2017 ANNUAL REPORT Report.pdf · “My favorite thing about Boys Town is that they let you be a kid. My favorite outing is going out to Okoboji (Boys Town’s summer camp in Iowa)

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Page 1: 2017 ANNUAL REPORT Report.pdf · “My favorite thing about Boys Town is that they let you be a kid. My favorite outing is going out to Okoboji (Boys Town’s summer camp in Iowa)

faces of boys town


Page 2: 2017 ANNUAL REPORT Report.pdf · “My favorite thing about Boys Town is that they let you be a kid. My favorite outing is going out to Okoboji (Boys Town’s summer camp in Iowa)







our missionChanging the way America cares for children and families.

JOIN THE MISSION!For more information about how you can support Boys Town’s mission to save children and heal families, visit boystown.org.

You also can connect with Boys Town through facebook.com/boystownmission and twitter.com/boystown.






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The Many Faces of Boys Town | 4

The Kids: KYREE | 6

The Kids: JECINIA | 8

The Families: LYNN | 10

The Patients: EMMA | 12

The Volunteers: MARY JOY ANDERSON | 14


The Advocates: DR. ESTHER FORRESTER | 18


The Employees: AARON BEARD | 22

The Employees: KITTY BURTON | 24

E�ectively Serving America’s Children, Families and Communities | 26

Meet Our Regional Major Gi� O�icers | 27

Keeping the Lines of Hope Open | 28

Boys Town By the Numbers | 29

Our Generous Donors | 30

National Sponsor: GODFATHER’S PIZZA | 33

Financial Highlights | 50

Independent Auditors’ Report | 52

Consolidated Financial Statement | 54

Our Governing Boards | 90


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2017 Annual Report | 5

Dear Friend,

Boys Town has been in the “people” business for more than 100 years. That means everything we do in our work to save children and heal families involves developing a caring relationship with a real person.

It may be a child or a parent who benefits from our life-changing Youth Care and Health Care services. Or it may be a supporter, an advocate or a decision-maker who strengthens our mission through their generosity or their influence and standing in the community.

We also count our dedicated employees among those with whom Boys Town builds relationships. Every day, they selflessly take on the critical task of ensuring that children (including young patients at Boys Town National Research Hospital®), families and communities benefit from our e�ective, high-quality care and treatment so they can lead happier, healthier and empowered lives.

Last year, much of our Centennial anniversary celebration focused on recognizing and honoring our employees’ e�orts. The observance of the milestone date, December 12, 2017, marking 100 years since Father Edward J. Flanagan founded Boys Town, was the culmination of a year-long salute to our history, the people who make our mission possible and the lives we’ve changed over the past century. Also during our Centennial year, we made a commitment to a new Five-Year Strategic Plan that focuses on working harder to provide the best care possible and having an even greater impact through the collaborative e�orts of our Youth Care and Health Care services.

In this 2017 Annual Report, we’re taking a people- oriented — and a very personal — approach to share our accomplishments, successes and goals of the past year with you and our many other loyal supporters as we begin our second century of service to America.

The people featured in this booklet represent the many faces of Boys Town. Just as each face is unique, so are the stories they tell. From employees and caregivers to those who receive our care, from volunteers to advocates and donors, we hope their reflections move you, give you a clearer understanding of why our mission is so important, both for today and tomorrow, and inspire you to continue to open your heart to help hurting children and families.

In year 100 plus 1, we’re poised to make even greater strides forward as we lead the way in changing how America cares for children, families and communities. We invite you to join us on the journey!

God’s Blessings,

Father Steven E. Boes President and National Executive Director, Boys Town

The Many Faces of Boys Town

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2017 Annual Report | 7

“I like the family environment. Living back in Balti-more, I wasn’t able to really have all the things I do now, like home-cooked meals every night.

Our Family-Teachers® teach us everything – how to cook, house clean, manage, laundry. That’s going to be big, especially going to college. But I really do feel confident about moving on in the future.

I got a scholarship to Minnesota State in Moor-head to play football. I want to be a physical therapist and open my own physical therapy spot for big-time athletes.

It’s been a real great journey. My Family-Teachers have helped shape the man I’m becoming and the man I am today.”

— KYREE 2018 Boys Town Graduate

At Boys Town, we teach youth the skills that enable them to achieve their goals and find success. We also help them build healthy, trusting relationships with other kids and the adults who provide care, direction and encouragement.

Learning skills and developing relationships through family, school and spirituality gives youth their best chance to have a bright, productive future. Years a�er receiving care, Boys Town youth – even those with the most severe problems – achieve success as adults.

At Boys Town, we help kids heal in body, mind and spirit!



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2017 Annual Report | 9

“My favorite thing about Boys Town is that they let you be a kid.

My favorite outing is going out to Okoboji (Boys Town’s summer camp in Iowa). I never went tubing before Okoboji. So going out and experiencing new things that I never thought that I would try was an amazing thing for me. It’s just fun to let loose, be myself and be free….

I love being around the kids. I love playing with my house sisters, and just giving my time to everybody in the house.

Being here at BT changed my life in major ways. I’ve learned to know who I am, to know what I want in my life.”

— JECINIA 2018 Boys Town Graduate

As citizens of Boys Town, our youth rediscover their sense of belonging and develop pride in being a valued member of their community. Nurturing this close connection to their Boys Town “family” is something that sets us apart from other residential programs and helps kids get better. Our kids go to school together, play together, work together and pray together. That helps them see themselves as part of something that’s bigger than they are.



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BUT LIFEsaving.





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2017 Annual Report | 11

“Not only was I dying inside but my children were not doing well. I was terrified and called Boys Town and said, ‘I’m using. I don’t want this life for my children, and I don’t want this life for me.’

For the first time in a long time, I had hope. I had hope that I could become the mother I dreamt of being. When I had my first child, I didn’t dream about being beaten by my husband. I didn’t dream about doing meth instead of taking care of them. But that was the path I took. And I owed it to my children to take a chance and try to make a better life.

When I began this journey, I was insecure about everything and not one time was Boys Town condescending to me. They were always there to answer my questions with patience, support and encouragement. Boys Town has not only been life changing for me, but life saving.”

— LYNN Boys Town Client In-Home Family Services, Iowa

Lynn is just one of the thousands of parents who find the courage to ask for and receive help through Boys Town’s family-focused services. Boys Town In-Home Family Services® provide support, skills and resources to parents and children so they can overcome the challenges that are just too much to handle on their own. At Boys Town sites across the country, families are finding strength, healing and a new path to a healthier, happier home.



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Born in China with a cle� palate, Emma was orphaned and abandoned as a toddler. At age 7, she was adopted by an American family and brought to the United States. But two years later, the family dissolved the adoption and Emma was passed from one home to another, outside the child welfare system and without anyone to protect or advocate for her. Emma also spent time in foster homes and a secure residential facility before coming to Boys Town’s Family Home Program at age 14.

“When I was little, I thought I’d never be loved. I got made fun of. I got judged because I couldn’t speak clearly. Without Boys Town, I wouldn’t be here. I wouldn’t be here with my family… with God… with anything. Thank you so much Boys Town for never giving up on me.”

— EMMA Boys Town Patient and Youth

Emma experienced a painful childhood of trauma and uncertainty. Having a cle� palate made her life even more di�icult because she couldn’t clearly speak and communicate. Through Boys Town’s unique capacity to provide high-quality Youth Care and Health Care services to children of all ages, Emma overcame several behavioral issues and had her cle� palate repaired at Boys Town National Research Hospital®. Boys Town helped Emma find her voice, a loving forever family that eventually adopted her and the courage to embrace a future full of hope and opportunity.



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“As I got older, I wanted to do something involving children. I always felt Boys Town did a fantastic job with kids and just being a part of that, volunteering at the Hall of History, was so satisfying to me. I am so proud of being able to be a part of the Boys Town Model.”

— MARY JOY ANDERSON Long-Time Boys Town Volunteer

Over Boys Town’s first century of service, volunteers like Mary Joy Anderson played a vital role in the Home’s rich history. The first volunteers helped Father Flanagan care for his boys, preparing meals, mending clothing or teaching classes. Later, people would share their time and talents as guides and hosts to the multitude of visitors to the Home who wanted to experience the spirit that makes Boys Town so special.

“Mary Joy volunteered at the Hall of History for many years as a docent,” said Tom Lynch, Director of Community Programs. “She welcomed thousands of guests to Boys Town, and helped them learn about our history and current programs. Even a�er ending her volunteer work at the museum, Mary Joy and her husband, Tal, remained dedicated and loyal supporters of Father Flanagan’s mission.”

In 2017, Boys Town’s Centennial anniversary, Mary Joy’s children – Mickey and Krista Anderson, Angie and Sean Quinn, and Lisa Anderson – donated a “The Work Will Continue” statue to honor her 20 years of volunteer service at the Hall of History.



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“I was excited to hear of the neuroscience research at Boys Town Hospital. To me, the real problem is that we expect a troubled child to function the same as a child without behavioral concerns. This research is going to look deeper into understand-ing why children are having these problems. Then, one at a time, we will know how to help each child and family, and in doing so, make a real change.”

— SUSAN HADDIX Boys Town Donor(Susan and George Haddix, Donors and Research Advocates)

Susan and George Haddix (pictured above, le�) knew they wanted to make a real change in the lives of children with mental and behavioral health problems. The couple’s deep understanding and compassion for helping children led to their decision to fund The Susan and George Haddix Endowed Chair for Neurobehavioral Research at Boys Town National Research Hospital®. Their

impactful donation helps sustain state-of-the-art neuroscience research at the Hospital. The goal of research is to understand what is physiologically happening in the brain of a troubled child so that the right interventions can be applied for that individual child. This research will find new ways to diagnose and treat problems like depression, anxiety, aggression and ADHD, enabling Boys Town to expand its work to improve the lives of children with behavioral and mental health problems.

The endowed chair funded by the Haddixes is the first for the Hospital. James Blair, Ph.D., Director of the Center for Neurobehavioral Research in Children at Boys Town National Research Hospital (pictured above, right), has been appointed Chair. As long-time advocates for troubled children, the couple hopes their gi� influences others to give and support the mission of Boys Town.


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Boys Town collaborates with many professionals in the community. These include pediatricians who, during the course of treating children, might determine that their young patients require mental health services for behavioral and family problems.

Boys Town’s Behavioral Health Clinics have expanded throughout the country due to the ever-increasing demand for services, and pedia-tricians are among the growing list of community professionals who trust and believe in Boys Town’s experts and the quality of care provided to their young patients and their families.

“Doctors can identify the at-risk child but the strug-gle is to find someone who is not just going to see them one time. It happens too o�en and leads to disappointment, making it harder to believe in people and organizations that care for struggling kids and families. But that’s certainly not the case with Boys Town.

One of the best things about Boys Town is the continuity of care. There is a collaborative relationship and e�ort between doctor and therapist that is unique in today’s health care setting. The weekly updates Boys Town provides doctors like me about patients is priceless and helps kids and families get the right kind of help at the right time. Boys Town’s array of services allows for a therapeutic process that creates continuity and time for real healing to take place.”

— DR. ESTHER FORRESTER Health Care Expert and Advocate for Boys Town Services



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“When we started doing foster care 11 years ago, we had no idea how many children were out of their homes. We would go to the foster care web-site and there are just faces and faces and faces of children who need help. We advocate for others to become Boys Town Foster Parents because it’s such a great organization. They stand behind the children to help them meet their needs and they do the same supporting Foster Parents.”

— BRIDGETTE BROWN Boys Town Foster Parent(Bridgette and Theo Brown, Boys Town Foster Parents)

When children have to be placed in foster care, they’re going through one of the scariest times of their lives. They want to be safe, and they want to know the people they’re living with are going to take care of them.

That’s what children find with Boys Town Foster Parents like Bridgette and Theo Brown. The Browns strive every day to ensure that the children they open their hearts to feel welcome, loved and part of the family. In fact, the couple recently adopted two siblings who first came into their lives as foster children.

Boys Town tells Foster Parent candidates that they can “be the one.” The one who makes a lonely, lost child feel accepted. Or, the one who can let go a�er helping to reunite a child with his or her family.

Sometimes it only takes that one person to make all the di�erence in the world in a child’s life. The Browns and their fellow Boys Town Foster Parents prove it every day.



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“I want to do what they are doing because I know what it means to the people they are helping.”

— AARON BEARD Patient Parent and Hospital Employee

Three months a�er his birth, doctors diagnosed Fletcher Beard with profound deafness. By age 1, Fletcher received cochlear implants at Boys Town National Research Hospital®, and the next day, his father, Aaron Beard, was hard at work determining how to build the best life possible for his son.

His first step was to apply to the University of Nebraska at Omaha to earn his bachelor’s degree in speech and language pathology (SLP).

“I did it for my son,” Aaron said. “I asked myself what was the most I could do for him, and the SLP (degree) seemed to be the best way to help him. The best part of this journey is it overlaps with my son’s language development. It was in-credible that each class I went through correlated to his progression in life.”

Aaron will complete his bachelor’s degree in May 2019 and start a master’s program. For now, he

is building on his education and giving back at Boys Town Hospital as a research assistant in the Language Learning and Memory research lab. In his work, he visits families in their homes to test and train children on strategies for learning, comprehending and remembering language.

“I started to help him (Fletcher), and gradually I am seeing that I am helping so many other families at Boys Town Hospital,” Aaron said.

With the knowledge of a consultant, but also the heart and experience of a parent who is trying to comprehend what life will be like for a child who is deaf, Aaron’s perspective is very unique. He uses this viewpoint to create an enriching environment for his son at home and to support parents starting their journey with the deaf and hard-of-hearing community.

“When we learned about Fletcher’s hearing loss, we felt like we were falling, and Boys Town stepped in and gave us the tools and the confidence to face the unexpected,” Aaron said.

“Now when I come to work I think, ‘Whose life am I going to make better today?’”



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IT’S NOT ONLY A JOB, IT’S A vocation.





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“He was planning to hang himself. He had already tied the rope and wanted to know why he should live.

I let him know the incredible strength it takes for a person to pick up the phone and call for help. It’s not a sign of weakness; it’s the total opposite.... We talked a long time and eventually he untied the rope. It was a very emotional call. I told him any parent would be so proud of him right now.

One thing I get out of working at the Hotline is being able to say I served a purpose today. It’s not only a job, it’s a vocation. You feel like you truly make a di�erence in the life of a child, a teenager, a family or a parent.”

— KATHLEEN “KITTY” BURTON Boys Town National Hotline

Kitty Burton is one of dozens of Crisis Counselors at the Boys Town National Hotline® who answer the call when America’s children and families reach out for compassionate support and assistance.

Responding to as many as 30 calls and contacts (texts, chats and emails) a day from all over the country, Hotline Counselors provide help and hope in challenging situations, big and small… from parents seeking answers in how to deal with their defiant child to despondent teens who are on the verge of attempting suicide.

Since opening in 1989, the Hotline has received more than 9 million calls and contacts, expanding its outreach to young people through an innova-tive texting service and a safe website for teens (YourLifeYourVoice.org).

With the Boys Town’s National Hotline, help is just a call or a click away.



The Boys Town National Hotline (1-800-448-3000) is a crisis, resource and referral service for KIDS and PARENTS.

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E�ectively Serving America’s Children, Families and Communities

Boys Town takes pride in our national reach and the positive outcomes our services produce. When children and families get the help they need and then actually experience improvements in their homes and their lives, it is a hallmark of what Boys Town has been accomplishing since our founding more than 100 years ago. We know children and families get better because we have the research to prove it. And we use our research findings to identify innovative, more e�ective ways to help people overcome the challenges they face.

A number of core principles drive Boys Town’s Mission to change the way America cares for children, families and communities.

Among these are providing the right care, at the right time, in the right way for those in greatest need. Whether children are being abused or neglected, failing in school or struggling with behavioral or mental health issues, and whether families are struggling to stay together or trying to reunify because a child had to be removed from the home, Boys Town is there to o�er life-changing programs and services.

On these pages you’ll find just a few examples of our outreach and impact across the country. This “national footprint” is one thing that sets Boys Town apart and gains the trust of those we help and those who support us.

WIDESPREAD DONOR SUPPORT* Data excludes Planned Giving donors. Counts are unique donors.

5,000 or less 5,001 – 10,000 10,001 – 25,000 25,001 – 50,000 50,001 or more

BOYS TOWN DONOR COUNTS (by State in 2017)

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Alison Judd WEST REGION Regional Major Gi� O�icer — Development531-203-4934 | [email protected]

Alison joined Boys Town in March 2016, quickly embracing Boys Town’s mission and our 100-year history of serving children and families. Alison spent many years in fundraising for nonprofits, including human assistance, higher education and international relief services. She was familiar with

Boys Town as a child, having attended a Catholic school that presented an annual showing of the Boys Town movie every Christmas. Alison has been working hard to share our story with friends of Boys Town in the West Region and enlist their support for our life-changing work.

Meet Our Regional Major Gi� O�icers

Stan Kontogiannis MIDWEST REGION Regional Major Gi� O�icer — Development 402-315-0156 | [email protected]

Stan has been working for Boys Town for four years but has been in fundraising for more than 20 years. He is a true believer in Boys Town’s mission and Father Flanagan’s vision to make a positive di�erence in the lives of the children and families we serve. Stan enjoys hearing donors’ stories on how they first became Boys Town supporters. For most, it involved

a desire to carry on a tradition of generosity started by their parents and grandparents. “I always encourage our friends and partners in the Midwest Region to visit the Village of Boys Town so they can see the great work they make possible and the warm smiles of the children whose lives their generosity has changed,” Stan said.

Steve Milbauer, Ph.D. EAST REGION Regional Major Gi� O�icer — Development402-658-9403 | [email protected]

Steve was thrilled to join Boys Town in June 2017 as the dedicated Major Gi� O�icer for the East Region. His fundraising successes span more than 20 years, serving nonprofit, academic, social service, health care and Native American organizations. Steve’s prior career as a clinical psychologist enables him to passionately articulate to our generous donors

the critical needs of children and families Boys Town serves and how we impact their lives. He is dedicated to developing long-lasting, transformative relationships with donors, the lifeblood of our organization. “I am so grateful for their partnership in helping us provide at-risk children the love, support and education they need to succeed,” he said.


FLORIDA Orlando boystown.org/central-florida

Tallahassee boystown.org/north-florida

West Palm Beach boystown.org/south-florida

IOWA Council Blus boystown.org/iowa

LOUISIANA New Orleans boystown.org/louisiana

NEBRASK A Boys Town boystown.org/nebraska

Grand Island boystown.org/central-nebraska

NEVADA Las Vegas boystown.org/nevada

NEW ENGLAND Portsmouth, RI boystown.org/new-england

WASHINGTON, DC boystown.org/washington-dc

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151,696 HOTLINE CALLS * RECEIVED IN 2017* Calls only; does not include emails, texts or chats

< 1,000 1,000 — 5,000 5,000 — 10,000 10,000 — 15,000 > 15,000



Canada: 2,579Guam: 22Puerto Rico: 180Virgin Islands: 19


I was recently cleaning out my email and I found several emails that I sent to you guys back in 2014-16. I was 12 when I first reached out and it was really strange rereading what I had sent you and what I was dealing with at the time. I just wanted to thank you for helping me.

You were the only people I could talk to about what I was dealing with, and helped me cope with the situation I was in. I’m now 15 (almost 16), going into

my Junior year of high school when I thought I was going to be dead by the end of 6th grade, a fully recovered anorexic who hasn’t self-harmed in months, and my mother has been sober for a year and a half.

The path has been long and rough, but looking back on those emails really helped me put things into perspective and realize how much better I feel now, even if I still have bad days.

Thank you so very much for giving me hope, things really do get better! I hope you have a wonderful day.

Keeping the Lines of Hope Open


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2017 Annual Report | 29

The Boys Town National Hotline® and its related services handled

MORE THAN contacts in 2017.



2.3 million visits to Boys Town parenting advice

and service-based websites.

Includes youth and families that accessed Boys Town Integrated Continuum of Care® services, Boys Town National Research Hospital® services and Boys Town online services. Also includes students and teachers who benefited from Boys Town Education Training.

In recent years (2013-2017), Hotline Crisis Counselors

helped prevent OVER

2,700 SUICIDES in progress.

Boys Town youth care, health care and other child and family support programs served

more than 508,000



lives touched by Boys Town programs each year.


Boys Town By the Numbers

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Estate Gi�s$10,000 +

Dede C. Andersen, NYGiuliana R. Anselmo, NYMarjorie Aquilino, CAFrank S. Barks, TXLouise K. Barth, ILElmer J. Basilisco, NYDallas Beaver, ILRussell Bennett, FLMarilyn L. Booth, NETheresa Borse, WIFrancis A. and Jeannine M. Boyce, NYJohn A. and Margaret A. Brennan, FLEvangeline K. Brown, CAWilliam and Betty Buchner, NJFlorance E. Burgess, MNLawrence L. and Mary E. Casper, IDLeonardo Cavallaro, CADonald P. Chamberlin, INDudley and Naomi B. Chambers, NYMargaret A. Chleborad, NEJoseph M. Chupas, CAAl Clay, AZJoseph H. and Helen M. Clements, TXAugust Clouse, OHRaymond Colasurdo, NYHelen M. Crisman, CAVernon and Earline Dale, IL

The Darrell L. Summers Fund of InFaith Community Foundation, MN

Ed E. and Elizabeth Davis, Jr., OKDr. Neal J. Dean, Ph.D., ILBradley A. DeCoux, LAEdward and Helen Dillon, AZWilliam L. Drake, ILBenedict M. Du�ner, PARobert C. and Dorothy M. Ellis, ARBlanche T. Enders, SDElsie C. Feldenzer, NJGabriel Ferranti, NJRita I. Finigan, PAPeter Fiori, CAPearl P. Frappier, RIEleanor Gale, MAJ. Floyd Garlow, WVJill F. Garrow, WARobert V. Gauthier, NJEsther L. Geiselman, CAMelvin M. and Ophelia Gienau, MDMildred V. Giordano, SDJoan M. Gould, MAMarilyn C. Grace, FLPhyllis E. Green, FLEsther L. Gro�, CARobert J. Hackett, Sr., ILWilliam J. Haggerty, CAKarl and Cecilia Haimerl, NYRev. Paul J. Hall, FLFred and Berthe Harder, NY

Patricia R. Harper, ALWilliam C. and Katherine Helm, MNMax L. and Geraldine K. Howard, NVGuernsey B. and Irene Hubbard, NYKatherine L. Hyde, MOPaul T. and Aili R. Je�ries, OHMyrtle D. Johnson, KYGeorge Karusky, PAMaurice and Florence M. Kennedy, INRose Knoop, MAJohn F. Konen, MILindasue Lambrecht, MNCol. Beverly E. Lavender, NYDavid E. Leahy, FLFloryan Lech, ILBertha F. Lederle, ILCharles Lindsay, ILMario and Josephine Luiggi, NYWarren F. Lyons, NYJohn A. MacKinnon, NERonald and Doris Martelet, ILDonald J. McCormack, MAElizabeth A. McKenna, FLJames M. McKimmon, ILCamille J. Medsker, OHKenneth and Gloria Mercer, TXBeryl Meritt, AZHerbert and Consuelo Patricia

Meyers, FLKenneth F. Meyers, CAMary R. Miller Bradley, MD

Chester C. Miller, Jr., CALily S. Mooncai, TXBetty E. Moore, TXMiles Motes, Jr., GAGlendola Moye, FLJohn L. Muegerl, NVNicholas and Mary Jane

Muraresku, PAVirginia Nadon, MIRaymond Nourse, WANick and Helena Patti, ILJoseph and Evelyn Pertusati, CARobert Pietri, CAGeorge M. Pizio, RIThomas W. and Bessie A. Plante, PAJoseph L. Potter, CARichard J. Power, CAElsie M. Powers, CAJohn A. Prusinski, NYDolores Raneri, MDSusan M. Reese, MSShirley K. Richardson, MOAlbert and Dolores L. Riedel, CACharles O. Roberson, MOArtur and Monik G. Sadowski, WISalvatore C. San Filippo, CAGeorge Schmidt, FLJoyce W. Schmitt, TXDorothy Scholzen, ILLillian Scholzen, IL

Our Generous DonorsAs a supporter of Boys Town, you play a critical role in helping hope grow for so many across the United States. We ask that you continue to help us heal America’s hurting children and at-risk families.

We remember each of you in our thoughts and prayers; please do the same for all the children who face tomorrow in desperate need of Boys Town’s life-changing care.

The Honor Roll of Donors on the following pages recognizes individuals and organizations that made direct or in-kind gi�s of at least $1,000 in 2017 to support Boys Town youth and families.

We also want to take this opportunity to extend our sincere appreciation to our donors who requested anonymity.

Many generous supporters made lasting gi�s to Boys Town through their estates. We gratefully remember individuals who made estate gi�s of at least $10,000 in 2017 to support our mission.

Great care was taken to make this Honor Roll as complete and accurate as possible. We apologize if anyone was mistakenly omitted or incorrectly listed.

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Carl and Mary Ann Schwitzgebel, OH

Jean Faust Ankeny Simmons, MSSolon E. Summerfield Foundation, MDRuth G. Somerfeldt, FLDoris M. Sorensen, OKJames E. Stadler, CADarrell and Catherine Summers, CAVictoria E. Tagliaferri, CAStewart and Mae Tait, MNOlga Tedeschi, NJAnthony R. Tiemann, SCDr. Sylvia A. Tufenkjian

Mirabella, Ph.D., CAEdward Uminowicz, VAMinnie Vandivier, TXKathryn M. Voigt, IAMyron J. Walker, IAFloyd W. Waters, IAJ. Francis and L. Grace

Weisheit, CTHelen B. White, NCGrace L. Wilson, NV

Edward F. and Mary O. Winkels, NC

Robert E. Wolfe, MNRonald C. Wolfe, PAMargie Woodall, UTPaul T. Worthington, FLJohn Yacko, Jr., WAAudrey A. Zywicki, IL

Leadership $100,000 +

Adams Family Foundation, CTMr. and Mrs. Patrick F. Adams, CTThe Buckle, NEConrad N. Hilton Foundation, CALarry and Kathy Courtnage, NEJim and Kathleen Dahl, FLThe Engelstad Family Foundation, NVGrande Communications, TXGeorge and Susan Haddix, NEThe Hawks Foundation, NEWalter and Evelyn Ho�, NE

Dennis and Renee Hogan, NEKiewit Companies Foundation, NEThe Kim Foundation, NEKyndle Enterprises, VACarolyn McDonnell, VAMr. and Mrs. Frank E. Neal, Jr., TNPaul B. Riordan, NYGary and Barbara Rodkin, FLSuzanne and Walter Scott

Foundation, NEJoseph and Theodora Wappman, FLJeanne L. Williams, NJYahoo Employee Foundation, CAAlphons and Mary Yunker Family, CO

Benefactors $50,000 – $99,999

The Fama Family Charitable Fund, ILEugene and Sallyann Fama, ILFirst National Bank, NEMr. and Mrs. Ronald B. Gartlan, NEGodfather’s Pizza, Inc., NE

Mr. Ernest A. Hamm, Jr., AKHawkins Construction, NEFred and Marianne Hawkins, NEJessie Ball duPont Fund, FLSteve and Stacy Jones, CALamar Advertising, Omaha, NELamar Advertising Company,

East Providence, RIThe Lowell S. Dunn & Betty L. Dunn

Family Foundation, Inc., FLMartino Family Foundation, CTMichael and Lisa Martino, NYDr. Leo J. McCarthy, MD, INGene and Mary Murphy, NYOrlando Sentinel Family Fund, FLOutlook Nebraska, Inc., NEPeter Kiewit Foundation, NERose C. Steve, NMThe Sunderland Foundation, KSTotal Event Resources, Inc., ILValero Energy Foundation, TXCarl and Toshiko Waterhouse, AZWoodhouse Auto Family, NEYahoo! Inc., NE

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Patrons$25,000 – $49,999

Robert D. Andring, MNLorraine A. Barry, CAByrnes Family Foundation, FLDorothy A. Chiaramonte, MDGilbert A. Cotta, CADan and Sallie Dutton

Family Foundation, NVDorothy D. Smith

Charitable Foundation, NCThe Dr. Francis P. Chiaramonte

Family Foundation, VADan and Sallie Dutton, NVEiner C. Elbeck, CAEntergy New Orleans, Inc., LACynthia Erickson, KYGap, Inc., NYGE Foundation, CTIn Memory of Peggy Jo Gro�, WYKim and Karen Hawkins, NEMarianne and Ken Higdon, CAHolland Pools and Spas, Inc., FLGloria Holland, FLMr. and Mrs. Paul Huygens, NVWilma Johansen, CALamar Advertising, Portland, ORLamb Family Foundation, PAShirley J. Macaron, NMJohn and Mary Lee Malcolm, DCMcCarthy Capital, NETimothy and Jill Meenan, FLNorma Gilbert Farr Foundation, FLThe O’Shea Family Foundation, NJProvidence Journal

Charitable Legacy Fund, RIRobert S. & Dorothy J. Keyser

Foundation, NVSiemens Industry, Inc., NESleep Number Bed, NEThe Smith Family Foundation, CALonnie and Cheryl Smith, CASouthwest Omaha Rotary Night Club, NEWilliam S. Abell Foundation, MD

Advocates $10,000 – $24,999

Ada L. & Albert M. Wibel Foundation, NCBart and Tamara Aitken, FLMickey and Krista Anderson, NEAON Foundation, ILTed and Barbara Aronson, PAKenneth R. Awad, NJ

Babies “R” Us, NEBank of America Charitable

Foundation, NCBank of America Nevada, NVDaniel M. Banz, KSAlan G. Barsumian, ILElizabeth J. Batarse, CABaxter Auto Group, NEBazarsky Family Charitable Trust, RIMr. Randolph C. Bentler, CABlue Cross Blue Shield of Nebraska, NEJames and Kay Bowden, ILThe Brunetti Foundation, FLMatt and Sheri Bryan, FLColin and Erin Campbell, AZTerry A. Campbell, PACapital Group Companies, TXThe Capital Group Companies

Charitable Foundation, CADr. Louis Carnendran, FLKen Cashin and Lisa Chase, FLCathay Bank Foundation, CACenturyLink, NECharboneau Family Foundation, MIKenneth and Donna Charboneau, MICharter Communications, FLChurchill Downs Incorporated, KYDr. and Mrs. Armand and

Suzanne Cognetta, FLPatrick and Mary Connell, NEByron D. Cooper, IAThomas E. Crane, NYAngelo and Kim Crowell, FLCushman & Wakefield, CADahl Family Foundation, Inc., FLMary E. Damewood, OKBernadine H. Darling, SCDermatology Associates

of Tallahassee, FLFrances DeSimone, NYChristopher and Andrea Diamantis, FLBobby and Sue Dick, FLMr. and Mrs. N. P. Dodge, Jr., NEFather Louis G. Dupuis, CAMichael and Rebecca Duseau, MAEric L. A�eldt Living Trust, TXJudith Favell, Ph.D., FLFirst Team Estates – Newport Beach,

The Luxury Division of First Team Real Estate, CA

John Florez and Karen Sironen, TXDrs. Michael and Jana Forsthoefel, FLFotsch Family Foundation, WIMs. Geraldine V. Fotsch, WILaurine Garrity and

E. Michael Bernhart, CAJessie H. Geiger, KY

George Preston Marshall Foundation, MD

Mr. George C. Geyer, MAGrainger, FLThe Grainger Foundation, ILMrs. Vivian A. Greiner, FLJohn W. Gula, TXH-E-B, TXLeo Hagenson, SDJe� and Sonya Hartley, FLWalter Haskins, FLJanice T. Haymond, CAAlan and Joan Herdt, GAMr. James P. Hicks, CAThomas A. Hoban, MNThe Huisking Foundation, Inc., CTJim and Tresa Hussong, IAIn-N-Out Burger Foundation, CAIrvin Stern Foundation, ILJoyce E. Isis, MDJames Hicks Family Foundation, CAJersey Mike’s, FLJoe W. and Dorothy Dorsett Brown

Foundation, LACarolyn J. Kelly, KSJohn and Wende Kotouc, NEDavid Krick, PAKyle’s Mile, a Suicide Prevention/

Awareness Ride in memory of Kyle Cooper, IA

Lamp Rynearson & Associates, NEJames Lange, AZFrank and Elizabeth Langston, FLLawrence E. Ruf Charitable Fund

of the Manatee Community Foundation, FL

Lerner Family Foundation, FLDon and Sharon Lerner, FLLinus R. Gilbert Foundation, NJJohn and Donna Lipinski, SCLMEliason Family Foundation, IADonald and Carol Lovett, NCAllan and Dianne Lozier, NEMargaret McCartney and R. Parks

Williams Charitable Foundation, FLMrs. Barbara A. Martin, CAMatejek Family Foundation, TXPhyllis McDonald, ORJack and Joan McGraw, CAWilliam and Margaret McLaughlin, IAMr. Ronald McLeod, ORGreg and Lori McMillan, MNCameron Merage, CAMichael W. Meister,

Attorney at Law, P.C., L.L.O., NEAnthony L. Mirante, PAKevin Mohan and Anne Williams, MAJames and Cathy Moore, MO

Rev. Monsignor Joseph T. Moran, NYBoyd J. Mudra, ILEd Murray, FLMutual of Omaha Bank, Las Vegas, NVMutual of Omaha Foundation, NENAI TALCOR Commercial Real Estate, FLNebraska Crossing Outlets, NENebraska Foundation for

Visually Impaired Children, NENebraska Medicine, NENew Orleans Pelicans, LAKathryn and Christopher Nieland, LANIKE, NENorthwestern Mutual

Foundation, Inc., CAOBI Creative, NEMs. Mary Ann O’Brien, NEThe Parker Family Foundation, NEJohn and Joyce Passarelli, NEGary and Cassandra Pietrok, NESean and Angie Quinn, NEFrances H. Riley, ILSam and Laura Rogers, FLBrian Rowland, FLPhil and Linda Ruden, NEBeverly C. Saviello, FLDonald and Pat Schlag, NJMr. and Mrs. Jack Scott, IDSeegers Foundation, TXPaul and Phyllis Seegers, TXSheppard, Mullin,

Richter & Hampton, CACorey and Natasha Simon, FLRT Smith, NVSnap-On Tools, ILKevin and Mary Jayne Sokolow, FLLarry and Beverly Sokolow, FLMr. and Mrs. Bruce Soltis, LASpeedway Children’s Charities, NVState Farm Mutual Automobile

Insurance Company, ILTadlock Roofing, Inc., FLDale and Pamela Tadlock, FLTallahassee Magazine, FLTesoro Corporation, TXTesoro Foundation, Inc., TXMr. Je�rey F. Thompson, MITOBA, Inc., NEShirley A. Tolbert, FLToys “R” Us, NEMarilyn Turpin, CAHarry and Diane Van Trees, VADr. and Mrs. Hugh and Mary

Vanlandingham, FLGlen R. and Bertha Wahrmund, TXWalmart of Tallahassee, FLWalter Haskins Fund, FL

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Godfather’s Pizza® is a proud national

sponsor of Boys Town and features

our Hotline number (1-800-448-3000)

on 20 million pizza boxes each year.

Edward and Anne Walus, NJJames W. Warner, OHMr. Scott Werth, NEDustin and Megan Werth, NEMark S. Wolf, CACatherine Wright, INJoseph Zagotta, ILJean Zitzler, WI

Guardians $5,000 – $9,999

A. A. Batarse Foundation, CATina and Robbie Abercrombie, GAAbrams Capital, LLC, MAAmy and David Abrams, MAAcme – Paratus, LLC, LA

Allied Universal Security Services, CAAlways For Me, Inc., NYRon and Beth Amenta, NEAmerican Fundraising Foundation, FLAmerican Integrity

Insurance Company, FLJohn J. Angelone, NJArmy Residence Community

Protestant Chapel, TXCrawford and Teresa Atkins, FLBaker, Donelson, Bearman,

Caldwell & Berkowitz, FLDr. and Mrs. Tyler and

Rhonda Baldock, FLBallard Partners, FLBrian and Kathryn Ballard, FLBallet Nebraska, NEBarber DME Supply Group, VATimothy Barber, VA

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony A. Batarse, Jr., CADiana Bennett, NVArthur and Judy Ann Bert, MAJim and Julie Bettinger, FLDr. Robert Biesterfeld, MNBilly Andrade – Brad Faxon Charities

for Children, MABoeing Employees Community Fund, VAFather Steven E. Boes, NEBose Corporation, MAWilliam J. Brand, PAEvelyn Braxton, MOErich E. Bredl, TXMr. John D. Brennan, CAMr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Buckley, NVBud Warehouses, Inc., FLCADE & Associates Advertising, Inc., FLRichard B. Caesar, NVLola Calcagno, NJ

Calvin L. Hinz Architects, P.C., NEDr. and Mrs. Joseph and

Marion Camps, FLCapital City Trust Company, FLCapital Eurocars, FLCapital Periodontal Associates, P.A., FLRicky J. Carmichael, FLCasco C.A. Schroeder Incorporated, CACentennial Bank, FLThe Charity Ball Association, TXDaniel and Nora Chesire, NEChild’s Play Charity, WAValeria Christensen and

Robert Pratt, MNCity Smiles DC, DCTom Clary, IAMr. and Mrs. Michael D. Clay, MICollege World Series

of Omaha, Inc., NE

Since 2004, Godfather’s Pizza has been a proud national sponsor of Boys Town, featuring the Boys Town National Hotline® number (1-800-448-3000) on millions of pizza boxes each year.

Over the past 13 years, Godfather’s Pizza has donated more than $2 million to support Boys Town, our life-changing services, and the youth and families we serve. The company also donates piz-zas for numerous Boys Town activities and events throughout the year.

In 2017, Godfather’s Pizza Inc. (GPI) employees contributed their time and talents to support the reading program at Boys Town’s Wegner School (where employees read to our students) and our Ames Avenue Block Party in North Omaha. Employees also raised money to buy Christmas gi�s for the boys and girls in our Family Home Program on home campus, and they volunteer an-

nually to ensure the success of the silent auction during the Boys Town Booster Banquet, which raises money for Boys Town athletic programs and activities. Kathy Johnson, Senior Vice President of Franchise Services at Godfather’s, is a member of the Boys Town Boosters.

Godfather’s even features artwork from Boys Town students on its cor-porate Christmas cards and on those of the company’s CEO, Ron Gartlan. Gartlan has strongly advocated for Boys Town’s summer homes, which care for boys and girls who cannot return to their own homes during the summer break, and has hired our youth at Godfather’s restaurants.

The dedication and commitment of Godfather’s Pizza — its employees and leaders — to Boys Town’s mission over the past 13 years is a shining example of corporate and community partnership!

Thank You, Godfather’s Pizza, for over 13 years of loyal support!

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Timothy and Claire Connolly, NEEdith R. Constantino, OHGreg T. Cook COPIC, CONorman and Pat Crandell, COMr. John M. Currence, MSGloris L. Darnall, FLKenneth and Susan DeCosta, MAMarilyn Deeb, FLFred K. Dickson, NCDismal River Golf, NEDRI Capital, ONThomas and Alice Durante, PAMr. Jerome Eckert, PAEdward and Wanda Jordan

Family Foundation, IL

Edward B. and Angeline V. Bush Foundation, MI

Michael and Debbie Eglseder, NEElite Island Resort Caribbean, FLEnCap Investments, LLC, TXMr. and Mrs. Frank Ennis, COEvolution Media, FLExelon Corporation, ILClarence Fehnel, MOMrs. Victoria Fertitta, NVMark and Leslie Fey, NEFish & Richardson P.C., MAMr. and Mrs. Lawrence B. Fitzgerald, CAFlorida Health Care Association, FLFlorida Power & Light Company –

North Florida, FL

Florida Power & Light Company – South Florida, FL

Mr. and Mrs. Walter T. Foley, NYFore!Kids Foundation, LAGeorge and Joyce Fournier, TNFrank and Victoria Fertitta

Foundation Ltd., NVMargo J. Fraser, CALance and Julie Fritz, NEFulton Reclamation and Recycling, CAMs. Carol Fulton, CALewis Gage, NVCharlene B. Ganzer, TNDr. and Mrs. Steven Geis, MNJames E. Gielty, OHMark Gilbraith and

Karrie Reeves-Gilbraith, CAFrancoise Gilot-Salk, NYMr. Ronald J. Goedde, CAGray Matter Marketing, RIMatthew Gray, RIGreat Plains Communications, Inc., NEG’s Lounge, FLJames and Veronica Haines, MIWilliam and Margo Harding, IDDennis Harnisch and

Donna Loren, CAHarper Family

Charitable Foundation, Inc., FLCurtis and Janice Harshaw, TXMrs. Marilyn Hartman, IANancy Hauser, WVHawking Financial Group, ILSuellen Hawking, ILEdwin F. and Noriyo Hawxhurst, WAHerregan Distributors, Inc., MNKenneth and Mary Herriges, MNCal and Laurie Hinz, NEGeorge and Karen Hixon, TXHochstetler Farmstead, LLC, OHSusan Hochstetler, OHCarol A. Holman, MIHorn Family Foundation, TXMs. Kandy Kaye Horn, NEMr. and Mrs. Robert L. Howell, NENiya Hubbard, FLLonnie J. Hunt, KYMs. Helen B. Huver, VAHyVee – Omaha, NEiHeartMedia, NEImpact Las Vegas, NVDr. and Mrs. Marc and Melissa Inglese, FLIllinois Tool Works, ILJ. Milton and Nellie Ho�a

Memorial Foundation, FLJohnson and Johnson, NJMr. Lonnie W. Jourdan, TX

K. J. Middleton Foundation, NCRuss and Kate Keep, SCRobert and Ann Kennedy, FLThe Kerrigan Family Charitable

Foundation, Inc., FLRobert and Sharon Kerrigan, FLRichard and Mary Ketchum, NYKETV 7, NEMr. and Mrs. Jody L. Kistaitis, NESFC Albert L. Kittle, USA, Ret., TXArmand D. Koch, WIKiersten Kusmich, FLL. N. Ventures, Inc., TXDonald R. Lachowicz, NYMr. and Mrs. Wing Lam, CABill Lawton, NEJames and Linda Leahy, ILLesley Ann Lee, TXMr. Peter A. Leidel, NYMs. Mary K. Lemmon, CADr. Joseph and Susan Leonelli, VAMr. Michael J. Liddy, KSC.B. and Michelle Lorch, FLLoren Petersen Family

Foundation, GAMr. and Mrs. James Lyons, GAChris and Gina Lypaczewski, NEArthur L. Mahoney, Jr., MAMs. Mary A. Mahoney, ILMs. Mary Maniecki, PAJ. Andrew Mankie, ALGreg and Anne Martin, FLKen and Jill Massey, NJRobert Matte, MAMrs. Loretta G. Mature, CADan and Sandra McKenzie, WAMDL Group, NVScott Menke, NVMeritage Homes, FLMilford Welding & Manufacturing, IAMiller Welding Supply , MIGary L. Miller, TXMatt and Mimi Miller, NEHayim Mizrachi, NVFrank and Gayle Mooney, COMike and Barbara Morey, IDJutta Mosse, VAMSWOLFCO, LLC, CANational Grid – Rhode Island, RINavigant Credit Union, RINBC Today Show, NYNebraska Total Care, NETim and Lorraine Nelson, MAMr. Charles W. Nobbe, FLNonprofits First, FLNorth Penn Supply Quarries, LLC, PA

CAITLIN on EDUCATIONI like school. The teachers here are really caring. And they want to make sure you understand what’s going on in class.

They ask you about your day and that’s really nice having that because at some of my other schools, teachers never really did that.

At my past schools, I just daydreamed because it was super boring and the teachers just talked. It wasn’t really fun and I didn’t really learn stu� because the teachers didn’t make it fun… and it was kind of hard for me to understand some things.

Here, [at Boys Town] the teachers want you to learn and they want to make it fun for you.

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Northeast Pipe & Panel, Inc., NENorthwest Bank, IANV Energy Foundation, NVDana O’Brien and

Helen Fox-O’Brien, NYRosanne O’Brien, CAOcean State Charities Trust, RIGreg Olavarria, MDPacific Hills Dental, NEPacific Uniform Service, ILParagon Gaming, NVMark and Sandra Parelius, CAPaul & Pearl Caslow Foundation, ILClaudine Payton, NERobert Peavy, FLRoger and Jeannette

Pennington, FLPepco Holdings, DCFather Val J. Peter, NELisa M. Peters, NEMajor and Mrs. Gary R. Petersen, TXLarry and Teresa Pfeil, MNPin Up BOOtique, CAMr. and Mrs. Richard Potter, MOPrime Meridian Bank, FLNicholas A. Prioli, NJRoss Miller / Pro Tapping, Inc., NJProsser and Rovinski Family, MDPucillo Family Foundation, NJChristopher and Laura Pucillo, NJMr. Leonard Radecki, MD, MIMr. David E. Ramba, FLJanet Randolph and Herb Lowrey, DCSteen and Dahlia Rasmussen, CARBC Wealth Management, MNCharles and Leslie Redding, FLMr. John T. Reed, Sr., NEJohn and Carole Riley, TXThe Ritter Charitable Trust, NVMr. and Mrs. James D. Roberson, CAThe Robert and Ann Kennedy

Family Foundation, FLRobert and Janice Batt Foundation, NERobert’s Jewelry & Design, FLMary E. Robertson, CAStephen and Tara Romine, MARose Academy, LLC, FLJohn and Elaine Rose, FLDr. Stuart Ross, DCMark and Sally Rosser, FLKevin and Cristi Ryan, TXSalonCentric, NEDr. Theodore and Katherine Sandall, CACharles and Nora Sanders, MAMrs. Sally Santeford, MIScheels, NEAllan and Luann Schmitt, IA

Karen Schneid, GARobert and Roxanne Schneiderwind, COMs. Irene M. Schwemmer, NYCarol and Wayne Seim, VATony Sgro, NVRichard and Michele Shapley, FLThe Shine Family, IAFrank and Catherine Simons, MNMr. and Mrs. William Smith, MAMs. Linda L. Smith, KSSouthern Flooring and Design, Inc., FLCharles and Linda Spadafora, Sr., PAJames S. Spring, IAPaul St. Amand, NHState Farm Companies

Foundation, ILRuth Steinke, KSStout NYC, NYPatrick Strauss, FLTed and Rhonda Strauss, FLMr. and Dr. Je� and Mary Swain, FLMs. Julia K. Szalwinski, TXMadison M. Taliaferro, D.D.S., ARPaul Tamanian, FLBob and Laura Tatten, NETD Ameritrade, NEMs. Margie J. Thalberg, FLMr. and Mrs. Wayne A. Theel, KSThrivent Choice, WITIF Foundation Fund, GAMr. and Mrs. Robert L. Tinklepaugh, NHTripp and Susie Transou, FLTRC Financial, CALino P. Trombetta, CAJana L. Turner, CAMr. and Mrs. Michael S. Turner, TXJames T. Van Diemen, CAVerint Americas, Inc., NYMrs. Phela Vesci, CAJoe and Frances Vierra, HIDr. David Vigor, MIMaureen Vogan and Patrick Cox,

in memory of our sister, Deborah M. Matthews, FL

Mr. and Mrs. Martin Walsh, NEWells Fargo Community A�airs, MDWells Fargo Foundation, MNMike S. Wertz, CAWest Corporation, NEWheelock Street Capital, LLC, CTMichael and Deborah Williams, MDGregory and Brenda Williamson, FLElizabeth F. Willson, MAMrs. Arlene M. Wingender, WAGene Woodard, Sr., TXRaymond D. Wottrich, TXShawn C. Yoakam, FL

Yorktown Partners, LLC, NYMr. Daniel H. Ziegler, WA

Stewards $2,500 – $4,999

Abe’s Trash Service, NEMr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Abraham, WIMr. and Mrs. John M. Adams, MAAlamo Kiwanis Club

Charities, Inc., TXChristine D. Alexander, VAAlfred E. Tonti Trust, OHBeverly Anderson, NVPaul Andrys, IAAntis Roofing and Waterproofing, CACharles Antis, CAAON, NEAlexander G. Arce, TXMr. and Mrs. John K. Arch, NEVirgil and Judith Arrowood, WIArthur J. Fisher Fund, MAMr. Mark E. Astemborski, WIThe Audubon Group

at Morgan Stanley, LABaird Legal Placement, GAClaire Bancro�, RIBank of the West, CABankNewport, RIChris and Patty Barkas, FLDennis and Marilyn Barry, MABB&T, FLScott and Kala Berglund, IABernstein, DCAlfred Metzger and Esther Beynon, CODan Billerbeck, NEElizabeth Bishop, DCMr. and Mrs. Darin A. Blair, NEMr. Mark G. Blohm, MIKathleen and John Boland, CALinda Bontemple, CAMr. William Bornander, NYMr. and Mrs. John R. Boro, NEBorsheims, NEMr. and Mrs. John E. Bothof, NEYakira C. Braden, TXMichael and Sara Brantley, MNAndrew and Donna Brickman, ILDr. L. D. and Dr. Charlene Britt, MD, VAMr. and Mrs. Keith J. Britton, Jr., FLBrooklyn Avenue School, NYAlla Burago, TXDaniel and Michelle Burke, ILC W Golden Foundation, Inc., GAMr. and Mrs. Rich J. Cabela, NE

Mr. Henry F. Cachia, NYCalifornia United Bank, CACalvert Systems Engineering, Inc., MDRobert and Elaine Cannon, WYPeter and Barb Capistrant, MNCarMax Foundation, VAMr. and Mrs. Chuck Carpenter, MOMargaret Carrica, NECarroll J. Haas Foundation, MIMr. and Mrs. Robert L. Carson, MADarcy Cavell, FLCenter Club Orange County, CACenterbridge Foundation, NYCharities Foundation, OHCharles Koch Institute, VADavid and Tracy Child, MDMr. John H. Christensen, NEChula Vista Host Lions Club, CAAndrew and Violet Cianciotto, CAMr. and Mrs. John P. Clark, NJNikki Clark, FLDr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. Clarke, CAMs. Bonnie J. Colhour, TXMr. and Mrs. Ron Cook, TXKent E. Cook, INMr. and Mrs. Walter Corney, CADemarcus Cousins, LACPS Energy, TXMr. and Mrs. Greg Crawford, NETed and Jean Crouchley, Jr., NEMr. and Mrs. Jim Czyz, NEMr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Czyz, NEDr. Daniel L. Daly, NELeo A. Daly, III, DCMr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Dassori, NYMr. and Mrs. James Daughton, FLDave’s Auto Body Co., NEDC Tours and Transportation, DCEric and Leslee Dendorfer, CODenham Capital, MAMr. and Mrs. John R. Dickinson, FLMrs. Mary-Elise Diedrich, ORMr. and Mrs. John D. Diesing, Jr., NEGeorge Dines and Carla LaBot, MDMr. and Mrs. Je�rey R. Doussan, LAEdward Drayton, NYMrs. Dolores D. Dudley, OHMr. and Mrs. Marc Dunbar, FLJessica Dupart, LAMr. and Mrs. Donald C. Dye, PAFrank A. Dye, AREarl and Maxine Claussen Trust, NCMitch Earle, FLEisele Family Foundation, NECharles and Margaret Eisele, NEMr. and Mrs. Jerry Elkington, WA

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The Ellis Marsalis Center for Music, LA

Embassy Suites, NEGunnery Sergeant George Engelmann,

USMC, Ret., GAMr. and Mrs. William R. England, PAEpoch Estate Wines, CAWilliam and Laura Ervin, FLCharles and Jan Espy, IAEvangelical Convenant Church

of Riverside, RIMr. and Mrs. W. R. Exley, NJFairfax State Savings Bank, IAClaude Faulkner, DEJe�rey and Joan Ferrill, VAEdgar J. Fiedler, CAFielder & Associates, FLMr. Adam Fielder, FLThe Finazzo Foundation Trust, CAMs. Kathleen A. Finazzo, CALinda Fisher Je�rey Flanagan and

Tracey Giles-Flanagan, NJFlower Ministry,

The Greater First Baptist Church, DCNelda P. Floyd, CABetty O. Fogleman, NCFormals by Vince, FLFMI Business Systems, FLMr. and Mrs. John D. Fox, NEMr. Frederic W. Frank, III, GAWilliam and Sheree Frey, PAMr. and Mrs. William J. Gala, CTMr. Rudolph P. Galli, CAThe Galloway Foundation, FLFernando and Sarah Galvan, VAMr. and Mrs. Harvey Ganske, WIDr. Paul and Linda Gargano, CTGaylord Palms Resort, FLMr. and Mrs. F. H. Gebhardt, MTThe Gem Collection, FLGiordano’s, NVMs. Gertrude M. Glenn, MDMr. James W. Goas, SCMr. Chuck W. Golden, GAHeather Gomes and

Mac McLaughlin, NEMr. and Mrs. Ken and Kathy Gootee, LAMr. and Mrs. Stuart Gordon, CAMr. and Mrs. Timothy T. Graumann, NEMr. John Greaves, AZMrs. Kellie Green-Boes, FLMrs. Dolores T. Greene, CTMr. James F. Greene, TXDavid and Sheila Grusenmeyer, OHStanley J. Gudmundson, MNGunderson’s Jewelers, IA

Jimmy and Josie Gustafson, FLMr. Cory Guzzo, FLCarroll J. Haas, MIMrs. Rita K. Haase, MIWalt and Carolyn Haley, FLHerb and Marian Hames, NEJames K. Hardy, WIDonald C. Harkins, NJDana R. Haught, WVWilliam and Caroline Haun, MDHaute Headz Salon, FLDr. Joseph A. Haydu, Jr., VAMs. Tina L. Henegar, TXHGI Resources, NEChris and Susan Hinesly, ILBrad Hollis and Erin Ennis, FLHome Bank, LARonald and Audrey Huiras, WIHoward L. Hultman, OHGannon Hunt, FLJames M. Hunt, OHRichard and Karen Hutchinson, SCMrs. Susan E. Huyck, TXHyVee, Inc., IAMr. and Mrs. Nicholas Iarossi, FLMr. Greg Ireton, COTom and Bess Ison, GACortez Jackson, LAJames R. Jackson, Jr., ILJackson Lewis, NYJoseph C. Jacobucci, COTimothy and Stephanie Jansen, FLThe Je�erson Hotel, Washington, DCJM Family Enterprises, Inc., FLJohn Knox Village

of Florida, Inc., FLJason and Jenna Jones, GADouglas A. Jorgensen, ILAdele Josephs, NVJennifer Josephs, NVJPW Industries – JET Tools, TNWinifred Ju, Ph.D., ORJudith C. White Foundation, NYK. Tillman Construction, TXRobert and Bonnie Kegley, Sr., ILMr. Alexander S. Kelso, Jr., LAKendra Scott, LLC, TXMrs. Marilyn M. Keough, GAKid to Kid, NEAnthony Klarich, CAMrs. Leontine M. Klarich, CAAndrew and Lorraine Kocik, UTMr. and Mrs. Franklin E. Kribbs, TXLamar Advertising, Boise, IDLamar Advertising, Seattle-Tacoma, WAMr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Lamoureux, NE

Lando & Anastasi, MAMaxine L. Lane, CADevon R. Larsen, NELes and Phyllis Lawless, NENormand R. Ledoux, CALee Terry for Congress, NEMrs. Dorothy E. Leithead, INLeo A. Daly, NELeonard and Esther Nowak

Charitable Family Foundation, NEMs. Barbara Levinge, ALLloyd A. Liatti, OHLockton Companies, MOLockton Companies, NEMr. and Mrs. John R. Lodwick, AZMr. and Mrs. Robert D. Loose, INJoe and Lorie Loughborough, RIPatricia Lott, CALowe’s – Oviedo, FLDr. Maureen T. Luby, TXDr. and Mrs. Richard and

Barbara MacArthur, MORoberta M. Maier, ILPamela and Panos Mantis, VAMr. Richard Marqua, FLMr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Martin, NEMs. Janet A. Martin, CAShirley G. Martindell, PAMary E. Van Drew Charitable

Foundation, Inc., INMary E. Miller, PAMAXIMUS Foundation, VAMr. and Mrs. Colby M. May, VADr. Charles D. McAllister, MOMr. William P. McDevitt, WIMichael and Marianne McGuire, NJWilliam and Susie McKinley, FLMr. and Mrs. Jack McMackin, MDJames and Lorraine McNease, Jr., MDMED-EL Corporation, NCMerck Foundation, MAMr. Andrew C. Messer, WAMetro Diner, FLMetz, Husband and Daughton, PA, FLMs. Roberta S. Metz, ARMifsud Family Foundation, OHOscar and Judith Mifsud, OHJudith A. Miller, TNDr. and Mrs. Alfonso Mireles, FLMary Pat Moeller, Ph.D., NEMoessner Charitable Lead

Annuity Trust, NJChris Moore, AZDiana J. Moore, NVPatrick and Janet Moore, CAMrs. Carol A. Morris, MIMr. Robert C. Mulhern, IL

Mike A. Murphy, WAMutual Of Omaha Company, NEMr. Dean J. Nader, OHHarvey E. Najim, TXNarcissus, FLMr. and Mrs. Donald E. Natenstedt, CANational Christian Foundation

Northwest, WANational Veterinary Associates, CANelnet Business Solutions, Inc., NERobert Nelson, VAAnthony A. Neri, ILLeo Nicolini, CARobert A. Novotny Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Nowak, NEJeremy and Tina Ognall, CAPatricia S. Owen, NJMarian G. Owusu-Akyaw, OHWilliam and Mary Pace, NVPacific Hospitality Group Ventures, Inc., CAMrs. Patricia P. Page, GADr. Paul J. Pagnozzi, NYMr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Palmer, IAPaper Tiger Shredding, Inc., NEPare Corporation, RIMr. John U. Parolo, KSDenney Pate, FLNeal Perry, MDMs. Joann C. Peterson, WAJohn and Kelly Pettit, FLMrs. Nancy Pettit, AKPGA National, FLMrs. Julia S. Phelps, OHPhillips 66

Corporate Giving Program, TXMr. and Mrs. Bob Pick, NEMs. Erin Pierson, FLPio Costa Foundation, NJMr. Anthony Pio Costa, III, NJMr. Willard Pitzner, MNMr. and Mrs. Brian Plaster, NVMr. and Mrs. Eric K. Poppe, MIPrairie Life Fitness, NEWilliam F. Pretsch, FLPricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP, FLGary L. Purnell, ARQuality Support Services, LAMrs. Caroline Rabold, MAMr. and Mrs. Paul F. Radcli�e, NJJohn and DeLois Radke, IARaising Cane’s Support O�ice, TXMr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Ramo, Jr., TXSteven and Judy Rasmussen, NEMs. Sandra L. Rausch, AZRBC Capital Markets, LLC, MNGlen E. Reed, MI

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Jack Rees, IAPaul and Kelly Ribes, GAEdmond T. Richardson, GAMr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Ridenour, MDMarlene Ridgley, OHChad and Melissa Rotolo, NEDaniel Rowland and

Patricia Colleton, NVSeymore Rubin, PARV Heating & Air Conditioning, OHS&L Integrated Systems, LLC, GAHolly Sadeghian, VAMr. and Mrs. Albert S. Saia, ILAnn Salomonsson, NYSazerac Iowa, IATodd Schrag, NESusan Schreiber and

Robert Bogan, NJDavid and Theresa Schumacher, NEDoug Schumacher, NEMark and Kim Schumacher, NEStephen H. Schwartz, NYDr. William R. Seitter, AZGeorge J. and Janet Sella, NJSeminole County Airboat Club, FLDr. Theodore and Mischelle Serr, TXEric Sharkey, FLHarold Sheehan Shell Oil Company

Foundation Matching Gi�s, NJMr. and Mrs. H. Bruce Shreves, LAMr. and Mrs. Michael P. Sicilia, WAMr. Chad Sidles, CAMr. Leonard L. Signeski, AZDr. and Mrs. William and

Joyce Simmons, FLMr. and Mrs. John V. Sims, TNSirius Computer Solutions, NEMr. Anthony J. Skenzich, MNDianna M. Sleeter, WIWilliam J. Smisek, NEMr. and Mrs. Charles B. Smith, TXCraig Smith and Lisa Danetz, MAMoonyean Smith, COTerri Smith, FLSmoothie King Franchises, Inc., LASnowhite Laundromat, PASolid Orange Architecture, NESouth Beach Resort, NVNancy J. Spencer, MOMrs. Rosemary A. Spillane, MAMs. Dianne Spooner, ILMs. Rosario O. Spruell, CASean Sta�ord, FLMr. and Mrs. Larry Ste�es, IAMr. and Mrs. Robb L. Ste�es, NESterling BMW Newport Beach, CA

Carl G. Stevenson, AZMalcolm and Michele Stewart, VAMr. Robert P. Stocker, TNJohn and Angela Stollsteimer, CAMr. Bob C. Stolz, CAStrake Foundation, TXMr. George W. Strake, Jr., TXMr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Strong, WASun Commercial Real Estate, NVMs. Sara Sweeney, TXMs. Sue Sword, CATallahassee Democrat, FLPatrick B. Talley, FLGwyndolyn Y. Taylor, CAMrs. Barbara J. Tennessen, MNTerri Smith Photo, FLTexas Cavaliers Charitable

Foundation, TXThe Timepiece Collection, NJMs. Cydney T. Thomson, ALMr. and Mrs. Rufus Tom, TXDr. Kathleen A. Trickle, NCMr. John J. Troisi, NYMr. and Mrs. David L. Tura, FLUBS Matching Gi� Program, NJUnion Pacific Corporation, MAMs. Mary E. Vandenack, Esq., NEMr. James D. Vargo, FLMr. and Mrs. Terry W. Vargo, FLMr. Richard Vince, OHDon and Dorothy Vodicka, FLRichard and Mary Vogel, IAMr. Victor V. Vojcek, MIDennis and Barb Vollmer, NEMs. Karen Von Amelunxen, NYLyn B. Voorhees, KYMr. Robert Wald, Jr., CAMr. and Mrs. Clarence E. Waldera, FLMr. Jack F. Wallace, Jr., NJWalmart Foundation, ARMr. and Mrs. Donald W. Watts, NVMr. and Mrs. Michael C. Weekly, NERev. and Mrs. Curtis Wegley, NENorman and Sharon Wein, WIWeinmann Family Charitable Fund Ms. Marcy Weinstein, CAWells Fargo Community Support, MNMr. Victor Westhall, FLMr. and Mrs. Bernard F. Westner, TNGeorge P. Whitman, GAWilliam H. Grizel Fund, CAMr. Charles Williams, MIMs. Kelly Williams, LATyrone and Cathy Williams, NEMs. Suzie Wilmot, MNMike and Becky Wincek, NE

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Windhorst, NEWindstorm Holdings, Inc., FLPatricia Winkler, ILMr. Robert G. Witser, CAMr. Gerald Wol�, ILMonique and Bruce Wood, FLNorvel “Lucky” Wood, DCRalph and Tessa Woodard, NETrampis and Jonna Wrice, NEMr. and Mrs. Ronald B. Wrobel, PAMr. Walter L. Youngquist, ORMr. and Mrs. Je� Zindel, NEMr. Henry Ziomek, ILMr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Zitzlsperger, IL

Friends $1,000 – $2,499

A–C3SIXTY Management Services, CAA & J Cattle Company, NYA.B. Davis Builders, Inc., AZMr. and Mrs. Brett A. Abell, INMs. Margaret E. Abenante, NCMr. Leon L. Abhold, WAMr. and Mrs. John K. Abokhair, TXMs. Teresa Abramowski, NYHarry E. Abrams, COAccenture LLP, TXAccess Bank, NEBarry Ackerman and

Jill Robb Ackerman, NEAdams & Adams, Inc., NJMr. Brad A. Adams, LAMr. and Mrs. Michael L. Adams, CAMs. Norma G. Adams, ARRichard and Judy Adams, WIMr. Stanley L. Adams, AZWarren Adams, CODr. Mario Addabbo, MAErik Addington and

Rebecca Burrows, NYMr. and Mrs. W. Addison, IDCarol J. Adragna, NYAdvanced Bionics, CAAdvantage Consulting Team, FLAetna Foundation, Inc., MAMr. Herbert Ahrens, OKAIG Matching Gi�s, NJAJO, PABrian Akerson, MOAkron Community Foundation, OHMr. Leonard Alanurm, NH

Mr. and Mrs. John E. Albert, WVMs. Carrie W. Albertson, NCDavid and Megan Albright, IAMs. Mary B. Aldaco, CAAldi, Inc., ILMr. and Mrs. John E. Algeo, NHMr. Tom A. Allegretti, CAMrs. Luann K. Alleman, MNMr. and Mrs. Donald F. Allen, COMs. Patricia E. Almaguer, ILMs. Ellen M. Alt, OHMrs. Dorothy Altschul, TXMr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Alvine, NEAmazonSmile Foundation, WACatherine Ames, ILJim and Colleen Anathan, Jr., MNAnderson & Ferrin,

Attorneys At Law, P.A., FLAnchor Capital Advisors, LLC, MAAncient Order of Hibernians, NEVictoria Anderson Ferrin and

Michael Ferrin, FLLyttleton C. Anderson, Jr., TNMarj Anderson, SDMary Joy Anderson, NEMr. Norman C. Anderson, WAMr. and Mrs. Richard L. Anderson, TNMrs. Mary M. Anderton, ALFred and Sue Andre, NVElizabeth A. Andresen, ILCatherine and David Andrews, FLMr. Gerald J. Angel, OHMr. and Mrs. Frank Angelo, PAAnQi by House of An, CAMr. Reza Ansari, CAMr. Robert J. Applegate, FLMr. Howard Archer, Jr., MOArista Winery, CAArjoHuntleigh, TXMary K. Armbruster, FLMrs. Faith A. Armstrong, WAMr. and Mrs. Allen M. Arneson, MNArron’s Fine Custom Clothing, Inc., FLArtisan Partners Limited Partnership, WIMr. John Aschenbach, NJMr. Arthur J. Asdourian, NYMr. and Mrs. Lee Askins, INMr. and Mrs. Mark G. Atkins, COMr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Atkinson, CAMr. and Mrs. Rob D. Atkisson, III, FLMs. Kay L. Atwell, PAMrs. Barbara Aubrey, PAAugustyn Foundation Trust, CAMrs. Gretchen J. Augustyn, CAMr. and Mrs. James Ayers, LAMr. Alfred Aysseh, NY

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Ms. Rose Azar, NCMr. and Mrs. Dominick J. Azzaro, Jr., NYB & T Industries, LLC, KSWarren R. Babor, CAPat Bachrodt, ILMr. and Mrs. James A. Backsen, MOMr. Stuart R. Bagni, AZMr. Je� L. Bahler, INMr. James L. Bailey, GAJohn Bailey, TXBaird Holm, NEBarry and Angela Baker, CAPaige Baker, TXMr. and Mrs. Roger Baker, AZMs. Kathleen F. Baldwin, COMs. Evelyn S. Balik, ILDavid L. Ball, INMr. and Mrs. Charles L. Ballard, FLMr. Charles Balty The Bank of New York Mellon, PAJim A. Banker, CAMark E. Banks, USMC, Ret., FLMr. and Mrs. James W. Banovich, WIDr. and Mrs. Errol C. Baptist, ILMr. Gil Barajas, NELouis and Betty Barberi, Jr., FLMr. Robert L. Barbre, OKMr. and Mrs. Walter W.

Bardenwerper, NHMr. Jacques Bares, TXMr. Thurman W. Barker, KYBrian and Marti Barnard, FLMs. Karen C. Barnes, LALee Barnes, OKDrs. Richard and Mary Barnes, WYMr. James R. Barnett, OKTommy Barras, TXMs. Sally Barrick, FLDr. David M. Barron, TNMr. Mel Barror, CAMr. Kevin W. Bartig, CAEmil R. Bartolowits, AKMr. Ronald A. Bartolucci, CAMs. Martha Bartone, NYMr. Jerry Bass, ARMs. Mary A. Batch, DCMs. Mary J. Bateman, CALisa Batenhorst, NEMr. Anthony Battaglia, Sr., PAMr. Reg W. Batten, AZColden and Patricia Battey, SCPatrick C. Baumer, WIMr. Timothy Baumgartner, ORBay Cities Produce, Inc., CABay City, Inc., DEBay Ridge United Methodist Church, NY

Frieda M. Beach, ORAlan & Alice Beardsley, ORThe Bears Club, FLRobert and Janet Beasley, NCBrad and Teresa Beck, IAMr. and Mrs. Robert L. Beck, KSMr. and Mrs. Dale H. Becker, TXJoseph F. Bee, Jr., WVDorr B. Begnal, MAMr. and Mrs. William J. Behrendt, NEJohn and Lori Belford, NESteven and Toni Belko, CAMrs. Christina C. Bell, ARBella Bella Italian Restaurant, FLBellevue University, NEMr. Robert P. Bellinghausen, MOMr. and Mrs. Matthew Bellisle, RIKenneth and Michelle Bender, FLMr. Steven M. Benner, OHMrs. Mary A. Bennett, CARobert Bennett, TXKathleen and Alan Benton, OHLeanne C. Bentz, PAAugust Bergman, MD, in loving memory

my mother, Elizabeth C. Bergman, AZMs. Lou Ann Berlin, COMr. and Mrs. Michael A. Bernock, MIBerry Properties, Inc., CAMr. Bob C. Berry, CAMr. John J. Berry, MIMr. Matthew R. Berry, SDDr. and Mrs. Christopher Bert, RICol. Frank and Fran Bertagnolli, TXMr. Robert C. Berthe, CAKevin and Kris Bertholf, VAMr. Joseph D. Bertoni, NJMrs. Kim Bertron, FLRepresentative and Mrs. Halsey W.

Beshears, FLPamela Best Johnson, SDMs. Florence A. Best, MDMs. Pauline I. Beurskens, CAFrank and Marie Bevilacqua, OHMr. Henri D. Bezy, FLBGN Foundation, Inc., CAKankan and Samina Bhattacharyya, NJCharles C. Bianco, FLMr. and Mrs. Brian Bibeau, FLMr. Thomas A. Bickert, NVMrs. Magdalen B. Bickford, LAMs. Mary Bickford, ILBiedenbach Logging, OHMr. John J. Biedenbach, OHMr. and Mrs. Robert T. Bigelow, NVEdward F. Birk, PAFr. Robert F. Birmingham, FL

Mrs. Carolyn H. Bissell, CAMr. and Mrs. Jack H. Biven, LAMr. and Mrs. Timothy D. Black, COMs. Loretta Blair, FLMr. Robert M. Blais, MAPatti L. Blanchette, FLHylda M. Blaske, WABlue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana

Foundation, LAMr. Robert Blum, NYMr. and Mrs. Stanley H. Blum, SDBNSF Railway Foundation, TXMr. Byron J. Bobb, WIBobby Miller Enterprises, Inc., NCMrs. Susan Boelter, WIDemory Boeneke, FLGene and Mary Jane Boes, NEFather Marvin J. Boes, IAMr. and Mrs. Doyle Boese, NJDerald Bogs, ILMr. and Mrs. John A. Bolger, III, TNCarolyn Bonkoski, PAMr. Joseph D. Boone, KSMr. Richard Booth, MTMr. and Mrs. Curley Bordelon, LAMr. David M. Bounk, WIMr. and Mrs. John R. Bowen, MOMr. Keith A. Bowers, ALMr. William Bowers, VAMs. Mary A. Bowlby, WAMs. Georgia Bowles, WAPaul and Theresa Bowlin, CTMr. John C. Bowman, INSharon Box, WYDrs. Clay and Bonnie Boyd, LAGerald and M. Ann Boyd, MAAndrew and Marla Boyle, MIBoys Town National

Alumni Association, NEBoys Town National

Alumni Auxiliary Association, NEMs. Joann C. Bracci, PAMrs. Jeanne Bracken, FLDr. and Mrs. Robert and

Carolyne Bradford, FLBradfordville Kiwanis Club, FLThe Bradley Foundation, OHMrs. Angela C. Bradley, OHMs. Susie Q. Bradley, COPaul and Sally Bradshaw, FLColin and Norma Brady, MOMr. and Mrs. Matthew O. Brady, TXMr. Calvin Brandt, MNMr. Wayne A. Brandt, FLTerry Brannan, RIMr. and Mrs. John Branz, ILMrs. Zelma Braswell, OK

Patricia R. Bratton, MOMr. and Mrs. John C. Braune, MDGlenn and Vivienne Brazel, INAndrew and Linda Brearley, AZJosefina Breen, CAPatricia M. Bremerkamp, MOGeorge H. Bremner, FLMr. and Mrs. Leo W. Brennan, CAMr. Thomas D. Brennan, PAMrs. Anna A. Brenner, NJMr. James L. Brewer, MAPamela F. Brindley, ORMr. and Mrs. Chad C. Brister, TXMr. Nick Brizendine, TXBarbara J. Brock, OHThe Brooks Sr. Family Trust, GADr. and Mrs. Logan Brooks, Jr., FLMs. Pam Brossman, CAMr. Gregory R. Brotz, WIDr. and Mrs. Douglas C. Brown, LAMrs. Esther J. Brown, GADr. Jason and Lisa Bruce, NERonica J. Bruce, ORMr. Greg A. Bruening, IAMiss Karen Bruinooge, WIMr. Harold Brundage, FLBruno Family Fund, FLMarkus I. Bryant, OHMr. Richard F. Bryant, WAMr. John W. Buchanan, NCJudy L. Buchanan, TXRenita Buchanan, FLMs. Pamela J. Buck, ILMrs. Janice C. Buckley, NYMr. and Mrs. Stephen Buckley, KSRoger and Laura Buddenberg, NEMark and Frances Buechler, TXVernie T. Buerkle, OHMr. and Mrs. Charles H. Bundrant, WACarole A. Bunting, OHMr. Eugene A. Burg, WIMr. and Mrs. Patrick E. Burke, GAMr. Charles Burleson, MOMichael and Pamela Burmood, AZSandra Burnet, NCTerrilea Burnett, HIMr. John J. Burns, III, FLLisette and Patrick Burton, DCDr. and Mrs. Lawrence F. Busch, NYMr. John C. Bussolin, NYMr. and Mrs. W. T. Butek, WIMs. Barbara B. Butler, ALGlenn Butler, VALewis Butler, CAMr. and Mrs. Charles L. Butler, CAMr. Raymond J. Buttschau, MN

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Mr. Cecil D. Bykerk, NEDavid F. Byrnes, in memory of

Cornelia Byrnes, TXMr. and Mrs. Terrence J. Bysinger, Jr., GAC.W. Roberts Contracting, Inc., FLMs. Alicia Caballero, TXMr. Richard H. Cady, MNMs. Marcia E. Cahill, OHCail Family Foundation, MAMilton L. Cail, MAMr. and Mrs. John E. Cakebread, CAGrant H. Caldis and Ingrid Tierens, NJMr. Don E. Callahan, CAMr. and Mrs. Michael J. Callahan, CAMr. Timothy J. Callan, CAJames J. Callanan, MAJohn and Mary Callinan, CADr. and Mrs. Miguel G. Camara, ILRev. H. J. Cameron, MEMr. and Mrs. James A. Cameron, CAMr. and Mrs. Gary L. Campbell, TXMiss Harryette Campbell, MOMr. and Mrs. James Campbell, FLKathy Campbell, VAMr. Lionel B. Campos, NEJudith and Phillip Cannan, VAKelly and Courtney Canova, FLMr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Capiccioni, OHCapital Building & Design, Inc., MACapital Regional Cardiology

Associates, FLMr. Roger W. Cappello, FLJoshua Carin, MDDr. Jerry Carle, DDS, FLMr. Robert J. Carlisle, NEMr. and Mrs. Robert S. Carlon, ORMrs. Marie J. Carlson, WIMr. Rodney W. Carlson, ILScott and Anne Carlson, NEMr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Carlson, INMs. Angela M. Carlucci, CTCarma Industrial Coatings, Inc., PAMs. Eunice T. Caro, MDCarol J. Adragna Family Foundation, NYCathy Carotta, NERosalie E. Carpenter, CAMr. Michael P. Carr, MIMiss Carolyn Carrano, FLDanny and Rita Carrier, IADoris M. Carrier, MIMr. and Mrs. Peter C. Carriero, CTMr. Peter M. Carroll, MAMr. and Mrs. Salvadore Carta, NEMrs. Linda L. Carter, KSMr. Cli�ord L. Case, WYCasey’s General Stores, Inc., IA

Mrs. Jeremy B. Cassels-Smith, MDMr. and Mrs. Ernest Castillo, PRRichard and Leanne Castricone, TXMr. and Mrs. George Catsimpiris, FLMr. and Mrs. George E. Cattey, CAMr. Ronald E. Cavner, MIMr. Joseph R. Cazares, CAMr. Don Cecil, MORichard and Lisa Cederoth, ILMargaret Celano, NYCenter for Childhood Deafness,

Language, and Learning, NEDr. Donald P. Cento, Sr., MOCentral States Health & Life Co.

of Omaha, NECentris Federal Credit Union, NECenturyLink Center Omaha, NEMr. Joseph Cernik, MILucille T. Cesari, MAMr. and Mrs. Roy G. Chacon, CAMr. and Mrs. Charles W. Chadwell, TNMr. Alberto Chalmeta, VAMs. Colleen Chamberlain, CALily K. L. Chan, CAMr. Samuel A. Chandra, MOMr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Chang, VAChange a Life Foundation, CAMr. Kuo F. Chao, NJMr. and Mrs. Harvey R. Chaplin, FLMs. Paula N. Chapman, TNMr. and Mrs. Mladen Chargin, NVChase Cellars, CAMr. John Chase, ILMr. William J. Chatlos, FLMs. Cindy Chaumont, LAMary N. Cheeseman, FLJames T. Chesire, ILMr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Cheslak, WIChestnut Hill Realty, MAChevron Corporation, TXChicago Cubs, ILMr. Alexander S. Chimens, Jr., ILMr. Eric Cho, CADavid Christensen, FLValerie Christopherson, CAMrs. Kathleen M. Chrobak, ILMr. and Mrs. Ed Chuatoco, CAMr. and Mrs. David D. Chyan, CAA. Cianciolo Ms. Ann Cibulsky, RIJohn and Kathryn Ciechoski, AZPatricia A. Cieszkiewicz, INMr. William G. Cinnamond, FLMr. Timothy S. Cirillo, VAClark Orthodontics, FLMr. Arthur L. Clark, IL

Dr. and Mrs. Drew Clark, FLMr. Don Clark, COMike D. Clausen, MOClayton Mortgage & Investment, NVKendall Clayton, TXMr. Paul E. Clayton, NCMr. Michael J. Cleary, COMs. Beverly M. Clemens, KSMr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Cli�ord, NYCline Williams Wright Johnson &

Oldfather, LLP, NEB. Clouser, UTClarence E. Coats, CAMr. Gary W. Cobb, SCThe Coca-Cola Company, GAPatricia Cody and James Miller, TNMr. and Mrs. John A. Coelho, CAMr. and Mrs. Tim Co�ey, ILDennis Cohn, KSDevita Cole, OKCol. Robert A. Colella, VAGeorgia M. Coleman, KSColgate Palmolive Company, NYCurtis W. Coliz, TXMrs. John H. Colle, Jr., MSMr. James A. Collier, MNColliers International, NEMs. Patricia L. Collins, VAMr. and Mrs. Frank Colosimo, Jr., PAColumbia Sportswear, NEMr. and Mrs. George E. Colwell, IDConAgra Foods, Inc., NJJerry Cone, NMMr. C. John Coniglio, FLJanice M. Conlon, IAMs. Dianne Connelly, CADr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Connolly, Sr., NERobert W. Considine, MI

Consortio Group, LLC, NECopEx, Inc., RIDonald and Bev Copoulos, WIMr. David E. Corben, TXKevin Cordova, NVEd L. Corkwell, SCRuth A. Corll, PAMr. and Mrs. Alexander Cornelius, CACornerstone Sta�ing, NEMrs. Gayla D. Corrigan, ILCol. Joseph P. Corso, NCP. E. Cosby, VAMr. Patrick J. Costello, AZMrs. Rosemary T. Coulter, CAMs. Grace Couvillon, LACox Business, NEMr. Douglas R. Cox, MDMrs. Jeanne R. Cox, ARDr. Susanna P. Coy, MDCrain-Maling Foundation, ILMs. Bridget C. Cramer, COMr. and Mrs. Gene Cramm, Jr., TXMr. Robert E. Cratsley, OKGregory G. Crawford, NEMr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Creech, MOCreighton University Athletics, NEMr. Barry Croce, NYCrockett’s Interstate Towing &

Transport, Inc., ORMr. Connor Crook, VAFrederich Crouch, ILJohn A. Croud, MIMr. Thomas R. Crowley, DEMr. and Mrs. William A. Crum, SDCS Donors Fund Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Csencsitz, FLBeyond Our Rails; CSX Corporation, NJMr. Frank W. Cubbon, Jr., OH

Your ongoing support provides the lifeblood for Boys Town and helps us carry on Father Flanagan’s legacy of healing and hope.

On behalf of the National Board of Trustees and the Father Flanagan’s Fund for Needy Children Board of Directors, we thank you for your generous gi�s and your commitment to our mission.

A Note of Thanks from Our Governing Boards to Our Generous Donors

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Patrick and Josephine Cullen, FLMr. James Culver, MIJourdan Cunningham Beal, NEMr. and Mrs. Robert E. Cunningham, GAMarie Curtis, OHMr. Michael T. Curtis, TXMr. Donald M. Custer, NCMs. Maura Cutter, FLMr. George Cyr, MDJean M. Czapiewski, WAMr. and Mrs. Richard A. Czaplewski, IL

D–FD. A. Davidson & Co., NEGail S. D’Addario, NYKeith A. Dagen, TXMs. Marilyn M. Dale, CAMs. Cecilia R. Damon, AZIlana D’Ancona, MAMs. Kathryn A. D’Angelo, ORMr. Robert C. Daniels, Jr., MSDataVizion, NEMr. Gary Daubersmith, IDMr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Daughenbaugh, IADrs. Kurt and Mary Davey, NEMs. Dolores M. Davi, CABardee B. Davidson, ALMr. Alma B. Davis, AZMs. Althea Davis, NCMr. and Mrs. Gary D. Davis, ARMs. Barbara G. Davis, MDMs. Brenda M. Davis, NCMr. and Mrs. Ernie Davis, Jr., KYDr. Jerry Davis, Ph.D., NEMs. Judy B. Davis, ARLorinda Davis, NYMr. and Mrs. Melvin E. Davis, FLPriscilla Davis, CAMs. Tammy V. Davis, TXDr. Michael G. Dawson, NEMs. Jean M. Day, WVDr. and Mrs. Raymond R. De Gatson, COMrs. Felix DeLeo, FLMs. Susan A. DeMarco, CAJose F. DeAlva, AZDale Dean, OHJudith W. Deardor�, PADeaver Foundation, PAMr. and Mrs. E. A. Deaver, PAMr. and Mrs. Charles DeBenedittis, NYMr. and Mrs. John R. DeBoer, NEMrs. Caroline A. Decaminada, GAMr. and Mrs. Jerome L. Decker, OHDelbert Dees, CA

Steve Del Masso, CAMr. and Mrs. Vincent Delaney, CARita M. Delecki, MILarry D. Delpit, CADement Construction Company, TNRoddy Dement, TXMr. and Mrs. W. G. Dement, Jr., TNMr. and Mrs. Hayden Dempsey, FLMr. and Mrs. Jerry J. Dempsey, NEJim and Janet Den Adel, IAMs. Evelyn Dennis, OHDermody Properties Foundation, NVPatricia G. Dermody, MIRobert F. DeRoche, MAJim M. Dervin, MNDesign Expressions, NEDesks Galore, TXMr. Edward M. Detchemendy, CAMr. Marvin J. Detwiler, MDMs. Carolyn L. Deuitch, INMr. Terry L. Devlin, COMs. Ruth I. Dewey, WAMs. Marilyn De Witt, CAMr. Robert J. Di Lisio, PAMr. Thomas V. DiBacco, VAMr. and Mrs. Dean W. Dicke, KYMs. Irene E. Dickerson, PADickinson Corporation, FLMaryrose DiDomenico, MAMr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Dietsche, MIMr. and Mrs. Richard F. Dietz, FLDietzler Construction Corporation, COMichael J. Digirolamo, FLGeorge and Agnes Dikeman, MIJoseph A. Dinarello, MAMr. and Mrs. Michael J. Dinunzio, PAMr. and Mrs. Vincent DiPierro, NYRachel K. Dirkse, MIMs. Lynne Divita, TXMrs. Jacqueline Dixon, PAMs. Deborah R. Doe, WYMs. Phoebe Doering, PAMargaret I. Doig, NECol. Phyllis A. Dolin, IAMr. and Mrs. Stanley K. Domanski, ILDon Allen Foundation, Inc., FLKathleen Donahue, TXDonald W. McIntosh Associates, Inc., FLAlta M. Donley, TNMr. Joseph Donovan, WAMark L. Dorbin, FLDavid W. Dorsey, OHMr. and Mrs. Ben Doskocil, TXDr. Phillip B. Doudna, DC, OHMr. Joseph Doughney, NJDoughty Valley Holsteins, LLC, OH

Ms. Mary Douglass, LADavid A. Douin, OHMs. Lynnette Downs, VAJames and Virginia Doyle, AZMr. Gregory Drees, IAMs. Jean Dresser Merrifield, CADretloh Aircra� Supply, Inc., CAMr. and Mrs. George W. Drewry, Jr., TXThe Driveway Company, NEDRMP, Inc., FLWalter R. Ducharme, MIMrs. Elizabeth M. Du�y, ILMr. Frank P. Du�y, NJMarilyn R. Duke, ORMr. Edward Duletsky, NDMr. Robert Dulin, COMr. and Mrs. Raymond H. Dulyea, MIMr. and Mrs. John E. Dunagan, OHJames B. Dunbar, Jr., MDArt J. Duncan, ILMr. and Mrs. Jerry D. Duncan, COMs. Martha Dunham, MADr. Michael Dunham, LAMr. and Mrs. Robert G. Dunham, CAMs. Melissa Dunlay, FLKenneth and Joanne Dunn, FLMrs. Erma J. Dunn, OKMr. and Mrs. William E. Dupre, TXDonald R. & Joann Durbin, Sr., ILMark and Johna Duren, NEDale Durst, NEGary W. Dutton, FLElizabeth Duwaldt, OHMr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Duyck, ORMr. and Mrs. Michael J. Dzurik, CPA, PAE. Mika Photography, FLJim Eaton, FLMrs. Katherine Ebner, MDMrs. Betty A. Ebrom, TXPaul and Bettie Eck, KSPeggy L. Eddins, TNCol. Carol L. Edgington, OHEdmunds Family Foundation, VAMr. and Mrs. Paul C. Edmunds, II, VAThe Edward J. Fletcher Foundation, MIMr. Andrew C. Edwards,

Extron Electronics, CAHarold S. E�ert, AZMr. and Mrs. John P. Egan, CAMs. Margaret Eglin, PAMr. and Mrs. Robert Egrie, PAMr. and Mrs. Edward C. Eick, OKMr. and Mrs. Fred Ekstein, CAElizabeth Morse Genius Foundation, FLMr. and Mrs. James G. Ellis, CAMs. Jerry L. Ellis, MO

Mr. and Mrs. John Ellis, LAMr. Roger Ellstad, DEMr. and Mrs. Clay S. Elward, ILElaine I. Ely, FLMs. Linda Elz, ARSteve and Christine Emmons, CASybil W. Emmons, FLMs. Elaine T. Emrick, PAJean L. Eno, FLMr. and Mrs. Leonard J. Enos, CAEnvoy, Inc., NEMr. and Mrs. Craig Epperson, TXThe Equity Group, NVMr. Andrew M. Erickson, CADr. and Mrs. Mitch R. Erickson, IAMr. and Mrs. Robert Erickson, WIErie Insurance Giving Network, PAMr. Roger Ernst, NEMr. Irwin J. Eskanos, CAMrs. Brenda L. Esper, MIEspinosa Vineyards and Winery, CAEsposito Lawn and Garden Center, FLMs. Kimberly Esposito, LARalph Esposito, FLMs. Leslie M. Espy, GAJoshua Chase Jewelers, CAMrs. Constance L. Estes, AZEustis Insurance, Inc., LAEvans Engineering, Inc., FLMrs. Helen E. Hyde, ALMr. Claude W. Evans, MIMr. and Mrs. David L. Evans, FLGertrude E. Evans, MAMr. and Mrs. Lance Evans, IAExperian, TXExxonMobil Foundation, NJAlma Eyman, ILMr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Falcone, FLMs. Mona M. Fallon-Monahan, ORMr. and Mrs. Robert S. Falsone, VAAl and Jo Ann Fargnoli, NYMrs. Marilyn Farinholt, VAMrs. Tamara Farley, MADrs. John T. and Lynne A. Farr, NEMr. and Mrs. David N. Farr, MOFarris Engineering, Inc., NEMarilyn J. Farrow, WIFather Harold Vieages

Charitable Trust, LAMichael L. Faust, NEJess R. Feathers, CAMr. Thomas Feeney, INMrs. Mary J. Feind, MNMr. Jose E. Felipe, FLJames Feltrop, CAMr. and Mrs. Ralph Ferguson, MO

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Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Ferguson, FLMr. Jose L. Fernandes, LAMr. Michael T. Ferneding, WADr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Fernicola, NJLorna J. Ferrell, ILMr. and Mrs. Paul R. Fertig, SCGary Fieger and Patricia Powell, NYMr. and Mrs. David Figlestahler, GAMs. Michelle D. Figueras, FLMr. Anthony Filomena, NCVirginia and John Finlayson, PAMr. Robert W. Fiorillo, PAFirst Presbyterian Church, FLFirst Westroads Bank, NEMr. and Mrs. Bill R. Fisch, IAMr. and Mrs. Louis M. Fischer, MDMs. Marilyn L. Fischer-Plowman, CAMr. Thomas Fish, INMr. Robert Fisk, MEMr. Richard S. Fistner, PACharles Lorelli and

Pamela Fitzpatrick, NCMr. and Mrs. Sean K. Fitzpatrick, PAJames and Patricia Flaherty, NYMr. James M. Flajnik, PAFlanagan Family Foundation, Inc., MAJohn W. Flanagan, CALawrence Flanagan Mr. John J. Flanigan, INMr. and Mrs. Donald G. Fleck, OHMr. Jim Fleming, GAFleming’s Steak House and Wine Bar, CAMr. and Mrs. Edward J. Fletcher, MIMr. and Mrs. Matt L. Flinn, NEMr. and Mrs. Matthew Floeter, FLMr. Scott K. Flood, NVWalter F. Floser, CAThomas A. Flynn, RIFM Global Foundation, RIMr. and Mrs. Todd A. Foje, NEGlenn W. Foley, WAMr. Gregory J. Foley, NJMr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. Follansbee, TXMarie Force, RIMr. and Mrs. Albert G. Forcucci, IAMr. Andrew P. Ford, WAMs. Cheryl Ford, FLMr. Thomas A. Forrester, MADr. Sheila Forsman-Bierman, NEMs. Cathy L. Foster, KYDelia Fowler, FLMs. Eleanor J. Fox, FLMr. and Mrs. Craig Frahm, NEAugust Franchini, Jr., GAMr. Gerald R. Francis, INFrank E. Neal & Co., Inc., TN

Mr. and Mrs. John M. Franken, IAFranklin Insurance Agency, Inc., FLCarlton and Regina Franklin, FLPaul E. Franklin, FLMs. Doris J. Frantz, MDMrs. Kathryn D. Frawley, VAFaith L. Free, COMs. Jackie Freeman, NMMr. and Mrs. Robert G. Freidenrich, NYMrs. Marion J. Freking, MNMrs. Marlene J. Frey, WIMr. Jamie Friedman, MIMr. Robert D. Friedrich, ORJe� and Linda Fries, IARonald J. Fritz, NYMr. Henry J. Frosini, NYFrost Bank, TXMr. and Mrs. David Fuchs, MIMr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Fuguet, MDMr. and Mrs. David L. Fuller, VAMr. Gary Fuller, CAMr. Stephen S. Fruse, III, GAMr. and Mrs. Haydn W. Fusia, GAJe� Fusselman, NEDon and Linda Futch, GAMairead K. Fyda, OH

G–JMs. Amy Gabriel, VAMr. Martin A. Gaehwiler, Sr., CAMr. Andrew F. Ga�ey, FLMr. and Mrs. Mark Galambus, INNeil and Lynn Galvin, RIThe Gambrinus Company, TXMs. Roberta A. Gancarz, NYMr. and Mrs. John D. Gannett, Jr., MAMs. Joanne M. Garnett, CADr. John J. Garrett, MOMr. Raymond J. Gartner, NEMr. and Mrs. Vernon B. Gayne, Jr., FLMrs. George H. Gaynor, FLGDC, Inc., INMr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. Geary, OHMrs. Lorette Geiger, ILMr. and Mrs. Danny Geis, OKMs. Shirley R. Gelineau, MACol. Wallace E. George, Jr., Ret. and

Mrs. Eleanor George, SCGeppetto Catering, MDMs. Bernadette Geraldi, ORRobert C. and Dorothy Gerholz, MIMr. and Mrs. Gary Geringer, Jr., KSReverend Father Adrian R. Gervacio, HIJohn Gey, MI

GGE Foundation, Inc., CAMr. and Mrs. Avinash G. Ghanekar, CAMr. Edward A. Gierczyk, INMr. and Mrs. William C. Giesey, FLChristopher P. Gieske, MIJames B. and Barbara A. Gi�ord, OHMonsignor James Gilg, NEJudith Gilkeson, WVLouise C. Gill, VAMr. and Mrs. Ted M. Gill, COMarty and John Gillin, GAMr. and Mrs. Michael Gionta, CTJon and Mary Gislason, TXMs. Elizabeth Givens, NJMr. and Mrs. Jesse Glenn, NEMr. Charles R. Gneiting, DEMr. and Mrs. Arron Gober, FLMr. Roy Goddard, GA

Mr. and Mrs. Dan Gohr, NEMs. Victoria Gokson, CAGold’s Gym – San Antonio, TXMrs. Dianne T. Gonzalez, CAMr. Dwight W. Goodman, II, OHMrs. Sandra L. Goodman, OHMs. Martha Goodpasture, TNMr. and Mrs. Otis A. Goodson, FLMr. Bruce Goodwin, MDMs. Louise P. Googins, WIGordon H. Dickinson & Co., Inc., PAMs. Lynn Gordon, CAMr. and Mrs. Ronald Gordon, NECherie Gorenstein, WIRalph G. Gorenstein, WIDeacon James J. Gorman, MDMr. Donald E. Gorshe, WIMr. and Mrs. Phil Gose, IA

DONTE on SPIRITUALITYBoys Town has given me a lot of opportunities when it comes to spirituality and my spiritual life.

I’m in an a�erschool group called peer ministers. It’s basically just teenagers, juniors and seniors on campus, who will advocate with their fellow students to be more spiritual. I enjoy doing that because I get to work with everyone from sixth-graders all the way up to people my age.

I believe that I’m doing good for others; that’s always been a big deal. It’s kind of my way to give back to God, and help me see there is good in everyone.

I believe that I have grown in faith a hundred times more than I would have at home.

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Gene and Jay Gospodarek, WIWanda Gossage, ORMr. and Mrs. Peter D. Gossel, NJMr. and Mrs. Bill L. Goucher, MORandy Gould and

Jane Hopkins Gould, MNDick and Greta Gourley, TNMs. Ida E. Govett, MNMr. and Mrs. James P. Grabenbauer, NEMr. David W. Graebel, COJanice B. Graham, IAMarie G. Graham, NYVincent and Yvonne Grainer, MIGramata Family Fund Mr. Harald Grant, NYMs. Maxine A. Grant, VADr. Robert Grant, NJTracey Grant, FLMr. Timothy J. Grau, COMr. and Mrs. William H. Graves, VAGreat Western Bank, SDMrs. Karen A. Greco, GAMiss Carol A. Green, CAMr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Green, TXMr. and Mrs. Scott T. Green, AZRichard and Leigh Ann Greenberg, FLMr. and Mrs. James L. Greene, GARichard and Mary Ann Greene, WIGreenmill Property, LTD, TXMs. Patricia A. Gregan, VARonald L. Gregory, WAMrs. Marian Grieve Bankus, TXJohn F. Gri�in, ILJohanna and Jim Gri�is, CAJohn and Doreen Gri�ith, NEMs. Barbara H. Grocki, NYMarvin D. Grohman, TXMr. and Mrs. Brian L. Grooms, IAMrs. Annabelle M. Gross, MNRex and Kairn Grothusen, KSMs. Nancy Grove, PAMr. Je�rey M. Grybowski, RIMr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Guarino, SCMr. and Mrs. Eduardo Guerra, FLAlfred G. Gulvin, Jr., NCMr. and Mrs. Dean P. Gunby, MDMr. Peter P. Guritza, Jr., VAMr. Donald R. Gurney, CACarlene Gustafson, IDMr. and Mrs. Sidney M. Guiterrez, NMGymboree Oakview, NEMr. Daryl Haack, IAMs. Diana L. Haas, CATheresa M. Haas, MIMs. Joann B. Haberthur, NVMr. Richard Hach, VA

Mrs. Christine F. Hackl, INVern Hagedorn, SDKaren A. Hagen, NJJulia S. Hager, FLMr. and Mrs. John P. Haggerty, NEMr. Michael T. Haigh, NYCeil D. Hall, CTLucien T. Hall, III, VAMr. Wayne P. Hall, NJHamel Family Fund, MDMr. John D. Hamill, FLMs. Claire D. Hamilton, NYMr. Stephen D. Hamlin, NYEdward H. Hamm, Sr., FLMr. and Mrs. Paul E. Hammes, NEMr. Bob Hammill, CAAndrew T. Hammond, MDMr. John P. Hanavan, MAMrs. Kathryn C. Hand, ALHank and Marcia Lawson Fund, CAMr. Mark S. Hanley, AZMr. Robert E. Hanna, CAMr. and Mrs. Hans F. Hansen, CAMrs. Patricia L. Hanson, IAAndy and Linda Harber, CAHelene L. Harkins, CAMr. Donald G. Harmon, VAMr. Charles Harper, ARMr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Harper, GAMs. Elizabeth A. Harrington, ILR. J. Harris, NCMs. Felicia M. Hart, MDMs. Elizabeth A. Hartnett, FLHarvest Fund, LAJordan Hasan, NEMr. John A. Hauck, CAMrs. Lee K. Haupert, IAMr. and Mrs. John Haver, NEHawaii LC Supply, LLC, HIDave and Ann Hawk, PAMr. Melvyn S. Hawk, OHMs. Deborah L. Hay, ILMr. James R. Hay, KYMs. Noreen J. Hayes, OHMr. Robert P. Hayes, NYMr. and Mrs. Scott Hayworth, NYHBK Engineering, LLC, ILHealthy Blue, LAMr. and Mrs. Shellie E. Hearrean, TXMr. Eric B. Heeck, MNSue Hegge, KYMr. and Mrs. James E. Heida, WIMr. and Mrs. Charles H. Heide, WIVernetta A. Heil, MOMr. Robert D. Hein, UTMs. Elizabeth C. Heldak, NJ

Helpful Hands, FLMr. and Mrs. Wayne Henderson, INMr. M. A. Henderson, TNHenry Crown and Company, ILDoug and Vicki Henry, FLKen and Susan Henry, AZMrs. Linda J. Henry, CAMs. Myrita Henry, CAMs. Susan Hensman, NEMr. and Mrs. Donald L. Hernandez, LAMiss Gerry Herr, ILMiss Marodean L. Herzman, ORMs. Dorothy M. Heskett, MIDavid and Susan Hesse, MDMargaret Hessling, TXRu�us Hewlett, KYJerry and Janaan Hickey, WIMr. Edmund Hill, NJMs. Mary Sue Hill, ALRobert and Shanta Hill, AZHinch Farms, ILRandy D. Hinch, ILMr. Rim A. Hindieh, NYMs. Christie Hirota, NJDr. Richard Hirschmann, ILJohn and Mary Pat Hixon, ILDr. and Mrs. Robert I. Hlavac, DDS, CAMr. Rudolph G. Hlavek, FLMr. Dennis H. Hochsprung, TXCharles D. Hock, MDJoyce Hoeksema, MIMr. and Mrs. George W. Hofer, CAMr. and Mrs. John W. Ho�ert, NEKenneth and Carlana Ho�man, FLLauren W. Ho�man, GADon Ho�mann, TXMr. Ted Ho�mann, TXHog Wild BBQ, NEMs. Diane C. Hoiler, PACecil and Louise Holder, TXMs. Eileen G. Holland, INMs. Jan Hollensbe, COMr. Terrance Holm, ILBarry and Marie Holt, MOMr. Eugene Holte, CAMr. and Mrs. Harold Honer, ORMr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Hood, INMs. Jeanette K. Hope, KYMr. and Mrs. Robert F. Hopkins, ILMs. Sally S. Hopt, IDDr. and Mrs. Charles K. Hordis, NJHenry G. Horn, VAMr. James J. Hortsch, ORMr. Alexander Horvath, NHMr. and Mrs. Melvin E. Houdek, NEMs. Virginia M. Hougasian, CA

Mrs. Madeline Hough, CAHouse of Blues New Orleans, LAMrs. Mary L. Hovey, CAMs. Linda Howard, SCMs. Sandra K. Howard, OHRonald and Michele Howe, PAMrs. Nancy J. Howe-Seipel, OHMs. Cathy M. Hudela, NYRobert Hudson, CAMr. and Mrs. Michael Hu�stetler, NEMs. Angela Hughes, CASue Hughes, LAJoe and Lisa Hukill, NERichard N. Hull, NJMr. John H. Hulse, WAMr. and Mrs. Terrence A. Hurd, MNMr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Hurst, WAMr. Robert J. Hurtubise, COMr. and Mrs. George Hushin, SDHussong Mfg. Co., Inc., MNDudley and Cher Hussong, IAMr. Walt E. Husten, NEMs. Pamela A. Hutton, TNMr. William C. Hutton, CAJohn Hutts, GAThomas and Mary Jean Hyland, NHMr. James R. Ianni, NJMr. David C. Inge, ILMr. and Mrs. Robert Ingenito, NJIngo Community Church, WVDr. James M. Ingram, III, NEMr. Leon Ingram, KYInk Pot of Tallahassee, LLC, FLIntuit, NJThe Investment Counsel Company, NVMs. Joan G. Ireland, RIIrvin & Beverly Small Foundation, TNDr. Atef F. Israel, KSTeresa A. Ittner, MOMr. Rusell Iwanski, NEJ. P. Dermody, Inc., MIMr. and Mrs. Armand Jackson, NVMr. and Mrs. Jim Jackson, Sr., IAMr. and Mrs. Gregory W. Jacobs, NYMr. Bernard Jacquinot, KSMr. Erik Ja�e, DCMr. and Mrs. Karl Jahina, CAJames Campbell & Associates, FLChristopher and Debra James, IDMr. and Mrs. George W. James, FLPat M. Jankowski, MOMs. Patricia J. Janson, CAMr. and Mrs. David Japikse, MEH. Earl Jarchow, MNJasperson Family Foundation, Inc., WI

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Jean Kay Charitable Fund, ORMr. and Mrs. Gary T. Je�eris, MOJenByRo Charitable Fund, ARMs. Katherine Jenkerson, NMMr. and Mrs. William P. Jenkins, CAMr. Yvo B. Jenniges, MNMr. Michael J. Jennings, LAMs. Margaret Jensen, INJames J. Jentgen, FLMr. Brian J. Jesse, CAThe Jessica Foundation, Inc., NJWalt Jesteadt and Donna L. Ne�, NEThe Jim & Marlene Greene

Foundation, GAJim Moran Institute for

Global Entrepreneurship, FLMr. Wilmer S. Jiskoot, IAMr. John C. Joanides, FLJohn G. and Marie Stella Kenedy

Memorial Foundation, TXMr. Dennis John Jurcak, CAJohn Marshall Family Foundation, ILMr. and Mrs. Paul C. Johnsen, CAJohnson Hardware Co., NEMs. Andree M. Johnson, VAMr. and Mrs. Craig N. Johnson, GAMs. Genoa E. Johnson, NYMr. James C. Johnson, Sr., NYMr. Marvin J. Johnson, MOMs. Megan M. Johnson, RIMr. Michael W. Johnson, GAMr. and Mrs. Paul Johnson, TXRobert S. Johnson, AZMr. and Mrs. Ronald F. Johnson, WIMs. Sherry Johnson, WIWilliam and Jacqueline Johnson, CADr. Wray and Marcia Johnson, VAMr. Gary T. Johnston, ORMr. and Mrs. Paul J. Johnston, NCRajive and Indrani Johri, CTMr. Carlos Jones, OKCharles and Millie Jones, INChristopher Jones, CAMr. Clyde L. Jones, KSPatsy R. Jones, OKMr. and Mrs. Richard E. Jones, PAMr. Robert E. Julian, AKNicholas and Christiana Juliano, NEMr. Jim R. Junge, CAJunior League of San Antonio, Inc., TXMr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Jur, CAJust In Queso Foundation, FLMr. Ken Justen, MNJuvenile Court Services, IA

K–MDave and Carol Kalscheur, WIJan Kaminski, NEMs. Jeanne A. Kaminski, MOMr. Ronald Kamiski, ILDr. D. Richard and Kim-Jae Kang, NEFrank E. Kania, MILarry F. Kannal, OHKaplan, GAAlex Karimi, CAThe Honorable and Mrs. David K. Karnes, NEMr. Harry Karsten, CAKathie Kasperbauer, IARyan and April Kasperbauer, IAMr. and Mrs. William J. Kastler, TXMr. and Mrs. Steve D. Kathol, NEKenneth Kato and Nan Nagy, FLMelvin Kay, CAMs. Gloria Kazanova, ILMr. and Mrs. Ronald V. Kazmar, ILRick Kearney, FLKebok Foundation, DEMargaret M. Keeler, MIMs. Patricia A. Kehoe, NYBetty A. Keil, CAMr. Todd Keilholz, MOMr. and Mrs. John D. Keith, TXMs. Arleene Keller, OHWilliam J. Keller, COJoe and Annie Kelley, FLMs. Marjorie C. Kelley, TXMs. Loria J. Kelly, MNMary I. Kelly, ILMr. Patrick M. Kelly, CAWilliam and Sue Kelly, CAMr. Douglas Kendall, Jr., CAJohn and Karen Kennah, COMr. and Mrs. Frank Kennedy, CAMr. and Mrs. Dennis E. Kentfield, NEMr. and Mrs. Spencer A. Kepner, PAJack and Joan Keppler, TXMr. Philip Kern, WIMary J. Kerns, ILMrs. Ramona Kersey, IAMr. and Mrs. Robert F. Khan, CAJohn and Nina Kibblehouse, PAMr. Patrick Kidwell, VAJanice Kienbaum, WAKiewit Construction, Co., NEMr. Lary Kilgore, NMMs. Helen C. Killeen, WVDr. and Mrs. Soon K. Kim, CAEdwin J. King, CAMr. Harold F. King, Jr., CA

Richard and Lorraine King, CACarl Schaefer and Nellie King, FLLillie K. Kinney, NCCary Kinser, FLMariam Kirby, TXMs. Dorothy E. Kirkpatrick, COMr. Robert J. Kirkwood, SCMr. Richard R. Kirsch, NYMs. Margaret Kiss Magyar, NYMr. L. J. Kissick, III, MOMr. Michael J. Kitson, NJMr. Michael D. Kitto, COMr. and Mrs. Fred M. Kjellgren, FLMs. Martha Klein, TXMr. Wilbur E. Klein, TXDolly S. Kline, OHMr. Guy C. Klitgaard, CAJoseph Klobucher, MIEdward C. Klopping, III, WAMr. Raymond Klotz, NJMs. Eileen Kmec, NJ

J.R. and Sandra Knudsen, MOMr. and Mrs. Wayne Knyal, CAMr. and Mrs. Frank T. Koelble, NYJohn F. Koenig, MDMs. Donna Kohut, AZMs. Leigh J. Koinzan, NEDr. and Mrs. Edward M. Kolb, NEMr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Koley, NERev. Kenneth R. Kolibas, NJMr. John A. Komes, CAMr. and Mrs. John A. Kormos, NDMr. and Mrs. John R. Korn, WAMr. and Mrs. Bernard L. Kosnik, MIMr. and Mrs. David S. Kosson, TNDr. Harry N. Kotsis, MIGeorge F. Kovach, VAMr. John P. Kozimor, OHMr. and Mrs. Richard G. Kozina, WIMs. Courtney E. Koziol, NEKPMG, TXMr. and Mrs. Kirk Kramer, MA

Nearly 90% of all Boys Town youth graduate from high school. In 2017, 97 seniors earned their high school diploma from Boys Town High School.

Thanks to Our Generous Donors, Boys Town is able to help many graduates go on to college.

In 2017 Boys Town disbursed $130,000 in Scholarship Funds for Education Assistance.

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Jenn Krass, LAMr. Willard Krause, WIMrs. Lillian Krehbiel, NEMr. Tom Krehbiel and Daughters, NEMs. Peggy J. Kreshel, GAMr. and Mrs. Je� L. Kriha, NERichard Kroll, NYMs. Irene S. Kropp, NJMs. Janice Kubica, TXMs. Karen A. Kuczynski, WIStan and Phyllis Kupiszewski, FLMr. Michael L. Kuras, MIMs. Lilian A. Kuss, FLKutak Rock, LLP, NEMr. and Mrs. Edward Laakso, CAMs. Carolyn M. Labar, OHMr. Edward Labasan, CALaBriola Tax & Estate Planning, CAJohn O. Ladd, MIMs. Ruth R. LaDow, FLMr. Ernest LaFountain, MT

Mr. Bart C. LaGrassa, NJBill and Molly Lairamore, NVMr. and Mrs. Robert H. Lajoie, MIMr. John A. Lake, INMaurice R. Laliberte, RIMr. and Mrs. William N. Lamarre, NHMr. and Mrs. William C. Lamb, Jr., FLMr. and Mrs. Rodney W. Lambert, KYMr. Charles D. Lamkin, AZMr. Richard C. LaMore, MAMarcus Lampkin, FLLamson Dugan & Murray Law Firm, NEMr. and Mrs. Jay P. Lancaster, MDMr. and Mrs. Donald Landholt, TXLando Wines, CAMr. and Mrs. Sam Lando, CAMr. and Mrs. Mark Landry, LAAlexander Z. Lane, MD, FLChristopher Lanen and

Kelly Rogers Lanen, RIMr. and Mrs. Albert L. Langford, FL

Mr. and Mrs. David L. Langner, NEMs. Lisa Laning, ILMary L. Lanni, CAMs. Ingrid L. Lanter, OHMrs. Rosemarie S. Laque, VAMr. and Mrs. Paul Larpenteur, WARosalie M. Larsen, WAMr. Andrew E. Larson, TXMs. Cheryl L. Larson, CALasikPlus, OHLatham & Watkins, MADr. Jose R. Latimer, MDCraig and Karen Latto, ILMr. Steven T. Latza, MSHarold W. Laubscher, NYLaurel Ridge Church Mission Fund, PAMs. Rochelle Lavender, CALaw O�ices of Nellie L. King, P.A., FLMr. Carrol Lee Lawhorn, IDMr. Kenneth L. Lay, FLSharon Layman Mr. and Mrs. Don Layshock, PAMr. and Mrs. Harrison F. Leamon, TNRoger C. Leaver, TNMr. David LeBlanc, MIMsgt. Lionel L. Leblanc, USAF, Ret., NHMr. Edward Lecki, NJReverend Fred Leclair, CMF, AZLED Unplugged, NVMs. Angela M. LeDay, TXMr. James D. Lee, SCMr. and Mrs. John Lee, WIMary Lee, KSMr. Richard G. Lee, FLSieu-Yuan Lee, MDMrs. Lillian S. Leggett, WAMr. and Mrs. Seth M. LeGrand, NEBarry and Susan Leibert, ALPatricia J. Leisner, FLKatherine A. Leland, NHEdward H. Lemaster, Jr., FLMr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Lempka, NELeon County Sheri�’s O�ice, FLDrs. William and Ranmali Leone, TNMr. William Leoniy, TXMr. Dominic T. Leperi, MSMr. Stephen Lester, GADrs. Patrick and Kirsten Leu, NEDr. and Mrs. John Leupold, IABernard M. Levernier, IDLewis Brisbois, NYMr. Myron C. Lewis, WAMr. and Mrs. Rex I. Lewis, WYMr. William S. Lewis, CAMr. and Mrs. Matthew Liberatore, OHMr. Gennaro Licciardi, MAMr. and Mrs. John P. Lich, MI

Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel A. Licitra, VALifestyle Window Coverings, NEMr. Bryan C. Light, CAMs. Marie Lijek, GAMr. and Mrs. John Liljestrand, OKDr. Susana Lim, LAMichael and Joanne Lima, FLLimerick Lane, CALincoln Financial Foundation, INMs. Dorothy S. Lind, FLMr. and Mrs. Carl E. Lindquist, PAMrs. Nancy Lindsey, VAMargaret Lindsley, VAMr. and Mrs. Robert C. Link, MNMr. John C. Linkesh, Jr., GAMs. Melissa Linton, FLNeil and Cindy Linton, GAFrances W. Little, COMr. and Mrs. Clyde P. Livaudais, LAMr. Francis P. Lively, NYMr. and Mrs. Gene Lizear, MDMr. Gary W. Logan, CADr. Philip LoGrasso, FLDan and Mary Lohmann McElroy, MNMs. Evelyn Lohmuller, PAMr. John Lokie, NELoli & The Bean, FLMr. and Mrs. George Lomas, MIMr. Douglas L. Long, AZMr. and Mrs. George S. Long, PAAdrienne Lopes, CAMrs. Lenna Lopes, CALos Amigos Golf Course, CAMr. Marinus Los, PAMr. Robert E. Louck, MICynthia Lovdahl, AKDennis L. Love, TXMarna D. Lovett, ILMr. and Mrs. Thomas Lovito, FLMr. David E. Lower, CARachaelle Lubinski, INMr. Robert J. Lucas, CAMr. and Mrs. Geo�rey R. Luchetta, COAnnette Luckow, CAPaul Luczka, GAMs. Joanne Lyman, NYJohn and Janet Lyman, MNDrs. Michael and Mary Lee Lynch, MDMarian L. Lyons, CAM2 Technology, Inc., TXLarry Mabe, TNMr. John P. MacBean, NYMr. David V. MacDonald, CAMr. Scott MacDonald, MAMr. and Mrs. Michael Macholan, NEMackie Construction, Inc., NEDavid and Valerie MacLeod, FL

MALACHI on SUPPORTHaving an outside job has given me the skills so I know what to expect when I get a job and I’m ready for the world outside of Boys Town.

Boys Town has really trained me with a lot of life skills, so I can say, “Oh hey, that’s actually not hard. I did that at Boys Town.”

Coming into a home having seven other guys really gets you ready for college. You have an insight into people from all over. A�er I leave, if I’m ever in trouble or missing a home meal, I know I can call my Family-Teachers and come back.

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Mr. Duane J. MacQueen, MNAgnes P. MacRae, MDMr. and Mrs. John R. Madenford, PAMr. and Mrs. Robert Madison, NEPatricia L. Madler, MTDavid and Jan Madsen, NEMs. Ann R. Maggs, MAMr. Thomas M. Maguire, WAMr. and Mrs. Michael W. Maha�ey, IABeverly J. Mahan, MABonnie G. Mahanay, GAMr. Brian D. Mahoney, MAMr. and Mrs. John P. Mahoney, FLMs. Nancy M. Mahre, MNMainline Information Systems, FLMichael and Linda Maki, MNMr. John E. Malady, PAMr. Michael D. Maley, WAWalter and Catherine Malinowski, VADr. Michael M. Malivuk and

The Rev. Frances Mutolo, COMs. Joanne T. Mallen, NJDouglas and Cheryl Malmberg, FLMr. Bernard J. Maltese, CTMs. Joyce A. Malvin, MNLouise E. Maney, NYMann Family Foundation, FLMr. Marvin L. Mann, FLMs. Carol Manning, CAAmbrose F. Mantegani, TXRalph E. Maple, TXMs. Roberta L. Marcinkowski, AZHarold R. Mardenborough, FLMr. Joseph Marentic, Jr., ILThe Marjorie & Richard McGahren

Foundation, FLJohn and Jane Marks, FLMr. Stephen R. Marquardt, CAMrs. Denise Marquez, NCMs. Marcia K. Marsh, CAMr. and Mrs. John D. Marshall, ILMr. Richard P. Marshall, GADr. and Mrs. H. B. Marsteller, VAMr. Calvin J. Martell, NMMarten Charitable Foundation

Corporation, INMrs. Virginia M. Marten, INMs. Jeane S. Martin, FLMs. Karon Martin, ARMr. and Mrs. Wayne H. Martin, FLMs. Sharon A. Martin, WAMr. and Mrs. Steve Martin, TXMr. and Mrs. Walter C. Martin, Jr., INMr. and Mrs. Mark S. Martinez, TXMs. Regina M. Martino, MNMs. Jane S. Martinovich, FLMr. and Mrs. Michael A. Martzahl, NJ

Maryland Plumbing & Heating, MDThe Maschka Family Foundation, NEMr. and Mrs. Philip J. Maschka, NEMr. Ralph P. Masek, ILMr. and Mrs. Alfred A. Mashnouk, FLRuth Masiel, CAMr. and Mrs. Lote Mason, ORMr. and Mrs. Robert J. Mason, Jr., OHMr. David G. Massad, MAGuy and Suzanne Masterson, COMs. Maryann Mastoloni, NYMs. Faith B. Mathews, FLMs. Arline B. Matthews, TXMr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Matthews, NCMs. Laural Matthews, TXMs. Marilyn Matthews, CAMrs. Margaret S. Matyuf, MAMs. Julie Mau Andres, IAThe Maus at Mau Marine, IAMr. Nicholas F. Maul, NJMr. Kenneth L. Maun, TXMr. and Mrs. Michael Maurutto, CAC.K. Maxfield, NEGlend and Sandra May, MNPaula A. May, FLEmory and Autumn Mayfield, FLMr. Peter T. Maynard, MADr. Wallace and Catherine Mays, GALoraine Mazzella, QCMs. Bea J. Mazzone, ILMs. Mary Kay McAdams, NCBrooke McAlpin, NEMr. and Mrs. Robert W. McAlpine, KYMcArdle Grading Company, NEMs. Traci McAuli�e, NEDr. Timothy O. McBride, VAMr. Larwence F. McCabe, PAMr. Edward J. McCann Mr. and Mrs. Billy McCaslin, CAMr. James W. McClean, CAGeorge and Madeline McCloskey, CTBarbara D. McCluskey, NJMr. Owen McCluskey, NJMr. Richard E. McCommons, VAFrances B. McCreary, CADr. Ryan McCreery, NEKathryn McDermott, CAMargaret McDermott, NYMr. and Mrs. William McDonald, NVMarjorie J. McGahren, NYDavid and Carolyn McGill, GAMr. Michael McGlade, ILMcGlinchey Sta�ord, LADr. John and Mrs. Ann McGrath, INBeatrice McGraw, MODr. Michael and Anne McGuire, NEMs. Kathleen McIlwain, IL

Mr. and Mrs. James R. McInerney, LADonald and Toogie McIntosh, FLMr. Joel F. McIntyre, CAMr. Jack McKay, AZNancy A. McKee, OKShann and Jaci McKeever, NEMrs. Dorothy McKenzie, CAMcKesson Foundation, Inc., NJMcKim Enterprises, OHMCL Construction, NEDr. and Mrs. Gary McManama, FLMs. Barbara McManus, MEMr. Phillip E. McManus, TNMs. Linda McNees, NCMrs. Janet McQueen, INFinley D. McRae, III, MIShannon and Kim McWilliams, FLSheilagh Means, WABraden A. Mechley, OHMr. and Mrs. Rod Meek, IAClydella B. Meiller, WIDrs. Hector and Kristin Mejia, FLMeltzer Group

Employee Giving Fund, MDMercedes-Benz of Omaha, NEMrs. Marian S. Merkey, KSMr. Matthew V. Merola, NYMerrill Lynch, FLGary D. Mesward, COMr. Lee Metcalf, TXMr. James W. Metzger, WAMr. and Mrs. Calvin J. Meyer, NEMr. and Mrs. Charles H. Meyer, MNDoug and Pat Meyer, VAMs. Pamela G. Meyer, ILTheresa A. Meyers, NEJudith A. Michael, NYBryan Mick, NEMihoko Miki, WAMrs. Joyce A. Mikulak, FLMr. John P. Mildenberger, COSarah Miles, NEMillard Sprinkler, Inc., NEAdam Isaac Miller, CAMr. and Mrs. Bobby R. Miller, NCMr. and Mrs. Christopher Miller, NEMr. Ernest S. Miller, MDF. Carl Miller, Jr., INMr. Joe L. Miller, OHMr. Michael L. Miller, CAMr. and Mrs. Scott D. Miller, CAMr. Tim J. Miller, OHMr. and Mrs. Robert S. Milligan, NEMr. and Mrs. Michael Miltner, IAMrs. Donald E. Minko�, CADaniel J. Minnick, SCDr. Anthony and Mrs. Deborah Mishik, NJ

Robert E. Missel, Sr., FLMr. and Mrs. Robert Missler, MIMitchell Family Foundation, Inc., CAMs. Frances R. Mitchell, MELinda L. Mitchell, FLModern Plumbing Industries, Inc., FLMr. and Mrs. John F. Mohan, MAJohn and Mary Mojkowski, NJMrs. James Molchan, TNMr. and Mrs. John Molchon, NVMr. John W. Moll, SCJohn and Cheryl Mollison, AZKenneth and Susan Molnar, FLMonarch Investment &

Management Group, COMs. Margarita K. Moncada, FLMr. and Mrs. Howard Mondor, KYLinda D. Mondt, WYMs. Gina M. Monette, LAMr. Chuck A. Monico, Jr., NEMontaup Country Club, RIMr. Howard E. Montgomery, II, TNRichard Monzyk, MOMrs. Mary G. Moody, NCMr. James Moon, SCAl Moore, MOGeorge and Bonnie Moore, MOMs. Debra L. Moore, LADeVoe and Shirley Moore, FLJamie Moore, LAMr. James C. Moralez, CAMr. and Mrs. G.W. Moran, MEMr. Daniel J. Morgan, NJMs. Shirley A. Morgan, WYMr. Basil Morici, Jr., NJMargaret Mormino, FLMr. and Mrs. Josh Morris, NEMr. Gene R. Morrissey, ORMr. and Mrs. James S. Morrow, FLMrs. Jean Morrow, MAMost Precious Blood Catholic Church, FLMotorola Solutions Foundation, ILJoseph Mottes, CAMountain View Church, CAAnna R. Mourier, CAAnthony Mueller, WAMr. J. C. Mullen, NCMr. and Mrs. Lawrence P. Mulligan, MIDr. Elaine and Mr. David Munitz, VAMr. and Mrs. David Munoz, OHMr. and Mrs. Tim Munsterman, TXMr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Murawski, PAAmy K. Murphy, INChris and Betsy Murphy, NEDonna Y. Murphy, GAMr. Francis P. Murphy, FLDr. Kevin and Mrs. Nancy Murphy, NE

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Murray Services, Inc., GAMr. James Murray, NHMr. and Mrs. Robert J. Murray, NEMr. and Mrs. John O. Murrin, III, CAMr. Robert E. Mustain, CAMark and Greta Mustian, FLMylis Family Charitable Gi� Fund

N–QMr. and Mrs. Vincent Naccarato, ILMrs. Charlotte T. Nadeau, NHDr. Nigar Nair, NEMrs. Carol S. Nanninga, KSMr. Andrew P. Naples, GAMr. Carm J. Narde, OKMr. and Mrs. Robert B. Narver, CANatysin Family Foundation, VAMr. and Mrs. David S. Natysin, VAMr. and Mrs. Carl Naumann, NVPatricia A. Naylor, MSMs. Anneliese K. Neal, LAMr. Oliver L. Neggia, NJNeibauer Dental Care, MDDavid Nelson, FLMr. and Mrs. Michael E. Nelson, ILLeonard Nelson, WAMr. Walter J. Nencka, Jr., RIMr. William D. Neu, TXMrs. Louise Neuho�, FLNew American Funding and

Brokers Solution, CANew Orleans Athletic Club, LANewberry Family Foundation, Inc., FLMr. David Newell, NENewportFed Charitable Foundation, RIDebra S. Nichols, GAMs. Lola Nichols, PADennis and Sy Nicholson, NEMr. and Mrs. Bob Nicolls, COMs. Margaret A. Niemeyer, MIMr. William Nienaber, MOMr. Frank W. Nikischer, Sr., PAMs. Julie Nimmo, LAMr. Michael R. Nissen, TXMs. Mona Noble, IDKevin Nowe and Carol Noel Nowe, PAMr. James P. Nolan, MNStanley and Barbara Nolan, ALKent and Kristen Noorlag, INAnn Norberto, NYMs. Kelli Norman, TXMr. and Mrs. William R. Norris, NMNorth Florida Pediatrics, FLNorth Jersey Diagnostics Center, NJ

Mr. George W. Northup, KYMr. and Mrs. Richard V. Nosan, OHMs. Denise Nosek, NEMrs. Peggie A. Notarianni, COPatricia A. Nowak, OHMr. Daniel R. Nowlan, CAEthel I. Nugent, INTimothy and Lydia Nugent, NYJim and Cyd Nunley, TXMr. and Mrs. D. J. Nyhart, SCHenry A. Oak, NYMarla G. Oakley, MNJason and Christy Oberste, FLMrs. Jean D. O’Brien, CTMr. John V. O’Brien, PAMrs. Mary E. O’Brien, IAMr. and Mrs. Patrick J. O’Brien, CTSharon and Dennis O’Brien, CAMs. Sheila K. O’Brien, FLMark M. O’Bryant, FLCharles H. Ochse, MOMrs. Kathryn B. O’Connell, WIO’Donnell, Ficenec, Wills &

Ferdig, LLP, NESandra O’Donnell, MARoger and Carole O’Dwyer, TXMr. Richard A. Ogara, COMr. and Mrs. David J. O’Hara, VAAntoinette Oliver, CAMs. Maria Oliveras, NYJoseph Olshefski, PAMr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Olson, ARMr. James N. Olver, Jr., NYMr. Kevin Olwell, CAOmaha Association of the Blind, NEOmaha Performing Arts, NEOmaha Storm Chasers, NEOmaha World-Herald, NEMr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Omlor, PAMichael and Mary Onak, NCTimothy J. O’Neil, MDLouise A. Orf, MOOrlando Magic’s

Player Ticket Program, FLMr. Vincent O’Rorke, VAMr. Michael P. O’Rourke, NYJoe and Ronda Orr, CAMr. Carlos S. Ortega, CAWinston Ortiz and

Denise Hernandez, FLDr. Moody M. Oswald, Jr., SCMs. Carol E. Oukrop, KSOur Lady of Fatima Parish, COMr. Arnaldo Ovalles, NEOverland Construction, LP, TXOviedo Woman’s Club, FL

Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Pace, NCMr. Timothy E. Packey, MEMs. Cleotilde N. Pagila, CADonald and Linda Pahl, WAMichael P. Paine, NHPalm Beach County

Bar Association, Inc., FLPalm Tree Tech Center, FLThe Palmeri Family Foundation, NJMr. and Mrs. Anthony R. Palmeri, NJMr. Russell V. Palumbo, MAStavros and Kedran Panageas, CAJ. Pantalone, MDAlice M. Paputa, MIParagon Dundee, NERobert Pare, PAMs. Joni Parent, LAWilliam A. Paridon, OHMs. Antoinette Parisi, CTMs. Jacqueline Parkin, NJMs. Carol Sawyer Parks, MAMr. and Mrs. Rick L. Parks, COMr. Larry R. Parks, CTParms Construction, LLC, LAWilliam Parms, III, LAMs. Emily S. Parr, KYMr. Wayne C. Parsons, MOMs. Victoria Pasquale, NJMr. Patrick T. Patchin, NMMr. and Mrs. Michael Pate, NEMrs. Sushila B. Patel, GACharles E. Patterson, TNMrs. Margaret E. Pauly, VAMr. and Mrs. Michael F. Pawlowski, MIMr. Jerry D. Payne, MSMr. Angelo C. Pecunia, NYDr. Ellinor I. Peerschke, MD, NYMs. June S. Pendino, NJMr. and Mrs. Marion C. Penny, NCPentair Foundation, MNMr. Je� W. Pepper, FLPepsi Bottling Company, NEMr. and Mrs. Douglas G. Perenchio, MIMr. Carlos Perez, FLMr. Ricardo M. Perez, NEMr. Stephen H. Perich, ILMr. George J. Perry, CAJoseph F. Pertz, MNMr. and Mrs. William F. Peters, MNMr. and Mrs. H. Dennis Peterson, AZMr. and Mrs. Jack M. Peterson, WIJe�rey and Barbara Peterson, NEPatricia P. Peterson, ORMr. Stanley Petitpren, MIMr. Samuel Petteway, Jr., NCMs. Signe Pettit, NE

Ms. Donna Pfeiler, CAJim and Kim Pfennigwerth, VAPfizer Foundation, NJPhiladelphia Insurance

Companies, PADick Philipps, CAF. R. Philipps, CAMr. and Mrs. Ralph Phillip, TXGeorge and Theresa Phillips, TNMr. John L. Phillips, Jr., TXKarin Phillips, MDConstance Phipps, OHThe Phoenician, AZBarbara Piasecki, PAMr. and Mrs. Will Pichard, FLMr. and Mrs. Jay Pichard, FLMr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Pick, NEMr. David R. Pickar, WAMs. Ann Pierpont, VAMs. Jacqueline H. Pierson, CABimbo and Diane Pietro, D.D.S., NEMs. Lori J. Pingel, LAPink Narcissus, FLPinnacle Bank, NEMr. Don A. Pinson, GAMrs. Mildred C. Piper, GAMrs. Mary E. Pitcher, MOSean and Audra Pittman, FLClarence E. Pitts, ORMr. and Mrs. Stanley B. Pitts, OHMr. Anders Platou, MEMr. and Mrs. Harold J. Pliska, ORPNC Foundation, PAMr. Thad A. Podbielski, TXMr. Anthony Pogodzinski, WIMichael V. Polito, NYMs. Virginia Pollack, CARobert O. Polley, ILPooldale Farms, MDSteven and Paula Poplawski, MIMr. Charles Popovich, NVMs. Barbara Porretto, NYPottawattamie County, IAMr. L. Thomas Pound, COPatricia Powell, NYMr. and Mrs. Warren P. Powers, FLDonna G. Prendergast, CAMr. and Mrs. Richard W. Pretorius, NYRon Prettyman, INMr. and Mrs. Thomas Priesho�, KYMr. Darrell Priester, ORMr. and Mrs. Dale W. Prim, WVMrs. Joy Pritchard, CAThomas and Gina Proctor, FLProfessional Bull Riders, LLC, COPromise Partners, IA

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Mr. and Mrs. Ben D. Puck, IAMr. and Mrs. David J. Pueschel, MIMr. Dennis B. Pu�er, CODr. John A. Puglisi, MD, FLPuma Steel, WYMr. William S. Purl, ILMr. Leo Quinlivan, WYMr. Carl L. Quinn, CA

R–SR. and J. Lucas Living Trust, CARachinskas, MDMr. Daryl C. Radabaugh, OHStephen A. Ra�aelli, TXMr. Gerald Ra�erty, FLMr. and Mrs. John A. Raley, WVRalph and Dolores Schade Family

Foundation, OHRalph G. or Cherie Gorenstein

Charitable Foundation, Inc., WINancy J. Ramler, MNMaria H. J. Ramos, ILMiss Alice J. Ramsay, ILMs. Josephine Ramsden, MIRandolph Brooks

Federal Credit Union, TXLuann K. Rannals, NEMs. Joyce T. Raphael, LAMrs. Rosemary B. Rasmussen, HIThomas H. and Mary Lou Rasmussen, ORDr. Otto and Janet Rath, MD, NEMr. James D. Rathbone, ORMs. Diane M. Rau, FLMs. Sandra Ray, OKMr. Michael J. Razny, NYThe Reader, NEMr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Ready, COMr. William A. Reardon, RIMr. Renato Recio, TXRed Hills Endodontics, FLMr. Robert Redies, MIMs. Margaret Redling, INMs. Astrid S. Reed, KSMs. Krista Reed, NEMr. John B. Reese, OHSusan A. Reese, CAMr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Refior, MIMrs. Lillian F. Register, TXNick A. Regoli, WAMr. Bob Reichert, WAMr. Chris Reichert, NEMargaret S. Reid, NCNorman and Susan Reid, FLMr. and Mrs. Chris R. Reinoehl, COMr. and Mrs. Kyle Reit, NE

Remedy Intelligent Sta�ing, FLRenaissance New York

Times Square Hotel, NYDavid and Marian Rennie, VTMr. Mathew J. Reno, WYRichard P. Reschke, NYResidential Elevators, FLCarl Reynolds, MOMs. Alice Rhodes Adler, GAMrs. Margaret F. Rhodes, VAMs. Gwen Rice, WYRichard and Barbara MacArthur Family

Foundation, MOMr. and Mrs. Leslie T. Richard, CAMr. Lester O. Richard, MIDr. Mariani Richard, FLMs. Jacqueline A. Richards, IAMr. Harry E. Riegel, CAMr. and Mrs. A. R. Rieschl, WIMr. Bob Rietema, IAMs. Wilma Rigg, OKMs. Susan C. Riggs, FLAlan A. Rigling, OHMr. Ulysses G. Riley, Sr., TXMr. Edward L. Rink, CAMr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ripperger, ILMr. Paul E. Rist, ILMr. Robert Ritchie, FLMs. Charlotte J. Rittenhouse, KSThe Ritz-Carlton, St. Thomas, VIRobert I. Hlavac, DDS,

Dental Corporation, CAMr. and Mrs. David J. Roberts, FLMs. Theresa G. Roberts, TNMr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Roberts, FLHarlan and Susan Robertson, TXWilliam G. Robinson, CAMichelle A. Roblee, ILMr. Michael Rockingham, NVPatricia A. Rodenbaugh, PAMs. Jo Rodgers, ALSara Rodrigue, FLChris Rodriquez, VAMs. Vera Roese, OHDelores A. Rogers, WIJiles J. Rogers, Jr., OHMs. Roberta F. Rogers, AZThomas Rogers and Cynthia Mercer, GARoseann Rohleder, KSMs. Lyla Rohlmeier, OKMr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Rohr, OHMr. Thomas E. Rohr, FLHarold and Linda Roller, ORMr. Joseph J. Roman, PATony and Barb Romano, ARMr. Michael Romont, GAMr. Edmund T. Ronan, VA

Dr. and Mrs. Michael Roossin, MD, CAMr. and Mrs. Robert D. Root, MIMr. Robert Roper, CAMs. Rosalie Rorabaugh, TXMr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Rosamilia, NJMr. and Mrs. Paul Rosarius, FLMr. and Mrs. Guy J. Rosenberg, NEMrs. Patricia M. Ross, MAThomas and Elizabeth Rosso, MDRotary Club of Las Vegas Southwest, NVRotary Club of Oviedo, FLEdward Roznik, Jr., OHR.S.V.P. International, Inc., WAMs. Kelli Rudman, NEMs. Sharon I. Rudy, PABruce Rueben, FLMr. and Mrs. Harold Ruemenapp, MIMr. Sebastian Ruggiero, NCMr. and Mrs. Lon Ruhter, NEMs. Marilyn Rupright, INEd and Sharon Rush, FLMs. Elizabeth A. Rush, PAMark and Lucy Rushfeldt, COMs. Maureen Russo, FLJohn Ruta, CAAvita Ryan, FLMs. Lisa M. Ryan, TXMichael and Lynne Ryan, RIMr. Patrick A. Ryan, ILGary A. Sabel, OHMs. Pasqualina Sacchetti, NYMs. Catherine V. Sackley, NCJoanne Salins, NJMr. and Mrs. Andrew G. Sall, MNMr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Salvaggio, PAThe Samowitz Foundation, FLMrs. Paulette E. Samowitz, FLMr. Matthew B. Sams, INSamuel Weinstein Family Foundation, ILSan Antonio Pediatric Society, TXMs. Elizabeth M. Sanchez, CADr. and Mrs. James D. Sandefur, LADr. John H. Sanders, Jr., INMr. and Mrs. Robert W. Sanders, ILMr. and Mrs. Mark N. Sanford, NEAnn F. Santulli, NYEugene and Barbara Saper, CAJoe and Kim Sapienza, CASapphire Laguna, CAKobi Sarkar, ILMr. and Mrs. Pablo Sarmiento, CAMs. Mary Jo Satterthwaite, CASteve and Anne Marie Saunders, NYSawyer Parks Charitable Foundation, MAJulie Scalise, PAMr. and Mrs. Donald J. Schade, OHCarrie C. Schae�er, SC

Ms. Gloria H. Schaller, MNDarrell and Paula Schapmire, ILEdward and Gail Schenck, WAMr. Wesley H. Schermann, Jr., CAMr. and Mrs. Gary N. Schindler, CAJohn J. Schinkle, NMDr. Dave Schleinkofer, INMark and Sandi Schmitt, WIMr. Richard M. Schmitt, MORichard Schmitt, CAStephen Schnakenberg, NJSchneider Electric North America

Foundation, NJMr. Kelly Schrad, NEMs. Sylvia A. Schreiner, NENorman Schroeder, NMMr. and Mrs. Walt Schroeder, TXMr. and Mrs. Roy J. Schroer, NESchron Family Foundation, OHMr. Peter M. Schulte, TXDr. Alan C. Schwartz, AZAmy Schwartz, FLMr. and Mrs. Jim R. Schwartz, CAMr. Mark Schwartz, FLDr. Susan W. Schwartz, PAMr. Richard Schweizer, TXMr. and Mrs. Thomas Schwertfeger, CAJohn Scott and Maria Crawford Scott, ILMr. and Mrs. Scott Searl, NEMr. Paul H. Sears, OHPaul M. Seeley, KSSee’s Candies Omaha, NEMs. Shaun Sehl, AKJerry Seimers, ALTom Seldenright and Yvette Pavone, FLMr. Robert R. Selway, CASeminole County Clerk of Courts, FLSentry Insurance Foundation, Inc., WISerrano Intermediate School, CAAlberta C. Servaty, MNMr. and Mrs. Anthony A. Seta, FLMr. and Mrs. Tom Settle, RIMr. James T. Sevenich, ILDr. John S. Seybold, FLMr. Richard C. Seymour, COMr. and Mrs. John R. Shadday, AZMr. and Mrs. Don J. Shannon, NJJohn Shannon, GAMichael O. Shannon, TXMs. Marlene Sharma, NJMr. Boyd E. Sharp, Jr., WAMr. Boyd D. Sharp, ORMs. Joann T. Sharp, COMr. Larry Sharp, IAThe Shaver Family Foundation, PAMr. and Mrs. Charles W. Shaver, III, PAMr. Robert J. Shea, MA

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Mr. Henry A. Shearer, WAMr. and Mrs. David W. Sheehan, WAMrs. Marie She�ield, IAMr. L. L. Shepard, OKD. Sherman Michael Sherman, PADenton Sherry, WAMr. Joseph Shi�lette, MDShine Bros. Corp., IAMary A. Shipman, CAMr. David C. Shiring, TXGene Shrader, ILMs. Catherine Shreves, LAJo Shults, OKMr. Al Shutrump, OHSI Financial Group Foundation, CTDariush Siadat, CAIrene Sidun, NJMr. and Mrs. Terry Siebenmorgen, ARMr. Joseph M. Siemann, ILSilver Eagle, TXLee Silvestre and David Nassaney, RIDr. and Mrs. Woody Simmons, FLMr. Paul L. Simonton, WAMs. Amy Simpson, FLMr. John T. Simpson, ILMr. and Mrs. Larry Simpson, ARJohn Sinkular, MIMr. Joseph V. Sitzmann, CAMr. and Mrs. Michael J. Sivacek, VAMr. Mark A. Siviero, TXDrs. David and Ann Sjulin, NEMs. Sadie Ske�, COMr. Eric A. Skipsey, CAMr. George Skrivan, INHarold J. Sleicher, MIMr. Robert M. Sliepka, CAElizabeth W. P. Sloan, NCMr. and Mrs. Irvin L. Small, TNMr. Douglas T. Smalls, FLSuzanne C. Smith Manconi, FLRADM B. J. Smith, USN, Ret. and

Patricia Smith, VAMr. and Mrs. Ferdinand J. Smith, III, NYMr. Gordon J. Smith, IAJames U. Smith, III, KYMs. Kay L. Smith, WALance and Shari Smith, TXMaidette Smith, OKMarie E. Smith Mark Smith, NCMr. and Mrs. Michael C. Smith, WAPeter S. Smith, AZMr. and Mrs. Richard W. Smith, CARichard L. Smith, AZMr. and Mrs. Robert F. Smith, NHSandra S. Smith, VAMr. William H. Smith, PAMr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Smyrski, MI

Elayne E. Snyder, NMDr. and Mrs. Je� S. Snyder, FLRichard and Anita SnyderSmith, CODr. Kenneth M. Soda, CADena Sokolow, FLMr. Greg Sokolow, FLCarol A. Solimene, RIMs. Edith V. Sontag, NJMichelle Soper Neely, GAMr. and Mrs. Allyn Soppe, NESpada Family Foundation, NYMr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Spada, NYMr. and Mrs. William M. Spain, VAMr. and Mrs. Lowell Spears, Jr., TXHugh Spellman, NEMrs. Linda L. Spolar, WAMr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Stack, ILMatthew and Dana Standridge, FLMr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Stanks, MIAlicia Stansfield, ILStaples, Inc., MAMs. Susan Star, AZMs. Erin L. Stargel, NEMr. and Mrs. Lawrence Stark, NYMr. and Mrs. Frank L. Starkey, CAJohn P. Starr, GAMr. and Mrs. Barry J. Statler, OHReverend Thomas R. Statt, NYMrs. Marcia A. Steele, MIMr. Thomas Stefanek, SDMr. and Mrs. Gene Ste�ensmeier, NEMarc and Mercedes Ste�es, IAMr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Stein, ILMr. and Mrs. Louis E. Stellato, OHRobert W. Steller, COMs. Anne Stephens, MDMr. and Mrs. Harold A. Steuber, Jr., CAMr. and Mrs. Chris Stevens, LAMs. Lee A. Stevens, CTMr. and Mrs. Virgil L. Stevens, MOMr. and Mrs. Mark Stevenson, KSMr. and Mrs. Randy J. Stevenson, NEBetty L. Stewart, KYMr. Donald G. Stewart, TXMrs. Janice A. Stewart, KYMr. and Mrs. John A. Stewart, LAMr. Keelan Stewart, NEMr. Samuel H. Stewart, COMary C. Stiefer, COMr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Stimac, MNMr. John T. Stirrup, FLMr. John F. Stobart, ILMs. Larry E. Stockline, MIMs. Helen A. Stokes, MIMr. John F. Stone, NYMr. Rex D. Stone, RIStout Management Company, NVMr. and Mrs. Robert J. Strathman, KSSusan Stratta, NE

Mr. Steve E. Stratton, ORMr. and Mrs. Terry L. Strean, MIMr. Bobby R. Strickland, LADr. David W. Stroud, MOD. Stroup, VAMr. Robert E. Stroupe, NCMr. and Mrs. Jack H. Struyk, Jr., NEMr. and Mrs. Donald A. Stryszko, GAMr. Daniel Stubbs, CAThomas and Constance Stubits, PABarbara J. Stuchinski, NYMr. Verlin L. Studtman, WIMs. Alice M. Stump, WYMrs. William O. Stump, WYGeraldine M. Styler, INMr. Lane Styron, NCSuburban General Construction, Inc., ILSuess Family Foundation, WAMr. C. R. Suess, WAMr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Suetterlein, VABarbara A. Sullivan, NJMs. Diane Sullivan, GAMr. Carl E. Sundgren, AZMs. Patricia M. Surd, MIMrs. Sophia Svelund, CAMr. and Mrs. Brian R. Swanson, MNMrs. Nancy S. Sweetland, CAIngrid Swenson, CAMr. Nathan Swerczek, NELee A. Sykes, NYMr. James W. Symmonds, WASynergy Mortgage Services, LLC, FLSyn-Tech Systems, Inc., FLMr. Andrew A. Szczawinski, ILMr. Gene Szustakowski, VA

T–VT. W. Barker Family Foundation, Inc., KYTallahassee Automobile Museum, FLTallahassee Ford Lincoln, FLMs. Melanie Tallman, TNMrs. Mary C. Tamulaitis, AZMs. Joanne R. Tartaglione, NYEdward J. Taubert, DERawley R. Taylor, WAMr. and Mrs. Richard D. Taylor, MISonja I. Taylor, KYTDS Writing Solutions, Inc., VAMr. and Mrs. Travis Teetor, NEMs. Nancy M. Tellian, CAMr. Ron Ten Haken, IARoy Terlizzi, CARichard and Rose Ternes, MIMr. and Mrs. Charles V. Terry, INMs. Nona Terry, TXMr. James Terry, WVThomas and Tracey Tesauro, NY

Thales USA, Inc., VAMr. William M. Theisen, NEThomas Howell Ferguson, P.A., FLMs. Shari A. Thomas, NEMr. and Mrs. Timothy W. Thomas, LAMrs. Betty J. Thompson, CAMr. J. D. Thompson, FLDr. and Mrs. Michael R. Thompson, NMMr. and Mrs. Robert B. Thompson, AZMr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Thomson, NYHoward Thursby, FLMr. Robert S. Tibbetts, NHTickets for Kids Charities, PAMr. Mark C. Tilden, NVDean Tillison, VAGladys C. Timbrook, MDMr. Milan E. Timm, CACharles Tinker, AKDr. and Mrs. Dave L. Tinker, MIMr. and Mrs. Kurt Tjaden, NET-Mobile USA, WARich and Cari Tokheim, NEMrs. Jennifer L. Tomas, WALouie Tonry, TXLila M. Toohey, GADr. and Mrs. Neil and Lisa Torgerson, FLMrs. Hilda M. Tornillo, FLMrs. Vera L. Toth, CAMr. William F. Touchstone, Jr., TXVincent C. Tragesser, INLawrence C. Trame, CAMr. and Mrs. Claude J. Transue, CAMr. Todd R. Trautman, NETravel and Transport, Inc., NEMr. Leonard Travers, ILMrs. Tracy Treadaway, LAAndra Trengove, VAMr. David L. Triesch, TXMr. J.T. Trily, CAMr. Edwin C. Trisler, CATRK Construction, LLC, MOMr. James W. Turner, TNMr. Anthony P. Turri, Jr., MIMrs. Mary Lu Tuthill, CAMr. James E. Tuttle, NJMr. and Mrs. Richard Tyree, PAJont and Anne Tyson, TXUBS Financial Services, Inc., NEMr. and Mrs. Roman H. Uhing, NEMr. and Mrs. Eric S. Underwood, CAJason and Karen Unger, FLMr. Robert A. Unger, COUniversity of Nebraska Omaha

Athletics, NEMs. Joan Uran, NDDr. and Mrs. Gary Lee Utz, FLMs. Elizabeth Valente, WAMr. Paul A. Vallario, Sr., NYMs. Shirley A. Vallort, IL

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Mr. Robert J. Van Horn, FLMr. David J. Van Horne, TNVandenack Weaver, LLC, NEDr. and Mrs. Barth Vander Els, VTMs. Nancy Vander Sluis, NEDr. and Mrs. Jules V. VanDersarl, COVanguard, AZMr. and Mrs. John Varin, IDMr. Craig S. Vaughan, COMs. Lois Vaughan, CAMr. and Mrs. Glenn Vavra, AZMike and Judy Vcelik, NEGreg Veach, INMr. and Mrs. Darren L. Ver Doorn, CAMr. and Mrs. Donald L. Vest, MOMr. and Mrs. Gary C. Via, PATom and Susan Vieth, FLMr. and Mrs. Robert L. Vilmer, MOMr. Dennis C. Vincent, TXMr. and Mrs. Donald W. Vinklarek, TXMr. and Mrs. Joe Vlock, NEMs. Victoria M. Voge Black, TXDick W. Vogels, CAMr. and Mrs. Werner V. Volksen, FLVolunteer Case & Container, LLC, TNVoorhees Family Foundation, IAMr. and Mrs. Peter Voorhees, IA

W–ZMrs. Joan P. Wade, CAMr. and Mrs. John G. Waechter, Jr., MIJune Waggoner, TXMr. Harold E. Wagner, TXMr. Henry Wagner, CAMrs. Joyce E. Wagner, MIMr. and Mrs. Robert A. Wagner, WAMr. Xavier J. Wahner, TNBarry and Charlene Wahrmund, TXRonald F. Waite, NEVerne and Emma Waldner, WYMr. and Mrs. Robert W. Waldrup, TXMr. Donald Walker, OKMr. Thomas L. Wallace, MTWalmart, Omaha, NEMark Walmesley and

Lonnie Kwa-Humphries, TXMr. and Mrs. Blake T. Walsh, IDWalt Disney World Resort, FLMs. Rosemary Walztoni, TNMs. Cynthia M. Wanstrath, INDr. Jody A. Ward, Ph.D., CAMr. Larry K. Warden, OKMr. and Mrs. John S. Warner, FLMr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Warpinski, ILWashington Nationals, DCMr. and Mrs. Darryl Washington, NEAlan and Terri Wasmoen, NE

Keith Brown and Cheryle Watson, IDMr. and Mrs. William D. Watson, FLMr. Jack Watzke, OKMr. and Mrs. Brett J. Wawers, NEMs. Mona Way, NEWayne Henderson Enterprises, Inc., INAnn Weaver, OHMr. and Mrs. John B. Weaver, IAMr. John D. Weaver, LADr. and Mrs. Tony and Tanya Weaver, FLMr. and Mrs. Herb Webb, CAMr. and Mrs. Mark Webb, FLMr. Donald R. Weber, NYMs. Arlene Webster, GAMr. Brittin D. Weddle, CAWeill Family Foundation, NYMr. and Mrs. Theodore C. Weill, NYBill and Mary Kaye Welch, TNJerry Weldy, MODaniel J. Wellehan, Jr., MEMr. and Mrs. Matt Welna, NEMr. John L. Welsh, VAAbass W. Wessen, NYTonia Westerfield, FLNellie G. Westerman, CAWestin Foods, NEMs. Marlene Westrom, GAMr. and Mrs. Richard Wetmore, FLMs. Valarie Weygandt, MOHelena A. Whalen, NYMs. Helen O. Whaley, TXMr. and Mrs. Thomas Wharton, NEWhataburger, TXMs. Joan Whitbeck, SCMr. and Mrs. Charles R. White, FLMarvine T. White, ALMr. and Mrs. Travis W. White, OKMr. and Mrs. George Whitfield, MSWhitney Bank, LAMr. Michael D. Whittaker, OHDr. Cyrilla H. Wideman, OHMr. Robert J. Wiebe, UTMr. and Mrs. Rick Wiener, MNMr. Calvin R. Wilder, Jr., CAMr. Joseph H. Wilkens, PAWillard & Frances Hendrix

Foundation, TNMr. Daniel M. Willeford, AZE. William Dr. Barbara Williams, FLMs. Cheryl A. Williams, FLMr. Edgar V. Williams, SCJerry and Jaslyn Williams, NVMs. Laurie B. Williams, GAMr. and Mrs. Peter H. Williams, MAMr. Thomas A. Williams, ILMr. Todd A. Williams, OHMs. Claudia Wilson, NEBrother James L. Wilson, KY

Lois Wilson, WAMark and Kimberly Wilson, FLMr. Roger A. Wilson, LAMr. and Mrs. Jay Winckler, TXMr. Robert J. Wincze, FLThe Winery Restaurant and Wine Bar, CAMr. and Mrs. Harry W. Wing, Jr., CAWinter Park Health Foundation, FLMs. Melinda Winterschiel, NEMr. David T. Wirth, NJElmer F. Wirth, CAJohn and Debra Wise, INSusan M. Woestman, ILClarence C. Wolfe, VASuzanne Wolfe, CAMr. and Mrs. Alan Woll, OHMr. Wesley Woo, WAMrs. Julie D. Wood, INMs. Norma M. Wood, NYRichard A. Woodin, AKLucille Woodring, CAWoods & Aitken, LLP, NEGlenda Woods, CAMr. John E. Woods, Jr., WARosemary A. Woolsey, PAMr. and Mrs. Danny R. Worley, TNMerle C. Woyetz, CAChristine R. Wright, NCMr. and Mrs. James S. Wright, TXThe Wurst Foundation, COMr. and Mrs. Brian G. Wurst, COMr. Charles R. Wurz, MIMr. Kenneth K. Wycko�, MIMr. and Mrs. John P. Wynne, Jr., PA

Ms. Deanna M. Xavier, WAXcom, Inc., COMr. Thomas Yackish, MIMr. Ernest A. Yanakakis, MAThomas Yantis, TXDr. Anita Yap, NHMr. Gerald G. Yass, FLMrs. Daniel L. Y�, MIMichael J. York, MDMs. Barbara A. Young, NYBarbara L. Young, CAMr. and Mrs. John C. Young, CAStephen G. Young, CAMr. and Mrs. Daryl Youngman, OKMrs. Sue T. Yount, ORDr. and Mrs. Robert and Jill Zakarin, FLMs. Sharron Zakus, CADr. Edward J. Zambraski, MEMr. James Zawacki, MIMr. Greg A. Zbylut, FLMr. Keith Zear, CAJulius and Nancy Zebehazy, GAMr. Richard Zeckman, PAMr. James M. Zeug, MNMr. and Mrs. Wayne Ziebell, NCMs. Carolyn B. Zimmer, DEMr. and Mrs. Ervin M. Zimmerman, Sr., PAMr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Zitolo, NJMr. and Mrs. George S. Zo�el, WAZucaro Family Foundation, FLAldo C. Zucaro, FLMr. Nicholas W. Zuk, OHMr. Edward Zuker, MAMr. and Mrs. Robert W. Zuker, MI

Recognized for Fiscal Responsibility

Boys Town has been named a BBB Wise Giving Alliance Accredited Charity by the Better Business Bureau Wise Giving Alliance.

Charity Navigator, one of the nation’s largest and most-respected charity rating systems, has awarded Boys Town its highest 4-star rating for e�iciently managing and growing its finances.

Boys Town recently was recognized for its transparency with a Gold Seal on its Nonprofit Profile on GuideStar, one of the world’s largest sources of information on nonprofit organizations.

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For more than 100 years, Boys Town’s growth and success in saving children and healing families has been possible thanks to generous donations and the foresight and courage of Father Flanagan. Boys Town maintains high standards of fiscal responsibility, working to ensure that its resources will last for generations to come to serve America’s children, families and communities.

Flanagan’s Hope for Endowment Fulfilled

In 1930, in the heart of the Great Depression, Father Flanagan wrote that he hoped Boys Town could set up “an endowment fund, the interest of which will pay for the upkeep of our home, so that it will be unnecessary for us to spend a good portion of our time in the appeal and collection of funds.”

Boys Town established the Father Flanagan’s Fund for Needy Children (Fund for Needy Children) in 1941 to provide investment income to support current programs and investment growth to sustain these programs in future years.

Helping Children Today and Into the Future

The Fund for Needy Children is operated as a de facto restricted fund for the purpose of helping children today and into the future. All current unrestricted donations – direct mail, wills and bequests — are spent on the direct care of children.

None of these donations are put in the Fund for Needy Children unless directed by the donor. Today, as Boys Town continues to balance the competing needs of current and future generations, the Fund for Needy Children is as important as the day it was established.

Based on expected investment returns and inflation factors, the Fund for Needy Children can spend, on average, between 4 and 5 percent of its market value in order to maintain its purchasing power.

Reasonable Risk-Taking to Help More Children

Father Flanagan and his successors trusted God’s goodness and took reasonable risks in order to help more and more children. Boys Town is what it is today because of this trust and risk-taking.

Sound Investments, Solid Management

During 2017, the Father Flanagan’s Fund for Needy Children provided $44,658,000 of support, or 10.59 percent of the funds necessary to operate Boys Town. This was 5.2 percent of the Fund’s January 1, 2017, value.

Sound investments and solid management of the Fund for Needy Children has allowed it to provide stable support for Boys Town at times when markets have been volatile.

Boys Town always strives to be prudent with the dollars received from outside sources, including donations from the public.

In 2017, 85.05 percent of every dollar received was spent on the care of children. Supporting services comprised only 14.95 percent of total expenses, which is significantly lower than the national benchmark of 35 percent the not-for-profit industry utilizes.

Financial Highlights

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Boys Town always strives to be prudent with the dollars received from outside sources, including donations from the public.

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Consolidated Statement of Financial PositionDecember 31, 2017 (Dollar Amounts in Thousands)

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

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Consolidated Statement of ActivitiesYear Ended December 31, 2017 (Dollar Amounts in Thousands)

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

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Consolidated Statement of Cash FlowsYear Ended December 31, 2017 (Dollar Amounts in Thousands)

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

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Consolidated Statement of Functional ExpensesYear Ended December 31, 2017 (Dollar Amounts in Thousands)

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

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Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements December 31, 2017(Dollar Amounts in Thousands)

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Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements December 31, 2017(Dollar Amounts in Thousands)

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Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements December 31, 2017(Dollar Amounts in Thousands)

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Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements December 31, 2017(Dollar Amounts in Thousands)

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Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements December 31, 2017(Dollar Amounts in Thousands)

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Members of the Boys Town National Board of Trustees and the Father Flanagan’s Fund for Needy Children Board of Directors support Boys Town’s Mission selflessly with monetary gi�s and gi�s of their time, talents, thought and concern.

On behalf of the children saved and the families healed by their generosity, Boys Town says “thank you” to our Trustees and Directors for their contributions and leadership.

2017 Boys Town National Board of Trustees

Kevin P. Mohan, J.D.CHAIRTrustee since 2011FacultyHarvard Business School | Cambridge, MASenior AdvisorSummit Partners | Boston, MA

Robert A. BattTrustee since 2016 Retired Executive Vice PresidentNebraska Furniture Mart | Omaha, NE

Mogens C. BayTrustee since 2013Chairman and CEOValmont Industries | Omaha, NE

William M. BryantTrustee since 2016Student AdvocateLincoln Public Schools | Lincoln, NE

The Rev. Steven E. BoesTrustee since 2005President and National Executive Director Boys Town | Boys Town, NE

L.D. Britt, M.D.Trustee since 2013Brickhouse Professor and Chairman, Department of SurgeryEastern VA Medical School | Norfolk, VA

Sharon E. CarletonTrustee since 2012Owner, Brand StrategistRing True | Omaha, NE

Kate C. DodgeCHAIR-ELECT Trustee since 2012PresidentNEI Global Relocation | Omaha, NE

Judith E. Favell, Ph.D.Trustee since 2013 Retired Behavioral Psychologist and AnalystMount Dora, FL

Laurine M. GarrityTrustee since 2016Executive Vice President, Chief Global Marketing O�icerPrivate Client Group, Fisher Investments | San Mateo, CA

Our Governing Boards

100% PARTICIPATION!In 2017, all of our National Board of Trustees made substantial donations to support Boys Town’s Mission, demonstrating their strong commitment to our e�orts to save children, heal families and strengthen communities.

Page 91: 2017 ANNUAL REPORT Report.pdf · “My favorite thing about Boys Town is that they let you be a kid. My favorite outing is going out to Okoboji (Boys Town’s summer camp in Iowa)

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Dorr B. BegnalDirector since 2017Managing DirectorPark Street Capital | Boston, MA

The Rev. Steven E. BoesDirector since 2005President and National Executive DirectorBoys Town | Boys Town, NE

Rebecca E. DuseauDirector since 2014Founding PartnerAdamas Partners | Boston, MA

L. Erik LundbergDirector since 2017Chief Investment O�icerUniversity of Michigan | Ann Arbor, MI

Robert R. MatejekDirector since 2013Co-FounderWhite Rock Oil and Gas | Dallas, TX

Gregory S. McMillanDirector since 2009Founder and Senior AdvisorVärde Partners | Nokomis, FL

Kevin P. Mohan, J.D. CHAIRDirector since 2010FacultyHarvard Business School | Cambridge, MA

Senior AdvisorSummit Partners | Boston, MA

Helen Fox O’BrienDirector since 2016Managing DirectorChurch Pension Group | New York, NY

Philip J. RudenDirector since 2001Chief Investment O�icerFather Flanagan’s Fund for

Needy Children | Boys Town, NE

Elizabeth M. SnyderDirector since 2009Retired Managing DirectorUniversity of Virginia | Charlottesville, VA

Michael P. SullivanDirector since 2015Managing DirectorDartmouth College | Boston, MA

2017 Father Flanagan’s Fund for Needy Children Board of Directors

W. Gary GatesTrustee since 2011 Former President and Chief Executive O�icerOmaha Public Power District (OPPD) | Omaha, NE

William J. Gerber, CPATrustee since 2014 Retired Executive Vice President, Chief Financial O�icerTD Ameritrade | Omaha, NE

Gerald B. Healy, M.D.Trustee since 2011 Retired Professor of Otology and LaryngologyHarvard Medical School | Boston, MA

James M. LauermanTrustee since 2014Retired Chairman and FounderBailey Lauerman | Omaha and Lincoln, NE

Robert R. MatejekTrustee since 2016Co-FounderWhite Rock Oil and Gas | Dallas, TX

Gregory S. McMillanFORMER CHAIR Trustee since 2010 Founder and Senior AdvisorVärde Partners | Nokomis, FL

Kathy R. Nieland, CPATrustee since 2013Managing PartnerPricewaterhouseCoopers LLP | New Orleans, LA

Margaret L. Spearmon, Ph.D. Trustee Since 2017Senior Lecturer; Chief O�icer;

Community Engagement and Diversity University of Washington School of Social Work | Seattle, WA

John J. Passarelli, J.D.Trustee since 2016PartnerKutak Rock | Omaha, NE

D. Bradley Welling, M.D., Ph.D.Trustee Since 2017Walter Augustus LeCompte Chair, Harvard Department of

Otolaryngology, Chief Otolaryngology Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Chief Otolaryngology

Massachusetts General Hospital | Boston, MA

Page 92: 2017 ANNUAL REPORT Report.pdf · “My favorite thing about Boys Town is that they let you be a kid. My favorite outing is going out to Okoboji (Boys Town’s summer camp in Iowa)




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