2017 CONNECT Sponsorship - Valdosta-Lowndes County Chamber ... · SEEDS Business Resource Center 23 Southwest Georgia Bank Business Plan Competition 24 STAR Banquet 25 EAGLE Awards

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  • Opportunities Guide







  • Special “Thanks” below to ALL our major sponsors for our 2016 Chamber events and publications!


    Southwest GeorgiaBank Business

    Plan Competition

    LeadingBusiness ofthe Week



    STAR Banquetand EAGLE


    Strong partnerships with our sponsors allow the Chamber to bring many new and effective programs to the business community.

    The Valdosta-Lowndes Chamber of Commerce would like to thank ALL of our sponsors for their support, commitment and generosity in making our community the best it can be!




    Chamber Annual Awards

    Small Business of the Year Award

    Most Valuable Employee Award

    PrimeTimeBusiness Expo/

    Winter Progress

    Membership Event/ Summer Progress


    Chamber in Motion

    Thank you 2016 Sponsors!

    SEEDs Business Resource Center

  • WHY SPONSOR?Your membership with the Valdosta-Lowndes Chamber of Commerce provides you withmany opportunities to get in front this community’s most influential and important corporateleaders, mid-level managers, small business owners, entrepreneurs, young professionals, media personalities, educators, political figures and more. These exclusive opportunities are only available to our members. Sponsorships are a way of broadening your competitive edge by putting your name behind events and initiatives that Valdosta’s business community finds attractive.

    The opportunities in this guide provide a variety of platforms for advertising, branding andnetworking for your company and help position you as a leader in the Valdosta-Lowndes business community. As a not-for-profit organization, much of the work that the Chamber does on behalfof Valdosta-Lowndes County is through the generosity of our members and business partners. Please join us in this endeavor to create opportunities for business growth.

    Thank you for your support.

    Myrna Ballard, President [email protected] 229-247-8100 ext. 222

    Sponsorship Guide 3


    2016 Sponsors Inside Front Cover


    Chairman’s Circle 5

    President’s Partners 6

    Executive 7

    Premium 8

    Enterprise 9

    Business 10

    Tiered Benefits 11

    Additional Membership Options:

    Associate / Non-Profit / Silver Star 12

    The Chamber Advocates, Builds,Connects and Promotes 13


    Federal Legislative Luncheon 15

    State Legislative Luncheon 16

    SGMAC 17


    Annual Economic Summit 19

    Business Outlook Breakfast 20


    Building the Best Board 22

    SEEDS Business Resource Center 23

    Southwest Georgia BankBusiness Plan Competition 24

    STAR Banquet 25

    EAGLE Awards Reception 26


    Chamber Annual Awards 28

    Business After Hours 29

    Joint Business After Hours 30

    “Another Cup” with the Chamber 31

    PrimeTime Business Expo 32


    Chamber Publications:

    Progress Magazine 34

    MoodyLink Magazine 35

    Connection Magazine 36

    Ad Packages 37


    e-Blasts 38

    Chamber In Motion 39

    Chamber Member Handbook 40

    Operation Thank You 41

    Leading Business of the Week 42

    Certified Military Friendly 43

    Certified Military Friendly Application 44

    RESERVATIONReservation Form Inside Back Cover

    Contact Info Back Cover

    Table of Contents

    4 Sponsorship Guide

  • Sponsorship Guide 5

    Chairman’s Circle Membership - $6,300The Chairman’s Circle Member receives ALL the benefits, marketingand services of prior tiers, plus those listed below. Circle



    v Chairman’s Circle Value $8,400+

    v President’s Partners Value $7,400+

    v Executive Value $4,200+

    v Premium Value $1,700+

    v Enterprise Value $ 600+

    v Business Value $1,500+

    (TOTAL VALUE = $23,800+)

    Chairman’s CircleMembership



    an’s Circle


    Benefits: • A general admission table for 10 at the Chamber Annual Awards* • Four tickets to Business Outlook Breakfast • A complimentary E-Blast to 1,700 contacts • Use of the Barber House for an after-hours activity annually • Sticker designating Chairman’s Circle level for Membership plaque • Appointed Chamber Staff liaison • Special invitations to select Chamber events

    Marketing: • Up to 12 businesses listed/receive Chamber mailings, includes email • Company name on sign/banner at all Chamber events • Exposure on all Chamber email signatures • CEO photo & profile recognition in Progress magazine annually • Chairman’s Circle sponsorships for: 1. Chamber Annual Awards 2. Economic Summit 3. Business Outlook Breakfast • $1,000 advertisement package with Talk 92.1 • SGMAC Moody Legacy supporter • SGMAC Ally Recognition and Certified Military Friendly Business

    Services • Up to 12 business representatives receiving mailings, includes email

    *VIP Table upgrade available

    Involvement in the Chamber creates an unparalleled circle of strength and support with the businesses in our community. As a proud sponsor of the Chairman’s Circle and the World Class Employee Recognition program, ELEAD1ONE and Fresh Beginnings receive the rewards of continuousmedia exposure to promote our local business and increase awareness of the employment opportunities available within our growing company.

    - Judy Hathcock, Fresh Beginnings/eLead1One

    “ “

  • President’s Partners - $4,500President’s Partners receive ALL the benefits, marketing and servicesof prior tiers, plus those listed below.

    President’s Partners



    v President’s Partners Value $7,400+

    v Executive Value $4,200+

    v Premium Value $1,700+

    v Enterprise Value $ 600+

    v Business Value $1,500+

    (TOTAL VALUE = $15,400+)


    Benefits: • Two tickets to Business Outlook Breakfast • A complimentary E-Blast to 1,700 contacts • Sticker designating President’s Partners level for Membership plaque • Use of the Barber House for an after-hours activity annually • Invitation to Chamber Community Council Lunches • Two tickets to the Chamber Annual Awards • Special invitations to select Chamber events

    Marketing: • Up to 10 businesses listed/receive Chamber mailings, includes email 1. Each additional over 10 - $125 each • President’s Partners sponsorships for: 1. Chamber Annual Awards 2. Economic Summit 3. Business Outlook Breakfast 4. Meet The Candidates 5. 8 at 8 VIP Breakfast • Recognition on electronic billboard in Chamber lobby • Rotating banner on Chamber website • SGMAC Ally Recognition and Certified Military Friendly Business

    Services • Up to 10 business representatives receiving mailings, includes email

    In this complex world today, no business can be successful going it alone. You have to have a large network of “partners”. One of the best places to start is with The Valdosta-Lowndes County Chamber of Commerce.

    - Charlie W. Barnes III, Barnes Health Care Services

    “ “

    6 Sponsorship Guide

  • Sponsorship Guide 7

    Executive Membership - $2,625The Executive Membership receives ALL the benefits, marketing andservices of prior tiers, plus those listed below.

    Benefits: • Sticker designating membership level to be added to Membership Plaque • Two tickets to Business Outlook Breakfast • Invited to Chamber Community Council Lunches • Special invitations to select Chamber events

    Marketing: • Up to 10 businesses listed/receive Chamber mailings, includes email 1. Each additional over 10 - $125 each • A complimentary E-Blast to 1,700 contacts • Discounts on sponsorships: 1. 50% off $750 sponsorship for the Chamber Annual Awards 2. 50% off $750 sponsorship for Economic Summit 3. 50% off $750 sponsorship for Business Outlook Breakfast • Listed as Executive Membership investor at Chamber events • Recognition on electronic billboard in Chamber lobby

    Services: • Up to 10 business representatives receiving mailings, includes email



    v Executive Value $4,200+

    v Premium Value $1,700+

    v Enterprise Value $ 600+

    v Business Value $1,500+

    (TOTAL VALUE = $8,000+)



    We are fortunate to have a Chamber that is a true champion for business growth and success. The opportunities it provides to connect with others in our community is invaluable. Express is proud to support the Valdosta-Lowndes Chamber of Commerce.

    - Jenny Templeton, Express Employment Professionals

    “ “

  • Premium



    v Premium Value $1,700+

    v Enterprise Value $ 600+

    v Business Value $1,500+

    (TOTAL VALUE = $3,800+)


    2017Premium Membership - $1,050The Premium Member receives ALL the benefits, marketing and services of prior tiers, plus those listed below.

    Benefits: • Special Premium sticker recognition as top tier Chamber member • Invitation to Chamber Community Council Lunches Marketing: • Four businesses listed/receive Chamber mailings, includes email 1. Each additional over 4 - $125 each • Discounts on sponsorships*: 1. 50% off $500 Sponsorship for the Chamber Annual Awards 3. 50% off $500 Sponsorship for Economic Summit 4. 50% off $500 Sponsorship for Business Outlook Breakfast • Business highlighted in business directory on www.ValdostaChamber.com Services: • Up to 8 business representatives receive mailings, includes email

    *Sponsorships represent sponsoring an Chamber event

    Supporting the Chamber not only progresses your business relationships, but most importantly our local economy.

    - Jonathan Miller, Miller Hardware“

    8 Sponsorship Guide

  • Sponsorship Guide 9

    Enterprise Membership - $630The Enterprise Membership receives ALL the benefits, marketing andservices of prior tiers, plus those listed below.

    Benefits: • $75 discount on display table at the PrimeTime Business Expo • 50% discount on the first year of DRUGS DON’T WORK membership ($25 - $75 value)

    Marketing: • Two businesses listed/receive Chamber mailings • Special recognition in one Chamber Progress magazine • Special recognition at the Chamber Annual Awards

    Services: • Chamber database annually • Six business representatives receive mailings, includes email

    This membership is not available for businesses with more than 100 employees or financial institutions.



    v Enterprise Value $ 600+

    v Business Value $1,500+

    (TOTAL VALUE = $2,100+)

    ‘The Chamber’ has always been a household word for myself and Colson Printing. I grew up watching my father Wally support the Chamber. I think he must have served on every committee and then became the president. The year he was president he made it a point to go to every committee meeting. I am still amazed at his dedication to ‘The Chamber’ and am fully convinced that our involvement with the Chamber today and yesteryears is part of the success of our printing business.

    - Wendy Colson, Colson Printing Co.

    “ “

  • Benefits:• Networking opportunities-

    Access to more than 25 events per year providing contact with business leaders. Including:

    • Business After Hours • State and Federal Legislative Luncheons • PrimeTime Business Expo • Business Leads Groups • Membership 101 • Business Outlook Breakfast • Chamber member referrals • Chamber Member Website Companion • Membership Directory • Job Postings • Members-only pricing • Access to business information • Subscription to Progress, Georgia Trend and Town Square magazine • Chamber In Motion newsletter • Legislative Alerts• Member recogntion • Membership decal • Use of logo • Website recognition • Educational opportunities through Business University • FREE small business membership

    to Georgia Chamber of Commerce (Must be 10 or fewer employees)Marketing:• Free listing and link to member’s website on www.Valdosta Chamber.com • Access to Chamber database and mailing labels • Opportunity to advertise in Chamber publications and eBlasts• Subscription to weekly Chamber In Motion newsletter• Opportunity to participate in Chamber programs (Certified Military Friendly, Ambassadors, etc.)• Sponsorship options in Sponsorship Opportunity Guide• List events on Chamber’s online community calendar• Radio Welcome Package: • Live studio visit on day of Ribbon Cutting with Scott James of Talk 92.1 Services:• Three business representatives receive mailings, includes email • Volunteer opportunities • Ribbon Cutting/Ground Breaking services

    This membership is not available for businesses with more than 50 employees or financial institutions.



    v Business Value $1,500+

    (TOTAL VALUE = $1,500+)

    Business Membership - $315

    As a business level member of the Chamber, Ashley’s Business Solutions realizes a great benefit from all that the Chamber has to offer. The resources, programs and events that the chamber provides is a vital part of our presence in the business community. As the largest provider of office technology in the region, Ashley’s Business Solutions relies on our relationship with the chamber to help us consistently promote our products and services and reach potential new clients in Valdosta and Lowndes County.

    - Jeremy Chick, Ashley’s Business Solutions

    “ “

    10 Sponsorship Guide

  • Sponsorship Guide 11

    2017 Tiered Investment Levels

    • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

    FEATURES & BENEFITS ENTERPRISE* PREMIUM EXECUTIVE $75 discount on display table at PrimeTime Business Expo50% discount on the first year of DRUGS DON’T WORK membershipTwo businesses listed/receive Chamber mailings Special recognition at the Chamber Annual AwardsSix business representatives receive mailings and emailChamber database list annually Special recognition in one Chamber Progress MagazineInvitation to Chamber Community Council luncheonsSticker designating membership level to Membership PlaqueFour businesses listed/receive Chamber mailings and emailBusiness highlighted in business directory Up to 8 businesses representatives receive mailing and email50% off $500 sponsorship for the Chamber Annual Awards50% off $500 sponsorship of the Economic Summit50% off $500 sponsorship of the Business Outlook BreakfastUp to 10 businesses representatives receive mailing and emailRecognition on electronic billboard in Chamber lobby50% off $750 sponsorship for the Chamber Annual Awards50% off $750 sponsorship of the Economic Summit50% off $750 sponsorship of the Business Outlook BreakfastTwo tickets to Business Outlook BreakfastA complimentary e-Blast to 1,700 contactsUse of Barber House for an activity annuallyTwo tickets to the Chamber Annual AwardsRotating banner on Chamber websitePresident’s Partners sponsorship for the Chamber Annual AwardsPresident’s Partners sponsorship of the Economic SummitPresident’s Partners sponsorship of the Business Outlook BreakfastPresident’s Partners sponsorship of the Meet The Candidates8 at 8 VIP Roundtable Discussion BreakfastSGMAC Ally Recognition & Certified Military Friendly BusinessSpecial recognition in print/electronic Mid-Year ReportA table for 10 at the Chamber Annual AwardsFour tickets to Business Outlook BreakfastAppointed Chamber staff liaisonUp to 12 businesses representatives receive mailing and emailCompany name on sign/banner at all Chamber eventsExposure on all Chamber email signaturesChairman’s Circle sponsorship for the Chamber Annual AwardsChairman’s Circle sponsorship of the Economic SummitChairman’s Circle sponsorship of the Business Outlook Breakfast$1,000 Advertisement package with Talk 92.1SGMAC Moody Legacy supporterCEO photo & profile recognition in Progress magazine annuallyUp to 12 businesses listed/receive Chamber mailings, includes email

    MEMBERSHIP INVESTMENT $630* $1,050 $2,625 $4,500 $6,300



    *This membership is not available for businesses with more than 100 employees or financial institutions.

  • Associate Member


    AssociateMember $100

    v Business Value $1,000+

    (TOTAL VALUE = $1,000+)

    Silver Star Member Silver StarMember $100

    v Business Value $1,000+

    (TOTAL VALUE = $1,000+)

    Non-ProfitMember $100v Business Value $1,500+

    (TOTAL VALUE = $1,500+)

    Associate Members join as individuals rather than organizations andpromote themselves instead of a business.

    Benefits: • Access to Chamber events • Member pricing • Access to Chamber publications • Access to Chamber eBlasts/mailing • Member recognition in directory • Use of Chamber logo • Access to thousands of area professionals • Volunteer opportunities

    Silver Stars are the elite among the area’s affluent retirees and stayconnected to the community through the Chamber. Silver Stars canjoin as a couple (Example: husband and wife).

    Benefits: • Access to Chamber events • Member pricing • Access to Chamber publications • Access to Chamber eBlasts/mailing • Countless opportunities to connect with the community • Volunteer opportunities

    Non-profit organizations receive all the benefits of a Business Levelmembership at a special non-profit rate.Benefits: • Receive ALL benefits of the Business Level Membership (Please refer to page 9 for a listing of benefits)

    • Discount pricing on PrimeTime Business Expo

    Additional Membership Options

    12 Sponsorship Guide

  • Sponsorship Guide 13

    Our goal is to serve as the voice of business in our community; the Valdosta-Lowndes County Chamber of Commerce works hard to Advocate, Build, Connect & Promote our member businesses.

    Advocate – By meeting and working with local, state and federal elected officials here and in Atlanta and Washington, the Chamber is a strong voice for you and your business.

    Build – The Chamber offers many tools and programs to help you build yourbusiness, which also fosters the growth of our area’s economy and business com-munity.

    Connect – Our Chamber’s many networking events help you make new business contacts, stay abreast of area business developments and pursue new opportunities.

    Promote – The Chamber gives you many ways to promote your business directly to fellow members and to the community at large. The Chamber’s publications and sponsorship programs give you great value for your marketing dollar.


  • ADVOCATE - By meeting and working with local, state and federal elected officials here and in Atlanta and Washington, the Chamberis a strong voice for you and your business.





    “Our Chamber does everything in its power to advocateon behalf of Moody Air Force Base. From visiting our

    officials in Washington, DC to the South Georgia MilitaryAffairs Council, we make Moody and the needs of the

    business community a priority.” - Michael Lee Ameris Bank

    14 Sponsorship Guide


  • Sponsorship Guide 15





    Federal Legislative LuncheonA luncheon featuring a program presented by a U.S. Senator or Representative on issues concerning the business community.

    AUDIENCE:Average participation of 200+ top business leaders fromthe Valdosta-Lowndes County community

    VIP TABLE SPONSORSHIPS: $225 (Corporate table for 10)

    SPONSORSHIP BENEFITS: • Printed program • Event signage • Reserved seating in premier location

    AUgUST 2017

    U.S. Rep. Buddy Carter2015 Federal Legislative Lunch

    Presented by:

    Join us for lunch withU.S. Representative Buddy Carter

    as he speaks aboutcurrent legislative issues.

    U.S. Representative Buddy Carter

    Wednesday, September 2Noon - 1:30 p.m.

    Rainwater Conference CenterValdosta, GA

    Co-hosted with Rotary Club of Valdosta and Valdosta-North Rotary Club

  • AD




    State Legislative LuncheonA luncheon featuring a program presented by State Legislators on top issues forthe upcoming State Legislative Session.

    AUDIENCE:Average participation of 200+ top business leaders from theValdosta-Lowndes County community

    VIP TABLE SPONSORSHIPS: $225 (Corporate table for 10)

    SPONSORSHIP BENEFITS: • Printed program • Event signage • Reserved seating in premier location

    DECEMBER 2017

    16 Sponsorship Guide

  • AD




    SGMACThe South Georgia Military Affairs Council is comprised of four area Chambers ofCommerce, including Adel-Cook, Lakeland-Lanier, Nashville-Berrien and Valdosta-Lowndes. The primary focus of the group is the protection of and communitysupport for Moody AFB.

    AUDIENCE:Businesses and community leaders throughout the region with interest in Moody AFB

    SPONSORSHIP LEVELS: $25 Friends of Moody $50 Moody Supporters $100 Moody Patrons $250 Moody Benefactors $500 Moody Legacy

    SPONSORSHIP BENEFITS: • Recognition on all promotional materials • Event signage • Recognition on custom page on Chamber website • Recognition in MoodyLink magazine • Recognized as Certified Military Friendly business • Opportunity to offer Military discount (see page 41 and 42)

    * Checks may be made payable to South Georgia Military Affairs Council

    Sponsorship Guide 17

  • BUILD – The Chamber offers many tools and programs to help

    you build your business, which also fosters the growth of our

    area’s economy and business community.



    “The Chamber is committed to empowering yourbusinesses to be successful, from discussing your

    business ideas, to helping bring these ideas to fruitionand then see your businesses thrive.”

    - Carl Holley

    Fowler, Holley, Rambo & Stalvey, PC

    18 Sponsorship Guide


  • Sponsorship Guide 19

    Annual Economic SummitThe Chamber Economic Summit is a forum that brings together top business,community and education leaders to discuss topics that are important to the growth, development and stainability of Valdosta-Lowndes County. The event features a presentation by Valdosta State University’s Center for Business andEconomic Research on the economic health of the community and how itcompares to 14 peer communities. AUDIENCE:This event averages 250+ top business and community leaders


    PRESENTINg SPONSORSHIP BENEFITS: • Opportunity to speak at event • Recognition on printed invitation and program • Recognition in Chamber In Motion newsletter • Recognition on custom page on Chamber website • Recognition in Progress magazine • Company name listed on all pre– and post– event press releases • Sponsor banner at event • Economic Summit photo gallery

    OTHER SPONSORSHIPOPPORTUNITIES: (2) Co-Sponsors - $1,500 Ea.

    CO-SPONSOR BENEFITS:• Opportuntiy to speak at event • Recognition on invitations and programs • Recognition in Chamber In Motion newsletter• Recognition on custom page on Chamber website • Banner and tent cards recognition• Economic Summit photo gallery• Recognition in Progress Magazine

    Your name couldbe here!



    AUgUST 2017


  • Business Outlook BreakfastThe Business Outlook Breakfast is an annual event at which the Chamberwelcomes top business leaders to hear about the economic outlook. Approximately 150-175 top business leaders attend the event to hear fromDr. Jeffrey Humphries (University of Georgia Terry College of Business), Dr. Cindy Tori (Valdosta State University) and Jay Morelock, a nationally-recognized econo-mist.

    AUDIENCE:Approximately 150-175 top business leaders from the Valdosta-Lowndes County community


    SPONSORSHIP BENEFITS: • Opportunity to speak at the event • Reserved seating for 10 in premier location • Recognition on printed invitation and program • Chamber In Motion newsletter • Recognition on custom page on Chamber website • Recognition in Progress magazine • Company name listed on all pre– and post– event press releases • Sponsor banner at event • Business Outlook photo gallery • Recognition on the Annual Top 10 Event postcard • Radio visit opportunity to promote the event

    • One promotional e-blast

    Your name couldbe here!



    FEBRUARy 2017

    20 Sponsorship Guide


  • Sponsorship Guide 21

    DRUGS DON’T WORKThe DDW program promotes drug free workplaces in 11 counties that have joined the program as Regional Partners (Adel-Cook,Ashburn-Turner, Berrien County, Brunswick-Golden Isles, Douglas-Coffee, Lakeland- Lanier, Moultrie-Colquitt, Quitman-Brooks, Sylvester-Worth County, Valdosta-Lowndes and Wayne County Chambers of Commerce). Any business, firm, association, corporation, club, partnership, estate or personof good reputation may become a partner of DDW.

    AUDIENCE:Businesses and organizations that participate in the DDW program (230+), chambermember contacts (5,000+) and the community


    SPONSORSHIP BENEFITS: • Exclusive Sponsorship • Company Logo on all promotional materials for the program • Logo on four e-blasts promoting DDW • Recognition on customized DDW postcard mailed to all Chamber member contacts and DDW members • Recognition on custom DDW website, ddwsoga.com • Recognition on ValdostaChamber.com • Linkable Logo and Banner on Valdosta Chamber DDW webpage (entire year) • Complimentary booth at Chamber Business Showcase • One year membership to DDW ($150 value) • Company recognition on DDW press releases sent to media • Recognition in Progress Magazine (1/2 page ad) • Recognition in four Chamber In Motion newsletters

    DRUGSDON’TWORKIn South Georgia




    Your name could

    be here!



  • Building the Best BoardA professional development seminar specifically for Nonprofit Organizations and their Boards of Directors. Topics include the importance of boards, the duties of directors, protecting the organization, effective committees, strategic direction, board meetings and more.

    AUDIENCE:Participation of 50 top business leaders from the Valdosta-Lowndes County community


    SPONSORSHIP BENEFITS: • Chamber in Motion e-newsletter • Chamber Progress Magazine • Eblast invitations • Representative to speak at radio promotion of event • Recognition on all promotional materials • Speaking opportunity at event • (5) Complimentary tickets ($125 Value) • Printed program • Event signage • Recognition on Photo Gallery website • Company name listed on all pre- and post-event press releases

    Your name couldbe here!



    JUNE 2017

    22 Sponsorship Guide

  • SEEDS Business Resource CenterThe primary goal of the SEEDS Business Resource Center is to enhance thecapability for new venture clients to compete more successfully in their respective businesses via strategic partnerships.

    AUDIENCE:Each year, approximately 400 clients are seen in the SEEDS Business Resource Center

    SPONSORSHIP FEE: $10,000

    SPONSORSHIP BENEFITS: • Logo on the Guide to Starting a Business cover • Banner in SEEDS Business Recource Center • SEEDSBusinessResourceCenter.com • Recognition at Business University Workshops • Opportunity to speak at radio visits throughout the year • Chamber Progress magazine • Recognition in Chamber In Motion newsletter • Recognition on reports given to members or SEEDS Clients • SEEDS Business Resource Center brochures

    Your name could be here!



    Sponsorship Guide 23


  • Southwest Georgia BankBusiness Plan CompetitionThe Southwest Georgia Business Plan Competition is an initiative of theChamber to foster new business development.

    Each year, the competition winner is awarded $10,000 in startup capital. As the annual sponsor of this competition, your company could support at least three start-up businesses in our community.

    AUDIENCE:Potential and new business owners, Chamber members and community at-large

    SPONSORSHIP FEE: $10,000

    SPONSORSHIP BENEFITS: • Opportunity to speak at two radio visits • All promotional material: email communications, banners & tent cards • Recognition in advertisements • Recognition in press releases sent to media • Recognition on ValdostaChamber.com • Recognition on SEEDSBusinessResourceCenter.com • Opportunity to speak at any promotional events for competition • Opportunity to present $10,000 check to competition winner • Recognition on check • Opportunity to help judge competition • Recognition in Progress Magazine • Recognition in Chamber In Motion newsletter

    Your name could be here!B




    Sponsorship Guide 24


  • Sponsorship Guide 25



    STAR BanquetThe Region 10 STAR Banquet includes approximately125 educational leaders, students and teachers whocome together to honor exceptional students andteachers and announce the Region 10 STAR Studentand Teacher.

    AUDIENCE:Average participation of 125 educational leaders, students and teachers from the region.


    SPONSORSHIP BENEFITS: • Recognition on all promotional materials • Recognition on STAR Banquet webpage • Recognition in Chamber In Motion newsletter • Company name listed on all post- event press releases • Opportunity for representative to speak at event • Recognition on ValdostaChamber.com

    MARCH 2017

  • EAGLE Awards ReceptionCelebrating its 20th year, the Exceptional Adult Georgian in Literacy Education (EAGLE) program recognizes and honors adult students who have demonstrated exceptional achievement in statewide adult literacy classes.

    EAGLE winners and Literacy Ambassadors serve as role models for familymembers, friends, neighbors and co-workers, encouraging all to become learners. In addition to serving as volunteers, EAGLE winners are mentors, peer tutorsand recruiters of other students in local programs.

    AUDIENCE:Each year, approximately 50 people gather at the Chamber to recognize these individualsat the EAGLE Awards reception.


    SPONSORSHIP BENEFITS: • Recognition on all promotional materials • Recognition in Chamber In Motion newsletter • Company name listed on all pre- and post- event press releases • Opportunity for representative to speak at event

    Your name could be




    DECEMBER 2017

    26 Sponsorship Guide

  • Sponsorship Guide 27


    CONNECT - Our Chamber’s many networking events help

    you make new business contacts, stay abreast of area business

    developments and pursue new opportunities.





    “Chamber members are provided with greatopportunities to connect with other businesses

    and professionals in our community. I’m proud to be a member of this network.”

    - Ron Borders

    Real Living Realty Advisors

  • Chamber Annual Awardscelebrate the successes of the past year while honoring those outstanding individuals and businesses who have gone above and beyond in their efforts to support thecommunity and the Chamber. Join us as we celebrate Valdosta’s very best!

    AUDIENCE:Estimated attendance of 500+ community and business leaders from small to largecompanies across a number of industries


    PRESENTINg SPONSORSHIP BENEFITS: • Featured on all event promotions • Event signage • Printed invitations and program • Opportunity to speak at event • Reserved VIP seating for 10 in premier location • Recognition on custom page on Chamber website • Chamber In Motion newsletter • Recognition in Progress Magazine • Photo gallery • Listed in pre- and post-event press releases • Recognition on the Annual Top 10 Event postcard • T.V. Commercial Opportunity

    Your name could be here!

    Platinum Sponsor- $2,500(Four available) • Sponsorship of one award: Most Valuable Employee Award Small Business of the Year Award Young Professional of the Year Award Member’s Choice Award

    • Event signage • Reserved seating for 10 in premier location • Printed invitations & program • Recognition on custom page on Chamber website • Chamber In Motion newsletter • Recognition in Chamber Progress Magazine • Photo gallery • Listed in pre- and post-event press releases

    VIP Table Sponsor- $750(Limited Number Available) • Reserved seating for 10 in premier location • Recognition on event program





    FEBRUARy 23, 2017

    28 Sponsorship Guide


  • Sponsorship Guide 29

    Platinum Sponsor- $2,500(Four available) • Sponsorship of one award: Most Valuable Employee Award Small Business of the Year Award Young Professional of the Year Award Member’s Choice Award

    • Event signage • Reserved seating for 10 in premier location • Printed invitations & program • Recognition on custom page on Chamber website • Chamber In Motion newsletter • Recognition in Chamber Progress Magazine • Photo gallery • Listed in pre- and post-event press releases

    VIP Table Sponsor- $750(Limited Number Available) • Reserved seating for 10 in premier location • Recognition on event program

    Business After HoursThis high-energy, after-hours event is held at a Chamber Member’s business for more than 200+ business people. It is scheduled monthly from 5-7 p.m. This cocktail reception is an ideal networking opportunity for a company to make business contacts. This event is also an excellent opportunity for you toshowcase your company, services, products and facility. Sponsors have the op-tion to distribute product samples and promotional materials.

    AUDIENCE:Average attendance of 200+ community and business leaders ranging from small to large companies across a number of industries

    SPONSORSHIP FEE: $1,500 (plus catering, wine & beer)

    SPONSORSHIP BENEFITS: • Exclusive Sponsorship • Featured on all event promotions • Event held at your location • Opportunity to speak at event • Printed postcards • Recognition on Chamber’s event calendar • Chamber In Motion newsletter (x3) • Recognition in Progress Magazine • Business After Hours photo gallery

    Your name couldbe here!





    MONTHLy 2017

  • Joint Business After Hours at the ChamberThe Chamber hosts Business After Hours at the Barber House to provide acost-efficient opportunity for small businesses to participate. This event hasmultiple room sponsors.

    AUDIENCE:Average attendance of 250+ community and business leaders ranging from small to large companies across a number of industries

    PREMIUM ROOM SPONSORSHIP FEE: $350 (Two available per event)

    STANDARD ROOM SPONSORSHIP FEE: $300 (Six available per event)

    SPONSORSHIP BENEFITS: • Room at event to provide promotional materials • Recognition on Chamber’s event calendar • Chamber In Motion newsletter (x3) • Business After Hours photo gallery

    Your name couldbe here!





    DECEMBER 2017

    30 Sponsorship Guide

  • •A

    nother Cu


    W i t h t h e C h a m b e rHosted by Options Now

    Tuesday, May 24 • 7:30-9 a.m.214 W. Park Avenue Valdosta, GA 31602

    Join us for coffee and conversation at Options Now! Visit www.ValdostaChamber.com to RSVP.

    Limited space available, RSVP today!


    nother Cu


    W i t h t h e C h a m b e rHosted by Options Now

    Tuesday, May 24 • 7:30-9 a.m.214 W. Park Avenue Valdosta, GA 31602

    Join us for coffee and conversation at Options Now! Visit www.ValdostaChamber.com to RSVP.

    Limited space available, RSVP today!


    nother Cu


    W i t h t h e C h a m b e rHosted by Options Now

    Tuesday, May 24 • 7:30-9 a.m.214 W. Park Avenue Valdosta, GA 31602

    Join us for coffee and conversation at Options Now! Visit www.ValdostaChamber.com to RSVP.

    Limited space available, RSVP today!


    nother Cu


    W i t h t h e C h a m b e rHosted by Options Now

    Tuesday, May 24 • 7:30-9 a.m.214 W. Park Avenue Valdosta, GA 31602

    Join us for coffee and conversation at Options Now! Visit www.ValdostaChamber.com to RSVP.

    Limited space available, RSVP today!

    Sponsorship Guide 31

    “Another Cup” with the ChamberA spin-off of our monthly Business After Hours events, “Another Cup” with the Chamber serves to provide for our early-risers in the community. With a coffee bar provided by The Beanery, your business will have the opportunity to showcase your company, services, products and facility with coffee and conversation. Scheduled monthly from 7:30-9 a.m., you will also be given the chance to provide light breakfast items for 25-50 guests. Sponsors have the option to distribute product samples and promotional materials.

    AUDIENCE:An estimated 25-50 Chamber members and guests in attendance from the Valdosta-Lowndes County business community

    SPONSORSHIP FEE: $300 (plus catering food costs)

    SPONSORSHIP BENEFITS: • Exclusive Sponsorship • Featured on all event promotions • Event held at your location • Opportunity to speak at event • Recognition on Chamber’s event calendar • Chamber In Motion newsletter (x3) • Recognition in Progress Magazine • “Another Cup” with the Chamber photo gallery

    Your name couldbe here!





    MONTHLy 2017

  • PrimeTime Business ExpoThe PrimeTime Business Expo is the Chamber’s first B2B and B2C expo show-casing our Chamber members to the community! The event will feature morethan 90 vendor booths in a format designed to provide a great return oninvestment for our participants. The event will also feature food and beverages along with a fun theme. Take advantage of this opportunity to get your namein front of the leaders of the business community.

    AUDIENCE:Average participation of nearly 450 attendees and approximately 90 exhibitors at the event representing a wide range of industries. This event attracts business professionals at every level.


    SPONSORSHIP BENEFITS: • Exclusive Sponsorship • Featured on all event promotions, advertisements and online billboards • Recognition on Chamber website • Recognition on event program • Your business logo printed postcards • Two display tables in premier location • Opportunity to speak at event • Chamber In Motion newsletter (x3) • Chamber Business Showcase photo gallery • Listed in pre- and post-event press releases • Your business logo printed on Vendor applications • Opportunity to present door prizes at the event • Recognition on the Annual Top 10 Event postcard • TV Commercial

    Your name couldbe here!





    OCTOBER 2017

    PrimeTime Business Expo

    32 Sponsorship Guide


    October 6, 2016






  • Sponsorship Guide 3338 Sponsorship Guide

    PROMOTE – the Chamber gives you many ways to promote your

    business directly to fellow members and to the community at large.

    The Chamber’s publications and sponsorship programs give

    you great value for your marketing dollar.




    E“The Chamber is your first choice in the top two marketing channels: word-of-

    mouth and referrals. From Business After Hours events and networking groups to

    Leading Business of the Week and e-Blasts, there are many avenues that allow

    your business to get noticed and make connections. The Chamber’s print and digital

    publications also allow your business to make a splash by getting your message

    in front of the masses. And who are those masses? They are the movers and the

    shakers of this economy – the people you are looking to promote your business to!”

    - Lee McArthur

    CCB Tech Group


  • Progress MagazineThis full-color publication, published semi-annually, serves Valdosta-Lowndes County businesses and residents covering topics that matter to your business. Each issue provides readers with information about how to capitalize on Chamber membership and tools to foster success and growth, including regular featureson local businesses and the economic outlook. This publication is also available online at ValdostaChamber.com/progress. Each issue has a shelf-life of six months.

    AUDIENCE:Circulation of 4,000. Mailed to all Chamber contacts (2,500+) and business lobbies (1,000+).


    • Front Cover Opportunity*........................$2,500 (20 Copies)

    Plus Two Page Advertorial and 3/4 Page ad on Back Cover

    • Inside Front Cover Ad...................................$800 (20 Copies)

    • Page One Ad..................................................$800 (15 Copies)

    • Full Page Ad...................................................$700 (10 Copies)

    • 1/2 Page Ad.....................................................$500 (5 Copies)

    • 1/4 Page Ad.....................................................$300 (3 Copies)

    • Business Card Ad............................................$150 (2 Copies)

    Advertisers Receive

    ADVERTISINgBENEFITS: • Digital publication included on Chamber website • Chamber Connection newsletter

    *Must be inconjunction with sponsorship of amajor Chamber






    JUNE 2017NOVEMBER 2017

    34 Sponsorship Guide

    2 Full page advertorial sample

  • MoodyLink MagazineMoodyLink magazine is distributed at Newcomer’s Orientation, an orientation program that Moody Air Force Base holds every other Tuesday for newly arriving military personnel. Also available online at ValdostaChamber.com.

    Looking for a more interesting and credible way to welcome Moody newcomers? By purchasing an ad in our MoodyLink Magazine, you also have the opportunity to participate in the Newcomer’s Orientation at Moody AFB.

    AUDIENCE:800+ new military families in the Valdosta area.

    AD RATES: • Front Cover Opportunity .............................................. $2,500 (20 Copies) Plus Two Page Advertorial and Full Page ad on Back Cover • Two Page Advertorial/Advertisement ........................ $1,000 (20 Copies) • Full Page Advertorial/Advertisement .............................$750 (10 Copies) • 1/2 Page Advertorial/Advertisement ............................... $400 (5 Copies) • 1/4 Page Ad ......................................................................... $300 (3 Copies) • Business Card Ad ................................................................ $150 (2 Copies) • Just the Listing ........................................................................ $50 (1 Copy) • Non-Profit and Military Discounts ......................................... $25 (1 Copy)

    ADVERTISINg BENEFITS: • Digital publication included on Chamber website • Chamber In Motion newsletter • Opportunity to participate in Newcomer’s Orientation at Moody AFB

    Advertisers Receive





    JANUARy 2017

    2 Full page advertorial sample

    35 Sponsorship Guide

  • 36 Sponsorship Guide

    Connection MagazinePublished annually, Valdosta’s 65+ lifestyle magazine will be mailed inOctober to over 4,000 affluent senior households. Additional copies will be placedin lobbies of Chamber businesses and distributed among advertisers.Connection magazine will also be available online at ValdostaChamber.com.Let us showcase your products or services in an advertorial to this amenityseeking market!

    AUDIENCE:Affluent Senior households in the Valdosta-Lowndes County area.

    AD RATES: • Front Cover Opportunity.....................................................$2,500 (20 Copies) Plus Two Page Advertorial and 3/4 Page ad on Back Cover

    • Inside Front Cover ...............................................................$1,250 (20 Copies)• Inside Back Cover ................................................................$1,250 (20 Copies)• Two Page Advertorial or Advertisement ...........................$1,500 (20 Copies)• Full Page Advertorial or Advertisement ..........................$1,000 (10 Copies)• 1/2 Page Advertorial or Advertisement .................................$600 (5 Copies)• 1/4 Page Advertisement ..........................................................$350 (3 Copies)• Business Card Advertisement .................................................$200 (2 Copies)• Just the Listing ............................................................................. $50 (1 Copy)

    ADVERTISINg BENEFITS: • Digital publication included on Chamber website • Chamber Connection newsletter

    Advertisers Receive





    OCTOBER 2017

    Assisted Living OptionsChoosing the BEST Fit

    38 39Magazine | 20142014 | Magazine

    When families and their se-nior loved ones select an assisted living community, it’s a life changing decision. The decision involves sever-al sensitive issues such as money, health and unique personal prefer-ences. You want to get it right the first time.

    Fellowship Home has been helping families in the midst of these tough decisions since 1978. Here are some common mistakes we see families make when searching for assisted liv-ing and suggestions on how to avoid them:

    Not Facing Reality AboutCurrent or Future Needs

    It’s important to balance optimism with realistic expectations. Be realistic about you or your loved one’s current care needs as well as their anticipated care needs.Families often come to us for assistance after initially choosing a facility that was not capable of offering the level of services required. Moving a loved one from facility to facility can not only be burdensome and costly to your fam-ily, it can also negatively impact the senior, particularly a loved one who has dementia, which makes adapting to changes especially difficult.

    Judging a Book by its Cover

    People provide care, not fancy buildings and furniture. An attrac-tive setting can be very important, however, quality of care is not some-thing you can detect just by driving

    past to see how green the grass is or by walk-ing in the front door to gauge the qual-ity of the atmosphere and whether or not it smells nice. After doing all the com-parison and analysis you can, trust your gut instinct about which option is best for your situation. Happy staff are usually more caring staff, and a community full of cheerful residents is a very good sign.

    Before making a commitment, you might also consider arranging a respite stay or day only stay at a com-munity your family is exploring.

    Placing Family ConvenienceOver the Best Fit

    Another mistake that we have seen families make is overemphasizing the importance of finding the clos-est community possible. Sometimes the adult child chooses the nearest community based on the intention of visiting their parent everyday. Re-member your parent will be engaged

    in many activities at the community and visiting every day is usually an unrealistic expectation to put on yourself. Go with the best fit.

    Making a DecisionUnder Pressure

    Earlier we noted that some families become so overwhelmed with the choice that they need to make that they don’t make a decision at all. We recommend that families visit more than one senior living community be-fore making a deci-sion, so that they can form a clear picture

    of the options that are available, how communities differ from one another and what makes each community unique. In order to make a good choice you need options.

    Selecting a Community Fit forthe Parent of Yesteryear Insteadof the Parent of TodayIt might be similarly misguided for a family to choose a community for rea-sons that may have been important when younger but now is memory impaired or has other special care needs.

    In conclusion, choosing a community that is the best fit for your loved one’s current and future situation can make the aging process a much better experience and can help you avoid many of the most common mistakes families tend to make when they do not plan appropriately

    By John LaHood

    2 Full page advertorial sample

  • Sponsorship Guide 37

    Ad PackagesIf you would like to be included in multiple Chamber magazines, please check out the discounts below:


    • Ad purchase of any 2 issues ..............................5% off the TOTAL price • Ad purchase of 3 or more issues...................10% off the TOTAL price

    The More You Buy, The More You $ave!

    Our advertising packages are a great way to reach your target audience, while saving money.Call Leslie Harris today at 229.247.8100 ext. 231 to see how much you can SAVE!





  • E-blastsConnect with more than 1,700 Chamber contacts through Chambere-blasts. Chamber e-blasts are the premier email marketing opportunity.

    AUDIENCE:Connect with more than 1,700 contacts per e-blast


    LOyALTy DISCOUNT: • Purchase 9 e-blasts within 12 months and your 10th e-blast is on US!

    Your business’s name could be here!






    wEEKLy IN 2017

    38 Sponsorship Guide

  • Chamber In MotionConnect with more than 1,700 Chamber contacts weekly through ChamberIn Motion.

    AUDIENCE:Connect with more than 1,700 contacts weekly (more than 88,000 annually) through the Chamber’s weekly e-newsletter Chamber In Motion.


    SPONSORSHIP BENEFITS: • Featured on e-newsletter sent each Tuesday featuring Chamber events, and happenings • Logo placement directly under feature story • Logo linked to sponsor website

    Your logo could be






    wEEKLy IN 2017

    Sponsorship Guide 39

  • Chamber Member HandbookChamber staff and Ambassadors hand deliver 1,200+ packets to Chambermembers during the annual Operation Thank You. These packets include the Chamber’s Member Handbook and a Chamber Member decal. The handbook is also distributed throughout the year to prospective new members and others.

    AUDIENCE:Business and community leaders throughout the community


    SPONSORSHIP FEE: • Exclusive Sponsorship • Exclusive logo on front cover of handbook • Recognition on Chamber website • Chamber In Motion newsletter • Full-page color ad in handbook on inside front cover or outside back cover

    Your name couldbe here!





    FEBRUARy 2017

    40 Sponsorship Guide

  • Operation Thank YouConnect with 1,200+ Chamber members annually through Operation Thank You by having your business logo featured on delivery envelopes.

    AUDIENCE:Connect with 1,200+ Chamber members


    SPONSORSHIP BENEFITS: • Featured on large white envelopes which are hand-delivered by Chamber staff and Ambassadors • Recognition on all promotional materials • Recognition in Chamber In Motion newsletter • Company name listed on all pre- and post- event press releases • Opportunity for representative to speak at event • Recognition on Chamber website

    Sampleof logoplacementon front ofOperation Thank YouEnvelopes!





    FEBRUARy 2017

    Sponsorship Guide 41

  • 43 Sponsorship Guide

    Leading Business of the WeekThis year-long program is designed to recognize Chamber members who have been a member for more than five years. Each Monday (excluding holidays)approximately 10 Ambassadors and a Chamber representative present a business with the Leading Business of the Week Banner to display in their business. Eligible businesses are selected at random.

    AUDIENCE: Entire Valdosta-Lowndes County community


    SPONSORSHIP BENEFITS: • Exclusive Sponsorship • Logo on physical banner placed in more than 40+ businesses weekly throughout the year • Opportunity to speak at each presentation • Rotating banner on Chamber homepage for entire year • Leading Business of the Week webpage for entire year • Recognition in Chamber In Motion newsletter weekly • Recognition in Chamber Member Handbook • Recognition in Progress Magazine • Recognition on Chamber’s social media weekly • Recognition in all press releases





    wEEKLy IN 2017

    Your name couldbe here!

  • Certified Military FriendlyMoody AFB is one of the largest economic engines of our region. Its personnel live, shop, dine, and find entertainment at our local businesses, and we want tolet them know how much they are appreciated.

    REQUIREMENTS: • MUST be a Chamber member in good standing • MUST be in good standing with the Better Business Bureau • MUST advertise in MoodyLink magazine or be an SGMAC Ally • MUST offer military discount* (If policy allows)

    CERTIFIED MILITARy FRIENDLy: • Receive Certified Military Friendly seal which can be used in advertising/marketing • Listed in Chamber Progress and MoodyLink magazine • Denoted with seal on Chamber directory • Advertisement in MoodyLink will be recognized • Recognition on custom page on Chamber website • Have opportuntity to showcase military discounts on Chamber Certified Military Friendly website

    If interested in becoming Certified Military Friendly please complete applicationprovided and return to the Chamber by fax at 229-245-0071 or email to Karil Brockington at [email protected]





    Sponsorship Guide 44

  • 45 Sponsorship Guide

    Is Moody Air Force Base important to YOUR business?

    We can bet that it is. Show your support of military members in our community by joining the Chamber’s Certified Military Friendly

    Program. Businesses affiliated with the program will be recognized in our marketing efforts that target military personnel, including special

    acknowledgement on the Chamber website and in MoodyLink magazine. Participating businesses also receive a Certified Military Friendly decal to

    display on the door of your business and on your website letting our military members know that this is a great place for them to do business.

    There are just a few requirements to become a part of the program outlined below.

    Chamber Certified Military Friendly Business Application Form

    Please fill out the application below to become a Certified Military Friendly business. Applications can be mailed to the Valdosta-Lowndes Chamber at 416 N. Ashley Street, or faxed to 229-245-0071. Electronic

    copies of the application are available online at www.ValdostaChamber.com/certifiedmilitaryfriendly Organization Name: _______________________________________________________ Contact Name: ________________________________ Title: ______________________ Company Address: ________________________________________________________ City: ________________________ State: _________________ Zip: ________________ Phone: _________________ Fax: _________________E-mail: _____________________ In order to be Chamber certified, your organization must meet the following requirements:

    MUST be a Chamber member in good standing (no past due balance) MUST have NO unresolved issues with the Better Business Bureau MUST advertise in MoodyLink Magazine OR participate as an SGMAC Ally MUST offer a military discount to active duty military* (If corporate policy allows.).

    Please indicate discount here: __________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

    I, ______________________________, affirm that my business does meet the Chamber Certified Military Friendly requirements, and I authorize the Chamber to confirm my good standing with the Better Business Bureau. I also understand that the Chamber considers my signature below as my personal verification that my business provides exemplary service and benefits to all active duty military personnel indiscriminately. I understand that my business must continue to meet all requirements in order to maintain Chamber Certified status. ________________________________ ___________________________ Authorized Representative Date

    Direct any questions to Ashley Prescott at 247-8100 ext. 232 or [email protected] Direct any questions to Karil Brockington at 229-247-8100 ext. 228 or [email protected]

  • Reservation Form

    Company Name: ______________________________________________________________________________

    Contact: Name:_______________________________ Title: ___________________________________________

    Company Address: ____________________________________________________________________________

    City: _______________________________________ State:_______________ Zip: ________________________

    Phone: _____________________________________ Fax: ____________________________________________

    E-Mail: ______________________________________________________________________________________

    Check the sponsorships that meet the marketing needs of your company:

    Enclosed is my check in the amount of $_______________ or bill me q Quarterly or q AnnuallyPayable to: Valdosta-Lowndes County Chamber of Commerce, 416 N. Ashley Street, Valdosta, GA 31601

    Please charge my credit card: Exclusive Sponsorship q Visa q MasterCard q Discover

    Card # _______________________________________________________________ Exp. Date:_______________

    CVC Code (3-Digit code on the back of your credit card): _________________________________________________

    Cardholder Name:_______________________________Signature: _____________________________________

    MEMBERSHIP LEVELS qChairman’s Circle $6,300 qPresident’s Partners $4,500 qExecutive $2,625 qPremium $1,050 qEnterprise $630 qBusiness $315 qAssociate/Silver Star/Non-Profit $100

    ADVOCATE qFederal Legislative Luncheon (table of 10) $225 qState Legislative Luncheon (table of 10) $225 qSGMAC (See page 16 for prices)

    BUILD qAnnual Economic Summit $5,000 q $1,500 Co-Sponsor qBusiness Outlook Breakfast $3,500 qChamber Membership Event $5,000 qSEEDS Business Resource Center $10,000 qSouthwest Georgia Bank Business Plan Competition (3-Year) $10,000 qSTAR Banquet $2,000 qEAGLE Awards Reception $500 qDRUGS DON’T WORK $2,500

    CONNECTqChamber Annual Awards $5,000 qwith Progress advertising package $2,500 q $2,500 Platinum q $750 VIP Table SponsorqPrimeTime Business Expo $5,000qwith Progress advertising package $2,500 q $200 for Vendor SpaceqBusiness After Hours $1,500 qJoint Business After Hours q $350 Premium Room q $300 Standard Room

    PROMOTEqProgress Magazine (See page 32 for ad prices) qMoodyLink Magazine (See page 33 for ad prices)qConnection Magazine (See page 34 for ad prices) qAd Packages q 5% Discount q 10% Discount qe-Blasts $250 each qChamber In Motion $1,500qChamber Member Handbook $2,500qOperation Thank You $1,000 qLeading Business of the Week $5,000qCertified Military Friendly (See page 40 for pricing)

    NOTE: First priority choice and sponsorships given to Chairman Circle members, afterwards all will be determined on a first come, first serve basis.

    For your convenience shop online at: www.ValdostaChamber.com or fill out formand mail or fax a copy to the Chamber (Fax: 229-245-0071).

  • Contact:Valdosta-Lowndes County Chamber

    229-247-8100 ext. 231or “Shop” online at


    what can we do for yOUR business? ADVOCATE • BUILD • CONNECT • PROMOTE