2016 National Team Trials PHASE 1

2016 National Team Trials PHASE 1. PHASE 1 TRIALS Dates and Locations: Juniors:Phase 1- October 30 – Santa Clara, CA 1315 and 12&Under:Phase1- January

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Page 1: 2016 National Team Trials PHASE 1. PHASE 1 TRIALS Dates and Locations: Juniors:Phase 1- October 30 – Santa Clara, CA 1315 and 12&Under:Phase1- January

2016 National Team TrialsPHASE 1

Page 2: 2016 National Team Trials PHASE 1. PHASE 1 TRIALS Dates and Locations: Juniors:Phase 1- October 30 – Santa Clara, CA 1315 and 12&Under:Phase1- January


Dates and Locations:Juniors: Phase 1- October 30 – Santa Clara, CA1315 and 12&Under: Phase1- January 15-16 – Coral Springs, FL

Eligibility: Open to all age-eligible athletes

Assessors: FINA judges for figures, USA Synchro Staff, National Team Coaches and Grade assessors for the other elements

Contents: Phase 1A - Grade Level 3: Flexibility, Conditioning, Acrobatics, Swimming, RoutinePhase 1B – Grade Level 3: Figures (WITHOUT THE COUNTS)

NOTE: Phase 1 of NT trials is judged differently from the Grade Level 3 as part of the Grade Testing. Passing Phase 1 of trials does not replace participation to Grade Testing Level 1 to 3 for US Nationals. We are using Grade Level 3 so that the athletes do not have to learn new skills.

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Page 4: 2016 National Team Trials PHASE 1. PHASE 1 TRIALS Dates and Locations: Juniors:Phase 1- October 30 – Santa Clara, CA 1315 and 12&Under:Phase1- January


Evaluation of the Skills for Phase 1A – As per the Grade Level 3 scoring. See description below.


Test 1 - Right Forward Split – 10 points – Pass if 8/10

Test 2 - Bridge with arms and legs extended – 13 points – Pass if 11/13



10 points 0 1 Swimmer in the correct position: knelt on the left leg with the right leg stretched forward, hips square, torso vertical, arms by the side, left leg upright at a 90 degree angle (1pt-correct, 0pts-not correct)

0 1 2 3 Split Alignment: determined by angle of legs (3pts-both legs in line forward and backwards, 2pts-one leg out of alignment, 1pt-two legs out of alignment, 0pts-either leg major misalignment)   

0 1 2 3 4 Extension: neck, torso, knees, ankles (4pts-perfect, 3pts-one area not extended, 2pts-two areas not extended, 1pt-three areas not extended, 0pts-four areas not extended)

0 1 Head and torso alignment (1pt-head aligned, torso vertical, 0pts-either part not aligned)

0 1 Time held for 10 seconds (1pt-10 seconds, 0pts- 9:99 seconds or less)


13 points 0 1 Swimmer in the correct position: started in the arch position with the arms set on the vertical line. (1pt-correct, 0pts-not correct)

0 1 2 3 Arch Position (3pts- able to reach the bridge position feet on the floor, 2pts-legs are between contact point of the wall and the ground in the arch position, 1pt-only able to reach the arch position with legs parralell to the gorund, 0pts-not able to achive the arch position/could not complete the excersise).   

0 1 2 3 Knee extension (3pts fully extended, 2pts-slight-inconsistent, 1pt-minor soft knees, 0pts-major bend)

0 1 2 3 4 Arm Alignment: determined by upper arm (4pts-12 o'clock, 3pts-between 12&1, 2pts-1 o'clock, 1pt-between 1&2, 0pts-2 o'clock and greater)

0 1 Elbow extension (1pt-straight, not hyperextended, 0pts-slight bend or more)

0 1 Head alignment (1pt-head aligned, 0pts-not aligned)

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Test 3 - Push up on block – 11 points – Pass if 9/11

Test 4 - Hollow body with straight legs – 10 points – Pass if 8/10




11 points 0 1 Swimmer in the correct position: arms extended and shoulder-width apart on the block, feet together, pointed and on the ground (1pt-correct, 0pts-not correct)

0 1 2 3 4Body Extension and Alignment: head, chest, back, hips, legs (4pts-all parts E/A, 3 pts-1 part not E/A, 2pts-2 parts not E/A, 1pt-3 parts not E/A, 0pts-4 or more points not E/A)   

0 1 2 3 4

Push-ups (4pts-all push-ups done correctly, 3pts-one push-up not correct, 2pts-two push-ups not correct, 1pt-three push-ups not correct, 0pts-four or more pushups not correct)

0 1 Elbow Position (1pt-elbows close to ribs for each push-up, 0pts-elbow not close for one or more push-ups)

0 1 Feet Stability (1pt-the feet were stable throughout, 0pts- the feet were adjusted)


10 points 0 1 Swimmer started in the correct position: prone position on back holding stick over quads, feet and shoulders down with extended arms, head down (1pt-correct, 0pts-not correct)

0 1 2 3 Movement (3pts-still the entire time, 2pts-minor movement/adjustment at any time, 1pt-major movement/adjustment at any time, 0pts-any body part on the ground before time is up)   

0 1 2 3 4

Body Alignment: determined by the head, shoulders, arms, back, hips, legs and feet (4pts-all parts aligned/extended, 3 pts-1 part not aligned/extended, 2pts-2 parts not aligned/extended, 1pt-3 parts not aligned/extended, 0pts-4 or more points not aligned/extended)

0 1 Stick held over thighs (1pt-held over knees entire time, 0pts-moved/dropped from knees)

0 1 Time held for 60 seconds (1pt-60 seconds, 0pts- :59.99 seconds or less)

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Test 5 – Headstand – 10 points – Pass if 9/10

Test 6 - Balance Y – 10 points – Pass if 8/10




10 points 0 1 Swimmer started in the correct position: hands and palms down, the head and hands in a triangle formation on the ground, legs in straddle, extended, toes on the ground (1pt-correct, 0pts-not correct)

0 1 2 3 Body Alignment: 3pt maximum, circle 0 or 1 (0 1 - torso through hips, 0 1 - hips through knees, 0 1 - knees through feet)


0 1 2 3 4

Extension: torso, hips, legs, knees, ankles, feet (4pts-all parts extended, 3pts-one area not extended, 2pts-two areas not extended, 1pts-three areas not extended, 0pts-four areas or more not extended)

0 1 Feet (1pt-feet together and extended, 0pts-not together and/or extended)

0 1 Time held for 10 seconds (1pt-10 seconds, 0pts :9.99 seconds or less)


10 points 0 1 Swimmer started in the correct position: balanced on one leg, other leg bent in towards them, grabbed on to the inside arch of that foot (1pt-correct, 0pts-not correct)

0 1 2 3 "Y" Leg Angle: determined by the height (3pts-between 12-1 o'clock, 2pts-between 1-2 o'clock, 1pt-between 2-3 o'clock, 0pts-below 3 o'clock)   

0 1 2 3 4

Extension: head, torso, hips, legs, knees, ankles, feet (4pts-all parts extended, 3pts-one area not extended, 2pts-two areas not extended, 1pt-three areas not extended, 0pts-four or more areas not extended)

0 1 Arm Position: free arm in "Y" shape (1pt-fully extended and in line, 0pts-not extended and/or in line)

0 1 Time: held for 10 seconds (1pt-10 seconds, 0pts :9.99 seconds or less)

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Test 7 - 200 yard medley – 10 points – Pass if 8/10

Test 8 - 25 yard freestyle no breath – 10 points – Pass if 9/10



200 YARD MEDLEY - In 4 Minutes 20 Seconds 10 points 0 1 Swimmer in the correct position: one hand on the wall (1pt-correct, 0pts-not correct)

0 1 2 3 Kicks: per FINA description (3pts-all kicks done correctly, 2pts-one stroke had improper kick(s), 1pt-two strokes had improper kick(s), 0pts-three or more strokes had improper kicks at some point)   

0 1 2 3 4

Times: 4pts- equal to/less than 4:20.00, 3pts 4:20.99-4:29.00, 2pts 4:30.00 - 4:39:99, 1pt 4:40.00 - 4:49.99, 0pts- equal to/more than 4:50.00

0 1 Armstrokes: per FINA descriptions. (1pt-all strokes done correctly, 0pts-one or more strokes incorrect).

0 1 Finished (1pt-swimmer touched the wall, 0pts-swimmer did not touch wall or was reminded to).

25 YARD FREESTYLE NO BREATH - In 25 Seconds10 points 0 1 Swimmer started in the correct position: one hand on the wall (1pt-correct, 0pts-not correct)

0 1 2 3 Stroke: determined by proper swimming, kick and rotation of stroke per FINA desc (3pts-competitive style, 2pts-arms crossing the body, 1pt-head is up, 0pts-hips snake through water, no rotation)   

0 1 2 3 4

Times: 4pts- equal to/less than 25.00, 3pts- 25.01 - 28.00, 2pts- 28.01 - 31.00, 1pt- 31.01 - 34.00, 0pts- equal to/more than 34.01

0 1 Kick (1pt-feet strong and out of the water, 0pts-feet weak and/or underwater).

0 1 Finished (1pt-swimmer touched the wall, 0pts-swimmer did not touch wall or was reminded to)

Page 8: 2016 National Team Trials PHASE 1. PHASE 1 TRIALS Dates and Locations: Juniors:Phase 1- October 30 – Santa Clara, CA 1315 and 12&Under:Phase1- January

Synchro Routine – Lap 1 – 33 points – Pass if 22/33




33 points 0 1 Swimmer started in the correct position: on deck in a standing position with both arms up and extended, a half squat was executed, arms lowered to the knees followed by a front dive (1pt-correct, 0pts-incorrect)

0 1 2 3 Pike Position: determined by the compactness and vertical line of the legs (3pts-torso compacted between 1 o'clock & the vertical line, 2pts-torso between 2 & 1 o'clock, 1pt-torso between 3 & 2 o'clock, 0pts-legs not on the vertical line   

0 1 2 3 Thrust: determined by height (3pts-waist or higher, 2pts-between 3/4 buttock and waist, 1pt-between crotch and 3/4 buttocks, 0pts-crotch or below)

0 1 2 3 Boost Set-up: determined by alignment (3pts-head looking at surface, spine straight and legs tucked up, 2pts-one part not correct, 1pt-two parts not correct, 0pts-three parts not correct)

0 1 2 3 Boost: determined by height (3pts-crotch at or above the surface, 2pts-between crotch and pelvic bones, 1pt-between pelvic bone and waist, 0pts-below waist)

0 1 2 3 4 Eggbeater Alignment: determined by head, shoulders, ribs, hips (4pts-All parts aligned, 3pts-one part not aligned, 2pts-two parts not aligned, 1pts-three parts not aligned, 0pts-all parts not aligned)

0 1 2 3 4Eggbeater: determined by height (4pts-at or above bust line, 3pts-between armpit and bust, 2pts-armpits dry, 1pt-collar bone dry, 0pts-wash over shoulders)

0 1 Side Layout Transition (1pt-Very sharp and quick, 0pts-not sharp and/or not quick)

0 1 2Side Layout Position (2pts- half face in water, arm still over thigh, kick strong, 1pt-knees/feet together, compacted during somersault, 0pts-one or more part not correct).

0 1 2 Surface Front Pike Position - Determined by 90 degree Angle (2pts-completed a 90 degree angle with heels and back of thighs at the surface and torso aligned, 1pt-over pikes in any direction, 0pts-does not assume a 90 degree angle and hips go under water)

0 1 Crane - Horizontal Leg (1pt-leg at upper thigh or higher during all 8 counts, 0pts-lower than upper thigh)

0 1 2 3 4 5 Crane - Vertical Line determined by head, shoulders & ribs, hips, knees, feet (5pts-all parts aligned, 4pts-1part not aligned, 3pts-2parts not aligned, 2pts-3parts not aligned, 1pt-4parts not aligned, 0pts-all parts not aligned)

0 1 Underwater (1pt-finished the lap underwater, 0pts-surfaced before the lap was finished)

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Synchro Routine – Lap 2 – 22 points – Pass if 15/22




#VALUE! 0 1 Layout: determined by height and body alignment of head, torso, thighs, feet (1pt-all aligned and dry, 0pts-one or more parts underwater and/or not aligned)

0 1 2 3 Surface Arch Bent Knee: determined by alignment of head, shoulders, torso, hips, thigh (3pts-all parts aligned, 2pts-one part not aligned, 1pt-two parts not aligned, 0pts-three or more parts not aligned)   

0 1 2 3 4 5

Vertical - determined by head, shoulders & ribs, hips, knees, feet (5pts-all parts aligned, 4pts-1part not aligned, 3pts-2parts not aligned, 2pts-3parts not aligned, 1pt-4parts not aligned, 0pts-all parts not aligned)

0 1 2 3 4

Eggbeater: determined by height, must have correct technique (4pts-at or above bust line, stable arms, 3pts-between armpit and bust and/or slight move of arms, 2pts-armpits dry and/or minor move of arms, 1pt-collar bone dry and/or major move of arms, 0pts-wash over shoulders and/or arms down before lap ends). Note: incorrect technique - automatic 0pts

0 1 2 3 4 Eggbeater Alignment: determined by head, shoulders, ribs, hips (4pts-All parts aligned, 3pts-one part not aligned, 2pts-two parts not aligned, 1pts-three parts not aligned, 0pts-all parts not aligned)

0 1 2 3 Boost: determined by height (3pts-crotch at or above the surface, 2pts-between crotch and pelvic bones, 1pt-between pelvic bone and waist, 0pts-below waist)

0 1 Vertical against the wall (1pt-held for 15 counts, 0pts-less than 15 counts)

0 1 Vertical descent followed by Back Layout Position at wall (1pt-correct transition, 0pts-incorrect transition)

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Synchro Routine – Lap 3 – 10 points – Pass if 8/10




10 points 0 1 Layout: determined by height and body alignment, head, torso, hips, knees, feet (1pt-all aligned and dry, 0pts-one or more parts underwater and/or not aligned)

0 1 2 3 Control (3pts-proper scull technique, 2pts-minor inconsistency, 1pt-lack of pressure/some level changes, 0pts- splash/struggling, no flow, improper scull)   

0 1 2 3 4

Ballet Leg Height (4pts-at mid-thigh or higher throughout, 3pts-well above knee to mid thigh, 2pts-above knee to well above knee, 1pt- knee to above knee, 0pts-below knee cap and/or drops leg)

0 1 Horizontal Leg (1pt-left foot at surface throughout, 0pts-left leg underwater or kicking)

0 1 Finished in 2 minutes (1pt-2:00.00 minutes or less, 0pts-greater than 2:00.01 minutes)

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Overall score for Phase 1A:

ScoreFlexibility 19/23Conditioning 17/21Acrobatics 17/20Swimming 17/20Synchro routine 45/55TOTAL 115/139

Athlete passes Phase 1A if they achieve 115 points (out of 139 points – that is about 83%).

Note: Athlete must pass 7 out of the 9 tests (per the detailed score for those tests) and the total score of 115 points.



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360 Walkover FrontFrom a Front Layout Position, a Front Pike is assumed. One leg is lifted in a 180 degree arc over the surface to a Split Position. A Walkout Front is executed.

301 Barracuda From a Back Layout Position, the legs are raised to vertical as the body is submerged to a Submerged Back Pike Position with the toes just under the surface. A Thrust is executed to a Vertical Position. A Vertical Descent is executed at the same tempo as the Thrust.

349 TowerFrom a Front Layout Position, a Front Pike Position is assumed. One leg is lifted to a Fishtail Position. The Horizontal leg is lifted to a Vertical Position. A Vertical Descent is executed.

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Scoring: 5 FINA Judgesassessed per FINA Rules

Other: - Legs are not marked and there are no pre-required counts (you do not have to follow the counts from Grade Level 3

- All athlete from Phase 1A may do figures even if they did not pass Phase 1A

- Only 1 panel for Junior trials

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Results: Best ranked athletes in figures competition who have also passed Phase 1A.

Selection to Phase 2:

Age Group Number of athletes selected to Phase 2 trials

Junior To make up to 50 athletes participating in Phase 2A13-15 To make up to 60 athletes participating in Phase 2A12&U To make up to 70 athletes participating in Phase 2A

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Questions?Email the HPD at [email protected]