Invitation to Bid Construction of Cambodia Korea Friendship BLDG of the National Paediatric Hospital Phnom Penh, Cambodia Lump Sum Construction Contract Date of Issuance: 16 November 2015 ITB Case No.: KHOC/KOICA/102015

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Invitation to Bid

Construction of Cambodia – Korea Friendship BLDG of the National Paediatric Hospital

Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Lump Sum Construction Contract

Date of Issuance: 16 November 2015 ITB Case No.: KHOC/KOICA/102015

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1. INVITATION LETTER ………………...........................................................................

2. SECTION I – BID PARTICULARS ……………………………………………...............

3. SECTION II – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS …………………………………….........


5. SECTION IV – RETURNABLE BID SCHEDULES ………………………………...........

SCHEDULE 1 Form of Bid

SCHEDULE 2 Form of Bid Security

SCHEDULE 3 Lump Sum Contract Price and Schedule for Variations and Daywork Rates

SCHEDULE 4 Technical Proposal

SCHEDULE 5 Key Personnel Interview

SCHEDULE 6 Insurances

SCHEDULE 7 Proposed Sub Contractors and Suppliers

SCHEDULE 8 Declaration

SCHEDULE 9 Addenda to ITB


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INVITATION LETTER Dear Sir/Madam, Subject: Invitation to Bid for the Construction of Cambodia – Korea Friendship BLDG of the National Paediatric Hospital Phnom Penh, Cambodia. ITB Case No.: KHOC/KOICA/102015 The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) is pleased to invite pre-qualified bidders to bid in accordance with the requirements and process as set out in this Invitation to Bid (ITB). The ITB consists of the following:

This Invitation Letter;

Bid Particulars (Section I);

Instructions to Bidders (Section II);

Evaluation Method and Criteria (Section III);

Returnable Bid Schedules (Section IV);

KOICA International Construction Contract (the Contract) (Section V).

Bill of Quantities, Technical Specficiation and Drawings (https://goo.gl/WWH2mI)

If you are interested in submitting a bid in response to this ITB, please prepare your bid in accordance with the requirements and process as set out in this ITB and submit your bid to UNOPS by the Deadline for Submission of Bids set out in the Bid Particulars in Section I of the ITB. We look forward to receiving your bid. Name: __________________________________ Title: ____________________________________ Date: ____________________________________ Signature: ________________________________

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Works (Article 1)

The works include the construction of The works include the construction of / can be described as follows;

PROJECT NAME: Cambodia-Korea Friendship Hospital

SITE LOCATION : #100, Federation of Russia Blvd, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

SITE AREA : 9,800㎡

ROAD CONDITION: West 20m road, North 40m road

BUILDING USE : Hospital, Oxygen generator building

STRUCTURE : RC. Steel system

BUILDING SCALE : 4 story (1 story extension), 1 building new construction


GROSS AREA : 6,141.91㎡



EXTERIOR FINISH : EXT Emulsion paint , Roofing tile



DEFECTS LIBILITY PERIOD: 2 yrs general works, 5 yrs civil works


Contact for correspondence, notifications and requests for clarifications (Article 1)

All correspondence, notifications and requests for clarification in relation to this ITB shall be sent to:

Kirsteen Mack United Nations Office for Project Services

Cambodia Office

[email protected]


Bidder Eligibility (Article 4)

Bidders Eligibility to tender for the Cambodia – Korea Friendship Hospital is dependant on successful pre-qualification for the above project. Ref. KHOC/KOICA/102015


Requests for clarification from bidders will not be accepted any later than

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(Article 8) 24 hours before the Deadline for Submission of Bids. Responses to requests for clarification shall be circulated to all Bidders simulitaneously.

Clarification Meetings (Article 9)

A clarification meeting shall be held as follows:

Date: 19 November 2015

Time: 10:00

Location: United Nations Office for Project Services Phnom Penh Center 5th Floor Corner of Sothearos & Sihanouk Blvd Phnom Penh Cambodia

Site Inspection (Article 10)

A group site inspection shall be held as follows: Date: 19 November 2015 Time: 14:00 Location: Cambodia-Korea Friendship Hospital

#100 Federation of Russia Blvd Phnom Penh Cambodia

Bid validity period (Article 13)

Bids shall remain valid for acceptance by UNOPS for 90 Days from the Deadline for Submission of Bids.

Alternative bids (Article 15)

Alternative bids will NOT be evaluated.

Bid security (Article 16)

Bidders shall provide bid security in the form set out in Returnable Bid Schedule 2 – Form of Bid Security (see Section IV). The bid security shall be in the amount of 5% of the Lump Sum Offer.

Bid Currency (Article 17)

Prices shall be quoted in USD.

Duties and Taxes (Article 18)

All bids shall be submitted net of any direct taxes. KOICA can provide the successful supplier with the necessary documents that are required for VAT exemption. However, the application for VAT exemption is the responsibility of the contractor.

Language of bids (Article 20)

All bids, information, documents and correspondence exchanged between UNOPS and the bidders in relation to this bid process shall be

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in English.

Bid Submissions (Article 21)

Bids must be submitted as follows: By post, courier or personal delivery in sealed envelopes by the Deadline for Submission of Bids. The sealed envelopes shall contain one soft copy and two hardcopies. The two hardcopies shall comprise one original hardcopy bid marked “Original”. One hardcopy of the bid marked “Copy" shall also be submitted. In the event of any discrepancy between the soft and/or hardcopies of the bid, the bid marked as “Original” shall govern. The envelope shall be labelled as follows:


United Nations Office for Project Services Phnom Penh Center

5th Floor Corner of Sothearos & Sihanouk Blvd

Phnom Penh Cambodia

Personal delivery shall be made between the hours of 09:00 and 17:00

on UNOPS regular working days by the Deadline for Submission of Bids.

Att.: Chair Person, Bid Opening Committee. Case No.: KHOC/KOICA/102015

Deadline for Submission of Bids: 12:00 pm (noon) on 11 December 2015 at Phnom Penh, Cambodia

From: [Insert bidder’s name & details]

Deadline for Submission of Bids (Article 22)

All bids must be submitted by 12:00 pm (noon) (Phnom Penh, Cambodia) Time, 11 December 2015.

Bid Opening (Article 24)

Bids will be opened at 13:00 on 11 December at UNOPS, Cambodia. There will be no public bid opening for this project.

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Bidders are invited to submit a bid for the works described in the Bid Particulars in Section I, and further described in the Contract in Section V, in accordance with this ITB. All correspondence, notification and bids in relation to this ITB shall be sent to the contact person and address set out in the Bid Particulars in Section I. 2. INTERPRETATION OF THE ITB

This ITB is an invitation to treat and shall not be construed as an offer capable of being accepted or as creating any contractual, other legal or restitutionary rights. The Contract for Works will be agreed between KOICA and the successful bidder, the Parties to the Contract. No binding contract, including a process contract or other understanding or arrangement, will exist between the bidder and UNOPS or KOICA and nothing in or in connection with this ITB shall give rise to any liability on the part of UNOPS or KOICA.


Prior to the Deadline for Submission of Bids, UNOPS may at its discretion modify the bidding documents by way of a written addendum. All written addenda to the bidding documents shall form part of the ITB. In the event UNOPS modifies the ITB, UNOPS will notify in writing all bidders that have received the ITB from UNOPS of such modification. In order to give the bidders reasonable time to take such modification into account, UNOPS may extend the Deadline for Submission of Bids as may be appropriate under the circumstances.


Pre-qualified bidders may be a private, public or government-owned legal entity or any association with legal capacity to enter into a binding contract with UNOPS. A bidder, and all parties constituting the bidder, may have the nationality of any country with the exception of those nationalities, if any, listed in the Bid Particulars in Section I. A bidder shall not be eligible to submit a bid if and when at the time of bid submission, the bidder:

(i) has been suspended or declared ineligible by UNOPS or any other entity of the United Nations system, including the Work Bank;

(ii) is on the UN 1267 terrorist list issued by the Security Council resolution 1267

which establishes a sanctions regime to cover individuals and entities associated with Al-Qaida and/or the Taliban; or

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(iii) has not attended a mandatory site inspection or mandatory clarification meeting, if applicable, in accordance with Articles 9 and 10.

(iv) does not comply with any additional requirements as may be set out in the Bill

of Particulars.


Bidders shall immediately notify UNOPS in writing of any ambiguities, errors, omissions, discrepancies, inconsistencies or other faults in any part of the ITB, with full details of those ambiguities, errors, omissions, discrepancies, inconsistencies or other faults. Bidders shall not benefit from such ambiguities, errors, omissions, discrepancies, inconsistencies or other faults.



Bidders shall be responsible to inform themselves in preparing their bid. In this regard, bidders shall ensure that they:

(i) examine and fully inform themselves in relation to all aspects of the ITB, including the Contract and all other documents included or referred to in this ITB;

(ii) review the ITB to ensure that they have a complete copy of all documents; (iii) obtain and examine all other information relevant to the project and the scope

of the works available on reasonable enquiry; (iv) verify all relevant representations, statements and information, including

those contained or referred to in the ITB or made orally during any clarification meeting or site Inspection or any discussion with UNOPS, its employees or agents;

(v) attend any clarification meeting or Site Inspection that is mandatory under this

ITB; (vi) fully inform and satisfy themselves as to requirements of any relevant

authorities and laws that apply, or may in the future apply, to the execution of the works; and

(vii) form their own assessment of the nature and extent of work required to

execute the works and properly account for all work in their bid. Bidders acknowledge and agree that the ITB does not purport to contain all relevant information in relation to the works and is provided solely on the basis that bidders shall be responsible for making their own assessment of the matters referred to in the ITB, including the Contract (see Section V).

Bidders acknowledge and agree that UNOPS, its directors, employees and agents make no representations or warranties (express or implied) as to the accuracy, currency or completeness of this ITB or any other information provided to the bidders.

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Bidders shall be willing to sign the Contract (see Section V), without departure, qualification, amendment, limitation or exclusion should they be selected as a result of this bid process.


Bidders may request clarification of the ITB or bid process by submitting a written request to the contact stated in the Bid Particulars in Section I up to the time stated in the Bid Particulars in Section I and thereafter requests for clarification will not be accepted. UNOPS shall gather all requests for clarification and may respond in writing to all such requests at the same time. Responses to requests for clarification shall be communicated directly to all bidders that received the ITB directly from UNOPS if the ITB was not available online, and/or, if the ITB was available online or if stated in the Bid Particulars in Section I, responses will be posted online without disclosing the names of the bidders who submitted the requests for clarification.


Unless otherwise instructed in writing by UNOPS, a clarification meeting will only be held if stated in the Bid Particulars in Section I, at the time and place and in accordance with any instructions set out in the Bid Particulars in Section I. If the Bid Particulars in Section I state that a clarification meeting shall be mandatory, a bidder which does not attend the clarification meeting shall become ineligible to submit a bid under this ITB. The names of representatives of bidders who will attend the clarification meeting shall be submitted in writing by bidders to the UNOPS contact person listed in the Bid Particulars in Section I, including the full name and position of each representative at least 24 hours before the clarification meeting is to be held. UNOPS will not issue any formal answers to questions from bidders regarding the ITB or bid process during the clarification meeting. All questions shall be submitted in accordance with Article 8. The clarification meeting shall be conducted for the purpose of providing background information only. Without limiting Article 6, bidders shall not rely upon any information, statement or representation made at the clarification meeting unless that information, statement or representation is confirmed by UNOPS in writing. UNOPS shall prepare minutes of the clarification meeting and communicate them in writing directly to all bidders which received the bid documents directly from UNOPS if the ITB was not available online, and/or, if the ITB was available online or if stated in the Bid Particulars in Section I, the minutes will be posted online without disclosing the names of the bidders who attended the clarification meeting, shortly after the clarification meeting.


Unless otherwise instructed in writing by UNOPS, a site visit will only be held if stated in the Bid Particulars in Section I, at the time and place and in accordance with any instructions set out in the Bid Particulars in Section I.

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If the Bid Particulars in Section I state that a site inspection shall be mandatory, a bidder which does not attend the site inspection shall become ineligible to submit a bid under this ITB. Bidders participating in a site inspection shall be responsible for:

(i) arranging for and wearing personal protective equipment, including at a

minimum safety helmets, boots and reflective vests; and (ii) making and obtaining any visa arrangements that may be required for the

bidders to participate in a site inspection.

Prior to attending a site inspection, bidders shall execute an indemnity and a waiver releasing UNOPS in respect of any liability that may arise from:

(i) loss of or damage to any real or personal property; (ii) personal injury, disease or illness to, or death of, any person; (iii) financial loss or expense, arising out of the carrying out of that site inspection;

and (iv) transportation by UNOPS to the site (if provided) as a result of any accidents

or malicious acts by third parties. UNOPS will not issue any formal answers to questions from bidders regarding the ITB or bid process during a site visit. All questions shall be submitted in accordance with Article 8. A site visit will be conducted for the purpose of providing background information only. Without limiting Article 6, bidders shall not rely upon any information, statement or representation made at a site visit unless that information, statement or representation is confirmed by UNOPS in writing.



Returnable Bid Schedules

Bids shall include only a fully completed and dated set of the Returnable Bid Schedules, including only the information required by each Returnable Bid Schedule, either completed on the Returnable Bid Schedule document or annexed to the document, as the case may be, each signed in accordance with Article 19 by a person authorised by the bidder to bind it. The Returnable Bid Schedules are set out in Section IV.


Other Information

Bids submitted shall only include information required to be submitted in accordance with the ITB.


Bidders shall not be entitled to any remuneration or compensation for the preparation and submission of their bid.

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Bidders acknowledge that their participation in any stage of the bid process for this ITB is at the bidders' own risk and cost. UNOPS or KOICA shall not be responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by bidders in the preparation and submission of bids or participation in the bid process, including as part of any clarification meeting or site or plant inspection. UNOPS is not liable to bidders for any costs, expense or loss on any legal, contractual, quasi contractual or restitutionary basis incurred or suffered in connection with the ITB or bidders' participation in the bid process, including where:

(i) clarifications and addenda are provided or not provided to bidders; (ii) a bidder is not selected or not engaged to carry out the works; (iii) UNOPS varies, terminates, suspends or delays any aspect of the bid process

or conducts another process in its place; (iv) UNOPS elects not to proceed with the ITB in whole or in part; or (v) UNOPS exercises any rights under the ITB.


Bids shall remain valid for acceptance by UNOPS for the entire period set out in the Bid Particulars in Section I. A bid valid for a shorter period of time shall be rejected. Prior to expiration of the bid validity period, UNOPS may request in writing that the bidders extend the validity of their bids with the same conditions. Bidders who decline to extend the validity of their bid shall not forfeit their Bid Security. However, their bid shall become disqualified as no longer valid.


Bidders shall respond to all applicable Returnable Bid Schedules and shall bid for all sections of the works. UNOPS will NOT accept bids for one or several sections of the works only, nor will UNOPS accept bids for only part of the works or part of any section of the works.


Alternative bids will not be evaluated unless stated otherwise in the Bid Particulars in Section I. If a bidder submits an alternative bid, it shall mark the original bid as “Initial Bid” and any subsequent bid as “Alternative Bid”. If the Bid Particulars in Section I do not state that alternative bids may be evaluated, and a bidder submits more than one bid:

(i) All bids marked as “Alternative Bid” will be disqualified and only the bid marked as “Initial Bid” will be evaluated; or,

(ii) All bids will be rejected if no indication is provided as to which bid is the

original bid and which is/are the alternative bid(s).

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If: (i) the Bid Particulars in Section I state that alternative bids may be evaluated; (ii) the bidder has submitted an Initial Bid and an Alternative Bid which meets the

requirements of this Article 15; and (iii) the bidder's Initial Bid has been evaluated and that bidder has been assessed

as the preferred bidder,

then UNOPS may consider, entirely in its own discretion, the Alternative Bid of the preferred bidder.


If the Bid Particulars in Section I state that bidders shall provide bid security, the bid security shall be in the form set out in Returnable Bid Schedule 2 – Form of Bid Security (see Section IV) and shall be for the amount set out in the Bid Particulars in Section I. The bid security shall be issued by a reputable banking institution. Reputable banking institutions are banks certified by the central bank of the country where the bank is located, to operate as a commercial bank. UNOPS may, at its discretion, reject any bid security that does not comply with this requirement. The bid security shall be valid for a period of 30 days beyond the Bid Validity Period, as may be extended, after which this bank guarantee will automatically become null and void, unless a dispute arises in relation to this bank guarantee. KOICA shall be listed as the beneficiary in the bid security, and KOICA shall have the right to request payment under the bid security:

(i) if the bidder withdraws its bid after the Deadline for Submission of Bids and prior to the end of the Bid Validity Period, as may be extended; or

(ii) in the case of a successful bidder, if the bidder fails to sign the Contract

resulting from this bid process in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in its bid; or

(iii) if the bidder fails to furnish a performance security in accordance with the

Contract, if any is required Unsuccessful bidders shall organise with UNOPS to collect their bid security, UNOPS will make this available to bidders within fifteen days after it has expired.


Prices in the bid shall be quoted in the currenc(ies) stated in the Bid Particulars in Section I. If applicable, for comparison and evaluation purposes, UNOPS will convert the bid prices into USD at the official United Nations rate of exchange in force at the time of the Deadline for Submission of Bids.

Bid Prices shall be fixed. Bids with adjustable Bid Prices shall be disqualified.


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All bids shall be submitted net of any direct taxes and any other taxes and duties, as specified in the Bid Particulars in Section I.


A bid shall contain no interlineations, erasures, or overwriting. If necessary to correct errors made by a Bidder, hand written corrections to the bid may be made before the submission and/or the Deadline for Submission of Bids. In this case, such corrections shall be initialed by the person or persons who signed the bid. Bids shall be signed by the person authorized to do so in Returnable Bid Schedule 1 – Form of Bid (see Section IV). That person shall be authorized by the bidder to bind the bidder. A copy of such authorization shall be submitted along with the bid.


All bids, information, documents and correspondence exchanged between UNOPS and the bidders in relation to this bid process shall be in the language set out in the Bid Particulars in Section I.

Supporting documents may be submitted in their original language. If such language is different from that set out in the Bid Particulars in Section I, the supporting documents shall be submitted together with a translation of the supporting documents’ relevant excerpts.


All bids shall be submitted to UNOPS in accordance with the requirements set out in this ITB. Bids that are not submitted in accordance with the provisions set out in this ITB may be rejected.


All bids shall be received by UNOPS by no later than the time and date set out in the Bid Particulars in Section I. It shall be the sole responsibility of the bidders to ensure that their bid is received by the Deadline for Submission of Bids. Bids submitted after the Deadline for Submission of Bids shall be rejected.


Prior to the Deadline for Submission of Bids, a bidder may withdraw, substitute, or modify its bid after it has been submitted by sending a written notice to UNOPS. After the deadline for submission of the bids, however, the bids shall remain valid and open for acceptance by UNOPS for the entire Bid Validity Period, as may be extended. If a bidder withdraws its bid after the Deadline for Submission of Bids and prior to the expiration of the Bid Validity Period, as may be extended, UNOPS may retain the bidder’s Bid Security, if any has been required in accordance with Article 16.

Bids for which withdrawal has been requested prior to the deadline for submission of the bids shall be made available for collection by the bidder that submitted it within 15 days of its withdrawal. Otherwise, UNOPS shall have the right to discard such bid unopened without

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further notice to the Bidder. UNOPS shall not be responsible to return the bid to the Bidder at UNOPS’ costs.


Bids will be opened at the time and location, and in accordance with the requirements, set out in the Bid Particulars in Section I. Bidders may attend the opening of the bids. However, they shall not be allowed to attend the evaluation of the bids.


UNOPS shall evaluate bids and select a preferred bidder pursuant to Section III of this ITB.


Subject to Section III of the ITB, UNOPS shall have no obligation to accept any bid, including the bid with the lowest price. UNOPS may, in its absolute discretion, do all or any of the following:

(i) require additional information from bidders; (ii) change the structure and timing of the ITB; (iii) alter, terminate, suspend or defer the bid process or any part of or activity in

it; (iv) consider or accept or reject any bid which is non-conforming; (v) request, attend or conduct any site inspections or clarification meetings; (vi) request, attend or observe any product, plant, equipment or other

demonstration, trial or test, provided UNOPS acts reasonably in so doing; (vii) abandon, cancel or otherwise not proceed with the bid process at any time

prior to the award of a contract, without any liability toward the bidders and without providing any reason or notice to bidders.


UNOPS shall not return any rejected or unsuccessful bids to the bidders, except for late bids, which will be available for collection by the bidders within fifteen days of the rejection.


All information and documents provided to the bidders by UNOPS shall be treated as confidential by the bidders and shall:

(i) remain the property of UNOPS; (ii) not be used for any purpose other than the purpose of preparing a bid; and

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(iii) be immediately returned to UNOPS in the event the bidder declines to respond to this ITB, or, in the event of a rejected or an unsuccessful bid, within fifteen days of being notified by UNOPS that its bid was rejected or unsuccessful.

All information and documents provided to the bidders by UNOPS shall not be disclosed to any third party, except:

(i) with the prior written consent of UNOPS; (ii) where the third party is assisting a bidder in preparing the bid, provided the

bidder has previously ensured that party's adherence to this duty of confidentiality;

(iii) if the information or documents is/are at the time of this ITB lawfully in the

possession of the bidder through a party other than UNOPS; (iv) if required by law, and provided that the bidder has previously informed

UNOPS in writing of its obligation to disclose the information or documents; or (v) if the information is generally and publicly available other than as a result of

breach of confidence by the person receiving the information.


UNOPS requires that all bidders observe the highest standard of ethics during the entire bid process, as well as the duration of any contract that may be awarded as a result of this bid process. Therefore, all bidders shall represent and warrant that they:

(i) have not unduly obtained, or attempted to unduly obtain, any confidential

information in connection with the bid process and any contract that may be awarded a result of this bid process;

(ii) have no conflict of interest that would prevent them from entering into a

contract with KOICA, and shall have no interest in other bidders or parties involved in this bid process or in the project underlying this bid process;

(iii) have not engaged, or attempted to engage, in any Corrupt Practices in

connection with this bid process or the contract that may be awarded as a result of this bid process. For the purposes of this provision, Corrupt Practices shall mean any of the following:

• bribery: the act of unduly offering, giving, receiving or soliciting anything of

value to influence the process of procuring works, or executing contracts;

• extortion or coercion: the act of attempting to influence the process of procuring works, or executing contracts by means of threat of injury to person, property or reputation;

• fraud: the misrepresentation of information or facts for the purpose of

influencing the process of procuring works, or executing the contracts, to the detriment of UNOPS, KOICA or other participants; or

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• collusion: the agreement between bidders designed to result in bids at artificial prices that are not competitive.

(iv) have not been involved in, either directly or indirectly, nor have they funded,

either directly or indirectly, any terrorist activities, notably upon basis of the consolidated list of individuals belonging to or associated with terrorist entities as established and maintained by the United Nations 1267 Committee.

In the event that a bidder fails to comply with any of the above representations and warranties, UNOPS or KOICA shall have the right to reject the bid submitted by such bidder, and to terminate any contract that may have been awarded as a result of this bid process immediately upon notice, without any liability for termination charges or any other liability of any kind of UNOPS. In addition, the bidder may be precluded from doing business with UNOPS, KOICA and any other entity of the United Nations System in the future. 30. AUDIT

Any bidder participating in this bid process shall agree to cooperate with the Office of Internal Oversight Services of the United Nations, UNOPS Internal Audit and Investigations Group as well as with any other investigation units authorized by UNOPS Executive Director and UNOPS Ethics Officer to investigate any allegation of misconduct, and in particular any allegation of a breach of Article 29 above, in connection with this bid process or any contract that may be awarded as a result of this bid process. In cooperating with UNOPS, the bidders shall give access to UNOPS, upon written request, to all employees, representatives, agents and assignees, as well as to all documents, records and other elements of the bidder that may be required to conduct such investigation. The failure of a bidder to comply with any of the above representations and warranties shall give UNOPS the right to disqualify the bid submitted by such bidder, and to terminate any contract that may have been awarded as a result of this bid process immediately upon notice, without any liability for termination charges or any other liability of any kind of UNOPS. In addition, the bidder may be precluded from doing business with UNOPS and any other entity of the United Nations System in the future.


Any bidder that believes to have been unjustly treated in connection with this bid process or any contract that may be awarded as a result of such bid process may submit a complaint to UNOPS’ General Counsel. More information about bid protests can be found on UNOPS’ website at www.unops.org.

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Bid shall be evaluated on the basis of the “lowest priced substantially compliant offer” evaluation method. Firstly, bids shall be evaluated for technical compliance based on:

Technical proposal

Insurances; and

Key personnel. Secondly, bids that are found to be technically compliant shall be evaluated based on price and value for money, analysing all relevant costs, risks and benefits of each bid throughout the whole life cycle of the works and in the context of the project as a whole. UNOPS reserves the right to request further information in the event that an offers is deemed unreasonably low, to an extent that they may not be able to perform the contract for the offered amount. 32. PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION

Upon opening of the bids, UNOPS shall proceed to a preliminary examination of the bids. UNOPS may reject any bid during the preliminary examination which does not comply with the requirements set out in this ITB, without further consultation with the bidder. Bids which are incomplete, frivolous, clearly not competitive or contain material deviations from or reservations to the terms of the Contract, may, in UNOPS absolute discretion, be rejected or excluded from further consideration at any time during the evaluation, including after preliminary examination. A bidder may not be permitted to correct or withdraw material deviations or reservations in a bid once the bids have been opened. 33. CLARIFICATION OF BIDS

UNOPS may request clarification or further information in writing from the bidders at any time during the bid process. The bidders’ responses shall not contain any changes regarding the substance or price of the bid. UNOPS may use such information in interpreting and evaluating the relevant bid but is under no obligation to take it into account. 34. CRITERIA

Returnable Bid Schedule 1 - Form of Bid The bidder’s form of bid is correctly filled out. Check and clarify Returnable Bid Schedule 2 - Bid Security

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The bidder’s bid security complies with the ITB’s requirement. Pass / Fail Returnable Bid Schedule 3 – Lump Sum Contract Price and Schedule of Rates for Variations and Dayworks Rates: Bidders must complete the Bill of Quanitities (https://goo.gl/WWH2mI), and insert in Schedule 3 a Lump Sum Contract Price and Schedule of Rates for Variations and Dayworks. Financial evaluation of the bids shall be conducted only for the bids found to be technically compliant and can be carried out, as follows:

For the purpose of evaluating the bids, the Lump Sum Contract Price and that of the Schedule of Rates for Variations and Daywork Rates shall be evaluated based on price and value for money, analysing all relevant costs, risks and benefits of each bid throughout the whole life cycle of the works and in the context of the project as a whole.

The contract shall be awarded to the bidder who submits the lowest price, provided that this price is reasonable and within an acceptable range of the project budget and all other bids received.

In the event that the lowest price offer is the outwith the acceptable range, UNOPS may seek clarifications and additional information to confirm that the supplier will be capable of delivering the full scope of works at the quoted price.

In the event that such evidence and assurances are not available upon request, or are not sufficient to adequately account for the services, UNOPS may judge, at its sole discretion, that the supplier’s bid be rejected.

Returnable Bid Schedule 4 – Technical Proposal The technical proposal will be included in the Contract Agreement. The bidder’s technical proposal demonstrates the bidder’s capacity to plan and programme the works within timelines that are consistent with industry practice, the project requirements and UNOPS' project technical staff programme. Pass / Fail Returnable Bid Schedule 5 – Key Personnel Interview The bidder’s project team and key personnel have been proposed at PQQ stage. As part of the ITB evaluation process, key personnel will be required to participate in an interview with UNOPS to confirm their qualifcations and experience to undertake the project. Pass / Fail Returnable Bid Schedule 6 – Insurances The bidder’s insurances comply with the ITB’s requirements. Check and clarify Returnable Bid Schedule 7 – Proposed Subcontractors and Suppliers

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The submitted schedule shall form part of the contract with the winning bidder. The proposed list of subcontractors may be different from that proposed at the PQQ following the release of the full technical specification. Check and clarify Returnable Bid Schedule 8 – Declaration The bidder’s declaration is correctly filled out. Check and clarify Returnable Bid Schedule 9 – Addenda to ITB The bidder’s filled out this schedule. Check and clarify

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Note to Bidders: Instructions to complete each Returnable Bid Schedule are highlighted in blue in each schedule. Please complete the Returnable Bid Schedules as instructed

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United Nations Office for Project Services Phnom Penh Center 5th Floor, Room 511 Corner of Sothearos & Sihanouk Blvd Phnom Penh Cambodia Dear Sir/Madam, Subject: Bid for the Construction of Cambodia – Korea Friendship BLDG of the National Paediatric Hospital Phnom Penh, Cambodia ITB Case No. KHOC/KOICA/202015 dated 11 December 2015. 1. We, [Name of Bidder], hereby submit a bid for the construction of the above-

referenced works in response to the above-referenced ITB.

2. We warrant that in preparing and submitting this bid, we have complied with, and are willing to be bound by, any and all of the requirements and provisions of the above-referenced ITB, including the terms and conditions of the Contract as set out in Section V of the ITB.

3. Based on the above, our proposed Contract Price is: [Insert Proposed Contract

Price in numbers and letters]. 4. Our bid shall remain valid for UNOPS’ acceptance for 90 days from the Closing Date. 5. We acknowledge and agree that:

subject to Section III of the ITB, UNOPS is not bound to accept the lowest bid or any other bid it may receive in response to the above-referenced ITB;

no liability of UNOPS and KOICA and no binding contract exists until the Contract is executed by both parties;

each party constituting the bidder is bound jointly and severally by this bid; and

6. Enclosed is a bid security in the sum of [insert amount] in the form set out in the Returnable Bid Schedule 2 – Form of Bid Security, issued by [insert name of bank].

7. We accept, without material reservations, KOICA General Conditions of Contract and Special Conditions of Contract, Bill of Quantities, Technical Specifcations and drawings as applicable.

I, the undersigned, certify that I am duly authorized by [insert name of bidder] to sign this bid and bind [insert name of bidder] should UNOPS accept this bid: Name: ________________________________________________________________ Title: _________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________________________________________________

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Signature: _____________________________________________________________

[Stamp form of bid with official stamp of the bidder]

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[Insert Letterhead of Bank] Date: [insert]

To: Dear Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) Re: Bank Guarantee for Bid in response to Invitation to Bid, Case No. KHOC/KOICA/102015 The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) issued an Invitation to Bid for the construction of the Cambodia – Korea Friendship building of the National Paediatric Hospital in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Case No. KHOC/KOICA/102015 (ITB). In response to this ITB, [insert name of bidder] has informed you of its intent to submit a bid. We the undersigned, hereby gurarantee that if awarded a contract, we will perform faithfully the requirements of the contract. Should we withdraw our bid before its expiration and/or after being awarded the contract by the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), or Should we refuse to conclude the contract, or Should we fail to establish a Contract Deposit in accordance with the contractual conditions, We undertake to pay KOICA immediately the sum of five (5) percent of the lum sum bid price, according to, and upon receipt of, its first written demand, without KOICA having to substantiate its demand. We further guarantee that we will not claim against or appeal to KOICA in relation to any unfavourable action which may be taken against us by KOICA on the grounds that we have not complied with the above conditions. This bank guarantee is valid and will continue to be valid from the date of this letter until 30 days beyond the bid validity period, as may be extended, after which this bank guarantee will automatically become null and void, unless a dispute arises in relation to this bank guarantee. Notices under this bank guarantee shall be made to: [insert contact information for notices]

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IN WITNESS of which the [insert name of bank] has duly executed this Guarantee on the date stated above. SIGNED by [insert] as attorney for [insert] under power of attorney dated [insert] __________________________________________________________________________ By executing this agreement the attorney states that the attorney has received no notice of revocation of the power of attorney

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SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR VARIATIONS AND DAYWORK RATES ITB Case No.: _____________________________________________________________ Name of bidder: ____________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________________________________________ Signature: ________________________________________________________________ Note to bidders: Bidders shall submit within Returnable Bid Schedule 3 (or annexed to Returnable Bid Schedule 3 if files size is prohibitively large) a lump sum contract price and a Schedule of Rates for Variations and Daywork Rates. Please note that indirect costs, general administrative expense and profit should be applied to the direct cost of construction as follows:

Indirect cost (field staff, labor costs, administrative expenses and site safety management fee (1.5%): 6.5% or more

Head office administrative expenses and profit: more than 7% Bidders should note that all quantities contained within the Bill of Quantites are approximate. It is the bidders responsibility to calculate all quantities, and any discrepancies must be taken into account in the final price.

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TECHNICAL PROPOSAL & PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME ITB Case No.: _____________________________________________________________ Name of bidder: ___________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________________________________________ Signature: ________________________________________________________________ Note to bidders: Bidders shall submit a technical proposal for the execution of the works. Bidders are required to make their own detailed assessment of the time, work methods and activities that shall be required for the successful and timely completion of the works, and shall submit their bid on the basis of an assurance that the works can be completed by the Time for Completion and the Milestone Dates identified in the Contract. The technical proposal shall be prepared in sufficient detail to enable UNOPS to adequately evaluate the planned execution, staging and allocation of resources for the works. The preliminary programme shall show the dates when the Milestones identified in the Contract shall be achieved. It shall also include and/or be accompanied by:

(i) a programme narrative that describes the mechanisms and assumptions

made in preparing the programme; and (ii) a critical path analysis for the execution of the works which shall clearly show

the float times available within the programme and the earliest start/earliest finish and latest start/latest finish times for each and every activity.

If a bidder is selected as the preferred bidder, it shall be required to further develop and complete this programme in accordance with the contract for works.

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KEY PERSONNEL INTERVIEW ITB Case No.: _____________________________________________________________ Name of bidder: ___________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________________________________________ Signature: ________________________________________________________________ As part of the PQQ submission, Bidders were asked to propose their project team including the key personnel. As a requirement for this ITB submission, UNOPS request that the key personnel attend an interview expected to take place on Monday 14th December.

No. Position Name of Person Confirm Availability for Interview

1 Project Manager

2 Project Engineer

The exact time and location of the interview will be confirmed as soon as possible following the release of this ITB.

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INSURANCES ITB Case No.: _______________________________________________________ Name of bidder: _____________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________________________________________ Signature: _________________________________________________________ Note to bidders: Bidders are to provide details of insurance policies required under Article 9 of the Contract. Bidders are advised that UNOPS may request copies of the insurance policies and any endorsements during the review of bids, including amounts of any deductibles and all exclusions.

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PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS AND SUPPLIERS ITB Case No.:______________________________________________________________ Name of bidder: ____________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________________________________________ Signature: ________________________________________________________________ Note to bidders: Bidders shall provide details of the subcontractors and suppliers they propose to use on the project, including:

Companies' names; and

Particulars of the works which the bidder proposes to be undertaken by them.

Percentage of work expected to be awarded to each subcontractor

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DECLARATION United Nations Office for Project Services Phnom Penh Center 5th Floor, Room 511 Corner of Sothearos & Sihanouk Blvd Phnom Penh Cambodia Dear Sir/Madam, Subject: Invitation to Bid for the Construction of Cambodia – Korea Friendship BLDG of the National Paediatric Hospital in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Case No. KHOC/KOICA/102015 I, [insert name and title], [insert title], do solemnly and sincerely declare that: 1. I am duly authorised by [Insert name of bidder] (the Bidder) to make this declaration

on its behalf.

2. I make this declaration on behalf of the Bidder.

3. Before the Bidder submitted its bid, neither the Bidder, nor any of its employees or agents, had knowledge of the bid price proposed by any other bidder who submitted, or of any person, company, other body corporate or firm that proposed to submit, a bid in response to this ITB.

4. Before the Deadline for Submission of Bids of this bid process, neither the Bidder, nor any of its employees or agents, disclosed the Bidder’s bid price to:

(i) any other bidder who submitted a bid in response to this ITB; (ii) any person, company, other body corporate or firm proposing to submit a bid

in response to this ITB. 5. Neither the Bidder, nor any of its employees or agents, has provided information to:

(i) any other bidder who has submitted a bid in response to this ITB;

(ii) any person, company, other body corporate or firm proposing to submit a bid

in response to this ITB; or

(iii) any other person, company, body corporate or firm for the purpose of assisting in the preparation of a bid in response to this ITB.

6. The Bidder is genuinely competing for the Contract.

7. Neither the Bidder, nor any of its employees or agents, has entered into any contract,

agreement, arrangement or understanding, other than as disclosed to UNOPS in the bid, that the successful bidder for the Contract shall pay any money to, or provide any other benefit or other financial advantage to, an industry association in respect of the Contract.

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8. Neither the Bidder, nor any of its employees or agents, has entered into any contract,

agreement, arrangement or understanding that the successful bidder for the Contract shall pay any money to, or provide any other benefit or other financial advantage to, any other bidder who unsuccessfully tendered for the Contract.

9. Neither the Bidder, nor any of its employees or agents, has entered into any contract,

agreement, arrangement or understanding that bidders for the Contract would include an identical or similar condition or qualification in their bids.

I acknowledge that this declaration is true and correct, and I make it in the belief that a person making a false declaration is liable to penalties. DECLARED at [insert place] on [insert date] before me: _______________________________________________________________________ Signature of authorised witness _______________________________________________________________________ Name of authorised witness (capital letters)

_________________________________________________________________________Address of authorised witness ________________________________________________________________________ Witness’ Occupation _________________________________________________________________________ Signature of declarant

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ADDENDA TO ITB ITB Case No.:______________________________________________________________ Name of bidder: ____________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________________________________________ Signature: _________________________________________________________________ We acknowledge receipt of the following Addenda, which have been taken into account in preparing the bid: All Addenda can be downloaded from https://goo.gl/WWH2mI

Addendum Number Dated

Bill of Quantities


Technical Specifications



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NB: UNOPS and KOICA are currently undertaking a review of translation between Korean and English in the document below. However, the contents in the provisions and articles of the general and special conditions of contract will remain unchanged in the final version.

International Construction Contract

Contract Name OOOOOOOOOOOO Local Construction Contract, Cambodia

Host Country Cambodia

Project Name OOOOOOOO Construction in Cambodia

Work Site OOOOOOOOOOO Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Contract Price USD 0,000,000

Contract Deposit Twenty (20) percent of 100

Rate of Delay

Damages 1 of 1000 per day, Maximum 100 of 1000

Guarantee Rate

of Maintenance


Five (5) percent of 100

Contract Period

00 months from Contract Date : mm dd 20yy ~ mm dd 20yy

This is confirm that publicized bidding notice, proposal, attached General Condition of

Contract, Special Condition of Contract, Technical Specification, Drawings, Bill of

Quantities, Detail of Contract Price, Project Plan constitute this Contract.

This is made as proof of Contract committed in equality to confirm genuine execution of

contractual obligation under mutual trust.

mm dd 20yy








In Charge

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Address Phnom Penh Tower, 12 Floor, #445, Monivong Blvd, Corner Street 232,

Boeung Prolet, 7 Makara, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, KOICA Cambodia Office


Officer Sook Hee Baek (Signature)

General and Special Condition of Contract

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국제건설공사계약 일반조건



Article 1. Definitions

이 조건에서 사용하는 용어의 정의는 다음과 같다

In this Agreement, the following terms shall have the meaning set forth below:

1.“계약상대자”란“갑”과 공사계약을 체결한 자연인 또는 법인을 말한다.

The “Contractor” means an individual or juridical person who has entered into a contract for

construction with Employer.

2.“공사감독관”이란 제16조에 규정된 임무를 수행하기 위하여“갑”이 임명한 직원, 감리원 또는

건설사업관리자 등을 말한다.

The “Construction Superintendent” means the Employer's staff, supervisor or construction manager

appointed by the Employer to carry out such duties as prescribed in Section 16 of GCC.

3.“설계서”란 공사시방서, 설계도면, 및 현장설명서를 말한다.

The “Design Document” means the construction specifications, construction working drawings,

and site conference document.

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4.“공종별 목적물 물량내역서”란 공종별 목적물을 구성하는 품목 또는 비목과 동품목 또는

비목의 규격,수량,단위 등이 표시되고, 입찰공고 후 또는 낙찰자 결정 후 입찰에 참가하고자

하는 자 또는 낙찰자에게 교부된 내역서(이하 물량 내역서라 한다)를 말한다.

The “Bill of Quantities (BOQ)” means the sheet comprising of items/accounts of Works and the

specifications, quantity and unit of each item/account, and distributed to bidding participants

following the bidding notice or to the successful bidder after the selection thereof.

5.“산출내역서”란“갑”이 교부한 물량내역서에 입찰자 또는“을”이 단가를 기재하여 제출한

내역서 및 수의 계약으로 체결된 공사의 경우 착공신고서 제출시까지 제출한 내역서를


The “Price schedule ” means the Bill of Quantities provided by the Employer and subsequently

filled up by bidders or the Contractor with unit price, or, in case of a contract ad libitum, a

statement attachment submitted by the time of report of commencement of Works.

6. “날(day)”이란 역볍상의 날을 말하며, 기간계산에 있어서 만기가 토요일이나 일요일,

공휴일인 경우에는 만기를 그 다음 영업일로 한다.

The “day” means calendar day, while the expiry date shall be extended to the following business

day in case it falls on a Saturday, Sunday or a holiday

7.“사업장”이란 본 계약의 표지에 기재한 장소를 말한다.

The “Site” means, where applicable, the place or places stated in the front page of this Agreement.

8.“계약기간”이란“을”이 본 계약에 따라“을”이 실제 의무를 이행하여“갑” 에게 준공검사

신청서를 제출하여야 하는 기간으로 본 계약의 표지에 기재된 바에 따른다.

The “Contract Period” means the period designated in consideration of the extendibility of the

Project owing to the circumstances related with the Host Country and other reasons than the

Contractor's fault, and specified in the front page of this Agreement.

9. “불가항력”이란 태풍, 홍수 기타 악천후, 전쟁 또는 사변, 지진, 화재, 전염병, 폭동 기타

계약당사자의 통제 범위를 초월하는 사태의 발생 등의 사유(이하 “불가항력의 사유”라

한다)로 인하여 계약당사자 누구의 책임에도 속하지 아니하는 경우를 말한다.

“Force Majeure” means storms, floods, earthquakes, war, riot, civil insurrection, fires, epidemic,

quarantine restrictions, freight embargoes, etc. which are beyond the reasonable expectation of the

parties at the time of execution of the Agreement and currently still beyond reasonable control of

the affected party, and could frustrate the purpose of the Agreement.

10. 그 밖의 용어는 이 조건에서 따로 정하는 경우를 제외하고는 대외무상협력사업에 관한

조달 및 계약규정, 동 시행세칙 및 "갑" 회계규정(이하 각각 “조달 및 계약규정”,

“시행세칙”,“회계규정”이라 한다) 및 국제건설공사입찰유의서(이하“유의서”라 한다)에

정하는 바에 의한다.

Other terms, unless otherwise provided in this General Conditions of Contract (GCC), are subject

to the relevant KOICA regulations and implementing rules on procurement and contracting in

respect of the Foreign Grant Assistance Program, KOICA regulation on accounting and the

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Instructions on the International Bidding for the Construction Works (hereinafter referred to as

"KOICA Regulations", "KOICA Rules", "Instructions", respectively).


Article 2. Contract Documents

2.1 본 계약을 체결함에 있어서 본 계약서의 일반조건과 특수조건 외에 입찰 시 공시한

국제건설공사입찰유의서, 제공한 제안서와 기술시방서, 도면, 물량내역서, 계약 금액 내역서는

각각 본 계약의 일부를 구성하며, 그 적용순서는 일반규정에 우선하여 특별 규정이 적용된다.

This Agreement shall consist of Contract Form, General Conditions Contract (GCC) and Special

Conditions of Contract (SCC) as well as the Instructions on the International Bidding for the

Construction Works made public at bidding, and other attachments including Technical Specific,

Design Document, Bill of Quantities, Breakdown of the Contract Price and the Proposal; in case of

conflict among the Contract Documents, special provisions shall prevail general provisions.

2.2 “갑“은 제2.1항에 규정된 공사계약특수조건을 정함에 있어서는 “을”의 계약상 이익을 부당하게

제한하지 않는 범위 내에서 당해 공사계약의 특성상 필요하다고 인정되는 사항에 한하여 명시할 수 있다.

The Employer may, in deciding SCC pursuant to Section 2.1, indicate such matters explicitly as

deemed necessary in view of the specific nature of the construction works to the extent not

restricting the contractual interests of the Contractor improperly.

2.3 이 조건이 정하는 바에 의하여 계약당사자간에 행한 통지문서 등은 계약문서로서의 효력을 가진다.

Notices between the parties shall be deemed to be effective as a part of Contract Documents

under GCC.

2.4 계약문서의 적용 우선순위는 아래 순서로 한다

Priority of Contract Documents

(1) 국제건설공사계약서

The Contract Agreement (when completed)

(2)국제건설공사 계약 특수조건 및 일반조건

The General and Special Conditions of Contract

(3) 설계서

The Design Documentss

(4) 타 계약문서

Any other document forming part of the Contract

The contract documents are complementary and are intended to include and imply all the items

necessary for the correct and complete execution of the Works.

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In the event of any ambiguities or discrepancies between the contract documentation being noted, the

Contractor will be deemed to have included within his tender for the more stringent of these

requirements regardless of the Engineer's adjudication.


Article 3. Language

계약문서의 언어는 한국어 또는 영어로 한다. 다만, 한국어와 영어의 표현이 서로 다른 때에는 한국어가

우선 한다.

All the Contract Documents shall be made either in Korean or English; provided, however, that,

should there be any discrepancy or difference between the Korean version and the English one, if any,

the Korean version shall prevail.

제4조(통지 등)

Article 4. Notice, etc.

4.1구두에 의한 통지·신청·청구·요구·회신·승인 또는 지시 등(이하 “통지 등”이라 한다) 은 문서로

보완되어야 효력이 있다.

Oral communications including notification, application, request, demand, reply, approval,

instruction and so on (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice") shall become effective with the

evidential supplement in writing.

4.2 통지 등의 장소는 계약서에 기재된 주소로 하며, 주소를 변경하는 경우에는 이를 즉시 계약

당사자에게 통지하여야 한다.

The venue of the Notice shall be the address noted in the contracts, and the change of such address

shall be notified immediately to the parties concerned.

4.3 통지 등의 효력은 계약문서에서 따로 정하는 경우를 제외하고는 계약당사자에게 도달한 날부터

발생한다. 이 경우 도달일이 공휴일인 경우에는 그 익일부터 효력이 발생한다.

The effect of the Notice shall, unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents, come into

force upon the receipt of the parties concerned. In such a case, if the date of receipt falls on a

holiday, the Notice shall become effective the next business date.

4.4 계약당사자는 계약이행 중 이 조건 및 관계법령 등에서 정한 바에 따라 서면으로 정당한 요구를 받은

경우에는 이를 성실히 검토하여 회신하여야 한다.

When the party concerned is requested in writing to respond to anything subject to the provisions of

GCC or relevant laws and regulations in the course of performance of contracts, he/she shall

review it and reply in a sincere manner.

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4.5 본 계약과 관련된 통지방법은 직접 전달, 우편서비스,“갑”의 전자조달시스템, 수신확인이 가능한

이메일 또는 팩스에 의하며, 각 당사자의 담당자 및 연락처는 서면에 기재하여 교환하기로 한다.

Any notice related with this Agreement shall be i) personally delivered, ii) transmitted by mail, iii)

transmitted via the Electronic Procurement System of the Employer, or iv) transmitted by e-mail,

telex or fax with answerback or confirmed receipt thereof, to the parties, with the addressee

elected and confirmed in writing each other.


Article 5. Assignment of Claims

“을”은 이 계약에 의해 발생한 채권(공사대금 청구권 등)을“갑”의 사전 서면승인 없이 제3자에게 채권을

양도하거나 담보로 제공할 수 없다.

The Contractor shall neither assign the claims arising out of this Agreement (i.e., claims for

Contract Price) to a third party, nor grant such claims as security for the benefit of a third party,

without prior written consent of the Employer.

제6조(계약이행보증금, 하자보수보증금 등)

Article 6. Contract Deposit, Maintenance Security, etc.

6.1 “을”은 “갑”의 계약금액의 100분의 20을 계약이행보증금(이하 "계약이행보증금"이라 한다) 으로서,

계약금액의 100분의 5을 하자보수보증금(이하 "하자보수보증금"이라 한다)으로서, “갑”이 정한 내용과

형식에 부합하는 방식으로 납부하여야 한다.

The Contractor shall furnish to the Employer i) the Contract Deposit to ensure the conclusion and

performance of contract in the amount of twenty (20) percent of the Contract Price, and ii) the

Maintenance Security to ensure the maintenance and repair of the Works in the amount of five (5)

percent of the Contract Price, respectively, in a manner as required by the Employer in the form

and substance.

6.2 국제건설공사 입찰유의서에 의하여 계약이행보증금의 일부 또는 전부를 면제받을 수 있는 경우

“을”은 계약이행보증금 지급확약각서로 이를 갈음할 수 있다.

In case that the whole or part of Contract Deposit may be exempted pursuant to the Instructions on

the International Bidding for the Construction Works, the Contractor may cause the Contract

Deposit to be replaced by the letter of undertaking to pay the relevant Contract Deposit.

6.3 제28조의 규정에 의하여 계약기간이 연장된 경우, 연장기간을 반영하여 계약이행보증서를 “갑”에게

제출하여야 한다.

In case the Construction Period is extended pursuant to Section 28 of GCC, the Performance

Security shall be modified in line with such extended contract period and submitted to the


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6.4 계약보증기간은 계약기간 개시일로부터 계약기간 종료 후 60일 이상으로 하고, 하자이행보증기간은

공사완료일로부터 제35조에서 정하는 바에 따른 하자담보책임기간 종료 후 60일 이상으로 한다.

The period of the Contract Deposit shall be from the Effective Date to no less than sixty (60) days

since the expiry of the Construction Period, and, in case of Maintenance Security, from the

completion date to no less than sixty (60) days since the expiry of the Period of Maintenance

Liability as set forth in Section 35 of GCC.

6.5 “갑”이 “을”의 건설공사와 관련하여 선금을 지급하는 경우에는 “을”은 “갑”이 정한 내용과 형식에

부합하는 방식으로 선금환급보증서를 제출하여야 한다.

When the Employer is requested, with respect to the Works, to pay the advance payment (which

refers to the payment in advance usually made) to the Contractor, the Contractor shall submit the

Advance Payment Guarantee in a manner as required by the Employer in the form and substance.

제7조(계약이행보증금의 반환 및 귀속)

Article 7. Disposal of Contract Deposit

7.1 “을”이 정당한 이유 없이 계약상의 의무를 이행하지 아니한 때에는 “갑”은 계약이행 보증금을

귀속하고 당해 계약을 해제 또는 해지할 수 있다

When the Contractor fails to perform the obligations hereunder without any justifiable ground, the

Employer may revert to itself the proceeds of Contract Deposit and terminate this Agreement.

7.2 제7.1항의 규정은 장기계속공사계약에 있어서 “을”이 2차 이후의 공사계약을 체결하지 아니한 경우에

이를 준용한다.

In case of the contract for the construction works on a long-term basis, the provisions of Section 7.1

shall apply mutatis mutandis where the Contractor fails to execute the contract for the second phase


7.3 제6.2항의 규정에 의하여 계약이행보증금 지급확약각서를 제출한 경우로서 계약이행 보증금의

귀속사유가 발생하여 “갑”의 납입요청이 있을 때에는 “을”은 당해 계약이행보증금을 지체 없이 현금으로

납부하여야 한다.

In case that the letter of undertaking to pay the Contract Deposit is submitted pursuant to Section

6.2 of GCC, the Contractor shall pay the relevant Contract Deposit in cash without delay upon the

request of the Employer to pay such Contract Deposit on the occasion of confiscating the Contract


7.4 제7.1항 및 제7.2항의 규정에 의하여 계약이행보증금을 귀속함에 있어서 그 계약이행보증금은 이를

기성부분에 대한 미지급액과 상계 처리할 수 없다.

In confiscating the Contract Deposit under Sections 7.1 and 7.2, such Contract Deposit shall not be

set off with the unpaid amount of the then performed Works.

7.5 계약이 완전히 이행된 후, "갑"은 “을”의 요청에 따라 지체없이 “을”이 납부한 계약이행 보증금을


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The Contract Deposit furnished by the Contractor shall be returned to the Contractor without delay

upon its request after this Agreement has been completely performed.

제8조(착공 및 준공 등)

Article 8. Commencement and Completion of Construction Works

8.1공사착공일은 국제건설계약특수조건에 언급되어 있지 않는 한 계약일로 한다.

The commencement date shall be date of the signing of the contract, unless otherwise stated in

the special condition of contract.

8.2 “을”은 계약과 동시에 공사를 착공하여야 하며, “을”의 귀책사유로 공사를 착공일에 착공할

수 없는 경우에는 “을”의 현장인수일자를 착공일로 하며, 이 경우 “을”은 계약기간의 연장을

요구할 수 없다.

The Contractor shall commence the execution of the Works at the same time with the signing of the

contract as soon as reasonably Practicable after the commencement date. If the Contractor fails to

commence the Works on the commencement date with its fault, the commencement date shall be

the date when the Contractor takes over the construction site. In this case, the Contractor may not

request the extension of the Construction Period.

8.3 준공일은“을”이 건설공사를 완성하고“갑”에게 서면으로 준공검사를 요청한 날을 말한다. 다만,

제29조의 규정에 의하여 준공검사에 합격한 경우에 한한다.

The completion date shall be the date when the Contractor requires the Employer to inspect the

Works in writing upon completing the Works; provided, however, that it is available only when the

Works finally pass such inspection subject to Article 29 of GCC.

제9조(공사의 손해보험)

Article 9. Casualty Insurance for Works

9.1 “을”은 당해 계약의 목적물 및 제3자 배상책임을 담보할 수 있는 손해보험에 가입할 수


The Contractor may take out casualty insurance to insure the subject of this Agreement and the

damages for the benefit of third party.

9.2“을”은 제9.1항의 규정에 의한 보험가입 시“갑”, "을", 하수급인 및 당해 공사의

이해관계인을 피보험자로 하여야 하며, 보험사고 발생으로 "갑" 이외의 자가 보험금을

수령하게 될 경우에는 "갑"의 사전 동의를 받아야 한다.

In effecting the casualty insurance pursuant to Section 9.1, the Contractor shall make the

Employer, the Contractor itself, sub-contractors and other interested persons of such Works

jointly the insured, and obtain the prior consent of the Employer in case that other persons than

the Employer receive the insurance proceeds owing to the occurrence of perils insured.

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9.3 계약목적물에 대한 보험가입금액은 공사의 보험가입 대상 부분의 순 계약금액

(계약금액에서 부가가치세와 손해보험료를 제외한 금액을 말하며, "갑" 또는 수원국이

제공하는 자재가 있을 경우에는 이를 포함한다. 이하 같다)을 기준으로 한다.

The insurance amount for the subject of this Agreement shall be based upon the net Contract Price

(amounting to the Contract Price less VAT and premium plus the price of materials provided by

the Host Country or Employer. The same shall apply to the following provisions) of the insured

part of the Works.

9.4 제11.1항의 규정에 의한 손해보험의 유효기간은 공사 착공일 이전부터“갑”에게 실제

목적물을 인도하는 날을 그 종료일로 하며, 그 증서를 착공신고서 제출시“갑”에

제출하여야 한다.

Effective period of casualty insurance pursuant to Section 9.1 shall be from prior to the

commencement time to the date of turn-over of the Works to the Employer. The Contractor shall

submit the certificate of insurance policy at the time of submitting the report of commencement of


9.5“을”은 보험가입 목적물의 보험사고로 보험금이 지급되는 경우 동 보험금을 당해 공사의

복구에 우선 사용하여야 하며, 보험금 지급이 지연되거나 부족하게 지급되는 경우에도

이를 이유로 피해복구를 지연하거나 거절할 수 없다.

The Contractor shall use the insurance proceeds preferably for the recovery the relevant Works in

case that the proceeds is paid owing to the occurrence of perils insured, and shall neither delay nor

reject such recovery even with delay or insufficient of such payment.

9.6“을”은 손해보험 가입 시 연대보증인 또는 보증기관이 시공하게 될 경우 “을”의

보험계약상의 권리와 의무가 연대보증인 또는 보증기관에 승계될 수 있도록 하여야 하며

제45조, 제46조의 규정에 의하여 계약이 해제 또는 해지된 후 새로운“을”이 선정될

경우에도“을”의 보험계약상의 권리와 의무가 새로운“을”에게 승계될 수 있도록 하여야


The Contractor shall, in effecting the casualty insurance, make its right and obligation based on

the insurance contract be succeeded to the joint and several guarantor or a guarantee organization

in case that the joint and several guarantor or a guarantee organization executes the Works on

behalf of it. In case that the new Contractor is elected upon the termination of this Agreement

subject to Sections 42 and 43 of GCC, the previous Contractor shall make its right and obligation

based on the insurance contract be succeeded to the new Contractor.

9.7 “을”은“갑”이 작성한 예정가격조서상의 보험료 또는“을”이 제출한 입찰금액

산출내역서상의 보험료와“을”이 손해보험회사에 실제 납입한 보험료간의 차액발생을

이유로 보험가입을 거절하거나 동 차액의 정산을 요구하여서는 아니 된다.

In case that there takes place a difference between the premium on the projected price statement

prepared by the Employer or that on the statement of bid quotations submitted by the Contractor,

and the actually paid premium to the insurance company, the Contractor shall neither reject the

insurance contract nor demand the settlement of such difference.

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제10조(공사현장의 변경상태)

Article 10. Altered Status of Site

10.1 “을“은 계약체결 후 다음 각 호와 같은 상태가 발생할 시에는 그 상태가 변경되기 전에

즉시 "갑"에게 서면으로 통지하여야 한다.

The Contractor shall notify the Employer immediately in writing of the occurrence of any of the

following events subsequent to the execution of this Agreement before the state has been altered:

(a) 계약에 명시된 현장의 상태와 현저하게 상이하고 도저히 공사를 진행할 수 없는

공사현장의 자연조건과 인공적 장애

The natural conditions and artificial impediments of the Site which are remarkably different from the

status as prescribed in the Agreement, and make impossible the progress of the Works; or

(b) 공사의 성질상 일반적으로 내포하는 상태와 현저하게 상이하고 도저히 공사를 진행할 수

없는 공사현장의 자연상태

The natural status of the Site which is remarkably different from the generally imposed status in view

of the nature of the Works, and makes it impossible the progress of the Works.

10.2 “갑”은 "을"의 통지가 있을 때에는 제10.1항의 상태를 즉시 검사하여 적절한 조치를

취하여야 한다. 다만 "을"이 공사현장의 변경상태를 서면으로 사전통보하지 않고 작업을

진행하였을 경우에는 그러하지 아니하다.

The Employer shall inspect the status quo of the Site regarding Section 10.1 immediately upon the

receipt of the notification of the Contractor and take appropriate measures; provided, however,

that the same shall not apply where the Contractor continues to execute the Works without

notifying the Employer in writing in advance of the altered status of the site.

제11조(공사자재의 검사)

Article 11. Inspection of Materials

11.1 공사에 사용할 자재는 신품이어야 하고, 본 계약서 [국제건설공사계약 특수조건2]의

제3조에 명기된 바에 의한다.

The materials to be used for the Works shall be in conformity with the quality standard of the

Republic of Korea and brand-new one.

11.2 “을”은 공사자재를 사용하기 전에 반드시 견본품 및 Catalog 등을 제출하여 “갑” 또는

“갑”이 지정하는 공사감독관의 검사를 받아야 하며, 불합격된 자재는 즉시 대체하여 다시

검사를 받아야 한다.

The Contractor shall certainly cause the samples, catalog and so forth to be inspected by the

Employer or the Engineer designated by it prior to using the materials and those which fail to

pass the inspection shall be immediately replaced with new one and re-inspected.

11.3 제11.2항의 규정에 의한 검사 결과 불합격으로 결정된 재료는 공사에 사용할 수 없다.

다만, 제11.2항의 검사에 이의가 있을 경우, “을”은 “갑”에게 재검사를 요구할 수 있으며,

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재검사가 필요하다고 인정되는 경우 “갑”은 부득이한 경우를 제외하고는 지체 없이

재검사하도록 조치하여야 한다.

The materials determined as off-grade in the inspection subject to Section 11.2 shall not be used for

the Works; provided, however, that, in case of the objection of the Contractor against the

inspection under Section 11.2, the Contractor may demand the re-inspection of the materials.

When such re-inspection is deemed necessary, the Employer shall make arrangements for their

re-inspection without delay except in an unavoidable situation.

11.4 “갑”은 “을”로부터 공사에 사용할 자재의 검사를 요청받거나 제11.3항의 규정에 의한

재검사의 요청을 받은 때에는 정당한 이유 없이 검사를 지체할 수 없다.

When the Employer is requested by the Contractor to inspect the materials to be used for the Works

or to do re-inspection under Section 11.3, the Employer shall not delay the inspection without any

justifiable reason.

11.5 “을”은 불합격된 자재를 즉시 장외로 반출하여야 하며, 불합격된 자재를 이송하지 않거나

대체하지 아니하는 경우에는 “갑”은 일방적으로 불합격 자재를 제거하거나 대체시키고 그

비용을 “을”에게 부담시킬 수 있다.

In case the Contractor would not immediately transport or replace the off-grade materials, the

Employer may remove or replace such off-grade materials at the expense of the Contractor.

11.6 “을”은 자재의 검사에 소요되는 비용을 부담하여야 하며, 검사 또는 재검사 등을 이유로

계약기간의 연장을 요구할 수 없다.

The Contractor shall bear the cost incurred for the inspection of materials, and shall not demand the

extension of the Construction Period on account of the inspection or re-inspection.

11.7 “을”은 시험 또는 조합을 요하는 자재가 있는 경우 “갑”의 참여 하에 그 시험 또는 조합을

하여야 한다.

In case that a test or assembly of materials is required, the Contractor shall cause such test or

assembly to be conducted at the presence of the Employer.

11.8 수중 또는 지하에 매몰하는 공작물 기타 준공 후 외부로부터 검사할 수 없는 공작물의

공사는 공사감독관의 참여하에 시공하여야 한다. 다만, 사전에 공사감독관의 서면승인을 받고

사진, 비디오 등으로 시공방법을 확인할 수 있는 경우에는 공사감독관이 참여없이 시행할 수


In executing the Works sunken underwater or buried underground, or incapable of inspection from

outside after completion, the Contractor shall do the job at the presence of the Engineer;

provided, however, that subject to the prior written consent of the Engineer in case of employing

photographs, video tapes, etc. to examine the construction method, the Contractor may do so

without the Engineer's presence.

11.9 “을”이 제11.1항에서 제11.7항에 정한 조건에 위배하거나 또는 설계서에 합치되지 않는

시공을 하였을 때에는 “갑”은 공작물의 대체 또는 개조를 요구할 수 있다.

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When the Contractor executes the Works in breach of the conditions as prescribed in Sections 11.1

through 11.7 or not in conformity with the Design Document, the Employer may demand the

Contractor to replace or reconstruct then performed Works.

11.10 제11.2항에서 제11.8항의 경우 계약금액을 증액하거나 계약기간을 연장할 수 없다.

In case of Sections 11.2 through 11.8, it is not allowed to adjust the contract price or extend the

Construction Period.

제12조(건축의 안전관리)

Article 12. Safety of Works

12.1 “을”은 산업재해를 예방하기 위하여 공사 수행 중 충분한 안전조사를 하여야 하며,

안전시설의 설치 및 보험의 가입 등(이하 “안전관리비 등” 이라 한다) 필요한 최선의 조치를

하여야 한다. 본 계약금액에는 안전관리비 등이 이미 포함되어 있다.

The Contractor shall conduct the sufficient investigation on the safety of Works to prevent industrial

perils, and take the best necessary measures including the installation of safety facilities and

insurance, etc. (hereinafter referred to as the "Safety Cost"). The contract price hereunder includes the

Safety Cost.

12.2 “을”은 안전관리비 등을 수원국의 건설 및 안전보건관련법의 규정에 의하여 사용하여야

하며, “갑”은 다른 목적으로 사용하거나 사용하지 아니한 금액에 대하여 준공정산시

계약금액에서 감액할 수 있다.

The Contractor shall use the Safety Cost subject to the regulations regarding construction and the laws

regarding the safety and public health of the Host Country. The Employer may deduct the amount,

which was used for a different purpose or not used at all for such purpose, at the time of settlement

upon the completion of the Works.

제13조(보험 및 재해보상)

Article 13. Insurance and Casualty Compensation

13.1 "을" 은 본 계약에 투입되는 인력들을 위하여 보험에 가입하여야 하며, 이에 관련된

비용은 본 계약금액 내에 포함되어 있다.

The Contractor shall make the probable accidents to human resources, put to work for the

performance of this Agreement, insure at its cost, which is included in the Contract Price.

13.2 "을" 은 본 사업에 투입되는 인력들에 대하여 보험가입 후 이를 입증할 수 있는 보험증권

사본을 파견전 "갑"에게 제출하여야 한다.

The Contractor shall submit the Employer a copy of insurance certificate giving evidence of the

insurance contract for the human resources put to work for the performance of the Works prior to

their detachment.

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13.3 “을”은 본 공사 시공 중에 발생한 “을”의 종업원, “갑”의 종업원 및 기타 제3자의 일체의

손해 및 인명피해에 대하여 민, 형사상의 책임을 부담하며, 본 계약에 의한 시공에 따른 수원국

관련법에 규정된 사업주 및 사용자로서의 모든 책임을 져야 한다.

The Contractor shall be totally liable, regardless of civil or penal liability, for the illness, injury, death

and other loss of the Contractor's employees, the Employer's staff and a third party, and responsible

for the matters in the capacity as such an employer or sponsor as prescribed in the relevant laws of the

Host Country.

제14조(공사현장대리인의 배치)

Article 14. Contractor's Representative

14.1 “을”은 착공 전에 입찰시 제안하였던 건설기술자(대한민국이나 수원국 관련 건설법령상

요구되는 자격을 갖춘 자) 들을 현장에 배치하고, 공사현장대리인(Site Manager)으로 제안한

자를 현장대리인으로 선임한 후“갑”에게 통지하여야 한다.

The Contractor shall, prior to the commencement of the Works, station qualified construction

engineers (such qualified persons as required by the relevant laws of Cambodia or Republic of Korea)

as required by the Employer on the Site, and, after electing one of them as the Contractor's

Representative on the Site, shall notify the Employer thereof.

14.2 제14.1항의 공사현장대리인은 수원국 법령의 규정에 맞춰 현장에 상주하여 계약문서와

공사감독관의 지시에 따라 시공에 관한 일체의 사항에 대하여“을”을 대리하며, 공사현장의

단속 및 공사에 관한 모든 사항을 처리하여야 한다.

The Contractor's Representative of Section 14.1 shall station itself continuously on the Site in

conformity with the relevant laws of Cambodia, and represent the Contractor in all respects of

executing the Works subject to the Contract Documents and the instructions of the Engineer, dealing

with keeping order of the Site and other matters related with the Works.

14.3 제14.1항의 규정에 의해 임명된 현장대리인에 대하여“갑” 또는 공사감독관이 신체의

허약, 시공능력 부족 등으로 인하여 업무 수행능력이 없다고 인정하여 교체를 요청할

경우,“을”은 정당한 사유를 소명하지 않는 한 지체없이 이에 응하여야 한다.

In case that the Employer or the Engineer demands the replacement of the Contractor's Representative

appointed under Section 14.1 claiming that the Contractor's Representative is incapable of the Works

on account of weak physical conditions, insufficient capability and so on, the Contractor shall,

without delay, respond to it except otherwise asserting justifiable reasons not to replace him.

14.4 제14.1항의 공사 현장 대리인은 당해 공사 외의 업무를 하여서는 안 되며, 당해 공사 외의

업무를 수행할 경우 이는 계약해지의 원인이 된다.

The Contractor’s Representative on the Site of under Section 14.1 shall serve exclusively for the

Works only. Should the Representative serve for other than the Works, it shall cause the breach of the


제15조(공사현장 근로자)

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Article 15. On-site Laborers

15.1 “을”은 당해 공사의 시공 또는 관리에 필요한 기술과 경험을 가진 근로자를 채용하여야

하며 근로자의 행위에 대하여 모든 책임을 져야 한다.

The Contractor shall recruit laborers equipped with skills and experiences necessary for the

execution and management of the Works, and be accountable for activities of such laborers.

15.2 “을”이 채용한 근로자에 대하여 당해공사의 시공 또는 관리상 적당하지 아니하다고

인정하여“갑”이 이의 교체를 요구한 때에는 즉시 교체하여야 하며,“갑”의 승인 없이는 교체된

근로자를 당해계약의 시공 또는 관리를 위하여 다시 채용할 수 없다.

In case that the Employer demands the replacement of the laborer(s) recruited by the Contractor,

who is deemed unsuitable for the execution and management of the Works, the Contractor shall

immediately replace such laborer(s), and never recruit such laborer(s) again for the execution and

management of the Works without the consent of the Employer.

15.3 “을”은 도급받은 공사가 수원국의 관련법령을 올바로 준수하도록 하고, 이들 법령에

의거한 건설근로자에 대한 모든 조치는“을”의 책임과 비용으로 처리하여야 한다.

The Contractor shall cause the Works undertaken by it to be executed properly in conformity with

the relevant laws of the Host Country, and any measures for the construction laborers shall be taken at

the cost and responsibility of the Contractor.


Article 16. The Engineer

16.1 “갑”은 공사의 적정한 이행을 확보하기 위하여 스스로 이를 감독하거나 자신을 대리하여

다음 각 호의 사항을 행하는 자를 공사감독관으로 선임할 수 있으며,“을”은 이들의 지시 및

감독·감리에 적극 협조하여야 한다.

To secure the appropriate execution of the Works, the Employer shall supervise such Works by itself

or appoint the Engineer who will carry out the following duties on behalf of the Employer, and the

Contractor shall cooperatively observe the instructions and supervision of the Works conducted by the

Employer and/or its Engineer:

1. 시공일반에 대하여 감독하고 입회하는 일

To supervise and attend the overall Works;

2. 계약이행에 있어서“을”에 대한 지시·승낙 또는 협의하는 일

To do instructions, approval or advisory recommendations to the Contractor in performing the


3. 공사의 재료와 시공에 대한 검사 또는 시험에 입회하는 일

To attend the inspection or test of the materials and execution of the Works;

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4. 공사의 기성부분 검사, 준공검사 또는 공사목적물의 인도에 입회하여 확인하는 일

To attend and confirm the inspection of performed or completed part of the Works, or the

delivery of the subject matter of the Works;

5. 수원국 건설 관련법령 상 주의의무 규정 및 본 일반조건에서 규정하는 일

To comply with the provisions on the duty of care as stated in the construction related laws of the

Host Country and prescribed in GCC; and

6. 기타 공사감독에 관하여“갑”이 위임하는 일

Other matters delegated by the Employer with respect to the supervision of the Works.

16.2 “갑”은 제16.1항의 규정에 의하여 공사감독관을 선임한 때에는 그 사실을 즉시 “을”에게

통지하여야 한다.

When the Employer appoints the Engineer pursuant to Section 16.1, the Employer shall

immediately give notice to the Contractor of such appointment.

16.3 공사감독관은“갑”의 승인없이“을”의 의무와 책임을 면제시키거나 증감시킬 수 없고,

"을"은 이러한 사항에 관해 "갑"에게 대항할 수 없다.

The Engineer shall not exempt, reduce or increase the duties and responsibility of the Contractor

without the approval of the Employer, and the Contractor is not allowed to object to the

Employer's decision hereon.

16.4 “을”은 공사감독관의 지시 또는 결정이 이 조건에서 정한 사항에 위반되거나 계약의

이행에 적합하지 아니하다고 인정될 경우에는 즉시“갑”에게 그 사유를 명시하여 필요한

조치를 요구할 수 있다.

In case that the instruction or decision of the Engineer is deemed in violation of the provisions of

GCC or improper to the performance of the Agreement, the Contractor may immediately require

the Employer to take necessary measures by describing its ground.

16.5 “갑”은 제16.4항의 규정에 의한 시정요구를 받은 날부터 14일 이내에 필요한 조치를

하여야 한다.

The Employer shall take the necessary measures within fourteen (14) days from the request for

corrective measures under Section 16.4.

16.6 “을”은“갑"에게 제출하는 모든 문서에 대하여 그 사본을 공사감독관에게 제출하여야


The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer the copy of any document(s) to be submitted to the


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제17조(착공 및 공정보고)

Article 17. Commencement of Works and Progress Report

17.1 “을”은 계약문서에서 정하는 바에 따라 착공하여야 하며, 착공시 다음 각 호의 서류가

포함된 착공신고서를“갑”에 제출하여야 한다.

The Contractor shall commence the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents, and, at

this juncture, submit to the Employer the report on the commencement of Works including the

following documents:

1. 수원국 건설 관련법령에 의한 건설기술자 지정신고서(수원국에 그러한 법령이 없는

경우에는 대한민국 건설관련기본법령에 의한 건설기술자 지정신고서)

Report appointing the construction engineers under the framework law and regulations on

construction of the Host Country (or under that of Republic of Korea in case absence of such

framework law and regulations in the Host Country);

2. 공사예정공정표

Program or the projected schedule of the Works;

3. 안전·환경 및 품질관리계획서

Plan for the management of security, environment and quality of the Works;

4. 공정별 인력 및 장비투입계획서

Plan for the use of laborers, and equipment and material by projection;

5. 착공 전 현장사진

Photographs of the Site just before the commencement of Works; and

6. 기타“갑”이 지정한 사항

Other matters instructed by the Employer.

17.2 “을”은 계약의 이행 중에 설계변경 또는 기타 계약내용의 변경으로 인하여 제1항의

규정에 의하여 제출한 서류의 변경이 필요한 때에는 관련서류를 변경하여 제출하여 “갑”의

승인을 받아야 한다.

When the change of documents, which have been submitted under Section 17.1, is necessary

owing to the modification of designs or any other provisions of the Agreement in the midst of

performing the Agreement, the Contractor shall submit the modified documents subject to the

approval of the Employer.

17.3 “갑”은 제17.1항 및 제17.2항의 규정에 의하여 제출된 서류의 내용을 조정할 필요가

있다고 인정하는 경우에는“을”에게 이의 조정을 요구할 수 있다.

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In case that the modification of documents submitted under Sections 17.1 and 17.2 is deemed

necessary, the Employer may request the Contractor to modify such documents.

17.4 “갑”은“을”로 하여금 월별로 수행한 공사에 대하여 다음 각 호의 사항을 명백히 하여 익월

14일까지“갑”에 제출하게 할 수 있으며, 이 경우“을”은 이에 응하여야 한다.

The Employer may request the Contractor to submit the progress report on the Works performed

by month within fourteen (14) days of the following month by clarifying the following matters,

and the Contractor shall respond to it;

1. 월별공정율 및 수행공사금액

The rate of progress of the Works by month and performed Contract Price;

2. 인력·장비 및 자재현황

The status quo of laborers, equipment and materials;

3. 계약사항의 변경 및 계약금액의 조정내용

Any modification of the Agreement and the Contract Price;

4. 공정상황을 나타내는 현장사진

Photographs describing the progress of the Works on the Site;

5. 기타“갑”이 지정한 사항

Other matters instructed by the Employer.

17.5 “갑”은 공정이 지체되어 소정기한 내에 공사가 준공될 수 없다고 인정할 경우에는

제4항의 규정에 의한 월별 현황과는 별도로 공정만회대책의 제출 등 공사추진에 필요한

조치를 “을”에게 요구할 수 있다.

In case that the completion of the Works is deemed impossible by the prescribed time because of

delayed progress of the Works, the Employer may request the Contractor to take necessary

measures how to recover the progress of the Works apart from the monthly reports prescribed in

Section 17.4.

제18조(설계변경 등)

Article 18. Change of Design, etc.

18.1 설계변경은 다음 각 호의 1에 해당하는 경우에 한한다.

The change of design shall be allowed in any of the following cases:

1. 설계서의 내용이 불분명하거나 누락, 오류 또는 상호 모순되는 점이 있을 경우

Any ambiguity, omission, error or discrepancy in the Design Document;

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2. 지질, 용수 등 공사현장의 상태가 설계서와 다를 경우

Any difference between the status quo of the Site including terrestrial condition and waters, and

the Design Document;

3. 새로운 기술·공법사용으로 공사비의 절감 및 시공기간의 단축 등의 효과가 현저할 경우

Expectation of such significant effects as saving of construction costs and acceleration of

Construction Period and so on by adopting brand-new technology and method of construction;

4. 기타“갑”이 설계서를 변경할 필요가 있다고 인정할 경우 등

Other cases where the Employer deems it necessary to modify the Design Document.

18.2 제18.1항의 규정에 의한 설계변경을 함에 있어서 다음 각 호의 1의 사항은 설계서에

포함하지 아니한다.

The modification of design pursuant to Section 18.1 shall not include the following items;

1. 추정가격이 1억원 미만 공사로서 입찰을 실시하여 체결한 공사의 산출내역서

The Price Schedules of the Works under KRW 100,000,000 whose contract has been executed

under bidding;

2. 수의계약으로 체결한 공사의 산출내역서

The Price Schedules of the Works whose contract has been executed as a contract ad libitum;

3. 일괄입찰, 실시설계·시공입찰에 의한 공사 및 대안입찰에 있어 대안이 채택된 공종의

공사에 있어서의 산출내역서

The Price Schedules of the Works whose alternative has been adopted as a result of consideration

of the comprehensive bidding, project by means of executed design and/or performance bidding

and the alternative bidding.

18.3 제18.1항의 규정에 의한 설계변경은 그 설계변경이 필요한 부분의 시공 전에 완료하여야

한다. 다만,“갑”은 공정이행의 지연으로 품질저하가 우려되는 등 긴급하게 공사를 수행할

필요가 있는 때에는“을”과 협의하여 설계변경의 시기 등을 명확히 정하고, 설계변경을

완료하기 전에 우선시공을 하게 할 수 있다.

The modification of design pursuant to Section 18.1 shall be completed before executing the part

of the Works which necessitates such modification of design; provided, however, that, in case that

it is deemed necessary to execute the Works in emergency because of expected downgrade of

quality and others as a result of delayed progress of the Works, the Employer shall make clear the

timing of the modification of design in consultation with the Contractor, and may allow the

Contractor to execute the Works even before such modification of design.

제19조(설계서의 불분명·누락·오류 및 상호모순 등에 의한 설계변경)

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Article 19. Modification of Design owing to Errors, etc. of Design Document

19.1 “을”은 공사의 이행 중 설계서의 내용이 불분명하거나 설계서에 누락·오류 및 설계서간에

상호모순 등이 있는 사실을 발견하였을 때에는 설계변경이 필요한 부분의 이행 전에 당해

사항을 명시한 서류를 작성하여 공사감독관을 경유하여“갑”에게 이를 통지하여야 한다.

When the Contractor finds the ambiguity, omission, error or discrepancy in the Design

Document while executing the Works, the Contractor shall notify the Employer of such fact by

describing the details in writing via the Engineer before executing the part of the Works in need

of the modification of design.

19.2 “갑”은 제1항의 규정에 의한 통지를 받은 즉시 공사가 적절히 이행될 수 있도록 다음 각

호의 1의 방법으로 설계변경 등 필요한 조치를 하여야 한다.

Upon receiving the notice stated in Section 19.1, the Employer shall take necessary measures so

that the Works may be executed in a proper manner, including the modification of design by

means of any of the followings:

1. 설계서의 내용이 불분명한 경우(설계서만으로는 시공방법, 투입자재 등을 확정할 수 없는

경우)에는 설계자의 의견 및“갑”이 작성한 단가산출서 또는 수량산출서 등의 검토를 통하여

당초 설계서에 의한 시공방법·투입자재 등을 확인하고 이를 기준으로 설계변경 여부를 결정

To decide, in case that there is ambiguity in the Design Document (thereby unable to confirm the

method of construction and materials to be used), whether the modification of design is necessary

on the basis of matters confirming the method of construction and materials to be used in

accordance with the original Design Document after considering the opinion of the original

designer, the statement of unit price schedule or the calculation of quantities prepared by the


2. 설계서에 누락·오류가 있는 경우에는 그 사실을 조사 확인하고 계약 목적물의 기능 및

안전을 확보할 수 있도록 설계서를 보완

To supplement, in case that there is omission or error, the Design Document to secure the

operation and security of the Works after examining such fact;

3. 설계도면과 공사시방서는 서로 일치하나 물량내역서와 상이한 경우에는 설계도면 및

공사시방서에 물량내역서를 일치

To conform the Bill of Quantities to the drawings and specifications in case that such drawings

and specifications are consistent but different from the Bill of Quantities; or

4. 설계도면과 공사시방서가 상이한 경우로서 물량내역서가 설계도면과 상이하거나

공사시방서와 상이한 경우에는 설계도면과 공사시방서 중 최선의 공사시공을 위하여

우선되어야 할 내용으로 설계도면 또는 공사시방서를 확정한 후 그 확정된 내용에 따라

물량내역서를 일치

To conform the Bill of Quantities to the confirmed drawings or specifications in case that the

drawings and specifications are inconsistent each other, and the Bill of Quantities is different from

such drawings or specifications, after confirming the drawings or specifications so as to ensure the

best execution of the Works.

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19.3 제19.2항 제3호 및 제4호의 규정은 제18.2항의 규정에 정한 공사의 경우에는 적용되지

아니한다. 다만, 제18.2항의 규정에 정한 공사의 경우로서 설계도면과 공사시방서가 상호

모순되는 경우에는 관련 법령 및 입찰에 관한 서류 등에 정한 내용에 따라 우선 여부를

결정하여야 한다.

The provisions of Sections 19.2(c) and 19.2(d) shall not apply to the Works pursuant to Section

18.2 of GCC; provided, however, that, in case of the Works pursuant to Section 18.2 of GCC, the

drawings and specifications are inconsistent each other, the provisions of the relevant laws and

regulations, and bidding-related documents shall decide the priority.

제20조(현장상태와 설계서의 상이로 인한 설계변경)

Article 20. Modification of Design owing to Discrepancy between the Status Quo of Site and

Design Document

20.1 “을”은 공사의 이행 중 지질, 용수, 지하매설물 등 공사현장의 상태가 설계서와 다른

사실을 발견하였을 때에는 지체없이 설계서에 명시된 현장상태와 상이하게 나타난

현장상태를 기재한 서류를 작성하여 공사감독관을 경유하여“갑”에게 이를 통지하여야 한다.

When the Contractor finds that the status quo of the Site including terrestrial condition, waters,

burials, etc. is different from the Design Document while executing the Works, the Contractor shall

immediately notify the Employer of such fact by describing in writing via the Engineer how the

status quo of the Site is different from the Site based on the Design Document.

20.2 “갑”은 제20.1항의 통지를 받은 후 공사감독관으로 하여금 즉시 현장을 확인하고

현장상태에 따라 설계서 변경 필요유무에 대한 의견을 제출토록 한 뒤, 공사감독관의 의견

등에 따라 설계변경 여부를“을”에게 통지하여야 한다.

The Employer shall notify the Contractor in respect of the modification of design in

consideration of the opinion of the Engineer and others after requesting the Engineer to

investigate the Site upon the receipt of the notification pursuant to Section 20.1 and to submit

his/her opinion on whether the modification of design is necessary.

제21조(신기술 및 신공법에 의한 설계변경)

Article 21. Modification of Design owing to New Technology and New Method of Construction

21.1 “을”은 새로운 기술·공법(“갑”의 설계와 동등이상의 기능·효과를 가진 기술·공법 및

기자재 등을 포함한다. 이하 같다)을 사용함으로써 공사비의 절감 및 시공기간의 단축 등에

효과가 현저할 것으로 인정하는 경우에는 다음 각 호의 서류를 첨부하여 공사감독관을

경유하여“갑”에게 서면으로 설계변경을 요청할 수 있다.

When the Contractor deems new technology and method of construction (including the

technology and method of construction, and equipment and materials, etc. with the identical

functions and effects and above with the design produced by the Employer. The same shall apply

to the following provisions) having a remarkable effect on saving the construction cost and

shortening the Construction Period, etc., the Contractor may request the Employer of the

modification of design in writing via the Engineer with the following attachments:

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1. 제안사항에 대한 구체적인 설명서

Detailed explanation regarding such suggestion;

2. 제안사항에 대한 산출내역서

The price schedules regarding such suggestion;

3. 제17.1항 제2호에 대한 수정 공정예정표

The projected schedule of the Works modified in line with Section 17.1(b);

4. 공사비의 절감 및 시공기간의 단축효과

The probable effect for the saving of construction cost and acceleration of Construction Period;


5. 기타 참고사항

Other references.

21.2 공사감독관은 제21.1항의 규정에 의하여 설계변경을 요청받은 경우에는 이를 검토하여

요청사항에 대한 의견을“갑”에게 통지하여야 하며,“갑”은 공사감독관의 의견 등을 검토하여

요청사항에 대한 결과를“을”에게 통지한다.

In case of the request of the modification of design pursuant to Section 21.1, the Engineer shall

notify the Employer of his/her opinion regarding such request. The Employer shall notify the

Contractor of the result of consideration of the opinion of the Engineer and others.

21.3 “을”은 제21.1항의 규정에 의한 요청이 승인되었을 경우에는 지체없이 새로운

기술·공법으로 수행할 공사에 대한 시공 상세도면을 공사감독관을 경유하여“갑”에게

제출하여야 한다.

When the request pursuant to Section 21.1 has been approved, the Contractor shall without delay

submit to the Employer via the Engineer detailed drawings for the Works to be executed by

adopting such new technology and method of construction.

21.4 “을”은 제21.2항의 규정에 의한“갑”의 결정에 대하여 이의를 제기할 수 없으며, 또한

새로운 기술·공법의 개발에 소요된 비용 및 새로운 기술·공법에 의한 설계 변경 후 동

기술·공법에 의한 시공이 불가능한 것으로 판명된 경우 시공에 소요된 비용을“갑”에 청구할 수


The Contractor shall not raise objection against the decision by the Employer pursuant to

Section 21.2, and the Contractor shall not claim to the Employer the expenses incurred for the

development of the new technology and method of construction, as well as the expenses for the

execution of the Works based on the design modified in line with the new technology and

method of construction in case that it is proved impossible to execute the Works by means of

such new technology and method of construction.

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제22조(“갑”의 필요에 의한 설계변경)

Article 22. Modification of Design owing to Employer's Necessity

22.1 “갑”은 다음 각 호의 1의 사유로 인하여 설계서를 변경할 필요가 있다고 인정할

경우에는“을”에게 이를 서면으로 통보할 수 있다.

In case that the Employer deems it necessary to modify the design on account of the followings,

the Employer may notify the Contractor thereof in writing:

1. 당해공사의 일부 변경이 수반되는 추가공사의 발생

The need of additional Work accompanied by the modification of part of the Works;

2. 특정 공종의 삭제

The removal of specified trade of the Construction Works;

3. 공정계획의 변경

The modification of the program;

4. 시공방법의 변경

The modification of method of construction; and

5. 기타 공사의 적정한 이행을 위한 변경

Other modification for the proper performance of the Works.

22.2 “갑”은 제22.1항의 규정에 의한 설계변경 통보 시에는 다음 각 호의 서류를 첨부하여야

한다. 다만,“갑”이 설계서를 변경 작성할 수 없을 경우에는 설계변경 개요서만을 첨부하여

설계변경을 통보할 수 있다.

The Employer shall notify the Contractor of the modification of design pursuant to Section 22.1

with the following attachments; provided, however, that, in case of the impossibility to prepare

for the modified design, the Employer may notify the Contractor of the outline of such modified


1. 설계변경개요서

The outline of the modified design;

2. 수정설계도면 및 공사시방서

The modified drawings and specifications of Works; and

3. 기타 필요한 서류

Other necessary documents.

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22.3 “을”은 제22.1항의 규정에 의한 통보를 받은 즉시 공사이행상황 및 자재수급 상황 등을

검토하여 설계변경 통보내용의 이행가능 여부(이행이 불가능하다고 판단될 경우에는 그

사유와 근거자료를 첨부)를 공사감독관을 경유하여“갑”에게 이를 서면으로 통지하여야 한다.

Upon receiving the notice prescribed in Section 22.1, the Contractor shall notify the Employer of

whether such modified design is executable (if it is deemed impossible, the reasons and

evidential data shall be attached) in writing via the Engineer.

제23조(설계변경에 따른 추가조치 등)

Article 23. Additional Measures following Modification of Design

23.1 “갑”은 제18.1항의 규정에 의하여 설계변경을 하는 경우 그 변경사항이 목적물의

구조변경 등으로 인하여 안전과 관련이 있는 때에는 하자발생시 책임한계를 명확하게 하기

위하여 당초 설계자의 의견을 들어야 한다.

In case of the modification of design pursuant to Section 18.1 of GCC, the Employer shall listen

to the opinion of the original designer to make the scope of responsibility arising out of defects

clear insofar as such modified design is related with the security of the Works owing to the

structural change.

23.2 “갑”은 제22조의 규정에 의하여 설계변경을 하는 경우“을”로 하여금 다음 각 호의 사항을

공사감독관을 경유하여 제출하게 할 수 있으며, 이 경우“을”은 이에 응하여야 한다.

23.2 In case of the modification of design pursuant to Section 22 of GCC, the Employer may have the

Contractor submit the followings via the Engineer, and, in such a case, the Contractor shall

respond to it:

1. 당해 공종의 수정공정예정표

The modified program of the relevant type of Works;

2. 당해 공종의 수정도면 및 수정상세도면

The modified drawings and detailed drawings of the relevant type of Works;

3. 조정이 요구되는 계약금액 및 기간

The Contract Price and period in need of adjustment; and

4. 여타의 공정에 미치는 영향

Other matters which influence the process of the Works.

23.3 “갑”은 제23.2항 제2호의 규정에 의하여 당초의 설계도면 및 시공상세도면을“을”이

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수정하여 제출하는 경우에는 그 수정에 소요된 비용은 실비를 초과하지 않는 범위

내에서“갑”과“을”이 협의하여 지급할 수 있다.

23.3 In case that the Contractor modifies and submits the original drawings and detailed pursuant to

Section 23.2(2), the Employer may pay, in consultation with the Contractor, the expenses

incurred for such modification to the extent not exceeding the actual cost.

제24조(설계변경으로 인한 계약금액의 조정)

Article 24. Adjustment of Contract Price subject to Modification of Design

24.1 “을”은 계약체결 후 계약조건의 미숙지 등을 이유로 계약금액의 변경을 요구하거나

시공을 거부할 수 없다.

Once the Agreement is executed, the Contractor shall not demand to adjust the Contract Price or

reject to perform the Works on ground of not knowing the conditions of the contract.

24.2 “갑”은 설계변경으로 시공방법의 변경, 투입자재의 변경 등 공사량의 증감이 발생하는

경우에는 다음 각 호의 1의 기준에 의하여 계약금액을 조정할 수 있다.

In case that the modification of design results in the increase or decrease of the volume of

Works owing to the change of construction method and materials to be used, the Employer may

adjust the Contract Price on the basis of any of the followings:

1. 증감된 공사량의 단가는 계약단가로 한다. 다만, 계약단가가 예정가격 단가보다 높은

경우로서 물량이 증가하게 되는 경우 그 증가된 물량에 대한 적용단가는 예정가격단가로


The unit price of such increased or decreased volume of Works shall be the unit price under the

contract; provided, however, that, in case of the unit price under the contract higher than the

projected unit price with increased volume, the unit price applicable to such incremental volume

Shall be the projected unit price; or

2. 산출내역서에 없는 품목 또는 비목(동일한 품목이라도 성능, 규격 등이 다른 경우를

포함한다. 이하“신규비목”이라 한다)의 단가는 설계변경 당시(설계도면의 변경을 요하는

경우에는 변경도면을“갑”이 확정한 때, 설계도면의 변경을 요하지 않는 경우에는

계약당사자간에 설계변경을 문서에 의하여 합의한 때를 말한다. 이하 같다)를 기준으로

산정한 단가에 낙찰율(예정가격에 대한 낙찰금액 또는 계약금액의 비율을 말한다. 이하

같다)을 곱한 금액으로 한다.

The unit price for the item not existing in the price schedules (applicable to the same kind of

item of different function or specification, and hereinafter referred to as the "New Item") shall

be the amount of the unit price derived from the modification of design (at the time when the

Employer confirm the modified drawings in case of the required modification of design, or at

the time when both parties agree in writing on the modification of design in no need of such

modification) multiplied by the ratio of successful tender price (meaning the ratio of the

successful tender price or the Contract Price against the projected price. The same shall apply

to the following provisions).

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24.3 “갑”이 설계변경을 요구한 경우(“을”의 책임 없는 사유로 인한 경우를 포함한다. 이하

같다)에는 제2항의 규정에 불구하고 증가된 물량 또는 신규비목의 단가는 설계변경 당시를

기준으로 하여 산정한 단가와 동 단가에 낙찰율을 곱한 금액의 범위 안에서“갑”과“을”이 상호

협의하여 결정한다.

In case that the Employer demands the modification of design (applicable to where there is no

fault on the part of the Contractor), the increased volume or the unit price of the New Item shall,

notwithstanding Section 24.2, be subject to the consultation between the Employer and the

Contractor within the scope of the amount which shall be the unit price calculated at the time of

modification of design multiplied by the ratio of successful tender price.

24.4 제21조의 규정에 의한 설계변경의 경우에는 당해 절감액의 100분의 30에 해당하는 금액을

계약금액에서 감액한다.

24.4 In case of the modification of design pursuant to Section 21, the amount equivalent to thirty (30)

percent of the relevant savings shall be reduced from the Contract Price.

24.5 제2항 및 제3항의 규정에 의한 계약금액의 증가분에 대한 간접노무비, 산재보험료 및

산업안전보건관리비 등 승율비용과 일반관리비 및 이윤은 산출내역서상의 간접노무비율,

산재보험료율 및 산업안전보건관리비율 등의 승율비율과 일반관리비율 및 이윤율에 의하되

대한민국의 관계법령에서 정한 율을 초과할 수 없다.

The proportional costs (including indirect labor cost, industrial casualty insurance premium,

industrial security and health management cost), and general and administrative expenses and

profits against the incremental Contract Price pursuant to Sections 24.2 and 24.3 shall be based

on the rate of such proportional costs, and the rate of general and administrative expenses and

profits as specified in the price schedules, but shall not exceed the rate as specified in the

relevant laws of Republic of Korea.

24.6 “갑”은 예정가격의 100분의 86 미만으로 낙찰된 공사계약의 계약금액을 제24.2항의

규정에 의하여 증액 조정하고자 하는 경우로서 당해 증액 조정금액이 당초 계약금액의

100분의 10 이상인 경우에는 소속 중앙관서의 장의 승인을 얻어야 한다.

In case that the Employer intends to increase the Contract Price pursuant to Section 24.2, which

has been successfully awarded with below eighty six (86) percent of the projected price, and

when the adjusted incremental amount is more than ten (10) percent of the initial Contract Price,

the Employer shall obtain the approval of the President of KOICA.

24.7 일부 공종의 단가가 세부 공종별로 분류되어 작성되지 아니하고 총계방식으로

작성(이하“1식단가”라 한다)되어 있는 경우에도 설계도면 또는 공사시방서가 변경되어

1식단가의 구성내용이 변경되는 때에는 제24.2항에서 제24.6항의 규정에 의하여 계약금액을

조정하여야 한다.

In case that the unit price of a part of type of Works is prepared by way of the aggregate sum

(hereinafter referred to as the "One-set Unit Price") rather than classified and prepared in terms

of detailed type of Works, the Contract Price shall be adjusted pursuant to Sections 24.2 through

24.6 if the components of the One-set Unit Price have been altered by the change of design

drawings or specifications.

24.8 “갑”은 제24.2항에서 제24.7항의 규정에 의하여 계약금액을 조정하는 경우에는“을”의

계약금액조정 청구를 받은 날부터 60일 이내에 계약금액을 조정하여야 한다. 이 경우

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예산배정의 지연 등이 예상될 경우에는“을”과 협의하여 그 조정기한을 연장할 수 있으며,

계약금액을 조정할 수 있는 예산이 없는 때에는 공사량 등을 조정하여 그 대가를 지급할 수


In case that the Contract Price is adjusted pursuant to Sections 24.2 through 24.7, the Employer

shall adjust the Price Contract within sixty (60) days from the date of the request for such

adjustment. When the delay of the allotment of budget or other adverse situation is expected, the

Employer may extend the adjustment period in consultation with the Contractor. In case of being

allotted insufficient budget enough to adjust the Contract Price, the Employer may pay the

consideration by reducing the volume of Works, etc.

24.9 “갑”은 제24.8항의 규정에 의한“을”의 계약금액조정 청구 내용이 부당함을 발견한 때에는

지체없이 필요한 보완요구 등의 조치를 하여야 한다. 이 경우“을”이 보완요구 등의 조치를

통보 받은 날부터“갑”이 그 보완을 완료한 사실을 통지 받은 날까지의 기간은 제8항의 규정에

의한 기간에 산입하지 아니한다.

If the Employer could find that the Contractor has requested pursuant to Section 24.8 for the

adjustment of the Contract Price improperly, the Employer shall without delay take corrective

measures i.e., demanding necessary modifications. In such a case, the period from the date when

the Contractor is requested of such modifications to the date when the Employer is notified of such

modifications shall not be included in the period as specified in Section 24.8.

제25조(공사의 변경 및 중지)

Article 25. Modification and Suspension of Works

25.1 “갑”은 필요시“을”에게 서면으로 공사내용의 변경, 추가 또는 공사의 전부나 일부에 대해

시공의 일시 중지를 요구할 수 있다. 이로 인하여 계약기간의 연장 또는 단축이나 계약금액의

증감이 필요하다고 인정되는 경우에는“을”과 협의하여 조정한다.

The Employer may, if necessary, demand the Contractor to change, or add something to, the

Works or to suspend the whole or part of Works in writing. In case that, by doing so, it is deemed

necessary to extend or shorten the Construction Period, or to increase or decrease the Contract

Price, the Employer shall adjust the Contract Price in consultation with the Contractor.

25.2 “갑”은“을”이 계약서 일반조건을 포함하여 계약문서를 위반한 경우에는 공사중지

및“을”의 종업원, 기타 고용원에 대하여 현장에서 퇴거를 명령할 수 있으며, 이로 인하여

발생한 공사지연 및 제반사항에 대하여“을”은“갑”에게 계약기간의 연장 또는 계약금액의

변경을 요구할 수 없다.

In case that the Contractor is in violation of the Agreement and GCC, the Employer may order

the Contractor to suspend the Works and to withdraw the Contractor's personnel and employees

from the Site. As for the delay of the Works or other matters arising out of the preceding

incident, the Contractor shall not demand the Employer to extend the Construction Period or

adjustment of the Contract Price.

25.3 “갑”의 지시에 의하여“을”이 추가로 시공한 부분에 대한 계약금액의 조정은

“갑”과“을”이 협의하여 결정한다.

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The Contract Price for the Works which have been added by the instruction of the Employer

shall be adjusted subject to consultation between the Employer and the Contractor.


Article 26. Emergency Measures

26.1 “을”은 시공기간 중 재해방지를 위하여 필요하다고 인정할 때에는 미리 공사감독관의

의견을 들어 필요한 조치를 취하여야 한다.

When it is deemed necessary to prevent casualties during the Construction Period, the

Contractor shall take necessary measures in advance taking advice from the Engineer.

26.2 공사감독관은 재해방지 기타 시공상 부득이 할 때에는“을”에게 필요한 응급조치를 취할

것을 구두 또는 서면으로 요구할 수 있다. 이 경우 구두로 응급조치를 요구한 때에는 추후

서면으로 이를 보완하여야 한다.

The Engineer may demand the Contractor to take emergency measures orally or in writing on

account of preventing casualties or executing the Works. In such a case, the Engineer shall

supplement such oral demand with written formalities.

26.3 “을”은 제26.2항의 규정에 의한 요구를 받은 때에는 즉시 이에 응하여야 한다. 다만 “을”이

요구에 응하지 아니할 때에는“갑”은 일방적으로“을”의 부담으로 제3자로 하여금

응급조치하게 할 수 있다.

Upon receiving the demand pursuant to Section 26.2, the Contractor shall immediately respond

to it; provided, however, that, at the reluctance of the Contractor, the Employer may have a third

party take emergency measures over the transom at the cost of the Contractor.


Article 27. Delay Damages

27.1 “을”은 계약기간("을"이 제29조에 따라 "갑"에게 준공검사신청을 완료한 때를 말한다.

이하 같다)내에 공사를 완성하지 아니한 때에는 매 지체일수마다 계약서에 정한

지체상금율(1000분의 1)을 계약금액에 곱하여 산출한 금액(이하“지체상금”이라 한다)을

현금으로 납부하여야 한다.

If the Contractor fails to complete the Works until the time for completion stated in the

Agreement (meaning the date of application for the Employer's inspection of completed works

pursuant to Section 29 of GCC. The same shall apply in the following provisions), the Contractor

shall pay the amount in cash, calculated by multiplying the Contract Price by the rate of delay

damages, one (1) in a thousand (1000), as specified in the Agreement, for the number of days

delayed (hereinafter referred to as the "Delay Damages").

27.2 “갑”은 다음 각 호의 1에 해당되어 공사가 지체되었다고 인정할 때에는 그 해당일수를

제1항의 지체일수에 산입하지 아니한다.

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When the Employer deems the delay has been caused by any of the followings, the

corresponding days shall be excluded from the days delayed:

1. 제34조에서 규정한 불가항력의 사유에 의한 경우

Force Majeure incidents as prescribed in Section 34 of GCC;

2.“을”이 대체 사용할 수 없는 중요한 자재의 공급이“갑”의 책임있는 사유로 지연되어

공사의 진행이 불가능하였을 경우

Impossibility to execute the Works because the supply of essential equipment and materials

irreplaceable by the Contractor has been delayed by the events imputable to the Employer;

3.“갑“의 귀책사유로 착공이 지연되거나 시공이 중단된 경우

Delay of commencement of Works or suspension of construction caused by the events

imputable to the Employer; or

4. 기타“을”의 책임에 속하지 아니하는 사유로 인하여 공사가 지체된 경우

Other delays of Works caused by the events undisputable to the Contractor.

27.3 “갑”은 제27.1항의 규정에 의한 지체일수를 다음 각 호에 따라 산정하여야 한다.

The Employer shall calculate the number of days delayed under Section 27.1 on the following


1.“을”이 계약기간 내에 준공검사신청서를 제출한 때에는 제29조의 규정에 의한 준공검사에

소요된 기간은 지체일수에 산입하지 아니한다. 다만, 계약기간 이후에 제29.3항의 규정에

의한 시정조치를 한 때에는 시정조치를 한 날부터 최종 준공검사에 합격한 날까지의

기간(검사기간이 제29조의 규정에 정한 기간을 초과한 경우에는 동조에 정한 기간에 한한다.

이하 같다)을 지체일수에 산입한다.

When the Contractor has finally submitted the application for the Employer's inspection of

completed works within the Construction Period, the period of time consumed for the inspection of

the Works pursuant to Section 29 of GCC shall not be included in the days delayed; provided

however, that, in case of the corrective measures taken under Section 29.3 of GCC after the

Construction Period, the period from the day of corrective measures to the day when it has finally

passed the inspection on completion (In case that the period of inspection exceeds such period as

prescribed in Section 29 of GCC, such period shall be the maximum. The same shall apply in the

following provisions.) Shall be included in the days delayed.

2.“을”이 계약기간을 경과하여 준공검사신청서를 제출한 때에는 계약기간 익일부터

준공검사(시정조치를 한 때에는 최종 준공검사)에 합격한 날까지의 기간을 지체일수에


When the Contractor has submitted the application for the Employer's inspection of completed

works past the Construction Period, the period from the next day following the Construction

Period to the day when it has finally passed the inspection on completion (in case of the corrective

measures, the final inspection of completion shall apply) shall be included in the days delayed.

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27.4 “갑”은 제27.1항의 규정에 의한 지체상금을“을”에게 지급하는 공사대금과 상계할 수 있다.

The Employer may set-off the Delay Damages pursuant to Section 27.1 from the consideration of

the Works to be paid to the Contractor.

27.5 제32조의 규정에 의하여“갑”이 공사목적물의 전부 또는 일부를 사용한 경우에는 그

부분에 상당하는 금액(금액산정은"갑"이 정하는 방식에 따름)을 계약금액에서 공제하여

지체상금을 계산한다.

When the Employer has used a whole or part of the Works pursuant to Section 32 of GCC, the

corresponding portion of price (subject to the calculation method used by the Employer) shall be

deducted from the Contract Price in calculating the Delay Damages.

27.6 “갑”은 “을”의 의무 불이행으로 인하여 발생한 지체상금이 제6조의 규정에 의한

계약이행보증금 상당액에 달하는 때에는 당해계약을 해제 또는 해지하고

계약이행보증금을“갑”에 귀속시킬 수 있다.

When the Delay Damages arising out of the non-performance of the Contractor have reached the

amount corresponding to the Contract Deposit set forth in Section 6 of GCC, the Employer may

terminate the Agreement and revert such deposit to the Employer.

제28조(계약기간의 연장)

Article 28. Extension of Contract Period, etc.

28.1 계약기간 연장은 다음과 같이 한다.

The Contract Period shall be extended as follows:

1.“을”은 수원국의 귀책에 따른 사유를 포함하여 제1조 제9호의 사유가 계약기간 내에 발생한

경우에는 지체없이“갑”에게 서면으로 계약기간의 연장을 청구하여야 한다.

The Contractor shall, without delay, request to the Employer in writing the extension of the

Contract Period in case that inevitable circumstances of the Host Country or the Force Majeure

events specified in Section 1(j) of GCC takes place during the initial Contract Period;

2.“갑”은 제28.1호의 규정에 의한 계약기간 연장 신청이 접수된 때에는 즉시 그 사실을

조사확인하고 당해 건설공사가 적절히 이행될 수 있도록 계약기간의 연장 등 필요한 조치를

하여야 한다.

When the Employer is notified of the request for the extension of the Contract Period stated in

Section 28.1, the Employer shall, as soon as possible, make investigation into such an event and

take such necessary measures as the extension of the Contract Period, etc. to facilitate the

performance of the Construction Works;

3.“갑”은 제28.1호에서 규정한 연장청구를 승인하였을 경우 동 연장기간에 대하여는 제27조의

규정에 의한 지체상금을 부과하지 않는다.

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When the Employer approves the extension of the Contract Period stated in Section 28.1, the

Delay Damages set forth in Section 27 of GCC shall not be levied during such extended period;


4. 제3호의 규정에 의하여 계약기간을 연장한 경우에는 계약금액을 조정하지 않는다.

When the Contract Period is extended pursuant to 28.1(3), the Contract Price shall not be adjusted



Article 29. Inspections

29.1 “을”은 공사를 완성하였을 때에는 그 사실을 준공검사신청서 등 서면으로 “갑”에게

통지하고 필요한 검사를 받아야 한다.

Upon completing the Works, the Contractor shall notify the Employer of the fact in writing e.g.,

by submitting the application for the Employer's inspection of completed works, etc., and request

the necessary inspection thereof.

29.2 “갑”은 제29.1항의 통지를 받은 때에는 계약서, 설계서, 준공검사신청서 기타 관계서류에

의하여 그날로부터 20일 이내에“을”의 입회 하에 그 이행을 확인하기 위한 검사를 하여야

한다. 다만, 천재지변 등 불가항력적인 사유로 인하여 검사를 완료하지 못한 경우에는

당해사유가 존속되는 기간과 당해사유가 소멸된 익일로부터 3일까지는 이를 연장할 수 있다.

When the Employer receives the notification set forth in Section 29.1, the Employer shall,

within twenty (20) days from the receipt of such notification, inspect the performance of the

Works in the presence of the Contractor on the basis of the Agreement, drawings, application for

the Employer's inspection of completed works and other documents; provided, however, that, in

case of Force Majeure, the inspection might be extended during the period of Force Majeure and

three (3) days after its extinction.

29.3 “갑”은 제2항의 검사에 있어서“을”의 계약이행내용의 전부 또는 일부가 계약에

위반되거나 부당함을 발견한 때에는“을”은 필요한 시정조치를 한 후 다시 준공검사를 받아야

한다. 이 경우에는“을”로부터 그 시정을 완료한 사실을 통지받은 날로부터 제29.2항의 기간을


When the Employer finds the whole or part of performed Works in breach of the Agreement or

in an improper state during the inspection set forth in 29.2, the Employer shall cause the

Contractor to take necessary corrective measures, and thereafter to undergo the inspection again.

In this case, the period as prescribed in Section 29.2 shall begin from the day when the

Contractor notifies the Employer of the Works corrected.

29.4 제29.3항의 경우에 계약기간이 연장될 때에는“갑”은 제27조의 규정에 의한 지체상금을

부과하여야 한다.

In case that the Construction Period is extended pursuant to Section 29.3, the Employer shall

cause the Delay Damages levied against it pursuant to Section 27 of GCC.

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29.5 “을”은 제29.2항의 규정에 의한 검사에 입회·협력하여야 한다.“을”이 입회를 거부하거나

검사에 협력하지 아니함으로써 발생하는 지체에 대하여는 제29.3항 및 제29.4항의 규정을


The Contractor shall attend, and cooperate in, the inspection of the Works pursuant to Section

29.2. Sections 29.3 and 29.4 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the delay which was caused by the

Contractor's rejection to attend or reluctance to cooperate in the inspection.

29.6 “갑”은 검사를 완료한 때에는 그 결과를 지체 없이“을”에게 통지하여야 한다. 이

경우“을”은 검사에 대한 이의가 있을 때에는 재검사를 요청할 수 있으며“갑”은 재검사의

정당한 이유가 있다고 판단되는 한 이에 응해야 한다.

Upon finishing the inspection, the Employer shall, without delay, notify the Contractor of the

result thereof. In such case, the Contractor may request the re-inspection when the Contractor has

an objection to the inspection, and the Employer shall respond to it insofar as there proves to be

justifiable reasons for such re-inspection.

29.7 “을”은 제29.6항의 규정에 의한 검사완료통지를 받은 때에는 모든 공사시설, 잉여자재,

폐기물 및 가설물을 공사장으로부터 즉시 철거반출하여야 하며 공사장을 정돈하여야 한다.

When the Contractor is notified of the completion of inspection pursuant to Section 29.6, the

Contractor shall remove immediately all construction facilities, surplus equipment and materials,

wastes and make-shift structures from the Site and keep the Site in order.


Article 30. Taking-over

30.1 “갑”이 제29.6항의 규정에 의하여 검사완료통지를 한 후“을”이 공사목적물의 인수를

요청하면“갑”은 인수증명서를 발급하고 공사목적물을 인수한다.

After notifying the inspection has been finished pursuant to Section 29.6 of GCC, the Employer

shall issue the taking-over certificate of the Works, and take over the Works upon the request of


30.2 “갑”은 제30.1항의 규정에 의하여 인수를 요청할 경우 공사규모 등을 고려하여

필요하다고 인정할 때에는“을”로 하여금 다음 각 호의 사항이 첨부된 준공명세서를

제출하여야 한다.

In case that the Contractor requests the Employer to take over the Works, the Employer shall

cause the Contractor to submit the statement at completion with the following items attached

thereto, if deemed necessary in view of the construction size, etc.:

1. 완성된 공사목적물의 전면·후면·측면사진(10"×15") 각 5매 및 필름 또는 디지털 파일

(a) Five (5) copies of each photograph (10"x15") of the front, back and side of the completed

Works and their original films or digital files thereof;

2. 제29조의 주요검사과정을 촬영한 CD 5본

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(b) Five (5) copies of CD taken during the inspections as set forth in Section 29 of GCC; and

3. 착공에서 준공까지의 행정처리과정, 참여기술자, 관련참여업체 등의 내용을 포함하는


(c) The completion report containing the administrative process from the commencement to

completion, participating engineers, participant companies, etc.

제31조(관련공사와의 협조)

Article 31. Cooperation with Related Works

“을” 은 본 공사와 관련하여 관련공사가 있을 경우, 관련공사의 시공 또는 공사업무에 최대한

협조하여 관련공사의 공정에 지장이 없도록 한다.

In case that there is other related works under progress, the Contractor shall cooperate with best

efforts for the execution of such related works and other jobs for such related works to make progress.


32. Partial Use

32.1 “갑”은 계약목적물의 인수 전에“을”의 동의를 얻어 공사목적물의 전부 또는 일부를

사용할 수 있다.

Prior to taking over the Works, the Employer may use the whole or part of the Works with the

consent of the Contractor.

32.2 제32.1항의 경우“갑”은 그 사용부분에 대하여 선량한 관리자의 주의 의무를 다하여야


In case of Section 32.1, the Employer shall conduct its duty of care as a good faith administrator

for the Works used by it.

32.3 “갑”은 제32.1항의 사용으로“을”에게 손해를 끼치거나“을”의 비용을 증가하게 한 때에는

그 비용을 부담한다.

The Employer shall hold the Contractor harmless and bear corresponding costs in case that such

use as stated in Section 32.1 has caused damages to the Contractor or increased the expenses

incurred by the Contractor.


Article 33. Indemnification

33.1 도급받은 건설공사 및 공사목적물과 관련하여“을”의 고의 또는 과실("을"의 임직원의

고의 또는 과실 포함)로“갑”,“갑”의 임직원 또는 제3자 등에게 손해를 가한 때에는 "을"은 그

손해를 배상할 책임이 있다.

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The Contractor shall indemnify the Employer, the Employer's personnel or a third party for all

damages and losses arising out of the Contractor's willful act or negligence (including that of the

Contractor's personnel) in respect of any contracted construction work and the Works.

33.2 제33.1항의 규정에 의한 손해발생에“갑”의 고의 또는 과실이 결부된 경우,"갑" 및 "을"은

과실비율을 협의하여 그에 상응한 책임을 부담한다.

The damages and losses stated in Section 33.1 which has proved to be attributable to the

Employer's willful act or negligence shall be assumed in proportion to the degree of respective

fault subject to the consultation between the Employer and the Contractor.

33.3 “을”의 하수급인이 고의 또는 과실로 하도급 받은 공사와 관련하여“갑”,“갑”의 임직원

또는 제3자 등에게 손해를 가한 때에는“을”은 하수급인과 연대하여 그 손해를 배상할 책임이


In case that the Contractor's sub-contractor has caused damages and losses to the Employer, the

Employer's personnel or a third party out of its willful act or negligence in respect of any sub-

contracted construction work and the Works, the Contractor shall indemnify them for such

damages and losses jointly and severally with the sub-contractor.

33.4 제9조의 규정에 의하여 손해보험에 가입한 공사계약의 경우 제33.1항 및 제33.2항의

규정에 의한“을”및“갑”의 부담은 보험에 의하여 보전되는 금액을 초과하는 부분으로 한다.

In case of the Works insured by the casualty insurance stated in Section 6 of GCC, what has been

assumed by the Contractor or the Employer pursuant to Sections 33.1 and 33.2 shall be the

portion exceeding the amount covered by such casualty insurance.


Article 34. Force Majeure

34.1 불가항력의 사유로 인하여 제29조의 규정에 의하여 검사를 필한 기성부분에 발생한

손해는“갑”이 부담하고, 기타 부분은“갑”과“을”이 협의에 따라 결정한다.

The damages and losses caused by Force Majeure to the performed part of Works inspected

pursuant to Section 29 of GCC shall be assumed by the Employer, and the other part shall be

assumed subject to the consultation between the Employer and the Contractor.

34.2 “을”은 계약이행 기간 중 제34.1항의 손해가 발생하였을 때에는 지체 없이 그 사실을

“갑”에게 통지하여야 하며,“갑”은 통지를 받았을 때에는 즉시 그 사실을 조사하고 그 손해의

상황을 확인한 후 그 결과를“을”에게 통지하여야 한다. 이 경우 공사감독관의 의견을 참작할

수 있다.

When the damages and losses caused by Force Majeure as stated in Section 34.1 during the

period of executing the Agreement, the Contractor shall without delay give notice to the

Employer of such event. Upon receiving the notice, the Employer shall immediately investigate

such event and confirm the damages and losses before notifying the Contractor of the result

thereof. In this case, the Employer may take the opinion of the Engineer into account.

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34.3 제34.1항의 협의가 성립하지 않을 때에는 제54조의 규정에 의해서 처리한다.

When the consultation stated in Section 34.1 fails to occur, it shall be subject to Section 54 of



Article 35. Remedying Defects or Damage

35.1 “을”은 전체목적물을 인수한 날과 준공검사를 완료한 날에서 먼저 도래한 날부터 2년동안

당해 공사에 발생하는 일체의 하자를 보수하여야 한다.또한, 하자의 발생 또는 하자보수의

요청이 하자담보책임기간 중에 이루어졌다면 하자담보책임기간이 종료한 후라도“을”의

책임과 비용으로 보수를 하여야 한다.

The Contractor shall remedy all defects or damage arising out of the Works for two (2) years (in

case of major construction works such as civil construction, five years. Collectively, hereinafter

referred to as the "Period of Maintenance Liability") from the earlier of the day taking over the

whole Works or the day of inspection on completion to the day. In addition, if the occurrence of

such defects or damage, or the request of remedying such defects or damage takes place during

the Period of Maintenance Liability, the Contractor shall remedy such defects or damage at its

own responsibility and cost after the Period of Maintenance Liability expires.

35.2 “을”은 하자보수통지를 받은 때에는 즉시 보수작업을 하여야 하며 당해 하자의

발생원인 및 기타 조치사항을 명시하여“갑”에 제출하여야 한다.

Upon receiving the notice of request to remedy defects or damage, the Contractor shall

immediately remedy such defects or damage, and submit the report to the Employer describing

the causes of such defects or damage and corresponding measures thereof.

35.3 하자담보책임기간 중에 발생하는 하자에 대하여“갑”으로부터 보수 또는 수리의 요구가

있을 때에는 “을”은 지체 없이 그 요구에 응하여야 한다. 다만,“을”이 그 요구에 응하지 아니할

때에는“갑”은 하자보수보증금을 직접 사용하여 보수 또는 수리하거나 제3자로 하여금 이를

시행케 하고 그 비용을“을”에게 청구할 수 있다.

When the Employer demand to remedy or repair the defects or damage occurring during the

Period of Maintenance Liability, the Employer shall without delay respond to such demand;

provided, however, that the Employer may remedy or repair such defects or damage directly by

using the maintenance security, or demand the costs incurred by a third party performing the job

on behalf of the Employer.


Article 36. Maintenance Guaranty

36.1 “을”은 제6.1항에 따른 하자보수보증금을“갑”이 정한 바에 따라 납부하여야 한다.

The Contractor shall pay the amount as specified in Section 6.1 of GCC to ensure the remedy or

repair of defects or damage of the Works (hereinafter referred to as the "Maintenance

Guaranty"), amounting to the Contract Price (or the adjusted price in case of adjustment of the

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initial Contract Price) multiplied by the ratio of maintenance guaranty, in the manner as

prescribed by the Employer.

36.2 “을”이 제35.1항의 규정에 의한 하자담보책임기간중 “갑”으로부터 하자보수 요구를 받고

이에 불응한 경우에는 제36.1항의 규정에 의한 하자보수보증금을 “갑”에 귀속한다.

In case that the Contractor would not respond to the demand of the Employer to remedy or repair

as stated in Section 35.1 during the Period of Maintenance Liability, the Maintenance Guaranty

stated in Section 36.1 shall be reverted to the Employer.

36.3 “갑”은 하자담보책임기간의 만료일로부터 14일 이내에 최종검사를 완료하였을 때에는

하자보수완료확인서를“을”에게 발급하여야 한다.

When the Employer finishes the final inspection at completion within fourteen (14) days from the

expiry date of the Period of Maintenance Liability, the Employer shall issue a certificate of

remedy completion to the Contractor.

36.4 “을”의 책임과 의무는 제3항의 규정에 의한 하자보수완료확인서의 발급일부터 소멸한다.

The responsibility and liability of the Contractor ceases to exist from the date of the certificate of

remedy completion pursuant to Section 36.3.

제37조(인허가 및 제비용의 부담)

Article 37. Approval, consents, permits and Assumption of Costs and Expenses

37.1 “갑”이 인수증명서를 발행하기 전까지 발생하는 상,하수도료, 전기, 도시가스 사용료 등의

공사수행기간 동안 발생한 제비용은“을”이 부담하여야 한다.

The costs and expenses, incurred for using waters, electricity, fuel and other utilities, accrued

during the execution of the Works until the date of taking-over certificate shall be assumed by

the Contractor.

37.2 “을”은 수원국 관련법에서 규정하는 건물의 착공에서 준공까지 필요한 제반 인허가를

수행하여야 하며 그에 따른 수속비용은“을”의 책임과 비용으로 부담하여야 한다.

The Contractor shall do series of approval, consents, and permit works required from

commencement to completion of buildings and other structures. The administrative expenses

related to such process set forth in the relevant laws of the Host Country shall be borne by the

Contractor at its cost and responsibility.

제38조(사후관리 등)

Article 38. Ex Post Facto Management, etc.

38.1 “을”은 하자담보책임기간이 경과한 후에도“갑”의 요청이 있는 경우에는 사후관리를

성실히 수행하여야 한다.

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The Contractor shall perform ex post facto management services with best efforts upon the

request of the Employer after the closing of the Period of Maintenance Liability.

38.2 제38.1항에 의한 사후관리에 따른 비용은“갑”과“을”의 합의하에 처리한다.

The cost and expenses incurred for the after services shall be borne subject to the agreement

between the Employer and the Contractor.

38.3 “갑”은 제36.3항의 규정에 의한 하자보수완료확인서의 발급에 불구하고 당해 공사의 특성

및 관련법령에서 정한 바에 따라 필요하다고 인정하는 경우 제30조의 규정에 의한

검사과정에서 발견되지 아니한 시공 상의 하자에 대하여는“을”의 책임으로 하는 특약을 정할

수 있다.

The Employer may set forth a special condition which requires the Contractor to be liable for the

defects or damage not discovered during the inspection set forth in Section 29 of GCC, when it is

deemed necessary in accordance with the characteristics of the Works and the relevant provisions

of the relevant laws even though the certificate of remedy completion has been issued pursuant to

Section 36.3 of GCC.

제39조(발굴물의 처리)

Article 39. Handling of Excavations

39.1 공사현장에서 발견한 모든 가치 있는 화석·금전·보물 기타 지질학 및 고고학상의 유물

또는 물품은 관계법규에서 정하는 바에 의하여 처리한다.

All fossils, coins, articles of value and other remains or items of geological or archeological

interest found on the Site shall be treated and disposed of as stated in the relevant laws and


39.2 “을”은 제39.1항의 물품이나 유물을 발견하였을 때에는 즉시“갑”에게 통지하고 그 지시에

따라야 하며 이를 취급할 때에는 파손이 없도록 적절한 예방조치를 하여야 한다.

When the Contractor has found such remains or items set forth in Section 39.1, the Contractor

shall give notice immediately to the Employer of the fact, and follow the instruction of the

Employer, and further, in handling such remains or items, take all appropriate precautions to

keep them from damage.

제40조(하도급의 승인 등)

Article 40. Approval of Sub-Contract, etc.

40.1 “을”은 계약된 공사의 전부 또는 일부분을“갑”의 사전 승인 없이 제3자에게 위임 또는

하도급 할 수 없다.

The Contractor shall not delegate or sub-let the whole or part of the Works to a third party

without the prior approval of the Employer.

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40.2 제40.1항의 규정에 의하여 하도급한 경우에도 계약에 의한“을”의 의무는 면제되지


In case of the sub-let pursuant to Section 40.1, the obligation of the Contractor under the

Agreement shall not be released.

40.3 “을”이 도급받은 공사를 제3자에게 하도급하고자 하는 경우에는 대한민국 및 수원국의

건설산업기본법 및 하도급 거래공정화에 관한 법률 등 관련법규 등에서 정한 바에 따라

하도급하여야 하며, 하수급인의 선정, 하도급계약의 체결 및 이행, 하도급 대가의 지급에 있어

대한민국 및 수원국 관계 법령의 제규정을 준수하여야 한다.

When the Contractor intends to sub-let the contracted Works to a third party, the Contractor shall

do so subject to the relevant laws and regulations including the framework act on construction

industry and the fair trade act on sub-let transactions of the Republic of Korea and the Host

Country, and comply with the relevant laws and regulations of the Republic of Korea and the

Host Country concerning the election of a sub-contractor, execution and performance of the sub-

contract, and payment of sub-contract price.

40.4 “갑”은 건설공사의 시공에 있어 현저히 부적당하다고 인정하는 하수급인이 있는

경우에는 하도급의 통보를 받은 날 또는 그 사유가 있음을 안 날부터 30일 이내에

서면으로“을”에게 그 사유를 명시하여 하수급인의 변경 또는 하도급 계약내용의 변경을

요구할 수 있으며,“을”은 즉시 이를 이행하여야 한다.

In case that the Employer finds a significantly inappropriate sub-contractor executing the Works,

the Employer may demand in writing the Contractor of the replacement of such a sub-contractor

or the modification of the sub-contract describing the reasons within thirty (30) days from the

date of notifying of such sub-contract or knowing such reasons, and the Contractor shall

immediately respond to such demand.

40.5 “을”은 하도급 선정시, 하도급 상세내역을 포함하여“갑”의 승인을 득한 후, 하도급 계약을

시행하여야 한다.

In case of sub-let of the Works, The Contractor shall acquire approval from the Employer with

detail of such sub-let before execution of such sub-let contract.

제41조(하도급대가의 직접지급 등)

Article 41. Direct Payment to Sub-Contractor

41.1 “갑”은“을”이 체결한 하도급 계약 중 대한민국 및 수원국의 하도급 거래 공정화에 관한

법률 및 건설산업기본법 등 관련법령에서 정한 바에 따라 하도급대금의 직접 지급사유가

발생하는 경우에는 그 법에 따라 하수급인이 시공한 부분에 해당하는 하도급 대금을

하수급인에게 직접 지급할 수 있다.

When the direct payment of sub-contract amount be required, of the sub-contracts executed by

the Contractor, by the relevant laws and regulations including the fair trade act on sub-let

transactions and the framework act on construction industry of Cambodia, the Employer may

make direct payment of the sub-contract amount to the sub-contractor for the portion of the

Works executed by such sub-contractor.

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41.2 “갑”이 제41.1항의 규정에 의하여 하도급대금을 직접 지급한 경우에는“갑”의 “을”에 대한

대금지급채무는 하수급인에게 지급한 한도 안에서 소멸한 것으로 본다.

When the Employer has made direct payment of the sub-contract amount to the sub-contractor

pursuant to Section 41.1, the obligation of the Employer to pay the Contract Price to the

Contractor shall be deemed to be discharged to the extent that the Employer has paid to the sub-


제42조(진술 및 보장)

Article 42. Representations and Warranties

“을”은 특수조건에 달리 정하지 않는 한 다음 사항을 진술하고 보장한다.

The Contractor, unless otherwise provided in SCC, hereby represents and warrants that:

1. 계약적격: "을"은 본 계약에 참여할 수 있는 국가(이하 "소재 국가")의 관련법령에 따라

적법하게 설립되었고, 본 사업을 충분히 수행할 능력을 보유하고 있다.

It was duly established in the eligible country (hereinafter referred to as the "Located Country")

in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, and has full legal power to enter into and

perform this Agreement and good capacity to do business;

2. 정부의 인허가: "을"이 소재 국가 정부, 수원국 정부를 포함하여 본건 공사를 수행하는 데

관련된 국가의 필요한 인·허가를 득하였다.

It has obtained the official approval, consent and permits, if any, from the Located Country as well

as the Host Country, necessary to perform the Construction Works in the Host Country;

3. 절차상 의무: "을"은 본건 계약을 수행하기 위하여“갑”이 요구하는 적격심사 등 절차에

관한 사항을 성실히 이행한다.

It has conducted in a sincere manner such administrative process in order to perform this

Agreement including pre-qualification required by the Employer;

4. 보증: "을"은 공급된 건설공사의 품질을 보장하며 하자가 있을 시에는“갑”의 요구에 따라

새롭게 공사를 수행하거나 현금으로 반환한다.

It has warranted the quality of the Works, and re-construction or refund, if applicable, in case of

the Works with some defects;

5. 가격통제: "을"은 계약금액이 통상적으로 거래되는 정상가격을 넘지 않음을 보장한다.

It has guaranteed the Contract Price is not higher than the regular price and the fair market value

usually traded;

6. 경비:“을”이 국외에서 경비를 지출하는 경우 그 금액은 계약금액에 포함되는 것이고 "을"은

이에 대해 "갑"에게 별도의 비용지급을 요구할 수 없다.

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It will not pay the expenses to perform its obligations hereunder out of country, which are included

in the Contract Price, and the Contractor shall not demand the additional payment of expenses


7. 주권면제의 포기: 본 계약에 관한 한 “을”이 수원국의 국영회사인 경우 주권면제를


It shall waiver its sovereign immunity only for this Contract, if it is a state-owned company of the

Host Country.


Article 43. Covenants

“을”은 특수조건에 달리 정하지 않는 한 그에 해당되는 범위에서 다음사항을 확약한다.

The Contractor, unless otherwise provided in SCC, hereby covenant to the Employer, to the extent

that this Agreement applies, that:

1. 허위, 기망, 부정한 방법: 공사를 수행함에 있어서 허위, 기망, 부정한 방법을 사용하지


It shall not employ any fraudulent, deceptive and corrupt manner in executing the Works;

2. 하도급:“갑”의 사전 서면동의가 없는 한 제3자에게 하도급을 하지 아니한다.

It shall not make any sub-contract with a third party without prior written consent of the Employer;

3. 권리의무의 양도:“갑”의 사전 서면동의가 없는 한 계약상의 지위, 권리의무를 제3자에게

양도하지 아니한다.

It shall not assign its contractual status, rights and obligations to a third party without prior written

consent of the Employer;

4. 조세공과: 본 계약과 관련된 조세공과금은“을”이 부담하기로 한다.

It shall pay taxes, duties, assessments and governmental charges related with the Works when due;


5. 보고의무: 계약의 이행에 중대한 영향을 미칠 수 있는 사태의 발생은“갑”에게 즉시

보고하기로 한다.

It shall report to the Employer immediately any event or incident that may materially affect the

performance hereof.

제44조(채무불이행 및 손해배상의 청구)

Article 44. Events of Default and Claim for Damages

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44.1 “을”이 진술 및 보장, 확약사항을 포함한 본 계약상의 의무를 위반한 경우, 청렴의무 기타

"갑"의 정당한 요구를 이행하지 않은 경우는 채무불이행 사유를 구성하는 것으로 본다.

In the event that the Contractor fails to observe or comply with its obligation hereunder including

any representation, warranty or covenant made by the Contractor hereunder, in particular, with

respect to non-bribery and integrity, or meet any reasonable request of the Employer, it shall be

deemed to constitute breach of contract.

44.2 제44.1항의 사유로 인하여“갑”이 손해를 입은 경우에는“을”은“갑”이 실제로 입은

손해를 배상하여야 한다. 다만 "을"이 알았거나 알 수 있었던 특별한 사정하에서 발생한

특별한 손해 역시 "을"이 배상책임을 부담한다.

The Contractor shall be liable to the Employer for any loss, actual damages to the Employer

caused by any of the events stated in Section 44.1; provided, however, that the Contractor shall

also be liable to the Employer for special damages, only under special circumstances that it

knew, or would have known, the breach of Contract.

제45조(“을”의 책임 있는 사유로 인한 계약의 해제 또는 해지)

Article 45. Termination Owing to Contractor's Fault

45.1 “갑”은“을”이 다음 각 호의 1에 해당하는 경우에는 당해 계약의 전부 또는 일부를 해제

또는 해지할 수 있다. 다만, 제3호의 경우에는 계약의 전부를 해제 또는 해지하여야 한다.

The Employer may, without prejudice to any other remedy for breach of Contract, terminate the

whole or part of this Agreement if any of the followings takes place; provided, however, that, in

case of Section 45.1(3), the Employer shall terminate the whole Agreement:

1.“을”이 정당한 이유 없이 약정한 착공시일을 경과하고도 7일 이내 공사에 착수하지 아니할


The Contractor fails to commence the Works past the commencement date agreed upon;

2.“을”의 책임 있는 사유로 인하여 계약기간까지 공사를 완성하지 못하거나 완성할 가능성이

없다고 인정될 경우

The Contractor is deemed to fail, or unlikely, to complete the Works within the Construction

Period for the reason imputable to the Contractor;

3. 제27.1항의 규정에 의한 지체상금이 당해 계약(장기계속공사 계약인 경우에는 차수별

계약)의 계약이행보증금상당액(계약금액의 100분의 10 이상)에 달한 경우

The Delay Damages stated in Section 27.1 of GCC have reached the amount equivalent to the

Contract Deposit or ten (10) percent of the Contract Price of this Agreement, or the

corresponding installment of the long-term continuing contract;

4. 장기계속공사의 계약에 있어서 제2차공사 이후의 계약을 체결하지 아니하는 경우

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The Contractor fails to conclude the second installment and thereafter of the long-term

continuing contract;

5. 계약의 수행 중 뇌물수수 또는 정상적인 계약관리를 방해하는 불법·부정행위가 있는 경우

The Contractor has committed bribery or illegal and corrupt practices to hinder the ordinary

management of the contract in performing the Agreement;

6.“을”이 감독관청으로부터 영업정지, 취소 등의 처분을 받은 경우

The suspension of business, cancellation of operation, etc. have been inflicted upon the

Contractor by the authorities concerned;

7.“을”의 화의, 법정관리, 부도발생 등“을”의 귀책사유로 공기 내에 공사를 완성할 수 없다고

판단되는 경우

The Works are deemed to be hardly completed until the date for completion owing to the

composition or court receivership against the Contractor or insolvency attributable to the fault

of the Contractor;

8.“을”이 업무태만 및 부적격 시공으로 본 계약조건을 위반하고 시정을 요구했음에도

불구하고 7일 이내에 시정하지 않는 경우

The Contractor is responsible for retarded operation and inappropriate execution of work in

breach of this Agreement, and fails to remedy such wrong doings within seven (7) days

notwithstanding the request of the Employer; or

9. 기타 계약조건을 위반하고 그 위반으로 인하여 계약의 목적을 달성할 수 없다고 인정될 경우

Other breach of the Agreement occurs and the purpose of the Agreement is deemed hardly

attainable because of such breach of the Agreement.

45.2 “갑”은 제1항의 규정에 의하여 계약을 해제 또는 해지한 때에는 그 사실을“을” 및

제40조의 규정에 의한 하수급자에게 통지하여야 한다.

In case that the Employer terminates this Agreement pursuant to Section 45.1, the Employer shall

notify the Contractor and its sub-contractor stated in Section 40 of GCC of the termination of


45.3 제45.2항의 규정에 의한 통지를 받은“을”은 다음 각 호의 사항을 준수하여야 한다.

Upon receiving the notification pursuant to Section 45.2, the Contractor shall comply with any of

the followings:

1. 당해 공사를 즉시 중지하고 모든 공사자재 및 기구 등을 공사장으로부터 철거하여야 한다.

The Contractor shall stop executing the Works immediately, and remove all the materials and

equipment from the Site;

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2. 대여품이 있을 때에는 지체없이“갑”에 반환하여야 한다. 이 경우 대여품이 “을”의 고의 또는

과실로 인하여 멸실 또는 파손되었을 때에는 원상회복 또는 그 손해배상을 하여야 한다.

The Contractor shall return the goods lent from the Employer. In case that such goods are

destroyed or damaged owing to the willful act or negligence of the Contractor, the goods shall

be recovered to the original state or the Employer shall be compensated by appropriate


3.“갑”의 공급재료 중 공사의 기성부분으로서 인수된 부분에 사용한 것을 제외한

잔여재료는“갑”에 반환하여야 한다. 이 경우 당해 재료가“을”의 고의 또는 과실로 인하여 멸실

또는파손되었을 때, 또는 공사의 기성부분으로서 인수되지 아니하는 부분에 사용된 때에는

원상회복 또는 그 손해배상을 하여야 한다.

The remaining materials out of the materials supplied by the Employer, after being used in the

portion taken over as performed part of the Works, shall be returned to the Employer. In case

that the pertinent materials are destroyed or damaged owing to the willful act or negligence of

the Contractor, or they are used in the portion which is not taken over as performed part of the

Works, the materials shall be restituted to the original status or the Employer shall be

compensated by appropriate damages;

4.“갑”이 요구하는 공사장의 모든 재료, 정보 및 편의를 “갑”에 제공하여야 하며, “갑”으로부터

받은 정보 등 기타 모든 자료를 즉시 반환하여야 한다.

The Contractor shall provide all material, information and convenience to the Employer, and the

information and other data lent from the Contractor shall be immediately returned to the


45.4 “갑”은 제45.1항의 규정에 의하여 계약을 해제 또는 해지한 경우에 계약이행보증금은

“갑”에게 귀속된다.

45.4 When the Employer has terminated the Agreement pursuant to Section 45.1, the Contract

Deposit shall be reverted to the Employer.

45.5 “갑”은 제45.1항의 규정에 따라 계약을 해제 또는 해지함으로서 발생한 손해금액이

계약이행보증금액을 초과하는 경우“을”에게 그 초과분에 대한 손해의 배상을 청구할 수 있다.

In case that the damages arising out of the termination of the Agreement pursuant to Section 45.1

exceed the Contract Deposit, the Employer may claim for the damages for the excessive portion.

45.6 제45.1항의 규정에 의하여 계약이 해제 또는 해지된 경우에“갑”과“을”은 지체없이 계약의

해제 또는 해지를 통지한 날까지의 기성부분에 대한 공사금액을 정산하여야 한다.

In case that the Agreement has been terminated pursuant to Section 45.1, the Employer shall

without delay settle the contract amount with the Contractor for the portion performed until the

day of notification of such termination;

45.7 제45.1항의 규정에 의하여 계약이 해제 또는 해지된 경우“을”은 지급받은 선금에 대하여

미정산잔액이 있는 경우에는 그 잔액에 대한 약정이자상당액을 가산하여“갑”에 상환하여야

한다. 이 경우“갑”은 상환할 금액과 기성부분의 대가를 상계할 수 있다. 다만, 제41.1항의

규정에 의하여 하도급대가를 직접 지급하는 경우 하도급대가 지급 후 잔액이 있을 때에는 이와

상계할 수 있다.

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In case that the Agreement has been terminated pursuant to Section 45.1, the remainder unsettled

from the advance payment, if any, shall be returned to the Employer with the contractual interest

equivalence added thereon. In this case, the Employer may set off such remainder to be returned,

with the price of the performed portion of the Works; provided, however, that the remainder from

the direct payment of the sub-contract price stated in Section 41.1 of GCC may be set off with

such price of the performed portion of the Works.

제46조(사정변경에 의한 계약의 해제 또는 해지)

Article 46. Termination Owing to Change of Circumstances

46.1 “갑”은 제45.1항 각호의 경우 외에 객관적으로 명백한“갑”의 불가피한 사정이 발생한

때에는 계약을 해제 또는 해지할 수 있다.

The Employer may terminate the Agreement when apparently unavoidable situation takes place apart

from the cases stated in Sections 45.1(a) through 45.1(i).

46.2 “갑”은 제46.1항의 규정에 의하여 계약을 해제 또는 해지하는 경우에는 다음 각 호에

해당하는 금액을 제45.3항 각호의 수행을 완료한 날부터 14일 이내에“을”에게 지급하여야

한다. 이 경우 제7조의 규정에 의한 계약이행보증금을 동시에 반환하여야 한다.

In case that the Employer terminates the Agreement pursuant to Section 46.1, the Employer shall

pay the amount specified in any of the followings to the Contractor within fourteen (14) days

after completing the job set forth in Section 45.3 of GCC: In such a case, the Contract Deposit

stated in Section 7 of GCC shall be returned at the same time.

1. 제34조에 규정된 불가항력의 사유로 인하여 시공부분의 대가 중 지급하지 아니한 금액

The unpaid amount of the price of performed portion of the Works, which has been caused by

Force Majeure set forth in Section 34 of GCC; or

2. 전체공사의 완성을 위하여 계약의 해제 또는 해지일 이전에 투입된 “을”의 인력·자재 및

장비의 철수비용

The expenses for the withdrawal of laborers, materials and equipment which have been put into

the Site prior to such termination so as to complete the whole Works.

46.3 “을”은 선금에 대한 미정산잔액이 있는 경우에는 이를“갑”에 반환하여야 한다. 이 경우

미정산잔액에 대한 이자는 가산하지 아니한다.

The Contractor shall return the unsettled remainder of the advance payment, if any, to the

Employer. In this case, the interest on such unsettled remainder shall not be added thereon.

제47조(“을”에 의한 계약 해제 또는 해지)

Article 47. Termination by Contractor

47.1 “을”은 다음 각 호의 1에 해당하는 사유가 발생한 경우에는 당해 계약을 해제 또는 해지할

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수 있다.

The Contractor may terminate the Agreement in any of the following cases:

1. 제18조의 규정에 의하여 공사내용을 변경함으로써 계약금액이 100분의 40 이상 감소되었을

More than forty (40) percent of the Contract price has been reduced owing to the modification of

the Works pursuant to Section 18 of GCC; or

2. 제48조의 규정에 의한 공사 정지기간이 공기의 100분의 100을 초과하였을 경우

The period of suspension of the Works pursuant to Section 48 of GCC exceeds one hundred (100)

percent of the Construction Period.

47.2 제47.1항의 규정에 의하여 계약이 해제 또는 해지되었을 경우에 제45.3항 및 제 46.3 항의

규정을 준용한다.

Section 45.3 and 46.3 of GCC shall apply mutatis mutandis to where the Agreement shall be

terminated pursuant to Section 47.1.

제48조(공사의 일시정지)

Article 48. Temporary Suspension of Construction

48.1 공사감독관은 다음 각 호의 경우에는 공사의 전부 또는 일부의 이행을 정지시킬 수 있다.

이 경우“을”은 정지기간 중 선량한 관리자의 주의의무를 해태하여서는 아니된다.

The Engineer may suspend the construction of the whole or part of the Works in any of the following

cases; provided, however, that the Contractor shall exert its duty of care as a sincere administrator:

1. 공사의 이행이 계약내용과 일치하지 아니하는 경우

The execution of the Works is not in conformity to the Agreement;

2. 공사의 전부 또는 일부의 안전을 위하여 공사의 정지가 필요한 경우

The suspension of the Construction Works is necessary for the safety of the whole or part of


3. 제26조의 규정에 의한 응급조치의 경우

The emergency measures are taken pursuant to Section 26 of GCC; or

4. 기타“갑”의 필요에 의하여“갑”이 지시한 경우

Other cases where the Employer has instructed the suspension out of its necessity.

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48.2 공사감독관은 제48.1항의 규정에 의하여 공사를 정지시킨 경우에는 지체없이“을” 및

“갑”에게 정지사유 및 정지 기간을 통지하여야 한다.

In case that the Engineer has suspended the construction pursuant to Section 48.1, the Engineer shall

without delay notify the Contractor and the Employer of the reason for such suspension and the

suspension period.

48.3 제48.1항의 규정에 의하여 공사를 정지시킨 경우“을”은 계약기간의 연장을 청구할 수

없다. 다만,“을”의 책임 없는 사유로 인한 정지인 때에는 그러하지 아니하다.

When the construction is suspended pursuant to Section 48.1, the Contractor shall not require the

extension of the Construction Period or the increase of the Contract Price; provided, however, that the

same shall not apply where such suspension was not caused by the reason imputable to the Contractor.

제49조(“을”의 공사정지 등)

Article 49. Suspension of Construction by Contractor, etc.

49.1 “갑”이 계약문서 등에서 정하고 있는 계약상의 의무를 이행하지 아니하는 때에는

“을”은“갑”에 대해 계약상의 의무이행을 서면으로 요청할 수 있다.

In case that the Employer fails to comply with the obligations under the Agreement as set forth in

Contract Documents, etc., the Contractor may request the Employer to perform such obligations in


49.2 “갑”은“을”로부터 제49.1항의 규정에 의한 요청을 받은 날부터 14일 이내에 이행계획을

서면으로“을”에게 통지하여야 한다.

The Employer shall notify the Contractor of the performance plan in writing within fourteen (14) days

from the date of such request stated in Section 49.1.

49.3 “을”은“갑”이 제49.2항에 규정한 기한 내에 통지를 하지 아니하거나 계약상의 의무이행을

거부하는 때에는 당해 기간이 경과한 날 또는 의무이행을 거부한 날부터 공사의 전부 또는

일부의 시공을 정지할 수 있다.

In case that the Employer fails to give notice within the period prescribed in Section 49.2, or rejects to

perform such obligations under the Agreement, the Contractor may suspend the whole or part of the

Works from the day when the prescribed period expires or when the Employer rejects to perform such


49.4 “갑”은 제49.3항의 규정에 의하여 정지된 기간에 대하여는 제29조의 규정에 의하여

계약기간을 연장하여야 한다.

The Employer shall extend the Construction Period pursuant to Section 28 of GCC in respect of the

suspended period stated in Section 49.3.

제50조(부적합한 공사)

Article 50. Inconsistent Construction

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50.1 “갑”은“을”이 시공한 공사 중 설계도서에 적합하지 아니한 부분이 있을 때에는 이의

시정을 요구할 수 있으며,“을”은 지체 없이 이에 응하여야 한다. 이 경우에 “을”은 계약금액의

증액 또는 계약기간의 연장을 요청할 수 없다.

In case that a part of the Works executed by the Contractor is deemed inconsistent with the drawing

documents, the Employer may require the Contractor to remedy such part of the Works, and the

Contractor shall without delay respond to it. In this case, the Contractor shall not require the increase

of the Contract Price or the extension of the Construction Period.

20.2 “을”은 시공사로서 설계서 및“갑”의 지시에 대해 공사 전에 충분히 검토하여 공사상의

하자가 발생하지 않도록 협의하여야 하며, 이에 대한 미조치 및 시공자로서의 주의의무를

다하지 못하여 발생한 비용 및 손해에 대하여“을”이 부담하여야 한다.

The Contractor shall consult with the Employer after examining sufficiently the drawing documents

and instructions of the Employer prior to executing the Works lest any defective Works should take

place. Any expenses and losses arising out of the failure to take necessary measure or to perform the

duty of care as for a constructor shall be borne by the Contractor.

제51조 (지적재산권 및 비밀유지의무)

Article 51. Intellectual Property Rights and Confidentiality

51.1 “을”이“갑”에게 제출하는 각종 자료 및 보고서(그에 대한 지적재산권 포함)는 당사자 간에

달리 정하지 않는 이상“갑”의 소유로 하며,“을”은“갑”의 사전승인 없이 이를 제3자에게

제공하거나 다른 목적으로 사용하지 못한다. 제45조 내지 제47조의 규정에 의하여 본 계약이

해제 또는 해지된 경우에도 또한 같다.

Unless otherwise agreed upon by both parties, the materials and reports which the Contractor

submitted to the Employer(including Intellectual Property Right thereof) shall belong to the

ownership of the Employer, and the Contractor shall not provide them to a third party nor use for

other purposes without prior consent of the Employer. The same shall apply where this Agreement

has been terminated pursuant to Section 45, 46, 47 of GCC.

51.2 “을”은 본 계약을 통하여 취득한 영업비밀과 노하우는 비밀로 하고,“갑”의 사전동의가

없는 한 제3자에게 유출할 수 없다.

The Contractor shall keep confidential the trade secret and know-how acquired in the course of

performing this Agreement, and shall not provide them to a third party without prior consent of the


제52조 (계약조항의 독립성과 불포기)

Article 52. Severability and No Waiver

52.1계약의 일부가 무효·취소가 되더라도 나머지 조항은 유효하다.

In case that any one or more of the provisions contained herein turns out invalid or cancelled, the

remaining provisions hereof shall in no way affected thereby.

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52.2 "갑"이 계약상의 권리를 행사하지 않는다고 권리를 포기하는 것은 아니며 본 계약에

규정된 권리 및 구제수단은 누적적으로 행사할 수 있다.

No delay or omission by the Employer in exercising any of its rights hereunder shall operate or be

construed as a waiver thereof, the rights and remedies set forth herein shall be cumulative in

exercising them.

제53조 (준거법)

Article 53. Governing Law

본 계약에 관한 준거법은 한국법으로 한다

This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the Republic of


제54조(분쟁의 해결)

Article 54. Dispute Resolution

54.1 본 계약과 관련하여 분쟁이 발생하였을 경우에는 당사자는 분쟁이 발생한 사실을 인지한

날로부터 [7]일 이내에 서면으로 상대방에게 이를 제출하여야 효력이 발생한다.

In case that any dispute occurs out of this Agreement, only if each party notifies the other party in

writing of the dispute within seven (7) days from the day when it is aware of such occurrence, such

notification shall be regarded as effective.

54.2 본 계약과 관련하여 다툼이 생긴 때에는 당사자 간에 협의를 통하여 원만히 해결하는 것을

원칙으로 한다.

Any dispute arising out of this Agreement shall be settled amicably in good faith by means of

consultation between both parties.

54.3 다툼이 생긴 날로부터 30일 이내에 당사자 간의 합의가 이루어지지 않을 경우 당해 분쟁과

이견은,"갑“의 선택에 따라, 대한민국 서울중앙지방법원의 재판을 받거나, 대한민국의 중재법

및 대한상사중재규칙에 따라 서울에서 대한상사중재원의 중재에 의하여 해결하기로 한다.

후자의 경우 중재판정은 확정적이며 당사자를 구속한다.

If any agreement is seldom reached by both parties within thirty (30) days from the occurrence of the

dispute, such dispute and differences shall be settled, as elected by the Employer, either by the

litigation before the Seoul Central District Court, or by the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board in

Seoul, Korea in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board

and under the Korean laws. In the latter case, the arbitral award shall be final and binding upon both


제55조(공사관련 자료의 제출)

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Article 55. Information related with Construction

“갑”은 필요하다고 인정할 경우“을”에게 산출내역서의 기초가 되는 단가산출서의 제출을

요구할 수 있으며 이 경우“을”은 이에 응하여야 한다.

When it is deemed necessary by the Employer, the Employer may require the Contractor to submit the

unit price list with which the price schedules of construction cost has been prepared, and the

Contractor shall respond to it.

제56조(적격심사 및 기술평가 관련사항 이행)

Article 56. Observance of Pre-Qualification Matters

56.1공사를 수행함에 있어“을”은 적격심사기준의 심사항목에 규정된 사항 및

기술평가시“을”이 제안한 내용에 대하여 당시 제출한 내용대로 철저하게 이행하여야 한다.

In executing the Works, the Contractor shall perform thoroughly the matters set forth in the evaluation

list of pre-qualification criteria as submitted at the time of pre-qualification.

56.2“갑”은 제56.1항에 규정한 이행상황을 수시로 확인하여야 하며, 제출된 내용대로 이행이

되지 않고 있을 때에는 즉시 시정토록 조치하여야 한다.

The Employer shall investigate from time to time how the Contractor has perform such matters as

stated in Section 56.1, and, if not, the Employer shall take measures immediately to correct such non-


제56-1조(공사품질 관련사항 이행)

Article 56-1 Execution of Quality of Construction Matters

“을”은 공사를 수행함에 있어 공사품질 확보를 위해 최대한 협력해야 하며, 동 계약서와

일체가 되는 문서 전체(공사계약 특수조건, 사업수행계획서 등)를 기준으로 공사를 시행해야


In the execution of the Works the Contractor shall cooperate to the maximum in order to meet quality

of Construction Works. The Construction Works shall be based upon the Contract and all documents

(SCC and project execution plan, etc.) that accrete with it.

제57조(민원사항의 처리)

Article 57. Handling of Civil Petitions

57.1“을”은 본 계약수행과 관련하여 공사의 안전시공에 만전을 기하고 인근 주민과의 마찰을

사전에 방지하여 제반 민원이 발생하지 않도록 하여야 한다.

The Contractor shall exert best efforts for the safety of the Works in performing this Agreement, and

prevent any friction with neighboring inhabitants lest all kind of civil petitions should take place.

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57.2“을”은 공사와 관련한 민원이 발생하였을 때에는 공사 진행에 영향이 없도록 신속하게

처리하여야 하며, 이에 따른 제반 비용은“을”의 책임과 부담으로 한다.

The Contractor shall process promptly civil petitions in respect of the Works lest they should affect

the progress of construction works, and the Contractor shall be liable for and assume the expenses

incurred in doing so.

57.3“을”은 제57.2항과 관련하여 계약기간의 연장을 요청할 수 없다.

The Contractor shall not request the extension of the Construction Period in relation to Section 57.2.

제58조(폐기물의 처리)

Article 58. Disposal of Waste

공사현장에서 발생한 폐기물은 수원국 관계법령에 의거“을”의 책임과 비용으로 처리하여야


Any waste arising out of the Site shall be disposed at the cost and responsibility of the Contractor in

accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the Host Country.

제59조(법령의 준수)

Article 59. Compliance of Law

“갑”과“을”은 이 공사의 시공 및 계약의 이행에 있어서 대한민국 및 수원국 건설산업기본법 등

관계법령의 제규정을 준수하여야 한다.

The Employer and the Contractor shall comply with the relevant laws and regulations, including the

framework act on construction, of the Republic of Korea and the Host Country in the course of

executing the Works and performing the Agreement.

제60조(을의 책임과 의무)

Article 60. Contractor's Responsibility and Obligation

60.1“을”은 계약 또는 관련법규의 위반으로 민·형사상의 처벌을 받았다고 하더라도 이

계약에서 발생하는 책임과 의무가 소멸되는 것은 아니며, 시공과 관련하여“을”의 귀책사유로

인하여 수원국 법규의 위반으로 사법당국의 제재를 받은 결과 준공이 지체되었을 경우에는

사법당국의 처벌에도 불구하고“갑”에게 지체상금을 배상하여야 한다.

The Contractor's responsibility and obligation under this Agreement shall not be released even though

the Contractor has been subject to the civil or penal punishment owing to the violation of the

Agreement or relevant laws. In case that any judiciary sanctions inflicted on the Contractor owing to

its violation with fault of relevant laws of the Host Country has resulted in the delay of completion of

the Works, the Contractor shall helplessly pay the Delay Damages to the Employer.

60.2“을”은 당해 공사와 관련 없는“갑”과의 본 계약 이전에 발생한 모든 채권, 채무와 공사상의

문제점으로 인하여 발생하는 사안에 대하여“갑”에게 하등의 피해를 주어서는 아니되며, 이로

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인한 어떠한 이의도 제기할 수 없다.

The Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the Employer against all the matters arising out of

claims, liabilities and construction troubles, which accrued prior to the execution of this Agreement in

no relation to the current Works, and shall not raise any objection to it.


Article 61. Special Agreement

기타 이 계약에서 정하지 아니한 사항에 대하여는“갑”과“을”이 합의하여 별도의 특약을 정할

수 있다.

Unless otherwise set forth in this Agreement, the Employer and the Contractor may agrees to establish

special provisions.


Article 62. Miscellaneous

62.1 본 계약은 쌍방 당사자가 서명한 날로부터 효력이 발생하며 제35조 제1항에서 정한

하자담보책임기간까지 본 계약의 효력은 유지된다.

This Agreement shall become effective from the Effective Date to the end of the Period of

Maintenance Liability specified in Section 35.1 of GCC.

62.2 본 계약서에 명기되지 않은 사항에 대해서는 관계 법령 및 일반 상관례에 따라 상호

협의하여 결정한다.

Other matters which have not been expressly set forth in this Agreement shall be determined

subject to mutual consultations in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, and

commercial practices.

국제건설공사계약 특수조건 1


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Article 1. Purpose

국제건설공사계약의 일반조건에 대한 당사자의 특약사항을 규정한 것이며, 계약의

일반조건(이하“일반조건”이라 한다)에 우선하여 계약문서의 일부를 구성한다.

SCC shall supplement GCC with the specific provisions in GCC referred to an amended accordingly.

The SCC provisions shall prevail over those in GCC and constitute a part of this Agreement.

제2조 (계약기간)

Article 2. Contract Period

2.1 계약기간은 일반조건 제1조 제8호에서 정의된 기간으로 본 계약 체결일로부터

00개월인 [2016]년 [00]월 [00]일까지로 한다.

The Contract Period as defined in Section 1(h) of GCC shall be from the Effective Date to mm dd,


제3조 (계약금액)

Article 3. Contract price

3.1 본 계약의 계약금액은 0,000,000.00 USD로 한다.

The Contract Price is currency USD0,000,000.00.

3.2 본 계약과 관련하여 발생하는 캄보디아 현지의 부가가치세 등 각종 세금에 대해

“갑”은“을”이 수원국으로 부터 면세혜택을 적용받을 수 있도록 협조한다. 그럼에도

불구하고,“을”이 수원국으로부터 면세혜택을 적용받지 못하는 경우,“을”은“갑”에

대해 해당 금액 상당액에 대한 보전을 청구하지 못한다.

This Project doesn’t include VAT. The Employer shall cooperate for the Contactor to be exempted

from taxes including value added tax imposed under Cambodia’s laws and regulations in context of

this contract. Even though the Contractor is not granted with the tax exemption, the Contractor shall

not demand the Employer to reimburse any expenses incurred in relation to the taxes.

3.3 본 계약과 관련하여 발생하는 대한민국의 부가가치세에 대하여“갑”은 일체의

지급책임이 없다. The Employer shall have no payment responsibility for VAT incurred associated with this Contract in

Republic of Korea

제4조(기성대가의 지급)

Article 4. Payment of Contract Price for the Performed Portion

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4.1 “을”은 착공일부터 매 2개월마다 일반조건 제29조에 의한 검사를 완료하는 날까지

기성부분에 대한 검사를 요청할 수 있으며, 이때“갑”은 지체 없이 검사를 하고 그

결과를“을”에게 통지하여야 하며, 15일 이내에 통지가 없는 경우에는 검사에 합격한

것으로 본다.

The Contractor may request the inspection of the performed portion of the Works every two (2)

months from the commencement date to the final inspection date stated in Section 29 of GCC, and,

upon the inspection without delay, the Employer shall notify the Contractor of the inspection result. If

there is no notification within fifteen (15) days, it is regarded as passing the inspection.

4.2 “갑”은 검사완료일부터 20일 이내에 검사된 내용에 따라 기성대가를 확정하여

“을”에게 지급하여야 한다. 다만,“을”이 검사완료일 후에 대가의 지급을 청구한

때에는 그 청구를 받은 날부터 20일 이내에 지급하여야 한다.

The Employer shall confirm the price for the performed portion of the Works subject to the inspection

within twenty (20) days from the inspection date, and pay it to the Contractor; provided, however,

that, upon the request of the Contractor of such payment after the inspection date, the Employer shall

make such payment within twenty (20) days from the date of request.

4.3“갑”은 제1항의 규정에 의한 청구서의 기재사항이 검사된 내용과 일치하지 아니할

때에는 그 사유를 명시하여“을”에게 이의 시정을 요구하여야 한다. 이 경우 시정에

소요되는 기간은 제2항에서 규정한 기간에 산입하지 아니한다.

When any difference or discrepancy between the requested particulars and the inspection is found, the

Employer shall require the correction thereof describing the ground for correction. In this case, the

period of time consumed for such correction shall not be included in the period specified in Section


4.4 기성대가는 계약단가에 의하여 산정·지급한다. 다만, 계약단가가 없을 경우에는

일반조건 제24조 제1항 및 제2항의 규정에 의하여 산정된 단가에 의한다.

The price of the performed portion of the Works shall be calculated on the basis of unit price and paid

accordingly; provided, however, that, in the absence of unit price, it shall be subject to the unit price

based upon the provisions of Sections 24.1 and 24.2 of GCC.

4.5 천재지변 등 불가항력의 사유로 인하여 대가를 지급할 수 없게 된 경우에는 당해

사유가 존속되는 기간과 당해 사유가 소멸된 날로부터 3일까지는 대가의 지급을 연장할

수 있다.

When it is impossible to pay the price owing to Force Majeure, the payment of the price may be

extended to three (3) days after the duration of Force Majeure and the extinction of such situation.

제5조(준공대가의 지급)

Article 5. Payment of the Completed Contract Price

5.1 “을”은 일반조건 제29조의 규정의“갑”의 준공검사에 합격한 후 즉시 잉여자재,

폐기물, 가설물 등을 철거, 반출하는 등 공사현장을 정리하고 하자보수담보증권을

제출한 후 미정산된 공사대금의 지급을 청구할 수 있다.

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After passing the inspection on completion conducted by the Employer stated in Section 29 of GCC,

the Contractor shall keep the Site in order immediately by removing and withdrawing surplus

materials, waste, makeshift structures, etc., and may demand the payment of the unsettled Contract

Price by submitting the Maintenance Security.

5.2 “갑”은 제1항의 청구를 받은 때에는 그 청구를 받은 날로부터 20일 이내에 그

대가를 지급한다. 이 경우 계약당사자와의 합의에 의하여 20일을 초과하지 아니하는

범위 안에서 대가의 지급기간을 연장할 수 있는 특약을 정할 수 있다.

Upon the receipt of the demand stated in Section 4.1, the Employer shall pay the amount within

twenty (20) days from the date of such demand. In this case, a special agreement between both parties

may prolong the period for payment of the Contract Price to the extent that such period shall not

exceed twenty (20) days.

5.3 천재지변 등 불가항력의 사유로 인하여 대가를 지급할 수 없게 된 경우에는 당해

사유가 존속되는 기간과 당해 사유가 소멸된 날로부터 3일까지는 대가의 지급을 연장할

수 있다.

When it is impossible to pay the price owing to Force Majeure, the payment of the price may be

extended to three (3) days after the duration of Force Majeure and the extinction of such situation.

5.4 “갑”은 제1항의 청구를 받은 후 그 청구내용을 전부 또는 일부가 부당함을 발견한

때에는 그 사유를 명시하여“을”에게 당해 청구서를 반송할 수 있다. 이 경우에는

반송한 날로부터 재청구를 받은 날까지의 기간은 제2항의 지급기간에 이를 산입하지


When the Employer has found inappropriateness in the whole or part of demand for price stated in

Section 5.1, the Employer may return the demand by describing the ground for return. In this case, the

period of time from the date of return to the date of re-demand shall not be included in the period

specified in Section 5.2.


Article 6. Advance Payment

6.1 “갑은 사업의 원활한 수행을 위하여 "갑"의 ”선금지급기준“에 따라, 선금을

지급할 수 있다. 다만, 이 경우 선급금 관련 보증증권 등을 제출하여야 한다.

In order to facilitate the execution of the Works, the Employer may make advance payment in

accordance with the Advance Payment Standards of KOICA; provided, however, in such a case, that

the submission of advance payment-related guarantee bond is required.

6.2 “갑”은 필요시 선금사용내역에 대한 자료를 요청할 수 있으며,“을”은

증빙자료를 준비하여 제출하여야 한다.

The Employer may request detail use of advance payment and the Contractor shall prepare and

submit evidence documents.

6.3 “을”은 선금을 당해 공사에만 사용하여야 하며, 하도급 계약시 하도급업체에

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같은 조건으로 선금을 지불하여야 한다. 다만, 특별한 사유가 있어 “갑”의 승인을

득한 경우는 그러하지 아니하여도 된다.

The Contractor shall use advance payment exclusively for the Construction. In case of sub-contract

such advance payment shall be paid to sub-contractor under the same terms; provided, however,

special reason may cause exemption of advance payment with the Employer’s approval.

제7조(대가지급지연에 대한 이자)

Article 7. Interest on the Delayed Payment of Price

7.1 “갑”은 대가지급청구를 받은 경우에 특수조건 1 제4조 및 제5조의 규정에 의한

대가지급기한까지 대가를 지급하지 못하는 경우에는 지급기한의 다음날부터 지급하는

날까지의 일수(이하“대가지급지연일수”라 한다)에 당해 미지급금액에 대하여 대한민국

시중은행의 일반자금 대출시 적용되는 연체이자율을 곱하여 산출한 금액을 이자로

지급하여야 한다.

In case that, upon receiving the demand for price, it is impossible to pay the appropriate price until

the payment date stated in Sections 4 and 5 of SCC - A, the Employer shall pay the amount as

interest, calculated from the number of days from the next day past due to the day of payment

(hereinafter referred to as the "Delayed Number of Days") by multiplying the default interest rate

on the unpaid price applied by Korean banks for general purpose loans.

7.2 천재지변 등 불가항력적인 사유로 인하여 검사 또는 대가지급이 지연된 일수는

연장기간은 대가지급 지연일수에 산입하지 아니한다.

The number of days when the inspection on completion or the payment of price is delayed owing to

Force Majeure shall not be included in the Delayed Number of Days.


Article 8. Prior Check and Examination

“을”은 본 계약을 이행함에 있어서 현지의 법적인 사항(건축법, 토지이용 관련법등),

기술적인 사항(현지의 건축 환경 등)을 알아두어야 하는 경우 그의 책임 하에 이를

숙지하고 처리하여야 한다.

The Contractor shall, on its sole responsibility, understand the legal matters, including the

construction act and land use-related laws, etc., and technical matters like construction environment

on the Site in the Host Country, and process the necessary matters for proper performance of this


제9조(보험 및 재해보상)

Article 9. Insurance and Casualty Liability

일반조건 제14조에 의하여“을”이 본 계약의 이행을 위하여 투입하는 인력을 보험에

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가입하는 경우 그 보상한도는 국내 기준으로 다음과 같다.

In case of subscribing casualty insurance for work forces to execute this Contract based upon Section

14 of GCC, liability limit is based upon national standard;

A. Casualty/death liability limit: KRW 300,000,000

B. Desease liability limit: KRW 200,000,000

C. Special expense liability limit: KRW 10,000,000

제10조(특허권 등의 사용)

Article 10. Use of Patent

공사의 이행에 특허권 기타 제3자의 권리의 대상으로 되어 있는 시공방법을 사용할

때에는“을”은 그 사용에 관한 일체의 책임을 져야 한다.

In case that a particular method of construction using a patent right or other intellectual property

rights of a third party is employed, the Contractor shall be solely responsible for the use of such

intellectual property rights.


Article 11. Execution of Integrity

“을”은“갑”과의 상호신뢰를 바탕으로 입찰, 낙찰, 계약, 계약이행과정에서의 담합

등 불공정행위나 "갑"의 관계직원 및 공무원에게 금품, 향응 등 부당한 이익을 제공하지

않고, 이를 위반 시 계약해제 등을 감수하겠다는데 동의한다.

Under mutual trust with the Employer, The Contractor shall neither commit unfair action in

the process of bidding, acceptance, contract, and execution of the contract, nor provide

unjustifiable bribry and/or feast. The Contractor agrees to bear disbenefit such as cancellation

of the Contract in case of violation of this intergrity provision.

국제건설공사계약 특수조건 2


제1조(공사 관련 자료 제출 및 승인)

Article 1. Submission and approval of Construction related data

1.1 공사감독관은 공사와 관련된 문서(도면 및 시방서 등 공사계획과 관련된 문서)에

근거하여, 시공방법, 모든 자재 및 장비와 관련된 자료 일체, 공사용 상세도면 및

제작도면(shop drawing) 등 공사제반사항을 검사하며,“을”은 상기 공사제반사항에

대한 자료를 제출하여 공사감독관의 승인을 받은 후, 공사를 진행하여야 한다.

Client representative will strictly adhere to the quality requirement of the project to be built

as shown in the drawing and other design document. Resident engineer will stay on site and

carry out the site supervision for all aspect of the construction in respect of the material,

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workmanship, safety precaution and others. All the data and shop drawings mentioned in the

specification shall be submitted and be approved.

1.2 “을”이 상기 제출 요구사항에 대해 이행하지 못할 시에는 계약 해제 및 해지의

원인이 된다.

The Contractor’s failure to submit requested documents shall be subject to release and /or

termination of the contract.

제2조(공정별 인력 투입)

Article 2. Residency of key work staff by process

“을”의 현장소장, 공무, 품질관리자, 안전관리자, 전기공사 책임자, 기계설비공사

책임자 등 주요 공종책임자는 기술평가 제안시 제안된 내용을 근거로 해당 인원이 해당

관련공사가 진행되는 동안 공사 현장에 주재하여야 한다.

The key staff of the project such as project manager, planning manager, quality control

engineer, safety staff, electrical engineer, and mechanical engineer shall stay on site during

the relevant construction work in progress as suggested in technical evaluation.

제3조(자재의 품질 확보)

Article 3. Quality Assurance of materials

3.1 “을”은 현장에 적용되는 자재, 장비는 현지의 문화, 관습 및 기후에 반하지 않는

한 한국의 공업규격(Korean Standard)에 맞는 제품을 사용하여야 하며, 시공법(또는

시공정밀도)는 한국의 규정에 준해 시행되어야 한다.

The material or equipment to be used, and the construction method or workmanship to be

applied in the project shall comply with Korean Standard(KS), or Regulations, or Codes of

the Republic of Korea, as far as they are not detrimental to social and climatic conditions of


3.2 “을”은 기술시방서에 ASTM, BS, JIS, 또는 국제 규격을 적용하여 표기된

항목(자재 및 장비)들이 시방서 내용과 일치하는 경우 사용할 수 있다.

The items specified with reference to other country standard such as ASTM, BS, JIS and

other International Codes in the technical specification may be put to use to the project as


3.3 “을”은 현장에서 사용하는 거푸집 자재를 비롯한 모든 자재는 신재료를

사용하여야 한다.

The formwork material delivered to site shall be new product.

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3.4“을”은 에어컨 장비 및 엘리베이터는 2년간의 유지보수를 포함한 한국의 우수한

품질 제품을 사용하거나 또는 이에 준하는 장비를 사용하여야 한다.

The air conditioning equipment and elevator shall be Korean products with good quality or

other products of equal quality including the 2 year guaranty and maintenance.

제4조(추가 자재 수량 확보)

Article 4. Securement of additional materials

“을”은 건물의 유지관리를 위해, 시방서에서 요구하는 추가 자재를 공급하여야 한다.

시방서 또는 내역서에 수량이 명기되어 있지 않는 경우와 장비(Equipment)의 경우

제작자가 2년간 유지관리를 위해 추천한 수량을 공급하여야 하며, 아래 주요 마감자재에

대해서는 건물전체 소요량의 5%를 여유분으로 공급하여야 한다.

For repair and maintenance of buildings The Contractor shall provide additional materials

requested by specifications. In case specifications or work detail does not explicitely mention

of quantity for buildings and equipments, the Contractor shall provide recommended quantity

to cover repair and maintenance for two (2) years, and provide additional five (5) percent of

finishing materials for following:

1. Floor & wall ceramic/mosaic tile (Per pattern and color)

2. Ceiling tile (Per type)

3. Hardware set (Per type)

4. 기타 건물 유지관리를 위해 필요한 협의 품목(건축,기계,전기) Other agreed upon items including construction, mechanical, electrical ones for required for proper

building repair and maintenance.

제5조(병원 규정 준수 및 협조)

Article 5. Observance and cooperation of hospital regulation

“을”은 병원 내에서 공사 및 사업 부지를 사용하는데 있어, 병원이 정상적으로 운영을

할 수 있도록 소음, 진동, 교통, 안전, 환경 등 공사 제반 관리에 주의하여야 하며,

병원의 제반 규정 및 규칙을 준수 하여야 한다. 이를 위해 병원에서 요청이 있거나 혹은

필요하다고 인정되는 경우 적극 협조하여 이를 시행하도록 한다.

While performing construction and running work site at hospital area, The Contractor shall take care

of noise, vibration, traffic, safety, and environmental matters in order to aide ordinary hospital

operation. In case of hospital’s request or deemed to be necessary, the Contractor shall thoroughly

cooperate with hospital authorities.


Article 6. Demolition

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기존 건물은 “을”에 의해 완전히 제거되어야 한다. Existing building shall be completely removed by the Contractor.

제7조(공사 안전관리 확보)

Article 7. Safety Management

“을”은 안전 관리비를 별도 항목으로 표기하여 HSE 항목에 맞게 제출 및 사용하여야

하며, 기성 청구 시 사용내역을 제출하여야 한다. The Contractor shall record safety management expense as a separate item, use, and submit in

accordance with HSE. The Contractor shall submit detail use of it at times of requesting payment for

performed portion of Works.

제8조(준공서류의 제출 관련 추가사항) Article 8. Additional matters for submittance of completion documents

8.1 “을”은 유지 관리 매뉴얼을 준공 전 승인을 받아 사용자에게 제출하여야 한다. The contractor shall prepare repair and maintenance manual, get approval, and submit to the


8.2 “을”은 준공 전 As-Built 도면을 제출하여야 한다. The Contractor shall submit the Employer As-Builr drawangs prior to completion.

제9조(일부 자재 사용의 추가사항)

Article 9. Addendum to material use

9.1 샌드위치 패널 하부의 콘크리트 슬라브는 아스팔트 프라이머 등의 방수를 하여야


Concrete slab under sandwich panels shall be treated for waterproof by applying asphalt

primer and other means.

9.2 바닥 및 벽에 부착하는 세라믹 타일은 600x600 의 규격을 사용하여야 한다.

The dimension of ceramic tiles for floors and walls shall be 600x600.


Article 10. Miscellaneous

10.1 “을”은 공사감독관이 사용할 약 25㎡이상의 사무실을 공급하여야 한다.

The Contractor shall provide the Engineer an office more than 25㎡.

10.2 “을”은 사무실에 책상과 회의용 테이블 및 의자, 책장, 인터넷이 지원되는

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노트북 등을 갖춰야 하며, 한쪽 벽면은 공사현황을 알 수 있는 상황판을 설치하며

매달의 공정 현황을 표기하여야 한다. The Contractor shall prepare an office equipped with desks, chairs, bookcases, notebook with internet

accessability. A process status board that indicates monthly process status shall be established on one

side of the office wall.

10.3 “을”은 본 공사가 완료되면 가설 사무실은 완전히 철거해야 한다. The temporary office shall be removed upon completion of this Work.

10.4 “을”은 위의 공사감독관 사무실이 제공될 때까지,“을”은 임시 사무실을

“을”의 비용 으로 공급하여야 한다.

The Contractor shall provide the Engineer temporary office at the Contractor’s expense by

the time above mentioned office is ready.

제11조(기술평가제안서의 이행)

Article 11. Execution of Technical evaluation proposal

“을”은 시공사 선정을 위한 입찰 진행 시“을”이 제안하였던 기술제안 내용을 반드시

이행 하여야 하며, 미이행 시 이는 계약 해제 또는 해지의 원인이 된다. 단, 현장의

여러 상황과 공사 감독관의 요청에 의한 변경은 변경된 내용을 제출하여 승인을 받은 후

시행할 수 있다.

The Contractor shall surely execuse technical proposal submitted at times of bidding for

selection of the Contractor. Nonexecution of such proposal may cause release or cancellation

of the Contract; provided, however, changes due to certain circumstances and request of the

Engineer may be applied after approval with documenting such changes.

제12조(사업대상지 환경개선)

Article 12 Betterment of Work site

12.1 “을”은 사업대상지 안전 및 미관개선을 위하여, 사업대상지 각 경계선으로

울타리(펜스)를 쳐야 하며, 이 때 높이는 3.0 m이상이 되도록 설치해야 한다. The Contractor shall establish fence not lower than 3.0m along with marginal line Work site for safety

and betterment of view.

12.2 “을”은 설치된 펜스에 대해, 주변 환경과의 조화 및 미관을 위하여, 적정한

미관개선방안을 “갑”과 협의하여 수립한 뒤, 실시한다.

The Contractor shall prepare and execute betterment idea for established fence to get

harmony with surroundings. The Contractor shall get consultation from the Employer for

such matters.