Alberta Assessors’ Association 2017 Annual Report

2017 - Assessor · Registration Committee Report Unavailable for printing; below is a summary of applications considered over the stated term. The Registration Committee considered

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Page 1: 2017 - Assessor · Registration Committee Report Unavailable for printing; below is a summary of applications considered over the stated term. The Registration Committee considered

Alberta Assessors’ Association

2017Annual Report

Page 2: 2017 - Assessor · Registration Committee Report Unavailable for printing; below is a summary of applications considered over the stated term. The Registration Committee considered



Content Page President’s Report 2

Departing Volunteers 3

Financial Review Summary 4

Membership Statistics 5

Committee Reports

Registration Committee 6

Newly Accredited Members 7

Code of Conduct 8

Practice Review Committee 9

Discipline Committee 10

Legislative Policy Committee 11

Marketing and PR Committee 12

Long Service Recognition 13


Page 3: 2017 - Assessor · Registration Committee Report Unavailable for printing; below is a summary of applications considered over the stated term. The Registration Committee considered


President’s Report It is with great pleasure and pride that I bring you this report on the past year’s accomplishments and successes of the Alberta Assessors’ Associ-ation. In a year of economic uncertainty for Alberta, our Association through its members, committees and stakeholder participation, continued to deliver its industry expertise in many ways to its employers, the prov-ince, special interest groups and most importantly, the public.

This past year began as it ended, with an ongoing review of proposed as-sessment and tax legislation and regulations and participation in the de-velopment of the same. The Modernized Municipal Government Act and its associated regulations kept our Association busy as we participated towards their change with our development of position papers, many that were done through membership feedback mechanisms and direct partici-pation of our learned association experts. That, along with our participa-tion in stakeholder interest groups, particularly in partnership with the Province and the AUMA and AAMDC, we contributed strongly toward the development of the soon-to-be legislative framework that will direct our industry’s activities for years to come. I would like to extend my thanks to all those who contrib-uted in our endeavor and those who will continue to do so.

The Executive Committee undertook a review of several administrative needs including the Strategic Busi-ness Plan and Policy and Bylaw reviews. In respect to the Strategic Business Plan, it had been five years since we last considered its structure and content. Changes made in this regard will assist future commit-tee members and the association to direct its energy and resources where most needed. Several adminis-trative changes were made to our Bylaws; those adjustments will be presented and voted on at the AGM. In respect to our policy reviews, the focus of change improved administrative efficiencies; establishing set meetings dates for committees and addressing an updated position for committee member absenteeism.

Our standing committees were busy as ever this year and provided a number of recommendations, prod-ucts/services and reports to the Executive Committee this year. The Legislative Committee, and estab-lished sub committees worked on reports, position papers and correspondence in respect to the ongoing proposed legislative and regulatory changes. Our Registration Committee provided the Executive with an option of an AMAA Fast-Track for post-graduates, while the Marketing Committee underwent some struc-ture change to its membership and provided a new look of the eClip for the Association. Our Disciplinary Committee members continued to undertake their responsibilities in respect to regulated member conduct and ethics. Lastly, the Practice Review Committee (PRC) worked endlessly to provide an excellent educa-tion program for our Fall Symposium, the most attended symposium ever and, looking at the education program for our annual conference in Red Deer, members will again not be disappointed. The PRC as well worked on professionalism and Ethics education, to which the Association will be developing further in the form of online education training.

On behalf of our Executive Committee I would like to thank all volunteers, committee members and staff for their efforts in participating in and working on the various tasks that have made this past year such a great success. For myself, it truly has been an honour and privilege to represent you as President of this Asso-ciation over this past year, Thanks to all for your support, proving once again that our greatest strength is in our membership.


John G. Lindsay, AMAA President, Alberta Assessors’ Association



The property, funds and affairs of the Association shall be

managed and governed by an Executive Committee elected in accordance with the Profes-sional and Occupational Asso-ciations Registration Act (the Act), the Municipal Assessor Regulation (the Regulation), and the Association bylaws.


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Departing Committee Members (At April 19, 2017)

Lawrence Buchart, Executive Committee

Karen Burnand Executive Committee

René Boutin, Executive Committee

Diane Fraser, Discipline Committee

Wayne Kelly, Nominating Committee

Eddie Lee, Nominating Committee

Gerry Gaetz, Registration Committee

Marcia Barker, Marketing & PR Committee

Gail Butz, Conference Planning

Les Chute, Conference Planning

Shauna Fandrick, Conference Planning

Jeff McKinnon, Practice Review Committee

Brennon Tipton, Practice Review Committee

Harry Neumann, Practice Review Committee

Bonnie Lantz, Exam Sub-Committee

Dan Satoor, Exam Sub-Committee

Larry Riep, Legislative Policy Committee

The Alberta Assessors’ Association operates under the legislative framework of the Professional and Occupational Associations Registration Act and is required to have:

a governing board (the Executive Committee);

a Practice Review Committee;

a Registration Committee; and,

a Discipline Committee.

These are statutory committees. All others are discretionary and assist with Association activities and include:

the Nominating Committee;

the Examination Sub-Committee;

the Legislative Policy Committee;

the Marketing, Communications and Public Relations Committee; and,

the Conference and Symposium Planning Teams.

Approximately 60 members fill the various volunteer posts that make up these committees and teams and, each year, approximately 25% of the membership of these groups changes. The strength and character of the Association is evidenced by the support of all members and the commitment of its volunteers.


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Financial Review Summary

The 2017 fiscal year ended with another shortfall of revenues over expenses despite significant increases in revenues. These reve-nues were largely generated from an extremely positive response to the Association’s professional development activities; however, increased response to these activities also increases the associat-ed expenses. Additionally, the Association has been challenged by ongoing discipline actions which started in 2014. As of this date, 9 of eleven complaints have been completed and two remain ongo-ing and continue to incur legal expenses.

Also in 2016, the Association sponsored the expenses of individu-als appointed to activities and meetings related to the new Modern-ized Municipal Government Act, including travel and subsistence for members attending on behalf of the Association. These can be seen in the detailed breakdown by Committee in the Financial Statements Schedule II on page 14.

Below is a 3-year summary of Revenues and Expenses and on the following page is a more graphic view of the same information.


Significant increases in revenues for profes-sional development.

The Association’s allo-cated reserve funds re-main intact


Source  2014‐15  2015‐16  2016‐17 

Membership Dues and  $220,400.00  $232,274.00  $225,906.00 

Professional Develop‐ $156,492.00  $166,480.00  $214,200.00 

Donations  $15,586.00  $15,157.00  $21,503.00 

Golf Tournament  $3,214.00  $4,676.00  $4,257.00 

Fines and Costs  $866.00  $7,750.00  $0.00 

All Other  $23,900.00  $18,651.00  $12,221.00 

TOTAL  $420,908.00  $444,988.00  $478,087.00 

AAA Revenues by Source

AAA Expenses by Category

The Association earns most of its reve-nue through the collection of annual membership dues (including fees asso-ciated with application and accreditation processing). This revenue is then used throughout the year to cover expenses. Professional Development includes Conference, Pre-Conference, Courses, Symposium and all related funds. Other revenues are sales of advertising, PAAH manuals, miscellaneous goods and ser-vices.

Operations is an “all in” category and includes salaries and generally the costs to run an office. Salaries are not allocat-ed to Committees or professional devel-opment; however, the bulk of human re-source time is allocated to those catego-ries. The 2017 increase of $10 for regu-lated and Associate categories will help offset incremental increases in opera-tions.

Category  2014‐15  2015‐16  2016‐17 

Opera ons (administra on) 

$215,000.00  $195,793.00  $218,547.00 

Commi ees  $18,500.00  $139,501.00  $97,598.00 

Professional Develop‐ment 

$137,000.00  $150,257.00  $174,932.00 

Golf Tournament  $5,800.00  $5,401.00  $4,552.00 

All other (Misc)  $3,200.00  $6,606.00    

TOTAL  $379,500.00  $497,558.00  $495,629.00 


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Membership Statistics

2014 2015 2016 2017

Accredited 338 322 319 315

Candidate 177 189 192 210

Associate 35 34 33 31

Retired 54 65 68 64

Student 13 13 16 19

Life 6 6 6

MPTA 1 2 18

Other 6 8 8 5

Total 629 636 644 668

Membership dues are the most signifi-cant source of stable, predictable fund-ing for the Association. This chart pro-vides a year over year comparative breakdown of membership by type. The Life category previous to 2015 were in-cluded among other categories and is not accurately reflected here; the Munic-ipal Property Tax Administrator (MPTA) Category was formed in 2014.   


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Registration Committee Report Unavailable for printing; below is a summary of applications considered over the stated term. The Registration Committee considered the following during the 2016-17 term: 7 Newly Accredited Members were approved, 26 Candidate applications were accepted, 3 Student member applications were accepted, 12 Municipal Property Tax Administrator (MPTA) applications were

approved 1 Associate member application was approved; 7 Retired Membership applications were accepted; and 3 requests for Membership Cancellations were acknowledged. Pursuant to section 4.3 of Policy 80-4, AMAA Use by Retired, Suspend-ed or Cancelled Member, the Registration Committee also accepted one application for reinstatement of their AMAA designation from Re-tired status.


The mandate of the committee is to consider membership ap-

plications to join the Alberta Assessors' Association and assist applicants working to-

wards their AMAA designation. This includes grading and/or reviewing mandatory require-

ments of the accreditation pro-cess, including Demonstration Appraisal Reports, Tools for Practicing Assessment in Al-

berta courses and Oral Exami-nations.


49 new members ap-proved, including 26 new Candidates

The MPTA category was formed in 2014 and cur-rently has 18 members.


Membership changes over time (2014-2017)

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Kelly Gardiner, AMAA City of Calgary

Larry Laverty, AMAA City of Lethbridge

Jamie Marie Clark, AMAA City of Camrose

Scott Hyde, AMAA City of Edmonton

Becky Burke, AMAA Strathcona County

Karolyn Kelly, AMAA Saddle Hills County

Kent Smith, AMAA Accurate Assessment Group


An Accredited Municipal Assessor of Alberta is any person who is a practicing assessor, has been a Candidate Member for at least one year, and has met all of the requirements of and holds the AMAA designation in good standing.


From left: Vanessa (LaValley) Powell, AMAA; Kristine Angeles, AMAA; Paul Czaj-ka, AMAA; Andrew Cornick, AMAA; Jarrett Young, AMAA; Shauna Fandrick, AMAA; Sean Barrett, AMAA; Kristopher Meadows, AMAA; Brett Van Hereweghe, AMAA; Brent McQuaig, AMAA; and, Jessica Donavan, AMAA


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The mandate of the commi ee is to eval‐

uate/develop educa onal standards for 

the membership, evaluate desirable 

standards of competence for the prac‐

ce of the membership, promote the 

development of con nuing educa on 

programs for the membership, and ad‐

vise on the prac ce of assessment in 



“Record breaking” attendance of 284 registrations for the 2016 Conference in Edmonton and 136 at Fall Symposium in Sherwood Park.


Practice Review Committee Report

The Practice Review Committee is mandated to evaluate and develop educational standards for our membership, to promote continuing education for our members and to evaluate desirable standards of competence for the practice of membership.

The Fall Education Symposium and the Annual Conference are the two main forums in which the PRC promotes continuing edu-cation for our members. The Fall Symposium was held in Sher-wood Park this year hosted by Strathcona County. I would like to thank the organizing committee for their efforts in delivering a successful symposium.

The PRC is also pleased with the pre-conference and confer-ence courses offered during our current 2017 conference. I would like to extend thank you to those members that volunteer their time to prepare and present courses during these two events. I would also like to acknowledge the ongoing relationship with our Municipal Property Tax Administrator colleagues offer-ing a two day workshop municipal government personnel.

In collaboration with Municipal Affairs, the PRC completed a re-view and approved an updated office building module for the PAAH manual earlier this spring. I’d like to thank Tyler Beatty and those members that worked on the module for delivering another useful reference tool for our members.

Another ongoing initiative for the PRC is development of a Professionalism and Ethics Course for AAA mem-bers. This course is based on the Code of Conduct and Ethics and Professional Standards adopted by the Association. This new course will inform participants of the Association’s governing legislation, the Code of Conduct and Professional Standards and the important role each of us have as professional Assessors. When the course development is completed, it will be a mandatory component of the 5-year recertification cycle.

As chair of the PRC I would like to thank for their hard work and dedication: Stephen Bannerman (ex officio); Arla Pirtle; Brennen Tipton; Maureen Cleary; Harry Neumann; Cathy Bretnell; and, Steve Nedoshytko. I would also like to recognize Ashley Mondor and Laurie Hodge for their work and support of the PRC this year.

Respectfully submitted,

Jeff McKinnon, AMAA Chair, Practice Review Committee


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Discipline Committee I am pleased to provide the 2016/2017 Discipline Committee report.

The Discipline Committee completed the hearing of one case on 2016. A two day disciplinary hearing was held in April, 2016 with the decision of the Discipline Committee rendered in March of 2017.

There are currently no other cases in the queue for a hearing.

I would like to thank the members of the committee for their commit-ment to helping the Association assure that the professional conduct of all regulated members is held at a high level in accordance with the Professional and Occupational Associations and Registration Act and the Alberta Assessor Regulation.

I would like to thank Hillary Argento and Diane Fraser for their assis-tance to the committee as they will be stepping down from this Com-mittee this year.

I would like to thank the following members who will be returning for another term: Ron Van Dam, Alana Hempel, Jarrett Young, Travis Lantz, and Dan Hatch.

On behalf of the Committee I would like to thank Laurie Hodge and the executive committee for the assistance this past year.

Respectfully submitted

Rob Ballhorn, AMAA Chair, Discipline Committee


The mandate of the Discipline Committee is to investigate and/or review complaints submitted on the professional conduct of

any regulated member of the Al-berta Assessors’ Association.

The review of complaints against regulated members will be in ac-cordance with the provisions of

the Professional and Occupation-al Associations Registration Act (POARA) and the Municipal As-sessor Regulation under the Act. The Discipline Committee also

conducts its meetings and investi-gations as noted in this Policy.


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The mandate of the Legislative Poli-cy Committee is to prepare position documents on legislative and gov-ernment policy issues affecting the

practice of assessment. The position documents must reflect the Alberta Assessor’s Association’s guiding

principles, as amended from time to time by approval of the membership.  



Reviewed and commented on all MMGA‐related dis‐cussion papers  

Legislative Policy Committee Report The Modernized Municipal Government Act was tabled in the Legislature on May 31, 2016. This event kicked off a very busy summer and fall for our Committee members attending consultation presentations on the Bill and analyzing and preparing response and policy papers. Regulation Working Group consultations also followed throughout the fall and winter. Throughout the year, Committee members expressed concern in regards to the speed of the review and consultation process. Despite this challenge, and with help from subject matter experts chosen from membership, a Position Paper was submitted to the Executive Com-mittee in response to the policy changes outlined in Bill 21. An additional Discussion Paper was submitted to the Executive Committee outlining several identified concerns related more to tax policy than assessment. LPC made no recommendation regarding the second document as to whether it should be included for submission to the Minister or be for-warded to our municipal partners but felt some comment was necessary. Both documents are located on our website and contain discussion on the following matters:


Assessors’ ability to request information (s.295) Assessed Person’s right to request information (s.299, 300) Municipalities right to request information from the Provincial Assessor (s.299.1, 300.1) Ability to correct the roll (s.305) Court Review of ARB decisions (s.470) Non-residential property sub-class and Split Tax Rates 5:1 Ratio ARB Training, and Designated Industrial Property/Provincial Assessor

Municipal Affairs published the “Continuing Conversation Document” after the consultation period on Bill 21 passed. Members provided specific comment on the “How municipalities are funded” section in addition to participating on various working groups throughout the fall and winter. Amendments to the Bill were tabled during the fall sitting, one of which restored the status of “designated officer” that had been previously re-moved from the appointed assessor. The Bill received third reading December 9, 2016.

I wish to extend my sincere gratitude to this year’s Legislative Policy Committee members Stan Dilworth, Dar-ren Nagy, Larry Riep, Deanne Bannerman, Daniel Lidgren, Wes Bowie, and ex-officio Karen Burnand for the innumerable hours they have dedicated to analyzing, drafting and refining our position papers and documents and for their participation on the Working Groups on behalf of the Association and its members. I think it’s also appropriate to thank the numerous members, who, when called upon, responded to assist the Commit-tee this past year. We all owe thanks to our Executive Director - Laurie Hodge for her unfailing support in keeping us organized, on schedule and well written. Respectfully submitted, Angel Svennes, AMAA Chair, Legislative Policy Committee.   


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The mandate of the committee is

to propose, develop and re-view strategies and activities that raise awareness of the Association, the AMAA desig-nation, and the Assessment and Taxation professions;

to ensure the on-going positive relations with internal and ex-ternal stakeholders;

to create and monitor advertis-ing and promotional material; and

to monitors all print and digital media about and for the Asso-ciation.

Marketing Committee Report

In 2016 the Marketing Committee and the Editorial Committee were disbanded and a new committee was formed with the mem-bership of the former two groups combining to become the Mar-keting, Communications and Public Relations Committee. This new group, currently finding its feet, is chaired by the Execu-tive Administrator as an interim measure. It has begun to meet its role by reviewing and making recommendations for the eClip-board (design and publication frequency) and publishing tem-plates such as this report cover. The Committee continues to meet it obligations of reviewing publications and will continue to consider marketing and “PR” activities. As it grows into its role within the Corporate structure, this Com-mittee will have a more proactive role in developing the Associa-tion’s narrative, not just reviewing that story for publication. Respectfully submitted Laurie Hodge Executive Administrator/Registrar


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2017 Long Service Recognition

25 Years  





Calvin Bespalko, AMAA Ray Crews, AMAA

Kathy Gillis, AMAA Luc Mercier, AMAA

Dennis DeBusschere, AMAA Otchere Bediako, AMAA

Career Began With: MD of Rocky View Currently Working For: MD of Bonnyville Career Highlight: Being in Fort McMurray before and during the boom years and implementing annual as-sessments at market value...

Career Began With: Alberta Municipal Affairs Currently Working For: Municipal Assessment Ser-vices Career Highlight: Forming our own company [with Ian and Dan]

Career Began With:

Shell Canada Tax and Insur-ance Dept in Calgary (1978)

Currently Working For:

City of Edmonton

Career Highlight:

I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to advance many assessors’ careers and the assessment profession.

Career Began With:

Saskatchewan Assessment Management Agency (SAMA)

Currently Working For:

Woodlands County

Career Began With:

City of Grande Prairie

Currently Working For:

Husky Energy

Career Highlight:

Office crew supervised with the City of Edmonton. Very rewarding to see their ad-vancement into Team Lead roles.

Career Began With:

City of Edmonton

Currently Working For:

City of Lethbridge

Career Highlight:

All the great people I have worked with in Alberta and British Columbia.

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2017 Long Service Recognition

25 Years






Todd Brasseur, AMAA Evelyn Barton, AMAA

Cathy Brettnell, AMAA

Also celebrating 25 years of continuous professional service:

Dean Cooper, AMAA (Northern Sunrise County

Stewart Dalrymple, AMAA (Town of Cochrane)

Clark Denis, AMAA (Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo

Marty Carpentier, AMAA (City of Edmonton)

2017 Long Service Recognition

30 Years

Also celebrating 30 years of continuous pro-fessional service:

Lynn Simard, AMAA

Randy Affolder, AMAA

(Alliance Assessment Consultants)

Career Began With:

Alberta Municipal Affairs (1986)

Currently Working For:

Compass Municipal Services

Career Highlight:

Creation of CAMAlot!

Career Began With:

City of Calgary Taxation (1981)

Currently Working For:

City of Calgary

Career Highlight:

Receiving my AMAA designation

Career Began With:

Alberta Municipal Affairs (Wainwright)

Currently Working For:

City of Edmonotn

Career Highlight:

More work experience (31 years) than birthdays (29 and holding)...

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2017 Long Service Recognition

35 Years  





Rob Matiko, AMAA John Lindsay, AMAA

Calvin McArthur, AMAA Doug McLenan, AMAA

Stephen Washington, AMAA Victor Koluk, AMAA

Career Began With: Alberta Municipal Affairs (Peace River) Currently Working For: TAQA North Ltd Career Highlight: Being on an airplane for the first time in my life, on a flight from Saskatoon to Edmonton, for a job interview with Munici-pal Affairs in a tall office tower called the Jarvis Building. A rather overwhelming experi-ence for a Saskatchewan farm boy.

Career Began With: City of Calgary (34 years) Currently Working For: Retired Career Highlight: The opportunity to work with and meet the bright, dedicated and fun-loving members who comprise the assessment community. It’s been a pleas-ure. Thank you.

Career Began With:

DMA Red Deer (1982)

Currently Working For:

Wild Rose Assessment Ser-vices (since 1995)

Career Began With:

Alberta Municipal Affairs (Bonnyville)

Currently Working For:

City of Edmonton

Career Highlight:

All of the intriguing characters and enchanting individuals I've had the pleasure of meeting along the way....

Career Began With:

DMA Red Deer

Currently Working For:

Wild Rose Assessment Ser-vices

Career Highlight:

Have worked for most aspects of Assessment: Alta Gov’t, City of Red Deer, Imperial Oil(corporate), Tax Agent & Wild Rose (private)

Career Began With:

Alberta Municipal Affairs (Medicine Hat)

Currently Working For:

MD of Bonnyville

Career Highlight:

All the interesting people and situations that assessment has let me experience.

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2017 Long Service Recognition

35 Years  





Michael Lavigueur, AMAA Orest Golinowski, AMAA

Career Began With: DMA Wainwright (1982) Currently Working For: Beaver County Career Highlight: Attaining my AMAA designa-tion in 1987; volunteering on various positions with the As-sociation (Executive, commit-tees and Rural Director). Member of IAAO and now currently working on how to retire from the County...

Career Began With:

Alberta Municipal Affairs (Red Deer)

Currently Working For:

Alberta Municipal Affairs (Audit Services, Calgary)

Also celebrating 35 years of continuous professional service:

Doug Smith, AMAA (Smith Assessment Services)

Sue Thomson, AMAA (Alberta Municipal Affairs)

Nick Gorda, AMAA (City of Edmonton)

Andre Guilbault, AMAA (Wainwright Assessment Group)

Alan Zimmerman, AMAA (City of Edmonton)

Wayne Lamb, AMAA (Benchmark Assessment Services)

2017 Long Service Recognition

40 Years

Career Began With:

Alberta Municipal Affairs (Industrial, 1977)

Currently Working For:

City of Edmonton

Career Highlight:

Working together with my As-sessment Operation Team and proudly serving the City of Edmonton for over 37 years.

Shi-Tim Chiu, BA, AMAA Stan Dilworth, AMAA

Career Began With:

Alberta Municipal Affairs (1974)

Currently Working For:

Retired and Contracting (City of Lethbridge)

Career Highlight

Purchase of the AAA office as a member of the Building Committee

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2017 Long Service Recognition

40 Years  





Also celebrating 40 years of continuous professional service:

Joseph Tsui, AMAA (City of Edmonton)

Gordon Johnson, AMAA (Mountain View County)

Marion Yacyshyn, AMAA (recently retired from County of St. Paul)

2017 Long Service Recognition

45 Years

Mike’s 45 Year Service was missed in 2016; he is currently in his 46th year of continuous professional membership.

Career Began With:

Alberta Municipal Affairs (Grande Prairie, 1970)

Currently Working For:

Northern Sunrise County which also contracts services to five other municipalities

Career Highlight:

Have seen Assessment go from hand calculations with crank calculators (before electric and digital) to full automation. Helped develop the 1984 farmland manual then a system to assess by soil series. Helped train many Assessors.

Mike Gagnon, AMAA

2017 Long Service Recognition

50 Years

Career Began With:

County of Grande Prairie (1965)

Currently Working For:

Fenton Associates Inc.

Career Highlight:

Retired from Municipal Affairs in 1991. Retiring from Government led to the op-portunity of participating in the development of property tax programs for our First Nations.

It’s been an interesting and challenging career working with a wide range of self-governing jurisdictions.

Alan Fenton, AMAA

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Alberta Assessors’ Association

Code of Conduct and Ethics

A regulated member shall:

a. Be dedicated to the profession,

b. Perform the practice of assessment with fairness, honesty and integrity,

c. Apply expertise and due diligence in performing the practice of assessment,

d. Work toward earning the respect and confidence of all of those served through the practice of assessment,

e. Maintain professional competence by keeping informed of and complying with developments in the acknowledged standards of the profession in which the member practices,

f. Disclose to all affected parties any potential conflict of interest that arises or is likely to arise during the performance of their duties,

g. Always act in accordance with the duties and responsibilities associated with be-ing a member of the Association,

h. At all times act in a manner that will enhance the image of the profession and the Association, and

i. Report to the Association conduct by any member that may be considered uneth-ical.

A regulated member shall not:

a. Undertake assessments for which they are not qualified through either lack of education, experience or ability,

b. Advance their membership or candidacy as evidence of professional qualifica-tion,

c. Claim professional qualifications that are misleading or not factual,

d. Put forward membership or any designation granted by the Association as au-thority to undertake the practice of assessment in areas in which they are not ful-ly qualified,

e. Allow the interests of outside parties to take precedence over their professional duties,

f. Make any irresponsible public statements of value,

g. Disclose any information of a confidential nature to any person except where re-quired by law, and

h. Contravene legislative provisions, bylaws, and/or standards of practice under which they are bound.