t In Ibe eai ’( o f (he.no rtfaem riafn s . T( Will be eoMer. 0 , (he n o rth e rn M lulu lpp l valley a n d Ihe d th e son th A tlaiillo c o u la l lUCei. (AP wl-------------------- ¥ * ^ ¥ ■5 5 7 T 9 S T “ “ N E W to n K T Ja n rso -a -n M

. , ’the U. 8. w ealher bureau (n e S 'lN e w s inl«ns»«wi»J F»Uj . M Jnn, Th


i S l i e S - - » io R ’n tliD A jlO i_ M 05i i u Stomorrow, local m arh lng fos,

t f k T t P r l ^ to n ig h t 13MAGIC VALr.t;i'— F afr <hr.

3 — Icy , rood Jey log. L llde change In (en ivo m inor a c - j o « r valleja and 35 to 45 el« 'c r thff week-

TWIK p a l l s : Low lo st nl ‘|y n 6 o n 2 8 .

17, Pau l, col*i7 Chevrolet ftuii'" u><. win. led Ew er; IB. All.. i 11I avenue F r l- * j JJ• h a d slowed mu* r «d th e Combs m.-r \ "noble to sto p {’“'•i i ,\iHe s tr re l. p o - 1 4 .

iiuttc > i lm ated a t t io ‘ i \e t and a t »2o m i ?

■uiday In th e i I}?’land avenue. >\,,| w«.<k .70 za-by-D ew aync n w 1 i* jr. .WOS h it in50 C hevrolet I a«>eelt, je . B u r- j . JJ

w d down fo r j;JI, ™ » *j .th e -C hev ro - u . A n«i» - ......... - « «

lowing, could i-ui.viin ----------- i f- o f - t h e - l c y (■ ' — '— .. -----------— —

«^ M agic_K a)T n r o l t B O R L e r -F u n e ra l services •M M rO ll— : M re .-H a n le t^ m lc e -a fo u n g -J

P i f a be held a t 1 p in . F rid ay in a h 1V11>C Burley th ird ward L D S chapel ,-8 0 -P u n eraJ Bishop R obert.R am sey. conclt

H orsh w ere lng rite s w ill be he ld a t Pie u n g a t R ey- a n t View cemetery. F riends n Ml w ith th e call a t MeCulloch funera l ho ce officia ting. Thursday afternoon nnd even ly M rs. B lake and Friday u n til tim e of servi<Joe Froellch, ------------ill w a* orga- .BURLEY—P uneral services

. Mra. 'E lisabe th BaiE U dfordW al- Fewkes will be conducted a t r .. N oel N ew . i m . Thursday a t th e T h lrd -S l Cecil Jacoba u > a ward ih a p e l w ith Bishop '»• . Ruajell lr io oWfclatiJV. rW e w ere he ld a t nisy call a t M cCulioch funi

home W ednesday a fternoon 1 - r j — evening and u n til tim e of seni f i n P r O * Thursday. F inal r ite s w ill be h

n t P leasan t View cemetery.

: Honor —rop « m e « t V TW IN FA L L B -F unero l sed a t l l a ^ Johnsonn J W li P W ednesday a t? e ^ " S » ■White m ortuary ch ap c l w ith IB Kev, aonn

n w aa ora'an- Concluding rltea will be held

Roy Brooks, •. .........................Hawes. W ll- BURLBY—F uneral servlcea B rock a n d Mra. M innie Ire lan Reync

will be held a t 3 .p . m . Wedn w ere h e ld In day in th e Burley F irs t Me netery. odist church by th e Rev. E .

Valley HospitalsMemorial St. Benedict’s, Jeron1 th e m a te r- Visiting hou rs a t S t. BenedI \ a to 4 a n d hospital aro frotn 3 to 4 1 I o thera from from 7 to 8 p . m . In tho moi

n lty w ard a n d from noon tT O --------------- a n d -fro m -« -t4 > -* -P f~ m r-ln ,

M rs. D arrell medical a n d sunrlcfll wanl, a ida,^FleU her ADMITTEDn . Mra. O w en P rank O nleda, Shoshone; 1 llam Rowv, a ll Elsie Leland. W endell; q W alte r M at- Stubbs, R ichfield ; Mrs. Oo

G ary , bo th Standlee. T w in Foils; \ ds', KUnberlyi Oeorge slagel, M rs. W allace 1 H a iu en ; Mra, well. Fred Jackson, Mrs. A h, M rs. P a u l Stoy and Pam ela K lnkade. Mbert O o m l^ Jerome, ohnson, M ur- DISMI8HKDK urta. H o te l- E arl Lowry, W endell; C

Schook and Pam ela McDoi >ED ' both Shoshone; Melvin Nevktterson a n d P a tric ia Itosen, M ra. t>ovld Qi rrls , Mra, A r- ham a n d dnughter, and Mrs, C larenco Illg* K ennrdy, a ll Jerom e.:l, T racy H a rr n illT lIK .ow. a ll Tw in A daughter w as born to ■orter a n d aon, and Mrs. O erald Stanlee, ‘ I W alton and Falls, b o th H anseni —

C a 8 8 l a M em orialVUIlltig hours n t C«m I«

a n d Jcrom e hospHnl nre from 3;!4 and from 7 to 'B p.m, lu

P ™ ? . .“ . " n S . ,

w a U t . . M w llm M m o n tti • Burlcy; June Mny. Pnul, and

KWd, IJeclo._ n i.ih DIHMJBHKll

M » n r iT n f h.. 1l^ M ?s Id a I t '»»* K,n’ n ifia » •‘H Burlcy; M rs. ^^n■(Xla j r r t n ^ l ' nki*. n>i(«ttr a n d -L c o ir PicKeu .rdmore, Okla.,

J IIIU T IIH .■\ A (lauBDter ««« born to

I , , . , » » “ ''rt M rs. Laurence Browrr. p K e e p ( h i ley,IV h tte m g , — -

o f Sarvry-" —MinidoUu McniorlF l y t n s t Vislllnn hours n l M ln

. Memorlnl hiwiplUl are frc^ to 4 anrt frm n 7 to a p.m,'8 ADMITTED

T i ^ \ o t h i l W ? i 5 n r ^ ^a UiM, Mra. A nna K um p, Jay 'I anil Mrs. Olarenoe Oofflnni

y fl n u p e rl,,.a n d .M rs . Floyd Ohourtt, Altilnn,

W llh o u l-a - M f .Liiriin o«WrnB anu-ilm m htrr, niltrafflo death nntl D<*M«r ntiti

n«nke. bo th n tipe rl.


n th e e a ite m L akw area, the Ndrtheaitern be CoMer. on <fae nard i A lltn tle coait, tbe y a n d Ihe P la ln i ' staK i.' I t will be warmer.In M. (AP wlrephblo map)( V ■ ! ! . # ¥ * ■inrSO -atD ^.ThB-iow -lem peralurB-reported-lo

bureau (hla mornlnic was 26 below <(ro at , M inn . The h jf h yesterd a ; « a i Kt a l Mlram ir,

M ostly fair today, partly cloudy, tonight an n ln g fog. fuTlcTerhpcfBturo'chanKerlltBlrbal to n ig h t 15 to *30.

—P afr Ihrouch (ooiorrotr but considerable rai Ige In (em peraliire. High bolh days 20 to 2 i to 45 elMwbere. Low (on ifb t 10 tq 24.

OW Inst niRht, B. High yesterday 34. 8 n.m. <

U i . Mln. rep,M»nit.hl. ......................- f l »»•n II Mliml ............................... «1 »7£1 « Mllv.»ukN ....... ................. Jfi » ■ht lu MlrnM[>ollr*Sl. Taul.^ SI • !S7 1* • «»w arlftnt 4i •«4S n Tr,New York ................. - ..... - >1 ’ S«

Jl - I: .IOOVUham«'Clir--"'---' ”in t . Omih» ................. ........ ..... <444 i l l'oc»l«llo -------------------- Ih .1 ,SX . J l Phll.a«l?w» ... .... - ..... -li V .0a t .29 .03 i;h.>fr,l.- ....... .................. -.4 M ^.IT i l • I'ortlind* u i V Z i n i ' l.t ■ to jto IJ .OSl'ottltnH, Ort. ........ ......... U HO-4 -I<; K.t.1.1 C iir..... .......... JS70 3S Itock .SprinR. ............ .......I t 21JJ /4 SI. U u u ..................—.V... i l as«» - 1.«V» Cllr .... ....... . « ____

»7 , 27 — ."!! is a* • W • 14 SiKk4n, ..................... tr w2* J TWIN i-A tu i '___I .~ l» . ♦

, gl M WMhlimlon ...............iJ I *0. Et i t WmC te lhw um t___» }i

^ V a l l e y - F u n e r a l s

ll services fo r Dixon. Concluding r ite s will 1 » Vf»inj tyiii held n t th e Pleasant View cem. Friday in the tery ; F r le n ir m ay coll a t Payi iD3 chapel by m ortuo iy Tuesdoy evening &i sey. Conclud- u n til tim e of services W ednesdaeld o f P l e a s - ----------------------------------------- —Friends moy JE R O M E -Funcro l services 1

funeral home M onle Aubrey H ensley will k nnd evening he ld a t a p.m. T hureday a t t ne of services. Jerom e F irs t B aptist chu rch Wi

th e Rev. Sam K endrlx offlcicII services for *"8. Concluding rites wlU be h< ibe th Bailey ^ th e ' Jerom e .cemetery u n t iducted a t 11 dJrectlon of th e Americ e T h lrd -S la th LeglSn. F riends m ay ca ll a t t ilth B ishop O . W llpy funeral home W ednesd ifiTiy F r ie n u ^< 1 T hursday Atitll l p jn . illoch funeral — • iftem oon and W ENDELL— Funeral servli Ima of service ^ o sa Dirk, local residen t w a w ill be held PhOenir, will be held m e te r y , * «>• “ >• W ednesdoy a t th e Wc ■emeiery, M ethodist chu rch by t

■ , Rey. A ustin Rugger. F rien d s m >Mnerol M rv- ca ll a t the W endell m ortu t n son will be unU l Ume of th e services W« nesday a t th e nesday. Concluding r l t « will ap cl w ith th e h o i a t th e W endell cem eter u officiating. ______III be he ld a t BU RLEY -FuneraV services : life__________ Oeorge T . H artm an will be h<

a t a p, m . Thursday in th e k ll services fo r Culloch funeral hom e by Ole an Reynolds Simmons, M a lte d . ru le r ot i . m . W ednes- Burley Elks lodge. Concludl

F irs t M eth- rite s will be held a t Pleaai le Rev. E . B. View cem etery. Friends m ay c

- - W ednesday evening and T h u » » • 1 services.

i D c l l S - -B U H L .—'!'Puneral_servlce» O rbnn Lenoy Vnn O atrnn WIU

■ held a t 2 pJn. Wednd/iday a t . 3, J e r o m o l>«r(*on kfemorlal chapel, B t fit '»>' Rev.. II. B. Thom ns. pi S t. lo r of. th e Hollister Prcjbyterl (n ^ m n h r . cliurch. Concluding r ite s Will m n S o r t o 4 hold a t Buhl cemolery. Frie i ? H . h i mny cnll n t tha f im ernl ho

■ U iilir tlm a -d rM rv lc es-w ed n dny. _____

j J n e auU L E Y - Funeral servlM r. ’ n c « ir f fo^ Jol'H Mnbey will

A ° M r s »'*■'' W ednesday,I w iu a e e fiirt. tnbernncleu wMiace Hin , Q p„j„go co„ci,

KlnlCBde. a ll ,n e n u n til 10 n. m . WediiMdnyr l n L i . McCulIocii nincm l home, B«i« M^nnn«\rt ‘w- “ “ rt o*'® '0 ««

"ii?d''M rs°'n[lv ' “'jE ilO M lf ~ K uneral aervl . and Mrs, Oi)y ,,, , E iulgn Stnnlcy U y u e Sho ley will’ be held n t 3 p m . W

. »,nrn tn nMfitty " t tlie Jcrom o ilrs t w s fa i ee - r i lnStanlee, iv ,lii H umphreys of/lclntliiB. F

rites K'lii be lield a t Sunset 1 “ . , morlnl pnrk, i'w ln FnlLv c m o . r i a l nuigem ents nre u nder tho dl; a t CBMla Mo- tJo« of Crjppln-K ova fun ‘e from 3:90 lo home.

B p.m. 111 the ------------ -----------------

' n l i ' s ; A s s a u l t , B a t t e r j

C a s e I s D e l a y iE»lmontfin a ll a u a u lt and, ba ttery chi

.P n u l ,a n d u a n ag alm l c u r tl j n , Moseley.'i’wlii Pftlli, Mlicdiileil lo bo hi

SHKli Monday, wna postponed i.f» , Mr«; P a tr l- >3 ^y. '•'wH* Coi I Henry K erbs. *’ 1’*''“ " Zoe Ann W arl

^^leoda Allen, . n jM w ^tpoiirinoiil wns orili ill ' I’lCKCU' Nlrt l>yH*» JudHOMiUcn lil t compl iKilh M urtaugh. Mrs, Amy 1,, pan•IIH ■ / ’wrlMiid, Oiv., unM »Jto wn.ts born to Mr. ««'> «oulA nn t appenr/in emu :e Brow rr. B u r- , M o»l#y wm relenfnt by,

, Judge on h ls own r W n ls a „ , „ to appear n t \lie l-^bJi j hem

M c m o r i , . ! , „ S K S S / ' K , . ' ,a t Minidoka Mrlklng her nn th a evenlni

al a re from 3 Occ. ao, ICSl,to 8 p.m,' —------------------- _ __ c o m .K r n m

a tn .A n d -J m y . _ g lN n . i i i i J . . . j a » ,3 o ,M r , . M rs,.C ora.H ui. Mra. Olmrlc.^ Kant have rclu t ump, Jay W ing frw n Ohlro, CflUf,, w her* I M Oofflnni, nil visited Ihelr si>n-lnOnw a I. Floyd O sier- daugliler, Mr. a n d Mrs. Ja

lllnvlai, Wlllla the re they ?,u ” . . • «“ 'T>rlwil r t au' open hoiiie li It It. Mm, Joy orlng ilieir 3Mh weilding «i Bhtrr, nil Pau t, vemary. They n b o vlsltert- •l«ni and C arl tm rriits, Mr. nnd Mrs, Ed SI ■fl* Orovllle, Cam .


uSSTT Report Says i t t L Copper Has

Good Futuri- NEW YO RK , J a n . 30 CT&--TI

• . copper outlook for 1982 appear* • . • bright today w ith only one dm

cloud on th e horizon—th e po; slblllty of a s tr ilce .in the_ste Ind'jscrjr. ,

~— — AiwArmiuila_puhH<h»ri• ^ 0 day by. Bache ond company, li

d lcaled dejnand probably wou

■ reach an all tim e record wli prices rising sllRhtly In the la

^BSXW »■* n ion th s of the . year. . .% • f f S m Bache said th e big questlc

___ • - • m ark for 1B« was th e stril>T— --------- - th r e a t^ f - th e _ a n lted Steelwor• . ers of A merica strike, th e ste • industry, the report said, the

— ■ U 'li ttle , chance th u t the .copp T • JndusliT' will escape n shu ldoa

---------T he 's tee lw orkers-un lon -rep rNdrtheaitern » alicable portion of copFe coaii Jhe mine, sm elter and refinery wor . ™ In Ih u country.

ln ~ th e - e v e n to f -a - a tr lk e .—t If. . analysis said, prices probat^ri.A lA BO up a round 35 ccnts

p o u n a -o r h l ,l .n - ,T h . repo rt ,.1 4 I h . r , w iu 1

a l . am chance for lower coppprices, in 1S8J unless thero is

r .n d ,

sMerable ra i- ^ ^

“ In Statemeni 1. s.m,., ByCandidat

' „ . (Coatlaned Frem Page One)dl »7 rem oval he-.requested a re ^ F« _» ■ publltons.”i i 4i m a sen sa id h e released t>( ■ “ con ten ts of h is le tte r to t,0 40 academ y outlining th e case I44 » cause " the action h as been w iti!a 4 fi' ly publicized in some circles•( ^ ‘ ' Id ah o and In view of th e 1u 17 .03 quirles I have received from t[ ’ 'J press."4x ts .In th e U tte r to M ajor Johnsi“ IJ H ansen said he w as notifiedii n K ardlng'ft request o n Ja n . 22.

— s t --------• — ^^l-luive.been_care fu l n o t to ih sx ' volve politics In any of my actlii l 3» ' tics a s a liaison officer." th e ca

*l didate-e le tte r said. -M r. H ar]i 10 Ing's request fo r m y rem oval ilJ9 n reflection cn roy service and— ' L me: personolly. I f h e knows,

— m-------- ony-lnstance-w here-i-have-he, | « j | I q less than- fa ith fu l in th o piX C I> A i9 - fo rro a n c e -o f .m y -d u tle s ,.i f t . t

— I ln te r6 s t_ o f_ Ja lm ess he shoty> asked to 'p ro d u ce 'su ch -e

, t ^ c w c i n Swhy m y w m l ^ h l 'p ln^^t^?R

. . Jeglslature Is a disquollfli is W ednesday, uon,” H ansen concluded._____

ol services fo r " T T i,

u“Sy1ftSNme Tables foi Bridge Beportc

ts WlU be held N ine tables o f bridge wim e te ^ under played M ondoy n i ^ t by jneth e A m e r l ^ ^crs o f th e Tw in Falls Dupllcay ca ll a t ^ 0 bridge club. ■ ^no W ednesday N orth a n d south w inners w1 1 p jn . O r. f tn i M rs. H . E. Burgess, fli

, • , M rr and M rs. R. J . Cook, seconeral sew lces and Mr. a n d M rs .'R . O . a I residen t w ho third.till tx held at E as t a n d ' w est w inners w' Mrs. Joe Shelby a n d M rs. W cj in reh by I h . B »op,. I l r . l ; M r., H . Ml: r. r a e n d s m ay Proctor a n d >frs. J . O. McMIlle ll m ortuary second, ond Mre. Irene Oil” r l t « m 'b * 'J^om an, third.

Sierra Life H a sa l services for •• t ikir ! •

A n n u a l M p . e t i i i

>me by O lenn B oard of. d irectors o f th e SI . r u le r ot th e r » Life Insurance company i 8. Concluding cussed th e proposed 1963 bud I a t P leasan t during Its f l r t t dlrectors meet enda m ay call Monday, reports Fred M. F ra t g and T h u rs - president, services. T h e directors also mode pl

fo r expanding ^ d setting »l_service» for agencies In o the r sta te s. T O n trnnW lllbe now hnve agencies irr Waslil Ind/iday a t Al- ton , Idaho , Wyoming a n d t chapel. Buhl, Mexico, F rasie r aald, T W m ns. pM - , The directors nre Frazier,

*■ O ardner, chtiirm nn; Rny 3 r ite s Will be Nfjj.wn, C lark Cameron. 0 iclery. b le n d s ence Chick, H, R. Mothews, f i in e « l home clile H. McOllntock, T rnnk

v lc ea -w e d n es ' 'a t>h'icS"Cafl-EtilnRerrW (iync Lovelady and A. Reed Reync

■ FrnrJer said th e officers f a b e l win b2 'vw e elected n t tho

?.! " “ ft' atockliolders meeting W ednesday, in November tnbernncle by ________________

J n n m o M ! : J O W S A m r o R c r ic id« m ay w ll I»UniJ=Y, J a n . 30 - MIcl W ednesday a t I** M*Cool, son of Mr. nnd 1 .1 home, B u r- RfcCooI, f lu r lo ’, e n ll

p rior to serv- nncle, „ He U undergoing baslo mllli

train ing n t Lackland a ir fi iineral servlcea base. I ’ex,. before being assls f Lnyne Shock- >0 a -technical im in ing field.

o m o ^ lr it w w d TR Y TIM ES.NEW S WANT ! DlsUop O rnnt

flclntlng. F inal .n t Sunset Me*

d u FnlL% A r- Inde r tho dlrec- * W ' m I-Kova funeral ' I

^ r y FO RDelayedbattery charge

3. Moseley, 48, l luted lo be heard ^•ostponcd im tll ■ VI KnlU County . - w # I .« Ann W arberg. 556 Miout wn* ordered , * ' • ' ' 'n tile complalnm . ................ __Amy I,, pnnkey. S e e W ed n e scaid th e wns HIpear/in cmirt. • _•elenlfit by ihe'n tW n ls itn c o ,m l i j hearing,hlKiifil. a com-, Moseley w ith ' — ,lh a evening of ^

U i^ve returned b m | ,If., w her*• they ' In-ln*lBw a n d Iid Mrs. Jnm es here they Were •pen hoiLie hon - ' , r C D r lwedding a im l-

Lvi v ls lte rt-her ......... — - ; -------- -------Mrs, Ed Silva,

p r ^ i i i F a U s i■■

1 ___ • A 185«’Pon‘**c-drlvea-by-Mr;UtUTC AllM M. jn m an , M,J98 Jackw itree t. collided w ith a properl

. 30 aTJ—T h e trtfked WW Ford sedan owite 1982 appeared b o j „ Andrew, 304 SUt mly one da rk north, a t 10:10' a .n« n —th e pos- Monday a t S ix th avenue an - in the_stecl .T h ird -s tre e t.n o r th , police re

ished venter. T

o f f i ' ^ o u l d Palled to D U pta, Platea ' Viola M. Steele, 635 H f^h ave

v I ^ i h e ^ a s t nuey In the la st j „ , t l „

h i J ‘ nu'^H nn Peice, Robert E. Pence Monda IS ^ th r i f r ^ k e for failure to display 1903 llcen« ed fiuelw ork- Plates on the m otor vehicle eb ^ th e s t!« lrt said th e re Wednesday two .m nes w e s tn U th e c o w e r Tw in Fall, on highw ay -SO t e a shiildSSn. S tate Patro lm an Charles-u n lo n - tep re - Peugh.^----------------- ------------:------tlon of copperrefinery w ork- T all LIthU Faulty

Clinton O . Jensen. 435 Flft - a -a t r lk e .- th e avenue~* 'eat.-w as-fln 'ed-J5-ar Ices probably costs by Twin F a lls Justice of tt nd 35 ccnts a Peace Robert E, Pence Mondj

• fo r-o w rn tln g -a m ntnr vehlc Ih ere-w as lit- w ith -fau lty ta ll lights. He wi low er copper cited Dec. 28 th ree miles east ' rss thero is a M urtaugh on highw ay 30 by Sta

potrolm an F rank Mogensen.

asted "M illie 8 . U e H , transien t, w,sentenced to 10 days In c l l

„ f . Jail by Police Judge Dole AdanD l l l o l l i son Monday fo r,be ing drunk

_ public. Lee appeared befor l i 4 n i - A Judge Adamson S a turday on t: C l l a a i C charge. At th a t tim e h e w

sentenced to JO daya Jn Jail ai Fage Ooe) the^jentence was susDended pr

itod a re ^ R e- vldlng he le ft town. T he senten was Imposed w hen h e retumi

released tbe Monday.le tte r to th e ---------

th e case be- w indow s Broken IBS been wide- V andals sho t B-B p e l l e ime circles In through .tw o large p la te gis w of th e In- windows a n d broke ou t the be Ived from the tom glass In a m etal storm do

sometim e over th e week-end faJor Johnson, a vacan t house -ow ned -by -M os notified Of L . E. O rchard, 871 Momlngsl on Ja n . 22. drive, T w in F a lls police report sful n o t to In- Monday,r'oTmy a c t lv I - ---------------—— — — ------------cer,“ tb e can - Innoeent Plea Entered

"M r. H ard - W illiam A. E verhart. 85, 1 y r ,m o v .l H > Bine loH ra bouH v .ta .oui ervlce a n d on pleaded Innocent to a charge h e knows, of disturbing th e peace when

8 -i-bave -heen ttp p c are d _ ^ .fo j^ Police Jud in thB Dcr- Dale Adamson Monday, m l

lu tles . in th o mained In c ity Jail In lieu of 4 as he should bond se tb y JmlBeAdoinson.-Tr U « -w c h e v i: will be scheduled a t a la ter da

H e waa a rrested Saturday by c to understand PO«ce In th e 200 block o f 'S li

M om nrtxeet-w ulh .---------- = - -k disquollflca- . ---------iludcd. Eye'C lasses Stolen------------:-------------- John-Y ork. 221-Addlson aycnI i» west, reported M onday to c IPS tor police th e th e ft o f a pair I C O i V J . p„jCTipt,on slasses and ci

:eported '' bridge were ---------^ t by jnem - xhe ft ReportedFiaJ^s D uplicate Ben CaU. 2042 ra ils avei

. ‘ east, reported M onday to t\ w inners were poUce the- th e ft of an electBurgess, f irst: h e ale r and two hub caps fr

. Cook, second, h i j cor. T h e le ft wing winds. R, O . Soss, b roken to gel Into the loci

vehicle, h e sold,w inners were -

T O W illie S . Lee, about 30, a Ui

In Clly 3 11 Monday when he i pman, th ird. ^^j^re City Poilce Jui, - X Dole Adamson. *nic m an iP Hns - J a i le d when- he was found

V l C e t i n i T * lo -day suspended .

irs o f th e S ler- Judge Adamson suspended company d ls- previous sentence otr the con

ed 19S3 budget tlon th a t he leave Tu’ln Falb rectora'm eetlng ---------------------------- -

Club Has Nine „ Tables in Plj

!S Irr WaBlilng. Ju n io r-D u p lica te Bridge, c n lng a n d New m et M onday afternoon a t aid, hom t- of M rs, Charles Deyinre Frazier, L , nine U blcs in ploy, irmnn; Rny L. N orlh and south winners Jnrneron. O lnr- cjiide M rs. Florence Milton i . Mothews, L u - Mrs. Verne Teasley, first; ^ ock. T ran k R . E thel HarrLion and Mrs. W, iRflTW iiynE-H: K lngrsecond; Mw^Aca-Jolin Reed Reynolds, nnd Mrs. R onald Wllllnms, th le officers nnd W” ' K enneth Kail and ^ cted a t tho a n - Roy Frlzielle, fourth,-a m eeting in E as t nnd west winners nre K

Roy Hill nnd Mrs. Eslello— --------- Crow who tied for flrsl with I; FOflCR Irvln Oodcnslab and Mrs. O.

30 — M ichael Llnrtemood; Mrs. Harold Muri f Mr. nnd Mra and Mrs. Allred U m pe. th 3urle>’, enlisted »nd M rs, Ciirl Wraver and for four years. A. V, Wlllloms, fourth, _ ; boslo m ilita ry T h e annual pnrty will be I iland a ir force nex t week wllh dessert served

being aailsned 13:30 p.m, Monday by Mrs. lining field. , Llngnaw*an(l Mts. Deymer. A-------- :— one interested In brldiie liiay.VB WANT ADS 733-1551 or 733.8754,


n o r g e l a u n d r y

P ■ D S ■556 MAIN NORTHJ W ednesdoy 's Paper for D et'o iir ” "


'______________ ;____________,• , .«■

urs, Fri; and SaK February 1-2-3

I ,

alls News in BriefTrip Approved

Ivea-by-M rs. _ T w ln Fa lls county commtssloQ' 698 Jackson e t i M onday approved^sendlni

r a properly Counly •Proseeutor-James-J.-M aj sedan owited to a conference on traflic:Ljf;our , ' 304 Sixth procedures, to be held Feb; 5 - ,

10:10' a .m . a t Los Angels.- R ou tine ' Jndig^” avenue and cU^ims were processed by th

,, police re- com m is^o^

PracUeal Noraes Meetn a ---------- ------- n i.trirt_M».' 1 T.ic«-Tu^d Prac?5 n r th . » N urses, will m eet a t w« Magic valley M emorial hospHa

*tfc. nf th^ ourntorium a t 7:30 p. m . Thurs -DCB M ondiv Convention p lans •w ill' b M a o j^ lS M e made. N urses from th e Jtr<f

Xlned fo r Jn to i ie a ta a

q t o r l r ^ ji,iU tD ale .JSil«iuon_M om l«yJ!being d runk In public. Miller wa arrested by c ity poilce Sunday I

, the. 200 block' o t Second sventn. 435 Fifth _____fined » - and ’ ' ' ■___Ju stlceo f the M ,^ ,i ,,B i.lceii.«a ^ence Monday M arriage llc« iseJ were lssu<aotat_T£hiele -Monday^by-lbeJrwlnJEaUs.cout{his. He was office to M arvin Castmiles east of a - r o a Low, 6 oth Buhl, atay 30 by State o . L each . W ise, and Ca:Jogensen. ^ Delores S h e b ta d . Burley.

d — ------------ Cnb-Scooia-Tonr-Plant-^H ,-----transient, w at F ifteen Cub ScouU from Unlc ays In c i t y school pack 83 toured the T lm t ! Dole Adam- Kews publishing p lan t Monda •lng drunk In They were accom panied by- Mi eared before Pay B lakeslee and Mrs. TheUr turday oa the Tucker, den m othejs, and Mj time h e was ja y H uddelston.j-a Jn ja il and — -------isnended pro- D inner Shited T he sentence The Elks bridge group w:

. h e returned m eet a t 7:30 p. m . Wednesday ;the d ining room of th e Elks lodi for a d in n e r preceding bridg OuesU a re welcome.

-B p e l l e t s ---------» p la te glass ParU cfpatei la T our I ou t the bo t- Roger Detweller, T w in FalU, a l storm door a m em ber o f th e College of Idal

week-end a t concert cho ir w hich le ft Frldi m e d -b y -M ra. JiBLa_ia.-day tou r of Callfornl I Momingslde The group also T iortw en-inviti loUcB reported to represen t th e sU to on A pril;

a t the w orld 's fa ir in Seattle.

m d •A ikrPenolt^ --------- — --------^•hart 85. 141 Lyle Novak applied for a bulli » „ a .ouVh. to ! p , r m . l „ ^ « * y0 a charge of holl to buUd a 28- by 45-fo ace when he brick veneer single famlJy dw« Police Judge ling w ith 21- by 32-foot ottachi m day.-H e'-re- 8 a ra g e -a t -a 4 l-n U m o re ..s tre iIn lieu of #50 Cost Is »14,000.

idom son .-T rial------------------ ----------t a la ter da te. Sewing la P lanned . , ^ ■turday by city Maglo V alley Memorial hc block o f 'S h o - p lU l. guild will sew pinkie do_______r-. . - fm m 9-'ft.m. to 3 n m . Friday

tho hospital, ' t , - i ' - -------

Cruelty Charged ‘..'“'.iJ.' In Divorce Cas

ox of his car M rs. F reda Louise Holler III night. a divorce s u it In Tw in F a lb d

trlc t cou rt Tuesday, chargl LawTcnce Edw in Holler with «

FVj IIj avenue trem e crueltry. onday to city A ccording to th e petition, tl; of an electric were m arried on Oct. 30, 19 nub caps from T hey have two chUdren. '

w ln l » lndo« Mr«- HoUer (o r e io M y Into the locked the two children, and custody

a th ird child expected In Ju _ She also requests th e courti,_» aw ard h e r ownership bf t

in a 4rn n . couple's household fum lshin S S’10 t o i « 5 m onth ly d illd .nppo rt 1

f , . ' ” ™ “ S s r p r ™ n l . a by Hob found “ W ,B U p h a n ,T w ln Falls a ttom

m pm ded^ islBaby’s Rites Helsuspended the U A K ijtlf . oan. Jfr=OtnVMlOTT the condl- services for Dougins Ja ck so n ,:

1 Tu’ln Falls, fon t son of Mr. and F Russell Jackson, Oakley, w

held T uesday afternoon In l r W i n a P leasan t View cemetery. Bur

, w ltli Bishop N orm an Dayley

1 in PlaxSS.™ ’> BrldflB c l i^ '- “ ® ‘* *“ nrlved by hla parei

f r h i »nd one b ro ther; m aternal graiS s Devme? °K a v Schm idt, Bridge; pa ternal grot

P , parents. Mr. and Mra. H. L. Jm ih winners In- gon,. Oakley, and a great-grni

m other. Mrs. jd o Cahoon. AI;

nd ’ M rs .'w . J . E A T ^H A R M E ’S CIIH.II fl^Aca-Jolinton -C O M X B -C U n_C A fE ^o .J:« iWllllnms, t h i r d , ------ -------------------------------------1 Kail and Mrs.

iS : Howiintl Mrs, O. W.Hnrold Murphy '

U m pe. third, ' 7Paver and Mra,fourth, n . ( ) P <rty will be' held . U / , L / C «essert served a tny by Mrs. L, *

f i r , ! ; . y ' ' s ■ fuH€

I C O Sa t o u

' f u n e r a l !

A U N D R Y y o u d e clA N IN G ■ ,

Wo have fun iH . O il ])rices a:

and thoro ar t o i l i ” " ' . "i

T h ehav(

L _ -Sat3

\ ; 136

. r~|INampa Man E!£Lj Sentenced in

^License Caselames-J.-May j,.v --A rForem ani-34 ;^N ainpa; trafllc:LfWrt , iqo p ius cosU and

sentenced to 10 days in Jail Mon- “ il f ' d a y by Buhl Fol/ce Judge Ber- u e d b y the driving whlle_hla

driver's license w ar'suspended , Hls llccnse w aj suspended Sept,

.Sins .w lll'b e David S. Thom aa, Boise ww th e Jen«7ie fined « 5 plus costs and assignedto attend. 30 demerits JJonday by Judge

; Storr for failure to be reasonable, a and prudent in hU .driving.jt-TwId-FbUs. ^ iM a-nrd P. Schenk. Buhl, wai o s u by Police nned $10 plus co4U and asslgnet nJA ondoyJor ao dcnierlts by,Judge Statr to r t lie. Miller w « stop algn vlolotlon, - . - . - Ice Sundoy In Daniel J . W ray. Buhl, was flnet ;econd avenue .jq costs by Buhl Justlci............ ............. of the Peace W illiam. Nungcste

for a stop sign violation.• . Pete S, Lopcr, 18, Wclser, wo.

I were Issued ..n ttn c ed lo 10 days In Tiyii InJEalls.coun; u.countu-JalLJmd_flnC(l_$10 M arvin Castle " J T c m u by Twin R ills JusUc )th Buhl, and R obert K Penc

Mona., Ior ailvttj on . »us I, Buriey. pended license. Lopez wSs a rrest ■ . . ___ ed Monday by sta te police a t th '

;? r^ to « S o W v ? . ° w e ? e & ; ; r mcollision 0

’‘“f i 8:25 p: m . Monday four mile^ . i m « south ond five ond one-QuarU

e r a n T S ^ ^George Torrez, Burley, wd

" cited for failure to yield th e r lg t- .=.111 of way a fte r th e -1950 Pord h

n »■“ dtWnK'oolMta «11H « IMS e S K e S e Tceding bridge. * ° ^ £ n w a i t e d fo r speedlm

Deputy S heriff Howard P la tt re ported Torrez saw the W ilson co

4^ 1.. -B>=ii« [( following h is bu t thought he ha time to .m ake a le ft tu rn ,

iifft Frldo? No in juries were-repo.rted bu r ^ l S S l a considerable damage resulte

fr«m th e collision.« ~ 0 ^ l d K . •Ikard— Blackfoo

In Seattle. dem erits Tuesday by Jerom o Pc lice Judge Fred E berhard t fc

;T fo ra b u lid -

'8 to^45-f6ot b u r to n E . K enny. 32. route

and hla drivers license was su.ifmnr* StreetlUmore -atrect. ^ - ju s t ic e of-the Peace-R ay.Po

te r M onday for d runk drlvin Z K enny w as-arrea ted .Sunday I

>,n. S tate patro lm an John- W ray, memorial ho*- w illiam M eredith. ^

p in . Friday a t nn^ hU driver's license was suj

--------------pended for one year oy ju o;----------- , po tte r Monday-for drunlc.oriviiir i n r O ' P n He was arrested Sunday by S u i i u a f , v \ a - patro lm an’ F ra n k M ogensen.- o a C a a C k -Charles M. McWilliams. : t c . \ j a o C 1303 M aple avenue, T w in Fal \&e Holler Illed was fined $11 and cosU and o [M>in F a lb d b - signed 30 demerits by Tw in Fn day, charging Poilce Judge Dale Adnmsi Holler with ex- M onday for speeding 38 mil

' . . per hour In a 35-mllc zone. 1 5 petition, they w as-clU d Thuraday by c ity p

Oct. 30, 1959. UC8 a fte r the apeed of hU c lldren. was checked.Tsy radar in the 5for custody of block of Second avenuo west,

and custody of W illiam A. Everhart, 65, 1 lected in June. Blue Lakes boulevard south. « 1 th e court to fined (78 and cosU Monday 0 irship bf the ernoon by Tw in F o lb Pol: d furnishings, Judge Dale J . A dam son ' 1 d support fo r leovlng the scene of an acclde: COSU and $176 E verhart's 1048 K aiser colli

---------- ed Sunday .afternoon w ith a I tted by -Robert Plym outh driven by Jam es Falls attorney. R ichardson, W, 171 Wlseia

________' avenue, in the 100 block of-BlL T T 1 J lA kes boulevard south. Everhi ces llela h b car from a parkl- 30=amv»nride -Mnc e .o n the left side nf t

S u l S H O s T o ^ l .- rT '. ly p nm n n a v w i f Lythgoe, Boise, w

by hla parenU in te rnal grand-

'LS.Z'S'- ■ TV SERVICE<rs. H. L. Jack-

" c C S l 733.1037 .

)w much does auneral igS costlat our

ieral home ou decide ,0 havo lu n m l mrvicej in m r y prico rang, nr iirlcM aro plainly mnrkcil m nil /im e , 1(1 Ihoro aro no hidden extra,. . J

m o foUowlns lirrak-ibwn nhowii * novo ooat oUioib—

III '?™i III.

3 , :s::r!z i_ 2 4 % sp e n t $ 6 0 0 c

W H tT E

1 3 6 4 th A v en u o E as t, T w in F o il '

t e l e p h o n e 7 3 3 - 6 6 0 0

S . ISeen T o d ^. / n - M rs. E thel., W arberg w nlk'rt\ «iu‘c>tly through local bujinV..^ K J a O K f office . . . L. Jam es K outnrs Inl - ii-34;^Nainpa; in i t r t n g -a b o u t - a l rplaflC a_i;fr^t Us COSU a n d cargo . . . Jam es Anderson ctiLii.$ in Jail M on- ting w ith friends . , . j ! Judge Ber- May asking nbout tourist i;!/or- Ing w hlle_hls m atlon a t the Tw in P a lb Cham- i r 's S p e n d e d . b e r - o f Commerce's office . . .spended Sept. P a u l Newton commcntmg .»bouLll on a d runk basketball players . .Vchie 'W S m rres tcd -Brown carfy ng overtime parkin* • •'Ey Buh l'C lty: ^ t c k e t - t o = o o l l c ^ t l o n ^ ^ ^ „ _ • n'ijls. D ie trich 'drTvTrfrTilo<i<u4itiV|gJ.. n„i.A u,n* »h°n® “frcet . . . Dr. M, H. McI—knrt D onald telling w oltrcsi. .about

i. t" h v jS d w Appelman-s spcech . .U . reL onable H offm an w eo rin rg rcen p h lj

Jacket . . .- And ovcrhcnrfl: -i..d riv li^ . w onder If they mean business orlk, Buhl, was a re Just kidding the public /1'm nl-Bsslirtied -a5aln.«--------- ---------- fge S U rr to r a — ---------- ,

luhl, was fined S u f f S l *Buhl Justice ■ C?

am N ungcster (Coalinued From p a je One)la tlon. • about 300 persorb; a t h a rv u t-S Wclser w as lim e, 450 and 75 during the oif.lays In Tiyin season. Day said.m d_IlnciL ll04 B oth -plants .operate 24 hcunI F a lb JusUce a day during th e b'lsy seasonj)ert K Pence B lauer noted sugar prices haveig on a aus- been reasonably sU ble the past>ez wds a rre s t- few m onths w ith *^o apprecl-e poilce a t th e able change" being observed tlneintry,-.,------------Sen tem ber._ _________-e cited as th e Only 3'& per cent d l the su tir i r collision a t used in th e United 'S tates U pro-ay four miles cessed from beets and cane sugar Id one-Q uarter grown in t h b country. Thiis, thae rt on a coun- Increased production In thlj

. . coun try caused by th e dropping Burley, w as of - federal acreage allotmehu

yield th e r ig h t would have little effcct' on the -1950 Pord h e p rice of sugar, he explained:d w ith a 1053 D ay noted th a t while federal )y DeMar WU* c o n tro b were done away with.

area farm ers were allowed lo1 for speeding, grow only w hat the area planUiward P la tt re - le lt 'th ey could process,the W ilson c a r • -------------------- ---

r.S,''""" Numbers, Listed » For Dog Catcher

K- ab le to contact W illiam Dye. cHyto ; dog catcher, announces H. i l a s <H®rb) Derrick, city manager. .

U i o i i t J n a J ^ _ I £ . . ^ o n e _ w a D U _ t o w n u c t « M a Dye and cannot reach him a t hi! Mwi nnrt *’°m e, they may .leave a message

WM s“ s - a t th e Tw in Falls VeterlnorThM . f o ? h v K to b e r . ■n3-J812, or a t the pollc. | ?Ya^ ^ K t - departm ent, 733-3113. D ye', homi 1

ted .S unday by ^

Group Meets '$200 and coaU ALMO, Ja n . 30 — A lesson ca

cense was sus- fam ily relationships was present* year ’fiV^ UdBg ed-by-M rer-Ida-C ahow i-and-M n^ r drunk.drlvlng. O tteJla TTacy, instructors, a t > Sunday by S ta te genealogical—m retlng Rntiinliiy..

Mogensen.-— a fte m o o n .a t .th e .h o m e .o f Mn._ feWllllams. 17, Tracy.ue. T w in F a lb , M rs. W allace T aylor gave a d cosU and os- story and members filled mit s by Tw in F a lb fam ily group sheets. Pedigree Sale A dam son c h a r u will be discussed next Sit^ edlng 38 m iles urday . P rayers were'glveh by the >-mlle zone. H e instructors.lay by c ity p o - ----------------------------------------------->eed of h is carradar in the 500 I l U I T T f a B f a U I avenuo west. -jerhart, 65, I 41 . fvard south, wos • sU Monday a f t- /© rS ^ A S *> 0-\tl F o lb Police

Adamson for ( of an accident.

t K ober collld- / y C s S r iV i*^ \oon w ith a 1057 / ® A ) ' P B !I by Jam es E, V ( S ® “

171 W lsem n . - •'}10 block of-B lue .south. E verhart ^ 'from a park ing gome ol Jhe new ha ir $pitp ,ift side nf th e a re a curl'a beat ' friend,ick R ichardson's ___ ‘ ^1st. ................ ll ■ ^

l o a n u i V a c u u m C le a n e r i o’f H O O V EB -FILTEX

iir S S ,\ "m ; r e p a i r . p o r t s . suppIlM,________ '______ ofl m okes. U sed Oeaners

R V k^1 ■ o r . r a F i . i T D t p . a ^ K V I V . B j VACUUM CLEANERS

1037 I Of' n .,11 ...A ? Corner Blue U kp» a n d ', '

f v t r l w J l


' ' ' (. ^

y p r k o p n g e ,(It nil t ^ c i —

)wn Bhowfl what (unerala

ont le i i M ian $ 1 9 5 . e n f - f r p m J 1 9 5 IO $ 3 9 9 , ^ : on t f ro m $ 4 0 0 t o $ 5 9 9 ont f ro m $ 4 0 0 t e $ 7 9 9

$ S 0 0 o r w o re________ •_______________

Twin Foils, Idaho '*•- “ • 733-6600

Page 3: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014-12-12 · —^—-Traffic Deatl Magic Valley . I ll?6t............. 1

OfficersHelp I Youths Learn

—^fcaw-Respect-tjEW YORK. J a n . 30 (.fl-New

YorK City police—whose prw cncc Lt oflen a violent one—a re lay- • Inc the (jroundworlc for a brfcht-

___ j jV tu r c . They're doing U with

_ toIIcc h nve s tn rte d —dls- ^irlljUtlnK ' 20,000 color crayon rircU 10 chfldien b c u e r n ih c »

------toNoft’ York's Jow cr-E M t-eido--------.. Tlie cards, e n title d ''M y Friend, tiis Pollcemfln,"-contaln sketeliy ,

• jj„e drawings dcalgned to be col- cred by the young.'Jters. Tliey L

f t s u V a policem an holding up i T uijd- «H o w in g -U > m -< lu l .^-— d rcn -w a o s iJ liiL JL rM y o ^ f? lS T —^

Ttie move is p a rt oi an cducn- F Uonal program In th c a rea , which ‘ hns a m elting ol n a tion - 1

----- fltltlcs-Bnd -a -heavy -.S pan ish -(ipcaklnic population. T h e pro- ■ grain 'is bc5ng conductcd \w co- oDoration with' th e Lower Ea.st

------gitIe-N elghborhood-«*oolaH on.------The cards B rO e ln " dU trlbiiicd

ftt public and parochial .school?, libraries, housing p ro jec ts and icttlem ent hoaxes.

The card h w a mc-wage lo thc----- rounR stcrr^eax lln irr^R em em bcn —

the policeman L i'h e re to help you. D on't be a fra id to a.sfe him for help.

•'But fo r him to do h is part. 1 he must have your help. l-

••So 1. Alwaya obey him. 2. Obey tlgns and jtlshnU, 3. D on't pU y In. the atreeta. 4.-Cro.<a onlyat the corner »nd If'® srcen ,.

• ' ' • • fti

Goldwater Is j y ‘Not Seeldiig’

GOPTopSlot^.n e w ORLEAN3. J a n . 30

• Ben. Barry Q oldw ater, R„ Arlz.. ju, acknowledged leader of hla p a r- an

^ ty's conservative wing, today " »ald he did no t consider him self —------M—g—possible—choice fnr Ihe _

OOP'* presidential nom ination M In

"I have no Idea o f ever being Prtsldent," Q oldw ater Kild bc-

----- fo re -ha -addrcssed-thB -N atlcnal — :Cotton council's 24th annual fu

___ meetlne.lnJieW -OrleRM .--------------ncThe senator also sa id “ll's too

early to tell" who th e m ost likely Republican presiden tia l candl-

.^ a t^ K flU K U jf iJ lU S e i . .---------------BO oldvater said h e thought

____Er u ldent - K n in edy- ‘‘haa f inally -E___ laced.thB .rtcta. o lJ l fe 'i .a n d -b e - “

coma a political m oderate.■I think th e P residen t haij H

learned the economy can n o t be -i, conuolled In W ashington,'' hc ^ d . However, he d id n o t e lab­orate 00 w hat he m e an t by Ken>

•• nedy’i " s w i t c h to jnodera te _t » w - ^

Io hi* address to delegates tt> National C otlon 'c o u n c i l , . -

Ooldwater spelled ou t how b e . i j would handle lh e na tltm ’a e to - j,u nomIo competition from over-

, teas If h e were P residen t, .- Ooldwater p redicted th e n a - (loa’a proposed ties w ith th e E u-

^ ropean common m a rk e t v o u ld be I tha "most heated" debate In th is session of-congress. ------

nEtVARD u n c l a i m e dI,IEMPra8, T enn ., Jw i. 30 fliPB

i —A police lieu tenan t a n d Mrs. f Oertrudo Cloason, & w om an’s _ rliih .o ftlc la l, aaw tw o - n a a t- w l^

llslons and narrow ly averted an a tcldtnt lhcmae\vea yealerday during a search for tw o courte* ous drivera, Courtesy'a rew ard— ti 'o free d inners a t a local ho te l -w e n t unclaimed,_________ ’

I A T TP o ta tiD o a r W o r k e r :

T h e G r a i n M i l l e r

w o m e n m u s t o r g a r

j o b s e c u r i t y a n d e l

O u r h i s t o r y c l e a r l

c a n n o t b e o b t a i n e

" — o r a a n i z n f i o n . t o d a \

d a r d s , o r c a n n o t c r (

i z e d s t a n d a l o n e b

p l o y e e s a r e i g n o r e i

T h e A m e r i c a n F e

t h e w a y t o t h e p o t o l

c o n d i t i o n ' a n d h a v i

m e n t .

I W E O F F E R 1

V o t e f o r t h e G r a i r

l o r C h a r t e r w i l l b e .

o f t h e p a r t i c u l a r p

■ y o u r o w n U n i o n o f l

o w n U n i o n f u n d s . '

I n i t i a t i o n f e e s . T h

' $ 3 , 0 0 p e r m o n t h a

- h e l p y o u . n e g o t i a t e

o f y o . u r c R o i c e .

, r____ ____ .YOliR.fu(ur*-ii*p«ndi

m V O TE G

.I'eouln ih a t a re (em porarllr ■slit nft Ihould appea r a t ih a poll* lo Vole, a n d ahould iali*

U)r(itr a llp i wUh them .

irucnce re lav- - b rfch t- t

w ith li'i

e d -d ls - ^ crayon --t n Ihc ^

tFriend , !T sketchy . be col-

• Tliey ing upiB-rl i t l . — ■■


nntlun- 1 f lb -panlsh- . I Mle pro-

CO-crIlatlon.- —------

e to thc

r swlc him ..............•

part. [ . . G m g i S S ^ S ^ f ^ S ^ ^ ^

him. 2. .

m ”oTiIv rLKASE HOST MAKE ME GC a oropn P**? " 0 » ‘he T ra c t" T he p laj " Kails junior high « h a o l a^dUorlu

Michael Barney portraya Siiai. (J

Junior High Sla In Wayside Rai

M o t ■''A three-Hct comcdy .play will te ,« presented n t 8 p.m. T hu rs- of 10 day and Friday a t the Tw in Falls ju ... Ariz.. Junior high achool audtiorlum . ils p a r- announce.1 John .E ndrud. speech in

today teacher. "Off The T rack," w rit- t h lm s e lf ------------------------ — ---------- -----------

Pfoiect^Slated ? To Raise Mor y"'

la tlcnal _ K I N a _ H I L L . - J a n . - 3 0 y T w o ccannual fund rais ing pro jec ts arc p lan - L;

_______ncdJ3 y _ th e_ K In 6 _ H Ill_ aran g e . Si'IL'» fAo Sack lunches will be auctioned B,t itkPiv the O range's Feb. 13 m eeting, C• can d i. and » "coffee chase'* Is planned V_______ for .the. CARE project. C'houBht week’s m eeting, pro- S l ; g ram books an rt actlvttiM fnr _inH bo . 1862 were planned. T he meetingJ was held a t the ho rne’ o f M rs . W", . T hom as Timbers, lecturer. M rs. s( n t hM L ynn sh e rm an . economics c hair- b<

be m an . was in charge; din, hc - pt IT G OT STUCK -

'WOODFORD, England, Ja n . 30 . ” ro?D—A le tte r m ailed here Dec. 8

to a n address In Ilford, only a fBtes to njjje away, arrived yesterday with council, a Hew Z ealand postm ark. I t car- low h e fled explanaU on from posUl i a e to - authorities: " I t atuck to ^ e r ‘ O ''" - m all.” ^

n a -


id^M™ P o t a t o g r o u n d .

________3 2 0 ; A C R E

S a S • (H a v . B set A c r«count. P |,„„ , HEmloek «-3752, R

S " w M T » '" f " " ' ’'3 3 - '

T E N T Iito Procer :

M i l l e r s b e l i e v e t h a t t h e w<

t o r g a n i z e t o s e c u r e h i g h e r

a n d e l i m i n a t e d i s c r i m i n o t i c

' d e a r l y d e m o n s t r a t e s t h a t

o b t a i n e d w i t h o u t , o r g a n i z i r

I , t o d a y ' s w o r k e r h a s n o v o l t

i n o F c r e a t S T i b e t t e r w a y o f - l i l

i l o n e a n d P r o m i s e s a r e f b r<

i g n o r e d . v '

c a n F e d e r a t i o n o f G r a i n M '

10 p o t a t o e n n p l o y e e s s o t h e y c

i d h a v e a c o n t r a c t s e t t i n g


e G r o i n M i l l e r s o n e l e c t i o n d

^ ^ i l l b e . I s s u e d y o u , - t o c o v e r (

: u l o r p l a n t . Y o u w i l l b y s e c

l i o n o f f i c e r s . Y o u w i l l h a n d l

u n d s . Y o u w i l l s e t y o u r o w n

e s . T h e G r d l n M l l l e r s a g r e e

l O n t h a n d $ 5 , 0 0 f o r i n l t i a t k

j o t l a t e a c o n t r a c t . , W e w i l l t

c e , • : — ’ '

^ ip a n i l , on yaucTotirTKrTSc P ltR II


,. a m e r ' c a n M D t bauld l>k. GRAIN MILLIRS,r llh them . '

J . A . L av arld g q O J

■ ' i , ■


m h h p f

I j H f t • N./

^ t r '

;E m e g o . I 'm "afecrd ." s ta te s Sllaf, rijfbl " T he play will bc presen ted a l 8 p jn , T hur

a^dllorlum . Roberl Nora, le ft, portraya AlI Siiai. (S taff phplo-engraving)

* * * * —

II Slates Farce Sete Railroad Station :

boay will te n by FclIcla M etcalfe, consists k i T hu rs- of 13 characters portrayed by s a In Falls ju n io r high school studen ts. At ;lorlum. T h e p lay 's sc ltlng lakes plncc ' speech in a w ayside railroad s ta tion , pr

' T h e . usually quiet atm osphere prtu r n s - to be d lam -w hen a pas- ta

. / ( r 7 pie ol a ll walks of life are sud-

. / denly. throw n toge ther.' 5un i c y ParticipatlnK in .th e th ree -ac t ol -V T w o com cdy-arc-M lchaelB am ey.-Tom m <5 p la n -L y n c h , Jo n M enm jatt, D a n a K O range. Sample.'?, Rober t JJora, CaUierlric jctloned Bcck. Jode Essay, JerL JIm enei, Tl Ticetlng C o n n ie . Lytle, Dixie V an De — planned Vontcs. D ia n a Brow nfield, Sheri

C lark a n d S a n d ra C o a te s .______ ^IK pro-tle»*^fnr F O R FE IT BONDS_________ineeting RU PER T, J a n . 30 — R obert J . _ o f M rs . Miller, Albion, and Jo h n O. N lrt- er. M rs. son, R upert, each forfeited $5 s c hair- bonds In R upert police court for

driving w ith expired license plates.__________________________

/ ^ c . ^ 8 ^ G e n e r a l - H e c t r l c

laT w ith ‘a u t h o r i z e d s e r v i c e

I t car-a posUI P I Q C K C r S FalU 0 o ther __________ 7 3 3 - 1 8 0 4


• o u n d . A m p l e w a t e r

; A C R E J l h l l - T S _____ ________ _______

s e t A c r e a g e A v a l lo b le .l

S -3 7 5 2 , R u p e r t , a f t e r 7 : 0 0 p .m . l l l l 7 3 3 - 4 9 6 1 8 o .m . t o 5 p .m .

F i i t Ticessors-t h e w o r k i n g m e n a n d .

h i g h e r w a g e s , p r o v i d e

n i n a t i o n .

IS t h a t t h e s e o b j e c t i v e s

g a n i z i n g . L o c k i n g s e l f

n o v o i c e i n l i v i n g s t o n -

j y o f - l i f e r J - h e a j n o r g a n — ^ —

i r e f o r g o t t e n , a n d e m -

■ a l n M i l l e r s I s p o i n t i n g

) t h e y c a n i m p r o v e . t h e i r

e t t i n g f o r t h t h e o g r e e -

IN G P R O G R A M :

i c t i o n d a y , a G r o i n M i l -

c o v e r o n l y t h e w o r k e r s

b y s e c r e t b a l l o t , e l e c t

h a n d l e a n d b o n k y o u r

u r o w n U n i o n d u e s a n d

s a g r e e D u e s s h o u l d b e

i n i t i a t i o n f e e s . W e w i l l

e w i l l t r a i n t h e o f f i c e r s


r e r l d o n J & K ’ V ic e P r o i .

F W fcluRhi'i

- 1

^ i>ei' c . i \m / / i 80*^ mm

I n n l r r' bu


' tei



Sllftf, r icb t. » b a D d ra a n j » <h» (hree- \ 8 p jn , T hursday and Friday a t th e Tw in \ portrays M r. M organ in tb e play and


11 Youths Join 5 New 4-H Group «i

1 0 1 1 k i n g h i l l , J a n . 30 -E leven \_ _ boys and g lrb Joined th e . new <il

consists K ing Hill Livestock 4-H club J lycd by Sa tu rday e t tho hom e o f-S teve j enU. A nderson .,John P arke Is leader. ♦: cs plncE Tom m y 'U tlcan was elected J s ta tion , p resident; David G abert, vice 1

nosphere president; D onnn G abcrt, secre- ♦! a pos- ta ry -treasu rer, a n d Steve A nder- J

are sud- M embers -discussed projects ♦< such as sheep, pigs calves and

,h ree-act o th e r livestock nxattccs. T h e nex t J icy,.Tom mceing Is-a la ted -n t-the -W IllIam *

D a n a K nox ranch . <t.:atherlric ---------------------------- ' '■Jimenei; T R Y TIM ES-NEW S W ANT'ADS '•Van De -----------------------------------------------------Id, Sherites. • __________ ■ .

IS_________________________Robert J . _ _ _________ _ . _ _O .N l r t ^ .................... -■

:elted $5 court for




______ . . *r

m .>.m .

F I —

id . .J e

s s

I f ■ ’ ■ •

1 - ■ '--------------------- r — '— ■— -



irB- ■ ir s JUST I

for more th i_ ■ daily'newsp rs because the;jr tan t hometcJg columns. ToII day newspa

boards com(

■will reach s ; paper the s£


. " V -

■ ^ fler tla r lc eT p H Opening Fete I Is Scheduled

FlLEIt. Jan . 3 0 - 0 n iu l npon- ol UIR o{ Jordan 's ninrkrt ung be ‘'i

■ H ' held l-'rlday. Sntu iday nnd Sim - '9 B H dny, nnnouticps Lcc Jordan, owi'.-

er and ojicrntor. b:■ TJ'* n*‘w .Mipermarkot. loc.iied J’

iu IM ultJhnay 30 In Filer. ■rIU have , ' W /I //1 " variety of fooils thnn' i t /m / J'Tiiaii snld. Tlip 65- by f\Wlh «'i«der block bulldluK ha* "ym iff, about live tlmeik more room for -O

siociTics -fhnn iliV olci buildinR. 5 yU lJ f, Jord;m (laid wtiile Itip nrw , <[fnf. bulldliiK wn., bolni; built, ilic • • j l f j f . store nUi opcniU d Ih \1ip oUi

.^.ulldiMR, T he ticBLUuUdliig-l.v.:mn ^ y /jE iir l*'ci Irom the htiJhwny. Tluirson I ® » m j h - -Biitl(IciR^Jnc,.-TVln-i->iif_wliioh y M j coiistriicted tho iivw bnlUIltic. is “ **;

tcflrlUK donn {he old biilUltiiB. *\‘!! Will! Uic iii'w Miiiermarket ^

MXfta from the hiphw.iv, Jordan Isaid, there will bc moro p.irktii):

■ S L .spflfP f<ir_ciLstonii-rt •|'in»-Bior^ — D HHfl will be open from il n ju . t o -8 ; V H r a ' p.m. da ily .. Including £aturday | M b “ 'Id Sunday,- M anaccr of tiiei W H store jvill be Curl Arnold, Jordan i H ln n l " ‘ ded. I _

HI' Let Us Fill Youi I With Our l

—i f u I li n

roup ‘j* Get .on’s;!'.SX Check Routl-H club 1

G O L D S T R I K tI elected

■ 7 3 3 . 7M V « h .„ ------------- K i S b ^ i r R ^



JUSTDOLLARS-AND-Ci(lore than what they get t

'newspaper a, superior ad use they want to read the I hometown news, and the nns. To get all this, last ye newspapers.* Advertising 3s come free-iand often ui

ceach a.guaranteed, payi: r the safest, surest advCTt


■■ V - ,

Promoter ^K iK a HILL, Jn n . 3 0 -F . C,

■ Anderson, officer In chnrpe_ N i— Y 'o r the 'idaho '^ in ic pbllcc p o rt "

—of, cntr>‘ sta tion - here, hn.-( Kn' been navwed "Idnlio Prouioicc • 10

opon- W ofk" by th e d e p art- elmiMlI be m ent o f di'vclopm cnt nnd «i’ll j S im - commerce comnilUce. , iI, own- ■ Anderson wa.s commended con

by Oov. Robert E, Smylie for . day in,.n,<,< h is effort.^ in prtnnotlng Ida- iii- i I ' o through courtesy to tour- i

k i,.„, "■‘TOURh \ 5ip ser65- bv K ln g n illl port o t ciitry ..eek- tlni

il ’ Ing liiforniallon on,roads and■oin for other scenic Infom iatjon._______ ._ullding- .. ’ ^

n 'l ? n ' TITI.KD TKACtlKR - '*''1 NORFOLK, EURlnnd, J a n . .U

A trnvi'llnn violin teaclu-r;^"' n u i r " ^ ftPlwnupti.*uy m e nov-;'.' '

to\t eduentlDn' cornm m ro w itn| dtf.r u o ffIc in riille -o r-" iH ‘rlpatftlc-

teacher." • ^ ^ I

rmarket IJordan U T A H ST O K E R S L A C K

— O I O J I EA T E P _. - n. to 81 $ 1 5 p e r to n D e l iv e re d

o*f"l'lel - 133-6621 - Tw in Kalli Jordan! I n te r m o u n to in F u e l C o .

II Your Tank Now | Our Quality i |

EL O I L te t . o n O u r X

R o u t e S y s t e m %

S T R I K E S T A M P S j *

dJ>ilCo.-|33.7033 %r ly R ood— T w in F o l l i V

ND-CENTS SENSE that f get free. Just human m :ior advertising medium, dthe big national and int d the vital shopping news last year they paid ipi.7 bi rtising media like mail t ften unwanted.-' ;•

1, paying audience,That ] advCTtising investment.


n ^ e is le r Kites - ^

,, t,. -Set Thursday-^mrpe .N EW YORK, Jnn . 30 'A^^A prU nf."■port vato luncrnl .lerv-lce for b 'rtir

hn.1 K reW er will be held ■ n iU rW a j^tioiec • 10 n.m. a i the Rom an Ciwliollc -pn rl- church of SI. J o h n 'Ih e E tm i-

nnd «elUM. • , ,,Tlie wo‘rl(!.fnmou.t v1o11iil4 a nd '

MUied composer died In a ho.spitul .Mon-le for . day of iie a n troiible-.ind old n-i' ' C

Ida- lie would lirtve been 87 on IVIdav 2tonr- liU widow. H arriet, tia» been'1 Uie seriously 111 n l home for some- -seek- time. ..

Is and ________ ;_________

-------------------- I tK S T R IC T E D -lSS rE -------- ! “= W.ASHINOTON. Jan . 30 n r r - :R . Hep. Edgar W. H lestand, R... J a u .11) '■•'"f- ^''<d there was a rum or: • teach er! " ' ‘” " ‘d on capltol hill for

lie NOV-:'.'— *''*•*— — c o n g ru sm m m r _ wit ll I

rlpatftie- — ------------------------- -- —

• I f l LUCK.ACK LICEt' - • - - ■ ■ P o s t e d - W e d n e s d a y

" W IN $ 2 5— W E D N E S


[ | W I N ^ 5A NO TH IN G TO BUYl

n DINE and♦;« To the Mi❖ M U S T I E ly EveiY Night Exci

j C liiR «_____ i t J A C K P O T , !

E that people value wj^at man nature...but it helps' idium. People pay for, ne and intematibnarnews, tl g news they find in the ac fpl.7 billion for their daily mail throwaways, radio,

i n e Q a i i y n 6 w s p a p 6 r i y o i

,That helps make the da nent. • S m w a m m c / M v


s Tuesday, Jan .^U , lSi62 ■ II, ' Twin Folfs Tjtnes-News 3 ^

^ would not be allowed to vo te on H the-postat-vote.- “Som ebody - W M - | i .c lalin InR _U iat-lU w as-strl< ;tljr-* -,|Q

e E tm i- H

tiiLil a n d ' '■ We Install A uta i .Mon- ■ ' • •“ H

m i S ea t B elts |

. MAGEL. TIRf- Iit hill for ' C O M P A N Y I I


i d n ^ o y a t i d ^ l i u r s d a y — -

S O S• N oth ing lo Buy

V E D N E S D A Y — _


^ 5 ^ 0 0 i


E and DANCE I i\To the Music of ■ 'S T I E B R A U N INight Except Monday jj

93X ^1K P O T , N E V A D A — |

: ■'■ ■ H

■ , ■ .1



lewj^at they pay 1it helps make the for, newspapers

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Page 4: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014-12-12 · —^—-Traffic Deatl Magic Valley . I ll?6t............. 1

Tuesday, Jon. 3 0 ,1 9 6 2T<mes«Newa' ■

A «oMetl4*Un e t *• o> ^ K>*ala«t> IM t ksd Um Twia FUU tfrwi « u ?" fliM l> Wi.

hiU ltb^ «ad g anau t t l i t SM nd.Strm W«l.' TaiB FklU, Idibe. b j tobUthlag C«m>

ft»f, Ibi.■ . JABP^HOW jACK.MUU^WMET

JhLWXBTKftOazN LOWELL D ie t niLEY DUODB ' B ulsm U tnw ir H tB tflni UllW Ad>trtUlB« IUs m M

1. Zauni U Mcea4 a lu t takll mktur April *. U ll. «t — ilii^B^tcU kf l» Twin rmlb. »iho . n S ,t t t i ot Miftb

' All BoUMt rMDlrad br Uw «r br erdtr ol Mutt ol^ •OD>p*t«st iBHtdMloa' M b« publUh*4 wwklj will b«

I__ 55^’^IMOri«iS«*Co?^^ ***''* to-----iu e x u t i r p m r

OUI(J<) Cllf ao4 CcpBir Hrw,ftptr

L Maneuveringr Political m aneuvering has ahiftcd into

hfgh gear in Drenaratton fo r Idaho*a prl- m ary e l e c t i o n , bITU more than lour monthfl away. From n o w o n . .votcr^can expcct cxchan^re a f te r exchange m the candidates worlc fo r votes in the primaryv In addition to good fields of candidates a lreaay“expecte’d~f6rigOVcrnor-and-Bec- ond d is tric t congressman, don’t bo sur­prised if several candidates from each

. p a r ty fils fo r Jieutenant governor;Lieut. Gov. 'WIlilamE.-Drevlow cleared

the way for a battle for tho No. 2- spot I • - by announcing for-the Democratic nomi­

nation for governor, which will further complicate hia partyU decision In select­ing a candidate. When the deftdline.for filing petitions has, passed, the Demo­crats may have as many as 10 candidates fo r the governor nomination. Even with

. half that many, it appears a runoff prl- ■ njary would ba required.

Mr. Drevlow undoubtedly will draw a good many votes in the primary despite his illnesses -> or perhaps becauae of them. Top It with Mr. Drevlow’a conald-

— efable-experiencflJn,both the house and m Behatb and his tinio ofsubblnK lor uov-

» ■ ernor Smylle, and he Is a formidable I candidate.f— — -But-hJ5-wlthdrawal.as.Uoute_nan^gov- ' emor opens the' door there and appar- — -ently-Kenneth^mold,-Bois6jRepublican- who had announced prevloualy he. would,

ask nomination as governor, Is among the, - ■firg» ff> hnlf. for the open door, ^ven be-

fore Mr. Di'evlow^ official announce-

— plans for governor and said he-would ask the lieutenant governor nomination. He

I explained he had changed hla plans be­cause of the' "possibility of causing addi­tional Bplits in the Republican party."

But it was Interesting to note that i Mr. Arnold waa the first candidate, i either Democratic or Republican, to an­

nounce ,specificalW for. the lieutenant ' governor nomination. Actually, £he lower

. ^post is a rather thankless job. That offl- ‘cial serves as president of tho senate while it is in session. The only other

* function is to act as governor while ]the chief executive is out of the state.

However, there is one other possibility- for the state's No. Z official; In event ' - Bomething happens to the- governor, he

' ' automatically takes over the No. 1 spot , and serves out the uncompleted term. Or ^n"eVBnL of~nn unoxpected'^^openlng—inr say, the U. S. senate, the governor could

J resign, permit the lieutenant governor f to become governor and appoint thia ex- ' executive to the senate. I t has happened 1 - in Idaho before, but voters expressed,

thetr displeasure by keeping the ap­pointee home after the next election. .

ARE t h e y r e a d y ?I A continuing question Arinea In tho

• cases of some of the backward nations j that press for self-determination df tholr

.present status and their future. There ’ — ^la-llttle-doubt-Tnany-of-thoae-nati^ns

have been exploited to varying degrees in the past nnd somo continue to be ex­ploited. Bat aro they ready for self-rule?

The question hns arisen frequently in Africa, nnd quite recently. In aomo cases

'j where governments wero scheduled to /j be turned over to the natlvos, Euroneans 1; - illuitrated their opinions quite vividly by ft . Joining In a g c n o ra l exodus which il reached a climax shortly beforo the dead­

line.Perhaps tho words of a British soldier

-------"Ruptlon.I "North Katanga is now empty of Euro­

peans. There's no such thing as law anc order thoro—lt Is a buttle area with un

, disciplined soldiers on both Katangar nnd Congolese Bides, And terrifying ever the soldiers nre thoso terrorist bands, wearing fenthers nnd waving tholr speari and bowfl and arrows at ovoryono ii

I alght." ■Somehow the deacrlptlon doesn’t'seen

' to fit tho picture of. a pcopio who un ready to tackle tho serious problems oi self-govornment. Nor does tho render gti tho' Idea th at hero is a people ready t< take tholr place among lhe nations o the world, accepting world re.spouHibill tlea and contributing thoir nhnro to do yelopmont of the worid.

Whon Is'* country ready lo accept th responsibilities of self-riilo nnd ,.wlio I goinj to decide tho day han arrived Can %JflniL9f snvnges, o* P^oplo arino with Bpenrs nhd bows nnd arrows,- dli dpllne Itself to loiirn nnd solve prpbluni th at aro apparently beyond tho compn

f — -------lrtnfllonH>f^hopoopW4t4VouldJMutIrai)!I . if Bomo world authority could cpmo u I ' ‘With A Blmple answer. Unfortunately, I ' r tp p w ra there is no simple solution.I ': AM .-who can say th a t tho' bnrbarlar

• -lilY o d o n ® w o r s e tlmn some of thoI ' r!l» « ' •‘0 ^0“"'I ' " h i irld!'”""


^ 9 ^ - ---------------By-/AMS8-AND-ANN-JPBEB_____--------- — W A 8H IN G T O N rJ«n-30-^----- T be-«D A t*-* iib i;K>*aiM com m ittee probe of c h i r g u t h t t mlUtary leaden

n ortAb. been "m uzzled- iUIl„ - ■ fc WA7 to go. bu t alreadjr itS neither, (Ide wUl be

■ » btc winner.HBT Individual. S ta n and soaU can

contest. B u t UiU InveAUsatlon

*?m ^ or those good cuys »a .thern*Bi to sf^A ln. And U wiU. reqiUfe a 'h e a r miraculous switch

M4 rr<M ju > « r m — rlo r -th ls -« h o w - to ^ tu m - 4 n to _ a "spectacular." F o r th e specta to rs • are leamln*

— I.I.* fo r themgelva «•«)- C h a lm a n J o h n . C. Stennl*, -I>T^<ie*rla-atH h^led-*4udge:i4»y-roany-peaona.

—r* ----- baclc ll) h la Ijome sta te . Sunnla* decade as a' circu it judge before coming to the senate in IMS

won for h im the reputa tion aa & fslr-mlnded m an w^io w anted the fuU evidence, ond no non-

id into *«''**■ **** couftroom . _ . . . , _________

— R E V IE W B IW -L A C tt_atA N N E R a_= _B «IialeL 1 Btennls' wholb rccord, h is every-day demeanor,r ^ c a n po in t 'th«r w ay to some of the things h is sub- a s the com inutee la nicely to recom m end ;- - im a ry v B tennts t s > ' g rea t believer in, and practitioner l i d n t e i dignity. E arly testim ony indicated. ^ h a t . In so m i cases, speeches o t h igh rankjng a-sec-- om cerirhav« 'T )«en“ "een» rK l,“ -or-chan^ed.-w U h

0 s u r - flip w ritten com m ent by anonymous low er-ran i-1 e a c h lng rcvlewei's. Alao, on occasion,- reviewing au­

thorities have been som ew hat ab ru p t and need­lessly caustic, in the ir de&IUng with the mlUtary

l e a r e d spcech-m akers;2- s n o t T h e M tsalsslpptan can be expected to urge tha t n n m i. h igh -rank ing authorities, r a th e r th a n subordl- . - notes; handle , tile .d irec t, re la tio n s 'w ith Wirfi- l i r t h e r ninklrtg oHlcers of th e arm ed services. And th a t s e le c t - th is - be done 'a long more clearly defined gulde- t j e . f o r 1^**' *nd in a m anner reH ecting m utual re- D em o -iM nton Stennls* long experience on th e arm ed services

u u com m ittee and ' in handling defense approprla- 1 W Jtn uaf, requests (his o the r eom m lttee Is senate [ f p r i - appropria tions) h as strengthened h is conviction

th a t civilian authority m u st be pa ram ount In m aking our national policy.

raw a . . . .lesplte RESPECTB AUTHORITY — H e wUl stress IRA o f tn&t the m an in uniform , should avoid publla -rtn«M Involvem ent In pa rtisan politics, th a t mUltary uiiQ iu- naval officers conform to foreign policy ect S6 a n a by th e ir com m ander in chief. f~ G o W ~ .T h e senato r Hig~8fe*t~TMpect~for~conatltuted tidable au tho rity , ];ut iJ wel} « v a re U u t some generals

' a n d adm irals — Uke some cap ta ins of industry te n d to pontificate on subjects they lu io v little

it g o v - about. A fter all, there a re well over 1,300 generals n n n a r- ' « n d BdmIrBl»,“an<l they eanno t aH-b* «*perts on ih l c a n and th e communUt th rea t.« — B e in r tro m the s ta te th a t produced-the-fam ous w o m a . H ppirtte-' Jo h n Alien, w ho se rred l a -tlio .U S , ngthe house of representatives from 186S to ISOl, S ten - en be- a ls Im ons th a t generals m ake up a sm all m inorityo im n ^ an y 'Sti'iiiy ,. ■ ' ' ■ i. ■ . i .------ -— r-_

AUen, who had been a p rlyate^tn th e CoiUed-

ild ask form er-C onfederate generol..A U en.Jum ped.aheads n . He one n ig h t w hen bo th spoke Iro m th e saiMns be- platform^. ^ ^

J a d d l - p r i v a t e h a s l a s t w o r d — T h e generalp a r ty , (nam ed Tucker) cUmaxed h is speech thusly:. "FeJiow c ltiw as . 30 yeaw ago la s t n ig h t, after® t h a t h a rd fough t ba ttle on yonder h lll , I blvoujuk-d id a t e , ed under yonder c tum p of trees. .Those o ( yout o a n - vtao rem em ber, a s I do, those tim es th a t trle^

i t p n a n t ^ iortet th e ir humbM L l S e e r ra n t wt<en.the p a r i e s a re held.-'* v n ie n th e applause died down, AUen began hlii t o f f l - rem arks on th is m odest s o U : ^senate ' "U r tetlcw eiUteas, w h at O enera? T ucker sayi

o t h e r t® haW ng bivouacked, in yonder clum;<1 o t on th a t n ig h t Is tru e . I t is also true, milie .^ n e cltlsens, th a t X w as a vidette p icket an<

stood K uant w hile h e s le p t. 'N o w th e n , fellovl iw iiu o citizens; aU of you w ho were generals a n d haiU D iiiiy privates s ta n d guard over you w hile you slept

e v e n t vo te fo r O en. la c k e r ; a n d a ll o f you w ho werilOr. h e p rivates e n d stood gua rd over th e generals wliiliI g p o t they alept, yot* fo r Pv t. J o h n A lien!"

_ ^ £ W S :O E -O X H E R S ^‘ c o u ld ' BMALL B A N G .'rU SA SE -v e m o r a Slmpto sentence I n . th e s ta te o f th e unioi h a A ¥. m « w ise m arks th s end o f • revolution. “We in y te n d to hifve a f a f l Unles th e capacity to resU} p e n e n non-nuclear o r lim ited a ttac k s — a s * comple i r e s s e d , m e n t to o u r nuclear capacity ."10 a p - How to explain th e staggering- q u a lity o f th * Inn sta tem en t? M ilitary dootrtne h a s been agalns I ' ' ' '* . • i t for a decade, Conventional w arfare w as v ir

tually out. The tru s tra t lo n th a t explode^l whei A m erican planes w ere forbidden to attac lc Chine

in w hen th e K orean w ar approached th e Y alu rlvei ^ h»d w on behind th e scenes In W ashing ton . Al

l a t o n s th e m assive power o f com m and decision a t th If t h e i r very top was Invoked fo Impose th is concept. T h e r e Decision became dogma. A form idable pha

legrC CS publlo no t allowed to discuss th e ^ e w it b e e x - knowledge. Th# documents vfer* h igh ly classl

I f - r u le ? O n 'y generalities'V (ere available In publl

n t l y in » th is sou^ids like fiction tn e answ er is t h i .0 c a s e s grotesque.itloH tn I t is a grent relief to have th is episode closet

O nly “ ved through i t can h in t a t thr o p e a n s in te n s l^ o f a non>democratlo a n d Imposed p a t Id ly b y tita n m ilita ry a ttitude over a large num ber c

which w onder th a t P resident Elsenhowiin rinnri n a m e d AS b e le ft tb e W hite I lo iue again st n 10 a e n u industrlal-m llU sry speolal in terest. I t manngei

in th is case a t least, to p u t dem ocratic debate 1 s o ld i e r * concenUatlon c am p l-O h rls tla n Science Mor

tuntlon. ^t E u rO « ! 'U IU RKOTIIER --------------------la w a n d Angeles, helicopters pa tro l tlie .f re iu l ih '«in W n g over the netw ork o t surMrlilgnwa)n i n u n ofllcw s m ay spo t a traffic tleup and sunM a n g a n m on help on the ground so lh a t th e obntructlt n g e v e n to th e now o t automobiles m ay bo quickly clea

b a n d s , *"■«>'• i< n n o n r* ^ sta tion also employs a hellcopt. i - pilot, who periodically reporU on trafrie cond y o n o m n o n s os noted <rora above, An Angeleno. wl*l

litg (u reach ttis office or home with ie sst posMti

n. , - ™ onnoVance during th e ru sh periods, tunes in « n e e m the atntlon to receive bulletins on v^-rrcks ni

w ho u r o o ther conx^stlon-causlng blockadcB. T lils Info l e m s o f ninllctn nmy enable him to change h is route iiiln r ir« t • ., J D etroit has gone U m Angelrs ono better, n

OH(ly t o cently Installed In th e m otor cap ita l, reports I l io n s o c American Automobile Astoolnlloii. Is a televlsli lo n s ib ill- 'viin monitors. Ciuneras mounted <ft t n d o . MAn various pa rts of tho freeway.s>

ten) and flash Ihe picture to th{> monitor ron AcoldenU, breakdowns hnd oUier liiierferenc

'e m it t h n •** trafflo TViovement are th u s spotted- a t . on ^ l . n I-/W 10 IS aeorBfl Orwen’s cotjceplion in "jbb j" o f J] arrived? n ro th r r who w atches one’s every acllnn by tel lo arinojl vlJilon becomes less rantaKllo as the vears *1

c o m p ro - w iiK N MAM{ i;n u ( iA T io N k k a l i.'y n K o mM U tlrap lc. HMakitown nf Gollfonila wliool attendar ro m o n n TW irrTTihmra-r;7Rt-nri*|e-pttp/l.t-otHn«mJ«P-a

S ""'I'™.l a t e l y , K t Jjo m a lt preponderanre Is particularly nntalt lo n . At th e Jimlor college level, where Uiers a re .f

«i (firee girls In adenrtance.t r n a r a n a A naro soclologUt#. however, a re shedding

o r i n o i r »«ar« over the a ppn rrn t rtlsparlly in ediicatloi10 f o u n d - 0Pf«rtunlty as between tho seses.ir' I n s t ln i r ,. . ** consensus H iat m ale eriueatlon 01K inoM iiK beglns w lth m atriculation In m atflm ony \im

a oiie-wlte f a c u lty .- lx a AngelM Times

;e _ ____le n a te -su b - tary leadersr sUll.>has g g E S aH?It already it ' ■ ..s ld e w U lb e - H

id goats can

InvesUgaUon r i ^ V ^ W f i l cled services a »m lttee holds ' * / f ^ * B | / BeloDlng into j[uys TS .theAnd It willulous switch UB n j a Mu m - ln ta _ a ....... i I M m Bre learning - / / r f 'C. Btennls, ■ / I

ecade as a ' tfW inate in IMS / ^ lI B M M Bfslr-rmlnded fnd no non- I

— senato r M___ l A H B j H' demeanor,gs h is sub- w 5 - ^ 5 1

prwU tloner ^y indicated Igh rankingsn^ed .-w llh------------ ,-------------------------------------lower-rank-

“ ^ ^ 0an subordl- w ith Wirfi-s. And th a t “ -------Ined guide- ^ m utual re - < .

ned services ' ^approprlR- ' %

\ Is senate ^I convictionram ount In . - • .

will stress T D / ^ n p void publla J T U i a t m ilitary

r : : : s h o t s * ^ne generals ---------- -------- : ^ ____industry L —

OT s l o w e d h i m DOWKI• e * p e r tso n M r.-P o t-S h o ls ;________________irea t. It’s rum ored tha t some Ozarlthe-fam ous h ilt J)lllle8_6ave_old_H j^rnaU i]a - the .U 3 . sorghum m o loskISOl, S ten - nnd wfld blockberrlcs about th

o il m inority time tho cold w cnther M t in.

anU-frwao out of the berries, w TTOd ahead h ttve -hca rd the -Ia st of him befor

to e Ju ly -o s- th e re -ls nothing-ns-'slo a s-m olQ sse5-ln ..January_cxcc{ 25 below zero weather,

t h e general H arry 's Neighborech thusly t • • •n ig h t, a fte r KITTENS FOR KIDS D E P T . I blvouju:k- Fo t Shots: nose o f you Will you please help m o fin » th a t tr ie d homes’ for four very prc tty -k l h e ir hum ble (gns? Cali oC . . .’ w . 517 JoHarson Street

_ ( T w ta F h ll ,)

m e t e w OUR aULLCTIN BOARD . S f f ™ . S ? > - « • . T » ln F . l l . - w e r e o; p i S ' Sthen , fellow flWy farthe r and s a y virtually n

a n d h a d of it l« • 'Jnalrig and Jumbling 0 you slep t, with the acccnt on the. la tte r. li lu w ho were s« a d o f , trying to say it In » ne ra ls w hile try , why not w rite your thoughi l« " ‘ . and send them along to the ^

lie Forum departm ent over yoi F R s , true name? You ml^bt bo su w t - w - paseT fT T Iim ^ rlraw -m aT iy -pe

f th e un ionIon. -W e I n . anyway.^ ^

FAMOUS LAST LINE 's a com ple. „ _

iH tr o t th a t ■"leen againstiro w as v ir . CBNTI,EMAN IN THE[)lode<l w hen FOORTH R O W.ttack C hina,0 Y alu river, jfl

,, ■ World1 concept. H T f . v x a v a ildable p h a - ^ n x i s B a i i s s a i s i c n s i n s a c a ;rs policed it,'«• WttrTHfl —BY-RODKRT BENNVJIOFK 10 k iu o w ith HOLLANDfA, New Oulne I g t ^ classl- Jon . ao lU?[^DutcU officials e lie l a publla P<ot 'm o re "pinprick" attac

from Indonesia, b u t no fulUcs isw tr is th a t Invasion o f W est New Oulm

for, m any m ontiia.}lsode closed is th e consensus of opli) h in t a t th e Indone«Imposed p a r- «now ed pressure on Hollftnd B num ber of »bandon tho territory.L Elsenhow er po in ts s tand ou t in tle again st nn <lI*P"lo betw een H olland and 1; I t m anaged. ‘ '

itle debate In ^h® defenders do nJclenco M on- e*P«ct th o Invoslon promUM 1

President Sukarno for sur _ j_ . m onth i. bu t aro prepared------------------- - l lg n t - l t a ttacked .rol th e free- ^ ' T l ’oinloiis 'W lK nnnBtJltt' iM rlilaW av s “ “" ‘O' are Bcnerally Impjiy wl •up and aum - supervision, nmi nltlioiij10 o b .lra ttlo n il'"!’,quickly clears " 'e y nro against hnvlqu.caiy C lear, jndoncslans^rulo ibejw.

t r \ f r i ? S r t " »« Ne’'iB eW o w ln i. odm lnlslrntors and trnde least ^ » ( h s *"*” * *0 h e re -tJ ic ndml

1 I T /k * ««H ‘he. natives for seU-ioverI. Tvfls infor- I® completed, and

1.1. r«, perm anently.I hU rou te to D utch and . Papuan otriclila n», ' <>• •» POlUli11 'n H'® United N ations

■ 2 r '■ S S „ a iS K !.: 'S 'E „ ;

In cnn latmefi fi/s invnsi

Bitert- a t . once T hey b,uevp. hLi th rea ts 1“«0Ri» m ilitary p.

..S altilK tyat Iho prei.fn( (line,

V. montha, Imlourftla'i forIs tlt l* .-P o r t- « u i be able to launch «n a tti

H 'at th e D utch could not cc

'1'* Mennwhllr. Dutch ofMcirs 1 ol a ttendanro confuieiit th e ir nmnll lun niodi ««n((mMr-glr;- ■*iid~well.ttiUmui-attIuuso_Iiiri **’; , e trung along ‘ uib i,goo-iijularly notable coastline, ran turn back 1 Uier# a re f|va landing nttiunpt; .

Oov. P e te r J . I 'lattel said I » shedding no territory can ex|>eoi more "n In etlucatlonnl iirlcks" llko tho um>uuccctaful

vBilon a ttem p t of Jnii, to, fducAtlon only which an Indoneslnn 'o rp 1/ mony under boat, was sunk hy.thn n m ch . ^■mes Ills view Is' shared by It

kVT ^

B B B ' <—-t—-

MARQUIS c h i :

m W A S H IWASHINOTON, J a n . 80—Tli

Republicans a re preparing------ r trongrconcerteid-effort to-llqul

-------- da te th e ir dobt o f m ore thai" half-m llllon dollars .a n d glv

DOWNI tbe lr p arty a lif t looking to th____________c o n g r e s s lb n a lKomn O inrk electlons— t h l B - ^ ^ ^ ^ K S ? '

IS about the jie s of d inners : r se t in. across th o coun- e-hom em adc try-and-then-the-^^JB W c f f i ) berries, we annual Lincoln 's )f him before day- celebraUoo »..^ J ^ H p hinc-ns-'slow wUl seek t o r o l l y A Y /

n o t only t h e K y ^ B g n ^ y _ c x c e p t . ^ t v - fo i ih fu i ' m ‘ , L,. . bu t those who Ch.l*»Neighbor ,„u8 t be draw n In to th a R epubl

m s D E P T . “ “ ” '*!*•For th e p a rty in te rm s at n t

,«!„ ™ »in,i m erlcal strength Is a pilnorlt jcip m o line pj^jty a n d th e aw areness of Ui y p retty kit- ^ acute now th o l the GO

Is onco again in opposition, fv wn Street 20 year* from 1832 th rough 19! Falls) the Republicans were th e oppos

* tlon party . I n U iat role Uii< BOARD . dw indled a t the he igh t o f ti; I — W e're on New D eal, to a sm all banff wit 1 go consider, relatively U ttle. Inllucnee on tt / virtually a ij course- oft events, w hether 1 id Jiimbling” home o r abroad, tho la tte r. In- T h tn came th e e ight Elsei lav It In BOft. hower years. B ut, except for tl

« r s l Blsenhow er -victory In 195 I S tho Republicans continued to lo. g to the P i ^ „ „ t s In the senate nnd the hous ;nt over your Republlcawi complolned prlvat light bo su r. Jy th a t with h is personal popi sWTnaTiy-pwF i R n r - n i g n - th p - gcnc ra t- ln - t l n your side.'-' W hite House considered hhnse

a non-polltlcal President.,.,M - 'W ith a D em ocrat In tho pres

T LINE dcncy who understands to tl , I WSI tW d full th e uses of power In.Uio mo I sramp any-'pow erful office In the world, U

Republicans' nre debating hg VN IN THE. they shou ld 'conduc t Utemselve 'H R O W Shou ld 'they oppose for the sal

orid CornersJNNXJlOFK— A dm ^n . L. O .'necscr. Hprye.iriO ' ew Guinea, com m ander o f combined Dufa 1 officials ex- defense forces on the Island, ar rick" attacks hla top ofllcers. it no fullscale TliQ D utch have nn t dlsclosi New G uinea the exact sUe of (lielr dofenj

forces, bu t th e b c « estlm al snsus of opln- aro th a t they include l,fiOO nu te r Indonesia rines, I,BOO arm y troops, S< in H olland to a n lt-a lrc ra ft personnel, nnd ory. ' 000-man a ir force, equipped wllnd ou t In the a t 'le a s t 16 Brltlsli-made Hawk >IIand and In - H un te r Jet 'f lghtcrs, whlch car

' " sidewinder missiles, nnd mo nders do n o t th a n 23 Neptune patro l bombei 1 promlicd by T h o navni forccs Include fl0 for some destroyers and frigates and so

prepared to e ra l sm aller veuela.

f tn n n B tJ ltth e - O n l r nbm «lr-halt- lhe-5004) lly happy w ith Papunns whp live In ihe wcste. nm! nlthoiiKh half of New Guinea are und1 loK -deterni- the control nf D utch admlnl igalnst hnvlng tra to rs . 'H ivlr lenilcrs ore ln .t: ilo them . leglslntlve coDiiflJ,’ to«el)jcr wl

* D utch m cinblts, ^^lc^e lead* New Guinea, a re adam nn l iW the ir oppojltl

8 and tr.idera, to IndoncMaii control.ndm lij. TJie coihicJI Jins wiked T

Job of p repa r- H ague to request i\ U. N. tea T »ell-«overn. be se n t hero for an InspecU' cd, and '.he tour in sou firM -hand th a t t ly* Papuans <|o no t «fln( to ba t^k[>uan otllclalR over by Indonesia, ol a -po litica l T he native leiidern sny tli cd N ations nr regardless of Indonrnia's proi f an a o t u a ) ises to (tienii lliey will fight wl

ipears nnd bows and arrows Qfflcors and necensary to p revent li,

do n o t believe Meanwhile, Illu gnei on n< !fi fi/s Invnslin mMly in Now G uinea — 'on t r or early 1003, surface, B ut ev rn ts beliind t I th rea ti are scenes reflect thn growing t<

m ilitary pns- slon tn dally lives, cn( (line. M any of the 35,000'nutch a10 th a t In nU Ifurtniliins hero a re quietly mt lnueftlrt-,1 forcen Ihg^ nrrnngem ents to leave inch an a ttack caie th li brcom rs lU'cessnry, >uld not con- A luhm antlal num ber ol Dui

•ettlern nnd bualuc»nien hi ch nrilc rrs are le n t the ir fninlllcH hoiue to n all bu t m odern land, and mnny Kuin;.lani * attlwi*u_farcca. Ilcil..lndi)npn||\ lirciumg of tlihB i.Goo-iniio oiu>5Sti^>i P l f e i i n mirn back any lng permlwlon to emigrnte• .. . . . Auatriklla cir.iho U niifd Hlai( Inttel said the Tho U utcji..ahlp Hntll le ft 1 lot more "p in - week w ith loilr tim es tho iiorr iimuccciiful In- am ount of lu rn ltu ro and hou )l Jnn , 10, lu hold goods, Mimy Dufch'OlllBl iMlnn 'o rpedo nre reiuniliig n t the end of tl: ,th e D utch. Ihree-yenr roiitruct*, jiu tead ' tiared by Hear renewing tlirin,

i on the Green” -


. H I N G T O Nlan . 80—T he of opposing programs of th t jreparlng a Kennedy adm inistration, which :o rt-to -llqu l.. perhaps_m ost..R epuW lcans m

m ore th a n strongly against? O r should tne> I a n d give come fo rw ard 'w lth alternatlvej oklng to the th a t would gIve.Uie party a posl-

Uve look?

ThU h as been . brought Into sharp focus by President Kenne-

■ ^ ■ ^ 1 dy's strategy-ln putUng u p .to jh j congress a proposal for a deport^ m ent of u rban affairs to be head-

B W i S n a ed-by-Robert 'Weaver, who woul< thereby become the first Negrt

: i 3 ^ R J y to s it In th e cabinet. Republic an fro n lhe blg-c»y sw ies u i thi E i i t are frankly dlsmayed a t tbi prosEeet th a t th e ir party , as 1

CbiMt p a rty T ^ ll^ g ls t^ r-B -la rg e -m e a th o RepubU. sure of opposlUon to th la -p tft

posal.te rm s at n u - Consistently over the years un

a piinorlty d e r the tw o-party system, whld eness of this h as served' the nation so wel h a t the G O P widely divergent factions coexU ipositlon. P ttr under th e same political ten th rough 19S2 B u t fo r the party In power in th e th e opposl. executive branch tho preslder i t role they has the dom inant voice. W ith a e igh t o f the increasingly articulate-right, run ,11 ban d w ith nlng from solid, old-fashlonc ucnee on th e conservatism to the extrem e c

w hether a t John Blrchlsm, po rt o f the Rc - publican dilemma Is to know wfa

e ight Elsen-xcent for the Increasingly th e party m achlr ■torv In 1852. ery has come under thor^lrectlo S d t o l O M of'conservatives, and U iat I* ind the houw •o'^^ee of unhappiness to Repul ined p r S : th e blg-clty sta teYsona? p S - New.York, tho richest and mft m c r a l - l n ^ e - p o p u la u U ata ttL Jn Jh f i-u n lS n ^ lered hhnself ^ Republican governor, tw o ^ tident publican senators and th e leglit., .k ’ la turo Juks Just redlstrlctcd t l

l i l l i sta te in auch a way as to mea

congressional seots. W hile Re Ih^H nJ h n « WJHJam S. M iller from upeUi f n New York U QOP naUonal chalit Uiemselves. j,as been su ,p e c te d -for the sake charge* ho den le* -o f favorlr

r s K n r r s s w the presidential candidacy 1 Ben. B arry O oldwater of A rlto a a 'conservative, who Is chalrm a of the pa rty 's senatorial can palgn committee.

1 . • While tho congressional ele<- in ... . ,«..i tlon th is fall cannot resolve tl

R «publlcan_dU em m ^ ib ln r t D utch gain Jn j ja t s ond a fc le Islnnd, and upset victories In th e senat

.11 .« .. would bo a healthy tonic. O n tl purfnco optimism Is s trong; Re

; , Wilson of CaUfornla. chali. Jnn m an o t tho house cam paign c a t

Ide 1 BOO rc ^ m lttee, pu ts a t 80, six, m ore th t n n l? nn,< tlio H sents ncedcd to captui

control o t tho house, hla best ei

; ' - l a a n n e sta tes tho tea t will 1I'lrr!) clearly B ?tw een-a_conservatl'I In o lln ? fiM ftepubllcnn nnd a D e itio J rn t^ l ni» . . M follows tho NOW Frontier llne iir aics and aov-

detetm lne tho nature of tho OG , »>.»,«,» candidate for ’8t, Vnters In Ml ;■ !* U? M«Tl.win h a w as JtflilLdeflnCA. n ihe w csrfni n„y«{B{c. tJ i o pen„n are under ocrat, Sen. Edward V. Long, rui™ 5? 1!; I" TOP""' '

Ji,,^ Kemper. Jr., a try e a r-o

,/‘r never before run for publlo offKc,r opposition . ^ 0^^ hna.a,r«coril,.Pn..lO kl . i'.iri.,, TJ,« ''Otea the ln»t sr.«lmi: r n t td 1 , 11 ^ Americans for Demncrntdo Actli nn i,..,;f .n tw n t 100 percent nnd by Amorlcai mnd t m t i r* Constitutional Aollon. ADV

n c to o a u iM n j j , , Rtrntogy a lready e\ lers *nv Umi '* t" sprPad 'lho impreaali

nrom . Kemper h lar to th e rig Alli fiBlit With of’poscd-tn ty rry lllln g fre 3 S o w s t*'“ 'oo '"* «yflinn’ to-t:iiHi arrow s 11

Hooi on nor- '^«mper, nix Ieet four, pcrso 110a - -on the V ")’-^frJoiJs, U delcrm in is beliind tho to play tha game tlm t vi

growing ten* l» 'o r aoolal aocurbut ag aliu t npondlng prograi

IflO'f^utch and *** ftdmliilstrntlwi. P ^ i r yei I quietly mak- * lo aa a D rm ocrat he w as tre t

lo leave In “ 'e r of Ben. H tuart Sym lngto lU'cesiinry, cimpalKU for rrelrctlon. B u t n

inbcr ol Dutch »»'|)ulillrnn, and In n is c iic»uicn hnvo drllnltliin a cnuservatlve who hi)iue to HoU nt’io n llbrrnl In lha trad ltlo ii

Knin:.lani who Iri'e-entcrprlsa seuMi o f tho tei ;ikunfl of their has. ciilk-d both Byinlngt m u T a r n i J in r B m l'lw nr-“l^blan-aoclftlU U ;.'- 1 rmlgrnte to 'Ote frdoral program s b a d Jn iifd Htftirs, by tucceulvn Domocrntio adtni Hntll le ft la it h trnllons ' {(ir city a ild fa

les tho normal dwellers havu hold Uia slleglai iro and house< of large uriiUps of voters. W hei D utch olflBlali r r they cun bo won a » a y b> le end of the ir rail to piliuUplo Is a question Dlx, huiead'>of bi> a naw nn l tn Mli^oiirl t

Diaiiy other s ta te s th la fall.

\ _

. - l i r r z i z r - RAI

— G O L D \‘ 2 un constanU y dism ayed al

^ w S : S & p e _ ^ e c o r f l e r f c i o . i S a l i f t - T BubUo -Inform aU on rep e a t m j

m words to m e, I someUmes- find difficulty ■ g a S H B I

in relftUnsto th e Image

p o r t r a y e d by 1 ^ ^ m ese r t s p w y i B B M B l

genUemen of the press.- radio' and

3 ^ 9 ceferislon. n E S ^ R I A. long,

t / a U ' tim e ago X saidu ^ j[n n W o p ln = - B M W B M

■ m H i t was nec- H H B U B

1 ^ - ^ e ~ o T i £ ' C01.DWATEE ^ K S : u n ite d S ta te s o t A merica to de-

' (ern tlns th a t t ^ e ^ e r e 'g o l n r 't tw n ro i r -c o ia -w a r :---------------------

T he feed back system baa dls- ^ ^ ■ 1 . to rted Uils untU 1 find U dlTfi-

cu ft tc recognize m y o*en rolee •'Ooldwater w-anU w ar," t h e ] aay. “Punch K hrushchev in thi nose.” they say. “Dare th e com- m u n ls ts_ (o Jm o o k tbe ch ip o l b u rsh ou lder« ,"~ they-«ay ,-“Lefi

■ ■ V drop Uie big one,” they say. ' ■ K M HsUonaUsm g o n e ram p an t ■ K H i Reckless .d ls r e n rd fo r hum si

Ufe7 Perhaps ! lack .Uie clarit; and sUU w ith words of thesi

. 4 * 5 ^ 1 professional reporters w ho have x ^ - s u r e ,—q u ite -stocereJy—at- tem pted to refle ct w h a t the;

I l ^ ^ \ heard m e say. ^

I I do th in k wo m ust determtniX to -w in tho cold war. 1 do no

. - th ink we should p u n c h Mj M K ru s h ch e v In th e nose or- go

J l ' ready to launch a nuc lear waor belUgerenUy th ru s t out ou chin- and dare those who dla

- agree w ith u s .to knock th e chli off our shoulder.

r m tru ly sa d th a t miUlons 0 people trt Uils world Uve unde th e ty ranny of communism—; Focletv which, in my opinior precludes tho posslblUty of con

■ r / ^ K l strucUve relaUonshIp betwee: L / I N men. 1 deplore and condemi

TV T g u>:^iig,‘gTi»ii'*i> rm n i' i j '.nVi iitzB

r i i The Dotltlon. which £ ... ___ ____ r . -^ L J uabllcans Km'. v ■■S o u T d lh ey S f T iA R O r o “ TIIO M A S~ alternatives , ' - ireM A N ,-M .D ._ _

party a posl- w ri tte n lo r N ewipaper Enterprise Awn.

^ a h t Into ~Q = ^M y-dau8h te r h a d -a -p to t . den t K enne . w a r t rem oved from t h f ball 1“ p S h , , “J t o t o S a ' . ™ t U i M J i . l o W to p I u u

: S b ! i SiH ttg in th e a n d —t h e—» m a .i thc

party , as a f o r m i n g a l l • a -la rse -m e a . v o u n d . u v d u e > 7 M I M to S I S L t« a v lruT li fee

th e v e o rs u n - he h a s advfietf— r — ystcm. which tlon so well. 'ctlons coexUt J . ' i Of H»«a»

m S ln*m e condiaoi^ D ^ i l S i t very, contagious? ■wm r

W to on o th e r chlldxen catch It? ;te-right. r u n - A—D ear m other, how h a old-fashloncd you m anaged to collect so m u B e x trm e o f n ilslnform atlon In so short

’Ume? I n th o first place, desp u, m o w w ho p „ „« .p h in alon of podiatry, your partlcul

S r :lis t and m o st Hence, If. he thinks ycae union h a s da u g h ter has an In/ecllon o r i

q u ife rv itf f ff lin n t-ia -h ls -o b ilgind th e legls- tlo n to refer you to your docilU trlc tcd th e fo r tho lo tte r ’s mortf Informr a s to m oan Ju^Bment In -th6 m atter,six o r seven Now as to the w arU. I t Is tr

, W hile R ep . th a t wnrts can bo producedfrom u p s ta te Inocu la tions. with viruses. IaUonal c h a ir - also Uie w art, which Is merelysuapected—a sk in reaction In which the ce

-^)f favoring heap up in a bunch, canlandldncy o f caused by alm ost any o the r slor of A rltona. Irr lton t, no one of w hich IsI Is c h a irm a n resu lt of a deflclrncy o t alatorlal c am - vitam in , n o one o t which coi

or would respond to doses of vaslonal e lec- om lns w hether pure A or tIt resolve Uio re s t o f Uie alphabet. -la. a _ i tm a r l .__ l . .__ « » • __ ^s a n d a fow N ot having seen your daug

th e aen&te te r ’a p lan ter w art, 1 should rtonic. O n tho pe rhaps venture a nuRgestlonI s trong; Rep. to Ita causation. O r Its pebslifornla, c h a ir - ence. B ut from my geneiimpalgn c a n - knowledge of the foot habltnilx^morp th a n th e c u rren t crop of youngsted to c ap tu re r d 'a d v an c e 'th e theory th o t I% hla best es- ju s t possibly the result of faul

hygiene.* . . 1. Dy which I mean aloppy aholO tea t will ho ,)oppy gockn and 's tock lngs a

oloppy wMklng habits.

Ho t - " - ™ " -. f ! / M i - n n p w ar t Is sltunled on th a t porti i n M ? . of tlie transverao arch t t

. S . K .v 'l ^ n f f ^ r u ^ r ""y instead of belng'an arch , i Is o p S e « l by., 34Tyear-old ^ n d If th a t’s *0. you m ight 1

” „ b S “o l l t o .

S S . Oswald Jaby A m ericans^ollon, ADA’S ------- 1------ a she rig h t, a t WORK FOU HODTII -

alrcady evi* Horth'fl raise to th ree heahe im preaalon Is slightly aKKresalve, b u t 01' to tho r ig h t ta ln ly no t uimoiuid and Soutrrytlilng from j _

- - - .....________________ J ,four, pe rson - ' i A 10 b a

U d e lc rm in e d ¥ Q H 3 3me th a t way. 4 7 03aoolal aocurlty ' + J 5 ,*lng program s m S T ( D ) b ABTtxi. P ^ i r year* , t k J 6 0 i A K 7 0 4he w as t r e a a . ' t f 108 VO 7 -t S ym ington’s 4 K S 4 J 1 0 l iltlon. B u t now t f iA K Q s a 4 8 8 1 4ud In n is own flOlfTnvaUve w ho la ■ * qllfl trn d ltlo n al, . V A K JB 4M. o f th e te rm , . ♦ A q S 5 3lh B yinlngton * i n o •-aodftllsu ;.’- .............1 - ^ , D o t h ^ , i n ^ w .______

y a ild fo rm a # . 3 ¥Uie allegiance l a n 4 V

rotor#. W hoUi-n n a x a y b y a O p e n l n |le a d - ^ K a question to L— — —MlMoiirl and robld to game u iifllhiltely < Ulla foil. reel.

L D W A T E R “dism ayed a t th e b ru ta l ity employed b»

. . ■ com m unist m asters to maintTrecorfletfcio^ control.Qf..thelt.un/o«unate-iM ?—

I repeaV m y Jects.- B u t I do no t adv^,^ I 'so m e tlm e s B -nuc lear-w ar-now - or-eve^ ,„ —

less i t becomes hecessiirv in d e r to ^ e v e n t t h e ' commuiu'i i y r ^ . from exerting ii, don inaUoQ over th e people cr

K M C T u n ite d su ite s on the N or is Sg g M M T B A m erican continent.

..< M y-.ln ten tiQ n_In .juE cestiti.B Q I ^ n U ia t w e should detcrmln^M

th e cold w ar conslsu im m ^ ■ H | l ^ a t c l y - o f - t w a , .U j l n g a i j E K ; _

recogrUie tho th rea t of nor,I com m unism , and Uiat v« reoir wlUi d ignified flrmnesj, 4 ,«

u o u w a iK B _ ghaii-.not conouer us by Ih r” !*. merlca to de» s u b v m io n o r m uiuiry tacilcj- iT r e r f - g o ln r 't o ^T h e -co m m u n isU a r« - i t )m « . 'j ]---------------------f ig h t and die to estalush^ *stem baa d ls - they. beUeve U the proper m find U d lffl- lltlca l and social order. 1 i™

jy o tra voice, ju g se s tln ^ th a t we Ajaertcan. w ar,’' t h e y m u st be equaUy ready to fighi'

ihchev In th e and die for w hat we believe u >are th e com - th e proper poUUcal and soclil tb e ch ip o f f order.

!y~«ay.-“Let‘» —T be-^poople-of—th a -U n lte d’ they say. S ta te s have a precious herltsge. n o ram p an t? W e a re free because our undtr.: fo r h u m sa s ta o d in j of th e spiritual origin ;k - th e c larity of m a n -re q u ire s th a t poUUe»i- )rds of these a ta te s 're fra in from Implnjint SIS Wbo have, on th a t freedom . We ore a n itocereJy—4 t- . c n g a g e d _ ln a down awMi t w h a t th e y th ro u sh o u t th e world to'-detu.

m ine w hether or not that coa>• cep t of m an is valid.,

,ust de term ine D efense o f freedom commence rar. 1 do n o t w ith a personal commltmenl ot p u n c h M r. fa ith and a personal declaratloa

e nose or- g e t o t determ lnaU on to . defend fret.I nuc lear w ur dom . Because I h a { ^ n to tx iru st out o u r Ucve th is concept of man l* mon lose who d la- viable, inore logical and mori nock th e ch ip appealing th a n th e materlUUt

doctrine of th e communist, f a t millions o f believe th a t once we make Uut cld Uve u nder declaration — a "no nonsenw.* jommunlsm—a w ithou t equivocation, compltt*

m y opinion, com m itm ent — we will b in IblUty of con- m oved a g rea t distance’' up th ii ship between ro ad tow ard victory. 'and condem n How do you stand, sir?

e Doctor Says >r n iO M A S — se-flBd-thafhiT-sweBty-socla’cir'-M .D .___ • stockings tend to bunch up at Ua.Newspaper bo ttom of th e U . And th a t wticn1 Awn • • they bunch up, the ahoe Unlti• hnii . « u n t« r **84 become roughened It iw» toriTU irough:---------- ---------------^ . h T here a re two luggestlonj I

“K ’ have for y w . If.Uic facts youm.T -cover-supportrm y .theory.jSoji

whom I ta k e not* to offend your podiatrist, j« m ig h t try rubbing vitamin A u nhe-BOcks'and-shoe-UnlogSr-'nia,-

B< ** ^ th a t d o e sn t work, maybe yoaf5" '« t t e r consult your doctor'tt

preferably-an.orthopedlst.to.H i w h a t can be done to treat thi

' i c a m e before your daughter seti -herieUrln-lncreasolng-dllUcul-. Ues. ■

i ' ^ - 1 have an enla?Bcd-Uiyi«!4-4 * C an Its growUi .be arrested?

Or Bj b u i a —I f you have a simple tlij-*1, ' . «>Jd en largem ent and your d«-

lo t IlncH no o v l t e .15 com pllcatlns euc«msUi.co. m

^ m ay preven t furUier enlargsnttler, how have pe rhap s even accompM collect so m uch some shrinkage of the goiter bj In 80 sho rt a use o t attioll doses of Iodide. In- ,f #<Mni»a deed, as little as the amral It place, d w l to In Iodised Uble i&

K orS 'h i « - M i2 n n . i i r p n .^ » le d Bhoes aa Uiey InsulaU iL person from th e magnetUaj d

.tlon* or U) pro- , 5 Ibi• • sam e reason U'a Xinhealthy I*

th nks ym ir ^ person to sleep on, a foam ni»|In/ecllon o r ra* ^er m attress . Is thi* true? ’ l t1 r t |s T J b l lg a ' — A—Ju n t goes l4 “ 8Jnnr tial

to your doctor ^yen a fa th e r can be wroof. mortf Informed -i m atter. PWj ic r n i . w iiu tiAiif f f warU. I t la true r / ~ v ¥ T / \ ' T n r ’ C

5'vCr4 QUOTES-llch Is m erely a ' [ t h j ,which the cells r f r o m i n «bunch, can b e 1; ik T f~ tT V ’7r :i

r e t K NEWSIclrncy o t . any [ ^^a sm xssm iu a m m sssm iiof which could ^to doses of vlt- Uy l/n lied P reai In te n u tW

pure A or the NEW YOHK—Former »*«“•»bct. - d e n t T rum an, recalling ho t ti

» ____ re lieved Gen. Douglas MscAn;n your daugh* tJiu r o f~cbm m and durin i-l”t, T should no t K orean connict: , ,a suRgeatlon ns "1 n o t o n iy m u tile d WmJO r Its pebslst- fired him ." (

1 my general • • » \I foot hnbltn ol DES MOINES, Iowa-Br»1 of youngstera, ohurea prin ted by tho Iowa («|theory th o t It's door Advorttolng assoclalloa Uresult of faulty 114 cam paign to deny the Ml*

ence of Oallfornla:nn aloppy ahoes, ■' , . T h is la the ago of thirs to c k ln g s and g |« n t illusion . . . look a l Slsl».ablts. F o r years people thou|3rour daugh ter's thoro was auoh a city In 'r im r tn o t r - t h e •Noat-Ka_flnd i t never eilited,on th a t ' portion • ' ' ^ ’— --------------rao arch th n t N E W ' OHLEANS-Sen. B*ml up Inatond o t Q aldw aU r, denying he U * ^ wn...ThoL .U..U) ^lidat«-for.,the_lIiS4lng an arch , U’a P resldentlol nomlnnllodf'

a cnpltol u . " I have no Idea ol evef WH}, you m ight a l- PrealdontI"i'rn '|T»*««rw m t n M B S —

Id Jacoby, Bridge

w ive, b u t oor- trum p. SouUj d r w s trumi» »• ud and S outh’B two leads and nolea

________________ft sim ple diamond finesse » v :— ......... 1 oonUact, Ho Ukes Uib /Iw* ’m i _ ____ M loses nnd South Is down oi»10 B a ■■‘ O iip tr* B w « rt^ « m r o n .g S133 o u t l n h l B r o c e n t ^ k l h r t « »

03 h n i played Incorreelly. „ a .* ' ree t technique la

BA 8T toad Uio queen of * p ^ « ^A K 7 « rfnmmy a lto r heV S 7 ., rnim ps. W hen W «t P W J’jj

JJJ”,', K 'i . f M E .- 'S j

«Ml t a l b a a Boulh ’5 5

«-(kK B o u i n u d o o m r t « « ^ p . , | r fllm ot p M ,

. « . l l n l l . l j o o r . toUU

Page 5: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014-12-12 · —^—-Traffic Deatl Magic Valley . I ll?6t............. 1

—Shoshone-G ard- ->■ Societies N ote ' Weekly C onfabs

_____SH O S H O N E ,_Jan ,_3Q _^_D r. _,n d Nira- Jacobscn en ter­tained the ir Couple’« club. M r.

~ ^ # n d " M r s ;“ M ax- Coffman--were auftsti. Prlxea were won by.Coff- man, Mrs. Jo h n U m itla and Mra:

. Robert Fouser.Mr*. F rank A. OnelxJs-. en ter­

tained Krazy 8 Bridge club. Mrs.' n ichord B aum ann and Mrs. W ll-

----- llam Haux w ere sucsta. P rties -■ftcre won by M rs. Ed MnthUon.J

■ Mrs. WUIlam T ram m el and Mrs, j la jtin e '• on e ld E ■ ^

• _past'M atrons ' club m e t a t th e I .'horns o f 'M rs . Z anlc A lexander. IAtrs. A rthur M artin , conducted I

i the buslncsil mttllUK. C n r f l ■ I— prti eg were won by Mr a r - n r a r n r r l

nnd Mrs. Charlea Pendleton. ■ Orsmd Slam Bridge club m et

a t the home o f M rs rJ l . D . B u r ­kett. Prizes w ere won by_ Mrs.

• Mary Pcthlck.' Mra. Ja ck M ur­phy and Mrs. C. M. WUson. [ • och o Pinochle club m et a t the

___ hom e-O f_M rr_ftnd_M rs._G corge .( .Moore. Prizes w ere won by Mrs. '■ F rank C arothers. Mrs. Id a Stick- r re y and-M r*. R ex Qoldsbrough, ^ - 'M r<. WlUls P a rson hosted T>-ro J Bridge club. Mrs. Jack Miles nnd lr \ jklrs. Jo h n U m itia were giifsus. tin

----- prize*-w «re-w onrby M r s . ^ - D . ar;.SarasrtM rs. R ichard O neida and (o

•' M rk U m itla . Dr

Decorating Is ™ Sorority Topic Si

BURLEY. J a n . 3 0 -B e ta Sigm a Cci Ph i c hapte r m em bers were p re- Ui sented a p rogram on Interior tht decorating by M rs. S. I* W alker en' a t th e ir meeting a t th e home of ' Mra. B aa Sm ith. Ml

Members a ttended a potluck I party sponsored by th e Alpha " Zeta chopter. X I Omega chaptcr

members were guests.Mrs. Cleo Cheney, president o l ■

Alpha Zeta chap ter, conducted f- a short business m eeting. Mrs. Robert -Mahoney n c rtv c d th e 1

I w hite elephant, plft. *- f ------------------------------------------------]

“ M o r i^ M o r t ln ' |Pattern

I ^t k ’i x

------- L j / J t — :— :____________ I # - ed1 nei

M B M ) t s ^ I

■ n u i /■ Q H n I ■ « «

V f<\- ft ***'

“W T P -J ll I j j Im l Hi “ i f / 11^

u *k l l I I ^

9 0 7 1 !i

'inivit«M'in<Uitra “B’mSD-TC.SLIV S

Now you see U. now you don’t 1 -sq u a re d neckllna do<u a "dls* 5 JackV *"* f i t t e d ^easy to *ew a n d acaled io fit., Printed po tte rn M il ; H alf and

a Mtes W i, m . 18U, 3 0 ^ , aaM. i 3«li. Size ISH dress takes 3Mi r yards 8fl-lnch; Jacket yards.I Send fiO c e n tj“(coltB) fo r th is k pattern — add 10 cen ts lo r each I pa ttern fo r tirat-olass mailing.' Bend to M arian M artin , Times- , News P a tte rn D e p t„ '3 3 a W est

» t h St., New Y ork 11. N.Y. P rin t plainly nam e, addresa w ith zone, size and stylo number.

Bxtrai E x tra lE x tra b lg sp r ln g - summer p a tte rn catalog — over

------10«-siylea-<oralI*Btn«rDocwaHmr1 MUiaes, ha lt-siM , women‘a w ard­

robes. Bend 8fl oental

W ED N I- JA N . 31sf/i



- " ^ “ “T h u r s d o y - S

Shop a t SearE

re ' -ijcEsl jabs /s ?

e n ter- •• ' 'ib . Mr. m T ^ ■ ' ' f lrt-'-were.......■y.Coff- nd M rs: .

’.en ter- 'A * ' j f llb. Mrs. -V V f lIS. W ll- f l' Prizes — ^nthUon.J f lnd M rs ,

a t th e , ^ f l ^ ^ « f lixandcr.nducted

m et• ■ J iR . a n d m b s . 1

K r „ * . * * • * . r ™hl Couple to

ifTuL Observe-Day o f" 7 : toifiT Golden W edding j”ed T>to b u h l , Ja n . 30 _ Mr. and Mrs, e r lies nnd I n ’cn C rbp. Buhl, will observe In

gufsus. inc ir eolden wedding annlvers- 16 a n --w tth -nn -opc iT n j6u5^ fron r2 ~

Ida and to 5 p.m, Sunday a t the CedarDraw Grange hall. T he couple 8: rcw cs ts no gifts. « ,

T hey were m arried Ja n . -21, c 1012. a t Mnnc.1. Mo., and moved

to Idaho In M arch, 1911. They th I P form ed lor 20 yenrs In th e Lu- 82

ccrne db jric i snd la Jcr In the Tl I Sigm a Cednr Draw and Filer districts, re p re- U pon their re tirem en t In 1039, Interior the couple moved to the ir p res- £« W alker ent home a t SOI Robertson, Buhl. „ wme of T hey have two daughters, Mrs. *h

MUlard Stah lm an. Buhl, and potluck Claude Brewer, Castleford,

Alpha ® Claude Crisp, Nyssa. chftDtcr seven grandchildren and

five grea t-grandchildren. • Tl

- . n t o , ^ * * * ! _ . i lH S H agerm an Zion ^

«,■ League G athers---------- HAOERMAN, J a n . 30 — A '----------re o rcQ tlo n -n lg h tr-« 'a j-h c Id “ byf j* - i Zion league members a t the h/

home o t advisers, Mr. and Mrs.• Howard W lnegor.

Gam es were played u nder the d lrec tlon -o f-D lx le -W lnegar-and L aura Lemmon. of

J A ^ chill supper Is planned for Li r / J 1 P-m. Peb. 15, a t th e Reorganlz- — I t - e d -L D S .d ju rch ,-w lth Je ff O lau- -

W ner, chairm an.' ■§ _ ^ R e f r e g i ^ n t s w ere aerved bv jq

§ I t was decided ,'to m eet every b # - • sccond and fo u rth T hu rsday un - A'

- / ------tU -basketball-season 'ls over'. The him eeting wUl be held Peb. 8. sc

Vff — EooGHoi^A l l | B y G A Y N O R

1,1 ’ CURRIED FRICASBEB . ci I Y our p a n try shelf. If well uI I stockerf, can be a friend In need, c1 I U nexpected com pany coming to aI I dinner, too busy to go to the i

1 m arket, too tire d fo r ex tra kltch* aI I en work? T h a t 's w hen a pantryI stocked W ith cans o f chicken In _( gravy, chicken bro th , rice, coco- '| . f n u t a n d condlm cnta among !I,/I m any o the r m odem convenlenfie' ' fooda _ comes to your rescue. J,W i F o r example, th is p a rty recipe ,X comes rig h t o ff th a t pa n try shelf./ * with a grecn^salad wlt^h

I ^ C arried FrIcaMce on -; _ ■ Coconut Ricem S ^ (M akes 0 servings)_ U oup b u tte r o r m a rg a r in e ,

H cup Chopped onion ,1 cup uncooked rice

ILii -1 c an (U flu id ounces) chicken^ bro th>«7 I U bay leaf, crum pledJ f I H teaspoon pepper

^ H teaspoon thym e •o Zh 3 cans (lBK«ounces each)

chicken In golden gravy1 . 3 teaspoons curry powder)U don 't 1 cup flaked coconuta "dls* a tablespoons chopped parsley f i t t e d I n ,a saucepan, cook onion In i-o u tflt, b u t te r -u n U l- U n d e r . - A d d -rlc e ;- to fit.

“ « « '! W OOL o r NYLONkes ^

w . C a r p e tS '.K , '; C om pletely InsM lled I

f i t . 7 . 5 0 . , . , d . Ieia w ith B E T T E R G R A D E S—

Spring. S A M E R E D U C T IO N

^ g NAYESTuFnrl





t S e a r a a n d S a v e I

MKto Social Events'- O 'P " —N e V c o i i r n ^ u b ' r T ^ T i i S f y. lunchcon wlU bc held a t 12-30

i n n P in . T hursday a t U»e Rogerson I’J!! * y hotel. Cards win be plavcd. Res-

nd Mrs, ervStlons m liy.ba m ndc 'by call* ^ observe Ing' M rs. Vectjon Hooker, 133-inlvers- IMS’. ________________________ ^fron* 2 ifi * * J

I Cedar BUHL—Buhl OES w in m eet a t tw( couple 8:15 p jn . T hursday a t the M a- am

sonlo temple. - M r■n. -21. If. >/. )(. Inn

moved Amigo Suir club win meet a t s.ij I. They tho home of M rs. T . O. O 'B rien. i •he Lu- 826 W alnut ste rc t, a t 8 p in . Ea; in £hc T liursday. . m i ,

^Utrlcts, , V V » . " l iu i ; ; . ’ So-Joum ey club will hold a Bit I InKi* Jo*»t board alsri x»r. "’« t ln g a t 10 a.m. T liursday a t p u 1 nnri WUcOX.' gOJIt’teford, ^ I

Nyssa. O A K L E Y -T he Home Im prove- m and « 'e n t club will m eet a t 3 p . m,

- T hursday a t the LDS church. A P*"* dem onstration- on the uses of ?

• ground beef will be presented. A ler I o n Croas film will also be show n « f

and a baby s it te r service Is p la n - Mre r s Wl

. ¥ # ¥ for— A — H A O ER M A N -O dd Fcllow^wUl “ 1

*h l ^ ‘ “ ''d p a rty a t th e lO O F n c Id Mrs ®.P- W ednesday. sol

¥ ^ . ] d e r the P j’th lan B is te rs ' wlU m eet a t P ;a r-a n d p. m .-H iu rsday a t th e hottie “

of Roberta Courtney, 2M Blue ned for Lakes boulevard sou th . J>rganlz- « « wif O lau . — nO M E M A K E Il-W IN N ER —

^ ^ DEOLO, Jon . 3 0 -L o la Jones. ^ [ i s a j y . f o tm e n J3 c c lo - ra s ld a n t- llv ln g -a t«

San Diego, has won th e 1962 !t every B etty Crocker "S earch for th e ' . nay un-, A m crJcan__H om em aker_oI_T o- A 'e r‘. The morrow" a t C larem ont high’I Peb. 8. school, San Diego. ^

©i^-Amei^ans ®5 A Y N 0 R M A D D O X . i ”■----------------------------- — ■ HBEE cook slowly unU l brown, about 10 **' If well m inutes, s tirr in g often . B lh id In lu need, chicken bro th , bay leaf, w p p er j f m lng to and thym e. Cover; sim m er abou t 5 ' 15 m inutes, o r u n til a ll liquid Is "J•a Utch* absorbed a n d rice U done. . ^

M eanwhile, I n a n o th e r sauce- . . PW . combine chicken In golden »e

*™vy a n d curry ; h e a t. Add coco- „ 'ir.Wtir.^5 n u t and parsley to cooked rice;

WKhtly w ith fork . Serve ho t c- l ^ m i W « ^ v y o v e r ^try shelf. __________________Tlla d with p S S S 5 S S S S ^ S = S S a a M serLel __________________ :__________ ___

™ T O E V E R Y P R I

W E A D D . . .


r SERVICEparsley

onion In dd -rlce ;- -

O ur experienced 3 fs( p h a rm ac is ts will /

^ alw ays g ive you th e () t f inest, fa s te s tllled I p rescrip tion service

possible. i

^ S e e Y o u r D o c t i

f g r — P R E S G R I P T I O


I f I R S T M D


D lal713 .< 574

F O R Q U I C K , E A S Y ,

D r i v e - I n P r e s f r i j. .. v i s i :



M e d i c a l C e n t e r I

608 Shoup A v « .W ./


: " I'June'Ritfi Wil I ' T, Unite K iserond ■

C fey l'G dston ' "HAOERMAN. J a n . -30—A late

,W f June , neddlnu b p lanned by; liS-is-.; iC hfrj-L O flstou^dauB hter. o f -M r , '. ; ,

I nnd Mrs, R. W. G aston , and ; >J ■ P i ! Charlp.i E. K tser. son of M r. and ] 11

-'I Mrs, Charles B. K iser, a ll H a g e r- \

u r • MLv O aston w as graduated |• from Vlhgennan h ig h »thoo\ In ,

r ' 15G0 Bnd received a den ta l aa- .: slstant degree Irom Boise. J u n io r , I ' coitpK* In lo a i. S he is employed ,, In Seattle. W ash. - « ,

— ‘ Hisc r was-KiaUtm ttd-fi^ - Ha— !- 1 ^ - 1 Rcrmnn high school liT 1958 -and .

attcniLi Idaho S ta te collcge. ,

H Job'k D aughters ~ H Bethel-Initiates

■ Hailey Girls i 1, . I HAILBY, Ja n . 30 — Ju d y Mae

T f S - Broolw and B arb ara Elllnger__ I were Initiated Into Jobs D o u g ^

ters-bethel-N o,-30-aV a-cerem ony - conducted by B ertie MqKercher,

ogerson >QUeen, a t th e Masonic

by call* ^ J “ fy Ann N aym lk^played spe- :t, 133- 1* '* DWlne aivd_______ O ftcnneth Lewis sang a d u e t. , ,

Miss M cKercher p resen ted the m eet a t two new m em bers w ith ritua ls he M a- and welcome books and M r. and

Mrs. Theodore Broyles, gua ra - Inns. presented them w ith cor- g

meet a t s.•lRc. . _ PO 'B rien, x jie group voted to serve tne [. 8 pan. E astern S ta r banquet A pril l i . i-

- Miss NfcKercher nam ed & com- t m lttee to serve th e W ashington f '

hold a B irthday d inner for M asons. Bue l board also named a com m ittee to p re- ?

'sday a t pare for th e fund*ralslng am or- [v Wilcox. ■ gasbord Feb. 4. K

Funds from th is p ro jcc t w ill be g m nrov^. to purchase new crow ns “3 d m hono red queen andlurch. A princesses.uses of Miss M cK ercher.'B everly C ut- k inted. A ler and Phyllis lA rsen a re rep re- I e show n sen tlng the bethel to w ork w ith » Is p la n - Mrs. Louis Stever.a, M arguerite V

W ise 'an d M rs .- Irv ln M. Davis (or a cooked food sale F eb . 10.

low^wUl -M an rD ie trtch -T J lay e d -ft-c lu l* J i ,e lO O F n e t solo and Lois D ivine, a piano h( day. solo. ' B)

Hostesses were C h r i s t i n e ar m eet a t Brown, J a n M oran, O w enneth he-homo Lew U -and-Pbym »-Larsen.-chalr*

Blue Qf 4 conflict w ith th e MW ashington b irthday - d i n n e r w,

___: wlth- lhe n e x t regu la r m w tln g W. n igh t, the aecond m eeting In* “‘’nes. pebniary haa been postponed

d e g r e e u

Given by Bethel ;1 _ T h e_ m )o r lty degree waa con-

ferred upo tT K ath ryn Jqnts7PflSt j honored quc en ~ o f~ T w in—Falls

Job’s D aughters be thel No. « a t a meeting a t th e M asonic temple.

H er sister. S h a ro n Jones, Is ■hoiit in honored queen o f th e bethel.

In P lans w ere com pleted fo r "sU* f £ n n ^ te r nlsbt." honoring T w in PaUs L betheU No. 18 a n d No. B8. A

dinner will be served a t 8 p .m . liquid IS preceding th s regu lar

- meeting, w sauce- M iss Jonea announced h e r pro n golden tenj officers. T he lib ra rian ’s r e - Vdd coco- port was "W inter N ight.” . ked rice ; “Joble of th e m eeting" was Serve ho t c yn th Ia Barry .»vy over ¥ ¥ ' ¥________ ’TRY TIM ES-NEW S W ANT AD8


' Doctor Regularly IPTIONS-DRUGS-^ lOOM SUPPLIES I TM D -ITEM S--------'

igsbury's |I P T I O N P H A R M A C Y '

I ; ----------'Twin Foil!


r e s f r i p t i o n S e r v i c e, V IS IT

tgjbury's-- R e n t e r P h d r m a c y / l n c . ' -

W . / * ' 7 3 3 i 9 1 1 » — '

-A Intc | 9ned b y j - . ^ H r . .

Ot-Mr,>.: a n d ' >

Mr. nnd j | ^ 1

aduatcd ' [

• .Jun io r! Imployed , ■J, ' fy, •

ters-":----------- ------- r—■tes i— --- _ ■

CllEllVL GASTON I • ' - , (Art Cra t t photo)

?rc“ - Miss Bruner and ^ “su2 Winn Will M arryp . ? * ! ? J . n , 30 - n . . ot

- e H e a m t^ o L _ H e o n i_ B ru n .r_ lo a l ft C lu l- Jnmes R. w in n is announced by Fi

, a piano her pnrcnfi, Mr. ond Mr». Lnird s t ' Bruner. Paren ts of W inn arc Mr. '

• l a t l n e and Mrs. Ted Wlnrf, Paul. a t iw enneth No definite da te haa been set tlia . chair* *or.the_weddlng___________ i ____=r

. Miss B rener U a sen ior a t the ( w ith th e Minidoka County h ig h 's c h o o l . ; d i n n e r where her fiance was irrftduatcd ' i m w lln g in'.MBO.He Is employed w ith his _

e ting In ra ther -who operates a scrvlce 1 ■ostponed sta tion and tire shop In Paul.------------------------------------- ;^V- y . ----------------- -

. GRANGE TO M EET I___ MURTAUQH, Ja n . 30 — M ur- I

Q l C C w ugh O range will m eet a t 8 p .m ; - Y I Monday, a t th c ha ll w llh Mr. h h p j and Mrs. W illiam McCoy and was con 0 « r g e M oates as;nw7Pfl*t — ^ :'In -F a l lsNo. « a t __________ __________

JUS1win PaUs ^ ^

a regular

1 h e r pro


1 1 ^ T h o i


f F U DU A (

^ , N e w

n , 2 0 '


REMEMBER; If we‘ - “ " ■ j - .......■ '■ ■ - ■ W f W b n 'l

......... - - rO R-A U Y byH SIRVtCE—- I SeryJce Center — "Bo

PH0NB.7:w ’ , I— ;■

' ' '' r"''L'.' t : ' fo"

. ' pht

.---------Wll dot

' y>'ii

i -PRANCES M. V ENTURA, W"(Maj-fair photo) Srt

T * * ■ * * f

kM Miss Ventura to |- Marry Dean in |I

^ l | Febxuary Ritual i■ x d RU PERT.. Ja n . 30 — Mr. mul

M rs. Joseph VciiiurH, Ravciiii. ^-------NrYT^-announee-the-enRnsem ent :J;

V ' of th e ir , d a u g h t e r . Francos 7 T , M arlon, to Elmore H, D ean, son jr of M r. a n d Mrs. O uy Dean, Ru-

’ MW* V entura I."* a grnduateof V liiccntlan inslllu te nnd Mil­dred Ellcy secrctnrlnl sciiool. Al­bany, N.Y. She Is a secretary

’ fo r thc bureau o l public roads., I Albany.

j D ean was graudaled from R u- pe rt high school nnd th e Uni-

M SBgi verslty o f Idaho engineering school a n d attended Idaho State college a n d U tah S la te -unlver- ally. Hc also Is employed by the bureau o t public roads,

t • -A F e b r u a r y wedding Is f planned.

a"ry Dinner Is Held ,u n y WENDELL, Ja n . --M e m b e rsTlie en- of the Widow's club a ttended auner—to d in n e r p a r t r a t - th r h o m r o f M r s : ~meed by F ne lh Eaton, Mrs. L illian Com-•». Laird stock was a guest,a rc Mr. ' M rs. Ann M lntum, secretary, .

111. announced Mrs.Tftose M aurer asbeen set th e nex t hostess.____________ . ,

r T t the^ b o o l,

raduated i ^ ^ H H h Bh I I I I^ ^ ^ Hw ith h is _ ^ v i ^ n i f f l P D p i . .. scrvlce I * J T 1 * I [‘•4MllllUI MPaul. i

CT MttfflSMiSiiBffli. ^— M ur-i t8 p .- m ; —vlth Mr. ■ l [ | T ^ R a S » n l HCoy end loates os

ST 3 MOp n 15th Ah

Thousands of Dollars


I R N I T li R P U >


D < 7 o t«


t; I f w e c a n 'f r S e r v i c e

e w b n ' r i f t l l IH . “SERVICE P R O B L IM f-^ali oiir '

i r ' ' B o b ' ' AdemNR^ Mgr. >H ONB.733-7I12.___’

' I ■ : ‘

MissPowersQnd± -BurkeSchedule -

Ip February Rites RiH ; ' i t Mr, aiul Mrs, I-Yrd Powcis.^^C,■ ' : T nvUi FnlL«. luiuouucc Ilip pufiai:!.'. [ ■ ' “• T ' m cnt of tliclr dnushtcr. Ulannr I ii■ , j lo Ron Rurke, son of Dr, mul I ,■ Mrs. J'nut H. .Burke,' Eiliiioiul.s |biiii

» • • T lie brlde-H eri ailemled Wiiit- \ Ki'isi• tn a u coUese, .whcco. Mw

awarded honnr.-! nt rnir^mce. Slic| tn.-\i ■> wns nnmcd to the di-nn’s iLM (oricoii

four eon.sccutlvo qii;iricr«.- Slie!,,..,, wns ntfllfntcd wUh Spiir.^ ami A l- its ^

Kpha Clll O nirsn. w o rl tv . ■ 1

W hltninn collcRe In m \ w l i l j * ^ ^ double m a jo r In mnthcnintirs mut ou i pliy.ilw; ile is a nipinber of Dcll.i fr,-.-

y d l king. He Is dolnu pw t-crad- w o t t al. lUe Unlvcrs.Uy ivl

U RA , W iuhington pliy.ilcs di'parUiit'ui.S ra tllr . 'J

. A F«'brunry'weddlnK is plnniu'il.¥ ¥ ¥ Mri

gJa HaRsgj3zWS£-S=L Has Sewing Day

[■ U q I HANBEN. Jim , 30 - Members M r n, ,i or the-WoliTimVSocIeCy-orClirJs^ Rnv-iV, service t « i im d'scw td whUe

siMln_Molci_Ioi:-choliL.robca_nL home . 01,

cVn M r;. D ryan HarrL.. .■>r. Mrs, Bry-i :an, Ru-

Z"m- Few people relooi. Al- . . r r

. how much me rom m - be saved in eshe Uni-

h”m"« problems by i-unlver- , . "I by tht planning.

See YOUR A' lid • now to minim

—_—tIie_taxes-your™ c .m - wfillpay.lecrctary, ."^urer as R e m e m b er , too. Firs

• ‘ ______ .^qualifiedjo.act.as.Excc

B l 2 2 2 M o ln A ve

-M em ber-FedenaiPeposltJi


Ends^aturd(>ollars of Merchandise


r U R E cl A N C ]

onditioned-Floor Mod<

t o 4 C

i I NO Mlf T il SPI

o n m o s t i


ond-i——j-----r~~ TgiiTFalirTin«s-Kews S I B

as ! Richfield-OEL-.-|i ■ "".“ 'I Sets A ctiv ities, ffl, u iam ir I . j a n . 3 0 -P la n a HDr, mul n-,., c ,„[me for th e ’W ashington '! H

:.iiiiioud.s^buili(iny d inne r nnd visit o f th e M jwortliy Rviuid m a tr o n ' a t t h s . l H

ed Wiiit- Kiistern s t a r m eeting. I Shl\f Mr.v R.nlph Sm ith , w orthy I Bince. falici tn.-\ii-on, nnnied Mrs. CllWord s ILM for I Conner nnd herse lf lo th e dec- crs. t’he |^jm m it_com m ltlee fo r th e Feb. if |^> ami Al- iR ilinncr, , I A

l-' * clinpter No. « ,''^w as^ 'a vlsHor.“ f c S>l will, a Mr.s. C: M. Prldm ore and M rs. i B j iat cs mid O undnr Flveland served - re* ™• of Dcll.i fro.shmcnL<i. E '. lIt—rnmil Yi____ ■ - l l l l

w-Mtv'ivl ' ‘•“■‘■>•1. Ir., and M rs. W lU ltia J D D.irUm'ui were gUests. f l f l

“ • .Mix W. 'C. K lu tts led d e v o - ' H

.plamu-d, ‘“r , v n i r .,H ,r lc c r th a t « f l l n A Mrlp Jor the World Day of P r a y -^ H c

”"‘C ____ f r lind been ordered.__________■

D o y Knjoy a Clean C ar f l

_ 3 - M I N U T E - - 1

CAR WASH , Ihome 01, rI a IN AVE. SOUTH I

Mrs, I

5ople realize ttuch money can jj|;d in estate ms by, intelligent8- - i l

) U R A T T O R N E Y | (

' mininiize a 2:es your-estate—. . - j |

)cr, (00, First Security Bank is o.actas.Exccutor of-your ^

I Main Avenue South Jtn a iD e p o s l tJn g u ra n c e .G o rp o ta U o n ,'------— -f-


orday!=== =landise I


: d n d

r Models |

>MONY 1SPRINGmortitenrt!

■ B "

' 1- : ; V’,, . . . . . . J

Page 6: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014-12-12 · —^—-Traffic Deatl Magic Valley . I ll?6t............. 1

T u e s d a y / 3 0 , , 1 9 6 2 .■ ~~ T v ^ r r F o l l s ~ T l m e y N e w s - '

MackayMan . Blasts Plans .

For Controls' m a CKET. Ja n . 80 (fl - A. P .

E loU e. Mackoy, » DemocraUo - u n d ld a U for Bovemor, s a i d

Monday.one of hU opponents for the nomlnatRSn Is advocatlns

U proposals whlcfi. I t they became d L e»ec Hvc,~ ft^ u M give r d a h o a g -” r»B well regulated and taxed Ute."--------- H lhii*. in & « ta t« inen trrc ter=

red to Conley W ard, Mar«lns. W ord. In dlKUSslnu th e potato •Uuatlon, auBBMted laat week

-------tJrat— proewsor*—be— prevented

sa ld .J 'i r Mr. W ard would explain . how he , In th is free country with

constitutional rlghU and (ree e n . te rp rlic of w hich we are Justly proud, would go about se tting up

u ln U o n s fo r t lS d ^ owning a fa tm or feedlot to raise potatoes, fryer chickens or fatten

. — b eef.-w hen -o lhe r pepole owning lu m a or feedJots on adJolnJnjt properties o o u l d produce and

------- m anaB aJhelr.IanD U tJ)uslnfs«?8R»i4hey th in k b u t."

" I t Is m y firm con»Jctloh." he added, “th a t th e voters of Idi^ho a re fed u p w ith taxes and rov*

I • • e rn m en t regulation of the ir bual- I ness and personal lives.

“T h is h a s been thoroughly

I d e m onstrated by Uie decisive way they have, and still are, rebell­ing against bonding and spend­in g Issues subm itted to them, on e ith e r s ta te or local levels."

Burley AreaI Pioneer Dies. At Age of 77

j BURLEY. Jan . 30-M rs. Sarah [4----- E lteabeth— BaHey— IVwkes,— ?7.-I I p ioneer residen t of Cassia county |L died a t Cassia Memorial hospital

early M onday morning a fte r a■ long Illness.f S o m O ct. 1, IBM, a t Juab, j U tah, s h e wflj married to Jam es__IlH orbert'.Few kM .A pm _«, 1607, a t

U pston, U U h. They came to the I Burlcy projec t In October of 1B08

; I a n d homesteaded In the View J '.-....d la tf lc t. T hey la ter farm ed In the

. U nity and Springdale dlstrlcU. . She w o s» member of the.LDS

--------I H o r c in m e r - th r T le a th 'T i r - h e rhusband In IMS, ahe moved to

■ • B urlcy w here she resided untU-------- h e r-dea th .-8he-w as-p receded -la

deo th by a n Infan t son.( -Q tuT lv lng are /o u r soai, Ze]-

m on Fewkes, n u p e rt: Robert Fewkes, Po rtlan d ; M arvlaTaw kes

--------- ■ n d 'C a lo -F ew kw .-bo th -B urley ;i lx daughters, Mra. Thorwal

--------- ILKAhi Anriersnn, Mm.(M erna) W ftrren,M rs. OUle ( i ^ W ablstrom . aU Burley: Mrs. M erlin . (Blanche) JoUey, MU- Toukle, Ore,; Mrs. E ail (Grace) Q race . Hailey, a n d ' Mrs. Rex

• (B eth) M artindale. Oro O rande, Oallf.; a b rother, W illiam Bailey,

' Caitra VaVey, Callt.; a sister. M rs. S idney Ijarsen. Burley: S3 grandchUdren. and 47 great* g randchildren.

I Senrices will be held a t 11 a,m.! T huraday In th e T hlrd*6U th

LD S w ard chapel w ith Bishop D. Russell Ivie; officiating, m e n d s m ay caU i t McOuUoch funeral hom e W ednesday afternoon and

--------- CTWi l n ^ t t Tmtrt-ttme uf ae rr lwT hursday . F inal rltea will be held liiT F l e a ^ t V ^w cemetery.- • -

f Union Vote Due 1 At Burley Plant

____ ^BURLEY, Jan ; JO— Empioyea■ p r f th o A and P proesisJng p lan t------- wlH—vote - - Thursday— oa

w hether o f no t they w an t'un ion representation.

They will have an aUernaUve betw een th o American Federa­tio n of G ra in Millers or Uie In* te m atlo n a l B r o t h e r h o o d ot T eam sters, o r continuing wlUi-

1 out union representation,A bout 300 employes were ex­

peoted to cast ballou.

Traffic FinesO vertim e parking bonds were

posted w ith Tw in Falls police M onday by ^t^s. Je an Tegan,

I P h ilip Suttertleld , U o y d Reed, I F re d K uoera.-U nda allies, Orlo I - 'W illiams, D an Staples, Ray O ran-

d a l. M rs. N orm an H enlnaer, Cc- c ll M orton. Mrs. Charles Hoble, Mra. O harlM Conrad, M. llaWer-

, aon, P a t Fleftnor, L auren ButU. J e a n Ear}, Loren Testner, O . 0.

--------O arpen tw -and~T ..J . Rorden.

' s s n s p i i

co^■ I F H A a n d C O I

“ r - | B M O R T G A

■ B U p 'tO 'th O 'm ln u te H M ln g o n y m o rto o s<

1 1 1. 9 2 1 b ro k « rs ,

.........• • 80»yei* Mlllln■ I I Um' s s \IUi

IB trx vnmC o

,111 M onToAbn d a

- - J i m T W IN f a l I s■ iB W Bhoshone S t.

h k m .

Armed Only an Englishman

LEOPOLDVILLE, the Congo, 3 1 1 8 . 30 (A -'-A bout SOO villagers — w ercr 'su rround lng 'u i.-vc ream lns

trols. A lju le t British oilicer toJd a

' — A. P . h a ir-ra is in g story M onday ot a temocraUo (ive-day mission InU the w|ld or. s a i d n o -m an 'a - ltn d of north K atanga on e n u for to rescue European missionaries idvocatlng from troops and tribal terrorisU.iy became gone ber««rk ___________•

Idahoans' He is M al, Dick Lawson, 35, an axed life." E nglishm an serving th e u . N. •ntrrcfer=^ C S ngorT efcntS 'a-m em bcr-of-thc

Marslng. H lgerlan arm y. Armed w ith no th- ,he po ta to lng bu t a s tiff upper lip, he w ent last week in to th e bush last week—and -prevented cam e-out-iriU J-one-of-tiie -m oat.

___ dram aU e adventure stories yet InIB," H mU e th e C o n g o . ' — - lid explain R ebuffing spears pointed a t hU untry with th ro at w ith healthy blows of hla id free e n - fuui, Law»on penetrated Into are Justly jung le -v illagesj.'h e re tdba l h a - se tllng up treds were n t frenzied peaks a fte r

F S i Idaho’s BoaT I f a Board PolicyJjuslnfssfg » ___r r L - i i - _ / T S . _IsTalkToprcs of Id^ho b u r l e v , Jon . 30 — Roscoe1 and BOV* nich. form er chairm an of thethe ir busl- u n h o highway board, said Mon*s. doy a t a Chamber ot Commercethoroughly mectliiR here thn t th e board Iseclslveway now m aking It a policy to bullrlire, rebell- roads a s fp st as projects ia n beind spend- readied a tid money Is avnilublc,J them, on Rjch,”.appointed adviser fo r th elevels." Burley Cham ber of Commerce— highway . commlltee. spoke on

_ several plans to Improve roadiC c i In the Burley area and m ention­

ed th a t th e M alta-Alblon roadr | * _ will be "blacktopped'V soon.L / l c 8 He sa id a controvbrsy 'ln Je r-

_ omo county over in terstate high-V * V / rouUng resulted In need-9 L i t less w aste o t sta ta moriey andLl,. prom pted the board to undertake1 '! ' nolltv. M . »ddtd m»l>w*es, 77.- money and plans for the high*

way o re available, bu t will wait al hospital un til th e problem has becoint ig a fte r a untangled In the courU.

. t„ u T he ve teran highway director a t Juab, ^ h c n aaked It a highway would

be-buJJt-/fon t-P au l to Carey. Ji _4,.iB07,.at o ffc r-a '.sh o rt-cu t-th ro u g h .C m t- ime to t t e e rs o f tho Moon, replied, "thli *>«£ of 1B08 type o f pioneering Is way In the

the View fu tu re a n d demands for Improve- med In toa m e n u .oa_ro#da_already In ust ^ ^ ‘cts havo priority ."

.1? ^ ««Hi Com merce alrcade will bo held In

ireceded-ln a lrcade-ls-com posed of a Broup^ n . ' T .I of na tio n al chamber officials whoi . observe In congress and keei

th-Burlev* b ills.----------------------------, Thorwal >*cM urr*y read a le tte r from la ,_ A lb e r t Sen. H enry I ^ o r ^ k . Burlcy. u, O liie(Lois) w h lch -he sU ted-he was contlnu- rley: Mrs. ***» e tto r ti to Initiate «o;p( dU ^ m u - ImproTcment o t the Howell Oan< m (Grace) ^0“

Mrs. Rex H. J . DolUnger. who Is thi TO O rande, m anager of the western dlvlsloi lani Bailey, o t th e U. s . Chamber o t Com- ; a sister, merce, will make h is forewel Burley: S3 U lk t o the Burley organlsaUoi: 47 g rea t- Feb. 14.

D olllnger will discuss tho nen ■ * t j i* .n j . c itlsens courso se t up by. thi rhlrd-SlxUi cham ber of commerce, "Preedonr I Bishop D. TS. com m unlam ." Details o t th i Ig. Friends tune a n d place will be atinouaoed eh funeral u te r .m oon an d , .

I m b K w Petain’s Widow ^ tak en by Deathi l U 6 PA R IS, Jan . 30 (DTO-Madamt

Eugenio Petaln. widow o t Mar- r l a n t ahal H enri Philippe Pelalrj, for- -ffinoloyea of of VlchjisJm oJant F rtineo In W orld w ar I I , died irsd a y _ o n ^ h e r P a tU apartment, van t'un ion M adam e Petiiln accomt«nled

h e r husband w hen h e w ent Intc aUernative tem porary exile In Nasi O erm ani n Federa- a t th e tim e of the liberation ol or Uie in - P a ris In ltH4 and occompanlec r h o o d o t h im w hen he returned to Franc< ulng wlUi- a fte r V E -day in IMS to give h im ' llon. self u p to Oen, Charles diI were ex- Q aulle'a provisional government >. Sho sha red the form er m a r— shaVa cell In a P aris fortrea

u n til h a KU IiroUBht to t r ia l

a r , ; s | h e a t e d;an Tegan. ^ ■.

X , S ■ CONCRETE, Ray O ran-rtineer. Ce- C o l o | t 1 a l C o n c r e t e

M ^aW er*-' P h o n 7 3 3 - 5 5 0 0

to t f . o ^ o ! A n y w h o ro — A n y tim e


m d C O N V E N T I O N A L U

D R T G A G E L O A N S I H !

O'tnlnute fac ilities for handl- } |m m orto o so loon problem . For I H B

homo buyers, real estate | i | | |

• 90«year te rm s W t t. • Mlnlmiftn down payments 'I • Prom pt, experl service, lisoktd H I ■ by Urge reauuKti kiid over

.70 years' experience B M

\ v n M o r t t g a g k M y

N C O R P O R A T I O ; i V H

n A b l O A N K B I^ eiK O S n i l ■ !

I FAlI s BRANCH' OPhCE B | 'none S t. No. i'hone JS3.7640 B f

m ^^-T T T M -m — i^ l l

{ ■ g g m n n i

Inly With “Stiff 1nmn^vesSrWhitfesle Congo, th e m assacre o t f i w h lU lnen In i 3 Villagers Kongolo fou r weeks ago., jc ream ing —W lth ’two colleagues Saturday— i ontrollable a Negro Nigerian m ajor and a

17-year-old Congolese b o y who i cer taJd a knew. Uie local d la lecu U w son i Iday ot a blazed a tra il across tbe wUds |

the wild separating th e Congolese arm y l (1 K otanga and th e K aU nga gendarmerie, i lisslonaries searching for whlU men In dan- i 1 terrorist* ger and trying to get, them out,_______ Personally h e b M u g h t t lv e ^ - ■son. 35. an m an CalHoIlc cnttfCh“wc<rtcf<t to - ;he U. N. .- L ..- . ' , :------.v : . . . . .* - - - — = -

S sH b u .se Scails |2^-Schoolliouse. rsfSlJ BuildingLawa ted Into W ASHINOTON, Jan , 30 ,CTV- C^lbal h a - A bill to provide 300'm illion.dol- >caks a fte r la rs a year fn federal funds to

— — h e ln - t l ie -n n tlon’s-collegcs^bulldI classrooms, libraries and labora-

O f l U “ Pday.1 • M issing from Uie meosure te a

> l l f * V «ctloH ihrft would provide for 40,000 federal scholarships. Dem-

1. _ • ' ocraUc sponsors of the measuref k T S i jP ; abandonea~tltb 'provlsID inn~D r=

J r der lo smooUi passage tor the — Roscoe c o n s tn ic U o n ^ o g ro m . i n of th e T h e W h its . House reportedly snld Mon* h a a gone a long w ith the suategy Commerce alUiough Pre.ildcnl Kennedy

e board Is m ade bo th scholarships nnd con- :y to bullil struc tlon key parLi of his higher ets ':an be education program.I avnilublc. Rep. E d ith Oreen, D., Ore.. U Iser fo r th e th e au th o r o f the house, bill. Commerce w hich would o tte r 180 mlUlon spoke on do lla rs’a year In grants a n d 120

rove roads m illion dollars yearly In loans d m ention- fo r five years—a to ta l outlay of Iblon road 1-5 blUlon dollars, soon. T h e g ran t program would be

adm inistered by a sta te agency hlah rcprescnU ng a ll higher eduea- n i S . “ onal InslUutlons, bo th public

nnri.u nnH and private. In some sta te s such rSSderlakS have to. l^

hnt created- Eacha» o tn j« jt-a n d -th B -s ta te-affB n cy t will w olt would determ ine the specific es become B” » ts . ____________

Death Takes —WSffian at-54

BURLEY. Jan . 30 -M rs . H ar- )r Im proie- a e m lc e Young, M, Burley, »dy_ln_use d[e,i.Q unday-aftam oon-at-C assla

M em orial hoapltal a fte r » *1*-

s r / r " « g W - M ;.ch1 bo held In M ona, U tah, a n d was m an led h fl. Thla to Adolph D . Young, Sept, 1,

lOM.’ ln N ep h l.-U ta h rS h e-ca m e illclalsw ho to Burley 36 yeara ago from and keep M ona. M rs. Young was a mem -

formed on tier g ; LDS church and waa a__________ P rlm ary-andR elle tsoc lety -te ftch ;letter f ro m e r In th e Burley th ird w ard . Her , Burley, In h u sband died. In 1053.M con tlnu - — S un riv in g :are .h e r.m o th e r.M rt Itlate «o;po Je n n ie Swasey, N ephl; sever lowell O an- sons, G ra n t Young, O rcu tt, Oallf.

L am ar Young, Azusa, C alltn and fho Is th e D ean Y oung, C arl Young, Fred irn division Y oung. K e n t Young and Laverr T o t Com - Y oung,, a ll Burley; live dough- is /orewell te rs , M rs. Bessie H alverson an t rgan lra tloa M rs. B e th .B orchard t, b o th R u ­

p e rt; M rs. L eora Flshbum . Rapli! ss thn new City, 8 . D „ and M rs. D oroUu m hv »h« Fe rk ln s a n d Carol E ta ia Young

a ll B urley : four b ro thersi Haroic i l lT ^ f Sw asey a n d D onald Swasey. boU-

H arring ton , U tah , a n d Roberi

____' W ellington, U ta h ; a alster. M rs

. . F u n e ra l services w ill be heldr k A o f h At a p .m . Friday In Uie B urle jl / c a l l l th ird w ard LDS ehape l by Blshoj [»—M adam e Ram sey. Concluding r ite s will bew o t M ar- he ld In th e P leasan t View ceme-’etaln fo r- ^^ry. F riends m ay call a t McCul-

of Vichy loch fu n e ra l hom e T hu rsday aft-,r I I died e rnoon a n d evening a n d F rldajirtm ent, t**"" o f aervlces. icbmtSnledI w ent Into __ — ,

O erm any Ibcratlon H {

I I I I[overnment. rm er m a r- h t fo rtre u to tria l.

^ l lZ.\ l l t lr : .. J R I

/ -----Countryman

| S l M A N N I E S H A V ^

I n R H Y T H M A I K



■ I Guitarist • ■ I U --------------- -----------------

; Il Filtr Hlim THURSDA

^ ■ : | 7 ~ " ---------------------

Jj. Xdults 1.00J B j N e t p r o c e c d n t o g o

^ YWCA.T i c k s t l a t

tiff Upper Lip,” hitfes in KatangalU ln e n In sa fe ty ; a couple dozen m ore h e .Q ' - insured were bn p lanes ou t o f th e S a tu rd ay - Uoubled area.Jor and a ‘T ^o rm K atanga-U now em pty

b o y who of Europeans,*’ he told a news Lawson conference. T h e r e 's no such

the wilds th ing a s law and order the re — ilese am iy I t U a ba ttle a re a w ith und ls- :ndarmerle, clpllned soldiers on bo th K a tan g - en In 'dan- an and Congolese sides.” them out. "And terrifying even- th e sol-

fit live Ro- d le rs a re these leTroHst bands, voTttTjrto -wearlDg— feaihew —a a d — w irin g

th e ir spears and bows and a r ­rows a l everyone.ln s ig h t ,"T w9iis “***•

H e gave new detalU of'U ie New Y ear's day m assacre, in w h i c h

) 1 1 S 6 - the_K ongolo m is sio n .s ta ff ..w o s . ' sh o t before th e eyes of th e ir

‘‘ L t l W lng was*done*?y f l v T w ^ ^ h*T ) said, an officer aod four men.n, 30 ,UV- Only two ot th e m en actually nllllon dol- used the ir weapons.

“They were d runk and h a dleges ^bUlldLaw M n. wld,- basing h is repo rt

B house to on w h at townspeople h a d s e e n and to ld him,

* ■ T h e gruesome dism em berm ent «nd te rro r followed. ,T1ie few

hips. Dem- officers on th e apo t tried ie m ^ u r e gituaUon. b u t UUnss


, BREAKFAST BET- SHOSHONE, J a n . 30 — M eth-

Club WlU m eet a t K w ncdy ,,.35 Sunday a t th e -h o m e

P V? . I w of Sid Edwards, sr.. D le lrlch , for [ his nigner monthly business m eeting and

D„ Ore.. is h x e n j ^ t . ^ ___________________ ;house bill, n ^ _ n | - | H U RRY ,. 180 miUlon 3 MORE DATnls a n d 120 Doors O pen 0 :‘y In loans "Pligh t"—8:4Cll outlay of “is land"—7:00-U

I would be .

her «*uea-

i “ - I I S ^M, Burley,

n - a t - C a s s la _________ ____ ____tie r a s ix - io«ijHWfw«MWi«'a4wui*

(5m • JDao GreefMOOtJ-Mcfe S H T T r n w : — U '/i 'W i'b a n i^ i"H 3 u tJ i iaT n vas m a n le d ______________________• ■

e x c l u s i v e E N G A G E M Iago from

ras a m em - ’ -* ^II and w as a / . e le ty _ tea ch ;._____A w ard . H er / ^ r ld o

nother. M ^ ________ ^

S i t . c “ alii“ f - ", CaUtn and foung, Fred and Lavom live daugh- ,1versOn and .t, b o th R u - I M M M i a p ribum . R apidrs. DoroUiy .;ima Young.hersi H arold | K 0 S | | B |iwasey. boUi and lio b e r t -iwasey. b o th - B t f lU M l l M B g M i l l l sister. M rs. | i M | K C f f l | g S a B S

flir be he ld . th e Burley e l by BUhoprite s will bo A n o th e r B ig O n e View cem e- Eo - t u . i la tM c C u l- ________ ------------------------------ -

a a f F I O I T F



F e a t u r i n g L o c a l T a l e r

I S H A W r-IM A IR E S ILD EN BROS. 'M M IE W IN K L E------------------------ B L U E

--------- -K N IG H T S — ^C IM A R R O N

n r i < i t < r h y t h m a i m s .^ U N E T

----------------- A N D <

ir High School AnJRSDAY, FEB. 1, 1 96 2-

- ADMISSION - 1.00 Students 50c

rf/i t o g o io t h e ‘

^CA-YMCA Buildik e f s a t L o c a l M u s i c S t o r e s o r

Senator Sees No Conflict

S For McCo£et « t o f th e ^j^gjnN O T O N , J a n . a o 0 » -

now-. .r a n tv Sen.- S luart. aym lngtro , D-. M o­ld a n e « m W he w ss con Idenfc th a t

. i inhn A McCona’s.buslness hold-:r”toe re - ms* **«'im u n d ls- Intelllgerice agency s ru les o f con- Ih K a u n ^ duct for ll own em ployes.

sym bftton said McCone n - I h . ,o l- m v . t ih o m U lt conduct < ^c rt* t or 'even lold about I t by CIA

IS and o r - nominated, him to .head the■ slgh l" 'T w super-secret intaUlRcnc* w n c y .

However. Symington sa id , h e h a d no fears th a t McCone w ould be

‘^ t]T r? ‘w al W e 'ril‘S ^ U c t 'o f In ta rw t Uws

soldiers, h e T n^cated he w oJA ^^^ four m en. slble conflict of

m ac tually tlons hy the wea hy Call orn la • Republican w hen Uie se n a te re-

-.,.1 u.A sumed debate on the nom lna-tlo n - to d a v rB u t-h e -d id -n o t-s jiy

h i i '.T ti S ! r T w V ? « ~ K r to -

''■sts; s s S ^ B S B•p o t Irlcd ■ ' * , !•

u M U S i S i _________t o p a y

^ ' ^ b r e a k f a s t

“ . h - s i S a t T I F F A N Y ' S "a ielrlch , for AUDREY HEPBURNmeeting and GEORGE PEPPAHD

Qd''—7:00-10:00 AdulU *1.00—Child S5o

i t

m w a -M cftailCaia'

^G A G E M E N T F q R M 4 G I C .

a r t ! F r I d o y A — M\ lu l BfSibuloui^

'*0 i ^ - ' '

s r * * « « « « '^ e a e a ^ i r m f f r i r r f f f ^ . lo y ia iM r /jV .

—^ ' 4 | s S j T lAMESSHIGETA

] ^MiyosHiuMEWJUfBBU.iawo

I O n e V K J . .tamme ■ 3 ' •Ksui*

IB 8

rRYIKlOREEM u s i c . a t L i t s _ B e 5 l ^ _ ^ _ , _

a l T a l e n t

Old Time Fiddlers

s — — --------------------—


V T H M R A N G E R S .



)l Auditorium1 9 6 2 -8 :0 0 p. m.io N - ~ ~ ~

50c Kiddies Free,

tuilding Fundt o r e s o r a t t h o D o o r

m orrow ' afU m oon. i f t S ' Clark placed In th e CongrM-

a lonal Record excerpU from the' ! • - CIA conduct rules, including aI l C t section saying a a "employe may

v * " not"SiV e any. direc t o r incUrert1 . -------financia l InteresU U iat confUR^ O H 6 n ib standa lly . or

fUct w ith theh- responsibility or . a o m »— duUes aa agency employes."I. D.. Alo.. . OpponenU of McCone for. the Id e n t 'th a t 'a a U o n 's^ to p ^ lntalU genco- post ness ho ld- planned to bultd the ir case large- h e C e n tra l jy on contanUons th a t h is per- le s o f c o n - sonal holdings In oil a n d shipping ayes. • companies T?ould disqualify him. Cone .w as — -------------------------- .

r S y S L i b e r t e R e a c h e s

S S ^ f f i ’- ^ e T = E a s f - P o r th“« 2«rt l a S P E Z U . Italy . Ja n . 30 (fl

h* - T h e transatlanU c line r Llberte n o r any her

m ” 1 ‘Tht-form cr-.prlde-of-the_G ?r_iit D Pa.. French m erchan t fleeu

ris^ v i ^ ‘he TcresU e M arlttlma[C ollfom la shipyards.se n a te re- One hundred and fifty work*

e nom lna- ers will ta k e 'n ln e monUis to re- Id -n o t-s a y duce-the-ahlp-to-Sa.O O O -tons-of;

:et fo r to*

5 REM<


r | j 7 | H O R M E L 'S „ f c l p , :

~ CHIIH O R M E L ' S 1 2 0

W m - - n e s t l e ! S - E v e b

i > u i o u ^

faB iJ „SXOh

1 Corn-m APPLESAl(B R i —

Choice A s Y( mm' _ Like, or AsscII8ETA 'iUME» SSSSSSSSSSS™ ” O U R O W N Q U /




E C rgpi— _ ______________ **Clover C ll

- Potato CL u n c h Box S p e c lo l

^ 6 -0 1 .C C a r to n ....................................

I ' , ,

l l p p A H R p R

s'C ongres- (ModierShot [!-To Save Son,

Ss® Sheriff. Says

a O T ls per- in defense of he r fam ily of five nd shipping chUdren.[uallty him . Barberls said hU deputies were-------. StlU Investigating, th e shooting

L Sunday n ight of CecU Allenback. , C n 6 S a constnictlon worker who was

“ PortJ m . M m M i l Atlcne A lto itack , 3), !,ild

„ t! L lb trlt * c >K qni!t huJb .n il .CTtn tim es

r~Marttttaa[ ' — KREFTi m y J a n i t o r Supp lies

» t h , to rc- m _ A u « l. A « „ ™ _____000- to n s - o f ; -----------" 7 3 3 - 8 5 2 3


INESDAY SPI'S „ N l o . 3 0 3 C a n s ______•

HLI 1, 'S 1 2 o z . C a n s



‘n - P e a s - I.ESAUCE-FRUITi

A s You J f ( r A ssorted___

' N q u a l i t y f r e s h .

m nd B eef

VNGES Cs i z e : . . . . . . . . .

\ L I T Y R U B Y R E D

ip e fru it^ .rC 'ub" _ 3 V atch

ito Chips! 2 L : 3 9 - ' SP

^ C O Tf H i l M f o l g e r ' s V /

^ 2 ' 'I ’”

hotB arberls said th e son h n n n . , ,

^ from takini :3 0 n » rlflo from a closet a fte r A l l

’ back, and h U wife argued, a 0/


S X . h o t H AOERM At., J . „ . ,J ld lo 'deo lh “ >d Mre. Donold Tolley and chir.- ' ‘ n lly of five d ren have lieen visiting h i p u .

en ts, Mr. and M rs.'C rnest Toll*-, sputles were T h e captain, and hts tamllv a-j 10 shooting en rou te -to Spokune. Wajh - 1 Allenback. w here he will report tor tlutv ai :r who was the Fairchild a ir base , •f a y a t the, spending . the p a .y three vm/. ,

iCk, 34, said

o T i h ° ? E 2 1 '. ' P IC T U R E

.. T U B E S ; , ,

- ? x ~ * 3 3 :s r -p p l i e s L O N G ' S

I ___Rodio_&Jr_V.SErvic«- -



J j T '

0 .3 0 3 CAN S .

s -B e a n sUIT COCKTAIL


3 S 9 8 ‘

s m

I 5 i2 9 ‘_ M ! a t c h _ t h i s _ p a p e r _ e a c h ___ _

d o y t h i s w « e k

f o r m o r o


m i d)LG ER 'S V A C U U M P A C K j l

r - u s r i

Page 7: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014-12-12 · —^—-Traffic Deatl Magic Valley . I ll?6t............. 1

Only One Made for Basketba

By T he AmocUDulcc’s Bluo Devils won mor

by crushing. Woke F orest 82 victory not only enabled the

— GarolinaJoiOba-itlanUc-Coai carneci .them the distinc- “ tion of being the only team « to advance in this week’s | Associated Press m ajor' col- |

kleae baakctball poll. ’ I P nuke '

S a ll^ 'i’eU ^0 seventh. 31110 ” . ixvlls havo woa 12 of 14 gam es tin

while PuQuesne la H -2. f,"'____ The-top Hve,-pace(Lby,-unbcat^

tn Ohio SU te, remained in ta c t cin . TiiUe Bt)Vi\lng Q te tn , B radley 3->

u id Mississippi S tate continued . elBhth. n in th «nd 10th.

• rcpectlvely. ' i..Ohio SU te 5vas a unan im ous ^i'

choice for f irs t place In tho bal- loUns by a «pccial panel o f 41 icr jporu w riters and broadcafiters. =.‘

__ ^Tlie3iicievia-boMtc?U|\eSt.m6:!t■ to U -0 by routing Purdue 81-65. ,h’

The top 10 teams, w ith won- ■ - lost records through gam es of J'j-

Siturdoy. Ja n . 27, In pa jen thcses J." <polnts on a 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 i.u ta ils): 1 •

Ohio S tate (14-0) 410. IllKentucky U 3-U 8S3. j??

‘ Cincinnati (U-2i 330. Knffan.cut Stoto (14-2), 274. «i;sou thern Calif. (12-3) 20S.Duke (12-2) 168. . ■ lDuquesne (14-2) 145.Bowling O recn (14-1) 103. ' > Bmdlcy (12-3) 99.

. Mississippi S t. ( U - » B . i.{

Baseball Meet || “ I s 'D e la y e S 'B ^ f | *PoorTurnput I

The annual stockholders meet- In? of the Maglo Valley Cow- def.

_ b 03's Baseball „C lub._IncH -w a4 if'I postponed Mondny n igh t fo r S t

- lac i.o f-a .quo rum ,------------------------- „Tfie meeting was rescheduled

for 8 p jn . Monday n igh t a t the Idaho tow er company audito r- cap lum. *■'«>

At least 25 of the 1,100 istock- Lui -.hoW«r»-mu»t-slW n-«a-the-ineet- - «

Jng to become legal a n d only 18 ihoired up M onday n ight.

— ^nie.fnm chlse-is.a-com m unlty - i onied affair w ith owners living £?„ throughout Magic Valley. T here u d •re 4,3l» shares of atock o u t w ith ^

-just-ovennotl-atockh'oiaers. ii Primary purpose of the m eet- ton

'In? Is to acquaint atockholders Hui Uift policies ol th e boa rd ol 5”

—dlreetqn -Mid-h earT eporto-of-the m i p u t uuon . Stockholders a lso Coe Quit eJ«t four.m em ber5 to-4toe .. .


Filer M atm en i |Take V icto ry f.- From B ru in s k

The Flier W ild ca t toolc a h igh wrwtUn* \lo to rj o’je t th e ♦*

^ i n Falls.Brulns M onday n ig h t ^

The, Wildcats # c o r^ two of th e three pins of . th e n igh t In tak ing cp the|r second o t th s year over th e R. BruTnj. ^

Tha tightest m atch of th e No night cnmo in tb s 140-pound ^ clau where Dave E lng , T w in lu Pall3. slipped l o a 3-3 victory over m Pller'* W alt MifOabo. „ !

Twin Falls w lil'hoat M ounta in Uo Home a t 7 p.m. I t ld a f n ig h t No while Pller Is Idle u n til n ex t »«fc"

Results o t Monday's m atches, , Pller men Ilsted first, InclQdo i . t 9^-Olngcrlch declaloned S m ith ; cr< 114-Pfltrlck decUloned P l ’l n n ; m -R nw llngs d o o l a l o n e d D . igi WiUlji lJD_Hodgen pinnod M ill- ■«

. r ; MO-McCabe declsloned by f ? yng; 147—Storr* p inned by u« wily; 160-Pedrow p inned M o- « i Quite, and heavyweight, K elley deetloned by Satterw hlte. i

Killebrew Isn’t On Trading Block sfj

^ ny Tlie AisoelaUd r r e w ’ . I numors th a t slugger H arm on S "

Kllltbrew of'^ the M lnnesoto n\i ^Ins-w Ill be traded to th e -D e - hi* ‘folt Tigers were denied by th e IJI tgkcatnan for both clubs .M phr _ i

"KllleUrew In th e tloseal Ib lna o / «ti 'unlouohable' ■ th a t we Ui

« « , " /(aid Tom Mee, Uie Tw ins' ?•' J«l"tant publloity d irector. " I Jouht very much tlia t th e ra w.i »o^d be any trade.".■nie rumors started clroulating J;*,

m Malm during the day, K llle - u . w w . erne o{ lh# Amertean 1“

. !*«.'.!«*JcftdlnB.hom#nm-WtUri, 1 - M Minilve nf Payette, . I

In Deiroit. a spokesman for Tigers aald the elub had JS

^ 8 trade ta lks w ith M lnne- Wc nvoiving Klllobrew la st fall

but hat ih ,y ,Bii through, lie “ la thera Um® been non* since, « t


g f e c , i

cJli'iiSl '‘l’ >'i '

ne Change lOr Week’s f : b a l l P o l l "

•he A isocU ted Pre.s, • ,

• r e s t T r R ^ ' J I ' V ' ' ’‘'• '=5<etballgam e'o r e s t 82-G 8 .S a tu r d a y n i ir h t T h e o led t h e B lu e D e v i ls ’ to t ie N o r t h g “ ^ » * ^ t H ; o » i ~ t i r c n n n c r j n n r r T f ~

vrr IA HOWl.AIHimic — _le - B in c ' - J llf 'T '* r

unbent^ 'I-*‘ v.'.Ji-

bSS S" .n tlnued , .iiie i *.m*, r»ul Butta ‘ " lh . ^

'■ Co. Kllww Dendtri MT; hlib •nlmoUS hinc ici» leini ,.m ., I, n. Cu. Elbowho bal- I’tnd lcp . t.im. o t « S -.V . s , casters.

h w on- ^fr.t»d Viillcl llrethrm 3-1.; lUplUlmes of ilcfMtf! lupii.t .So. I J-I:n thcscs }:Uln«r»n -S". 4 drftJl.J 51. E.lw»rtl'» .

IDxh iniUvIdunl itm t, Jack Tuwlui I l« : hjith incliviHutI wrln. j,,,!, I'owtu* "US; hiiih <cratch irtm c>m« Uuruush MU«.I ae): hl|h huDjjnp imib ttm i. KntithU Of Culumlui Vl»: hliK htndU

[. r.p t«m leriM, Knlehu of Columbu.WS- JiLVb' “ r -

BowI«r .of w«li. Etrl Wrlibt ,Kl. Wancn'* Chsrth Uw*« <

.03. ' ond Tuclifr* dtfnttd Four L**( ICluveri J-Oi Cluxr r«m*r«tl« il*> v r»(cd KnIshU W1t«i 4.0; Ult •■>(> HIM *

S '« 'e n M : adtrrtw * «iri “

e e t ^JSIl; hlib Knteh t n a aamr, tIr— 1y y e»p Uam »«rl«. Nip Md Tu<li»t» tfJDii

p u t C ^I m eet- Uomon D<7 > t-«s K*<kolM Ka. 4 Cl ’ Cow- defMt*! ^ l . l t » No, I ».| I CUMt C

--------------n i8 h 7 iB itt( io t i- i ito * .- jir t-y i.w imleduled :3 i! hlih iBdi>ku«i mtUs. i i»i n

th* Vlnk*nb«r> t9 l! bUh u n ttk tm - " «">»• No. I M il kl«k k.*4k

Uditor- cap trim tant*. Uitbtraa K» t M»l I f hlfh handicap t*u> tnim . U iW rsa ^

V No. s 1.1192: hlfh tm u k M«n MrtM. ™ stock- Luth«ran No. t :.«!). . K-m eet- - a o « l« r B

“ UAcic aowi.V*fU U m m ~

S I ’c ™ " r - i s r c r s s Ji tw l t h difU leL f:l-jU eh_U al.l-l.l.-------- --- I*5 Htsh (Dilirldual cam*. Rulh Ruihton Itl

, . 181 :TiI*h lBdl»ldual.»erl«. Both Bu.b- nm eet- ton 4S7: blsh acratcb t n n tan*. Volco holders Rulltdcretui IBO; high haAdleip Uam ■.t.'rA r.1 saro*. Voleo Dulldtrttta tlO r hl«h K<

handicap Umm -Volco Bulldtr. f<-o f- th e K H r-w s r r h i i i n e r t t t h - tM o n tr io r j : •s a lso Coea-Col* J.US. ~fn..thi> Valltr Laofsa

"AaBrow R««*»rch ' d«featcJ T-K Ad- le - v trtlilns S-l: Th* Far Shop tlid oj

Hoit«a Cup CaVM M ; Tlmr*-N.w. " No. 1 dt(*a(<4 Ajtrow Froduedon 4-0 i ^

P»M Coot*. d*f*»ted Wonder Drtid 4.0: D U Shrlnera defeated Uaner Seed Co. S.t. m

Mtf). IndUliui) K«ne. Cee» Htrrinc- "

ryo' handlctp team game, TlBie».New» No. 1

I S (Bowler or week, Sun Curfew 41(. ;

a h ig h Ladle* 8<rat(h Leacae S»et th e ♦flUnktta defeaUd K-G'i t - t t OrR W

r nf th e •>1*1' ndl*ldual aeclce. Cteo JIan- ^ , . r " 5 ateln t4 ( t hl»h acratch team f»me. . tak ing c p n lao: high acratch tt*n aerlee, ><

' “ ‘I'" L , . „ . li

t h . »

, T w in llapiut a 4 - ^ I Cbrlltlin defeated , ry over r re ib rtn lan 1*1.

' lilih Individual tame, Jnhn noiera t. , J i l j^ U h Individual eetltt, llert Meirera o>untaln («}) hIsh aeratch «*m fane, MethodlH .

n ig h t No. 1 9011 blfh handicap team ■•>«<, ^

icratah team aerlet, Chrlitlan l.tTO. . lIaneh«*Tu?ne*r*deCealed‘wood Bm» I

InclQde i . t | Jar^aw ka defeated K«a1»re M I •} S m ith ; Crandall.aian}er tied KnBllih.lla l .M I

l e d D . 191 1te,lplh« Hall lOOi hlfh ln.llelduai J

id S •|^ |?T O lerw eek j CharlM Hawley ilS, ^

’ t ii I 1 U n t'a ilefeiled Trailer! t-11 Dura* Vlock ”

Illll* Indltldual came, Ulll Umbln* , „ Saill hlih Individual leitee, Illll Ian«

iarm on nan hlih eeraleh team (ame, fltan'* tl nnesota Slina »t>l hIth handicap leem ■•me. g,

by th e ietie*; ■ Lani'a l . l l i Bl.M p n r ^. , , I Don Hutchlnta Iniuiant*'defealeil t< I th ing Oarlln«‘a llleck T«be1 J . | | I’errlne

'T w in s ' IItor. " I ‘^»lh"M **M ual laile. 8Wn Det, n

th e ra welUr toi l hlah Indfvldual aarU*. p,

h itters , H i n r c = i ~ .

M lnne- Wo< apllt H*hi;liy.B»e,h,„. | . | | rlne- I»l4'j"l*«l*W*»l**m"“w.J"**^W»^ker

u A ; c, 4711 hl«h oerateh learn tame, Hudt *

h*|h^ aeraioh te'arn iatie«,‘oia<"walien b

nia n , v t ' »Masle iSaJer l<ei|ie b

Kllnka Ineurauee defealej K*r'* HU*A * « ? r i . j - ’ u r a « d » »

l< defealed Koto'a Cafe M), ' Z

. . .

> » • eurance I,111) lilfh eeraUh team «*He«, g■t«. Kllniia i Biuraii.e ^

,.?k *nf' ' W IN S NON-TITLB BOUTTO K Y O . J a n ,. 80 l* -Ja p * n ^ J »

ivua IlgtitwelBht klnir, T en io Koeaka, t< M ored ft unan im ous decision over li

1,7I.0T I O rie n t Jun ior llfhtw elght o>uun> 0 T«. . . p ion Y uklo K atiu m ata In * non* fl

lO -round b o u t 'M o n tU y n ; I I . **’ olthU B o th w iJ |h # 4 m \L . il

T uesdoy, Jan . 3 0 , 1962

. T h e

G u T T f - ■ W M I M

~ ~ f c J

-Younx’e ^■«rnVJ5'I*"'’" '* ^I Uolar^ • U 'afeK '‘'* ' Ju ll: : : :

Eibuw team hith .

Store U . ^



**•■bt , l« . CAU’d r ix IN PIN CER MOVEMB le Of Claude Chapman as they tangle>ur L*a( D aniels appear* to be bltlcK th e gl in"lliM W»»yweighU a re from New 'lie* tied --------------------------------- ----------- -----

1; Z Indians Pay J J S B o n u n o ,re tv#* I ,

r -School Boy 'C liV X LA N D , Ja n . so l^V -The .

, K~ 4 C lm la n d Ind ians have p a id a ; I <-'i-«» CU ntoo. a C , achoolboy a re - | [" - rJ^ rT p o ttsd -M O W bonti»=.bcUeTed-to “

M i.<M f i » t biff bonus by a m a jo r y t a w iM ffo t ffc tt tin d fr a n e i rb o n u s

Ik kaa^T T h * achooUx>y acquired b y the } I ” »i I n d la a i under th e new ru le a im - ,

^ Kftwni la _." •*'***• E ln a rd U tjle lon . a n lo flelder.

H rT ^ » M -b e « a -a * » if t» d -to ^ lh 8 — team 's eUss A C harleston elub, i a n d w ill report a fte r g radua tion q

S5- '• ^ 5 In d £ t» * generol m anager G abe •P t u l sa id the elub wUl conUnue .lU ta len t h un t-the sam e a s U d ld I

Kuihton In th e p a st despite th e bonus '

? / ; \ « m ” ^ 0 ru 'e soys any p layer, r e - H io:-hi«h gardless of w hat am oun t h e signs

Builder, fo r, m ay be subject to a d r a f t by o-»eri«*; u ^ h o r ' t e a m alfter cdm ^letlon of ,

one year of big league bull—u n - }( T.K Ad- less th e club decides to keep h im . hop on Its roster lo r a n .ra tlr e second gg

lid" t o : ”* ^ e " will continue to . spend , ,?f-iVi* m oney and will sign a n y good ^ £ Cec^ prospect we can,” P au l to ld .a “ ? Ich team r e p o r t e r . “W ell ta k e our J T . £ ; chance£^________________ th

iiffi: Grid Flayer Is !u OPR Ski Meet Champ «;

c. Cola aN O W BASIN, U tah , Jo n . 30 ba rB tn iny Wl — S gventcen - y e n r ^ ld - D c le as :teo Jian- M lllcr. an Ogden h igh school fll m *Vr5"eI‘ football pU y ir, easily w on We.

In term oun ta ln Skiing, aesocla- fll . . .V . . * tlon g ian t alalom Sunday desplU re:

tt' 0 Kdefeated lUVO.

ted Filer MUler fell on h is back, b u t nl,defeated jec^vered swiftly and zIPped '

. through l|i« I ln ljh im e sM o ftlU tort Meirera off balanco and w lth one ski in cnMethodiii y ,e a ir. His time of 1:20.4 over ml'M e a n th e 40-gate course woa nearly lol(o»i hUh th ree seconds be tter th a u . th a t •I I ,no. ^he second place fin isher, f "ood B«a Ladd Christensen of tho Alpine v (lira M l T rain ing School, w ith a 1:33.1. J

iffiffiii Bradley Clings J S s To Loop Lead

PEO niA , l \u J a n . 30 WV- M-HiwkJ Bradley's n in th -ranked B raves' Pi

. . . . playing without th e serv lce i of wi •wier its , Xii'j^merlca C het W alker, d e ­

feated Ttilsii 03-BO M ondny n igh t • No. 1 to hold tlieir lend In tlie Missouri n 'j i.l 'ra ! valley conference- bosketball P> j.Timee* race. *

' '•> v , Bradley romped to a a B -» lead toII n u « In the f lr tl holf wUh a n cffee-Ii, fltJn'i tlvo 1-3-1 » n « defcnw u, im ■«<ne. gtymlcd tlte visitors. uE l!^m flophomere Joe S traw der led

Bradley w ith 22 points w hile cc « tl. Rich Wllllm>i. bIm a sophom ore, he ,4.r.<i*.i tallied 13. ' 'I’errlne T lie vltVory WIU B rad tes’ft » tU

and !<<ian ■„ ig saniM and gave the B raves cc Flumbert jo„{erence record. T ulsa la wl (an Det, now 4-14 for th# season Wid 1-5 luriia, Biaii conference play. . p<am ian.^ Hufflncs led T uU a WiUl‘'handicap 14 points and team m ate J im q ,

■a __ '■ Jn

S 'S Kentucky Beats S Georgia Tech "

,;e"*'fru5S S OTore Oollon N ash to th ree *

F n T S l S l '" l “a n.ilteb IH . . (ioutheftstem conference JJ;

basketball vlotory. J"(ar-a niea h#rd*to-fet tr ium ph le ft» K .ntuoky. th e n a tio n 's Ko. aIII tS m With a 6-0 BEO record * n d tl'

J , i r . r l i i l l l l in Um W M - “haAi.aii I ; R 2« .M tlB In th« f irs t O '

« i» ti ttfonpcil IW JoiirH* eon fe r- 1 1

M onSw m ? n u l» l ' ' 'W ’ ” ' • S e i 'S a ^ W tS i w P « » » U t a l l 1

9 6 2 . ■ ■

J i f , L ^ {

I MOVEM ENT. BUl D aniels c a n 't a ra d e th e they tang le In a lO .round m itteh a t S t. N ItlcK th e glove th a l U b leeding faim.*Danlel from New Y ork City. (A F w lrephoto)

JBro-Wrestling— A five-m an ba ttle royal i

will highlight the weekly

y boxing m atches a t 8:30 p .m . -itoday a t th o R adio B onde^ I

- h n O olng Into th e rin g will be ■ I/Ogger Larson, Al Pago P a -

—a h 4 l l - a n d - J o h n n l# - B e b e l . - h T hey wm throw each o th e r „

J - S s S _ o u t_ im tU -th e -c h ii in p lm -rc -- .- “ ' m tilns alone In th e i ln g . • ,,

In the sem i-final. Logger “ I b y th e L arson will be p itted ag a in s t ? uie a im - o U e l l while Al Pago Pago “n ^ - l s - w l l l - t a k e on-jB ck-M arsh& tl-------n flelder. a n opener. <n- to ^ t o e - - — ■ . I —------on club, g'ulu» tlon r r i . Cl

5 r 6 . s T u r i i - A w a y — E

“iiC r o w d ^ S ^ ^ a s Trotters Play

, .n*nrt 0» tyn , Tw in P a lis h igh «« h o o l flthletlo d irector, said S

^ pstsons weto r tu rnedaw*y a t a b o u t- 8:25 p .m . T h e »

.*e ou r f tth le tle ' departm ent 's p o n so re d ° . th e event.

^ I n i^dtfltlon to th s gam e, th e si[ a fu ll house, witnessed s ix varie ty h

Y ^ f x The T ro tters used a ll th e ir ta c - d tics, th e yo-yo baU a a d c ra iy

Jo n . 30 ball and coupled them w ith th e li s ld -D ale an ties --of J — O;— Oipson— and ~ , school Show boat Hall. . " » von the. M erle Eden. T w in Falls , fu l- assocla* filled th e role . of the luckleis fi r despite referee and played h ts p o r t to B e f in ish perfec tion as th e O logetrotters

• h eaped abuse ,o a h u he ad a ll | ick, b u t n igh t. I

sipped O styn said I t was impossible ( [ate s till to give an exact count o f iho C le ski in crow d a s youngBters wero ad- :o.4 over m ltted free "and the re wero a I nearly lo t of them ." , w au . th a t ■ -----------------------, 2

rAw™ Golfers Waiting •„ i “ ‘- For Bolt to Hit ■' ss At Palm Springs tlJ ■ PALM 8P R IN 0 S , Calif., Ja n . Jao un— icn—T he w orld's g rea tes t goK f

B raves' professional! were poised today '■vlcei of w aiting fo r ligh tn ing to strlk?. H

Led b y a ll th e lop money w in- J]M issouri ‘h >®®‘ - <“u r chom - ^isketball P>°na crowned so fa r th is year, n

th o nomadio golf troupe w as set t<l - » l«ad to tee o lf tomorrow In ifte $80,- ,r w S ^ o la aslo -th e world’s ^

biggest golf tournam ent. v-der led T lils Is a 00-hole even t (In ws w hile com parison w ith the usual 72 s<ihomore, ho le s ', U la staged over five 0------------ d ifferen t courses,- -5x’R » tU -n^B place, w here th e lightningg Braves could strike Is any par>3 hotoT ulsa la w here a hole-in-oiie rewards thoa n d I'O lucky, m an wltli » |SO,000 Jack-

. po t on th e spot.!?« ’j 'lm „ T h e H i j h t n J n g struck Joe

,L« Campbell tw o years ago and lustj e a to p y fl(lI:_J>^m -Janua^T -tum ea"lh^

W c tT lJ o y d s of London, which- Insured against th e f ia t , was sog r a d isturbed by these performsnceaO l 'O th a t they raised th e insuranceJ fee to fl7 J0 0 thU year.

«■£“ Basketball Meet S i s Called Offts ftftcr n e w YOIIK, Jan , 30 W -A tuoky to m ee tln i to dlMUss the adm lnls- n fe rw ce tra t lo n of am ateu r ^ isk e tb a ll In

th is country haa been canceled, in h le f t Wl)ke. vice president o t the *H o a In tem aU o n il B asketball federa-

>6m a n d tlon , told th e AAV Monday,I t v a s T h e meeting had been sched-

Uf6 vio< u led for th li.O u n d a y -ln K ansas : . . C ity b u t Wtlke la ld a -ctinfm ijeo

le W ild- called K enneth (Tug) Wllsorf ih« f irs t O lymplo com mittee president, for confer- th e Feb, 11-12 week-end caused

rletotles. tlw canoellaUon.)n. = s s s f i S S S S S S i ^ S M S |

.tv’s:: 5“' COALle open-[«d only T o p Q H fllity A l w a v * ^ t

to B E R G 'S II 7 3 8 7 3 7 1

T w ir \ 'F o ils T i m e s - N r w s .7 thi

' ' ---------- -- fin


mt- W f f i H H R H 'o l


I liM

B K -------------

I "

B H H U Jt evade th e lower le ft and the npper r l |h t 1 Ik a t S t. N icholas arena M onday n lfh t.!ilm.*Danlels w on by tihan lm oas decision, -ihoto) .___________ _____________ _J

^ E m a e y ^ B ”— I Clut Defeats

SoSi"; Hansen.54-49'fwill be HANSEN, J a n . 3 0 -T h o Burley go P a - .CB" team , ge tting a 24-polnt e f- \

fo rt from Clossen, defeated_the Ol - R e b e l .- H an se n 'H u sk ie s M-49 M onday H i " Ih t rc m -ic - B u r lc y 'le d 'm o s l 'o f th e way a l- 1' i^BBcr the scrappy Huskies hung Ja sa lM t to be a th reo t *•

th roughout th e gam e. _ »arsH&U------- Burley also w o n 'th e 'p re llm lh - £

ary C4-2B. I■ — BUHtigr , ’■B‘ i r HAyB g rrjr* ~ »>

Durler f t f lp ( Ipjllanera f i f tp r tp C. Bencher J 1 S 1 HoUKIeld i 2 1 « p CUuen 1« i St4lPCMlor t « t i v

J B u ^ t »-0-*l0B lro 'ltir»-» 'T-SU '1

!S iJiJ ^Tolali »■ 7 U 14 T o l* 1 l2 l '7 U « |

l a y a s z = x = : ! i . ; ! v. k ^

iTcr™” Maroons Breeze is S £ ; To 16th Victory 1

CLEVELAND. Miss., J a n . 30 ] alis h igh Ifl — T e n th - r a n k e d Mississippi o r. said S ta te scored Its IS th basketball <0 T tu rned 'Victory of th e season M onday T I.m . T h e o is h t w ith a n easy 106-76 victory ' rponsored over D ell* f lta te . • '

T h e Joss dropped D elta to a 0-7 ] am e, th e season showing. M ississippi S tate c varie ty has lost only one game. '

D oug B u tto n led th e M aroon’s ' h e ir ta c - drive w ith 21 -points. Iad crasy M ississippi S ta te h a d % B3-29 < w ith th e lead a t ha lftlm e . 'son—a n d — D elta’s - O r a n d K r ^ a r r o i n w K '

s6oring honors w ith 25 points, a lls, fu l- D elta S ta te h i t 34 p e r oent .

luckless from th e floor w hile M ississippi * p o r t to B tate counted on 44 pe r cen t. '

{otrotters • — • <

Cold War Could ■ Stop Ski Meet. '

B w ltronand, J a n . 30 Ifl1 wero a —T he E ast-W est. pollUcal squab-

' ble over B erlin th rea te n ed Mon- 7 " day to torpedo the .A lp ine world ‘i n O'* “'‘''n g cham pionships a t Oha- '■ ■ * o monlx, p r a n c e , scheduled to H f lU r tP e b . 10.I l l - Maro Hodler, S « lss president iSM Jw n of the In te rn a tio n a l Sk i federa.- i n i f S tion sa id th e cham pionships may . 11/ Tan called o ff If th e S a s t Germ an

. . Vi team Is n o t a d m i t t e d ', I n to .U M 80llled today ' And in B erlin , a n au thorlta- to strlk*. live F rench source said It Is m ey w in- h igh ly , unlike ly th e E as t Oer-

" ’“ 'a will ge t e ith e r French u r Cham- tem porary travel doeu-this year, m ents—bo th necessary—to get s was set to Chamonix, ihe SSO- T h e sam e cold T^ar maneuvers

. tiinrm’a Prsven lcd the EastJ w orm s Q arm ans from ge tting U, S.I. v lsss a n d trave l popors fo r theivent (in world Ice hockey oham plonshlpi usual 72 scheduled for Colorado fiprlngs. over flvo Colo., M arch 7-18,


m d « * th o Hard Loser000 Jack- STO K B-O N-TRBNT. Sng -

land , Ja n . 80 W—A fan 1« go- ruck Joe In g .ta .s u a .th e referee w hose. .1 and lust _ p c a a lty ^ a w a rd -k n o c k e a ~ n u m ed tll^ h n n e team o u t o f Uie English m, which yootball (soccer) association it, was so cup tournam ent.'ormsncea &yrJl Oilff, a Stoke Olty insurance f u j fo r >B years, d isputed the '. penalty a n d also disallowed a_ ■ UglUmate S toke goal,

[eet -. '.W restling

adm lnU - R A D IO R O N D IV O O “ ^ n S lU t T U I S . N IG H T , 8 | J 0n t or t ^ W nEBTLK BOYAL " fSdera! N orth W oods n u le .iday. Men sic u l be leased ovsi topm ached- rep e i. t« f l e e r - u t i m an Isfl

. • » " i j r 6 o " ? u i i i i ■L n r fl« n - P a g o m o

d M O ' m i - R o b o ld caused M n r u h n ll

— = ^ P L U S \

VL M nteh flB '

* r ^ * . “ T tokat a a lu a t^^ ' / < ' ’ WZIAY’8 O A rC * •* T W IN FA LLS O IO A n

Bpfflnew « - .v .r .w .

^ Idalio State *] ^ Nips Montana i W . Squad 24r23 ^

^ -b lL L m O S .-M o n l.- J a n .-S O -w i .R— =---------- Idaho S ta te ’s Jo h n Shlnvers. BU W S .7 th e only substlttue In th o name, o t------:— iTcorcd a free tlivoiv a f t e r 't h o •,

final b u a c r to tliKc a 24-23 win f ro m -E n s ie n i M ontana M oiidnyC i niEht. > ' I cl■^daito S ta te se l (lie s t vlt- o t.I ?

p i n y - i m n n i r s t iiiiuiiif. ki'Iuk “ in to a tigh t zone nnd E iu lc n i ; ; followed w ith a M ailing o f lrn s c . ',

n b l . m en OUI. ' _T h e lead changcd hntt(l.<« twlco

in th e second lin lf. T lifi) RLstrrn took th e ICDil n ftc r 15 iiiU itit» r,v

j ^ H a n d held U u n til only onc n ilnu tc i orem nlnttl, -------- , ____ :: ---------, 4,

.Jack Wo:iibol(lt >corcd n laynp <i( on a ball th e d ' to pull icluliu lu S ta te in to a tic . E nstern bruviclit ■!!

. th e ball-dow n,-sta llinR ro'r tha t final slio t. W ith only five- m’c- •<] onds le ft E astern tried bu t ihc c( sh o t Was blociccd. .t;

'----- Jlarvcy-M uiiford~foulod-S hiv* ije rs a t th e buzzer nud sh ive rs u cashed in for the victory;

D arrell C oulter led E as tern Itt . scoring, and A rthur Crum p U-d y Idaho S ta te . B oth had 10 polnt.v

Uunford 2 : K S Trump 4 : lt> S) ' ■ Drumm I : : 4 tlolt U 0 4 l< I'

. . f l Coullir i a 3 lUj\V»mMt 3 0 : A pI ishi"rr« I i 0 i' nI Tnjali f i l l l i :^ ! Tul»l.f l Mailrrn Montana ......... ir, y 1-

• ■ Idahu .Sdle ..................... li i : —:>|

Minico Tops il Burley 33-11 ! Ih Wrestling i

•15_________ R U £E R T .Jan r^ (> -T he-M ln Ico *S partans ' con tinued th e ir long distric t w restling winning s lreak n

- . M onday n ig h t by defeating th e J. m § Burley Bobcats 33-11. ' n

The Spartans , who have never (• I / f A ^^llen to a fo u rth dlsU Ict team , c

will ho st T eton a t 7 p.m. Friday “ a t the H eyburn g^-mnoslum. ’

10 Burley Results of M onday's m atch , j point e f- Minico m en lis ted first, includc n :ated_the 05=H anshew .decisloned.D anleU i g

M onday 10&—Stim pson pinned Rodreguls; S 114—P roeglU er declsloned A tnlp; c.

t way a l- 120—Combs w as 'declaloned by D d e s hung H unter; 129—Newcomb pinned a th reo t H unter; 133—Qeorge, declsloned

K uh ilc r; 14» -8parka declsloned • ftrriirnih- Cahoon;-147—A ndrews dccUloned 1 preiim m jg o -W h e e lc r declsloned ^T O jr jr “ DeNaughaH-167—Arthur-wit8*dtr= -

f i f tp r tp clsloned by Jones; 182—M cM urtry •] I f * * * pinned Neilson, a n d heavyweight, g - i - 4- i- « !W endti.w ft»_plnned-by-Jones.— j

i t f l Bnto Is Placed ; .vl,'*!! Oli Critical List ;16 l» 41 LOS aN O ELES, Ja n .-.30 “

OMie B rito , fo tm er-slM delensK t - 1 P 7 P end w ith th e W ashington R ed- 1 ,^ C a v skins a n d th e Los Angeles Rams, 1

h as been placed on lh e critica l ] J l j ' lis t a t W adsw orth general bos- i

Ja n . 30 P l^ l . < lUsslssippl Britoi 35, h a s been a pn tle lit a t ': basketball the veterans adm in istra tion hos- i

M onday Pltal slnco la s t fall, su ffc tlng I 76 victory from a nerve inflam m ation In h is

. ip ln s l cord th a t caused parllo l a to a 0-7 paralysis o f h is o rm s a n d legs. ' ippi S ta te Brito, 3S, complained of feeling

weak shortly a fte r h e reported M aroon’s train ing w ith th e ,R am s a t

the ir sum m er cam p, a n d a fte r 1 $. S3-29 suffering dizzy spells, r ep o tted to

th e hospital fo r a c h eckup____

~ g S bT s IG N S PA CT w r cen t NEW YORK, Jo n . ao ( f l - I n -

d^ IsslD ol Welder Jsko O lbbs, fo rm er U nl- r cen t. verslty of Mississippi A ll-Amerl-__ ca football p layer, haa signed his

U 1002 baseball con tract, th e New i l l l G V°i‘>‘ Yankees announced M on-

B tran. 30 ifl ------- - r T J " Wiai squab / « \ f ^le d Mon i U 4Ine world ^ ^ -r ’ ‘a t Oha I .

iduled to I I )

i s ' .WHfNTHEC " j‘r 'ASIDE SE ^wk MNTOITSOWI^vel doeu- ■ '•.■.i.rr .v e l ' •

TONIGHT SAYthe E ast .,•

.“ fo'J’ t h . . ^ Miplonshlpt L ;. flprlngs ]

e r l " ^ i /Y tP. jcng . f ! ' t ^ n ls g o - ^ I n Li.w hose-. . i|ii,iiIV i i'iiilii ill ....... II I I "te a - n u T B I ^ /Engllilt \ ¥ h \ aciatlon

(• CUyIted th e m ff 'n 4 C Z 3 fX lM a m i '’J lowed ft

iM)v«f (ep n S 9 l 9 I H ^ ^ H ^ ^ K E 9aan Isfl


c h M '

t^ iiwiuui.(iimiui«urtn,HfiQUQ(iT.iii

I ■ , .

e T it le C h a se 2 0 “ M a jo r I te m

, ThQ t i t l e n i c c c o n t im ie s U n .-30 -w i .R i g - S e v e n - c o n f t ! r e n c G " n f tl io Shlnvers. B t if le y B o h c u t. 'i. h o ld in g a or

« t> > P ^ w n i '» > '^ -T h e -R o b c a W e n 4-23 win *‘^ '‘1’ Ihl*. t i l l o f h ^si? iiy iltiuMui M onday I e n d n n il "fT ia t n ia d ^ i t u '~

‘‘E iu ic m I iu n . It.s lotic** lo s s iClime ni Uie hands »r ihc Uiilil I

■ Inillnns. \v!io dropped them lu - .-the IcflKue opener; - ' /

1(1.'? twice -i-ijg aoijcni.^ re ta in the overall ' I E ;i.'trrn mm.'ou icortntf averiige of 47

" “.‘“ ' ‘" ilw liM a Jl sM «c b u t nre Ued wlvh ^ 'iH !£U ).il;lc> '_ lii--lP ;iR U i-|> ro tl«c ttO irn l -— ' ■m.Oi- MliiiiiO'.i - S p rtHaii.i- uitJ'b o th ' "p 1 a laynp licftnsivi' cuteRoiles, l i m i t i n g „ .11 IiliUio loop loM 10 35.4 and a ll oppo-I broviclit liciils .to 37.8. - . for th a t i-’iier j,carts th e free threw ti

five M’c- ^hojiav: divisions w ith -.(US por- bu l llic In th e DIr Seven mul |,

•liM (ncnill. Buhl and Filer hiiii -■ od -S h lv - .u 2 H o c p - jo u ls .~ o n c -m o rc - tn n n - I Shivers Uaulc.v, while tlic H orne ts have

^51 itir th e jc a r.‘'* ‘^ " * ,‘‘1 • lii-llvlclual s ii t ls tlc s show’ b o n i:

Im . ? OMcy. Mill lead ing lhe/ r ? .f scorers wiilt 15 po.iit.s pe r league i,

- S ' 0 .1 W nin^nT nm tn V.3i)ve?mi: In scc o n ? . p 4 •: : i t i spot Is Ml«e C riinuejvO akloy, a t c

1 3 0 * " H enderson.I 1 4 ,s Filer, nnd FreS Nelson. G oodlnsJ "n 1 1 0 3 nro tied for ttilrU place wlUi 12J (,

“o ' s 'n ^ In leacuo play bu t H enderson Is% - n 1--9 overall while Nelson h 10.2. |,

_|j[_ ALSO h ltthw In double scorhifT g fl(;u r« ar< Mack 'Vl’.tcy. Jerom e,

k l ' t C ‘'n d 10.3; G rn n l M arllnsen , c' I J O Burley. 10.4 ami 85. a n d M ark d\ _ Mrntlnflale. Oakley, 10 n n d 8. «

I I Hendcr.son k running aw ay s - i- -* - w ith free throw honors wlUi 28 h

, conversions In loop .piny a n d B4i n fll* for the yenr. A llan Dowd. B uh l o

sophomore ccntcr, hns th e m ost s rte-Mlnlco *®uls-28 In lenguo-and 46 overall, le ir lone htc: skvkn confkhkn cK’„ ' , . t , L f ................ ■a tlng th e Jer.mio __________ S I J»0 sto ,

...n .v „ » = E = i ; ii ill'rlct team , Gon.un«'_______ __i s sas i n ,m. FVlday i»»M------------------->, » »««lum. Btaien Hereri ,8 m atch J •«*t, include! ruX /

E^iEEEd-i^ir i!s;ed A tnlp; o<«iin» - ............. :....« t 87a_ 8soi l o W b y BuM 1 - — ..... i - i o — «4i -«a ‘b pinned . " T - ' ,

SS IS Americans M ay. Enter Tourney \

ir-wit8*dtr= ~ R EW YORK J a n " 80 UH‘~ < M c M u r^ T here’s a good 'c hance American ivyweigm, Bpeedskaters E d R udolph and - J ones.— ia u U -N elso n -w lU -g e t" th e ir -e x - *“ ■ . penses paid from N orw ay to Rus- p a / 1 , ala so they c an competo in the U C U world speedskating cham plon- f 5 c f ~ ships In Moscow n e x t m onth , a u l b l XT. S . Olymplo com m ittee official I.-.30 ““ ‘d M onday, i d tle n sK t —Rudolph N otlhbw ok , H I., and jto n R ed- Nelson, M inneopolls, a re tra ln - sles Rams, lng in Norway a t th e ir own ex- he critica l penae; T hey sa id they hoped, to neral bos- show enough, to w arran t Retting

the ir expenses .pa id to Moscow, pn tle lit a t T hey perform ed c red itab ly In an] a tlon hos- in te rnational m eet a t H orten,

su ffc tlng Norway, th o p o s t w eek-end. • I tlon In h is S S S S S ^ S ^ S S S S S i S S S S ^

‘"?FS '^ £ 2 ^ 1 ^ ^ '^ ’''R am s a t H S B ^ ^ ^ B c l o l

a n d a fte r m a n 'seported to Jckup.

l O ^ t ^ l n - H H b I hrmer U ni- Ml-Amerl- signed his

th e New M ODERK WOODMIced M on- , . nO M E O FF IC E • BOC

■HECARES;0|T|E- .SEAGRA|^'S;||rj owi S M b p m ;M

: sKYSEAGftMSji1 1

I .

r " H

uii x t a clit. iiUQU m w u iS n w . i v i l i i a ' S u i ini

iia se R em ain & l J [ te n v in B i g 7>ntimies U be the biff thlng ln .the ncG n f tlio midway point with tK6 T )ldinjf a onc-game edge over three 3obcatTTcenicnted-tltelrc!alnrt»“l t a y ^

Oakloy-ovw-,tho week- , i(! it u' — ----- —‘.

- |

,1,. o„,.i. Straight Win j!

" ilu T i iJ ic ba.<ikctbail teom M ondly 1 ]

rce threw n

Sriven sn.*! , “ P'oUnbly w.is Uie la s t m eet- I F ll r h "f AU.Ai.uTlc*n., Terry Dla-

^ r r ^ - ^ h ln fl^H 'Sf-Q f-^iirdue-and-Jerre-Lu— m e T s l i a " " " ' ' O h io -s ta tc -a n d It w ai rn e ts h a i t souicihing of an anticlimax.

Dl.seiilnijcr oiiiscored Lucas 38- ® ?n 13 bu t uclilicr led his team.

*; G arland, Purdue sopho-.'iioi:c .jouncd.boiiuciub«-w im -so—. i n scconr. poj,u8. s jn io r m j ) n < ,„ u of

.O aklcy, a t oh lo Slate scored aounbeaten Ducks w e r e '

• ‘o" ‘" ’der the boards0 wlUi 12J fo r 'th e Boilermakers.•nderson Is a i one stage In the second on Is 10.2. unlf Purdue didn 't score a field ble scorlniT goal fo r elRht minutes.?}•, Jerom e, JoJm Ifavllcek, who held D ls- lj M arllnscn , chlnger to nine points In P u r- l{ a n d M ark due's 99-S3 lo&s n l Columbus la st - ' >

> n n d 8. week, again guarded the Riveter lin g aw ay star. Dischlnger got only 10 of •rs wlUt 38 h is 23 points on field goats,Iny a n d B4 A ltogether, In four meellngi )owd. B uh l over thrco years. Dischlnger ou t- ' i s th e m ost scored Lucas 90-80,146 overall. ------

i” | ; •;;i Decision on New1 i” ■“ Coach UncertainI SM « « MOSCOW. Ja n . 80 NeU

i \ i lU <BWpV8 la W e y co u W n o k p « m l»” * M onday n igh t ju s t how sSon th e I

mt for a»«i U niversity of Idaho will h a te » J4 5M 4M new football coach. M8_ _ « I L .s 7J --T »« poslRon open .ed .w l3r - t b l a ^ Bt b: i to t m onlh when tho sla te board Cf ^5 *’5 !!s rcgenU relieved Stahley of hl» I 5— 44,— H I coaeh lng -du tlea -to -devo te --fuU ------ 1

— .* tim e lo hl5 Job as alhleU e < U » c - j to r -n t tho achool.

■ i V l a y . s in c e then . S tahley aald, tb e_____ ^ — school-has recelved-M -appUcft— ~[ \ 0 V Uons_.and It could be . 10 daya, J

I. 30 (fl — decision Is reached. I e American j . ■ ■ .. . . ’ ____ |

r f f i r ^ - m c U T r v T S A L i s i M N —

Wo are prepared to o ffer » a ^ h n t in iM 0“ “ t“ ndlng opportunity to t n I t m n^ th a e « eu tiv e type, salesm an-w ltb t m onth a .yecognlted capabmHes. AppU- t te e official c o n t-m u s t be m ature, re - ,

sourceful and ambitious. Be- ik, H I., and tw een 2d and 60 y e u s , to

a re tra in - health , w ith unquestionable i i r own ex- personal background. An u n - ly hoped to usual opportunity for ft m an ■ant Retting with, ambition, c c u r t ^ « a d ' to Moscow, self confidence. Send resume'- itably in a n to H . O, R vlss, P.O. B ox t!l4A, a t H orten, Idaho I^ lis , Idaho.

IE N T LIFE IN S U R A N C EI — p r o p e r l / c o o rd in a te d w ith So*I c l a l S e c u r i ty a n d o th e r , o u e t t l l l a n y m a n 's m c » t v a lu a b le p r o p e r ty .

L l _ G E R A - L l ^ ^ L . - M t W E ^ — I 191 N O . S U N R IS EI Twin Falls, IdahoI , P h . 733-5504 .


I 4 < l l

i f R S• i M C i d M j i j .......... ' ' ’' 'w t f M i i f i l n


5iU iiw H M .inw i, ..........


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aiDlqultr ientenw .«DinUn«1l8ht 4fl"DUmond TDIttreu i IkmI _ > •

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2.SUB#whlM SSnolitcrer entence 3 0ccupin( 20I*rat)CiuriDUmond 4WelKko( SOThe godl — " Denmirk U S m illtp iMloth m eitura B Smill iil« 31 lUnk worker;raS n p rin c5 ~ « C 1 « lrtir t------ 38 WTerrtlueki—„ 7Wrtnf a7SUB»pUy .3»eB th irw U f *> NiUve m tlil 58 Property Item ^ c n i r w i e r 5 30ubiUnf* b«tw«n lowf Fnnce

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a y n o

•'BILUB JAWC, m S WUTMMC \ 1 IBTTW KAV6W/ry3UBSW\'ieUTMIlKI < I fkowvooic

o o iiM -T O C c u ^ /u w su ^ x aM > i^ jn u c M o im

i c k


K j S f e :'

Sld« Glances

£ ? yM• M , ' W -

ik worker____ v jf ^ •

i ’l i ™ - i I i r - -(tcit river In ♦K,

»»l '• -• « k « ir g o d ■:•.

i r m n ^ *■

r‘‘Darn th is phone 1 enough in here to dcs

-------------------ruffled-skirtli!--------- ^Carnival

L , r — I ■ ■

? n

5HC30I.O \ jT .

HPN6.A ^ — I . .ALLOOM^4Ey/>/eH ■ ! .'B B o x / J ^ W

J 1 " "“ You said I shouJcTai^ here h e Is— W m .Higgl

y | n S w ee tie P ie

S .

■ i g o y ^

' "H e wns IrylnK lo tlM* Qntwltill”

aa :a5 u a^


H j c f e a l l ■ ' j i W ,



z L ------ ^ f - J lE L E J - ttO N e IKi c . s s )

— ■; i l ,

• ^1K»tlt>U.V«.TX»H.V*.»rt.M,phone booth! There’s no l room

re to describe a dress w ith & full,

"^ o u Jd acquire a wiH of m y own and Vill.H iggins!”

9 '.

' , miuiwii^ ^ I

rfing to do th e twiot and he couldn’t

^ , f I rHOHEO T»IB « | I O a AWO ta lw d ') a / / TOVOOff TEACHER, HOW I'M00i>*5 >

^ i.a o ^ t c T i i ( 3 0 ^

Ig g n Li'l A bner ,

rITS C?/ER "■-AN'4A6MW V» eur.iT.itx><E/m_LftST ojM CE a c o o o f ^ ^ ^ '

g ; C a p t a i n E o > y

I ? '-------------T _ ----- '_ / p A f g a g gI * ^ ^ HB*TfAtflO■ ', i ^ .fo IWK T C a p y ^ w ^ Off

I — K s f s t v ^■ flMIKBWHKHAO 1 -

^ . , tfB 4 CMi6HT.K!Pi l r S < i I7 ' • B u r v f c a o r W y n * ® ■


G a t o l i n t A l l a y

jjr flUalfc.if ijou tKnk ipu left^

j B ^ III

• V V ® K Iat ^ ?: -IH-PBTUNIALlHOUR

^ ” - - T S h o T F R i b V — ^

f l B f / m m w e r o ' ^

Alley P o p

i m t m ^ M e o ] I ry’yl IS UNKj J ( c

e couldn’t ' ^»«u

Dlx^o DuganWWD) I ^ -^- - — ,. i

■ l^anM^^

HBfcWNO. 3ED T ■! W S W

rI s - f e ‘ S T z E S t

I ®


a » y - _

K S S S S 5 1 [ 7 S ^

/ AW,MOM«~BeBIS Weu-.I'-DON ^ A s o u r ( r / i v E <5orrA m « jo Tfff


A l l a y ' ' '*'

lL.l'lluL V ‘-'u j . u v J M c UOU left * quite th a t I bt.milfed, about f /3 r u c u n s im p lei ■ o ^ 'n in g th e gas

i n y "


i~ ~------ --— ------------I (l0S«»rSOM£CP tie OTOE

' w o iS T ttg w g ^

' ‘ ■ ' ' '■ ■

' ''' '

^ TMS M OJM AMO WC iP lN (MiVUUU imT ^ iMONACUiNiKxiTnva naiwicL«wcALLr

TURKIVWaCK. ? V y ' < ^ ^ K I

— I ( r ,-';;^ 5 a S S


E R E ^ > ^ ^ ^ > pEpEMDlW'CW H'ER'SCa';:, V oJDiSHUKj.r;^------- ^


TSJbj )CVM0VtK>UlA»T4MT-UMWD*MB.. j l ifvw«S^cea7P/Mowvoi;«u)aTepB tu

M r p '1 L ^ B 1 H ^ 9

l O i

-y.~T A / / ^

^ e e . ^ e r g W a Y Incdiier u w rdsN ? And nw J Tiilfed-about m3 you af^ not on . a 'l d ^ k ;



/TOraA^THERE, / jH \ / fT3 HEAR ) WTU. / BY/ JTTPV IWEU H ^A / ®IMtW* I nB

t ' - i A VjBAlL L ,X jC W -g ^ ' "P

«.INGTOfJ *<r'AMGCIT-0K}E-l-1£ ,^ - \-~ - ■METER'/— I UEOUESr, &,.aEPO'aw k

I-WOTI-WVH JO A rj>bEi ITrrSK r.- UXATEPB KUIMEPffl'HOlISEltSniHMCKAplCK]'^l a o t & r '>0inrEN{YEamc)ui(cc)l6u w iv v N ^ g

■ 4 / # E ? > - . ' S

•_______ iAnd gou want n k to QO over X / It li-as ’\j


•— ■— \ ■ -I-/-OF K e iv £ \ im \ j CW OUR \ ( A«W«?5WCKJPRooAisri ^ —

T ^ ^WTU. / BYVWOF vneiMPiv I m UM& ) w

' ' ' ' '

Page 9: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014-12-12 · —^—-Traffic Deatl Magic Valley . I ll?6t............. 1


j r e w VORK. J a n . 30 (ITD - ,___ Etoclu stased.ft.B U bstantlnl.raiiy __

• In the w l y hours of trad ln ? to- j j o ■ and held m ost of their

— -gtfatt-^Uarough .fh r f lnnl— bclL ^ d lD B expanded m.oderatcly on Uie upswlDR- • ■ .(

Broker# « « « , encouraged by the rally, n o tln e th n t i t wpa the • f ln t time in sevenH w ecta thn t . " the m arket hoa been., able to

____>.«nir on to tg_wlSLgBllU-AU-rc------cent rftVUca luive' been cu t short by afternoon Belling pressure.

Only •the_Bavlng5 and loan itbcks were w eak among [lie ']

A jeadlDB groups. Most of th ew ;j, " Issues were down three t o ' 13 <<>

BolnU before com ing slightly off «• the ir lows, th e decline followmx “ j the vote o f a house u n it to boost j,.

•taxes substanU ally on these com . 27. panles.' ' oit

American T e l e p h o n e and ; - E astm an K odak.w ere so ft among

th s blua chips b u t In terna tional , wirVH Fnrd. A m erican , Can. c«-

^ ^ ^ rier . d e n e ra l Motors. Ucn-’•. eral E lectric. G enera l Poods.

Bears Roebuck-.and W oolworth bd were ahead around a po in t or

_ _ ^ 6 t« 'e la showed wldesprettd.gBlns _! of XracHon* to b v e r a po in t as , did th e a iltw . Chemicals* were

■ Bpotty and the big oils were up \b. im all fractions a t best; . «

G ains rang ing from one to two points also were' common nrhong ’.n. the electronics, a irc ra f ts , ' tobae- “ • cos. drugs, foods and stores. J M ost. o f the leading rails • and , t , utilities In the D ow -Jones aver- “pi

_ _ * g e * w e re .u p good fri^ctlons, and■ Coii'Edlson ra n up post a point, is.■ trading ex-dlvldend. . i

Special fcAtures Included Na- '' tlonal B iscuit up around four i

^ points a fte r I t announced plans j’o > for a stock sp ilt and divldcna

boost, MSL up roudhl” one nnd i;'. — enerhal^^-on-^dlvldeiid-lncreasc, *J!

and Facliard-Bell Electronics up if ' around one a tid th ree -fou rth s on i<! news I t broke Into th e black in ' <

' IMl- Hi!3 G ains of. a t least 3 polnU In- t»r f -eluded Aldeos, A mp Inc., Beck'. M

man, Copeland Refrigeration,. Com Products. Crown Cork, i”

.Daystrom, H arris Intertype , H el- *ni • ene Curtis, Edison Bros., L itton, 1?;

Minneapolis-Honeyvi'ell, p h lla - ?or delphla a n d B rad lng ,-P olaro id , «n.

— n C A rN a U d ia l-C a sh .-R a tio n a l *1 D a l^ , T exas Instrum en ts and to" WriSley. lb.

~ Stock Averages -■■ ■ ■ y tw .T 0 itg ~ g fii r i» -iP P n = P 5 ^

7«b« cImIb i >twk Itvertini » iDdDi. 894.09 up 4.17 29 milt 146.7t op 0.4T

,_._JI.UUU..JM.61-up-0.21---------------------I «t Stock* 2».3( up 1,01> HBW TOBK STOCK EXCIIANCB l|i‘

MCW YORK. Jan. JO '<UP1)—U itAllUdCbMl H iN » tC .i J i , 117}4 CoAIM LUI 2 M Mat DU?U S t

Ab Cta 4 % H A Avlk 71 '«Ab C rm 4 H Nortb Pao 43 k

a s i

■ Amour' f l h j o Peaner 48‘w i.

illgsgs" ilit sB.H « OW.. u o r ID lii £;

S Ss™I t i g !■!s .x r- sffi ,„ IS - ° irsss'i ”!i £ S “a s s ' V,sa Ih&ffliiS j:f M l M - €• s

' riS. ‘lb “•” <» 1* is5?.w ',a IG,„ » C |, iJ f t T1mk#n R O M

' a S 'w a i I a s “S s s M ’i i .«ulf oil J6 i Alro ,i!"r;;:„j!|ssiu‘’fn,u ,i S !s& i s i i i i s r s k ]

:K«rr.U<(lM 4IU W a t Alrl a ill

t t^ W M tV n lo n Bsl; -iis .r ’!i '?!’< I


NKW yjiiiK, Jin . »o M n -U it f*t4i *av:vi!u ?&:,¥■!!» jHagerman Ends !

Mission Studies »HAQPJlM AN.'jiui: J O - T h i J

‘U t 111 a lerlM of m lu lo n a tud trs » «Tui |>ra«nt«d by M ra.'G len Hill, ^ pwilefnrd. flunday nflem oon a t ‘I'a Methodist church . P e ru « id m Bolivia were th o topic. "^Th# Rflv. AiisUn a . nugger

•nowKl a film "A 'Choloe .for following tiio lesson. Music si

under the d irection o f Mra, |t, Eteannra McConkey w ith Mm. ■■

Pftnlit'' 'A polluck d inner waa aerved y«

V »ft«r church »enloes. -

Rates Down^W ABUingTON «TO-Teleplione ^

tri u rbon iit^c rilien i do- ,, 5 '2 « Bliglitly du ring i m , th e ff rew n of ^afrUuUure c.

■nirro ou t of four liouseliolds al "OW have a phone. U

^ _ A r r K N D FUNKRAL jj! •'“h- a o -M r . and Mra. „

attendod funeral {J» ro 'iH lw l« 8 «H "

2$ .iSJS,


J.n. 50


‘is;.Kiy on i,-»..-£zBr=isr 2■ .to i r c '•«“ > « -"! Ii

.ged by « v t» ^

able to — T io

p ® T R S o c k lh i s f ip p s !htly 'o tf *5allowing irn] ,y „ „ , is.oo.n,50: Jto boost J,. ‘.,11 j:.;;,';, ‘.'fj:' .''tj'K * rt■se com . 2T,o», f.w

nailonal . ^ esver1 , Can. « ’-'U S D M - gs. G cni F .ri, . - ” ■ a

* ^ d s . » •'« Urrowi an4 „XJlWorth hi . *5 lower thin Mond«r’» • 'Wim orud gnlu] ■ «.iM; nnt «iubll.bri «irly. _

e to two ,:'’''^2«o"*b«!"“ T!so.i7.7i'!"'M ®

, tobae- “ •S"' “

SB aver- >‘vpy *'»''» «■” = tn*i®Hty ^>ns, and uuiitV i'd * ’"'” ’■•‘' 'T “ a point, i3>s.«.to.-- •" **>‘" ” " ''* 1 *®** Jl ^ ^ Sheep i.iOO; tn.rkrt net .lUbllihed, g

Id four CHICARO. J.” ; ^ V - < u s i ) A ) - 51 <I plans hoE* B.ooo: but«h.r. iiMdr to 2S “ livldcntl >•* «>• butehen J>nc nnd u .7 j; ijq. jso. ib«. u .iM T .ti ; z-» » ncreasc, ib«. ig.t0.i7.D0! n a jo s ibi.s;5 ISS dismiss::)1ack in Callle 4.;00; »K t« DOnt: altiKbUr ,,

• im t » n k 10 SO lower; tlr« toxlt hUthm ts in - ter .lf»n 27.J0; loid «bolet and tirlm.., Beck. U3J Ibi. :?.M: ,hole»- »i0.l.s00 lb*. I

“ S ' K ;. . . S f : •L itton cholee heir«n 24.7&.H.7J: ,D htt, **«* 22.00-t4.s0i utility andr n i la - eomR.»rtl.l eowi. 13.2S.I8.7S: - ulllltf

olarold, and cotnDCreUt fculli 1S.30.20.S0 ; ttuid.‘lc*

ta and to SJ lo»er: tholc. aod prim# SO-tOI Ib. woolol t1au2bl«r lanba 18.00>18.s0;

. --------- I«kl-anil-ehole«-l<.<H>.17.S0: «uH to l<. ehoiet'woolRl lUuihtar twM I.OM.Se. R

-Unlisted-Stocks~OVER THE COtlNTER *

. (CentUir K. W. MeRobarta an< >

■JJit i : ! . ‘ ‘ S ^

“ ^ > F ln t Sfturlir Corr>._i 48.00 S .60 '»l f F ln t Seeurllf Invtit— 1S.2S 1 .2t ■

, i i J Frontier Alrlln** ------ 8.7S .12HJf f Frontier R«Hninc _ _ 1 4 .2 S . 1 ,2S <

‘ S ijJ Oatrrtt FraiihtllBifc- 18,00 J .M-..iMi' IA L Grctti GUnt 42.00 i .^0 Jf i S’S .

IntenUU Uotorllna*. 4I.S0 i .SO^ S o ^ r '& V u i j r i : t*Al i : « i

‘ -5 ?h ? « “ 1« louT'EMTwiu l l ’«}4» ’ W ii Paradoi P7t,dueirona„ 1.12^5 1 * ^ ■

® ' RMoure* V *ntut«__ .0# .11■ Blirra L it* ______ *0.00 »»,00 1

« ! ! » . - . K r = : : !:SS . K « ., •;« S traw -..... — ______ S.2S J»,«M •

S , p & S ' r S . - . ™ - = ! ! S ■!!:!! iril S4% Cofljt Altllnca It.7» 13.7* ^

H |^ Improvemenlralr'; a !!!i School Reported;A ,5i- ALBION. J a n . 30 — D r. GeorgeI* 'x s li W .-D eTO ff, p resident o f Maglo. J lJ f V alley , C h r litlan college, aald :;ai B4>!i M onday th e school is slowly Ind U U . growing bo th physically a n d fl-? ^ 5?5? nanlcally .‘ p3J H e Bald th o achool. on th e fo r-« n k . m er cam pus of Sou thern Id ah o ,» College, o f E ducation, b n o w .b e .

S J j Ing nam ed benefloljiry In m anySul 23fw Insurance policies and w llla. This,:ii he aald, is helping I t to build af t? 4f ' Ions ran«e endowm ent fund.

D r. D eHoff sa id th o achoorBop « J l physical p la n t also la being Im-

m ! proved. H e sa id a »2l^00 con-;>4 S4H tra c t hoa Just, been aw arded to' U U Improve H anson hMl, a 'm a rr ie d

0 47<t «tudents' dorm itory, a n d 12 ofB th e 32 cam pus buildings a re be-

■uU S71k lng re-roofed and the w ater tank’SSj «}k ^ being repaired.

FJ*‘‘ Brothers Receive o. S" Life Scout Badge1 *‘1 DECIX), J a n . S O - M ic h a e l Q ' T u t Thom pson and W illiam T hom p-0 M son received th e ir life badges In S ^ 'a s ik Scouting Sunday n ig h t a t m eet-

5^5 ing In th e LOS chape l from D onald - Asher, E xplorer leader,

' . T lie y 'a re th e aons of M r. and U tiaat4 i Mrs, Lawrence Tliom paon. Tlon- V iisw n le T u rner waa g raduated from B.;. Tai^ P rim ary and will be o rdained a . * deacon nex t Sunday, W alter . no se and Lee Wiokle will also beI l l s m ade deacons.

SpeaketB wero L am ar H urai [ Q 1 6 S J- H arry D orrlng ton . T hom -

> aa M atthewa conducted the nieetlng. Prayers wero given by

« I? W ilford n ioh ln s and U o Ilu rat.M « ' W infield H urs t led the

.„H congregational singing a n d Mrs. ; e m and B orm an H urs t was the -o rgan ist. ,

nugger -VIBlTa 81I0RH 0N B Dloo .fo r a n o s u O N E , Jo n . Sft-M lchael i n. Music Slone, San M ateo, O allf,, haa vl»- o f Mra, nort w ill) h ls g randparcn ta . Mr.

tn Mra. and M ra. I lex Goldaboroughi th is aooom. week en routo to Pocatello, w here 1

he .will enro ll fo r ills sophom ore 11 served year At IBO. I vices. r — -

T w i n i F a l l i

l e r a ' d a . , . ^ U V B ifo r tM l/ tlie — ~ - V ^ t V t mrJfluUure ---------jlVgfclS'.iil

uaeliolds iiSHn~Lat.h. i l io M re o U nb* _____-!■ —

n miow **Z r™ T 7rZ 2 |i7o 'w i:oe

ind M rs. „ , „ ro T A ftk s funeral [ ........... ............. ..........

i? ........

. w v i rou i.T »T (DMltrt R«| '

FINANCE““ Grains £

Mr. oif >i to I,, aortxao* ofl i , to uplo»«ri ^i. *JKl «rumtn»<l-lant-up-3 w 8 v

polntt. thA. «»T rtcortlwl in tii* po» a.er- olodUj* m1am«* of ye*t«r<lay'. a o . su

____ , aotiT* prom.taliliii

CommluTon *alei eraa^d a imallI early gain In-whMkt. twoujtit on by In

_______ miieh apwulaUon..oy«_Ui«_provJ. l i

I t 'i w 'r **"* Ut?.fc «> ” *l«r l« »«• .1,)0; bitk tire trx lln f. miicli ot It aureid- **

“ ia tow tltjifu l aalct UI0mV.'S0 S “uP inf.* ^

v « lm „c»n t dlayi. ^ Wrd IS.OO. 0, 1 <l*elln«t with « m . Lodal

Rye,.*>»® »1IPP«1 lower, although —

-th U ti By-lran -an.n ggf.. Trowi and 0'* rlim wer* moally low IMonday’* .

r i «a>ly. ______L«r_^Oi. Whaat ■ S

5:; ” i5 !;!S'!S5 K , 'K ir S ' -3:1! ;:!! ;;i; ;;

• 8 S - = 1 « a , t S S | •July-------I .na , I .i j i ; i.i3i! i . u 4 h;

moally In r -----»•>»'» M 4^ 1.141,-l.lS U•5*24^7^***'*.... - .«7*4 .es '-.SS';■'= a i ; „

• ■ By* w“r'ni:r=::Sii KSrSs I:"!"- i r ' S Si'. = 1:=! l:isr 13! 1:! o.14; 2-» D « ------ I-W^i U«<» U l '. i T.wso# l b . . __________ casuTc ba u i 1«^ l b ! ^ « CHICAGO. Jan.- so UPlJ-W beat ii !.7S.14.2». unebaDgtJ: Ho. S rri 2.04U nominal, alaucbtcr u«‘!>anK*iJ: Ko. 2 ydlow l.IO;

r.!.ss;........... ....

tiw lou »1[« UBchanttd: No. 2 plump 1.41Darl*y maltlnt 1.9S.1.(1 aomlnil; *1

llliy and "omlnal. „: - ullllty .....- — ■ - - -

EHS Potatoes, Onions jn* >0-I0l IDAHO FALI3 e.00.18.80! IDAHO FALLS. Jan. M tR-rrPota. “: cull to to orCerlnM moderate; wlr* inoulry aS.OM-Se. rnManurtAMtrata-Ldrely atetdy; ruj^

cks- I.R 2.10-2.0Jt - ^ 0-50 oer ceat} -^ , n i «»-40 M r ‘‘ nt 2.U-M0; US 2 I ot.*--------- mlaimunt 1.2S.I.J0; * ot. nlnlmu>i 8 -----AVia too t»« to-quoUi"pacV*r lPrie*»“ to '

’•:! ;s:Si.“.‘K'ayS.“.frx , i W V i ?' J '25 CHICAGO *

J .:s CHICAGO. Jan. SO (UPl)-Fotalo*al t’ ,00 ToUl. U. B. iblpmenu SSBj (oldlar. ]’ S .(0 rlvala 49; track 212; tupplleimoderaui ,

^ f J S S - W i k - u T e J i J^ ;U . «4 .00 l«y radaTss-2.40.U.OO Strett aalnr Idaho miaaU <) .to Ukcca.4.BI>: OreaoD ruaa*t baker* 4.SS- ,i .80 4.40: lUnneaota-North DakoU H«d rlr- ,

.80 . *r lallry round rtd*' 1.7B-I.00; WUeon. ‘t .7S ala niueta t.TS-8.90. round whitn 2.18; '1S.S0 Mtehltan ru*MU 8.00, baktn l.iS.8,85. |

L n . t s Hrw poUU^i ArrUal* t i tra«k I)

(S.OO lIx.) 2.1I-L40. 18.S7U Onloni: ArrWalt 2: track 17i avip> .

is-}?a 51,'ir i.14.00 ^ a c k la ltii Colorado yellow Span. i 27.00 1*1. 4.CO.18.78 Btr*«e aalut Idaho-Ortfon ' yellow ‘

—q - r ----- ui»dloni-4.9lk.4.18,-I«r«»-4,t8,-»»tl-r«rT* iJ C tL - S.it. m*dlum 1,00) Indiana yellow tIoM •

J V mcdlam 4.00, hr** 4.80i llllnole'red i»rted ]r .q w r g e . , u x u bk i ')f M agic Tb. /oIk»ln( futuraa quotation! ar* ] ge, aald provided by K. W. UeRobrru and com., «o» i>

a n d fl> ■ Hi(h Uiw cioa* ,

the <or- i'y‘.,:.:zz;ZT.T«i i!«i • voo j m Id ah o M8>«mb«r ------ --..2,n 2.21 2.22 ,

£"£’ Butter and Eggs |“ ,,jri5v-KffaT“!Ki'

DOO con- |i4W Ojl0.lOOlb.bl«tka»<»A4|.BO| ] a rded to u 44*4Si 0 42.4«.

Trust Funds i< C l v C mVBSTUKNT TRUSTS i

^ g r 0 ___ **•}* 1. M l c ^ l K atir’rnV'ilDWBrd'moc'k i4:ii }>:4• ,?:« ' ,5:5 ■Mdges In Kail. Growth ................. 9.2K 10.1 ;a t m eet- w.ii. btoew aeri* .-------- .is 9,711 |

(«» ¥ n 7 o n “ iT*{l'^iVe;:::: M ■ ■r leader, v.iue 'iJn* flp«t. Hit, . . , n 4,,,

M r. and Keyton* 111 ............1 , 1 ' I(I.JI Ion . n o n - K .......•........- • 4 S » 1te d from k i ‘ : 1 ’2:” J•dalned a K»y*i«n» f i ............ . 1 . # j4,io .

w « i t« s s : S ’ - ‘ I *8*401II niM be yt!;*n."ionai y^Bd'":::::: i : i l » :io >

'I'S: Dividend Voted 'icted th e I- Keystone Znc6me Fund, serlei given by K-1, has declared a quarterly ] 0 H urst, regular dla lributlon from n e t ,

led th e Investment income ot. 12 cen ts . Uld Mra. p«r*sliare, reports B. W, MoRob- organist, erta and comp4iny, T w in Palls. c _ l l i ls d istribution Is payable •]MB Feb. IB to holders o f record a t j -M ichael Uie close of business on Ja n . 31. f

£ Mr. IJAOK W IOM T H IP S h thU DBOLp, J a n . 3 ^ -M ra . M aldo „ lo w here Reaver h a s re tu rned home from i ipiiomore Denvw w hen , she visited a aU- „

te r who Is 'll l. ^^ ---------- 1----------1 I f

F alls M arke ts ;...............5

ivoMTiM h X .... ......— J

iL i t lw o “ ‘(V»r'* '»\*rrOT*5» 7 J

iiis i .....' i i j i I

........3 |p isrfl5 iE iii;0 ]

5 TBusinessBy SAM DAWSON Ir

AP UusinCM News A nalyst si•NEW YORK. Ja n . 30 W »-O p- oi

timLim still very' m uch in s ty letoday—rxcepl maybe in th e s tock tl

i»da^*?o m n rk m -a n d - ln T b U S lnesa-T>ur-- l» -b n ’ uie chnstHR c lrd c s /

And th is may be less c o n tra - ci

ffilVH I

week. t h e o p t l m L i t l c H K * \ v ( * l H 1aide. TliBse back »**. Daw»*» I

cut aale* u p jh c steady.Ilow .of-roay s la t ls - cKoru 10 tic s and expectations f r o m taaiea of w ash ln c to n official circles. I

■n, Lodai B u t so fa r there Is lit t le If any 1 in tctrau accomp:inylnK ru sh to build up

1 . a . . ^ , , ;tm Xonn. ' H v v •ulef. Th* «it*rda>. It '

Mlly low I •

' KNOTHOLE NEW S |Prev. R esults o f K nothole basketba ll ' ci<n. -g a m c s -p t ty e d -S a tu rd a y - in - th e \

!»i' 2 04U T ^ 'ln r » lb Junior h igh school i \ !:os‘4 gjTiinaaiam have been a n n ounced ' ! ;•'? by Chad Brown\ng. league, su p e r-I S’l ; . visor. ‘

T here will be np gam es p lay ed ' jJ4 S a turday . Next K nothole b a sk et-liS i u 4 ba ll games are scheduled for.F eb . • i-3 j:is»J 10. . . !iH - i - i s '; . . nE»U LTS , esi' SU lh G rade»>i :cp^ Cryder's Bplders nosed o u t '

D ondanv ille 's .. Sp itfires 2 3 -2 0 ., |5? . :?j ' G iry 'H u lb e r t talUed s ix fo r the

wimiers.' Bruce Jo h n s o n ' scored ' L \- ’ *-• a lx for th e losera.12 {; 5 W illiams’ Cougars de feaU d : <}> I. » U lrlch-s A stronauts 26-11. R obert li t 141U urngflTO coWected 10 poSnla to ______ ^ lead th e Cougars a n d J a y U lrich•1}—Wheat scored elgh^^6r^ a s^ ^ M n :----- :— -JiL,-*",'”.?,': W elU' v ik ings edged V an B u r- n“u trade e n ’s Vam plrcs 31-20. T h e w in ■ enabled th e Vlklngs to s ta y In

to p «P0t in the league. S tev e 'E l- Ktra heavy Ilo tt and Von W ells cac h scorcd

, s ix points fo r th e w inners fol- .lump 1.48 Bowlen w ith five,

aomlnil; T im L^DCh. led the losers w ith nine.

— - - - V an E ngeleh's H uskies re - i i n n c - m a ln e d - ln -c lo e e -c o n te n tlo n -fo r L 1V *»3 top place by downing th e S toker 's

, S a te llites 31-6. 'Willie P e te rso n r* inouiry find Tom *M a8aw ned'U ie w inners' leady; ru>- With s lx points each. Jo h n M c- i” T ' i’T^ d u s k y chipped in four to he lp k-i.7».j.»ol the '_H usklea_ 'w ln_B onny_B arry , n . larser M ike Heiiiz, a n d T om Stoker

, scored a ll of th e ir 'te a m 's po in ts , minimuii ge tting two each. i,rit* .-to ---------------T « lh~ G rade“ — —

II Youtz'a BlKlers rom ped P ^ t 1.40.L08; th e OlmsUad W ildcats 26-11. J e ff

»• Y outz ta llied 15 po in ts to leadh is team 's scoring, a n d te am -

—Fotaioaai m ates Mike Nelson a n d R a lp h S; (oldlar. L u ft scored lo u r a n d six poln ta

respecUvely. M ark M iller was . lA uniai h igh p o in t m an for th e W ildcats, a**^ 8.40} ge tting nine, d river val. g tandley's sw lsh e rs .-tro u n c ed M a n underm anned Taylor's W ild- t a k « » c a t s team 2fl.3.~Curt H ire ik e ld w -w u /o ^ led th e Swishers w ith n in e polp ts. ■eh'it** 2.18; T erry WllcoX scored a ll tlv e e of n 8,sw,85. th e WlldcaU* points. h^tra«k I ) a tap le s ' Bruins g o t th e ir f irs t ad'r*d* «» w in of the season, s lipping p ast

Price's Vandals 33-30. B re t S ta - plea taUied 16 polnU fo r hla team . H arvey Plum ber and A llan Price

iiiow Span, paced their,team a w ith e ig h t and I . . raP fcU vely .n ».«o-s.78, H ansetfa Eagles squeezed i>ast

floba Lowe's Cuba 20-ie. C urtis K in g , reiiow i1oS« ^ o rn and M organ Lowe aoored iliinoie red s ix each fOT th e w inners followed

wiieoniin by M ack Browning w ith five, lari* a.io. Hcmlngway led th e losers

wlthr six, followed by G ordon H ansen and Steven Fin ley w ith

no com. po in ls each.A storaula's Brulna, g e t t i n g

f i i I k double figure scoring from th ree i;i4 i:7s p layers, slaughtered W ilson's 1.971 ' 2,00 R e b eb 46-17. Jim Astorqula,

*•** Steve o lm stead and K enny Orlat r> each scored 13 points to paco th eb i f f f i r s w inners. Jam (y_W llson Jed th e

losers w ith nine, followed by l)-Cbe«t*i D avid Livingston w ith six.*rn* 40-421 Larson 's Braves rem olned tied 1 u L n .ih for second place In th e lengue by

. A ii-H i dow ning PleU 's Huskies 33-3. ide A 48-soi Dllly M endenhall led Uie w inners u o r . SBVi w ith 13 polnU, followed by L ar- « I cariou. ry L arson w ith alx ond G ary Van

Engelen w ltli four. Larry P iets r Ilandard* Bcored th e two polnU lo r hla

team .— Queanell'a Hobos d e f e a t e d i / l a A dam son's SeahawkB lfl-10. A rch- lU O lo Quesnell nnd G ary Qiiesnell ffljs each scored alx for tlie winnera. *18 9 0 Steve Thompson poced th e loaers .7:44 i»:o w ltli six.*•“ >5 i Cains Paloona rolled over M a- 7:41 , 9:0 Bee's Rebel Rousora IB-fl. .J e ff 9.2N 10.1 Bnllantyne m ade. 13 po in u for

fS i«M th e winners. T im O'C onnor m ade 4R »:s4 four polnU for th e losers, -

.'s7 4.99 Q uail's VoU Btayed on top In • » ' i ‘-‘i tho f if th grade league by trounc- ; 4 10,’m Ing Peacock's Eagles 41-lS. Kelly , I ;,M Q ualU ripped Uie cords wlUi 33 ' S IM S PotoiU and S ruce Hobdey and

t 8,40 Leslie poe each m ade six for tlie ,11 11.11) w inners. Dllly Arnold talUed 13

— - for th e Josenj.'

1 D lftckv 'Sa^* '*n°” d'o'ii!* -ro lled nd. series over Uie PeU rson's DulleU 33-0. quarterly m ,n DiBokwood and Dnle M or-

Ironi n e t 0 ,5 Bulldogs w ith e ight12 cenU point* eoch.

• M iller's G lobetrotters rolledI P ttiu . over Pflteraon'a DulleU lo-io ,

pftyoblo T „ r y M iller led Uie winners wlUi record a t j j R^ndy Je ff chipped In I ja n , 91. jjinm y Pooliard paced the 771 losers wlUi e ight p ilnU .

MoVey's T igers defeated E in- m en ’* TJgers 7-3. Jim D ahl. Dicky

)me f r ^ o „ p p j ^ ei«panovlcliea a sis- polnU eacli for tho

w inners. Stevo Spain made two fo r th e losers.

Turner's 'D ulldogs romped po st O ilra rrU ’s Sabre TooUi Tigers a3*0. R ichard 'M ondrngon scored ]3 foe Uie winners, followed by

ai aa-. aa ^ohn, T u m it w lth slx. Allan l l _ I IM « o w a Boored four for «io loserB, _ _ i i , i Q MoOlaln's Drulns t r o u n o e d------- « , « c iam en U W lldcaU 43-0. Steve

M cClain Beared IB for Uie w in- n e rs and team m iitei Ja ss W aUon

“ “ !! '!! a n d Davo O om aoored 13 and 10 po lnU respeotlveljr.

' " BImtjh's T lg e n pulled off th e b lg f « i upM t or Uia week by de-

a.a M f e a u n r Orookham’a Bulldogs^ 14- T Z i a i w n io V Slm ba scored six and If — iii,M Jack- IW bw U on followed w ith

! !l - t th ree . L arry O rookham aoored-------M l.» Iflu f ^

lessMUror ’N InveniohM . as in- llip p w t whenla ly sl , such liicrcaSes In production and Wi—O p - orders wrre antlclprttcxl. ^

. in s ty le And during' mos? of Jnnuary . t J ie s lock th e Slock m arkets have npiwarcd * ;sa~T)ur-- lalTte ly - n ’ f tn o M H o ia R ld e - iu s t ' t

\vRiit msy be In store for the * . c o n tra - eeouoniy. . ' • '

W j f c T thaj- lotlny's u ^ u rn in business j T:.-' T |k a c ilv ltr 'm a y p«ler ou t p u t Ihclr | - * already high-priced stocks up for i

^ale. But cnouRh trndcr.i have : felt ll'At the economic outlook la

J a Q ^ l L stroag-aiid .U ie-sincki nt-U>o4o«:... t D K ] . ®r P/lcM are b,irsinn.t, to have ■ Q P W .* m n tch cd 'th e sclltnK ordor«.

Almost nil cfriipnnlcs express- Ing a n opinion h av e ’ nald_theliL own bu.Miies4 in th e f irst hnlf of 1802 jJionld bl- well nbove the

DawMB fnlrlj' di'pn-s-vd Urst sl.x monUu sy s ta t is - of lOCl nnd.also a t . le iu t nioder-I f r o m ately better thnn prevailed dur- :les. lng- the ri-vlvluK ncilvlty of the lie If any final montlis of Inst yenr. build up B u t even so. they a ren ’t neces-

sarlly rushing to slock up on raw m a le r ln lv o r to build up their own stocks of finlslied protlucU to ,m e e t a sudden spurt Inter-on1 n ^ sra n re i-s ''d c in a n d s .~ -----------

• P o rt of th is Ll due to thcU; un'-J C U / ^ certain ty os to w hat's going to

happen In W ashington. Battles tw sketball shaping up m congrc.v on a y - i n - t h e num hcc>m ssuM -U ialr-cou!d-af-- [h school th e outlook for m nny busl- jin o u n c ed ^'rms, nnd even for -the rue su p e r- economy as a whole. And there

a rc the rccurrlng n larum s over- les n lav ed ®®"s-le b a sk e t- a large p n r t o f th e tnke-d fo r F eb . l.^-eosy a ttitude of business a t the

m om ent is due to som eth ing else. I n alm ost all lines there Is plenty

. . pf. p ro ducU on ..capac lty -to fill osed o u t m oderate and gradual dem ands. ■a 23- 20. ‘na terlals o r finished goods.X fo r th e condition—ba rrin g a steer m '-sc o red s trike—could la st fo r some time- ‘ . while final dem and and con-

de fea ted s '^ 'P H o n is growing u p to the11. R obert PtM utU pn po ltn tla l.TKinla to ne ither m a n u tac tu te rs nor

U lrich “ e rc h an u are buying m uch b e -------------y o n d _ th e _ n c e d i_ lo r_ o rd c rs_ ln

VMi B u r - or assured.

CouncilmenTalkaners fo i- At LDS Servicew ith five. H A GERhUN. J a n . 30 — High

)scrs w ith Councllmen. A l i e n Johnson.____ W endell; and O rem M . O ardner.

skies r e - Je ro m e, were guest speakers a t m tlo n -fo r the -S u n d ay e re n ln g -se rrlc e s -a t le S to k er 's Uie LD S,church.

P e te rso n Tlie m ectlng_waa,conducted.by ie w inners' V c fn T ^ tF w lth ^ h o p Ja ck Al- j o h n M e- len presiding. "Seek yo f irs t the ir to he lp kingdom of H eaven a n d a ll other n y _ B a rry , -thlng3_w lli_he_added_unta_you” in S toker was the themo of G a t h e r 's Ulk. a 's po in ts . Johnson, a representaU ve of the

s tak e priesthood, spoke on the "P ro m lse d 'lan d ." -

nped P ^ t Ricky B endorf sa n g a solo,.ac- 26-11. J e f f com panled by M rs. Cleament ts to le a d P rince. R ichard M a rtin wai m d te n m - chorister w ith . M ra. P rince as m d R a lp h organist.six po lnU Invocation w as given by Clea-

f ille r w as m en t Prlnt'e and D oug Johnsor p W ildcats, offered the .bened iction .

I ,.tro u n ce d ^ ^ .

F A R Ml in e p o lp U . ■II th ree o f ^

AuctionB re t S ta -

— calendar' i a t i p u t A l l M a g i c V a l l e y ,

: ^ ; f j - S o l . a - L i s t o d - A e r o -rs^followed . ...

:enny O rlat C o n t a o t th e TUnes-NewBto paco th e Form Sales d e p ar tm e n t forin Jed th e j:a m p ]eta-ad v e rtls ln g ..^ v « ra g ft-illowed by of your farm so le : h a n d bills,I six. newspaper coverage (over J7.-la lned Ued WO readera la Maglo Valley),B lengue by advnnco billing. All a t one ape-ikies 33-3. olal low rate , E very .sa le listedh e w inners 1q U ils.Harm C a len d ar fo r 10Bd by L ar- days before aaJe a t no cost,I G ary Vnn* r ry P ieta - Jnnunry 31u lo r h ls n. P. CRAIG

A dvertUement: J a n . 20*30l e f e a t e d A uotloneeni Kiiuia A K U aafl-10. A rch-

^ Slln'n!!?!' Jnnunry 31O EO nO E DRADV

1 O’® AdverU iem enti Ja n . 20-17I ovi-r M a AuoUoneeri G aylord Phillips

w io r m ado AdvertUement} Ja n . *9-30

s F i s . - 1 -F e b r u a r y 1

obdey nnd ROBERT A RO G ER TlEWni^V alx fo r Uie AdTerUMmenlt J a n . SO-H ta llied 13 A uetioneeri l la ro lil K laas

e F ebruary 2)gs -ro lled MRB. L. PIEROYiilleU 33-0. A dverllsem tnt: J a n . 91-Feb. 1Dnle M or- AuoUoneenii Irv in Cilers Aw ith e ig h t Jim MeMMnmllh

irfl rolled F ebrunry 6eU 10-10, HOWARD P A niB IIn ne rsw lU i A dTerUiem enli r« b . 4>Bh ipped In AueUoneert Lyla M asterspaced th e „ r--------- ^B. _ February 0lated E m - . / ^ I m e r h e n n e tt>nhl. Dicky 'A M eriJsen fia tL > ab . 4-9Upanovlcli AoeUoneeritl for Uie Harold K laaa a n d .m ade two . lU rie P b lfc r

mped poa t February 7|U1 T igers GEOttGB MeCOY[on Bcorea A dvertliem enli Feb. B*S

'iSiii™;;'. - d . ^ K u „ ..............

J " w . S n D M N ? J t o R»ON

13 and 10 Ata!u2i?“ " a « ^ * fe a { ! i^ Id o ff th e J « b a _ ^ I ^ D f l , , ,

t t i S : Fobrunry-8 'd Bill and K A ni. VINSANT iwed w llh AdrarUMdi Feb. B-B u n soored A neU enetrsi Iverson , Boa A

r a lU ra o n •

PTA Meet Given Illustrated Talk.

tlon and MALTA. Jnn. 30 - Mrs. Cnrl ' N elwlrth presented nn 111it«trnted ‘

Jnnunry. U lk on n rccen t Europenn tr ip | nohenrcd ahe and 'h e r (am lly took, when ^ d e ju s t ' th e R a f fU le r iP T A -m e n a sL -u e tt-3

for the ftt the high schoot'Susan Eno gnve a daiice num> '

ye-teaU d- i>cc^nd-4URroup-o{-Etlw-«ttident» .!. business a lso _ d an c ed ----- Sally- - Petersonp u t (heir played-'a tna^icnl num ber. Invo- ■ks up for entlon was given by Mrs. Elmo icr.i have Ellson. |outlook la Members decided to pre.-i^nt .a | t-U»c4o»:-. .thrce^ct_A>l[iv n.t n fun d raLslui; i , to have ev tn t. Mrs. Blnlne WlcUi wifrt di-rji. assist wlUi Ihe play. McmU'cs | i express- also dlscusspd- a ‘ m e in b m h ip ; lo ld -the lt- d rlv e .a n d .o ’eciloii-of-n-flaR-polc: s t hnlf of fo r th e sclioor. |ibove the ' I t un.i nnnounced thnt skli ..X m onU u n igh t for all PT A 'um ls In Cn.v.ui i s t m oder- county-w ill be Jie ld -F eb , a4 nt- illed du r- the Burlcy h igh school, ^^mds' (y of the will be used (or scholarslxlps .(o r. nr. high, school Atudents. Mrs. Bo>-d:n 'l neces- Booth Is skit chairm an for the up on raw R a 't ^^ver I'TA.

up the ir ^^rs. M aylon W hiting and Mrs. protlucU T ren t Baker served refreshments.

B u rl^ Resldmt" Hurt in Mishap

tress on a BURLEY, Ja n . 30 -M rs . U rry -could-af-- .HBnka._1.7._Burley._w a3-sllghUy. mny busl- h iju rcd In a tw o-car accident nt1 for -the P- 8 “ turdny th txe miles And there of Burley on highway 30. urns over- A 1000 Chevrolet, driven by

Hanks. 22. and n I9S3 Oldsmoblle, Ihe tnVe. d riven by Iv an C. Sm ith, 41, Ru-

less a t th e collided when the Chevrolet th ing else m aking a le ft tu rn off the D Is plenty highw ay onto the country road ;y - to fill Ju st.a s th e Oldsmoblle s ta rted to

dem ands Paw. led goods. M” - to theIg a a te ^ Cassia M emorlnl hosp ital bu t was some tim e released a fte r exam ination. D am . and con- age to the_ cars was n o t listed.

RELATIVE D IES tu te rs no r HAGERMAN. Ja n . 3 0 -M r. and m uch he-. Wts. Em erson Pugm lro have re-

.Q rdcrs_ ln deaUi of Pug .m ire's alstfir-ln-lliw rM rs, M cKay

___ . Pugm lre. Pocatello. M rs. Pugm lre

Talk S a “an1?erir^"‘"“.a r v l o a LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTSnft s CALL FOn BIDS30 — High ' Sealed bida will b* recelv*d by the

Johnson. Twin Kalli lllthway DUtrlct. US 8rdr. G ardnw , ‘'‘o'*' 'F-'h*';peakers a t *, m 2.- (or th i^ n m u T tifn T t * ! se rv lces-o t eoBtr»t*-lirIdM-acroi*-tlii-HIshlInJ

Canal on th . Airport Uoad. I'lani,. epecUIcaiioni and propoeal (ormi Dnd

nduc ted .by olher-lnrorn;atlon-!-niay-b«-<vlt*lBcd p .Jn c k Al-? *k.'J'«,o»lta-Ot:th*_Tii’ln_Falla-Ulti.

H i n 'S h ’ ' *"■ TWIN FALi,aid a ll o lher h ig h w a y d i s t r i c t _unta_you” B ib lU hi.Jan^ . 2S. 28, 2», Jfl. i i . lau. d n c r 's U lk. — -------------------------------------------

r o f S ; V t e p u H h e

C leam ent dC lt»«

“ S S c / u s o y o u 'd

ug Johnson l I l l M E H W t i a t T O

l o o k 'for

IVI ^ b u y

on ^®^corft)AR I

® - w i e i^ Located 4 miles

p Thursiimes-NewB S A L E T IM B t 11 :30 A tm e n t fort-*ov« rag* - — i s M a a H B - —

lo Valley), a j poot up righ t deep freei a Bedroom suites, one bl

ligh t oak color S t o ! ! ; J . t« . l t e d . . c o n ,p l c t .

S D ressers w ltti m irrors Chrom e fable a n d 0 chairs. I

(3 . Prlg ldalre e lectric stove, like•n. » - 3 0 se v e ra l rocking c h o lnA K U aa Qtnall k itchen tab le and olh

Xlegulatlon pool U ble, cue si If Large round oak UbleI^DY cab ine t wiUi sUikm. 20-17 80-Gailon eleoUlo ho t w at«d PbllllDB Solid oak U ll. drop down de

Sm all ch ild 's desk [. ' O ld fash ioned cupboard wit^ a .b u rn e r hotpla te , some f:^ ,n ' lam ps, pressure cookiM K U .. whitfl enam el: dishes,w n-iaaa^ ' p ianU of a il k inds aiJ lU m s.

M i l k i n g E q u i i

' A n d M i s c e l l o2 i t^ lO - ia l lo n m U k c a n a r o y Do Laval Q.can m ilk cooler,Sl-F eb . 1 Burge a .u n l t milkerCilers A Law n PUt« lawnmower, U uillh a lm ost new

31.1nch ro tary Lawn Boy3 - BS w hlt« Leghorn laying h( I IS II 180 i l u 4ihlok brooder, 7001 (b . 4 .B a took tank , aorap iro dastera inch p ins fireplace «<

Iron , vlM, press d lll - i i 0 old saddle, some cnct'B(t forka, ehains, shanks,eb. 4 .9 m iscellaneous.

a n d . G r a in - H a y * - H i1M7 New H olland B7 wire, 1

» 109B New Hollancl U sUlni A pproxlm aU ly 40 Ions of.

, str in g Ue bal«d hay i f - K ' i . V l „ . « » U . l , . « . „ » . o , M ia - .................... . . . *

k . .......TERi

Robert &IN T A U C T I o i l E E I l l l i o r o l, B-B

iven Collect ToysT n l L - OAKLEY. Jnn . 30 - OW toys 1 a l l V will be collected Wednesday eve- 7

Sirs. Cnrl 'h e FHA glrl.'s who will11hu<trnted *‘“ ^h home. Toys will beipenn tr ip i‘u rted nnd the uxunblr ones will 1 aok. when sen t ' to the childrens home, *

ThU la one o t tlie sta te proj- i ccts the FHA club ha.% selcctcd. i

I nc-"ldcnt.i nre asked to hnv» the ,1


M " ' C L O S l N i

, » ; i 'MACHINI, , O f T h -f

lem beishipl Having dccidcd t o ^ u l l th n -dag-poic : -m en t-b u sin ess, we will 1

„ , out sale of nil our newtlm t skli

s^lnCn.v,m: S A T U R D A) o i.' Sale will be helti jual \vinrslxips .fori at' Arco. I. T t o ? Z ' (Sale s ta rts pron


^e^Jimcnis. .^ ------ - 1958 I-H - -'v.-ton-plckup---------u 6 n t - * '0 '' CheN’r o ln . long

l U h f t nt l O l t a p jpg, 55 j_j.p1953 J -D trnctor. model A 1

■as-sllghUy. -A C -m odel-B -trac to i -Iaccident n t In te rn a tio n a l Sup«r-H tractcthree miles - ^ ____________ __________________;hw ay 30. EQ UIP

M lnncapolls^M ollne' baler 'o iosnioblle. jdjq New Holland Super 771th, 41, Ru- bn iere Chevrolet iBjg n o . 10 Fergusonirn off the gwaUicrun try road jeso i - h 85-W baler! s ta rted to O liver poU to digger^ , C u rl po ta to harvesterken to the w o o d 's Roto-Beater.tal bu t was 3 M flsscy-Fcrguson No: 35Itlon. D am . h a y rakeso t listed. M assey-Perguson No. 69—— plow. 3-bottom**'® Eversm an 3-SD scraperlO -M r. a n d i n t . hay ba le eUvatorro have rc - a i- f t . hay bale elevatora th of P u g . g irm er m odel 1600 poU toi r s , M cKay Tinnrestef r s . Pugm lre j s - f t . S ln n e t bulk bedy morning j6 -f t . S inner bulk bedhttge. C ham pion potato diggerIFMFKITC and 48-ft. Bototlllers m m w i aIDS on rubber ’uict*^ I II 8rd Jo h n D eere 13-ft. w eeder' .Ill, Idaho, (/n

5 '4 ;:s - =SPRIN K Llh2,760 fee t o f 4-lnch sprink

X -™ t* in lrf - .and-com pleU-w lth-..aU a tu in_Falla-illii. _ Tni>liirilr^g utralnnrn «n^

ley T R -3 Uaetor pump, i ; \Y DISTRICT sp rink ling pipe trailer.

~ ■ T e r m * of Sole—CA^ g e _ _ A rro n s'H ilS T h is !s a real good line <

and inspect it. All item: " M until the


lokibr Bruce ontLEorliv h e n PHONE 295.W/ o u AUCTIONEERS: Joneib t lV . O , T . Jonea & Soris. I

Arco,P P R j C LERK : Lo6t Rivero r n 1 Phone IPS-

m f H

i 4 miles N orlh an d miles East

ursday, Febr:1 1 :3 0 A .M . I

u rn itu re it deep' freeio . W-D AllItes, one blonde a n d one '

“i f m a & o h :implcw In top a tn m irrors ' C A . AllU 0n d 0 chairs, grey color throughric stove, llko new Uched,c h a in -soldsepiable and o lher end U b ie s MoUno 16.1niI U ble, cue sUcks a n d b a ilt 2 hang .on pk Uble Spud ahd beilUi sink Beet and bearlo ho l w ater tank . A - l Tool bar c a rIrop down desk fl-Foot CaseAk S-BeotlonBU lupboord wlUi g lass doom ’ ’ U -Foo( n ib taU . some floor a n d tab le spreadei essure cooker, cool rango ‘ 13.Hole wootln e l; dishes. truK ja rs , 9x12 MoUne 4.rovflower design; loU of bouse 16-FOot wooda il kinds aud m a n / anora Slack Hawk

4-Row beaii t 2'S ectlon spr

i g E q u i p m e n t .

V l i s c e l l a n e o u a j -t o S MilUccana a O orrugata m ilk cooler, f ro n t e n tra n ca haog-or

llker W D .tw ln w lnmower, U u k in d you rid e , ao«Foot bal«» 6*Poot DavliLawn Boy mower 2*Wheel haym laying hens, lay ing n o w ' 4 .W heel rubl iroodcr, 700 sac ln , • borTols, - cab le actionc, Borap Iron, pU i o t IB- Xron war (Uifireplace wood, loU o f o l^ A .type luiy d press d lll - ia rg e one, XorgB,. some cactus w c ^ . Im>1u. I fins. shanks, tw o va ffons ot 1040 lU *ton ous. bed.A il

IMTOldsmoJl a y - H a y B o l « r a

n d B7 Wire, U« h a y b a la r , c a - -net e« su inff tia l u y b a la r a t r o40 tons of aU S outU nga , Apprm lmatelbal«d hay ApproilmaUI1,000 Ibi. of BUam ro ll m te ' whkih «

i n t o p i

........ I........ ' I ' l

TERMS: C ash Day ol

rt&R< rNewbim i l i a r o l d K U i t s . E A 4-2QB5 & B «

'a v c T u e s d o y , J a i i ; 3 0 / 1 9 6 2 I

- o w toys Twif^ F o lis t i m e s - N e w i 9 ■

“ i o " m ' AHM A G ^ t troys will be k i n o H ILL. J a n . ■lie ones will Ruberry fell.o ff a haystac* wbUa mIrens home, feeding caUle and I n j u r e d h u WT— ----------r w n s tz a g n m r n e c c a s l ta t ln f - * -^ f l

sta te proj- on h is arm . H c-reeen tly s b r t .» l i las selcctcd. cnst-from th e same a rm fouCTJ M to hnve the lng a b randing accident a t t f l i B Rlrls arrive. AVes .Plnit r a n c h . .■ f l

C L O S I N G O U T liiCHINERY SALE iilbc.ro b q u ip m e n r C o ., A T E ^ I d o h o ------ ^d ((TquU the Machinery-and Equip- |<. we will have-R-com plete-elosing- |11 our new nnd ut^cd c(|uiptnent on t^ T U R D A Y , F E B . 3 . ___leiti jual west of the bowling alley

at- Arco. Idabn . • s ta rts promptl.v a l in n .m .)'P IC K U PS a n d T R U C K Spickup IDGO Pord Falcon Ranchero pickup . .. 1057 Ford nancheropickup--------->B&&-hair-ton-Dodge-plekup------

ii’roUv, long -^'hcrtbase *1ih grain bed

TRACTORSI-P dlc.«l trnctor. model A I M-H model 30 G R trsc torctoi---------|- 'r D n 4 - l .H - c r a w le r 'U « to r -^jp«r-H trac to r—19S7 DC Case tractor

EQUIPMENTlne‘ baler ' 1 h a n d scraper BId Super 77 l&-ft. J . D. dlso plow I

3 ditchers Iluson 1 M -H 12.ft. dlso plow , . *

3 horse-draw n mowers, new jybaler Ferguson side rake IIuser ' 1 field pickup hay loader * i vesler Pow er take-off- posUiolenter digger •son No. 35 3 4 - to n chain hoUt . . !

- 3-ton chain hoist1 No. 69 60-ton hydraulic shop press. ! \1 new iscraper a sheep eam ps. on rubber || e tevalot 3 d tep -fu rrow OUvei g ra in Ielevator d rills, l2 - f t . . | 500 poU to 1 V ac-u -va to r g rain loader, I--------------------------DirTUbbeT.-Complela-wlUi- f |Ik bed 100 ft. exUnslon pipe and |Ik bed ' m o to r . L ike new IIto digger 1 I -H No. 1 hay M d grain J l u Bototlllers loader. SO-ft, Ilka new. O n ■on and rack, rubber f l f l

1 S-fU stee l truck bed m M It. w eeder' 1 9 -ft. stock and sheep rack U B

INKLING SYSTEM— l ll4-lnch sprinkling pipe w ith cen te r rliCraw lth-.all atuchm enu.-TTsed-one year only.- -lners-aod-30-ft. suction hose, a n d a -B e^ e-- -:tor pump. 1,200 gallons pe r m inute.. One -e trailer. - ......■

( Sole—CASH— Untflit Otherwlit Arronged For! ' .

1 good line of equipment. Come earlyIt. All items a re open fo r inspection i

until th e sale s ta r ts . [! AND DOUGHNUTS W ILL BB lERVED A T T H E SALE

uLEorlSoelberg, Owners i•W ; ARCOylDAHOBRS: Jones Aaetlon Sen1e«— Col. |s & Sorts. Phone 105, 106-W or 2324 f

- Arco, Idaho Q [x»t River Agency—Bonded Cleric • ; I

Arco, Idaho

miles East of Jerom e, Idaho


M a c h i n e r yi m W-D AIlls C halm ers single fron t-end I

trac tor. In good shape and good nib* ber.

m a AlIU C halm ers B trac to r, a good ooe I In to p a h a p e (

C A . AllU C halm ers trao tor, a ll rebuilt 1 th roughout w ith m anu re loader a t- Uched, hydrauUo type and wUl be /

. so ld se p a ra u .MoUno l6 .lnob tum ble plow, on rubber2 hang .on plows fo r S trac to rSpud ahd bean cu ltiva tor fo r W D . tn c to r •Beet and bean culU vator fo r D Tool bar c a n l r r Xor WJ>. fl-Foot Case ta n d etn dlso S.Beotlon steel harrow U -Foo( n ibbe r tiro sU el box phosphate

spreader13.Hore wood box r ra ln d rill, l i l th seeder MoUne 4.row, can type bean drill i 16-FOot wood floatSlack Hawk side delivery rake , on rubber 4-Row beaii cu tter fo r B .2-Sectlon spring too th harrow a Single wing sU el d itchers SmaU U 1.0 . -40.bushel tU e l 3-wbeel m a­

nure spreader 4-Wheel, eteel w heel m anu re spreader3 C o r ru g a te ^ one drag type »nd ona ,

hang-on, 4 -rew • .WX>. twin wheel, 1 -foo t mower. aO'Foot baled h a y pUer wlUi m otor 6‘Poot David B rad ley roU-over aoraper 2.V /heel hay UaUer 4 .W heel rubber tU« wagon Cable action m an u re loader for 0 traotor Xron war surplus truck bed for truck A .type hay derrtek

T r i i c k a n d C a r1040 lU *ton O hsvrolet t n u k w ith c ra lo

bed. A -l shape .1M7 OldsmobUe IB fl-door green eedaa<

1B47 w iuT m etA t good eoiMliUoa' e-

S t r a w a n d S i l a g *Annftttlm atal* 90(1 -of a tra * . ApproxlmaUly 100 to n s 'o f ooro aUage

whkih WlU be eold a« ft lump eum. l a t U p l t

'.I" ." .ifc .JJ ,,, .

D a y l o f ' ' S t f l e t

lewbry, OwnersI0B5 & B . 1I . P k l f w . "

C L E B K y E ld n B u i y

...!... . '; , V.;;r

Page 10: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014-12-12 · —^—-Traffic Deatl Magic Valley . I ll?6t............. 1

‘ E V E R Y

■ •' l O [ w in F t il f r T im g s ^ N e w j

~'LegioirUrges“ r 3 C i u i c l « I b w n ’ ’

|i Of State Reds^ ------- -B O ie s . J a n . 30 m - T h

f American U r io h wiints~to-T!r------ th e communULiiatty-OUtlflwcd li

Jdnho. • .T his Is one of thc Tcsolutlon

ndoptcd Dl cIoslnR kcuIoij.i yes terday o f ' tho Idnho'-M eciillv commltlec's onnunl th rcft-r ift

, m ld-w ln lcr con fercn ie here . Tli LfiBlon-‘Will .hnve approprlril measures p repared for p reser tfttlon lo lhe nex t 1c<tMnlure- liicludlns penaliles fo r vlolrtlons.______________________ __

i T h# 'execu tive commlUee nl.'ha.s voted to ank th c iialloni

I ' , Lcfilon headquarters lo schedu! the 1063 iSatlonal Legion Wr fichooI oratorical conteal In Id^

- ------ ho -« .a .c en lp n n li\L cy i» l,______I‘ Jn o the r b u s ln ru . J t s e t J u

13-lS u d a tes .fo r th e 10R3 stm m eetlnn w hich will be held i aa lm o n nnd c ritlcl/cd nellnii i 'th e veterans admlnlMiritllnti : closlntt five VA con tac i »1ntlo: In Id ah o w ithout co.ndtielltiK ‘i

; vesUgatlons .to de term ine If (h( I a ra needed. ._______

Examination Set For Federal Jol

-T he U nited 8 tnt?* clvll servli |i commission announced a nc t exam ination for hnsjiKaf rccrti

■ t io n ipeclftllst, positions paylr from 10 $7,SCO n year 1

' ve terans adm in istra tion ln.sta la llo n t th roughout the U. S . (ei

------coDUHflwaiLnnd A laska) nnd 1Puerto nico.

Persons appointed will pld . «nd. conduct program* of o w r

Ised recreational nctlvlUe.i nr services to provide rcercallc fo r a n d assist In the rehnbllltc tion of hospitalized pallen ls.

P u ll de tails concerning th e r ■qulremenU ah«l cxam lnalloi

“ 7------- tn » r be-obUvlned from Arhcs ,T -------- S{ ro n k T "« “'” *ncr-/n-charffer~I

th b Tw in r a i l s postofflM.

; - JEraileiJsStolerir Ransacked, Lef

- — :------»L ia8.-J»n .-3ft*-A -tw o.w heccd lugsage tra i le r porknd ne:

I . UiB Circle B o r a t Bll&s wns stoli • I JW day evenlntc o r early Satu

day mom lnfr. saya K e ith ’Ande -•on. O oodlns county s h e r i f f . .

U io tra i le r belonged to ^ .• n d Mrs, H oward T ^ l o r . ente

( ta ln e rs employed by th e Clr< ' '■ B a r over th a w eek-end.

T h e tra iler w as taken to a al I rood near Bliss w here 11 «

ransacked a n d abandoned. P■ ported s to len were a W urlllj

. ' slda n inn drum m er, tw o apea 'I era, serenU ' recorded t a p e I " blanket^ a n d personal effe<

belonging to th e T aylors. T Bherlff was notified by local pe

I ' p ie w ho spotted th a abandon !. tra ile r , '

7 Nurses Finish

F-Instructor Glase e re n nurses from -M aglo Vc

ley have completed a n Instni to rs course In m o the r and bn care, given tm der th e dlrectl of th e Tw in r a i l s ch ap te r o f t

;i Red 'C ross. ,; P a tn c la Joyce, H . N., nurslII representative from S a n Pra

• cisco, Callt;, waa th e InstructiI OompletlnK tlie course wt

M ra. noy ‘Jacobsen, M rs. Al' .K nigh t, M rs. Eather Ohoulea a M rs. Al W lrschlng. a ll T b P alU : Mra, E lton Alexnnd Bhoslione; M rs. T hom as Nellsi Burley, aifd M rs, E v e r e Twombly, Carey. T lte women a re active In publlo h e a lth nuIng;^____________ _____________

. W A N y - A D K A T I

1 * Up t« H WordiV w «5 oSi’' W u StlS ?JllJ

1 DMt Onlr tl'.to Cub I'rl!!D on'l Forget

11 D ijt taf «)>• p tid ot II T UiM t»r Ih* pilM ot t 4 D tn tor Ih* riic* ot .1

l l il • • •ttt ta plit* ■ Winl At

IK< n*at In Ih* TImM-Ntwi.

DBR TIIKSR rilO N B1 NU M llBlta V lttB

' . ' «• » W.M All !■ ‘

R Prom B urle j, llupe ri, P au l, I)'and NocUnil. D ial 618-255’

Prom nnodlng, Jerom e, Wen > and llagerm an. Dial &S0-:B

Prom rfl« r. HoHlster. Kofci and Jackpot, Nevada.

Dial S2Q.SJ1B Prom n u h l a n d Q a'llcfor

D ial BtS.ieili

' I t ¥ ■ * ¥

Thtr* nci *>u* ihMi* t.>r

; Ih*."*!.™* .lar lliM"'VInir*'..l tir'.'ipMli In Ih* piixt, nnil nllh lit

i Souri'Vi V h m i i " " i l l■ l» Ih* oft.,> .llll , , ^ / t . . r l. U

C L A S S in E D IN D E X

ANNOUNCKMKNTR‘ ••......ClMslflcBilon- r U ir im li in

EMJ’l,OYftlKNT Clatslflcallnn IQ (hroUBh 3

, PINANOlAl,^ OlaasHicatlon 30 th ro iia li:

HCUOOlB.’lNHTiaiCTIO; c iasam catlon to ih rm ith <

KY W E E K 1!^ 6 2 _____ REAt* ESTATE

^ ^ c ia a s “ ic«i5pn.WLttirOTgit«aj----------------- IlENTALS

Classification 70 th rough 88

I ' f f C § ~ “ AGRICULTUnE " Clnsslflcatlon 90 th rough 98

) W n ^ LIVESTOCKClassification lOO through IK

R e f l s MISCELLANEOUS120 turough IK

ro - T h c A lIlC nA FT AND BOATSin ls~ to 'T !re -C lnM lflcatlon-J65_througb n :s j , m w 5 U i _________j i r r c m o T i v E ■

Tcsolutlons Classification n O T h r o u g h ^c(*lons yes- ------- --- *'* ----- ---d-cxcciillvo F l o r i i t i ________________

th ree •d-iy onu^;!, /Jur.l »t«ntlnM n ;e hcre . T hc f,„„, T .in -n ty Kbni." rho appropria te r.i-MM. Ju.i i.«hi.iii I’.ritiiii i^v for presen- ■"‘j___ ^____________

'7 d ? ''‘ vToii;^ 'P °^« o n g l« -S p « lf lt N o t ic e ;

im lU fc nlso ------------- ---------------------------------he nallonn: i-kivatk r -n . fur .l<.rlr «om. I® schedule . .V tn i^ 'u V -AT n ! ln - ,

Legion hlRh tSm s w or sS l i i ,tcal in Ida- w,o,i,ii._____________________yilUi------------

J t s e t Ju ly ’~wv?fnf'.ij«V- j’fi<in» tu -u tl . J4m,'C Stale .s|-KNO.H.HmKLLA U o r . * 11.be held nt i .„ i , (i.rar»f, phan* ijj-m oi.

!d nction of 7lh A>rnu> Nnrth. -_____ils lrutlnn In h.M'KiiiKNCM) ir , . .ndu lc t KtniioasndllClltIK 'n - cnUKIl’KArTlC n«rv» tp«cl*IliLmine If they A lm iJIk^JlrC ^ North WMblnst

_____ I AM NOT rr.pon.U.1. tor tay i t■ in«.l» by *nrun* oih»r thin w fi

m S e t \I T I UiKAM HATH. Swedlih miii*

•al Job:cd'^^a*'” cwpK«f rccrea* ' c»r*.^worW w(S» r*prmnLions’ pay lns -llon. or lioz ilJ . AU c<0 n yenr In <iiimii«i-____________________

ISka) nnd In _ » t Ixiri’* Orilin»1l. : i l U*ln A.i'

1 will plan *' 8«Mt ’*n»«tlt»l“ n? * rtff of ortran* flit*n(al rtpana. f/a chirc« ter c ;tlvltlcs nnd *ulttlan. tllar DcUcllr* A(*iier, 1

e re^ n b m ia 'p a llen ls . llgul«i*rtl »nd lad A»*nu* &

Tlin.- ro JklUll* H«0»«r MCUUtM. polllhiTllng th e rc- w ,,h ,n . At orlcf* too lowixam lnntlons ~«dvfrtli* »!i ihrouili-J.nuirr;-o;jm ARnca.A, VrlJur* uu » p-m.____________

B H i i K S o l o n i -

tolen,^ d . Lefti iw n a n to le n Sm .*/ Bb^'.'civ

COMI’L>n-E b .» tr airrle* by *d^^ Ccllh’Ander* atudfnU *t rtduerd prlc«a. F*r' • • SVln ” ;Z V

'aylor, enter* B a b y S I t t e r i - C h i ld C o r*ly th e Circle miarowaJULE M it by d.l •end. Ijouf. H*<«r«ntt*. Pbon* 1SM7S0iken to a aide c hild CAni: i» n r bom*. r*i><*d i

a w uriii*e r E m p lo y m e n t A g e n c ie t , tw o apeak- j o n Oi-KNINQS t t -Ptnoan*! 6 ded t a p 0 8, i « of «mi» v .ii« ; . i h i nia* i>ional effec la Worth, rho.* ___m ylore. T ho H e l p W a n te d — F t m o l t by local p e o - ---------------------------------------------

_______ W..M, ».h1 141-iMB or HUtli

Inishr-Glass ^ler and baby in firu of .lU . .nd ..r«ie«. pi th e directionnnpter o f th e *±L---------------

H e lp W o n te d — M o K

le. Instructor. nroih»r«. K tm u.ir___________course were w a n t io hlr* youni man «llh , M rs. Alvle Whcml •du»lk>n .a m*«banU tr . '

I , .11 T O in s : " : ; i * . a M r S ’,s io " :.“ <I A lexander, p.n>, ii'ihi. iit«>M>,amas Nellson. u K n rs *n nc .iu n t oppoH«nit» I, E v e r e t t ■ |on.| aalMman »ho'wanta |o lie w omen a ll * -ninln.u« of lu w ) * t - f . i„ » i .h » , t . .

P A T P C t •*« » O' • p,nI 'D .lM ..’j111 M.in w »l, Twin 1M. I'hnm t.ll.,_____________ ;

, 0 . . .nil rrminl. tiiltllM, food pn

es:: :!!wofk.' V.talloB lod Iniuranc*

* ■ W.nl Ki Is *!,'•• ‘0 »*«»1 t.1,phun» H I. _________, or .n r ot Ih* kaUN UI* IB |1,W« ■■> ywir iparo

K .rrfc' ” '.•.•^•7*' "" Pr«l««* »iP«tliii«* «III Uonilar ar* .uitJ>r. tommiiin •••<•• md lh» >bimr lor ilO N B | oVa*w I1!'II1I m"j»*‘!l?>w''in y 'PHKB th* IraiK w.V. Iha c.lla, . .n

N . i i 'r l , P au l, neclo ---------------------------

EXPERIENCE]rome, WendeUDial &S0-:B55 NF;W and U BICD AU

'*NeT»*d^'” '*" flALESMAN. Old eslnblls

l^O a-lleford coniinlfs


¥ ¥ 12-B,h ..,* ti.r Uli. 'r iM H a .N K W S

.m.iuf.iit f.if y i. i i__________________________i.i otii i l iii 'u i.1 H e lp — M a te o r F e m a le

0 5 ’1'-n i n ( ; s f o r I’ m o p i

) IN D E Xni.l.r «.||||||< h.ilr1 I,ia>.iar

i- :m k n tr .J '* ’, " ' • ' • • • ' r - n i i r i m i i i n o " ' '■

ftiKNT .yx m iik N fu no i i . r . » , i , n

HIAl. ■ ■0 througli 38 r i 'lU S O N N K L SIC U V I ITIUICTION « f M A (J in V A L L K 1 i» i i .> » i . iH .

: IS T H R IFTH E W o rk W a n te d - 2<7 ryug lt«a .ir; n^vni|.t-t.iWii, b.wm..ii finiiMrir, ~

» ■ ciinENr, p.«t.upu.,f. ‘■’•••'Iirough 88 l-f. nl.Int Chrl.mnhrfi.>n.

^ Hu b i ! ^ ' * ^ ' - lirough 98 . MANUne c u

iSoiigh 116'

j o u shrough 160 hom.. 7n-m ;-_______________I BOATS ' m iiV kW A riTrH . .lnil.„.^MI .Ur. h rougb 173 ”

IVB AI.TKliATI0N8TnitloM., r.llot-l. 11-h r o u g l v ^ J ^ .h ln y to i. S u m . 'h o n

» ’ r C v;I'arlilm l^un- rtp.ir, .JJ-llJS. ' tlaui

N o t i c . i 9•iltrlor. tliTp ^* rjr7n“ 'au.?**‘'* '' " '-JS3-UJ0.___ - ...M^WTt-IIINC,__Idirlr «am.K: K,''1)ilVt'.'"ri'l'. "'l

|>U1. .For tur- —— ---------------------------—m or ta t-m -i. •

ANV. Complit*Jl<h»rlnit—a»ir; -T6tipIKsrtHmiBlri7-TPinwrfirr-I->-

Jtmm*. p«rr ^ruil Utt pruninc. hullr »"• C o r a * t l« r < iiirfd- Krr»;»»limiiifinlaiU» *i''<i.ijj-m oi. 101 c .ll ii.ib •

.vpin, .Id ' " ' ‘ 733-776.=)ifrt aod lr«« • _______________________VpKi.iiaL - Dr: B u tin o u O pportunitic i 3th" Waahlniton mMAUUWTKI I! unit Hrirk mot.____________ J’JMfin, JJrlnjT liMKl Itor any dehU coin*. Ar* UttKy. _

r th .n no»tir. UUUKIIN 2 b.y le-.vK* il.ilun Tt u Youn». Itai.. Hlihwaj .V .llsn. ' I'hoi:.ldw»ll. Id.ho. 783.S5«li. ■dlih m aii.ia . l^AUNUHOMAT. Twin f .l li . ovrr IS'•iKui*. Phon. rK monlh. M.k. offer, Norlh liliThuMd.y and lU.liy KI-iU7. 7>:t-*ctia,___________________ yULiLy liyUIVl'KU Z ch.lr li.rl.

Int.rnallon.l ..hop a t.O k.r Shopplnit CtnKr. Sl»»lloni. r.dio l„, Flllmor., Ok.y’i m.n««>r.

UA^K tor la'a on U.Ifl Street; Dullt>J. All eon- good butlnm. Ideal for two. Phoi

72= " ^ VVANt'tO nU Y .\n'.n r .,.ll lualnr II, .ulU, *od (omblnallon. h.rdw.rr, p.lnt . r

5.S; * ss. ‘'‘i'• . o u 'L i ; . c , H ..II, i c .M . J

: k '":.'.i.u- ; : : - ; ; s ,

I .7 u « r —OD«n - b»-.bl*-lo-llB.ne«-M lI.:-l6:0-a

15 UHALL CAKB for a.l.,-*oodrloc.ti = iUauuV-iiD^Borab ^ « « « »

»U* W «l. 7I»- IJ ,o„ h , „ „ 1 „ ,hilUy..nU . t . tI •ip.ritDce; Ih. epporiunlly la <

taU ._alt»B „br .JliDli»d._>imn.H.rbaH*h, TKwdi■teut ear W»o~ Muha,__________ ;____________

DKALWIS' wanted lo handl* <ju.l‘•»»»-________ lino ot pickup e.mB.ra. niit>le. by »dr.n«.d m.nd. .ie .ll.n l protlu pwiHDrle.a P.rpia- .maU Inveilm.ni required. Wi

< Aead.mr. I t l S .pt. (, lY.eel Q»een, Ilox I[ > m « . Coron., ClltgrnU.____________

Id C o r * 1 6 3 UY A HOME AND HAV can by dar ar AN INCOMEl

**ak. Touraelf llOfl » monlh In thi «fa.lgij|. older bom. «lth .2-$S ita. HiHr.oeaa. ^ taonlh rantali. Well heated, hi

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ full b.Mminl, loT.ly r.nced yaf

? . ' n " s s i £ E f,“ i ; , ' 5 J ! r i : . T r , . : . ' " i . - "____________ rout eliole.. '

• •m o lt 1 8 L U K E A G E N C Y - nx-uta ■ 741 niu. L«hi

. : s « 5 . - — — I------------------------------S E R V I C E S T A T I O N


____ feffi-lIM t onnortiinH vl

kk I n . I U , l i c « n l“ ‘

b l a k e o i l c o m p a nor .pw lo l«« .t. AvcniiB T w in Pnl

V ' . l .


. p K j u S . S f . e V e N B O R R O W ?

h i ' a S i k T R A D E - S E L L - o r

7 — '. ' . - r . ' P h o n e 7 3 3 - 0 9 3 100 a t f r . KlY.‘llmllVr.W a ^ b — „ , ----

i u iM. D .lu t. Mulor

m B i BI, (Ood phyiUal

S S I N E E ^im. 10 >lo« ii>n,

ONE OP UBjl^^lluj.0^ I____________________________

r a T f i r ^ i j S 'ApplloncB R epolrlngaWUly 10 «oilr' Dkl, IHUHWAY appllinr. r a p

, «lln.h.* «h* ( .I.. All „ a e i . reaionabl. 7U.«l»T. <1 .l«wn I Yi«l (el ------------------------------------- ——I t ln lt __________ Bottoricsl»i Wlll1am’ l.lo»d lU ll.tr ll.na tn Hhop. la n aT Ti t y , a ; i : n d . i> : " ____________B icyc ics

3NCED j E I E S E ^ M E :5KD AUTO CQfpentOfSII eslnbllslied t3».iiifr

l c o m m l..l o „ , C o n c r .1 . F o rm in g

n o x

> o m a l i JO E lo c lrlco l CK portsC„i„iacl hiui.t, Iriilu.irlil »iil 1.

i s K O R

I l ’ K O l-L E , - - E i,c„vm |< „ ,“

............. .......

M«. inp oj'PuM F loo r S o n d in g

1 L iaa.i.r -♦».

-------------- ~ T n i f g i ia a - i ! ! k _ i a

K - ’lf .S r * . ■ G u mTrajfrn ['...s fli-m * .

i> Ilulldlni Mtvlrii. UimUr nt Am.ilranl.«ll\. AMiwlilInn, llJ . l t i l ,

IFT W E E K V2 4 B u a in e u O p p o r t u n i t i e » ' 3

If flnliMriff.^ SHALL CAKK 'dolnjt kuuJ builnr HrineTn-’- ’-- ~^*f~ .t-?« -M »ln ' A»enu. Soulli- pl...er p.Wh UAKK UV .ir more .m iJ.^ilo In.#.

pent. Wril. llo. 14-U. , /o Tlm.,1. I, ,h,ir N»»*. __

'S : V ; . S E I n lu to n c B - 3

r re.-Mlr your Invfiimrrit Cnmi>.ru’. Jetume. Vhg

ml..., liJI aitu WK arcCIAUl/.li.ln .U klnd.-ot I .U.-.:U1J or ::i^ .- jr jr« .nU llt .l KiUt.. UoKl.Ilt :olllni.______ _ er.on Aiirncv.

A ti5 T fT ii.-e .rM c n e y - t^ L o a n ____________i

llfl.jiri-: LHANK KHA ami cn .enlui" 'wi uM like K.rw, r.nch lo.ni ’.rid i

k^»,” r i.r .-ir.i. “ eillor.

.... ■- R c o l E s to te .L o a n v ;Wll- TIIIJSK »n<iiii we h.v« irrvi'l sla

Dll.,.' i l l . II. II. rec-mmfnil -u*. I--1 u> hamll. »i _________ ___ '• l» l. Ptolilem., C. Ixxii

S M u s ic L e s s o n s <

' . ■ r s r s rS p e c ia l C l a s s c s __________ <

• AI.TKt:AT;ON.S, remwlrllnf. bull■■

in i t l c . '3 0 "■;<ii*i:7irt mui»r H o m e s F o r S a lertpri, JIoikI In- I'Ull .SAJ.K or renl. s M tn im to.

«« 4lh Avenu. W».l. Phor. i■K. lUiion tor ..jaiQ .________________________<»tlsn. I'hona Yh AKS of Ile.i J.:.ut. eiptrlenri____________ Twin K.Ui . t yaur isrvice; KAiaf.Il ,. c e r ISIH) KUKKM\N tlMUnr. 71VUU.

* Mroom. new r.rpel. drai— full bniement. f.mlly room, all.c

Z ch.It li.rlxr R.riKe. I^ n o lot. Northweit li

< Street; DuInK mlln out nt Twin Fall.. Il<(or two. Phon. tllu| view. Hill Couberly Ileal-Cit

I rtt.ll lu.lhe>7. UOOD elder horn., moJern, .lok.r h re. pilnt a n d newly rnletor.lrd. Nir. ihrubh hoti-itJ»f drive. lle.ilv I., mov. itilo. A« for »1.; ,/0 Tln.e.-Ne.., Phon. 7^.0718.______________

S s i r S f - S ; --- ------------------------------------------He.ltr. P h y . . FA1.I.S AVKNUR KAST: Spitloi

H .l.btdrootn hrick. 2 fir.iil.eei — lueated .ervlca luithi—fiiU baiement. I.ifetlm* ll

<.lenli.l. Kin.n- ronf. M.-.ler l>edroom la iV . Dlt lEht P.rlr. 7 i:. Ins moin.llxIS-. KIni<hed

.hel|« . M.y tri<I« to, .nialli a. Short hour.. home.* Ji7"'?fi-a “.1w! <^f?.Y MIKOnOOM niUCKi He.i

»lty.-n»aKinibl. - . ------------m a g i c V A L L E Y

______________ R E A L T Ymain hlihw.y. nordon I« Croekell, Hroker

SS:*' ™.i•baH*h,_rKK>dlnr. ' , . , ^ ------------ ■ -, SPACE AND BEAUTY


i » . .1., S . ~ i i u " : r , ' . , E______________ and atoraii. .p.ce, til. Uib. ll.i

^nf*BLh«i,den. utillly room andAND HAVE one bclroom ap.rtmeni. ~Un 11

^MEI _ - .irS oad iii" in* 1'. monlh In thli humidifier. .Will. tr .d . lot imt

« lth .2 -$W . ar home.

i; ' /.n“ r t^ ‘, . ’’rd! L L O Y D R O B E R S O N ," ; a i b , r r “ A G E N C Yyou •'“iom'a'o* *27 Shoabon. Street North" 13J-8!

J E N C Y ■14* Dll). L.ke.1---------------------- WANT nOOMl Sea thi. <hirnili

I 'Wdroam bnck county hom* ' rTArrrrtXT nNK ACHK. Nle. locallon. PrlT A T I O N itj.oOO, lerml.

! A S E “ l I J T S i i i ' f i r ' ;portun ity l_______ r.n»., llMlmi room.^fu

=• ■ -

3 0 M P A N Y " V L 'lh J 'J I I , ' '! ! ! ? r,™ ,,'; ;T w in Fnlls II, torn*. IL.ement wUh kno

______________ MlICll DOWNIWANT KVUnYTIIISQt He« t

T O N G T O a s ' ; : ' . ; . i S . ' ^ : " . , , S ' , ‘ s•Inon, t li.lh., hulU-in i .ta

R R O W ? rX n^ il'fl 'n 'in l'ln i!

E L L - o r K A R L C . P R E E M A >

J 3 - 0 9 3 1 171 niu. I-k .a N o ilh - lJ M t'M«mb*r ol Mulllpla Uilinf


R E C TEED AN E5fE OP T H E S E CAN ]R e p o lr ln p ^ _________ In s u ro n c eKPllanra r a p a i r . vi^'‘T ' ' i)*lUl. 7H.m»T. ‘"d

S 5 ! ------- ^ M o n o z l n M

.. . -V M o to rc y c lc s

l i t e r s __________________ . .P o l n l in g».r. T3».iaft. Klii.rl Hill., iul.rliir aU T T u

F o r tn ln g KT-v;i^iAi.l/rRrnn' h.rdw.i;.i / ii»Mmenla7~Ji»ll‘H. I’lV. *..’rim'i'lMl" K *rT (rnmi|lllj|,

■_---------------- P lu m b in n a n d H eo lin....... m.mi. I'Ll..... .. .i.d ii^Tmi^rm

d Htrf \V. .......... ...... “ ' ■ *“ *”-- -------------------- R a d ia to r Scrv lcoI L K perts i i r r F h r — in 'iiT A -tT T in n


,IUST THINK!A. lleltiTn An ailv rrilsi'au 'iil in tin

__________ j iu h in i ;h3 o im : c - m i i \" f i ll-------------------------iidmiriTivriuri] «ui "cifciu;- i l l '—----- -------- lo yij\i every iliivl I

r o a i i U e a ,:ilM)00 hiiinc n s na.OOO r B a i l a r s i . - n m

— I------- • iitv rs on yniir poclio

lo a to r r i l O N K 7 :i: ! .o o :u

. S K a a NOWn, TlJ-ltil.

C W H E N Y Ci n i t ie s ' 3 0 t io m e s Fot Sole___________ S

«ood builntM. CHAKMINC 3 b^toom n"»* down. Ae*-H»iltT.-H't-il. c/o TTml.* ________________ !_______ :

__________ i i 5 ; i , " | wlow niA .PPr.Uil. Coi•Lif. In.ur.nce , . c» WHem.n. Ul-KM-_________. ' ” ...^ ~_—I__ ■ rurrmin.ll moilern iioll

i:gr<S.a-IHi5Ks. Jetume. I'hgnf 'iiv ijW.SKIt: .Modern brick i ucdruoi_________ _ full (inl.'l.eil bi.fmenl. earpei. Hr.li.aU klndi-of In- GuoJ norlhc.iv loi.llon. IU.900.• t '. Uo>i.llt,lH _________________________'jj-- ow.SKll TItANbKKIIUKDl Muit lell; r ^ ; , T v : r

In ^all*. ^,*!^r''n>ii SAI-K or trade. Cl.an ii bednvi e*r,. U.gi, Vcl- tu^n.re. til

— ^38** g.rase. p.tio. A.MUlotV. irrvc-1 slailly tumVu- riwrn. .hop-1u> handle yn.ir |„ih inrliirtlr rumvUlrd in ba.emr

■ : i r i ' ' i v „ r . v . “T. i r j n ? ; , : . ; -

tac_lt..oni_Levn — I^FRONTIER'S---------- B U y o f tJie WEEK

;__________ ^ R.it.iiili.n lU-in* . t lu j j i i l .iiwlellTiff button. 3 W rcm . >|iUl levtl.-galt Ljk l?^irl"m.. j r " " " . ‘ ‘" i * ' « " r p o r

n A^enu. W>;t. Mo"tlll'r^piyme^nU like'teni

___________ 5® Jii.t ll.le.1: 1 beilroom. tully c.is toj«e, i.»led, firepUce, tlnlihei! laiemfrf».l. Phora 7JI. «fth reSrclion rvcm don. In knot

IV Pine, lle.ullful l.mlic.pcd c«'J t . e.yrrienr. In *'«""• f'n.ntini.rvic.; KAIIL C. .valUhle. Priced to lell «|ulckly a'. 71VUU. 114.500. -

F R O N T I E R R E A L T YNorthweit Io«- jm j niu. Ukea Norlh 1M.J0I

- Kveninfi and week-.nfli, tSJ-l!6t»ln Fall*. Ile.u- ' berly Ileal-Cit.t*.--------- — ---- l-.ioo noWNI nUYS a ne- hrlol

ulern, aiok.r he.l. homa th .t you h.v. dreamed aboul 1? I- * bedroom*. hl»h frid*

. AU for $7,100.- rirp tt built-in ov.n. .love. dlt>______________ w.iher, dlipoial. Z lii. b.ihi. f.rr--------------------- lly room, fir.pl.ce. lii. toot. douW — - . lo r .t . l.lore. All fc

■ LYNWOOD i-.';;* :-n'i‘.T f REALTY

‘r.dVVor I '. l j " • ■’ "Tom Wok" .'^ ” SSSK® ^ r - ------------------------ M.mb«t-Mulllpli.l.I.!|n»^

A L L E Y ■ -............ .............— — *T

— . ________ L n C E J S L G A R D ™ !kell. lircker-7»J-00S4OT.nlnBi 96 X 1 «

■ B W xTt o

:ETI,0CATI0N. n « ^ lW “.''.*fure?^i«lMVw.Yl c° ^ p “ e?l uTn« ^ l\hr«<*b«d'w m a!*K 'll^w

I^ ti of cupboard for further ejpanilon, Thlitit. Uib. line- ih . only collar*' in thl> Icli

Ilty room and a . .rea to wear a for lal* aiiin. Orimenl. wllh 11*. IlS.BOO. Larfa fit loan may b« iirn and bath. .umed.roadiiioniB* and ' .rad. lor im.IU j^ Q Q j^ y M O U N T A IN

) B E R S O N R E A L T YSIS M.in Avenu. North — m -ll

». . . . » .■ Frank Booth 7IJ-H.North 735-IB5I Day. Lut* S2MItulllpl* Willni ____________________________

r . « i , . . . d . r .illt.«lly. I bcJ. |.l«0 DOWN. romfoilaWe, oilullt in oven and beilroom honi. cioi. to ihiippliInc room, fully. Only tt.OOO.OoVl^rT"tei” J. »/lO ACRE, ne.r J-beiJrcom m(>•-........... - - ‘■ r ! ; • l*V '‘:Jr».*.ruV*i 1” hii* r.mfny*tlrr "MU wUh knotly KIMUKIU.Y - CnmforUlile l-h ,□ m. (iraie . (loml ,n,,m ml.lirn hum. .ira ia Vr. Il3.:b0. NOT trtr . .nd i.t.Icn, A 100.I buy

w'it'h' A'-*-'" otr . l l d l « .U .i lU nohei.an/A cre.,..-

G E M S T A T E R E A L !

J, W. Mrai.rtmilh, llrokft'R E E M A N ,0111. . . n u . iiM !

' j t K . ' r ' . r i ' l ! ' J .r .„ .5 ! l '! l

S'u”'.-"" ..‘.srAiiitess:,


: t o r ^

E X P E R T ?CAN H E L P YOU!•once ' R u b b e r S ta m p s.I>f», H4~Hhoiho«; gu.llly rulil..r •Unip., l ln . . II ...................

„ j n „ , S c p H c T a n k S c rv lce

•cyclos________ ” 'iuflJlV '‘ V /« ‘ 'inli-K il,tr '' *1">Uln Av.llll. Km. t».ldrril. n.Mll.n. I.'l’i'iyil ilTi

Sowln'c] M o c h ln c s■.7 Whil. Moln^ I.iarhrnrir H>lr<''i.^Mno .............. I'lmii* ii|i.-m j. r/..i— a - C T - i m r

------------------------— J q x C o n s u l ta n tm d H c o l in g vkun h. mii,iii;ii’i', fi»i n««fI iUaUiit. IJ.l.iin , —I'JiiiiieJ-ll-'ilUV * ' , ---------- - T o b lc s -C h a ir s . . . U cnti

r_Scrv lce i,'iUf',ii,mni.'iii k».-i m — ' l U t o u Hll III' " f^ io p iic - io A n sw o r« I'rryjf., I l l Main Vmui TKI.KIMIUNK. li ii.ver

__________ . T e le v is io n S c rv lco

'HINK!s ; y i , i ' i ’v" r . ______Td uUl'clfcius■ry iiiivl I t V o c u u m R cp n ifa).<)00 IllIJDI'l *'"> Ail,1 f l r s i , - a n d >nd_iii.iu<i._____ymir pocket ' W o le r SoM onofS

7 :i: i .o o :ii

’w *!a;,cg! p a g g

Y O U U S E TS O lH o m c i F o i S o le .51

brlfV rarofl. C1I008K YOUIl tr .c t for a 'uMsllk 'u^n. home In 1-rttll U ke SubjUiiJon. Ue*-n»altT.-^34*__________ ^ » : ; r , s , ' i ' . v . r . - . r b . v . ; . . ’ 5 : :. full baiement |« t llraltv. Klk« Hull.Unr-_______

— Cariyn. owNER l" Sevr-J-bedroom.— -b*^ .pprautl. Coa. ,.,p .t« l,-• yiiliiy.- f“

irade'’t"riim K 7w ”l” ''Uj. i'hon. Ken o r‘| m "ib!.|7 7aVS«l.__________

’‘ “ : . f . ; i ' K ; - ; » r z i V ■ w .s, earpei. dr.lie’ . i nSO. Down. Ate Re.lu . .It-J-lii

4 IIEDKOUM. Taylor .S i re .t . ,^r a r n i n , t a , " : K , v S S i ' ' , : . . ™

__________ mndele.1. S . - fu rnaC 'T '''*iipele.l, df.pri. .P.rfment upntin ‘“'p*

u .n ‘ l.».lr.ion.- UY"OW.NKll —IS'J'POUKt- Jj l i i ' p / f T r p lV n '; "iir'I^SV po'-Ill' '.‘f -

n(juli..8.» TnANSFEIIRmr-Lov.ly-s- Wd.^fc|„h I ’i baihi, f.mlly room, firrnli' ureimy circn jir .r e . 'm f'

■ tio A. n lon.l . HUh-Mher, e.cellenl l-Jtion. riKim. .hop-ind — :led in b.-emont. ------------------------------.oun down. Ii:.. i .SLfclKPI.S'fi room, .nd .v.clom ' - IntereiL lo.n. g i., you yuur moner'i worth on ll 1. «<II Mnitrurted bome. Economii -------------------- iloker he.l. U»;n' llvinr rmR.. H;

Pbct In fini.hcl 1.-..emenr, PW _____________ _g.rnon >n;iO ii.iv.n. il~kv

tJie WEEK » I" »r.Uv. T.n.iJi:^---------------

•ew 6 n '^ ^ i’"Mre:[*"ll.'l llS ltn^ 'iind • «o!iVlude. J5.'i-'‘l>.'°onfy T 750 T.ih do.,en.. like rent.«m. tully cir- ----------


R E A L T Y JuV N o r t h " ™ cndrt^in’ ’ bt^. ,r.h m . ,o u ^ b ^ ^ r ; .* ^ lT :o V * ; l V “in'o•-.nSi, tSVlSSt . down.-----------^ « ACfiES. a . t f a l rood huIJtoi

llle> Only

‘d t ; . ; : : . i J . t { ‘ c a l l r e a l t y -ii(b f r>d* wool MS:M55 1»1» Addl.on Ea*n. .love. di*h- ------------------------------------ ---------!il* taotV‘d»u)'1* Cualnm built I bedroom brick, fin lalore. All for f.mlly location, Qjallty tonHruc

---- ----------------------------h iitroent with .m ra bal

O O D ._ .ran o o _ ar p y eUPRrt VALUE a l ------- 120.00

* NEW ) bedrooto. bai.ra.nt. »»raii

”S i U r o b i n s o n -f e l d t m a

. r r r i u r ------ :------phoo..7SJ-i»i

A R D E N ? CLOSE IN. S bedroomi'. d.n. p .tl ' — I---------------- —nB;ijTO7wnin»niiirT------------r* BT. EDWARB’S — and J u a l e .k.ur. i ,» .te li .- _»l«t<^» bedroom.,-!',4 lii u r iiir i l o ^ - l-bed bV«ramT’ *«: On. eoiy lov. up lu n - s b*drocnii. i ’j Imth

"ni' I ’n' T h r 'i l * DKDROOMS-1 tathi. oil bcin thl> iclHl (furnice). nc.r a c h o n l i ai lal. aiiin. Only ctiurcbe..o.n »ay . 1- J Q H N J . \ y O L F E

)U N T A 1 N ' . ; R e a l to r;,T Y ms S lr..t Eait' . 13J.3S lotlh — 1JM105 -------------------------------------------

IM*:*"! L O O K ! ? 7 0 0 D O W N

______________ : 1 DEDnoOMS, tlnlihri party rocIn biim .n t. wall lo wall c.r»<

.bedroom home *'’»• 0 " '’' »” •"lUt-ln oven and.toraie. Uumcui IMMFDIATR roiieiilon. I y*. iiemenl. 111,000, o|j, | bedroom, oil furn.cc, (a r .|

i i i .m . • ■Tr,foiubte,^^onj. mncK. I bedroOmi, blr

rabln.1., d.Juia even and rani »-beirrim mo.!-""' “ T in iH S m iv ln r -T w m -n Jn t nlni and f.inllr leiluted.walli and c.lllni.. U t :ed Piilur*. 110,- ^oiihl. (ar.R*. neally a quail

hom,. 111.800.

V r V b H M IT T O N R E A L T Y* *” ■' “ 133-1065

Don Millon in.lOHS -fllon of Firmi. Jlm ll.nl.y 13I-208S

Ur«a home. l« lr.d . for .mill or3 R E A L T Y ---------------------------- ---------------


"'’ nk3*"’'V/lSl« liSJS*l«alloil"f)n'a?d\"nu**K»

j i ' s r fli'l. M.iln*---------------------- flireei. A lov.ly hom., 111.000.

■ h . „ . , . iraOniii c .rprlid’llvlni room . .tl«chf.l ( a r . i . . Hi mllM In♦ uiioo '^" ' "* ®"

^ '” * " 7 fmlni hor

J X ■ ar-ZiriT.Si."'PimiKD TO HKI.I.I •

H A M L E r r R E A L T YKlki llulldinr O ftk. 7n.4(

* Dav. lUmltll ll.ild.n;. 13S.4I Ann lloffin.il.r ileild.nc.

I Mmbtr MuliMt M.llnr

C. nilCK HI.AHIIEII TO IlOCK UCS to m p s T w li'v i'l'i’ w lih '^ 'T i" ’I""*

I 'h ‘ ,r*^r.l?.’'" '''* n.*00. '

nir. Call i:he.l.i lion,,., Idfil fi.r Ik. family ll :________ ' ke........ dill, hmi.i, ONt.Y tll.lIi'K'l’,Mr'' *l"'y«J 1.(u;at10N NKXT 'II Miiyil il-ra.eni, MHilKIH.VI «1 arrr. nf.fln* faM o c h ln c s i*,ll-'k ‘/r'f. V*u.


M i - ' a T A Y L C ^ E N (

■ _________ , Klml-n s i i l t a n t Hui.in. i.m imI'l', fiiii llucfan.n.

s . . . R e n tin g•— ,' „— :— r lii:i.ii\K J.i.„i„„„, i.ritk, i

hl.rrii.iil mih IU I. b.lh. •!Mwm S c rv lco lil'i'‘ !l"l!i,i!I‘‘'’ h'r",,,V,','r . li never alnne. V.ni |>'i.t„i,r'*iir!l.'Urif.'aiue Lliiit!!:________ Ilrri ............. HMn S crv lce " .......... .

v T c f r t T a S

/In n . »"'l'ilrt'iVlhV Itoo 'il'ii.irrnly." hT/. i ~u 'ri?Vi~ ...... I|||||» i«x anil lni

I'ri.r 1,1 HIA 111,1: la ^ n g _ _ ^ ___ V n 'V ' ' ' ‘ ' - ' ' ‘ j

...' t w in 'f a l l sm , H i 'l A l / l 'V & lN S U R A N

•oM otW S * ' •7T.,;.;';-'iT??7»r "■ ‘ jr-. »'iu'“ f clow s ■ All Wii.iin, Haiti tag.|

S 'rS lf ''’ .... . ""

E T H E W A N5 0 Fo rm s F o r .S o le , 5!

--------------AClltS KOK SALK. Kull waKs S d , ; , m ,'-

su t m i n r ^ . i r - v . i u . . j ^. • i .V r , ', . ; ! ! " a ; . » -

oom.— -b*^>; ‘^vVi,t i-b»ii™nm-homej--oul-bullUlBj Hi,'’ ~ Tall'ir ~- »rrirT7— -•- ----. r JO ACIIKS 1 mile, from TTIS' f in

' ■ , IT IIO ACllH.'l, dairy and row crop tarr fJrn«V “ pVlMW • • lliU ihtrBr-KoijlhtU a-^aU f^O e

' . r c , r

Jrojm. *l?l'“,"; f * Twin falli or Jerome. llo<ltatKi... C.ll j i ; J, Avenu•Tl, o ..rhoB.--D»va-LuLx ....nin«..-»2«-

E s s . i i : ; r , . r t = = . . ^ f t . |,nd .v.clom dawn Dryd.n Ag.ncy. J.rome, J2

nme. Economical you'w ant to m.k. .n inv.ttm.n ! , '« 'e ^ " p p '1 e lo'”h.r«‘'w at«" '’dJn, >!»“"• _,uu^w-lmprflwmejii^^^^

b m rS i.h « o " ; • s,^ht'"wubnTo r."h down. tank. See COOplNf. Kf.AtTY I■,r> rmulreJ. ('all termi. Phone i.^ j l l l .- _________’ ‘ WE Speclall.. in liJTTTEn Karmi.

---------------------To buy or lell-CALLE. beauliful «.* . HOBINSON-PELDTMAN. ‘V r*-..':*"''/ I7» m r Av.nu. Phon.M J-m lTS A honey: ------ ---------------------------------------

. . J5 ACHES «lo*. lo Jerom...J.Brf;ome "Ih A t^ room mod.rn hom., b.m and *ot«

)0 with ll.SOO had tMi .e^n^^only MO.OOO, 14,-

« « . , " ' S r OME REALTY ■• Eldon H.ndy Offlc. SJl.JtOB

2 A L T Y ' "

- 40 ACRES

^ m bilck. fin. *^'"„«-w‘“ “biVn,* o^hWul.dYn'S: »llty con.lruc- Sl.chlnery. 40 Share. Northild. llh «»lra balh „ | 1.

T M V ’.a .a*. '~ H E I 8 3 INVESTMENIHSO^ built in rant*! Leon Stocklon Offlca «4-«Ji , t ____ 120.000 Hom.»J4.S«IJ J.rom., Idahc

— S ------- ------ ---------------- -” ‘!,!!...!!‘Yio!o"o_ _ 3H-ACRES,..»_mlle.. from Eden

■_ . . . . s bHroom modern brick homi‘E L D T M A N rriM ^T oos’wlfJ-Ph0Ba.7SJ.lSII, ' 110,000 down. Term..'


- a n d J u B l e r ----------- - ;-l',4 balbi, llu- 'SO-ACHES, n.ar Goodlnv, n o i.r iai h « tri-H A ': ■iiifir.—.« e p r i .a t . - y « r - a n w i iInii. l<i Imthi, atock wattr, Ideal teed.r ..t-ut

of clly llmiti. Dandy for only 111,000. tathi. oil beat UD ACRES, arllh nic. I brfrooi

a ch O B li and home, tenant houi.. dilry ban ■ood Itylns productiva aoU. RMorc available, own.r r.lltln ,. .

\ y O L F E s C H M I T T a n d M U F F L E

t ' 13S 3S0J . V-

)0 D O W N .hri, corral\,k ti nH v VOOHI * »lll 00'to wall canxt. «» ">«* Tw'

B. Only IllTJo.10 ACRE FARU,' a u t Kttla boui

leiilon, I y.ar* jji.ooo, 17.000, down er »lll Ul furnace, (ara |b

111,000, IMOO down, for Ihli'H bedroomi, birth hou,,.ven asd ranf.,

A , G . H O L L A N D ”eally a quality' <41 Main-Avanu. Wnt

O ttk. and'lfom. ISl-lgiO

R E A L T Y ____________________________06S, in.iOM ' 103.5 ACRES .

d. for im illnn.i ‘T’’* *>*•( toll lhat tao. lorim iiione. outdoor., Uya near p.tfwl----------------------- — --------------------------- »oo.i l i r t . flildi, on. h.adialiflnM ' I brdroom Rio<lirn brick hommm and la ra i. li'tlQO' cind.r block loaflnr ih.Ird Av.nu. Kait walk.lhroujh mlliiliia barn. Thi.•nu. r.«iu ^

naielian. Oroii^l ISO.OOO In ItO lOOM^ ^ ^ V.ty |oo4 l«tm>.


[!>:' ■ ■ R E A L E S T A T E .'ITvTni "iSg*™ "a^li “ ACROSS FROM SEARS’Hi mll.i Irom OtMc* ■ 7 jj.«r.ilh . for enir, Uaurica Klaaa 7SI-1I„j,. mil CouWrly 7JWI1 tiiarmlnf homa, ------ ------------------------------------

ind*' .o^vVnl.neV flWNRn hai erilir. from hla dncli;:rrnV*ij,7'.:*»;™iVv:ii:y!‘i ' ;

R E A L T Y ^ lv •v ;^ l’l ; 7 ’;.r<:riT,d^^^I.ilil.ii?*1J».4ll|fl M0%M.‘NowSl»%Usr\vril'lr*ad‘a1'Ieild.nc.7»-2I10 anylhlnc .lhal will rnnv.rl lO cii Ip). M.llnr *-*’1 nnw f<ir .pi»lnlm.nl to .«----------------------- " I'll^”

r o c k y MOUNTAIN r e a l t y '

..................’ ' ' - i i


/rr . loll. »I.«1 4 i‘,7;V

.ifo^ACKKtj, 11" nilU,.IM.Mrd.


, Klml-rlrII.l. I.m in. ■'

„ „ L Y N W O O D

. r i s a i ; i ’y ■

I i S 'V . ’l’l S S ■‘ '•1II»;1..1M1,I„,, i . . „ , . . l

" ' i i ; . ! ! ; ' ..... ......'

l i s t S i ' ...........0 il'imrti (irlly Jill"* ------------- —la« anil [niur-

ii> KIIA |lt,AOl),


K A L L S - ... .

N.SURANCH A C L A S S I F I E Dveiiu. Kail . . .” ;.;“i " i . r w i i n N v o u

ii! :! ! !! N E E D H E L P> l.lillni He.>lr.

r A N T A D S !52 F a rm s F o r .S o le . .

LE. Kull wat.; — ------ ------------------------

^ • • S I O C i r B U V E H s ■■■'.n-ValUy-a^uitll. ________ 'u u o y n . Z _ -------- rN O T IC T v ” — r —

'“'ilir*, kilnhV!!!’ :»-ACliE pa.iiir»“ ~ h l^ ld ln » ^ rii.J hurnf.^ ,.i,„ -----

” cT In B.itur.’ H-1 ACllKS-yiirih.i.i,. ,

i«h» our ipcclat- ro-m iMin.e. plu» „in.r 'r-u,.*'^

f -jT illt tirm i. P. Hir. *"*•5ll. W.ndell Real- jjicK I-Mroom hi.ii,.

d row crop farm". hood. I12.')0", ’ eVtlr-M.',''''^’',;--la ,^aU f.^4_ieit termi. ____________ ’* ^'m .m . IIO.WO WK HAVK Itm W r» Vo(' « u - t ^I. S. D. Iluffaket. from U.WIQ lo ?lii.il^ii_t;Al.i:.; .|j_ :

60 tcTTc pri ^ D R A K E R E A L T Y'' Jerome ' Rocky

...UP, immediat-e ' l .U ,,. -Coa:,tr. IJ4.0W> -------------- ;-------------------------------

J Z “ c<i.d“ 'im. L o t $ _ a n d _ A c r e a g c _ 5 4R, i:2.6oi>.- i8;sB0 j-A C ii^ V i;h “-n:rVau.M icy. J.rom., ««- th« Turf Club oa tb. « .u pJi^______________ _ a;!t.il6<. filer., ’ , .

J . r « wa^^^^^^ S A C R I F I C E

II.iM OhLiJW tw tti.r l tg,J bedroom home, c“.“ V rn / / '‘ L “

jr . REALTY for ',K ir .^ l" . ' '7 . r t---------------------- carport. T'olal pric. fi.OM,lf:TTER Varmi. ®,'*‘

W i A NPhon. TSS-19lt ■ Ctanfngi, betwm I and T

,'b i?T and B O IL D IN a LOTS$1 700 down. FIV E CHOICE AREA3

?ly MO.OOO, 14 * . ^‘I'AN SERVICE '

R E A L T Y 'Offlc. SJ4.J900 — Flnanelnf -

3I4-!872 . ,FUA - Ct - CONVtSTIOSAl______________ _ Loa* Urm aa well -.i Im.rlm ft

aanclng at lb . loweit Inlrrni tiii,

“ “ r » . ..............................XEV'HEAI.-rVOther bulldinr*. 1** bhoahon. Street W»t|hare. Northild. 73J-»12l .

t o e n i m ;o _ j g l j g w P '° P ° 'H ' 1 ?Offlc. « 4 .2 m OKKICE bulldlni for te n on ^ J.rom., Idaho V*

inf. r.frlg.rallon .ir coodlilnBi t ■ - , . natural .a i btal. I'hone Sll-iii'

Uuhl. dutlPf buiinei. boun.

) l r brick~h^m.’— A p a r tm e n ts — - F u r n i s h e d ^?ic. »«.0«9,wlfb„

LAHUi:: raom.Ailchen prlvilKci. cb." A G E N C Y» 7 t flf.7H-40ll .dull. Phont-7a».4»8S..

--------- . Sultabla' fo "!fn r^ rw n . »Goodlnv, BJodern 8 » i or_732-8S»l._____________t.-y « r -a n w » 4 - . 1 •flKUflOOM.-/uma«-»-hM(.~f»im ,1 teeil.r ..t-up- ^

I AND « room“ apartmenli.““.ll t i nic. I britoom “ l»* tymithed. AdulU. « I 4tk in

Ul.. dilry bara. waKM llASEMENT 2 rooi i r n ctiv. aoU. RMordi kllchen.lte. nic. lor-bachelor, rl rtilrlnf. Itiw Hald. Phona 7S3-S724 t^nki

d M U F F L E Y

\ Goodlni NICE on. room apartment, alio ileif U ■ iBf room. Adult.. 222 Sib tt.aii

— ---- Ea.U or 249 6tli Av.nu* Nonk tiu

, v.ry lOod hom*. ' s lV th I s lov.ly 2 b.dro«m apa>t»« If ahri. corral., MIc.W furnlihed. rrlvau ealtun

“J s

,„i nut. fc...., ' K"LS!i;i""E hti;>wn er will Uk* tiO Uain North, wctkdayi. nontui Talutd at 17.000, or afl.r 8 p.m. Sundayi afl.r 2 M

A p . r y n . . , - U n l . . , n i . h . d 1\Mil. no houie. LAIIUK, elean. around floor, clou li,

No pell, HS.80S4.____________

3 L l A N D Shopplnir 702 Filer. la,.t.-leffervn :_______

VV‘ , IIECKNTLY rftlecorate<l. 4 ro,mi. Kom. 7SJ-19B0 ,« ,„ p uiilltlc. e«r.nt .l«tii<.-J..ndell - ia«.22(4 Inquire 104 7lh Avenu. Eiii-________________ NICK KOlill room ap.rtmcM la l ^

4.pl*x. .iMlriral appllancw furoliU a c r e s . Da,a, 788.»0i». Kvenin,, W jm .

1 nUUUti, bath, heal, wiler nW

I, on. h*adial*.. 4 ROOM duplai, cIm. Ifl. i » forM irn brick hom., laraa., full b.t.m.nl. Jll-OtOI lock loafinf »h.d. • 7IS.IlliS .veningi-___________ _

lU B E R L Y ■3 S T A T E - J . . . . . . . . . u . . ! -

!!! ;!!!! S K V W«»-«»• «2lir»03. Klmb.t*r

Hau«a«~-Fufftlihtfd 1

!jfl-,Vall.,.Only 'f^rV hnnl:‘-7."m i ”Pulaloei. Mwlern ONK b«1room mn<l.tn hom.. lood I"ilut.d prk . loday lion. I'hcin* 79S.U<1 b.lor. t t»dUS, will trad, tor 711.8011 afl.r S._____________ -11 rnnv.rl Ih c h . oN^>|1KI)IIOOM hom.. I’b"''*v“iIrnM i:(l“l4*0t‘ V '*’’ *i V r " * " ’ '

***a*nVl'aliun'?ur^lV''"»^ lO U N T A I N X v.nu.w ».fH >

J ,T Y H o u sB i— U n fu r n l ih e d j

I North ~ 7?J.l 408 lil*Avinu. K.il,

lillt'A't]''! U*Vw.*nl'!>unia « •“ * 1 ^

■ lo iijn j J l i . i , . i „ . u . . .|.nc..l yard, r.avinabl. u u i . ^

iikii, i . . 1 .....I1....■


— ;------ ----------- r i iK lm o ( i^ ^ b o « ; .* '^ ^

R Y - ' - - ......; K b irk ’y..a,

5 S I K 1 E D I


Page 11: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014-12-12 · —^—-Traffic Deatl Magic Valley . I ll?6t............. 1

n e e d i n g

, „ ^ _ R o o m ^ J o o i d _ 7 6 H o y .

^KUE *'noti

. hVurt *tek toom. WlllUnn Mo- «"i*V n k ... 111.4190. _ L * '

r ^t-HA umiTR UOTEU^.n. All-J W ^U .ad »..aUb

_____________________________ GOOiMobile H e m t P a rk in g 7 9 wii•RTltyTR* POURTS. tht fM*dom of J«r X h t MUntiT. plM-.eltl- *oB»tol«nee». hlig.

■ - .KOH-^ m TIFUt tn lltf — <*"

gliilne ii-O ^ H cg R e n to l i , 8 0 u \« w - o r W i i t - - * A n il^ r » U ' Kwmi, pirkln* »p«»«.' MlttoB R«*ity. PhoB« «»•»»»• AKTI F arm i F o r R e n t 8 4 S "r *BM tof, W'tnd.ll _J,* ,

n r ACBE ( u n for nnt. M Umabl*. Ilui

«»»• - • - ___ -------------— ------ «U|

o ther R e n te li_____________ 8 6iijOSE HALUP*rU.ji. toerjHlooi. elub

ee<tii>c, d /n '- ; ••"•'!■ KOIl

P an ted do m : 4o wrw. h»*« htip, ' iiuai»cA/n»fr *nd tlatnct. Pleti* fhone Tll.«l<,' ' f»li

^ “ 5 S ! " ,” : o r t h ? ! ; . v r r . rr«tct7 lUdJo. 410 UtiB Boulh, « V t (

J i ! ! :_____________________ ____ 'cJl- FARM EQUIPMENT _

. - RENTALS ' . ’ '“ p,I ' Mod«tB Tr«tor C»nl«r ‘ ‘"’i tJtOOn_________ E«.tt«n<l Drl«» «j !

Trucki i n d 'C a r j - - a —r. for ren t ^

AVIS RENT-A-CAR SYSTEM ^ OI'How a t D an 'j Union 78 Service kj

I M A C K 'S U - D R I V E___ m O N E 733-9249____ ^

M O V I N G ? - ,

-------RENT- a -Truck-----------«r, Any Bit*. . . _ «

HERTZ SYSTEMtil Wnt ' 13}-2(ei lh,

____________________________ _ 8“W onted to K ent----------------a f f Zj LWANT « l» t (0 lem . H«r« h«lp.

Form Im p le m en t! 9 0 ”THAD£ NOW 1 E*i]i trldtr bonua. <'A .

pir »»«sm inMrHt paid on c»*h »ad crtdt, MeVffi. Iflt. •"

* mU*iU «• WHtira p^ueti'ipr«»d..•n. ctBPUt* wllh (eri|« ■!<!•*■»d Dum'i Cutoa Ftrmlnc. Flltr. i : l<Ulw. HMHI. « M » 8. « M m . ^

D & W f o r U s e d a k i ■ ttt


• Winter O rtrhaul Specials Fo?


tlMOlT Etitlind Drl»« g f j

______________ __________ ____ ^- , AK(

_ _ S E E C U L — J

Thll We«k Only— 5oiI New M eyen J i

s Point "blt]

Dltcheri . nCoi?95

D&W SALES CSl» t KItnbiilr lloid t t M i n *WA

_______ I__________________ • ll

Trnclora— SprcftdersFirn tnd po«ir boi. I toa ^ITI> ’ p«*ta llr>dl«> n buihtl —.— M

lcS T K U ' !!INiw' h .., 90 hu'tp _ - ~ MM T ' k« Hm. 00 huS..i " " '""Z r i t


r<rn lUtid Unlxntl - i m

I N T E R - S T A T E a 1 T X J U I P H E N T - I i i c ; - ^

■ti-illt ' ;<rom> r r

' WE SPECIALIZE ■Ikl rtpiir, tad oildlnr ><■ ^

iKd r«iM MMklnorr. 'c«»>piii. niici.iB.iih wildlna Bivi ' _ !-«k l-l iW ^WOff h ,W, u „ , „ 4 , ,


WJ3LDING SHOP :^ “1 Id.h* j

. u ii7 mT TI5lm.. Twin u>> '

S jO r Q ln 'a n i l p « ,d 9 4 ^

—Jfey'i I'liiinV m .m i H tnwa. , '

i g p s w i y s p s

T ,! ,W tff in ir . , , . i. . „ j

W A BETTEIJ i H o y -G to in a n d F eed . . 9 4 iF u i r

MAtilC V,\l.i.K\ >ni;int s,rvTc» f>^i!n7T77

____ UUV .on .sh I l fi,y. „r ~* *“■ T-lti wit»Bt?L “ OKKI.ASD Am»«iiii« ! ■ > , » - . rijj

I Uo- rhnppliigi I IIiimi> .... —2—

~5«n. Al I’UU.M^A I KUV I. JIHI MiiTTUT .BUijr h«y, t'.ii paci

" 7 9 ..’‘•'V '",------- J : m COI. Jrrome. or «m r J '« « „f nT w

z " , . '■ !s,= = rO H i^A lst^ iuu j,.-i5t)-toRi i f liT? —W«

S i l l ;

U ki^cu?:

r .^ ,* A n im a l B fc ed in g TOO ':____ AKTIKICIAL ■Sr,-Simj— >Wlh A.D.S.

«v»lI,W» Duj" K*rlam*iilx^!i.n2o‘ P J jjjjjjj! Twin fjlli;-(Jlen HrtHJ^kTsiMSSJ. ..,

= r i " l s - - . . I . . . ■ -» » = . —


t 71J. *"‘i “ '."(“ ' ‘I W O.lrf K.rwtr. loit ti l l .f A. Ulich. phon* • Sh

: ^ I h C o tH c 1 0 2

~ 8 g coi'!^\h.'°n!*K lm h/r°r''------ >011 SALE. M .hn.l IIoI.rtiB •iTlns;. Tllkll. elub rr h«ifrf«. Vhnnr i n . u iu.illuhl. ^itrvid. -,,,1 ,0 |,„ |„ „n.’|„ g „ h,if. iiEC_ _ ,»r., 1-l.ort -HO.snia I , 61S-4041 _ J i

__________________________Wil'fHone jjg IILACK «h.l< f.crf Hol.Wn eu■ t.I r n . ITS-SZS puundi. Chun* <8T- U.B WU nKHfoi.1. J T I

. '■ * 'a-;.-.;:flcl.Ur in.rmlniiH. I Bill* wt.t «b

------- C m u l Sprine. roid, I north; ^ P-w*». n .y llrnntu.______________ n u

- TOI’ DAIRY COWI md hrif»r». fr*.h or m•prliiK*n. klllk wrlghu on lh* frtih hi

_____ CMtcrnl.. C.ll H.p Hutlir*. rhom _M... . ^

TEM YOUKSIIIIIK. bred tnd open dlti. - i i rvlce Kll'er 'Tdtho*" I^»*‘n. *-“j

; V E H o w e i 1 0 4 ^I • ONE sooAjmrtdl* hori*. i « Wyomini _ J;_____ Btrf«t. floodlnit. or M4-4iK. j' a

^ h.ll»r h~re e^lV, uird’ irdillei.'CmU >• ^aa-Knii._______________________ ^

t AlTALUUiA iltlllotii tundlnz t. for ierv*ci-. Dreetl for tfolor, eon. 1

------------ «rm .ll(inrdIipoiUIonrr.l»rtor-4.H h Tproireu. Dob >I.rti*r. phon* 7^3. i iUi.______________ ___________ _ 2

S h e e p , • 1 0 6 * ;ATTKNTION ailKEMIENr Umbin* ‘i

W«* .hed. e»n b« movri, good condition. ^ . s o ^ etnvMi^M^lonr p.ne^i. JOB w " j

BIT 738-80.1t. —Boby CMck.---------^— 15? “ i-BABCOCIt— ItSOfl-tlrtlB— etoii-- ,-75

_____ W hlU -U *hem i Auiir.-WhlUt9 0 «"c*ll?nt* l ix m * 'p lu r ^ n l^ m < ^ ^


S " u i POULTRY PABM J. n itr . i ; H 5M Filtr <0i HUhw.y 80 A/

P e te o n d P e t S u p p U e t U O _ i3 d AKO KE<iiaTEnED Tor Dcton T*rrl*r _____ ttud ter»le«. Big Mturie*. 7 » m n . |

S * wS2»rmnII^*ye.r‘*ofJ’Poln tir* ''^J CL r . l l . A»tnu. E t t t -■•

a ls >'0 K SAkEi 6«r«>Ull Terrier pW im.Little be«utlet, AKC rntitUrrd itud — lervle*. Phon. 7S3.7031. Dl

. I'UUKUllKD TO, Terrier pupple.. AKC IR ■ rreiilerirf Chlhu.hu. iluU *ervlc._ tnd j

DARLING blond* fem.i. I’eklniei*. T * . wMli* oM .'W .nt. food bom*. 130, ‘

AKC ff»lit«r»d Tot Chlhu.hu. ilud m Mrrle*. PuppI*. rttd r lo' f»- FhoBi

--------- -AKC-WHITE-(r«h..t«-Kbel.hfrd-puorH

UO8TON icrtwUll, l>«kln(M* * i u d ] Mnrlev. Pupple. .nd irown doti. ' 4 tl tna A.enu. We.1.____________ ■=

lleford K*nntlt. . r h o n * M7.:02I, , nuhl. ______

ablf. rt«i<lir*d cockir pupplii. IHC. 7Sn7, 8hnihnn*.

L W t« to c k W o n u d • U A

****** weight « *{«undi up. an. ______ • I4««, J»rf"n«.

T ^r Prom ptH E M O V A L

-I7IS ’ ' o f D ead and Useleis- {1 L I V E S T O C K :_ i » riioNF. ufl C0 L1.KCT. 2_U U T w |nF .lli,7 l3^> lt-«71 .ltll.nu tIi7 U


- j j j ; 4 TALLOW CO. C

' E A p p l la n c e e ________ 1 2 0 ^

[t i c ?--

I*ram> I-l'IKUK u>t.l b.tn .vl. Qood eonitUloa.lu.ion.bl*. 421 ath Hireil. fllir,

--------- 1‘lwm* _________________ 3E ■ ^ n , r « " r : c " o « n . r . ' n

,u.r.nl**d. f.ow..t l.r r .1. C ln ’. .^»( .1! WEiiTINiniOUHK tlMlrle rtnirt. br.nd -

niw. wllh duti uvin. tolliiirlf. C, „ d ' «

«»ihl RMtnlnt oe Bund.y. *<■ rUnilon tl . ~

1» OUIHO VOUT upiliiiii freiitrT B NT Ap.rim*nt r.itM l llulpolnl |0 '‘• r .n i .1 liCA Whlrl^ol w .ihiri H.r- . I.« .ulDin.lIo w tih irt >t<U ll<ill>"lnl (j

P w .ih iri Complil. i i t HllniiifI.ni diumtl IMS (),K. Iiltvliloni I'orw Id.h* ■‘‘I* h i . t .r i Kliehin c.blneli ilmiltli f * )>*<l,.nd in .ltr«ii| Cbtit*o(-<lr.wiri, ' n iik . All n m .ppll.neit »%.•>■!

' Appll.ne* and M‘i*lc. «*•9 1 tim . Jfrom*.

».t. On* F u r n l t u r o — H o u ie h o ld 1 2 2 !*~ l i l l ’^MNOtJCUU ruit. Bpieitl la.OJ. "

Jit* 'UH>'INIt>llKU tlud .n l' <t*ik. Ui»elil iBd Uu^ IJI.M. U.nnt^ rurnUur*. to* K<»>lh ^

liona IIT< B«r-« yurnllur., ________

TER USED Ci■94iFuiniWn!— Houiehold 122iSnoH>^ d I ilOOKCASK hr,.1 , Jrm F

erllrnl corvjl^loii4 —l.clrL'.-m •'«,V.. ■siiTll

“V>;3 Am.’t7«y Ivlv’.l i i h'SnTTT --------- - I'A--'" ’ i

22t e M u s i e a y n i ^ m c n i s 1 2 4 j ' ^, t i l i PACKAKD- llflU. n.»h.-i:v'y riHTT^ ItrV

—w w k.. ..T fm R q d t o i = T V - S e t i ---------



; - i S ‘. F A C T O R Y R A D I O S ;T V;0,-ni: *5I» M.ln Souih

S w o p > o f o » K in d t 1 3 1 Ci WILL THADK nlr. hou.e «n.l

r :

jo u n i QqqJ T h in g s t o E o t 1 3 3■ l.rlns. THL. UtST STKAKS i„wn. iircMrnlb l ^ b, . .Peci.ll.. . . .I.r Turf Clut,. 1 ;T biif. UED AND WHITK puUloei. C.llis.4041 ;3.yy«.v _____ WiiOLKSALK l».f f„r .ilr- nrlolHrln eulllnir. . •louble .« r.in-o.l. .Vorth1* 48% M.it>-lxKkcr. I’huni- M3.4i‘>-;.. JO:_____ APl'LKS, Jon.ih.m »t>.l Uamei .11 <>'lIilelni. ir.dO . .II prlcri. Ilomei I'y hjtheJ11 .TtK or truck W d. Irvln llO'Ifnx.). Ur. P 'I wi>t cb.rd. } Norlh. I Writ, of Wnt I

hi _____________ ,3reih or m.ra.rlr.e ir-«i[« ft.irn ».ffloi\ff oil.. freih hiBh nroieln foo.1*. tr«h sroiind re .. jj r.il* or ' nut butlrr. Fl.-Well Hrnllh F.»d '" V ' " l n \ ' *” ■ "

M ii c c l ta n c o u s F o r S o le MO .VKUIKAX eo|.|er. like new, only ' 'J5

— |PI).eO. C.H'rr. trn t;r . fl. L .iiin! MIUUH hou». 14‘x24' to Ik- muvrcl. _____ [ 808 T.rior Rire.t We<l. KlmWrly. ,3

1 0 4 UONKY TO UJAS on .njililna 'ot — T.lue IS lo ll.UOO init.ntly. ii L H

lyomini Lo.n«, ne»t to Vellow e .h Comp.ny. y.______ PAINT- THINNKII, . 4We B.llon. your t"lei“. 'c ru Mrin Soulh. *~ ‘ " ■_______ _ —_ _ _ USKU Ort’ ICK DESK. IJ4-6U ;-»wivrt - indinz eh.Ir. SS.SO; idillnz mtchinr. 139.iO. ., ,r. eSn. 13h 2n.l Avenue South. ”tor-4.I[ KUllU m il lr.niml..l<,n. overdrive. ^ n. 733. .Imj : new 7.IO1IS tlrci .nd wheeli.

1 0 6 * CLASS iloor imneli. ;-*«[.’V«ull.blr!'5

- T 5 9 “' i i S r ' ! ! ! i f r ‘;.S S -S a ;'’i £ ’=------■ 7ia-a'iW. ■ -•■. ■- ------ “IvVlt;: « » « ) , Se"LV'-8 W«t

‘Jero/ne.k4EW-ANUJJaED .teel, Anale. b.r.

1 J.B- eh.Bnit.. iKmI;— roil— iw»-d— a lo t __ll.r r r Koppel company.

ERY <iUNS-W. bur. trade, tell or will lo.n you money. R 4 II Lo.n. n » t loV»K(w« C.b Comtmny.____________

r.y 10 A/it Compretton. eompreiior ptrti — *lKtfi« drlllj. elettrlc roolort. powir

n o Pltnli. Phoni 733.2664 .f te r S p.m. J , T*rrl*r PUMPS! Irrlg.tlon and doincllc. anyy i l i — .KmiBWr ■ J

.9.“ ;« ^ C A r« 3 ^ _ wjth o .r^^ e .r ,.t

TiTpple." •h.mpoo. KrengI.-t rri"ISd ______________ • 3

'"*■ condUlo^; . '

rP h o n i

rd-puor•" ‘“I.H MUfKUIt'a •init.lled whllT>oi;:w.U. >

— ■ : rtur written niar.iuee, privritKt, ,* . lu d Abbolt'i Auto Supply. 121 trd 4vrnu« '<n dofi, Wf.1. )3.'l.:!04n. . ,.T-r----- ITS oot ot thll worldl •Whether youiltck or • w.ni to buy It or nnt. thli jrou h.** |' S A ,

. Th* Ctnier. (Vnler. _____ir romp. —-------------------------!-------------------- 1.iM .'iS t B ^ K U R h o o d PARKAS

-----5T a LEATIIERET!ra*CLOTlI1I.4» .nd unPKR YAUD

0 (i*d*r LEATHERup. a ji. INSULATED COOTS _______ Now 113.01

H . K O P P E L C O .| ] | tnd A«inu. South

:M ' _________________________________

M lic e l la n e o u l W a n t o d 141l.’nutliy CAHIl OU TllAUK for MUr uied gup.

! Si'INfiliJo Wh«l. or .Iilnnw for m.k-lng y.rn. Phon* 711-1047. __

0 ._______ (JOI.F elulM. Win buy ur loan Ri<in*y. ” ,

1 2 0 llaBdli:>..n niM.oY,l|..wCabC«; ^ ___ „. TUIlN your old guni t.ndle. 4nd *“

----------- ill)Vll. tJAMKlT^r •nlMKlriii^tqint'*aar IDI p„„|, (uni. ditmondi. l.iUral ir.dri*C.lnV- J

wliVn'ilu F ue l e n d W o o d __________ 1 4 3 CT

1,1., ‘* \?ngr'l‘ h.Tn‘!:"7ai!MMV'''' *“

H e a t in g 'E q u ip m e n t 1 4 4 -

“ frMiiM BTOKKIIMATip ntrlor furn.«.._ C.llolnl 111’ .iiur drilir J. I.. UiinJr»ii..n. I'honih „ ‘, n i , . fl3.»HH, 444 Mh. Avini.. We.l, _1 ........Inl o il, IIKAiKIIH. .11 luiiiuUr m.kii. 01llngirl.nd |n.|0 ui>. iu .t.n i*«l, ll.niitr furni' 'oni r»fi- im«.

li*w"'Wi4l*rn '*J lc i’l l . ‘M * '' ' _j

J 1 2 2 B u ild ing M a lc r lo l i 1 4 6— ■ II I : ____ CuuUct M«-Uii_AlL.Ytmr._.... - _elil la.ot. I.llMIIKll NKKim

*” C ^ B « * - P h o » o S u p p W 1 5 5".HUniM fJTJ;'i;AMKIu"ltKNTKII i. toulhirh

bur te*. |r t.K i Iinly 'nn.pl*t* |ilml<.gr.phlii .upi'ly tlxt.. Tty lh*r» fln t.

mirr; 159B X C l 'l 'IN G NEW S P O U T

r.nl. li»n- J>JIKDA'1X)II O A IjU N Q i~ to' 1" Coyotei niitl Dobonl4

H». 1 ‘™i’‘ (•••h t.. to.„ It. but V.tiiiln' .............. - .....^....U 4.tl' upI,-Itl fiid |.i,|»l> >nd I'Ml Draw ,io or 111- « u ,||ii.............................ItB.VI up

s e n ® ...... 'ilrli rang.

W J s f r i V E POINTS r . M * SPOUTING GOODS■ .'.fr ! ;:;; ....... .BP«>V.__________ l_ ________

) C A R ? CH EC1 2 2 !S p o f tin g , G o o d i - 1 5 9 A u t

'• *"'1 ' M ulll' CUAKLtUi-k.»Vl-».'attl. BlckT 5 * 1,5 1,, t tr .t tu . Ivinn SiMrtini CcK>dj. |'h |-« .l .. MlillT I'.I.WtLKHS; Hut III . n o uuU’ 1 ..n,--. tr.... ,.,u|-t : do.cn JSe j . .

>«rl> , lli.;.._I..U. SivrllMi; ----------------- ~~«Jr. ja-*>~riiab!e. .« 6*out. ------

__4iajii^a-in«-o.i*hi»— 9t1-Pytb*nr---------------1 llJ l-^ \V ^ f ., lp t„ j,u W c tI Pololi -------

T— - fA c c c s s o r i c s & R c p o ir 1 8 2 In 7 H -|T « iftr -Y p rtT -ro ttn -rin » -h o m « -fo r ------

1 2 4 v~e,jiBj>^;i'- ' ' T ° »’•

• Pl»'-»tAL..|.r>U |,i ,r lZ i f t .u n t.n d ' .Bd vi.i-' 1 ll'>k«^r lnuniil-ti>ip*> __

. ti.M. I.I..I o.V.n oil .crren. uiil) IT.« I’' Inrlu.l.n. „ .V ,. Menill Aulo

\\»rnrr Comi in, 01 4tn A>enui W«it. ■''^‘“‘]TfMcks— — I f l l .___

• US»;o uu.-i. *-...‘.-« h rc li—Jth wheell—Cll .lanki -Inin Kalli ^ulDment

:T vi-a;;i liiii'ier ........................................... I l l ------**“ '* Wyomlnc Mrerl. i;<x>.llng, 014-tlK. .

1 3 1 C a r le s o n 's f o r G .M .C . g-]

3 ' S R E C O N D I T I O N E D .

S | ; G U A R A N T E E D . _

USED TRUCKS5 X - ' . . . . « i I . .... C.ll ................. ..................... - »*■»»*--------- J9S1 cliEViioLtrr, i loii. iik. .

J ' " ' ....... ............. ..............“JO n ClI.a-nOLET. cab forwnnJ.'drive. Vi. t - . p ^ ________ 12.101I’S/ CMC. J ton. m ra long wheel- *'

*ve.“ i bM *.....________________ u.79i-------- - 155S DODGE.' V8, t ton l-.peed.t ' l : ; ! ! ...................... .............- ......1

P i « , P I C K U P S ,ew, only ' 'JOS! “ CIIEVROLIX ' V/’ ton.-VI,--------

fleeiilile. r.dlo. .iialir. I.UOO mlln.' muvrtl. ........ ............... ..-—...12,450

tl!rng’ '-o~r CAMINO. *‘. ’i l ' i H .......... ......... ......... “ •” * •:»"ip.ny. 1JS7 CHEVROLET CAMEO. Uon. your Inn. V8, radio___________ ll,l« l ,

■“ “lo sT t'O liO , VH-i.r ton— --------

r. I39.S0, , 5„ STUDKRAKER. S Ion, new-----—------- piiinl,-goo>l-..._UM:.:.-...:.:;;..::-..;.-.;.|8M— —d wheeli!= = = T W I N - P A L L S " ................Vh .I?!!)': e q u i p m e n t C O .

ir trailer R. L. IBud) Te.iley IloberlE.L«« old. 188. .

f S ^ " ^ M c V E Y ’S

' TRUCKS ■■— 1---- 1847 INTERNATIONAL A-KB. ET-------

n" «'*»"• «"'» " » « ., neu 10 fcJSx'iO tirei, 8-ip«<d tr.na*_______ million, t-ipeed rear .xli.sr p trti Long whrelb.t.-»r'« P.m. 1960 CilEVROLET J 'ton. WOO /eillc any .erlrt. low mlltaie. rt.dy t« . \>l.ll.tlon. *«>■• ._______ ' J9S5 DODGE t lob wilh Vt *BiItl*.r c.rp*l .nd 2-.p*«] re.r ul*. $f*Wrehti* o( palBt.

• 195S INTERNATIONAL t ton. I.bu, lo'e aP'rt tr.nimlMlon with U

u money. wheelb.l*. nni. ne»t j j . j CHKVIIOLKT t ton. Lont

1 llcill/- 1(84 CilEVHOLLT t Ion. Com- eondlilon. pMely overhauled englni, i. _______ . tpeed and I.2I>:D tlr...

• P I C K U P S ■ *

i)uu-wait' 15S* I^TERNATiONAI._i,4 Inn. d' A fn'f.r INTER.VATIONAL « ton._______ 10S9 ClIBVROLCT M ton.you'h.?* to il WILLYS 1 Ion, 4 wbeil drl«h ’ llnl-ertirecoriler. lOM INTEUNATIONAL H Iob.

----------- lOSl'FORD >,4 Ion. with cnopy. 'IKAS

T R A I L E R S ,

two 38' DORSEY platform t.ndim ■ll., 4b'! cr.ln ildei, air

TS br.kn-lOaJI, tlrei.14' i ' l i r plairnrm wllh .Ir br.kii.

' and 00u>20 tlr**. ,

H • M c V E Y ’S , ' I N G . -

.d 141, 'u ,; Twin F.lli

• M e b lle H o fn e s 1 9 4WANT TO UUYj 8,B,ll_^l«ll.r^h«.ii.

I ' WANT TU UUY, utlUlT ti.lUr IklO oim Cr<*o’ "»I0. I'hon. 713.1117:, ,1 10' WIDE. I iMilroont Uliur* llomtJ Ti.dtSg. 1V» ClII.ONIAI. huui* iralkr ai', 1

i‘rio l?if?r’*i **'—T\>, U ll ___________•

....... A u to m o b llo l F o r S o lo .,-200•143 COllVtTl’K, lOlv, A.t eondlilon, Ilk*

— -------- i,tw. Dall 7J3.W4 *vinlngi.|H l“ ClillYHl,EU i*dan, V». SJil

clie.r# M*«hanleatlrf00d, ni*d< iomi1 4 4 y ik /j^ M .0 1 0 . ■___________

________ H^.0(AI.I loot Ch*rrol*t VI. 4 door

'>r mikii. Oil TIlADKl On* owixr 10(0 (Ji.lllli* i*r rurni> ' al .erlii I diwr Hard|np. Kuillinl _ _ _ _ _ _ . fiindlllan. 7II.a8M,______________

' ' wi<i*rn '"iJlli^t eondlilon?* 0*n»’ owner' 8.1 d Aviniit al llnward'i. Conarii, Jtr<imi. ________ IVll UiViiury Milfir aio:

I 4 i i K i . . ‘ » t e . " ' 3 ' - i ; ! ! - ® ;■„ii[_____ wtlnim*. m n Klmli»rly lliiad, _



a r ' ’’'''" 10118W , 106D

PORT 2 ,-1 0 0 0 ■All (I'l'txcollent condition .n d ,

“ Jj" .IM.“ l.o.iq:oy(!]eL6flrfl.JlR lllM .- --ehi,!\oI heatorii. wlilto wall Urt*.


‘Y O U R E E ■

I n .,.s m o t o r c 6 .

D D S Vour Inetl aulhnrltaii Vi.lkiwt|i« Realir

1 5 9 A u to m o b il e i F o r S a le 2 0 0 A u l■ ^ « k . SAW. tlU ivT.\ inHon cou:cK>dj. rhIfrJTiI .^no iiuUYMN'i .VUT<)“ l)SIi’.<.St HaiTk ------

■ 6*out. ^ ■'•------- .' ' •-T i " ; n m - iT T H H E C T ;; , - -

182 McKlLL'S AUTO CO. .il! USED CARS ,

cd. Bob , „ J CIIKV., ■ *«,r 1^ Air Corn."

i r iT * « lTOrCADn;WC-4'J.H.r, «erj cle.V —If ill Aulo

= i s i ______■ . BnTmiT COMMERCIALS _

ap'Sr. f".‘0 'i ••• »■______ ' w*» 5TU0E.. S ' ton. ONerdriv..I jd .cm -J« 4 -C H E V - .i i4n--w.tB-it«k . - --

Drive our c a n ‘

;iV-i.'A‘ ;------------te lo n rO T -H U y i CI


5D . ;;

J ~ ^-------- c' RICE CHEVROLET j,

Uagic V .II,,', Tri.llnB De.leri ' 11. Ilk. ■ . b..«,SM ,g j, RAMilLER-Amcrie.n eout... Ct■rwnriJ.' Healer. ov,r,lri»*. for re.l ri ,-12.108 eeonomy. Sc. thli „n . I9Uwheel. ri-YMOUTII IM.e-lir. 4 docir.

l-ipeed. - .................. -r -----•*-« C-.11,108 JJ5J PONTIAC SiarCblef, 4 door t l-ipMd. hardtop lUJio. bealer. hydr.- n

■ ■ 51037 CIIKVROLKT 4 door il.lion ]

, . - V « --------------wtiion._U.<llo. he.ttr..power- . j) mllM *!*<■*' power ileering, power-.« lu 6 - h«kr,. Re.l eletn !..;,.?1UI t

IMINO. *’®‘ “yd'o'h«“^rdyi?” loi*J^«f; • '-•*•501 : iiMri'ng. power-brakei,-Only- •<EO. U ------- ------------ ---------- .***‘ ■ >-.11.108 , , 5J Fonj, Cu.lomMB. 1 door. j4 I lied;--------------!iMMk?;‘“ A *'''^^”^ M r‘'*r“ '------ ^

Thll It real ‘.btrp ...__.|?U8 ,

'5,.fra---------- C O M M E R C IA L S ---- !

r .............” “ £ r ; £ v . r s ' ' 7 . ) ; , s “ ^,Q ctlll* tack. A tood unit .ll»»8 --- ------- 1J60 ClIEVKOLET '.4 Ion. Wid. . .52-------------------. .E .L .. y . , . . . , . . , j . . .

. 1081 CHEVROLCT ' i Ion. 4.ipecd.---------he.i«r,-hii*h.-Hf«l «wd. Only -

------------------------------- I t t t


O rnilMi WMVdw*B^m'. to 7 p.m.I tran.. Sunday. 10 ■ m to I p.m. ir .xli.

G L E N G . J E N K I N S

. ~ 5 j i ; . C H E I V E O L E T '


'• Check These Cara . ,

';.nf"T Before You B uyl

’ 6 1 C O M E T ’ $ 1 8 9 . 5 -— ;____________2r iio o c jc ( la n ^ lg jn o tQ r* _ _; . . . au tom atic transm leslon,

rad io , deluxe In terior, i «>"• Sharp ' u s B rand New.

6 0 C H E V $ 1 7 9 5. , B c lA lr 3 - door a p o r t' • c o u p e . V8, autom atio c.nopy. ' transm ission, w hite walls.


6 0 C H E V $ 1 7 9 5|1 t.ndim BelA lr 4-door sedan. Biglaei, air ^ . j j q yg n,o[<,|-_ 4-apeed

floor sh if t. Very clean rbrak ii. „nd m echanically Dcf-

'’ • ■ feet.

N G . 5 7 T - B I R D $ 1 9 9 5Ml H ard top . Kord*0«Matlo

t r a n i m l s s l o n pov,fer s teering. H urry on th u .

5 7 C H E V $ 1 0 9 5‘ n.w..“ '*‘ , 310', 4 -door sedan. V8,ur UIO o. m otor. J u s t ovorhaulod________ w llh fu ll w a r r a n t ylur. Homt Pow crgllds trftnsmlsalon,II j^«-«ii4. new p a in t. Sharp .

5 ^ 6 0 V O L K S . $ 1 2 9 5■ I 3 -d o o r sedan. Whole-

^ m i! Bate p rico now 11 _

r - j i o o 513 P L Y m ' ’ $ 4 9 5 'j i i lon Jli., ' 3 - door sta tio n wagon, ngi. ■ 0-oyllnder s t a n d a r d~W. Sell tr iln im lssloD .,.nun i likeBi»d« iomi . B top.

5 5 O L D S ' .$ 2 9 5I conii.iir. 88, 4-door Bcdan. Hydro-________ m a t l o transm ission,eo (Ji.iiiii* power s teering . Huns, Kuillinl jidpyi, ^ 1,0,8.

sale p r ic e ! --

E r * C O M M E R C I A L S

^ r ’" i - 5 8 J N T E R N _ _ $ 9 9 5 j .Vi-lon, long wheelbase, pickup. O 'oyllnder ino-

■ ■ to r. 4-tpeed transm ls-^GENS slon. V ery clean.

5 0 F O R D $ 6 9 5, . a - t o n , long wheslbnse ’

truck. a-cyllR(ter motor. a -sp e e : l axle, B.3Sx30

^ __ tlT««.-O ood H * g ra in box.

" L r ' 4 5 F O R D > 9 5jjR ttiM .-------------i - t o n ' t h io n r v s 'l i i o T o r . ■-ts. a-speeil axte, H a i power ■

' lakeorr, J i u t th o Ihing l^A X 1 (or ^ pow er boif.

G L E N G . J E N K I N S

C H E V R O L E TiilkixtftR

Closed Sundays, QUAO Term i

L jfliU T O S FO I2 0 0 A u to m o b H e i For S o le 2 0 0 A ul

•MDon COKV.MH. ■\fi\ r.»ttuu wtgon. Ei-

Haiok . eg'I (.» a 1U« UUK'K' .S|.r.'Ul « door hard. - J l_____ . ; . top. Vir» ci»»n A.l eondltiun. VOK--------- “ ~ 75--------- 1093 UIJi:iUUilll.E li, 4 dour

teilin. A on* o > n tr__ I8V8

• 1031 *,’0NT1AC K 4 door Kd.m _ c j

US» HIIICK s7e'.ial 4 door.edin. ^A-l' condition ----------, . |» 4 ----

“cleiT^ —I | i O ’0>»TIAC 4 doOr ledan. _ A ^

B g O W N I N G - AUTO CO. .

~ t h M s e n s “~ ' “ -Jriv..-I.«w ------------ f i n e C A R S -

1558 LINCOLN Prem ier I

ca lf 'sk in in terior. Of course, It Is (ull power. All U ncoln

^ L E R accessories. Extremely nice.

1559 MERCURY Monterey. “ -------------- 'S h a r p - re d -n n d - w h lte - tu to n e - ”

In terior. Looks new. PMIIy equipped - power s t e e r 1 n b, b rakes, elc. One local owner. _ C lean ..............- ................. $1B95

^ , 1055 FORD Vlctorln. A cute caieri llltio Car donf In yi'llow and

blnck. New trtHor-mnde fcnl ( eoup*. covers.- Equipm ent—ovt-rdrlvc,

r reai rndio, hcofcr, w hile ilde wall t, • - tire s . See arid admlte lu Only '4 door. - ....... - ........................... ........ $-''95

'p‘”e'i'r‘ 1959 ENGLISH FORD Anglia. -IIS38 Q ne owner lUtle run-n-bout , 4 door th a t will deliver you about 3a ' hydra. miles per gallon. Like new In-

side and out, practically n o 'n^\c5. Only ....... .................W S *

Iiaiion 1891 COMET 4 door sedan. ■*Si1r « ■ -B e au tifu l-S u llo n -w h lte -w ith -- -'..11148 deluxe interior. Mercomatlc, , hea te r. Unted glass. Only 5.-

?*M«?r • actual mile's^ One local iI.-O nly- -ow nen New e a r guarantee sUll

• in e llec t....... - ......... ...........-W165

1061 CHEVROLET Corvalr _

— iiiii equipped. Powergllde, radio_•_]_____a n d _ h ea ter._ A ll_ o v e r_ w h lie ____

io w ith red deluxe Interior. See_ thU one. .—....... .............. |22PS _. ‘ Have A

^ w d . . LARGE FAMILY? _' i i« « t h e n ^ a n d t r y t h i s

. o n e i

< i ' ; 'o " i ; -------- :iS5V -0A i>lLLA 0- i — --—••**** passenger limousine.

J e t black w ith ex- T , Inc. cellent white side

wall tires. ' Luggage_______________ tack— H ils — 4uxury-------------

‘p^ ! car has power steer-p.m. lng. brakes, seats and

________ windows —. padded-dash, electronic eye,

T T X T O factory a ir condl-[i.iX S O tloner, tin ted glass, . . . 1 and for the safety of

3 T the en tire family . . .seat belts bo th fron t

E R i 6ar- Only. . $ 1 0 9 5 -

T H E I S E N ’S ■

M o t o r s , I n c .l y l LINCOLN MERCimV COMET


; 1 8 9 5 : —u n o to r ,__________________ __________________mission,

“£ ! ' ■ U N I O N M O T O R S

S 1 7 9 5 . Y O U Rs p o r t

w S F O R D D E A L E R

> 1 7 9 5 U S E D C A R S

‘I-W M d . '6 0 P O N T IA C t 0 0 6y clean Fonlor W.g»n. VI. ndlo,ly ^pcr- ho u r, powtr tl«rln t.

'Bi) FORD $1605lorihr'w titiin. VI, etuli.K Jl£7i7t^ tnler...

0-M atlor. power ''CO D A R T , $ 1 6 0 53n th u , Tudor. VI, '.utoratllt. It.dio,


i l 0 9 5 ffio F O R D “ $ 2 1 0 5“I’' . . I - I *'>"'»«■' •'*«>'''• v t, aruli*.irhaulod ititiim .

ratiiiSn, '6 7 M E R C U R Y $ 1 0 0 6P- rordor wfgon. radio, UtrM-

matle, powtr alitrlng,

p l 2 9 5 .5 7 P L Y M O U T H » 7 0 6

$ 4 9 5 .53 P O R D J 3 4 B

n 'd ^ a rd ' V»,o*»rdr|*^'m i like *57 S U I C K $ 1 0 0 6

fordor ktrdlop, rull |>dwm',A A nK n«w motor ov*tl\tiili

H y ira - '^>0 R A M B L E R $ 1 0 0 6imlsalon Tudor wtcon. I trtind*r,,i»., Runs «io. ot.rd.iv..


• T Q '8 1 F O R D $ 2 1 0 5A L iO INckup, whMlUi*. <t*inon.

. $ 9 9 5 - *50 G M G — ---------$ n 4 6ler ino”: 1'l.kup. a .h .rp un„.•ansmls- »B0 E L G A M IN G $ 1 5 0 5

0 ».rdrl.t, low nllus#.

$ 6 9 6 '5 4 Q M G ' $ 1 8 0 6lieslbnse ’ t . ip w >ili, »-<p*.4 Drowal.,• motor,B.3S X 30 . ,

-aln box. T lie 6 a r You Buy Will Oa

“ JW 9 5 - S e r v i c e d 'a n d W ln te r tw d -

la pSwsr . PHONE 793-1010

"* , IBO 8 r d Avonuo E«8t ,B4lMB*n'i AtUr'Uoun ri»MM

K I N S « M 0 »i.*»niid rith«f

liyTI . ' Dltli fllll(BW«l«r - '■ Kan BuU l l l - i l t l

0 T erm i O 'H W .ir


F O R ^ A U E t ^

200 Automobilei For Sole 200n. E«. ^pC .K VV-T.-mw tlreV, luli rSwer,

V v?r'* ' ■i t l ^ - ^ j ’ Klt'vih:!. un.m .l “ Teguii'mmt, l \ i \ c h . l-h.me &jr..:j).0. Aul

n.rd. 4'.!V atd A>cnui Wemltll.__ ——dttiun. full BAl.t: _ o ^ r„ l.; r..IilUc. IVSa

TSn.lJVii day. css.sull ^.7^.""' ' ----dour l»j; l-HKVIllll.KT~«l»lwn «»«..n. ^ '

,e>l.n A^nue'^\Vr.*?\trj't'^" 7.'n,**^*,*13"}. ________LEU_niCliJ10TllJl.cn.----------------Kd.m cl'rV. l‘^tlln<.'*'^*' \

S P A E T H I N JE R O M E '^ - •-‘ l » t Z lO L D g ----- LARK------OMC7— “-.vll

ll!"i-.'i1 FOR t h e d ^ is t .15Uild eart to own '


-------- ^ USED CAnsj-------------- Tmrkirplcknpi—W.-under_»eU-aU______) eoinprtlllim. llank Mn.nrlrg. 1;^ ■ 4:..sn. "*l!'a’i!.n.ld.U

,cr 4- B L A I R ’S fo i ' O ld s

i r s e ,i t.incoln -YOUREE'S VOLKSWAGEN

nice.$1095 Phone 733.2054 or 733-Ptll “ ’ 1

nterey. ~p>ufly, riADIN'G DEAL.-II

r t n g . R I C E 'S I N JE R 'O M E >owner....$iB95 :-----------------------

^ cute C A R L E S O N ’Sw and 1r i S Q . U A L I T Y C A R S

'60 PONTIAC $2606 .- $595 ■ Donhevin. <*'«,>«. Ilo.d^ll I

Anglia. ’6 1 -P L Y M O U T H $ 1 7 9 5

jo'uf 33 ’60 FORD $1795 ,lew In- f r 'T -Illy n o '.-...^195 *5G f o r d ? 8 9 5sedan. •'"* ®'“ -

e- w ith - - - - ..............- --------- •™ « u c , C A R L E S O N ’S

! local rONTIAtJ CADILLAC G.M.O.lee still ____________________________ i _ ......$2165 ‘

--------- REPOSSESSIONS— “rodio

_W hlte____l« l,l.A nK _ IlEGAL _VI._*_do(.r-------,or. see ted.B..R.dlo. h..ur, .uu>. .

______ ■ -.diuiled rwllnlnx le.ti. TOOO Bilei. Sold ntw for 12016. ■. 1I«0 LAHK DELUXE 4 dMr, •j I 7 eyihder _j t h is” Perf««trOnly »800 tnliei. Sold B»w for U801.- --'Th.l. i MTih. wi«»\ b* H5B»\*4 b7 - —

in.- .i , rK .iV ,.? ;v . . i ' 'iidB

_______ — S P A E T H — :

S d M O T O R C O .dedeye, Jirooji, Id fio .phoB*««.««id l-lassi-o f • -------------------------------------------------


W I R T H L I N ’S ' S ■ -c. A - l ,COMET



'51 PONTIAC $149

j E R '52 BUICK • $149.fluptr 4 door (V*rr to<xl|

'53 FORD $1493 U.T«tep 1 door (Vt)

$095 '53 RAMBLER . $249,I, r.dlo, < door, svMlrrIt

TififtK 'B4 OLDS $349♦ 4 door (food (ondidon)

, cruliiK’BB PONTIAC $430

$1605 *1.. iitdio. .gg d o d g e $529

4 door (Vtrr (li.n)

’60 MERCURY f62Dni. t ioer, MitdVUen

$1005 'B5 CHEVROLET $649n, l i t rw 4 door, VI, rsw trilld.

"* * 7 <iK '57 CHEVnOLET $0404 door lUtlon waton

' m i A - -.67 PORD ^ 0 9r.lrltn* 4 door. VI rord-O*

$345 , ,o,.rdr|,*.' .67 CHEVROLET $009 $1006

'qo RAMBLER $1205

$1006 * *” '■'flO FALCON. $1B95

4 door, auiloffl trim. »H-0- Hall*. IHmI ih.tp)

'LS »50 f o r d $1305a n t M i da»i. V4 r« 4 .0 .$ 2 1 0 6 M.tu

i.ip 's;" ' ’69 CIIEV ' , ?1696a n ie raikwoo<l tUllon • waton.- $1i4D............ Powir ilHtlnK row nlld i,

■h.rp un„. ' ' •

$1505 ’ 'GO T-BIRD $2005. . lTo».«wdllloi.>

$1806 - c o m m e r c ia l s1 Drowala,

'49 CHEVROLET $190W iiin ii .

i t e r l « d - _

1019 '57 WILLYS . $10964 wkMl drW* iUtUa w.s«a

E«8t ,• rbMM j s n o u B .

IIMmM H ,, , i l . . . PhM. 1II.IIII

I Im !!! Irs-Ufooka, W antiir


Et- T O D A Y ! — I^ ° ° Jon.-30.31, m 2 I

.T»ln-Eolls-Tim ei-t<aw s-|l-------1AulPniobilc. For Snla . 200 I B

l U c '^ a Clli;:vitlH.HT. The Symbol of OuaillJ. i f l —*-‘°"=‘i:r^eniilna.-TwtaTfillt.-----

W I L L S ' 1

•' WINTEl! USED CAE . . . j fOME^- . CLEAKANCE | |O M Cj-r- ‘'•.VhVic'~:u.t. .„rr, -Svnd Thilr rrltnd." , • t J

r .l»Si niKVHOi.KT Vl imi«l*. , I I Id,..r h.f.linp, Powtr tt*trln».^ I 'J

ROME- _____ OiX"' IMCO ‘mil, .‘’"aw"'^» j

. AT $2598 J

15C0 lt.\MlltriTirCu.lom 4 doorT*.-------^.d.iti hratcr and oTor-

in. Idtlio <l'l'e. Hurl .Shirp.------------- ONLY $1195

C ld S 1?5? l l \Mlll.t:it *. i ititlon______ '____ TT- ----------w»rnn. ni.iu; TiTiiir anJ ]

'AOEN ’ *' " ' o n l y $1495

3 -P tl l “ -185J iiAMHLLR «, t'dSp";idr«'.______ __ iliJlii. hcitir ard .uloniatli

--------- ..

3ME ■ .»-> fonn V* r.iri.n. too,....«. -

'S . III1051 RAMnUKR I, 4 door tuitom

A R S . luo n l y $U95 III

$ 2 5 9 6 . 'otdedi IWT rONTlAC.t.door ledin. II.-

dlo. heatir tnd Hydrim.tle.$ 1 7 9 5 ONLY «B95

$ 1 7 9 5 1*88 H rncunv l door h.rdlop;I. He.llr n.diii. heitir and Hireom.tle. I,

A^^te.l eletn e .r and . r«.l I

$ 8 9 5 ONLY rj88 iand out. I

. -19SJ CHKVROI.ET.tIO, 4.door a . .- - - II

' ^ > S ‘ -1 1ONLY ri8S U

G.U.O. I---------:----- l i l t tIERCUny 4 door tttUol I

wtgon. liMter and H.rcfr ' X malic. Kitl CletB.

) N S - ---------------

| S _ ■ ■BKEg'Sii!,____

« m . lISJ CIIEVIIOIET I . putiBt«»'

l l e g k l l ! : ^

COMMERCIALS .u to CHEVROLET U too, 4.|p«*4

2n"«lf« ' -------- Plekup.--A-Il.tl a t ----------M il FORD W toB. A l____ 11411' j


B.IIM I24 ' W I L L S

________; USED CAB DEPT.7W.7IJI .

:;>w«ii u witu ttsT ne*«t<. . . M W Itl

j g , g • :

B U Y S E L L ^ - - - - -

R S O R T R A D E .

_______ W E'RE HERE t o DEAL--------r $ 1 4 9 IPIT CHnySLKIl Nrw’ yotkt>. '4 • ^tnimiiiion Boot h.rdlop, VI, iulonMk

traBimiwbin, radio. b*.Ur,

$ 1 4 9 . Po"” l*tulllIS*‘i i t.niiBliilon ‘""f Urw. A .niiBtiiion ^ 1 _________

$ 1 4 9 . IMO DODQE SenMi forlor iUUoa 'tood) wagon. VI, iMBdard .bUt,

h**itr. Him Ilk* ntw. ttMllr $ 1 4 9 ■ : .n J p r ie .J llh;

. f m " " S ' S ■with l.OOO iBii*..’ v .rr sImr.O nli------------------------ | t t l

$ 3 4 9

' ’" W K . - r i t e . T . t f i 3 9 r . r a . r t . t ' v ' . ' i s

>«on wtton. - ........................I l l l l

$ 5 2 9 U il roRD f.lrl.B . (orior! VI, n) iUndard IrinimUtlon i « 4

ofitdrli'*, llidlo. hMUr, air $ 5 2 9 WndllloBlnt. Bll* .I..B Mr.


rilld . Iw^r.* tuUB*°!p*lRl!wbll* W.I1 Urv. BMlljr a aU*

T ( 0 4 9

~Toe9" ia'Sr'bVI rerd>0> doctor, 0* «ar« la *M ih lt '

M l. ——................. IIOM

IT » 99B COMMERCIALSrtrdrlr. y ,

$ 1 2 0 5 1 ^

,1 6 9 6

'."’SXP-'3‘S, $ 1 6 0 5 o.^ io* .f.w .*f---------- iiiWjn • waton. _____________rem nlidf, • ig jj n u c ' U n i whMlbw.,

,2 0 0 6

ALS s ^ x t u s z i i s s f i ;•

!T ,1 0 9

,2 2 6 . ' '

$ 1 0 9 6 TERM S FO n KVSRTONB itUa niton OOWS IN ANO U(T VB ■


• B O B ' t e ^ E

Z Z ‘M O T O R C O . ' . '

' k ' . . . . . . . . .

Page 12: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014-12-12 · —^—-Traffic Deatl Magic Valley . I ll?6t............. 1

”1 T u e sd o y , Jon . 3 0 , 1 9627[~-|T g-T w in-FQ ll& -T 4m e& JvlaM £


- —Atomic-SliipS- WASHINOTON. JanTSO MV=

- TJ>f Btomlc cijcrBY commission reported today new p ro g rc a In

J __ tin nur)'*'*'* pn«‘>*r»*rt Mlln nrn-Rrom — n .tcclinoloftlcal racc .Iti which the United Slalc.^ nppnp ently mAlntalnn a long lead ovci the sov ie t U nion. .

- - — jT lie w inual AEC rctwrC to con-Bre.'.'t said th a l 05 o lo m lc^ in gined wTirshlps und n mcrcliaiil ship are opcrnllne. liutldliig ot

'au lho rircd fo r bulWlns.

elude 34 fiubninrtncs, a crul^ci 1 and R carrier.

Tlie ntuinlc submnrlnca had

t erusled a toU l of 1.358,023 miles by the end of la.it November, the •cominLiiloij said.

The world'a ^tlrst

lueled " a n d 're a d y to begin eeti IriftU.."

lu Uic field of atomic powei plftiita for Induairlal iisc. IJic AE( «aW that, although no new ntajo

------- p roductn s-p ro jec ta -beR an -gw Ce ra tln s electricity during 1081 t li rc e . p lanta already In opera tlon showed outpu ts durlnu th year w hich exceeded expecta tlons.

I n IM l. 'th e report Raid, "sev « ral hundred thousand lamtlle

I were turnlahcd atom lo elcctrl ■ poH-er lor coding, J}s)iiJriff,-hcot

. Vlng. pooling a n d .'o th e r servlcc In various pa rts o f the country.

Valley College Gaining Funds

• ALBION, Ja n . 30 (IIFD — Di O eorge W . De Hoff, p resident c

--------M a g ffl'V s lIe r'C h rts tlan - eo»egiaald yesterday ' th a t bo th th physica l a n d financial growth c

. th e Institution Is being enlarge by contributions.- H e-m ado bts rcm a rk a -a t th

I m idway po in t of the college '— <ourth-yearr-H »-sa ld-m any-pei

aona now are nam ing th e sehoi u beneficiary In wills a n d ir lu ra n e s pollcJei. '

. _ i .^ y fc e s e _ g l f t8 j»rB_helplntf t t

' i f Q K t f e g e . he said. In addlUo ' — feT H w ln tr lun d s-fo r-co n s tru i

t)o7i and ta p rovem en t ot th e co lege. ___________________

Speaker LisfFd"; HAOERMAN. Ja n . 3 0 -0 e o r i--------- A lle n rK ln g ‘ H lllrw a» th e -g u c

apeaker a t th e Sunday m om li s e iv le u a t ih s Reorganized LC church . I t ivaa' announced ne

. s u n d s f th e re will be * Uthh

Invocation w as given by Eia a a l e O launer. pastor, a n d £ ld How ard Carlson o(f«re<l th e ben diction.

, B UY N O W —


I '[ • D i a m o n d s t

I • 4 - s p o a l < o r i

iV ^ —

comml£.slon ' f L - k progrc£A In v 'm Y ^ L i 'V -A l^Q -Pro : _

tlc.^ a p p a r ; ig lead over . t

y>rt to con- '£alom ic-sn* £\ Ctjutlding or ■ns. - ai f l t .a e a J iu — W .

a ^ K | [ p | | | | | H B w ^


i f

ic lra r com- •'VAiinnh. Is —) begin sea . 1

oiiilc power ■■ S IISC. the AEC M l) new m ajor . ' ;■ t.i .* *M Ran-gw O — TiLTIN G -QA N G EBO U RLYurlng 1061. Ice forjce la th e Mlul«i' in opera- n iloxl. M lu . Bow of th e SallydurlnR the h d p break a p (he Ice Jam,

:d expecta- jioint w here Itn sU rboard pro

I r S Resources, A( ~ " Of Youth R-------- RUPERT. J a n . 30 Hown n > A tnalie -tho be.it uae o t the rC g C • Murcc.i ond Incrcnse the su ■ p J . . . port of tho Idaho Y outh Rnm r U I l Q S >0 It can help more uiifortunn

I (UFD — Droresldent of *'<5 m eetlns of d irectors of t :ion- coH «c. ranch- In-Rupert,- S a tu rd ay . .I bo th the Sftllsfactory p r o g r e a - I n ' t t l growth o t 9(hool w ork of th e nine bo Ing enlarged now n t tho ninfih was report

by th e Rev. j . R. Crowe, r.in srJM -at Ihe supe rJn tcn ilen t.eom e nre mukl he college's A 's~nnd D's and a ll a re dol l-m any-per.^ iic ttc r-W orK ilin iU hcy had, do g th e school In o th e r schools, Minlco sch( Ills a n d In- officials expressed aatlsfoctl

a t th e boys’ progreM. One t helping th e Is a mem ber o f tho s tuden t cou n fp lc tu re o l cll.-one Is on th e w restling tea

in addition and th e .o th e r s nre progressl o r 'c o n s tru c - as IndlvldualnblllU cs pc rm lU I i t o f th e col- Rev. M r. Crowe haa received

applications alnce J a n . 1. --------- M rs. Crowe, w ho m others t

j l O l C U everyone a t tho ran c h had wr . 3 0 -0 e o rg e w riting th a n k -y o u letters u th e -g u e s t gU ts. Bome 3S Icttcrs^were wi day m orning te n by th e .boya. ganlzed LDS Judge Ja k e W all. Rupert,

m tm b tr o t 11., a d m to lm i co be * U th ln j explained th e purpose v » by Elder -»-p«>PO*«»d, t r r a t1ftft\Uon M >r. a n d ^ Id e r H e sta ted th e hom e would retf th e bene- used .to care fo r children v , ________ were in trouble wUh th ^ a w

o w - D U R I N G G£’SM O NCY

illlTESA ll 6 f m o d e ls musl

d w b o d v e n o o r c a b l i i o l ' I m o n d s l y i g t ■

s o a k o r i y s t o m

jsi [Bll I A]^ t a l U j J - I L l i H J

A . . : . . - r-.-t. . . . . . . , , ...

c * K .'. . ..........

k s ^ - -

WSKl ' RK' W" Vi | B f e

1 J

^ M J l l O W l ^ ~ l l l

K B O U R L Y -un4«r^ pM »ur«_oL lons ,o fJc iw lthe M lalM lppl river; Jusl n e r th of Cairo Is : th e Sally Poik is visible In foreground. Xtie Ice Jam, finally foucht th e ir way out, but <

rboard propellor was ou t of th e w ater. (AP

;s, Added Support ith RanchDisciissed

— How tQ who were homclCM. T he chlldrei o t the re- would be detained n t the .hom

5C the sup- un til facts rcsarillnK th e ir ease ■outh Rnnch could be colledcd. studied, nnd i •unfortunato dcclslon rcachcd by th e official n them e of as to placement, c tors of the T he board w ent on record 1itu rday .............fnvor-of-U jc.propo.scd-.detentlor e s . i - i n ' l h c home. Federal fu n d s.n re obtain B nine boys nble for su d ) a development. 1 was reported would no t be a p a r t of th e Yout :rowe. r.incli Ranch development, e fire miikliis Appreciation fo r Bl/ts. mcmc 11 are do ln j rinjs. and . contributions receive lev had, done ^inr o ihe ihst m eeting was e> Ilnlco school pressed by the boord. Sped:

aotlsfoctlon thanlw were extended to th e Ids •S3. One boy h o j ^ n s R otary club w hich -ust itudent coun- ju n d , fo r i t , nnnuni p a rty to pui •estllng team , chiwe a w asher a n d dryer, and i 5 progressing ti,c Certaln-T ced O ypsum ' cons p e rm iu rh c .p.nny-for-Jhcet.roclt„_______a received 13 conipletlon of th e f ir s t perm:

n e n t housing un lta to m ake roo m others the fo r m ore app lican ts is s ti ll tl

ich had while jng i<> th e board . Enrl Pe<I Jettcrs for c jw lrm an of th a building coiraiW ere^wrlt-' m lttee. renorted a ll fram ing f

• . In terior walls h a d ” been coi11, R upert, a pleted ond all windows h a d benUslons com- Blazed. W . A. T hrelkeld. Hoi... Plum bing and H ea tin g compai18 purpose Of ns,i*ting pcck w ith plnns Itentlon home, r o m n l e t l n g plum bing. Tme would be Plum bers locai w ould Uuiiule 1children who labor and T hrelkeld . equlpmc Ul t h ^ a w or and tran spo rta tion , f ixtures a


Is m u s t g o l . _ 2 i ® 5 o



B i gMraMffBII- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

n s of Ice which broke loose yesterday from i of Cairo is ib e towboat'. H ay^u Lacoml)e nl 'round. H ie faoals, whleh have been try lne tc ay out, but only a fte r the Bayou tilted to th( w ater. (AP wlrephoto)______________________

, plumbing m ateria l w ould be su[l 0 1 * t P'let* ftt cwt- S till needed befoi^ the u n it will be ready for hon

■f furnishings a ro lab o r-fo r appljI I S ^ P C l >ng and tap ing sheet rock wall

T he children shower rooms, doori, door Jamb n t the .hom e door and window trim , cablne K th e ir eases and shelving, pa in tin g and dei uUdied. nnd a orating, window . shades .ar th e offlclnl-s drapes and ligh t fixtures.

Board m em bers presen t a t tl on record In meeting were D r. A. A. Kruegc s ' l r f o f f i - chaJrm an.-tho-R €V . M r.. Cron i'clopmcnt. I t and ' Mrs. Crowe. T om Maha Of th e Y outh Roy Neldcr, R. D . A rm stron

Roy Miller a n d E arl Peck.’judi Bins, memo- Wall and M rs. E arl Peck wc Ions rccclvcd guests.tliig was e x » ........ .............................................jord . Special l1?YTTttES:NEW B~W XNT-At:d to th e Id a . ----------- r:— ^ ^ ----------b w hich lu e d p a rty to pur-dryer, and t o ----------------------------------------------

3ypsum ' com-“ 7—------------------I f-y o u 'reo n e o f ihes f ir s t pcrm a- < J ■'to make room eet their cars servu•Jl is s ti ll the cJ> ■ ■

1. Enrl peck. ^building com- 1 fram ing for •P b e e n 'c o m ^ — ------- — ----- ----------------------lows h a d been reikeld. Home ting company.^Ith plnns for lumblng. T h e ' m (luiiule Ilte — — lid. equipm ent .. F ix tures and ^

i r I

i ' m^ servm

{jjiJ'~ ■ -------- — /i i - a

la Hii/fla—ii’if/t OJ

H « * y c n r m a t n f e ,

—fre e s y o u /

, 7 s e r v ic in g , ( S c

S | | flin t- 'c F ord ih<

III 3'on r F o rd Ih

Illll. c o r i t ^ R /i lc n c o I

__ _ Miller (iimptn, 1A H r.iiu.ii TiMt fit 13 m.inU l.lf.1 lil.it, .III U ».i|.

* ^ n.ii.ci.lll(Hn.lni»ii.il|rnHiu.liMlUl«>,t|4i

^ (I M S A V E TIM

Fieel^orH’s JEailuiie t o l d

BySfcn^Dodd------ SALTXAICE-CITYrJoni-aO-U’

•.■•‘f l _ c> n T J io m a s .J , Dodd. D. s Conn. said Monday, n igh t that

Jh . free world • has failed t( ~ ‘r „ M n i ^ ‘He7fundamentalTTO^

V about coruhiunlsm ~"and— h a 1r; W< U Iherclort suffered one catas. * . j j : . ' * uophic defeat a lts r ano ther.jf—lU — J -------p g g ^ m iti-B n -iud icnc ft-aC lh if c - M ^ ■ Prudential audltoHum th a t . "Wi

are ,n the m idn of an irrecon - - T M ' enable con/Hct-with the commu

nbLs, a conUlct (h Which ever; root element o t o u r Hvm and ou clvlltotlon Ls under uncompro

ISilng-B ttack:''------------------------- -He «1<1 u n t f l ' t h e Sn

hr* " 5 7 ^ world can rid Itself of th e llm K fkW B B :! • n ^ t i w r it ca n ^w ln-peaeetuil;

side by Side. w ith the commu K S H nlsw. tlicic will t e no solutloi

. to (he problem.But hc added, “once we In thi

nation m aster th'ie dctermlnatloi to wlli this co ld -w ar th o t h& been forced upon us ,^vr, the

M a l — «h»ll find (hc icays (o s3V j j ^ W n K our country aud 0U5 civilization,

' Dodd Ls vl:e c lialnnr.n of th r S S R senate's in ternal scc.urlty com

miltee. His appcarance In Ea •day from a u i i e Clly was sponsored by tliE acom le n f INewhiailTfonimr'--------------- -------en trylnir l o ___________________tilted to th e . ._____ Nine Motorists

S ; I'Fined at Burle;idy for home b URLEY. Jan . 30 — Nine fnc 3r -for apply- were fined la st wc«ic..b:t rock walls, of the Peace AUrer ba th and c ra n e for violations of the mo I. door Jambs, j vehicle laws. n m . cab lneu ^hey Included C harles O. Pow lng and dec- |12, and D . E. Nielsen. 4( shad es and Burley, *2. failure to dls ictures. pj^y dealer’s license p lates; Deiresent a t the p. Anderson. B ^ le y , »5. and D. I >. A. K rueger. Nielsen, $2. ffStlure to transft ■ M r Crowty platcs; Melvin Cunningham , 3' • lu r le y ; and*Eldon D. O kelberrT om M ahon; g j Declo. $6 each ; D elm ar 1 I. Armstrong, w ilson and G aylon E , Phillip 1 Peck.’Judge 35. both R upert, S2 cach, fallui r l Peck were to 'display 1002 plotes: Raymor

Gladfelder.1 30, Burlcy. $3, notj--------— mufflers, and Pred W . TlionrrW KNT~AP3*toti~ra'?;^H6ybum ^.;^Q m aidtJi

one o f ihe millioiis oj.car^oivnerSKho^ cars serviced this week, here’s good «ei

yFhrdelimi vice stops}

l962..EorAl QfiJoxlc or^I^ tirh iiw y o i

i—w ith o « / y fiL 'o 3 f o / js jo r s e rv ic c . '1

r m a in tcnnnco progrom -~av(ii(ablo

cs y o u fo reve r fr o m th e n n g -fm ^

rin g . (S e e c h a r t.) I t 's th o biggest i

! F ord in troduced th o I^ ^ n o ii th o r

F o rd Dealer so o n —a n d sta rt S(wii

enicnco o f tivicc-a-year m a in tcn m

-■ ■ ■ r[nlor nimpiiir <<itr«n(i iit li< i(N<«ta, diM lit itMlni In liitn riMt fiM l3m.>nlU<if f.ir I3,<KHI nilUa, nlii.hstm ioiii>«ltiil .itj all! U Riiili jl, ilMlfitiir iMii oUli ■ >Mnt ini>n<k

»lll(Mn>lnini.ihtl|ii1>ri.r normal innliil'nunitMt il>«<iiUii)u' ill M IU|«>, |<1u|t, anil l|i>liliiii |»lnlf,

Gnlnxie is i i i n io i r c.iiiK-i'itKi.

r iM K sA V E u m

‘ I

told . n | n A Dodd — M i lrJonPsO -iA

Dodd, 'D „ .• n igh t tha t

s to '..ental~truths —

one ca tas . | H B §another." ^

£ n c e ,a C th e 1) th a t . "We an irrecon- the commu-Which every tIvM and our • ' «5'*’

uncom pro- gffS B ffS K g B kM « -

tJl- th e free ^of th e Illu- . 'f S g

Jl-peaeefully —ti.'-lf— I ■ the commu- •

c e w e ln th U S K 9 | H V t ^ i ^c term lnatlon — ar th a t has

cays (o S3VPcivilization." ' I j f l i P I l T

nnr.n of the l l;curlty com- ■ ■ M B * * * " * * * - * "ince in Halt h r e SWEEPS ACROSS R(sored by the (o ba ttle the bU ie. ooe of the---------- -------- - -» n d -m ert> -o th » r» -d a m ated ^ (

irists Titan Firing ( Burley Display— Nine fno- 1 •'a s t wccic..by ATLANTA. Ja n . 30 MWTheace Alfred auroro boreolls— or— "northern. of the m o-' llghU” sometim es puU on a fler

show of heavenly beauty thnirles O. Pow- can be seen deep In the heat

Nielsen. <0. of Dixie,ilure to d ls- no' w comes th e "aurora tiU n

plates; Dell alU.” fothered by a mighty Tita;»5. a n d D . E . rocket fired from Cope Canavc:to transfer al. Fla., and named by a .wcathr

nlngham , 30, bureau meteorologist weary froi0. Okelberrj-. answering colls about strangi ; D elm ar L. brllllont llgljta in the sky Mon , E , Phillips, day n igh t.each, failure T he pyrotechnics kicked off b

es: Raymond the In tercontinental range ml- Icy. $3, notsy gHe were spotted along the At 1 W . T hom - lantlo coast from Miami. Fla,, t1.^Qmaidt_h. I V i r g in i a . . ------------ ---

ters tvho should ______s good r ic i t 's :

mimtesl IS mqute€

r h in a y o u c n n g o n i l y e a r - ^ o r 2 2 ,0

i c r u i c 'c . T h is r e v o U it io n n r y n e w t w i

n v iu ia b lo o n ly i n t h e c a rs f r o m F c

! o / m o / j f / i . f j / t c r - n io f .

b ig g e s t t h i n g th o C s h t m w n c d t o a

{ w ii th o r i2 ,0 f i0 * n ii7 (} u a r n i n t y * ^

m n a fit^ if ig n 'f i in ( i /K / ' j i r o n c y w i t h I

la in tc n a n c c . I t ' s « n o f / i e r I ''o rd f i r

I df.lfii In l>iti>, «>lt<iil lo 1li.lf r.iil>i»if„ M Itm i..iii»«.ll,.l, (im ir|il,i«>iiifiil, iiulin iia i<»1 .W~Hi. ..ii.kri...i.lil|. i« ,i„1„..l,. luN .1.

“’iMiT'i.*' ' ' ^ - ^ 2 ^ 5

IG a ^ r u a /£11 / , w a 7 S T i i Y ' ~ -

M O N E Y : . : S E E Y

ACROSS ROOFTOPS l a W l l n s , Wyo., y«U one of the w orst In th e d ly ’s history. Nin«

Oplr_one_iHlnor In jury was report

ling Offers Light lay Along East U. S,

30 (ypt—The Aa th e huge rockct blozed in tr - " n o r th e r n th e coJd aJr oi th e upper atm osiiU on a fiery phere a t dusk, it crcatcd a brllbeouty th a t lla n t vopor trail lllumlnacci

In the h eart spectacularly by rays of the set ting sun. below the horizon,

n .irn n tilAH- TlJ® fJriwff'closed-out th e T.ta;Z h t y S n I te s t program th a t besai. a

r n n n tV '. Cape C anaveral four years ag(K« n tt'pnihpr T h e a ir force said the mlssll

,t ™ f r S M hicved a ll test objectives Iout strange streak ing 5.000 miles to a targe

«kv Mon- « rea n e a r Ascension Island ihe sky Mon Atlantic.

kicked off by A m ajor goal was lo test a 1 range m i;- advanced ine rtia l guidance sy: long the A t- tem for the T itan II, th e n w Ilaml. Fla,, to powerful m ilitary missile cut . ___________ ren tly planned by th e U nite

_______ X

% i ■ •iyling and ____ 2 ....... ~— “oLtli!

slOoutoiredbymo!S.B iiflw fcnci

- o r 2 2 ,0 0 0 ~w»iwctw»'K^Tiiam

' n e w tw ic e - —-.1 . ^

f r o m F o r d -_Miui X >

: tfter-m o n th ,, >1 x >

y ic d to c(trs ** _IL J

■raiiiy,* Sco ' to’- .^5 —

(l.v w ith Ih c ' ; 3 ~ ■;

r o r d fir s t I

»h*t« MfviM (n«(VfU I

■>> lil* niiiiuUctur*by FOET liY — — — ---------------------


— ^ --------------------- ------------------- :


■■— 1

IS, Wyo., yesU rday a t firefigh ters eUmb Udden hUtory. Nine business firm* were dejtrojed ry was reported. (AP wlrephoto)__________ .

1 , ■■ S ta te s . T ita n I I tests will b tjin -rllt '^ T ita n T.1 linaie scl teJephms

I T • e sw itchboards buzzing a t m ij .U » O # papers, police s t a t i o n s md '

, • w ea th e r bureaus olong the lo»rMt blozed in to E as t C oast • •

r J t^ ih -^ T ta n » K ^ l ‘^e “an ‘'’umbrell^'ciDiJd

our years ago.Id the missile . ----------------------------- “

objectives In RETURNS HOME ' les to a ta rg e t HAGERMAN. Jon , 30 - Sfri, lion Island in jc r ry Duncombe has relumed

home from Boise where she ua­ms lo lest an derw cnt sp inal surgery Jan, i t guidance sy s^ S h e wcs a house guc.?l of M a

J II, Ihc hJiMf 'A nita Oroesbcck, Boise, the pj,j missile cu r- w ee k ,a fte r he r release from 'thi

y th e U nited hospltol.______________ .


G A L A X I E .; ;■iyling and perform ance leader

- o t ih e ju lh ^ cart . -----------------------------

i of 12nost cm!F A i n U N E . . .

In a tU M liy itself, riglit , iirtw ren coin]iin(A am i Iiig c ir i i

:m»(»'wcitiiamviM»iitwm rw wt«Aim i««w «w »

■ ?ivT, v » v •tn*»- «»«• «...»• ^

v ~ I Z Z —i■;!® « X -K _ J I - J L '" '.'/rt • ~ - ----- ■ • „ -

_ _________ Z.\ X , X X X x_ J<_

^ j ^ X J l _______________ ! L -2-

H ji? « » » _______________ '

- J L J l:____i__________ i - —■1 K X___ L . J L J L J L - 5-L jL

rrviM (n(4(VfU t n 6 iM d «" !/'f

ili niiiiuUctur«r In Ih* own«r’» minusl (of ••f '’X)RDRD D E A L E R W W