2014 August 10

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    PSALM: (R&A)






  • COMMON COURTESY:People are praying. Please avoid unnecessary noise. Ensure all electronic devices are silent.Please do not bring food or drinks inside the church. Avoid eating, drinking, or chewing anything during mass.

  • COMMON COURTESY:Please do not leave mass until after the Celebrant walks out. Please preserve the dignity, respect, and solemnity of our Sacred Celebration. Thank you.

  • Mass Intentions

  • RespectLife Prayer

  • O Mary, Bright Dawnof the new world,Mother of the Living,to you do we entrustthe cause of life.Look down, O Mother, upon the vast number

  • of babies not allowedto be born;of the poor whose livesare made difficult;of men and womenwho are victimsof brutal violence;

  • of the elderly and the sickkilled by indifferenceor out of misguided mercy.Grant that all who believein your Son may proclaim the Gospel of Life,

  • with honesty and loveto the people of our time.Obtain for them the graceto accept that Gospelas a gift ever new,the joy of celebrating

  • it with gratitudethroughout their lives,and the courage to bearwitness to it resolutely,in order to build,together with allpeoples of good will,

  • the civilization oftruth and love,to the praiseand glory of God,the creator and loverof life. Amen.

  • Prayer for the Protection and Sanctityof Marriageand Family

  • God of mercy andof the Holy Covenant,you created everyhuman being, male and female, in your image and likeness,so that they may be fruitful and multiply on earth.

  • In the beginningof our Christian era,you asked Joseph to takethe Blessed Virgin Mary as his wife and to formwith her a family for Jesus,your Son and our Redeemer.

  • Through the difficulties and trials of life, you guided St. Joseph. You made him the protectorof the Holy Familyand allowed the Churchto recognize him

  • as an attentive protectorfor all Christian families.During this timein which we live,we ask youto safeguard marriageaccording to your will,

  • and we appeal for theintercession and protectionof St. Josephand the Holy Family,so that our familieswill be strengthened in loveand protected from all evil. Amen.

  • In the meantime, please be seateduntil the bell rings.

  • Gathering Song

  • Voices That ChallengeBy David Haas

  • (Refrain)Call us to hearthe voices that challenge deep in the hearts of all people!By serving your worldas lovers and dreamers, we becomevoices that challenge, for we are the voice of God!

  • (Verse 1)Voices that challenge:the children who long to beheard and respected!

    Voices that challenge:the lowly and brokendestroyed by oppression!

  • (Verse 1 cont)Voices that challenge:the old and the fearfulwho hope for a new day!

  • (Refrain)Call us to hearthe voices that challenge deep in the hearts of all people!By serving your worldas lovers and dreamers, we becomevoices that challenge, for we are the voice of God!

  • (Verse 2)Voices that challenge:the lives and the criesof the poor and the silenced!

    Voices that challenge:the young ones who dreamof a world free of hatred!

  • (Verse 2 cont)Voices that challenge:the sick and the dyingwho cry for compassion!

  • (Refrain)Call us to hearthe voices that challenge deep in the hearts of all people!By serving your worldas lovers and dreamers, we becomevoices that challenge, for we are the voice of God!

  • (Verse 3)Voices that challenge:the ones who seek peaceby their witness and courage!

    Voices that challenge:the women who sufferthe pain of injustice!

  • (Verse 3 cont)Voices that challenge:the people with AIDS andthose plagued with addiction!

  • (Refrain)Call us to hearthe voices that challenge deep in the hearts of all people!By serving your worldas lovers and dreamers, we becomevoices that challenge, for we are the voice of God!

  • IntroductoryRite

  • Priest: The Lord be with you.

    Response: And with your spirit.

  • PenitentialRite

  • I confess to Almighty Godand to you,my brothers and sisters,that I have greatly sinned,in my thoughts and in my words,in what I have done and in whatI have failed to do,

  • (strike breast)through my fault, through my fault,through my mostgrievous fault;

  • therefore, I ask the Blessed Mary,ever Virgin, all the Angelsand Saints, and you,my brothers and sisters,to pray for meto the Lord, our God.

  • Priest:May Almighty God have mercy on us,forgive us our sins,and bring us to everlasting life.


  • KyrieMass of Christ the Saviorby Dan Schutte

  • Cantor:Lord, have mercy.

    Response:Lord, have mercy.

  • Cantor:Christ, have mercy.

    Response:Christ, have mercy.

  • Cantor:Lord, have mercy, have mercy on us.

    Response:Lord, have mercy,have mercy on us.

  • GloriaMass of Christ the Saviorby Dan Schutte

  • (Refrain)Glory to God. Glory to God.Glory to God in the highest,and on earth, peace on earth, peace to people of goodwill.

  • (Verse 1)We praise you, we bless you,we adore you, we glorify you,we give you thanksfor your great glory,Lord God, heavnly King,o God, Almighty Father.

  • (Verse 2)Lord Jesus Christ,only begotten Son,Lord God, Lamb of God,Son of the Father,You take awaythe sins of the world,have mercy on us.

  • (Verse 2 cont)You take awaythe sins of the world,receive our prayer.You are seatedat the right handof the Father,have mercy on us.

  • (Verse 3)For You alone are the Holy One,You alone are the Lord.You alone are the Most High,Jesus Christ,with the Holy Spirit,in the glory of God the Father.

  • (Refrain)Glory to God. Glory to God.Glory to God in the highest,and on earth, peace on earth, peace to people of goodwill.Amen, amen.

  • Collect(Opening Prayer)

  • Priest:Let us pray one God,forever and ever.


  • Liturgy ofthe Word

    (Please be seated)

  • 19th Sunday in Ordinary TimeFirst ReadingYear A

    1 Kings19:9A, 11-13A

  • First Reading1 Kings 19:9A, 11-13A

    Elijah hears the voice of God in a "tiny whispering soundamid the sounds of the worldcoming apart inwind and earthquake and fire.

  • Lector:The Word of the Lord.

    Response:Thanks be to God.

  • Moment of SilencetoMeditate on the Word

  • Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 85

  • (Refrain)Lord, let us seeyour kindness,and grant usyour salvation.

  • Moment of SilencetoMeditate on the Word

  • 19th Sunday in Ordinary TimeSecond ReadingYear A

    Romans 9:1-5

  • Second ReadingRomans 9:1-5

    Paul is in anguish because his people have not converted to the Gospel.What, then, is he to makeof the message he has acceptedfrom Christ?

  • Lector:The Word of the Lord.

    Response:Thanks be to God.

  • Moment of SilencetoMeditate on the Word

  • Alleluia &Gospel Acclamation

  • Proclaimer: The Lord be with you.

    Response: And with your spirit.

  • Proclaimer: A reading from the Holy Gospelaccording to Matthew.

    Response:Glory to you, O Lord.

  • 19th Sunday in Ordinary TimeGospel ReadingYear A

    Matthew 14:22-33

  • Gospel ReadingMatthew 14:22-33

    Peter hears God speakingin the voice of his friendand teacher,who invites him to defy natureby walking on the waterduring a storm.

  • Proclaimer: The Gospel of the Lord.

    Response: Praise to you, O Lord, Jesus Christ.

  • Please remain standing for the Enthronementof the Book of Gospels

  • Homily(Please be seated)

  • Moment of SilencetoMeditate on theMessage

  • Professionof Faith(Nicene Creed)

  • I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all thingsvisible and invisible.I believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ,

  • the Only BegottenSon of God, born of the Fatherbefore all ages,God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God,

  • begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father,through him all things were made.For us men andour salvation

  • He came downfrom heaven,(Please bow your heads)and by the Holy SpiritHe was incarnateof the Virgin Mary,and became man.(Please raise your heads)

  • For our sake He was crucified under Pontius Pilate;he suffered death and was buried,and rose again

  • on the third dayin accordancewith the Scriptures.He ascended into heaven and is seatedat the right handof the Father.

  • He will come againin glory to judgethe living and the dead, and his kingdomwill have no end.

  • I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son,

  • who with the Father and the Son, is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the Prophets.

  • I believe inOne, Holy, Catholic,and Apostolic Church. I confess one baptismfor the forgiveness of sins,

  • and I look forwardto the resurrectionof the dead, and the lifeof the worldto come. Amen.

  • Universal Prayer(Prayer of the Faithful)

  • Liturgy of the Eucharist

    (Please be seated)

  • Presentationof the Gifts

  • The Lord Is My HopeBy M.D. Ridge

  • (Refrain)The Lord is my hope and my glory. The Lord is the song that I sing: so tender and loving a shepherd, so rooted in justice,a king (merciful king).

  • (Refrain cont)When shadow confusesmy vision, when sorrow lays claimto my heart,God is my refuge,my rock and my shield. I will rely on the Lord.

  • (Verse 1)Near to death,I cried, "Save me!and You heard. You are God,and You lift up the poor.

  • (Refrain)The Lord is my hope and my glory. The Lord is the song that I sing: so tender and loving a shepherd, so rooted in justice,a king (merciful king).

  • (Refrain cont)When shadow confusesmy vision, when sorrow lays claimto my heart,God is my refuge,my rock and my shield. I will rely on the Lord.

  • (Verse 2)Kingdoms fall;nations trembleat Your power. None can standwithout You at their side.

  • (Refrain)The Lord is my hope and my glory. The Lord is the song that I sing: so tender and loving a shepherd, so rooted in justice,a king (merciful king).

  • (Refrain cont)When shadow confusesmy vision, when sorrow lays claimto my heart,God is my refuge,my rock and my shield. I will rely on the Lord.

  • (Verse 3)Justice reigns,and the wickedare cast down. In Your loveis our safety and strength.

  • (Refrain)The Lord is my hope and my glory. The Lord is the song that I sing: so tender and loving a shepherd, so rooted in justice,a king (merciful king).

  • (Refrain cont)When shadow confusesmy vision, when sorrow lays claimto my heart,God is my refuge,my rock and my shield. I will rely on the Lord.

  • (Verse 4)All who trustin Your promisewill be saved, for Your wordhas been tested in fire.

  • (Refrain)The Lord is my hope and my glory. The Lord is the song that I sing: so tender and loving a shepherd, so rooted in justice,a king (merciful king).

  • (Refrain cont)When shadow confusesmy vision, when sorrow lays claimto my heart,God is my refuge,my rock and my shield. I will rely on the Lord.

  • (Verse 5)Morning comes:I will praise Youwith my life, ever faithful and trueto Your word.

  • (Refrain)The Lord is my hope and my glory. The Lord is the song that I sing: so tender and loving a shepherd, so rooted in justice,a king (merciful king).

  • (Refrain cont)When shadow confusesmy vision, when sorrow lays claimto my heart,God is my refuge,my rock and my shield. I will rely on the Lord.

  • Liturgy of the Eucharist(Please stand)

  • Priest: Pray, my brothers and sisters,that my sacrifice and yoursmay be acceptable to God, the Almighty Father.

  • Response: May the Lordaccept the sacrificeat your hands,for the praise and gloryof his name, for our good,and the good of allHis holy Church.

  • Prayer Over the Gifts

  • Priest:through Christour Lord.


  • Priest:The Lord be with you.

    Response: And with your spirit.

  • Priest:Lift up your hearts.

    Response:We lift them up to the Lord.

  • Priest:Let us give thanksto the Lord, our God.

    Response: It is right and just.

  • Eucharistic Preface

  • SanctusMass of Christ the SaviorBy Dan Schutte

  • Holy, holy, holyLord God of hosts.Heaven and earthare full of your glory.Hosanna! Hosanna!Hosanna in the highest.

  • Blessed is Hewho comes in the nameof the Lord.Hosanna! Hosanna!Hosanna in the highest.

  • Please kneel(Quietly put down kneelers)

  • Memorial AcclamationMass of Christ the Saviorby Dan Schutte

  • We proclaimyour death,o Lord,and professyour resurrectionuntil You come again.

  • Doxology &Great Amen

  • Lords Prayer

    (Please stand)

  • Priest: Deliver us, Lord, we prayfrom every evil,graciously grant peacein our days, that,by the help of your mercy,we may be always

  • Priest: free from sinand safe from all distress,as we awaitthe blessed hopeand the coming ofour Savior, Jesus Christ.

  • Response: For the kingdom,the power and the gloryare yours now and forever.

  • Sign of Peace

  • Priest: Lord Jesus Christ,who said to your Apostles:Peace I leave you,my peace I give you.Look not on our sins,but on the faith of your Church,

  • Priest: and graciously grant herpeace and unityin accordance with your willwho lives and reignsforever and ever.

  • Response:Amen.

  • Priest: The peace of the Lordbe with you always.

    Response: And with your Spirit.

  • Priest / Deacon:Let us offer each othera sign of peace.

    (Please offer peaceto those around you)

  • Agnus DeiMass of Christ the Saviorby Dan Schutte

  • Lamb of God, you take awaythe sins of the world,have mercy on us.

  • Lamb of God, you take awaythe sins of the world,grant us peace.

  • Please kneel

  • Priest:Behold the Lamb of God,behold him who takes awaythe sins of the world.Blessed are thosewho are called to thesupper of the Lamb.

  • Response:Lord, I am not worthythat you should enterunder my roof,but only say the wordand my soul shall be healed.

  • Communion

  • The Supper of the LordBy Laurence Rosenia

  • (Refrain)Precious body, precious blood, here in bread and wine. Here the Lord preparesthe feast divine. Bread of love is broken now. Cup of life is poured. Come share thesupper of the Lord.

  • (Verse 1)This is the bread of God, coming down from heaven, giving life to us,to all the world.

  • (Refrain)Precious body, precious blood, here in bread and wine. Here the Lord preparesthe feast divine. Bread of love is broken now. Cup of life is poured. Come share thesupper of the Lord.

  • (Verse 2)I am the living springof eternal life. You that drink from Meshall not thirst again.

  • (Refrain)Precious body, precious blood, here in bread and wine. Here the Lord preparesthe feast divine. Bread of love is broken now. Cup of life is poured. Come share thesupper of the Lord.

  • (Verse 3)I am the bread of heavengiving life to you; you that eat this breadshall never die.

  • (Refrain)Precious body, precious blood, here in bread and wine. Here the Lord preparesthe feast divine. Bread of love is broken now. Cup of life is poured. Come share thesupper of the Lord.

  • (Verse 4)All those who feed on Mehave their life in Me, as I have my lifein the living God.

  • (Refrain)Precious body, precious blood, here in bread and wine. Here the Lord preparesthe feast divine. Bread of love is broken now. Cup of life is poured. Come share thesupper of the Lord.

  • (Verse 5)All praise to you, O Christ, present in this feast, in this bread we sharein one life, one Lord.

  • (Refrain)Precious body, precious blood, here in bread and wine. Here the Lord preparesthe feast divine. Bread of love is broken now. Cup of life is poured. Come share thesupper of the Lord.

  • Song ofPraise

  • Dominican MagnificatBy Feargal King

  • (Verse 1)To praise, my soul rejoicesin God.To praise, my soul shallglorify the Lord.God who is mightyhas done great things for me. Behold, the servant of God.

  • (Refrain)Magnificat, magnificat,anima mea dominum.

    Magnificat, magnificat,anima mea dominum.

  • (Verse 2)To bless, to bless the peopleof God.To bless, to bless the nameof the Lord.All generations shallcall her blessed.Behold the servant of God.

  • (Refrain)Magnificat, magnificat,anima mea dominum.

    Magnificat, magnificat,anima mea dominum.

  • (Verse 3)To preach, to preach the Wordof our Lord.To preach, to preach the truthto the earth.Teach us to follow God andshow us the way,for holy is Gods name.

  • (Refrain)Magnificat, magnificat,anima mea dominum.

    Magnificat, magnificat,anima mea dominum.

  • Prayer After Communion

    (Please stand)

  • Priest:Let us pray.through Christ our Lord.


  • Announcements

    (Please be seated)

  • Prayer for the Intercession of Blessed DiegoLuis de San Vitores

  • God of mercy and love,through the preachingof your martyr, Blessed Diego, you brought the good newsof Jesus Christ to the peopleof the Marianas,who had not known him.

  • By his prayers, help us endure all sufferingfor love of you and to seek you with all our hearts,for you aloneare the source of life.We ask this through your Son,Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

  • (Please make your requestto Blessed Diego)Our Father...Hail Mary...Glory Be...

  • Lector: Blessed Diego,

    Response: Pray for us.

  • Concluding Rite & Dismissal

  • Priest: The Lord be with you.

    Response: And with your Spirit.

  • FinalBlessing

  • Response:Thanks beto God!

  • Sending Forth Song

  • Hail, Holy QueenBy Traditional Hymn

  • (Verse 1)Hail, holy Queenenthroned above, o Maria. Hail, Queen of mercyand of love, o Maria.

  • (Refrain)Triumph all ye cherubim! Sing with us, ye seraphim! Heaven and earthresound the hymn! Salve, salve, salve, Regina!

  • (Verse 2)Our life, our sweetnesshere below, o Maria! Our hope in sorrowand in woe, O Maria!

  • (Refrain)Triumph all ye cherubim! Sing with us, ye seraphim! Heaven and earthresound the hymn! Salve, salve, salve, Regina!

    **Sequence, Victimae Paschali Laudes, is sung BEFORE the Gospel Acclamation. If sung, go to Slide 62.If sequence is recited, go to Slide 58.*****