There are Two Types of Organizations: A Behavior-Based Organization Commitment-Based Organization PGC is a Commitment - Based Organization.

2015 Developing Commitment Statements Training

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There are Two Types of Organizations:

A Behavior-Based Organization

Commitment-Based Organization

PGC is a Commitment-Based Organization.

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What is the difference between the two types of organizations?

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In a Behavior-Based Organization:

Staff relate to each other by their behaviors.

When a staff member demonstrates a behavior that is consistently below expectations, others write them off (i.e. Sally never helps anyone out with anything).

Writing someone off leads to an erosion of trust in the relationship.

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In a Commitment-Based Organization:

Staff relate to each other by the commitments they create for themselves.

When a staff member has a consistent behavior that is below expectations, others provide coaching and support.

Coaching each other leads to increased trust in the relationship.

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Commitment Statements:

While goals are based on what you desire to achieve, commitment statements are based on who you need to be in order to be successful in your position.

At PGC, every full-time staff member, Director, Lead Instructor, Instructor, and Volunteer creates his or her own personalized commitment statement.

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Commitment Statements:

While goals are based on what you desire to achieve, commitment statements are based on who you need to be in order to be successful in your position.

At PGC, every full-time staff member, seasonal staff, and all summer staff creates his or her own personalized commitment statement.

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Commitment Statements:

Commitment statements are shared weeklyduring coaching calls and are the foundation for how we relate to one another.

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Building a Commitment Statement:

Use our core values and your job description to assist you in building your commitment statement. Our core values are outlined in the Scheduling & Event Team Orientation Handbook.

Remember to focus your commitment statement on who you’re going to be and not what you’re going to do.

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Building a Commitment Statement:

Effective commitment statements include who you’re ‘stretching and growing’ into.

Use ‘I am’ statements, even for areas that you are stretching into. A player desiring to be a deadly shooter will experience greater results by saying ‘I am a deadly shooter’ than by saying ‘I hope to be a deadly shooter’ or ‘I will become a deadly shooter.’

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Building a Commitment Statement:

In your commitment statement, let others know what they can count on you for (i.e. ‘Others can count on me to be…’)

Be holistic in your approach. You can include statements related to your personal well-being, your off-season training or exercise, or any other realm you deem important.

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Examples of Commitment Statements:

Margie Williamson, Ph.D.Manager | Scheduling & Events

I am a servant leader. I see possibilities instead of limitations. Others can count on me to seek long-term solutions that create efficient processes. I make wise decisions that have positive results. I delegate strategically and equip others to be successful. Others can count on me to use precision in my communication, to demonstrate hustle through my diligence, and to negotiate with persistence. I embrace conflicts with wisdom & gentleness. I am flexible and adaptable and flow fluidly with change. My torch of energy and my passion for excellence is infectious and inspiring to those around me. I am available to contribute to the efforts of others while maintaining symmetry in my life. I continually seek to enlarge my spirit through knowledge and truth.

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Examples of Commitment Statements:

Cori Pacillo, Coordinator | Scheduling & Events

I am a student teacher, eager to learn from new experiences and to enthusiastically share my knowledge with others. Others can count on me to reflect on best practices to enhance my surroundings and myself. I am a confident professional who handles obstacles with grace and celebrations with enthusiasm. Others can count on me to execute duties with efficiency, to manage my time effectively, and to be poised under pressure. I am a problem solver who anticipates needs, adapts quickly to new situations, and clearly communicates solutions. Others can count on me to meticulously attend to details while SCHAPING every personal interaction. I am a preserver of the positive perspective, viewing mistakes as an opportunity to grow and immediately encouraging others and myself to focus on the next best thing. I live beyond the things of this world and in the fullness of God’s bigger plans.

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Examples of Commitment Statements:Sarah Neufeld, Coordinator | Scheduling & Events

I am here by design. I am one of a kind. I am a committed follower of Christ who is called to share His love with those around me. I am a positive daughter, wife, family member and friend and strongly believe in the ripple effect of a smile. I am an athlete by nature but a basketball junkie at heart. I work hardest for the assist and let others get the score. I am a servant first, and always. I commit daily to providing exceptional service and experiences to PGC staff and those external partners I am directly involved with. I seek personalized fuel for performing my role in the form of contagious and genuine encouragement from my internal PGC family, while I continue to recognize my purpose and direction in life comes straight from my creator. I strive to rest, rejuvenate, and recover so I am physically, mentally, and emotionally able to give my best. I am focused on becoming a reflective learner for the future direction of my role. You can count on me to be a confident and direct communicator, a leader in time management, and a ‘ready to help you’ resource. Follow me, I’m ready to lead. Lead me, I’m eager to learn.