Issue 13 Perth, Western Australia July 2015 Review: BE A MIRACLE ANA OBIASCA OVERFLOWING worship, praises, songs, prayers and love. These were the things shared and experienced last week during our 2015 Live Feast. Indeed, God has poured out so much love to the Feast Perth community who received and experienced His loving presence. The event was humbly graced by the presence of our Oceania preacher, Bro Hermie Morelos, LOJ Philippines and Internaonal Youth Head, Bro Paolo Galia, and LOJ Music connoisseur and Bro Bo Sanchez’s eldest son, Bene Sanchez. Last week’s talk on being a miracle to others was highlighted by the retelling of one of the most controversial stories in the Bible, the Parable of the Good Samaritan. This was narrated through a comical and modernised portrayal of the Feast Perth brothers. From the story, Bro Hermie revealed to us that God will always put wounded in our path. He also shared 3 reasons why people, like the priest and the Levite in the parable, avoid “the wounded”. 1.People are blinded. When we decide to follow Christ, we don’t follow Him to know all the worship songs or to say all the prayers. When we follow Jesus, we decide to become another Jesus in the world. 2.People are biased. We’re known to judge, condemn and cricise sinners. This is the very opposite reputaon of Jesus. He is known as the “friend of the sinners”. 3.People are busy. We need to realise that life-interrupons can be God’s invitaons to helping the wounded. In order for us to hear the voice of God, we need to discard the weapons of mass “distracons”. To become a miracle to others, God will deliberately put the wounded in our way searching for love, joy, courage, peace and purpose in life. So, just like the Good Samaritan in the parable, we also need comrades of compassion – the donkey and the innkeeper. We can bring the “Church” to the wounded, and be modern day Good Samaritans and God’s miracle workers. 2015 NEW LOJ MISSION: LOVE GOD, MAKE DISCIPLES 2015 NEW LOJ VISION: TO MAKE 1 MILLION DISCIPLES Jesus said, “Therefore go and make disciples in all the naons.” (Mt 28:19). Council Members Alfredo De La Fuente Analiza Obiasca Arnold Joey Pedro Catalina Nolasco Grace De La Fuente Mary Fema Cuadras Mima Pedro Emmanuel Barrerra Ana Mae Barrera Feast Bullen Staff: Analiza Obiasca Alyssa Marie Apilado Maria Nela Valencia Marian Dela Fuente Mary Fema Cuadras Pia Micaela Barrera Feast Perth - St Mary’s Cathedral 17 Victoria Square, Perth WA Meeng Rm 1 Underground 2nd and 4th Saturday 3-5 PM Contact: Grace 0420921268 Join a Light Group and share your thoughts about the talk! Schedule: Council CG: 1st week of the month Singles/youth/CG: 3rd week of the month. Share your blessings by being part of the team that serves in the Feast Perth. Sign up and volunteer at the Registraon Table! ATTENTION: YOUTH (13 to 23 yrs old) Join us for our first ever Camp Calye. Don’t miss out on the amazing talks, fun acvies and the amazing people you will meet! Register today. November 27 - 29, 2015 NEW FEAST SCHEDULE! Connect with us Join a Light Group Serve with us I Empower the Youth! I am God’s Instrument of Generosity. I will support CAMP CALYE 2015! DONATE now and be a blessing to the youth! Spring 2015 www.lojperth.com OR facebook.com/LOJFPerth Feast Declaration of Abundance Today, I receive all of God’s love for me. Today, I open myself to the unbounded, limitless, over-flowing abundance of God’s universe. Today, I open myself to God’s blessings, healing and miracles. Today, I open myself to God’s Word so that I become more like Jesus every day. Today, I proclaim that I’m God’s beloved, I’m God’s servant, I’m God’s powerful champion. And because I am blessed, I am blessing the world, in Jesus’ name. Amen. NEW SERIES coming this 8 August 2015 See you at the next Feast!

2015 NEW LOJ MISSION: LOVE GOD, MAKE DISCIPLES Live Feast. Indeed, ... Bro Bo Sanchez’s eldest son, Bene ... and be modern day Good Samaritans and God’s miracle workers

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Page 1: 2015 NEW LOJ MISSION: LOVE GOD, MAKE DISCIPLES Live Feast. Indeed, ... Bro Bo Sanchez’s eldest son, Bene ... and be modern day Good Samaritans and God’s miracle workers

Issue 13 Perth, Western Australia July 2015

Review: BE A MIRACLEANA OBIASCAOVERFLOWING worship, praises, songs, prayers and love. These were the things shared and experienced last week during our 2015 Live Feast. Indeed, God has poured out so much love to the Feast Perth community who received and experienced His loving presence. The event was humbly graced by the presence of our Oceania preacher, Bro Hermie Morelos, LOJ Philippines and International Youth Head, Bro Paolo Galia, and LOJ Music connoisseur and Bro Bo Sanchez’s eldest son, Bene Sanchez.

Last week’s talk on being a miracle to others was highlighted by the retelling of one of the most controversial stories in the Bible, the Parable of the Good Samaritan. This was narrated through a comical and modernised portrayal of the Feast Perth brothers. From the story, Bro Hermie revealed to us that God will always put wounded in our path. He also shared 3 reasons why people, like the priest and the Levite in

the parable, avoid “the wounded”. 1.People are blinded. When we decide to follow Christ, we don’t follow Him to know all the worship songs or to say all the prayers. When we follow Jesus, we decide to become another Jesus in the world.2.People are biased. We’re known to judge, condemn and criticise sinners. This is the very opposite reputation of Jesus. He is known as the “friend of the sinners”. 3.People are busy. We need to realise that life-interruptions can be God’s invitations to helping the wounded. In order for us to hear the voice of God, we need to discard the weapons of mass “distractions”. To become a miracle to others, God will deliberately put the wounded in our way searching for love, joy, courage, peace and purpose in life. So, just like the Good Samaritan in the parable, we also need comrades of compassion – the donkey and the innkeeper. We can bring the “Church” to the wounded, and be modern day Good Samaritans and God’s miracle workers.



TO MAKE 1 MILLION DISCIPLES Jesus said, “Therefore go and make disciples in all the nations.” (Mt 28:19).

Council MembersAlfredo De La Fuente

Analiza ObiascaArnold Joey PedroCatalina Nolasco

Grace De La FuenteMary Fema Cuadras

Mima PedroEmmanuel Barrerra

Ana Mae Barrera

Feast Bulletin Staff:Analiza Obiasca

Alyssa Marie ApiladoMaria Nela ValenciaMarian Dela FuenteMary Fema CuadrasPia Micaela Barrera

Feast Perth - St Mary’s Cathedral

17 Victoria Square, Perth WA Meeting Rm 1 Underground

2nd and 4th Saturday 3-5 PM Contact: Grace 0420921268

Join a Light Group and share your thoughts about the talk!Schedule:Council CG: 1st week of the monthSingles/youth/CG: 3rd week of the month.

Share your blessings by being part of the team that serves in

the Feast Perth. Sign up and volunteer at the

Registration Table!

ATTENTION: YOUTH (13 to 23 yrs old)

Join us for our first ever Camp Calye.Don’t miss out on the amazing talks, fun

activities and the amazing people you will meet! Register today.

November 27 - 29, 2015


Connect with us

Join a Light Group Serve with us

I Empower the Youth!I am God’s Instrument

of Generosity.I will support CAMP CALYE 2015!

DONATE now and be a blessing to the youth!

Spring 2015

www.lojperth.com OR facebook.com/LOJFPerth

Feast Declaration of AbundanceToday, I receive all of God’s love for me. Today,

I open myself to the unbounded, limitless, over-flowing abundance of God’s universe.

Today, I open myself to God’s blessings, healing and miracles. Today, I open myself to God’s Word so that I become more like Jesus

every day. Today, I proclaim that I’m God’s beloved, I’m God’s servant, I’m God’s powerful

champion. And because I am blessed, I am blessing the world, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

NEW SERIES coming this 8 August 2015

See you at the next Feast!

Page 2: 2015 NEW LOJ MISSION: LOVE GOD, MAKE DISCIPLES Live Feast. Indeed, ... Bro Bo Sanchez’s eldest son, Bene ... and be modern day Good Samaritans and God’s miracle workers

Last Week at the Live Feast We were blessed to have Bro Hermie Morelos, Bro Paolo Galia and Bene Sanchez.

We worshipped, prayed, listened, learned, shared, feasted, enjoyed, laughed, loved...

Reflection: My ALAB Experience RINA BARRERA

TO be honest, I actually never planned to go to ALAB Camp because I was scared and had second thoughts about it. My mom kept explaining and giving me good feedback about it but I wouldn’t budge. Until I finally came to terms and decided to go because my siblings would be there anyway. My mom also mentioned that after the camp I would have to be a leader for Feast Perth Youth; and that frightened me! When the date of the event came, I had

mixed emotions. I wasn’t sure what was coming for me and what we would be doing together. I started the journey with full of enthusiasm and a hint of nervousness. When I saw the group list that I was in, I was relieved seeing my brother’s name and knew I wouldn’t be entirely alone. I was also trying my best to give a better attitude for what was to come and to look at the brighter side of things. As soon as we sat on the table to eat with our group mates and to introduce ourselves, I made sure I presented myself with full confidence and gave them an attitude that they have never seen before from me – joyful and talkative. When we finished our meal, we had to decide on who would be our group leader. I was quite surprised that two of my team members volunteered and trusted me with the tasks ahead of us. After that

moment, I felt as if I had a reason why the Lord brought me there, and that made me feel even more confident with myself and what I can do to help the team win for the glory of Him. I started talking more and giving ideas to my team. In return, I created a greater bond with them. I learned so much from each of them and understood their struggles in life and the things that would put a smile on their faces. I have several eye openers from the camp. First was the talks given by Kuya Paolo Galia and the personal stories he shared and trusted us with. Second, I was most especially touched when we had a big group sharing and when we were prayed over by our facilitators, Kuya Paolo and Bene. I felt God’s presence within me and His touch during the silent moments and reflections. God was talking to me and was showing me the right path to a greater road for His kingdom. I was never quite a spiritual person. I would always decline the activities that involve going to Church and would sometimes reject the thought of God being with me during my tough times. I was negative and, sometimes, confused with myself. But after the camp, I found what I want to be and what I want to do in life, which includes serving the Lord. I am ready to lead the Youth Ministry. I want the youth to feel the way I felt the presence of God. I can finally say that I am ready. I am definitely looking forward to the next one!

Feasters say...TOM & MENA MATIAS - We were blessed by meeting people, who are truly happy being of service to others. LENY NOLASCO - Many were blessed with our short skit. The light jokes brought us happiness. The lesson learned during the talk and the Good Samaritan story, though was not new to most of us as it has already been repeatedly told to every generation, still continue to give us something to reflect upon and allow us to examine ourselves if we are somehow portraying the Church’s roles in our lives.DELPHINE GARRE - I felt very welcome in the group. I felt the warmth and real unconditional love. It was also fun and I appreciate the discussion and the gathering. I thank God for His blessings.

RJ & JUBY VIBAS - There’s always a blessing in the folds of every experience and every good or bad outcome that may be happening now. It is our perspective that simply needs to be repositioned or changed for nothing ever happens that is not for the highest good known as the will of God. We are happy to be attending The Feast again after 9 months in the making and 3 months preparation, not as a couple but as a family! Thank you to our dearly missed, LOJ family, for the hearty welcome to our baby Daenerys! ROBERT SISTEMA - The Live Feast blessed me by meeting new people and having a good talk with friends. It also gave me a spiritual rest and strength from the busy world. I felt at ease when I surrendered my burdens to Him through the worship songs.