2014 and 2015 * Voter Outreach

2014 and 2015 * The VIVA team * 70 Outreach Events to-date * 27 visits to County BOEs and poll sites * Meetings with 32 State level Associations * Planning

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* The VIVA team * 70 Outreach Events to-date * 27 visits to County BOEs and poll sites * Meetings with 32 State level Associations * Planning meetings with DOT, DMV, and DHHS

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Voter OutreachMeetings with 32 State level Associations
Planning meetings with DOT, DMV, and DHHS
4 rotating messages
Where does my college student vote?
What precinct am I in?
Also promoted the “Vote for a Veteran” program
Distributed over 44,000 VOTENC magnets!
…do you have one of these???
Designed and implemented new check-in process to make voters aware of the photo ID requirement.
Produced color signs, posters, and cards for CBOE.
Observed early voting in 18 counties.
DMV Issued ID’s
The DMV has issued a total of 593 no-fee ID’s.
498 persons registered to vote at the DMV office when they got the card.
Mailing to voters signing the affidavit of no photo ID.
Mailing to persons on the DMV/Voter Registration list.
Poll worker training materials
Poll worker training videos
Build relations with other key stakeholder groups
Support the County Boards!