새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 어학#1 LECTURE 1 본동사와 준동사 1 원형과 변형 - 원형: 모든 변형들의 중간값. 사전에 존재하는 기준값. - 변형: 현실 사용을 위해 각각의 의미를 가진 기호들. Ex. ① study 공부하다 ② I study English. ③ I studied English. 2 본동사와 준동사 - 본동사: 동사의 변형들 중 서술어로서의 기능을 가진 형태. - 준동사: 동사의 변형들 중 서술어로서의 기능을 가지지 않은 형태. 본동사는 하나의 절에 하나씩만 존재할 수 있다. Ex. ① We appreciate your giving us the opportunity to inspect your copier. ② There are indications that a number of people in your department are not properly closing the cover before copying documents. 모든 동사의 변형들은 고유의 의미를 가지고 있다. 어의 1

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #1

LECTURE 1 본동사와 준동사

1 원형과 변형

- 원형: 모든 변형들의 중간값. 사전에 존재하는 기준값.

- 변형: 현실 사용을 위해 각각의 의미를 가진 기호들.


① study 공부하다

② I study English.

③ I studied English.

2 본동사와 준동사

- 본동사: 동사의 변형들 중 서술어로서의 기능을 가진 형태.

- 준동사: 동사의 변형들 중 서술어로서의 기능을 가지지 않은 형태.

본동사는 하나의 절에 하나씩만 존재할 수 있다.


① We appreciate your giving us the opportunity to inspect your copier.

② There are indications that a number of people in your department are not properly closing

the cover before copying documents.

모든 동사의 변형들은 고유의 의미를 가지고 있다.

영어의 본질 1

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #1

형태 이름 해석 본/준 능/수

V 현재형 V한다 본동사 능동

Vs 현재형(3인칭 단수 주어) V한다 본동사 능동

Ved 과거형 V했다 본동사 능동

형태 이름 해석 본/준 능/수

have Ved 완료형

V해왔다/ 했다 본동사


have been Ved V되어 왔다/ V됐다 수동

will V조동사 + V

V할 것이다본동사


will be Ved V될 것이다 수동

3 본동사의 종류와 형태 정의

- 기본 본동사의 종류와 형태 정의


① I study English.

② She studies English.

③ I studied English.

- 추가 본동사의 종류와 형태 정의(본동사가 아니지만 본동사의 역할을 할 수 있는 것들)


① I have studied English for 12 years.

② I will study an entirely new grammar.

③ The subject has been discussed for 12 years.

④ The subject will be discussed during this session.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #1

배워서 뭐에 써?

→ 하나의 절에 본동사는 하나씩만 쓰일 수 있다!

* 다음 문장을 본동사 형태에 주의하여 해석해 봅시다.


Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts.

2 2013. 9월

The extrinsic reward that matters most to them is the recognition of their peers.

본동사는 하나의 절에 하나만 존재한다.

영어의 본질 2

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #1

형태 이름 해석 본/준 능/수 품사역할

V 원형부정사 V하도록/ V하게 준동사 능동 구별 불가.

to V to 부정사 V하는 것V할V하기 위해

준동사 능동 명사, 형용사, 부사

Ving동명사 V하는 것

준동사 능동명사

현재분사 V하는/ V하고 있는 형용사

Ved 과거분사 V된/ V되는 준동사 수동 형용사

3 준동사의 종류와 형태 정의

- 준동사의 종류와 형태 정의


① He made me forget everything.

② To be perfect is to do nothing.

③ A father must be a man to do everything.

④ A father lives to be a stepping stone for his children.

⑤ There are many people studying English as a second language.

⑥ English is the language used by the most people in the world.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #1

V ① to V의 생략형② 지속적인 동작③ 사역동사나 지각동사의 목적격 보어로 사용될 수 있음.

to V 아직 실현되지 않은 동작

Ving 이미 실현된 동작/ 진행되고 있는 동작

Ved 수동의 의미를 가진 유일한 동사형태

- 준동사의 본질적 의미

Ex. 준동사의 실전 활용법

① 그는 내가 모든 것을 잊게 만들었다.

He made me forget everything.

② 완벽해지려는 것은 아무것도 하지 않으려는 것이다.

be perfect is do nothing.

③ 아버지는 모든 것을 할 수 있는 사람이어야 한다.

A father must be a man do everything.

④ 아버지는 자식들을 위해 징검다리가 되기 위해 산다.

A father lives be a stepping stone for his children.

⑤ 영어를 제2의 언어로서 공부하고 있는 많은 사람들이 있다.

There are many people study English as a second language.

⑥ 영어는 세계에서 가장 많은 사람들에 의해 사용되는 언어이다.

English is the language use by the most people in the world.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #1

배워서 뭐에 써?

→ 준동사는 필요한 의미에 따라 골라 쓰는 것이다!

*다음 밑줄 친 동사들을 해석에 유의하여 알맞은 형태로 바꿔 봅시다.

1 2013 6평

A man stand on the street corner sell "nonbreakable" pens suddenly finds that the one he is

demonstrate with breaks in half.

“부러지지 않는” 펜들을 팔며 길 구석에 서 있던 한 남자가 갑자기 그가 설명하고 있는 그 것이 절반으

로 부러지는 것을 발견한다.

2 2014 9평

Indeed, people are motivate find negative qualities in individuals whom they do not expect see


정말로, 사람들은 다시 볼 거라고 예상하지 않는 개인들에게서 부정적인 속성들을 찾아내려고 동기부여


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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #1

배워서 잘 써먹자

* 밑줄 친 동사들을 해석에 유의하여 알맞은 형태로 바꿔 봅시다.

1 2007년 6평

We appreciate your give us the opportunity inspect your copier.

우리는 당신이 당신의 복사기를 검사할 기회를 우리에게 준 것에 감사합니다.

2 2007년 6평

Our service representatives find two problems contribute to the copier’s breakdown.

우리의 서비스 대표들은 두 가지 문제들이 복사기의 고장에 기여하고 있다는 것을 발견했다.

3 2007년 6평

Although we not prepare offer you a replacement copier as you request, we would be happy

take the damage one as a trade-in on another larger capacity copier.

비록 우리는 당신이 요청했듯이 교체용 복사기를 제공할 준비가 되어 있지는 않지만, 우리는 기쁘게 그

손상된 복사기를 더 큰 용량의 복사기의 대체품으로 수거해 갈 것입니다.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #1

4 2007년 6평

When a concert violinist ask the secret of her success, she reply, “Planned neglect.”

한 콘서트 바이올리니스트가 그녀의 성공의 비결을 질문 받았을 때, 그녀는 “계획된 태만”이라고 대답했


5 2007 6평

He live a peaceful life marvel at the wonders of nature.

그는 자연의 경이로움에 감탄하며 평화로운 삶을 살았다.

6 2007 9평

Fiber best know for its ability keep your digestive system work smoothly.

섬유질은 당신의 소화계통이 부드럽게 일하도록 유지할 능력으로 잘 알려져 있다.

7 2014 예비

Your future limit only by your imagination.

너의 미래는 오직 너의 상상력에 의해 제한된다.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #1

8 2011 수능

She was determined make her students understand that themes recur throughout a piece.

그녀는 테마들이 한 곡을 통틀어 재발한다는 것을 그녀의 학생들이 이해하도록 만들기로 결심했다.

9 2015 6평

We tend stay the same when we criticize.

우리는 우리가 비판 받을 때 똑같이 유지하려는 경향이 있다.

10 2009 6평

Their submission depict children play at a nursery.

그들이 제출한 것은 보육원에서 놀고 있는 아이들을 묘사했다.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #2

용법 해석법 문장 성분 및 특징

명사적 용법V하는 것

V하기- 주어, 목적어, 보어로 사용됨

형용사적 용법 V할 - 명사를 후치 수식하는 수식어로 사용됨

부사적 용법

V하기 위해서



V하는 걸 보니

- 형용사나 동사, 문장 전체를 수식함.

- 목적, 결과, 감정의 원인, 판단의 근거 등의 의미를 나타냄.


1 기존 접근법

- 기존 접근법의 한계

① A purpose of democracy is to spread / spreading power.

민주주의의 목적은 권력을 분산하는 것이다.

② Have the courage to follow your experience and intuition.

너의 경험과 직관을 따를 용기를 가져라.

너의 경험과 직관을 따르기 위해 용기를 가져라.

③ Thinner coats of seeds allow seedlings to sprout more quickly when sown.

명사적 용법/형용사적 용법?

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #2

2 to V의 의미의 출발점

① She invited him to dinner.

( to )

② She invited him to have dinner.

( to )

→ to V 는 to N 에서 나왔다.

→ 본동사로부터 그쪽으로 지향하는 것을 의미한다.

→ 본동사 시점에서는 아직 그 동작이 실현되지 않았음을 의미한다.

- to V의 의미의 고유함

① It takes more microwave time to cook lamb ribs than pork chops.

② This wax was painted to look like the real bottom.

③ It really gave me an opportunity to see myself from a different perspective.

④ We want students to spend most of their time in the academy.

invited dinner

invited have dinner

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #2

3 to V 세부의미

- 의무: 본동사 시점에서 앞으로 해야 할 일, 의무감의 표현.

① He had to leave India as an orphan after a cholera break-out killed his parents.

*He had left India as an orphan before a cholera break-out killed his parents.

② There is a good reason to make this trip to the Island of Paradise.

③ We need to see the bodily gesture to understand the act.

④ I am obliged by long tradition to refer to protein as "the building blocks of life."

⑤ The challenge is not to let those moments accumulate and affect your self-belief.

⑥ The essence of science is to uncover patterns and regularities in nature by finding

algorithmic compressions of observations.

⑦ One of the exercises we were given was to make a list of the ten most important events

of our lives.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #2

- 가능성: 본동사 시점에서 앞으로 할 수 있음, 혹은 일어날 수 있음을 나타내는 가능성의 의미

① This sort of mental-visual work allows us to learn from the displays other people make to

us when gesturing.

② One of East Africa’s major attractions is the chance to get ‘up close and personal’ with

the wildlife.

③ In a carpentry shop, the correct way to hold a saw can be conveyed by showing the

beginner how a saw should sit in the hand.

④ Sometimes, the person shown a gesture is likely to ask questions.

⑤ You are actually in a better position to achieve success than people who have not.

⑥ The airports are less convenient than the major airports, but they have been able

to attract cost-conscious traffic by offering lower charges.

⑦ Control of fire enabled man to breed animals and to clear land.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #2

- 바람: 본동사 시점에서 아직 이뤄지지 않은 일이나 소망, 욕구 등을 표현.

① I want you to do it at once.

② Hotel guests can hope to experience breathtaking views of the deep blue sea from

Palazzo Sasso.

③ We have to resist the urge to do everything for them.

④ My pleasure. I’d like to sit with you.

⑤ The incentives to share can range from reputation and attention to less measurable

factors such as expression, fun, satisfaction, and simply self-interest.

⑥ These students felt a sudden sense of kinship with Jackson, and were motivated to follow

his success.

⑦ The drive to increase production is pushing out local varieties.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #2

- 요구: 본동사 시점에서 해달라고 요구, 부탁, 강요, 지시하는 일을 표현.

① I asked him to come at once.

② These tournaments require them to argue in support of a resolution in one round and

then against it in the next.

③ A few centuries later, in 1885, the town council of Calais commissioned Auguste Rodin to

produce a sculpture that paid tribute to the six burghers of Calais who had sacrificed

themselves for the town.

④ My father’s job forced us to move to a new neighborhood.

⑤ I told him to go on.

⑥ American parents are taught to believe that manufactured store-bought toys are important

to the development of their children.

⑦ His defense failed, and the court ordered Hume to pay.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #2

- 의도: 본동사 시점에서 추구하고자 하는 의도, 목적, 목표의 의미.

① Tara struggled to read the eye chart.

② We hope they’ll learn to behave morally and ethically.

③ All right. I’ll be careful not to lose the key.

④ They can walk out to a hole near where the seals are swimming, then sit and wait for a

seal to pop its head up to breathe.

⑤ I did not intend to insult you at all.

⑥ Kate says the point of their video was to show that human beings are not genetically

coded with racist attitudes.

⑦ Treating any fruit with pure ethylene gas is enough to induce ripening.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #2

- 인식: 본동사 시점에서 그럴 것이라는 생각, 예상, 추측 등을 표현함.

① The results from Jensen's studies seemed to contradict the accepted theories of

economists at the time.

② Excessive consumption of what Chinese Medicine considers to be cold-energy foods and

raw foods such as salads, ice-creams, iced drinks, or fruit may weaken the spleen.

③ Some believed the player piano to provide a universal music education.

④ Asian energy use is expected to expand significantly as the 21st century progresses.

⑤ By 2020, Asian energy consumption is projected to account for over one-third of global

energy use.

⑥ Most people don't recognize those around them to be really important.

⑦ I look to hear from your again.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #2

- 충고, 설득: 본동사 시점에서 어떤 일을 하도록 충고하고 설득하는 의미.

① For this reason, users must be advised not to leave a terminal logged in, without use of a

password-protected screen saver.

② Your goal is to persuade upper management to accept your suggestions for improving


③ There, Aida's academic gifts caught the eye of Charlie McCarthy, who convinced her to

apply to Radcliffe.

④ The words induced me to turn towards myself and I felt deeply distressed.

⑤ What led you to think so?

⑥ She tempted the child to have a little more soup.

⑦ He counseled me to quit smoking.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #2

- 결정: 본동사 시점에서 앞으로 어떻게 하겠다고 결정하고 선택하는 의미를 표현.

① If you eat badly, you might resolve to start eating well.

② Choosing to be on time will make your life enormously easier, and that of your family,

friends, and colleagues as well.

③ Stephanie agreed to let her keep her existing clients, some photography, and documents

and forms they had developed together.

④ The seed of his trade was sprouting and he decided to go to Hollywood

- 경향: 본동사 시점에서 뭔가를 하려는 경향이나 태도, 성향을 의미함.

① It seems that we are prone to adjust our messages to our listeners

② Some people tend to be late as a general rule, whether they are busy or not.

③ Some people are genetically predisposed to seek novelty.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #2

- 지향점, 결과: 본동사 시점에서의 시간적, 인과적 지향점 이거나, 본동사 동작의 결과를 표현.

① Be the first person to arrive at the workplace and be the last one to leave.

② The step toward the positive direction is to identify your barriers, come to terms with

them, and decide to move on.

③ When we ran into each other at school, she sometimes pretended not to recognize me.

④ People who had lost a job and found a new one twice before were much better prepared

to deal with adversity.

⑤ Feelings alone will cause us to love short.

⑥ The air pollutants that spit out from the car exhaust pipes have been proven to cause


⑦ We hope they’ll grow up to be honest and considerate.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #2

- to V = 조동사 V

① The contracts require thɑt we (should) finish the work in a week.

The contracts require us to finish the work in a week.

② She is so young that she can't go to the movie.

She is too young to go to the movie.

③ She is so smart that she can solve the problem.

She is smart enough to solve the problem.

④ If there must be toleration in the world, children must learn to read critically.

If there is to be toleration in the world, children must learn to read critically.

⑤ Researchers didn’t know how they should obtain a representative sample of the population.

Researchers didn’t know how to obtain a representative sample of the population.

to V = 조동사 + V

영어의 본질 4

to V 는 본동사 시점에서 아직 실현되지 않은 지향의


영어의 본질 3

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #2

배워서 뭐에 써?

→ to V 는 본동사 시점에서 아직 일어나지 않은 동작을 표현한다.

* 다음 문장에 to V가 쓰인 이유를 생각하며 해석해 봅시다.

1 2007 6평

Did you know that many of the first European settlers in America lived in caves? It is true.

These early arrivals had neither the time nor the tools to build anything better.

2 2007 6평

Gentlewomen always had a man with them to show that they were respectable.

3 2007 6평

The remaining bacteria are then forced to evolve and defeat the antibiotic.

4 2009 6평

In Japan, they don’t eat their soup with a spoon, so you have to drink directly from the


5 2009 6평

The tremendous success of the fast-food industry has caused other industries to adopt

similar business methods.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #2

6 2009 6평

Purposefully, he walked up to the woman with every intention of telling her to leave from his


7 2009 6평

In search of our identity, we form bonds or social groups with people whom we want to be


8 2009 9평

At a theater in Goyang stage managers have been begging the audience to leave their

phones on.

9 2009 9평

The hospital had planned to construct its parking lot over seven acres of occupied fly

habitat, but that suddenly became illegal.

10 2009 수능

There are some people who believe that no one should be trusted. They usually feel this way

because their behavior compels others to lie to them.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #3

용법 해석법 문장 성분 및 특징

동명사 V하는 것

V하기- 주어, 목적어, 보어 자리에 사용됨


V하고 있는

- 명사를 앞뒤에서 수식

- 보어 자리에 사용됨


1 기존 접근법

- 기존 접근법의 한계

① In one study, people who were told they had just performed poorly on an IQ test spent a

lot more time reading newspaper articles on the shortcomings of IQ tests.

동명사 Vs 현재분사?

② Mahecor saw his other sister lighting a large fire.

동명사 Vs 현재분사?

③ We should search for how to prevent floods using simple measures.

동명사 Vs 현재분사?

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #3

2 Ving의 의미의 출발점

① She was studying the document.


study 시작 was 현 재

② I saw her studying the document.

her studying

study 시작 saw 현 재

→ Ving는 진행의 의미에서 나왔다.

→ Ving는 본동사 시점에서 이미 시작되어 진행되고 있던 것을 의미한다.

- Ving 의미의 고유함

① We tend to believe that our taste in music is a great way of expressing our individuality.

② I found I wasn’t progressing as I thought I should.

③ Working or not, all mothers may be relieved to learn that motherhood may not come

automatically to anyone after all.

④ As I was listening to my own reading of a stack of notes, I heard myself reacting to the


⑤ Young writers visiting the National Library are brought to a special section where the

rough drafts of famous authors are kept.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #3

3 Ving의 세부 의미

- 본동사 시점에서 이미 시작되어 진행되고 있던 것

① Almost all developing countries are situated in tropical climatic zones.

② Overgrazing of livestock resulted in further deterioration of the soil.

③ A ship traveling through rough seas lost 12 cargo containers, one of which held 28,800

floating bath toys.

④ People who say they know where everything is turn out to be using a large amount of

their mental capacity and creative energies remembering where they placed things.

⑤ Believing that your work should be perfect, you gradually become convinced that you

cannot do it.

⑥ In a billion years it will be about 10 percent brighter than today, heating the planet to an

uncomfortable degree.

⑦ The Internet was the second most preferred source for news in 2010, with the percentage

being more than three times as high as in 2001.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #3

- 하겠다는 mentality가 아닌 이미 존재하는 사물과 같은 동작

① Giving people the latitude and flexibility to use their judgment and apply their talents

rapidly accelerates progress.

② Trusting people and empowering them also allows you to focus on the things you need

to accomplish.

③ Mediation involves adopting a neutral role between two opposing parties.

④ I enjoy shopping at FW Whole Foods nearly as much as I enjoy browsing a good


⑤ The mysterious nature of dreaming has led people to believe that dreams were messages

from the other world.

⑥ Farmers have responsibility for storing seeds away from moisture and predators.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #3

- Ving = 본동사

① He argues that we have a psychological immune system that confirms our good qualities.

He argues that we have a psychological immune system confirming our good qualities.

② We must take good care of those who are surrounding us.

We must take good care of those surrounding us.

③ He knows that she is a good person.

He knows her being a good person.

④ When he ran the actual marathon, he was feeling weary and tired.

When running the actual marathon, he was feeling weary and tired.

⑤ I'm proud that I am your teacher.

I'm proud of being your teacher.

Ving 는 본동사 시점에서 이미 시작된 동작이나 지향의 mentality가

결여된 이미 존재하는 사물과 같은 동작을 나타낸다.

영어의 본질 5

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #3

배워서 뭐에 써?

→ Ving 는 본동사 시점에서 이미 시작된 동작이나 의지가 없는 사물과 같은 동작이다.

* 다음 문장에 Ving가 쓰인 이유를 생각하며 해석해 봅시다.

1 2009 6평

In recent years, knitting has become increasingly popular with the younger generation.

2 2009 6평

I remember one project I spent weeks working on at my architecture firm.

3 2009 6평

He typed l and got the echo from Stanford confirming that the letter had been received.

4 2009 6평

I could see a small group of cattle grazing.

5 2009 6평

When he was just a boy he worked for a dairy filling milk bottles.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #3

6 2009 6평

At some point during the course of the obligatory mini-marathon, I remember looking over at

the large person beside me.

7 2009 6평

The volunteers take turns supervising the “bus.”

8 2009 9평

My daughter, Katie, has a dance class and my son, Peter, has football, both in neighboring


9 2009 9평

Kameron once worked hard for several weeks building a wall made of railroad ties in his


10 2009 수능

But when they leave their old job, they have little trouble finding a new one.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #4

to V Ving

지향의 mentality

조동사 V 대체

하려는 의지의 표현

세상에 늘 존재하는 동작

본동사 대체

하려는 의지가 아닌 동작 자체

LECTURE 4 to V Vs Ving

- 기본 분류: 시간상의 분류

Ving to V

본동사 (기준점)

→ Ving는 과거 및 현재의 진행을 to V는 현재를 포함하지 않는 미래를 나타낸다.

- 의미상의 분류

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #4

배워서 잘 써먹자

Part I 기본 난이도


Hotel guests can hope experience breathtaking views of the deep blue sea.

호텔 손님들은 깊고 푸른 바다의 숨막히는 경치를 경험하기를 희망할 수 있다.


He told him to wait until Sally had finished open her presents.

그는 그에게 Sally가 그녀의 선물들을 여는 것을 끝마칠 때까지 기다리라고 말했다.


This is not deny the effects of ageing.

이것은 노화의 효과를 부인하려는 것은 아니다.


The result of the hard work, unfortunately, was fail in the test.

그 노력의 결과는 안타깝게도 그 시험에 실패한 것이었다.


In reality, live up to such ideals is very hard.

현실에서는, 그런 이상들에 맞춰 살려면 매우 힘들다.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #4

6 2008 9월

While riding, you are certain discover new streets and different views of the capital.

자전거 타는 동안, 너는 그 중심지의 새로운 거리들과 다양한 경치들을 확실히 발견할 것이다.

7 2007 수능

If you want be a mathematician, you had better expose your new ideas to the criticism of


만약 당신이 수학자가 되고 싶다면, 당신은 당신의 새로운 생각들을 다른 사람들의 비판에 노출시키는

편이 나을 것이다.

8 2007 9월

With more sunlight late in the day, we can cut down on the use of electricity be spent on

lighting and air-conditioning.

하루 중 늦은 시간에 더 많은 햇볕이 있으면, 우리는 조명과 에어컨디셔닝에 쓰여질 전기의 사용을 줄일

수 있다.

9 2009 수능

I recall be annoyed that my mother wasn’t following him.

나는 우리 엄마가 그를 따르지 않았던 것에 짜증났던 것을 기억한다.

10 2009 수능

As night fell, she could just perceive outside a huge tree swing its branches.

밤이 내리자, 그녀는 바깥으로 거대한 나무가 가지들을 흔들고 있는 것을 느낄 수 있을 뿐이었다.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #4

11 2009 수능

He watched the twinkle farmhouse lights below.

그는 반짝이는 농장의 불빛들을 아래로 내려다보았다.

12 2009 9월

You will go home say, “What a wonderful person!”

너는 “얼마나 멋진 사람인지!”라고 말하면서 집에 갈 것이다.

13 2009 9월

How will I keep the conversation flow?

나는 그 대화를 흐르고 있는 상태로 유지할 것인가?

14 2007 9월

I’m not sure I can consistently afford pay such high prices.

나는 내가 그렇게 높은 가격을 꾸준히 지불할 여유가 있을지 확신할 수 없다.

15 2009 6월

If you talk to a cab driver in Manhattan, you’re likely find that he’s going to school get a

better job.

만약 네가 맨해튼에 택시 운전사에게 이야기를 한다면, 너는 그가 더 나은 직업을 얻기 위해 학교에 가

려한다는 것을 알게 될 수도 있다.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #4

16 2009 9월

It turned the fog into a pink ocean, with its waves gently roll up and down.

그것은 안개를 핑크색 바다로 바꿨고, 그 파도들은 부드럽게 오르내렸다.

17 2009 6월

Purposefully, he walked up to the woman with every intention of telling her leave from his


일부러, 그는 그녀에게 자신의 뒷마당에서 떠나라고 말하려는 의도만을 가진 채 그녀에게 다가갔다.

18 2009 9월

When they leave their old job, they have little trouble find a new one.

그들이 옛 직업을 떠날 때, 그들은 새로운 것을 찾는 데에 별로 어려움을 겪지 않는다.

19 2009 6월

The diagram shows how turning the head of the screw can cause the screw move into the


그 도표는 어떻게 나사의 머리를 돌리는 것이 그 나사가 그 물체 속으로 움직이게 초래할 수 있는지를


20 2009 9월

The hospital then had to spend $4 million redraw its plans and move its parking lot 250


그 병원은 그 후 계획들을 다시 그리고 250 피트 만큼 주차장을 옮기는데 4백만 달러를 써야만 했다.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #4

21 2009 9월

The operating margin was negative from 2001 to 2003, be the lowest in 2002.

그 운영 이익은 2001년에서 2003년까지 마이너스였고, 2002년에 가장 낮았다.

22 2009 6월

At that time, his dad was trying lose weight, so he rode 20 miles every day with his son.

그 때, 그의 아버지는 살을 빼려 하고 있었고, 그래서 그는 매일 아들과 함게 20 마일씩 자전거를 탔다.

23 2009 6월

In modern Korean society, scholars are still expected keep the spirit that such a man had.

현대 한국 사회에서, 학자들은 그런 사람이 가졌던 그 정신을 유지할 것이라 기대 받는다.

24 2009 6월

The volunteers take turns supervise the “bus.”

그 자원 봉사자들은 순서대로 그 버스를 감독한다.

25 2009 6월

My pleasure. I’d like sit with you.

제가 기쁘죠. 저는 당신과 함께 앉고 싶습니다.

26 2008 수능

I knocked at the door and was told enter.

나는 문을 노크했고 들어오라고 들었다.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #4

Part II Advanced

1 2009 수능

Either way, your spectator experience will have been a fun one, and you will have avoided be

merely a passive observer.

어느 쪽이든, 너의 구경꾼의 경험은 재미있는 것이 될 것이고, 너는 단지 수동적인 관찰자가 되기를 피하

게 될 것이다.

2 2007 9월

Your daughter failed go to university.

너의 딸은 대학에 가지 못했다.

3 2009 수능

The rain came fly on the window.

비가 창문에 날아 왔다.

4 2007 9월

The prize for broadcast journalism often seems be going to the first, as opposed to the best,


방송 언론 상은 종종 최고의 보도가 아니라 최초의 보도에게 가는 것으로 보인다.

5 2009 6월

I don’t mind ask and people are pleased when I do.

나는 묻는 것을 꺼리지 않고 사람들은 내가 물을 때 기뻐한다.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #4

6 2009 6월

In recent years, knit has become increasingly popular with the younger generation.

최근에, 뜨개질은 젊은 세대에게 점점 인기 있어져왔다.

7 2009 6월

I enjoy shop at FW Whole Foods nearly as much as I enjoy browse a good bookstore.

나는 좋은 서점을 즐겨 둘러보는 것만큼이나 많이 FW Whole Foods에서 즐겨 쇼핑한다.

8 2009 6월

If they grow up experience all sorts of cultures, they have less bias.

만약 그들이 모든 종류의 문화들을 경험하며 자란다면, 그들은 더 적은 편견을 가지고 있을 것이다.

If they grow up experience all sorts of cultures, they will have less bias.

만약 그들이 자라서 모든 종류의 문화들을 경험하게 된다면, 그들은 더 적은 편견을 가지게 될 것이다.


Many people believe that if they stop exercise, their muscle will turn to fat.

많은 사람들은 그들이 운동하기를 멈춘다면, 그들의 근육이 지방으로 변할 것이라고 믿는다.


She was tempted walk away, but then she stopped reflect about the art.

그녀는 걸어 나가고 싶었지만, 그 때 예술에 대해 생각해보기 위해 멈춰섰다.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #4


Try catch yourself in the moment and use your true voice.

그 순간 속에 너 자신을 붙잡아두려고 노력하라. 그리고 너 자신의 진짜 목소리를 사용하라.


Evan had never tried forgive people who had been hurtful to him in the past.

에반은 과거에 자신에게 상처 줬던 사람들을 용서해본 적이 없었다.


I remember walk on Christmas morning with my hand in my father's.

나는 크리스마스 아침에 아빠의 손을 잡고 걸었던 것을 기억한다.


Remember wear your glasses if you have a prescription, and use proper lighting to read.

만약 당신이 처방전을 받는다면, 안경을 써야 한다는 것을 기억하라, 그리고 독서에 적절한 조명을 사용

해야 한다는 것을 기억하라.


He anticipated get a letter from his uncle in England.

그는 영국에 있는 그의 삼촌으로부터 편지를 받는 것을 기대했다.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #4


It is worth note that the weight attached to the significance of individual differences among

children risks obscuring the common features of their development.

어린이들 사이의 개인차의 중요성에 더해진 무게감이 어린이들의 발달의 공통 특징들을 모호하게 하는

위험을 초래한다는 점은 주목할 만한 가치가 있다.


Mills suggests imagine extreme changes as a method of stimulating thinking.

밀스는 생각을 자극하는 수단으로서 극단적인 변화들을 상상해보기를 제안한다.


Some humans had the boldness to risk live near one another when living close together

meant a high likeliness of infections easily spreading.

어떤 사람들은 함께 가까이 산다는 것이 감염이 쉽게 퍼질 높은 가능성을 의미함에도 서로의 근처에 사

는 위험을 감수할만한 과감함을 가졌다.

19 2012 6월

We were very surprised find that we had left cookie boxes in the camper over the winter.

우리는 겨울 동안 캠핑카에 쿠키 상자들을 놓아둔 걸 발견하고서 깜짝 놀랐다.


I am considering go to London.

나는 런던으로 가는 것을 고려하고 있다.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #5

유 형 특 징

to의 생략형 본질적 의미상 to V가 맞으나 원형 부정사가 쓰여 있는 경우

- 사역동사의 목적격 보어 자리

- to V를 포함한 긴 주어 중 일부가 왔을 때 be동사 다음 자리

지속, 완결의

동작 지각동사의 목적격 보어 자리에 사용되어 나머지 준동사와는 다른 의미를 가짐

기타- 조동사 + V

- 명령문에서 V로 시작


1 V(원형 부정사)


① James' saying made him realize that the same thing was missing in his life.

② All you need to do is lie down, prop your head on some pillows, flick on Ally McBeal

reruns, and remain still.

③ Juleah saw him lift her in his arms and carry her to a lifeboat.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #5

- to V와 V의 관련성

① He made me realize the essence of English.

② I was made to realize the essence of English by him.

③ Help your teen eat well.

④ Our biased interpretations may help us to control our emotions better than do our actual


- Ving와 V의 차별성

① When we entered the restroom, we saw one of my favorite students, Donte, standing in a

puddle of toilet water and broken porcelain.

② Then I saw something approaching me in the water.

③ When we hear someone laughing, it is almost impossible not to feel cheerful and begin

laughing too.

④ Unfortunately for him, practical joker Horace de Vere Cole overheard him say it and

planned to prove him wrong.

⑤ I look up at the blue sky and squint, feeling my nerves rise within me.

V는 to V의 생략형이거나 지속성과 완결성 있는 동작을 나타낸다.

영어의 본질 6

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #5

유 형 특 징

타동사의 Ved 수동(모든 시간)과 완료

자동사의 Ved 완료

2 Ved


① The fact is that many theories of art cannot readily be compared at all, because they lack

a common ground.

② And that’s why I have devised a framework designed to help people connect.

③ You end up bored, which makes you think you should watch more TV.

④ People have erected walls, gates and fences in order to protect their personal property.

⑤ This aspect of university is certainly not gone.

⑥ That person would be sad to find them gone.

⑦ Autrey jumped down to help the fallen student.

⑧ Go around in late spring and summer and you will often see runner beans grown on

several meters of canes.

Ved는 수동이나 완료의 의미를 나타낸다.

영어의 본질 7

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #5

배워서 뭐에 써?

* 다음 문장에 V와 Ved가 쓰인 이유를 생각하며 해석해 봅시다.

1 2015 6월

Do you grow when you are constantly criticized?

2 2015 6월

We want to defend what we have done.

3 2015 6월

I made Simon jump in and out several times before I watched the rest of the film.

4 2015 6월

The music serves at times to make small and artificial spaces seem more grand.

5 2015 6월

A sense of nostalgia is communicated through the music selected for films such as

American Graffiti and The Big Chill.

6 2015 6월

The nonverbal message is designed to let the partner know one’s candid reaction indirectly.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #5

7 2015 6월

Once it has dried, no further changes to the image are possible.

8 2014 수능

War should be a last resort, obviously, undertaken when all other options have failed.

9 2014 수능

I can’t let her fly into New York City all by herself.

10 2014 수능

When we learn to say no to what we don’t feel like doing in order to say yes to our true

self, we feel empowered, and our relationships with others improve.

11 2014 9월

We would find ourselves ― literally ― stuck, overcome by indecision and unable to move



The wheel is come to full circle.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #5


I found my watch disappeared.


I am finished with my work.


I'm married.


If there is to be toleration in the world, one of the things taught in schools must be the

habit of weighing evidence

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #6

to be Ved 수동 + to V 미래 지향성의 수동

being Ved 수동 + Ving 과거의 수동/진행의 수동

to have Ved 완료 + to V 과거에 대한 추측

having Ved 완료 + Ving 먼 과거, 과거의 강조

to have been Ved 수동 + 완료 + to V 과거에 대한 수동의 추측

having been Ved 수동 + 완료 + Ving 먼 과거의 수동

LECTURE 6 합성 준동사

- 합성 준동사의 개념과 형태


① To be separated is the only way we can survive.

② Some children have difficulty being accepted to their peers.

③ The tribe is thought to have originated from Africa.

④ He deeply regretted having ignored her advice.

⑤ The pyramid is believed to have been built by aliens.

⑥ I am very proud of having been rewarded the prize.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #6

배워서 뭐에 써?

* 다음 문장에 알맞은 준동사를 써봅시다.

1 2007년 6평

Firstly, it is apparently use for a slightly higher volume of copying than it was built for.

첫째, 그것은 명백히 그것이 만들어졌던 것 보다 약간 더 많은 양을 위해 사용되고 있다.

2 2011 6평

If we can get over our own hunger for love, then we have reached the state of pure love, of

connect to a larger ideal, bigger than our own individual life.

만약 우리가 우리 자신의 사랑에 대한 굶주림을 극복할 수 있다면, 우리는 순수한 사랑의 상태, 즉, 우리

자신의 개인적 삶보다 더 큰 이상에 연결되는 것의 상태에 도달한 것이다.


She likes look at by her friends.

그녀는 자신의 친구들에 의해 주목받았던 것을 좋아한다.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #6


The corpse is guessed float from the upper stream.

그 시체는 상류로부터 떠내려와졌을 것으로 추측된다.


She admitted steal the money.

그녀는 그 돈을 훔쳤음을 인정했다.


He regrets be lazy in his youth.

그는 그의 젊은 시절에 게을렀음을 후회한다.

7 2014 수능

Low-balling describes the technique where two individuals arrive at an agreement and then

one increases the cost incur by the other.

Low-balling은 두 개인들이 합의에 도달하고 한 사람이 상대방에 의해 초래될 비용을 증가시키는 기술

을 설명한다.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #6

8 2014 수능

Scientists and professionals emerge as the appropriate experts consult in policymaking.

과학자들과 전문가들은 정책 결정에서 참고 되어야 할 적절한 전문가들로 떠오른다.


Major city airports tend locate within the city boundaries, and they are convenient for


대형 시내 공항들은 시 경계 안에 위치되는 경향이 있고, 그것들은 승객들에게 편리하다.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #7

성 분 종 류 분 류

S (주어) 명사(대명사), 명사구, to V, Ving, 명사절

V (동사) 동사, 동사구완전 자동사/ 불완전 자동사완전 타동사/ 불완전 타동사

O (목적어) 명사(대명사), 명사구, to V, Ving, 명사절

C (보어)형용사, 형용사구, V, to V, Ving, Ved,

명사, 명사구, 명사절주격 보어 (SC) / 목적격 보어(OC)

A (부사어) 부사, 부사구, 부사절, to V, Ving, Ved optional / obligatory





1 완전 자동사 ☓ ☓ ☓ ☓

2 불완전 자동사 ☓ ☓ ☓

3 완전 타동사 ☓ ☓ ☓

4 수여동사 ☓ ☓ ☓

5 불완전 타동사 ☓ ☓

6 완전 자동사 ☓ ☓ ☓

7 완전 타동사 ☓ ☓

LECTURE 7 문장의 유형/ 1형식

- 문장 성분

- 영어의 문형

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #7

부사 I met him yesterday.

부사구 I love him very much.

전치사구 There is a cat under the table.

to V I came here to learn English.

Ving Seeing me, she began to cry.

부사절 I married her when I was 25 years old.

1형식 : S + V(완전 자동사) + A

- 기본 문형

God is.

When did you get here?

- A(부사어)의 종류

* 부사형 대격

무게, 거리, 시간, 방법, 회수, 가격 등을 나타내는 전치사구에서 전치사가 생략되어 명사가 부사어 역할

을 하는 경우.


He lived here ten years.

He did the work this way.

문형은 동사의 종류에 따라 결정된다.

영어의 본질 8

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #7

- 주의해야할 1형식 구문

① 유도부사의 도치구문

Here comes the last train.

Among the crowd arose a great shout.

There came in a young man with an enormous nose.

② 가주어를 이용한 1형식 구문

It doesn't matter whether he will come or not.

It pays to enrich your word power.

It doesn't count to be honest in everything.

1형식: S + V + A

영어의 본질 9

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #7

배워서 뭐에 써?

* 다음 표시된 절들의 문장성분을 구분하여 해석해봅시다.

1 2007. 6

You’re afraid that the other fellow will not like you, so you hole up in your shell, like a

snail that thinks it is about to be attacked.

2 2007. 6

You won’t win every time, but the odds are heavily in your favor.

3 2007. 6

Remember most people do yearn for friendship, just as you do.

4 2007. 6

Working or not, all mothers may be relieved to learn that motherhood may not come

automatically to anyone after all.

5 2014. 6

An ant turns right, left, and moves ahead over a sandy hill.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #7

6 2014. 6

Complex behavior does not imply complex mental strategies. The same holds for humans.

7 2014. 6

People adapt to their environments much as gelatin does.

8 2013. 6

These wind bursts generally result from high-speed downdrafts in the turbulence of

thunderstorms, but they can occur in clear air when rain evaporates high above the


9 2013. 6

I went to the local service center to get it repaired.

10 2013. 6

You cling ever more tightly to what you already know you can do.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #8

명사(구) Mary is a student. ( S = SC )

형용사(구) The door stood open.

to V He seems to be rich.

Ving She sat there reading a book.

Ved Tom looked puzzled.


2형식 : S + V(불완전 자동사) + SC + A

- 기본 문형

He remained silent.

The shoelace came loose.

- SC(주격보어)의 종류

* 추가보어(유사보어)

시간의 부사절이 생략되어 만들어진 명사, 형용사, 분사 형태의 주격보어


He died when he was young.

→ He died young.

He died when he was a beggar.

→ He died a beggar.

He sat on the chair when he was reading a book.

→ He sat on the chair reading a book.

He went home when he was satisfied with the result.

→ He went home satisfied with the result.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #8

- 2형식 동사의 유형

① be 동사류: 주어와 같거나 주어를 설명하는 보어를 수반.

be, stand, lie, remain, sit, keep, rest, stay, continue, hold

Mary is a student.

The door stood open.

He remained silent.

Mary lay dead.

They kept quiet.

The mistake rests uncorrected.

He is sitting still.

My father stayed neutral in the election.

He continues well.

The rule holds true in all cases.

② become류 : 주어의 상태 변화의 결과를 보어로 표현.

become, go, turn, fall, run, get

He became a physician.

The mother bird will go hungry to keep the babies alive.

By 1975, the worst economic predictions had come true.

Their disagreement got worse after Julie had gone.

The lecture was so boring that half the students fell asleep.

The leaves of trees turned red and yellow.

The dog turned out a mad one.

The dog turned out a stranger.

Hospitals in the way-torn nation are running low on medical supplies.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #8

③ look류 : 주어가 어떻게 지각되는지(어떤 기분인지)를 보어로 표현

look, feel, taste, sound, seem, appear, smell

He feels unhappy.

It feels rough.

The story sounds strange.

She looks beautiful.

Rose smells sweet.

This apple tastes sour.

From high up in the sky the house far below looked tiny.

Larry seemed pretty angry to me.

- 1형식 Vs 2형식

The tree grew quickly.

The tree grew big.

2형식: S + V + SC + A

영어의 본질 10

형용사는 명사의 상태를 설명한다.

영어의 본질 11

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #8

배워서 뭐에 써?

* 다음 형용사와 부사중 의미상 올바른 것을 선택하거나 밑줄 친 부분이 맞았는지 틀렸는

지 고르시오.

1 2014. 6

The cliché that teachers learn as much as their pupils is certainly true / truly.

2 2014. 6

For example, in Alien and Olivier’s Hamlet, the music serves at times to make small and/or

artificial spaces seem more grand / grandly and to enhance the sense of realism.

3 2007. 6

Motherhood may not come automatical / automatically to anyone after all.

4 2007. 수능

Some heroes shine in the face of great adversity, performing amazing deeds in difficult

situations; other heroes work quiet / quietly.

5 2008. 9

If some of our scientific theories prove false / falsely, why bother studying them?

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #8

6 2011. 수능

They grow very slow / slowly and range from 15 to 40 feet in height.

7 2007. 수능

Next day, Fredrick watched regretfully as Marshall’s sled appeared slow / slowly in the


8 2008. 6

Cultural property is not always in fashion, but remains important.


He returned home safe.

10 2007. 6

This practice has quite an impact on those writers who previously thought that the works of

geniuses arrived complete / completely in a single stroke of inspiration.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #9

명사(구) We've done everything we can.

to V We don't expect to face challenges.

Ving He admitted driving the car without insurance.

명사절 I know that it is true.

LECTURE 9 3형식, 7형식

3형식 : S + V(완전 타동사) + O + A(optional)

- 기본 문형

Rivalry, competitiveness and glory will drive me.

By changing the focus, we can get renewed energy.

- O(목적어)의 종류

* 동족목적어

자동사라도 같은 어원의 명사를 목적어로 취할 수 있는 경우가 있으며, 이와 같은 경우의 목적어를

동족목적어라고 부른다.


He dreamed strangely.

→ He dreamed a strange dream.

→ He had a dream of strangeness.

She lived happily.

→ She lived a happy life.

→ She had a happy life.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #9

- 자동사로 착각하기 쉬운 타동사

marry, discuss, mention, attend, approach, leave, enter, obey, reach, affect,

answer, join, resemble, address, resist 등.

He's going to ask her to marry (with) him.

They'd like to discuss (about) what to do next.

The first place that foreigners think of when I mention (about) Indonesia is Bali.

It's very important to attend (to) all the classes.

He approached (to) my table and took a seat opposite me.

I left (from) the shop without buying anything.

Whenever teacher entered (into) the room the children had to stand up.

He was a good boy and obeyed (to) his parents all the time.

When the blue car reached (to) the corner, it stopped.

This problem has also affected (on) the automobile industry.

I couldn't answer (to) the last two questions.

I'm thinking of joining (in) the Labor Party.

She resembles (with) her mother in many ways.

A guest speaker then addressed (to) the audience.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #9

- 자동사 쓰임과 타동사 쓰임의 의미 차이

Whenever teacher enter the room, the children had to stand up.

HP and Compaq announced that they had entered into an agreement to unite.

You shouldn't believe everything you hear.

I believe in getting a good night's sleep before an examination.

타동사는 뒤에 올 명사의 자릿값을 포함한 동사이다.

영어의 본질 12

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #9

inform, notify

remind, warn

convince, persuade

SB of STH : SB에게 STH에 관해 V하다

provide, supply

furnish, present

SB with STH : SB에게 STH을 V하다

STH to/for SB : STH을 SB에게(를 위해) V하다

7형식 : S + V(완전 타동사) + O + A(obligatory)

- 통보, 설득, 상기의 의미를 가진 동사

Please write informing the bank of your new address.

Police notified the boy's parents of his death immediately.

Hearing that song always reminded her of a certain nigh in Las Vegas.

As the horse come closer, I was suddenly reminded of my first riding lesson.

They warned him of the danger of sailing alone.

She failed to convince the jury of her innocence.

It took us a long time to persuade them of the truth of our story.

- 공급, 수여, 선물의 의미를 가진 동사들

Money from aid program will be used to provide farmers with a necessary tools.

Translations are being provided for foreign visitors.

Householders are supplied with special bags for recyclable paper and glass.

The rural development project includes supplying clean water to 350,000 people.

She was asked to furnish the committee with details of her complaint.

The mayor presented him with a gold medal at an official city reception.

A little girl presented a basket of flowers to the President's wife.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #9

rob, rid, free, deprive

strip, relieve, cureSB of STH : SB를 STH으로부터 V하다

steal, take

snatch, grabSTH from SB : STH을 SB로부터 V하다

- 제거, 분리, 치료의 의미를 가진 동사들

A gang of thieves was at work, robbing people of their possessions as they slept.

MaCarthy tried to rid America of the 'evils of communism.'

Aid organizations are trying to free the country of the famine.

The court stripped him of his rank and he was sent to jail.

A porter relieved her of the three large cases.

Now doctors believe they have cured him of his drinking and overeating.

- 강탈의 의미를 가진 동사들

She was found guilty of stealing information from the firm's data bank.

Are you aware that taking flowers from a private garden is a criminal offense?

He reached out and tried to snatch the letter from me.

She grabbed the gun from him and made him lie on the floor.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #9




N1 to N2 : N1을 N2에게 V하다

praise, punish

thank, scold,


SB for STH : SB를 STH에 대해(때문에) V하다

- 전가의 의미를 가진 동사들

He owed his survival to his strength as a swimmer.

Carter ascribed his problems to a lack of money.

Many diseases can be attributed to stress.

- 상벌의 의미를 가진 동사들

Mr. Bonner praised Jill for the quality of her work.

His mother punished him for breaking the window.

We must write and thank Cathy for the present.

Mom scolded me for wasting electricity.

The investigators blamed the driver for the train crash.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #9




N1 on N2 : N1을 N2에 V하다

tell, know



N1 (apart) from N2 : N1을 N2로부터 V하다

- 부과의 의미를 가진 동사들

Some governments imposed trade sanctions on countries using chemical weapons.

The new policy means that higher bills will be inflicted on the Tax payer.

Oxford degrees were first conferred on women in 1920.

- 구별의 의미를 가진 동사들

It's impossible to tell the expensive wine apart from the others.

She knows right from wrong: she can't claim she was insane.

Of course their mother has no difficulty in distinguishing one twin from another.

Our company tries to differentiate its products from the competitors'.

Humans differ from other mammals in their ability to speak.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #9








SB from Ving(STH) : SB를 Ving하는 것(STH으로부터)으로부터 V하다

- 방해의 의미를 가진 동사들

The mist prevented him from seeing far.

How can I stop my son from biting his fingernail?

The BBC has been stopped from broadcasting a program about the secret service.

Staying busy kept her from thinking about her illness.

I tried to restrain him from going back into the burning building.

Higher prices on cigarettes should discourage people from smoking.

His bad eyesight prohibited him from becoming a pilot.

Teachers has took part in a campaign to dissuade young people from smoking.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #10


명사 (구) 명사(구)

대명사 명사절

LECTURE 10 4형식

4형식 : S + V(수여동사) + IO(간접목적어) + DO(직접목적어) + A(optional)

- 기본 문형

Jasmin taught a large number of children at the school music.

She booked all the students who were doing her Shakespeare course theater tickets.

- O(목적어)의 종류

4형식은 전치사 없이 두개의 목적어가 연달아 나온다.

영어의 본질 13

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #10

- 4형식 문장의 3형식 전환

① 간접목적어를 더 강조하고 싶을 때

② 간접목적어가 직접 목적어보다 훨씬 더 길 때

*다음과 같은 경우의 4형식은 반드시 3형식으로 전환해야 한다.

① 간접목적어와 직접목적어가 모두 대명사인 경우

He told her it. ( )

He told it to her. ( )

Mother made him it. ( )

Mother made it for him. ( )

② 무생물이 간접목적어인 경우

I bought my room a new carpet. ( )

I bought a new carpet for my room. ( )

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #10

give, lend, teach

show, tell, send

write, bring, sell DO to IO

make, book, buy,

build, get, find DO for IO

*전치사 to를 사용하는 경우

Jasmin taught a large number of children at the school music.

→ ____________________________________________________________

She sent all the students who were doing her Shakespeare course theater tickets.

→ ________________________________________________________________________________

*전치사 for를 사용하는 경우

Can you buy me some milk from the store?

→ ____________________________________________

They built us a new dormitory.

→ ________________________________.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #10

ask, inquire

demand, require DO of IO


impose, inflict,

bestow, confer DO on IO

*전치사 of를 사용하는 경우

He demanded me an answer to the question.

→ ____________________________________________

He asked me a difficult question.

→ ____________________________________

*전치사 on을 사용하는 경우

This cannot be happening. Somebody must be playing me a joke.

→ _____________________________________________________________

The president trusted him so much that he conferred him the role of spokesman.

→ ________________________________________________________________________________

Parents of either sex should beware of imposing their children their own tastes.

→ ____________________________________________________________________________

The queen has bestowed him a knighthood.

→ ___________________________________________

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #10

cost : ~에게 ~을 지불(희생)하게 하다

save : ~에게 ~을 덜어주다(아껴주다)

envy : ~를 ~에 대해 부러워하다

excuse / forgive : ~에게 ~을 용서해주다

deny / refuse : ~에게 ~에 대해 거부하다

- 수여의 의미를 가지지 않는 4형식 동사들

The doctor saved me my pain.

Her new coat cost her a fortune.

God will forgive you your sin.

I had to deny him his request.

Because of financial difficulties, we cannot help refusing you a pay rise.

The university allows him to continue his research.

I envy you your lifestyle.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #10

explain, mention, announce, confess, apologize,

prove, describe, appeal, introduce, demonstrate,

admit, report, suggest, propose, say


to SB + 명사절

- 수여동사로 착각하기 쉬운 완전 타동사

Can you explain the rules of the game to me?

She then explained to me how I could make my own shampoo.

Yes, she did mention to me that her brother was ill.

On losing the title, he announced to the press that he was retiring from the ring.

The suspect confessed his crime to the police.

He apologized to her for the long delay.

He proved to me by means of diagrams that the wind machine would work.

The scientists demonstrated their method to their colleagues.

I pointed out the damage to the mechanic.

So describe this new boyfriend to me!

She admitted her mistake to me.

He introduced us to the delights of natural food.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #11

명사(구)A post-industrial wasteland made the city the kind of place you would never

want to live in.

형용사(구) They consider bilingual speech communities inefficient.


Empower people by letting them know that you believe in them.

Testing allows us not merely to confirm our theories.

At last I saw him coming slowly down the stairs.

I had a new suit made last month.

LECTURE 11 5형식

5형식 : S + V(불완전타동사) + O + OC(목적격보어) + A(optional)

- 기본 문형

She made her son a diplomat.

He considered his boss very kind to him.

- OC(목적격보어)의 종류

* 목적격 보어 자리의 to be, as의 생략

They consider bilingual speech communities (to be) inefficient.

They consider bilingual speech communities (as) inefficient.

He appointed her (to be) a new secretary.

He appointed her (as) a new secretary.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #11

the city = the kind of place ( S = SC )

bilingual speech communities = inefficient communities (S = SC)

us to finish → we should finish (S + V)

- O와 OC의 관계

① A post-industrial wasteland made the city the kind of place you would never want to live in.

A post-industrial wasteland made the city become the kind of place you would never

want to live in.

② They consider bilingual speech communities inefficient.

They consider that bilingual speech communities is inefficient.

③ The contracts required us to finish the work in a week.

The contracts required that we should finish the work in a week.

* He made her help him. → He ordered her that she should help him.

He made it to help her. → He made it so that he could help her.

5형식의 O와 OC는 의미상 주어와 서술어의 관계이다

영어의 본질 13

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #11

keep, leave, find,

consider, regard, make,

render, prove

O + (as, to be) + OC (형용사/ Ving / Ved)

: O를 ~한 상태로 V하다

O가 ~하다고 V하다

- 목적격 보어의 형태에 따른 동사의 분류

① 목적격 보어로 형용사/ Ving / Ved를 취하는 동사들

It was thought that the entrance fee would motivate users to keep them cleaner.

Surely the best approach with any great work of art is to simply leave it alone.

Now, watching the news, we often find ourselves abandoned.

Many parents and pediatricians do not consider the occasional consumption of junk

foods or fast foods to be harmful.

We regard all the kinds of energy as mutually equivalent.

Lack of time for relaxation makes it more difficult to get the most out of your studies.

Allowing a hero to humiliate himself before a wronged woman would render him awkward,

embarrassing, and unmanned.

I gave you 180 days to prove me wrong.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #11

make, appoint, elect,

call, consider, think O + (as, to be) + OC (명사) : O를 ~로 V하다

② 목적격 보어로 명사구를 취하는 동사들

The great hardness of a diamond makes it one of the most important industrial

materials known.

We tend to consider ourselves as rational decision makers.

He appointed Antoninus Pius as his successor.

In 2004 people elected me an honorary member of the Explorers Club of New York.

Now we tend to call it fiber.

They do not think this to be a suitable film for kids.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #11

allow, persuade, ask,

require, order, force,

tell, motivate, urge,


O + OC (to V) : O가 ~하도록 V하다

③ 목적격 보어로 to V를 취하는 동사들

Global climate change has eased climatic constraints on plant life around the globe, allowing

vegetation to increase by six percent over the study period.

Your goal is to persuade upper management to accept your suggestions.

The woman kindly asked me to taste the chicken soup.

There are millions of people who require different lenses to see near and faraway objects.

She ordered the non-swimmer to share a piece of board with her.

Unpredictability of life can force you to change your future plans.

He walked up to the woman with every intention of telling her to leave from his backyard.

It was thought that the entrance fee would motivate users to keep them cleaner.

Your grandmother probably urged you to eat plenty of what she called roughage.

A greater sense of security tempts people to take more risks.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #11

make, have, let O + OC (V) : O가 ~하도록 시키다

O + OC (Ved) : O가 ~되도록 하다(let 제외)

④ 사역동사

Taking the initiative means recognizing our responsibility to make things happen.

He could make himself understood in sign language with only a few of his closest friends

and relatives.

Finally, we’ll have another person record when it appears next.

Get the negative of an old photograph that shows a front view of your face and have it

developed into a pair of pictures.

You should let chicken wings cook longer than beef steak.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #11

see, hear, feel,

overhear, notice,


O + OC (V) : O가 V하는 것을 지각하다

O + OC (Ving) : O가 V하고 있는 것을 지각하다

O + OC (Ved) : O가 V된 것을 지각하다

④ 지각동사

Everything in nature keeps you company; you see nature progress every day

I often see homeless people begging for money.

I’ll see the work done in time.

He felt something creep on the back.

She felt herself lifted up.

A woman approached them and overheard my friend's wife say.

She noticed a girl sitting on the street sobbing.

Let’s say, for example, that you watch another person get an electric shock.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #12

LECTURE 12 문형 종합

배워서 잘 써먹자

* 둘 중 맞는 것을 고르거나, 밑줄 친 부분이 맞았는지 틀렸는지 고르시오.


The gorgeous girl is going to marry / marry with the man.


The biologist resembles / resembles with his father in appearance.


On the table lay / laid a heap of periodicals and papers.


The plumber threw away magazines that lay / laid around the house.


Students used charts to explain others / to others the water cycles.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #12


The physician supplied the students for / with medical books.


The biologist made a kite his only son / his only son a kite.


The botanist mentioned / mention about the matter.


The mechanic told / said me to lock the door when I went out.

10 2014 수능

On the other hand, free radicals move uncontrollably through the body.

11 2011 9평

But it soon became evident that their knowledge was limited and of no practical value.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #12

12 2008 6평

When you are feeling overwhelmed by presentations, paper deadlines, or tests, you will

probably spend all your time studying dealing with these pressures.

13 2009 수능

I’m the youngest child and thus less aggressively / aggressive than my older brothers and


14 2013 수능

As a source of plot, character, and dialogue, the novel seemed more suitable.

15 2009 6평

And customers with engine trouble or a non-functioning heater are usually out of luck.

16 2012 6평

This sounds obvious, but countless efforts at habit change ignore its implications.


The widow tried to look as beautiful / beautifully as possible.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #12


The food was unfamiliar, but it tasted excellent / excellently.

19 2013 6평

Because individuals can see, or sense, the wave coming toward them, they are ready to react

more quickly than they would without such advance notice.

20 2012 9평

Some of the early personal accounts of anthropologists in the field make fieldwork sound

exciting, adventuresome, certainly exotic, sometimes easy.

21 2011 6평

Meredith suffered from an unusual disease that caused him to fall occasionally.

22 2011 수능

Examine your thoughts, and you will find them wholly to occupy / occupied with the past or

the future.

23 2006 6평

In a survey published earlier this year, seven out of ten parents said they would never let

their children play / to play with toy guns.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #12

24 2007 9평

Not only does this enable us to choose our response to particular circumstances, but this

encourages us to create / creating circumstances.

25 2010 6평

The contests allowed his students to have fun while they practiced math and raised money.


Take a look around us, and you can see many things recycle / to recycle.


He has money automatically transferred / transferring to another account.


The novelist left the village disappointing / disappointed.


The customs officer had his watch steal / stolen in a bus.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #12


Where did you have your nose operate / operated on?


I’ve gotten about three quarters of it doing / done.


We are having the house paint / painted at the moment.


I could not make myself understand / understood in English.


I saw crops ripening / to ripen in the fields.


Did you have your air-conditioning install / installed there?


His mother never saw his room clean / cleaned by him.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #12


How often do you have your car to service / serviced?


The miser had his pocket to pick / picked in a crowded bus.


The poor man couldn’t get her accept / to accept the offer.


The physicist always helps me to do / done my homework.


Standing before you makes me feel / felt strangely nervous.


The greedy man told me not to count / count on her for help.


It is said that the ecologist always kept her room neat / neatly.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 13강

LECTURE 13 절의 이해

- 절의 정의(형태상)

하나의 본동사를 가진 문장이 아닌 하나의 의미 단위

- 절의 종류

절은 크게 본절과 하위절로 구분한다. 하위절은 문장 속에서 하나의 문장 성분(품사)의 역할을 하

며, 그 역할에 따라 각각 명사절, 형용사절, 부사절로 구분된다.

① 본절: 문장의 본바탕을 이루고 있는 절.

② 명사절: 본절 속에 하나의 명사 성분으로서 포함되어 있는 절.

③ 형용사절: 본절 속에 하나의 형용사 성분으로서 명사를 수식하며 포함되어 있거나, 본절 속의 명사를

서술하며 분리되어 있는 절.

④ 부사절: 시간, 장소, 조건, 이유 등의 부사의 역할을 하며, 본절로부터 분리되어 있는 절.

절은 하나의 본동사를 가진 의미 단위이다.

영어의 본질 15

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 13강


① It's important that the media provide us with diverse and opposing views.

② American media admitted that they were not always watchdogs for the public interest.

③ Oxygen is what it is all about.

④ Technology gives us more and more of what we think we want.

⑤ This changed the evolutionary pressure that these food plants experienced.

⑥ In fact, they became bigger than most trained sea lions, which weren't given enough food.

⑦ When science speaks to others, it is no longer science.

⑧ Some people don't feel hungry even though they eat less.

⑨ So, next time you're heading to a party, don't go in with a goal in mind no matter how

much you want to attract someone.

⑩ Whatever they chose, they could not change their minds later.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 13강

배워서 뭐에 써?

* 다음 문장 속에 사용된 절의 개수를 세고, 절의 종류를 구분해 봅시다.

1 2007 수능

All travellers should ensure they have adequate travel insurance before they depart.

2 2011 6평

Whatever becomes a work of art of any kind does so as a result of an act of creation.

3 2011 6평

The reason is that we do not need to be creative for most of what we do.

4 2015 6평

When someone asks us, "How does that work?" or "Why does that happen?" we tend to

answer the question directly if we know the answer.

5 2015 6평

Since group performance in problem solving is superior to even the individual work of the

most expert group members, it should not be surprising that students learn better when they


6 2012 6평

To disguise this loss of symbolic value, and to invest the manufactured items with a personal

touch, retailers encouraged shoppers to have their purchases gift-wrapped.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 13강

7 2013 6평

Whatever our answer to the "what is the best structural form of politics?" question is, we still

want to know what "flavor" this structural form of politics ought to have since political

structure, by itself, does not determine political content.

8 2013 9평

Our romantic mistakes can always be undone these days, which you would think is a good


9 2013 수능

One reason most dogs are much happier than most people is that dogs aren't affected by

external circumstances the way we are.

10 2013 수능

Adapting novels is one of the most respectable of movie projects, while a book that calls itself

the novelization of a film is considered barbarous.

11 2014 예비 수능

One of the rules for success is that it doesn't matter where you're coming from, but all that

matters is where you're going.

12 2014 예비 수능

It's not surprising that the demands you make on your body when you ask it to sustain an

aerobic activity train your lungs to deliver oxygen and your heart to pump out greater

amounts of blood to carry that oxygen to your working muscles.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 14강

LECTURE 14 절머리의 이해

- 본절을 제외한 모든 절은 절머리가 이끌고 있다.(단, 절머리는 생략되는 경우도 있다.)

- 문장 안의 절과 절은 반드시 절머리로 연결되어야 한다.


① If you only ride occasionally, you don’t have to spend a lot of money because bikes can

be rented.

② The researchers suggest (that) children draw bigger heads when they know (that) they

must leave space for facial details.

③ Throughout the colonial period there was a marked shortage of women, it raised women's

status and position and allowed them to pursue different careers.

Throughout the colonial period there was a marked shortage of women, and it raised

women's status and position and allowed them to pursue different careers.

Throughout the colonial period there was a marked shortage of women, which raised

women's status and position and allowed them to pursue different careers.

④ In the front row were two men, each of them had lost an arm in the war.

In the front row were two men, and each of them had lost an arm in the war.

In the front row were two men, each of whom had lost an arm in the war.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 14강

- 절머리의 생략

① N (관계사) S V : 명사 다음에 아무런 표식 없이 새로운 절이 시작된다면 관계사의 생략이다.

② V (that) S V : 동사 이후에 아무런 표식 없이 새로운 절이 시작된다면 that의 생략이다.

③ 분사구문


① You miss hearing a few nice things (관계사) your boss could say about you once in a long


② I think (that) our government is fulfilling its responsibility to promote good nutrition and

healthy eating.

- 문장 구조의 파악: 절의 개수와 본동사 개수의 일치를 통해 파악


① That was the advice of Francis Galton in a book called(O/X) The Art of Travel.

② When we examine the left side, our well-being and troubles showing(O/X) up more.

③ To exclude those from voting who are already socially isolated destroying(O/X) our

democracy, as it creates a caste system.

절과 절은 반드시 절머리로만 연결될 수 있다.

영어의 본질 16

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 14강

배워서 뭐에 써?

* 다음 밑줄 친 부분이 올바른지 판단하거나, 둘 중 맞는 것을 고르시오.


But from the time we are born, our growth as functioning human beings depending on how

well we adapt to changes and new circumstances.


The handler listens to the flow of traffic to figure out when the light has changed and then

gives the command “forward.”


In fact, everything that people post being automatically licensed to E-World for its transferable

use, distribution, or public display.


Quicksand forms when sand gets mixed with too much water and becomes loosened and



Pressure from underground sources of water would separate and suspend the granular

particles, reduced the friction between them.


A few minutes later, the court clerk usually shows a movie outlined / outlining what is going

to happen throughout the day as the jury is chosen for a particular trial.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 14강


William Kamkwamba left / leaving school at 14 as his family was unable to pay the school

fees, but that didn't stop him from doing something remarkable.


Armed only with his intelligence, a book on electricity, and some plastic pipes, Kamkwamba

built his first windmill, it generated enough power to run a light in his room.


Don't wash the broccoli before storing it since moisture on its surface encourages / to

encourage the growth of mold.


When a robot scans a room, it sees nothing but a vast collection of straight and curved lines,

it converts the lines to pixels. (O/X)


When he inherited the throne, at age nineteen, it / which was expected that he would

continue his ancestors' royal patronage.


It is because / because of their communicative properties that intense debates continue over

the true role of the arts in today’s world.


And then, he handed her an envelope and in it / which was tucked a fifty-dollar bill.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #15강

접속사 완벽절을 이끔

부사절을 이끔if, once, unless, although, though, while, and, or, but, as, because, since, when, where, whether 등.

명사절을 이끔 that, whether, if 등.

의문사 빈틈절을 이끔 명사절을 이끔 모든 wh-

관계사 빈틈절을 이끔 형용사절을 이끔 모든 wh-, that, -ever

LECTURE 15 빈틈절의 이해

- 모든 절은 형태상 빈틈절과 완벽절로 나뉜다.

① 빈틈절: 절머리의 품사 성분이 절속으로 복귀할 자리(빈틈)를 가지고, 복귀했을 경우 의미상, 구조상

완전해질 수 있는 절.

② 완벽절: 절머리의 품사 성분이 절속으로 복귀할 자리(빈틈)를 가지지 않는 절.


① What ( ) disturbs me is the idea that good behavior must be reinforced with


② The ideal case is one in which the former approximates to zero and the latter to infinity

( ).

- 각 절머리들은 고유의 속성을 가지고 있으며, 이에 따라 뒤에 올 절의 성격이 정해진다.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #15강

명사 절머리 부사 절머리 형용사 절머리

what, which, who, that,

whatever, whichever,


when, where, how, why,

whenever, wherever,

however, 전+wh

what, how, whatever

- 빈틈 절머리들은 모두 고유의 품사 속성을 가지고 있으며, 이는 절의 빈틈의 품사 속성과 일치한다.


① Working for survival is not ideal, but you do what you have to do ( ) to live.

② Cold and exhausted, I went to a small restaurant just beside the station, the only one

which ( ) opened at night.

③ I think that man won’t forget it either, but I was the one who ( ) got the best gift in life.

④ The bus that ( ) has this great Christmas discount is leaving in 20 minutes!

⑤ For this personality, whatever ( ) enters into the eye gate or the ear gate comes out the

mouth gate.

⑥ Can you tell me when they close the library ( )?

⑦ Young writers visiting the National Library are brought to a special section where the

rough drafts of famous authors are kept ( ).

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #15강

⑧ The research addresses the question of how global vegetation has responded to changes

in rainfall, temperature, and cloud cover patterns ( ).

⑨ Just from these points alone, you can see why we should switch to this system ( ).

⑩ Unlike many parents, whenever the dolphin does anything like what I want him to do ( ), I notice him.

⑪ I observe the moon wherever I go ( ).

⑫ However we do it ( ), the result will be the same.

⑬ For example, some college students begin planning at the beginning of their freshman year

what classes they will be taking ( ).

⑭ Such climate factors determine how vegetation grows ( ).

⑮ They do their best to create enjoyable and protective environments in which the children

feel comfortable and safe ( ).

절머리의 품사 속성 = 절의 빈틈의 품사 속성

영어의 본질 17

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #15강

배워서 뭐에 써?

* 다음 밑줄 친 부분에 둘 중 맞는 것을 고르거나, 옳고 그름을 판단하시오.

1 2008 6평

And that fact is directly related to the question of what / why we study philosophy.

2 2009 6평

Number one was: “I was born,” and you could put however / whatever you liked after that.

3 2010 6평

Some of the water comes from underground sources and some from rain, and it is hard to

measure where / what the tree is getting it.

4 2011 6평

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the creator of Sherlock Holmes, had a great sense of delicacy

which / where other persons’ feelings were concerned.

5 2011 6평

He judged by the sound which the fall was a mere slip and could not have hurt Meredith.

6 2011 6평

Everyone looked at what / how the man held his chopsticks, so that they could imitate him.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #15강

7 2011 수능

The dictionary defines courage as a 'quality which enables one to pursue a right course of

action, which / through which one may provoke disapproval, hostility, or contempt.'

8 2012 9평

And it is, importantly, the way which / in which most cultural anthropologists earn and

maintain their professional standing.

9 2012 수능

After seven months, the first toys made landfall on beaches near Sitka, Alaska, 3,540

kilometers from what / where they were lost.

10 2013 6평

In 1762, this island was taken by the English, who / where restored it the following year to

the French by the Peace of Paris, and since that time it has been in the possession of the


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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #16강

LECTURE 16 빈틈절의 이해 #2

1 WH 덩어리의 이해

① 빈틈절의 절머리 중 일부는 뒤에 일정 성분과 덩어리를 이뤄 하나의 덩어리를 이루고 있으며, 이 경

우 이 덩어리 전체를 절머리로 본다.

② 이렇게 형성된 WH 덩어리들 속에서 WH 절머리들은 수식어가 된다.

③ WH 덩어리들 속에서 최종적으로 수식을 받는 성분이 의미상의 핵이 되고, 그 핵의 품사에 따라 덩어

리 전체의 품사 속성이 결정되며, 이는 빈틈절이 가진 빈틈의 품사와 동일하다.


For example, some college students begin planning at the beginning of their freshman year

what classes they will be taking through graduate school.

Most people can see how powerfully such an approach would affect their opportunities for

employment or advancement.

Promise yourself that no matter how much work you have, you will always relax during one

full evening.

WH 덩어리의 품사 속성

= 덩어리 핵의 품사 속성 = 절의 빈틈의 품사 속성

영어의 본질 18

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #16강

what what + NPeople are killing whales without considering what future

consequences this will have.

which which + N It is not easy to guess which job someone has.

howhow + 형

how + 부

how + 형 + N

- How right he was!

- They can examine how often a successful author

starts with an apparently random series of ideas.

- You will be surprised at how much light there is


whatever whatever + NWhatever problem you name, you can also name some

hoped-for technological solution.

however however + 형/부 However hard you struggle, you can't solve it.

whose whose + NA weed is a plant whose virtues have not yet been


2 WH 덩어리의 종류


① Overall, there are only two continents whose percentage of forest loss is greater than

five percent.

② Depending on whose opinion you ask, this can be the majority of what universities do

even today.

③ However desirable it might be in other markets, adversarial relationship between buyer

and seller should not be the goal of health care policy.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #16강

④ When you accept the lessons that life brings you, however unpleasant or challenging

they may be, you take the crucial step toward finding your true self and your purpose.

⑤ If you are not well behaved in your own family circle, you will hardly be truly so anywhere,

however strictly you may conform to the observances of good breeding.

⑥ To play ‘time machine’ all you have to do is to imagine that whatever circumstance you

are dealing with is not happening right now but a year from now.

⑦ Whatever influences you’ve been exposed to, chances are your spouse perceives marital

roles somewhat differently than you do.

⑧ Throwing litter in a trash receptacle rather than out the car window is considered right

and proper, regardless of how many other people do or don’t behave that way.

⑨ I told her how beautiful the tree was.

⑩ As administrator, I’ll need to evaluate what the individual can do for himself or herself and

what kinds of services the situation warrants.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #16강

2 전치사 + WH 덩어리의 이해

① 전치사와 WH 절머리가 함께 붙어서 덩어리를 형성하는 경우 부사 절머리의 역할을 수행하며, 해당

절은 부사의 빈틈을 가지게 된다.

② 단, N of which의 경우 N이 의미의 핵이 되며, 이후 해당 절은 명사의 빈틈을 가지게 된다.


① In the corner of a traditional Korean home sits a television set tuned to a baseball game

in which a visiting American team is losing.

② Diffusion is a process by which one culture or society borrows from another.

③ Environmental scientists chose two Chicago public housing projects, both of which had

some buildings with lots of trees nearby, and some with practically none.

④ They do their best to create enjoyable and protective environments in which the children

feel comfortable and safe.

전치사 + WH 덩어리의 품사 속성

= 부사 = 절 안에 부사의 빈틈

영어의 본질 19

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #16강

⑤ She also acquired a familiarity with fashionable people and with poor Irish farmers, all of

which was to be of use in her novels.

⑥ To some it is mainly an instinctive, exciting sound to which they dance or move their


⑦ Paul Ekman uses the term ‘display rules’ for the social agreement about which feelings

can be properly shown when.

⑧ The distance through which the output moves corresponds to the pitch of the screw.

⑨ This idea runs counter to all modern ideas about diet, according to which we can absorb

all the vitamins and minerals contained in them.

⑩ Networking should not be regarded as a search for customers or partners, but rather as a

win-win situation from which everyone can benefit.

⑪ The descriptions of sound production have been rewritten in this edition so as to update

the theory on which they were based and to provide better practical advice regarding

pronunciation problems.

⑫ This usually consists of conveyor belts on which workers perform specific functions.

⑬ No apparent logic governs the category into which a species falls.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #16강

⑭ He began the session by revealing to the patient something personal about himself ―

secrets with which the patient might damage the doctor by breaking the confidence.

⑮ Energy necessarily depends on a pre-existing polarity, without which there could be no


⑯ Both eye and camera have a light-sensitive layer onto which the image is cast.

⑰ Despite the fact that the meals are identical, economists say, people nearly always eat the

one for which they paid full price.

⑱ All human societies have economic systems within which goods and services are

produced, distributed, and consumed.

⑲ The sociologist Glen Elder proposed that there is a sensitive period for growth ― late teens

through early 30s ― during which failures are most beneficial.

⑳ A round coin is seen as round even when viewed from an angle at which, objectively, it

should appear elliptical.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #17강

절머리 성분 외부 속성 내부 속성 세부 쓰임

접속사 명사절 완벽절







so 형/부 that

so that

관계사 형용사절 명사빈틈절 선행사 + that

강조구문 빈틈절(강조성분과 일치) it ~ that

LECTURE 17 주요 절머리의 쓰임

1 that


① All players will be required to demonstrate that they can understand and use familiar

everyday expressions.

② The reason for the observation is that in the past, making uniformly flat glass was almost


③ This is also a signal to other people that ‘we are together, we are acting as one.’

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #17강

④ It is commonly thought that the launch of the euro, Europe’s single currency, brought

about an increase in the cost of living and this has affected the public’s overall opinion

toward the European Union.

⑤ This is so difficult for people, especially businesspeople whose general style is that of

understatement, that they should take an acting course before they take a speech course.

⑥ Wrinkles on this side express the strong emotions that we have experienced in our lives.

⑦ Nonetheless, television producers have widely accepted that it is the use of camera lenses

that more fully determines the “look” of any picture than whether it is recorded digitally

or on celluloid.

* 유의사항

① 접속사 that과 if/whether의 구분: 의미상의 확정/불확정

With all the passion for being slim, it is no wonder that / if many people view any amount of

visible fat on the body as something to get rid of.

Some people wonder that / if another writer just used his name.

② 관계사 that은 서술적 용법으로 사용될 수 없다.

I sat in a corner sipping the soup slowly, casually listening to country fellows’ chatting,

which / that was like flowing water.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #17강

절머리 성분 외부 속성 내부 속성 세부 쓰임

의문대명사 명사절 명사빈틈절 간접의문문

의문형용사 명사절 명사빈틈절 간접의문문

관계대명사 명사절 명사빈틈절 선행사 없음.

2 what


① I don't even know what happened to Jim.

② My father has no concern about what trend is popular in styling these days.

③ I really want to know what kind of bait he uses for trout.

④ I would like to call this house what you want.

⑤ What happened to me is something that no one can believe.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #17강

절머리 성분 외부 속성 내부 속성 세부 쓰임

의문대명사 명사절 명사빈틈절 간접의문문

의문형용사 명사절 명사빈틈절 간접의문문

관계대명사 명사절 명사빈틈절 선행사 있음.

3 which

* 유의사항

① what VS which

- 의문사일 때는 의미상의 구별

- 관계사일 때는 선행사의 유무

② that VS which

- 관계사의 계속적 용법일 때는 which만 사용.


① People often get confused about which is more important between creativity or efficiency.

② In 1978, finally, I came to know which the longest river in the world is.

③ Which he prefers doesn't matter to me.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #17강

절머리 성분 외부 속성 내부 속성 세부 쓰임

의문부사 명사절



명사 빈틈절


의문형용사 명사절 형용사빈틈절 간접의문문

관계부사 형용사절(명사절) 부사빈틈절 선행사 없음.

④ Which one is the faster of the two is hard to decide.

⑤ I don't want to know which sport you like better.

⑥ I can't remember which parking lot I left my car in.

⑦ The washing machine which we bought needs to be repaired.

⑧ The decision was taken, against technical advice, because the management team concerned

were applying rules which focused on building up public interest and attention.

⑨ The schoolmaster should select some incident which happened a good many years ago,

and roused political passions in its day.

4 how

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #17강

절머리 성분 외부 속성 내부 속성 세부 쓰임

의문부사 명사절 부사빈틈절 간접의문문

접속사 부사절 부사빈틈절 접속사절

관계부사 형용사절 부사빈틈절 선행사 있음


① Look how the liar is lying in his teeth.

② Imagine how nice it would be if you had a whole extra hour in the morning to do some

things you’ve been waiting to do, like taking a walk.

③ Being late for class can affect how well students learn.

④ People are often interested in how much money others made.

⑤ To break the ice in the first meeting can be possible by asking how the weather is.

4 when, where, why

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #17강


① They readily return to areas where they have been heavily hunted in the past.

② Where having money or wealth is most important, things that can be brought by wealth,

such as cars, houses, or fine clothing, are considered status symbols.

③ This enables you to draw the ray flowers correctly and keep track of where you are.

④ When they leave their old job, they have little trouble finding a new one.

⑤ Knowing when something happened is important.

⑥ There have been moments when its great strength was also its weakness.

⑦ Now I know why you didn’t follow my advice.

⑧ One reason why the definitions of words have changed over time is simply because of

their misuse.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #18강

절머리 성분 외부 속성 내부 속성 세부 쓰임








anything which/anyone who

no matter what(which)


wherever복합관계부사 부사절 부사빈틈절 no matter when/where




형용사빈틈절no matter how

LECTURE 18 복합관계사/ 절머리 종합

1 복합관계사

① any류의 선행사 + 관계사 = 복합관계사

② 선행사가 없음.


I hate anything which my brother choose.

→ I hate whatever(whichever) my brother choose.

Call me any time when you feel comfort.

→ Call me whenever you feel comfort.

2 복합관계사의 분류

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #18강

* 유의사항

의문사 VS 복합관계사: 문장 안에서 의문사 절이 간접의문문으로 명사절의 역할을, 복합관계사절은 부사

절의 역할을 수행할 때, 구분될 수 있다.

I don't know when / whenever he will come.

What / Whatever you like, I like it.


① For this personality, whatever enters into the eye gate or the ear gate comes out the

mouth gate.

② Whatever becomes a work of art of any kind does so as a result of an act of creation

③ Whatever they chose, they could not change their minds later.

④ People tend to select whoever represents their own interests.

⑤ Whoever wants to achieve a great success, he should have something special.

⑥ Whenever my son did what I wanted him to do, I paid little attention to him.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #18강

배워서 잘 써먹자

* 둘 중 맞는 것을 고르거나, 밑줄 친 부분이 맞았는지 틀렸는지 생각해봅시다.


They will be calmly watching a sports game or a televised event when / which they realize the

camera is focused on them.


He had worked with cameras at the Space Center, and after each big launch he was given

photographs, framed in thin black metal, which hung like award certificates all over the living



As she lived in a small house, where / which she could not practice without disturbing the

rest of the family, she usually practiced her high notes outside.


Armed only with his intelligence, a book on electricity, and some plastic pipes, Kamkwamba

built his first windmill, where / which generated enough power to run a light in his room.


And then, he handed her an envelope in which was tucked a fifty-dollar bill.


For most of recorded history, people lived where they were born, did what their parents had

done, and associated with those who were doing the same.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #18강


Dutch is also being done as an extreme competition sport where / which groups of kids are

doing high-energy dancing routines that are truly amazing.


One of the things which / what they talked about was how to enforce laws against dumping

waste into water sources.


The latest studies indicate that what people really want is a mate that has qualities like their



Wrinkles on this side express the strong emotions that we have experienced in our lives.


What many users may not realize is that the company owns every photo.


I couldn’t get it unlocked how / however hard I tried.


A book review is a personal assessment which explains how well an author has covered a

specific topic.

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새로운 개념의 시작, 햇님쌤의 영어학개론 #18강


When he inherited the throne, at age nineteen, it / which was expected that he would

continue his ancestors’ royal patronage.


What / Whatever the cause of our discomfort is, most of us have to train ourselves to seek

feedback and listen carefully when we hear it.