MAY 2 16 NOC S ANDERSENEM For the night of 1 of April , we prepared a special night for children called Noc s Andersenem (Night with Andersen). It is a night in which the children sleep in some schools or libraries and there are activities related to some fairy tales or books such as games or workshops. This event was created in honour to Andersen, a famous writer from Denmark who wrote stories like the Little Mermaid, the Ugly Duckling or The Little Match Girl. Our programme was full of activities and we choose the topic of Little Mermaid. Nineteen children came in the afternoon to the school. After give them time to put theirs belongs in the sleeping rooms (which were the classes), we started to play some games together to learn the names and speak about our favourite books. Later, Marion and I did a small theatre to introduce the next activity, which was diving glasses workshop, and the children created and painted them in the most creative ways. When everybody had their glasses, we started a gymkhana (stopovačka). We prepared activities in every floor of school like to find 7 differences, draw a picture they could see in a screen, find the lost word of some famous songs, etc. We finished late this activity and before sleeping we did some workshops: origami, wool dolls and bookmarkers.

2016-05 Night With Andersen and Our Trips

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I really spent a great

time during this

event. Also we were

very lucky with the

children: they were

very good, they likedall activities and they

payed attention

everything we said to




We went to Budapest with other volunteers, two from Spain and one from Armenia.

It was very interesting for us to travel with people from different countries. Themulticultural atmosphere was really nice. We stayed there for three days and it was

not enough to see everything

because Budapest is too big. It

is divided in two parts: Buda and

Pest. In Buda there is the

famous castle «Budavar».

In the other part, Pest, there

are the famous baths

«széchenyi». We went there and

it was a new experience for us

because we never did this kind

of things. The Spanish

volunteers were very happy because it was a warm place, as here in Czech Republic

they miss it! :p During our trip we also did a tour to learn about the Hungarian

culture and it was very

interesting. We tried to learn

some Hungarian words with

the guide but this language is

very difficult because is not

related to any language I know!

To sum up I can say that it was

a very great weekend, we

discovered many things and we

laughed a lot. Super vikend!!!


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One Spanish volunteer invited me to participate in an event of a Spanish week he

organised in his organization of Nachod. He

asked me to prepare a presentation about

who I am, what I am doing in Czech Republicor which kind of differences I found between

Spain and Czech Republic.

So I travelled there and although the trip was

a bit long, it was worth it, as I was happy to

see again some volunteers and to have the

opportunity to show people something about

my culture and my story here. I explained

things such as how hard was for me the winter here because of the cold, how much I like

to travel around Czech Republic or the activities I do in my organization.

Many people came to this afternoon and me and two more Spanish volunteers did our

presentation. It was very interesting to see

that everybody listened us carefully and

they were really curious about our

opinions of Czech Republic.

After in the evening we went to have

dinner and have some fun. It was great to

have had this experience and it gave meideas for future projects  



Last weekend of April we went to Plzen for a festival. This event is very famous there by

students and young people. We knew one friend that lives there so for us it was also an

opportunity to see her again and have fun. We met her Czech friends and they were very

nice. They tried us to teach us some

Czech. We discovered some Czech musicand groups and it was nice because

before we didn't know a lot about it. The

festival was very cheap and accessible for

everybody. We enjoyed the environment

there with lot of people, bears and Czech

food (langos, knedlik...). Unfortunately,

the weather was bad, but it did not stop

us to have a great time!
