2014 salesperformer.net | Mobilize existing systems easily Get mobile with „mobile client“ Connect to host systems „mobile client“ can be connected to almost any host – via SQL or via web service. . Data can be accessed online or offline Allow user configuration The entire user interface data access and the Synchronization of „mobile client“ is fully user-configurable. Native clients on all platforms Whether it‘s iOS (iPhone/iPad), Android., Windows RT or Microsoft Outlook, „mobile client“ supports all major mobile platforms with native clients.

2014 salesperformer.net | Mobilize existing systems easily Get mobile with „mobile client“ Connect to host systems „mobile client“ can be connected to

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Page 1: 2014 salesperformer.net | Mobilize existing systems easily Get mobile with „mobile client“ Connect to host systems „mobile client“ can be connected to

2014salesperformer.net |

Mobilize existingsystems easily

Get mobile with „mobile client“

Connect to host systems

„mobile client“ can be connected to almost any host – via SQL or via web service. .Data can be accessed online or offline

Allow user configuration

The entire user interface data access and theSynchronization of „mobile client“ is fully


Native clients on all platforms

Whether it‘s iOS (iPhone/iPad), Android., Windows RT or Microsoft Outlook, „mobile client“

supports all major mobile platforms with native clients.

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2014salesperformer.net |


Corporate Purpose...: To increase efficiency and profitability in sales/marketing and field sales through mobile information systems

Products (White Label): - mobile client: mobilized central data- salesperformer crm: sales system

Indirect sales through partners: Amagu, Anywhere.24, BUW, Datasec, Gedys-Intraware, ProTeam, …

Customers: Bionorica, Bonago, Dehn + Söhne, Duni, Erlenbacher (Nestlé), Gema, Höcker Polytechnik, KFU, Konica Minolta, Lufthansa Bombardier Aviation Services, Pneumatex, TCC, Wagner und Munz, Xelog, …

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2014salesperformer.net |

We have years of experience in the mobile business

Some projects by our former company: m.able GmbH

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2014salesperformer.net |

Complete functionality on every mobile device

Full functionality, both online and offline

iPhone, iPad, iPod, Android, Windows Phone

Personalized Content and user-specific synchronisation

Lists, detail dialogs, charts, reports, drill-down

Always up-to-date thanks to push functionality

Phone/E-Mail integration and navigation

Interaction with internal address book

Global search, filter functions, histories, favorites

Easy adaptation to the requirements of customers or partners

Multilingual: available in German, English, French, Dutch, Russian, Polish

mobile client: Features and Options

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2014salesperformer.net |

Wide range of view types

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2014salesperformer.net |

Connectivity with host systemsOnline access and data synchronization with different host systems


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2014salesperformer.net |

Connectivity with host systems

• SQL-Server• Webservices• Server-side scripts• Synchronization with

conflict handling

• Available offline• Online queries

• Apps consist of communicating views

• Range of view types are constantly expanding

• Each view can have its own data source

• Workflow with statements: onnew, ondelete, ...

• iOS: iPhone, iPad• Android• Windows RT/8• Windows Phone• Microsoft Outlook

Connect to host systems

„mobile client“ can be connected to almost any host – via SQL or via web service. .Data can be accessed online or offline

Allow user configuration

The entire user interface data access and theSynchronization of „mobile client“ is fully


Native clients on all platforms

Whether it‘s iOS (iPhone/iPad), Android., Windows RT or Microsoft Outlook, „mobile client“

supports all major mobile platforms with native clients.

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2014salesperformer.net |

Access to virtually any data sourceThe mobile data is created from server queries, which can be transferred to the mobile device from SQL-based queries, script and even web service calls. Server information, synchronization direction and conflict handling can be determined for the entity in question. These datasets – which can come from greatly-differing sources – are consolidated in a local database on the mobile device.

Entity Local Table Name Data for

Initial sync

Server Changes

Server Deletes

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2014salesperformer.net |

Local data and selectsThe result is a local/relational database that has been created from a wide variety of server sources. CRM, ERP, ticketing, marketing, BI, Exchange, etc.








Customer list customer_sync

Customer Dialog


Contacts for company


Activities for company


Documents online

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Connection to Microsoft CRM

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2014salesperformer.net |

Connection to Microsoft CRM

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2014salesperformer.net |

Modeling the program structureThe program structures and the entities used can be freely modeled.

AdvancedList Detail

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2014salesperformer.net |

Modeling the program structureThe program logic is developed in a tree structure. Each entry in this structure has a particular view type (list, chart, detail dialog, scheduler, etc.). These views can communicate with one another. The data to be visualized can be provided from local SQL statements or server calls.

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Platform independence thanks to native clients (RT)

Windows RT

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Configuration Example: grouped list with global search

SELECT idCustomerID, sName, sPhone, sPostalCode || ' ' || sCity As sAddress, ' ' as Stage, CASE WHEN (idEmployeeID <> 'user') THEN '#FFFFFF' ELSE '#CD7015' END as backColor FROM customer_sync ORDER BY sName


Stage isFilter=YES;BACKGROUNDCOLOR=backColor;


sAddress isFilter=YES



Field Mapping:

SELECT idCustomerID, sCity, sPostalCode || ' ' || sCity as sAddress, sPostalCode, sName, sWebSite, sPhone FROM customer_sync WHERE sCity LIKE (SELECT '%' || ? || '%') OR sPostalCode LIKE (SELECT '%' || ? || '%') OR sPhone LIKE (SELECT '%' || ? || '%') OR sName LIKE (SELECT '%' || ? || '%') ORDER BY sName

Global Search:

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2014salesperformer.net |

Configuration Example: gauge and chart with drill-down

select 33 as value, 100 as maxValue, 0 as minValue




SELECT COUNT(*) AS Value, look.sValue as Stage, idProjectProbabilityID FROM project_sync LEFT OUTER JOIN mobileLookupEntries as look ON ((look.idLookupID = 'probabilitytype') and (look.idCodeID = idProjectProbabilityID)) GROUP BY idProjectProbabilityID ORDER BY Value DESC





View Type:


View Type:

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Configuration Example: Grouped List with markers

SELECT pr.idProjectID, pr.sName, look.sValue as Stage, CASE WHEN (idProjectStatusID > 6) THEN '#7F7F7F' ELSE '#40713B' END as backColor,'#FFFFFF' as fontColor,pr.dtProjectFinish, cu.sName as sCustomer FROM project_sync pr LEFT OUTER JOIN customer_sync cu ON pr.idCustomerID = cu.idCustomerID LEFT OUTER JOIN mobileLookupEntries as look ON ((look.idLookupID = 'probabilitytype') and (look.idCodeID = pr.idProjectProbabilityID))ORDER BY pr.dtProjectFinish

type=grouped;hidetoday=yes;Searchfields=sName,sCustomer;DetailView=ProjectDetail;icon=projekt;out=LLLL yyy;datefield=dtProjectFinish;Scrollstart=YES; INGLOBALMENU=YES;INGLOBALTASKBAR=YES;THREEPARTCELLS=YES;

Stage isFilter=YES;FONTCOLOR=fontColor;BACKGROUNDCOLOR=backColor;TextAlignment=Center;FONTTYPE=BOLD;


sCustomer isFilter=YES



Field Mapping:

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Modeling of detail dialogsDetail dialogs consist of data queries (online oder offline). Editors with functionality are added to the query fields (Phone, Navigation, Links to other entities, etc.).

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Modeling of detail dialogsDetail dialogs are defined by field definitions and group memberships.

Dem Feld „sAddress“ wird der Datentyp „address“ zugewiesen. Dadurch wird erreicht, dass ein Klick auf dieses Feld automatisch die Navigation startet.

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Platform-independent thanks to native clients




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Additional Functionality: Store checks and offers

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Stephan Methner salesperformer.net Agnes-Pockels-Bogen 1 80992 München Deutschland T: +49 89 38012952-1 F: +49 89 38012952-9 [email protected] www.salesperformer.net

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Overview/NavigationIntro, Main overview: Images/Colors/Buttons/Styles are freely definable.

Data and program structure can be defined for special

users or user groups

Backgrounds, Colors and Entries can be freely defined.

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DashboardsDashboards can be freely assembled from many different views (charts, maps, lists, detail). The layout adapts to screen (landscape, portrait, iPhone, etc.).

DrilldownA click jumps to a

linked list

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List Views/Filter (e.g. companies)Lists can be provided with predefined filters (e.g. „Long not seen“). Call per click. You can search for a great number of differen field combinations via an „Advanced Search“.

Predefined Filters and Groupings

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Detail views/Sub-lists (e.g. Company/Department)Detail views can also contain other views, like charts, or embedded Lists (e.g. department list). Sub-views can also be displayed in separate screens or as popups.

Sub-views can also be displayed in separate screens or as popups

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Detail views/Editors (e.g. Contact)The editors have a range of functions – one click on a phone number dials that function. E-mails are created instantly. Click on an address to call up a map with a corresponding navigation function.

One click calls the linked functionality of a field

(Phone, Navigation, Links)

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Detail views/Editors (e.g. Opportunity)Fields can be calculated at runtime (e.g. %turnover). Dialogs can be changed depending on the situation (e.g. different fields may be visible depending on the stage).

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SchedulerThe scheduler can be displayed in Day/Week/Month view and integrated in other views.

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Cockpits/Overview listsImportant queries can be summarized in overview lists. Click on a header to call up the current history or the favorites.

It is possible to show different summaries/views for different

users or groups.

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Documents (online/offline)Documents can be held online or offline an can be loaded and displayed as required (PDF, Word, Excel, etc.).