USA Weightlifting Athlete Handbook & Reference Guide For 2015 International Competitions As Of February 1, 2015 Update Comment Period: The USA Weightlifting Board of Directors has approved this Guide for use in 2015 as of January 1, 2015, with the understanding that adjustments would be necessary from time to time. This February 1, 2015 version updates the most recent 2015 Guide posting as of January 1, 2015. Comments on this version may be forwarded by email to High Performance Director Peter Roselli at [email protected].

2015 USAW International Competition Reference Guide For .../media/USA...2! USA Weightlifting! Athlete Handbook & 2015 Reference Guide !! Business Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. -

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  • USA Weightlifting

     Athlete Handbook & Reference Guide

    For 2015 International Competitions

    As Of February 1, 2015 Update

    Comment  Period:    The  USA  Weightlifting  Board  of  Directors  has  approved  this  Guide  for  use  in  2015  as  of  January  1,  2015,  with  the  understanding  that  adjustments  would  be  necessary  from  time  to  time.  This  February  1,  2015  version  updates  the  most  recent  2015  Guide  posting  as  of  January  1,  2015.    Comments  on  this  version  may  be  forwarded  by  email  to  High  Performance  Director  Peter  Roselli  at  [email protected].  

  • 2


    USA Weightlifting  Athlete Handbook & 2015 Reference Guide

       Business Hours: Monday - Friday

    8:00 a.m. - 5 p.m. (Mountain Time)

    Address: USA Weightlifting, Inc. 1 Olympic Plaza Colorado Springs, CO 80909

    Phone: (719) 866-4508 Fax: (719) 866-4741

    Web Site: http://weightlifting.teamusa.org E-Mail: mailto:[email protected]            Published:     January  1,  2015                Updated:   February  1,  2015                Updated:      A  reference  list  of  updated  information  in  this  Guide,  displayed  by  date  updated  above,  may  be  found  in  Appendix  E.          

    Special  Notice  IWF  2016  Olympic  Games  Qualification  Procedures  Approved  By  IOC;  Increased  WADA  Anti-‐Doping  Sanctions  in  


    Team  Scoring  –  Olympic  Games  Slot  Qualification    The  2016  Olympic  Games  weightlifting  competition  commenced  in  2014  with  the  first  of  two  world  level  Olympic  Games  slot  qualification  competitions,  the  2014  World  Championships/Olympic  Games  Qualification  Event,  held  in  Almaty,  Kazakhstan  in  November.  Athletes,  coaches  and  officials  should  be  aware  of  the  following  recent  developments  affecting  Olympic  slot  qualification  for  weightlifting,  individual  athlete  eligibility,  and  increased  anti-‐doping  sanctions.        IWF  President  Ajan  and  his  staff  reported  these  changes  to  Games  at  the  recently  concluded  2013  World  Championships,  now  approved  by  the  International  Olympic  Committee,  that  materially  alter  the  methods  by  which  weightlifting  teams  qualify  slots  for  2016  Olympic  Games,  and  individual  athletes  become  eligible  for  Games  participation.  See  http://www.iwf.net/wp-‐content/uploads/downloads/2014/05/2014-‐05-‐28-‐Rio-‐2016-‐Qualification-‐System-‐FINAL-‐Weightlifting-‐EN.pdf  on  the  IWF  web  site.  

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           Based  on  a  recommendation  from  the  United  States,  qualification  scoring  for  Olympic  slots  in  2014  and  2015  at  the  two  World  Championships/Olympic  Games  Qualification  Events,  will  be  calculated  from  the  highest  totals  made  by  the  top  six  men  and  four  women  from  among  all  results  per  team  of  up  to  eight  men  and  seven  women  entered,  at  the  conclusion  of  each  of  the  two  competitions.  In  the  past,  point  scoring  team  members  from  each  National  Federation  had  to  be  declared  at  the  Verification  of  Final  Entries  prior  to  the  competition.        The  significance  of  this  approved  change  is  that  no  longer  will  one  bomb  out  at  one  of  the  two  Qualification  Events  essentially  eliminate  a  National  Federation  from  acquisition  of  Olympic  slots  at  the  world  level  of  qualification.  In  addition,  the  roles  of  all  team  members  and  alternates,  up  to  the  ten  men  and  nine  women  entered  on  the  final  entry  form  for  each  of  the  two  qualification  competitions,  becomes  more  critical  to  Team  USA  success,  since  all  team  members  and  alternates  will  now  become  potential  point  scorers  once  entered  on  the  start  list  for  each  competition.    Athlete  Eligibility  to  Participate  in  the  Olympic  Games    Also  included  in  the  approved  procedures  is  that  individual  athlete  eligibility  to  compete  in  the  Olympic  Games  will  now  require  participation  in  at  least  two  international  competitions  designated  as  Qualification  Events.  

     IWF  staff  has  further  provided  the  clarification  that  the  athlete  must  weigh  in  and  be  included  in  the  results  of  the  competition  to  be  recognized  as  having  competed.  To  be  entered  in  the  competition  is  not  enough.    National  Federations  can  no  longer  enter  athletes  heretofore  not  having  competed  in  at  least  two  international  Qualification  Events,  to  fill  the  number  of  slots  earned  by  a  National  Federation  in  the  Olympic  Games.  The  significance  of  this  change  is  that  only  athletes  subjected  to  international  in  competition  drug  testing  at  designated  international  Qualification  Events,  who  have  materially  contributed  to  slot  qualification  for  a  National  Federation  will  be  eligible  to  compete  at  the  Games.      Team  USA  athletes  seeking  Olympic  Games  participation,  are  therefore  required  to  compete  in  two  or  more  of  the  specified  international  Qualification  Events  in  the  procedure,  and  consequently,  are  best  advised  to  seek  participation  in  the  Qualification  Events  preliminary  to  the  above  listed  eligibility  events,  eg  2014  Pan  American  Championships,  in  order  to  maximize  their  opportunities  to  participate  in  Games  Qualification  Events.      Increased  Anti-‐Doping  Penalties  Applicable  To  Individual  Athletes    President  Ajan  reported  at  the  2013  World  Championships  that  the  World  Anti-‐Doping  Agency  had  revised  the  2015  WADA  code  to  require,  among  a  number  of  significant  revisions,  a  4-‐year  suspension  for  a  first  offense,  an  increase  of  two  years  over  the  current  code  requirement.  The  significance  of  this  revision  is  that  athletes  so  sanctioned  for  a  first  offense  will  be  barred  from  eligibility  for  participation  in  at  least  one  Olympic  Games.      The  IWF  has  since  reported  on  its  web  site  that  the  WADA  Foundation  Board  approved  the  WADA  revised  code  for  implementation  as  of  January  1,  2015.  See  the  WADA  web  site,  http://www.wada-‐ama.org,  for  detailed  information  regarding  this  and  other  changes  to  the  WADA  code.  Athletes,  coaches  and  officials  are  encouraged  to  visit  the  site,  and  familiarize  themselves  with  the  details.      


  • 4


    Table  of  Contents    

    1. Purpose:  Athlete  Handbook  &  2015  Reference  Guide…………………………..……..……………………............  2. National  Classification  System  (NCS)………………………………………..…………………………….…………………….  3. 2014  International  Weightlifting  Competitions,  Qualifying  Periods  And  Events….………….….…….……  

    3.1  Special  Trials  Sessions  and  Similar  Events………………………………………………………………………………..  3.2  International  Grand  Prix  and  Other  Emergent  International  Events…………………………………………  

    4. Other  International  Competitions…………………………………….…………………………………..….…………………..  5. International  Team  Ranking……………………………………………………………………………..….……………….…......  

    5.1 Ability  to  Medal…………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………….……  5.2 Ability  to  Place  and  Score………………………………………………………………………………………………………..  5.3 Bumping……………………………………………………………….…………………….……….………………………..……....  5.4 Alternates…………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………..……….  5.5 Changes  In  Body  Weight  Category  After  Selection……………….…………..………………….…..…………….  5.6 Changes  In  Entry  Totals…………………………………………………………………….…………………….………………  5.7 Numbers  of  International  Competitions  Per  Athlete……………………………………..…………….………….  

    6. Selection  System……………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………..…..……..  6.1 Minimum  Eligibility  Requirements  For  An  Athlete  To  Be  Considered  For  Team  Membership........  

    6.1.1 Citizenship.………………………………………………………………………………………….…….…..…….….…….  6.1.2 Minimum  International  Federation  Standards  For  Participation………………….………………….  6.1.3 Other  Requirements……………………………………………………………..………………..……..……….……..  

    7. Qualification  Events………………………………….………………………………………………………………………..…….……..  8. Qualification Procedures………………………………………………………….……………….…………………….….......  

    8.1 Ability  to  Medal…………………………………….…………………………………..…………………………….……….......  8.1.1 Calculation  Of  Qualifying  Totals……..…………………………………………………….…..…………............  8.1.2 Ranking  And  Team  Selection  Process…………………………………………………….…………….………….  8.1.3 Tie  Breaking  Procedures……………………………..………….………………………….…..……………………  8.1.4 Final  Qualification  Competitions  Will  Be  Conducted  As  Follows…………..…..…..……………......  8.1.5 Final  Selection…………………………………………………………….…………………………………………..………  

    8.2 Ability  To  Place  And  Score…………………..……………………………………………………………………..……….........  8.2.1 Calculation  of  Qualifying  Totals.…………………..…………………………………………………...…………  8.2.2 Ranking  And  Team  Selection  Process……………………….………………………….…………….…...........  8.2.3 Tie  Breaking  Procedures.……..……………………………………………………………….…….……….…………  8.2.4 Final  Qualification  Competitions  Will  Be  Conducted  As  Follows...………….……….……………  8.2.5 Final  Selection………………………………………….…………………………….………………….….………..........  

    9. Roles,  Responsibilities,  Objectives  and  Policies  for  International  Events…….……………………..…..........    Appendix  A:  National  Classification  System  (NCS)  Matrix:  Five-‐Year  World    Championships/Olympic  Games  Averages  2010-‐2014……………………….………………………………..…………  

      Women’s  Ranking  Totals…………………………………………………………………………………………………….………….         Men’s  Ranking  Totals……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..    

    5  5  5  8  8  10  10  11  11  11  12  12  13  13  13  13  13  14  1414  14  15  15  15  16  17  17  17  18  18  1919  22  22      

    23  24  25  

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    Appendix  B:    Roles,  Responsibilities,  Objectives  and  Policies  for  International  Events………………..……………..  Appendix  C:  World  Championships  Ranking  Totals……………………………………………………………….…….…………….  Appendix  E:  National  &  International  Event  Calendar…………………………...……………………………..…….…..………..  Appendix  F:  Update  Reference  List…………………..……………………….……………………………………..……….…….…………  Appendix  G:  USA  Weightlifting  2014  International  Competition  Funding  Program:    

    World  Championships………..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….  Pan  American  Games….…………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………..  Manuel  Suarez  Tournament  –  Seniors  …………………………………………………………………………………………………  Simon  Bolivar  Cup……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….  

      Junior  World  Championships…………….…………..…………………………………………………………………………………           Junior  Pan  American  Championships….…………………………………………………………………………………………….     Youth  World  Championships………..…………………………………………………………………………………………………..  

    Pan  American  Youth  Championships………………………………………………………………………………………………..  Manuel  Suarez  Tournament  –  17U…………………………………………………………………………………………………..  

      World  University  Championships…………………………………………………………………………………..…………………  Appendix  H:  International  Competitions  Declaration  of  Health,  Fitness  and  Performance  Level……………………….      

    26  27  29  31    

    32  33  33  33  33  3435  36363637  


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    1. Purpose    

    This   USA  Weightlifting   Athlete   Handbook  &   Reference   Guide   for   2015   International   Competitions   has   been   prepared   to  provide   athletes,   coaches,   and   officials   details   regarding   athlete   participation   in   international   weightlifting   competitions  during  2015.  The  content  of  the  Guide  is  based  on  the  information  currently  available  as  of  the  date  of  publication  above.  As  new   information   becomes   available,   this   Guide   will   be   updated   accordingly,   and   revised   editions   made   available.   See  Appendix  F  reference  lists  of  adjustments  to  the  document  by  date  of  update.    

    2. National  Classification  System  (NCS)    

    The  2015  USAW  NCS  matrix  has  been  updated  by  averaging  the  bronze  medal  winning  performances  at  the  five  most  recent  World  Championships  and  Olympic  Games.  As  in  2014,  there  are  10  classification  levels,  the  highest  having  a  minimum  total  equal   to   100%   of   the   aforementioned   bronze   medal   winning   averages,   rounded   to   one   decimal,   and   termed   “Merited  International  Elite”.  Each  subsequent  lower  level  is  5%  below  the  one  above  (e.g.,  the  next  level  below  Merited  International  Elite  is  International  Elite,  95%  of  the  bronze  medal  winning  average  total).    The  most   recent   five-‐year   third   place   averages   in   each   body   weight   category,   adjusted   annually,   serve   as   the   2015   NCS  matrix,  updated  to  include  the  2014  World  Championships,  can  be  found  in  Appendix  A.    

     3. 2015  International  Weightlifting  Competitions,  Qualifying  Periods  and  Events  

     As  of  February  1,  2015,  the  following  IWF  sanctioned  international  competitions,  have  been  approved  for  full,  partial  or  self-‐funded  Team  USA  participation  during  2015:      


    International  Competition  

     Qualifying  Period  Start  

     Qualifying  Period  End  

     Qualification  Events  

    As  Of  November  24,  2015  


    Manuel  Suarez  Tournament                            (Seniors  &  U-‐17)  Cienfuegos,  Cuba  March  10  –  14,  2015  

    10.16.2014   12.14.2014   13U  &  15U  Youth  International  American  Open  Championships    

    10.16  -‐  19.2014  12.11  -‐  14.2014  

    Youth  World  Championships  Lima,  Peru  April  7  -‐  12,  2015  

    10.16.2014   02.15.2015   13U  &  15U  Youth  International  American  Open  Championships  National  Junior  Championships    

    10.16  -‐  19.2014  12.11  -‐  14.2014  02.12  -‐  15.2015  

    Pan  American  Junior  Championships  Columbia  May  5  –  10,  2015  

    12.11.2014   02.15.2015   American  Open  Championships  National  Junior  Championships  

    12.11  -‐  14.2014  02.12  -‐  15.2015  

    Junior  World  Championships  Wroclaw,  Poland  June  6  -‐  14,  2015  

    12.11.2014   03.15.2015   American  Open  Championships  National  Junior  Championships  Manuel  Suarez  Tournament  (Seniors  &  U-‐17)  

    12.11  -‐  14.2014  02.12  -‐  15.2015    03.10  –  14.2015  

    Pan  American  Games  Ontario,  Canada  July  12  -‐  17,  2015      


    04.12.2015   American  Open  Championships  National  Junior  Championships  Arnold  WL  Championships/PAYC  &  PAG  Trials  Manuel  Suarez  Tournament  (Seniors  &  U-‐17)  Regional  Championship  1  (Tentative)  

    12.11  -‐  14.2014  02.12  -‐  15.2015    03.06  -‐  08.2015    03.10  –  14.2015  04.09  –  12.2015  

  • 7

    Pan  American  Youth  Championships  September  15  –  20,  2015  

    03.06.2015   06.28.2015   Arnold  WL  Championships/PAYC  &  PAG  Trials  Manuel  Suarez  Tournament  (Seniors  &  U-‐17)  Hassle  Free  Open  Championships/Trials  Regional  Championship  1  Youth  World  Championships  Pan  American  Junior  Championships  Junior  World  Championships  Youth  National  Championships  

     03.06  -‐  08.2015    03.10  –  14.2015    03.28  –  29.2015  04.09  –  12.2015  04.07  –  12.2015  05.05  –  10.2015  06.06  –  14.2015  06.24  –  28.2015  

    Simon  Bolivar  Cup  Valencia,  Venezuela  October  14  –  19,  2015  

    03.28.2015   07.17.2015   Hassle  Free  Open  Championships/Trials  Regional  Championship  1  Youth  World  Championships  Pan  American  Junior  Championships  Junior  World  Championships  Youth  National  Championships  Pan  American  Games  

     03.28  –  29.2015  04.09  –  12.2015  04.07  –  12.2015  05.05  –  10.2015  06.06  –  14.2015  06.24  –  28.2015  07.12  –  17.2015  

    World  Championships  Houston,  Texas  November  20  –  29,  2015  

    05.05.2015   09.27.2015    

    Pan  American  Junior  Championships  Junior  World  Championships  Youth  National  Championships  Pan  American  Games  National  Championships  National  University  Championships/World  Team  Final  Qualification  

    05.05  –  10.2015  06.06  -‐  14.2015  06.24  –  28.2015  07.12  –  17.2015  08.13  –  16.2015      09.24  -‐  27.2015  

    IWF  Grand  Prix  5th  Russian  Federation  President’s  Cup  Grozny,  Russia  December  12  –  13,  2015  

    TBD   TBD   TBD   TBD  

    World  University  Championships  (Tentative)  

    Location  TBD  December  xx  –  xx,  2015  


    06.06.2015   9.27.2015  (Tentative)  

    Junior  World  Championships  Youth  National  Championships  Pan  American  Games  National  Championships  Regional  Championships  2  Pan  American  Youth  Championships  National  University  Championships/World  Team  Final  Qualification  

    06.06  -‐  14.2015  06.24  –  28.2015  07.12  –  17.2015  08.13  –  16.2015  09.10  –  13.2015  09.15  –  20.2015      09.24  -‐  27.2015  


     Details  regarding  participation  of  athletes  in  each  of  the  above  noted  Qualification  Events,  not  otherwise  eligible  to  compete  in  the  regular  event  itself,  will  be  included  in  the  competition  entry  form,  supplemented  by  additional  information  posted  on  the  USAW  web  site  as  necessary  prior  to  the  competition.  


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    3.1 Special  Trials  Sessions  and  Similar  Events    

    With  regard  to  the  special  trials  sessions  at  national  and  similar  events,  the  Board  of  Directors  has  determined  have  implemented  the  following,  to:    

    a) Avoid  having  athletes  who  had  no  realistic  chance  of  making  a  team  taking  up  spots  at  a  national  event  from  those  who  would  otherwise  qualify;  


    b)  Help  to  assure  that  enough  trials  spots  would  be  available  if  two  kinds  of  trials  were  needed;  

    c)  Avoid  conducting  separate  trials  sessions  when  the  number  did  not  justify  it.    

    Therefore,  the  board  has  determined  that  at  national  events,  and  special  trials  events,  the  trials  session  spots  are  limited  to  those  who  rank  in  the  top  15  for  their  gender  and  cannot  otherwise  qualify  for  the  event.  For  instance,  at  the  2015  Juniors,  we  intend  to  hold  trials  for  both  the  YWC  and  PAG,  so  only  Youth  athletes  who  are  in  the  top  15  in  their  gender  in  the  YWC  ranking  coming  into  the  Juniors  and  who  can’t  make  the  qualifying  total  for  the  Juniors  would  be  eligible  for  the  special  trial  slots.      Similarly,  the  spots  available  for  PAG  athletes  at  that  event  would  be  for  those  top  15  athletes  in  their  gender  in  the  PAG  ranking  who  did  not  otherwise  qualify  for  the  Juniors  because  of  their  age.  If  there  are  in  insufficient  number  of  athletes  in  a  given  trials  session  to  justify  a  separate  session,  the  athletes  can  be  integrated  into  regular  sessions  as  long  as  all  participants  are  made  aware  that  these  are  essentially  “extra  lifters”  (entries  will  have  to  be  adjusted  to  reflect  that  the  standard  “no  extra  lifter”  language  does  not  apply  to  such  athletes).”    With  regard  to  special  trials  sessions  approved  by  the  Board  of  Directors  to  be  held  in  conjunction  with  local  competitions,  Unlike  a  national  or  regional  championships  competition,  local  organizers  are  charged  a  large  USADA  service  fee,  in  the  range  of  $4,000  to  $10,000  depending  on  the  number  of  trials  sessions  conducted,  which  must  be  covered  by  the  organizers  as  a  condition  of  holding  special  trials  sessions.      The  history  of  these  sessions  has  been  that  very  few  such  sessions  have  been  fully  subscribed  in  the  past  two  years.  The  following  procedure  draws  a  balance  between  having  athletes  reasonably  able  to  rank  for  an  international  competition  provided  an  opportunity  to  participate,  while  at  the  same  time  providing  the  the  organizer  the  best  opportunity  to  acquire  sufficient  numbers  of  registered  athletes,  to  make  the  trials  sessions  feasible  from  a  cost  perspective  

     Trials  sessions  will  be  conducted  as  follows:    a) Qualification  totals  derived  from  the  NCS  will  be  published  in  the  entry  form  for  the  trials  sessions  at  a  level  

    consistent  with  ranking  in  the  top  20  –  25  for  the  international  competitions  to  which  the  trials  sessions  apply.  Athlete  registering  to  enter  must  have  made  the  qualification  total  in  a  Board  of  Directors-‐approved  drug-‐tested  USAW  or  IWF  competition  during  the  qualification  period  specified  in  the  entry  form.  

    b) To  insure  an  opportunity  for  all  who  qualify  at  or  above  the  minimum  qualification  totals,  and  thereby  also  to  assist  the  local  organizer  acquire  a  sufficient  number  of  athletes  to  offset  the  cost  of  drug  testing,  entries  will  be  accepted  on  a  first  come  –  first  served  basis.  


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     c) If  less  than  the  full  allotment  of  trials  session  slots  are  filled  at  the  conclusion  of  the  registration  period,  the  next  

    highest  ranked  lifters  from  among  those  registered  in  the  local  competition,  who  have  a  made  the  qualification  total  in  a  Board  of  Directors-‐approved  drug-‐tested  USAW  or  IWF  competition  during  the  qualification  period  specified  in  the  entry  form,  will  be  offered  the  opportunity  to  compete  in  the  trials  session.  

    d) If  the  entries  are  five  or  less  for  a  particular  trials  session,  as  a  condition  of  USA  Weightlifting  approval  for  the  special  trials  sessions,  the  local  organizer  will  be  required  to  combine  the  trials  sessions  athletes  in  a  contiguous  local  competition  session,  which  must  meet  the  same  standards  approved  by  USA  Weightlifting  for  the  special  trials  sessions  –  national  level  referees  or  higher,  approved  barbell  equipment  and  warm  up  facilities,  certified  scales,  etc.  

    e) Coverage  of  the  full  cost  of  drug  testing  on  the  part  of  the  local  organizer  is  a  condition  of  USAW  approval  of  the  trials  sessions.  Cost  sharing  with  the  local  organizer  for  drug  testing  on  the  part  of  USAW  is  not  approved.    


    f) Under  no  circumstances  are  non-‐ranked  and  non-‐qualified  athletes  permitted  to  lift  in  USAW  approved  trials  sessions.  Competitors  must  be  nationals  of  the  United  States  to  be  ranked  and  qualified  as  specified  above.  


     For  a  calendar  view  of  the  above  information,  including  the  associated  camps  (To  Be  Added  To  The  Calendar  as  plans  for  these  events  are  developed)  and  other  USAW  2015  events  and  programs,  see  Appendix  D.    

     In  cases  where  international  competitions  are  within  30  days  of  each  other,  the  Board  of  Directors  has  approved  assignment  of  athletes  to  specific  competitions.  

       Participation   in,   and   posting   of   official   results,   in   at   least   one   Qualification   Event   designated   by   USA   Weightlifting   for   the  international  competition  in  which  the  athlete  seeks  entry,  is  required  for  team  membership.  


    3.2 International  Grand  Prix  and  Other  Emergent  International  Events      The   Board   of   Directors,   recognizing   that   individual   athlete   qualification   for   the   Olympic   Games   is   allocated   for   athlete  participation  in  Grand  Prix  Events  that  periodically  appear  on  the  IWF  calendar  during  the  sports  year,  and  likewise  other  international  events  offering   international  competition  opportunities   for  Team  USA  athletes,  as  well  as  money  prizes  on  occasion,  will  consider  recommendations  from  the  USAW  performance  staff  for  Board  approval  to  add  these  competitions  to   the  USAW   calendar   as   they   occur   though   direct   invitation   to  USAW,   or   appear   on   line   as   IWF   or   PAWF   calendared  events  in  which  Team  USA  athletes  may  be  entered.    The   guiding   principle   in   Board   consideration   to   approve   such   events   will   be   the   performance   staff   recommendation’s  adherence  to  the  relevant  current  international  ranking  and  selection  procedures  for  the  proposed  athlete  selection.    


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    4. Other  International  Competitions    

    In  addition  to  the  above  international  competitions,  organizers  often  host  other  international  events.    Some  of  these  events  are  IWF  sanctioned,  drug  tested  competitions,  and  for  such  events,  USAW  Weightlifting  is  in  process  of  making   arrangements   with   the   US   Anti-‐Doping   Agency   (USADA),   to   allow   for   self-‐funded   drug   testing   of   individual   US  weightlifters  who  wish  to  compete  in  these  events,  sufficiently   in  advance  of  the  deadline  for  submission  of  the  final  entry  form   for   the   event   to   insure   that   an   athlete’s   testing   results   have   been   determined,   in   turn   to   insure   that   his   or   her  participation  does  not  result   in  a  drug  testing  positive,  thereby  negatively  affecting  the  athlete  and  USAW.  IWF  anti-‐doping  policy  provides  that  drug  positives  in  international  drug  tested  competitions  result  in  a  fine  per  positive  assessed  against  the  National  Federation  (NF),   in  addition  to  suspension  of   the   individual  athlete,  with  three  or  more  such  positives   in  a  twelve  month  period  resulting  in  a  very  high  cost  additional  fine  assessed  against  the  NF,  and  possible  suspension  of  the  NF  from  all  international  competition  for  a  significant  period  of  time.        Non-‐tested  competitions  offered  to  competitors  from  other  countries  still  require  the  sending  NF  to  approve  foreign  athlete  entry  for  participation.  Consequently,  any  athlete  who  wishes  to  compete  in  these  types  of  competitions  in  addition  to  the  ones  noted  above  must  submit  an  application  to  USA  Weightlifting  not  less  than  60  days  prior  to  the  deadline  for  submission  of  the  final  entry  form  for  such  competition.  Exceptions  to  this  requirement  may  be  made  for  athletes  who  are  already  in  the  USADA  OOC  testing  pool,  and  were   invited  to  an  event,   in  which  case  USAW  must  be  notified,   in  writing,  at   least  20  days  prior  to  deadline  date  for  submission  of  the  final  entry  form  for  the  event.  

     Participation   in   any   of   the   above   noted   types   of   international   competition   requires   written   application   to   USAW   from  individual   athlete   seeking   approval   to   compete   prior   to   the   deadline   date   for   submission   of   the   final   entry   form   for   the  competition.   For   minor   international   competitions   sanctioned   by   the   IWF   or   the   host   NF,   and   drug   tested,   payment   in  advance  is  required  for  drug  testing  by  each  applicant  for  USAW  approval  to  enter,  as  the  US  Anti-‐Doping  Agency  (USADA)  determines   to   administer.     Athletes   already   enrolled   in   the   USADA   OOC   testing   program   are   exempted   from   this  requirement.    

     Athlete   approvals   by   USA  Weightlifting   for   participation   in   Cup-‐type,   IWF   sanctioned   international   competitions,   will   be  handled   on   an   individual   case-‐by-‐case   basis.   In   many   instances,   these   athletes   are   already   subject   to   regular,   out-‐of-‐competition  testing  as  part  of  the  USADA  OOC  testing  program.  

       5. International  Team  Ranking  

     The  Board  of  Directors  has  determined  to  reinstate  the  traditional  policy  of  final  trial  events  approximately  three  months  before  the  germane  international  event,  with  those  ranked  the  highest  at  of  the  close  of  that  event  being  selected  (locked  on).    


    The  only  events  for  which  the  highest  ranked  athletes  would  not  be  locked  in  would  be  for  the  World  Championships  teams  competing  in  the  World  Championships  in  either  of  the  last  two  years  leading  up  to  the  Summer  Olympic  Games  (e.g.,  2015),  or  the  Continental  Qualification  Event  held  in  the  Olympic  year  itself  for  qualification  of  National  Federations  that  have  not  qualified  Olympic  Games  slots  at  the  world  level  on  conclusion  of  the  second  World  Championships/Olympic  Qualification.    



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    The  2014  Athlete  Handbook  rules  will  no  longer  apply  going  forward  into  2015;  the  only  event  for  which  positions  are  not  locked  in  as  of  the  close  of  the  trial  period  approximately  three  months  prior  to  the  international  event  are  the  bottom  two  spots  for  the  men’s  and  women’s  teams  for  the  2015  World  Championships/Olympic  Qualification  Event.    In  other  words,  the  top  six  men  and  the  top  five  women,  regardless  of  their  ability  to  place  or  percentage  ranking,  are  guaranteed  their  positions  on  the  team.  

    For  2015,  the  following  ranking  methods  will  be  used  to  create  the  applicable  ranking  list  for  each  international  competition:    5.1. Ability  to  Medal  

     The  Board  of  Directors  has  determined  athlete  ranking  for  the  following  2015  international  competitions  will  be  based  on  team  members’  ability  to  medal.  In  these  cases  an  athlete’s  best  qualification  total  is  used  to  rank  him  or  her,  based  on  100%  of  the  NCS  third-‐place  average  (Pan  American  Games,  Manuel  Suarez  Tournament  –  Seniors,  Simon  Bolivar  Cup),  90%  of  the  NCS  third-‐place  average  (Junior  World  Championships,  Pan  American  Junior  Championships),  85%  of  the  NCS  third-‐place  average  (University  World  Championships),  and  80%  of  the  NCS  third-‐place  average  (Youth  World  Championships,  Manuel  Suarez  Tournament  –  17U,  Pan  American  Youth  Championships).  Note  that  the  third-‐place  averages  for  the  Junior  World),  and  World  University,  and  Youth  World  competitions  are,  respectively,  on  average,  90%  85%  and  80%  of  the  NCS  third-‐place  averages.    For  detail  by  body  weight  category,  see  the  2015  NCS  matrix,  Appendix  A.  


    5.2. Ability  to  Place  and  Score    

    The  Board  of  Directors  has  determined  athlete  ranking  for  the  2015  World  Championships/Olympic  Qualification,  will  be  based  on  team  members’  ability  to  place  and  score.  In  this  cases,  the  ranking  procedure  will  identify  the  athletes  that  have  lifted  the  highest  totals  during  the  qualifying  period,  as  a  percentage  of  the  first  to  twenty-‐fifth  place  average  qualification  totals  for  their  body  weight  categories  from  the  two  most  recent  applicable  international  Qualification  Events  -‐  the  2011  and  2014  World  Championships/Olympic  Qualification  Events.      An  athlete  whose  total  is  lower  than  the  twenty-‐fifth  place  average  qualification  total  for  his  or  her  body  weight  category,  will  be  ranked  based  on  the  percentage  his  or  her  total  is  of  the  twenty-‐fifth  place  average  qualification  total  in  the  body  weight  category  in  which  he  or  she  attained  the  results.  Additional  detail  as  to  ranking  based  on  ability  to  place  and  score  can  be  found  below  in  Section  8.2  and  following.    

    5.3. Bumping    

    In  2015,  the  practice  of  “bumping”  –  wherein  Qualification  Event  totals  are  evaluated  in  the  next  higher  body  weight  category,  if  a  total  moves  the  athlete  onto  the  team  or  keeps  the  athlete  on  the  team  will  be  assumed  in  the  creation  of  international  competition  ranking  lists.  Athletes  not  wishing  to  have  bumping  applied  must  notify  the  USAW  High  Performance  Director  in  writing,  prior  to  the  final  Qualification  Event  for  each  international  competition.  


    5.4. Alternates    

    Alternates  -‐  the  eighth  and  ninth  ranked  women,  and  the  ninth  and  tenth  ranked  men  -‐  are  entered  on  the  final  entry  form  for  each  international  competition.  Athlete  acceptance  of  alternate  status  on  an  international  team  requires  that  the  athlete  maintain  performance,  health  and  fitness  throughout  the  pre-‐competition  period  at  the   level  consistent  with  the  total  that  ranked  them.  This  is  critically  important  for  2015  international  competition,  particularly  the  2015  World  Championships/Olympic  Qualification,   the   final   international  Qualification  Event  at   the  Senior  world   level,   in  which  slots  for  the  Olympic  Games  are  earned.    

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    While  alternates  will  not  generally  travel  to  the   international  competition  site,  they  may  be  called  upon  to  do  so,   if  circumstances  arise  requiring  their  participation   in  the   international  competition.  Based  on  the  above  noted  special  nature  of  the  2015  World  Championships/Olympic  Qualification  noted,  it  is  likely  that  alternates  will  travel  with  Team  USA   to   the   2015  World   Championships,   and  must   be   prepared   to   compete   if   called   upon   to   do   for   point   scoring  purposes.      Alternate  status  does  not  confer  on  the  athlete  any  right  to  travel  with  the  team  to  the  competition  site,  or  entry  into  the   competition.   However,   in   the   case   of   the   2015   World   Championships/Olympic   Qualification   competition,  alternates  may  be  brought   to  and  possibly  entered   in   the  competition  by   the  assigned  head  coach,   in   consultation  with  the  National  Team  Coach  and  Team  Leader,  if  on  review  of  the  final  entry  list,  should  one  be  published  prior  to  the  Verification   of   Final   Entries,   the   alternate   has   a   better   chance   of   higher   points   scoring   due   to   his   or   her   body  weight  category  than  a  male  or  female  Team  USA  member  for  whom  he  or  she  will  substitute.  


    5.5. Changes  In  Body  Weight  Category  After  Selection    

    Athletes  and  alternates  selected  for  a  team  and  submitted  on  the  final  entry  form  to  the  competition  organizers  and  the  IWF,  are  required  to  be  prepared  to  compete  in  the  body  weight  category  in  which  they  have  been  entered.  Under  certain  circumstances,  where  it  benefits  the  team  for  an  athlete  to  compete  in  a  higher  or  lower  body  weight  category  for   the   purposes   of   team   scoring   (ability   to   place   and   score   competitions),   or   if   the   body  weight   category   change  moves   the   athlete   into   potentially   higher   placement   for   medal   contention   (ability   to   medal   competitions),   the  assigned   head   coach,   in   consultation   with   the   National   Team   Coach   and   Team   Leader,   may   choose   to   move   the  athlete  into  another  body  weight  category.      In  either  case,  this  adjustment  is  only  permissible  if  a  final  entry  form  has  been  submitted  and  an  alternate  who  would  otherwise  move  onto  the  team  based  on  the  change   is  unavailable,  and  a  final  entry   list   is  available  for  review  due  consideration  of  the  options  prior  to  the  Verification  of  Final  Entries  by  which  to  make  the  determination  to  change  the  athlete’s  body  weight  category.  


    5.6. Changes  In  Entry  Totals    

    Entry  totals  submitted  on  the  preliminary  and  final  entry  forms  will  generally  be  those  that  rank  the  athlete  on  the  ranking  list;  per  the  determination  of  the  Board  of  Directors,  Team  leaders  and  coaches  may  not  generally  submit  final  entry  totals  that  are  in  excess  of  the  best  official  totals  of  the  athletes  being  entered,  unless  the  athlete  in  question  has  demonstrated  significant  improvement  in  his  or  her  condition  since  the  performance  of  that  athlete’s  last  official  total,  or  if  some  adjustment  better  positions  the  athlete,  within  his  or  her  recent  demonstrated  capability,  to  move  up  in  competition  session  placement.  Adjustments  of  entry  totals  higher  or  lower  will  normally  be  done  at  the  Verification  of  Final  Entries,  on  site  at  the  international  competition.    


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    5.7. Numbers  of  International  Competitions  Per  Athlete    

    In  cases  of  multiple  international  Qualification  Events  for  which  the  athlete  has  qualified,  the  athlete  may  be  entered  in  as  many  of  these  competitions  as  he  or  she  has  qualified.      However,  in  cases  where  the  athlete  does  qualify  for  two  or  more  international  Qualification  Events,  USA  Weightlifting  reserves  the  right,  at  its  sole  discretion,  to  select  athletes  only  for  the  primary  international  Qualification  Event  (e.g.,  World  Championships/Olympic  Qualification  Event  Pan  American  Championships/Pan  American  Games  Qualification  Event).  If  the  athlete  elects  to  participate  in  a  less  important  international  Qualification  Event,  the  athlete  would  not  be  selected  for  the  primary  event,  and  could  lose  any  USAW  financial  support  he  or  she  is  receiving.    

    6. Selection  System    6.1.        Minimum  Eligibility  Requirements  For  An  Athlete  To  Be  Considered  For  Team  Membership  

     6.1.1. Citizenship  

     Athletes  must  be  nationals  of  the  United  States  prior  to  the  submission  of  the  final  entry  form  for  the  international  competition,  to  be  eligible  for  selection,  and  hold  a  valid  U.S.  passport  that  will  not  expire  for  up  to  six  months  after  the  conclusion  of  the  international  competition  in  which  the  athlete  is  entered,  if  the  host  country  requires  a  visa  or  has  other  passport  related  conditions  for  entry  into  the  country.    

     The  actual  date  of  permissible  expiration  will  depend  upon  whether  the  host  country  requires  a  visa  or  has  other  passport  related  conditions  for  entry  into  the  country  that  specifies  a  length  of  time  to  expiration  after  visa  expiration.  If  a  country  has  other  conditions,  they  will  need  to  be  satisfied;  USAW  will  notify  that  athlete  as  soon  as  they  are  become  known.  Athletes  must  possess  a  current  US  passport  with  the  necessary  time  to  expiration  as  required  by  the  host  country  at  the  time  of  team  selection,  which  occurs  in  the  time  period  immediately  after  the  final  Qualification  Event  for  an  international  competition,  and  before  the  submission  of  the  final  entry  form.  

     If  the  passport  requirement  is  not  met,  the  athlete  cannot  be  entered  on  the  final  entry  form  for  the  competition,  and  a  replacement  athlete,  based  on  the  ranking  system  procedure,  will  be  invited  to  attend  the  competition.    


     USAW  reserves  the  right  to  set  a  deadline,  prior  to  the  deadline  date  for  submission  of  the  final  entry  form,  for  ranked  team  members  to  have  acquired  a  current  passport  with  the  necessary  expiration  date,  to  insure  that  a  up  to  a  full  team,  including  alternates,  can  be  entered  on  the  final  entry  form,  who  can  enter  the  host  country.  Athletes  are  therefore  advised  to  maintain  a  passport  at  all  times  meeting  the  outer  limit  expiration  date  as  noted  above,  to  avoid  last  minute  problems  in  acquiring  a  passport  renewal  prior  to  international  competition.  


    6.1.2. Minimum  International  Federation  Standards  For  Participation  (IWF  Technical  Rules,  1.1)    

    The  IWF  recognizes  four  (4)  age  groups:    Youth:       13  –  17  years  of  age  Junior:       15  –  20  years  of  age  Senior:       15  +  years  of  age  

          Masters:     35+  years  of  age    

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    All  age  groups  are  calculated  in  the  athlete’s  year  of  birth    For  Olympic  Games  and  Youth  Olympic  Games  the  relevant  International  Olympic  Committee  Rules  apply    For  International  University  Sports  Federation  (FISU)  governed  Events  the  relevant  FISU  Rules  apply  


    6.1.3. Other  Requirements    

    Athletes  must  be  current  members  of  USA  Weightlifting  in  good  standing.    For  purposes  of  this  document,  member  in  good  standing  means  eligible  to  compete.    All  athlete  drug-‐testing  requirements  apply.  

       7. Qualification  Events  

     All  USADA  and  World  Anti-‐Doping  Agency  (WADA)  drug  tested  events  sanctioned  by  the  IWF  or  USAW  during  the  qualifying  period   as   specified   above   for   each   of   the   listed   international   competitions   approved   by   the   Board   of   Directors,   are  designated  as  Qualification  Events.  In  addition,  final  qualification  competitions  as  may  be  approved  by  the  USAW  Board  of  Directors  and  scheduled  for  any  international  competition  in  which  Team  USA  will  be  entered  prior  to  the  submission  of  the  final   entry   form   for   that   competition,   are   also   designated   as   a  Qualification   Events,   the   specifics   for   these   qualification  events  described  in  the  Qualification  Procedures  section  below.    


     Step-‐by-‐step  description  of  the  method  that  explains  how  athletes  will  move  through  the  selection  process  to  become  Team  USA  members:      

             8.1.            ABILITY  TO  MEDAL  

     For  the  purpose  of  qualification  for  the  following  2015  international  competitions    -‐  Pan  American  Games,  Youth  World  Championships,  Junior  World  Championships,  World  University  Championships,  and  any  other  such  international  competitions  as  the  Board  of  Directors  shall  determine  as  being  similar  in  nature  -‐  both  men  and  women  will  be  ranked  as  follows,  to  fill  up  to  the  team  slot  maximums  per  National  Federation  (NF)  of  ten  (10)  men  and  nine  (9)  women,  including  the  two  team  alternates  each,  as  follows:  


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    8.1.1.            Calculation  of  Qualifying  Totals    -‐  Ability  To  Medal    

    The  qualifying  total  for  in  each  body  weight  category  will  be  determined  by  averaging  the  third  place  totals  from  the  past  five  years’  World  Championships  and  Olympic  Games,  from  2010  to  2014.  See  Appendix  A  for  the  2015  National  Classification  System  Matrix.      There  must  be  at  least  a  1-‐kilogram  difference  in  the  resulting  totals  for  two  consecutive  body  weight  categories.    In  the  event  that  the  5-‐year  averages  of  third  place  results  in  two  body  weight  categories  with  the  same  qualifying  total,  or  results  in  a  higher  body  weight  category  having  a  lower  qualifying  total  than  the  body  weight  category  below  it,  the  total  for  the  higher  body  weight  category  will  be  raised  to  1  kilogram  above  the  lower  body  weight  category.    This  method  will  be  repeated  as  necessary  to  ensure  at  least  a  1-‐kilogram  increment  between  the  qualifying  totals  in  consecutive  body  weight  categories.  (Note  that  for  the  2010  to  2014  period,  these  adjustments  are  not  necessary  as  of  December  15,  2014).  


    8.1.2.                  Ranking  And  Team  Selection  Process  –  Ability  To  Medal    The  ranking  procedure  based  on  ability  to  medal  will  identify  the  athletes  that  have  lifted  the  highest  totals  as  a  percentage  of  the  third  place  average  qualification  totals  for  their  body  weight  categories  during  the  qualifying  period.    The  totals  of  all  qualified  athletes  from  all  Qualification  Events  will  be  compared  to  the  third  place  average  qualifying  total  for  the  body  weight  category  in  which  the  athlete  posted  the  total.    Each  athlete’s  highest  total  in  each  body  weight  category  in  which  the  athlete  competed,  from  all  Qualification  Events  in  which  the  athlete  competed,  will  be  compared  to  the  qualifying  total  in  the  corresponding  body  weight  category.    A  percentage  of  each  total  will  be  calculated.    The  men  and  women  will  be  ranked  separately,  by  percentage,  from  highest  to  lowest.  The  highest-‐ranked  men  and  women  down  to  and  including  the  number  of  approved  team  slots  for  men  and  women  will  be  ranked  for  selection  to  the  team,  maximum  two  per  body  weight  category,  per  the  rules  of  weightlifting.    

     If  one  athlete  ranks  in  more  than  one  body  weight  category,  and  the  results  from  more  than  one  body  weight  category  place  him  or  her  on  the  team,  or  if  the  athlete’s  ranking  in  each  body  weight  category  is  the  same,  the  athlete  will  compete  in  the  body  weight  category  in  which  he  or  she  determines.  


    8.1.3.                            Tie  Breaking  Procedures  –  Ability  To  Medal    

    a. Tie  in  total:    For  athletes  in  the  same  body  weight  category,  ties  that  occur  within  the  same  Qualification  Event,  the  lighter  athlete  will  be  ranked  higher;  in  cases  of  the  same  body  weight,  IWF, Section 6.8.2, provides the following  factors  to  decide  the  classification  of  athletes  in  Total:  


     1. Best  result  –  highest  first;  if  identical,  then:  2. Bodyweight  –  lowest  first;  if  identical,  then:  3. Best  Clean  &  Jerk  result  –  lowest  first;  if  identical,  then:  4. Best  Clean  &  Jerk  result’s  attempt  number  –  lowest  first;  if  identical,  then:  5. Previous  attempt(s)  –  lowest  first;  if  identical,  then:  6. Lot  number  –  lowest  first.  

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     Tie  within  body  weight  category:    If  two  athletes  in  the  same  body  weight  category  achieve  the  same  total  at  two  different  Qualification  Events,  whoever  posted  the  total  first  will  be  ranked  higher.    

     All  athletes  will  be  ranked  as  team  candidates,  including  alternates,  –  up  to  ten  (10)  men  and  nine  (9)  women  –  and  will  be  considered  “locked  on”  team  candidates,  based  on  their  qualification  total  ranking  them  as  a  percentage  of  the  following  percentage  ranking  totals  on  the  2015  NCS  matrix,  Appendix  A,  as  follows:  


    Competition                  NCS  Rank  Pan  American  Games                        100%  Manuel  Suarez  Tournament  –  Seniors                    100%  Simon  Bolivar  Cup                        100%  Junior  World  Championships                                              90%  Junior  Pan  American  Championships                          90%  Youth  World  Championships                            80%  Pan  American  Youth  Championships                          80%  Manuel  Suarez  Tournament  –  17U                          80%  World  University  Championships                          85%  

     After  the  last  Qualification  Event  during  the  qualifying  period  for  any  given  international  competition,  the  top  10  ranked  men,  and  the  top  9  ranked  women,  including  the  2  men  and  2  women  alternates,  will  be  considered  “locked  on.”      Locked  on  status  is  conditioned  upon  the  athlete’s  level  of  health,  fitness  and  ability  to  perform  consistent  with  the  total  that  ranked  them  at  the  time  of  the  international  competition  for  which  they  are  ranked.  In  consideration  of  the  Board  of  Directors  determination  that  qualification  periods  for  competitions  whose  objective  is  designated  as  ability  to  medal  shall  conclude  three  months  prior  to  the  international  competition,  athletes  are  required  to  make  an  affirmative  declaration  of  their  condition  as  a  part  of  the  availability  and  invitation  process.    See  Appendix  G.              USA  Weightlifting  reserves  the  right  to  confirm  the  athlete’s  signed  declaration  of  health,  fitness  and  ability  to  perform,  prior  to  the  submission  of  the  international  competition  Final  Entry  Form,  which  occurs  within  the  final  two  to  six  weeks  prior  to  the  international  competition,  in  a  manner  and  by  a  procedure  USA  Weightlifting,  in  its  sole  discretion,  shall  determine.      If  not  confirmed,  the  athlete  will  not  be  entered  on  the  Final  Entry  Form  for  the  competition,  and  the  next  highest  ranked  athlete  available  will  be  added.  

     8.1.4.                      Final  Qualification  Competitions  Will  Be  Not  be  Conducted  –  Ability  To  Medal  

     The  Board  of  Directors  has  determined  to  reinstate  the  traditional  policy  of  final  trial  events  approximately  three  months  before  the  germane  international  event,  with  those  ranked  the  highest  at  of  the  close  of  that  event  being  selected  (locked  on).  As  such,  for  2015  and  beyond,  Final  Qualification  Competitions  will  not  be  held.  


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    The  only  events  for  which  the  highest  ranked  athletes  would  not  be  locked  in  would  be  for  the  World  Championships  teams  competing  in  the  World  Championships  in  either  of  the  last  two  years  leading  up  to  the  Summer  Olympic  Games  (e.g.,  2015),  or  the  Continental  Qualification  Event  held  in  the  Olympic  year  itself  for  qualification  of  National  Federations  which  have  not  qualified  Olympic  Games  slots  at  the  world  level  on  conclusion  of  the  second  World  Championships/Olympic  Qualification.    


    However,  see  8.1.4  above  for  the  conditions  under  which  athletes’  locked  on  status  will  be  confirmed  prior  to  the  submission  of  Final  Entry  Forms  for  competitions  whose  designated  objective  is  ability  to  medal.  

     8.1.5.                        Final  Selection  –  Ability  To  Medal  

     Following  the  last  Qualification  Event,  the  appropriate  number  of  men  and  women,  based  on  the  total  number  of  slots  for  each  international  competition,  with  the  highest  projected  percentages  derived  from  the  final  qualification  ranking  list  as  specified  in  this  section  will  be  selected  for  each  international  team,  maximum  of  two  per  body  weight  category,  per  the  rules  of  weightlifting.      

    8.2.        Ability  to  Place  and  Score    Certain  international  competitions  are  also  designated  as  international  Qualification  Events,  in  which  team  member  placements  and  scoring  determine  the  number  of  participants  eligible  to  compete  in  the  applicable  international  competition.      For  the  purpose  of  qualification  for  the  one  such  event  known  to  be  scheduled  in  2015    -‐  World  Championships/  Olympic  Games  Qualification  Event  -‐,  and  any  other  such  international  competitions  as  the  Board  of  Directors  shall  determine  as  being  similar  in  nature  -‐  both  men  and  women  will  be  ranked  as  follows,  to  fill  up  to  the  team  slot  maximums  per  National  Federation  (NF)  of  ten  (10)  men  and  nine  (9)  women,  including  the  two  team  alternates  each,  as  follows:    The  2014  Athlete  Handbook  rules  will  no  longer  apply  going  forward  into  2015;  the  only  event  for  which  positions  are  not  locked  in  as  of  the  close  of  the  trial  period  approximately  three  months  prior  to  the  international  event  are  the  bottom  two  spots  for  the  men’s  and  women’s  teams  for  the  2015  World  Championships/Olympic  Qualification  Event.    In  other  words,  the  top  six  men  and  the  top  five  women,  regardless  of  their  ability  to  place  or  percentage  ranking,  are  guaranteed  their  positions  on  the  team.  


    8.2.1.            Calculation  of  Qualifying  Totals  –  Ability  To  Place  And  Score    

    For  the  2015  World  Championships/Olympic  Games  Qualification  Event,  averaging  the  first  to  twenty-‐fifth  place  totals  for  each  placement  from  the  past  two  Olympic  Qualification  Events  –  the  2010  and  2011  World  Championships  -‐  will  determine  qualifying  totals  in  each  body  weight  category.    

     In  cases  where  actual  results  are  unavailable  down  to  twenty-‐fifth  place  in  a  body  weight  category,  placement  totals  are  calculated  using  2011  and  2014  World  Championships  average  decrements  for  that  body  weight  category  to  complete  the  series.  See  Appendix  X  for  the  placement  average  totals  by  body  weight  category,  as  well  as  the  related  explanatory  notes.  


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    8.2.2.            Ranking  And  Team  Selection  Process  –  Ability  To  Place  and  Score    

    The  ranking  procedure  based  on  ability  to  place  and  score  will  identify  the  athletes  that  have  lifted  the  highest  totals  as  a  percentage  of  the  first  to  twenty-‐fifth  place  average  qualification  totals  for  their  body  weight  categories  during  the  qualifying  period.    An  athlete  whose  total  is  lower  than  the  twenty-‐fifth  place  average  qualification  total  for  his  or  her  body  weight  category,  will  be  ranked  based  on  the  percentage  his  or  her  total  is  of  the  twenty-‐fifth  place  average  qualification  total  in  the  body  weight  category  in  which  he  or  she  attained  the  results.  


    The  totals  of  all  qualified  athletes  from  all  Qualification  Events  will  be  compared  to  the  first  to  twenty-‐fifth  place  average  qualification  totals  for  the  body  weight  category  in  which  the  athlete  posted  the  total,  or,  for  an  athlete  whose  total  is  lower  than  the  twenty-‐fifth  place  average  qualification  total  for  his  or  her  body  weight  category,  ranking  will  be  based  on  the  percentage  his  or  her  total  is  of  the  twenty-‐fifth  place  average  qualification  total  in  the  body  weight  category  in  which  he  or  she  attained  the  results.    Each  athlete’s  highest  total  in  each  body  weight  category  in  which  the  athlete  competed,  from  all  Qualification  Events  in  which  the  athlete  competed,  will  be  compared  to  the  qualifying  totals  as  specified  above,  in  the  corresponding  body  weight  category.  

     Men  and  women  from  all  body  weight  categories  will  be  ranked  separately,  by  placement,  from  highest  to  lowest.  

     The  highest-‐ranked  men  and  women  down  to  and  including  the  number  of  approved  team  slots  for  men  and  women  will  be  ranked  for  selection  to  the  team,  maximum  two  per  body  weight  category,  per  the  rules  of  weightlifting.      If  one  athlete  ranks  in  more  than  one  body  weight  category  and  the  results  from  more  than  one  body  weight  category  place  him  or  her  on  the  team,  the  athlete  will  be  ranked  in  the  body  weight  category  in  which  he  or  she  has  attained  the  highest  placement  from  first  to  twenty-‐fifth  place.      If  one  athlete  ranks  in  more  than  one  body  weight  category  and  the  results  from  more  than  one  body  weight  category  place  him  or  her  on  the  team,  and  the  athlete’s  ranking  in  each  body  weight  category  is  the  same,  the  athlete  will  be  ranked  higher  in  the  category  of  his  or  her  choice,  provided,  however,  that  if  the  final  entry  list,  should  one  be  disseminated  prior  to  the  Verification  of  Final  Entries,  indicates  that  one  of  the  categories  offers  a  better  opportunity  for  higher  point  scoring,  the  athlete  will  compete  in  that  category  based  on  the  determination  of  the  assigned  head  coach,  in  consultation  with  the  National  Team  Coach  and  the  Team  Leader.  


    For  an  athlete  whose  totals  are  lower  than  the  twenty-‐fifth  place  average  qualification  total  for  his  or  her  body  weight  category,  and  the  athlete  ranks  in  more  than  one  body  weight  category,  ranking  will  be  based  on  the  highest  total  as  a  percentage  of  the  twenty-‐fifth  place  average  qualification  total  in  the  body  weight  category  in  which  he  or  she  attained  the  results.    If  the  athlete’s  ranking  in  more  than  one  body  weight  category  is  the  same  as  a  percentage  of  twenty-‐fifth  place  where  the  athlete’s  results  are  lower  than  the  twenty-‐fifth  place  average  qualification  total,  the  athlete  will  be  ranked  higher  in  the  category  of  his  or  her  choice,  provided,  however,  that  if  the  final  entry  list,  should  one  be  disseminated  prior  to  the  Verification  of  Final  Entries,  indicates  that  one  of  the  categories  offers  a  better  opportunity  for  higher  point  scoring,  the  athlete  will  compete  in  that  category  based  on  the  determination  of  the  assigned  head  coach,  in  consultation  with  the  National  Team  Coach  and  the  Team  Leader.  


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    8.2.3.          Tie  Breaking  Procedures    -‐  Ability  To  Place  and  Score    b. Tie  in  total:    For  athletes  in  the  same  body  weight  category,  ties  that  occur  within  the  same  Qualification  Event,  the  

    lighter  athlete  will  be  ranked  higher;  in  cases  of  the  same  body  weight,  IWF, Section 6.8.2, provides the following  factors  to  decide  the  classification  of  athletes  in  Total:    

    1. Best  result  –  highest  first;  if  identical,  then:  2. Bodyweight  –  lowest  first;  if  identical,  then:  3. Best  Clean  &  Jerk  result  –  lowest  first;  if  identical,  then:  4. Best  Clean  &  Jerk  result’s  attempt  number  –  lowest  first;  if  identical,  then:  5. Previous  attempt(s)  –  lowest  first;  if  identical,  then:  6. Lot  number  –  lowest  first.  

     Tie  within  body  weight  category:    If  two  athletes  in  the  same  body  weight  category  achieve  the  same  total  at  two  different  Qualification  Events,  whoever  posted  the  total  first  will  be  ranked  higher.      

    8.2.4.          Final  Qualification  Competitions  Will  Be  Conducted  As  Follows  –  Ability  To  Place  and  Score    

    A  Final  qualification  competition  has  been  approved  by  the  Board  of  Directors  for  the  2015  World  Championships/Olympic  Qualification  Event,  to  be  conducted  prior  to  the  deadline  date  for  submission  of  the  Final  Entry  Form  for  these  international  competitions.  The  need  for  this  competition  will  be  determined  based  on  the  ranking  lists  for  each  competition  as  they  develop  during  the  qualifying  period.  Therefore,  the  possibility  exists  this  competition  will  not  be  contested,  or  will  be  limited  in  scope.  

     While  a  non  –  mandatory,  pre-‐competition  training  camp  period  may  be  scheduled  prior  to  the  final  entry  form  submission  as  well  at  the  same  location,  participation  in  a  final  qualification  competition,  if  held,  is  unrelated  to  camp  participation.      A  primary  consideration  regarding  the  feasibility  for  holding  a  qualification  competition  is  the  amount  of  time  remaining  after  the  qualification  period  up  to  the  final  entry  form  submission  date,  and  the  amount  of  time  remaining  from  the  submission  date  up  to  the  international  competition.    


    All  athletes  on  the  overall  ranking  list  for  the  international  competition  at  the  end  of  the  qualification  period  will  be  invited   to   compete,   down   to   and   including   the   eleventh   ranked  women’s   team   candidate   and   the   twelfth   ranked  men’s   team   candidate,   including   those   athletes   whose   total   would   otherwise   have   qualified   them   for   team  membership,   but  were   eliminated   by   two   ranked   team   candidates   in   the   same   body  weight   category  with   higher  totals.   If   team   candidates   are   ranked   as   provisional   based   on   their   ranking   on   conclusion   of   the   final   qualifying  competition   in   the   qualification   period   specified   below   for   the   2015   World   Championships/Olympic   Games  Qualification  Event,  they  may  be  displaced  by  higher  results  obtained  at  the  final  qualification  competition  by  other  provisional  team  candidates,  or  the  athlete  previously  eliminated  by  two  ranked  team  candidates   in  the  same  body  weight  category  with  higher  totals.    


    The  2014  Athlete  Handbook  rules  will  no  longer  apply  going  forward  into  2015;  the  only  event  for  which  positions  are  not  locked  in  as  of  the  close  of  the  trial  period  approximately  three  months  prior  to  the  international  event  are  the  bottom  two  spots  for  the  men’s  and  women’s  teams  for  the  2015  World  Championships/Olympic  Qualification  Event.    In  other  words,  the  top  six  men  and  the  top  five  women,  regardless  of  their  ability  to  place  or  percentage  ranking,  are  guaranteed  their  positions  on  the  team.  

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    Locked  on  status  is  conditioned  upon  the  athlete’s  level  of  health,  fitness  and  ability  to  perform  consistent  with  the  total  that  ranked  them  at  the  time  of  the  international  competition  for  which  they  are  ranked.  Athletes  are  required  to  make  an  affirmative  declaration  of  their  condition  as  a  part  of  the  availability  and  invitation  process.    See  Appendix  G.    Notwithstanding  the  Board  of  Directors’  approval  of  a  final  qualification  event  for  the  2015  World  Championships/Olympic  Qualification,  USA  Weightlifting  reserves  the  right  subsequently  to  confirm  the  athlete’s  signed  declaration  of  health,  fitness  and  ability  to  perform,  prior  to  the  submission  of  the  international  competition  Final  Entry  Form,  which  occurs  within  the  final  two  to  six  weeks  prior  to  the  international  competition,  in  a  manner  and  by  a  procedure  USA  Weightlifting,  in  its  sole  discretion,  shall  determine.      If  not  confirmed,  the  athlete  will  not  be  entered  in  the  competition,  and  the  next  highest  ranked  athlete  available  will  be  added.    Team  candidates  will  be  designated  as  “locked  on”  if  their  totals  within  their  body  weight  categories  rank  them  at  6th  or  higher  for  men,  and  5th  or  higher  for  women,  as  specified  above.  

     Locked   on   team   candidates   cannot   be   eliminated   from   the   team  based   on   final   qualification   results,   but   have   the  option  to  compete  at  their  discretion.  Totals  made  by  locked  on  team  candidates  will  not  be  used  to  adjust  the  team  candidate  ranking  among  locked  on  team  candidates.  Their  totals  may  be  used  to   increase  their  final  entry  totals   in  the  international  competition.    The  balance  of  athletes  ranked  as  team  candidates,  including  two  alternates  -‐  the  6th  to  9th  ranked  women,  and  the  6th  to  10th  ranked  men  -‐,  plus  the  next  two  male  and  female  athletes  -‐  the  11th  and  12th  ranked  men,  and  the  10th  and  11th  ranked  women  -‐,  will  be  considered  “provisional,”  thereby  subject  to  adjusted  ranking  based  on  the  results  of  a  final  qualification  competition,  if  one  is  held  for  2015  World  Championships/Olympic  Qualification  Event.  If  a  final  qualification  competition  is  not  held,  then  the  ranking  list  as  of  the  end  of  the  qualification  period  designated  for  each  international  competition  will  be  considered  final.        

         The   final   qualification   competition  will   be   conducted   in   standard   national   level   format   –   weigh   in,   timing   system,  national  level  or  higher  referees,  jury,  etc.  However,  due  to  the  proximity  of  the  final  qualification  competition  to  the  international   competition,   provisional   team   members,   or   the   athlete   previously   eliminated   by   two   ranked   team  members  in  the  same  body  weight  category  with  higher  totals,  competing  at  the  final  qualification  competition  will  be  allowed  an  additional  2%  body  weight  increase  over  the  body  weight  category  limit,  as  follows:  

                         Women              Allowable                          Men      Allowable                    Category                        Limit                  Category                Limit            

        48       49        56          57       53       54        62          63       58       59        69          70       63       64        77          79       69       70        85          87       75       77        94          96       75+       NA     105       107                 105+          NA  


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     If  provisional  team  candidates,  or  the  athlete  previously  eliminated  by  two  ranked  team  candidates  in  the  same  body  weight   category   with   higher   totals,   choose   to   lift   in   the   final   qualification   competition   using   the   above   higher  allowable  limit  body  weights,  their  totals  will  not  count  for  any  purpose  other  than  for  team  ranking  adjustments.  If  two   athletes   in   the   same   category   compete   as   provisional   in   the   final   qualification,   the   tie   breaking   rules   of  completion  regarding  body  weight  apply.    Provisional  team  candidates  have  the  option  to  compete  at  the  final  qualification  competition,  but  are  not  required  to  do   so.   If   their   results   are  higher   than   their   ranking   list   total,   their   ranking  will   be  adjusted  accordingly  on   the   final  ranking   list  among  all  provisional   team  candidates’   totals  or   the   totals  of   the  athletes  previously  eliminated  by   two  ranked   team   candidates   in   the   same   body   weight   category   with   higher   totals.   However,   totals   made   at   final  qualification  competition  cannot  rank  a  provisional  higher  than  a  previously  locked  on  team  candidate.    On   conclusion   of   the   final   qualification   and   adjustment   of   the   ranking   list   to   account   for   the   results   of   the   final  qualification  competition  as  specified  above,  the  assigned  head  coach,  in  consultation  with  the  National  Team  Coach  and  the  Team  Leader  reserves  the  right,  with  the  approval  of  the  USAW  Board  at  its  sole  discretion,  to  substitute  the  top  ranked  Junior  male  or  female  on  the  age  adjusted  monthly  compensation  ranking  list  for  the  tenth  ranked  men’s  team  alternate  or  ninth  ranked  women’s  team  alternate  on  the  final  entry  form,   if   the  ranked  alternates’  totals  are  below  point  scoring  range  in  their  body  weight  categories  on  the  placement  total  matrices  in  Appendices  C  &  D.  If  the  body  weight   category   of   the   Junior   substitute  male   or   female   has   two   higher   ranked   team  members   on   the   final  ranking  list,  then  a  substitution  will  not  be  made.  

     Athletes  with  an  NCS  ranking  at  the  applicable  International  or  higher   level  for  each  international  competition,  who  have  sustained  a  serious  and  documented  injury  during  the  six  months  prior  to  the  beginning  date  of  the  qualification  period,   and   have   been   unable   to   compete   in   any   qualification   competition   leading   up   to   the   final   qualification  competition,  may  apply  to  USA  Weightlifting  to  be  entered  in  the  final  qualification.  


    Such   athletes,   if   approved   for   entry   into   the   final   qualification   competition,  will   compete   against   provisional   team  candidates   for  membership   on   the   team.   Conditions   for   acceptance   are   participation   in   the   OOC   testing   program  throughout  the  qualification  period,  written  confirmation  from  the  primary  care  physician  treating  the  athlete  that  the  injury  sustained  precluded  the  athlete   from  competing  throughout   the  qualification  period,  and  clearance   from  the  primary  care  physician  for  the  athlete  to  compete  in  the  final  qualification  competition.    

     USA  Weightlifting  reverses  the  right,  at  its  sole  discretion  to  determine  whether  or  not  the  athlete  will  be  approved  for  entry  into  the  final  qualification  competition.  If  approved  entry,  the  2%  body  weight  increase  over  the  body  weight  category  limit  specified  above  does  not  apply;  the  athlete  must  compete  at  or  below  his  or  her  body  weight  category  limit.  

     All  team  candidates  and  alternates  under  consideration  are  subject  to  evaluation  of  their  performance  level,  health,  and  fitness  to  compete  at  a  level  consistent  with  the  results  that  ranked  them  at  the  sole  discretion  of  USAW  prior  to  international  competition.  Athlete  acceptance  of  invitations  to  compete  at  international  competitions  will  be  conditioned  on  the  athlete’s  agreement  that  he  or  she  may  be  replaced  for  the  international  competition  or  withdrawn  from  the  competition  on  site,  if  the  athlete  fails  to  meet  these  requirements.  See  Appendix  G  for  the  2015  International  Competitions  Declaration  of  Health,  Fitness  and  Performance  Level.  


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    All  team  candidates  and  alternates  under  consideration  are  subject  to  the  outfitting  requirements  at  the  sole  discretion  of  USAW  for  each  international  competition.  Athlete  acceptance  of  invitations  to  compete  at  international  competitions  will  be  conditioned  on  the  athlete’s  agreement  that  he  or  she  may  be  replaced  for  the  international  competition,  or  withdrawn  from  the  competition  on  site,  if  the  athlete  fails  to  meet  these  requirements.    Athletes  competing  in  another  sport  at  the  time  of  the  international  competition  for  which  they  have  qualified  must  declare  such  participation  in  their  declaration  of  performance,  health  and  fitness,  in  so  doing  affirming  their  freedom  from  injury,  and  weightlifting  performance  level  to  be  at  least  at  the  level  of  the  total  that  qualified  the  athlete  for  the  team.  Participation  in  another  sport  competition  in  the  month  prior  to  the  date  of  travel  to  the  2015  World  Championships/Olympic  Qualification  Event  is  strictly  prohibited.  No  special  travel  arrangements  to  the  international  competition  will  be  made  for  these  athletes.  


    8.2.5.        Final  Selection  –  Ability  To  Place  and  Score    

    Following  the  last  Qualification  Event  during  the  qualifying  period,  and  the  final  qualification  competition  if  one  is  contested,  the  appropriate  number  of  men  and  women,  based  on  the  total  number  of  slots  for  each  international  competition,  with  the  highest  rankings  derived  from  the  final  qualification  ranking  list  as  specified  in  this  section  will  be  selected  for  each  international  team,  maximum  of  two  per  body  weight  category,  per  the  rules  of  weightlifting.  

    9. Roles,  Responsibilities,  Objectives  and  Policies  for  International  Events  

     The  Board  of  Directors  has  specified  certain  roles,  responsibilities  objectives,  and  policies  for  assigned  staff,  athletes,  and  personal  coaches  participating  in  international  competitions.  These  can  be  found  in  Appendix  B.  


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    Appendix  A    



    WOMEN CAT PL 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 AVG

    44 170.248 3 204 183 192 181 189 189.853 3 206 214 219 200 214 210.658 3 230 230 235 218 231 228.863 3 241 246 236 244 248 243.069 3 251 253 256 259 261 256.0

    69+ 270.875 3 283 265 269 260 277 270.8

    75+ 3 309 273 294 291 294 292.2

    MENCAT PLACE 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 AVG

    50 237.156 3 280 276 286 283 293 283.662 3 314 310 317 316 312 313.869 3 324 335 332 337 334 332.477 3 356 360 349 355 363 356.685 3 377 376 380 381 385 379.894 3 397 402 407 396 399 400.2

    94+ 412.2105