Download this magazine to your smartphone or tablet at: TM MAGAZINE july - august 2016 Issue #22 MAXIMIZED LIVING Recipe: CHAI SPICED SMOOTHIE HOW TO MAKE HORMONES HAPPY PAGE 15 PAGE 12 Recipe: YOGURT VEGETABLE DIP THE SKINNY ON HORMONES PAGE 10 PAGE 11

2016 July/August - Happy Hormones - Maximized Living Magazine

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For many, the first thing that comes to mind when we hear the word “hormones,” is the mood changes that affect woman during menopause. This is unfortunate since people of all genders and ages experience hormone dysfunction in these modern times. Throughout this magazine, you will learn the surprising link between hormones and many symptoms, how hormone replacement therapies are ruining their health, what simple things you can do to balance hormones naturally, and how to combat stress by creating peace. #maximizedliving #hormones #the5essentials #chiropractic

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MAGAZINEjuly - august 2016 Issue #22











Page 2: 2016 July/August - Happy Hormones - Maximized Living Magazine

Our most popular events tend to have “hormone” somewhere in the title - mostly because people’s hormonal systems are shot. This will be a great issue and a great month

at Maximized Living clinics around the globe as we focus on the topic of making hormones happy. We will be talking about the impact of diet and exercise as well as the fact that your spine and nervous system control the glands that control the hormones. Hormones affect your weight, overall health, energy, and moods. On the other hand, your mood affects your hormones too. Therefore, I thought I’d open up the magazine on a tip for managing mental health.

This falls under the concept of “value judging.” A young single mother is doing everything she can to work and put food on the table. In addition, she goes to church twice a week and attends occasional conferences to build her spiritual foundation and gain new skills to help her succeed in life. When she is at work or church, her mother or best friend watches her kids. Her mother and several members of her family feel she needs to focus less on work, “going to that church,” and attending those “useless seminars” and instead spend more time with her kids. As a result of her family’s value judging, she feels guilty for being a lousy mom and stays angry at her family. Rather than getting the most out of work, church, and seminars, she is almost always in a state of turmoil and stress.

Seeking acceptance is a good way to remain miserable. Your desire for acceptance may not be as obvious as a teenager’s. You may not be smoking pot in the bathroom at school or getting your tongue pierced just because all the kids are doing it. But even as adults, we often base the way we measure our self-worth or value on what other people say about us or how the world values us. Many of our decisions come from whether or not we feel our behavior will be deemed socially acceptable or will make others happy.

For those who know you, no explanation is needed. For those who don’t, none is possible. Be more concerned with your character than your reputation. Your reputation is who people think you are. Your character is who you really are. While accountability is important, beware of mentors who are really just critics. Happy hormoning...

Maximized Blessings,

Dr. Ben LernerMaximized Living Co-Founder

Contact us: Maximized Living | 1170 Celebration Blvd., Suite 100B, Celebration, FL 34747 | 321.939.3060

CONTENTS03 Q & A with Dr. Greg Loman

05 If Things Can Get Worse, They Can Get Better Dr. T.J. Osborne

09 How to Prime Your Mind for Success Kari Penner

10 Recipe: Yogurt Vegetable Dip

11 The Skinny on Hormones Dr. Katie Benson

12 How to Make Your Hormones Happy Dr. Eric Shuemake

15 Recipe: Chai Spiced Smoothie

In view of the complex, individual nature of health and fitness problems, this magazine and the ideas, programs, procedures, and suggestions in it are not intended to replace the advice of trained medical professionals. All matters regarding one’s health require medical supervision. A physician should be consulted prior to adopting any program or programs described in this magazine, or any of the Maximized Living resources. The contents of this magazine are based upon the opinions of the authors. The authors and publisher disclaim any liability arising directly or indirectly from the use of this magazine.

This magazine is not intended to make recommendations related to getting on or off prescription or over-the-counter medication. If you face any current health concerns, or are currently taking medication, it is always recommended to seek the advice of your physician before starting a new health care program. Only your medical doctor can prescribe drugs or tell you to get off of drugs. Our role is to make you aware of the hazards of poor lifestyle decisions while helping you to create optimum function and healing in your body. In time, you must begin to judge for yourself whether your medications are keeping you alive, merely palliating symptoms of an unhealthy body, or actually causing some of the ailments you suffer from. With the guidance of your prescribing physician, you need to make your own best decisions on medication. As you heal, work with your medical doctors to help you reduce or eliminate the drugs you’re on.

The information in this magazine is intended to be educational and should not replace consultation with a competent healthcare professional. This magazine is intended to be used as an adjunct to responsible health care supervised by a healthcare professional. The authors and Maximized Living are not liable for any misuse of the material contained in this magazine.


Happy Helps

the HormonesHappy Helps

the Hormones

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Dr. Greg LomanMaximized Living Co-Founder

answers from the source

I read that big American food corporations including Kraft, Coca Cola and Wal-Mart recently

removed harmful artificial food colors and dyes from products that they distribute in other

countries…but not here. They apparently did this in response to consumer demand. Why do you think they won’t do the same thing here in the

States? What needs to change in order for us to get harmful ingredients off of our grocery shelves?

One thing I know for sure is that Americans are becoming more aware of the injustice happening within our country. Large companies like Monsanto, cigarette companies, and many others that pollute the environment and our bodies have existed, and will exist, for a long time.1,2 At Maximized Living, we feel that at this time we should spend our efforts on educating the individual and avoid trying to change policy.Maximized Living is dedicated to help people at the family level. We do this through education in our clinics. We also believe that we should not blame the “powers that be” for our personal decisions. We must empower people with the proper information and inspire them to make the right decisions about how to take care of their bodies. We can’t cast blame on the cigarette or the food industry for getting us sick. It’s our choice to consume or act on our desires, but of course, we also can’t blame someone that is ignorant. For example, we can’t blame the nightclub scene for our infidelities as a married person. Come on— that was a little funny.As you are reading this article, make the decision to get healthier this year. Some of you will improve your health 10 percent, and that is significant. Others will decide to jump in and become a different person through The 5 Essentials. Ask your Maximized Living office to help you engage in our programs that will help you make better decisions and get your health back. You deserve it! Get up right now and walk to the front desk or call your Maximized Living office and ask what talks and programs you and your family can engage in. Thank you for being part of the family!1.http://www.commondreams.org/headlines02/0101-02.htm 2.http://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/tobacco/cessation-fact-sheet#q2



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Help your cells get all

the right messages


Hormones are tiny messengers that work behind the scenes to keep your body balanced and on track. They carry information to cells and adapt as the environment inside and outside of the body changes. To create healthy hormones, your body needs essential fatty acids like omega-3’s and omega-6’s, which are found in flax oil, fish oil and borage oil1. Get your daily dose of essential fatty acids from Maximized Living Optimal Omega, a source of omega-3 and omega-6 to support healthy hormone production.†

1. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15385858.

Help your cells get all

the right messages

Page 5: 2016 July/August - Happy Hormones - Maximized Living Magazine


If Things Can Get Worse, They Can Get Better

The First Law of Thermodynamics says the total amount of energy in the universe is constant. The Second Law of Thermodynamics says that the nature of the universe is to cause disorder over time, which leads to corruption and decay. To take disorder to order requires intelligence and energy. This is called syntropy. Entropy is what breaks down an ancient cathedral, and syntropy is what takes the bricks and, utilizing intelligence, rebuilds the cathedral to awe inspiring heights.

You must put energy into a system to avoid deterioration. This law also holds true for our bodies.

Go look at the sky and you will see the sun. As the sun burns, it becomes disorganized, releasing a form of energy called photons. Photons travel 90 million miles to reach Earth and appear to be chaotic in their pattern. But then something special happens. Photons rest on a plant and produce carbohydrates.

A person sees these carbohydrates on the plant and eats them. After eating this organized energy it breaks down into small random parts in the stomach and intestines. These small random parts are absorbed into the body as proteins, which eventually become tissue. This tissue becomes a heart. Random currents in the brain become organized currents that allow the heart of the musician to pump and the musician to be inspired to create beautiful music.

Look around you! The world is unwinding and all matter and energy collapses into disorder. Leaves on the tree fall releasing nutrients into the soil. The world must have balance in its own eco system for it to exist. You must have homeostasis without interference, balancing your body’s own internal eco system for you to exist.

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A carbon atom cannot do what a hydrogen atom can do because the laws of chemistry and physics don’t allow it…these laws occur 100 percent of the time. So within the smallest particle of our universe there is an order to things. There is an order that ensures that there are perfect numbers of electrons in each atom giving it its properties. This order within an atom is no different to the order that exists in the world. There is an order to the tides and the cycles of the moon. There is an order to the forces that maintain our existence in this universe.

If there is so much order in the universe than why does our world always seem to be falling apart? Every Fall when the leaves change color and randomly spill from the trees. They don’t fall into neat piles or stack nicely into towers, they just fall. Similarly, when you drop a deck of cards onto the floor they don’t arrange themselves by suit or by number. Your office desk is bound to get messier and messier if you never clean it up. So what gives? Why does your desk always get dirty, you ask? Why do our bodies break down? Clutter and disorganization is the ruin of many a happy space, and in the long run, probably a greater thief of time than just keeping things orderly. I don’t even want to think of how much time I have wasted in my life looking for misplaced items.

The answer is that everything in life requires maintenance or it will break down. In a practical sense, we are all made of matter; matter that is constantly being held together in an organized fashion by an intelligent energy while we are alive. Over time, we all eventually succumb to natural law and turn into dirt. It is a law!

Remember that The Second Law of Thermodynamics says everything naturally moves toward a state of disorganization over time because organization requires energy. Without the application of external energy, systems become less energetic. So unless we apply energy, deterioration will occur. There is a tendency over time for things to become more chaotic. In other words, things just naturally fall apart, break down and become disorganized. That is the natural bent of desktops, bedrooms, cars, home appliances, flower gardens and the human body. We even describe it, as we get older in terms like, “My body is falling apart.”

So what is the answer to messy rooms and a chaotic universe? We know the cure for the messy room or cluttered desk is intelligent action, organizing things, filing away papers and putting dirty clothes where they belong. That is the only answer. Even better is intelligent action on a continuous basis.

So what does this mean? Let’s take a car as an example. When it is first manufactured there is a lot of organization and therefore has a very low measure of breakdown (entropy). However, a car

will gradually become more and more disorganized over time moving toward a higher measure of entropy unless it is being stored in a climate controlled environment. The car reaches its greatest state of disorganization or entropy when it arrives at the junkyard and is fully disassembled.

What is important to note is that The Second Law of Thermodynamics applies to an “isolated system,” which means that we are not adding extra energy to the system. In terms of the car – this means we are not adding the energy of maintenance. However, if we apply maintenance (adding energy and organization) to the car, we increase its life expectancy and improve the performance of the car during its life.

These same laws apply to every aspect of our lives! Our car, our house, our teeth, our health, our relationships, and yes…our spines! So in any aspect of our life that we are not applying regular maintenance (adding energy and organization), breakdown will occur over time and lead to a crisis. If you don’t maintain your kitchen…crisis! If you don’t maintain your bathroom…crisis! If you don’t maintain your relationships…crisis! And of course, if you don’t maintain your spine…crisis!

The Second Law of Thermodynamics also explains why marriages and relationships fail without the application of energy. Businesses don’t succeed unless the owners are constantly putting energy into improving products and services. Without the energy of maintenance our homes and autos deteriorate. Everything moves toward chaos unless energy is applied.

From a health standpoint, it indicates that without the application of energy our health is going to deteriorate. If we leave our health to chance, we will become less healthy. Muscles must be exercised for them to remain strong and proper motion must be maintained in joints or they will degenerate. Challenging our brain keeps our mental functions sharp. Even all of our internal organs need to be used in order to be healthy. Heart and lung function decrease rapidly when they are not used vigorously. Energy needs to be applied to all of these body systems for them to remain healthy. There is an even broader application. Unless we put energy into our overall health, it will deteriorate. Eating properly requires energy. Handling stress requires the application of energy. Just leaving health to happen on its own results in poor health. Health requires energy.

Now think about what we do regarding this process. Say you have an accident and break your arm. You have the break set and casted and it eventually heals. That is called crisis care and is necessary at times. Then say you develop diabetes and go on insulin to regulate your blood sugar. That would be called


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disease care. The care is focused on treatment of the disease process. This type of care has been the mainstay of how our culture has approached health.

When it comes to living organisms in general, and human beings in particular, chiropractors call continuous intelligent action the “innate intelligence of the body.” It is responsible for every physiological function in the body from digesting breakfast to making heart cells.

When there is an interruption in continuous intelligent action in the body we say the body is in a state of DIS-EASE (disorder). Epigenetic care is not focused on an injury, illness or disease. It is focused on the environmental factors that influence the expression of our genes. In other words, this relates to lifestyle modification like eating healthy, exercising, positive mental thoughts and reducing your toxic load and stress in your environment. This type of care is catching on like wildfire and we are seeing great results.

With the nervous system entwined throughout the vertebrae, subluxation and degeneration are dire consequences of entropy. Disarray left over time without exercise, stretching, or realignment results in increased frequency of vague pains, vague organic breakdown, physical limitation, and organ dysfunction. Occasional shoulder pain becomes frequent shoulder pain with electric shooting zingers from the neck. Eventually, you can’t pull a sweater over your head or carry the groceries in. Or that original huffing after climbing stairs becomes huffing and coughing while trying to chase the dog out the door, or bringing the luggage to the gate.

With a proper diet, lifestyle, exercise, and care of the spine, the human being should improve year by year. The immune system becomes stronger, musculoskeletal becomes more fit and coordinated, breathing capacity increases and mental clarity improves. If we correct the pathways of the impulses coming into the brain, the messages going out will be more accurate.

The Second Law of Thermodynamics (entropy) says that the universe has a tendency to move towards chaos or disorder, unless energy is expended to prevent these effects. What does that mean in terms of posture? It means that we must expend energy to hold ourselves upright. Basically, it means that we must make a conscious effort all of the time. To maintain good posture we need to be consciously aware of it. We must also consciously hold ourselves in a proper carriage or we’ll succumb to gravity.

Within the body there are mechanisms that exist to coordinate a multitude of systems for overall function of the whole. Organs work together to grow, heal and develop. If you take the time

to think about the amazing body in its design and function, you should be left with no doubt that intelligence exists to this order. Many mechanists would say that it is purely chemicals and proteins within the body that allow us to exist…I think that is underestimating the magnificence of the coordination needed to maintain our bodies in order to thrive.

The nervous system is the integrator of everything and must be able to function as effectively as possible to achieve optimal expression of intelligence inside. That is the goal of chiropractic through the location, analysis, and specific delivered thrust in order for the body to bring about a correction of the vertebral subluxation complex in order to restore health.

Due to the complexity of the human body, continuous intelligent action necessitates a properly functioning nerve system. When a vertebra misaligns in a way that interferes with the nerve system (subluxation) there is disorder in the body. Without any attention from the innate intelligence, the human body disintegrates back to the dust from which it came. Without the full attention of the innate intelligence, the body will begin to move faster toward a state of cellular chaos and ultimate disorder. The Second Law of Thermodynamics will get us all in the end. It is a law. However, keeping your spine as subluxation free as possible can reduce the effects of that law. Have your spine checked regularly.

Dr. T.J. Osborne has dedicated his life to

educating and informing the public about achieving maximum health in national

publications. With almost two decades years in practice and an abundance of

experience, Dr. Osborne directs Discover Chiropractic: A Center For Maximized Living. At Discover

Chiropractic he has implemented a system of care that has helped his patients achieve phenomenal results in

recovering their health, even where other systems have failed.

By Dr T.J.




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At one of our last Maximized Living seminars, we had a Max Kids coloring contest. Elle Suprenant, pictured at

right with her artwork, was the winner.


Maximized Living Max Kids brand supplements feature proprietary formulas designed for younger patients. Parents can feel good knowing that Max Kids products are free of sugar, gluten, artificial colors, artificial flavors, fillers and preservatives.†

Maximized Living products and supplements were created to support The 5 Essentials. We knew that we already offered the most cutting edge chiropractic care in the industry. Additionally, we wanted to provide supplements, along with nutrition plans, and conditioning workouts to assist you in achieving wellness.†


Page 9: 2016 July/August - Happy Hormones - Maximized Living Magazine


Learn how your mindset influences your habits and gain a few easy tricks to set yourself up for success.

It’s easy to see what I value. Take a look at my life and you will see the people, places and things that are important to me. Listen to how I speak, what I write and with whom I spend time. That evidence makes it clear. When I need (want) to make a change, I must examine what I value and if necessary, change my mind about the value of what I’m doing.

My mindset determines everything. It is in my mind that I create the perseverance to finish a half marathon. When my body is tired, it is my mind that tells me to keep going and it is my mind that often quits long before my body will. When my mind stops pushing forward, my body follows. I think most of us are like that.

Habits are merely patterns that we’ve created over time that are most often in our comfort level. When we receive an outcome that we don’t desire, we often don’t look for a pattern that created it, but we often look for a remedy to change the outcome. When it comes to success, I have to identify what success looks like (and feels like) for me. How do I want to live my life? What do I want to achieve? What impact do I want to make with the people who mean the most to me? Is my success attached to a dollar value? Is my success attached to a specific outcome? When I have a firm answer, I will be able to see more clearly how to move forward.

Here are some ideas I’ve used to set myself up for success:

1. Get a clear vision of what I want. Is it to complete a full marathon? Is it to lose a certain amount of weight? Is it to write a book?

2. Get a clear vision of who I want to be. What is the expression I want to have with others? What message do I want others to receive having been in my presence? How do I want others to feel when they are with me?

3. Get a clear vision of what the short successes look like.

4. Get a clear vision of what long-term success looks like.

5. What patterns do I currently have that are taking me away from who I want to be?

Once I’ve answered these questions, I can make a plan that will equal success. I can make small changes in the patterns I currently have, to get me to the success that holds value for me.

By Kari P



How to Prime your Mind for Success:

How to Prime your Mind for Success:

Kari Penner is a Certified Life Coach,

Counselor, and Maximized Living Chiropractic Assistant in Winnipeg, Canada. Kari has spent most of the

past decade studying Wellness, Nutrition, Toxicity, and has been a

professional Life Coach since 2001. She is passionate about seeing people

transform their lives by implementing The 5 Essentials. She has been an

office manager and CA with Maximized Living since 2007.

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Directions:Combine yogurt, cucumber, dill, lemon juice and garlic. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Chill before serving.

INGREDIENTS:• 2 cups plain Greek or goat’s milk yogurt• 1 cup diced cucumber• 2 tbsp finely chopped fresh dill• 2 tbsp fresh lemon juice• 2 cloves of garlic, minced• Salt and pepper, to taste

yogurt vegetable dip

yogurt vegetable dip


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You probably recognize testosterone, estrogen and HGH as hormones. Perhaps not as common is the vital role hormones play in maintaining a healthy weight. If you are trying to lose weight this year, understanding how to harness the power of four key hormones is crucial for burning fat, controlling hunger, building muscle, and much more. Let’s take a look at the hormones responsible for helping regulate your weight:

GHRELIN Ghrelin is your hunger gremlin. It is produced in your stomach and works with your brain to signal that you are hungry. Reducing calories, in an effort to lose weight, causes an increase in ghrelin. But even after 12 months of reduced calories, research shows that ghrelin levels stay elevated. In other words, your body never adapts to eating less and continues to send hunger signals. This is why maintaining weight loss is often harder than losing it and why our Maximized Living eating plans do not focus on counting calories. Our focus is on changing the type of food you eat. The good news: Intense exercise decreases ghrelin levels, making it a key component to fat loss and weight maintenance.

LEPTIN Leptin is an adipokine hormone released exclusively from fat cells. Leptin interacts with your brain to get your body to eat less and burn more calories. The more body fat you have, the more leptin your fat cells will release. However, too much body fat leads to too much leptin being released—a condition called leptin resistance. When this occurs, your brain becomes numb to leptin’s signal. To maximize leptin sensitivity, get adequate sleep and pack your diet full of antioxidant-rich berries and green and red vegetables. Losing weight also enhances leptin sensitivity and provides some momentum, as the more weight you lose, the more effective leptin will become in your body.

ADIPONECTIN Adiponectin is another adipokine, but unlike leptin, the leaner your body is, the more adiponectin your fat cells will release. Adiponectin enhances your muscle’s ability to use carbohydrates for energy, boosts your metabolism,

increases the rate in which your body breaks down fat and curbs your appetite. You can maximize your adiponectin levels by moving more during the day (getting leaner) and replacing carbohydrates in your diet with monounsaturated fats (olives, avocados, nuts, coconut, etc).

INSULIN Insulin aids in exercise recovery, muscle building and maintaining optimal blood sugar levels. However, insulin and carbohydrates are very tightly linked and when carbohydrate intakes are high and insulin is left to run wild in the body, it can inhibit the breakdown and burning of stored fat. The more carbohydrates you eat, the more insulin will be released. To optimize insulin for fat loss, get most of your carbohydrates from vegetables and some fruit. Limit grains and starches to smaller portions directly after exercise.

Don’t wait until January to accomplish your weight loss goals, when swimsuit season is here, and even more importantly— your health is at stake. You can learn how to harness the power of your hormones to conquer weight-loss and turn goals into success by visiting your local Maximized Living Doctor today!

Dr. Katie Benson has been serving

Marysville, Ohio and the surrounding communities since

2008. Dr. Benson and her team of assistants strive to provide the highest quality and most

cutting-edge wellness care in all of Central Ohio. Her wellness clinic has become one of

the largest in the state and continues to grow.

By Dr. Katie



The Skinny on HormonesThe Skinny on Hormones

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Hormones are a hot topic in healthcare right now for good reason - they control so much in your body. The three big ones are estrogen, cortisol and thyroid hormones. They have all gone crazy because of our modern lifestyle that is chock full of stress, stimulants and subluxation. We try to combat the fatigue and depression with sugar and Starbucks, which only worsen the problem. In order to find your balance, you need to know what these hormones do.

How to Make Your

Hormones HappyHow to Make Your

Hormones Happy

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The first hormone is estrogen. In females, estrogen is responsible for growing and maturing the uterine lining during the menstrual cycle. Males also have small amounts of estrogen, but we are seeing increased estrogen levels in men, which is problematic because excess estrogen decreases testosterone. More men than ever are complaining of “Low T” and drug companies are making a fortune.

Estrogen levels decline in women around perimenopause naturally. For years, this led women to believe that their hormone problems resulted from having too little estrogen in their bodies and hormone replacement therapy (HRT) was born. HRT is a synthetic form of estrogen designed to raise estrogen levels. Then, in 2002, the U.S. federal government warned of increased risks of breast cancer, stroke, heart disease, and blood clots in women using HRT. So synthetic estrogen was obviously not the answer.

A growing body of evidence now shows the real problem with sex hormones is too much estrogen. Estrogen dominance has been linked to hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, endometriosis fibroids and weight gain in women. In men, estrogen dominance decreases testosterone, which causes depression, loss of muscle mass and decreased sex drive.

The second hormone you need to know is cortisol. It comes from the adrenal glands and is known as the “fight or flight” hormone.

The “fight or flight” reaction is your body’s way of keeping you alive if you come across a bear in the woods on your hike. In that situation, you need to be able to run or fight and that’s where cortisol comes in. It pumps you up, you run or fight, and your cortisol levels come back down to normal when you get away from danger. The problem is that in our modern lifestyle, our cortisol levels never come back to normal because there is always another “bear” to fight in the form of traffic jams, financial worries, work deadlines and school activities.

Chronic elevated cortisol levels have been linked to weight gain around the mid-section, high blood pressure, reduced libido, type 2 diabetes, reduced immune function and decreased testosterone in men. If cortisol levels remain elevated, you are heading for adrenal burnout, which can affect almost every organ system in your body.

The third hormone is thyroid hormone. Thyroid hormone is responsible for regulating your metabolism, which gives you energy and keeps you thin. The most common thyroid dysfunction is called hypothyroidism, which is just an outcome of an overstressed thyroid gland that eventually stops making

enough thyroid hormone for your body. Symptoms like anxiety, irritability, depression, brain fog, weight gain and fatigue can be debilitating.

The key to finding your hormone balance and reversing the disease process is the same as it is for any imbalance in your body- get to the CAUSE of the problem. Ask, “why am I developing this problem?” instead of “what drug do I take to cover up the symptoms?”

Ready to find the cause? Think stress, stimulants and subluxation:

Stress- decreasing your stress levels will decrease your cortisol levels. Take a minute to evaluate your priorities and look for ways to decrease the chaos of your daily life. Develop a morning routine where you list your blessings and cultivate gratitude. It’s impossible to be stressed and grateful at the same time.

Stimulants- caffeine, energy drinks, cigarettes, diet pills, and other stimulants cause extra release of stress hormones and can fatigue the adrenal system. Sugar has been shown to increase estrogen and decrease testosterone. Avoid the stimulants and give your body a chance to heal.

Subluxation- misalignments in the spine like “text neck” or forward head posture (hunchback) interfere with the spinal cord and nervous system. The nervous system regulates every cell, tissue and organ in your body, including the endocrine or hormone system. That’s why Thomas Edison said, “The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.” It seems like he was talking about your Maximized Living Doctor!

Dr. Eric Shuemake

maintains one of the largest natural health clinics

in the world, Shuemake Family Chiropractic. He is the author of Cruise Ship or Nursing

Home: 5 Essentials to a Maximized Life.

By Dr. Eric




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or Tired?

Are You Wired

75 percent of Americans report experiencing at least one symptom of stress in the past month1. Nervousness, irritability, anger, fatigue and depression are all signs that stress might be getting to you. Find out how you can benefit from healthy stress support with the Maximized Living Tired or Wired Quiz and Maximized Metabolix Adrenal Energy and Adrenal Calm. Ask your Maximized Living doctor how to get started today!†

1. https://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/stress/2014/stress-report.pdf


Are You Wired

or Tired?

Page 15: 2016 July/August - Happy Hormones - Maximized Living Magazine

Directions:Put everything in a heavy-duty blender like a Vitamix and blend.

You can adjust the spices to taste.

Chai Spiced Smoothie

INGREDIENTS: • 1/2 can coconut milk (be sure to get BPA free cans like Native Forest)• 1/2 cup ice• 1 scoop Vanilla Perfect Protein• Pinch of cinnamon• Pinch of ground cardamom• 2-3 whole cloves (or 1/4-1/2 tsp ground cloves)• Pinch of ginger


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Balancing from the inside out


Research suggests that healthy Vitamin D levels can help maintain healthy progesterone and estrogen levels in women, and healthy testosterone levels in men1,2. Hormone balance is an integral part of healthy aging for both men and women3. Maximized Living Vitamin D3 + Probiotics is a unique and synergistic formula that combines the benefits of probiotics with the power of Vitamin D for unparalleled absorption.†

1. Pilz S, Frisch S, Koertke H, Kuhn J, Dreier J, Obermayer-Pietsch B, Wehr E, Zittermann A. Effect of vitamin D supplementation on testosterone levels in men. Horm Metab Res. 2011 Mar;43(3):223-5.2. Knight JA, Wong J, Blackmore KM, Raboud JM, Vieth R. Vitamin D association with estradiol and progesterone in young women. Cancer Causes Control. 2010 Mar;21(3):479-83.3. https://www.nia.nih.gov/health/publication/can-we-prevent-aging

Balancing from the inside out