2016 - Walpole Parish · At the meeting on 10th March 2016 Councillor Luck gave an update on be-half of Walpole Parish Recreation Foundation Trust (WPFRT), in relation to the current

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Page 1: 2016 - Walpole Parish · At the meeting on 10th March 2016 Councillor Luck gave an update on be-half of Walpole Parish Recreation Foundation Trust (WPFRT), in relation to the current


Page 2: 2016 - Walpole Parish · At the meeting on 10th March 2016 Councillor Luck gave an update on be-half of Walpole Parish Recreation Foundation Trust (WPFRT), in relation to the current


Page 3: 2016 - Walpole Parish · At the meeting on 10th March 2016 Councillor Luck gave an update on be-half of Walpole Parish Recreation Foundation Trust (WPFRT), in relation to the current


At the meeting on 11th February 2016 Suzanne Lyons asked the Parish Council about the land that is possibly being gifted to the Parish Council by the Borough Council for use as allot-ments. She also asked about a small parcel of land that could be used as a wildlife garden. Borough Councillor Blunt said he would respond later in the meeting.

Harry Lessman commented that a lot of planning applications were being approved recently. Councillor Blunt explained about the housing land supply and when we have reached our ‘target’ figure, we will be in a better position to oppose certain developments.

Martin Stacey commented on the poor condition of the roads outside the sub-station. Councillors Broden, Blunt met with Andy Wallace of the County Council to review damage to roads and this matter is now in hand. It was noted that since proper signage for construc-tion traffic routes was requested, these

now appear to be in place.

The Parish Council’s Facebook page is nearing completion and Councillor Luck will make alterations to the policy as suggested and circulate to the Parish Council for comment and approval. Once approved, the Facebook page can be published.

The idea of a Parish Council Surgery was again discussed and the Parish Clerk will liaise with the Community Centre’s Booking Clerk to see if there is a suitable day available.

There was no update from highways regarding the mapping of the the verge cutting routes.

It was noted that there are a number of overgrown hedges along The Chase which crowd the footpath. As it is not known who owns these hedges, the Parish Clerk will write to nearby resi-dents informing them of the Parish Council’s intention to have these re-moved unless ownership is declared or there are any reasonable objections.

Updated quotes have been received for the playpark equipment and, as there is a lot of information to discuss, it was agreed to hold a separate meeting on 3rd March.

The access route from Springfield Road to the sports field was raised as Norfolk County Council require an en-gineer’s drawing before work can com-mence. It was agreed that an architect will be instructed as soon as possible in order that the project can progress.

Borough Councillor Blunt gave feed-




Richard Blunt………...780454

Richard Green…….…780378

Andrew Bliss..………..780928

James Whitaker……...780456

Richard Broden………780333

David Lawty…………..780100

Janet Luck…………….780384

Lynne Newman………780447

Linda Matthews………780631

Parish Clerk: Emma Bateman

Tel. 01945 780002

[email protected]

Page 4: 2016 - Walpole Parish · At the meeting on 10th March 2016 Councillor Luck gave an update on be-half of Walpole Parish Recreation Foundation Trust (WPFRT), in relation to the current


back on various projects he has been involved with over the last month. He explained that the allotment land behind Townsend Estate which is currently owned by the Borough Council is still under negotiation as it is possible that it may be gifted to the Parish Council. He has also been in discussion regarding land near to the allotments and he has proposed that if it is not sold for devel-opment, that this may also be gifted to the Parish Council as it would be an ideal site for a wildlife area.

The railings at Walpole St Andrew Cemetery are due to be painted in the near future.

At the Extraordinary Meeting on 3 March 2016 Councillor Whitaker gave a presentation on the playpark equip-ment for which he has received up to date quotes. Following discussion, it was agreed that Fenland Leisure had provided the most favourable quote and Councillor Whitaker will now look at possible funding options.

At the meeting on 10th March 2016 Councillor Luck gave an update on be-half of Walpole Parish Recreation Foundation Trust (WPFRT), in relation to the current position regarding the proposed BMX Track. As issues relat-ing to the lease and planning consent are complex, it has been decided to hold a separate meeting on 18th March.

This led to a discussion about plans for a dropped kerb from Springfield Road to the playing field and the Parish Clerk was asked to seek clarification from the planning department as the planning consent received by the BMX Club appears to conflict with that of the Parish Council as to whether the access can be gated. The issue of the dropped kerb will be reviewed again following the WPFRT Meeting on 18th March.

The Grants Awards Policy has now been finalised and will be adopted at the next meeting.

A letter of thanks has been sent to Murphy’s in relation to the playpark railings.

A meeting regarding the playpark has been arranged for 28th April at 7 p.m. at the Community Centre which will include a presentation. Public participa-tion will not be possible at this meeting.

There are two Parish Councillor va-cancies—please see page 14 for more information.

The printing of 500 information leaf-lets for use by villagers at Parish Coun-cil meetings was approved.

Borough Councillor Blunt continues negotiations with the Borough Council regarding the allotment land at the rear of Townsend Estate. Further updates from Borough Councillor Blunt can be found on page 6.

Flooding along Chalk Road will be reported again.

There has been no date given for the construction of the TROD on Chalk Road. The Parish Clerk will follow up.

Next Meetings:

The Annual Assembly on 14th April at 7 p.m. will be followed by the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting.

The Playpark Meeting will be on 28th April 2016 at 7


all at Walpole

Community Centre

Page 5: 2016 - Walpole Parish · At the meeting on 10th March 2016 Councillor Luck gave an update on be-half of Walpole Parish Recreation Foundation Trust (WPFRT), in relation to the current



We have enjoyed some excellent speakers at our monthly meetings. Each one has

added to our knowledge of how to research our family history in many and varied

ways. The March meeting was an added bonus to those wondering how to illustrate

their family history and making it an interesting project for other members of the

family. We look forward to a future meeting when members will be able to put on

display the results of their work. So watch this space! Our next meeting will be on

Thursday 28th APRIL our guest speaker will be Bryan Howling the title of his talk is

‘One Hundred & Fifty Years of Rural Change’ as so many of us have Agriculture

Labourers as ancestors we should learn a lot about how their lives changed over the

years. Our MAY meeting will be an insight to the lives of Evacuees during

WW2. We will be able to hear first hand from our guest speakers who were evacu-

ees themselves. EVERYONE WELCOME to our meetings held in St Peter & St

Paul Church Hall Wisbech on the fourth Thursday of each month from 7 – 9 p.m.

visitors £2 members free.

Our JUNE meeting will be held at a different venue, as we are unable to meet in St

Peter’s Church Hall Wisbech due to the Rose Fair. We have a very special meeting

planned. Steve MANNING from the Federation of FHS will be with us. Steve will

give a practical demonstration and instruction session on how to get the best out of

FREE websites including Family Search. The meeting will be held in the church hall

of St Augustine Church Lynn Road Wisbech the hall is behind the church, meeting

at the usual time of 7 – 9 p.m.

Computer research sessions are held in Wisbech Library on the first Tuesday of

each month from 10 – 12 noon. Our team of experienced researchers offer help with

family research to anyone attending. We use all the Library facilities including two

subscription programmes for FREE. If you bring your laptop our researchers will

show you how to do your own research, or they will use their own laptops and do

your research with you. We are there from 10 – 12 noon.

In addition, our small team of researchers join forces with a Peterborough FHS re-

searcher in WYEVALE GARDEN CENTRE in CROWLAND on the second Tues-

day of each month from 11 – 3 p.m. offering help with your family research. You

will find us in the Wyevale restaurant. Both sessions are FREE and everyone is wel-


Our EVENTS team are busy getting ready the special displays to take to other

events in and around the area. Our first event of the year will be in ELGOOD’S

BREWERY at the GARDEN & CRAFT FAIR on Sunday 8th May. You will find us

in the old Barn off the patio, do drop in and see us. We will also be At WALPOLE

ST PETER’S FLOWER FESTIVAL 3 – 8th June. The theme this year is Musical

Theatre. Watch out for our special display, we will also be offering help with your

family research. If you have an event coming up which you would like us to attend

please contact us. We plan to match our displays with the theme of the church or

group event being planned. Our members also give talks to groups in the area.

For further information on any of the above please call 01945 587723.

Page 6: 2016 - Walpole Parish · At the meeting on 10th March 2016 Councillor Luck gave an update on be-half of Walpole Parish Recreation Foundation Trust (WPFRT), in relation to the current


Message from your Borough Councillor The daffodils are out and Spring will soon be here.

There are three major debates being regularly discussed be-

tween the Borough Councillors at the moment.

Firstly in or out of Europe. Difficult decision for us all. I

have got to admit I have not made up my mind as yet and would

like more information on how will the economy and local busi-

nesses and the local economy be affected by the decision. It is interesting that our

two local MPs are divided on the subject. Sir Henry Bellingham for exiting and

Elizabeth Truss for staying in the EU. It would be good if they would be willing to

have a public debate together.

Secondly the Devolution Debate. This is a bigger mystery. Central Government

want to dissolve certain power from the centre to local communities as per London

and Manchester. Now is the turn of the rural areas. There is a proposal being dis-

cussed to form a dissolve region for East Anglia consisting of Norfolk, Suffolk, Cam-

bridgeshire and Peterborough. The full details of what powers and how it will work

are still being discussed.

Thirdly the Leadership of the Borough Council. Nick Daubney announced earlier

in the year that he will not be seeking re-election as leader to Conservative Group.

Nick has been leader for several years and has worked very hard for the Borough.

His leadership will be greatly missed. So at the end of April, the Conservative Mem-

bers will be electing a new leader who will in turn will be leader of the Council.

I took part in a Planning Update to Parish Councils in late February. Over 90 Parish

representatives attended including our own. Several topics were discussed including

five year land supply, future Government planning guideline, community infrastruc-

ture levy and neighbourhood plans.

Over the past few months, applications to develop over 50 homes in the Walpoles

have been made. As I mentioned in my last message, these application are being as-

sessed under the Nation Planning Guideline because of the Borough's lack of a five

year land supply. Hopefully this will change soon and new plans will be accessed on

the local guidelines. Interesting fact is that in the last couple of years less than 40%

of all applications in the Borough have been developed.

Over the last couple of weeks I have had several complaints from parishioners about

litter, speed and dog fouling. I hate to see the remains of a MacDonald's meal laying

in the middle of the road after being ejected from a car passing through our village. If

you see anybody doing this take the car number and report it to the police. A lot of

the people who speed through our village live in our village and the same can be said

about dog fouling. Think about it!

I appreciate all the local support and if you think I can help do not hesitate to contact


Cllr Richard Blunt.

Email. [email protected] Telephone: 01945 780454

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CONTACT PETER ON 07957110520



GARDENS Chalk Road, Walpole St Peter

PE14 7PE



Open from 10 a.m. Wednesday to Sunday and Bank Holiday Mondays.

Tel: 07718745935

Email: [email protected]


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Please read the following change:

To book the Centre please contact Sabrina

Nimmo on:

01945 780877

Evenings and


Page 13: 2016 - Walpole Parish · At the meeting on 10th March 2016 Councillor Luck gave an update on be-half of Walpole Parish Recreation Foundation Trust (WPFRT), in relation to the current


A reader’s letter to Anthony Curton School:

Dear Mrs Senior,

My wife and I were fortunate to be in church on ‘Mothering Sunday’ and to witness the part that

many of your young pupils carried out as an integral part of our morning service. The young Beaver

group processed into church with the priest and the choir at the beginning of the service and later

helped in taking the collection. These Beavers were all pupils at Anthony Curton.

The slightly older children read their own tributes to their own mothers by reading prayers written by

themselves. They each appeared in front of a microphone—in front of the congregation—not an easy

thing to do. This was all a very moving part of our service—so much so—that it resulted in constant

applause from the congregation—not a usual practice in church.

In addition to all this 2 other children read the two readings—the Epistle and the Gospel which they

did very clearly—we could hear every word.

At the end fo the service all the children distributed flowers not only to their own mothers but to all

the ladies in church. Throughouot the 1 ¼ hour service the children conducted themselves in a

manner which yourself and your staff can be very proud.

Finally I must congratulate Canon John Wicksteed for conducting the service favourably for the

children andf especially to your staff member Jeremy Wilkinson who has an obvious bond with the


Congratulations to all at Anthony Curton School.


Ray Earl

Page 14: 2016 - Walpole Parish · At the meeting on 10th March 2016 Councillor Luck gave an update on be-half of Walpole Parish Recreation Foundation Trust (WPFRT), in relation to the current


Walpole Parish Council has a vacancy for a co-opted

Parish Councillor

Parish Councils are an essential item of the “Big Society” and have a long tradition

of promoting a sense of pride in the community.

To be a councillor you need to:

Care about your community

Be willing to represent your electorate

Want to make a difference

Have the time

Be committed and enthusiastic

Walpole Parish Council has twelve evening meetings a year, at the Community Cen-

tre, has responsibility for maintenance of the playpark, upkeep of St Andrew’s closed

churchyard, allotments and street lighting and is a consultee for local issues and plan-

ning applications. The meetings are regularly on the second Thursday of each


If you are interested in joining the Parish Council as a co-opted councillor, please

apply in writing to:

Mrs E Bateman

Clerk to the Parish Council

Crown Farm

Mill Road

West Walton

PE14 7EU

01945 780002

[email protected]

Closing Date for Applications is midday on 6th May 2016.

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Dear All

Well—this last month has been a busy one to say the least! All aspects of the Community Centre’s management has been, and contin-ues to be, under review. We have started a repair and maintenance list, with any Health & Safety issues being treated as a priority. One main issue that has received a lot of attention is the car park and I have been gathering quotes for it to be resur-faced—now we have to look into how such a major project might be funded—which is no mean feat! We’ve been very lucky to have two new clubs join us recently; these being Marshland Archers who are there every Saturday from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. but have also been holding a series of ‘Taster Sessions’ to give you all a fla-vour of what the club is all about. The other club, which is still in its infancy but has started strong, is the Short Mat Bowls Club. This operates on Sun-days from 2—4 p.m. and welcomes new members. There has also been talk of starting a badminton club so watch this space! If anyone has any other ideas or proposals please let me know and I’ll dis-cuss it with the Committee. We now have a Google page (which still needs some work) and are cur-rently building a Facebook page. You may also have noticed that we now have a page on the Parish Council’s website so, hopefully, the flow of com-munication will be much easier in the future. We have planned the A.G.M. for 12th April at 7 p.m. in the Community Ce-

tre and copies of the agenda are placed on notice boards around the Wal-

poles—all Walpole residents 18 years and over are welcome to attend so I

hope to see you there.

Yours Faithfully, Peter Luck (Chair WPFRT)

[email protected]


[email protected]

If you wish to book the centre please contact Sabrina Nimmo on 01945

780877 (Evenings and weekends).

Page 19: 2016 - Walpole Parish · At the meeting on 10th March 2016 Councillor Luck gave an update on be-half of Walpole Parish Recreation Foundation Trust (WPFRT), in relation to the current


Gammon with Leeks and Sweet Mustard Sauce

Serves 4-6

My husband makes this recipe every now and again. It is one of my favourite dishes

and any leftover gammon and potatoes are delicious the next day, served with a

salad or whatever takes your fancy!

1 Unsmoked Gammon Joint (about 2.5 kg)

(For 2-3 servings use 1.5kg Gammon and adjust boiling time)

5-6 sprigs (or pack) of fresh rosemary

3 tbsp castor sugar

3 tbsp wholegrain mustard

Finely grated zest of 1 lemon

500g new potatoes, scrubbed (or 250g if using 1.5kg Gammon)

5 bay leaves

8 – 12 shallots, peeled and left whole

200g baby leeks, washed and trimmed) OR

(2 Full-size leeks halved and cut lengthwise)

200g frozen baby broad beans, thawed

½ x 200 tub crème-fraiche

Freshly ground black pepper

Place gammon in large pan, just cover with water then bring to boil slowly.

Skim, Reduce heat, cover and simmer gently for 65-70 mins. (40 mins for 1.5 kg


Strip rosemary from stalks and chop finely. Mix this with sugar, lemon zest and

mustard. Cook potatoes in boiling water for about 5 mins, then drain.

Preheat oven to 180c. gas 4. Drain the gammon, reserving 500ml of the cooking

liquid. Remove the string-if any- and cut away most of the fat.

Place the gammon in a large roasting tin, skinned side up, and spread the mustard

mixture on top of the gammon. Pour the reserved liquid around the meat; add the

potatoes to the roasting tin with the bay leaves and shallots. Place in oven to bake.

After 30mins cooking stir in the leeks and broad beans. Bake for a further 40-45

mins. until vegetables are tender. (If using 1.5kg Gammon omit the 30 mins and bake

all for 40 mins)

Transfer gammon and vegetables to a serving plate. Remove the top mustard mix-

ture from gammon and discard. Strain the liquid through a fine sieve and return to

the tin. Place roasting tin on the hob and stir in the crème-fraiche and some black

pepper. Let it bubble for a few minutes until thickened to a smooth sauce. Spoon this

over the gammon and spring vegetables.

Best wine to accompany will be a Grenache. Enjoy! Liz de Boer

Page 20: 2016 - Walpole Parish · At the meeting on 10th March 2016 Councillor Luck gave an update on be-half of Walpole Parish Recreation Foundation Trust (WPFRT), in relation to the current



Foot Health Practitioner

For all your general foot health

Toe nail trimming—corn removal—hard skin and callous reduction—nail fungal

infection treatment—diabetic foot assess-ments—home visits available.

Also available:

Reflexology, Foot Massage, Hopi Ear Can-dling and Ear Piercing.

For information or appointments please call 07786 575228 or email:

[email protected]

Moira Merry TCFCP Dip/MAR/AoR

Chalk Road, Walpole St Peter PE14 7PN

Page 21: 2016 - Walpole Parish · At the meeting on 10th March 2016 Councillor Luck gave an update on be-half of Walpole Parish Recreation Foundation Trust (WPFRT), in relation to the current


Mobile Library Timetable

Editor’s note: the addresses are as listed on Norfolk County Council’s website. Calls normally on Thursdays Next dates: 7th April and 10t5th May 2016 14:05 14:20 Walpole Marsh, Wheatsheaf 14:25 14:40 Walpole Marsh, French’s Road 14:45 15:00 Walpole St Peter, West Drove Council Houses 15:05 15:15 Walpole St Peter Council Houses (Nr Elm Tree) 15:20 15:35 Walpole St Peter, Butler’s Close 15:40 15:55 Walpole St Peter, Townsend Estate 16:00 16:15 Walpole St Andrew School 16:20 16:30 Walpole St Andrew, Chalk Road



www.norfolk.police.uk—crime preven-

tion advice, crime stoppers, etc.

www.edp24.co.uk—Eastern Daily

Press—click on police helmet for

speed camera locations, etc.


community information—local info and

trading standards under Law and Or-

der section


on police helmet for police info.


Crime stoppers: 0800 555111


Do you suffer with: Shoulder pain


Sporting injuries

Soft tissue injuries

Fully qualified and insured.

Does your horse show signs of tension, stiffness or discomfort? Is

he under-performing for no obvious reason? If so, this could be a sign

of pain and should be investigated.

Kirkfield Farm, Walpole St Peter, TEL: 07581320519

Wisbech PE14 7PN.

Email: [email protected]


Page 22: 2016 - Walpole Parish · At the meeting on 10th March 2016 Councillor Luck gave an update on be-half of Walpole Parish Recreation Foundation Trust (WPFRT), in relation to the current



It’s that time of year again where we all like to be

getting out in the garden and clearing last years

dead leaves, brambles etc. Before you get out the

strimmer or the lawn mower, could you please just check under hedges, leaf, logs

piles, compost heaps etc, that there are not any hibernating or nesting Hedgehogs or

other wildlife.

This is the time of year that Hedgehogs are wounded and killed sadly by us humans.

So please next time to pop to the tool shed and get out the folk, mower or strimmer

etc, please just have a quick check around.

This time of year will also see the Hedgehogs coming out of hibernation. They may

be under weight, wobbly, and out during the day. If you see any hogs out during the

day they may be in trouble and will need immediate attention.

Breeding season will also soon be upon us and this is the one time of year where it

will be okay to find adult female hogs out in the day looking for food for their

hoglett, or a hoglett that may have just wandered out from the nest for the first time.

If you are able to please check keep an eye and see if the adult goes back and forth to

a regular place and if they do, they are more than likely to be feeding their young. If

not and just out during the day, then they will need immediate attention. Often I hear

that they Hedgehogs are feeding and walking around okay during the day. Sadly this

is not the case – Unless the hogs are seen as described as above – they are not well

and will need to be seen asap.

If a Hedgehog is in trouble please pick it up with gloves and a towel and put in a high

sided box. A small amount of cat/dog food mashed up is ok and some water. Please

call me on 01945 781177 or 078666 25263 if you have rescued a Hedgehog – if for

any reason I am unavailable, if you are able please take it to Terrington Vets, 24

Marshland Street, PE34 4NE 0845-459-9640

The work I do and videos of our rescued Hedgehogs can be seen on Face Book

Page : Suzanne’s Hedgehog Rescue

Suzanne Lyons

Page 23: 2016 - Walpole Parish · At the meeting on 10th March 2016 Councillor Luck gave an update on be-half of Walpole Parish Recreation Foundation Trust (WPFRT), in relation to the current


News from Anthony Curton School

This last term has been exceedingly busy, both for us and our sister school at

Tilney All Saints. Teams from both schools have competed in Marshland Cluster

sporting events, including Hockey, Netball, Cross Country and Tag Rugby. As

usual, their behaviour and sportsmanship was exemplary, we are very proud of


Our children have been out and about on a range of visits, including a joint visit

with our friends from Tilney All Saints to the Theatre Royal in London, to watch a

live performance of Roald Dahl’s “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” for our Year

2 children.

Children in Year 3 spent an action packed two days living the life of ancient Vi-

kings, including bread making, storytelling and weaving. They enjoyed a special

Viking feast of home made bread, non-alcoholic mead and oat cakes.

Year 6 children from both schools worked very hard on a joint Enterprise Day at

Anthony Curton School, hosted by the Norfolk Education, Industry & Commerce

Group, and learned how difficult (but exciting) it is to work to deadlines in a real

life Newspaper Office.

We celebrated World Book Day across both our schools, when the classrooms

were alive with characters that had jumped straight out of the pages of classical

literature or fairy tales. An amazing day – full of fun and laughter – and some

brilliant costumes.

Our PTA, who are an amazing bunch, have again been extremely busy organising

a sponsored “Bunny Hop” to raise funds.

Finally, we have now been part of the Ely Diocese Trust for over a year, and plan

to hold a special joint celebration day with our sister school in the summer term

as the weather warms up. We are hoping Bishop Stephen will attend our joint

Church Service at Walpole St Peter’s Church, which will be followed by a family

fun day and picnic in the Tilney school grounds

If you would like to know more about our school, you are always very welcome to

call in and see us in action. Alternatively, why not take a peep by looking at our

school website, www.anthonycurton.norfolk.sch.uk

The children, staff and Governors join me in hoping (belatedly) that you had a

lovely and peaceful Easter.

Kind regards Anne Senior, Executive Head Teacher

Page 24: 2016 - Walpole Parish · At the meeting on 10th March 2016 Councillor Luck gave an update on be-half of Walpole Parish Recreation Foundation Trust (WPFRT), in relation to the current


NOTICE BOARD Village community activities can be advertised

in this section of the Crier free of charge.

Please note that future adverts will be re-

stricted to the size of this box.

Send your copy to the editor before the dead-

line of May 15



For more details phone 01945 780269

Page 25: 2016 - Walpole Parish · At the meeting on 10th March 2016 Councillor Luck gave an update on be-half of Walpole Parish Recreation Foundation Trust (WPFRT), in relation to the current


YOUTH FOOTBALL CLUB New talent is always wanted

Boys and girls welcome 07540778379



Meeting every Friday morning

from 9.30 to 12 in St. Peter’s

Parish Hall. £2 per session in-

cluding tea/coffee. New mem-

bers, with or without experience,

are welcome.

Contact Gill Henderson on

01945 780783

Page 26: 2016 - Walpole Parish · At the meeting on 10th March 2016 Councillor Luck gave an update on be-half of Walpole Parish Recreation Foundation Trust (WPFRT), in relation to the current


My name is Matt Pyatt and I am a runner who lives in Walpole St Andrew. I was recently awarded the KLFM sportsman of the year award at the corn exchange in Kings Lynn. I have lived in the village since 2012 and compete in every distance from 800m to the Marathon, I had been nominated for this award in the previous 2 years but this is the first time I have been successful so 3rd time lucky. My highlights in the past year were running a personal best in the Lincoln 10k in a time of 33 minutes and 4 seconds to finish 11th out of 8 thousand runners and first in my age group. Last September I joined 40 thousand (4 thousand more than London) other runners to run the Berlin Marathon. I finished 247th overall in a time of 2 hours 36 minutes and 59 seconds over 2 minutes faster than my previous best. And then in November the highlight, despite struggling with injury at the time, being selected to run for The England Masters Cross Country Team in Dublin Ireland where I finished as 5th Englishman in my age group. I love running around the Walpoles and surrounding areas and sometimes with my wife Lisa. Previously we have even run with our son Stanley in a buggy and hope to continue to run for many years to come.

Date Event

14 April Dr Nelson – The Heather Society

12 May Pride in the Fall - John Summerfield

4-8 June Flower Festival – Theatre and Musicals

16 June Annual Outing- To Be confirmed

14 July Fruit - Mary Larham (Manea School of Gardening)

11 August Late Colour in the Garden plus Grasses – Trevor Harrison

3 September Annual Flower & Produce Show

8 September Puddle Paddock (Part II) – Sue Stephenson

13 October Visits to Sandringham – Helen Walch

10 November Every Show has a Story – Johnny Walkers (Taylors Bulbs)

8 December AGM


All meetings are held in Walpole St Peter Parish Hall the second Thursday of the month at 7.30 p.m.

Page 27: 2016 - Walpole Parish · At the meeting on 10th March 2016 Councillor Luck gave an update on be-half of Walpole Parish Recreation Foundation Trust (WPFRT), in relation to the current


Dial-a bus availability in The Walpoles EVERY TUESDAY into KING’S LYNN Serving members from the following areas:

Walpole Marsh – Walpole Cross Keys Terrington St Clement–Clenchwarton and

West Lynn

Start at 9:45am Return at 1:15pm Cost:£4.50

EVERY FRIDAY into KING’S LYNN Serving members from the following areas:

Walpole Cross Keys-Terrington St Clement-


Start 9:45am Return 1:15pm Cost:£4.50

Dial-A-Bus members with Concessionary

Pass: £3.00 return


Serving members from the following areas:

Marshland St James - Walpole Highway

St John’s Fen End - Tilney St Lawrence

Terrington St John - Tilney Cum Islington

Tilney All Saints

Start at 9:30am Return at 1:00pm Cost:


£4 return for members with Concessionary

Travel Pass


As I now have around 150 villagers on my list for the Oil Consortium, you can imagine that it gets a little busy in my house and I feel that I am quite often working full time! Anyway, so that you can go out without worrying about missing a call for oil, Chandlers have agreed that if I am not available on 01945 780417, then you should phone Jemma Crossland at Chandlers on 0845 6202010. Also, so that you can plan your deliveries, here is a list of delivery dates for the next 12 months: Weeks commencing: (2015/16) 30 March, 4 May, 1 June, 29 June, 27 July, 24 Aug, 28 Sept, 26 Oct, 23 Nov, 25 Jan 2016, 22 Feb, 21 Mar, 24 Apr, 23 May.

Please order by the Friday before these dates and it will be priced the day before delivery. This does not mean you can’t phone me if you have an urgent order, but because we are now such a large group it is sensible to stick to the delivery schedule if at all possi-ble. It gives you something to strive for and if I’m not available, an alternative number to call. Thank you for your patience.

(Mrs) Jo Bartlett

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WANTED Bric-a-Brac


If you have any unwanted good quality

bric-a-brac, clothng etc that you would be willing to donate to this year's flower festival,

we would be very grateful. (sorry we are unable to accept large items

of furniture or electrical goods) Please give me a call on 01945 780783

or bring your donations to Gill Henderson, Bramblewood, Church Rd., Walpole St Peter.

Many thanks

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Notes from Walpole St. Peter’s Church Walpole St Peter’s Flower Festival and Fayre - Saturday 4th to Wednesday 8th


A team of volunteers from around the Villages have worked hard through the past

year to prepare for this year’s Flower Festival and Fayre. Many new events have

been added in order to make the festival more attractive to everyone. In particular,

we are pleased to be able to present the following activities outside church:

Ride-on miniature railway to run from Bolt Hole to Church gates on School

Lane and back on Saturday and Sunday

Molly Dancers display on Saturday afternoon

Punch and Judy show on Saturday and Sunday

King’s Lynn Town Band playing music from the shows on Sunday afternoon

Display of Birds of Prey on Saturday and Sunday

Operating Model Railway display all week

Competition for children of “Garden on a Plate” (for details see below)

Blacksmith’s Forge

Childrens’ Games

Make and fly your own balsa wood glider

Refreshment tent

Produce, Cake, Flowers, Jigsaws and Bric a Brac stalls

All the regular and many additional craft stalls

Inside church, as well as the wonderful display of flowers with the theme this year

of Theatres and Musicals, we again have artists at work and new this year demonstra-

tions of lace making and an opportunity to trace your own family history.

We think that this Festival will be the best yet, but please take note of the dates and

come along with your friends and family and find out for yourselves.

Open daily 4th to 8th June, from 9 am to 5 pm (Sunday 11:15 am to 5 pm). Parking

and Admission FREE!

Notable Dates for April and May:

Sun. Apr. 03 09:30 Breakfast Club Service Walpole St Peter Church

Wed. Apr. 20 19:00 Annual Church Meeting (open to all) Walpole St Peter Church

Sun. Apr. 24 11:00 St George’s Day - All Age Service Walpole St Peter Church

Sun. May 01 09:30 Breakfast Club Service Walpole St Peter Church

Thur. May 05 10:30 Ascension Day Communion Service Walpole St Peter Church

Sat. May 14 19:00 Quiz Night Walpole St Peter’s Parish


Sun. May 29 10:00 Joint Sung Eucharist St Mary’s, West Walton

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Breakfast Services at Walpole St Peter:

Please join us for coffee, tea, cereals, juice, bacon butties, toast and marmalade etc.,

followed by a short informal get-together and discussion, every first Sunday during

school term times.

Children, parents and grandparents especially welcome.

Sunday April 3rd 9:30 am

Sunday May 1st 9:30 am

(N.B. No Breakfast Club in June - Flower Festival)

St George’s Day Service:

Following the enjoyable Mothering Sunday Service in March, we are planning to

hold another All Age service on St George’s Day, Sunday 24th April. Invitations

will be given to all school children at Anthony Curton School. Please come along

with your children, friends and families to another special service at 11 am at Wal-

pole St Peter’s church.

Countdown to a new Priest for Walpole St Peter:

Some of you may already know that a new Job Advert for a full-time Parish Priest

has now been placed on the Diocese website. Applications for the post are to be re-

ceived by 8th April and interviews scheduled to take place on 28th April. We keep

our fingers crossed that we may be seeing a new Priest around the villages in autumn


Quiz Night:

By popular request, Gerard Fletcher and Ros McLean have again kindly agreed to

run a Quiz evening on Saturday 14th May at 7.00 pm. Tickets at £5.00 each, includ-

ing buffet supper, are available from Heather and Michael (01553 841113) and Anita

and Tony Roweth (780459). Come along with your friends to make up tables of

four. Tombola and a raffle bar will also be available. This promises to be another

fun evening! Proceeds will go to the Church Roof Appeal.

Flower Festival Planning:

We have one more Flower Festival planning meeting scheduled for Tuesday 19th

April at 7pm at Anthony Curton School. Please come along if you can and bring

your friends and neighbours with you to help us provide a really successful festival.

There is a lot to be done and we need all the help that we can get!

Garden on a Plate COMPETITION for Children:

Entries are invited for a “Garden on a Plate” Competition from ALL Primary School

age Children to be exhibited at the Walpole St Peter Flower Festival and

Fayre.Entries must be submitted by 10:00 am on Saturday 4th June in the

churchyard at Walpole St Peter’s church (at the model railway marquee).Entries

will be exhibited from Saturday 4th to Wednesday 8th June and will be judged at

12:00 noon on Sunday 5th June. Prizes will be awarded for the best three entries in

each age group.

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Age groups are as follows:

Classes R, 1 and 2; Classes 3 & 4; Classes 5 & 6.

Take a 10-inch plate (polystyrene, plastic, metal or china are all suitable, but not pa-

per because it’s too weak) and then use moss, bark, soil, small stones, twigs, peas,

silver foil, etc., to make a mini garden. Handbag mirrors or upside down bottle tops

make great little ponds and lolly sticks can be used in all sorts of ways. Plasticine or

modelling clay makes a good base for anything that needs to stand up. It’s up to you

if you want to add small plastic figures and animals. It’s what is on the plate that will

be judged, not the plate itself!

During the interregnum, please do not hesitate to contact either of the churchwardens

at any time for any matter. We will treat all calls with strict confidentiality.

William Brooks Michael Anstey

Tel. 01945 780609 Tel. 01553 841113

Church Services During April

(Walpole St Peter’s unless otherwise stated)

Sun 3 - Breakfast Service at 9.30 a.m.

Led by Mr Jeremy Wilkinson

Sung Eucharist at 11.00 a.m.

(Easter 2)

Preacher and Celebrant: Canon John Wickstead

Baptism of Mylie Rose and Ruby Brown at 2.30 p.m. with Canon Matthew Bradbury

Wed 6 - Midweek Communion at 10.30 a.m.

Celebrant: Canon Andrew Haig

Sun 10 - Sung Eucharist at 11.00 a.m.

(Easter 3)

Preacher and Celebrant: Ven. David Fleming

Sun 17 - Sung Eucharist at 11.00 a.m.

(Easter 4)

Preacher and Celebrant: Ven. David Fleming

Wed 20 - Midweek Communion at 10.30 a.m. Celebrant: Revd. Andrew Bell

Sun 24 - St George’s Day All Age Service at

11.00 a.m. (Easter 5)

Preacher and Celebrant: Ven. David Fleming

Baptism of Eloise Sophia Rose Sewell at 2.30 p.m. with Canon Matthew Bradbury

Church Services During May

(Walpole St Peter’s unless otherwise stated)

Sun 1 - Breakfast Service at 9.30 a.m.

Led by Mr Jeremy Wilkinson

Sung Eucharist at 11.00 a.m.

(Rogation Sunday)

Preacher and Celebrant: Canon John Wickstead

Thur 5 - Ascension Day Communion at

10.30 a.m.

Celebrant: Canon Andrew Haig

Sun 8 - Sung Eucharist at 11.00 a.m.

(Easter 7)

Preacher and Celebrant: Ven. David Fleming

Sun 15 - Sung Eucharist at 11.00 a.m.


Preacher and Celebrant: Ven. David Fleming

Wed 18—Midweek Communion at 10.30 a.m.

Celebrant: Revd. Alan Bell

Sun 22 - Sung Eucharist at 11.00 a.m.

(Tinity Sunday)

Preacher and Celebrant: Ven. David Fleming

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Tel: 01945 584785

PROPER HOME-COOKED FOOD Served lunchtimes Tuesday to Saturday 12 noon—2.00 pm

Evenings Wednesday to Saturday 6.00 p.m.—8.30 pm


Wednesday lunch time and evening. Saturday evening.

Sunday 12 noon —7.00 pm

Why not try our popular takeaway Sunday Roast? Just bring your plates—and a jug for the gravy.

Minimum fuss, no slaving over a hot stove and very little washing up!

The King of Hearts is open to bookings for parties, functions, private

dining and coach parties. If you need further information please visit our website www.kingofheartspub.co.uk or if you would

like to make a booking, please call us on 01945 584785.


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Page 36: 2016 - Walpole Parish · At the meeting on 10th March 2016 Councillor Luck gave an update on be-half of Walpole Parish Recreation Foundation Trust (WPFRT), in relation to the current



FUND We are delighted to report that since it was established in November 2002 the

Robert Foot Leukaemia Fund has so far raised more than £170,000.

As many readers will know, all money raised by RFLF is used to provide 'patient

comforts' at the three hospitals where Robert was treated.

The three hospitals are: Shouldham Ward at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in King's

Lynn; the Teenage Cancer Trust Unit at Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge; and

Guy's/St Thomas' Hospital in London. By 'patient comforts' we mean things that will

make patients' lives more pleasant while they are in hospital, but which would not

usually be funded by official NHS monies.

Among our most recent donations has been £2000 to help finance activities organ-

ised by the Youth Support Coordinator at the Teenage Cancer Trust Unit at Cam-

bridge. These activities have included Pottery Painting Workshops, a Wildtrack trip

(karting and quad biking), Look Good Feel Good Workshops, a trip to Thorpe Park,

Bowling nights, a Newmarket night, a Cupcake Workshop, regular pizza and movie

nights, and visits to London to see 'The Lion King'.

And, more locally, we have donated over £4000 to Shouldham Ward to the revamp

of their Quiet Room.

So thank you to all those who continue to support the Robert Foot Leukaemia Fund

so that this excellent work can be maintained.

To which end, there are two forthcoming events for which we invite your support.

Our 6th Annual Ceilidh will take place on Saturday evening, 23 April, 7.30 until

11.00. As usual, we shall be sharing the evening with Arthritis Research UK, and as

usual the Ceilidh will take place using the excellent facilities of Downham Market

Town Hall. Dancing will be to our live band, 'Abandon', with Jan calling the dances.

The evening will also include ploughman's supper, bar and tombola. Tickets at £10

each (£5 children of school age) are available now from Mike and Wendy on 01945


Advanced notice also of our Strawberry Puddings Supper on Friday evening 22

July in Walpole Parish Hall. Many will have fond memories of our Pie Tasting Sup-

per last Autumn. Here's a chance to indulge your sweet tooth! Much more informa-

tion about our Strawberry Puddings Supper in the June 'Crier'.

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February Soduko


April’s Crossword—solution in

June’s edition

Page 38: 2016 - Walpole Parish · At the meeting on 10th March 2016 Councillor Luck gave an update on be-half of Walpole Parish Recreation Foundation Trust (WPFRT), in relation to the current


Mouth-watering delights from Walpole Luncheon Club

JUST in case there is anyone in the Walpoles that doesn’t realise, on the second and fourth Thursday of each month there are a dedicated band of hardworking

ladies who produce delicious home-cooked lunches for the very reasonable price of £5. Everyone over school age is welcome.

Tickets to be purchased from Marion on 780568 by lunchtime on the Tuesday prior to luncheon club (Cut this out for future reference).


(Please note this may be subject to change to accommodate seasonal ingredients).

14th April Casserole Bakewell tart

28th April Roast dinner Ice cream/sauce/biscuit

12th May Sausagemeat plait Chocolate sponge/mandarins

26th May Roast dinner Fruit fool

9th June Flower festival

23rd June Roast dinner Pavlova

14th July Cold meat and salad Lemon bread + butter pudding

11th Aug Flan Munch bunch mess

25th Aug Roast dinner Lemon drizzle cake

8th Sept Breakfast pie Scalloped fruit

22nd Sept Roast dinner Trifle

13th Oct Casserole Apple pie

27th Oct Roast dinner Fruit compote/ice cream

10th Nov Sausage + mash Apple crumble

24th Nov Casserole Toffee apple sponge

8th Dec Christmas dinner Christmas pudding

The Luncheon Club Ladies have now introduced a monthly roast dinner which will usually be held on the 4

th Thursday of each month. As always,

these menus are subject to change to make the most of local, seasonal prod-ucts.

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BIRD BOXES FOR SALE If you would like to encourage more

birds into your garden why not buy a

new bird box, made locally, costing only

£8, with all proceeds going to the

Robert Foot Leukaemia Fund. You can

buy them from Mike and Wendy Foot at

the Old Coach House, Folgate Lane,

Walpole St Peter. (01945 780468).


Then give me a call. I can come to yours

or I can do collection / delivery service

with a 48 hour turnaround.

Reasonable rates.

Call Donna on 01945 738520 or




Tel: 01945 780842

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Every Wednesday at 1 to 2 p.m. Fitness

Exercises in the Parish Hall

2nd & 4th Thursday of every month at 12

noon: Luncheon Club at Walpole Parish


Every Tuesday during term-time 6.30—8

p.m. Pilates at Anthony Curton School.

Every Friday—mobile library (see page


Every Saturday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Archery at the Community Centre.

Every Sunday from 2—4 p.m. Short Mat

Bowls at the Community Centre

Thurs. March 24th at 10.30: Anthony

Curton School Easter Service at Walpole

St Peter’s Church

Sat 23rd April: Ceilidh in Downham

Market Town Hall in support of the

Robert Foot Leukaemia Fund. See page

36 for more details.

4th—8th June: Flower Festival at Walpole

St Peter’s Church

Fri 22nd July: Strawberry Puddings Supper

at Walpole Parish Hall in support of the

Robert Foot Leukaemia Fund See page

36 for more details.

Sat 29th Oct: Annual Quiz Evening at

Walpole Parish Hall in support of the

Robert Foot Leukaemia Fund. Further

details to follow.

By arrangement: Art Classes at Walpole

Water Gardens (see page 7)

Walpole Gardener’s Club has a diary of

meetings and events planned—see page

26 for more information

Walpole St. Peter’s Church has a diary of

events planned —see pages 31 and 32

for more details.

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Page 44: 2016 - Walpole Parish · At the meeting on 10th March 2016 Councillor Luck gave an update on be-half of Walpole Parish Recreation Foundation Trust (WPFRT), in relation to the current