2018 Letno poročilo Annual report

2018 · 2019. 7. 17. · 5 Kazalo Index 6 8 12 29 40 42 62 70 72 76 78 79 86 92 94 100 106 112 116 120 126 132 138 144 150 156 162 166 Vision, mission and values Director’s introductory

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Letno poročiloAnnual report

Page 2: 2018 · 2019. 7. 17. · 5 Kazalo Index 6 8 12 29 40 42 62 70 72 76 78 79 86 92 94 100 106 112 116 120 126 132 138 144 150 156 162 166 Vision, mission and values Director’s introductory

Letno poročilo 2018 _ Annual Report2

Poročilo o delu v letu 2018 / Annual report in year 2018

ISSN 2630-1849

Ima spletno izdajo: Poročilo o delu (Kemijski inštitut, Online) = ISSN 2630-1865

Založil / Published by: Kemijski inštitut, Hajdrihova 19, Ljubljana, Slovenija(http://www.ki.si)

Uredili / Edited by: Brigita Pirc in / and dr. Tatjana Tišler(bibliograija/bibliography)

Fotografije / Photo: Arhiv Kemijskega inštituta / Archive of the National Institute of Chemistry

Oblikovanje naslovnice/ Cover Design: Katja Zelinka Škerlavaj in / and Peter Škerlavaj

Oblikovanje / Design: Mayer McCann Ljubljana

Tisk / Print: GPS, Slovenija

Ljubljana, 2019

Naklada / Circulation: 250 izvodov / copies

Brezplačna publikacija / Complimentary publication

Page 3: 2018 · 2019. 7. 17. · 5 Kazalo Index 6 8 12 29 40 42 62 70 72 76 78 79 86 92 94 100 106 112 116 120 126 132 138 144 150 156 162 166 Vision, mission and values Director’s introductory

Letno poročiloAnnual report


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Kazalo Index












Vision, mission and values Director’s introductory words

A look into 2018Exhibition activity at the National Institute of Chemistry

Management of the Institute Operating review of the institute Employees and education

Publications and Citations in 2018 Articles published in journals with the highest impact factorTransfer of knowledge to the economy Project office Successes, awards and recognitions in 2018

General SectorConferences at the National Institute of Chemistry in 2018Conference announcements Theory DepartmentDepartment of Analytical Chemistry Department for Environmental Sciences and Engineering Department of Food Chemistry Department of Polymer Chemistry and Technology Department of Inorganic Chemistry and Technology Department of Materials Chemistry Department of Molecular Biology and Nanobiotechnology Department of Synthetic Biology and Immunology Department of Catalysis and Chemical Reaction EngineeringSlovenian NMR Centre

Center for Validation Technologies and Analytics


Vizija, poslanstvo in vrednote Direktorjeva uvodna beseda

Utrip v letu 2018Razstavna dejavnost na Kemijskem inštitutu

Vodstvo inštituta Pregled poslovanja inštituta Zaposleni in izobraževanje

Objave in citiranost v letu 2018 Članki, objavljeni v revijah z največjim faktorjem vpliva Prenos znanja v gospodarstvo Projektna pisarna Uspehi, nagrade in priznanja v letu 2018

Splošni sektorKonference na Kemijskem inštitutu v letu 2018Napovedi konferenc

Teoretični odsek Odsek za analizno kemijo Odsek za okoljske vede in inženirstvo Odsek za prehrambeno kemijo Odsek za polimerno kemijo in tehnologijo Odsek za anorgansko kemijo in tehnologijo Odsek za kemijo materialov Odsek za molekularno biologijo in nanobiotehnologijo Odsek za sintezno biologijo in imunologijo Odsek za katalizo in reakcijsko inženirstvo Nacionalni center za NMR spektroskopijo visoke ločljivosti Center za validacijske tehnologije in analitiko


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Vizija, poslanstvo in vrednote

Vision, mission and values

VizijaZ vrhunskimi raziskavami premikamo meje

znanosti. S kreiranjem trendov soustvarjamo in-dustrije prihodnosti. S prenosom znanja na mla-de in s prizadevanjem za dobre medsebojne od-nose omogočamo razvoj karier. Predani znanosti želimo postati najboljši na svetu.

PoslanstvoKemijski inštitut je znanstveno odlična, uve-

ljavljena in prebojna raziskovalna ustanova v evropskem prostoru. S svojimi vrhunskimi razi-

VisionWith our cutting-edge research, we are pushing the

boundaries of science. With the creation of trends, we are co-creating the industries of the future. Through the transfer of knowledge to young people and the pursuit of good interpersonal relations, we are en-abling the development of careers. Devoted to sci-ence, we aim to become the best in the world.

MissionThe National Institute of Chemistry is a scientifical-

ly excellent, established and breakthrough research institution in the European area. With our cut-

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skavami bogatimo svetovno zakladnico znanja in sodelujemo pri reševanju najbolj perečih izzivov družbe. Zdravje, trajnostna energija, podnebne spremembe, krožno gospodarstvo in varna hrana so najpomembnejši med njimi. Svoje raziskoval-ne cilje merimo v presežkih, ki premikajo meje v znanosti in ustvarjajo nove vrednosti. Znanje uspešno prenašamo v industrijsko okolje in tako dolgoročno podpiramo umeščenost znanosti v razvoj družbe.

Vključujemo se v mednarodna multidisci-plinarna raziskovalna omrežja ter se povezu-jemo z najboljšimi globalnimi raziskovalnimi institucijami, skupinami in posamezniki. Tako plemenitimo svojo znanstveno odličnost. Vsak dan znova želimo biti tudi odprt učni prostor za mlade raziskovalce. Z najrazličnejšimi projekti in materialno podporo ustvarjamo spodbudno okolje, kjer lahko razvijajo svojo radovednost in udejanjajo svojo raziskovalno ustvarjalnost. S tem skrbimo za vpetost stroke v življenja pri-hodnjih generacij.

Zaposlenim zagotavljamo navdihujoče delovno okolje, v katerem lahko uresničujejo svoje pro-fesionalno poslanstvo. Ponosni smo, da medo-sebni odnosi temeljijo na odprti, povezani, ena-kovredni in vključujoči kulturi, ki se ne omejuje na spol ali raso. Hkrati si prizadevamo postati razlog za vrnitev v tujini delujočih odličnih slo-venskih znanstvenikov. S svojim poslanstvom tako prispevamo k blagostanju širše slovenske družbe in smo zgled za odličnost.

VrednoteOdličnost – z vrhunsko opremo in znanjem od-krivamo neznano.Sodelovanje – skupaj rešujemo najtežje izzive.Pogum – smo vedoželjni, kreativni in si upamo.Brez meja – smo globalno vpeti in odprti za so-delovanje.Delimo znanje – ozaveščamo javnost, širimo znanje med mladimi in ga prenašamo v gospo-darstvo.Družina – zaupamo drug drugemu in smo si v oporo.

ting-edge research, we are enriching the global treasury of knowledge, and working together to solve the most pressing challenges faced by so-ciety. Health, sustainable energy, climate change, a circular economy and safe food are the most important among them. We measure our re-search goals in surpluses that push the borders of science and create new values. We successfully transfer knowledge to the industrial environment and thus, in the long term, support the placement of science in the development of society.

We are members of international multidiscipli-nary research networks and we collaborate with the best global research institutions, groups and individuals. This is how we ennoble our scientific excellence. We aim to be an open learning space for young researchers on a daily basis. With a va-riety of projects and material support, we create a stimulating environment where they can develop their curiosity and realise their research creativ-ity. By doing so, we ensure the integration of the profession into the lives of future generations.

We provide our employees with an inspiring working environment in which they can carry out their professional mission. We are proud that our interpersonal relationships are based on an open, integrated, equitable and inclusive culture that is not limited to gender or race. At the same time, we strive to become the reason for the return of excel-lent Slovenian scientists abroad. With our mission, we contribute to the well-being of the wider Slove-nian society and are also an example of excellence.

ValuesExcellence – with cutting-edge equipment and knowledge we discover the unknown.Collaboration – we tackle the most difficult chal-lenges together.Courage – we are curious, creative and daring.Without borders – we are globally engaged and open to collaboration.We share knowledge – we raise public aware-ness, spread knowledge among young people and transfer it to the economy.Family – we trust and support each other.

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Letno poročilo 2018 _ Annual Report8

Brez znanosti ni prihodnosti. Ta misel je osnovno vo-dilo mojega delovanja, zavezan sem mu tako osebno kot v imenu inštituta. Prizadevamo si, da bomo danes, jutri in na dolgi rok pomembno prispevali k blagostanju in dobrobitim, ki jih odlična znanost lahko prinese. Dobro vemo, da je šlo v zgodovini najbolje tistim državam, ki so vlagale v znanost, ter da razvoj in napredek temeljita na znanstveni odličnosti in vrhunskih raziskavah. Te so gonilo na poti do prebojnih dosežkov in pomembnih premikov, ki jih razvojno naravnana družba, kakršna si slovenska družba želi biti, nujno potrebuje. In teh načel se pri vodenju Kemijskega inštituta iz leta v leto bolj oklepam. Želim namreč, da bi znanstvena uspešnost, s katero se na inštitutu lahko pohvalimo, k svetovnemu vrhu vztrajno potiskala ne le našo raziskovalno ustano-vo, ampak celotno slovensko znanost in družbo nasploh.

Tudi zato smo v letu 2018 na Kemijskem inštitutu za-snovali novo strategijo, Strategijo Kemijskega inštituta 2019-2023, v skladu s katero bomo delovali v prihodnjih letih, in si hkrati zadali nove cilje, h katerim stremimo. Zagotavljanje znanstvene odličnosti, ki je temelj vsake-ga inovativnega in prodornega znanstvenega okolja, je pri tem, brez pomisleka, na prvem mestu. Tu so še okrepljena prizadevanja za vrhunsko raziskovalno in-frastrukturo, ki jo nenehno bogatimo, vpetost v znanst-vene tokove, zvišan delež raziskav iz evropskih projek-tov, povečano in tesnejše sodelovanje z gospodarstvom, povečanje prihodkov na račun industrije, patentov in li-cenciranja ter nenazadnje večjo prepoznavnost znanos-ti v širši družbi. V okviru svojega poslanstva namreč spodbujamo tudi vsestransko promocijo znanstvenora-ziskovalnega dela in znanosti nasploh. Želimo namreč, da bi bilo delo znanstvenikov cenjeno in razumljeno kot gonilo gospodarskega in vsesplošnega napredka.

Naj v nadaljevanju izpostavim nekaj odmevnejših dosežkov v letu 2018, s katerimi smo znova potrdili, da naši dosežki sodijo v sam svetovni vrh. Odsek za sintez-no biologijo in imunologijo je konec leta objavil kar tri članke v prestižnih revijah družine Nature. V člankih so

Direktorjeva uvodna beseda

Znanstvena odli�nost



Redne neodvisnemednarodne presoje

International evaluations by scientific advisory board


Vklju�enost v znanstvene tokove

Inclusion in international networks


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Without science there is no future. This thought is the basic guideline of my work, and I am committed to it both personally and in the name of the Institute. We are striving to significantly contribute to prosper-ity and welfare, which excellent science can bring, to-day, tomorrow and in the long run. We are well aware that history was best for those countries that invest-ed in science, and that development and progress are based on scientific excellence and cutting-edge research. They are key drivers on the way to break-through achievements and important shifts that a de-velopment-oriented society, such as the one that the Slovenian society wishes to be, urgently needs. And in the management of the National Institute of Chemis-try, I hold on to these principles more, year after year. I wish that the scientific success, which we can show at the Institute, will persistently push towards the world summit, not only our research institution, but the entire Slovenian scientific community and society in general.

That is why, in 2018, at the National Institute of Chemistry, we designed a new strategy; the Strategy of the National Institute of Chemistry 2019-2023, by which we shall abide in the coming years, and at the same time set new goals that we aspire to. Ensuring scien-tific excellence, which is the foundation of every innova-tive and pervasive scientific environment, is without a doubt, at the forefront. There are also increased efforts for cutting-edge research infrastructure, which is con-stantly being enriched, engagement in scientific flows, increased share of research from European projects, increased and closer cooperation with the economy, increased revenues at the expense of industry, patents and licensing, and, last but not least, greater visibility of science in the general society. As part of our mission, we also promote the comprehensive promotion of sci-entific research work and science in general. We want the work of scientists to be appreciated and understood as a driver of economic and universal progress.

I would like to point out some notable achievements in 2018, with which we reconfirmed that our achieve-ments are ranked amongst the best in the world. At the end of the year, the Department of Synthetic Bi-ology and Immunology published three articles in the prestigious Nature family journals. The articles helped explain the mechanisms of natural immunity, the un-known functioning of TALE proteins, and described new ways to rapidly regulate the functioning of human cells. In collaboration with the Theory Department,

Director’s introductory words

Vrhunska raziskovalna infrastruktura

Excellent infrastructure for research


Zvišan delež raziskav iz EU projektov

Increased financing for EU projects


Pove�ani prihodki na ra�un industrije patentov in licenciranja

Increased financing from patents and licensing


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pripomogli k pojasnitvi mehanizmov naravne imunosti, neznanega delovanja proteinov TALE in opisali nove načine hitrega uravnavanja delovanja človeških celic. Sodelavci Odseka za kemijo materialov so v sodelovanju s Teoretičnim odsekom razvili novo tehniko spremljanja sprememb v katodnih materialih s pomočjo infrardeče spektroskopije. Sodelavci istega odseka so sodelovali tudi v raziskavi, ki je pokazala, da na potek fazne trans-formacije v insercijskih baterijah pomembno vpliva površinska difuzija aktivnih specij. Sodelavci Odseka za anorgansko kemijo in tehnologijo so z NMR analizo kristalnih in steklastih materialov proučili prej neznana porozna kovinsko-organska stekla. Sodelavci Nacional-nega centra za NMR spektroskopijo visoke ločljivosti pa so objavili raziskavo, ki se kot prva loteva problematike osteoporoze z vidika tvorbe nenavadnih DNA struktur, kot so na primer G-kvadrupleksi.

Posebej je treba izpostaviti dosežek profesorja Ro-mana Jerale, vodje Odseka za sintezno biologijo in imu-nologijo, ki je bil uspešen na razpisu za ERC za uvel-javljene raziskovalce (ERC Advanced Grant). Prof. dr. Roman Jerala je tako eden od zgolj sedmih slovenskih raziskovalcev, ki so bili do zdaj uspešni na tem raz-pisu, obenem pa gre za prvi slovenski ERC projekt na področju ved o življenju. S tem projektom se Kemijski inštitut utrjuje na svetovni ravni kot vodilna inštitucija na področju raziskav ved o življenju. Petletni projekt ima naslov »MaCChines - Molekulski stroji na osnovi proteinskega origamija iz obvitih vijačnic«, prof. Jerala pa je zanj prejel 2,5 milijona evrov.

Pomemben del inštitutskega utripa so tudi najrazličnejši dogodki, ki jih organiziramo, od znanst-venih predavanj do okroglih miz za širšo javnost, in teh je iz leta v leto več. Med njimi naj za leto 2018 izpostavim obisk eminentne izraelske znanstvenice, prof. dr. Ade Yonath, Nobelove nagrajenke za kemijo leta 2009. To izjemno biokemičarko in kristalografinjo smo povabili na 2. Simpozij Janka Jamnika za mlade v znanosti, kjer smo v okviru Preglovega kolokvija gostili njeno znanst-veno predavanje. Osredotočeno je bilo na refleksijo o izvoru življenja, pri čemer je Yonathova spregovorila tudi o specifičnih, okolju prijaznih antibiotikih. V okviru 2. Simpozija Jamnika Jamnika so se sicer predstavili nekateri mlajši raziskovalci, dobitniki različnih nagrad in priznanj za svoja doktorska dela, ki so jih prejeli v zadnjih letih: dr. Alen Vižintin, dr. Andraž Krajnc, dr. Aljoša Bolje, dr. Miha Grilc, dr. Jure Borišek, dr. Tina Lebar in dr. Tea Lenarčič.

Prav na razvoj in omogočanje karier mlajših raziskov-alcev smo na inštitutu še posebej pozorni. Zavedamo se, da bodo prav ti v prihodnje kot ‘sejalci’ znanja boga-tili znanost. A kljub temu, da si nenehno prizadevamo ustvariti spodbudno okolje, ki bi mladim znanstvenikom omogočilo razvoj in realizacijo raziskovalnih zamisli,

nas leto 2018 navdaja z zaskrbljenostjo, saj je pri nas svoje projekte zaključilo zelo malo, le osem doktoran-dov. Po drugi strani pa nas veseli podatek, da je v letu 2018 na Kemijskem inštitutu z usposabljanjem začelo 21 mladih doktorandk in doktorandov, kar kaže na to, da imamo zelo dobro osnovo za nadaljnji razvoj inštituta.

Vsi predhodno nanizani dosežki in dogodki so pomemben pokazatelj, da smo na pravi poti, na poti k udejanjanju naših zavez in vizije. Da bomo z vrhunskimi raziskavami tudi v prihodnje premikali meje znanosti, s kreiranjem trendov soustvarjali industrije prihodnosti ter s prenosom znanja na mlade in prizadevanjem za dobre medsebojne odnose omogočali razvoj karier. Predani znanosti, brez katere ni prihodnosti, želimo postati najboljši na svetu.

prof. dr. Gregor Anderluh

Organizacijska fleksibilnost in odli�ni kadri

Organisational flexibility and excellent personnel


Usposabljanje in podpora doktorandom

Training of young scientists


Ve�ja prepoznavnost znanosti v družbi

Better visibility of science in society


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the Department of Materials Chemistry developed a new technique for monitoring changes in cathodic materials using infrared spectroscopy. Colleagues from the same department also participated in a re-search, which showed that the phase transformation in insertional batteries is significantly impacted by the surface diffusion of active phases. The Depart-ment of Inorganic Chemistry and Technology studied previously unknown porous metal-organic glass, with an NMR analysis of crystalline and vitreous materi-als. Researchers from the Slovenian NMR Centre have published a study to address the issue of osteoporosis from the point of view of the formation of unusual DNA structures, such as G-quadruplexes.

Particular emphasis should be given to the achieve-ment of Professor Roman Jerala, Head of the Depart-ment of Synthetic Biology and Immunology, who was awarded the ERC Advanced Grant. Prof. Dr. Roman Jerala is therefore one of only seven Slovenian re-searchers who have been successful in this call so far, and at the same time this is the first Slovenian ERC project in the field of life sciences. With this project, the National Institute of Chemistry is consolidated at a global level as a leading institution in the field of life sciences. The five-year project is titled »MaCChines - Molecular machines based on coiled-coil protein ori-gami«, and Prof. Jerala received EUR 2.5 million for it.

An important part of the Institute’s pulse is also the organisation of diverse events, from scientific lectures to round tables for the general public, and they have grown substantially year after year. Among them, for the year 2018, I would like to highlight the visit of an eminent Israeli scientist, Prof. Dr. Ada Yonath, Nobel Prize Winner in Chemistry in 2009. We invited this extraordinary biochemist and crystallograph to the 2nd Janko Jamnik Symposium for Young People in Science, where we hosted her scientific lecture in the framework of the Pregl Colloquium. It focused on the reflection on the origin of life, where Yonath also spoke about specific, environmentally-friendly antibi-otics. Within the 2nd Janko Jamnik Symposium, junior researchers, winners of various awards and recogni-tions for their doctoral theses that they received in recent years, were presented: Dr. Alen Vižintin, Dr. Andraž Krajnc, Dr. Aljoša Bolje, Dr. Miha Grilc, Dr. Jure Borišek, Dr. Tina Lebar and Dr. Tea Lenarčič.

At the Institute, we pay particular attention to devel-oping and facilitating the careers of junior research-ers. We are aware that they will enrich science in the future as the »sowers« of knowledge. Although we constantly strive to create a stimulating environment that enables young scientists to develop and realise their research ideas, we are concerned about 2018, as only a few, eight, of our doctoral candidates complet-

ed their projects this year. On the other hand, we are pleased to note that in 2018, 21 young doctoral can-didates started their training at the National Institute of Chemistry, which shows that we have a very good basis for the further development of the Institute.

All previously-stated achievements and events are an important indicator that we are on the right path towards the realisation of our commitments and our vision. To move the boundaries of science in the future with cutting-edge research by creating trends, co-cre-ating the industries of the future, and facilitating ca-reer development through the transfer of knowledge to young people and the pursuit of good interpersonal relations. Devoted to science, without which there is no future, we wish to become the best in the world.

prof. dr. Gregor Anderluh

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Utrip v letu 2018

A look into 2018


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Utrip v letu 2018

A look into 2018


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Utrip v letu 2017

Nagrajenci izr. prof. dr. Mojca Benčina, prof. dr. Gvido Bratina, Vesna Štih in predsednik Republike Slovenije Borut PahorAward recipients Ass. Prof. Dr. Mojca Benčina, Prof. Dr. Gvido Bratina, Vesna Štih and the President of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor

Utrip v letu 2018 A look into 2018

Glavna prireditev v letu 2018 je bil že tretji Te-den Kemijskega inštituta, ki je potekal od 4. do 8. junija in v katerem se je Kemijski inštitut v okviru svojega poslanstva predstavil širši javnosti. Ob tej priložnosti smo organizirali vrsto različnih dogod-kov, ki jih predstavljamo v nadaljevanju.

Osrednja slovesnost s podelitvijo Preglovih na-grad in štipendije »Za mlade v znanosti« je pote-kala na Kemijskem inštitutu. Častni gost in slav-nostni govorec na slovesnosti je bil predsednik Republike Slovenije gospod Borut Pahor. Njegov nagovor je priložen v okvirju.

Preglovo nagrado za izjemne dosežke je pre-jela izr. prof. dr. Mojca Benčina, višja znanstvena svetnica na Kemijskem inštitutu v Ljubljani, ki sodi med najprodornejše slovenske raziskovalke na področjih imunologije, mikrobiologije in sintezne biologije. Velik del njenih nedavnih raziskovalnih aktivnosti zaznamuje področje prirojene imunosti.

The main event in 2018 was the third Week of the National Institute of Chemistry, held from 4th to 8th June, in which the National Institute of Chemistry presented itself to the general pub-lic as a part of its mission. On this occasion, we organised a series of different events, which are presented below.

The main ceremony with the awarding of the Pregl Awards, and the scholarship »For Young Academics in Science« was held at the National Institute of Chemistry. The President of the Re-public of Slovenia, Mr. Borut Pahor, was the hon-orary guest and keynote speaker at the ceremony. His speech is attached in the box below.

The Pregl Award for extraordinary achieve-ments was received by Associate Professor Dr. Mojca Benčina, senior research associate at the National Institute of Chemistry in Ljubljana, one of the most incisive Slovenian female researchers

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Preglovo nagrado za izjemne dosežke je prejel tudi prof. dr. Gvido Bratina, redni profesor na Uni-verzi v Novi Gorici, ki sodi med najprodornejše raziskovalce na področju raziskav elektronskih, optičnih in strukturnih lastnosti tankih organskih polprevodniških slojev in dvodimenzionalnih ma-terialov. Dobitnica doktorske štipendije Sklada Janka Jamnika za perspektivno mlado razisko-valko ali raziskovalca pa je bila Vesna Štih, štu-dentka kemije Univerze v Mariboru. Štipendija s seboj prinaša redno zaposlitev, stroške vpisnine na doktorski študij, obisk ene konference letno po njeni izbiri in stroške do polletnega izpopolnjeva-nja v tujini.

V Tednu Kemijskega inštituta smo organizirali tudi predavanje Giovannija Bottarija, pridružene-ga urednika znanstvene revije Nature Commu-nications, globalno najbolj citirane znanstvene revije v odprtem dostopu. Naslov predavanja je bil »Kaj moramo vedeti o publiciranju v druži-ni revij Nature (peer review)?«. Gostili smo tudi predavanji obeh dobitnikov Preglove nagrade za izjemne raziskovalne dosežke v letu 2017, prof. dr. Gregorja Malija, ki je imel predavanje z nas-

in the fields of immunology, microbiology and syn-thetic biology. A large part of her recent research activities has been marked by the field of innate immunity. The Pregl Award for extraordinary achievements was also received by prof Dr. Gvido Bratina, Full Professor at the University of Nova Gorica, one of the most incisive researchers in the field of electronic, optical and structural char-acteristics of thin organic semiconducting layers and two-dimensional materials. The winner of the doctoral scholarship from the Janko Jamnik Fund for the perspective early-stage researcher was Vesna Štih from the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology at the University of Maribor. The scholarship also brings a full-time job and covers the enrolment fee for the doctoral study, a visit to a conference of her choice and costs for a six-month training programme abroad.

In the Week of the National Institute of Chemis-try, we also organised a lecture held by Giovanni Bottari, associate editor of the scientific journal, Nature Communications, the most widely-quoted open access scientific journal. The title of his lec-ture was »What should we know about publishing

prof. dr. Tamara Pavasovič TroštProf. Dr. Tamara Pavasovič Trošt

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lovom: »Kaj nam spektroskopija z jedrsko ma-gnetno resonanco lahko pove o zgradbi trdnih snovi?« in prof. dr. Stanislava Gobca, ki je imel predavanje »Razvoj novih encimskih inhibitorjev za zdravljenje nevrodegenerativnih bolezni«. V okviru predavanj Forum40 se je s predavanjem »Reprogramming mammalian cells with desig-ned transcription factors«predstavila mlajša raz-iskovalka dr. Tina Lebar iz Odseka za sintezno bi-ologijo in imunologijo. Na jutranji kavi je prof. dr. Jure Zupan predstavil aktualno tematiko tehno-logij veriženja blokov: »Matematične osnove me-todologije veriženja blokov«. S predavanjem prof. dr. Tamare Pavasovič Trošt z Ekonomske fakulte-te Univerze v Ljubljani, na temo medgeneracijske komunikacije, smo skušali osvetliti pomen različ-nih vrednot in generacijsko vrzel med mlajšimi in starejšimi znanstveniki. Naslov predavanja je bil: »Premoščanje vrzeli med generacijami razisko-valcev v akademskih okoljih: učinkovita komuni-kacija in motivacijske strategije za sodelovanje generacij raziskovalcev«.

Organizirali smo tudi dve omizji, prvo na temo znanosti kot sogovornici politiki in gospodarstvu pri razvojnih vprašanjih Slovenije, z naslovom: »Znanost kot steber razvojnega in gospodarskega preboja Slovenije« in drugo o izzivih raziskovalnih organizacij na področju intelektualnega kapitala in nujnosti bolj odprte zakonodaje, z naslovom: »Start ups, spin offs or spin outs - commerciali-zation of know-how from academia to industry - avoiding pitfalls and best practices«. Pri tem smo v aktualne razprave povabili priznane strokovnjake iz politike, gospodarstva in akademska skupnosti.

V okviru naših prizadevanj povezovanja znanosti in umetnosti ter iskanja medsebojne sinergije in spodbujanja ustvarjalnosti, smo v tem tednu od-prli in gostili razstavo akademskega slikarja in znanstvenika dr. Marina Beroviča »Rdeče in belo«. Umetnik je predstavil svoje slike s kitajsko mo-tiviko rdeče zemlje ali Dongchuanovih pejsažev. Otvoritev je z glasbeno uverturo pospremil priznan glasbenik Lado Jakša.

Vse dni v tem tednu smo na široko odprli vra-ta inštituta vsem zainteresiranim in jim omogočili ogled laboratorijev, predstavili delo in področja de-lovanja odsekov inštituta ter jim razkazali najbolj sodobno raziskovalno opremo.

in the Nature scientific journal family (peer re-view)?« We also hosted lectures from both recipi-ents of the Pregl Award for extraordinary research achievements in 2017, Prof. Dr. Gregor Mali, who held a lecture titled »What can nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy tell us about the struc-ture of solid materials?«, and by Prof. Dr. Stanislav Gobec, who held a lecture titled »Development of new enzyme inhibitors for the treatment of neuro-degenerative diseases«. In the framework of the Forum40 lectures, a young researcher, Dr. Tina Lebar, from the Department of Synthetic Biol-ogy and Immunology, introduced herself with the lecture »Reprogramming mammalian cells with designed transcription factors«. During morning coffee, Prof. Dr. Jure Zupan presented the current topic of block sequencing technologies: »Mathe-matical basics of block sequencing methodology«. With a lecture held by Prof. Dr. Tamara Pavasovič Trošt, from the Faculty of Economics at the Univer-sity of Ljubljana, on the topic of intergenerational communication, we tried to highlight the impor-tance of different values and the generational gap between the younger and older generation of scientists. The title of the lecture was: »Bridging the gap between generations of researchers in academic environments: effective communication and motivational strategies for the cooperation of generations of researchers«.

We also organised two round tables, first on the topic of science as an interlocutor to politics and the economy in the development issues of Slove-nia, titled »Science as the pillar of development and economic breakthrough of Slovenia«, and the second on the challenges of research organisa-tions in the field of intellectual capital and the need for more open legislation, titled: »Start-ups, spin-offs or spin-outs - commercialisation of know-how from academia to industry - avoid-ing pitfalls and best practices”. We invited experts from politics, the economy and the academic community to the current discussions.

As part of our efforts to integrate science and art and to seek mutual synergy and creativity, we opened and hosted an exhibition of the academic painter and scientist Dr. Marin Berovič, »Red and White«. The artist presented his paintings with Chi-nese motifs of Red Land or Dongchuan landscapes.

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Poleg tedna Kemijskega inštituta bi želeli izpo-staviti še nekaj dogodkov, ki smo jih organizirali v letu 2018:

Na ogled in predstavitev inštituta smo povabi-li japonskega veleposlanika, g. Keijia Fukuda (11. 2. 2018). Ob obisku je direktor Kemijskega inštituta prof. dr. Gregor Anderluh gostu razkazal razisko-valne zmogljivosti v Preglovem raziskovalnem cen-tru ter Odseku za sintezno biologijo in imunologijo, predstavniki odsekov pa so mu podrobneje predsta-vili delo in dosežke Kemijskega inštituta, nekaj od teh tudi v sodelovanju z japonskimi partnerji.

Organizirali smo dogodek, na katerem smo predstavili rezultate raziskave, katere izsledki so bili objavljeni v prestižni znanstveni reviji Natu-re Communications (15. 2. 2018). Naslov članka je »Preiskovanje elektrokemijskih reakcij v organskih katodnih materialih s pomočjo operando infrarde-če spektroskopije«. Odkritje odpira nove možnosti preiskovanja že obstoječih akumulatorskih siste-mov z novo operando analitsko tehniko, ki lahko delovanje akumulatorja oziroma akumulatorskega katodnega materiala spremlja med samim delo-vanjem. Delo je plod sodelovanja med različnimi odseki na Kemijskem inštitutu in je dober pokaza-

Ob obisku Odseka za kemijo materialov je dr. Goran Dražić veleposlaniku predstavil transmisijski elektronski mikroskopDuring the visit of the Department of Materials Chemistry, Dr. Goran Dražić presented the Transmission Electron Microscope to the Ambassador

The opening was accompanied by a musical over-ture from an accomplished musician, Lado Jakša.

Every day this week, we opened the doors of the Institute wide to all interested parties, enabled them to view our laboratories, presented our work and the fields of work of the Institute’s De-partments, and demonstrated to them the most modern research equipment.

In addition to the Week of the National Institute of Chemistry, we would like to highlight some oth-er events that we organised in 2018:

We invited the Japanese ambassador, Mr. Keijia Fukuda, for a visit and presentation of the Institute (11th February 2018). During the visit, the Director of the National Institute of Chemistry, Prof. Dr. Gregor Anderluh, demonstrated to his guest the research capacities of the Pregl Research Centre and the Department of Synthetic Biology and Immunology, and the Department representatives demonstrated to him in detail the work and achievements of the National Chemical Institute, some of them in coop-eration with Japanese partners.

We organised an event in which we presented the results of the research, which were published in the prestigious scientific journal, Nature Commu-

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Doc. dr. Marjeta Podobnik je gostoma predstavila Odsek za molekularno biologijo in nanobiotehnologijoDoc. Dr. Marjeta Podobnik presented the Department of Molecular Biology and Nanobiotechnology to the guests.

Avtorji raziskave, z leve: prof. dr. Jože Grdadolnik, dr. Jernej Stare, prof. dr. Robert Dominko, dr. Jan Bitenc, dr. Alen Vizintin, dr. Klemen Pirnat in Anja Kopač LautarAuthors of the research, from the left: Prof. Dr. Jože Grdadolnik, Dr. Jernej Stare, Prof. Dr. Robert Dominko Dr. Jan Bitenc, Dr. Alen Vizintin, Dr. Klemen Pirnat and Anja Kopač Lautar

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telj, da je tudi z izključno domačim znanjem mogo-če prodreti v tako visoko rangirane revije.

Kemijski inštitut je 14. marca obiskal minister za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano, mag. Dejan Židan, skupaj z direktorjem Uprave RS za varno hrano, veterinarstvo in varstvo rastlin dr. Janezom Posedijem. Namen srečanja je bil predstavitev dela, dosežkov in usmeritev inštituta ter pogovori, med drugim tudi o pogledu na razvoj Slovenije in vlogo znanosti pri tem.

Na inštitutu smo 9. aprila predstavili raziskovalni projekt, za katerega je prof. dr. Roman Jerala, vodja Odseka za sintezno biologijo in imunologijo na Ke-mijskem inštitutu v izjemno močni konkurenci pre-jel prestižni ERC Advanced Grant 2017 za uveljav-ljene raziskovalce. Ob tej priložnosti je, obkrožen z ožjimi sodelavci, ki so pripomogli k izjemnemu uspehu, ponosno zarezal v torto z ERC znakom.

Organizirali smo omizje »Biotehnologija in nje-na moč v prihodnosti«, z udeležbo uglednih razi-skovalcev s področja biotehnologije in biomedici-ne, ki že v tem stoletju napovedujeta neverjetne

Prof. dr. Roman Jerala in sodelavci; predstavitev ERC Advanced Grant projektaProf. Dr. Jerala and colleagues; presentation of the ERC Advanced Grant project

nications (15th February 2018). The title of the article is »Probing electrochemical reactions in organic cathode materials via in operando infrared spec-troscopy«. The discovery opens up new possibilities for studying existing battery systems using a new operative analytical technique that can monitor the operation of the battery or battery cathode mate-rial during its operation. The work is the result of cooperation between different Departments at the National Institute of Chemistry and it is a good indi-cator that it is possible to be published in such high-ranking journals even with domestic knowledge.

On 14th March, the National Institute of Chemis-try was visited by the Minister of Agriculture, For-estry and Food, Mag. Dejan Židan, together with the Director of the Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Food Safety, Veterinary and Plant Protection, Dr. Janez Posedi. The purpose of the meeting was to present the work, achievements and vision of the Institute, as well as to discuss the views on the development of Slovenia and the role of science in this regard.

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Vsi razpravljalci, primarij dr. Damjan Radosavljevič, prof. dr. Roman Jerala, dr. Miomir Kneževič, prof. dr. Matjaž Jeras in dr. Matjaž Peterka, so se zedinili v stališču, da je potrebno o tako zahtevnih in večplastnih vprašanjih, ki jih odpirata biotehno-logija oziroma biomedicina, pogosto seznanjati najširšo javnost.All debaters, Chief Dr. Damjan Radosavljevič, Prof. Dr. Roman Jerala, Dr. Miomir Knezevic, Prof. Dr. Matjaž Jeras and Dr. Matjaž Peterka, united in the position that it is often necessary to inform the broadest public about such demanding and multi-faceted issues that biotechnology or biomedicine open.

preboje. Zlasti biomedicina, ki je med znanstve-nimi vedami deležna izjemne pozornosti, naj bi resne premike dosegla z zdravljenjem z matični-mi celicami in genetskimi raziskavami. Omizje je potekalo 8. oktobra.

Ob izidu slovenskega prevoda knjige »Podjetniška država« (založba Umco), italijansko ameriške ekono-mistke Mariane Mazzucato, smo 6. novembra 2018 pripravili razpravo, ki je odpirala vprašanja odnosa med javnim in zasebnim sektorjem v kontekstu go-spodarske rasti in družbenega razvoja sploh.

V jeseni, 30. novembra 2018 smo organizirali Simpozij Janka Jamnika za mlade znanstveni-ke in Preglov kolokvij z Nobelovo nagrajenko za kemijo 2009 prof. dr. Ado Yonath. Simpozij nosi ime prof. dr. Janka Jamnika in predstavlja nada-ljevanje zastavljenega poslanstva in proaktivnega dela z mladimi raziskovalci Kemijskega inštituta, ki jih je zavzeto spodbujal tudi prof. Jamnik. Svoje raziskovalno delo so predstavili raziskovalci: dr.

On 9th April, we presented a research project at the Institute, for which Prof. Dr. Roman Jerala, Head of the Department of Synthetic Biology and Immunology at the National Institute of Chemis-try, received a prestigious ERC Advanced Grant 2017 for outstanding researchers in an extremely strong competition. On this occasion, he proudly cut into a cake with an ERC symbol, surrounded by his close associates, who contributed to his ex-ceptional success.

We organised the round table »Biotechnology and its power in the future«, with the participa-tion of distinguished researchers from the field of biotechnology and biomedicine, which predict incredible breakthroughs in the course of this century. In particular, biomedicine, which receives extraordinary attention among the scientific dis-ciplines, should achieve serious shifts through stem cell treatment and genetic research. The round table was held on 8th October.

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Alen Vižintin, dr. Andraž Krajnc, dr. Aljoša Bolje, dr. Miha Grilc, dr. Jure Borišek, dr. Tina Lebar in dr. Tea Lenarčič. Simpozij se je nadaljeval s Preg-lovim kolokvijem prof. dr. Ade Yonath, izraelske biokemičarke in kristalografinje, Nobelove nagra-jenke za kemijo leta 2009. Njeno znanstveno pre-davanje je bilo osredotočeno na refleksijo o izvoru življenja. Spregovorila je tudi o specifičnih okolju prijaznih antibiotikih.

Konec leta (10. 12. 2018) smo organizirali tra-dicionalni sprejem za poslovne partnerje in pode-litev Preglovih nagrad za izjemno doktorsko delo. Častni gost in slavnostni govornik na slovesnosti je bil minister za izobraževanje, znanost in šport dr. Jernej Pikalo. Prva Preglova nagrada je šla v roke dr. Andražu Krajncu, raziskovalcu na Odse-ku za anorgansko kemijo in tehnologijo na Kemij-skem inštitutu, ki je doktoriral na Podiplomski šoli

Razpravljalci (z leve) prof. dr. Gregor Anderluh, direktor Kemijskega inštituta, mag. Vojimir Urlep, nekdanji predsednik uprave Leka in kordinator ministrstev v kabinetu predsednika vlade, prof. dr. Jože P. Damjan, profesor na Ekonomski fakulteti Univer-ze v Ljubljani, mag. Sonja Šmuc, generalna direktorica Gospodarske zbornice Slovenije in dr. Gorazd Gotovac, vodja razvoja pri podjetju Elaphe so v živahni razpravi primerjali nekatera stališča iz knjige tudi v slovenskem kontekstu.Debaters (from the left) Prof. Dr. Gregor Anderluh, Director of the National Institute of Chemistry, Mag. Vojimir Urlep, former President of the Management Board of Lek and Coordinator of Ministries in the Prime Minister’s Office, Prof. Dr. Jože P. Da-mjan, professor at the Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana, Mag. Sonja Šmuc, Director General of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, Gorazd Gotovac, Head of Development at Elaphe, in a lively discussion, compared some of the views from the book in the Slovene context.

On 6th November 2018, a discussion was held at the publishing of the Slovenian translation of the book »The Entrepreneurial State« (Umco Pub-lishing House), by an Italian American economist, Mariane Mazzucato, which opened the issue of the relationship between the public and private sec-tor in the context of economic growth and social development in general.

In autumn, on 30th November 2018, we organ-ised the Janko Jamnik Symposium for Young Sci-entists and the Pregl Colloquium with the 2009 Nobel Prize Winner for Chemistry, Prof. Dr. Ada Yonath. The symposium is named after Prof. Dr. Janko Jamnik, and represents the continuation of the mission and proactive work with young re-searchers from the National Institute of Chem-istry, which was promoted by Prof. Jamnik. Re-searchers who presented their research work: Dr.

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prof. dr. Ada Yonath in direktor Kemijskega inštituta prof. dr. Gregor AnderluhProf. Dr. Ada Yonath and Director of the National Institute of Chemistry, Prof. Dr. Gregor Anderluh

Z leve: predsednik Znanstvenega sveta prof. dr. Miran Gaberšček, direktor Kemijskega inštituta prof. dr. Gregor Anderluh, minister dr. Jernej Pikalo, Preglov nagrajenec dr. Andrej Emanuel Cotman in predsednica komisije Preglovih nagrad prof. dr. Nataša Novak TušarFrom the left: President of the Scientific Council, Prof. Dr. Miran Gaberšček, Director of the National Institute of Chemistry, Prof. Dr.Gregor Anderluh, Minister Dr. Jernej Pikalo, Pregl Award recipient, Dr. Andrej Emanuel Cotman, and President of the Pregl Award Committee Prof. Dr. Nataša Novak Tušar

Alen Vižintin, Dr. Andraž Krajnc, Dr. Aljoša Bolje, Dr. Miha Grilc, Dr. Jure Borišek, Dr. Tina Lebar and Dr. Tea Lenarčič. The symposium continued with the Pregl colloquium of Prof. Dr. Ada Yonath, an Israeli biochemist and crystallographer, Nobel Prize Winner for Chemistry in 2009. Her scientific lecture focused on the reflection on the origin of life. She also spoke about specific environmental-ly-friendly antibiotics.

At the end of the year (10th December 2018), we organised a traditional reception for business partners and an award ceremony for the Pregl Awards for outstanding doctoral work. The Minis-ter of Education, Science and Sport, Dr. Jernej Pi-kalo, was the honorary guest and keynote speaker at the ceremony. The first Pregl Award went to Dr. Andraž Krajnc, a researcher at the Department of Inorganic Chemistry and Technology at the Nation-al Institute of Chemistry, who received his Ph.D. at the Postgraduate School of the Jožef Stefan Insti-tute. The second Pregl Award was awarded to Dr. Andrej Emanuel Cotman, a researcher in the Chair of Organic Chemistry at the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of the University of Lju-bljana, where he also obtained his PhD.

Inštituta Jožef Štefan. Druga Preglova nagrada je šla v roke dr. Andreju Emanuelu Cotmanu, razi-skovalcu na Katedri za organsko kemijo na Fakul-teti za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo na Univerzi v Ljubljani, kjer je tudi doktoriral.

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Govor predsednika Republike Slovenije Boruta Pahorja na slovesnosti v Tednu Kemijskega inštituta, 5.6.2018

»O znanstvenikih velja splošno mnenje, da ste nekaj posebnega. Da ste tako zelo usmerjeni v svoje delo in probleme, da vam za druge stvari ni mar. To je seveda le delno res. Spoznal sem mno-go znanstvenikov, ki so širokega duha in ki poleg vrhunskega poznavanja svojega ožjega področ-ja, poznajo tudi svet okoli sebe, druge znanosti, kulturo, zanimajo pa jih tudi družbeni in politični procesi v svetu in pri nas. Glavna in življenjsko pomembna stvar za vas, pa ostaja vaša znanost. V tem smislu se ne razlikujete mnogo od predanih delavcev na drugih področjih, v kulturi, gospodar-stvu in tudi v politiki, ki so svoje življenje posvetili svojemu delu. Razlika je le v tem, da ste v znano-sti taki ljudje v večini, ker se znanosti ne da op-ravljati z levo roko in z nepopolnim angažiranjem, ker znanost ni le služba ampak precej več.

Ker ste znanstveniki tako povezani s svojim de-lom in ker tako zelo uživate v njem, v nekaterih zelo razvitih državah, če se malo pošalim, mislijo, da znanstvenikov ni treba posebej dobro plače-vati. Zavedajo pa se, da potrebujejo znanstveniki

vrhunske pogoje za svoje delo, vrhunsko opre-mo, ker le tako lahko dosežejo vrhunske rezul-tate. Seveda nikjer na svetu niso tako bogati, da bi lahko omogočili vrhunske pogoje za vsakega znanstvenika, za vsako znanost, toda vedo, da je to potrebno omogočiti vsaj najboljšim in najuspe-šnejšim posameznikom in skupinam. Zdi se mi, da ste tu na Kemijskem inštitutu to razumeli in da združujete zelo uspešne znanstvenike, ki jim sku-šate zagotoviti dobre, mednarodno primerljive pogoje za delo, predvsem moderno raziskovalno opremo. Tako lahko pridete do vrhunskih razisko-valnih rezultatov, ki vam na področju kemije in z njo povezanih ved omogočajo povezavo s svetom, doma pa ste na svojem področju center znanja za celo državo in center za vzgojo mladih znanstve-nikov na vašem področju.

Seveda so končni cilj znanosti poleg uspehov na področju osnovnih raziskav tudi prenosi novo ustvarjenega znanja v uporabo. Na tem področju se je stanje v Sloveniji bistveno spremenilo po osmosvojitvi. Prej smo živeli v ekonomsko precej zaprtem sistemu in je bila proizvodnja namenje-na v glavnem jugoslovanskemu tržišču. Zato smo bili lahko zadovoljni z uporabnimi raziskavami, ki so izvirale iz tujega znanja, predstavljale pa so le novost na lokalnem nivoju. Sedaj je drugače: živimo v odprtem gospodarskem sistemu in upo-rabne raziskave, ki jih prenesemo v proizvodnjo, morajo predstavljati novost na svetovnem nivoju. Zato morajo biti osnova za te uporabne raziska-ve osnovne raziskave na svetovnem nivoju. Zdi se mi, da ste na tem področju kar uspešni, za kar vam čestitam in želim še mnogo uspeha v bodoče.

Poudaril bi rad še naslednje: Večina sredstev za financiranje raziskav prihaja, prav tako kot dru-god, iz državnega proračuna, od davkoplačeval-cev. Zato morajo biti ti seznanjeni s tem, kaj se z njihovim denarjem dogaja in kakšni so rezultati teh vlaganj. Ljudi je potrebno seznanjati z do-sežki naše znanosti, predvsem z dosežki v tujini. Znanost je seveda težka stvar in za nas nestro-kovnjake je težko razumeti vaše dosežke in nji-hov pomen. Zato se moramo potruditi, da se to predstavi na čimbolj razumljiv način, pri čemer pa priznanja v tujini težo dosežka dodatno potrdi-jo. Vidim, da ste na tem področju dokaj aktivni in precej uspešni. Tudi tu vam želim uspešno delo.«


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you are the centre in your field of knowledge of the whole country and a centre for the education of young scientists in your field.

Of course, the ultimate goal of science, apart from the success of basic research, is the trans-fer of newly created knowledge into use. In this area, the situation in Slovenia has changed sig-nificantly after its independence. Previously, we lived in an economically closed system, and the production was intended mainly for the Yugo-slav market. Therefore, we were satisfied with applied research, which originated from foreign knowledge, and represented an innovation only at local level. Now it's different: we live in an open economic system, and applied research, which is transferred to production, must repre-sent an innovation on a global scale. Therefore, the basis for this applied research should be the basic research on a global scale. It seems to me that you are very successful in this area, for which I congratulate you and wish you much success in the future.

I would also like to emphasise the following: Most research funding comes, just like else-where, from the national budget, from taxpay-ers. Therefore, they need to be aware of what is happening with their money and what are the results of these investments. People need to be acquainted with the achievements of our sci-ence, especially with achievements abroad. Sci-ence is, of course, a complicated thing, and for us non-professionals, it's difficult to understand your achievements and their significance. There-fore, we must make every effort to present this in the most comprehensive way, while acknowl-edging that the recognition of the achievement abroad additionally confirms the significance of the achievement. I see that you are quite active in this area and quite successful. I wish you suc-cessful work in this area as well.«

Speech by the President of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, at the Ceremony of the Week of the National Institute of Chemistry, 5th June 2018

»It's widely believed that scientists are some-thing special. That you are so focused on your work and problems, that you do not care about other things. That is only partially true, of course. I have come to know many scientists of a broad spirit, who in addition to having top knowledge of their narrower field, also have the knowledge of the world around them, other sciences, culture, and are interested in the social and political processes in the world and in our country. The main and vital thing for you, however, remains science. In this sense, you do not differ much from devoted workers in other fields, in culture, in the economy, or in politics, who devoted their lives to their work. The only difference is that in science, people like this are in the majority, be-cause science is not something you can do with your left hand and with incomplete engagement, as science is not just a job but much more.

Since you, as scientists, are so connected to your work and because you enjoy it so much, in some very developed countries, if I can make a little joke, they think scientists do not have to be paid well. They are aware, however, that scientists need top-notch conditions for their work and exceptional equipment, because only in this way can they achieve top-quality results. Of course, nowhere in the world are they so rich that they can provide superior conditions for ev-ery scientist, for every science, but they know that it is necessary to provide them for at least the best and the most successful individuals and groups. It seems to me that you have un-derstood this at the National Institute of Chem-istry and that you bring together highly success-ful scientists for whom you try to provide good, internationally comparable working conditions, especially modern research equipment. In this way you can achieve top research results that enable you to connect with the world in the field of chemistry and related sciences, and at home

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Preglovi kolokviji Preglov kolovij je poimenovan po Frideriku (Fri-

tzu) Preglu, kemiku in zdravniku slovenskega rodu, ki je leta 1923 dobil Nobelovo nagrado za ke-mijo za »odkritje metode za mikroanalizo organskih spojin«. V sklopu teh predavanj gostimo priznane znanstvenike s celega sveta s področja kemije in kemiji sorodnih ved. Predavanja so odprta za šir-šo strokovno in znanstveno javnost. Uradni jezik Preglovega kolokvija je angleščina, potekajo pa enkrat mesečno, ponavadi tretji čertek v mesecu ob 13h v Veliki predavalnici Kemijskega inštituta. Koordinatorka Preglovih kolokvijev je prof. dr. Na-taša Novak Tušar.

Seznam Preglovih predavateljev in njihovih predlagateljev v 2018


ACTION, Department of Chemical and Biomole-cular Engineering and Department of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, California, USA (prof. dr. Gregor Mali)


SENSITIVE PROTEIN SEQUENCE SEARCHING, CLUSTERING AND ASSEMBLY, Quantitativ and computational biology, Bioinformatics Max-Planc-k-Institute for Biophysical Chemistry Göttingen, GERMANY (assist. prof. Marjetka Podobnik)


ANALYSIS OF HETEROGENEOUS CATALYTIC PROCESSES: METHODOLOGY AND APPLICATION, Laboratory of Catalysis and Catalytic Processes, Energy department, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, ITALY (assist. prof. Blaž Likozar)


CALLY-VIABLA SOURCE FOR PRODUCTION OF PREMIUM LIQUID FUELS, Department of Chemi-cal Engineering, Ben-Gurion University of the Ne-gev, Beer Sheva, ISRAEL (dr. Albin Pintar)



The Pregl Colloquiums The Pregl Colloquium is named after Friderik

(Fritz) Pregl, a chemist and doctor of Slovenian origin, who in 1923, received the Nobel Prize for Chemistry for »invention of the method for the mi-cro-analysis of organic substances«. As part of these lectures, we host renowned scientists from all over the world from the field of chemistry and chemis-try-related sciences. Lectures are open to a wider professional and scientific public. The official lan-guage of the Pregl Colloquium is English, and it is held once a month, usually on the third Thursday of the month at 13:00 in the Great Lecture Hall of the National Institute of Chemistry. Pregl Colloquium coordinator is prof. dr. Nataša Novak Tušar.

A List of Pregl Lecturers and their Proposers in 2018


ACTION, Department of Chemical and Biomolec-ular Engineering and Department of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, California, USA (Prof. Dr. Gregor Mali)


SENSITIVE PROTEIN SEQUENCE SEARCHING, CLUSTERING AND ASSEMBLY, Quantitative and computational biology, Bioinformatics Max-Planck-Institute for Biophysical Chemistry Göttin-gen, GERMANY (Assist. Prof. Marjetka Podobnik)


ANALYSIS OF HETEROGENEOUS CATALYTIC PROCESSES: METHODOLOGY AND APPLICATION, Laboratory of Catalysis and Catalytic Processes, Energy department, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, ITALY (Assist. Prof. Blaž Likozar)


ICALLY-VIABLE SOURCE FOR PRODUCTION OF PREMIUM LIQUID FUELS, Department of Chemi-cal Engineering, Ben-Gurion University of the Ne-gev, Beer Sheva, ISRAEL (Dr. Albin Pintar)



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-MS, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Ghent University, BELGIUM (Dr. Johannes T. van Elteren)


LAR ORBITAL APPROACH IN CHEMISTRY, Universi-ty of Strathclyde, Glasgow, U.K. (dr. Marjana Novič)


Lipid Biology Lab, Biochemical Research Building, RIKEN, JAPAN (prof. dr. Gregor Anderluh)

Prof. dr. Dionysios D. DionysiouTREATMENT OF CONTAMINANTS OF EMER-

GING CONCERN IN WATER USING ADVANCED OXIDATION PROCESSES, Environmental Enginee-ring and Science Program, Department of Biome-dical, Chemical and Environmental Engineering (DBCEE), 705 Engineering Research Center, Uni-versity of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA (prof. dr. Nataša Novak Tušar)


BASED ON ADAPTIVE COVALENT NETWORKS, Center of education and research on macromole-cules – CERM Department of Chemistry, Universi-ty of Liege, BELGIUM (dr. Sebastijan Kovačič)


THOUGHTS ABOUT ORIGIN OF LIFE AND NEXT GENERATION SPECIES SPECIFIC ECO FRIENDLY ANTIBIOTICS, Department of structural biology, Faculty of chemistry, Weitzman Institute of Scien-ce, ISRAEL (prof. dr. Gregor Anderluh)


Graz University of Technology, Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, Graz, AUSTRIA (prof. dr. Gregor Mali)

Predavanja Forum40Na kolokvijih Forum40 se s svojimi predava-

nji predstavijo mlajši raziskovalci Kemijskega inštituta. Vsak mesec se predstavi raziskova-lec iz drugega odseka. Namen foruma je dru-ženje mladih, spoznavanje raziskovalnega dela, ki se izvaja na Kemijskem inštitutu, predvsem

MS, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Ghent University, BELGIUM (Dr. Johannes T. van Elteren)


LAR ORBITAL APPROACH IN CHEMISTRY, Univer-sity of Strathclyde, Glasgow, U.K. (Dr. Marjana Novič)


Lipid Biology Lab, Biochemical Research Building, RIKEN, JAPAN (Prof. Dr. Gregor Anderluh)


ING CONCERN IN WATER USING ADVANCED OXI-DATION PROCESSES, Environmental Engineering and Science Program, Department of Biomedical, Chemical and Environmental Engineering (DB-CEE), 705 Engineering Research Center, Univer-sity of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA (Prof. Dr. Nataša Novak Tušar)


BASED ON ADAPTIVE COVALENT NETWORKS, Centre of education and research on macromole-cules – CERM Department of Chemistry, University of Liege, BELGIUM (Dr. Sebastijan Kovačič)


THOUGHTS ABOUT ORIGIN OF LIFE AND NEXT GENERATION SPECIES SPECIFIC ECO-FRIENDLY ANTIBIOTICS, Department of structural biology, Faculty of chemistry, Weitzman Institute of Sci-ence, ISRAEL (Prof. Dr. Gregor Anderluh)


Graz University of Technology, Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, Graz, AUSTRIA (Prof. Dr. Gregor Mali)

Forum40 LecturesIn the Forum40 Colloquiums, younger research-

ers at the National Institute of Chemistry are pre-sented with their lectures. A researcher from a different Department is presented each month. The purpose of the Forum is for young academics to socialise, to get to know the research work car-

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pa pospeševanje med-oddelčnega sodelovanja. Mlajši raziskovalci, praviloma mlajši od 40 let, v približno 40 minutah predstavijo svoje delo, sle-dijo vprašanja in poglobljena razprava. Koordi-nator Foruma 40 je dr. Petar Djinović.

Seznam predavanj v letu 2018:dr. Urban Novak, Teoretični Odsek:Protein folding and aggregation monitored by

vibrational spectroscopydr. Sebastijan Kovačič, Odsek za polimerno ke-

mijo in tehnologijo: Porous Polymers@Workdr. Vojč Kocman, D15, Nacionalni center za

NMR spektroskopijo visoke ločljivosti: NMR stru-ctural studies of noncanonical DNA folds

dr. Nejc Hodnik, Odsek za katalizo in reakcijsko inženirstvo: Nanoscale behavior and properties of noble metals in electrochemical environment

dr. Gregor Žerjav, Odsek za okoljske vede in inženirstvo: In search of visible light active TiO2 based photocatalysts used in advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) for wastewater treatment

dr. Tina Lebar, Odsek za sintezno biologijo in imunologijo: Reprogramming mammalian cells with designed transcription factors

dr. Andraž Krajnc, Odsek za anorgansko kemijo in tehnologijo: Defects and disorder in MOFs

dr. Jan Bitenc, Odsek za kemijo materialov:Organic cathode materials for a new generation

of batteriesdr. Tea Lenarčič, Odsek za molekularno biologi-

jo in nanobiotehnologijo: Structural insights into NLP binding to plant membranes

dr. Martin Šala, Odsek za analizno kemijo:»Faster, higher, stronger!« the evolution of

LA-ICPMS imaging

Konference na Kemijskem inštitutu v letu 2018

V okviru Odseka za analizno kemijo (D04) je bila organizirana 32. konferenca evropskega združe-nja za raziskave koloidov in vmesnih površin, ECIS. Konferenca se je odvijala med 2. in 7. septembrom 2018 v Grand Hotelu Union v Ljubljani. Konferen-

ried out at the National Institute of Chemistry, and in particular to promote inter-departmental coop-eration. Young researchers, usually under 40 years of age, present their work in about 40 minutes, fol-lowed by questions and an in-depth discussion. Fo-rum 40 coordinator is Dr. Petar Djinović.

List of lectures in 2018:Dr. Urban Novak, Theory Department: Protein

folding and aggregation monitored by vibrational spectroscopy

Dr. Sebastijan Kovačič, Department of Polymer Chemistry and Technology: Porous Polymers@Work

Dr. Vojč Kocman, D15, Slovenian NMR Centre:NMR structural studies of noncanonical DNA foldsDr. Nejc Hodnik, Department of Catalysis and

Chemical Reaction Engineering: Nanoscale be-haviour and properties of noble metals in an elec-trochemical environment

Dr. Gregor Žerjav, Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering: In search of visible light active TiO2-based photocatalysts used in advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) for wastewater treatment

Dr. Tina Lebar, Department of Synthetic Biol-ogy and Immunology: Reprogramming mammalian cells with designed transcription factors

Dr. Andraž Krajnc, Department of Inorganic Chem-istry and Technology: Defects and disorder in MOFs

Dr. Jan Bitenc, Department of Materials Chemis-try: Organic cathode materials for a new generation of batteries

Dr. Tea Lenarčič, Department of Molecular Bi-ology and Nanobiotechnology Structural insights into NLP binding to plant membranes

Dr. Martin Šala, Department of Analytical Chemistry: »Faster, higher, stronger!« the evolu-tion of LA-ICPMS imaging

Conferences at the National Institute of Chemistry in 2018

The 32nd Conference of the European Colloid and Interface Society, ECIS, was organised within the Department of Analytical Chemistry (D04). The conference was held between 2nd and 7th September 2018 at the Grand Hotel Union in Ljubljana. About

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ce se je udeležilo približno šeststo znanstvenikov iz sedeminštiridesetih držav, ki med drugim po-krivajo teme s področja bazičnih in aplikativnih raziskav disperznih sistemov, kompleksnih teko-čin, mikro in nanomaterialov, površinsko aktivnih snovi, polimerov in proteinov.

Dr. Andraž Krajnc, dr. Tomaž Čendak, prof. dr. Gregor Mali iz Odseka za anorgansko kemijo in tehnologijo (D09) in prof. dr. Tone Meden (FKKT) in so organizirali zelo uspešno mednarodno kon-ferenco SMARTER 6, namenjeno razvoju NMR kri-stalografije in sorodnih metod.

3. srečanje IEA SHC ECES Task 58 Annex 33 Materials & Components for Thermal Energy Storage (2017-2019) je potekalo na Kemijskem Inštitutu od 9. do 11. 4. 2018. Srečanje, ki se ga je udeležilo 46 udeležencev iz celega sveta, je orga-nizirala dr. Alenka Ristić iz Odseka za anorgan-sko kemijo in tehnologijo (D09), vodja skupine za termokemične materiale (TCM) v tem tasku. Namen srečanja je bil razprava o novih materi-alih za shranjevanje toplote, njihovo delovanje v shranjevalnikih in v ogrevalnih ali ohlajevalnih sistemih.

ANNA 2018 - Napredek pri nekanoničnih nukle-inskih kislinah Simpozij, ki ga je organiziral Naci-onalni center za NMR spektroskopijo visoke ločlji-vostise se je odvijal v Portorožu, od 25. do 27. oktobra 2018. Šlo je za tretji dogodek v ciklusu ANNA. Cilj simpozija je bil izmenjava znanja in izkušenj s pod-ročja nukleinskih kislin ter strukturnih študij z upo-rabo različnih metodologij vključno z NMR.

Odsek za teoretično kemijo je na Bledu organizi-ral 18. mednarodno konferenco o (Q)SAR metodah v vedah o okolju in zdravju (QSAR 2018) s preko 130 udeleženci iz 24 držav. Priznani strokovnjaki so predstavili osnove za povezavo kemijske strukture s fizikalno kemičnimi in biološkimi lastnostmi spo-jin glede na ocenjevanje vpliva na okolje in zdravje, ter svoj pogled na razumevanje biomolekularnih procesov v okolju in živih organizmih. QSAR me-tode, v začetku akademske narave, so postale po-membne za industrijske raziskave v podporo odlo-čitvam glede varnosti kemikalij.

six hundred scientists from around forty countries attended the conference, which covered topics from the field of basic and applied research of dispersion systems, complex liquids, micro and nano materi-als, surfactants, polymers and proteins.

Dr. Andraž Krajnc, Dr. Tomaž Čendak, Prof. Dr. Gregor Mali from the Department of Inorganic Chemistry and Technology (D09) and Prof. Dr. Tone Meden (FKKT) organised a very successful international conference, SMARTER 6, aimed at the development of NMR crystallography and re-lated methods.

The 3rd meeting of the IEA SHC ECES Task 58 An-nex 33 Materials and Components for Thermal En-ergy Storage (2017-2019), was held at the National Institute of Chemistry from 9th to 11th April 2018. The meeting, which was attended by 46 partici-pants from all around the world, was organised by Dr. Alenka Ristić from the Department of Inorgan-ic Chemistry and Technology (D09), Head of the Group for Thermochemical Materials (TCM) in this section. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss new materials for storing heat, their operation in storages, and in heating or cooling systems.

ANNA 2018 - Advances in non-canonical nu-cleic acids Symposium, organised by the Slove-nian NMR Centre, was held in Portorož, from 25th to 27th October 2018. It was the third event in the ANNA cycle. The aim of the symposium was the exchange of knowledge and experience in the field of nucleic acids and structural studies using different methodologies, including NMR.

The Department of Theoretical Chemistry organ-ised the 18th International Conference on (Q)SAR Methods in Environmental and Health Sciences (QSAR 2018), with over 130 participants from 24 countries. Recognised experts presented the basics for linking the chemical structure with the physico-chemical and biological properties of substances ac-cording to the assessment of the impact on the envi-ronment and health, as well as their understanding of biomolecular processes in the environment and living organisms. QSAR methods, initially of an aca-demic nature, have become important for industrial research in support of chemical safety decisions.

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Razstavna dejavnost na Kemijskem inštitutu

Exhibition activity at the National Institute of Chemistry

V letu 2018 smo v galeriji Kemijskega inštituta spet pripravili razstave vrhunskih umetnikov iz Slo-venije. In sicer smo začeli na prehodu leta iz 2017 v 2018 z izredno zanimivo pred-praznično razstavo zaposlenih na Kemijskem inštitutu. Vsako leto na-mreč okrog novega leta pripravimo razstavo sode-lavcev Kemijskega inštituta, saj na inštitutu deluje mnogo ljudi, ki poleg kreativnosti v svojem razisko-valnem področju znanosti kažejo ustvarjalne nagi-be tudi drugod in se zato ukvarjajo tudi z drugimi oblikami ustvarjanja. Zato tako zame kot kustosa galerije pa tudi za vodstvo Kemijskega inštituta po-meni taka razstava izredno priložnost pri vzpodbu-janju kreativnega vzdušja na inštitutu. Pri razstavi so sodelovali: Simon Caserman, Natalja Fjodorova, Peter Hozjan, Anja Kopač Lautar, Nada Kraševec, Ajasja Ljubetič, Ana Kušar, Barbara Lečnik Spa-ić, Iza Ogris, Mojca Opresnik Andrej Perdih , Jer-nej Stare, Angelja Kjara Šurca. Pri tem je šlo za razstavo, ki je imela zelo široko zasnovo in je ka-zala na mnoga področja ustvarjalnosti- od izho-diščnih znanstvenih, preko fotografskih del in celo pisateljskih podjemov, vse do dekorativnega dela, slikarstva in kiparskih ter oblikovalskih del. Širok diapazon njihove kreativne dejavnosti je rezultiral v razstavi, ki je imela sicer zelo pestro estetsko in vsebinsko zasnovo, a je vsekakor pokazala na širino in odprla osnovni namen- to je vstopanje v skupno polje skozi raziskave, pogovore, zanimanje za različne kreativne procese, saj vse to bistveno podpira tudi samo osnovno dejavnost Kemijskega inštituta kot raziskovalne inštitucije.

V februarju 2018 smo odprli razstavo slikarja, li-kovnega teoretika, profesorja na mariborski Strojni fakulteti in vsestranskega umetnika Vojka Poga-čarja, katerega delo smo označili za nekakšno sin-tetiziranje znanstvenih, umetniških in tehnoloških procesov mišljenja. Njegove lasersko producirane grafike so namreč izhajale iz 3D skenirane lastne

In 2018, in the Gallery of the National Institute of Chemistry, we again prepared exhibitions of top artists from Slovenia. We began at the turn of the year 2017 to 2018, with an extremely inter-esting pre-holiday exhibition at the National In-stitute of Chemistry. Every year, around the New Year, we prepare an exhibition of the National Chemistry Institute’s colleagues, since there are many people working at the Institute who, in addition to their creativity in science, show creative inclinations elsewhere, and therefore also engage in other forms of creativity. That’s why, for me as the curator of the gallery, as well as for the Management of the National Institute of Chemistry, such an exhibition represents an extraordinary opportunity for encouraging a creative atmosphere at the Institute. Participat-ing in the exhibition: Simon Caserman, Natalja Fjodorova, Peter Hozjan, Anja Kopač Lautar, Nada Kraševec, Ajasja Ljubetič, Ana Kušar, Bar-bara Lečnik Spaić, Iza Ogris, Mojca Opresnik An-drej Perdih, Jernej Stare, Angelja Kjara Šurca. It was an exhibition with a very broad concept, and it showed many areas of creativity - from ini-tial scientific, through photographic works, and even to written works, up to decorative works, paintings, sculptural, and design works. A wide range of their creative activities resulted in an exhibition that had a very varied aesthetic and conceptual design, but it certainly showed its width and opened its basic purpose - to enter the common field through research, conversa-tions, interest in various creative processes, as all this fundamentally supports the principal ac-tivity of the National Institute of Chemistry as a research institution.

In February 2018, we opened an exhibition of a painter, art theoretician, and professor at the Maribor Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and

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podobe, lastnega telesa, po katerem se je lahko s pomočjo 3D programske opreme prosto sprehajal in iskal področja, ki so v grafični izvedbi spomi-njala na tradicionalno krajinsko slikarstvo, četudi je ravno zavest o notranji podobi telesa tista, ki to podobnost s krajino popolnoma obrne v pomen-skem smislu. Prav tako so bile izjemno zanimive tudi njegove študije barvnih odnosov, ki jih je raz-stavil v obliki zapiskov-risb, čeravno jih kot teoretik tudi raziskuje in je o njih spisal kar nekaj odmevnih člankov v domačih in tujih znanstvenih revijah.

Spomladno-poletni del razstavne dejavnosti je bil odprt z razstavo nekdanjega sodelavca Kemij-skega inštituta, profesorja na Akademiji za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje v Ljubljani, znanstveni-kom in umetnikom Marinom Berovićem, ki se je predstavil z novim ciklusom slikarskih del. Gre za izjemnega kolorista in človeka, katerega krajine so v določenem smislu mejile na nadrealizem, saj gre

a versatile artist, Vojko Pogačar, whose work was characterised as a kind of synthesis of sci-entific, artistic and technological processes of thought. His laser-produced graphics originat-ed from a 3D scanned image of his own body, through which he could walk freely with the help of a 3D software and look for areas that in graphic design refer to traditional landscape painting, even though the awareness of the in-ner body image perfectly conceptually reverses this similarity with the landscape. His studies of colour relations, which he exhibited in the form of notes-drawings, were also extremely interesting, although he also researches them as a theoretician and wrote a number of arti-cles in domestic and foreign scientific journals about them.

The spring-summer part of the exhibition ac-tivity was opened with an exhibition by a former


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s svojo domišljijo preko meja realizma. Razstava na Kemijskem inštitutu pa je bila zanimiva tudi iz tega zornega kota, kajti šlo je za realistične pok-rajine, narejene po fotografijah kitajske pokrajine mavričnih gora, ki so tako zelo nenavadne, da ima gledalec občutek, da je slikar dodal mnogo svojih domišljijskih elementov, čeravno se v bistvu slikar drži realne podobe te pokrajine.

Poletna razstava je pripadala tokrat tandemu mladih umetnikov: Katji Oblak in Juliju Borštniku, ki hkrati sodelujeta kot umetnika in sta tudi sicer v življenju najmočneje povezana, saj sta zasnovala družino. Njuna dela so sicer precej različna, saj je Katja Oblak v svoja kiparska dela vpeljevala iz-kušnjo telesa, giba, plesa, pri čemer haptično iz-kušnjo prenaša v kiparski jezik na nek specifičen način, saj mnogokrat njeni kipi spominjajo na ne-kakšne »kalupe«, po drugi strani pa Julij Borštnik k umetniškemu deli pristopa bolj analitično, raci-onalno, čeprav se njegovo zanimanje za umetnost odpira v zelo različne smeri; od tega, da ga za-nimajo ideološke predpostavke umetnosti in njeni

colleague of the National Institute of Chemis-try, a professor at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana, scientist and artist, Marin Berović, who introduced himself with a new cy-cle of paintings. He is an exceptional colourist and a man whose landscapes are bound to sur-realism in a certain sense, because his imagi-nation goes beyond the limits of realism. The exhibition at the National Institute of Chemistry was also interesting from this point of view, as it was about realistic landscapes made according to photographs of the Chinese landscape of the Rainbow Mountains, which are so unusual that the viewer gets a feeling that the painter has added many of his imaginative elements, though in realty, the painter adheres to the real image of this landscape.

The summer exhibition this time belonged to a tandem of young artists: Katja Oblak and Ju-lij Borštnik, who collaborate as artists and are strongly connected in personal life at the same time, as they have started a family together. Their

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work is quite different, since Katja Oblak intro-duced her experience of body, movement and dance in her sculptural work, transferring the haptic experience into the sculptural language in a specific way, and many times her statues remind us of some kind of »moulds«, and Jurij Boršnik on the other hand, approaches his ar-tistic work more analytically, rationally, although his interest in art is opened to various directions; from the interest of ideological assumptions of art and its social effects, through almost mini-malist, formal searches, spatial fractures of sur-faces in relation to various materials, to semiot-ic, characteristic expressions of sculptural work in a particular spatial context.

In the series of exhibitions, where artists who are either scientists or are engaged in science were presented, Tilen Žbona, professor of art at the Faculty of Education at the University of Primorska, was presented at the following ex-hibition with his exhibition Saccade, in which he dealt with the relationship between the psycho-logical and physiological aspects of the human view, the way of looking. A subject which is not the closest to chemical science, but is certainly important for research in the field of psychology and neuroscience, since the way of looking, the constant »scanning« and the rapid movement of the eye when looking at a space or surface, must always be coordinated with our memory neuro-logical impulses, which allow us to see an object as a continuum in space and time and to perceive it in its clearest integrity. In addition to the paint-ing work, Žbona also placed sculptural »sketch-es« made of cardboard, in the lobby, which, due to their size and appearance, provocatively occu-pied the lobby to some extent, while at the same time contributed to the understanding of our way of looking, as you had to view the sculptures while moving - from one point of view they could not be understood spatially...

The final exhibition in 2018 was the exhibition by Mojca Opresnik, employed at the National Insti-tute of Chemistry for many years. Mojca Opresn-ik introduced herself with multiple extremely interesting nano-images, which she shot during her work as an associate professional on a lin-ear microscope. These are images that are only

družbeni učinki, preko skoraj minimalističnih, for-malnih iskanj, prostorskih prelomov ploskev v od-nosu do različnih materialov, vse do semiotičnih, znakovnih izrazov kiparskega dela v določenem prostorskem kontekstu..

V nizu razstav, kjer so se predstavili umetniki, ki so hkrati bodisi znanstveniki ali pa se ukvarjajo z znanostjo, se je na naslednji razstavi predstavil Ti-len Žbona, profesor za umetnost na Pedagoški fa-kulteti Univerze na Primorskem in sicer z razstavo Saccade, pri kateri se je ukvarjal z razmerjem med psihološkim in fiziološkim vidikom človekovega pogleda, načina gledanja. Tema, ki sicer ni najbolj blizu kemijski znanosti, pa je vsekakor pomembna za raziskave v področju psihologije in nevrologije, saj se način pogleda, nenehno »skeniranje« in hitri premiki očesa, ko si ogleduje nek prostor ali povr-šino, ves čas morajo usklajevati z našimi spomin-skimi nevrološkimi impulzi, ki nam omogočajo, da neko reč vidimo kot kontinuum v prostoru in času in da jo zaznavamo v njeni čimbolj jasni celovitosti. Poleg slikarskega dela je Žbona v prostor posta-vil tudi kiparske »skice«, narejene iz lepenke, ki so zaradi svoje velikosti in videza do neke mere provokativno zasedle avlo, a so hkrati dodatno pri-spevale k razumevanju našega načina gledanja, saj je šlo za skulpture, ki si jih moral gledati ob premikanju- iz enega vidika jih ne bi mogel razu-meti v prostorskem smislu...

Zadnja razstava v letu 2018 je bila razstava Mojce Opresnik, zaposlene na Kemijskem inšti-tutu že vrsto let. Opresnikova se je predstavila z množico izredno zanimivih nano-podob, ki jih je posnela pri svojem delu kot strokovna sodelavka na vrstičnem mikroskopu. Gre za podobe, ki so velike le nekaj deset ali nekaj sto nanometrov in s svojo podobnostjo spominjajo gledalca na nekaj vsakdanjega, ga v tem popolnoma »tujem« svetu nano delcev, sredi skoraj molekulske »velikosti« (ali bolje rečeno majhnosti) spomnijo na vsakdan in na prizore, ki jih človek pozna od doma ali iz življenja nasploh...Razstave, ki smo jih odpirali 2018 so bile bolj ali manj študijske narave, saj gre predvsem za izseke iz dela nekaterih umetnikov--znanstvenikov, pri čemer so ta dela bolj ali manj imela tako umetniški kot tudi delno znanstveni, raziskovalni karakter. Morda to še najmanj velja za dela Marina Beroviča, ki pa je od vseh razsta-

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vljalcev dejansko edini delal v povsem znanstve-nem okolju kot raziskovalec. V sodobni umetno-sti se ta kombinacija ne pojavlja tako zelo redko, vendar se mnogo umetnikov odloča za zelo pusto, skoraj povsem anemično in likovno gledano, pre-cej neatraktivno obliko razstavljanja, saj prepros-to pustijo zadeve take, ko jih najdemo v labora-torijih. Včasih temu dodajo tekste ali določene oblikovalske elemente, kar pa mnogokrat niti ne vpliva toliko na njihov osnovni konceptualni okvir razstav. Zato je tudi precej zahtevno delo kustosa, kako taka dela in take razstave sploh postavit v prostor, ki primarno sicer ni namenjen galerij-skim predstavitvam del (n mpr. problem postavi-tev v prostor, problem obešanja objektov, ki niso klasične slike, problem osvetljevanja ipd), ker gre za avlo, ki mora ostati prehodna in uporabna v času delovanja inštituta.

Kljub vsemu pa sem kot selektor teh razstav mnenja, da je menjava razstav, ki po svoje vpliva-jo tako po likovnih in po konceptualnih elementih na zaposlene, neka konstantna spremljava njiho-vih raziskovalnih premislekov, ki jih vsaj v nekem delu njihovega raziskovanja vzpodbujajo k premi-slekom, ki segajo čimbolj široko in, seveda tudi čimbolj globoko.

Jiŕi Kočica

a few dozen or a few hundred nanometres wide, and with their similarity, remind the viewer of something from everyday life. In this completely »foreign« world of nanoparticles, in the midst of an almost molecular »size« (or rather, small-ness), they remind the viewer of everyday life and of scenes that people know from home or from life in general... The exhibitions that we opened in 2018 were more or less studious in nature, be-cause they are essentially extracts from the work of some artists-scientists, and these works more or less had both an artistic and a partly scientif-ic, research character. Perhaps this is least true for the works of Marin Berovič, who, in fact, was the only one out of all the exhibitors working in a purely scientific environment as a researcher. In contemporary art, this combination does not appear so rarely, but many artists opt for a very lean, almost completely anaemic and visually, a rather unattractive form of disassembly, because they simply leave things just like when they are found in laboratories. Sometimes they add texts or certain design elements, which often do not affect the basic conceptual framework of the ex-hibitions as much. Therefore, it is also rather de-manding work for the curator, how to place such works and such exhibitions into a space which is not primarily intended for gallery presentations of works (for example, the problem of creating a layout in the space, the problem of hanging ob-jects which are not classical images, the prob-lem of illumination, etc.), because it is a lobby that must remain transient and usable during the working hours of the Institute.

Nevertheless, as a selector of these exhibi-tions, I consider that the change of exhibitions, which influence employees both in visual and conceptual elements, is a constant follow up of their research considerations, which, at least in some part of their research, encourages them to considerations reaching as wide as possible and, of course, as deeply as possible.

Jiŕi Kočica

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1. Anja Kopač Lautar, skulptura z razstave zaposlenih sodelavcev KI

2. Nada Kraševec, fotografija z razstave zaposlenih sodelavcev KI

3. Vojko Pogačar, laserska grafika4. Marin Berović, slika (pasteli na blagu)5. Katja Oblak, kip6. Tilen Žbona, slika (olje in grafit na platnu)7. Mojca Opresnik, fotografija - nanopodoba

1. Anja Kopač Lautar, sculpture from the exhibition of employees of NIC

2. Nada Kraševec, photograph from the exhibition of employees of NIC

3. Vojko Pogačar, laser graphics4. Marin Berović, painting (pastels on fabric)5. Katja Oblak, statue6. Tilen Žbona, painting (oil and graphite on canvas)7. Mojca Opresnik, photograph - nanoimage

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business operationinternational cooperationeducation


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business operationinternational cooperationeducation


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Letno poročilo 2018 _ Annual Report40

Vodstvo / ManagementDirektor / Directorprof. dr. Gregor Anderluh Pomočnika direktorja / Assistant directorsDavid PintarTanja Šarabon

Člani upravnega odbora /Board of GovernorsPredsednik / President dr. Aleš MiheličPodpredsednica / Vice-president prof. dr. Nataša Zabukovec Logar

dr. Meta Dobnikardr. Branka Mušičprof. dr. Slobodan Žumer

Člani znanstvenega sveta / Scientific CouncilPredsednik / Presidentprof. dr. Miran GaberščekPodpredsednik / Vice-presidentprof. dr. Jože Grdadolnik

prof. dr. Gregor Anderluh (član po funkciji / Member by Function)izr. prof. dr. Franci Merzelprof. dr. Janez Plavecprof. dr. Roman Jeralaprof. dr. Nataša Zabukovec Logar

D04 - Odsek za analiznokemijo

D01 - Teoretični odsek

D11 - Odsek zamolekularno biologijoin nanobiotehnologijo

Znanstveni svet Direktor

Upravni odbor

Pomočnica za splošne zadeve

D12 - Odsek za sinteznobiologijo in imunologijo

D13 - Odsek za katalizo inreakcijsko inženirstvo

D16 - Center za validacijsketehnologije in analitiko

D15 - Nacionalni center za NMR spektroskopijo

visoke ločljivostiD05 - Odsek za okoljske

vede in inženirstvo

D06 - Odsek zaprehrambeno kemijo

D07 - Odsek za polimerno kemijo in tehnologijo

D09 - Odsek za anorgansko kemijo

in tehnologijo

D10 - Odsek za kemijomaterialov

Vodstvo inštituta

Pomočnik za ekonomsko finančne


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Management of the Institute

D04 - Department ofAnalytical Chemistry

D10 - Department ofMaterials Chemistry

D15 - Slovenian NMR Centre

D16 - Center for ValidationTechnologies and Analytics

D01 - Theory Department D09 - Dept. of InorganicChemistry and Technology

Scientific Council Director

Board of Governors

Assistant Director for General Matters

D13 - Dept. of Catalysis andChemical Reaction Engineering

D11 - Department ofMolecular Biology and


D07 - Dept. of Polymer Chemistry and Technology

D12 - Dept. of SyntheticBiology and Immunology

Zaslužni raziskovalci Kemijskega inštituta / Researcher Emeritus of the National Institute of Chemistryakad. prof. dr. Dušan Hadži (20. 6. 2011) prof. dr. Jure Zupan (20. 6. 2011) dr. Božidar Ogorevc (19. 12. 2012) prof. dr. Venčeslav Kaučič (26. 2. 2014) prof. dr. Boris Orel (28. 5. 2014)dr. Stanko Hočevar (7. 6. 2016)akad. prof. dr. Janez Levec (7. 6. 2016)

Častni člani / Honorary MembersProf. dr. Tihomir NOVAKOV, od 19. 12. 1986 (1929-2015)Prof. Igor BELIČ, od 19. 12. 1986 (1919-1997)Dr. Marta BLINC, od 19. 12. 1986 (1904-2000)Prof. Bojan DRŽAJ, od 19. 12. 1986 (1918-1998)Dr. Jože FEGEŠ, od 19. 12. 1986 (1933-1988)Prof. Vera JOHANIDES, od 19. 12. 1986 (1917-2000)Prof. Roman MODIC od 19. 12. 1986 (1911-2003)Prof. Robert M. LAFFERTY, od 15. 5. 1994 (1929-2009)Prof. dr. Walter STEINER, od 15. 6. 1994Prof. Desire L. MASSART, od 8. 3. 1995 (1941-2005)Prof. dr. John R. HELLIWELL, od 21. 10. 1996Prof. dr. Joachim MAIER, od 17. 4. 1996Akademik prof. dr. Dušan HADŽI, od 9. 10. 2001Prof. dr. Joseph WANG, od 15. 6. 2007Prof. dr. Milan RANDIĆ, od 27. 9. 2007

D06 - Department of Food Chemistry

D05 - Department for Environmental Sciences

and Engineering

Assistant Director for Economic and Financial Matters

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Letno poročilo 2018 _ Annual Report42

Vodstvo inštitutaUtrip v letu 2017Pregled poslovanja inštituta

Operating review of the institute

Prihodki v € 2018 2017 Struktura 2018 (%) Indeks 2018/2017Raziskovalni programi 4.920.380 3.946.723 28 125

Infrastrukturni programi 990.987 678.574 5 146

Raziskovalni projekti 2.513.478 1.702.309 14 148

Sofinanciranje aplikativnih projektov 33.346 72.670 0 46

Ustanoviteljske obveznosti 2.393.275 2.343.611 13 102

Mladi raziskovalci 1.174.125 1.035.591 6 113

Domači trg 2.101.781 2.257.280 12 93

Tuji trg 2.225.141 1.777.882 12 125

Drugi prihodki 1.825.474 1.635.150 10 112

Skupaj prihodki 18.177.986 15.449.790 100 118

Odhodki v € 2018 2017 Struktura 2018 (%) Indeks 2018/2017Stroški materiala - 2.333.004 - 1.830.993 14 127

Stroški storitev - 3.007.678 - 2.581.245 18 117

Amortizacija - 1.312.930 - 1.324.428 8 99

Stroški dela - 10.075.931 - 9.292.775 59 108

Drugi odhodki - 152.600 - 97.984 1 156

Skupaj odhodki - 16.882.143 - 15.127.424 100 112

Rezultat poslovanja 1.295.843 322.366 - 402

Kemijski inštitut je v letu 2018 ustvaril prese-žek prihodkov nad odhodki v višini 1.295.843 €, pred davkom od dohodka pravnih oseb. Presežek prihodkov nad odhodki iz naslova izvajanja tržne dejavnosti znaša 273.605 €, iz naslova izvajanja javne službe pa 980.375 €.

Kemijski inštitut je v letu 2018 realiziral celot-ne prihodke v višini 18.177.986 €, kar predstavlja 18-odstotno povečanje glede na leto 2017, ter ce-lotne odhodke v višini 16.882.143 €, kar predsta-vlja 12-odstotno povečanje glede na leto 2017.

V letu 2018 je bila v primerjavi s predhodnim letom realizirana rast prihodkov tako v okviru iz-vajanja javne službe, predvsem na račun izvajanja programov in projektov ARRS oz. drugih projektov v okviru izvajanja javne službe, kakor tudi iz na-slova izvajanja EU projektov. V okviru sodelovanja

In 2018, the National Institute of Chemistry gen-erated a surplus of revenue over expenses in the amount of € 1,295,843 before corporate tax. The surplus of revenues over expenses arising from the market activity amounts to €273,605 and €980,375 from the public service.

In 2018, the National Institute of Chemistry re-alised total revenues in the amount of €18,177,986, representing an increase of 18% compared to 2017, and total expenses of €16,882,143, repre-senting a 12% increase over 2017.

In 2018, in comparison with the previous year, revenue growth was realised both in the imple-mentation of public service, primarily on the basis of the implementation of the ARRS programmes and projects and other projects within the frame-work of the implementation of public service, as

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Revenues in € 2018 2017 Structure 2018 (%) Index 2018/2017Research programmes 4.920.380 3.946.723 28 125

Infrastructure programmes 990.987 678.574 5 146

Research projects 2.513.478 1.702.309 14 148

Co-financing of applicative projects 33.346 72.670 0 46

Share liabilities 2.393.275 2.343.611 13 102

Young researchers 1.174.125 1.035.591 6 113

Domestic market 2.101.781 2.257.280 12 93

Foreign market 2.225.141 1.777.882 12 125

Other revenues 1.825.474 1.635.150 10 112

Total revenues 18.177.986 15.449.790 100 118

Expenses in € 2018 2017 Structure 2018 (%) Index 2018/2017Costs of materials - 2.333.004 - 1.830.993 14 127

Costs of services - 3.007.678 - 2.581.245 18 117

Depreciation - 1.312.930 - 1.324.428 8 99

Labour costs - 10.075.931 - 9.292.775 59 108

Other expenses - 152.600 - 97.984 1 156

Total expenses - 16.882.143 - 15.127.424 100 112

Operating result 1.295.843 322.366 - 402

z domačimi in tujimi industrijskimi partnerji smo ohranili obseg poslovanja na nivoju preteklega leta. Na odhodkovni strani smo skladno s pove-čanim obsegom izvajanja programov in projek-tov v okviru dejavnosti javne službe beležili rast odhodkov, prav tako pa so se povečali odhodki v okviru izvajanja tržne dejavnosti, predvsem iz na-slova stroškov materiala in storitev ter stroškov dela kot posledica sprostitve napredovanj javnih uslužbencev.

well as the implementation of EU projects. Within the framework of cooperation with local and for-eign industrial partners, we maintained the vol-ume of operations at the level of the previous year. On the expenditure side, in line with the increased scope of the implementation of programmes and projects, a growth of expenses was recorded in the public service activity, as well as in the imple-mentation of the market activity, mainly from the costs of materials and services and the labour costs as a result of the release of promotions of public officials.

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Pridobljeni in zaključeni raziskovalni projekti

Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije

V okviru financiranja Javne agencije za razis-kovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije (ARRS) je Kemijski inštitut v letu 2018:• sodeloval v 62 ARRS raziskovalnih projektih,

in sicer v 32 projektih kot nosilec in v 30 projektih kot sodelujoči partner,

• sodeloval pri 8 prilagojenih projektih ARRS (N in V projekti),

• vodil 14 raziskovalnih programov in infra-strukturni program. Infrastrukturni program je vključen v mednarodne infrastrukturne projekte (ESFRI) s projektom CERIC.

Kemijski inštitut je bil na razpisu ARRS »Javni razpis za (so)financiranje raziskovalnih projektov za leto 2018 uspešen pri 22 projektih, in sicer pri 11-ih kot nosilec in pri 11-ih kot sodelujoči.

V letu 2018 se je zaključilo 16 ARRS projektov, od katerih je pri osmih Kemijski inštitut nastopal kot nosilec, pri osmih pa kot sodelujoči partner.

Acquired and completed research projects

Slovenian Research AgencyWithin the framework of the funding of the Slo-

venian Research Agency (ARRS), the National In-stitute of Chemistry in 2018:• participated in 62 ARRS research projects, in

32 projects as the developer and in 30 projects as a participating partner,

• participated in 8 ARRS projects tailored to requirements (N and V projects),

• managed 14 research programmes and an infrastructure programme. The Infrastructure Programme is included in the international infra-structure projects (ESFRI) with the CERIC project.

The National Institute of Chemistry was awarded the ARRS »Public Call for the (Co-)Financing of Re-search Projects for 2018« for 22 projects, of which 11 as a developer and 11 as a participating partner.

In 2018, 16 ARRS projects were completed, in eight of which the National Institute of Chemistry acted as the developer, and in eight as a participat-ing partner.


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ERCEvropska komisija je ustanovila Evropski raz-

iskovalni svet (ERC) leta 2006. Novo institucijo upravljajo znanstveniki in glavni cilj ERC je pri-vlačno in dolgoročno financiranje odličnih raz-iskovalcev in njihovih raziskovalnih skupin za izvajanje prelomnih in tveganih raziskav, ki ob-ljubljajo nova temeljna spoznanja. Raziskave, ki jih financira ERC, naj bi vodile k napredku ob-stoječega znanja in k postavitvi jasnih ciljev za temeljne raziskave v Evropi. Znanstvena odlič-nost je edini kriterij za podeljevanje finančnih sredstev. Evalvacijo ERC prijav izvajajo »peer-re-view« paneli. Prijave so lahko iz vseh znanstve-nih področij. Prijavitelj ali prijaviteljica je lahko v času prijave kjerkoli po svetu, zavezati pa se mora, da bo ERC projekt izvajal(-a) na eni izmed evropskih institucij. Cilj ERC je tudi izboljšanje kariernih možnosti in neodvisnosti raziskovalcev v začetnih stopnjah kariere.

ERC vsako leto objavo Delovni program ERC, ki je podlaga za naslednje raziskovalne razpise v tekočem letu:• ERC razpis za začetek samostojne poti razi-

skovalca ali raziskovalke (2-7 let po prejemu doktorskega naziva) - Starting Grant

• ERC razpis za utrjevanje samostojne poti raz-iskovalca ali raziskovalke (7-12 let po preje-mu doktorskega naziva) - Consolidator Grant

• ERC razpis za priznanega raziskovalca ali raziskovalko - Advanced Grant

• ERC razpis za sinergijske projekte, pri katerih koordinirano sodelujejo 2-4 vodilni razisko-valci - Synergy Grant

ERCThe European Commission established the

European Research Council (ERC) in 2006. The new institution is run by scientists and the main goal of the ERC is the attractive and long-term financing of excellent researchers and their re-search teams to carry out groundbreaking and risky research promising new fundamental rec-ognitions. Research funded by the ERC should lead to the progress of existing knowledge and to the setting of clear objectives for fundamental research in Europe. Scientific excellence is the only criterion for granting financial resources. Evaluation of ERC applications is performed by peer-review panels. Applications can come from all scientific fields. The applicant may, at the time of application, be anywhere in the world but is obliged to carry out the ERC project at one of the European Institutions. The ERC also aims at improving career opportunities and the indepen-dence of researchers in their early career stages.

Each year, the ERC publishes the ERC Work Programme, which forms the basis for the fol-lowing research calls for the current year:• the ERC Call for the Start of the Independent

Path of a Researcher (2-7 years after receiv-ing the PhD title) - Starting Grant

• the ERC Call for Consolidating the Indepen-dent Path of a Researcher (7-12 years after receiving the PhD title) - Consolidator Grant

• the ERC Call for Recognised Researchers - Advanced Grant

• the ERC Call for Synergy Projects, with coor-dinated participation of 2-4 leading research-ers - Synergy Grant


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Med rezultati razpisa 2017 najbolj razveselju-je dejstvo, da je med dobitniki ERC projekta tudi slovenski raziskovalec prof.dr. Roman Jerala s Kemijskega inštituta. Na razpis je prispelo kar 2167 prijav projektov in ERC je izbral za finan-ciranje 269 najbolj obetavnih znanstvenih pre-dlogov v skupni vrednosti 653 milijonov eurov. Le trije projekti se bodo izvajali v novejših državah članicah EU.

Evalvacijski panel za aplikativne vede o življe-nju in ne-medicinsko biotehnologijo je podprl le 7 projektov, med njimi petletni projekt prof.dr. Romana Jerale z naslovom »MaCChines – Mo-lecular machines based on coiled-coil protein origami«. Za kako izjemno znanstveno idejo z velikim potencialom gre, priča tudi dejstvo, da je ob predstavitvi rezultatov razpisa ERC izpostavil nekaj primerov bodočih projektov, med njimi so izbrali tudi projekt MaCChines. Cilj projekta bo razviti nov razred molekularnih strojev na osnovi proteinov. Pričakuje se, da bo projekt pomembno vplival na znanstvene in medicinske aplikacije, vključno z izboljšanjem tehnologij za dostavo zdravil.

Pridobljeni projekt je prvi ERC projekt v Slove-niji s širšega področja ved o življenju. Upamo, da bo ta uspešna prijava spodbudila druge sloven-ske znanstvenice in znanstvenike k prijavljanju na razpise ERC, saj je na tem področju izrazito manj prijav kot na drugih znanstvenih področjih. Sicer je to četrti ERC projekt za vodilne razisko-valce v Sloveniji. Ne glede na karierno stopnjo prijavitelja oziroma prijaviteljice pa je v Sloveniji 6 ERC projektov.

Among the results of the 2017 Call, the most delightful was the fact that the Slovenian re-searcher, Prof.Dr. Roman Jerala, from the Na-tional Institute of Chemistry was among the persons who received the grant. A total of 2,167 project applications were received, and the ERC chose to finance 269 of the most promising sci-entific proposals in the total amount of €653 mil-lion. Only three projects will be carried out in the newer EU Member States.

The Evaluation Panel on Applied Life Sciences and Non-Medical Biotechnology supported only 7 projects, including a five-year project of Prof.Dr. Roman Jerala »MaCChines - Molecular machines based on coiled-coil protein origami«. That it rep-resents an extraordinary scientific idea with great potential, shows the fact that when presenting the results of the ERC Call, several examples of future projects were highlighted, including the MaCChi-nes project. The aim of the project will be to de-velop a new class of molecular machines based on proteins. It is expected that the project will have a significant impact on scientific and medical ap-plications, including the improvement of medicinal product delivery technologies.

The acquired project is the first ERC project in Slovenia from the wider field of life sciences. We hope that this successful application will encour-age other Slovenian scientists to apply for ERC calls, as there are distinctly fewer applications in this field than in other scientific fields. Otherwise, this is the fourth ERC project for leading research-ers in Slovenia. Regardless of the career level of the applicant, there are 6 ERC projects in Slovenia.

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Projekti ERA-NETV letu 2018 se je na Kemijskem inštitutu izva-

jalo pet ERA-NET projektov.

1. MEDISURFPredlagamo izgradnjo membransko sidra-nih polipeptidnih ogrodij (MSPO) kot novo vrsto visoko obvladljive bioaktivne površine nanovelikosti s polnim nadzorom nad funkci-onalno gostoto. Mem-bransko sidrana poli-peptidna ogrodja bodo sestavljena na površini lipidnega dvosloja li-posomov ali na mezo-poroznih nanodelcih silicijevega dioksida prevlečenih z lipidnim dvoslojem. Tehnologija membransko sidranih polipeptidnih ogrodij bo omogočila periodično ureditev antigenov, ki posnema ureditev virusne ovojnice, kar bo predvidoma odločilnega pomena za napre-dek na področju razvoja cepiv proti raku.

2. WABASELCOATSončni absorberji, vključeni v fasadne sis-teme, so postali realnost v moderni arhi-tekturi, čeprav še ne izpolnjujejo zahtev strank v celoti. V okviru projekta razvijamo od debeline neodvisne spektralno selektiv-ne premaze na vodni osnovi s samočistilnim efektom, ki so ena izmed najbolj optimalnih možnosti, saj z njimi lahko doseže-mo visok izkoristek pretvorbe sonč-ne energije v toplotno, dolgoživost in tudi visoke estetske arhitekturne standard. Učinkovitost se bo povečala s pri-merno uporabo črnih ali barvnih anorgan-skih pigmentov vključenih v veziva na vodni osnovi z nizko termično emisivnostjo kar se izrazi z minimalnim izgubljanjem toplote s sevanjem. Zaščita pred umazanijo bo vgra-jena z novimi aditivi. Novi premazi bodo te-stirani glede na potrebe trga.

ERA-NET projectsIn 2018, five ERA-NET projects were carried

out at the National Institute of Chemistry.

1. MEDISURFWe are suggesting the construction of mem-brane-anchored polypeptide frames as a new type of highly manageable bioactive nanoscale

surface with full control over its functional densi-ty. Membrane-anchored polypeptide frames will be assembled on the surface of a lipid bilayer of liposomes or on the mesoporous nanopar-ticles of silicon dioxide coated with the lipid bilayer. The technol-ogy of the membrane-anchored polypeptide frames will allow the

periodic arrangement of antigens that imitate the arrangement of the viral envelope, which is presumably crucial for the advancement in the development of cancer vaccines.

2. WABASELCOATThe solar absorbers integrated in facade sys-tems have become a reality in modern archi-tecture, although they do not yet entirely meet the requirements of the customers. Within the project, we are developing independent from thickness, spectral, selective, water-based coatings with a self-cleaning effect, which is

one of the most optimal solutions, since with them we can achieve a high conversion efficiency of solar energy into thermal energy, longevity

and also a high aesthetic architectural stan-dard. Efficiency will be increased with the ap-propriate use of black or coloured inorganic pigments incorporated in water-based bind-ers with low thermal emissivity, which is ex-pressed by minimising heat loss by radiation. Protection against dirt will be incorporated with new additives. New coatings will be test-ed according to market needs.

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3. GRAFOODOsnovna ideja projekta je izboljšati lastnosti embalaže za meso in sire, ki bo omogočila daljše in kvalitetnejše shranjevanje surovih izdelkov. Predviden je ra-zvoj novega kompozitne-ga materiala na osnovi papirja z dodatkom grafe-na, titanovega dioksida in srebra in na osnovi poli-mlečne kisline aktivirane s probiotiki. Zaradi proti--mikrobnega delovanja in manjše prepustnosti za svetlobo in pline bo nova embalaža omogočila znižanje stroškov zaradi enostavnejšega pred-procesiranja mesa in sirov ter zmanjšanja količine odpa-dne hrane.

4. CoBioTech RHODOLIVEOdpadna voda od oljčnega olja (OMW) je po-memben stranski produkt prehrambne indu-strije držav proizvajalk oljčnega olja v sredo-zemskem bazenu, predstavlja pa velik vpliv na okolje, če ni ustrezno naslovljen. Vendar pa je OMW obenem bogat z organskimi spojinami, kar gre tudi uporabiti neposredno po ekstrakciji ali valorizirati prek bio-katalitskih procesov. RHODOLI-VE predlaga inovativen krožni bioekonomski pristop za valorizacijo tega stranskega toka prehrambne industrije z obdelavo OMW z ne-konvencionalnim kvasom, da se kopičijo in proizvajajo mikrobni lipidi, biofenoli in karote-noidi, ki se bodo uporabljali pri razvoju funkci-onalnih prehrambnih izdelkov.

5. Mar3BioMorske biomase, ki jih je treba uporabiti v Mar3Bio, so rjave alge in stranski produkti rakov. Ti obsežni, vendar neizkorišče-ni obnovljivi viri imajo velik potencial za proizvodnjo biomolekul visoke vrednosti. Sedanja ozka grla za bio rafinacijo, ki se osredotočajo na te surovine, so ceneni pridel-ki, potrebna je visoka poraba energije in neob-novljive biomolekule.

3. GRAFOODThe basic idea of the project is to improve the characteristics of meat and cheese packag-ing, which will allow longer and better qual-

ity storage of raw prod-ucts. The development of a new paper-based com-posite material is envis-aged with the addition of graphene, titanium diox-ide on the basis of poly-lactic acid activated with probiotics. Due to its an-

ti-microbial activity and lower permeability for light and gases, new packaging will allow for lower costs due to simpler pre-process-ing of meat and cheeses and a reduction in food waste.

4. CoBioTech RHODOLIVEOlive Mill Wastewater (OMW) is an impor-tant by-product of the food industry of olive oil producing countries in the Mediterranean basin, but it represents a major environmen-tal impact if not addressed appropriately. However, OMW is at the same time rich in

organic compounds, which can be used directly after extraction or valorised through bio-catalytic pro-

cesses. RHODOLIVE proposes an innovative circular bioeconomic approach to valorise this side-flow of the food industry by treat-ing OMW with unconventional yeast in order to accumulate and produce microbial lipids, biophenols and carotenoids to be used in the development of functional food products.

5. Mar3BioThe marine biomass to be used in Mar3Bio is brown algae and the by-products of crusta-

ceans. These extensive, but unused re-newable sources have great potential for the production of high value biomolecules. The current bottlenecks for bio-refining,

focusing on these raw materials, are low-priced products, and high energy consumption and non-renewable biomolecules are required.

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Projekti Evropskih strukturnih skladovKemijski inštitut je v letu 2018 sodeloval v

11 projektih financiranih iz Evropskih struktur-nih skladov.

V letu 2016 so se začeli izvajati programi pri-dobljeni na razpisu »RRI v verigah in mrežah vrednosti« - sklop 1 »Spodbujanje izvajanja raz-iskovalno-razvojnih programov (TRL3-6)«. Ke-mijski inštitut sodeluje v 4 programih Pametnih specializacij:

6. BioPharm.Si – Nova generacija bioloških

zdravilProizvodnja bioloških zdravil in cepiv v obliki proteinov, DNA in virusov je iz operativnega in tehničnega vidika izjemno zahtevna in mogoča samo v tehnološko dovršenih procesih. Zara-di potreb po izboljšanju produktivnosti procesov, zniževanju stroškov, fle-ksibilnosti in predvsem zaradi tehnološkega na-predka, ki to omogoča, se pri proizvodnji velikih bioloških molekul počasi uveljavlja koncept kon-tinuirane proizvodnje. Prednosti kontinuiranih proizvodnih sistemov so zaradi manjših volumnov in boljšega izkoristka substratov višja produk-tivnost in nižji stroški, enostavnejši prenos na večji proizvodni nivo ter večja robustnost in fle-ksibilnost.

7. F4F – Funkcionalna živila prihodnostiProgram »Funkcionalna živila prihodno-sti – F4F« se osredotoča na trajnostno pridelavo kakovostne hrane in vzpostavi-tev dolgoročno vzdržnih pogojev za razvoj slovenske živilskopredelovalne industrije z namenom dviga konkurenčnosti slovenske-ga prehrambnega sektorja ter vzpostavitve inovativnih, kratkih dobavnih verig lokalno pridelanih živil z zagotovljeno in prepozna-no sledljivostjo od polja do mize. Razvojno delo poteka na dveh glavnih sklopih produk-tnih skupin: 1. obogatena živila z dodatnimi

Projects of the European Structural FundsIn 2018, the National Institute of Chemistry

participated in 11 projects financed by the Euro-pean Structural Funds.

In 2016, the programmes acquired at the call »RRI in chains and networks of values« - Lot 1 »Promoting the implementation of research and development programmes (TRL3-6)« started to be implemented. The National Institute of Chemistry participates in 4 Smart Specialisation Programmes:

6. BioPharm.Si – A new generation of bio-logical medicines

The production of biological medicines and vac-cines in the form of proteins, DNA and viruses is extremely demanding from the operational and technical point of view and is only possible

in technologically advanced processes. Due to the need to improve process productiv-ity, to reduce costs, flexibility and, in particular, due to the technological advancement that allows this, the concept of continuous production is slowly being implemented in the production of large bio-

logical molecules. The advan-tages of continuous production systems are due to the lower

volumes and better substrate utilisation, higher productivity and lower costs, simpler transfer to a higher production level and greater robust-ness and flexibility.

7. F4F – Functional foods of the futureThe programme »Functional Foods of the Fu-ture - F4F« focuses on the sustainable pro-duction of quality food and the establishment of long-term sustainable conditions for the development of the Slovenian food processing industry with the aim of increasing the competi-tiveness of the Slovenian food sector and estab-lishing innovative, short supply chains of locally produced foods with guaranteed and recognised traceability from the field to the table. Develop-ment work is carried out on two main sections of product groups: 1. fortified foods with additional

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funkcionalnimi lastnost-mi in 2. živila z zmanjša-no vsebnostjo neželenih snovi. V programu deluje 7 verig dodane vrednosti (žito, mleko, meso, sadje/zelenjava, med, prehran-ski dodatki in inteligen-tna embalaža). Program sestavlja 11 projektov, katerih cilj je razviti 9 skupin prototipov.

8. MARTINA - MAteRiali in TehnologIje za Nove Aplikacije

Program v okviru pametne specializacije »Martina« je usmerjen v multikomponentne materiale ter duroplastične in termoplastične kompozite. Ukvarjamo se z modifikacijo nanoceluloze, sintezo grafen oksida in nano-ZnO, ki smo jih uporabili kot nanopolnila pri pripravi kompozitov s po-liolefinskimi polmernimi ma-tricami z ekstrudiranjem in injekcijskim brizganjem ali s stiskanjem z namenom izbolj-šanja mehanskih lastnost, UV stabilnosti, in antibakterijskih lastnosti poliolefinov.

9. NMP - Izkoriščanje potenciala biomase za razvoj naprednih materialov in bio-osno-vanih produktovNamenili smo se celovito raziskati »zavr-žene potenciale biomase« - vse, kar nam postopno izkoriščanje tega avtohtonega na-ravnega in obnovljivega vira omogoča, pa tega še nismo izkoristili. Subjekti, povezani v raziskovalno-razvojno-produkcijsko obliko krožnega gospodarstva, bomo razvili in op-timizirali nove, trajnostne tehnologije in po-stopke, s pomočjo katerih se bomo dokopali do uporabnih komponent biomase, ki jih je moč v vrsti proizvodnih panog – od kemijske, tekstilne, papirne, lesne in avtomobilske in-dustrije, gradbeništva, inženiringa in ener-getike – integrirati kot okoljsko sprejemljive

functional properties; and 2. foods with a reduced content of undesirable substances. The programme contains 7 chains of added value (grains, milk, meat, fruit/vegetables, honey, dietary supplements and intelligent packaging). The programme

consists of 11 projects aimed at developing 9 prototype groups.

8. MARTINA - MAteRials and TechnologIes for New Appliations

The programme within the smart specialisa-tion »Martina« is focused on multicomponent

materials and thermosetting and thermoplastic composites. We are engaged in the modifica-tion of nanocellulose, the syn-thesis of graphene oxide and nano-ZnO, which were used as nanofillers in the preparation of composites with polyolefin poly-meric matrices by extrusion and injection moulding or pressing in order to improve the mechanical properties, UV stability and the antibacterial properties of poly-olefins.

9. NMP - Exploitation of the potential of bio-mass for the development of advanced materials and bio-based productsWe intend to comprehensively explore the »discarded biomass potential« - everything that allows for the gradual exploitation of this indigenous natural and renewable re-source, but has not been exploited yet. Enti-ties connected in the research-development-production form of the circular economy will develop and optimise new, sustainable tech-nologies and processes, through which we will acquire useful components of biomass that can be integrated in a range of manu-facturing industries - from chemical, textile, paper, wood and car industry, construction, engineering and energy – as environmentally

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materiale in izdelke z viso-ko stopnjo razgradljivosti in možnosti vnovične uporabe. Tako gradimo nove verige vrednosti, si odpiramo vra-ta na trg zelenih izdelkov z visoko dodano vrednostjo, krepimo konkurenčnost slo-venskega gospodarstva ja-čamo družbene vezi in hkrati konkretno manjšamo obre-menitve za okolje.

V letu 2017 se je Kemijski inštitut pridružil nacionalnemu Konzorciju za prenos tehno-logij iz JRO v gospodarstvo (KTT), kate¬rega namen je krepitev in dodatni razvoj dejavno-sti prenosa znanja iz slovenskih razis¬koval-nih inštitucij v industrijo. Projekt KTT zdru-žuje pisarne za prenos znanja z Univerze v Ljubljani, Univerze v Mariboru, Univerze na Primorskem, Instituta Jožef Stefan, Nacio-¬nalnega inštituta za biologijo, Kmetijskega inštituta, Fakultete za informacijske štu-dije v Novem mestu in Kemijskega inštitu-ta. Skupni cilj projekta je nuditi kvalitetno, učinkovito in strokovno podporo pri prenosu znanja iz naštetih inštitucij v industrijo.

Leta 2018 smo začeli z izvajanjem 1 Interreg projekta (BioECO-R.D.I.), 3 projekti so se že izvajali v letu 2017. Izvajali smo naslednje Interreg projekte:

10. koordinatorski projekt BIOCOMPACKBIOCOMPACK CE (program srednja Evropa) se ukvarja z razvojem in krepitvijo med-sektorskih povezav v inovacijskem siste-mu na področju trajnostne biokompozitne embalaže v srednjeevropskem krožnem gospodarstvu. Cilj pro-jekta je sistemski pristop k iz-boljšanim izdelkom, predvsem embalaže, ki združuje papir in plastiko, z namenom odpraviti omejitve pri ravnanju z odpadki. Poudarek je namenjen pripravi biokompozitov iz papirja in bioplastike ter

friendly materials and products with a high degree of degrad-ability and reusability. Thus, we are building new value chains, opening our doors to the mar-ket of green products with high added value, strengthening the competitiveness of the Slove-nian economy, strengthening social ties, and at the same time reducing the burden on the environment.

In 2017, the National Institute of Chemistry joined the Consortium for Technology Transfer (KTT), which aims to strengthen and further develop the transfer of knowledge from Slove-nian research institutions to the industry. The KTT Project combines knowledge transfer of-fices from the University of Ljubljana, Univer-sity of Maribor, University of Primorska, the Jožef Stefan Institute, the National Institute of Biology, the Agricultural Institute of Slovenia, the Faculty of Information Studies, Novo mes-to and the National Institute of Chemistry. The overall objective of the project is to provide quality, efficient and professional support for the transfer of knowledge from these institu-tions to the industry.

In 2018, we started the implementation of 1 Interreg project (BioECO-R.D.I.), while 3 proj-ects were already implemented in 2017. We carried out the following Interreg projects:

10. coordinating project BIOCOMPACKBIOCOMPACK CE (the Central Europe pro-gramme) is engaged in the development and strengthening of cross-sectoral links in the innovation system in the field of sustainable

biocomposite packaging in the Central European circular econo-my. The goal of the project is the systemic approach to improved

products, especially paper and plastic pack-aging, in order to eliminate the limitations of waste management. The emphasis is on preparing biocomposites from paper and bio-

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vzpostavitvi ekspertno skupino, ki bo na-daljevala z delom za industrijo, tudi po za-ključku projekta.

11. RetinaProjekt predstavlja mrežo uveljavljenih la-boratorijev s sedežem na obmejnem ob-močju Slovenije in Avstrije, ki temeljijo na znanosti o materialih. Tako imenovana »Enotna vstop-na točka« je ustvarjena z namenom, da sprejema im-pulze R&R na tem obmej-nem območju in jih pošilja odgovornim institucijam znotraj konzorcija RETINA. To bo povečalo možnosti za doseganje kritične mase R&I opreme v programskem območju, spodbudilo podjetja v investicije v R&I in posledično pripomoglo k povečanju konkurenčnosti manj razvitih regij.

12. koordinatorski projekt BioAppProjekt BioApp predstavlja nadregionalno tehnološko plat za prenos naprednih biopolimerov iz laboratorija na trg. V okviru projekta se bodo razvile nove tehnolo-gije in produkte vključujoč biopolimere, na področjih prehrambene in kozmetične industrije ter biomedicine.

13. BIOECO–R.D.I. BIOECO – R.D.I., »BIO-ECOnomy Rese-arch Driven Innovation, Adriatic-Ionian Programme INTERREG V-B«, bo razvil re-gionalni in transnacionalni inovacijski sis-tem na osnovi bio-ekonomskega sektorja. Ukvarjamo se izboljša-no uporabo neizkoriščenih po-tencialov biomase in odpadkov biomase v kmetijstvu, ribištvu in gozdarstvu, s povezovanjem in mreženjem med podjetji in znanostjo v skupnih razi-skavah, prenosu znanja in spretnostih. Cilj

plastics and establishing an expert group that will continue working for the industry, even after the project has been completed.

11. RetinaThe project is a network of established labo-ratories in the border region of Slovenia and Austria, based on material science. The so-

called »Single Entry Point« has been created in order to receive R&D pulses in this border area and send them to the responsible institu-tions within the RETINA Con-sortium. This will increase the chances of achieving a critical mass of R&I equip-ment in the programme area, encouraging enterpris-

es to invest in R&I and, consequently, help increase the competitiveness of less devel-oped regions.

12. coordinating project BioAppThe BioApp project is a trans-regional technology platform for the transfer of advanced biopolymers from labora-tories to the market. Within the project, new technologies and products including bio-polymers will be developed in the fields of food and cosmet-ics industry and biomedicine.

13. BIOECO–R.D.I. BIOECO - R.D.I., »BIO-ECOnomy Research Driven Innovation, Adriatic-Ionian Programme INTERREG V-B«, will develop a regional and transnational innovation system based on the

bio-economic sector. We are work-ing to improve the utilisation of unused potentials of biomass and biomass waste in agriculture, fish-eries and forestry, by linking and

networking between enterprises and science in joint research, and the transfer of knowl-edge and skills. The goal of BIOECO-RDI is to

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BIOECO-RDI je doseči višji nivo inovativno-sti in mednarodnega sodelovanja posebej v kmetijstvu (proizvodnja hrane) in v »zeleni kemiji« s principi krožnega gospodarstva.

achieve a higher level of innovation and inter-national cooperation especially in agriculture (food production) and in the »green chemis-try« with the principles of a circular economy.

Regional Action Plan

Policy buildingTechnical assistance


12 Collaboration schemes and partnerships

4 Round Tables10 Meetings

6 Policy measures/ incentive schemses

4 Meetings

Regional Work Group International Work Group

BIOECO R.D.I. International Strategy

SWOT Analysis

BIOECO R.D.I. Regional Strategy

1 International Strategy6 Regional StrategIies

1 WG's report 6 Wgs' Reports

6 Swot Analysis

Monitoring and Peer Review

3 Peer Review sessions

6 Regional strategy roadmaps

International collaboration network

3 international matchmaking events

6 Collaboration agreements

Capacity Building - Regional Events




Technical Demonstration

Capacity Building - International Events



Projekti Obzorja 2020V letu 2018 je Kemijski inštitut sodeloval pri

19 projektih iz Obzorja 2020:

14. MefCO2 (Synthesis of methanol from captu-red carbon dioxide using surplus electricity)Metanol predstavlja eno najpogostejših in razširjenih kemikalij in predhodnih sestavin za nadaljnjo sintezo in ga tradicionalno pro-izvede iz sinteznega plina, pridoblje-nega z reformo zemeljskega plina. Ta proces sinteze metanola deluje na stabilen način, ki zagotavlja visoko prepustnost in zahteva nizke emisi-je ogljikovega dioksida / ogljikovega monoksida v krmi. Sedanji projekt pa kljub temu vključuje fleksibilno (v obratovanju in krmiljenjem) sintezo metanola z visoko kon-centracijskimi tokovi ogljikovega dioksida kot vhod, ki sledi iz termoelektrarn z uporabo fo-silnih goriv.

15. HELIS (High energy lithium sulphur cells and batteries) – koordinatorski projektLitij žveplovi akumulatorji so eden izmed naj-resnejših kandidatov za komercializacijo med vsemi post-Li-ionskimi akumulatorji zaradi njihove visoke teoretične gostote energije in stroškovne učinkovitosti. Še vedno pa ostajajo

Horizon 2020 projectsIn 2018, the National Institute of Chemistry

participated in 19 Horizon 2020 projects:

14. MefCO2 (Synthesis of methanol from captured carbon dioxide using surplus electricity)Methanol represents one of the most com-mon and expanded chemicals and precur-sors for further synthesis and is tradition-

ally produced from synthesis gas obtained by the reform of natural gas. This process of methanol syn-thesis works in a stable manner that ensures high permeability and requires low carbon dioxide / car-

bon monoxide emissions in feed. However, the current project nevertheless includes a flexible (in operation and control) synthesis of methanol with high concentration carbon dioxide flows as input from thermal power plants using fossil fuels.

15. HELIS (High energy lithium sulphur cells and batteries) – coordinating projectLithium sulphur batteries are one of the strongest candidates for commercialisation among all post-Li-ion batteries due to their high theoretical energy density and cost-ef-fectiveness. There are still issues to be re-

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vprašanja, ki jih je potrebno rešiti za dokonč-no komercializacijo. Preostali problemi so v glavnem povezani s stabilnostjo litijeve anode med polnjenjem in praznjenjem akumulator-ja, z inženirskim pristopom celotnega akumu-latorja in z vprašanji o njihovem staranju, var-nosti, reciklirnosti in okoljske sprejemljivosti.

16. NANORESTART (NANOmaterials for the REStoration of works of ART)V okviru EU projekta Nanorestart smo sode-lovali v dveh delovnih sklopih, in sicer pri (i) razvoju zaščitnih prevlek za bronaste artefak-te in pri (ii) razvoju elektrokemijskih senzor-jev za detekcijo nekaterih hlapnih organskih spojin, ki jih v okolico emitirajo razpadajoči artefakti iz umetnih mas. V prime-ru pasivnih zaščitnih prevlek smo izdelali serijo prepustnih premazov na osnovi poliuretanov in fluoropoli-merov, ki smo jih okarakterizirali z različnimi analitskimi tehnikami oz. preverili njihovo kompatibilnost z aktivnimi zaščitni-mi plastmi različnih partnerjev. Razvili smo senzorske sloje za pripravo občutljivih elek-trokemijskih senzorjev za detekcijo izbranih plinastih aldehidov, ketonov in fenolov, ki so prepoznani kot znanilci pričetka razpadnih procesov artefaktov izdelanih iz umetnih ma-terialov. Takšni senzorji omogočajo detekcijo ne le v laboratorijskem okolju, ampak tudi v realnih okoljih, npr. v muzejih, galerijah, de-pojih, itd.

17. NextBioPharmDSP (Next-generation bio-pharmaceutical downstream process)Pri projektu raziskujemo možnosti kon-tinuiranega procesa čiščenja re-kombinantnih terapevtskih imunog-lobulinov. Projekt je v zaključni fazi preverjanja tehnoloških rešitev v pi-lotnih postavitvah. V končni postavi-tvi sodelujemo z monitoringom flokulacije celic kulture med primarno separacijo. Vsi kazalci kakovosti produkta v pilotnih posta-vitvah so izpolnili ali presegli pričakovanja.

solved for complete commercialisation. The remaining issues are mainly related to the stability of the lithium anode during charging and discharging the battery; the engineering approach of the entire battery, and the issues of their aging, safety, recycling and environ-mental acceptability.

16. NANORESTART (NANOmaterials for the REStoration of works of ART)Within the EU project Nanorestart, we partici-pated in two work packages: (i) the develop-ment of protective coatings for bronze artefacts and (ii) the development of electrochemical sensors for the detection of certain volatile organic compounds emitted by the degrad-

ing artefacts made of plastics. In the case of passive protective coatings, a series of permeable coatings based on polyurethanes and fluoropolymers, which we characterised with differ-

ent analytical techniques, was created or their compatibility with the active protective layers of various partners was checked. We developed sensor layers for the preparation of sensitive electrochemical sensors for the detection of selected gaseous aldehydes, ketones and phe-nols, which are recognised as the originators of the deterioration process of artefacts made from artificial materials. Such sensors allow detection, not only in the laboratory environ-ment, but also in real-life environments, e.g. in museums, galleries, depots, etc.

17. NextBioPharmDSP (Next-generation bio-pharmaceutical downstream process)The project explores the possibilities of a contin-

uous process of purification of recombi-nant therapeutic immunoglobulins. The project is in the final stage of the verifi-cation of technological solutions in pilot installations. In the final installation, we

are cooperating with the monitoring of cell cul-ture flocculation during primary separation. All product quality indicators in pilot installations fulfilled or exceeded expectations.

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18. TOLLerant (Toll-Like Receptor 4 activati-on and function in diseases: an integrated chemical-biology approach)Namen projekta TOLLerant je pridobiti in-formacije o molekularnih vidikih aktivacije in signalizacije receptorja TLR4. Znanstveni cilj je razviti nove, netoksične, sintetične in naravne modulatorje TLR4 in oceniti njihov terapevtski potencial. Dolgoročni cilj je ra-zvoj nove generacije inovativ-nih terapevtikov, ki se upora-bljajo kot adjuvansi za cepivo, sredstva proti sepsi in protivnetna sredstva za zdravljenje kroničnih vnetij. TOLLerant kot projekt v okviru razpisa MSCA-ITN iz-vaja program usposabljanja raziskovalcev v zgodnji fazi (ESR) z namenom pridobiti kompetence, izkušnje in spretnosti v naj-sodobnejših interdisciplinarnih raziskavah s področja kemijske biologije molekularnih mehanizmov prirojene imunosti in vnetja.

19. ADREM (Adaptable Reactors for Resource- and Energy-Efficient Methane Valorisation)V ADREM-u so vodilne industrijske in univer-zitetne skupine na področju intenzifikacije procesov, inženiringa katalitskega reaktorja in skupine za nadzor procesov, ki obravnava-jo področje energetsko učinkovite valorizacije spremenljivih virov za C2 + ogljikovodike. Razvoj novih in intenzivnejših prilagodljivih katalitskih reaktorskih sistemov za prožno in decentralizirano proizvodnjo pri vi-sokih procesnih zmogljivostih je v središču pozornosti, ki lahko deluje s spreminjanjem sestave surovin in zagota-vlja zahtevano distribucijo izdelkov na zahtevo s preklopom izbranih operativnih / kontrolnih parametrov in / ali spreminjanje modularnih kartuš za katalizatorje. Dolgoročno pričaku-jemo, da bodo reaktorji upravljali z energijo in emisijami, ki bi uporabljali zeleno električno energijo kot neposredni vir primarne energije.

20. PLOTINA (Promoting gender balance and in-clusion in research, innovation and training)V okviru projekta PLOTINA izvajamo načrt za enakost spolov, ki bo doprinesel k spremem-

18. TOLLerant (Toll-Like Receptor 4 activa-tion and function in diseases: an integrat-ed chemical-biology approach)The purpose of the TOLLerant project is to obtain information on the molecular aspects of the ac-tivation and signalling of the TLR4 receptor. The scientific goal is to develop new, non-toxic, syn-thetic and natural TLR4 modulators and evaluate their therapeutic potential. The long-term goal

is to develop a new generation of innovative therapeutics that are used as vaccine adjuvants, and

anti-sepsis and anti-inflammatory agents for the treatment of chronic inflammation. TOLLerant, as a project under the MSCA-ITN call, carries out an early-stage researchers’ training programme (ESA) for the purpose of gaining competencies, experience and skills in state-of-the-art interdis-ciplinary research in the field of chemical biology of molecular mechanisms of congenital immu-nity and inflammation.

19. ADREM (Adaptable Reactors for Resource- and Energy-Efficient Methane Valorisation)ADREM comprises leading industrial and uni-versity groups in the field of process intensifi-cation, catalytic reactor engineering and pro-cess control groups that address the field of energy efficient valorisation of variable sources for C2 + hydrocarbons. The development of new and more intensive adaptive catalytic reactor

systems for flexible and decentral-ised production at high processing capacities is at the centre of atten-tion, which can work by changing

the composition of raw materials and ensuring the required distribution of on-demand prod-ucts by switching the selected operational/control parameters and/or modulating modu-lar cartridges for catalysts. In the long term, we expect that reactors will manage energy and emissions that would use green electricity as a direct source of primary energy.

20. PLOTINA (Promoting gender balance and in-clusion in research, innovation and training)Within the PLOTINA project we are imple-menting a gender equality plan that will con-

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bam v našem delovnem okolju tako, da bomo imeli ženske in moški enake možnosti in pri-ložnosti za uresničevanje svojih potencialov, ciljev in potreb v raziskavah in znanosti. Pri tem se osredotočamo na spremembo kultu-re, ki bo podpirala ozaveščanje o spolu, na promocijo razvo-ja raziskovalne kariere za oba spola ter na omogočanje diverzifikacije pog-ledov in metodologij v raziskavah tako, da se vključujeta tudi spremenljivki spol in gender. Projekt financira Evropska unija iz programa Obzorje 2020; pri tem sodelujemo s partnerji iz Avstrije, Italije, Portugalske, Turčije, Špani-je in Velike Britanije.

21. FReSMe (From residual steel gasses to methanol)Projekt FReSMe, od plinov iz jekla do meta-nola, bo proizvedel metanol, ki se bo upo-rabil pri ladijskem prevozu. To zeleno gori-vo bo proizvedeno iz CO2, ki se pridobiva iz industrijske peči za plin, H2 pa se regenerira tako iz samega plina kot tudi iz H2, proizvedenega z elektrolizo. Dva različna vira H2 bosta omogočila (i) največjo izkoristek seda-nje preostale vsebnosti energije v plavžnem plinu, hkrati pa (ii) prikazala pot naprej s teh-nologijo, kjer bo nizkoogljični ali obnovljivi H2

postal pomemben.

22. LiRichFCC (A new class of powerful mate-rials for electrochemical energy storage: Lithium-rich oxyfluorides with cubic den-se packing)V projektu LiRichFCC delamo na povsem novi vrsti materialov za shranjevanje elektrokemij-skih virov energije, imenovani »Li-rich FCC«, ki vsebuje zelo visoko koncentracijo litija v kubični gosto pakirani strukturi (FCC). Postopek, s katerim se ener-gija shrani v teh materialih, pred-stavlja paradigmatsko spremembo v zasnovi materialov akumulatorja in vključuje nepričakovane in presenetljivo učinkovite mehanizme: namesto shranjevanja litijevih ionov z interkalacijo v stabilno gosti-

tribute to changes in our working environ-ment so that we will have equal opportunities for women and men to realise their poten-tials, goals and needs in research and sci-ence. In this, we focus on changing the culture

to support gender awareness, promote the development of a research career for both sex-

es, and enabling the diversification of views and methodologies in research so as to in-clude the gender variable. The project is fi-nanced by the European Union from Horizon 2020; We work with partners from Austria, Italy, Portugal, Turkey, Spain and the United Kingdom.

21. FReSMe (From residual steel gasses to methanol)The FReSMe project, from residual steel gas-ses to methanol, will produce methanol, which will be used in ship transport. This green fuel will be produced from CO2 obtained from an in-

dustrial gas furnace, and H2 is re-generated both from the gas itself and from H2 produced by electroly-sis. Two different H2 sources will

allow (i) the maximum utilisation of the cur-rent residual energy content of blast furnace gas, while at the same time (ii) demonstrating the way forward with technology where low-carbon or renewable H2 will become important.

22. LiRichFCC (A new class of powerful ma-terials for electrochemical energy stor-age: Lithium-rich oxyfluorides with cubic dense packing)Within the LiRichFCC project, we are work-ing on an entirely new type of material for the storage of electrochemical sources, called »Li-rich FCC«, which contains a very high con-

centration of lithium in a cubic dense packing (FCC). The process by which energy is stored in these materials represents a paradigm shift in the design of battery materials and in-

cludes unexpected and surprisingly effective mechanisms: instead of storing lithium ions with intercalating into a stable host structure,

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teljsko strukturo, se litijevi ioni shranjujejo na mestih, kjer so prisotne prehodne kovine. To novo načelo omogoča izjemno gostoto ener-gije in moči v primerjavi z drugimi materiali akumulatorja in lahko revolucionira uporabo baterij v aplikacijah, ki vključujejo potrebo po zagotavljanju velike količine energije in moči iz majhnih prostorov.

23. in3 (An integrated interdisciplinary ap-proach to animal-free chemical and nano-material safety assessment)Cilj In3 projekta je razvoj metodologije za oce-njevanje kemikalij in nanomaterialov brez te-stiranja na živalih. Preučujemo membranski protein PgP (P-glycoprotein) v vlogi izločanja toksičnih molekul iz celic, ter v povezavi z ostalimi partnerji projekta študiramo mehanizme to-ksičnosti (AOP, adverse outcome pathway). Z biomolekularnimi simulacijami pojasjujemo začetne molekulske dogodke (initial moleku-lar events) izbranih toksičnih poti.

24. Obelics (Optimization of scalaBle rEaltime modeLs and functIonal testing for e-drive ConceptS)Projekt razvija nova orodja za spremljanje delovanja električnih vozil in nove načine optimizacije komponent v takšnih vozilih. Kemijski inštitut je v pro-jektu udeležen pri optimizacija de-lovanja baterij v električnem vozilu in izboljšani interakciji med baterijo in dru-gimi komponentami sodobnega električne-ga vozila.

25. UIA Applause (ApPLAuSE (Alien PLAnt SpEcies) - from harmful to useful with ci-tizens' led activities)Projekt »APPLAUSE (Ali-en PLAnt SpEcies )« nas-lavlja nerešena vprašanja glede ravnanja z invaziv-nimi tujerodnimi rastli-nami v smislu zero-waste pristopa in krožnega go-spodarstva. Skozi projekt

lithium ions are stored in places where tran-sition metals are present. This new principle provides exceptional power and energy den-sity compared to other battery materials and can revolutionise the use of batteries in ap-plications that include the need to provide a large amount of power and energy from small spaces.

23. in3 (An integrated interdisciplinary ap-proach to animal-free chemical and nano-material safety assessment)The goal of the In3 project is to develop a methodology for assessing chemicals and nanomaterials without animal testing. We

are studying the PgP (P-glycopro-tein) membrane protein in the role of excretion of toxic molecules from cells, and in liaison with other proj-

ect partners, the mechanisms of toxicity (AOP, adverse outcome pathway). With bio-molecular simulations we clarify the initial molecular events of selected toxic pathways.

24. Obelics (Optimization of scalaBle rEaltime modeLs and functIonal testing for e-drive ConceptS)

The project is developing new tools for moni-toring the operation of electric vehicles and

new ways of optimising components in such vehicles. The National Insti-tute of Chemistry participates in the project to optimise the performance

of batteries in electric vehicles and to improve the interaction between the battery and other components of a modern electric vehicle.

25. UIA Applause (ApPLAuSE (Alien PLAnt SpEcies) - from harmful to useful with citizens’ led activities)

The project »APPLAUSE (Alien PLAnt SpEcies)« addresses unresolved is-sues regarding the man-agement of invasive alien plants in terms of zero-waste approach and cir-cular economy. Through

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razvijamo bolj zeleni način predpriprave kaše za izdelavo papirja, odpadke nastale pri omenjeni predpripravi pa predelujemo v vhodne surovine za industrijo. Iščemo reši-tev za lesne ostanke, ki sedaj predstavljajo energent, lahko pa jih prede-lamo tudi v druge koristne iz-delke. Preverjamo ustreznost izbranih invazivnih rastlinskih vrst za prehrano, iz njih izdelujemo narav-na barvila in jih preizkušamo kot domače pripravke proti rastlinskim boleznim in ško-dljivcem. Za spremljanje stanja razširjeno-sti invazivnih rastlin uporabljamo tudi po-datke iz nove generacije evropskih satelitov za opazovanje Zemlje Sentinel-2.

26. LightDyNAmics (DNA as a training platform for photodynamic processes in soft materials)Projekt je usmerjen v razumevanje ultra hi-trih dinamičnih procesov na molekulskem nivoju, ki jih inducira absorpcija UV svetlobe na DNA, ter razkrivanje mehanizmov, ki vodijo do poškodb genskega koda. Različni komple-mentarni pristopi na osnovi eksperimental-nih in računskih metod omogočajo vpogled v dinamiko kromofornih sistemov.

27. CC Lego (CC-LEGO: robust protein blocks to build cages and layers)Načrtovani proteini imajo velik potencial za izboljšanje zdravja ljudi, saj omogočajo iz-boljšavo cepiv, natančnejšo dostavo zdravil in nove terapije. Namen tega projekta je povečati stopnjo uspešnosti pri načr-tovanju velikih proteinskih sestavov, in sicer z uporabo obvitih vijačnic (CC) na vmesnem delu med gradniki. Ustvarili bom set dobro definiranih gradnikov (CC-LEGOs) s togo genetsko fuzijo z naravnimi in načrtovanimi oligomerizacij-skimi domenami. Gradnike bomo uporabili za oblikovanje kletk (tetraedra, kocke, dode-kaedra) in odprtih 2D mrež.

the project we are developing a greener way of pre-treatment of paper pulp, and the waste generated during the above pre-treatment is processed into input raw materials for in-dustry. We are searching for a solution for

wood residues, which now rep-resent an energy source, but we can also process them into other useful products. We verify

the suitability of the selected invasive plant species for food, produce natural dyes from them and test them as domestic preparations against plant diseases and pests. We also use data from a new generation of European Sen-tinel-2 observation satellites to monitor the prevalence status of invasive plants.

26. LightDyNAmics (DNA as a training platform for photodynamic processes in soft materials)The project focuses on understanding ultra-fast dynamic processes at the molecular level

induced by the absorption of UV light on DNA and discovering the mecha-nisms that lead to damage to the ge-netic code. Various complementary

approaches based on experimental and com-putational methods provide an insight into the dynamics of chromophore systems.

27. CC Lego (CC-LEGO: robust protein blocks to build cages and layers)The design of novel proteins offers unprec-edented advantages for human health, such as improved vaccines, precise drug deliv-

ery and novel therapies. This project aims to increase the success rate of designing large protein assemblies, by using coiled-coils (CC) at the in-terface. A series of well-defined building blocks (CC-LEGOs) will be

created by rigid genetic fusion with natural and designed oligomerisation domains. The blocks will be used to form cages (tetrahe-dron, cube, dodecahedron), as well as open 2D networks.

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28. BioRoboost (Fostering Synthetic Biol-ogy standardisation through international collaboration)The BioRoboost project deals with the identi-fication and determination of biological stan-dards in the field of synthetic biology. The

aim is to advance the field of synthetic biology in solving technical issues by a consensual redefinition of conceptual and technical biological standards and by promoting a realistic and flex-

ible set of standard biological parts. For this purpose, the Consortium has gathered the most important stakeholders in all aspects of standardisation of biology in Europe.

29. CONVERGE (CarbON Valorisation in Energy-efficient Green fuels)

The CONVERGE project will confirm the in-novative value chain for the production of green biodiesel. The innovative configuration will reduce the total number of units required for the conversion of secondary biomass and

waste streams into green bio-diesel, while also producing ad-ditional intermediate products of the green refinery. The CON-

VERGE project will display 5 units in three completed processing steps (pre-treatment, valorisation and improved methanol extrac-tion), presenting these new combinations from the detection phase (TRL3) to the level of matured development (TRL5).

30. NOCMOC (Noč ima svojo moč, European Researchers’ Night (NIGHT)

Noč ima svojo moč [The Night has its Might] is a pan-European project aimed at design-ing a series of activities within the European Researchers’ Night. At that time, science and

research organisations open their doors to present the profession and life of a scientist to the gen-eral public. The purpose of the project is to raise the awareness of research and innovation, relat-ed social and economic benefits, and career opportunities. Activi-

28. BioRoboost (Fostering Synthetic Biology standardisation through international col-laboration)Projekt BioRoboost se ukvarja s prepozna-vanjem in določanjem bioloških standardov na področju sintezne biologije. Namen je napredek področja sintezne biologije pri reševanju tehničnih težav z kon-senzusno redefinicijo konceptualnih in tehniških bioloških standardov ter s spodbujanjem realističnega in pri-lagodljivega nabora standardnih bioloških delov. V ta namen so v konzorciju zbrani naj-pomembnejši deležniki vseh vidikov standar-dizacije biologije v Evropi.

29. CONVERGE (CarbON Valorisation in Energy--efficient Green fuels)

Projekt CONVERGE bo potrdil inovativno vrednostno verigo za proizvodnjo zelenega biodizla. Inovativna konfiguracija bo zmanj-šala skupno število enot, ki so potrebne za doseganje pretvorbe sekundarnih biomase in tokov odpadkov v zeleni bio-dizel, hkrati pa proizvajajo do-datne vmesne proizvode zelene rafinerije. Projekt CONVERGE bo prikazal 5 enot v treh sklopljenih korakih obdelave (predhodna obdelava, valorizaci-ja in izboljšano pridobivanje metanola), pri čemer bo te nove kombinacije predstavil od faze odkrivanja (TRL3) do stopnje zrelejšega razvoja (TRL5).

30. NOCMOC (Noč ima svojo moč, European Researchers’ Night (NIGHT)

»Noč ima svojo moč« je vseevropski projekt, katerega cilj je zasnovati vrsto aktivnosti v okviru Evropske noči raziskovalcev. Takrat se širom Evrope za en dan v letu na široko odpre-jo vrata organizacij, ki se ukvarjajo z znanostjo in raziskovanjem, da bi predstavile poklic in življenje znan-stvenika širši javnosti. Namen pro-jekta je osveščanje o raziskovanju in inovacijah, povezanih družbenih in gospodarskih koristih ter karier-nih možnostih. Aktivnosti obsegajo



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ties include street science festivals, research days in schools, lectures, workshops, and, of course, open doors in research institutions.

31. POLYNSPIRE (Demonstration of Innova-tive Technologies towards a more Effi-cient and Sustainable Plastic Recycling)

POLYNSPIRE Horizon 2020 project is aimed at demonstrating innovative, effective and sustain-able solutions for recycling plastic materials

based on polyamide, polyurethane or polyolefins. The recycling pro-cesses include the use of catalysts on magnetic carriers, depolymeri-sation using microwaves, the use of vitrifiers and the use of polyole-

fins as an energy source in metallurgy. The D07 Department is in charge of the development of the recycling technology for polyurethanes and polyamides through microwave heating.

In 2018, the National Institute of Chemistry start-ed to implement 7 new Horizon 2020 projects, with 12 projects already being implemented in 2017.

Other international projects:The National Institute of Chemistry participated

in seven international projects (NATO SfP – Por-table Fuel Cells, NATO SfP – DURAPEM for Fuel Cells, NATO MYP-Gas sensors, Climate KIC Man-agement, Climate KIC Macriceco, Climate KIC T-labels4food in Euramet LiBforSecUse).

poulične znanstvene festivale, raziskovalne dneve v šolah, predavanja, delavnice, ter se-veda odprta vrata v raziskovalnih ustanovah.

31. POLYNSPIRE (Demonstration of Innovati-ve Technologies towards a more Efficient and Sustainable Plastic Recycling)

POLYNSPIRE Horizon 2020 projekt je usmer-jen v demonstracijo inovativnih, učinkovitih in trajnostnih rešitev za reciklažo plastičnih materialov na osnovi poliamida, poliuretanov ali poliolefinov. Pro-cesi recikliranja obsegajo uporabo katalizatorjev na magnetnih no-silcih, depolimerizacijo s pomočjo mikrovalov, uporabo vitrimerov in uporabo poliolefinov kot energetski vir v me-talurgiji. Odsek D07 je zadolžen za razvoj teh-nologije reciklaže poliuretanov in poliamidov s pomočjo mikrovalovnega segrevanja.

Leta 2018 je Kemijski inštitut začel z izvajanjem 7 novih projektov iz programa Obzorja 2020, 12 projektov se je izvajalo že v letu 2017.

Drugi mednarodni projekti:Kemijski inštitut je sodeloval pri sedmih med-

narodnih projektih (NATO SfP – Portable Fuel Cells, NATO SfP – DURAPEM for Fuel Cells, NATO MYP-Gas sensors, Climate KIC Management, Cli-mate KIC Macriceco, Climate KIC T-labels4food in Euramet LiBforSecUse).

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Bilateralno sodelovanje /Bilateral cooperation 2018

Argentina / Argentina 1

Avstrija / Austria 1

Francija / France 2

Hrvaška / Croatia 2

Italija / Italy 1

Japonska / Japan 1

Madžarska / Hungary 2

Kitajska / China 6

Makedonija / Rep. of Macedonia 1

Nemčija / Germany 3

Rusija / Russia 3

Srbija / Serbia 5

ZDA / United States 12Skupno / Total 40

Multilateralno sodelovanje / Multilateral cooperation 2018

EU Obzorje2020 projekti / EU Horizon 2020 18


The science of Peace and Security Programme (SPS) 4

NATO projekt / NATO project 3

Interreg projekti / Interreg projects 4

Drugi projekti / Other projects 4

Skupno / Total 38

InvesticijeV letu 2018 je Kemijski inštitut investiral v osnov-

na sredstva 1.666.532 €, od tega 1.219.874 € v opremo in druga opredmetena osnovna sredstva, 348.108 € v nepremičnine in 98.550 € v dolgoroč-ne premoženjske pravice.

V letu 2018 smo uspešno zaključili projekt sanacije strehe in strešne konstrukcije na sta-ri stavbi Kemijskega inštituta, v skupni izmeri 1.376  m2 tlorisne površine. Z izvedeno sanacijo so bile uspešno odpravljene dolgoletne težave z zamakanjem v prostore, sanirani poškodova-ni leseni deli ostrešja, izvedena ustrezna toplo-tna izolacija stropov ter montaža novih strešnih oken, s čimer smo zagotovili ustrezne delovne pogoje za zaposlene, večjo energetsko učinkovi-tost objekta ter s tem znižanje negativnih vplivov na okolje in zdravje zaposlenih. Celotna vrednost investicije je znašala 330.672 €.

InvestmentsIn 2018, the National Institute of Chemistry

invested €1,666,532 in fixed assets, of which €1,219,874 in equipment and other tangible fixed assets, €348,108 in real estate and €98,550 in long-term property rights.

In 2018, we successfully completed the project of roof repair and roof construction on the old build-ing of the National Institute of Chemistry, with a total of 1,376 m2 ground floor area. The recon-struction successfully resolved the many years of water damage issues of the premises; damaged wooden parts of the roofing were reconstructed, adequate thermal insulation of the ceilings and the installation of new roof windows were carried out successfully, thus ensuring adequate working conditions for the employees, increasing the en-ergy efficiency of the building and thus reducing the negative impact on the environment and the health of the employees. The total value of the in-vestment amounted to €330,672.

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Vodstvo inštitutaUtrip v letu 2017Zaposleni in izobraževanje

Employees and education

Konec leta 2018 je bilo na Kemijskem inštitutu zaposlenih 331 sodelavk in sodelavcev, od tega 153 doktorjev znanosti, 2 magistrici, 148 visoko izobraženih, 7 višje izobraženih in 21 srednje ali nižje izobraženih.Število zaposlenih na Kemij-skem inštitutu se je v letu 2018 v primerjavi s prejšnjim letom zvišalo iz 309 na 331. Glede na leto 2017 se je število zaposlenih v raziskovalnem sektorju zvišalo za 9 %, število administrativnega osebja (zaposlenih v sektorju skupnih služb) pa se je za 1 zaposlenega zmanjšalo.

Leta 2018 je na Kemijskem inštitutu zače-lo usposabljati 21 doktorandk in doktorandov, usposabljanje pa je zaključilo šest doktorandk in dva doktoranda. Na inštitutu se je konec leta 2018 izobraževalo skupno 81 doktorandk in dok-torandov.

Podelitev listin o opravljenem raziskovalnem delu za doktorsko disertacijo na Kemijskem in-štitutu v letu 2018

Zaključeni doktorati v letu 2018

Moge aktivnosti so potekale tudi na področju internega izobraževanja. V sklopu predavanj Fo-rum40 se je vsak mesec s predavanjem mlaj-ših znanstvenikov starih pod 40 let predstavil en odsek inštituta. Namen foruma je druženje mladih, spoznavanje raziskovalnega dela, ki se izvaja na Kemijskem inštitutu, predvsem pa po-speševanje medoddelčnega sodelovanja na in-štitutu. Vsak mesec je potekal Preglov kolokvij z uglednimi predavatelji iz tujine. Predavanja so bila odprta tudi za širšo strokovno in znanstveno javnost.

Ob zmanjševanju sistemskih sredstev za mla-de raziskovalce smo z namenom prispevati vsaj majhen del pri ohranjanju perspektivnih doktor-

At the end of 2018, the National Institute of Chemistry employed 331 associates, including 153 doctors of science, 2 masters, 148 with high-er education, 7 with short-term higher education and 21 secondary or lower educated. In 2018, the number of employees at the National Institute of Chemistry increased from 309 to 331 com-pared to the previous year. Compared to 2017, the number of employees in the research sector increased by 9%, while the number of adminis-trative staff (employees in the common services sector) decreased by 1.

In 2018, 21 doctoral candidates began train-ing at the National Institute of Chemistry and six female and two male doctoral candidates com-pleted the training. At the end of 2018, a total of 81 doctoral candidates were being trained at the Institute.

The awarding of the papers on the completed research work for the doctoral dissertation at the National Institute of Chemistry in 2018

PhDs completed in 2018Many activities also took place in the field of

internal education. As part of the Forum40 lec-tures, each month, with a lecture by younger scientists aged under 40, one Department of the Institute was presented. The purpose of the Fo-rum is for young academics to socialise, to get to know the research work carried out at the Na-tional Institute of Chemistry, and in particular to promote inter-departmental cooperation at the Institute. Each month, the Pregl Colloquium was held with distinguished lecturers from abroad. The lectures were open to a wider professional and scientific public.

By reducing the systemic resources for young researchers, in order to contribute at least a

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zap. št. / No. Priimek in ime / Surname and first name

datum doktoriranja / Date of completed PhD Mentor

1. Zidarič Tanja 12. 1. 2018 dr. Samo Hočevar

2. Lenarčič Tea 27. 3. 2018 prof. dr. Gregor Anderluh

3. Kranjc Eva 30. 3. 2018 dr. Irena Vovk

4. Brčić Jasna 13. 4. 2018 prof. dr. Janez Plavec

5. Cotman Andrej Emanuel 26. 4. 2018 dr. Barbara Mohar

6. Popadić Aleksandar 29. 5. 2018 prof. dr. Matej Praprotnik

7. Drvarić Talian Sara 9. 10. 2018 dr. Robert Dominko

8. Bijelić Ana 8.11.2018 doc. dr. Blaž Likozar

skih študentov na osnovi natečaja podelili Ja-mnikovo štipendijo za iskrive mlade v znanosti, ki je delno financirana iz Sklada Janka Jamnika za iskrive mlade v znanosti in drugih virov Ke-mijskega inštituta ter tako omogočili zaposlitev doktorske študentke. V letu 2018 so se na Kemij-skem inštitutu tako izobraževali že dve Jamniko-vi štipendistki in en štipendist.

small part in preserving prospective doctor-al students, on the basis of a competition, we awarded the Jamnik Scholarship for talented young people in science, which is partly financed by the Janko Jamnik Fund for talented young people in science and other resources of the Na-tional Institute of Chemistry, and thus provided employment for a doctoral student. In 2018, two females and one male Jamnik scholarship hold-ers were being educated at the National Institute of Chemistry.

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Dobitnica doktorske štipendije Sklada Janka Jamnika za perspektivno mlado raziskovalko ali raziskovalca v letu 2018 je Vesna Štih, študentka kemije na Fakulteti za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo Univerze v Mariboru.The winner of the doctoral scholarship from the Janko Jamnik Fund for the perspective early-stage researcher of 2018 was Vesna Štih from the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of the University of Maribor.

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Tabelarični prikaz podatkov o zaposlenih / Tabular presentation of employee data

Št. doktorjevNo. of Ph.D.153





Visoka izobrazbaUniversity education

MagisterijMasters degree

Višja izobrazbaBachelors degree


Skupaj / Total: 331

Št. zaposlenih na dan 31. 12. 2018 / Number of employees as at 31/12/2018 331

Št. sklenjenih pogodb o zaposlitvi / Number of concluded employment contracts 63

Št. prenehanj delovnega razmerja / Number of terminations of employment relationships 45

Št. doktorandov / Number of doctoral candidates 81

Št. zaključenih šolanj doktorandov / Number of completed educations of doctoral candidates 8

Št. usposabljanj v tujini (več kot mesec dni) / Number of training abroad (over a month) 16

Št. sodelujočih tujih raziskovalcev / Number of participating foreign researchers

40 + 12 tujih študentov + 17 ostalih gostujočih 40 + 12 foreign students + 17 other visiting guests

Število zaposlitev tujih raziskovalcev v letu 2018 / Number of employments of foreign researchers in 2018 24

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zaposlitev za nedoločen časpermanent position

zaposlitev za določen častemporary position

30 % 70 %

33146 %


46 %

49 %

42 %

54 %


54 %

51 %

58 %



povprečna starostaverage age

0-6 let/years: 637-12 let/years: 25>13 let/years: 59

iz Slovenijefrom Slovenia

iz drugih državfrom other countries

doktorandovPhD students


89 %

11 %


<30 let/years: 36%30-40 let/years: 34%40-50 let/years: 13%50-60 let/years: 13%

>60 let/years: 3%40,8 41,7

Letno poročilo 2018 _ Annual Report66

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Družbena odgovornost

V letu 2018 smo pridobili nov certifikat za vode-nje kakovosti po standardu ISO 9001:2015, števil-ka certifikata Q-564, ki ga podeljuje Slovenski in-štitut za kakovost –SIQ Ljubljana. Obseg odločb in pooblastil zajema raziskovalno dejavnost, izobra-ževanje in izvajanje storitev s področja analizne in prehrambene kemije, varstva okolja, anorganskih in organskih materialov in tehnologij ter pro-cesnega inženirstva.

Kemijski inštitut je tudi v letu 2018 ostal pridru-ženi član v pobudi Združenih narodov Global Com-pact in s tem potrdil zavezo družbeni odgovornosti. S pridruženim članstvom se nadaljnje prostovolj-no obvezujemo, da bomo spoštovali in promovirali temeljna načela družbene odgovornosti.

V letu 2018 smo vzdrževali GMP certifikat, ki ga podeljuje Javna agencija Republike Slovenije za zdravila in medicinske pripomočke.

Ponovno smo tudi pridobili certifikat Družini pri-jazno podjetje, v okviru katerega se izvajajo ukrepi na področju usklajevanja poslovnega in družinske-ga življenja.

Corporate Social Responsibility

In 2018, we obtained a new quality management certificate in accordance with the ISO 9001:2015 standard, certificate number Q-564, awarded by the Slovenian Institute of Quality - SIQ Ljubljana. The scope of decisions and authorisations included research, education and the provision of services in the field of analytical and food chemistry, environ-mental protection, inorganic and organic materials and technologies and process engineering.

In 2018, the National Institute of Chemistry re-mained an associate member of the United Nations Global Compact and confirmed its commitment to corporate social responsibility. Through associated membership, we continue to voluntarily commit ourselves to respecting and promoting the funda-mental principles of corporate social responsibility.

In 2018, we maintained the GMP certificate, award-ed by the Public Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices of the Republic of Slovenia.

We again obtained the Family Friendly Company Certificate, which includes measures in the field of reconciliation of working and family life.

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doktorati, magisteriji... objave nagrade prenos znanja

doctorate, master... publications awards knowledge transfer

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doktorati, magisteriji... objave nagrade prenos znanja

doctorate, master... publications awards knowledge transfer

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Objave in citiranostv letu 2018

Publications andCitations in 2018

V letu 2018 Kemijski inštitut beleži 259 objav, ki zajemajo članke, knjige, poglavja in patente. Pov-prečni faktor vpliva revij, v katerih so v letu 2018 objavljale raziskovalke in raziskovalci Kemijskega inštituta, je znašal 5,16. Povprečno mesto v letu 2018, ki ga zaseda revija na določenem področju, je bilo 24, kar je primerljivo glede na pretekla leta. Citiranost znanstvenih del naših raziskovalk in raziskovalcev, ki je pomemben pokazatelj uspeš-nosti, je v letu 2018 znašala 10178 citatov. Vsi ti dosežki omogočajo večjo konkurenčnost pri prija-vi mednarodnih in domačih raziskovalnih projek-tov kot tudi večjo prepoznavnost v raziskovalnih krogih na posameznih področjih raziskovanja.

Posebej velja izpostaviti naslednje izjemne do-sežke znanstvenic in znanstvenikov Kemijskega inštituta, ki so rezultate svojih znanstvenih raz-iskav objavili v prestižnih znanstvenih revijah. Znanstveniki Odseka za kemijo materialov (D10) so rezultate svojega dela objavili v revijah Nature Materials (faktor vpliva revije je 39,24) in Energy and Environmental Science (faktor vpliva revije je 30,07). Znanstvenicam in znanstvenikom Odseka za sintezno biologijo in imunologijo (D12) je uspe-

In 2018, the National Institute of Chemistry recorded 259 publications including articles, bo-oks, chapters, and patents. The average impact factor of journals with the publications of rese-archers of the National Institute of Chemistry in 2018 was 5.16. The average place in the year 2018, held by the journal in a particular field, was 24, which is comparable to previous years. The cita-tions of the scientific works of our researchers, which is an important indicator of success, amo-unted to 10,178 citations in 2018. All these achi-evements enable higher competitiveness in the application of international and domestic resear-ch projects as well as greater visibility in research circles in the individual fields of research.

A special mention should be made of the fol-lowing outstanding achievements of scientists at the National Institute of Chemistry who pu-blished the results of their scientific research in prestigious scientific journals. Scientists at the Department of Materials Chemistry (D10) publi-shed the results of their work in Nature Materi-als (the impact factor of the journal is 39.24) and Energy and Environmental Science (the impact fa-

Leto / Year

Št. objavljenih del /No. of published works

Povprečni IF / Average IF

Povprečno mesto revije /Average place of the journal

Citiranost / Citations

2011 295 3,34 33 5301

2012 311 3,65 23 5990

2013 281 3,10 28 6601

2014 285 3,75 26 6139

2015 287 4,39 23 6806

2016 273 4,47 24 7345

2017 287 5,28 24 9096

2018 259 5,16 24 10178

Preglednica: Objavljena dela v letu 2018 (članki, knjige, poglavja, patenti), povprečni IF in povprečno mesto revije ter citiranost Table: Published works in 2018 (articles, books, chapters, patents), average IF and average place of the journal and citations

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la objava v reviji Blood (revija s faktorjem vpliva 15,13), znanstveniki Nacionalnega centra za NMR spektroskopijo visoke ločljivosti (D15) pa so rezul-tate svojih raziskav objavili v dveh izvirnih znan-stvenih člankih v reviji Journal of the American Chemical Society (faktor vpliva 14,36).

Število diplom, magisterijev, doktoratov, mentor-stev in somentorstev s strani zaposlenih na Kemi-jskem inštitutu / Number of undergraduate theses, master’s theses, doctoral theses, mentorships and co-mentorships by the employees of the National Institute of Chemistry

ctor of the journal is 30.07). Scientists from the Department of Synthetic Biology and Immunology (D12) succeeded in publishing in the Blood journal (a journal with the impact factor of 15.13), the Slo-venian NMR centre (D15) published the results of their published research in two original scientific articles in the Journal of the American Chemical Society (impact factor of 14.36).

22 Diplom / Undergraduate Theses

31 Magisterijev / Master's Theses

15 Doktoratov / Doctoral Theses

16 Mentorstev pri diplomah /Mentorships of Undergraduate Theses

19 Mentorstev pri magisterijih / Mentorships of Master's Theses

11 Mentorstev pri doktoratih / Mentorships of Doctoral Theses

8 Somentorstev pri diplomah / Comentorships of Undergraduate Theses

13 Somentorstev pri magisterijih / Comentorships of Master's Theses

5 Somentorstev pri doktoratih / Comentorships of Doctoral Theses


Število diplomskih del, magisterijev in doktoratov po letih / Number of undergraduate theses, master’s theses and doctoral theses by year

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016






2017 2018

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Članki, objavljeni v revijah z največjim faktorjem vpliva / Articles published in journals with the highest impact factor

Izvirna znanstvena dela / Original scientific works

IF = 39,24 D10LI, Yiyang, CHEN, Hungru, LIM, Kipil, DENG, Haitao D., LIM, Jongwoo, FRAGGEDAKIS, Dimitrios, ATTIA, Pe-ter M., LEE, Sang Chul, JIN, Norman, MOŠKON, Jože, GUAN, Zixuan, GENT, William E., HONG, Jihyun, YU, Young-Sang, GABERŠČEK, Miran, ISLAM, M. Saiful, BAZANT, Martin Z., CHUEH, William C. Fluid-enhanced surface diffusion controls intraparticle phase transfor-mations. Nature Materials, 2018, vol. 17, iss. 10, str. 915-922. [COBISS.SI-ID 6527002]

IF = 15,13 D12MANČEK KEBER, Mateja, LAINŠČEK, Duško, BENČINA, Mojca, CHEN, Jiaji G., ROMIH, Rok, HUNTER, Zach-ary R., TREON, Steven P., JERALA, Roman. Extracel-lular vesicle-mediated transfer of constitutively active MyD88L265P engages MyD88wt and activates signaling. Blood, 2018, vol. 131, iss. 15, str. 1720-1729. [COBISS.SI-ID 6319130]

IF = 30,07 D10CHOI, Chang Hyuck, LIM, Hyung-Kyu, CHUNG, Min Wook, CHON, Gajeon, SAHRAIE, Nastaran Ranjbar, AL-TIN, Abdulrahman, SOUGRATI, Moulay Tahar, STIEV-ANO, Lorenzo, OH, Hyun Seok, PARK, Eun Soo, LUO, Fang, STRASSER, Peter, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MAYRHOFER, Karl, KIM, Hyungjun, JAOUEN, Frédéric. The Achilles’ heel of iron-based catalysts during oxygen reduction in an acidic medium. Energy & Environmental Science, 2018, vol. 11, iss. 11, str. 3176-3182. [COBISS.SI-ID 6517530]

IF = 14,36 D15TAKAHASHI, Shuntaro, KIM, Ki Tae, PODBEVŠEK, Peter, PLAVEC, Janez, KIM, Byeang Hyean, SUGIMOTO, Naoki. Recovery of the formation and function of oxidized g-quadruplexes by a pyrene-modified guanine tract. Jour-nal of the American Chemical Society: JACS, 2018, vol. 140, iss. 17, str. 5774-5783. [COBISS.SI-ID 6386458]

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IF = 14,36 D15GUO, Fengmin, YUE, Zekun, TRAJKOVSKI, Marko, ZHOU, Xiaoping, CAO, Dong, LI, Qiang, WANG, Baifan, WEN, Xin, PLAVEC, Janez, PENG, Qian, XI, Zhen, ZHOU, Chuanzheng. Effect of ribose conformation on RNA cleavage via internal transesterification. Journal of the American Chemical Society: JACS, 2018, vol. 140, iss. 38, str. 11893-11897. [COBISS.SI-ID 6522138]

IF = 12,35 D09 ZHOU, Chao, LONGLEY, Louis, KRAJNC, Andraž, SMALES, Glen J., QIAO, Ang, ERUCAR, Ilknur, DOHERTY, Cara M., THORNTON, Aaron W., HILL, Anita J., ASH-LING, Christopher W., QAZVINI, Omid T., LEE, Seok J., CHATER, Philip A., TERRILL, Nicholas J., SMITH, An-drew J., YUE, Yuanzheng, MALI, Gregor, KEEN, David A., TELFER, Shane G., BENNETT, Thomas D. Metal-organic framework glasses with permanent accessible porosity. Nature Communications, 2018, vol. 9, str. 1-9. [COBISS.SI-ID 6532378]

IF = 11,70 D05TERŽAN, Janvit, DJINOVIĆ, Petar, ZAVAŠNIK, Janez, ARČON, Iztok, ŽERJAV, Gregor, SPREITZER, Matjaž, PIN-TAR, Albin. Alkali and earth alkali modified CuOx /SiO2 catalysts for propylene partial oxidation: what deter-mines the selectivity? Applied Catalysis. B, Environmental, 2018, vol. 237, str. 214-227. [COBISS.SI-ID 31445799]

IF = 12,10 D15LENARČIČ ŽIVKOVIĆ, Martina, ROZMAN, Jan, PLAVEC, Janez. Adenine-driven structural switch from a two- to three-quartet DNA G-quadruplex. Angewandte Chemie: International Edition, 2018, vol. 57, iss. 47, str. 15395-15399. [COBISS.SI-ID 6525722]

IF = 12,35 D12HAFNER BRATKOVIČ, Iva, SUŠJAN, Petra, LAINŠČEK, Duško, TAPIA-ABELLÁN, Ana, CEROVIĆ, Kosta, KA-DUNC, Lucija, ANGOSTO-BAZARRA, Diego, PELEGRIN, Pablo, JERALA, Roman. NLRP3 lacking the leucine-rich repeat domain can be fully activated via the canon-ical inflammasome pathway. Nature Communications, 2018, vol. 9, article no. 5182, str. 1-18. [COBISS.SI-ID 39867397]

IF = 12,35 D01, D10VIŽINTIN, Alen, BITENC, Jan, KOPAČ LAUTAR, Anja, PIRNAT, Klemen, GRDADOLNIK, Jože, STARE, Jernej, RANDON-VITANOVA, Anna, DOMINKO, Robert. Probing electrochemical reactions in organic cathode materials via in operando infrared spectroscopy. Nature Commu-nications, 2018, vol. 9, str. 1-7. [COBISS.SI-ID 6333978]

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IF = 11,70 D13DASIREDDY, Venkata D. B. C., LIKOZAR, Blaž, VALAN-DA, Jignesh. Preferential oxidation of CO in H2/H2O/CO2 water-gas shift feedstocks over Cu-based carbon nanotubes-supported heterogeneous catalysts. Applied Catalysis. B, Environmental, 2018, vol. 237, str. 1044-1058. [COBISS.SI-ID 6424346]

IF = 11,70 D10, D13LO FARO, M., REIS, R. M., SAGLIETTI, G. G. A., OLIVEI-RA, V., ZIGNANI, S. C., TROCINO, S., MAISANO, S., TI-CIANELLI, E. A., HODNIK, Nejc, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Fran-cisco, ARICÒ, A. S. Solid oxide fuel cells fed with dry ethanol: the effect of a perovskite protective anodic layer containing dispersed Ni-alloy @ FeOx core-shell nanoparticles. Applied Catalysis. B, Environmental, 2018, vol. 220, str. 98-110. [COBISS.SI-ID 6202138]

IF = 11,70 D04, D10, D13VANRENTERGHEM, Bart, BELE, Marjan, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, ŠALA, Martin, HODNIK, Nejc, BREUGEL-MANS, Tom. Cutting the Gordian Knot of electrodeposi-tion via controlled cathodic corrosion enabling the pro-duction of supported metal nanoparticles below 5 nm. Applied Catalysis. B, Environmental, 2018, vol. 226, str. 396-402. [COBISS.SI-ID 6306074]

Dela / Works D01 D04 D05 D06 D07 D09 D10 D11 D12 D13 D15 D16 BRUTO Dvojniki/trojniki/četvorček


Članki, monografije, poglavja /Articles, monographies, chapters

50 22 14 6 21 26 55 13 23 78 19 0 327 23/8/2 282

Prispevki na konferencah /Conference contributions

71 24 15 14 24 25 98 32 26 81 39 0 449 34/1/1 410

Patenti / Patents 1 0 0 0 0 0 6 1 3 4 0 1 16 2/0/0 14

Predavanja / Lectures 12 3 3 3 6 2 11 17 9 11 9 0 86 2/0/0 84

Dokumenti / Documents 2 0 5 0 1 2 6 0 0 9 0 63 88 1/0/0 87

Doktorati, magisteriji, diplome /PhD, MSc, BSc

19 1 2 1 8 4 18 4 3 7 3 0 70 2/0/0 68

Bibliografija inštituta v letu 2018 ANALITIČNI PODATKI (tipologija COBISS /laboratoriji)Institute bibliography for 2018 ANALYTICAL DATA (typology COBISS /laboratories)

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Dela / Works D01 D04 D05 D06 D07 D09 D10 D11 D12 D13 D15 D16 BRUTO Dvojniki/trojniki/četvorček


Članki, monografije, poglavja /Articles, monographies, chapters

50 22 14 6 21 26 55 13 23 78 19 0 327 23/8/2 282

Prispevki na konferencah /Conference contributions

71 24 15 14 24 25 98 32 26 81 39 0 449 34/1/1 410

Patenti / Patents 1 0 0 0 0 0 6 1 3 4 0 1 16 2/0/0 14

Predavanja / Lectures 12 3 3 3 6 2 11 17 9 11 9 0 86 2/0/0 84

Dokumenti / Documents 2 0 5 0 1 2 6 0 0 9 0 63 88 1/0/0 87

Doktorati, magisteriji, diplome /PhD, MSc, BSc

19 1 2 1 8 4 18 4 3 7 3 0 70 2/0/0 68

IF = 40,18 D12LAPENTA, Fabio, AUPIČ, Jana, STRMŠEK, Žiga, JERA-LA, Roman. Coiled coil protein origami: from modular design principles towards biotechnological applica-tions. Chemical Society Reviews, 2018, vol. 47, iss. 10, str. 3530-3542. [COBISS.SI-ID 6349594]

IF = 40,18 D12ULIJN, Rein V., JERALA, Roman. Peptide and protein nanotechnology into the 2020s: beyond biology. Chemi-cal Society Reviews, 2018, vol. 47, iss. 10, str. 3391-3394. [COBISS.SI-ID 6390042]

Pregledni znanstveni članek / Review Scientific Article

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Prenos znanjav gospodarstvo

Transfer of knowledge to the economy

Prenos znanja in inovacij v gospodarstvo je del osnovnega poslanstva Kemijskega inštituta. To se odraža tudi v dejstvu, da je Kemijski inštitut tudi po obsegu sodelovanja s slovensko in mednaro-dno industrijo med vodilnimi javno raziskovalnimi organizacijami.

V letu 2016 je bila za namen izboljšanja sode-lovanja z gospodarstvom na Kemijskem inštitutu formalno ustanovljena Pisarna za prenos zna-nja. Pisarna nudi vso potrebno podporo pri zaš-čiti intelektualne lastnine in trženju tehnologij. Pri trženju so naloge pisarne predvsem iskanje potencialnih industrijskih partnerjev ter pogaja-nja za prodajo patentov in sklenitev licenčnih po-godb. Eden izmed glavnih ciljev pisarne pa je tudi spodbujanje ustanavljanja odcepljenih podjetij s pomočjo širjenja podjetniške miselnosti in zago-tavljanja podpornega okolja.

Kemijski inštitut je v 2017 pridobil sredstva za krepitev Pisarne za prenos znanja v okviru Kon-zorcija za prenos tehnologij iz JRO v gospodarstvo - KTT. Iz teh sredstev je konec novembra 2017 bila zaposlena nova vodja pisarne dr. Irena Hreljac, v 2018 pa se je Pisarna okrepila s še dvema novi-ma sodelavcema. V luči razširjenega delovanja bo Pisarna v naslednjem 5-letnem obdobju okrepi-la vsa delovna področja s poudarkom na trženju zaščitenih inovacij. V letu 2018 je bila izdelana in sprejeta strategija Pisarne za prenos znanja, ki je pomemben del Strategije Kemijskega inštituta za obdobje 2019-2024.

Štiri-člansko Komisijo za inovacije (KZI), sestav-ljajo trije raziskovalci (izr. prof. dr. Mojca Benčina, prof. dr. Robert Dominko in dr. Samo Hočevar) ter predstavnica Pisarne za prenos znanja (dr. Irena Hreljac). Komisija za inovacije predvsem pomaga pri presoji inovacij in patentov, ki se ustvarijo na Kemijskem inštitutu.

Transferring knowledge and innovation to the economy is part of the core mission of the National Institute of Chemistry. This is also re-flected in the fact that the National Institute of Chemistry is in the scope of cooperation with the Slovenian and international industry among the leading public research organisations.

In 2016, the Knowledge Transfer Office was for-mally established for the purpose of improving co-operation with the economy at the National Institute of Chemistry. The Office offers all the necessary support for the protection of intellectual property and the marketing of technologies. In marketing, the tasks of the Office are in particular the search for potential industrial partners and negotiations for the sale of patents and the conclusion of licensing agreements. One of the main objectives of the Office is to promote the establishment of spin-off compa-nies through the expansion of entrepreneurial mind-sets and the provision of a supportive environment.

In 2017, the National Institute of Chemistry ac-quired funds for strengthening the Knowledge Transfer Office within the framework of the Con-sortium for Technology Transfer - KTT. At the end of November 2017, a new Head of Office, Dr. Irena Hreljac, was appointed, and in 2018 two new col-leagues joined the Office. In light of the expanded operations, the Office will strengthen all areas of work in the next 5-year period, focusing on the marketing of protected innovations. In 2018, a Strategy for the Knowledge Transfer Office was de-veloped and adopted, which is an important part of the Strategy of the National Institute of Chemistry for the period 2019-2024.

The four-member Innovation Committee com-prises three researchers (Prof. Dr. Mojca Benčina, Prof. Dr. Robert Dominko and Dr. Samo Hočevar) and the representative of the Knowledge Transfer Office (Dr. Irena Hreljac). The Innovation Commit-tee mainly helps assess the innovations and pat-ents created at the National Institute of Chemistry.

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Inovacije in patentiV letu 2018 je na Komisijo za inovacije bilo pri-

javljenih 15 izumov, kar je občutno povečanje v primerjavi z letom 2017, ko je bilo prijavljeno 6 izumov. To je posledica novega zagona Pisarne za prenos znanja. V letu 2018 so bili podeljeni 3 evropski patenti na Evropskem patentnem uradu ter 3 slovenski patenti na Uradu Republike Slo-venije za intelektualno lastnino. Vloženih je bilo 7 patentnih prijav - od tega 5 evropskih, 1 medna-rodna (na Svetovni organizaciji za intelektualno lastnino – WIPO) ter 1 slovenska.

Innovations and patents

In the year 2018, 15 inventions were reported to the Innovation Committee, a significant increase compared to 2017, when 6 inventions were re-ported. This is the result of the new launch of the Knowledge Transfer Office. In 2018, 3 European patents were granted at the European Patent Of-fice and 3 Slovenian patents at the Slovenian In-tellectual Property Office. 7 patent applications were filed - of which 5 European, 1 international (at the World Intellectual Property Organization - WIPO) and 1 Slovenian.

Sodelavci Pisarne za prenos znanja so (z leve): David Fabjan, dr. Irena Hreljac-vodja pisarne in Tomaž BizjakThe Knowledge Transfer Office staff (from the left): David Fabjan, Dr. Irena Hreljac-Head of Office and Tomaž Bizjak

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Projektna pisarna Project office

Sodelavci v projektni pisarni so (z desne): vodja pisarne dr. Barbara Tišler in koordinatorji projektov dr. Mojca Dušica Zajc, Nina Pečole, Ivica IlićThe Project Office staff (from the right): Head of the Office, Dr. Bar-bara Tišler and Project Coordinators Dr. Mojca Dušica Zajc, Nina Pečole, Ivica Ilić

Kemijski inštitut preko projektne pisarne nudi podporo raziskovalcem pri sodelovanju v med-narodnih raziskovalnih projektih ter vključeva-nju v mednarodne interesne mreže. Projektna pisarna je na voljo raziskovalcem za celoten proces projektne prijave- od nastanka projek-tne ideje do sklenitve konzorcijske pogodbe in pogodbe o sofinanciranju. Člani pisarne so strokovnjaki usposobljeni predvsem za sklope komunikacija, upravljanje in vpliv predlaganega projekta na družbo.

Projektna pisarna skrbi tudi za ažurno obvešča-nje raziskovalcev o aktualnih razpisih ter identi-fikacijo drugih finančnih virov za znanstvenoraz-iskovalno dejavnost, nudi podporo raziskovalcem pri iskanju ustreznih partnerjev in sodelovanju s partnerji iz industrije, sodeluje s kontaktnimi točkami za programe EU na področju raziskav in inovacij ter organizira izobraževanje, usposablja-nje in delavnice za lažje vključevanje raziskoval-cev v evropski raziskovalni prostor.

Sodelavci v projektni pisarni so vodja pisarne dr. Barbara Tišler in koordinatorji projektov dr. Mojca Dušica Zajc, Ivica Ilić, Nina Pečole.

Through the Project Office the National In-stitute of Chemistry provides support to re-searchers in their participation in international research projects and their involvement in in-ternational interest networks. The Project Of-fice is available to researchers over the entire project application process - from the creation of the project idea to the conclusion of a con-sortium agreement and a co-financing contract. The members of the Office are trained mainly for communications, management and the im-pact of the proposed project on the society.

The Project Office also takes care of the up-to-date information of researchers on current calls and the identification of other financial re-sources for scientific research, provides support to researchers in finding suitable partners and cooperation with industry partners, cooperates with contact points for EU programmes in the field of research and innovation, and organises education, training and workshops to facilitate the integration of researchers into the European Research Area.

The Project Office staff is the Head of the Office, Dr. Barbara Tišler and Project Coordinators Dr. Mojca Dušica Zajc, Ivica Ilić, Nina Pečole.

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Uspehi, nagrade in priznanja v letu 2018

Successes, awards and recognitions in 2018

Zoisova nagrada in Zoisovo priznanje 27. 11. 2018Dva naša znanstvenika sta v letu 2018 prejela naj-višji državni nagradi za dosežke na področju znan-stvenoraziskovalnega dela in razvojne dejavnosti.Izr. prof. dr. Mojca Benčina je prejela Zoisovo priznanje za pomembne dosežke na področju imunologije in sintezne biologije. Njeno področje raziskav so molekulski mehanizmi prepoznavanja agonistov Tollu podobnih receptorjev in sintezna biologija. Opredelila je vlogo zunajcelične DNA pri aktivaciji receptorja TLR9 in z njim povezane-ga vnetnega odziva ter vpliv sintetičnih agonistov DNA na delovanje receptorja in možnost upora-be pri novi generaciji cepiv. S sintezno-biološkim pristopom je sintezno biologijo povezala z bio-tehnologijo ter sodelovala pri pripravi sintetičnih DNA-ogrodij, ki omogočajo prostorsko in časovno organizacijo encimov v živih celicah, in gensko ko-diranih senzorjev za merjenje pH v celicah.

The Zois Award and the Zois Certificate of Recognition 27 November 2018In 2018, two of our scientists received the high-est national awards for achievements in scientific research and development.Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mojca Benčina received the Zois Certificate of recognition for her major achievements in the field of immunology and synthetic biology. Her fields of research are molecular mechanisms for identifying Toll-like receptor agonists and synthetic biology. She defined the role of extracellular DNA in the activation of the TLR9 receptor and the associ-ated inflammatory response and the effect of syn-thetic DNA agonists on the function of the receptor and the possibility of using it in a new generation of vaccines. By using a synthetic-biological approach, she connected the synthetic biology with biotechnol-ogy, and was involved in the preparation of synthetic DNA frames, which allow the spatial and temporal organisation of enzymes in living cells, and gene-encoded sensors for measuring pH in cells.

Izr. prof. dr. Mojca Benčina | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mojca Benčina

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Prof. dr. Robert Dominko je prejel Zoisovo nag-rado za vrhunske dosežke na področju materi-alov za razvoj novih baterijskih konceptov. Delo Prof. dr. Dominka je usmerjeno v razvoj novih akumulatorskih konceptov in razumevanje nji-hovega delovanja. Prvi segment raziskav so raziskave litij-žveplovih akumulatorjev, kjer je s partnerji prispeval k razumevanju njihovega delovanja in postavil temelje za njihovo komer-cializacijo. Raziskave na področji litij-ionskih akumulatorjev so usmerjene k sintezi novih ka-todnih materialov in proučevanju mehanizmov prenosa naboja. Tretji segment so raziskave alternativnih akumulatorskih sistemov, ki ne temeljijo na litiju. V tem sklopu delo na razvo-ju magnezijevih akumulatorjev izdatno podpira podjetje Honda.

Preglova nagrada za izjemne dosežke5. 6. 2018Prejemnica Preglove nagrade za izjemne do-sežke je bila izr. prof. dr. Mojca Benčina, višja znanstvena sodelavka na Kemijskem inštitutu v Ljubljani, ki sodi med najprodornejše slovenske raziskovalke na področjih imunologije, mikro-biologije in sintezne biologije. Velik del njenih

Prof. Dr. Robert Dominko received the Zois Award for extraordinary achievements in materials for the development of new battery concepts. The work of Prof. Dr. Dominko is focused on the devel-opment of new battery concepts and understand-ing their operation. The first segment of research was the research of lithium-sulphur batteries, where he and his partners helped to understand their operation and laid the foundations for their commercialisation. Research in the field of lith-ium-ion batteries is aimed at the synthesis of new cathodic materials and the study of charge transfer mechanisms. The third segment is the research of alternative non-lithium-based battery systems. In this segment, work on the develop-ment of magnesium batteries is widely supported by Honda.

Pregl Award for extraordinary achievements5 June 2018The Pregl Award for extraordinary achievements was received by Associate Professor Dr. Mojca Benčina, senior research associate at the Na-tional Institute of Chemistry in Ljubljana, one of the most incisive Slovenian female researchers in the fields of immunology, microbiology and syn-

Izr. prof. dr. Robert Dominko | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Robert Dominko

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nedavnih raziskovalnih aktivnosti zaznamuje področje prirojene imunosti. Na tem področju je prispevala pomembna odkritja pri določitvi mehanizma aktivacije znotrajceličnih Tollu-po-dobnih receptorjev TLR9 in TLR3 ter tudi recep-torja TLR5.

Preglova nagrada za izjemno doktorsko delo10. 12. 2018Dr. Andraž Krajnc (D09) je prejel Preglovo nagra-do za izjemno doktorsko delo: »Študij nanoporo-znih materialov za shranjevanje toplote z jedrsko magnetno resonanco v trdnem«, ki ga je zagovar-jal maja 2017 na Mednarodni podiplomski šoli Jo-žefa Stefana.Dr. Andrej Emanuel Cotman je prejemnik Preg-love nagrade za izjemno doktorsko delo »Asime-trične redukcije ketonov, katalizirane s kovinskimi kompleksi«, ki ga je zagovarjal aprila 2018 na Fa-kulteti za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo Univerze v Ljubljani.

thetic biology. A large part of her recent research activities has been marked by the field of innate immunity. In this area she contributed important discoveries about determining the mechanism of the activation of inner cell Toll-like receptors TLR9 and TLR3, as well as the receptor TLR5.

Pregl Award for outstanding doctoral dissertation10 December 2018The first Pregl Award was given to Dr. Andraž Kra-jnc (D09), for his outstanding doctoral dissertation titled »Study of Nanoporous Materials for the Stor-age of Heat Using Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance«, which he defended in May 2017 at the Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School.Dr. Andrej Emanuel Cotman is the recipient of the Pregl Award for his outstanding doctoral disserta-tion titled »Asymmetric Reductions of Ketones Ca-talysed by Metal Complexes«, which he defended in April 2018 at the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemi-cal Technology of the University of Ljubljana.

Dr. Andraž Krajnc Dr. Andrej Emanuel Cotman

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Nagrade za inovativnostRektorjeva nagrada za naj inovacijo Univerze v Ljubljani26. 4. 2018Raziskovalci Odseka za molekularno biologijo in nanobiotehnologijo so skupaj s sodelavci iz Pi-sarne za prenos znanja sodelovali v zmagovalni ekipi tekmovanja »Rektorjeva nagrada za naj ino-vacijo Univerze v Ljubljani«. Nagrado so osvojili, ker so razvili nov način zaščite pred propadanjem ekonomsko najbolj pomembnih rastlin.

Zlati priznanji za naj inovacije GZS26. 9. 2018, Brdo pri KranjuDve inovaciji s Kemijskega inštituta sta prejeli zla-ti priznanji na natečaju za naj inovacije GZS osre-dnjeslovenske regije. Prijavljeni inovaciji sta osvo-jili 1. in 3. mesto ter sta se obe uvrstili v prestižni državni izbor najboljših inovacij. Kemijski inštitut je bil edina javno raziskovalna institucija, ki se je s svojimi inovacijami uvrstila v nacionalni izbor. Na državnem izboru GZS za naj inovacijo sta inovaciji prejeli posebni priznanji za potencialne inovacije v krožnem gospodarstvu, ki sta ju glavna izumitelja prejela na slovesnosti na Dnevu inovativnosti, na Brdu pri Kranju, dne 26.9.2018.

Innovation AwardsRector's Award for the Best Innovation of the University of Ljubljana26 April 2018Researchers of the Department of Molecular Biology and Nanobiotechnology together with colleagues from the Knowledge Transfer Office participated in the winning team of the competition »Rector's Award for the Best Innovation of the Uni-versity of Ljubljana«. They won the award because they developed a new way of economically protect-ing most important plants from deterioration.

Golden Innovation Awards of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia (CCIS)26 September 2018, Brdo pri KranjuTwo innovations of the National Institute of Chem-istry received Golden Innovation Awards in the competition for the best innovations of the CCIS of the Central Slovenia Region. The applied innova-tions won the 1st and 3rd place and are both consid-ered for the prestigious national selection of best innovations. The National Institute of Chemistry is the only public research institution that is, with its innovations, considered in the national selection. In the national selection of the CCIS for the best innovation, the innovations received special rec-ognition for potential innovations in the circular economy, which were received by the main inven-tors at the Innovation Day at Brdo pri Kranju on 26 September 2018.The author of the innovation Dr. Nejc Hodnik re-ceived a Golden Innovation Award for his innova-tion »Smart Way of Recycling Precious Metals«, and a group led by Ass. Prof. Dr. Matjaž Kunaver received the award for their innovation: »A New, Green Way of Producing Nanocellulose«.

OtherProf. Dr. Gregor Anderluh, Director of the Nation-al Institute of Chemistry and member of the D11 Department, received the Lapanje Prize at the as-sembly of the Slovenian Biochemical Society. The

Avtor inovacije dr. Nejc Hodnik je prejel Zlato priznanje za inovacijo »Pametni način reciklira-nja plemenitih kovin«, skupina pod vodstvom izr.

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prof. dr. Matjaža Kunaverja pa je prejela prizna-nje za inovacijo: »Nov, zelen način za proizvodnjo nanoceluloze«.

DrugoProf. dr. Gregor Anderluh, direktor Kemijskega inštituta in član D11, je na skupščini Slovenskega biokemijskega društva prejel Lapanjetovo nag-rado. Nagrado podeljuje Slovensko biokemijsko društvo za vrhunske dosežke na področju bioke-mijskih znanosti na znanstveno-raziskovalnem ali pedagoškem področju, s katerimi je pomembno prispeval k razvoju biokemijskih znanosti v slo-venskem in mednarodnem prostoru.

Prof. dr. Janez Plavec je prejel nagrado »Prof. Jyoti Chatterji Prize for Excellence – 2018«, ki jo podeljuje Indijsko združenje kemikov in biologov (ISCB). Svečana podelitev je bila izvedena v okviru 24. mednarodne konference ISCBC (ISCBC-2018) z naslovom »Frontier Research in Chemistry & Biology Interface«, ki je potekala na Manipal Uni-vesity v Jaipurju med 11. in 13. januarjem 2018. Nagrajenec je imel predavanje o svojem citiranem delu med konferenco ISCB v Jaipurju.

Dr. Tina Lebar (D12) je prejela zlati znak Jožefa Stefana za leto 2018 za odmevnost doktorskega dela Načrtovanje genskih regulatornih omrežij na podlagi DNA vezavnih proteinov. Nominirana je bila med 10 kandidatov za osebnost leta po izboru časopisa Delo.

Krkine nagrade20. oktober 2018, Novo mestoPrejemnik velike Krkine nagrade za raziskovalno nalogo:dr. Andrej Emanuel Cotman, mentorica dr. Bar-bara Mohar Prejemnica Krkine nagrade za dodiplomske in po-diplomske raziskovalne naloge:dr. Jasna Brčić, mentor prof. dr. Janez Plavec Mlada raziskovalka Tea Lenarčič (D11) je 6. 3. 2018 prejela štipendijo Za ženske v znanosti, ki jo podeljuje Slovenska nacionalna komisija UNESCO ob podpori L'Oreala.

prize is awarded by the Slovenian Biochemical So-ciety for extraordinary achievements in the field of biochemical sciences in scientific research or teaching, which significantly contributed to the development of biochemical sciences in the Slo-venian and international arena.

Prof. Dr. Janez Plavec received the »Prof. Jyoti Chatterji Prize for Excellence - 2018«, awarded by the Indian Association of Chemists and Biolo-gists (ISCB). The award ceremony was held at the 24th International ISCBC Conference (ISCBC-2018) »Frontier Research and Chemistry & Biology In-terface«, held at the Manipal University in Jaipur between 11 and 13 January 2018. The winner held a lecture on his cited work during the ISCB Con-ference in Jaipur.

Dr. Tina Lebar received Jožef Stefan Golden Em-blem Prize 2018 for outstanding contributions in science for her doctoral thesis. She has been ni-ominated among the candidates for the personal-ity of the year by Delo newspaper.

Tea Lenarčič, prejemnica štipendije »Za ženske v znanosti 2018«Tea Lenarčič, recipient of the scholarship »For Women in Science 2018«

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Krka Awards20 October 2018, Novo mestoRecipient of the big Krka Award for research work:Dr. Andrej Emanuel Cotman, mentor Dr. Bar-bara Mohar Recipient of the Krka Award for undergraduate and postgraduate research work:Dr. Jasna Brčić, mentor Prof. Dr. Janez Plavec Young researcher Tea Lenarčič (D11) received a scholarship For Women in Science on 6 March 2018, awarded by the Slovene National Commission of UNESCO with the support of L'Oreal.Young researcher Kaja Bergant (D01) received the Best Poster Award for her poster »Design and evaluation of the substituted 4,5'-bithiazoles

Mlada raziskovalka Kaja Bergant (D01) je prejela nagrado za najboljši poster z naslovom »Design and evaluation of the substituted 4,5’-bithiazoles as ca-talytic inhibitors of the human DNA topoisomerase IIα« na 24. Slovenskih kemijskih dnevih, ki so poteka-li med 19. in 21. septembrom 2018 v Portorožu.Dr. Andraž Šuligoj (D09) je prejel dve nagradi za najboljše predavanje mladih doktorjev na kon-ferencah: 10th European meeting on Solar Che-mistry and Photocatalysis: Environmental Appli-cations (SPEA10), 4. do 8. junij 2018 Almería, Španija in 2nd Global Conference on Catalysis, Chemical Engineering & Technology, 13. do 15, september, Rim, Italija.Sara Drvarič Talian je prejela študentsko nagra-do za ustne predstavitve na konferenci »Slovenski kemijski dnevi 2018« (2. mesto).

Sara Drvarič Talian (tretja z leve) | Sara Drvarič Talian (third from the left)

Bila je tudi mentorica dijaški raziskovalni nalogi, ki je na 52. srečanju mladih raziskovalcev Sloveni-je (ZOTKS) dobila prvo zlato nagrado na področju Elektrotehnika, elektronika in robotika.

as catalytic inhibitors of the human DNA topoi-somerase IIα« on the 24th Slovenian Chemical Days, which took place between 19 and 21 Sep-tember 2018 in Portorož.

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Dr. Matej Huš

Dr. Jan Bitenc je bil mentor dijaški raziskovalni nalogi, ki je na 52. srečanju mladih raziskovalcev slovenije (ZOTKS) dobila srebrno nagrado na po-dročju Fizika in astronomija.Dr. Matej Huš (D13) je prejel Priznanje Državnega sveta za mentorstvo na področju izobraževanja in usposabljanja za raziskovalno dejavnost za dolgo-letno mentorstvo dijakov in organizacijo Evropsko naravoslovne olimpiade (EUSO), ki je potekala maja 2018 v Ljubljani. Dijak Lan Vukolić (Gimnazija Vič) maja 2018 na tekmovanju, državnem srečanju mladih razisko-valcev v Murski soboti prejel zlato priznanje za delo na porotvornih proteinih, ki ga je opravil na odseku D11 pod mentorstvom doc. dr. Marjetke Podobnik.Dijak Lan Vukolić (Gimnazija Vič) je junija 2018 prejel srebrno medaljo v kategoriji naravoslovje za nalogo »Novi pristopi pri terapiji raka z upora-bo brioporina in hidralizina 2« (pod mentorstvom doc. dr. Marjetke Podobnik, Kemijski inštitut, Maje Čemažar, Onkološki inštitut, Sonje Artač in Maje Gerden, Gimnazija Vič). Večino raziskav je opravil na D11.

Dr. Andraž Šuligoj (D09) received two awards for best lectures by young doctors at conferenc-es: 10th European meeting on Solar Chemistry and Photocatalysis: Environmental Applications (SPEA10), 4 to 8 June 2018 Almería, Spain, and 2nd Global Conference on Catalysis, Chemical Engineering & Technology, September 13-15, September, Rome, Italy.Sara Drvarič Talian received the Student Award for oral presentations at the conference »Slove-nian Chemical Days 2018« (2nd place). She was also the mentor of a student research project, which won the Gold Prize in Electrical engineer-ing, electronics and robotics at the 52nd Meeting of Young Researchers of Slovenia (ZOTKS). Dr. Jan Bitenc was the mentor of a student re-search project, which won the Silver Prize in Physics and Astronomy at the 52nd Meeting of Young Researchers of Slovenia (ZOTKS).Dr. Matej Huš (D13) received the Recognition of the National Council for Mentoring in the field of education and training for research ac-tivities for long-term mentoring of pupils and the organisation of the European Union Science Olympiad (EUSO), which took place in May 2018 in Ljubljana. In May 2018, in a competition, at the national meeting of young researchers in Murska Sobo-ta, Lan Vukolić (Gimnazija Vič) received the Gold Prize for work on pore-forming proteins, which he carried out at the D11 Department under the mentorship of Doc. Dr. Marjetka Podobnik.In June 2018, Lan Vukolić (Gimnazija Vič) re-ceived a silver medal in the science category for his work »New approaches to the treatment of cancer using brioporin and hydralisin 2« (un-der mentorship of Doc. Dr. Marjetka Podobnik, National Institute of Chemistry, Maja Čemažar, Institute of Oncology, Sonja Artač and Maja Gerden, Gimnazija Vič). Most of his research was carried out at the D11 Department.

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Direktor / DirectorGregor Anderluh

Pomočnika direktorja / Assistant directorsDavid Pintar Tanja Šarabon (do/till 6.11.2018)

Glavna pisarna / Main officeMeta Skumavc Francka Dobnikar (do/till 31.12.2018)Nina Urankar

Kadrovska služba / Human resources departmentTanja Svetic Katarina MušičTina Ekart

Sekretariat / SecretariatJasmina Štiftar

Knjižnica / Library Tatjana TišlerLilijana Grah

Projektna pisarna / Project office Dr. Barbara Tišler, vodjaMojca Dušica ZajcIvica IlićNina PečolerPerčič Mateja (do/till 30.9.2018)

Pisarna za prenos znanja / Knowledge transfer officeIrena HreljacDavid FabjanTomaž Bizjak

Služba za odnose z javnostmi / Public relations serviceNataša Jager RadinBrigita PircNina BitencMatic Kisovec

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Služba za varnost in zdravje pri delu / Health and safety at work serviceAndreja DrolcMuharem Husić (do/till 11.2.2018)Nada Kraševec

Računovodstvo / Accounting Slavica Pečovnik, vodjaNina KlančnikTanja VolovšekFedor KrižmanVedrana Gorenšek Janja PintaričHuzjak Eva (do/till 14.10.2018)

Plan in analize / Planning and analysesBarbara Dorić, vodjaUrša Korošec Maruša RajovecKsenja GašperšičNina Klatzer (do/till 17.6.2018)

Tehnična služba/ Technical service Vinko Pintar, vodjaRobert VidmarGregor BabnikToni Ambrož

Stojna delavnica / Machine shopMarjan Smole

Čistilke / CleanersJasmira Pajalić (do/till 14.10.2018)Armena Rasavac (do/till 14.10.2018)Safeta Čaušević (do/till 14.10.2018)Elvira Dedić (do/till 14.10.2018)Ana Kušar (do/till 14.10.2018)

Služba za kakovost / Quality serviceSimona Lojevec HartlNada Kraševec

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V okviru Odseka za analizno kemijo (D04) je bila organizirana 32. konferenca evropskega združe-nja za raziskave koloidov in vmesnih površin, ECIS. Konferenca se je odvijala med 2. in 7. septembrom 2018 v Grand Hotelu Union v Ljubljani. Konferen-ce se je udeležilo približno šeststo znanstvenikov iz sedeminštiridesetih držav, ki med drugim po-krivajo teme s področja bazičnih in aplikativnih raziskav disperznih sistemov, kompleksnih teko-čin, mikro in nanomaterialov, površinsko aktivnih snovi, polimerov in proteinov.

Dr. Andraž Krajnc, dr. Tomaž Čendak, prof. dr. Gregor Mali iz Odseka za anorgansko kemijo in tehnologijo (D09) in prof. dr. Tone Meden (FKKT) so organizirali zelo uspešno mednarodno konfe-renco SMARTER 6, namenjeno razvoju NMR kri-stalografije in sorodnih metod.

3. srečanje IEA SHC ECES Task 58 Annex 33 Materials & Components for Thermal Energy Storage (2017-2019) je potekalo na Kemijskem inštitutu od 9. do 11. 4. 2018. Srečanje, ki se ga je udeležilo 46 udeležencev iz celega sveta, je organizirala dr. Alenka Ristić iz Odseka za anor-gansko kemijo in tehnologijo (D09), vodja sku-pine za termokemične materiale (TCM) v tem tasku. Namen srečanja je bil razprava o novih materialih za shranjevanje toplote, njihovo de-lovanje v shranjevalnikih in v ogrevalnih ali oh-lajevalnih sistemih.

ANNA 2018 - Napredek pri nekanoničnih nuk-leinskih kislinah - Simpozij, ki ga je organiziral Nacionalni center za NMR spektroskopijo visoke ločljivosti se je odvijal v Portorožu, od 25. do 27. oktobra 2018. Šlo je za tretji dogodek v ciklusu ANNA. Cilj simpozija je bil izmenjava znanja in iz-kušenj s področja nukleinskih kislin ter struktur-nih študij z uporabo različnih metodologij, vključ-no z NMR.

The 32nd Conference of the European Col-loid and Interface Society, ECIS, was organised within the Department of Analytical Chemistry (D04). The conference was held between 2nd and 7th September 2018 at the Grand Hotel Union in Ljubljana. About six hundred scientists from around forty countries attended the conference, which covered topics from the field of basic and applied research of dispersion systems, com-plex liquids, micro and nano materials, surfac-tants, polymers and proteins.

Dr. Andraž Krajnc, Dr. Tomaž Čendak, Prof. Dr. Gregor Mali from the Department of Inorganic Chemistry and Technology (D09) and Prof. Dr. Tone Meden (FKKT) organised a very successful international conference, SMARTER 6, aimed at the development of NMR crystallography and re-lated methods.

The 3rd meeting of the IEA SHC ECES Task 58 An-nex 33 Materials and Components for Thermal En-ergy Storage (2017-2019), was held at the National Institute of Chemistry from 9th to 11th April 2018. The meeting, which was attended by 46 partici-pants from all around the world, was organised by Dr. Alenka Ristić from the Department of Inorgan-ic Chemistry and Technology (D09), Head of the Group for Thermochemical Materials (TCM) in this section. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss new materials for storing heat, their operation in storages, and in heating or cooling systems.

ANNA 2018 - Advances in non-canonical nucleic acids - Symposium, organised by the Slo-venian NMR Centre, was held in Portorož, from 25th to 27th October 2018. It was the third event in the ANNA cycle. The aim of the symposium was the exchange of knowledge and experience in the field of nucleic acids and structural studies using different methodologies, including NMR.

Konference na Kemijskem inštitutu v letu 2018

Conferences at the National Institute of Chemistry in 2018

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Odsek za teoretično kemijo je na Bledu or-ganiziral 18. mednarodno konferenco o (Q)SAR metodah v vedah o okolju in zdravju (QSAR 2018) s preko 130 udeleženci iz 24 držav. Priznani strokovnjaki so predstavili osnove za povezavo kemijske strukture s fizikalno kemičnimi in bi-ološkimi lastnostmi spojin glede na ocenjevanje vpliva na okolje in zdravje, ter svoj pogled na razumevanje biomolekularnih procesov v oko-lju in živih organizmih. QSAR metode, v začetku akademske narave, so postale pomembne za in-dustrijske raziskave v podporo odločitvam glede varnosti kemikalij.

The Department of Theoretical Chemistry or-ganised the 18th International Conference on (Q)SAR Methods in Environmental and Health Sci-ences (QSAR 2018), with over 130 participants from 24 countries. Recognised experts present-ed the basics for linking the chemical structure with the physico-chemical and biological proper-ties of substances according to the assessment of the impact on the environment and health, as well as their understanding of biomolecular pro-cesses in the environment and living organisms. QSAR methods, initially of an academic nature, have become important for industrial research in support of chemical safety decisions.

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Napovedi konferenc

Conference announcements

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13. srečanje Slovenskega biokemijskega društva

13th meeting of the Slovenian Biochemical Society

dobrna2019.sbd.si | [email protected] | 00386 1 4760 364

Invited speakersVabljeni predavatelji

Matej Butala, University of Ljubljana, SIBruno Correia, École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, CHJuergen Dittmer, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, DEDamjana Drobne, University of Ljubljana, SIJim Huntington, Medical Research Council Cambridge, UKPeter Korošec, University Clinic of Respiratory and Allergic Diseases Golnik, SIAndriy Luzhetskyy, Saarland University, DEAdil Mardinoglu, KTH - Royal Institute of Technology, SEGuillaume van Niel, French Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm), FRPablo Pelegrin, Instituto Murciano de Investigación Biosanitaria, ESToni Petan, Jožef Stefan Institute, SIMarjan Slak Rupnik, Medical University of Vienna, ATAnže Smole, University of Pennsylvania, USMartin Trapečar, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USBoris Turk, Jožef Stefan Institute, SIOren Tzfadia, Ghent Univeristy, BE


Synthetic biologyMolecular basis of diseaseProtein structure and functionCell signaling and membranesBiotechnology and bionanotechnologyMolecular interactions and networkingFunctional genomics and systems biology



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24. - 27. 9. 2019 Terme Dobrna, Slovenia

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odseki departments


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Teoretični odsek Theory Department

D01Računska biokemija in načrtovanje učinkovin; Kemijska informatika; Molekularna strukturna dinamika; Molekularno modeliranje

Ključne dejavnosti • Računalniške simulacije encimske katalize z

aplikacijami na nevroznanosti;• Načrtovanje novih katalitičnih inhibitorjev člo-

veške DNA topoizomeraze Iiα kot protirakavih učinkovin;

• Modeliranje kemičnih lastnosti in procesov - QSAR in mehanistični modeli;

• Razvoj metodologij kemijske informatike in programskih paketov;

• Izobraževanje in prenos znanja; • Razvoj fizikalno-kemijskih modelov za opis

molekularnih mehanizmov; • Nevezne intermolekularne interakcije, Določa-

nje 3D struktur in dinamike biomolekul; • Študij strukture in funkcije proteinov in prote-

inskih reakcij; • Večskalno modeliranje in simulacija mehke in

biološke snovi; • Razvoj simulacijskih algoritmov; • Nanofluidika;

Computational biochemistry and drug design; Cheminformatics; Molecular structural dynamics, Molecular modeling

Topic areas• Computer simulations of enzyme catalysis

with application to neuroscience; • Rational design of novel catalytic inhibitors of

human DNA topoisomerase IIα as anticancer compounds;

• Modelling of chemical properties and process-es - QSAR and mechanistic models;

• Development of cheminformatic methodolo-gies and program packages;

• Education and knowledge transfer; • Development of physico-chemical models of

molecular mechanisms, Non-bonding inter-molecular interactions;

• Determining the 3D structure and dynamics of biomolecules;

• Study of structure and function of proteins and protein interactions;

• Multiscale modeling and simulation of soft and biological matter;

• Simulation algorithms development; • Nanofluidics

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Glavni dosežki v letu 2018 Z metodami multiskalnega modeliranja smo

proučevali vplive točkovne mutacije na aktivnost encima monoaminske oksidaze B pri razgradnji endogenega amfetamina. Pojasnili smo mehani-zem avtooksidacije dopamina in pokazali pomen tega procesa za razvoj Parkinsonove bolezni. Študirali smo tudi ireverzibilno inhibicijo monoa-minske oksidaze B z novim zaviralcem.

V okviru naših raziskav inhibitorjev molekulske-ga motorja človeške DNA topoizomeraze IIα smo objavili pregledni znanstveni članek, kjer smo po-drobno predstavili metode za in silico načrtovanje in eksperimentalno karakterizacijo inhibitorjev te znane tarče protirakavih učinkovin.

S kvantnomehanskimi izračuni smo sodelova-li pri eksperimentalnih kristalografskih in spek-troskopskih študijah sistemov z vodikovimi vezmi.

Odkrili smo prve zaviralce avtolizina E (AtlE), ki razgrajuje celično steno. (Fenilureido) piperidinil benzamidi predstavljajo prve odkrite spojine, ki niso del substrata in interagirajo z obravnavanim encimom. Pojasnili smo tudi katalitični mehani-zem AtlE.

Z namenom razvoja novih bakterijskih topo-izomeraznih inhibitorjev smo preučevali stranske efekte zaviralcev in predlagali načrtovanje zaviral-cev z manjšo hERG toksičnostjo.

Na Bledu smo organizirali mednarodno kon-ferenco QSAR2018 s preko 130 udeleženci iz 24 držav. Udeleženci so predstavili svoje raziskave v 58 predavanjih in 65 postrih.

Important achievements in 2018By using multiscale simulation techniques

we investigated effects of point mutation on the reactivity of the monoamine oxidase B enzyme catalyzing decomposition of endogenous am-phetamine. We elucidated dopamine autooxida-tion reaction and demonstrated the relevance of this process for the development of Parkinson disease. We also studied irreverisble inhibition of monoamine oxidase B by a novel inhibitor.

We published a review article on novel inhibi-tors of human DNA topoisomerase IIα where we presented available bioassays and in silico meth-ods used during the stages of inhibitors´ identifi-cation and characterization.

In conjunction with experimental and spectro-scopic techniques we elucidated several proper-ties of hydrogen-bonded systems using our ex-pertise in quantum chemistry.

We have discovered an inhibitor of autolysin E (AtlE), the cell-wall degrading enzyme. (Phenylure-ido) piperidinyl benzamides, identified as potential binders, are the first reported non-substrate-like compounds that interact with this enzyme. We have also proposed the catalytic mechanism of AtlE.

With the aim of developing novel bacterial topoisomerase inhibitors we studied their side effects and designed a strategy to reduce hERG toxicity.

We organized a conference QSAR2018 at Bled, with over 130 participants from 24 countries pre-senting 58 oral and 65 poster contributions.

Vodja / Head:Izr. prof. dr. Franci Merzel

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Odkrili smo nov selektivni inhibitor sterol 14α-demitelaze (CYP51), ki je pomemben pri zdravljenju človeških glivnih okužb. Z metodami NMR in molekularnega modeliranja smo uspeli določiti njegov način vezave.

K raziskavam Li in Mg baterij smo prispevali študije infrardeče spektroskopije in kvantno me-hanskie izračune. Sodelovali smo tudi pri študi-ju karakterizacije osnovnih materialov TiO2 na-nocevk in interakciji jodida p v kokristalih.

Predstavili smo nov opis sklopitve pahljačaste deformacije in gostote s kontinuitetno enačbo, ki uporabi »popravljeni« polarni red in pregibe v verigi opiše kot izvore. S tem smo izboljšali vek-torsko kontinuitetno enačbo in opis sklopitve pri fleksibilnih nematskih polimerih s pregibi.

Izvedli smo odprto simulacijo molekulske dinami-ke molekule DNA v vodni raztopini soli pri fiziološki koncentraciji, ki omogoča izmenjavo mase in gibalne

A novel selective inhibitor of sterol 14α-demethylase (CYP51), was discovered. Its binding mode was determined using the NMR and molecular modeling methods.

In the research of Li and Mg batteries we have con-tributed infrared spectroscopy studies and quantum mechanical calculations. We have also participated in characterisation of TiO2 nanotube base materials and iodide p interaction in cocrystals.

We introduced a novel description of the splay-density coupling in the case of arbitrary backfolding, devising a continuity constraint for the »recovered« polar order of the chain tangents and introducing hairpins as its new type of sources.

Using the method of open boundary molecular dynamics we simulated the DNA molecule in aque-ous salt solution at the physiological concentration, which enables an exchange of mass and linear mo-mentum with the environment.

Slika 1 (Levo) Izračunana vezavna konformacija odkritega inhibitorja antiapoptotičnega proteina Mcl-1 (raziskave v okviru ARRS US-SI bilateralnega projekta z Univerze v Michiganu), (Desno) Sidrana konformacija odkritega 6-metoksi-2-metillkinolinskega inhibitorja v NADH dehi-drogenazi tipa 2 iz Leishmania infantum, ki v nanomolarni koncentraciji zavira rast tega parazita (raziskave v okviru COST projekta). Figure 1 (Left) Docked conformation of the discovered inhibitor of the anti-apoptotic protein Mcl-1 (research in the scope of the ARRS US-SI bilateral project with University of Michigan), (Right) Predicted bound conformation of the 6-methoxy-2-methylquinoline in the type-2 NADH dehy-drogenase from Leishmania infantum, which inhibits the parasite growth in nanomolar concentrations (research in the scope of the COST project).

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Slika 2 Nov katalitični mehanizem družine glikozid hi-drolaz prikazan na avtolizinu E iz bakterije Staphylococ-cus aureus. Reakcijska pot (levo) in shematičen prikaz cepitve C-O-C vezi.Figure 2 New water-assisted catalytic mechanism of the glycoside hydrolase family demonstrated on the Staphy-lococcus Aureus Autolysin E. Reaction pathway (left) and schematic representation of the C-O-C bond cleavage.

količine med sistemom in okolico. S tem smo pre-mostili računske težave, povezane z nereprezenta-tivno statistiko ionov v simuliranem sistemu.

Z metodo prilagodljive ločljivosti molekulske dina-mike amo simulirali miniprotein Trp-Cage v večskal-ni vodi. Pri slednji smo uspešno sklopili standardni model SPC s pogosto uporabljenim supramoleku-larnim grobozrnatim modelom MARTINI.

We performed an adaptive resolution molecu-lar dynamics simulation of a Trp-Cage minipro-tein in multiscale water, where the standard SPC water model is successfully interfaced with the widely used MARTINI supramolecular coarse-grained model.

Slika 3 Knjiga povzetkov mednarodne znanstvene kon-ference, ki so jo organizirali sodelavci Laboratorija za kemijsko informatiko L03. Priznani svetovni strokovnjaki so predstavili osnove za povezavo kemijske strukture s fizikalno kemičnimi in biološkimi lastnostmi spojin glede na ocenjevanje vpliva na okolje in zdravje, ter svoj pogled na razumevanje biomolekularnih procesov v okolju in živih organizmih. QSAR metode, v začetku akademske narave, so postale pomembne za industrijske raziskave v podporo odločitvam glede varnosti kemikalij.Figure 3 Book of abstract from the international scientific conference organized by the co-workers of the Laboratory for Cheminformatics L03. The top experts in the field gave attractive solutions for explaining the influence of chemi-cal structure on physical, chemical, or biological properties related to health and environment, as well as to understand the biomolecular aspects of processes in the environment and living organisms. QSARs, starting in the academia, has be-come an important topic in industrial research for supporting the legislative decisions for chemical safety.

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Raziskovalci / Researchers:doc. dr. Andrej Perdihizr. prof. dr. Urban Brenizr. prof. dr. Simona Golič Grdadolnikizr. prof. dr. Jože Grdadolnikizr. prof. dr. Janez Koncizr. prof. dr. Janez Mavri prof. dr. Matej Praprotnikdr. Franc Avbeljdr. Jure Borišekdr. Viktor Drgandr. Natalja Fjodorovadr. Martina Glušičdr. Milan Hodoščekdr. Samo Lešnikdr. Nikola Minovskidr. Urban Novakdr. Marjana Novičdr. Francesca Paolettidr. Matic Pavlindr. Aleksandar Popadićdr. Jurij Sablićdr. Jernej Staredr. Marjan Tušardr. Katja Venkodr. Neli Vintardr. Marjan Vračko Grobelšek

Doktorski študenti / PhD Students:Benjamin BajželjKaja BergantJanja KocjanAnja KolaričMatija KuclarLiadys Mora LagaresPetra PapežAlja PrahMarko SeverTjaša Tibaut

Strokovni sodelavci in tehnično osebje /Technical Staff:Nika ErženIza Ogris

Zaslužni raziskovalci/Researher Emeritus:prof. dr. Dušan Hadžiprof. dr. Jure Zupan

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Bibliografija Bibliography











Izvirnih znanstvenih člankovPregledna znanstvena članka Kratka znanstvena prispevka Strokovna članka Samostojni znanstveni sestavki ali poglavja v monografski publikaciji Samostojni strokovni sestavek ali poglavje v monografski publikaciji Predgovor, spremna beseda Intervju Druga učna gradiva Zaključena znanstvena zbirka podatkov ali korpus Objavljeni znanstveni prispevki na konferencah Objavljeni povzetki znanstvenih prispevkov na konferencah (vabljena predavanja)Objavljenih povzetkov znanstvenih prispevkov na konferencah Objavljeni povzetek strokovnega prispevka na konferenci Patentna prijavaPredavanje na tuji univerzi Prispevkov na konferencah brez natisa Vabljeni predavanji na konferencah brez natisa Končno poročilo o rezultatih raziskav Elaborat, predštudija, študijaDiplomMagisterijev Doktorata Uredništev revij

Original Scientific ArticlesReview ArticlesShort Scientific ArticlesProfessional ArticlesIndependent Scientific Component Parts or Chapters in a MonographIndependent Professional Component Part or a Chapter in a MonographPreface, AfterwordInterviewOther Educational MaterialsComplete Scientific Database or CorpusPublished Scientific Conference ContributionsPublished Scientific Conference Contributions Abstract (Invited Lectures)Published Scientific Conference Contribution AbstractsPublished Professional Conference Contribution AbstractPatent ApplicationInvited Lecture at Foreign UniversityUnpublished Conference ContributionsUnpublished Invited Conference LecturesFinal Research ReportTreatise, Preliminary Study, StudyUndergraduate ThesesMaster’s ThesesDoctoral DissertationsJournal Editorships

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Razvoj novih analiznih orodij in pristopov za elementno oslikovanje, elektrokemijsko senzoriko in atmosferske študije

Ključne dejavnosti 1. Elektrokemijska senzorika:

študij in razvoj tankoslojnih elektrod (tekočin-skih in plinskih senzorjev) ter študije elektrod-nih procesov v realnem času na nano-skali

2. Elementno oslikovanje: študije interakcije laserja s snovjo in 2D/3D elementnega oslikovanja ter študije detekcije nanodelcev v bioloških vzorcih (bioimaging) z lasersko ablacijo sklopljeno z elementno mas-no spektrometrijo (LA-ICP-MS)

3. Atmosferska kemija: mehanistične in kinetične študije večfaznih kemijskih pretvorb onesnaževal s poudarkom na nastanku rjavega ogljika in staranju se-kundarnih organskih aerosolov

Glavni dosežki v letu 2018 1. Hlapne organske spojine (VOC) predstavljajo

resno grožnjo za okolje in zdravje ljudi, ne-katere pa so tudi pomembni biomarkerji za bolezni, kot sta diabetes in pljučni rak. Študi-

Development of novel analytical tools and approaches for elemental imaging, electrochemical sensing and atmospheric studies

Topic areas1. Electrochemical Sensing:

study and development of thin-film electrodes (liquid and gas sensors) and study of electrode processes in real-time at nanoscale

2. Elemental Imaging: studies of laser-matter interactions, 2D/3D elemental imaging, and detection of nanopar-ticles in biological samples (bioimaging) with laser ablation hyphenated with elemental mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS)

3. Atmospheric Chemistry: mechanistic and kinetic studies of multiphase chemical transformations of pollutants with emphasis on brown carbon formation and secondary organic aerosol aging

Important achievements in 20181. Volatile organic compounds (VOC) present a se-

rious threat to environment and human health; some of them are important biomarkers for

Odsek za analizno kemijo

Department of Analytical Chemistry


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rali smo nov pristop za voltametrično detek-cijo izbranih aldehidov, ketonov in fenolov. Za ta namen smo razvili večfunkcijski senzorski material, ki služi hkrati (i) kot elektrolit, (ii) kot akumulacijski in (iii) kot derivatizacijski medij za te plinaste analite (Sl. 1).

2. Progesteron je hormon, ki ima, med drugim, pomembno vlogo pri ohranjanju nosečnos-ti. Predstavili smo preliminarno študijo na-nostrukturirane bizmutove elektrode (nsBiFE) za stripping voltametično detekcijo progeste-rona v nevtralnem mediju. Senzor je izkazoval dobro občutljivost, kar nakazuje na potencialno uporabo za hitre meritve progesterona v farma-cevtskih formulacijah in v klinični diagnostiki.

diseases, such as diabetes and lung cancer. We studied a new approach for voltammetric detection of selected aldehydes, ketones and phenols via developing a multifunctional sens-ing material serving as (i) electrolyte, (ii) accu-mulation medium and (iii) derivatization milieu for gaseous analytes (Fig. 1).

2. Progesterone is a hormone responsible, among others, for maintaining pregnancy. We demon-strated a preliminary study of a nanostructured bismuth film electrode (nsBiFE) for stripping voltammetric detection of progesterone in neu-tral medium. Sensor exhibited good sensitivity that suggests its potential application for rapid monitoring of progesterone in pharmaceuticals and in clinical diagnostics.

Detekcija hlapnih organskih spojin z večfunkcijskim senzors-kim materialom, ki služi hkrati (i) kot elektrolit, (ii) kot akumu-lacijski in (iii) kot derivatizacijski medij za plinaste analite.VOCs detection using a multifunctional sensing material serving simultaneously as (i) electrolyte, (ii) accumulation medium and (iii) derivatization milieu for gaseous analytes.

Vodja / Head:dr. Samo Hočevar

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3. Med elementnim 2D oslikovanjem z LA-ICP--MS lahko prihaja do popačenj slike (spletanje, periodične napake), ki smo jih študirali z mo-deliranjem in eksperimenti na realnem homo-genem standardu stekla. Interferenčni vzorci, vidni v elementnih slikah kot valovi, popačijo kakovost slike, kadar vzorčevalni frekvenci la-serja in ICP-MS nista sinhronizirani.

4. Merilo objektivne kakovosti slike - SSIM indeks (structural similarity index), ki izmeri razliko med referenčno in popačeno sliko - smo upo-rabili za optimizacijo eksperimentov 2D ele-mentnega bio-oslikovanja z LA-ICP-MS. Ker referenčne slike v teh primerih običajno niso na voljo, smo razvili protokol za virtualno popače-nje, kot bi ga prineslo eksperimentalno elemen-tno oslikovanje na izbrani referenčni sliki (Sl. 2).

5. Mehanizmi nastajanja rjavega ogljika v ozračju so pomembni za razumevanje podnebnih spre-memb. Kot prvi smo predstavili pomemben ne-radikalski mehanizem nastajanja nitroka-teholov v vodni fazi ozračja. Nitriranje kate-holov v temi z reakcijo oksidacije-konjugirane adicije s HNO2/NO2

− je še posebej pomembno v onesnaženem okolju z visokimi koncentracija-mi NOx in z relativno kislimi delci (Sl. 3).

3. Artifacts associated with aliasing in 2D laser ab-lation-ICP-MS elemental imaging were studied through simulation experiments and verifica-tion by imaging a real homogeneous glass stan-dard. Interference patterns, visible as ripples in elemental images, lead to compromised image quality, when the laser ablation repetition rate and data acquisition of ICP-MS are not synchronized.

4. The structural similarity (SSIM) index, an objec-tive quantifier of differences between a distorted and a reference image, was used as a tool for optimizing the perceived visual image quality ob-tained by 2D LA-ICP-MS bioimaging. Since refer-ence images are not normally available, a pro-tocol was developed to virtually apply distortion introduced by the laser ablation-ICP-MS imag-ing system to a selected reference image (Fig. 2).

5. Formation mechanisms of atmospheric brown carbon are important for the understanding of cli-mate change. An important non-radical mecha-nism of nitrocatechol formation in the atmospher-ic aqueous phase was introduced. Dark catechol nitration by oxidation-conjugated addition reaction with HNO2 /NO2

− is shown especially significant in polluted environments with high NOx concentra-tions and relatively acidic particles (Fig. 3).

SSIM kot orodje pri izbiri eksperimentalnih parametrov za optimalno elemento bio-oslikovanje z LA-ICP-MS.SSIM as a tool for choosing experimental parameters for optimal elemental bioimaging with LA-ICP-MS.

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Nastajanje nitrokateholov v ozračju ponoči.Nighttime formation of nitrocatechols in the atmosphere.

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6. Naše trenutno razumevanje pomena površin-sko aktivnih snovi (PAS) v delcih v ozračju na nastajanje oblakov je omejeno. Poročamo o prvih koncentracijah PAS po velikostnih frak-cijah delcev iz ozračja. Razvili smo novo para-metrizacijo, ki omogoča oceno njihovega vpliva na nastajanje oblakov. Rezultati kažejo, da lah-ko znižanje površinske napetosti med aktivi-ranjem oblaka, ki ga povzročijo PAS, bistveno vpliva na število nastalih kapljic.

7. Med elementnim 2D oslikovanjem z LA-ICP--MS lahko prihaja do popačenj slike (spletanje, periodične napake), ki smo jih študirali z mo-deliranjem in eksperimenti na realnem homo-genem standardu stekla. Interferenčni vzorci, vidni v elementnih slikah kot valovi, popačijo kakovost slike, kadar vzorčevalni frekvenci la-serja in ICP-MS nista sinhronizirani.

8. Merilo objektivne kakovosti slike - SSIM indeks (structural similarity index), ki izmeri razliko med referenčno in popačeno sliko - smo uporabili za optimizacijo eksperimentov 2D elementnega bi-o-oslikovanja z LA-ICP-MS. Ker referenčne slike v teh primerih običajno niso na voljo, smo razvili protokol za virtualno popačenje, kot bi ga prines-lo eksperimentalno elementno oslikovanje na izbrani referenčni sliki (Sl. 2).

9. Mehanizmi nastajanja rjavega ogljika v ozra-čju so pomembni za razumevanje podnebnih sprememb. Kot prvi smo predstavili pomemben ne-radikalski mehanizem nastajanja nitrokate-holov v vodni fazi ozračja. Nitriranje kateholov v temi z reakcijo oksidacije-konjugirane adicije s HNO2/NO2

− je še posebej pomembno v onesna-ženem okolju z visokimi koncentracijami NOx in z relativno kislimi delci (Sl. 3).

10. Naše trenutno razumevanje pomena povr-šinsko aktivnih snovi (PAS) v delcih v ozračju na nastajanje oblakov je omejeno. Poročamo o prvih koncentracijah PAS po velikostnih frakcijah delcev iz ozračja. Razvili smo novo parametrizacijo, ki omogoča oceno njihovega vpliva na nastajanje oblakov. Rezultati kažejo, da lahko znižanje površinske napetosti med aktiviranjem oblaka, ki ga povzročijo PAS, bi-stveno vpliva na število nastalih kapljic.

6. Our current understanding of the importance of surface active substances (SAS) on atmospheric aerosol cloud-forming efficiency is limited. We report on the first size-resolved SAS concentra-tions in ambient aerosols. To assess the impact on cloud formation, a new parameterization was developed. Results show that SAS-induced surface tension depression during cloud activa-tion can significantly affect droplet number.

7. Artifacts associated with aliasing in 2D laser ablation-ICP-MS elemental imaging were studied through simulation experiments and verification by imaging a real homogeneous glass standard. Interference patterns, vis-ible as ripples in elemental images, lead to compromised image quality, when the laser ablation repetition rate and data acquisition of ICP-MS are not synchronized.

8. The structural similarity (SSIM) index, an ob-jective quantifier of differences between a distorted and a reference image, was used as a tool for optimizing the perceived visual image quality obtained by 2D LA-ICP-MS bioimaging. Since reference images are not normally available, a protocol was developed to virtually apply distortion introduced by the laser ablation-ICP-MS imaging system to a selected reference image (Fig. 2).

9. Formation mechanisms of atmospheric brown carbon are important for the understanding of climate change. An important non-radical mechanism of nitrocatechol formation in the atmospheric aqueous phase was introduced. Dark catechol nitration by oxidation-conjugat-ed addition reaction with HNO2 /NO2

− is shown especially significant in polluted environments with high NOx concentrations and relatively acidic particles (Fig. 3).

10. Our current understanding of the importance of surface active substances (SAS) on atmospheric aerosol cloud-forming efficiency is limited. We report on the first size-resolved SAS concentra-tions in ambient aerosols. To assess the impact on cloud formation, a new parameterization was developed. Results show that SAS-induced surface tension depression during cloud activa-tion can significantly affect droplet number.

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Izvirnih znanstvenih člankovObjavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenciObjavljena povzetka znanstvenih prispevkov na konferencah (vabljeni predavanji)Objavljenih povzetkov znanstvenih prispevkov na konferencahPredavanja na tujih univerzahDoktoratUredništva revij

Original Scientific ArticlesPublished Scientific Conference ContributionPublished Scientific Conference Contributions Abstract (Invited Lectures)Published Scientific Conference Contribution AbstractsInvited Lectures at Foreign UniversitiesDoctoral DissertationJournal Editorships

Raziskovalci / Researchers:dr. Bojan Budičdr. Irena Grgićdr. Vasko Jovanovskidr. Ana Krofličdr. Martin Šaladr. Vid Simon Šelihdr. Johannes Van Elteren

Doktorski študenti / PhD Students:Dino MetarapiMonika OgrizekKristijan Vidović

Strokovni sodelavci in tehnično osebje / Technical Staff:Breda NovakIris ŠtucinNina ValentičLidija Živec

Zaslužni raziskovalci / Researher Emeritus:dr. Božidar Ogorevc

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Letno poročilo 2018 _ Annual Report112

D05Okolje in tehnologija z roko v roki

Ključne dejavnosti • sodobni katalitski procesi za čiščenje odpadnih

voda (razvoj nanokristaliničnih in nanostruktu-riranih heterogenih katalizatorjev, prvenstveno na osnovi titanovega dioksida in mešanih ko-vinskih oksidov, ki jih uporabljamo v naprednih oksidacijskih procesih za učinkovito odstra-njevanje prioritetnih organskih onesnažil iz odpadnih voda)

• razvoj heterogenih katalizatorjev (razvoj več-funkcijskih nanostrukturiranih katalizatorjev za aktivacijo C-H vezi v alkanih, reakcije par-cialne oksidacije, kemije sinteznega plina ter valorizacije metana in ogljikovega dioksida)

Glavni dosežki v letu 2018 Poslanstvo Odseka za okoljske vede in inženir-

stvo je razvijanje sodobnih procesov za čiščenje voda in katalitskih, mikrobnih ter encimskih pro-cesov na področju energetike in produkcije spojin z visoko dodano vrednostjo.

Na področju razvoja sodobnih procesov za či-ščenje odpadnih voda se ukvarjamo s sintezo heterogenih katalizatorjev, apliciranih v čistilnih postopkih, kot so heterogena fotokatalitska oksi-dacija, katalitska mokra oksidacija in oksidacija

Bringing together environment and technology

Topic areas• advanced catalytic processes for wastewater

treatment (development of nanocrystalline and nanostructured heterogeneous catalysts, pref-erably based on titanium dioxide and mixed metal oxides, which are used in advanced oxidation processes for efficient removal of priority organic pollutants from wastewater)

• heterogeneous catalysis engineering (design and development of multi-functional nano-structured catalysts, applicable to the follow-ing fields: C-H bond activation in light alkanes, partial oxidation, syngas chemistry, methane and carbon dioxide valorization)

Important achievements in 2018

Mission of the Department for Environmental Sciences and Engineering is to develop modern processes for water treatment along with catalyt-ic, microbial and enzymatic processes in energy and production of high added-value compounds.

Regarding the development of advanced pro-cesses for wastewater treatment, we are syn-thesizing heterogeneous catalysts to be applied in water treatment processes, such as hetero-

Odsek za okoljske vede in inženirstvo

Department for Environmental Sciences and Engineering

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z vodikovim peroksidom. V letu 2018 smo razvili nanokristalinične in nanokompozitne fotokatali-zatorje, vsebujoč TiO2 in Bi2O3. Takšni fotokatali-zatorji omogočajo boljšo separacijo in migracijo nabojev v njihovi strukturi in s tem večjo učinko-vitost (aktivnost, mineralizacija) za odstranjeva-nje prioritetnih organskih onesnažil iz odpadnih voda (npr. bisfenol A). Še pomembnejše pa je dej-stvo, da takšni fotokatalizatorji izkazujejo visoko aktivnost tudi v primeru, ko njihovo površino vzbujamo samo z vidno svetlobo. Rezultati razi-

geneous photocatalytic oxidation, catalytic wet air oxidation and wet peroxide oxidation. In the year 2018, we have developed the nanocrystal-line and nanocomposite photocatalysts contain-ing TiO2, Bi2O3 and (BiO2)CO3. Such photocatalysts allow better separation and migration of charges in their structure, which in turn facilitates greater efficiency (activity, mineralization) concerning the removal of priority organic pollutants from waste water. Even more importantly, the developed photocatalysts enable high reaction activity even

Vodja / Head: dr. Albin Pintar

Grafični prikaz verjetne kaskade migracije nosilcev naboja v TiO2-Bi2O3/(BiO)2CO3 fotokatalizatorju, b) tvorba TiO2/β-Bi2O3 p-n stika in možnega načina separacije nabojev, in c) tvorba β-Bi2O3/(BiO)2CO3 p-n spoja in možnega načina separacije nabojev (Catal. Today 315 (2018) 237).Graphical illustration of a plausible charge carrier migration cascade in TiO2-Bi2O3/(BiO)2CO3 photocatalyst, b) formation of the TiO2/β-Bi2O3 p-n junction and the possible charge separation process, and c) formation of the β-Bi2O3/(BiO)2CO3 p-n jun-ction and the possible charge separation process (Catal. Today 315 (2018) 237).

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skave so objavljeni v reviji Catalysis Today (Žerjav et al., Catal. Today 315 (2018) 237).

Propilen oksid (PO) je ključna komponenta za proizvodnjo propilen glikola, njegovih etrov in poli-eternih poliolov. Večina PO, ki se trenutno uporab-lja, se sintetizira s pomočjo katalitskih procesov, v katerih nastaja veliko stranskih produktov (niso okolju prijazni), ali pa uporabljajo drage oksidante (npr. vodikov peroksid). V publikaciji, objavljeni v ugledni reviji Applied Catalysis B: Environmental (Teržan et al., Appl. Catal. B 237 (2018) 214), smo obrazložili princip, po katerem alkalijske kovine, dodane CuOx/SiO2 katalizatorju, vplivajo na potek in selektivnost katalitske epoksidacije prope-na s kisikom. Opažanja smo potrdili s pomočjo več operando spektroskopsih tehnik (XANES in UV/Vis DRS). Pokazali smo, da alkalijske kovi-ne (Na+ in K+) zmanjšajo nukleofilni značaj kisi-ka v [CuO-Cu]x skupkih na površini katalizatorja, kar zavira reakcijo z alilnim vodikom v molekuli propena in usmeri površinske reakcijske stopnje selektivno v tvorbo epoksida. Pri dopiranju z zem-ljoalkalijskimi kovinami (Ca2+) pa je ta efekt zane-marljiv zaradi večje količine hidroksilnih skupin, ki ostanejo močneje vezane na površini kataliza-torja.

when their surface is illuminated only by visible light. The research results are published in the journal Catalysis Today (Žerjav et al., Catal. Today 315 (2018) 237).

Propylene oxide (PO) is a key component for the production of propylene glycol, its ethers and poly-ether polyols. Most of PO currently in use is obtained through processes that produce a lot of waste (are not environmentally friendly), or are found to be cost inefficient (use of expensive oxidants like hydrogen peroxide). These drawbacks have driven research into direct gas-phase epoxidation of propylene using molecular oxygen. We examined the mechanism by which alkali metals, added to the CuOx/SiO2 catalyst, affect the selectivity of the catalytic reaction. In the conducted research work, published in the reputable journal Applied Catalysis B: Environmental (Teržan et al., Appl. Catal. B 237 (2018) 214), we employed several operando spectroscopic techniques (XANES, UV/Vis DRS). We have shown that doping with al-kali metals (Na+ and K+) modulates the nucleophilic character of oxygen in [Cu-O-Cu]x species, which decreases its reactivity with the allylic hydrogen in the propylene molecule and steers the selectivity to-wards the epoxidation reaction. During doping with alkaline earth metals (Ca2+), this effect was found to be negligible due to the higher amount of hydroxyl groups that remain attached to the catalyst surface.

Reakcijske poti procesa oksidacije propilena na površini CuOx/SiO2 katalizatorja z in brez alkalijske modifikacije (Appl. Catal. B 237 (2018) 214).Reaction pathways of propylene oxidation over CuOx/SiO2 catalyst with and without alkali modification (Appl. Catal. B 237 (2018) 214).

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Bibliografija Bibliography





Izvirnih znanstvenih člankovPredgovor, spremna besedaObjavljeni povzetki znanstvenih prispevkov na konferencah (vabljena predavanja)Objavljenih povzetkov znanstvenih prispevkov na konferencahPrispevka na konferencah brez natisaVabljeno predavanje na konferenci brez natisaKončnih poročil o rezultatih raziskavMagisterijDoktoratUredništvo revij

Original Scientific ArticlesPreface, AfterwordPublished Scientific Conference Contribution Abstracts (Invited Lectures)Published Scientific Conference Contribution AbstractsUnpublished Conference ContributionsUnpublished Invited Conference LectureFinal Research ReportsMaster’s ThesesDoctoral DissertationsJournal Editorship

Raziskovalci / Researchers:dr. Petar Djinovićdr. Vikram Sagar Tatiparthidr. Nada Verdeldr. Gregor Žerjav

Doktorski študenti / PhD Students:Nina Drašinac PajićKristijan LorberJanvit Teržan

Strokovni sodelavci in tehnično osebje / Technical Staff:Špela BožičDamjana HriberšekSimon Preložnik

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Kako dobra je »naša« hrana?

Ključne dejavnosti • Razvoj validiranih analiznih metod, večinoma

kromatografskih, za potrebe raziskovalne-ga dela, naročnikov iz industrije in drugih institucij;

• Izolacija in identifikacija spojin iz rastlinskih materialov s kromatografskimi in spek-troskopskimi tehnikami;

• Priprava novih oblik naravnih biološko aktivnih spojin, s katerimi se poveča obstojnost teh spojin in se spremenijo nekatere druge last-nosti, ter karakterizacijo teh novih materialov;

• Razvoj novih prehranskih dopolnil in njihovo vrednotenje;

• Izvajanje analiz živil, prehranskih dopolnil, zdravil in bioloških vzorcev.

Glavni dosežki v letu 2018 V okviru sodelovanja z Max Planck Institute for

Chemistry iz Mainza smo razvili tri GC-MS metode za analizo derivatiziranih in nederivatiziranih 2D HPLC frakcij etanolnega ekstrakta cimeta, ki so predhodno pokazali protivnetno delovanje na ce-ličnih linijah. V aktivnih 2D frakcijah smo identifi-cirali 11 novih spojin.

Z novo večdimenzionalno HPTLC frakcionacijo, z uporabo silikagelne in celulozne stacionarne faze in različnih topil za razvijanje, smo iz korenik inva-zivnega japonskega dresnika izolirali flavan-3-ola ((+)-katehin, (-)-epikatehin), procianidina tipa B in tri antrakinone (emodin in njegove heksozidne de-

How »good« is our food?

Topic areas• Development of validated analytical methods,

mainly chromatographic, for research as well industry and other institutions;

• Isolation of compounds from plant materials, their identification by means of chromato-graphic and spectroscopic techniques;

• Preparation of new forms of natural bio-logically active compounds that enhance the stability and certain properties of these com-pounds, as well as characterization of these new materials;

• Development of new food supplements and their evaluation;

• Analysis of foods, food supplements, medi-cines and biological samples.

Important achievements in 2018

In the scope of a project with Max Planck Insti-tute for Chemistry, Mainz, three GC-MS methods were developed for analysis of derivatised and non derivatised 2D HPLC fractions, obtained from cin-namon ethanolic extract, which previously showed anti-inflammatory activity in cell lines. Eleven new compounds were identified in the active 2D fractions.

New multidimensional HPTLC fractionation us-ing silica gel and cellulose stationary phases with different developing solvents enabled isolation of flavan-3-ols ((+)-catehin, (-)-epicatehin), two B-type procyanidins and three anthraquinones (em-


Odsek za prehrambeno kemijo

Department of Food Chemistry

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Vodja / Head:dr. Irena Vovk

rivate). Njihove strukture smo določili s tandem-sko MS in 1H NMR.

Razvili smo štiri HPTLC-MS/MS metode na di-olni stacionarni fazi za določanje antrakinonov v korenikah japonskega dresnika.

S kemijskimi analizami smo v listih japonskega in češkega dresnika potrdili primerljive profile in vsebnosti karotenoidov kot v špinači.

Razvili smo HPLC-UV-FLD metodo za hkratno do-ločanje flavanolov, flavonolov in fenolnih kislin v spe-cifičnih matricah ekstrakcijskih drog, ki se pogosto uporabljajo v živilsko predelovalni industriji. Razvita metoda je del razvoja stabilnih funkcionalnih ek-straktov in funkcionalnih aromatičnih pripravkov iz surovin in odpadnih rastlinskih materialov.

Razvili smo HPLC-MS/MS metodo za določanje vitamina D3 in vitamina K2 v mesu in mesnih iz-delkih. Zaradi visoke občutljivosti in selektivnosti MS/MS detekcije smo se lahko izognili zahtevni pripravi vzorcev, ki smo jo omejili le na homoge-nizacijo in ekstrakcijo, kljub zahtevnosti matric in nizkim vsebnostim.

odin and its hexoside derivatives) from rhizomes of invasive Japanese knotweed. Their structures were determined by MS/MS and 1H NMR.

Four HPTLC-MS/MS methods were developed on diol stationary phase for determination of anthra-quinones in Japanese knotweed rhizomes.

Chemical analyses of Japanese and Bohemian knotweed leaves confirmed profiles and content of carotenoids comparable to spinach.

HPLC-UV-FLD method was developed for simul-taneous determination of flavanols, flavonols and phenolic acids in specific matrices of extracted drugs, frequently used in food industry. Developed method is a part of the development of stable func-tional extracts and functional aromatic prepara-tions from raw and plant waste materials.

An HPLC-MS/MS method was developed for determination of vitamins D3 and K2 in meat and meat products. Due to high sensitivity and selectiv-ity of MS/MS detection, an extensive sample prepa-ration was avoided, despite matrix complexity and low analytes contents.

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1H NMR 4_1

1D 2D UV Vis

Slika 1: Izolacija (+)-katehina iz ekstrakta korenik japonskega dresnika. Frakcionacija je bila izve-dena na preparativni silikagelni (1D) in celulozni (frakcija 4, 2D) stacionarni fazi. Struktura spoji-ne je bila določena z MS, MS/MS in NMR (1H, COSY, HSQC, HMBC) analizami.Figure 1: Isolation of (+)-catechin from Japanese knotweed rhizome extract. The fractionation was performed on preparative silica gel (1D) and cel-lulose (fraction 4, 2D) stationary phases. The stru-cture of the compound was determined by MS, MS/MS and NMR (1H, COSY, HSQC, HMBC) analyses.

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Razvili smo HPLC-UV metodo za določanje ocetne in mlečne kisline v fermentirajočem testu in pekovskih izdelkih.

Razvili smo LC-MS/MS metodo, ki omogoča določanje biološko aktivne spojine, ki se pogosto uporablja kot aditiv v polimerni industriji in smo jo identificirali v različnih laboratorijskih materialih, plastičnih vsebnikih za hrano, pijačo in zdravila.

Preučevali smo mehanizem separacije pri kro-matografiji hidrofilnih interakcij (HILIC). Ugotovi-li smo, da igra aditiv (pufer) pri gradientni eluciji večjo vlogo, saj se tekom analize sprva adsorbira na stacionarno fazo, kasneje pa se desorbira. Po-sledično se znotraj vsake kromatografske analize vzpostavi solni gradient, čeprav se koncentracija pufra v mobilni fazi na vhodu kolone ne spreminja s časom. Predvidevamo, da ima tak solni gradient merljiv vpliv na retenzijo polarnih analitov.

In collaboration with partners an HPLC-UV meth-od was developed for determination of acetic and lactic acid in fermenting dough and bakery goods.

An LC-MS/MS method was developed for deter-mination of a biologically active compound, which is frequently used as an additive in polymer indus-try. This compound was further identified in dif-ferent laboratory materials, plastic containers for food, beverages and medicines.

The separation mechanism in hydrophilic inter-action chromatography (HILIC) was studied. It was found that the additive (buffer) plays a big role in gradient elution since it adsorbs on the station-ary phase at first and desorbs as the analysis pro-gresses. Consequently, a salt gradient is formed within each chromatographic analysis although the input buffer concentration is kept constant. It is assumed, that the formed salt gradient has a mea-surable impact on the retention of polar species.

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Slika 2: HPLC-UV-FLD kromatogram zmesi standardnih raztopin flavanolov, flavonolov in fenolnih kislin.Figure 2: HPLC-UV-FLD chromatogram of a standard mixture solution consisting of flavanols, flavonols and phenolic acids.

Slika 3: Plastični laboratorijski ma-terial in plastični vsebniki za hrano, pijačo in zdravila, za katere smo določali potencialno prehajanje bio-loško aktivne spojine iz polimera v stično tekočino.Figure 3: Plastic laboratory ma-terials and plastic containers for food, beverages and medicine, for which potential migration of a bio-logically active compound from the polymer into polymer containing liquid was determined.

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Bibliografija Bibliography




Izvirnih znanstvenih člankovPregledni znanstveni člankekObjavljena povzetka znanstvenih prispevkov na konferencah (vabljeni predavanji)Objavljenih povzetkov znanstvenih prispevkov na konferencahPredavanje na tuji univerziPrispevka na konferencah brez natisaDoktoratUredništva revij

Original Scientific ArticlesReview ArticlePublished Scientific Conference Contributions Abstract (Invited Lectures)Published Scientific Conference Contribution AbstractsInvited Lecture at Foreign UniversityUnpublished Conference ContributionsDoctoral DissertationsJournal Editorships

Raziskovalci / Researchers:dr. Alen Albrehtdr. Vesna Glavnikdr. Eva Kranjcdr. Mitja Križmandr. Katerina Naumoska

Doktorski študenti / PhD Students:Urška JugValentina Metličar

Strokovni sodelavci in tehnično osebje / Technical Staff:Mateja PuklavecJana StaničAndreja StarcJure Zekič

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Odsek za polimerno kemijo in tehnologijo

Department of Polymer Chemistry and Technology

D07Polimeri in polimerni materiali s posebnimi lastnostmi - sinteza, karakterizacija, uporaba, reciklaža in okoljski odtis plastičnih materialov

Ključne dejavnosti • Razvoj novih metodologij in pristopov h kontro-

liranim polimerizacijam za pripravo komple-ksnih (ko)polimerov za specifične aplikacije;

• Materiali s permanentno porozno strukturo;• Funkcionalizacija površin nanopolnil in pripra-

va polimernih nanokompozitov;• Reciklaža polimerov in polimernih materialov;• Razvoj novih metod in pristopov za celostno

karakterizacijo kompleksnih polimerov in supramolekularnih struktur;

• Vpliv polimerov in plastičnih materialov na okolje;• Razvojno industrijske raziskave.

Glavni dosežki v letu 2018 Na področju razvoja novih metodologij za kon-

trolirano sintezo blok kopolimerov na osnovi po-lipeptidov smo razvili učinkovit enostopenjski po-stopek sekvenčne kopolimerizacije z odpiranjem obroča različnih cikličnih monomerov, ki se razli-kujejo po reaktivnosti in vrsti propagirajoče skupi-ne (Polym. Chem.). V 2018 smo pričeli z delom na ARRS projektu, katerega cilj je priprava makropo-

Specialty polymers and polymeric materials - synthesis, characterization, application, recycling, and environmental footprint of plastic materials

Topic areas• Development of new methodologies and ap-

proaches for controlled polymerization of com-plex (co)polymers for specific applications;

• Materials with permanent porous structure;• Functionalization of nanoparticles and prepa-

ration of polymer nanocomposites;• Recycling of polymers and polymeric materials;• Development of new methods and approaches

for a detailed characterization of complex polymers and supramolecular structures;

• The impact of polymers and plastics on the environment;

• Industrial development research.

Important achievements in 2018

Synthetic polypeptide-based copolymers offer a possibility to integrate the properties of biomac-romolecules and synthetic polymers in a single material, providing new and unique applications in nanotechnology and biotechnology. For their prep-aration, we developed a simple one-pot synthetic

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Vodja / Head:dr. Ema Žagar

roznih ogrodij na osnovi sintetičnih polipeptidov, ki so obetavna alternativa trenutno obstoječim 3D ogrodjem za tkivno inženirstvo.

Raziskave na področju visoko-poroznih ma-terialov, ki izkazujejo visoko specifično površi-no, nizko skeletno gostoto, kot tudi specifično funkcionalnost, so obsegale nove metodologije priprave (Colloid & Polym. Sci.), študij sinteznih pogojev na morfološke lastnosti (Macromole-cules) in uporabo kationskih, polielektrolitskih hidrogelov za čiščenje vod (Langmuir).

V okviru S4 projekta MARTINA smo z name-nom izboljšanja mehanskih lastnosti polimerov uspešno pripravili nanokompozite na osnovi raz-ličnih polimernih matric (polietilen, epoksi smo-

approach by sequential addition of monomers, which differ not only in reactivity but also propagate through different end-group types (Polym Chem). In 2018, ARRS project has started with the aim to prepare macroporous, synthetic polypeptide-based biomimetic scaffolds that disclose a promising al-ternative to the currently available 3D scaffolds for tissue engineering application.

Research in the field of highly-porous materi-als included new methodologies for their prepa-ration (Colloid & Polym Sci), study the impact of synthetic conditions on the morphological properties (Macromolecules), and the use of polyelectrolyte hydrogels for water purification (Langmuir).

Slika 1. Inovativna sintezna pot za pripravo poliester / polikarbonat-b-polipeptidnih hibridnih blok kopolimerov s sekvenčno polimerizacijo z odpiranjem obroča v eni reakcijski zmesi. (Polym. Chem, 2018, 9, 4764)Figure 1. Innovative synthetic pathway for preparation of polyester / polycarbonate-b-polypeptide hybrid block copolymers that includes sequential ring-opening polymerization in one-pot manner.

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la) ter grafen oksida in nanokristalinične celulo-ze kot nanopolnila (Eur. Polym. J., Molecules). V teku je tudi študij uporabe nanoceluloze v pre-mazih za papir (S4 projekt NMP).

Okoljski vidik plastike je obsegal študije, po-vezane z onesnaževanjem okolja s plastičnimi materiali (Mar. Pollut. Bull.; Sci. Total Environ.) kot tudi z novimi pristopi k recikliranju polimer-nih materialov. V 2018 smo se vključili v H2020 Polynspire projekt, kjer smo osredotočeni na alternativne postopke depolimerizacije poliami-dov in poliuretanov. Obe področji sta pomembni iz stališča mapiranja vpliva plastike na okolje in zmanjšanje okoljskega odtisa polimerov kot za prehod v nizko-ogljično družbo in trajnostno krožno gospodarstvo.

Kot partner ali koordinator smo vključeni v mednarodna projekta na tematiki uporabe bio-polimerov za doseganje večje trajnosti uporabe plastike (BIOECO-R.D. in BIOCOMPACK-CE).

In S4 project MARTINA our aim was to improve the mechanical properties of polymers. To this end, we prepared nanocomposites based on dif-ferent polymer matrices (polyethylene, epoxy resin) and graphene oxide or nanocrystalline celluloses (Eur Polym J; Molecules). Ongoing is a study on the use of nanocellulose in paper coatings (S4 project NMP).

The topic of environmental aspect of plastics deals with the study of ecosystem pollution by plastic (Marine Poll Bull; Sci Total Environ) as well as new approaches to recycling of polymeric ma-terials. From 2018, we are involved in H2020 Polyn-spire project where our focus is oriented toward the development of alternative depolymerization approaches of polyamides and polyurethanes. These topics are important for reduction of the polymer environmental footprint, and facilitating the transition towards a low-carbon society and sustainable, circular economy.

Slika 2. Sinteza visoko poroznih kationskih polielektrolitov in njihova uporaba za adsorpcijo organskih barvil iz vode. (Lan-gmuir 2018, 34, 10353?10362)Figure 2. Prepatarion of highly porous cationic polyelectrolytes and their application for adsorption of organic dyes from water. (Langmuir 2018, 34, 10353-10362)

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Slika 3. Priprava nanokompozitov iz polietilenske matrice in nanoceluloze kot polnila, ki izkazujejo izboljšane lastnosti. (Mo-lecules, 2018, 23, 1-14) Figure 3. Preparation of nanocomposites based on polyethylene matrix and nanocellulose as the filler. Nanocomposites have impro-ved mechanical properties. (Molecules, 2018, 23, 1-14)

Tematika je relevantna za širšo javnost in je de-ležna dobre medijske odmevnosti, kar nam daje možnosti za informiranje, ozaveščanje in iska-nje rešitev za obstoječe probleme na področju plastike.

Raziskovalna skupina je vključena v promocijo, sestavo novih vrednostnih verig in mednarodno sodelovanje na področju polimernih materialov (kompoziti, premazi, smole) v okviru Nacionalne strategije pametne specializacije. V izobraževa-nje kadrov na področju polimerov pa so aktivno vključeni štirje člani skupine, ki sodelujejo v pe-dagoškem procesu.

As a partner or coordinator, we are involved in international projects on the use of biopolymers to achieve greater sustainability of plastic use (BIOECO-R.D. and BIOCOMPACK-CE). Topic is rel-evant to the general public, giving us the opportu-nity to inform, raise awareness and find solutions to existing problems in the field of plastics.

Members of research group participate in pro-motion, value chain creation and international co-operation in the area of polymeric materials (com-posites, coatings, resins, textiles) in the National smart specialization strategy. Moreover, 4 group members are involved in educational process.

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Raziskovalci / Researchers:dr. Alojz Anžlovardr. Aljoša Boljeizr. prof. dr. Miroslav Huskićdr. Sebastijan Kovačičdr. Andrej Kržandr. Matjaž Kunaverdr. Ozgun Can Onderdr. Ana Oreškidr. David Pahovnikdr. Igor Shlyapnikovdr. Simona Sitardr. Maria Toplishek

Doktorski študenti / PhD Students:Špela GradišarSarah JurjevecPetra Utroša

Strokovni sodelavci in tehnično osebje / Technical Staff:Simon BabnikUrška ČešarekNataša JuvančičKaja KušarMaša MasičPolona ProsenMirjana ŠircaMojca TrkajJasmina TurnšekAnja Urh

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Bibliografija Bibliography








Izvirnih znanstvenih člankovStrokovna člankaSamostojni znanstveni sestavek ali poglavje v monografski publikacijiIntervjujaObjavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci (vabljeno predavanje)Objavljeni znanstveni prispevki na konferencahObjavljena povzetka znanstvenih prispevkov na konferencah (vabljeni predavanji)Objavljenih povzetkov znanstvenih prispevkov na konferencahPredavanji na tujih univerzahPrispevki na konferencah brez natisaVabljeno predavanje na konferenci brez natisaKončno poročilo o rezultatih raziskavDiplomMagisterijiUredništev revij

Original Scientific ArticlesProfessional ArticlesIndependent Scientific Component Part or a Chapter in a MonographInterviewsPublished Scientific Conference Contribution (Invited Lecture)Published Scientific Conference ContributionsPublished Scientific Conference Contributions Abstract (Invited Lectures)Published Scientific Conference Contribution AbstractsInvited Lectures at Foreign UniversitiesUnpublished Conference ContributionsUnpublished Invited Conference LectureFinal Research ReportUndergraduate ThesesMaster’s ThesesJournal Editorships

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Odsek za anorgansko kemijo in tehnologijo

Department of Inorganic Chemistry and Technology

Razvoj funkcionaliziranih poroznih materialov kot adsorbentov in/ali katalizatorjev za energijske in okoljske aplikacije

Ključne dejavnosti • razvoj funkcionaliziranih zeolitov, poroznih sili-

katov in kovinsko-organskih poroznih materia-lov (MOF-ov) za adsorpcijo in katalizo

• strukturne študije z uporabo naprednih ka-rakterizacijskih metod (npr. jedrske magnetne resonance, rentgenske absorpcijske spek-troskopije)

• testiranje materialov za aplikacije v okoljskih tehnologijah (pri predelavi biomase v kemikali-je in goriva, pri čiščenju vode in zraka)

• testiranje materialov za aplikacije v energij-skih tehnologijah (adsorbenti za shranjevanje toplote in plinov)

• testiranje materialov za sisteme kontrolirane-ga sproščanje zdravil.

Glavni dosežki v letu 2018 V okviru raziskav materialov za sorpcijsko shranje-

vanje toplotne energije smo preučili vpliv posintezne modifikacije granuliranega zeolita tipa Y na učinko-vitost shranjevanja energije. Ugotovili smo, da lahko z inovativno uporabo H4EDTA izvedemo učinkovito in hkrati nedestruktivno modifikacijo in dealuminacijo

Development of functionalized porous materials as adsorbents and/or catalysts for energy and environmental applications

Topic areas• development of functionalized zeolites, meso-

porous silicates and metal-organic frame-works (MOFs) for adsorption and catalysis

• structural studies using advanced character-ization methods (e.g. Nuclear Magnetic Reso-nance (NMR), X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS))

• testing of materials for applications in environ-mental technologies (adsorbents and catalysts for production of chemicals and fuels and for water- and air purification)

• testing of materials for applications in energy-related technologies (adsorbents for heat and gas storage)

• testing of materials for drug delivery systems.

Important achievements in 2018

In the frame of our studies of sorption-based heat storage materials, we studied the effect of post-synthetic modification of the granulated Y-type zeolite on the efficiency of energy storage. We have found that by using H4EDTA in an inno-

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Vodja / Head:prof. dr. NatašaZabukovec Logar

vative manner, an efficient and at the same time non-destructive modification and dealumina-tion of the zeolite framework can be performed, the effects of which are reflected in improved performance characteristics. We published the results in Journal of Materials Chemistry A. FIGURE 1

We participated in the discovery of a new type of glassy materials, consisting of metal centers and organic ligands. This is the fourth type of glass beside oxide, metallic and organic glasses, and the first type that was discovered after 1960.

Slika 1: Posintezna modifikacija granuliranega zeolita Y z H4EDTA omogoča visoko gostoto shranjevanja pri občutno nižji temperaturi aktivacije materiala, glede na trenutno uporabljene zeolite (npr. zeolit 13X). Posledično je mogoče shraniti višji delež nizkotemperaturne odpadne toplote v hranilniku.Figure 1: Post-synthetic modification of the granulated zeolite Y with H4EDTA provides a high storage density at a significantly lower material activation temperature comparing to the currently used zeolites (e.g. zeolite 13X). Consequently, a higher share of low-temperature waste heat can be stored in a storage tank.

zeolitnega ogrodja, katere učinki se kažejo v izboljša-nih karakteristikah delovanja. Rezultate smo objavili v reviji Journal of Materials Chemistry A. SLIKA 1

Sodelovali smo pri raziskavah nove vrste ste-kel, ki jih sestavljajo kovinski centri in organski ligandi. Ta stekla so ob oksidnih, kovinskih in or-ganskih steklih četrta vrsta stekel, prva nova vr-sta, ki je bila odkrita po letu 1960. V prvi raziska-vi smo preučevali steklo, ki smo ga pripravili iz kristaliničnega kovinsko-organskega poroznega materiala (MOF) ZIF-62. Rezultate smo predsta-vili v ugledni reviji Science Advances (Slika 2a). V

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In the first study we investigated a metal-organic glass, which was prepared from crystalline met-al-organic framework (MOF) material ZIF-62. The study was described in Science Advances (Figure 2a). In the second study we have, for the first time, prepared a porous glass, which could absorb notable amounts of several different gas-es. Results were presented in Nature Communi-cations (Figure 2b). FIGURE 2

Composite catalysts for photocatalytic waste-water purification under sunlight were studied. We explained the role of metal nanoclusters in combination with TiO2 on porous silica support under visible light, which represents 47% of the solar spectrum. We have shown that Ni is the only metal that has a positive effect on the per-formance of TiO2 under sunlight in both, oxidation

Slika 2: (a) Kovinsko-organski material ZIF-62, v katerem so cinkovi ioni med sabo povezani z imidazolatnimi in ben-zimidazolatnimi ligandi, je izkazal doslej največjo zmo-žnost tvorjenja stekel med vsemi materiali. To pomeni, da ima ZIF-62 največje razmerje Tg/Tm, kjer je Tm tempera-tura taljenja kristalnega ZIF-62 in Tg temperatura prehoda stekla v talino. (B) Prvo steklo, ki po vitrifikaciji vsebuje pore in tako lahko absorbira znatne količine nekaterih pli-nov, je bilo pripravljeno iz kovinsko-organskega materiala ZIF-76 s topologijo LTA. Figure 2: (a) Metal-organic material ZIF-62, in which zinc ions are interconnected by imidazolate and benzimidazo-late ligands, exhibited the greatest glass-forming ability among all materials inspected so far. This means that it has the highest Tg/Tm ratio, where Tm and Tg are the melting temperature of the crystalline ZIF-62 and the glass-to-liqu-id transition temperature of the glassy ZIF-62. (b) The first porous glass, which could absorb notable amounts of several different gases, was prepared from metal-organic material ZIF-76 with LTA topology.

okviru druge raziskave smo prvič pripravili stek-lo, ki po vitrifikaciji vsebuje pore in tako lahko absorbira znatne količine nekaterih plinov. Re-zultati raziskave so bili objavljeni v reviji Nature Communications (Slika 2b). SLIKA 2

V okviru raziskav fotokatalitskega čiščenje od-padne vode s kompozitnimi katalizatorji in sonč-no svetlobo smo razložili delovanje s kovinskimi nanoklastri modificiranega TiO2 na poroznem si-likatnem nosilcu z vidno svetlobo, ki predstavlja 47% sončnega spektra. Pokazali smo, da je Ni edina kovina, ki pozitivno vpliva na delovanje TiO2

na sončni svetlobo tako pri reakcijah oksidacije kot redukcije. Rezultate smo objavili v reviji Jour-nal of Materials Chemistry A. SLIKA 3

Prof. dr. Nataša Zabukovec Logar je imela ple-narno predavanje na mednarodni konferenci



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Slika 3: Slika ponazarja s kovinskimi nanoklastri funkcionaliziran TiO2 na poroznem silikatnem nosilcu.Figure 3: Figure illustrates porous silica supported and with metal nanosclusters funkcionalized TiO2.

26th Croatian-Slovenian Crystallographic Meeting v Poreču na Hrvaškem in vabljeno predavanje na 20th International Conference on Advanced Energy Materials and Research v Dublinu na Irskem.

Prof. dr. Gregor Mali je imel vabljeno predavanje na AMPERE NMR School v Zakopanah na Poljskem.

Prof. dr. Nataša Novak Tušar je imela vabljeni predavanji na 3rd International Conference on New Photocatalytic Materials for Environment, Energy and Sustainability, Porto, Portugalska, in na Fou-rth International Conference on Advanced Complex Inorganic Nanomaterials, Namur, Belgija.

Dr. Andraž Krajnc je imel vabljeno predava-nje na Materials, Characterization, and Catalysis Workshop v Zürichu v Švici.

and reduction reactions. We published the results in Journal of Materials Chemistry A. FIGURE 3

Prof. dr. Nataša Zabukovec Logar held a plenary lecture at 26th Croatian-Slovenian Crystallograph-ic Meeting in Poreč, Croatia AND at the 20th Inter-national Conference on Advanced Energy Materi-als and Research in Dublin, Ireland.

Prof. dr. Gregor Mali held an invited lecture at the AMPERE NMR School in Zakopane, Poland.

Prof. dr. Nataša Novak Tušar held invited lectures at 3rd International Conference on New Photocata-lytic Materials for Environment, Energy and Sus-tainability, Porto, Portugal, and at Fourth Interna-tional Conference on Advanced Complex Inorganic Nanomaterials, Namur, Belgium. Dr. Andraž Kra-jnc had an invited lecture at the Materials, Charac-terization, and Catalysis Workshop in Zürich.

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Raziskovalci / Researchers:dr. Tomaž Čendakdr. Andraž Krajncizr. prof. dr. Gregor Malidr. Matjaž Mazajprof. dr. Nataša Novak Tušardr. Oleksii Pliekhovdr. Alenka Ristićdr. Andraž Šuligojdr. Ivalina Ognyanova Trendafilovadr. Nika Vrtovec

Doktorski študenti / PhD Students:Lapajne JureMal Suzana

Tajnšek Tia KristianVolavšek JanezVrtovec NikaŽumbar Tadej

Strokovni sodelavci in tehnično osebje / Technical Staff:Marjana Gantar AlbrehtEdi KranjcMojca OpresnikNika OstermanAnna Zabilska

Zaslužni raziskovalci / Researher Emeritus:prof.dr. Venčeslav Kaučič

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Bibliografija Bibliography






Izvirnih znanstvenih člankovPregledni znanstveni članekSamostojni znanstveni sestavek ali poglavje v monografski publikacijiObjavljena znanstvena prispevka na konferencahObjavljenih povzetkov znanstvenih prispevkov na konferencah (vabljena predavanja)Objavljenih povzetkov znanstvenih prispevkov na konferencahPrispevka na konferencah brez natisaKončno poročilo o rezultatih raziskavElaborat, predštudija, študijaDiplomaMagisterijaDoktoratUredništva revij

Original Scientific ArticlesReview ArticleIndependent Scientific Component Part or a Chapter in a MonographPublished Scientific Conference ContributionsPublished Scientific Conference Contribution Abstracts (Invited Lectures)Published Scientific Conference Contribution AbstractsUnpublished Conference ContributionsFinal Research ReportTreatise, Preliminary Study, StudyUndergraduate ThesisMaster’s ThesesDoctoral DissertationJournal Editorships

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D10Moderni baterijski materiali, Razvoj premazov, Elektrokatalizatorji

Ključne dejavnosti • Razvoj sekundarnih baterijskih sistemov (aku-

mulatorjev)• Razvoj komponent za obnovljive energetske

sisteme, barvnih prevlek za nizkotemperatur-ne absorberje ter hidrofobnih, oleofobnih in ognjevarnih materialov

• Sinteza in karakterizacija novih elektrokatali-zatorjev za potencialno uporabo v nizkotempe-raturnih gorivnih celicah in elektrolizerjih

• Razvoj in situ in ex situ analiznih in ekspe-rimentalnih pristopov za študij strukture (IR spektroskopija, difrakcija), morfologije (mi-kroskopija), elektrokemije in reologije komple-ksnih materialov.

Glavni dosežki v letu 2018 Laboratorij za Moderne baterijske sisteme je

v letu objavil več člankov, od katerih je potrebno izpostaviti dva članka v Chemistry of Materials in članek, objavljen v Nature Communications. V slednjem smo skupaj s sodelavci nekaterih drugih odsekov Kemijskega inštituta predstavili uporabo nove »in operando« metode na osnovi infrardeče spektroskopije. Metodo smo razvi-li z namenom vizualizacije redoks mehanizma organskih materialov v litijevih in magnezije-vih akumulatorjih. Raziskava je bilo delno so-financirana s strani podjetja HONDA. Z istim

Modern battery systems, Coating development, Electrocatalysts

Topic areas• Development of secondary battery systems• Development of components for renewable

energy systems, coloured coatings for low temperature solar absorbers and hydrophobic, oleophobic and flame retardant additives and thin films,

• Synthesis and characterization of novel elec-trocatalysts for low-temperature fuel cells and electrolyzers,

• Development of in situ and ex situ analytical and experimental approaches for investigation of structural (IR spectroscopy, diffraction), mor-phological (microscopy), electrochemical and rheological properties of complex materials.

Important achievements in 2018

Laboratory for Modern battery systems pub-lished a couple of highly important papers in prestigious journals such as Chemistry of Mate-rials and the Nature family. In a paper published in Nature Communications we demonstrated, together with coworkers from other institute de-partments, a novel »in operando« method based on infrared spectroscopy. The method enables vi-sualization of redox mechanism of organic active materials and can be used for different battery systems such as lithium or magnesium batter-

Odsek za kemijo materialov

Department of Materials Chemistry

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Vodja / Head:prof. dr. Miran Gaberšček

podjetjem smo v letu 2018 podpisali tudi novo pogodbo na področju razvoja Mg akumulatorjev. Sodelavca laboratorija Jože Moškon in Miran Gaberšček sta sodelovala v mednarodni razi-skavi, ki je pokazala, da v insercijskih baterijah na potek fazne tranformacije pomembno vpliva površinska difuzija aktivnih specij. Gre za po-jav, ki je veljal za manjkajoči člen pri poskusih razlage prehoda iz režima trdne raztopine v re-žim fazne separacije. Odkritje je bilo objavljeno

ies. The research was partly financed by HONDA. The latter also offered a new contract for further cooperation in the field of Mg batteries. Jože Moškon and Miran Gaberšček were part of inter-national team that demonstrated that the phase transformation reactions taking place in inser-tion batteries are importantly affected by surface diffusion of active species. The latter has been a missing link in attempts to explain the current threshold between phase separation and solid

Slika 1. Identifikacija mehanizma sistema Li-PAQS s po-močjo operando ATR-IR metode za predlagani mehani-zem, b Primer ciklov polnjenje/praznjenje c Pripadajoči ATR-IR spektri katode PAQS, posneti med ciklanjem.Figure 1. Determination of the Li–PAQS electrochemi-cal mechanism through in operando ATR-IR. a Proposed electrochemical mechanism b Examples of discharge/char-ge cycles c Corresponding ATR-IR spectra of the PAQS cathode during galvanostatic cycling.

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v Nature Materials. Sodelavci laboratorija so imeli tudi plenarno, številna sekcijska oziro-ma vabljena predavanja na skoraj vseh najpo-membnejših konferencah na tematiko sodobnih akumulatorjev.

Na področju elektrokatalize smo izvedli obsež-no študijo elektrokemijskih lastnosti nanodel-cev PtCu3, ki so bili dekorirani z Ru. Identificirali smo tri pomembne učinke dodatka rutenija: (i) zmanjšano tvorbo Pt oksida, (ii) vzpostavitev pre-ferenčne korozije Ru in (iii) znižanje vrednosti pH na površini. Skupni učinek je znatno povečanje korozijske odpornosti platine.

Laboratorij za razvoj premazov je v sodelovanju z konzorcijskimi partnerji M-era.NET projekta »WABASELCOAT« razvil nove spektralno selek-tivne prevleke na vodni osnovi. V sodelovanju s Katedro za tekstilstvo in oblačilno inženirstvo, Naravoslovnotehniške fakultete Univerze v Lju-bljani smo razvili ognjevarne dodatke za PA6 in jih vključili v poliamidne tekstilije. V sodelovanju s podjetjem Hidria rotomatika, razvojnim cen-troma SIEva in NELA pa smo razvili lepilo, ki se nanaša z »Ink-Jet« tehnologijo, ki omogoča iz-boljšano proizvodnjo rotorjev in statorjev.

solution. The discovery was published in Nature Materials. The coworkers of laboratory presented a large number of either plenary, key note or in-vited lectures, at all of the most important battery conferences worldwide.

In the field of electrocatalysis we carried out a comprehensive study of electrochemical per-formance of PtCu3 electrocatalyst nanoparticles decorated with Ru. Three important effects were identified: (i) suppression of Pt oxide formation, (ii) sacrificial corrosion of Ru, and (iii) lowering of local surface pH. Overall, the study presents a vi-able approach towards enhancement of platinum corrosion resistance.

The Laboratory for coating development, in collaboration with partners of M-era.Net proj-ect »WABASELCOAT«, developed novel spectrally selective paint coatings on water based binder system. Furthermore, in cooperation with Chair of Textile and Clothing engineering, the Faculty of Natural Science and Engineering, University Ljubljana we developed new flame retardant ad-ditives and flame retardan polyamide textilies. Finally, in collaboration with Hidria rotomatika, R&D centres SiEva and NELA we developed a new glue, applicable by »Ink-Jet« technology, en-abling improved production of rotors and stators.

Slika 2. Nov mehanizem depozicije trdnega katodnega filma med delovanjem tipične baterijske celice litij-žveplo. Figure 2. Novel mechanism of solid film deposition during operation of a typical lithium-sulfur cell.

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Slika 3. Posamični paladije-vi atomi v katalizatorjih na osnovi Pd in Pd/C. Figure 3. Single atoms of Pd in Pd/C catalyst in (a) annular dark-field and (b) bright-field mode.

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Raziskovalci / Researchers:dr. Jean Marcel Ateba Mbadr. Marjan Beledr. Jan Bitencdr. Elena Chernyshovadr. Marija Čolovićizr.prof.dr. Robert Dominko dr. Goran Dražićdr. Sara Drvarič Taliandoc.dr. Ivan Jermanizr.prof.dr. Marta Klanjšek Grundedr. Mohor Mihelčičdr. Jože Moškondr. Rekha Narayandr. Klemen Pirnatdr. Francisco Ruiz Zepedadr. Angelja Kjara Surcadr. John Fredy Velez Santadr. Alen Vižintindr. Milena Zorko

Doktorski študenti / PhD Students:Tanja BančičJernej BobnarMatija GataloŠpela HajdukGorazd Koderman PodboršekSabina KolarAnja Kopač LautarLuka NočTina PaljkNejc PavlinUrša PetekMaja PoriAna RobbaMatic Šobak

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Bibliografija Bibliography








Izvirnih znanstvenih člankovPregledna znanstvena člankaSamostojna znanstvena sestavka ali poglavji v monografski publikacijiObjavljenih znanstvenih prispevkov na konferencah Objavljeni strokovni prispevek na konferenci Objavljenih povzetkov znanstvenih prispevkov na konferencah (vabljena predavanja)Objavljenih povzetkov znanstvenih prispevkov na konferencahObjavljeni povzetek strokovnega prispevka na konferenciPatentne prijavePatentiPredavanji na tujih univerzahPrispevkov na konferencah brez natisaVabljena predavanja na konferencah brez natisaKončnih poročil o rezultatih raziskavDiplomMagisterijevDoktoratov Uredništvi revij

Original Scientific ArticlesReview ArticleIndependent Scientific Component Part or a Chapter in a MonographPublished Scientific Conference ContributionsPublished Scientific Conference Contribution Abstracts (Invited Lectures)Published Scientific Conference Contribution Published Scientific Conference Contribution AbstractsPublished Professional Conference Contribution AbstractPatent ApplicationsPatentsInvited Lectures at Foreign UniversitiesUnpublished Conference ContributionsUnpublished Invited Conference LecturesFinal Research ReportsUndergraduate ThesesMaster’s ThesesDoctoral DissertationsJournal Editorships

Strokovni sodelavci in tehnično osebje / Technical Staff:Gregor KapunIvana MaverKsenija NapastSorour Semsari Parapari

Helena SpreizerErvin ŠestBlaž Tratnik

Zaslužni raziskovalec / Researher Emeritus:prof. dr. Boris Orel

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D11Preučujemo biokemijsko, biofizikalno in strukturno naravo interakcij med biološkimi molekulami, kar omogoča razumevanje mehanizma njihovega delovanja

Ključne dejavnosti • Molekulski mehanizmi poškodb lipidnih mem-

bran, ki jih povzročajo porotvorni proteini• Struktura, funkcija in mehanizem delovanja

proteinov, ki sodelujejo v patogenezi bakterije Listeria monocytogenes

• Razvoj proteinskih nanopor za uporabo v bio-tehnologiji in medicini

• Struktura in mehanizem delovanja filamenton-znih rastlinskih virusov v namene razumevanja procesov patogeneze ter potencilane uporabe virusom-podobnih delcev v nano-biotehnologiji

• Razvojno sodelovanje z industrijskimi partner-ji: proteinska analitika, novi dostavni sistemi in in vitro celični modeli

Glavni dosežki v letu 2018 • V letu 2018 smo nadaljevali z glavno razisk-

ovalno temo odseka D11, in sicer raziskavami proteinov, ki poškodujejo lipidne membrane in imajo pomembno vlogo predvsem v infekcijskih boleznih. Sodelovali smo pri raziskavi perfor-inu-podobnega protein 1 (TgPLP1) iz parazita

We study biochemical, biophysical and structural features of interactions between biological molecules to understand molecular mechanisms of action

Topic areas• Molecular mechanisms of lipid membrane

damage induced by pore forming proteins• Structure, function and mechanism of action

of proteins involved in pathogenesis of the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes

• Development of protein nanopores for their application in biotechnology and medicine

• Structural and functional studies on filamen-tous plant viruses to understand mechanisms of viral pathogenesis, and potential application of virus-like particles in nano-biotechnology

• Developmental partnership with industry: pro-tein analytics, new delivery systems and in vitro cell models

Important achievements in 2018• In 2018, we continued with the main research

focus of department D11, i.e. studies of pro-teins that damage lipid membranes and play an important role in infectious diseases. We participated in the international study of Per-

Odsek za molekularno biologijo in nanobiotehnologijo

Department of Molecular Biology and Nanobiotechnology

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Vodja / Head:doc. dr. MarjetkaPodobnik

Toxoplasma gondii, ki poškoduje lipidne mem-brane s tvorbo velikih por in na ta način omog-oča parazitu širjenje skozi tkiva. V mednarodni raziskavi, ki so jo koordinirali raziskovalci Uni-verze v Oxfordu, smo opisali interakcije TgPLP1 z orjaškimi lipidnimi vezikli (Slika 1). Nadalje-vali smo tudi z raziskavami bakterijskega pro-teina listeriolizina O (LLO), ki patogeni bakteriji Listeria monocytogenes omogoča širjenje po telesu. Z metodo jedrske magnetne resonance v trdnem smo opisali interakcije LLO z lipidni-mi membranami. Pokazali smo, da LLO vpliva na dinamiko lipidnih molekul v membranah, predvsem v tistih, ki imajo visoko vsebnost ho-lesterola (Slika 2). Podrobno smo tudi opisali interakcije LLO z različnimi pripravki holeste-

forin-like Protein 1 (TgPLP1) from the Toxo-plasma gondii parasite, which damages lipid membranes by forming large pores thereby allowing the parasite to spread through tis-sues. We described interactions of TgPLP1 domain with giant lipid vesicles (Figure 1). We also continued to study bacterial toxin lis-teriolysin O (LLO) that allows the pathogenic Listeria monocytogenes to spread throughout the body. Using solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance, we described LLO interactions with lipid membranes. We demonstrated that LLO affects the dynamics of lipid molecules in membranes, especially in those that have high cholesterol content (Figure 2). We also described in detail the interactions of LLO

Slika 1: Proučevali smo in-terakcije domene perfori-nu-podobnega proteina 1 iz parazita Toxoplasma gondii z uporabo fluorescenčno označenih proteinov in or-jaških lipidnih veziklov. Figure 1: We studied intera-ctions of a protein domain from perforin-like protein 1 of parasite Toxoplasma gon-dii by using giant unilamel-lar vesicles and fluorescen-ctly labeled proteins.

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rola, kjer smo dodatno razvili modelni sistem na osnovi arhejskih lipidov. Dokazali smo, da je lipidni receptor potreben za učinkovito vezavo LLO na membrane ter opisali pomen nekaterih aminokislin.

V okviru infrastrukturne dejavnosti smo nudi-li podporo z meritvami molekulskih interakcij, predvsem površinske plazmonske resonance, pri sintezi proteinov in pri razvoju peptidnih li-gandov za vezavo imunoglobulinske Fc regije. V letu 2018 smo v naše raziskave začeli po-spešeno vključevati presevno krio-elektronsko mikroskopijo (Slika 3). Pripravili smo vzorce in izvedli meritve na 200 kV ali 300 kV presevnih krio-elektronskem mikroskopih, ki smo jih za-enkrat opravili še v tujini. Poleg tega pa smo tudi že pridobili znanje, ki nam omogoča, da sami določujemo tridimenzionalne zgradbe bioloških molekul visoke ločljivosti s pomočjo te moderne metode strukturne biologije.

V okviru evropskega projekta Next BioPharm

with various cholesterol preparations and were able to develop a model system based on archeal lipids. We showed that a lipid receptor is necessary for the effective binding of LLO to the membranes and described the importance of some amino acids residues.

In the framework of the infrastructural activi-ties, we provided support to measurements of mo-lecular interactions, in particular surface plasmon resonance, in the synthesis of proteins and in the development of peptide ligands for the binding of the immunoglobulin Fc region. In 2018, we have begun to include the transmission cryo-electron microscopy in our research. We prepared sam-ples and performed data collection on 200 kV or 300 kV transmission cryo-electrone microscopes (Figure 3), which have been done so far at institu-tions abroad. In addition, we have already acquired knowledge that enables us to determine three-di-mensional structures of biological molecules us-ing this modern method of structural biology.

Slika 2: Z metodo jedrske magnetne resonance v trdnem smo proučevali interakcije bakterijskega toksina listeriolizina O z lipidnimi membranami in pokazali, da so z listeriolizinom O posredovane spremembe v dinamiki lipidnih molekul odvisne od lipidne sestave membrane in vidne predvsem pri fluidnih lipidnih membranah z visoko vsebnostjo holesterola. Figure 2: We used solid-state NMR approach for assessing interactions of bacterial toxin listeriolysin O with lipid membranes. Listeriolysin O-induced changes in lipid dynamics were dependent on lipid composition and visible in cholesterol-rich fluid lipid membranes.

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Slika 3: Uporaba presevne elek-tronske mikroskopije (TEM) za strukturne raziskave na D11. Pa-neli levo, TEM z negativnim sen-čenjem, narejeno v sodelovanju z dr. Magdo Tušek Žnidarič, NIB. Desno, krio-presevna elektronska mikroskopija, meritve opravljene na Titan Krios, 300 kV: (B) na Diamondu, VB; D in F, CEITEC, Brno, Češka republika. (A, B) pri-mer izoliranih bioloških por, (C, D) krompijev v virus Y (PVY), (E, F) virusom-podobni delci na osnovi PVY.Figure 3: Usage of transmission electron microscopy in the re-search of D11. Left side panels: negative-stain TEM, in colla-boration with Dr. Magda Tušek Žnidarič, NIB. Right side panels, cryo-TEM, measurements per-formed on Titan Krios, 300 kV: (B) at Diamond, UK; (D and F) at CEITEC, Brno, Czech Republic. (A, B) an example of purified biological pores, (C, D) potato virus Y (PVY) and (E, F) PVY--based virus-like particles.

DSP smo sodelovali pri pripravi dveh dogodkov. Na teh delavnicah smo zainteresirani strokovni javnosti iz biofarmacevtske industrije predstavili svoje prispevke na področju razvoja kontinuirnega procesa čiščenja rekombinantnih protiteles, pred-vsem na področju razvoja alternativnih scenarijev afinitetne kromatografije s proteinom A ter na po-dročju »in line« detekcije delcev in farmacevtskih učinkovin z metodama meritev reflektance s foku-siranim žarkom (ang. Focused Beam Reflectance Measurement) in kvarčne mikrotehtnice (ang. Qu-artz Crystal Microbalance).

We participated in the preparation of two events in the framework of the European project Next BioPharm DSP. At these workshops, we present-ed to professionals from the biopharmaceutical industry our contributions in the development of the continuous process of purification of recom-binant antibodies, especially in the field of the development of alternative affinity chromatog-raphy scenarios with protein A, and in the field of »in line« detection of particles and pharma-ceutical agents with focused beam reflectance measurements and quartz crystal microbalance measurements.

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Raziskovalci / Researchers:dr. Apolonija Bedina Zavecdr. Simon Casermandr. Vesna Hodnikdr. Gorazd Hribardoc.dr. Nada Kraševecdr. Matic Kisovecdr. Tea Lenarčičdr. Katja Pircdr. Saša Vrhovec Hartman

Doktorski študenti / PhD Students:Saša AdenLuka KavčičAndreja Kežar

Mirijam KozorogNeža OmersaNejc PetrišičTina SnojAleksandra ŠakanovićGašper Šolinc

Strokovni sodelavci in tehnično osebje / Technical Staff:Urška DečkoMaja JamnikJelka LenarčičTomaž ŠvigeljTea Tomšič

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Bibliografija Bibliography






Izvirnih znanstvenih člankovPregledni znanstveni članekIntervjujiDrugo učno gradivoObjavljenih povzetkov znanstvenih prispevkov na konferencah (vabljena predavanja)Objavljenih povzetkov znanstvenih prispevkov na konferencahObjavljeni povzetek strokovnega prispevka na konferenciPatentna prijavaPredavanj na tujih univerzahPrispevkov na konferencah brez natisaVabljeni predavanji na konferencah brez natisaDiplomaMagisterijaDoktoratUredništev revij

Original Scientific ArticlesReview ArticleInterviewsOther Educational MaterialPublished Scientific Conference Contribution Abstracts (Invited Lectures)Published Scientific Conference Contribution AbstractsPublished Professional Conference Contribution AbstractPatent ApplicationInvited Lectures at Foreign UniversitiesUnpublished Conference ContributionsUnpublished Invited Conference LecturesUndergraduate ThesisMaster’s ThesesDoctoral DissertationJournal Editorships

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Odsek za sintezno biologijo in imunologijo

Department of Synthetic Biology and Immunology

Načrtovanje novih bioloških struktur in kompleksnih sistemov ter raziskave molekulskih mehanizmov naravne imunosti

Ključne dejavnosti (I) Sintezna biologija:• načrtovanje logičnih operacij v sesalskih celi-

cah na osnovi DNA-vezalnih domen• načrtovanje in izgradnja proteinskih biona-

nostruktur• načrtovanje naprednih nano-cepiv na osnovi

proteinskega origami• sintezno biološki pristop k celjenju ran in

nevroregeneraciji• sintezno biološki pristop k imunoterapiji raka

ter k regulaciji T celičnega odgovora(II) Mehanizem aktivacije naravnega imunskega sistema:• mehanizem vnetja v centralnem živčnem

sistemu za inovativno terapijo nevrodegenera-tivnih bolezni

• medcelični prenos signalnega kompleksa z zunajceličnimi vezikli

Glavni dosežki v letu 2018 Vnos novih načinov kontrole celic predstavlja

pomembno vejo sintezne biologije. Razvili smo nov način uravnavanja delovanja človeških celic s katerim smo pomembno izboljšali hitrost odziva

Design of new biological structures and processes and deciphering molecular mechanisms of innate immunity

Topic areas(I) Synthetic biology• Regulatory circuits based on modular building

elements• Design and characterisation of bionanostruc-

tures based on coiled-coil protein origami• Advanced vaccines based on designed adju-

vants and synthetic nanoparticles• Synthetic biology approach to cancer immuno-

therapy and regulation of T cell activation(II) Molecular mechanisms of recognition and activation of the innate immune system• Mechanism of activation of NLRP3• The role of innate immunity signaling in cancer

and chronic inflammatory disease• Transmission of signals by extracellular vesicles

Important achievements in 2018

The implementation of novel control systems inside cells is an important goal of synthetic bi-ology. We developed a novel approach to regu-late mammalian cell response, endowing cells to respond to extracellular stimuli in minutes instead of hours (Fink et al., Nat. Chem. Biol.).

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Vodja / Head:prof. dr. Roman Jerala

celic na signale iz okolja (Fink in sod., Nat. Chem. Biol.). To smo dosegli z natančno nadzorovanimi povezavami med proteini, ki se v odgovor na zuna-nje signale lahko cepijo in preuredijo v drugačne komplekse (Slika 1). Opisani mehanizem obeta različne zanimive aplikacije, kjer je pootreben hi-ter odziv sistema.

Razvili smo nov način uravnavanja izražanja ge-nov preko usmerjenega izpodrivanja TALE protei-

This was achieved by a design of interactions be-tween modular protein that can be cleaved into smaller fragments which in turn assemble into new complexes as a response to input signals. The mechanism retains the ability of parallel and sequential information processing pathways and resembles natural processes (e.g. blood coagu-lation), which could serve for the development of future medical applications.

Slika 1: Shematska predstavitev koncepta hitrega odziva celic za zunanje signale (Fink in sod., Nature Chemical Biology, 2018) Figure 1: The concept of Split protease coiled coil cell processing logic (Fink et al., Nature Chemical Biology, 2018)

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nov z DNK (Lebar in sod., Nat. Chem. Biol.). TALE protein, ki je vezan na levi strani lahko izpodrine TALE, ki je vezan na desni, ne pa tudi obratno. To smo uporabili tudi za preprečitev cepitve DNK s tehnologijo CRISPR na neželenih mestih. Opisan mehanizem bo prispeval k povečanju natančnosti, varnosti in učinkovitosti celične terapije.

Vnetje je odziv imunskega sistema našega tele-sa na okužbe in škodljive vplive iz okolja. Odkrili smo doslej neznan mehanizem prenosa signalnih kompleksov preko zunajceličnih veziklov, s tem da smo pokazali, da se MyD88L265P prenesen z zunajceličnimi vezikli sprosti v citoplazmo tarčnih celic, kjer sproži vnetje (Keber in sod., Blood, Sli-ka 3). Odkritje je povezano z raziskavami vloge signalnih molekul imunskega odziva, med njimi proteina MyD88, ter z vlogo mutirane variante MyD88L265P pri bolnikih z Waldenströmovo mak-roglobulinemijo, vrsto raka krvnih celic.

We reported that TALE proteins can displace other TALE proteins from the DNA in a highly po-larized manner, the displacement of a TALE can occur only by binding of another TALE protein bound to the upstream but not downstream DNA sequence (Lebar et al., Nat. Chem. Biol.). This mechanism enabled the design of a new type of negative regulation and design of efficient Bool-ean logic functions. Additionaly it enabled sup-pression of CRISPR-mediated cleavage at non-desired DNA sites and could serve for increasing the accuracy, safety and efficacy of cell therapy.

Inflammation is the response of our immune system to infection and harmful environmental effects. We showed that MyD88L265P was trans-ferred via extracellular vesicles into cytoplasm of recipient cells and triggered proinflammatory signalling (Keber et al., Blood). The discovery is part of the study of immune response signal mol-

Slika 2: Shema usmerjenega izpodrivanja TALE proteinov z DNK za uravnavanje prepisovanja genov in celično logiki (Lebar in sod. Nature Chemical Biology 2018). Figure 2: Scheme of the polarized displacement of TALE proteins from DNA for the new mechanism of transcriptional regulation and design of cell logic (Lebar et al., Nature Che-mical Biology 2018).

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Slika 3: Prenos signala konstitutivno aktivnega MyD88L265P z izvenceličnimi vezikli in aktivacija celic preko endogenega MyD88wt (Manček Keber in sod., Blood, 2018)Figure 3: Extracellular vesicle-mediated transfer of con-stitutively active MyD88L265P engages MyD88wt and activates the recipient cells (Manček Keber et al., Blood, 2018)

Pojasnili smo vlogo posameznih domen proteina NLRP3 pri mehanizmu aktivacije procesa vnetja (Hafner Bratkovič in sod., Nat. Commun.). Poka-zali smo, da v nasprotju s predhodnimi poročili v znanstveni literaturi velik del tega proteina (LRR) ni potreben za zaznavanje in aktivacijo in razjasnili mehanizem uravnavanja tvorbe inflamasoma. Ker igra NLRP3 pomembno vlogo v številnih uničujo-čih boleznih, kot je Alzheimerjeva bolezen, bi bilo to odkritje lahko podlaga za razvoj novih terapij in diagnostičnih metod.

ecules, including mutated variant MyD88 L265P in patients with Waldenström macroglobulinemia, a type of cancer of blood cells.

We revealed details on the initiation of inflam-mation through engagement of protein NLRP3 (Hafner Bratkovič et al., Nat Commun.). A large part of NLRP3 (LRR) is dispensable for initiation of inflammation and NLRP3 does not activate through an autocatalytic mechanism as some other inflammasomes. As NLRP3 is involved in diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease the insight into NLRP3 activation provides grounds for de-velopment of novel therapies and diagnostics.

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Raziskovalci / Researchers:izr.prof.dr. Mojca Benčinadr. Vida Forstneričdr. San Hadžidr. Iva Hafner Bratkovičdr. Karolina Ivičak Kocjandr. Helena Križnik Gradišardr. Duško Lainščekdr. Tina Lebardr. Matic Legišadr. Ajasja Ljubetičdr. Andreja Majerledr. Mateja Manček Keberdr. Martina Mohorčič

Doktorski študenti / PhD Students:Jana AupičTina FinkAnja Golob UrbancVan Thai HaVid JazbecLucija Kadunc

Fabio LapentaKatja LebenEstera MerljakMaja MeškoTjaša PlaperArne PraznikMaruša RamšakJaka SnojŽiga StrmšekPetra SušjanAnže VerbičSara Vidmar

Strokovni sodelavci in tehnično osebje / Technical Staff:Robert BremšakSanjin LulićDarija OvenAnja PerčičBojana StevovićIrena Škraba

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Bibliografija Bibliography







Izvirnih znanstvenih člankovPregledna znanstvena člankaKratek znanstveni prispevekPoljudni članekSamostojni znanstveni sestavki ali poglavja v monografski publikacijiIntervjujiObjavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci (vabljeno predavanje)Objavljeni povzetek znanstvenega prispevka na konferenci (vabljeno predavanje)Objavljenih povzetkov znanstvenih prispevkov na konferencahPatentne prijavePredavanj na tujih univerzahPrispevek na konferenci brez natisaVabljena predavanja na konferencah brez natisaMagisterijiUredništva revij

Original Scientific ArticlesReview ArticlesShort Scientific ArticlePopular ArticleIndependent Scientific Component Parts or Chapters in a MonographInterviewsPublished Scientific Conference Contribution (Invited Lecture)Published Scientific Conference Contribution Abstract (Invited Lecture)Published Scientific Conference ContributionsPatent ApplicationsInvited Lectures at Foreign UniversitiesUnpublished Conference ContributionUnpublished Invited Conference LecturesMaster’s ThesesJournal Editorships

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Odsek za katalizo in reakcijsko inženirstvo

Department of Catalysis and Chemical Reaction Engineering

Kemijsko inženirstvo poganja moderni svet. Kataliza ga omogoča. Mi razumemo in izboljšujemo oba.

Ključne dejavnosti • Študij kinetike in mehanizmov kataliziranih

kemijskih reakcij in določanje stabilnih struk-tur trdnih katalizatorjev s kvantnokemijskimi izračuni in statistično fiziko,

• Testiranje in modeliranje obratovanja večfa-znih kemijskih reaktorjev,

• Razvoj naprednih elektrokemijskih karakteri-zacijskih orodij za študij korozijskih mehaniz-mov nanodelcev plemenitih kovin za namene razumevanja katalizatorjev in postopkov recikliranja,

• Ciljno vodena razgradnja biomase (lesne, morske, organski odpadki) do produktov z vi-soko dodano vrednostjo za uporabo v kemijski, živilski in kozmetični stroki.

Glavni dosežki v letu 2018 Za vodilnega slovenskega proizvajalca smol Mela-

min smo sintetizirali metanol iz odpadnega ogljiko-vega dioksida od proizvodnje piva v Pivovarni Laško. Za finsko naftno podjetje Neste smo sestavili eks-perimentalni reaktor za oligomerizacijo izobutena ter uspešno izvedli reakcijo. Pretvorbo ogljikovega dioksida v metanol smo raziskali tudi teoretično. [COBISS.SI-ID 6532122] Razložili smo pomemben

Chemical engineering underpins the modern world. Catalysis supports it. We understand and improve both.

Topic areas• Study of kinetics and mechanisms of catalytic

reactions and determination of stable struc-tures of solid catalysts with quantum chemis-try calculations and statistical physics,

• Testing and modeling of operation of mul-tiphase chemical reactors,

• Development of advanced electrochemical characterization tools for the study of the corrosion mechanisms of precious metals nanoparticles for the purpose of catalysts and recycling processes,

• Targeted degradation of biomass (wood, marine, organic waste) to high added value products for use in chemical, food and cos-metic industries.

Important achievements in 2018

For a leading Slovenian manufacturer of resins (Melamin), we have synthesised methanol from waste carbon dioxide from the beer brewing pro-cess in Pivovarna Laško. For Finnish petroleum company Neste we have built an experimental reactor for isobutene oligomerisation and suc-cessfully performed the reaction. The conversion

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Vodja / Head:doc. dr. Blaž Likozar

pozitivni vpliv defektov na površini katalizatorjev. Za celovit večnivojski opis smo isto reakcijo opisali tudi z računsko dinamiko fluidov (CFD) ter uspešno napovedali konverzijo in selektivnost v reaktorju s strnjenim slojem na industrijskih in eksperimental-nih katalizatorjih. [COBISS.SI-ID 6360858]

Izvedli smo obširno eksperimentalno in teore-tično študijo pretvorbe lignocelulozne biomase z namenom pridobivanja aromatskih komponent iz lignina (COBISS.SI-ID 31730471, 6226458 in 6294554). Temeljna študija katalitske hidrode-oksigenacije alkoholov, ketonov, aldehidov, etrov, estrov in karboksilnih kislin nam je podala vpog-

of carbon dioxide into methanol was also studied theoretically. [COBISS.SI-ID 6532122] We have explained an important positive effect of defects on a catalyst surface. For a comprehensive mul-tiscale description, we have described the reac-tion with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and successfully predicted the conversion and selec-tivity in a packed-bed reactor with industrial and experimental catalysts. [COBISS.SI-ID 6360858].

Lignocellulosic biomass conversion to obtain aromatics from lignin has been extensively stud-ied experimentally and computationally (COBISS.SI-ID 31730471, 6226458 and 6294554). Funda-

Slika 1 Katalitična površina z robovi je bistveno aktivnejša od ravne površine.1. A stepped catalytic surface is markedly more active than a flat surface.

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led v razumevanje reakcijskega mehanizma in kinetike (COBISS.SI-ID 6179354). V letu 2018 smo začeli z dvema novima projektoma na temo valo-rizacije oljarskih odpadkov (Rhodolive, ERA-NET) in furfurala (Z2-9200, ARRS).

V okviru projekta Mar3Bio (ERA-MarineBiotech) smo razvili metodo za izolacijo biopolimera hitina iz odpadnih lupin škampov z uporabo DBD plaz-me, brez uporabe topil, kar predstavlja nov bolj zelen način. Rezultate smo objavili v reviji Green Chemistry [COBISS.SI-ID6344474], ki ima faktor

mental study of catalytic hydrodeoxygenation of alcohols, ketones, aldehydes, ethers, esters and carboxylic acids allowed us to fully understand the reaction mechanism and kinetics (COBISS.SI-ID 6179354). In 2018 two new projects started on valorisation of olive mill wastes (Rhodolive, ERA-NET) and furfural (Z2-9200, ARRS).

Within the Mar3Bio project (ERA-MarineBio-tech), we developed a method for isolation of the biopolymer chitin from the shrimp shells waste using DBD plasma without the use of any solvents

Slika 2 Sodoben pristop katalitskih reakcijskih mehanizmov, transportnih pojavov in reakcijske kinetike z združitvijo eksperi-mentalnega dela in mikrokinetičnega modeliranja, podprtega s teorijo gostotnega funkcionalna (DFT - density functional theory).2. A modern investigation approach of catalytic reaction mechanisms, transfer phenomena and reaction kinetics, by integrating experimental work with microkinetic modelling, supported by density functional theory (DFT).

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Slika 3 Pokritost kovinskih in kislih aktivnih mest med hi-drodeoksigenacijo monomerov lignina, kot jo opisuje mi-krokinetični model.3. Coverage of metallic and acidic active sites during the hydrodeoxygenation of lignin monomers as described by mi-cro-kinetic modelling.

vpliva nad 8. V okviru projekta Interreg V-A Ita-lija-Slovenija smo v letu 2018 postavili on-line platformo (www.bioapp-platform.eu) za prenos naprednih proizvodov na bazi biopolimerov iz la-boratorija. V okviru projekta poteka sodelovanje z večjimi industrijskimi partnerji, kjer iščemo al-ternative za plastiko za enkratno uporabo v pre-hrambeni in kozmetični industriji.

Elektrokatalizne študije so bile osredotoče-ne na elektrodepozicijo ([COBISS.SI-ID 6306074], [COBISS.SI-ID6443034]) in druge postopke sin-teze ([COBISS.SI-ID 21568022], [COBISS.SI-ID 39550981]). Kot prvi na svetu smo metodološko dosegli nove mejnike z merjenjem sprememb na-nodelcev na osnovi platine na isti lokaciji z atomsko resolucijo ([COBISS.SI-ID 6381850]) in nadgradili analitično metodo, da omogoča visoko občutljive online meritve raztapljanja zlata in platine v čistih organskih topilih. ([COBISS.SI-ID 6354714]).

[COBISS.SI-ID 6344474]. Within the Interreg V-A Italy-Slovenia project, we set up an online plat-form (www.bioapp-platform.eu) promoting the transfer of advanced products based on biopoly-mers from the laboratory to the market and new collaborations with industrial partners were es-tablished, to substitute single-use plastics in the food and cosmetics industry.

Electrocatalysis studies were focused on elec-trodeposition ([COBISS.SI-ID 6306074], [COBISS.SI-ID6443034]) and other synthesis processes ([CO-BISS.SI-ID 21568022], [COBISS.SI-ID 39550981]). Methodologically we were the first to achieve new milestones by measuring platinum-based nanopar-ticle changes on the same location on the atomic level ([COBISS.SI-ID 6381850]) and we upgraded the analytical method to enable highly sensitive online gold and platinum dissolution measurements in pure organic solvents ([COBISS.SI-ID 6354714]).

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Raziskovalci / Researchers:dr. Kalpana Avasthidr. Marijan Bajićdr. Gorazd Berčičdr. Ana Bjelićdr. Ashish Bohredr. Miša Mojca Cajnkodr. Venkata Durga Bapayya Chowdary Dasireddydr. Ljudmila Fele Žilnikdr. Miha Grilcdr. Nejc Hodnikdr. Matej Hušdr. Edita Jasiukaityte Grojzdekdr. Primož Jovanovičdr. Khaja Mohaideen Kamal Musthafadr. Miha Kastelicdr. Drejc Kopačdr. Andrii Kostyniuk

dr. Jhansi Lakshmi Kishore Mamilladr. Uroš Novakdr. Andraž Pavlišičdoc.dr. Andrej Pohar

Doktorski študenti / PhD Students:David BajecMatic GromLucija HladnikBrigita HočevarDamjan Lašič JurkovićLéonard Jean Moriau Jaka OrehekAnže PrašnikarNeja Strah ŠtefančičRok ŠivecMarko Trampuž

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Bibliografija Bibliography









Izvirnih znanstvenih člankovPregledni znanstveni člankiStrokovnih člankovPoljudnih člankovSamostojni znanstveni sestavek ali poglavje v monografski publikacijiPolemika, diskusijski prispevekIntervjuObjavljeni znanstveni prispevki na konferencah Objavljenih povzetkov znanstvenih prispevkov na konferencah (vabljena predavanja)Objavljenih povzetkov znanstvenih prispevkov na konferencahObjavljeni povzetek strokovnega prispevka na konferenciPatentne prijavePredavanja na tujih univerzahPrispevki na konferencah brez natisaVabljena predavanja na konferencah brez natisaKončnih poročil o rezultatih raziskavElaborata, predštudiji, študijiDiplomeMagisterijiDoktoratUredništev revij

Original Scientific ArticlesReview ArticlesProfessional ArticlesPopular ArticlesIndependent Scientific Component Part or a Chapter in a MonographPolemic, DiscussionInterviewPublished Scientific Conference ContributionsPublished Scientific Conference Contribution Abstracts (Invited Lectures)Published Scientific Conference Contribution AbstractsPublished Professional Conference Contribution AbstractPatent ApplicationsInvited Lecture at Foreign UniversitiesUnpublished Conference ContributionsUnpublished Invited Conference LecturesFinal Research ReportsTreatises, Preliminary Studies, StudiesUndergraduate ThesesMaster’s ThesesDoctoral DissertationJournal Editorships

Strokovni sodelavci in tehnično osebje / Technical Staff: Milka BorićBojana BradićVivian Erklavec ZajecSaška JavornikUrška KavčičŽeljka KitićNina PohlevenKarmina RubinMeta Šest

Zaslužni raziskovalci / Researchers Emeritus:dr. Stanko Hočevarprof. dr. Janez Levec

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Nacionalni center za NMR spektroskopijo visoke ločljivosti

Slovenian NMR Centre

Vpogled v strukture lastnosti z NMR je ključen v vedah o življenju in materialih

Ključne dejavnosti • študij struktur oligomernih fragmentov nuk-

leinskih kislin ter konformacijskih sprememb gradnikov DNK ob interakciji s kovinskimi ioni

• študij struktur in dinamike proteinov, zvijanja proteinov in molekularnih interakcij peptidov in peptidomimetikov

• študij interakcij med ligandi in receptorji• študij struktur in konformacijskih ravnotežij

metabolitov v raztopini in v trdnem stanju• določanje neželenih stranskih in razgradnih

produktov v zdravilih• NMR kristalografija• določanje kakovosti in geografskega porekla

slovenskih vin

Glavni dosežki v letu 2018 V strukturni študiji smo se osredotočili na z gva-

nini bogato zaporedje iz regulatorne regije gena RANKL, ki igra pomembno vlogo pri pojavnosti osteoporoze. Preučevano 20 nukleotidov dol-go zaporedje 5'-GGGTAGGGAGCGGGAGAGGG-3' (RAN4) se zvije v dvo-kvartetni G-kvadrupleks stabiliziran z dvema A•G•A in G•G•G baznima tri-adama, čeprav bi lahko glede na zaporedje tvorilo G-kvadrupleks s tri-kvartetnim jedrom. Pokazali smo, da je tvorba dvo-kvartetnega G-kvadruple-

Insights into structural features by NMR represents a key in life sciences and materials

Topic areas• structure of oligomeric nucleic acids fragments

and conformational changes in building blocks of DNA upon interaction with metal ions,

• protein structure and dynamics, protein fold-ing and molecular interactions of peptides and peptidomimetics,

• ligand-receptor interactions,• structure and conformational equilibria of

metabolites in solution and in solid state,• determination of byproducts in pharmaceuti-

cals and their metabolites,• NMR crystallography,• determination of authenticity, quality and ori-

gin of Slovenian wines.

Important achievements in 2018

Described structural study was focused on a G-rich sequence found in the regulatory region of the RANKL gene, whose excessive activity can influ-ence the incidence of osteoporosis. A 20 nucleotides long sequence 5’–GGGTAGGGAGCGGGAGAGGG-3’ (RAN4) folds into two-quartet G-quadruplex stabi-lized by A•G•A and G•G•G base-triads. We uncov-ered the critical role of a single loop adenine for the formation of distinct two-quartet and not three-

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Vodja / Head:prof. dr. Janez Plavec

ksa odvisna od interakcij adenina v zanki. Po-drobno smo opisali mehanizem preklopa iz dvo- v tri-kvartetni G-kvadrupleks, do katerega pride po modifikaciji kritičnega adenina v timin (RA-N4A5T). Izsledke raziskave smo objavili v članku z naslovom 'Adenine-driven structural switch from two- to three-quartet DNA G-quadruplex' v An-gewandte Chemie International Edition. Članek je kot Hot Paper izpostavljen na notranji naslovnici revije (2018, 57/47).

Cepitev RNK preko interne transesterifikacije je ena izmed temeljnih reakcij RNK metabolizma. Da

quartet topology that would be expected based on the sequence alone. Modification of the critical ad-enine to thymine (RAN4A5T) resulted in significant structural changes including a switch from two- to three-quartet G-quadruplex. Results of the study were published in Angewandte Chemie Interna-tional Edition in an article with the title ‘Adenine-driven structural switch from two- to three-quartet DNA G-quadruplex’. The article was highlighted as Hot paper and exposed on the inside cover (2018, 57/47). RNA cleavage via internal transesterifica-tion is one of the fundamental reactions involved

Slika 1: Tvorba dvo-kvartetnega G-kvadrupleksa je odvisna od interakcij adenina v zanki. Substitucija kritičnega adenina v timin vodi do preklopa iz dvo- v tri-kvartetni G-kvadrupleks.Figure 1: The formation of a two-quartet G-quadruplex depends on the interaction of the adenine in the loop. Substitution of the critical adenine into the thymine leads to a switch from the two- to the three-quartet G-quadruplex.

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Slika 2: Konformacija riboznega dela ima pomemben vpliv na hitrost cepitve RNK preko interne transesterifikacije. Figure 2: The conformation of the ribose moiety exerts a significant influence on the rate of cleavage of RNA through internal transesterification.

bi bolje razumeli naravo tega procesa, smo preu-čili vpliv strukturiranja sladkornega preostanka. Z načrtnim spreminjanjem konformacije riboznih preostankov smo pokazali, da hitrost cepitve RNK preko »South« konformaciji poteka hitreje, kot v primeru nativnih ribonukleotidov in mnogo hitre-je, kot v primeru »North« konformacije. To doka-zuje, da ima konformacija riboznega preostanka pomemben vpliv na hitrost cepitve RNK preko interne transesterifikacije. Pridobljen vpogled omogoča boljše razumevanje procesiranja RNK v kontekstu bioloških sistemov. Novo znanje je dobrodošlo tudi pri razvoju metod, ki temeljijo na katalizirani cepitvi RNK.

Povečanje števila ponovitev d(G4C2), ki se na-hajajo v nekodirajočem območju gena C9orf72, predstavlja najpogostejši genetski vzrok za ALS in FTD. Ključno vlogo v bolezenskem mehaniz-mu ALS in FTD bi naj imele nekanonične struk-ture, med drugim G-kvadrupleksi, ki jih tvorijo pomnožene ponovitve d(G4C2). Pokazali smo, da se oligonukleotid s štirimi ponovitvami d(G4C2) zvije v G-kvadrupleks s štirimi G-kvarteti in dve-

in RNA metabolism. We investigated if and how the rate of this reaction depends on the sugar pucker-ing. With the use of conformationally constrained ribonucleotides we showed that the RNA cleavage rate decreases in the order South-constrained ri-bonucleotide > native ribonucleotide >> North-constrained counterpart, thereby demonstrating that the ribose conformation plays an important role in modulating RNA cleavage via internal trans-esterification. The new insights enable better un-derstanding on how the fundamental reaction is involved in RNA processing and may help in devel-oping approaches relying on the RNA cleavage via RNases- and ribozymes-catalyzed reactions.

Expansion of d(G4C2) repeat located in the non-coding region of the C9orf72 gene is the most common genetic cause of ALS and FTD. Non-canonical structures, including G-quadruplexes, formed by expanded d(G4C2) repeats have been proposed to be crucial in the disease mechanism of ALS and FTD. We showed that oligonucleotide with four d(G4C2) repeats forms an antiparallel G-quadruplex with four G-quartets and two C•C

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ma baznima paroma C•C. Poznavanje prostor-ske strukture omogoča razvoj malih molekul, s katerimi bi lahko nadzorovali tvorbo domnevno toksičnih G-kvadrupleksnih struktur v celicah. Pokazali smo tudi, da lahko pH raztopine urav-nava stabilnost G-kvadrupleksov, kar prispeva k napovedovanju zvijanja in razumevanju struk-turne raznolikosti oligonukleotidov bogatih z gvanini in citozini.

primeru nativnih ribonukleotidov in mnogo hitre-je, kot v primeru »North« konformacije. To dokazu-je, da ima konformacija riboznega preostanka po-memben vpliv na hitrost cepitve RNK preko interne transesterifikacije. Pridobljen vpogled omogoča

base pairs. This high-resolution structure might facilitate the design of small molecules that can be used to modulate formation of potentially toxic G-quadruplex structures in the cell. Additionally, we showed that pH can fine-tune the stability of G-quadruplexes, which contributes to our under-standing of the structural diversity and folding of the G- and C-rich oligonucle.

the use of conformationally constrained ribonu-cleotides we showed that the RNA cleavage rate decreases in the order South-constrained ribo-nucleotide > native ribonucleotide >> North-con-strained counterpart, thereby demonstrating that the ribose conformation plays an important role

Slika 3: Oligonukleotid s štirimi ponovitvami d(G4C2) se zvije v G-kvadrupleks s štirimi G-kvarteti in dvema baznima paroma C-C.Figure 3: Oligonucleotide with four repeats of d(G4C2) folds into a G-quadruplex with four G-quartets and two C-C pairs.

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boljše razumevanje procesiranja RNK v kontekstu bioloških sistemov. Novo znanje je dobrodošlo tudi pri razvoju metod, ki temeljijo na katalizirani ce-pitvi RNK.

Povečanje števila ponovitev d(G4C2), ki se na-hajajo v nekodirajočem območju gena C9orf72, predstavlja najpogostejši genetski vzrok za ALS in FTD. Ključno vlogo v bolezenskem mehaniz-mu ALS in FTD bi naj imele nekanonične struk-ture, med drugim G-kvadrupleksi, ki jih tvorijo pomnožene ponovitve d(G4C2). Pokazali smo, da se oligonukleotid s štirimi ponovitvami d(G4C2) zvije v G-kvadrupleks s štirimi G-kvarteti in dve-ma baznima paroma C•C. Poznavanje prostor-ske strukture omogoča razvoj malih molekul, s katerimi bi lahko nadzorovali tvorbo domnevno toksičnih G-kvadrupleksnih struktur v celicah. Pokazali smo tudi, da lahko pH raztopine urav-nava stabilnost G-kvadrupleksov, kar prispeva k napovedovanju zvijanja in razumevanju struktur-ne raznolikosti oligonukleotidov bogatih z gvani-ni in citozini.

in modulating RNA cleavage via internal trans-esterification. The new insights enable better un-derstanding on how the fundamental reaction is involved in RNA processing and may help in de-veloping approaches relying on the RNA cleavage via RNases- and ribozymes-catalyzed reactions.

Expansion of d(G4C2) repeat located in the non-coding region of the C9orf72 gene is the most common genetic cause of ALS and FTD. Non-canonical structures, including G-quadruplexes, formed by expanded d(G4C2) repeats have been proposed to be crucial in the disease mechanism of ALS and FTD. We showed that oligonucleotide with four d(G4C2) repeats forms an antiparallel G-quadruplex with four G-quartets and two C•C base pairs. This high-resolution structure might facilitate the design of small molecules that can be used to modulate formation of potentially toxic G-quadruplex structures in the cell. Additionally, we showed that pH can fine-tune the stability of G-quadruplexes, which contributes to our under-standing of the structural diversity and folding of the G- and C-rich oligonucle.

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Bibliografija Bibliography




Izvirnih znanstvenih člankovObjavljenih povzetkov znanstvenih prispevkov na konferencah (vabljena predavanja)Objavljenih povzetkov znanstvenih prispevkov na konferencahPredavanj na tujih univerzahPrispevek na konferenci brez natisaDiplomaMagisterijDoktorat

Original Scientific ArticlesPublished Scientific Conference Contribution Abstracts (Invited Lectures)Published Scientific Conference Contribution AbstractsInvited Lectures at Foreign UniversitiesUnpublished Conference ContributionUndergraduate ThesisMaster’s ThesisDoctoral Dissertation

Raziskovalci / Researchers:dr. Sabina Božič Abramdr. Jasna Brčičdr. Mirko Cevecdr. Andrej Emanuel Cotmandr. Gregor Ilcdr. Vojč Kocmandr. Martina Lenarčič Živkovićdr. Damjan Makucdr. Maja Marušičdr. Barbara Mohardr. Štefan Možinadr. Peter Podbevšekdr. Primož Šketdr. Marko Trajkovski

Doktorski študenti / PhD Students:Uroš JavornikAnita KotarNataša MedvedDaša PavcKaterina PeterkovaUrška SlapšakVesna Štih

Strokovni sodelavci in tehnično osebje / Technical Staff:Bielskute StaseJaksetič PetraJeran MarkoKovačič MaticPečnik KlemenRozman JanŠkrjanc Monika

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Center za validacijske tehnologije in analitiko

Center for Validation Technologies and Analytics

Kvaliteta nikoli ni slučaj. Kvaliteta je vselej rezultat inteligentnega prizadevanja. (John Ruskin)

Ključne dejavnosti • Optimizacija in razvoj analitskih metod• Validacija, kvalifikacija in prenos analitskih

postopkov• Kvalitativne in kvantitativne GMP analize izdel-

kov z validiranimi analitskimi postopki v GMP okolju in izdajanje certifikatov ustreznosti.

• Testi raztapljanja• Študije pospešene stabilnosti• Analizne tehnike: UV-VIS, TLC, HPLC, UHPLC,

IC, GC-FID/MS, ICP-MS, ICP-OES, He-pikno-metrija, mokra kemija (izguba pri sušenju, suha snov, gostota, sulfatni pepel, vsebnost SiO2), NMR.

Glavni dosežki v letu 2018 Center za validacijske tehnologije in analitiko

(CVTA, D16) je v okviru KI v letu 2018 privzel ak-tivnosti D05 na področju standarda ISO 17025, ter aktivnosti na področju Nosilca nacionalnega etalonomna (NNE). S prevzemom aktivnosti se je v CVTA iz D05 preselilo tudi osebje poveza-no s 17025 in NNE, hkrati pa smo prevzeli tudi vse aktivnosti, ki jih je D05 do konca leta 2018 izvajal na področju GMP. V povezavi z NNE in ISO 17025 smo v CVTA pridobili EU EMPIR projekt za

Quality is never an accident. It is always the result of intelligent effort (John Ruskin).

Topic areas• Optimisation and development of analytical

procedures• Validation, qualification and transfer of analyt-

ical procedures• Qualitative and quantitative GMP analyses with

validated analytical procedures and issuuing the certificates of conformity

• Dissolution testing• Fast degradation studies• Analytical techniques: UV-VIS, TLC, HPLC,

UHPLC, IC, GC-FID/MS, ICP/MS, ICP/OES, He-Picnometry, mokra kemija (izguba pri sušenju, suha snov, gostota, sulfatni pepel, vsebnost SiO2), NMR.

Important achievements in 2018

The Center for Validation Technologies and Analytics (CVTA, D-16) in 2018 adopted the ac-tivities of D05 in the field of ISO 17025, activities in the field of the National ethalon (NSI) holder. With the takeover of the activities, the CVTA from D05 also relocated the staff related to 17025 and NNE. At the same time we took over also all the activities that D05 was performing in the field of

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Vodja / Head:dr. Samo Andrenšek

naslednja tri leta. Pri vseh inšpekcijah smo bili uspešni in smo tako dobili potrdilo o ustreznosti s strani SA in certifikat ISO 17025.

Do leta 2017 je bilo poslovanje CVTA omejeno na slovenski prostor, v letu 2017 pa smo zaključili prvi mednarodni industrijski raziskovalni projekt, ter v letu 2018 pridobili še skupno tri nove indu-strijske raziskovalne projekte od dveh razlličnih mednarodnih industrijskih partnerjev s področja proizvodnje zdravil in farmacije. CVTA je v te pro-jekte vpet kot projektni vodja.

V letu 2018 smo uspešno zaključili pogajanja in podpis pogodb z največjimi farmacevtskimi strankami ter podpis pogodb tudi z dvema novi-ma, s katerima tudi dobro sodelujemo. Vsekakor je poslovanje z več industrijskimi partnerji zelo pomembno s stališča zagotavljanja obsega dela ter tudi ustreznega finančnega rezultata.

Analizne tehnike, ki jih v sklopu CVTA KI dodat-no izvaja na trgu so: odsek D04 (ICP-MS in ICP--OES, rutinske GMP analize SiO2 v različnih ma-terialih) in odsek D15 (NMR razvoj in validacija analiznih postopkov in analize vzorcev).

V letih, ki prihajajo, se usmerjamo v vpelja-vo posodobljene programske opreme za zago-tavljanje integritete podatkov in novejših in-strumentov z namenom zamenjati zastarele in odslužene. Dodatno še alternativno uvajamo elektronski dnevnik in ostale aktivnosti z na-menom čim večjega zmanjševanja poslovanja s papirjem. Cilj je izvajanje brezpapirnega poslo-vanja do leta 2020 v obsegu 90 %.

Na področju ostalih ključnih dejavnosti KI kot je na primer vzgoja kadrov za slovensko industri-jo, se je v s pomočjo CVTA v slovenski industriji

GMP by the end of 2018. In connection with the NNE and ISO 17025 we obtained CVTA EU EMPIR project for the next three years. We were suc-cessful in all inspections and we received ISO 17025 certificate of suitability from Slovenian Acreditation agency.

By the year 2017 the business of CVTA was limit-ed to the Slovenian territory, and in 2017 we com-pleted the first international industrial research project, and in 2018 we acquired a total of three new industrial research projects from two differ-ent international industrial partners in the field of pharmaceuticals and pharmaceuticals produc-tion. The CVTA is involved in these projects as the project manager.

In 2018, we successfully concluded negotiations and signed contracts with the largest pharma-ceutical customers and signed two new contracts, with which we started the cooperation. In any case, business with several different industrial partners is very important from the point of view of ensuring the scope of work, stability of busi-ness and also the corresponding financial result.

Analytical techniques that CVTA additionally perform on the market include: section D04 (ICP-MS and ICP-OES, routine GMP analysis of SiO2 in different materials) and section D15 (NMR devel-opment and validation of analytical procedures and sample analysis).

In the coming years, we are focusing on the in-troduction of updated software to ensure the in-tegrity of data and newer instruments in order to replace obsolete ones. Additionally, we are intro-ducing an electronic diary and other activities in order to minimize paper operations. The goal is

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zaposlilo 5 strokovnjakov od tega 3 v okviru pro-jekta industrijska učna okolja. V letu 2018 smo v CVTA omogočili izvajanje dveh diplom od katerih se je ena zaključila 2018 druga pa se bo zaklju-čila v 2019.

Testiranje profilov raztapljanja.Dissolution testDissolution test profiles.

to achieve paperless performance by 2020 in the range of 90%.

In the field of other key activities of the KI, such as, for example, the education of personnel for the Slovenian industry, 5 experts were employed in the pharmaceutical industry, 3 of them within the project of »industrial learning environment« which is also continued in 2019 to 2021. In 2018, we were able to hold two masters degree diplo-mas in CVTA, one of which was completed in 2018 and the second will be completed in 2019.

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Bibliografija Bibliography



PatentKončno poročilo o rezultatih raziskavElaboratov, predštudij, študij

PatentFinal Research ReportTreatises, Preliminary Studies, Studies

Raziskovalci / Researchers:dr. Rok Brišardr. Magda Cotmandr. Maja Gričar Lokardr. Milana Karajićdr. Jelena Rajković

Strokovni sodelavci in tehnično osebje / Technical Staff:Ana AndrićNatalija Borinc

Jelka GrdadolnikKatarina JankovičAndrej JeričBarbara Lečnik SpaićMateja MatjažNatalija MercJernej MustarŠpela PlanincKatja Rožmanc BabnikJan Štos

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bibliografija bibliography


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bibliografija bibliography


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C., FERREIRA, Isabel, SANKOVIĆ-BABIĆ, Snežana, GLAMOCLIJA, Jasmina, FOTOPOULOU, Theano, KOUFAKI, Maria, ZOUMPOULAKIS, Panagiotis, SOKOVIC, Marina. Nitrate esters of heteroaromatic compounds as novel Candida albicans CYP51 enzyme inhibitors. ChemMedChem, 2018, vol. 13, iss. 3, str. 251-258. [COBISS.SI-ID 6295834]

7 JANEŽIČ, Matej, DIMOVSKI, Vlado, HODOŠČEK, Milan. Modeling a learning organization using a molecular network framework. Computers & Education: an International Journal, 2018, vol. 118, str. 56-69. [COBISS.SI-ID 24336614]

8 STARE, Jernej, MEDEN, Anton, HADŽI, Dušan. Structure determination by joint effort of X-ray powder diffraction and quantum calculations: crystal structure and short hydrogen bonding in pentadecafluorooctanoic acid hydrate. Croatica Chemica Acta, 2018, vol. 91, no. 2, str. 209-220. [COBISS.SI-ID 6523930]

9 MOLČANOV, Krešimir, MALI, Gregor, GRDADOLNIK, Jože, STARE, Jernej, STILINOVIĆ, Vladimir, KOJIĆ-PRODIĆ, Biserka. Iodide...π interactions of perhalogenated quinoid rings in co-crystals with organic bases. Crystal Growth & Design, 2018, vol. 18, iss. 9, str. 5182-5193. [COBISS.SI-ID 6445338] 10 KOLARIČ, Anja, ŠVAJGER, Urban, TOMAŠIČ, Tihomir, BROX, Regine, FRANK, Theresa, MINOVSKI, Nikola, TSCHAMMER, Nuška, ANDERLUH, Marko. Insight into structural requirements for selective and/or dual CXCR3 and CXCR4 allosteric modulators. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2018, vol. 154, str. 68-90. [COBISS.SI-ID 4504177]

11ALBREHT, Alen, VOVK, Irena, MAVRI, Janez, MARCO-CONTELLES, José, RAMSAY, Rona R. Evidence for a cyanine link between propargylamine drugs and monoamine oxidase clarifies the inactivation mechanism. Frontiers in Chemistry, 2018, vol. 6, str. 169-1-169-11. [COBISS.SI-ID 6393626]

12 UMEK, Nejc, GERŠAK, Blaž M., VINTAR, Neli, ŠOŠTARIČ, Maja, MAVRI, Janez. Dopamine

D01Teoretični odsek / Theory Department

V celoti objavljeni članki (znanstveni) / Full Text Articles

1 BORIŠEK, Jure, PINTAR, Sara, OGRIZEK, Mitja, TURK, Dušan, PERDIH, Andrej, NOVIČ, Marjana. A water-assisted catalytic mechanism in glycoside hydrolases demonstrated on the Staphylococcus aureus autolysin E. ACS Catalysis, 2018, vol. 8, no. 5, str. 4334-4345. [COBISS.SI-ID 31330087]

2 DRAŠINAC PAJIĆ, Nina, DJINOVIĆ, Petar, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GRDADOLNIK, Jože, ŠKET, Primož, CERKOVNIK, Janez, PINTAR, Albin. Structural stabilization and characterization of active peroxo species on TiO2−nanotube based materials in mild catalytic wet peroxide oxidation process. Applied Catalysis. A, General, 2018, vol. 562, str. 276-283. [COBISS.SI-ID 6412314]

3 ZAVADLAV, Julija, SABLIĆ, Jurij, PODGORNIK, Rudolf, PRAPROTNIK, Matej. Open-boundary molecular dynamics of a DNA molecule in a hybrid explicit/implicit salt solution. Biophysical Journal, 2018, vol. 114, iss. 10, str. 2352-2362. [COBISS.SI-ID 39454981]

4 ZDOUC, Mitja, SCHINK, Julia, LEŠNIK, Samo, ROŽMAN, Kaja, KONC, Janez, JANEŽIČ, Dušanka, GOBEC, Stanislav. Docking study with biological validation on bacterial enzyme MurD. Chemical Data Collections, 2018, vol. 13/14, str. 139-155. [COBISS.SI-ID 6367514]

5 GLADOVIĆ, Martin, ŠPANINGER, Eva, BREN, Urban. Nucleic bases alkylation with acrylonitrile and cyanoethylene oxide: a computational study. Chemical Research in Toxicology, 2018, vol. 31, no. 2, str. 97-104. [COBISS.SI-ID 21101590]

6 SMILJKOVIC, Marija, MATSOUKAS, Minos-Timotheos, KRITSI, Eftichia, ZELENKO, Urška, GOLIČ GRDADOLNIK, Simona, CALHELHA, Ricardo

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autoxidation is controlled by acidic pH. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, 2018, vol. 11, article 467, str. 1-8. [COBISS.SI-ID 39868933]

13 DJANKOVA, Tamara Jurjevna, OSTANEN, Anna, FJODOROVA, Natalja Stanislavovna. Kolorirovanie termostojkih tekstil’nyh materialov. Himičeskie Volokna, 2018, Zv. 4, str. 89-92. [COBISS.SI-ID 6543642]

14 ZUPAN, Jure. Graph theoretical view on text understanding. Informatica: an International Journal of Computing and Informatics, 2018, vol. 42, no. 1, str. 85-93. [COBISS.SI-ID 6378010]

15 HODOŠČEK, Milan, ELGHOBASHI-MEINHARDT, Nadia. Simulations of NPC1(NTD): NPC2 protein complex reveal cholesterol transfer pathways. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2018, vol. 19, iss. 9, str. 1-14. [COBISS.SI-ID 39873797]

16 HODOŠČEK, Milan, ELGHOBASHI-MEINHARDT, Nadia. Insight into inhibitor binding in the eukaryotic proteasome: computations of the 20S CP. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2018, vol. 19, iss. 9, str. 1-18. [COBISS.SI-ID 39874053]

17 KREKELER, Christian, AGARWAL, Animesh, JUNGHANS, Christoph, PRAPROTNIK, Matej, DELLE SITE, Luigi. Adaptive resolution molecular dynamics technique: down to the essential. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2018, vol. 149, iss. 2, str. 024104-1-024104-11. [COBISS.SI-ID 6410010] 18 ZAVADLAV, Julija, MARRINK, Siewert J., PRAPROTNIK, Matej. Multiscale simulation of protein hydration using the SWINGER dynamical clustering algorithm. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 2018, vol. 14, iss. 3, str. 1754-1761. [COBISS.SI-ID 6331418]

19 TIBAUT, Tjaša, DRGAN, Viktor, NOVIČ, Marjana. Application of SAR methods toward inhibition of bacterial peptidoglycan metabolizing enzymes. Journal of Chemometrics, 2018, vol. 32, iss. 4, str. e3007-1-e3007-11. [COBISS.SI-ID 6338074]

20 BORIŠEK, Jure, PINTAR, Sara, OGRIZEK, Mitja, GOLIČ GRDADOLNIK, Simona, HODNIK, Vesna, TURK, Dušan, PERDIH, Andrej, NOVIČ, Marjana. Discovery of (phenylureido)piperidinyl benzamides as prospective inhibitors of bacterial autolysin E from Staphylococcus aureus. Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry, 2018, vol. 33, no. 1, str. 1239-1247. [COBISS.SI-ID 31627047]

21 MOHORIČ, Tomaž, BREN, Urban. How does microwave irradiation affect aqueous solutions of polar solutes? Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2018, vol. 266, str. 218-228. [COBISS.SI-ID 21510166]

22 BANČIČ, Tanja, BITENC, Jan, PIRNAT, Klemen, KOPAČ LAUTAR, Anja, GRDADOLNIK, Jože, RANDON-VITANOVA, Anna, DOMINKO, Robert. Electrochemical performance and redox mechanism of naphthalene-hydrazine diimide polymer as a cathode in magnesium battery. Journal of Power Sources, 2018, vol. 395, str. 25-30. [COBISS.SI-ID 6482458]

23 ŠKRLJ, Blaž, KUNEJ, Tanja, KONC, Janez. Insights from ion binding site network analysis into evolution and functions of proteins. Molecular Informatics, 2018, vol. 37, 1700144, str. 1-11. [COBISS.SI-ID 4043912]

24 GLADOVIĆ, Martin, BREN, Urban, URBIČ, Tomaž. Thermodynamic properties of water in confined environments: a Monte Carlo study. Molecular Physics, 2018, vol. 116, iss. 9, str. 1133-1144. [COBISS.SI-ID 20986134]

25 STEVANOVIĆ, Strahinja, PERDIH, Andrej, SENCANSKI, Milan, GLISIC, Sanja, DUARTE, Margarida, TOMÁS, Ana M., SENA, Filipa V., SOUSA, Filipe M., PEREIRA, Manuela M., ŠOLMAJER, Tomaž. In silico discovery of a substituted 6-methoxy-quinalidine with leishmanicidal activity in Leishmania infantum. Molecules, 2018, vol. 23, iss. 4, str. 1-17. [COBISS.SI-ID 6350106]

26 FURLAN, Veronika, KONC, Janez, BREN, Urban. Inverse molecular docking as a novel approach to study anticarcinogenic and anti-

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neuroinflammatory effects of curcumin. Molecules, 2018, vol. 23, no. 12, str. 1-20. [COBISS.SI-ID 21987862]

27 VIŽINTIN, Alen, BITENC, Jan, KOPAČ LAUTAR, Anja, PIRNAT, Klemen, GRDADOLNIK, Jože, STARE, Jernej, RANDON-VITANOVA, Anna, DOMINKO, Robert. Probing electrochemical reactions in organic cathode materials via in operando infrared spectroscopy. Nature Communications, 2018, vol. 9, str. 1-7. [COBISS.SI-ID 6333978]

28 PREGELJC, Domen, JUG, Urška, MAVRI, Janez, STARE, Jernej. Why does the Y326I mutant of monoamine oxidase B decompose an endogenous amphetamine at a slower rate than the wild type enzyme? Reaction step elucidated by multiscale molecular simulations. PCCP. Physical chemistry chemical physics: a journal of European Chemical Societies, 2018, vol. 20, iss. 6, str. 4181-4188. [COBISS.SI-ID 6321434]

29 MADY, Ahmed S.A., LIAO, Chenzhong, BAJWA, Naval, KUMP, Karson J., ABULWERDI, Fardokht A., LEV, Katherine, MIAO, Lei, GRIGSBY, Sierrah M., PERDIH, Andrej, STUCKEY, Jeanne A., DU, Yuhong, FU, Haian, NIKOLOVSKA-ČOLESKA, Žaneta. Discovery of Mcl-1 inhibitors from integrated high throughput and virtual screening. Scientific Reports, 2018, vol. 8, str. 10210-1-10210-15. [COBISS.SI-ID 6421018]

30 POPADIĆ, Aleksandar, SVENŠEK, Daniel, PODGORNIK, Rudolf, DAOULAS, Kostas Ch., PRAPROTNIK, Matej. Splay-density coupling in semiflexible main-chain nematic polymers with hairpins. Soft Matter, 2018, vol. 14, iss. 28, str. 5898-5905. [COBISS.SI-ID 39561989]

31 PODGORNIK, Rudolf, ZAVADLAV, Julija, PRAPROTNIK, Matej. Molecular dynamics simulation of high density DNA arrays. Computation, 2018, vol. 6, iss. 1, 16 str. [COBISS.SI-ID 3163748]

32 BERGANT, Kaja, JANEŽIČ, Matej, PERDIH, Andrej. Bioassays and in silico methods in the

identification of human DNA topoisomerase IIa inhibitors. Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2018, vol. 25, iss. 28, str. 3284-3316. [COBISS.SI-ID 6349082] 33. VRAČKO, Marjan, WITZMANN, Frank A., BASAK, Subhash C. A possible chemo-biodescriptor framework for the prediction of toxicity of nanosubstances: an integrated computational approach. Current Computer-Aided Drug Design, 2018, vol. 14, iss. 1, str. 2-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 6353434]

34 KOLARIČ, Anja, MINOVSKI, Nikola. Novel bacterial topoisomerase inhibitors: challenges and perspectives in reducing hERG toxicity. Future Medicinal Chemistry, 2018, str. 1-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 6459162]

35 VRAČKO, Marjan, BASAK, Subhash C., WITZMANN, Frank A. Chemometrical analysis of proteomics data obtained from three cell types treated with multi-walled carbon nanotubes and TiO2 nanobelts. SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research, 2018, vol. 29, iss. 8, str. 567-577. [COBISS.SI-ID 6452250]

36 TIBAUT, Tjaša, TOMAŠIČ, Tihomir, HODNIK, Vesna, ANDERLUH, Marko, PINTAR, Sara, NOVIČ, Marjana, TURK, Dušan. Application of fragment based virtual screening towards inhibition of bacterial N-acetyglucosaminidase. SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research, 2018, vol. 29, iss. 9, str. 647-660. [COBISS.SI-ID 4567921]

37 VENKO, Katja, DRGAN, Viktor, NOVIČ, Marjana. Classification models for identifying substances exhibiting acute contact toxicity in honeybees (Apis mellifera). SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research, 2018, vol. 29, iss. 9, str. 743-754. [COBISS.SI-ID 6538266]

V celoti objavljeni članki (strokovni) / Full Text Articles

38 VALJAVEC, Katja, BAVCON, Sara, PERDIH, Andrej. DNA topoizomeraze pomembne tarče protirakavih zdravilnih učinkovin. Kemija.net, št. 1, str. 1-7. [COBISS.SI-ID 6323994]

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39 TUŠAR, Marjan, DUCMAN, Vilma. Potencialna uporaba pepelov iz papirniške industrije v asfaltih. Mineral, 2018, št. 57, str. 52-55. [COBISS.SI-ID 2404455] V celoti objavljeni prispevki s konferenc / Full Text Conference Contributions

40 BOHINC, Dušanka, RAVNIKAR TURK, Mojca, TUŠAR, Marjan. Determining the elongation energy of PmB at various extension lengths. V: Proceedings of 7th Transport Research Arena TRA 2018, April 16-19, 2018, Vienna, Austria. Vienna, 2018, str. 1-8. [COBISS.SI-ID 6383130]

41 RŽEK, Lidija, KLINAR, Dušan, TUŠAR, Marjan. Increase of asphalt recycling by using pyrolysis products of waste tires. V: LAKUŠIĆ, Stjepan (ur.). Road and rail infrastructure V, Fifth International Conference on Road and Rail Infrastructures, 17-19 May 2018, Zadar, Croatia, (Road and rail infrastructure (CD-ROM). Zadar, Zagreb, University of Zagreb, Faculty of civil engineering, Department of transportation. 2018, str. 487-493. [COBISS.SI-ID 6389018]

42 RAVNIKAR TURK, Mojca, TUŠAR, Marjan. Low temperature properties of paving grade bitumen. V: LAKUŠIĆ, Stjepan (ur.). Road and rail infrastructure V, Fifth International Conference on Road and Rail Infrastructures, 17-19 May 2018, Zadar, Croatia, (Road and rail infrastructure (CD-ROM), ISSN 1848-9850). Zadar, Zagreb, University of Zagreb, Faculty of civil engineering, Department of transportation. 2018, str. 503-509. [COBISS.SI-ID 6389274]

Monografije, sestavki in druga zaključena dela / Monographs, Contributions and Other Finished Works

43 ZUPAN, Jure. Artificial naural networks (ANNs). V: ENGEL, Thomas (ur.). Chemoinformatics: basic concepts and methods. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH. cop. 2018, str. 438-452. [COBISS.SI-ID 6473498]

44 PRAPROTNIK, Matej, CORTES-HUERTO, R., POTESTIO, R., DELLE SITE, Luigi. Adaptive resolution molecular dynamics technique. V: ANDREONI, Wanda (ur.). Handbook of materials modeling: methods: theory and modeling. Cham: Springer. 2018, str. 1-15. [COBISS.SI-ID 6441498]

45 BIAN, Xin, PRAPROTNIK, Matej. Domain decomposition methods for multiscale modeling. V: ANDREONI, Wanda (ur.). Handbook of materials modeling: online first chapters. Cham: Springer. 2018, str. 1-21. [COBISS.SI-ID 6409242]

46 TUŠAR, Livija, NOVIČ, Marjana, TUŠAR, Marjan, ZUPAN, Jure. Structural elucidation. V: REEDIJK, Jan (ur.). Reference module in chemistry, molecular sciences and chemical engineering. [S. n.]: Elsevier. 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 4527404]

47 ŠKUFCA, Sandra, KONC, Janez, KUNEJ, Tanja. Nutrigenomika pri raku = Nutrigenomics of cancer. V: KUNEJ, Tanja (ur.), RECER, Karmen (ur.). Zbirka seminarjev pri predmetu Genomika (Term paper from the course in genomics), 2017/2018, magistrski študijski program, Biotehnologija. Domžale, Biotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za zootehniko. 2018, str. 90-98. [COBISS.SI-ID 4094856]

48 PERDIH, Andrej, ŠOLMAJER, Tomaž. Metode študija strukture in lastnosti zdravilnih učinkovin: študijsko gradivo za izbirni teoretični predmet: interdisciplinarni doktorski študijski program Biomedicina Univerza v Ljubljani. Ljubljana, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 6377242] 49 MINOVSKI, Nikola. Molecular docking calculations utilizing discovery studio & pipeline pilot: (March 21st, 2018). Ljubljana, National Institute of Chemistry, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 6359578] 50 PRAPROTNIK, Matej. Multiscale simulations of biomolecular systems. London, King's College, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 6432026] 51 ERJAVEC, Tomaž, FIŠER, Darja, LJUBEŠIĆ, Nikola, ARHAR HOLDT, Špela, BREN, Urban, ROBNIK ŠIKONJA, Marko, UDOVIČ, Boštjan.

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Terminology identification dataset KAS-term 1.0. Ljubljana, Slovenian Language Resource Repository CLARIN.SI, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 31753511]

Doktorati, magisteriji, diplome / Ph.D., M.Sc. and B.Sc. Theses

52 POPADIĆ, Aleksandar. Continuum modeling and simulation of fluids at nanoscale, doctoral thesis. Ljubljana, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 3207780]

Patenti in patentne prijave / Patents and Patent Applications

53 LEGIŠA, Matic, LEŠNIK, Samo, KONC, Janez, ŠOLMAJER, Tomaž, KAVČIČ, Luka, VODOPIVEC, Tina. Small molecule-inhibitors of 6-phosphofructo-1-kinase for reducing lactate generation by cancer cells, patentna prijava, EP18187667.3, 2018-08-07. München, EPO, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 6452762]

Uredništva / Editorships

54 Acta Chimica Slovenica. Hadži, Dušan (član uredniškega odbora 1998-), Zupan, Jure (član uredniškega odbora 1995-), Mavri, Janez (član uredniškega odbora 2005-). Ljubljana, Slovensko kemijsko društvo (Slovenian Chemical Society), 1993-. ISSN 1318-0207. [COBISS.SI-ID 14086149]

55 Ars Mathematica Contemporanea. Randić, Milan (član uredniškega sveta 2008-). Ljubljana, Društvo matematikov, fizikov in astronomov, 2008-. ISSN 1855-3966. [COBISS.SI-ID 239049984]

56 Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal. Fjodorova, Natalja Stanislavovna (članica uredniškega odbora 2012-). Göteborg, Chalmers University of Technology, 2011-. ISSN 2001-0370. [COBISS.SI-ID 5068826]

57 Computational Chemistry. Fjodorova, Natalja Stanislavovna (članica uredniškega odbora 2013-). Irvine (CA), Scientific Research, 2013-. ISSN 2332-5968. [COBISS.SI-ID 5395482]

58 Current Computer-Aided Drug Design. Novič, Marjana (članica uredniškega odbora 2010-),

Vračko, Marjan (član uredniškega sveta 2016-). Hilversum, Bentham Science Publishers, 2005-. ISSN 1573-4099. [COBISS.SI-ID 3181082]

59 International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Sciences. Fjodorova, Natalja Stanislavovna (članica uredniškega odbora 2016-). Hyderabad, Academicians’ Research Center, 2014-. ISSN 2349-039X. [COBISS.SI-ID 6013466]

60 Journal of Chemistry (Hindawi) (Online). Novič, Marjana (članica uredniškega odbora 2012-). Cairo, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2012-. ISSN 2090-9071. [COBISS.SI-ID 5026842]

61 Journal of Chemistry (Hindawi) (Print). Bren, Urban (član uredniškega odbora 2012-), Novič, Marjana (članica uredniškega odbora 2012-). Cairo, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2012-. ISSN 2090-9063. [COBISS.SI-ID 4976666]

62 Journal of Molecular Structure. Hadži, Dušan (član uredniškega sveta 1960-). Amsterdam, Elsevier. ISSN 0022-2860. [COBISS.SI-ID 990223]

63 Journal of Nanotoxicology and Nanomedicine. Fjodorova, Natalja Stanislavovna (članica uredniškega odbora 2015-). Harshey, IGI Global, 2016-. [COBISS.SI-ID 5796122]

64 SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research. Vračko, Marjan (član uredniškega odbora 2017-, gostujoči urednik 2018), Novič, Marjana (gostujoča urednica 2018). Reading, Berkshire, Great Britain, New York, NY, USA, Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 1993-. ISSN 1062-936X. [COBISS.SI-ID 17982725]

65 Scientific Reports. Praprotnik, Matej (član uredniškega odbora 2018-). London, Nature Publishing Group, 2011-. ISSN 2045-2322. [COBISS.SI-ID 18727432]

66 Spectrochimica Acta. Part A, Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy. Hadži, Dušan (član uredniškega odbora 1995-). Oxford, New York, Pergamon Press, Amsterdam, Elsevier Science, 1995-. ISSN 1386-1425. [COBISS.SI-ID 1964152]

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67 NOVIČ, Marjana (urednica), VRAČKO, Marjan (urednik), 18th International Conference on QSAR in Environmental and Health Sciences, 11-15th

June 2018, Bled, Slovenia. Book of abstracts. Ljubljana, National Institute of Chemistry, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 295214336]

Intervjuji in mediji / Interviews and Media

68 GOLIČ GRDADOLNIK, Simona (intervjuvanka). CERIC interview with Prof. Simona Golić Grdadolnik. CERIC newsletter, Apr. 2018, n. 13. [COBISS.SI-ID 6399002]

69 STARE, Jernej (intervjuvanec). Računalniške simulacije kompleksnih molekul razkrivajo podrobnosti, ki se eksperimentom izmikajo, intervju v oddaji Podobe znanja, Radio Slovenija, tretji program (ARS), 23. 2. 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 6340122]

70 PRAPROTNIK, Matej (intervjuvanec). Kemijski inštitut, intervju na Radiu Zeleni val, 30. 3. 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 6378266] 71 BREN, Urban (intervjuvanec). Razpisi za raziskovalce, oddaja Tele M na Televiziji Maribor, 5. 9. 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 21770774]

Mentorstva / Mentorship

72 POPADIĆ, Aleksandar, PRAPROTNIK, Matej (mentor). Continuum modeling and simulation of fluids at nanoscale, doctoral thesis. Ljubljana, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 3207780] 73 GLADOVIĆ, Martin, BREN, Urban (mentor), URBIČ, Tomaž (somentor). Molekularno modeliranje alkilacije DNA, doktorska disertacija. Ljubljana, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 297291008]

74 ŠKRLJ, Blaž, KONC, Janez (mentor), LAVRAČ, Nada (somentorica). Complex networks in computational structural biology (Kompleksna omrežja v računalniški strukturni biologiji), magistrsko delo. Ljubljana, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 31445287]

75 ŠKUFCA, Sandra, KONC, Janez (mentor), KUNEJ, Tanja (somentorica). Določanje tarčnih proteinov bioaktivnih komponent v hrani s protirakavim delovanjem z uporabo bioinformacijskih orodij (Identification of target proteins of bioactive food components with anti-cancer activity with bioinformatic tools), magistrsko delo. Ljubljana, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 9114233]

76 KORES, Katarina, BREN, Urban (mentor), KONC, Janez (somentor). Načrtovanje in razvoj novih protimikrobnih spojin z uporabo ProBiS računalniških pristopov, magistrsko delo. Maribor, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 21924886]

77 KOMOČAR, Erik, MERZEL, Franci (mentor). Optimizacija radiološke dekontaminacije z ultrazvočnim čistilnikom Sonis 20GTD, magistrska naloga. Novo mesto, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 514765687]

78 ŠTUMPF, Sara, BREN, Urban (mentor), HOSTNIK, Gregor (somentor), LEITGEB, Maja (somentorica). Protimikrobne lastnosti taninskih ekstraktov, magistrsko delo. Maribor, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 21798422]

79 PAPEŽ, Petra, URBIČ, Tomaž (mentor), MERZEL, Franci (somentor). Hidratacija nižjih alkoholov z uporabo teoretičnih metod, magistrsko delo. Ljubljana, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 1537926595]

80 REBERC, Matej, MEDEN, Anton (mentor), STARE, Jernej (somentor). Kovinsko-organski materiali na osnovi imidazola in tetrahidroboratov lahkih kovin, magistrsko delo. Ljubljana, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 1537972163]

81 SVET, Luka, JAMNIK, Polona (mentorica), GRDADOLNIK, Jože (somentor). Preučevanje delovanja antioksidanta epigalokatehin galata in oksidanta menadiona v celicah z metodo infrardeče spektroskopije (The study of activity of epigallocatechin gallate as an antioxidant and menadione as an oxidant in cells with infrared spectroscopy), magistrsko delo. Ljubljana, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 9009017]

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82 BAVCON, Sara, SOLLNER DOLENC, Marija (mentorica), PERDIH, Andrej (somentor). Sinteza derivatov 3,5-disubstituiranega 1,2,4-oksadiazola kot potencialnih zaviralcev človeškega DNA topoizomereze II alfa, magistrsko delo. Ljubljana, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 4541297]

83 KLEMENČIČ, Maruša, SOSIČ, Izidor (mentor), PERDIH, Andrej (somentor). Sinteza in vrednotenje 4,6-substituiranih-1,3,5-triazin-2(1H)-onov kot katalitičnih zaviralcev človeške DNA topoizomeraze II alfa, magistrsko delo. Ljubljana, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 4622449]

84 PROJ, Matic, SOVA, Matej (mentor), Janez Konc (somentor). Sinteza in vrednotenje novih zaviralcev iondolamin 2,3-dioksigenaze 1, odkritih s pomočjo virtualnega rešetanja na osnovi struktur liganda in encima (Synthesis and evaluation of novel indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1 inhibitors discovered by ligand and structure-based virtual screening), magistrsko delo. Ljubljana, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 4535665]

85 MALIĆ, Marina, BREN, Urban (mentor), Furlan, Veronika (somentorica). Antikarcinogeni potenciali polifenolnih spojin iz smilja - računalniški pristop, diplomsko delo, Maribor, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 21976086]

86 PRAČEK, Katja, PERDIH, Andrej (mentor), FORTUNA, Sara (somentorica). Homologno modeliranje in molekulske simulacije kameljih nanoteles kot potencialnih terapevtskih orodij pri zdravljenju sarkoma (Homology modeling and molecular simulations of the camelid nanobodies as therapeutic tools in the treatment of sarcoma), zaključna naloga. Koper, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 1540111812]

87 VALJAVEC, Katja, PERDIH, Andrej (mentor). Uporaba metod molekulskega modeliranja pri načrtovanju in optimizaciji inhibitorjev človeške DNA topoizomeraze II∂ (Application of molecular modeling methods in design and optimization of inhibitors of the human DNA topoisomerase II∂), zaključna naloga. Koper, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 1540554692]

88 KOCBEK, Simon, BREN, Urban (mentor), GLADOVIĆ, Martin (somentor). Vpliv mikrovalov na zvijanje beta-peptida: računalniški pristop, diplomsko delo. Maribor, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 21968662]

89 ROŠKARIČ, Matevž, BREN, Urban (mentor), ŽEGURA, Bojana (somentorica). Zaščitno delovanje izbranih polifenolnih snovi proti genotoksičnim učinkom, ki jih povzroča mikotoksin aflatoksin B1, diplomsko delo. Maribor, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 21962774]

90 FLUCHER, Viktorija, FUCHS-GODEC, Regina (somentorica), BREN, Urban (somentor). Vpliv temperature na volumetrične lastnosti binarnih mešanic alkoholov, diplomsko delo. Maribor, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 21976342]

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D04Odsek za analizno kemijo / Department of Analytical Chemistry

V celoti objavljeni članki (znanstveni) / Full Text Articles

1 JOVANOVIČ, Primož, BELE, Marjan, ŠALA, Martin, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ZABUKOVEC LOGAR, Nataša, HODNIK, Nejc, GABERŠČEK, Miran. Corrosion protection of platinum-based electrocatalyst by ruthenium surface decoration. ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2018, vol. 1, iss. 7, str. 3190-3197. [COBISS.SI-ID 39550981]

2 ELTEREN, Johannes Teun van, ŠELIH, Vid Simon, ŠALA, Martin, VAN MALDEREN, Stijn J. M., VANHAECKE, Frank. Imaging artifacts in continuous scanning 2D LA-ICP-MS imaging due to non-synchronization issues. Analytical Chemistry, 2018, vol. 90, iss. 4, str. 2896-2901. [COBISS.SI-ID 6321178]

3 ELTEREN, Johannes Teun van, ŠALA, Martin, ŠELIH, Vid Simon. Perceptual image quality metrics concept in continuous scanning 2D laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry bioimaging. Analytical Chemistry, 2018, vol. 90, iss.9, str. 5916-5922. [COBISS.SI-ID 6351642]

4 VANRENTERGHEM, Bart, BELE, Marjan, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, ŠALA, Martin, HODNIK, Nejc, BREUGELMANS, Tom. Cutting the Gordian Knot of electrodeposition via controlled cathodic corrosion enabling the production of supported metal nanoparticles below 5 nm. Applied Catalysis. B, Environmental, 2018, vol. 226, str. 396-402. [COBISS.SI-ID 6306074]

5 FRKA, Sanja, GRGIĆ, Irena, TURŠIČ, Janja, GINI, Maria I., ELEFTHERIADIS, Konstantinos. Seasonal variability of carbon in humic-like matter of ambient size-segregated water soluble organic

aerosols from urban background environment. Atmospheric Environment, 2018, vol. 173, str. 239-247. [COBISS.SI-ID 6283546]

6 SHARIQ, Mohammed, FRIEDRICH, Bernd, BUDIČ, Bojan, HODNIK, Nejc, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, MAJERIČ, Peter, RUDOLF, Rebeka. Successful synthesis of gold nanoparticles through ultrasonic spray pyrolysis from a gold(III) nitrate precursor and their interaction with a high electron beam. ChemistryOpen, 2018, vol. 7, iss. 7, str. 533-542. [COBISS.SI-ID 21568022]

7 DEBELJAK, Marta, ELTEREN, Johannes Teun van, ŠPRUK, Ana, IZMER, Andrei, VANHAECKE, Frank, VOGEL-MIKUŠ, Katarina. The role of arbuscular mycorrhiza in mercury and mineral nutrient uptake in maize. Chemosphere, 2018, vol. 212, str. 1076-1084. [COBISS.SI-ID 4794447]

8 VANRENTERGHEM, Bart, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, ŠALA, Martin, BELE, Marjan, ŠELIH, Vid Simon, HODNIK, Nejc, BREUGELMANS, Tom. Stability study of silver nanoparticles towards the halide electroreduction. Electrochimica Acta, 2018, vol. 286, str. 123-130. [COBISS.SI-ID 6443034]

9 ILUNGA KABEYA, Francine, PONGRAC, Paula, LANGE, Bastien, FAUCON, Michel-Pierre, ELTEREN, Johannes Teun van, ŠALA, Martin, ŠELIH, Vid Simon, VANDEN EECKHOUDT, Emilie, VERBRUGGEN, Nathalie. Tolerance and accumulation of cobalt in three species of Haumaniastrum and the influence of copper. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2018, vol. 149, str. 27-33. [COBISS.SI-ID 6330394]

10 KROFLIČ, Ana, FRKA, Sanja, SIMMEL, Martin, WEX, Heike, GRGIĆ, Irena. Size-resolved surface active substances of atmospheric aerosol: reconsideration of the impact on cloud droplet formation. Environmental Science & Technology, 2018, vol. 52, iss. 16, str. 9179-9187. [COBISS.SI-ID 6426394]

11 VIDOVIĆ, Kristijan, LAŠIČ JURKOVIĆ, Damjan, ŠALA, Martin, KROFLIČ, Ana, GRGIĆ, Irena. Nighttime aqueous-phase formation of

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nitrocatechols in the atmospheric condensed phase. Environmental Science & Technology, 2018, vol. 52, iss. 17, str. 9722-9730. [COBISS.SI-ID 6426650] 12 KROFLIČ, Ana, HUŠ, Matej, GRILC, Miha, GRGIĆ, Irena. Underappreciated and complex role of nitrous acid in aromatic nitration under mild environmental conditions: the case of activated methoxyphenols. Environmental Science & Technology, 2018, vol. 52, iss. 23, str. 13756-13765. [COBISS.SI-ID 6519834] 13 GALE, Luka, PEYBERNES, Camille, CELARC, Bogomir, HOČEVAR, Manca, ŠELIH, Vid Simon, MARTINI, Rossana. Biotic composition and microfacies distribution of Upper Triassic build-ups: new insights from the Lower Carnian limestone of Lesno Brdo, central Slovenia. Facies, 2018, vol. 64, iss. 3, str. 1-24. [COBISS.SI-ID 39544069]

14 MAHNE OPATIĆ, Anja, NEČEMER, Marijan, BUDIČ, Bojan, LOJEN, Sonja. Stable isotope analysis of major bioelements, multi-element profiling, and discriminant analysis for geographical origins of organically grown potato. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 2018, vol. 71, str. 17-24. [COBISS.SI-ID 31329575] 15 JOVANOVIČ, Primož, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, ŠALA, Martin, HODNIK, Nejc. Atomic scale insights into electrochemical dissolution of Janus Pt−SnO2 nanoparticles in the presence of ethanol in acidic media: an IL-STEM and EFC-ICP-MS study. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and Interfaces, 2018, vol. 122, iss. 18, str. 10050-10058. [COBISS.SI-ID 6381850]

16 PAVLIŠIČ, Andraž, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, ŠELIH, Vid Simon, ŠALA, Martin, HODNIK, Nejc, GABERŠČEK, Miran. Platinum dissolution and redeposition from Pt/C fuel cell electrocatalyst at potential cycling. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2018, vol. 165, no. 6, str. F3161-F3165. [COBISS.SI-ID 6350874]

17 KANDUČ, Tjaša, ŠLEJKOVEC, Zdenka, FALNOGA, Ingrid, MORI, Nataša, BUDIČ, Bojan, KOVAČIĆ, Ines, PAVIČIĆ HAMER, Dijana, HAMER, Bojan. Environmental status of the NE Adriatic Sea, Istria, Croatia: insights from mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis condition indices, stable isotopes and metal(loid)s. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2018, vol. 126, str. 525-534. [COBISS.SI-ID 30804775]

18 JOVANOVIČ, Primož, ŠELIH, Vid Simon, ŠALA, Martin, HODNIK, Nejc. In situ electrochemical dissolution of platinum and gold in organic-based solvent. Npj Materials Degradation, 2018, vol. 2, str. 1-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 6354714]

19 KORTE, Dorota, GRAHOVAC, Aleš, JERKIČ, Andrej, VAJDLE, Olga, ANOJČIĆ, Jasmina, GUZSVÁNY, Valeria, BUDIČ, Bojan, FRANKO, Mladen. Speciation and determination of ionic and trace-level colloidal silver in selected personal care products by thermal lens spectrometry. Pharmaceutica Analytica Acta, 2018, vol. 9, iss. 1, str. 1-10. [COBISS.SI-ID 5114619]

20 ZIDARIČ, Tanja, JOVANOVSKI, Vasko, HOČEVAR, Samo B. Nanostructured bismuth film electrode for detection of progesterone. Sensors, 2018, vol. 18, iss. 12, str. 1-7. [COBISS.SI-ID 39868421]

21 VAN MALDEREN, Stijn J. M., ELTEREN, Johannes Teun van, ŠELIH, Vid Simon, VANHAECKE, Frank. Considerations on data acquisition in laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry with low-dispersion interfaces. Spectrochimica Acta. Part B, Atomic Spectroscopy, 2018, vol. 140, str. 29-34. [COBISS.SI-ID 6295066] 22 VERBIČ, Anja, ŠALA, Martin, GORJANC, Marija. The influence of in situ synthesis parameters on the formation of ZnO nanoparticles and the UPF value of cotton fabric (Vpliv parametrov sinteze in-situ na tvorbo nanodelcev ZnO in vrednost UZF bombažne tkanine). Tekstilec: glasilo slovenskih tekstilcev, 2018, vol. 61, no. 4, str. 280-288. [COBISS.SI-ID 3570032]

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V celoti objavljeni prispevki s konferenc / Full Text Conference Contributions

23 ORLOVIĆ-LEKO, Palma, VIDOVIĆ, Kristijan, CIGLENEČKI-JUŠIĆ, Irena, MINKINA, Tatiana. Voltammetric study of the adsorption behavior of the alister grande herbicide. V: Conference Proceedings of II International scientific conference devoted to the 140-anniversary of Sergey Alexandrovich Zaharov, ˝Modern State of Chernozems˝ and International School-Seminar for Young Scientists »The Role of Soil in Global Climate Change, Biomedicine and Forensic Expertise«, 24-28 of September 2018. Rostov-on-Don; Taganrog: Publishing house of Southern Federal University. 2018, str. 222-227. [COBISS.SI-ID 6512666]

Uredništva / Editorships

24 American Journal of Biomedical Sciences. Ogorevc, Božidar (član uredniškega odbora 2010-). Sarasota (Fla.), New World Publishing International, 2009-. ISSN 1937-9080. [COBISS.SI-ID 4383002]

25 Atmosphere. Grgić, Irena (gostujoča urednica 2018). Basel, MDPI AG, 2010-. ISSN 2073-4433. [COBISS.SI-ID 522992153] 26 Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry. Elteren, Johannes van Teun (član uredniškega odbora 2015-). London, The Royal Society of Chemistry. ISSN 0267-9477. [COBISS.SI-ID 25705216]

27 BEŠTER-ROGAČ, Marija (urednica), KROFLIČ, Ana (urednica), PRISLAN, Iztok (urednik), ŠALA, Martin (urednik), ŠARAC, Bojan (urednik), 32nd Conference of The European Colloid and Interface Society, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2nd-7th September 2018. Book of abstracts. Ljubljana, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 296262912]

28 ANDERLUH, Gregor (urednik), JERAN, Marko (urednik), KASTELIC, Miha (urednik), MALI, Gregor (urednik), PETEK, Urša (urednik),

ŠALA, Martin (urednik). Periodni sistem elementov. Ljubljana, Kemijski inštitut, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 6396186]

Mentorstva / Mentorship

29 ZIDARIČ, Tanja, HOČEVAR, Samo (mentor), VEBER, Marjan (somentor). Razvoj in študij uporabe bizmutovih in drugih modificiranih elektrod v sodobni elektroanalizi, doktorska disertacija. Ljubljana, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 1537697475]

D05Odsek za okoljske vedein inženirstvo / Department of Environmental Sciencesand Engineering

V celoti objavljeni članki (znanstveni) / Full Text Articles

1 DRAŠINAC PAJIĆ, Nina, DJINOVIĆ, Petar, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GRDADOLNIK, Jože, ŠKET, Primož, CERKOVNIK, Janez, PINTAR, Albin. Structural stabilization and characterization of active peroxo species on TiO2−nanotube based materials in mild catalytic wet peroxide oxidation process. Applied Catalysis. A, General, 2018, vol. 562, str. 276-283. [COBISS.SI-ID 6412314] 2 TERŽAN, Janvit, DJINOVIĆ, Petar, ZAVAŠNIK, Janez, ARČON, Iztok, ŽERJAV, Gregor, SPREITZER, Matjaž, PINTAR, Albin. Alkali and earth alkali modified CuOx/SiO2 catalysts for propylene partial oxidation: what determines the selectivity? Applied Catalysis. B, Environmental, 2018, vol. 237, str. 214-227. [COBISS.SI-ID 31445799]

3 MAUČEC, Darja, ŠULIGOJ, Andraž, RISTIĆ, Alenka, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, PINTAR, Albin, NOVAK TUŠAR, Nataša. Titania versus zinc oxide nanoparticles on mesoporous silica supports

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Letno poročilo 2018 _ Annual Report178

as photocatalysts for removal of dyes from wastewater at neutral pH. Catalysis Today, 2018, vol. 310, str. 32-41. [COBISS.SI-ID 6195994] 4 ŽERJAV, Gregor, DJINOVIĆ, Petar, PINTAR, Albin. TiO2-Bi2O3/(BiO)2CO3-reduced graphene oxide composite as an effective visible light photocatalyst for degradation of aqueous bisphenol A solutions. Catalysis Today, 2018, vol. 315, str. 237-246. [COBISS.SI-ID 6340634] 5 MURI, Petra, MARINŠEK-LOGAR, Romana, DJINOVIĆ, Petar, PINTAR, Albin. Influence of support materials on continuous hydrogen production in anaerobic packed-bed reactor with immobilized hydrogen producing bacteria at acidic conditions. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 2018, vol. 111, str. 87-96. [COBISS.SI-ID 39270917]

6 POPOVA, Margarita, DJINOVIĆ, Petar, RISTIĆ, Alenka, LAZAROVA, Hristina, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, PINTAR, Albin, BALU, Alina M., NOVAK TUŠAR, Nataša. Vapor-phase hydrogenation of levulinic acid to γ−valerolactoneγ over bi-functional Ni/HZSM-5 catalyst. Frontiers in Chemistry, 2018, vol. 6, str. 285-1-285-12. [COBISS.SI-ID 6428698]

7 INCHAURRONDO, Natalia, MAESTRE, Agustín, ŽERJAV, Gregor, PINTAR, Albin, RAMOS, Cinthia, HAURE, Patricia. Screening of catalytic activity of natural iron-bearing materials towards the Catalytic Wet Peroxide Oxidation of Orange II. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2018, vol. 6, iss. 2, str. 2027-2040. [COBISS.SI-ID 6343706]

8 ŽERJAV, Gregor, KAPLAN, Renata, PINTAR, Albin. Catalytic wet air oxidation of bisphenol A aqueous solution in trickle-bed reactor over single TiO2 polymorphs and their mixtures. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2018, vol. 6, iss. 2, str. 2148-2158. [COBISS.SI-ID 6351130]

9 BERČIČ, Gorazd, DJINOVIĆ, Petar, PINTAR, Albin. Simplified approach to modelling the catalytic degradation of low-density polyethylene (LDPE) by applying catalyst-free LDPE-TG profiles and the Friedman method. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2018, str. 1-10. [COBISS.SI-ID 6510874]

10 KOVAČIČ, Sebastijan, DRAŠINAC PAJIĆ, Nina, PINTAR, Albin, ŽAGAR, Ema. Highly porous cationic polyelectrolytes via oil-in-water concentrated emulsions: synthesis and adsorption kinetic study. Langmuir, 2018, vol. 34, no. 35, str. 10353-10362. [COBISS.SI-ID 21664790]

11 KRSTIĆ, Sanja S., KRAGOVIĆ, Milan M., DODEVSKI, Vladimir M., MARINKOVIĆ, Aleksandar D., KALUĐEROVIĆ, Branka V., ŽERJAV, Gregor, PINTAR, Albin, PAGNACCO, Maja C., STOJMENOVIĆ, Marija D. Influence of temperature and different hydroxides on properties of activated carbon prepared from saccharose. Characterization, thermal degradation kinetic and dyes removal from water solutions. Science of Sintering: the periodical of the International Institute for the Science of Sintering, 2018, vol. 50, no. 2, str. 255-273. [COBISS.SI-ID 6433050]

12 ŽUŽEK ROŽMAN, Kristina, PEČKO, Darja, TRAFELA, Špela, SAMARDŽIJA, Zoran, SPREITZER, Matjaž, JAGLIČIĆ, Zvonko, NADRAH, Peter, ZORKO, Mateja, BELE, Marjan, TIŠLER, Tatjana, PINTAR, Albin, ŠTURM, Sašo, KOSTEVŠEK, Nina. Austenite-martensite transformation in electrodeposited Fe70Pd30 NWs: a step towards making bio-nano-actuators tested on in-vivo systems. Smart Materials and Structures, 2018, vol. 27, no. 3, 035018-1-035018-10. [COBISS.SI-ID 31185447]

13 VASILIADES, Michalis A., DJINOVIĆ, Petar, DAVLYATOVA, L.F., PINTAR, Albin, EFSTATHIOU, Angelos M. Origin and reactivity of active and inactive carbon formed during DRM over Ni/Ce0.38Zr0.62O2−σ studied by transient isotopic technique. Catalysis Today, 2018, vol. 299, str. 201-211. [COBISS.SI-ID 6139162]

Doktorati, magisteriji, diplome / Ph.D., M.Sc. and B.Sc. Theses

14 DRAŠINAC PAJIĆ, Nina. Catalytic wet peroxide oxidation of water dissolved organic pollutants under mild conditions (Katalitska mokra peroksidna oksidacija v vodi topnih organskih onesnažil pri blagih pogojih), doktorska disertacija. Ljubljana, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 298759936]

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Uredništva / Editorships

15 RSC Advances. Pintar, Albin (član uredniškega odbora 2015-). Cambridge, RSC Publishing, 2011-. ISSN 2046-2069. [COBISS.SI-ID 2513252]

16 PINTAR, Albin (urednik), GANTAR ALBREHT, Marjana (urednica), 24th Annual Meeting of the Slovenian Chemical Society, 19-21 September 2018, Portorož - Portorose, Slovenia. Book of abstracts, plenary lectures, keynote lectures, section lectures, poster session. Ljubljana, Slovenian Chemical Society, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 296472320]

Intervjuji in mediji / Interviews and Media

17 PINTAR, Albin (intervjuvanec), TERŽAN, Janvit (intervjuvanec). Kako iz umazane vode narediti čisto, intervju v oddaji Ugriznimo znanost, RTV SLO 1, 4. 1. 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 6324506]

18 PINTAR, Albin. Za čistejše okolje, sodelovanje v oddaji Moj pogled na znanost, TV Slovenija 1, 24. 2. 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 6349338]

Mentorstva / Mentorship

19 DRAŠINAC PAJIĆ, Nina, DRAŽIĆ, Goran (mentor), PINTAR, Albin (somentor). Catalytic wet peroxide oxidation of water dissolved organic pollutants under mild conditions (Katalitska mokra peroksidna oksidacija v vodi topnih organskih onesnažil pri blagih pogojih), doktorska disertacija. Ljubljana, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 298759936]

20 LORBER, Kristijan, PLAZL, Igor (mentor), DJINOVIĆ, Petar (somentor). Razvoj fotokatalizatorja bizmut-titanov dioksid in fotokatalitska reakcija bisfenola A v šaržnem in pretočnem sistemu z reciklom, magistrsko delo. Ljubljana, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 1537971395]

D06Odsek za prehrambeno kemijo / Department of Food Chemistry

V celoti objavljeni članki (znanstveni) / Full Text Articles

1 SCHINK, Anne, NAUMOSKA, Katerina, KITANOVSKI, Zoran, KAMPF, Christopher Johannes, FRÖHLICH-NOWOISKY, Janine, THINES, Eckhard, PÖSCHL, Ulrich, SCHUPPAN, Detlef, LUCAS, Kurt. Anti-inflammatory effects of cinnamon extract and identification of active compounds influencing the TLR2 and TLR4 signaling pathways. Food & Function, 2018, vol. 9, no. 11, str. 5950-5964. [COBISS.SI-ID 6524698]

2 ALBREHT, Alen, VOVK, Irena, MAVRI, Janez, MARCO-CONTELLES, José, RAMSAY, Rona R. Evidence for a cyanine link between propargylamine drugs and monoamine oxidase clarifies the inactivation mechanism. Frontiers in Chemistry, 2018, vol. 6, str. 169-1-169-11. [COBISS.SI-ID 6393626]

3 JUG, Urška, GLAVNIK, Vesna, KRANJC, Eva, VOVK, Irena. HPTLC-densitometric and HPTLC-MS methods for analysis of flavonoids. Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies, 2018, vol. 41, iss. 6, str. 329-341. [COBISS.SI-ID 6391066]

4 JUG, Urška, GLAVNIK, Vesna, KRANJC, Eva, VOVK, Irena. High-performance thin-layer chromatography and high-performance thin-layer chromatography-mass spectrometry methods for the analysis of phenolic acids. JPC. Journal of Planar Chromatography, Modern TLC, 2018, vol. 31, iss. 1, str. 13-22. [COBISS.SI-ID 6325786]

5 PREGELJC, Domen, JUG, Urška, MAVRI, Janez, STARE, Jernej. Why does the Y326I mutant of monoamine oxidase B decompose an endogenous amphetamine at a slower rate than the wild type enzyme? Reaction step elucidated by multiscale molecular simulations. PCCP. Physical Chemistry

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Chemical Physics: a Journal of European Chemical Societies, 2018, vol. 20, iss. 6, str. 4181-4188. [COBISS.SI-ID 6321434]

6 RAMSAY, Rona R., ALBREHT, Alen. Kinetics, mechanism, and inhibition of monoamine oxidase. Journal of Neural Transmission, 2018, vol. 125, iss. 11, str. 1659-1683. [COBISS.SI-ID 6347802]

Doktorati, magisteriji, diplome / Ph.D., M.Sc. and B.Sc. Theses

7 KRANJC, Eva. Določanje metabolitov navadnega volčjega jabolka (Physalis alkekengi L.) s kromatografskimi in sklopljenimi tehnikami, doktorska disertacija. Ljubljana, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 1537773763]

Uredništva / Editorships

8 Acta Chimica Slovenica. Vovk, Irena (področna urednica 2011-). Ljubljana, Slovensko kemijsko društvo (Slovenian Chemical Society), 1993-. ISSN 1318-0207. [COBISS.SI-ID 14086149]

9 Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Food Science and Technology. Vovk, Irena (članica uredniškega odbora 2013-). Cluj-Napoca, AcademicPres, 2013-. ISSN 2344-2344. [COBISS.SI-ID 5559578]

10 JPC. Journal of Planar Chromatography, Modern TLC. Vovk, Irena (članica uredniškega odbora 2018-). Heidelberg, Hüthig. ISSN 0933-4173. [COBISS.SI-ID 26780416]

Intervjuji in mediji / Interviews and Media

11 VOVK, Irena (intervjuvanka). Škodljive tujerodne rastline so lahko tudi uporabne: kaj vse se da pripraviti iz japonskega dresnika, intervju v oddaji Reakcija, Val 202, 20. 10. 2018. Ljubljana. [COBISS.SI-ID 6582810]

Mentorstva / Mentorship

12 KRANJC, Eva, VOVK, Irena (mentorica), PROSEN, Helena (somentorica). Določanje metabolitov navadnega volčjega jabolka (Physalis alkekengi L.) s kromatografskimi in sklopljenimi tehnikami, doktorska disertacija. Ljubljana, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 1537773763]

D07Odsek za polimerno kemijo in tehnologijo / Department of Polymer Chemistry and Technology

V celoti objavljeni članki (znanstveni) / Full Text Articles

1 ANŽLOVAR, Alojz, KRŽAN, Andrej, ŽAGAR, Ema. Degradation of PLA/ZnO and PHBV/ZnO composites prepared by melt processing. Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 2018, vol. 11, iss. 3, str. 343-352. [COBISS.SI-ID 6193434]

2 GYERGYEK, Sašo, PAHOVNIK, David, ŽAGAR, Ema, MERTELJ, Alenka, KOSTANJŠEK, Rok, BEKOVIĆ, Miloš, JAGODIČ, Marko, HOFMANN, Heinrich, MAKOVEC, Darko. Nanocomposites comprised of homogeneously dispersed magnetic iron-oxide nanoparticles and poly(methyl methacrylate). Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 2018, vol. 9, str. 1613-1622. [COBISS.SI-ID 31445031]

3 PUŽAR DOMINKUŠ, Pia, STENOVEC, Matjaž, SITAR, Simona, LASIČ, Eva, ZOREC, Robert, PLEMENITAŠ, Ana, ŽAGAR, Ema, KREFT, Marko, LENASSI, Metka. PKH26 labeling of extracellular vesicles: characterization and cellular internalization of contaminating PKH26 nanoparticles. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, Biomembranes, 2018, vol. 1860, iss. 6, str. 1350-1361. [COBISS.SI-ID 33696729]

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4 SHLYAPNIKOV, Igor, GORESHNIK, Evgeny A., MAZEJ, Zoran. Guanidinium perfluoridotitanate(IV) compounds: structural determination of an oligomeric [Ti6F27]3− anion, and an example of a mixed-anion salt containing two different fluoridotitanate(IV) anions. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2018, vol. 2018, iss. 48, str. 5246-5257. [COBISS.SI-ID 31990567]

5 HUSKIĆ, Miroslav, BOLKA, Silvester, VESEL, Alenka, MOZETIČ, Miran, ANŽLOVAR, Alojz, VIŽINTIN, Alen, ŽAGAR, Ema. One-step surface modification of graphene oxide and influence of its particle size on the properties of graphene oxide / epoxy resin nanocomposites. European Polymer Journal, 2018, vol. 101, str. 211-217. [COBISS.SI-ID 6342682]

6 KOČEVAR, Gregor, KRŽAN, Andrej. Recycling of an acrylate-glass fiber reinforced polyester composite. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management: Official Journal of the Japan Society of Waste Management Experts, 2018, vol. 20, iss. 2, str. 1106-1114. [COBISS.SI-ID 6263578]

7 VEZOČNIK, Valerija, HODNIK, Vesna, SITAR, Simona, OKUR, Halil I., TUŠEK-ŽNIDARIČ, Magda, LÜTGEBAUCKS, Cornelis, SEPČIĆ, Kristina, KOGEJ, Ksenija, ROKE, Sylvie, ŽAGAR, Ema, MAČEK, Peter. Kinetically stable triglyceride-based nanodroplets and their interactions with lipid-specific proteins. Langmuir, 2018, vol. 34, no. 30, str. 8983-8993. [COBISS.SI-ID 4754255]

8 KOVAČIČ, Sebastijan, DRAŠINAC PAJIĆ, Nina, PINTAR, Albin, ŽAGAR, Ema. Highly porous cationic polyelectrolytes via oil-in-water concentrated emulsions: synthesis and adsorption kinetic study. Langmuir, 2018, vol. 34, no. 35, str. 10353-10362. [COBISS.SI-ID 21664790]

9 GHOSH, Swarup, PAHOVNIK, David, KRAGL, Udo, MEJÍA, Esteban. Isospecific copolymerization of cyclohexene oxide and carbon dioxide catalyzed by dialkylmagnesium compounds. Macromolecules, 2018, vol. 51, iss. 3, str. 846-852. [COBISS.SI-ID 6335002]

10 ZERI, Christina, ADAMOPOULOU, A., BOJANIĆ VAREZIĆ, Dubravka, FORTIBUONI, Tomaso, KOVAČ VIRŠEK, Manca, KRŽAN, Andrej, MANDIC, M., MAZZIOTTI, Cristina, PALATINUS, Andreja, PETERLIN, Monika, PRVAN, M., RONCHI, Francesca, ŠILJIĆ, Jasna, TUTMAN, Pero, VLACHOGIANNI, Thomais. Floating plastics in Adriatic waters (Mediterranean Sea): from the macro- to the micro-scale. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2018, vol. 136, str. 341-350. [COBISS.SI-ID 6556954]

11 KITESKA, Biljana, FUNDUK, Nenad, CEVC, Pavel, JESIH, Adolf, ANŽLOVAR, Alojz, KOPAČ, Igor. The influence of free-radical concentration on the shear bond strength of dental composites (Vpliv koncentracije prostih radikalov na strižno trdnost dentalnih kompozitov). Materiali in Tehnologije, 2018, letn. 52, št. 2, str. 177-182. [COBISS.SI-ID 1398186]

12 ANŽLOVAR, Alojz, KUNAVER, Matjaž, KRAJNC, Andraž, ŽAGAR, Ema. Nanocomposites of LLDPE and surface-modified cellulose nanocrystals prepared by melt processing. Molecules, 2018, vol. 23, iss. 7, str. 1-14. [COBISS.SI-ID 6428954]

13 MEDVEŠEK, Sabina, KUNAVER, Matjaž, URBAS, Raša. Vpliv nanokristalinične celuloze na potiskljivost papirja (Influence of nanocrystallized cellulose on paper printability). Papir: revija Društva inženirjev in tehnikov papirništva, 2018, letn. 46, št. 19, str. 44-47. [COBISS.SI-ID 3517296] 14 GRADIŠAR, Špela, ŽAGAR, Ema, PAHOVNIK, David. Hybrid block copolymers of polyesters/polycarbonates and polypeptides synthesized via one-pot sequential ring-opening polymerization. Polymer Chemistry, 2018, vol. 9, iss. 38, str. 4764-4771. [COBISS.SI-ID 6452506]

15 JEMEC KOKALJ, Anita, HORVAT, Petra, SKALAR, Tina, KRŽAN, Andrej. Plastic bag and facial cleanser derived microplastic do not affect feeding behaviour and energy reserves of terrestrial isopods. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, vol. 615, str. 761-766. [COBISS.SI-ID 4477519]

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16 BAŠNEC, Kristina, SLEMENIK PERŠE, Lidija, ŠUMIGA, Boštjan, HUSKIĆ, Miroslav, MEDEN, Anton, HLADNIK, Aleš, BOH PODGORNIK, Bojana, KLANJŠEK GUNDE, Marta. Relation between colour- and phase changes of a leuco dye-based thermochromic composite. Scientific Reports, 2018, vol. 8, f. 1-10. [COBISS.SI-ID 39459589]

V celoti objavljeni članki (strokovni) / Full Text Articles

17 JURJEVEC, Sarah, FINŠGAR, Matjaž. Termične metode: termogravimetrična analiza in diferenčni dinamični kalorimeter (Thermal methods: thermogravimetric analysis and differential scanning calorimetry). Vakuumist: glasilo Društva za vakuumsko tehniko Slovenije, 2018, letn. 38, št. 1, str. 14-19. [COBISS.SI-ID 21799190]

18 UTROŠA, Petra, FINŠGAR, Matjaž. Dinamična mehanska analiza in njena uporaba pri karakterizaciji razgradljivih polimernih ogrodij, primernih za tkivno inženirstvo (Dynamic machanical analysis). Vakuumist: glasilo Društva za vakuumsko tehniko Slovenije, letn. 38, št. 1, str. 20-26. [COBISS.SI-ID 21798934]

V celoti objavljeni prispevki s konferenc / Full Text Conference Contributions

19 KUNAVER, Matjaž, ŽAGAR, Ema, URBAS, Raša. Biomass utilization in polymer synthesis and nanocellulose production. V: URBAS, Raša (ur.), PUŠNIK, Nace (ur.). Proceedings. 1st e-ed. Ljubljana: Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, Department of Textiles, Graphic Arts and Design, Chair of Information and Graphic Arts Technology. 2018, str. 14-20. [COBISS.SI-ID 6405402]

20 GYERGYEK, Sašo, PAHOVNIK, David, ŽAGAR, Ema, MERTELJ, Alenka, KOSTANJŠEK, Rok, BEKOVIĆ, Miloš, JAGODIČ, Marko, HOFMANN, Heinrich, MAKOVEC, Darko. Functionalization of iron oxide nanoparticles with methacrylate-based monomers for preparation of nanocomposites. V:

Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Times of Polymers and Composites: From Aerospace to Nanotechnology, 17-21 June 2018. Ishia, Italy. AIP conference proceedings, New York, American Institute of Physics, 2018, vol. 1981, str. 020067-1-020067-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 31556391] 21 KUNAVER, Matjaž, ŽAGAR, Ema. Liquefied biomass - a feedstock for adhesives and polyurethanes, a source of nanocellulose and a fuel for gas turbine. V: PERSSON, M. (ur.). Setting the course for a biobased economy: papers of the 26th European Biomass Conference: extracted from the proceedings of the International Conference held in Copenhagen, Denmark, 14-17 May 2018. Copenhagen. 2018, str. 1089-1093. [COBISS.SI-ID 6446618] 22 JUHANT GRKMAN, Janja, BORIN, Bojan, POLJANŠEK, Ida, KUNAVER, Matjaž. Nanocellulose in papermakig (Nanocellulosa u proizvodnji papira). V: RAIĆ, Karlo (ur.). Zbornik radova (Proceedings), XXIII međunarodni simpozijum iz oblasti celuloze, papira, ambalaže i grafike, Zlatibor, 19. - 22. jun 2018. Beograd, Tehnološko-metalurški fakultet Univerziteta, Centar celulozno-papirne, ambalažne i grafičke industrije Srbije. 2018, str. 25-32. [COBISS.SI-ID 431808]

Monografije, sestavki in druga zaključena dela / Monographs, Contributions and Other Finished Works

23 HUSKIĆ, Miroslav, KRŽAN, Andrej. Advances in methods for improving polylactide properties. V: KOLLER, Martin (ur.). Current advances in biopolymer processing and characterization, (Biomaterials - properties, production and devices). Hauppauge (NY), Nova Science Publishers. cop. 2018, cop. 2017, str. 169-203. [COBISS.SI-ID 6313498]

Uredništva / Editorships

24 Acta Chimica Slovenica. Žigon, Majda (članica uredniškega odbora 2001-). Ljubljana, Slovensko kemijsko društvo (Slovenian Chemical Society), 1993-. ISSN 1318-0207. [COBISS.SI-ID 14086149]

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25 JCT Research. Kunaver, Matjaž (član uredniškega odbora 2007-). Blue Bell, PA, Federation of Societies for Coatings Technology, cop. 2004-. ISSN 1547-0091. [COBISS.SI-ID 1148041]

26 Materiali in Tehnologije. Žigon, Majda (področna urednica 2000-2011, članica uredniškega sveta 2005-, članica uredniškega odbora 2007-2011), Žagar, Ema (članica uredniškega odbora 2012-). Ljubljana, Inštitut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije, 2000-. ISSN 1580-2949. [COBISS.SI-ID 106193664] 27 Pigment & Resin Technology. Kunaver, Matjaž (član uredniškega odbora 2003-). London, Sawell Publications. ISSN 0369-9420. [COBISS.SI-ID 6575621]

28 Technologica Acta. Kunaver, Matjaž (član uredniškega odbora 2015-). Tuzla, Tehnološki fakultet, 2004-. ISSN 1840-0426. [COBISS.SI-ID 14754838]

Intervjuji in mediji / Interviews and Media

29 KRŽAN, Andrej (intervjuvanec). Bo riba s krožnika kmalu napol plastična? Nedeljski dnevnik, 11. apr. 2018, letn. 56, št. 15, str. 2. [COBISS.SI-ID 6576666]

30 MOŽINA, Klemen (intervjuvanec), KRŽAN, Andrej (intervjuvanec). Ne bomo je odpravili a moramo jo obvladati [plastika v našem življenju]. Nedelo, slovenski nedeljski časnik, 17. nov. 2018, leto 24, št. 46, str. 18-19. [COBISS.SI-ID 3562352]

31 ROBIČ, Uroš (intervjuvanec), KRŽAN, Andrej (intervjuvanec), ROTTER, Ana (intervjuvanka), FILIPIČ, Metka (intervjuvanka), NAGODE, Maja (intervjuvanka), ŠOLTES, Igor (intervjuvanec), MIKLAVČIČ, Jana (intervjuvanka), KOGOVŠEK, Tjaša (intervjuvanka). 24ur Inšpektor, Plastika, prispevek v oddaji 24ur, POP TV, 20. 1. 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 4583247]

32 PRETNAR, Gorazd (intervjuvanec), MIKLAVČIČ, Jana (intervjuvanka), NAGODE, Maja (intervjuvanka), FERUGLIO, Matteo

(intervjuvanec), KRŽAN, Andrej (intervjuvanec). Kako omejiti plastiko? Radio Slovenija 1, Studio ob 17-ih, 17. 9. 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 39957253]

33 LIEBMANN, Bettina (intervjuvanka), ŠOLTES, Igor (intervjuvanec), KRŽAN, Andrej (intervjuvanec). Mikroplastika zastruplja, prispevek v oddaji 24ur zvečer, POP TV, 24. 10. 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 39955973]

34 PONGRAC, Paula (intervjuvanka), URŠIČ, Hana (intervjuvanka), ANDERLE, Kristjan (intervjuvanec), BOLJE, Aljoša (intervjuvanec), STRLE, Toma (intervjuvanec), RAVNIK, Miha (intervjuvanec). Noč raziskovalcev, kakšni so realni pogoji iskanja novega znanja? RTV Slovenija, 1. Program, oddaja Studio ob 17h, 28. 9. 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 3250020]

35 KOVAČ VIRŠEK, Manca (intervjuvanka), KRŽAN, Andrej (intervjuvanec). Onesnaževanje s plastiko, Radio Slovenija 1, Program A 1, 10. 9. 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 39957509]

36 KRŽAN, Andrej (intervjuvanec), ROTTER, Ana (intervjuvanka), ROBIČ, Uroš (intervjuvanec), KOGOVŠEK, Tjaša (intervjuvanka), FILIPIČ, Metka (intervjuvanka). Plastika povsod okoli nas, oddaja 24 ur, Pop TV, Ljubljana, 13. 1. 2018 [COBISS.SI-ID 4570191]

37 ROBIČ, Uroš (intervjuvanec), KRŽAN, Andrej (intervjuvanec), ROTTER, Ana (intervjuvanka), FILIPIČ, Metka (intervjuvanka), NAGODE, Maja (intervjuvanka), MIKLAVČIČ, Jana (intervjuvanka), ŠOLTES, Igor (intervjuvanec). Plastika v okolju, oddaja 24 ur, Pop TV, Ljubljana, 29. 7. 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 4779087]

38 KRŽAN, Andrej (intervjuvanec), FRANCÉ, Janja (intervjuvanka). Pogovor z Andrejem Kržanom in Janjo France, oddaja Studio City, TV Slovenija 1, 23. 4. 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 4701519]

39 FRANCÉ, Janja (intervjuvanka), KRŽAN, Andrej (intervjuvanec). Plastika v morju, sodelovanje v oddaji Studio City, TV Slovenija 1, 23. 4. 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 6382362]

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40 KRŽAN, Andrej (intervjuvanec), LIEBMANN, Bettina (intervjuvanka), ŠOLTES, Igor (intervjuvanec). Prepoved uporabe plastike, prispevek v oddaji 24ur, POP TV, 24. 10. 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 39956229]

Mentorstva / Mentorship

41 VRBNJAK, David, ŽIGON, Majda (mentorica), MUSIL, Vojko (somentor). Izboljšanje lastnosti mešanic osnovnih in recikliranih PET in PC z izbranimi dodatki, magistrsko delo. Slovenj Gradec, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 1024076632]

42 JARC, Uroš. HUSKIĆ, Miroslav (mentor), OREL, Boris (somentor). Vpliv procesnih parametrov pri ekstruziji na strukturne in optične lastnosti izotaktičnega polipropilena, magistrsko delo. Slovenj Gradec, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 1024076120]

43 GRUJIĆ, Milijana, GAŠPERLIN, Mirjana (mentorica), ŽAGAR, Ema (somentorica). Sinteza in protibakterijska aktivnost hidrofobno modificiranega poli(L-lizina) (Synthesis and antibacterial activity of hidrophobicall modifies poly(L-lysine)), magistrsko delo. Ljubljana, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 4493937]

44 TKALČIČ, Damijana, HUSKIĆ, Miroslav (mentor), PULKO, Irena (somentorica). Sinteza fenolformaldehidne smole z mineralom montmorilonitom kot katalizatorjem, diplomsko delo. Slovenj Gradec, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 1024075864]

45 MARINČEK, Eva, KOVAČIČ, Sebastijan (mentor). Sinteza poroznih kopolimernih polielektrolitov na osnovi 2-akrilamido-2-metilpropansulfonske kisline, diplomsko delo. Maribor, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 21942550]

46 BREZNIK, Karolina, KUSIĆ, Dragan (mentor), HUSKIĆ, Miroslav (somentor). Vpliv dodatka bananinih vlaken na določene materialne lastnosti HIPS biokompozita, diplomsko delo. Slovenj Gradec, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 1024079448]

47 ROZMAN, Tamara, KUSIĆ, Dragan (mentor), ŽIGON, Majda (mentorica). Vpliv dodatka bananinih

vlaken na izbrane materialne lastnosti ABS biokompozita, diplomsko delo. Slovenj Gradec, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 1024079704]

48 KOTNIK, Nataša, KUSIĆ, Dragan (mentor), HUSKIĆ, Miroslav (somentor). Vpliv dodatka bananinih vlaken na mehanske lastnosti PLA biokompozita, diplomsko delo. Slovenj Gradec, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 1024078936]

D09Odsek za anorgansko kemijo in tehnologijo / Department of Inorganic Chemistry and Technology

V celoti objavljeni članki (znanstveni) / Full Text Articles

1 JOVANOVIČ, Primož, BELE, Marjan, ŠALA, Martin, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ZABUKOVEC LOGAR, Nataša, HODNIK, Nejc, GABERŠČEK, Miran. Corrosion protection of platinum-based electrocatalyst by ruthenium surface decoration. ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2018, vol. 1, iss. 7, str. 3190-3197. [COBISS.SI-ID 39550981]

2 POPOVA, Margarita, SHESTAKOVA, Pavletta, LAZAROVA, Hristina, DIMITROV, Momtchil, KOVACHEVA, Daniela, SZEGEDI, Agnes, MALI, Gregor, DASIREDDY, Venkata D. B. C., LIKOZAR, Blaž, WILDE, Nicole, GLÄSER, Roger. Efficient solid acid catalysts based on sulfated tin oxides for liquid phase esterification of levulinic acid with ethanol. Applied Catalysis. A, General, 2018, vol. 560, str. 119-131. [COBISS.SI-ID 6383898]

3 LAZAROVA, Hristina, POPOVA, Margarita, SZEGEDI, Agnes, LIKOZAR, Blaž, DASIREDDY, Venkata D. B. C., NOVAK TUŠAR, Nataša. Levulinic acid esterification on SO3H−modified mesoporous silicas. Bulgarian Chemical Communications, 2018, vol. 50, iss. H, str. 56-60. [COBISS.SI-ID 6546202]

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4 PLIEKHOV, Oleksii, PLIEKHOVA, Olena, LAVRENČIČ ŠTANGAR, Urška, ZABUKOVEC LOGAR, Nataša. The Co-MOF-74 modified with N, N'-Dihydroxypyromellitimide for selective, solvent free aerobic oxidation of toluene. Catalysis Communications, 2018, vol. 110, str. 88-92. [COBISS.SI-ID 39456517] 5 MAUČEC, Darja, ŠULIGOJ, Andraž, RISTIĆ, Alenka, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, PINTAR, Albin, NOVAK TUŠAR, Nataša. Titania versus zinc oxide nanoparticles on mesoporous silica supports as photocatalysts for removal of dyes from wastewater at neutral pH. Catalysis Today, 2018, vol. 310, str. 32-41. [COBISS.SI-ID 6195994]

6 OSMAN DONAR, Yusuf, BILGE, Selva, SINAĞ, Ali, PLIEKHOV, Oleksii. TiO2/carbon materials derived from hydrothermal carbonization of waste biomass: a highly efficient, low-cost visible-light-driven photocatalyst. ChemCatChem, 2018, vol. 10, iss. 5, str. 1134-1139. [COBISS.SI-ID 6347546]

7 ČENDAK, Tomaž, SEQUEIRA, Lisa, SARDO, Mariana, VALENTE, Anabela, PINTO, Moisés L., MAFRA, Luís. Detecting proton-transfer in CO2 species chemisorbed on amine-modified mesoporous silicas using 13C NMR chemical shift anisotropy and smart control of amine surface density. Chemistry: A European Journal, 2018, vol. 24, iss. 40, str. 10136-10145. [COBISS.SI-ID 6380058]

8 PIRNAT, Klemen, BITENC, Jan, VIŽINTIN, Alen, KRAJNC, Andraž, TCHERNYCHOVA, Elena. Indirect synthesis route toward cross-coupled polymers for high voltage organic positive electrodes. Chemistry of Materials, 2018, vol. 30, iss. 16, str. 5726-5732. [COBISS.SI-ID 6463770]

9 MOLČANOV, Krešimir, MALI, Gregor, GRDADOLNIK, Jože, STARE, Jernej, STILINOVIĆ, Vladimir, KOJIĆ-PRODIĆ, Biserka. Iodide...π interactions of perhalogenated quinoid rings in co-crystals with organic bases. Crystal Growth & Design, 2018, vol. 18, iss. 9, str. 5182-5193. [COBISS.SI-ID 6445338]

10 POPOVA, Margarita, DJINOVIĆ, Petar, RISTIĆ, Alenka, LAZAROVA, Hristina, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, PINTAR, Albin, BALU, Alina M., NOVAK TUŠAR, Nataša. Vapor-phase hydrogenation of levulinic acid to γ−valerolactone over bi-functional Ni/HZSM-5 catalyst. Frontiers in Chemistry, 2018, vol. 6, str. 285-1-285-12. [COBISS.SI-ID 6428698]

11 POPOVA, Margarita, TRENDAFILOVA, Ivalina, ZGUREVA, D., KALVACHEV, Yuri, BOYCHEVA, S., NOVAK TUŠAR, Nataša, SZEGEDI, A. Polymer-coated mesoporous silica nanoparticles for controlled release of the prodrug sulfasalazine. Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, 2018, vol. 44, str. 415-420. [COBISS.SI-ID 39462149]

12 ŠULIGOJ, Andraž, ARČON, Iztok, MAZAJ, Matjaž, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ARČON, Denis, COOL, Pegie, LAVRENČIČ ŠTANGAR, Urška, NOVAK TUŠAR, Nataša. Surface modified titanium dioxide using transition metals: nickel as a winning transition metal for solar light photocatalysis. Journal of Materials Chemistry. A, Materials for Energy and Sustainability, 2018, vol. 6, iss. 21, str. 9882-9892. [COBISS.SI-ID 6369818]

13 RISTIĆ, Alenka, FISCHER, Fabian, HAUER, Andreas, ZABUKOVEC LOGAR, Nataša. Improved performance of binder-free zeolite Y for low-temperature sorption heat storage. Journal of Materials Chemistry. A, Materials for Energy and Sustainability, 2018, vol. 6, iss. 24, str. 11521-11530. [COBISS.SI-ID 6387482]

14 MAVRIČ, Andraž, FANETTI, Mattia, MALI, Gregor, VALANT, Matjaž. High-temperature stabilization of bulk amorphous Al2O3. Journal of Non-Crystalline solids, 2018, vol. 499, str. 363-370. [COBISS.SI-ID 5179899]


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KOLOCOURIS, Antonios. Comparative perturbation effects exerted by the influenza A M2 WT protein inhibitors amantadine and the spiro[pyrrolidine-2,2´-adamantane] variant AK13 to membrane bilayers studied using biophysical experiments and molecular dynamics simulations. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B, Condensed Matter, Materials, Surfaces, Interfaces & Biophysical, 2018, vol. 122, iss. 43, str. 9877-9895. [COBISS.SI-ID 6520090]

16 CIOCARLAN, Radu-G., SEFTEL, Elena M., MERTENS, Myrjam, PUI, Aurel, MAZAJ, Matjaž, NOVAK TUŠAR, Nataša, COOL, Pegie. Novel magnetic nanocomposites containing quaternary ferrites systems Co0.5Zn0.25M0.25Fe2O4 (M = Ni, Cu, Mn, Mg) and TiO2−anatase phase as photocatalysts for wastewater remediation under solar light irradiation. Materials Science & Engineering. B, Solid-state Materials for Advanced Technology, 2018, vol. 230, str. 1-7. [COBISS.SI-ID 6323226]

17 DUDÁS, Zoltán, FAGADAR-COSMA, Eugenia, LEN, Adél, ROMÁNSZKI, Loránd, ALMÁSY, László, VLAD-OROS, Beatrice, DASCALU, Daniela, KRAJNC, Andraž, KRIECHBAUM, Manfred, KUNCSER, Andrei. Improved optical and morphological properties of vinyl-substituted hybrid silica materials incorporating a Zn-metalloporphyrin. Materials, 2018, vol. 11, iss. 4, str. 1-21. [COBISS.SI-ID 6367258]

18 VODIŠEK, Nives, ŠULIGOJ, Andraž, KORTE, Dorota, LAVRENČIČ ŠTANGAR, Urška. Transparent photocatalytic thin films on flexible polymer substrates. Materials, 2018, vol. 11, iss. 10, str. 1-16. [COBISS.SI-ID 5251067]

19 POČKAJ, Marta, MEDEN, Anton, ZABUKOVEC LOGAR, Nataša, RANGUS, Mojca, MALI, Gregor, LEZCANO-GONZÁLEZ, Inés, BEALE, Andrew M., GOLOBIČ, Amalija. Structural investigations in pure-silica and Al-ZSM-12 with MTEA or TEA cations. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials: Zeolites, Clays, Carbons and Related Materials, 2018, vol. 263, str. 236-242. [COBISS.SI-ID 6296346]

20 ANŽLOVAR, Alojz, KUNAVER, Matjaž, KRAJNC, Andraž, ŽAGAR, Ema. Nanocomposites

of LLDPE and surface-modified cellulose nanocrystals prepared by melt processing. Molecules, 2018, vol. 23, iss. 7, str. 1-14. [COBISS.SI-ID 6428954] 21 ZHOU, Chao, LONGLEY, Louis, KRAJNC, Andraž, SMALES, Glen J., QIAO, Ang, ERUCAR, Ilknur, DOHERTY, Cara M., THORNTON, Aaron W., HILL, Anita J., ASHLING, Christopher W., QAZVINI, Omid T., LEE, Seok J., CHATER, Philip A., TERRILL, Nicholas J., SMITH, Andrew J., YUE, Yuanzheng, MALI, Gregor, KEEN, David A., TELFER, Shane G., BENNETT, Thomas D. Metal-organic framework glasses with permanent accessible porosity. Nature Communications, 2018, vol. 9, str. 1-9. [COBISS.SI-ID 6532378]

22 QIAO, Ang, BENNETT, Thomas D., TAO, Haizheng, KRAJNC, Andraž, MALI, Gregor, DOHERTY, Cara M., THORNTON, Aaron W., MAURO, John C., NEVILLE GREAVES, G., YUE, Yuanzheng. A metal-organic framework with ultrahigh glass-forming ability. Science Advances, 2018, vol. 4, no. 3, str. eaao6827-1-eaao6827-8. [COBISS.SI-ID 6342938]

23 OJEDA, Manuel, OSTERMAN, Nika, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, FELE ŽILNIK, Ljudmila, MEDEN, Anton, KWAPINSKI, Witold, BALU, Alina M., LIKOZAR, Blaž, NOVAK TUŠAR, Nataša. Conversion of palmitic acid over Bi-functional Ni/ZSM-5 catalyst: effect of stoichiometric Ni/Al molar ratio. Topics in Catalysis, 2018, vol. 61, iss. 15/17, str. 1757-1768. [COBISS.SI-ID 6466330]

24 ÇAĞLAR, Ezgi, OSMAN DONAR, Yusuf, SINAĞ, Ali, BIROĞUL, İbrahim, BILGE, Selva, AYDINCAK, Kivanç, PLIEKHOV, Oleksii. Adsorption of anionic and cationic dyes on biochars, produced by hydrothermal carbonization of waste biomass: effect of surface functionalization and ionic strength. Turkish Journal of Chemistry, 2018, vol. 42, no. 1, str. 86-99. [COBISS.SI-ID 6340890]

25 VYALIKH, Anastasia, KÖHLER, Thomas, ZAKHARCHENKO, Tatiana, ITKIS, Daniil M., KRAJNC, Andraž, MALI, Gregor. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy approaches for electrochemical research. Physical Sciences

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Reviews. 2018, vol. 3, iss. 10, str. 20170155-1-20170155-18. [COBISS.SI-ID 6428186]

V celoti objavljeni prispevki s konferenc / Full Text Conference Contributions

26 PLIEKHOVA, Olena, PLIEKHOV, Oleksii, FANETTI, Mattia, ARČON, Iztok, NOVAK TUŠAR, Nataša, LAVRENČIČ ŠTANGAR, Urška. The effect of Zr loading on photocatalytic activity of Cu modified TiO2. V: MALATO RODRÍGUEZ, Sixto (ur.). Proceedings of the 10th European Meeting on Solar Chemistry and Photocatalysis: Environmental Applications [also] (SPEA10), Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos, Cabo de Gata, Ciudad de Almería, Almería (SPAIN), June, 4th-8th 2018. Almería. 2018, str. 242-243. [COBISS.SI-ID 5216507]

27 RISTIĆ, Alenka, KRAJNC, Andraž, ZABUKOVEC LOGAR, Nataša. New water adsorbent for adsorption driven chillers. V: HÄBERLE, Andreas (ur.). EuroSun2018, proceedings of the ISES EuroSun 2018 Conference, 12th International Conference on Solar Energy for Buildings and Industry, September 10-13, 2018, Rapperswil, Switzerland. Freiburg, International Solar Energy Society, 2018, str. 1-6. [COBISS.SI-ID 6575130]

Monografije, sestavki in druga zaključena dela / Monographs, Contributions and Other Finished Works

28 NOVAK TUŠAR, Nataša, ŠULIGOJ, Andraž, LAVRENČIČ ŠTANGAR, Urška. TiO2/SiO2 films for removal of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from indoor air. V: TORRES MARTÍNEZ, Leticia Myriam (ur.), KHARISSOVA, Oxana Vasilievna (ur.), KHARISOV, Boris Ildusovich (ur.). Handbook of ecomaterials. Cham: Springer. cop. 2018, str. 1-17. [COBISS.SI-ID 1537705923]

Doktorati, magisteriji, diplome / Ph.D., M.Sc. and B.Sc. Theses

29 TRENDAFILOVA, Ivalina. Razrabotvane na novi modificirani mezoporestini silikatni nanokompoziti za kontrolirana dostavka na lekarstveni veštestva. Sofija, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 39975429]

30 MAL, Suzana. Ionotermalna sinteza mikroporoznega aluminofosfata s kabazitnim strukturnim tipom, diplomsko delo. Ljubljana, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 1538046403]

Uredništva / Editorships

31 Acta Chimica Slovenica. Kaučič, Venčeslav (član uredniškega odbora 1998-). Ljubljana, Slovensko kemijsko društvo (Slovenian Chemical Society), 1993-. ISSN 1318-0207. [COBISS.SI-ID 14086149]

32 ChemistrySelect. Mali, Gregor (član uredniškega odbora 2016-). Weinheim, Wiley - VCH, 2016-. ISSN 2365-6549. [COBISS.SI-ID 5855514]

33 International Journal of Molecular Sciences. Kaučič, Venčeslav (član uredniškega odbora 2001-). Basel, MDPI, 2000-. ISSN 1422-0067. [COBISS.SI-ID 2779162]

34 Microporous and Mesoporous Materials: Zeolites, Clays, Carbons and Related Materials. Kaučič, Venčeslav (član uredniškega odbora 2003-). Amsterdam (etc.), Elsevier, 1998-. ISSN 1387-1811. [COBISS.SI-ID 1595162]

35 KRAJNC, Andraž (urednik), ČENDAK, Tomaž (urednik), MALI, Gregor (urednik). 6th

Meeting on Structure Elucidation by Combining Magnetic Resonance, Computation, Modeling and Diffraction - SMARTER 6, September 2nd-6th 2018, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Book of abstracts, Ljubljana, National Institute of Chemistry, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 296491264]

36 ANDERLUH, Gregor (urednik), JERAN, Marko (urednik), KASTELIC, Miha (urednik),

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MALI, Gregor (urednik), PETEK, Urša (urednik), ŠALA, Martin (urednik). Periodni sistem elementov. Ljubljana, Kemijski inštitut, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 6396186]

Intervjuji in mediji / Interviews and Media

37 ANDERLUH, Gregor (intervjuvanec), KRAJNC, Andraž (intervjuvanec), SLAPŠAK, Urška (intervjuvanka), YONATH, Ada (intervjuvanka). Odlična znanost, za odličnost v družbi, sodelovanje v radijski oddaji na Radiu Slovenija 2, Val 202, 29. 11. 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 6553370]

38 MALI, Gregor (intervjuvanec). Pogovor s prof. dr. Gregorjem Malijem, sodelovanje v radijski rubriki Pogovorne oddaje z Jožetom Brusom, Radio Zeleni val, 11. 5. 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 6501402]

Mentorstva / Mentorship

39 GERBEC, Boštjan, NOVAK TUŠAR, Nataša (mentorica), PODJED, Dan (mentor). Možnosti zmanjšanja odpadkov hrane v Sloveniji: primer mlečnih izdelkov, magistrsko delo. Nova Gorica, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 5221627]

40 CEROVIĆ, Robert. MAZAJ, Matjaž (mentor), MEDEN, Anton (somentor). Sinteza in karakterizacija novih kovinsko-organskih hibridnih materialov, magistrsko delo. Ljubljana, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 1538082243]

D10Odsek za kemijo materialov / Department of Materials Chemistry

V celoti objavljeni članki (znanstveni) / Full Text Articles

1 JOVANOVIČ, Primož, BELE, Marjan, ŠALA, Martin, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ZABUKOVEC LOGAR, Nataša, HODNIK, Nejc, GABERŠČEK, Miran. Corrosion protection of platinum-based electrocatalyst by ruthenium surface decoration. ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2018, vol. 1, iss. 7, str. 3190-3197. [COBISS.SI-ID 39550981]

2 ŠPADINA, Mario, GOURDIN-BERTIN, Simon, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, SELMANI, Atiđa, DUFRÊCHE, Jean-François, BOHINC, Klemen. Charge properties of TiO2 nanotubes in NaNO3 aqueous solution. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018, vol. 10, iss. 15, str. 13130-13142. [COBISS.SI-ID 5418859]

3 DRAŠINAC PAJIĆ, Nina, DJINOVIĆ, Petar, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GRDADOLNIK, Jože, ŠKET, Primož, CERKOVNIK, Janez, PINTAR, Albin. Structural stabilization and characterization of active peroxo species on TiO2−nanotube based materials in mild catalytic wet peroxide oxidation process. Applied Catalysis. A, General, 2018, vol. 562, str. 276-283. [COBISS.SI-ID 6412314]

4 LO FARO, M., REIS, R. M., SAGLIETTI, G. G. A., OLIVEIRA, V., ZIGNANI, S. C., TROCINO, S., MAISANO, S., TICIANELLI, E. A., HODNIK, Nejc, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, ARICÒ, A. S. Solid oxide fuel cells fed with dry ethanol: the effect of a perovskite protective anodic layer containing dispersed Ni-alloy @ FeOx core-shell nanoparticles. Applied Catalysis. B, Environmental, 2018, vol. 220, str. 98-110. [COBISS.SI-ID 6202138]

5 VANRENTERGHEM, Bart, BELE, Marjan, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, ŠALA, Martin, HODNIK,

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Nejc, BREUGELMANS, Tom. Cutting the Gordian Knot of electrodeposition via controlled cathodic corrosion enabling the production of supported metal nanoparticles below 5 nm. Applied Catalysis. B, Environmental, 2018, vol. 226, str. 396-402. [COBISS.SI-ID 6306074]

6 MAGNACCA, Giuliana, GUERRETTA, Federico, VIŽINTIN, Alen, BENZI, Paola, VALSANIA, Maria C., NISTICÒ, Roberto. Preparation, characterization and environmental/electrochemical energy storage testing of low-cost biochar from natural chitin obtained via pyrolysis at mild conditions. Applied Surface Science, 2018, vol. 427, pt. A, str. 883-893. [COBISS.SI-ID 6214170]

7 RODRIGUES, Raquel O., BALDI, Giovanni, DOUMETT, Saer, GALLO, Juan, BAÑOBRE-LÓPEZ, Manuel, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, CALHELHA, Ricardo C., FERREIRA, Isabel C. F. R., LIMA, Rui, SILVA, Adrián M. T., GOMES, Helder T. A tailor-made protocol to synthesize yolk-shell graphene-based magnetic nanoparticles for nanomedicine. C, 2018, vol. 4, iss. 4, str. 1-15. [COBISS.SI-ID 6517786] 8 MAUČEC, Darja, ŠULIGOJ, Andraž, RISTIĆ, Alenka, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, PINTAR, Albin, NOVAK TUŠAR, Nataša. Titania versus zinc oxide nanoparticles on mesoporous silica supports as photocatalysts for removal of dyes from wastewater at neutral pH. Catalysis Today, 2018, vol. 310, str. 32-41. [COBISS.SI-ID 6195994]

9 ŠTULAR, Danaja, JERMAN, Ivan, SIMONČIČ, Barbara, GRGIĆ, Katia, TOMŠIČ, Brigita. Influence of the structure of a bio-barrier forming agent on the stimuli-response and antimicrobial activity of a »smart« non-cytotoxic cotton fabric. Cellulose, 2018, vol. 25, no. 10, str. 6231-6245. [COBISS.SI-ID 3515760]

10 TOMINC, Sara, REČNIK, Aleksander, SAMARDŽIJA, Zoran, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, PODLOGAR, Matejka, BERNIK, Slavko, DANEU, Nina. Twinning and charge compensation in Nb2O5-doped SnO2-CoO ceramics exhibiting promising varistor characteristics. Ceramics International, 2018, vol. 44, no. 2, str. 1603-1613. [COBISS.SI-ID 30844711]

11 VIŽINTIN, Alen, GUTERMAN, Ryan, SCHMIDT, Johannes, ANTONIETTI, Markus, DOMINKO, Robert. Linear and cross-linked ionic liquid polymers as binders in lithium-sulfur batteries. Chemistry of Materials, 2018, vol. 30, iss. 15, str. 5444-5450. [COBISS.SI-ID 6463514]

12 PIRNAT, Klemen, BITENC, Jan, VIŽINTIN, Alen, KRAJNC, Andraž, TCHERNYCHOVA, Elena. Indirect synthesis route toward cross-coupled polymers for high voltage organic positive electrodes. Chemistry of Materials, 2018, vol. 30, iss. 16, str. 5726-5732. [COBISS.SI-ID 6463770] 13 SHARIQ, Mohammed, FRIEDRICH, Bernd, BUDIČ, Bojan, HODNIK, Nejc, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, MAJERIČ, Peter, RUDOLF, Rebeka. Successful synthesis of gold nanoparticles through ultrasonic spray pyrolysis from a gold(III) nitrate precursor and their interaction with a high electron beam. ChemistryOpen, 2018, vol. 7, iss. 7, str. 533-542. [COBISS.SI-ID 21568022]

14 LIMA, Maria J., PASTRANA-MARTINEZ, Luisa M., SAMPAIO, Marija J., DRAŽIĆ, Goran, SILVA, Adrián M. T., FARIA, Joaquim Luís, SILVA, Cláudia G. Selective production of benzaldehyde using metal-free reduced graphene oxide/carbon nitride hybrid photocatalysts. ChemistrySelect, 2018, vol. 3, iss. 28, str. 8070-8081. [COBISS.SI-ID 6429978]

15 DA SILVA, Eliana S., MOURA, Nuno M. M., COUTINHO, Ana, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, TEIXEIRA, Bruno M. S., SOBOLEV, Nikolai A., SILVA, Cláudia G., NEVES, M. Graça P. M. S., PRIETO, Manuel, FARIA, Joaquim Luís. β-cyclodextrin as a precursor to holey C-doped g−C3N4 nanosheets for photocatalytic hydrogen generation. ChemSusChem, 2018, vol. 11, iss. 16, str. 2681-2694. [COBISS.SI-ID 6429722]

16 ŠVARA FABJAN, Erika, SAGHI, Zineb, MIDGLEY, Paul A., OTONIČAR, Mojca, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GABERŠČEK, Miran, SEVER ŠKAPIN, Andrijana. Diketopyrrolopyrrole pigment core@multi-layer SiO2 shell with improved photochemical stability. Dyes and Pigments, 2018, vol. 156, 108 - 115. [COBISS.SI-ID 2357351]

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17 VANRENTERGHEM, Bart, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, ŠALA, Martin, BELE, Marjan, ŠELIH, Vid Simon, HODNIK, Nejc, BREUGELMANS, Tom. Stability study of silver nanoparticles towards the halide electroreduction. Electrochimica Acta, 2018, vol. 286, str. 123-130. [COBISS.SI-ID 6443034]

18 CHOI, Chang Hyuck, LIM, Hyung-Kyu, CHUNG, Min Wook, CHON, Gajeon, SAHRAIE, Nastaran Ranjbar, ALTIN, Abdulrahman, SOUGRATI, Moulay Tahar, STIEVANO, Lorenzo, OH, Hyun Seok, PARK, Eun Soo, LUO, Fang, STRASSER, Peter, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MAYRHOFER, Karl, KIM, Hyungjun, JAOUEN, Frédéric. The Achilles' heel of iron-based catalysts during oxygen reduction in an acidic medium. Energy & Environmental Science, 2018, vol. 11, iss. 11, str. 3176-3182. [COBISS.SI-ID 6517530] 19 HUSKIĆ, Miroslav, BOLKA, Silvester, VESEL, Alenka, MOZETIČ, Miran, ANŽLOVAR, Alojz, VIŽINTIN, Alen, ŽAGAR, Ema. One-step surface modification of graphene oxide and influence of its particle size on the properties of graphene oxide / epoxy resin nanocomposites. European Polymer Journal, 2018, vol. 101, str. 211-217. [COBISS.SI-ID 6342682] 20 ŠEHIĆ, Alisa, VASILJEVIĆ, Jelena, JORDANOV, Igor, DEMŠAR, Andrej, MEDVED, Jože, JERMAN, Ivan, ČOLOVIĆ, Marija, HEWITT, Fiona, HULL, T. Richard, SIMONČIČ, Barbara. Influence of N-, P- and Si-based flame retardant mixtures on flammability, thermal behavior and mechanical properties of PA6 composite fibers. Fibers and Polymers, 2018, vol. 18, no. 6, str. 1194-1206. [COBISS.SI-ID 3497328]

21 POPOVA, Margarita, DJINOVIĆ, Petar, RISTIĆ, Alenka, LAZAROVA, Hristina, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, PINTAR, Albin, BALU, Alina M., NOVAK TUŠAR, Nataša. Vapor-phase hydrogenation of levulinic acid to γ-valerolactone over bi-functional Ni/HZSM-5 catalyst. Frontiers in Chemistry, 2018, vol. 6, str. 285-1-285-12. [COBISS.SI-ID 6428698]

22 STRAUSS, Florian Alexander, ROUSSE, Gwenaelle, DALLA CORTE, Daniel Alves, GIACOBBE, Carlotta, DOMINKO, Robert,

TARASCON, Jean-Marie. Impact of structural polymorphism on ionic conductivity in lithium copper pyroborate Li6CuB4O10. Inorganic Chemistry, 2018, vol. 57, iss. 18, str. 11646-11654. [COBISS.SI-ID 6548762]

23 KRIŽAN, Gregor, KRIŽAN, Janez, BAJSIČ, Ivan, GABERŠČEK, Miran. Control of a pulse combustion reactor with thermoacoustic phenomena. Instrumentation Science & Technology, 2018, vol. 46, iss. 1, str. 43-57. [COBISS.SI-ID 6135578] 24 GATALO, Matija, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, PAVLIŠIČ, Andraž, ROBBA, Ana, BELE, Marjan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GABERŠČEK, Miran, HODNIK, Nejc. Insights into electrochemical dealloying of Cu out of Au-doped Pt-alloy nanoparticles at the sub-nano-scale. Journal of Electrochemical Science and Engineering, 2018, vol. 8, iss. 1, str. 87-100. [COBISS.SI-ID 6327834]

25 ŠULIGOJ, Andraž, ARČON, Iztok, MAZAJ, Matjaž, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ARČON, Denis, COOL, Pegie, LAVRENČIČ ŠTANGAR, Urška, NOVAK TUŠAR, Nataša. Surface modified titanium dioxide using transition metals: nickel as a winning transition metal for solar light photocatalysis. Journal of Materials Chemistry. A, Materials for Energy and Sustainability, 2018, vol. 6, iss. 21, str. 9882-9892. [COBISS.SI-ID 6369818]

26 JOVANOVIČ, Primož, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, ŠALA, Martin, HODNIK, Nejc. Atomic scale insights into electrochemical dissolution of Janus Pt−SnO2 nanoparticles in the presence of ethanol in acidic media: an IL-STEM and EFC-ICP-MS study. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and Interfaces, 2018, vol. 122, iss. 18, str. 10050-10058. [COBISS.SI-ID 6381850]

27 BRKLJAČA, Zlatko, LEŠIĆ, Nikolina, BERTOVIĆ, Katarina, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BOHINC, Klemen, KOVAČEVIĆ, Davor. Polyelectrolyte-coated cerium oxide nanoparticles: insights into adsorption process. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and Interfaces, 2018, vol. 122, no. 48, str. 27323-27330. [COBISS.SI-ID 5550699]

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28 BANČIČ, Tanja, BITENC, Jan, PIRNAT, Klemen, KOPAČ LAUTAR, Anja, GRDADOLNIK, Jože, RANDON-VITANOVA, Anna, DOMINKO, Robert. Electrochemical performance and redox mechanism of naphthalene-hydrazine diimide polymer as a cathode in magnesium battery. Journal of Power Sources, 2018, vol. 395, str. 25-30. [COBISS.SI-ID 6482458] 29 STRIŽIĆ JAKOVLJEVIĆ, Maja, LOZO, Branka, KLANJŠEK GUNDE, Marta. The properties of printing substrates required for thermochromic liquid-crystal printing inks. Journal of Print and Media Technology Research, 2018, vol. 7, no. 4, str. 165-170. [COBISS.SI-ID 6549018] 30 NAGODE, Aleš, JERINA, Kaja, JERMAN, Ivan, VELLA, Daniel, BIZJAK, Milan, KOSEC, Borut, KARPE, Blaž, ZORC, Borut. The effect of sol-gel boehmite coatings on the corrosion and decarburization of C45 steel. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 2018, vol. 86, iss. 3, str. 568-579. [COBISS.SI-ID 1720927]

31 DOMINKO, Robert, VIŽINTIN, Alen, AQUILANTI, Giuliana, STIEVANO, Lorenzo, JOSEPH HELEN, Maria, REDDY MUNNANGI, Anji, FICHTNER, Maximilian, ARČON, Iztok. Polysulfides formation in different electrolytes from the perspective of X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2018, vol. 165, no. 1, str. A5014-A5019. [COBISS.SI-ID 6296602]

32 PAVLIŠIČ, Andraž, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, ŠELIH, Vid Simon, ŠALA, Martin, HODNIK, Nejc, GABERŠČEK, Miran. Platinum dissolution and redeposition from Pt/C fuel cell electrocatalyst at potential cycling. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2018, vol. 165, no. 6, str. F3161-F3165. [COBISS.SI-ID 6350874]

33 GABOR, Urška, SPREITZER, Matjaž, URŠIČ, Hana, TCHERNYCHOVA, Elena, SAMARDŽIJA, Zoran, WU, Wen J., SUVOROV, Danilo. Structural peculiarities of 0.67 Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-0.33PbTiO3 thin films grown directly on SrTiO3 substrates. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2018, vol. 38, no. 13, str. 4453-4462. [COBISS.SI-ID 31498279]

34 LEŠNIK, Maja, VERHOVŠEK, Dejan, VERONOVSKI, Nika, GRAČNER, Mitja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ŽAGAR, Kristina, DROFENIK, Mihael. Hydrothermal synthesis of Mn-doped TiO2 with a strongly suppressed photocatalytic activity (Hidrotermalno sintentiziran z Mn dopiran TiO2 z močno inhibirano fotokatalitsko aktivnostjo). Materiali in Tehnologije, 2018, letn. 52, št. 4, str. 411-416. [COBISS.SI-ID 1418922]

35 HANŽIĆ, Nikolina, HORVAT, Anđela, BIBIĆ, Juraj, UNFRIED, Klaus, JURKIN, Tanja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MARIJANOVIĆ, Inga, SLADE, Neda, GOTIĆ, Marijan. Syntheses of gold nanoparticles and their impact on the cell cycle in breast cancer cells subjected to megavoltage X-ray irradiation. Materials Science & Engineering. C, Materials for Biological Applications, 2018, vol. 91, str. 486-495. [COBISS.SI-ID 6404890]

36 RODRIGUES, Raquel O., BALDI, Giovanni, DOUMETT, Saer, GARCIA-HEVIA, Lorena, GALLO, Juan, BAÑOBRE-LÓPEZ, Manuel, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, CALHELHA, Ricardo C., FERREIRA, Isabel C. F. R., LIMA, Rui, GOMES, Helder T., SILVA, Adrián M. T. Multifunctional graphene-based magnetic nanocarriers for combined hyperthermia and dual stimuli-responsive drug delivery. Materials Science & Engineering. C, Materials for Biological Applications, 2018, vol. 93, str. 206-217. [COBISS.SI-ID 6445082]

37 RODRÍGUEZ RIPOLL, Manel, TOMALA, Agnieszka, GABLER, Christoph, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, PIRKER, Luka, REMŠKAR, Maja. In-situ tribochemical sulfurization of molybdenum oxide nanotubes. Nanoscale, 2018, vol. 10, str. 3281-3290. [COBISS.SI-ID 31070759]

38 MAKOVEC, Darko, BELEC, Blaž, GORŠAK, Tanja, LISJAK, Darja, KOMELJ, Matej, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GYERGYEK, Sašo. Discrete evolution of the crystal structure during the growth of Ba-hexaferrite nanoplatelets. Nanoscale, 2018, vol. 10, issue 30, str. 14480-14491. [COBISS.SI-ID 31549735]


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Jernej, RANDON-VITANOVA, Anna, DOMINKO, Robert. Probing electrochemical reactions in organic cathode materials via in operando infrared spectroscopy. Nature Communications, 2018, vol. 9, str. 1-7. [COBISS.SI-ID 6333978]

40 LI, Yiyang, CHEN, Hungru, LIM, Kipil, DENG, Haitao D., LIM, Jongwoo, FRAGGEDAKIS, Dimitrios, ATTIA, Peter M., LEE, Sang Chul, JIN, Norman, MOŠKON, Jože, GUAN, Zixuan, GENT, William E., HONG, Jihyun, YU, Young-Sang, GABERŠČEK, Miran, ISLAM, M. Saiful, BAZANT, Martin Z., CHUEH, William C. Fluid-enhanced surface diffusion controls intraparticle phase transformations. Nature Materials, 2018, vol. 17, iss. 10, str. 915-922. [COBISS.SI-ID 6527002]

41 STRAUSS, Florian Alexander, ROUSSE, Gwenaelle, BATUK, Dmitry, TANG, Mingxue, SALAGER, Elodie, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, DOMINKO, Robert, TARASCON, Jean-Marie. Electrochemical behavior of Bi4B2O9 towards lithium-reversible conversion reactions without nanosizing. PCCP. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics: a Journal of European Chemical Societies, 2018, vol. 20, iss. 4, str. 2330-2338. [COBISS.SI-ID 6332442]

42 ZUPANIČ, Erik, MIDDEN, Herman J. P. van, VAN MIDEN, Marion, ŠTURM, Sašo, TCHERNYCHOVA, Elena, POKROVSKII, Vadim Ya, ZYBTSEV, Sergey G., NASRETDINOVA, Venera, ZAITSEV-ZOTOV, S. V., CHEN, W. T., PAI, Woei Wu, BENNETT, J. Craig, PRODAN, Albert. Basic and charge density wave modulated structures of NbS3-II. Physical Review. B, 2018, vol. 98, no. 17, str. 174113-1-174113-12. [COBISS.SI-ID 31901991]

43 KOKLIČ, Tilen, URBANČIČ, Iztok, ZDOVC, Irena, GOLOB, Majda, UMEK, Polona, ARSOV, Zoran, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, PINTARIČ, Štefan, DOBEIC, Martin, ŠTRANCAR, Janez. Surface deposited one-dimensional copper-doped TiO2 nanomaterials for prevention of health care acquired infections. PloS One, 2018, vol. 13, issue 7, str. e0201490 (1-20). [COBISS.SI-ID 4613498]

44 ŠTULAR, Danaja, PRIMC, Gregor, MOZETIČ, Miran, JERMAN, Ivan, MIHELČIČ, Mohor, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, TOMŠIČ, Brigita, SIMONČIČ,

Barbara, GORJANC, Marija. Influence of non-thermal plasma treatement on the adsorption of a stimuli-responsive nanogel onto polyethylene terephthalate fabric. Progress in Organic Coatings, 2018, vol. 120, str. 198-207. [COBISS.SI-ID 31324455]

45 ŠTULAR, Danaja, TOMŠIČ, Brigita, JERMAN, Ivan, SIMONČIČ, Barbara, MIHELČIČ, Mohor, NOČ, Luka, GERMAN ILIĆ, Ilija. Comparison of responsive behaviour of smart PLA fabrics applied with temperature and pH responsive microgel and nanogel. Progress in Organic Coatings, 2018, vol. 124, str. 213-223. [COBISS.SI-ID 4573553]

46 MIHELČIČ, Mohor, SLEMENIK PERŠE, Lidija, ŠEST, Ervin, JERMAN, Ivan, GIULIANI, Chiara, DI CARLO, Gabriella, LAVORGNA, Marino, SURCA, Angelja Kjara. Development of solvent- and water-borne fluoropolymer protective coatings for patina-free bronze discs. Progress in Organic Coatings, 2018, vol. 125, str. 266-278. [COBISS.SI-ID 6482202]

47 BAŠNEC, Kristina, SLEMENIK PERŠE, Lidija, ŠUMIGA, Boštjan, HUSKIĆ, Miroslav, MEDEN, Anton, HLADNIK, Aleš, BOH PODGORNIK, Bojana, KLANJŠEK GUNDE, Marta. Relation between colour- and phase changes of a leuco dye-based thermochromic composite. Scientific Reports, 2018, vol. 8, str. 5511-1-5511-10. [COBISS.SI-ID 39459589] 48 BOBNAR, Jernej, LOZINŠEK, Matic, KAPUN, Gregor, NJEL, Christian, DEDRYVÈRE, Rémi, GENORIO, Boštjan, DOMINKO, Robert. Fluorinated reduced graphene oxide as a protective layer on the metallic lithium for application in the high energy batteries. Scientific Reports, 2018, vol. 8, str. 5819-1-5819-10. [COBISS.SI-ID 31325735]

49 ŽUŽEK ROŽMAN, Kristina, PEČKO, Darja, TRAFELA, Špela, SAMARDŽIJA, Zoran, SPREITZER, Matjaž, JAGLIČIĆ, Zvonko, NADRAH, Peter, ZORKO, Mateja, BELE, Marjan, TIŠLER, Tatjana, PINTAR, Albin, ŠTURM, Sašo, KOSTEVŠEK, Nina. Austenite-martensite transformation in electrodeposited Fe70Pd30 NWs: a step towards making bio-nano-actuators tested

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on in-vivo systems. Smart Materials and Structures, 2018, vol. 27, no. 3, 035018-1-035018-10. [COBISS.SI-ID 31185447]

50 ŠEST, Ervin, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GENORIO, Boštjan, JERMAN, Ivan. Graphene nanoplatelets as an anticorrosion additive for solar absorber coatings. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2018, vol. 176, str. 19-29. [COBISS.SI-ID 6294810]

51 OJEDA, Manuel, OSTERMAN, Nika, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, FELE ŽILNIK, Ljudmila, MEDEN, Anton, KWAPINSKI, Witold, BALU, Alina M., LIKOZAR, Blaž, NOVAK TUŠAR, Nataša. Conversion of palmitic acid over Bi-functional Ni/ZSM-5 catalyst: effect of stoichiometric Ni/Al molar ratio. Topics in Catalysis, 2018, vol. 61, iss. 15/17, str. 1757-1768. [COBISS.SI-ID 6466330]

52 BITENC, Jan, DOMINKO, Robert. Opportunities and challenges in the development of cathode materials for rechargeable Mg batteries. Frontiers in Chemistry, 2018, vol. 6, article 634, str. 1-10. [COBISS.SI-ID 39877125]

53 VASILJEVIĆ, Jelena, ČOLOVIĆ, Marija, JERMAN, Ivan, SIMONČIČ, Barbara. Recent advances in production of flame retardant polyamide 6 filament yarns (Najsodobnejše raziskave na področju proizvodnje ognjevarnih poliamidnih 6 filamentnih prej). Tekstilec: glasilo slovenskih tekstilcev, 2018, vol. 61, no. 2, str. 136-148. [COBISS.SI-ID 3497584]

V celoti objavljeni prispevki s konferenc / Full Text Conference Contributions

54 ŠTULAR, Danaja, JERMAN, Ivan, MIHELČIČ, Mohor, SIMONČIČ, Barbara, TOMŠIČ, Brigita. Antimicrobial activity of essential oils and their controlled release from the smart PLA fabric. V: Leading edge technologies and trends in textiles: book of full text, 18th World Textile Conference AUTEX 2018, 20 - 22 June 2018, Istanbul, Turkey. Istanbul, Technical University, Faculty of Textile Technologies and Design. 2018, str. 364-369. [COBISS.SI-ID 3505264]

55 PAI, Woei Wu, NASRETDINOVA, Venera, ZUPANIČ, Erik, MIDDEN, Herman J. P. van, VAN MIDDEN, Marion, ŠTURM, Sašo, PRODAN, Albert, TCHERNYCHOVA, Elena, et al. STM studies of the charge-density waves in NbS3−II. V: Nanofizika i nanoelektronika: trudi XXII. meždunarodnogo simpoziuma, 13- 15 marta 2018, Nižni Novgorod, Rossia. Tom 1, sek. 1/5. Nižni Novgorod, Nižegorodskii gosuniverpsitet, Institut fiziiki mikrostruktur. 2018, str. 285-286. [COBISS.SI-ID 31298343]

56 ŠOBAK, Matic, JERMAN, Ivan, NIKONOV, Anatolij, et al. Development of experimental methods for determination of rheological properties of polymeric films (Razvoj eksperimentalnih metod za določitev reoloških lastnosti polimernih folij). V: LIPUŠ, Ines (ur.), FINK GRUBAČEVIĆ, Iris (ur.), URŠIČ, Urška (ur.). Priložnosti, potenciali, izzivi, Znanstvena monografija (Opportunities, potentials, challenges, Scientific monograph). Novo mesto, Fakulteta za industrijski inženiring (Faculty of Industrial Engineering). 2018, str. 12-19. [COBISS.SI-ID 1570806]

57 VASILJEVIĆ, Jelena, GOLJA, Barbara, JERMAN, Ivan, ŠEST, Ervin, ŠOBAK, Matic, RAVNJAK, David, KERT, Mateja, GORJANC, Marija, TOMŠIČ, Brigita, KAPUN, Tea, GREGOR-SVETEC, Diana, SIMONČIČ, Barbara. Development of dispersion barrier coating for grease, mineral oil and water vapour. V: URBAS, Raša (ur.), PUŠNIK, Nace (ur.). Proceedings. 1st e-ed. Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, Department of Textiles, Graphic Arts and Design, Chair of Information and Graphic Arts Technology. 2018, str. 174-179. [COBISS.SI-ID 3497840]

58 JERMAN, Ivan, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, NOČ, Luka. Merging of oxide species with black spinel structure by CSP operating temperature. V: MANCILLA, Rodrigo (ur.). SolarPACES 2017: International Conference on Concentrating Solar Power and Chemical Energy Systems, 26-29 September 2017, Santiago, Chile, (AIP conference proceedings). New York, American Institute of Physics. 2018, vol. 2033, iss. 1, str. 220002-1-220002-9. [COBISS.SI-ID 6534170]

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59 JERMAN, Ivan, KOVAČ, Janez, ČOLOVIĆ, Marija, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, NOČ, Luka. POSS-modified black pigment for CSP deployment. V: MANCILLA, Rodrigo (ur.). SolarPACES 2017: International Conference on Concentrating Solar Power and Chemical Energy Systems, 26-29 September 2017, Santiago, Chile, (AIP conference proceedings). New York, American Institute of Physics. 2018, vol. 2033, iss. 1, str. 220003-1-220003-9. [COBISS.SI-ID 6534426] 60 KLANJŠEK GUNDE, Marta, HORVAT, Maša, JANDRIĆ, Jelenko, ROZMAN, Marko, GUŠTIN, Simon, SVOLJŠAK, Marta. Možnosti za izboljšave nadzora temperature v hladni verigi. V: Skupaj rastemo s kakovostjo: zbornik referatov. Ljubljana, Slovensko združenje za kakovost in odličnost, 2018, str. 167-175. [COBISS.SI-ID 6533146]

Monografije, sestavki in druga zaključena dela / Monographs, Contributions and Other Finished Works

61 VIŽINTIN, Alen, GENORIO, Boštjan, DOMINKO, Robert. Application of graphene derivatives in lithium-sulfur batteries. V: ZHANG, Jintao (ur.). Chemically derived graphene: functionalization, properties and applications, (RSC nanoscience and nanotechnology), London, Royal Society of Chemistry. cop. 2018, str. 222-241. [COBISS.SI-ID 1537799619]

62 SURCA, Angelja Kjara, RODOŠEK, Mirjana, KRETA, Ahmed, MIHELČIČ, Mohor, GABERŠČEK, Miran. In situ and ex situ electrochemical measurements: spectroelectrochemistry and atomic force microscopy. V: DELVILLE, Marie-Helene (ur.). Hybrid organic-inorganic interfaces. Vol. 2: towards advanced functional materials. Weinheim, Wiley-VCH. cop. 2018, str. 793-837. [COBISS.SI-ID 6395418]

Doktorati, magisteriji, diplome / Ph.D., M.Sc. and B.Sc. Theses

63 DRVARIČ TALIAN, Sara. Study of selected processes and parameters influencing the internal resistance in lithium-sulfur batteries (Študij vpliva

izbranih procesov in parametrov na notranjo upornost litij-žveplovih akumulatorjev), doktorska disertacija. Ljubljana, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 1538073027]

Patenti in patentne prijave/Patents and Patent Applications

64 BOLKA, Špela, BRATUŠ, Vitoslav, BERGOČ, Ines, JERMAN, Ivan, ČOLOVIĆ, Marija, RODOŠEK, Mirjana. Method for the production of a laminated core. European Patent Application EP18202697.1, 2018-10-25. München, Eropean Patent Office, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 6557210]

65 GATALO, Matija, HODNIK, Nejc, BELE, Marjan, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, GABERŠČEK, Miran, GROM, Matic. Method of treating a platinum-alloy catalyst, and device for carrying out the method of treating a platinum-alloy catalyst. European Patent Application EP18196870.2, 2018-09-26. München, European Patent Office, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 6540314]

66 VIŽINTIN, Alen, GENORIO, Boštjan, GABERŠČEK, Miran, DOMINKO, Robert. Chemically modified reduced graphene oxide as a separator material in sulfur-containing batteries, patent EP3080852 (B1), 2018-02-21. Munchen, EPO, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 5420826]

67 ZORKO, Milena, SIMONČIČ, Barbara, VASILJEVIĆ, Jelena, TOMŠIČ, Brigita, JERMAN, Ivan, GABERŠČEK, Miran. A process for preparing of cotton textiles having self-cleaning and washing resistant properties. EP 2990527 (B1), 2018-02-07. München, European Patent Office, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 3230576]

68 KOŽELJ, Matjaž, OREL, Boris, SURCA, Angelja Kjara, JERMAN, Ivan. Verfahren zur Herstellung von Sol-Gel-Korrosionsschutzbeschichtungen für Solarbsorber, patent DE112010001451 (B4), 2018-05-09. München, Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 4235290]

69 JERMAN, Ivan, ČOLOVIĆ, Marija, VASILJEVIĆ, Jelena, SIMONČIČ, Barbara, ŠEHIĆ, Alisa, DEMŠAR, Andrej. Method for the preparation

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of a polyamide 6 copolymer and filaments, flame retardant polyamide 6 copolymer and copolymer filaments, European patent application, No. 18.180251.3 dated June 27, 2018 »FR PA6«, O/Ref.: UN 2320-BE 17702-Cas 1, AV/DU. Toulouse, Industrial and Intellectual Property in France and Worldwide, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 3584624]

Uredništva / Editorships

70 ChemistrySelect. Gaberšček, Miran (član uredniškega odbora 2016-). Weinheim, Wiley - VCH, 2016-. ISSN 2365-6549. [COBISS.SI-ID 5855514]

71 Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology. Dražić, Goran (član uredniškega odbora 2016-). Rijeka, Intech, 2011-. ISSN 1847-9804. [COBISS.SI-ID 10746964]

72 ANDERLUH, Gregor (urednik), JERAN, Marko (urednik), KASTELIC, Miha (urednik), MALI, Gregor (urednik), PETEK, Urša (urednik), ŠALA, Martin (urednik). Periodni sistem elementov. Ljubljana, Kemijski inštitut, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 6396186]

Intervjuji in mediji / Interviews and Media

73 BITENC, Jan (intervjuvanec), VIŽINTIN, Alen (intervjuvanec). Okolju prijazne baterije, prispevek v oddaji Dnevnik, TV Slovenija 1, 16. 2. 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 6338586]

74 ŠEBENIK, Špela, GUNDE-CIMERMAN, Nina (diskutantka), PRELOVŠEK, Saša (diskutantka), DOMINKO, Robert (diskutant), NOČ, Marko (diskutant), ŽEKŠ, Boštjan (diskutant). Zoisovi nagrajenci o znanosti, RTV Slovenija, 1. program, oddaja Studio ob 17h, 28. 11. 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 4909135]

Mentorstva / Mentorship

75 DRAŠINAC PAJIĆ, Nina, DRAŽIĆ, Goran (mentor), PINTAR, Albin (somentor). Catalytic wet peroxide oxidation of water dissolved organic pollutants under mild conditions (Katalitska mokra peroksidna oksidacija v vodi topnih organskih

onesnažil pri blagih pogojih), doktorska disertacija. Ljubljana, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 298759936]

76 PIVKO, Maja, GABERŠČEK, Miran (mentor). Dvostopenjski postopek za pripravo LiMnPO4 kot katodnega materiala v litij-ionskih akumulatorjih, doktorska disertacija. Ljubljana, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 297375488]

77 DRVARIČ TALIAN, Sara, DOMINKO, Robert (mentor). Study of selected processes and parameters influencing the internal resistance in lithium-sulfur batteries (Študij vpliva izbranih procesov in parametrov na notranjo upornost litij-žveplovih akumulatorjev), doktorska disertacija. Ljubljana, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 1538073027]

78 STRIŽIĆ JAKOVLJEVIĆ, Maja, LOZO, Branka (mentorica), KLANJŠEK GUNDE, Marta (mentorica). Termokromne tiskarske boje na bazi tekućih kristala (Liquid crystal - based thermochromic printing inks), doktorska disertacija. Zagreb, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 6404634]

79 BAŠNEC, Kristina, KLANJŠEK GUNDE, Marta (mentorica), RASPOR, Peter (somentor). Termokromni indikatorji temperaturnega nihanja živil v hladni verigi (Thermochromic indicators of temperature abuse in cold food chain), doktorska disertacija. Ljubljana, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 12165972]

80 VOLARIČ, Barbara, MILOŠEV, Ingrid (mentorica), GABERŠČEK, Miran (somentor). Konverzijske prevleke na osnovi lantanoidnih soli za zaščito aluminijevih zlitin, doktorska disertacija. Ljubljana, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 1537716163]

81 RETKO, Klara, CERC KOROŠEC, Romana (mentorica), KJARA SURCA, Angelja (somentorica). Razvoj novih substratov za preiskave barvnih slojev na umetniških delih s površinsko ojačeno ramansko spektroskopijo, doktorska disertacija. Ljubljana, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 297350912]

82 MEŠKO, Tomaž, GABERŠČEK, Miran (mentor), WINTER, Martin (somentor). Evaluation and characterization of superconcentrated liquid electrolytes, magistrsko delo. Ljubljana, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 1537715651]

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83 PALJK, Tina, DOMINKO, Robert (mentor). Odlaganje filma litijevega sulfida v različnih elektrolitih v Li-S akumulatorjih, magistrsko delo. Ljubljana, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 1537905603] 84 KARADŽA, Mateja, GABERŠČEK, Miran (mentor). Sinteza elektrokatalizatorja za oksidacijo vode na osnovi kompozita ogljika in z dušikom dopiranega titanovega dioksida, magistrsko delo. Ljubljana, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 1538093251]

85 TRATNIK, Blaž, GABERŠČEK, Miran (mentor). Uporaba polimerne ionske tekočine v sodobnih baterijskih sistemih, magistrsko delo. Ljubljana, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 1538021827]

86 VOLAVŠEK, Janez, LUKŠIČ Miha (mentor), JERMAN, Ivan (somentor). Sinteza in karakterizacija hibridnih organsko-anorganskih elektrolitov za sončne celice Grätzelovega tipa, magistrsko delo. Ljubljana, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 1537842627]

87 JARC, Uroš, HUSKIĆ, Miroslav (mentor), OREL, Boris (somentor). Vpliv procesnih parametrov pri ekstruziji na strukturne in optične lastnosti izotaktičnega polipropilena, magistrsko delo. Slovenj Gradec, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 1024076120]

88 FERJAN, Špela, GABERŠČEK, Miran (mentor). Fotokatalitična produkcija vodika z Cu/TiO2 katalizatorjem, diplomsko delo. Ljubljana, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 1537831107]

89 DIZDAREVIĆ, Šejla, GABERŠČEK, Miran (mentor). Litij-žveplove baterije za komercialno uporabo, diplomsko delo. Ljubljana, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 1537995971]

90 ŽUNTAR, Jan, DOMINKO, Robert (mentor). Modificirani separatorji v litij-kovinskih akumulatorjih, diplomsko delo. Ljubljana, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 1537910211]

91 FINK, Anja, GABERŠČEK, Miran (mentor). Prednosti in slabosti sodobnih litij-ionskih baterij, diplomsko delo. Ljubljana, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 1538087619]

92 ŽALAC, Drago, HUSIĆ, Muharem (mentor), GABERŠČEK, Miran (somentor). Družbena sprejemljivost vodikovih tehnologij, diplomsko delo. Ljubljana, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 1024420945]

D11Odsek za molekularno biologijo in nanobiotehnologijo / Department of Molecular Biology and Nanobiotechnology

V celoti objavljeni članki (znanstveni) / Full Text Articles

1 CRNKOVIĆ, Ana, ČAVUŽIĆ, Mirela, GODINIĆ MIKULČIĆ, Vlatka, ANDERLUH, Gregor, WEYGAND-DURAŠEVIĆ, Ivana, GRUIĆ-SOVULJ, Ita. An archaeal aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase complex for improved substrate quality control. Biochimie, 2018, vol. 147, str. 36-45. [COBISS.SI-ID 6556698]

2 KRULJEC, Nika, MOLEK, Peter, HODNIK, Vesna, ANDERLUH, Gregor, BRATKOVIČ, Tomaž. Development and characterization of peptide ligands of immunoglobulin G Fc region. Bioconjugate Chemistry, 2018, vol. 29, no. 8, str. 2763-2775. [COBISS.SI-ID 4548465]

3 KOZOROG, Mirijam, SANI, Marc-Antoine, SEPAROVIC, Frances, ANDERLUH, Gregor. Listeriolysin O binding affects cholesterol and phospholipid acyl chain dynamics in fluid cholesterol-rich bilayers. Chemistry: A European Journal, 2018, vol. 24, iss. 53, str. 14220-14225. [COBISS.SI-ID 6423834]

4 GROM, Matic, KOZOROG, Mirijam, CASERMAN, Simon, POHAR, Andrej, LIKOZAR, Blaž. Protein A affinity chromatography of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell culture broths containing biopharmaceutical monoclonal antibody (mAb): experiments and mechanistic transport, binding and equilibrium modeling. Journal of

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Chromatography B, Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 2018, vol. 1083, str. 44-56. [COBISS.SI-ID 6343194]

5 BORIŠEK, Jure, PINTAR, Sara, OGRIZEK, Mitja, GOLIČ GRDADOLNIK, Simona, HODNIK, Vesna, TURK, Dušan, PERDIH, Andrej, NOVIČ, Marjana. Discovery of (phenylureido)piperidinyl benzamides as prospective inhibitors of bacterial autolysin E from Staphylococcus aureus. Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry, 2018, vol. 33, no. 1, str. 1239-1247. [COBISS.SI-ID 31627047]

6 ADEN, Saša, KOZOROG, Mirijam, ŠVIGELJ, Tomaž, POKLAR ULRIH, Nataša, ŽNIDARŠIČ, Nada, PODOBNIK, Marjetka, ANDERLUH, Gregor. Cholesterol enriched archaeosomes as a molecular system for studying interactions of cholesterol-dependent cytolysins with membranes. The Journal of Membrane Biology, 2018, vol. 251, iss. 3, str. 491-505. [COBISS.SI-ID 4885880]

7 NI, Tao, WILLIAMS, Sophie I., ADEN, Saša, ANDERLUH, Gregor, HARLOS, Karl, STANSFELD, Phillip J., GILBERT, Robert J. Structures of monomeric and oligomeric forms of the Toxoplasma gondii perforin-like protein 1. Science Advances, 2018, vol. 4, no. 3, str. eaaq0762-1-eaaq0762-8. [COBISS.SI-ID 6357018]

8 KOZOROG, Mirijam, SANI, Marc-Antoine, LENARČIČ ŽIVKOVIĆ, Martina, ILC, Gregor, HODNIK, Vesna, SEPAROVIC, Frances, PLAVEC, Janez, ANDERLUH, Gregor. 19F NMR studies provide insights into lipid membrane interactions of listeriolysin O, a pore forming toxin from Listeria monocytogenes. Scientific Reports, 2018, vol. 8, str. 6894-1-6894-11. [COBISS.SI-ID 6384410]

9 THÉRY, Clotilde, WITWER, Kenneth W, AIKAWA, Elena, ALCARAZ, Maria-José, ANDERSON, Johnathon D, ANDRIANTSITOHAINA, Ramaroson, ANTONIOU, Anna, ARAB, Tanina, BEDINA ZAVEC, Apolonija, LENASSI, Metka, et al. Minimal information for studies of extracellular vesicles 2018 (MISEV2018): a position statement of the International Society for Extracellular Vesicles

and update of the MISEV2014 guidelines. Journal of Extracellular Vesicles, 2018, vol. 7, iss. 1, str. 1-43. [COBISS.SI-ID 34072025]

Monografije, sestavki in druga zaključena dela / Monographs, Contributions and Other Finished Works

10 KRAŠEVEC, Nada. Preprečevanje bioloških groženj: kaj lahko naredimo? Ljubljana, Kemijski inštitut, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 6382106]

Doktorati, magisteriji, diplome / Ph.D., M.Sc. and B.Sc. Theses

11 LENARČIČ, Tea. Molekularna evolucija proteinske domene za vezavo na površino celic, doktorsko delo. Ljubljana, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 3903508]

Patenti in patentne prijave/ Patents and Patent Applications

12 ANDERLUH, Gregor, PODOBNIK, Marjetka, LENARČIČ, Tea, HODNIK, Vesna, GOBEC, Stanislav, BRUS, Boris, SOSIČ, Izidor, NÜRNBERGER, Thorsten, ALBERT, Isabell, BÖHM, Hannah. Inhibitors of NLP proteins as phytopharmaceuticals for plant pathogen control, patentna prijava. European patent application EP 3315028 (A1), 2018-05-02. München: European Patent and Trademark Office, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 6034458]

Uredništva / Editorships

13 Analytical Biochemistry. Anderluh, Gregor (član uredniškega odbora 2007-). New York, Academic Press. ISSN 0003-2697. [COBISS.SI-ID 6506759]

14 Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, Biomembranes. Anderluh, Gregor (član uredniškega odbora 2015-). [Print ed.]. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1967-. ISSN 0005-2736. [COBISS.SI-ID 4077101]

15 Informatica Medica Slovenica. Anderluh, Gregor (član uredniškega odbora 2005-). Maribor, Zdravstveni dom dr. Adolfa Drolca, 1994-. ISSN 1318-2129. [COBISS.SI-ID 37756160]

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16 Kvarkadabra: časopis za tolmačenje znanosti. Anderluh, Gregor (urednik 2005-). Ljubljana, Kvarkadabra, 1999-. ISSN 1580-3937. [COBISS.SI-ID 107906048]

17 Scientific Reports. Anderluh, Gregor (član uredniškega odbora 2016-). London, Nature Publishing Group, 2011-. ISSN 2045-2322. [COBISS.SI-ID 18727432]

18 Scientifica (Hindawi) (Online). Anderluh, Gregor (član uredniškega odbora 2012-). Cairo, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2012-. ISSN 2090-908X. [COBISS.SI-ID 5032730]

19 ANDERLUH, Gregor (urednik), PODOBNIK, Marjetka (urednica). Molecular interactions: minisymposium 2018, 14. 11. 2018-15. 11. 2018. Ljubljana, Department of Molecular Biology and Nanobiotechnology, National Institute of Chemistry, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 297294848]

20 ANDERLUH, Gregor (urednik), JERAN, Marko (urednik), KASTELIC, Miha (urednik), MALI, Gregor (urednik), PETEK, Urša (urednik), ŠALA, Martin (urednik). Periodni sistem elementov. Ljubljana, Kemijski inštitut, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 6396186]

Intervjuji in mediji / Interviews and Media

21 FABJAN, David Aleksander (intervjuvanec), HODNIK, Vesna (intervjuvanka), PIRC, Katja (intervjuvanka), SOSIČ, Izidor (intervjuvanec). Inovacije na Univerzi v Ljubljani, pameten znanstvenik ima debel krompir. Dnevnik online, 28 april 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 4498545]

22 ANDERLUH, Gregor (intervjuvanec). Želimo si še več drznih izzivov. Glas gospodarstva, Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije za vas, nov. 2018, str. 10-13. [COBISS.SI-ID 6553114]

23 ANDERLUH, Gregor (intervjuvanec). Prof. dr. Gregor Anderluh, direktor Kemijskega inštituta. Ventil, revija za fluidno tehniko in avtomatizacijo, feb. 2018, letn. 24, št. 1, str. 6-10. [COBISS.SI-ID 15937819]

24 JERALA, Roman (intervjuvanec), LJUBETIČ, Ajasja (intervjuvanec), LAPENTA, Fabio (intervjuvanec), ANDERLUH, Gregor (intervjuvanec). Dr. Roman Jerala pridobil prestižno štipendijo, sodelovanje v oddaji Studio 3, Točka preloma, TV Slovenija 1, 12. 4. 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 6377498]

25 TOMASINO ROZMAN, Anica (intervjuvanka), TOMASINO ROZMAN, Luka (intervjuvanec), SOSIČ, Izidor (avtor, intervjuvanec), PIRC, Katja (intervjuvanka), CETINSKI, Edita (oseba, ki intervjuva). Kmetija Rozman, pridelovalka solate, Prava ideja, 9. 10. 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 4615025]

26 PIRC, Katja (intervjuvanka), HODNIK, Vesna (intervjuvanka), HRELJAC, Irena (intervjuvanka). Popolnoma nov pristop za zaščito kulturnih rastlin, sodelovanje v oddaji Ljudje in zemlja, TV Slovenija 1, 3. 6. 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 6465562]

27 RATEJ, Maja, HVALC, Luka, ANDRINEK, Gašper, RAJER, Mirjana (intervjuvanka), POBERAJ, Igor (intervjuvanec), PODOBNIK, Marjetka (intervjuvanka). Nobelove nagrade 2018, oddaja Frekvenca X, Val 202, 4. oktober 2018, Frekvenca X. [COBISS.SI-ID 2048412017]

28 ANDERLUH, Gregor (intervjuvanec), KRAJNC, Andraž (intervjuvanec), SLAPŠAK, Urška (intervjuvanec), YONATH, Ada (intervjuvanka). Odlična znanost, za odličnost v družbi, sodelovanje v radijski oddaji na Radiu Slovenija 2, Val 202, 29. 11. 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 6553370]

Mentorstva / Mentorship

29 LENARČIČ, Tea, ANDERLUH, Gregor (mentor), PODOBNIK, Marjetka (somentorica). Molekularna evolucija proteinske domene za vezavo na površino celic, doktorsko delo. Ljubljana, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 3903508]

30 ŽIGON, Rok, PODOBNIK, Marjetka (mentorica), ČERNIGOJ, Urh (somentor). Razvoj majhnih monolitnih kromatografskih enot za afinitetno izolacijo bioloških makromolekul in pripravo encimskih reaktorjev (Development of small monolithic chromatographic units for affinity isolation

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of biological macromolecules and preparation of immobilized enzyme reactors), magistrsko delo. Ljubljana, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 4889935]

31 PORENTA, Anja, SEPČIĆ, Kristina (mentorica), BEDINA ZAVEC, Apolonija (somentorica). Vpliv proteinov NLP na kvasovke (Effect of NLP proteins on yeasts), magistrsko delo. Ljubljana, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 5010296]

32 LEMEŽ, Špela, KRAŠEVEC, Nada (mentorica). Pridobivanje ter karakterizacija rekombinantnega egerolizina in proteina z domeno MACPF iz entomopatogene glive Beauveria bassiana (Production and characterisation of aegerolysin and protein with MACPF domain from entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana), diplomsko delo. Ljubljana, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 9006969]

D12Odsek za sintezno biologijo in imunologijo / Department of Synthetic Biology and Immunology

V celoti objavljeni članki (znanstveni) / Full Text Articles

1 LAINŠČEK, Duško, KADUNC, Lucija, MANČEK KEBER, Mateja, HAFNER BRATKOVIČ, Iva, ROMIH, Rok, JERALA, Roman. Delivery of an artificial transcription regulator dCas9-VPR by extracellular vesicles for therapeutic gene activation. ACS Synthetic Biology, 2018, vol. 7, iss. 12, str. 2715-2725. [COBISS.SI-ID 39877893]

2 PAVELJŠEK, Diana, JUVAN, Peter, KOŠIR, Rok, ROZMAN, Damjana, HACIN, Biljana, IVIČAK-KOCJAN, Karolina, ROGELJ, Irena. Lactobacillus fermentum L930BB and Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. animalis IM386 initiate signalling pathways involved in intestinal epithelial barrier protection. Beneficial Microbes, 2018, vol. 9, no. 3, str. 515-525. [COBISS.SI-ID 4072328]

3 AVBELJ, Monika, PANTER, Gabriela, JERALA, Roman. The role of N-terminal segment and membrane association in MyD88-mediated signaling. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2018, vol. 495, iss. 1, str. 878-883. [COBISS.SI-ID 6329114]

4 ANDREJC, Darjan, LEGIŠA, Matic. Kallikrein-related peptidase 6 can cleave human-muscle-type 6-phosphofructo-1-kinase into highly active shorter fragments. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, Proteins and Proteomics, 2018, vol. 1866, iss. 5/6, str. 602-607. [COBISS.SI-ID 6353690]

5 MANČEK KEBER, Mateja, LAINŠČEK, Duško, BENČINA, Mojca, CHEN, Jiaji G., ROMIH, Rok, HUNTER, Zachary R., TREON, Steven P., JERALA, Roman. Extracellular vesicle-mediated transfer of constitutively active MyD88L265P engages MyD88wt and activates signaling. Blood, 2018, vol. 131, iss. 15, str. 1720-1729. [COBISS.SI-ID 6319130]

6 AUPIČ, Jana, LAPENTA, Fabio, JERALA, Roman. SwitCCh: metal-site design for controlling the assembly of a coiled-coil homodimer. ChemBioChem, 2018, vol. 19, iss. 23, str. 2453-2457. [COBISS.SI-ID 6480666]

7 MUROVEC, Jana, GUČEK, Katja, BOHANEC, Borut, AVBELJ, Monika, JERALA, Roman. DNA-free genome editing of Brassica oleracea and B. rapa protoplasts using CRISPR-Cas9 ribonucleoprotein complexes. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018, art. 1594, vol. 9, str. 1-9. [COBISS.SI-ID 9081209]

8 ONÓDI, Zsófia, PELYHE, Csilla, NAGY, Csilla Terézia, BRENNER, Gábor, ALMÁSI, Laura, KITTEL, Ágnes, MANČEK KEBER, Mateja, FERDINANDY, Péter, BUZAS, Edit I., GIRICZ, Zoltán. Isolation of high-purity extracellular vesicles by the combination of iodixanol density gradient ultracentrifugation and bind-elute chromatography from blood plasma. Frontiers in Psychology, 2018, vol. 9, str. 1479-1-1479-11. [COBISS.SI-ID 6553882]

9 KOTNIK, Primož, KNAPIČ, Eva, KOKOŠAR, Janez, KOVAČ, Jernej, JERALA, Roman, BATTELINO, Tadej, HORVAT, Simon. Identification of novel alleles

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Letno poročilo 2018 _ Annual Report200

associated with insulin resistance in childhood obesity using pooled-DNA genome wide association study approach. International Journal of Obesity, 2018, vol. 42, iss. 4, str. 686-695. [COBISS.SI-ID 4003720]

10 IVIČAK-KOCJAN, Karolina, FORSTNERIČ, Vida, PANTER, Gabriela, JERALA, Roman, BENČINA, Mojca. Extension and refinement of the recognition motif for Toll-like receptor 5 activation by flagellin. Journal of Leukocyte Biology, 2018, vol. 104, iss. 4, str. 767-776. [COBISS.SI-ID 6414618]

11 FACCHINI, Fabio A., ZAFFARONI, Lenny, MINOTTI, Alberto, RAPISARDA, Silvia, CALABRESE, Valentina, FORCELLA, Matilde, FUSI, Paola, AIROLDI, Cristina, CIARAMELLI, Carlotta, BILLOD, Jean-Marc, SCHROMM, Andra B., BRAUN, Harald, PALMER, Charys, BEYAERT, Rudi, LAPENTA, Fabio, JERALA, Roman, PIRIANOV, Grisha, MARTÍN-SANTAMARÍA, Sonsoles, PERI, Francesco. Structure-activity relationship in monosaccharide-based toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) antagonists. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2018, vol. 61, iss. 7, str. 2895-2909. [COBISS.SI-ID 6349850]

12 HAFNER BRATKOVIČ, Iva, SUŠJAN, Petra, LAINŠČEK, Duško, TAPIA-ABELLÁN, Ana, CEROVIĆ, Kosta, KADUNC, Lucija, ANGOSTO-BAZARRA, Diego, PELEGRIN, Pablo, JERALA, Roman. NLRP3 lacking the leucine-rich repeat domain can be fully activated via the canonical inflammasome pathway. Nature Communications, 2018, vol. 9, article no. 5182, str. 1-18. [COBISS.SI-ID 39867397] 13 GABER, Aljaž, KIM, Seung Joong, KAAKE, Robyn M., BENČINA, Mojca, KROGAN, Nevan J., ŠALI, Andrej, PAVŠIČ, Miha, LENARČIČ, Brigita. EpCAM homo-oligomerization is not the basis for its role in cell-cell adhesion. Scientific Reports, 2018, vol. 8, str. 1-16. [COBISS.SI-ID 1537878979]

14 LAPENTA, Fabio, AUPIČ, Jana, STRMŠEK, Žiga, JERALA, Roman. Coiled coil protein origami: from modular design principles towards biotechnological applications. Chemical Society Reviews, 2018, vol. 47, iss. 10, str. 3530-3542. [COBISS.SI-ID 6349594]

15 HAFNER BRATKOVIČ, Iva, PELEGRIN, Pablo. Ion homeostasis and ion channels in NLRP3 inflammasome activation and regulation. Current Opinion in Immunology, 2018, vol. 52, str. 8-17. [COBISS.SI-ID 6353178]

16 ULIJN, Rein V., JERALA, Roman. Peptide and protein nanotechnology into the 2020s: beyond biology. Chemical Society Reviews, 2018, vol. 47, iss. 10, str. 3391-3394. [COBISS.SI-ID 6390042]

V celoti objavljeni članki (poljudni) / Full Text Articles

17 MANČEK KEBER, Mateja (intervjuvanka), BOŠNJAK, Dragica. Ko lažna sporočila izzovejo nepotreben napad. Delo, 1. feb. 2018, leto 60, št. 26, str. 14. [COBISS.SI-ID 6338842]

V celoti objavljeni prispevki s konferenc / Full Text Conference Contributions

18 HAFNER BRATKOVIČ, Iva. Enigmatična vloga inflamasomov v zdravju in bolezni (Elusive role of inflammasomes in health and disease). V: ŠMRK 2018 – zbornik, 2. in 3. marec 2017. Medicinski razgledi, Supplement, letn. 57, 1. Ljubljana, Medicinski razgledi. 2018, str. 11-17. [COBISS.SI-ID 6357786]

Monografije, sestavki in druga zaključena dela / Monographs, Contributions and Other Finished Works

19 LEBAR, Tina, JERALA, Roman. Designed transcriptional regulation in mammalian cells based on TALE- and CRISPR/dCas9. V: BRAMAN, Jeffrey Carl (ur.). Synthetic biology: methods and protocols. Methods in Molecular Biology, New York, Humana Press. cop. 2018, str. 191-203. [COBISS.SI-ID 6421530]

20 BENČINA, Mojca, MORI, Jerneja, GABER, Rok, JERALA, Roman. Metabolic channeling using DNA as a scaffold. V: SMOLKE, Christina (ur.). Synthetic

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biology: parts, devices and applications. Advanced biotechnology, vol. 8, Heidelberg, Wiley-VCH, cop. 2018, str. 239-259. [COBISS.SI-ID 6422042]

21 LONZARIĆ, Jan, FINK, Tina, JERALA, Roman. Design and applications of synthetic information processing circuits in mammalian cells. V: RYADNOV, Maxim (ur.). Synthetic biology, Vol. 2. Catalysis, London, Cambridge, Royal Society of Chemistry. cop. 2018, str. 1-34. [COBISS.SI-ID 6329626]

Patenti in patentne prijave / Patents and Patent Applications

22 GRADIŠAR, Helena, FINK, Tina, STEVOVIĆ, Bojana, BENČINA, Mojca, JERALA, Roman. Encimski skupek 4CL:Pm−STS:Pn za povečanje produkcije resveratrola v bakteriji Escherichia coli. Ljubljana, Urad RS za intelektualno lastnino, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 6564122]

23 GRADIŠAR, Helena, FINK, Tina, STEVOVIĆ, Bojana, BENČINA, Mojca, JERALA, Roman. Povečanje produkcije resveratrola v bakteriji Escherichia coli z usmerjeno povezavo encimov 4CL in STS preko peptidov, ki tvorijo obvite vijačnice, patentna prijava, P-201800054, 2018-03-08. Ljubljana, Urad RS za intelektualno lastnino, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 6341402]

24 LEGIŠA, Matic, LEŠNIK, Samo, KONC, Janez, ŠOLMAJER, Tomaž, KAVČIČ, Luka, VODOPIVEC, Tina. Small molecule-inhibitors of 6-phosphofructo-1-kinase for reducing lactate generation by cancer cells, patentna prijava, EP18187667.3, 2018-08-07. München, EPO, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 6452762]

Uredništva / Editorships

25 ACS Synthetic Biology. Jerala, Roman (član uredniškega odbora 2012-). Washington, D.C., American Chemical Society, cop. 2012-. ISSN 2161-5063. [COBISS.SI-ID 519107609]

26 Innate Immunity. Jerala, Roman (član uredniškega odbora 2015-). London, Sage, 2008-. ISSN 1753-4259. [COBISS.SI-ID 4031002]

27 The Journal of Biological Chemistry. Jerala, Roman (član uredniškega odbora 2015-). Baltimore, American Society of Biological Chemists. ISSN 0021-9258. [COBISS.SI-ID 6326023]

Intervjuji in mediji / Interviews and Media

28 JERALA, Roman (intervjuvanec). Znanstvenik, ki se nikoli ne vda. Delo, 19. apr. 2018, leto 60, št. 90, str. 13. [COBISS.SI-ID 6383386]

29 JERALA, Roman (intervjuvanec). Kako s sprogramiranimi celicami uničiti raka. Gea, poljudnoznanstvena revija, jan. 2018, letn. 28, str. 27-31. [COBISS.SI-ID 1114242910]

30 JERALA, Roman (intervjuvanec). Dr. Roman Jerala: vodja laboratorija za sintezno biologijo in imunologijo na Kemijskem inštitutu. Mladina, 13. 4. 2018, str. 1. [COBISS.SI-ID 6377754]

31 JERALA, Roman (intervjuvanec), LJUBETIČ, Ajasja (intervjuvanec), LAPENTA, Fabio (intervjuvanec), ANDERLUH, Gregor (intervjuvanec). Dr. Roman Jerala pridobil prestižno štipendijo, sodelovanje v oddaji Studio 3, Točka preloma, TV Slovenija 1, 12. 4. 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 6377498]

32 BENČINA, Mojca (intervjuvanka). Nova spoznanja o delovanju našega imunskega sistema obetajo tako učinkovitejša cepiva kot tudi boljši vpogled v avtoimunske bolezni, intervju v oddaji Podobe znanja, Radio Slovenija, tretji program (ARS), 19. 1. 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 6332954]

33 KOMEL, Radovan (intervjuvanec), MAJDIČ, Gregor (intervjuvanec), JERALA, Roman (intervjuvanec), PRIBAC, Igor (intervjuvanec). Pandorina skrinjica je odprta, oddaja Vroči mikrofon, Val 202, II. program Radia Slovenija, 4. 12. 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 34169817]

34 MARTIČ, Zvezdan (avtor, oseba, ki intervjuva), BORŠTNAR, Simona (intervjuvanka), GOMBOC, Andreja (intervjuvanka), JERALA, Roman (intervjuvanec). Psevdoznanost in praznoverje na pohodu, Akcènt, Radio Slovenija, 29. 5. 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 3129979]

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35 GRUŠOVNIK, Tomaž (intervjuvanec), KOVAČ, Miha (intervjuvanec), JERALA, Roman (intervjuvanec). Vratarji znanja, oddaja Intelekta, Radio Slovenija, Prvi, 13. 3. 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 1540243652]

Mentorstva / Mentorship

36 STRAŽIŠAR, Tina, LEGIŠA, Matic (mentor). Karakterizacija izoencimov 6-fosfofrukto-1-kinaze pri tumorigenih celičnih linijah (Characterization of isoenzymes 6-phosphofructo-1-kinase in tumorigenic cell lines), magistrsko delo. Ljubljana, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 9009529] 37 SVETLIČIČ, Maja, HAFNER BRATKOVIČ, Iva (mentorica), GUNČAR, Gregor (somentor). Načrtovanje in ovrednotenje sistemov sesalskih celic, ki omogočajo preskok prezgodnjih terminacijskih kodonov, magistrsko delo. Ljubljana, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 1537990851]

38 ČAMERNIK, Katja, LEGIŠA, Matic (mentor). Testiranje izbranih učinkovin za inhibicijo modificirane 6-fosfofrukto-1-kinaze v metastaznih rakastih celicah (Testing selected substances for inhibition of modified 6-phosphofructo-1-kinase in metastatic cancer cells), magistrsko delo. Ljubljana, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 9047929]

D13Odsek za katalizo in reakcijsko inženirstvo / Department of Catalysis and Chemical Reaction Engineering

V celoti objavljeni članki (znanstveni) / Full Text Articles

1 JOVANOVIČ, Primož, BELE, Marjan, ŠALA, Martin, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ZABUKOVEC LOGAR, Nataša, HODNIK, Nejc, GABERŠČEK, Miran. Corrosion protection of platinum-based electrocatalyst by ruthenium surface decoration. ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2018, vol. 1, iss. 7, str. 3190-3197. [COBISS.SI-ID 39550981]

2 POPOVA, Margarita, SHESTAKOVA, Pavletta, LAZAROVA, Hristina, DIMITROV, Momtchil, KOVACHEVA, Daniela, SZEGEDI, Agnes, MALI, Gregor, DASIREDDY, Venkata D. B. C., LIKOZAR, Blaž, WILDE, Nicole, GLÄSER, Roger. Efficient solid acid catalysts based on sulfated tin oxides for liquid phase esterification of levulinic acid with ethanol. Applied Catalysis. A, General, 2018, vol. 560, str. 119-131. [COBISS.SI-ID 6383898]

3 LO FARO, M., REIS, R. M., SAGLIETTI, G. G. A., OLIVEIRA, V., ZIGNANI, S. C., TROCINO, S., MAISANO, S., TICIANELLI, E. A., HODNIK, Nejc, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, ARICÒ, A. S. Solid oxide fuel cells fed with dry ethanol: the effect of a perovskite protective anodic layer containing dispersed Ni-alloy @ FeOx core-shell nanoparticles. Applied Catalysis. B, Environmental, 2018, vol. 220, str. 98-110. [COBISS.SI-ID 6202138]

4 VANRENTERGHEM, Bart, BELE, Marjan, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, ŠALA, Martin, HODNIK, Nejc, BREUGELMANS, Tom. Cutting the Gordian Knot of electrodeposition via controlled cathodic corrosion enabling the production of supported metal nanoparticles below 5 nm. Applied Catalysis. B, Environmental, 2018, vol. 226, str. 396-402. [COBISS.SI-ID 6306074]

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5 DASIREDDY, Venkata D. B. C., LIKOZAR, Blaž, VALANDA, Jignesh. Preferential oxidation of CO in CO in H2/H2O/CO2 water-gas shift feedstocks over Cu-based carbon nanotubes-supported heterogeneous catalysts. Applied Catalysis. B, Environmental, 2018, vol. 237, str. 1044-1058. [COBISS.SI-ID 6424346]

6 LAZAROVA, Hristina, POPOVA, Margarita, SZEGEDI, Agnes, LIKOZAR, Blaž, DASIREDDY, Venkata D. B. C., NOVAK TUŠAR, Nataša. Levulinic acid esterification on SO3H-modified mesoporous silicas. Bulgarian Chemical Communications, 2018, vol. 50, iss. H, str. 56-60. [COBISS.SI-ID 6546202]

7 BJELIĆ, Ana, GRILC, Miha, GYERGYEK, Sašo, KOCJAN, Andraž, MAKOVEC, Darko, LIKOZAR, Blaž. Catalytic hydrogenation, hydrodeoxygenation, and hydrocracking processes of a lignin monomer model compound eugenol over magnetic Ru/C–Fe2O3 and mechanistic reaction microkinetics. Catalysts, 2018, vol. 8, no. 10, str. 425-1-425-19. [COBISS.SI-ID 31730471]

8 BJELIĆ, Ana, GRILC, Miha, LIKOZAR, Blaž. Catalytic hydrogenation and hydrodeoxygenation of lignin-derived model compound eugenol over Ru/C: intrinsic microkinetics and transport phenomena. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, vol. 333, str. 240-259. [COBISS.SI-ID 6226458]

9 STRNIŠA, Filip, BAJIĆ, Marijan, PANJAN, Peter, PLAZL, Igor, SESAY, Adama Marie, ŽNIDARŠIČ PLAZL, Polona. Characterization of an enzymatic packed-bed microreactor: experiments and modeling. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, vol. 350, str. 541-550. [COBISS.SI-ID 1537783747]

10 FELE ŽILNIK, Ljudmila, LIKOZAR, Blaž. Carbon dioxide and hydrogen solubility in furfural, a potential bio-based chemical, at various temperature and pressure conditions. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 2018, vol. 69, str. 85-90. [COBISS.SI-ID 6507802]

11 SHARIQ, Mohammed, FRIEDRICH, Bernd, BUDIČ, Bojan, HODNIK, Nejc, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, MAJERIČ, Peter, RUDOLF, Rebeka. Successful synthesis of gold nanoparticles

through ultrasonic spray pyrolysis from a gold(III) nitrate precursor and their interaction with a high electron beam. ChemistryOpen, 2018, vol. 7, iss. 7, str. 533-542. [COBISS.SI-ID 21568022]

12 JORDAN, Vanja, DASIREDDY, Venkata D. B. C., LIKOZAR, Blaž, PODGORNIK, Aleš, REČNIK, Aleksander. Material's design beyond lateral attachment etwin-controlled spatial branching of rutile TiO2. Crystal Growth & Design, 2018, 18, 4484−4494. [COBISS.SI-ID 31473959]

13 VANRENTERGHEM, Bart, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, ŠALA, Martin, BELE, Marjan, ŠELIH, Vid Simon, HODNIK, Nejc, BREUGELMANS, Tom. Stability study of silver nanoparticles towards the halide electroreduction. Electrochimica Acta, 2018, vol. 286, str. 123-130. [COBISS.SI-ID 6443034]

14 VIDOVIĆ, Kristijan, LAŠIČ JURKOVIĆ, Damjan, ŠALA, Martin, KROFLIČ, Ana, GRGIĆ, Irena. Nighttime aqueous-phase formation of nitrocatechols in the atmospheric condensed phase. Environmental Science & Technology, 2018, vol. 52, iss. 17, str. 9722-9730. [COBISS.SI-ID 6426650]

15 KROFLIČ, Ana, HUŠ, Matej, GRILC, Miha, GRGIĆ, Irena. Underappreciated and complex role of nitrous acid in aromatic nitration under mild environmental conditions: the case of activated methoxyphenols. Environmental Science & Technology, 2018, vol. 52, iss. 23, str. 13756-13765. [COBISS.SI-ID 6519834]

16 RUBIN, Karmina, POHAR, Andrej, DASIREDDY, Venkata D. B. C., LIKOZAR, Blaž. Synthesis, characterization and activity of CuZnGaOx catalysts for the water-gas shift (WGS) reaction for H2 production and CO removal after reforming. Fuel Processing Technology, 2018, vol. 169, str. 217-225. [COBISS.SI-ID 6264346]

17 DASIREDDY, Venkata D. B. C., STRAH ŠTEFANČIČ, Neja, HUŠ, Matej, LIKOZAR, Blaž. Effect of alkaline earth metal oxide (MO) Cu/MO/Al2O3 catalysts on methanol synthesis activity and selectivity via CO2 reduction. Fuel, 2018, vol. 233, str. 103-112. [COBISS.SI-ID 6424602]

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18 BORIĆ, Milka, PULIYALIL, Harinarayanan, NOVAK, Uroš, LIKOZAR, Blaž. An intensified atmospheric plasma-based process for the isolation of the chitin biopolymer from waste crustacean biomass. Green Chemistry, 2018, vol. 20, iss. 6, str. 1199-1204. [COBISS.SI-ID 6344474]

19 WENCKA, Magdalena, KOVAČ, Janez, DASIREDDY, Venkata D. B. C., LIKOZAR, Blaž, JELEN, Andreja, VRTNIK, Stanislav, GILLE, Peter, KIM, Hae Jin, DOLINŠEK, Janez. The effect of surface oxidation on the catalytic properties of Ga3Ni2 intermetallic compound for carbon dioxide reduction. Journal of Analytical Science & Technology, 2018, vol. 9, str. 12-1-12-10. [COBISS.SI-ID 31463975]

20 HUŠ, Matej, BJELIĆ, Ana, GRILC, Miha, LIKOZAR, Blaž. First-principles mechanistic study of ring hydrogenation and deoxygenation reactions of eugenol over Ru(0001) catalysts. Journal of Catalysis, 2018, vol. 358, str. 8-18. [COBISS.SI-ID 6294554]

21 GROM, Matic, KOZOROG, Mirijam, CASERMAN, Simon, POHAR, Andrej, LIKOZAR, Blaž. Protein A affinity chromatography of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell culture broths containing biopharmaceutical monoclonal antibody (mAb): experiments and mechanistic transport, binding and equilibrium modeling. Journal of Chromatography. B, Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 2018, vol. 1083, str. 44-56. [COBISS.SI-ID 6343194]

22 DASIREDDY, Venkata D. B. C., STRAH ŠTEFANČIČ, Neja, LIKOZAR, Blaž. Correlation between synthesis pH, structure and Cu/MgO/Al2O3 heterogeneous catalyst activity and selectivity in CO2 hydrogenation to methanol. Journal of CO2 Utilization, 2018, vol. 28, str. 189-199. [COBISS.SI-ID 6530074]

23 GATALO, Matija, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, PAVLIŠIČ, Andraž, ROBBA, Ana, BELE, Marjan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GABERŠČEK, Miran, HODNIK, Nejc. Insights into electrochemical dealloying of Cu out of Au-doped Pt-alloy

nanoparticles at the sub-nano-scale. Journal of Electrochemical Science and Engineering, 2018, vol. 8, iss. 1, str. 87-100. [COBISS.SI-ID 6327834]

24 JOVANOVIČ, Primož, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, ŠALA, Martin, HODNIK, Nejc. Atomic scale insights into electrochemical dissolution of Janus Pt-SnO2 nanoparticles in the presence of ethanol in acidic media: an IL-STEM and EFC-ICP-MS study. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and Interfaces, 2018, vol. 122, iss. 18, str. 10050-10058. [COBISS.SI-ID 6381850]

25 PAVLIŠIČ, Andraž, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, ŠELIH, Vid Simon, ŠALA, Martin, HODNIK, Nejc, GABERŠČEK, Miran. Platinum dissolution and redeposition from Pt/C fuel cell electrocatalyst at potential cycling. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2018, vol. 165, no. 6, str. F3161-F3165. [COBISS.SI-ID 6350874]

26 POPOVA, Margarita, LAZAROVA, Hristina, SZEGEDI, Agnes, MIHÁLYI, Magdolna R., RANGUS, Mojca, LIKOZAR, Blaž, DASIREDDY, Venkata D. B. C. Renewable glycerol esterification over sulfonic-modified mesoporous silicas. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 2018, vol. 83, no. 1, str. 39-50. [COBISS.SI-ID 6182682]

27 DASIREDDY, Venkata D. B. C., LIKOZAR, Blaž. Selective photocatalytic oxidation of benzene to phenol using carbon nanotube (CNT)-supported Cu and TiO2 heterogeneous catalysts. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2018, vol. 82, str. 331-341. [COBISS.SI-ID 6295578]

28 BERČIČ, Gorazd, DJINOVIĆ, Petar, PINTAR, Albin. Simplified approach to modelling the catalytic degradation of low-density polyethylene (LDPE) by applying catalyst-free LDPE-TG profiles and the Friedman method. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2018, str. 1-10. [COBISS.SI-ID 6510874]

29 GYERGYEK, Sašo, KOCJAN, Andraž, BJELIĆ, Ana, GRILC, Miha, LIKOZAR, Blaž, MAKOVEC, Darko. Magnetically separable Ru-based nano-catalyst for the hydrogenation/

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hydro-deoxygenation of lignin-derived platform chemicals. Materials Research Letters, 2018, vol. 6, no. 8, str. 426-431. [COBISS.SI-ID 31457575]

30 JOVANOVIČ, Primož, ŠELIH, Vid Simon, ŠALA, Martin, HODNIK, Nejc. In situ electrochemical dissolution of platinum and gold in organic-based solvent. Materials Degradation, 2018, vol. 2, str. 1-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 6354714]

31 PAVLIŠIČ, Andraž, CEGLAR, Rok, POHAR, Andrej, LIKOZAR, Blaž. Comparison of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and pressure drop correlations in laminar flow regime for packed bed reactors and columns. Powder Technology, 2018, vol. 328, str. 130-139. [COBISS.SI-ID 6360858]

32 BRADIĆ, Bojana, BAJEC, David, POHAR, Andrej, NOVAK, Uroš, LIKOZAR, Blaž. A reaction-diffusion kinetic model for the heterogeneous N-deacetylation step in chitin material conversion to chitosan in catalytic alkaline solutions. Reaction Chemistry & Engineering, 2018, vol. 3, iss. 6, str. 920-929. [COBISS.SI-ID 6517274]

33 DASIREDDY, Venkata D. B. C., VALANDA, Jignesh, LIKOZAR, Blaž. ROX reaction of CO in H2/H2O/CO2 Water-Gas Shift (WGS) feedstocks over Cu-Mn/Al2O3 and Cu-Ni/Al2O3 catalysts for fuel cell applications. Renewable Energy, 2018, vol. 116, pt. A, str. 75-87. [COBISS.SI-ID 6264858]

34 OJEDA, Manuel, OSTERMAN, Nika, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, FELE ŽILNIK, Ljudmila, MEDEN, Anton, KWAPINSKI, Witold, BALU, Alina M., LIKOZAR, Blaž, NOVAK TUŠAR, Nataša. Conversion of palmitic acid over Bi-functional Ni/ZSM-5 catalyst: effect of stoichiometric Ni/Al molar ratio. Topics in Catalysis, 2018, vol. 61, iss. 15/17, str. 1757-1768. [COBISS.SI-ID 6466330]

35 GAŠPERŠIČ, Jernej, KASTELIC, Miha, NOVAK, Uroš, LIKOZAR, Blaž. Metabolic network modelling of chinese hamster ovary (CHO) culture bioreactors operated as microbial cell factories. Acta Chimica Slovenica, 2018, vol. 65, no. 4, str. 769-786. [COBISS.SI-ID 39867141]

36 MATHIAS, P. M., SOTO, A., FELE ŽILNIK, Ljudmila, HEMPTINNE, Jean-Charles de, BAZYLEVA, A., ABILDSKOV, J. Data quality and assessment, validation methods and error propagation through the simulation software: report from the Round-Table Discussion at the 10th World Congress of Chemical Engineering in Barcelona (October 1-5, 2017). Chemical Engineering Research & Design, 2018, vol. 137, str. A1-A8. [COBISS.SI-ID 6466586]

37 PULIYALIL, Harinarayanan, LAŠIČ JURKOVIĆ, Damjan, DASIREDDY, Venkata D. B. C., LIKOZAR, Blaž. A review of plasma-assisted catalytic conversion of gaseous carbon dioxide and methane into value-added platform chemicals and fuels. RSC Advances, 2018, vol. 8, iss. 48, str. 27481-27508. [COBISS.SI-ID 6433306]

V celoti objavljeni članki (strokovni) / Full Text Articles

38 HUŠ, Matej. Slovenija kot gostiteljica Evropske naravoslovne olimpijade do zlata in srebra. Kemija.net, 2018, št. 1, str. 1-6. [COBISS.SI-ID 6424858]

39 HUŠ, Matej. Android mi ni všeč. Monitor, 2018, letn. 28, št. 1, str. 26-29. [COBISS.SI-ID 6309914]

40 HUŠ, Matej. Rudarjenje v oblaku. Monitor, 2018, letn. 28, št. 1, str. 39. [COBISS.SI-ID 6309402]

41 HUŠ, Matej. Kako oprati bitcoine. Monitor, 2018, letn. 28, št. 1, str. 40-41. [COBISS.SI-ID 4510408]

42 HUŠ, Matej. Zaslon iz ogljika. Monitor, 2018, letn. 28, št. 1, str. 66-67. [COBISS.SI-ID 6309658]

43 HUŠ, Matej. Od govorca do bralca. Monitor, 2018, letn. 28, št. 1, str. 68-70. [COBISS.SI-ID 6310682]

44 HUŠ, Matej. Napake, ranljivosti, prevare in goljufije. Monitor, 2018, letn. 28, št. 2, str. 30-33. [COBISS.SI-ID 4523464]

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45 HUŠ, Matej. Trije zlobni mušketirji. Monitor, 2018, letn. 28, št. 2, str. 34-36. [COBISS.SI-ID 4523720]

46 HUŠ, Matej. Bitcoin porabi toliko elektrike kot Slovenija. Monitor, 2018, letn. 28, št. 2, str. 56-57. [COBISS.SI-ID 6331930]

47 HUŠ, Matej. Abecede še ne bo zmanjkalo. Monitor, 2018, letn. 28, št. 2, str. 64-65. [COBISS.SI-ID 6332186]

48 HUŠ, Matej. Putin ali Pahor? Monitor, 2018, letn. 28, št. 3, str. 54-55. [COBISS.SI-ID 6339354]

49 HUŠ, Matej. Igre so resen ... šport. Monitor, 2018, letn. 28, št. 3, str. 56-59. [COBISS.SI-ID 6339610]

50 HUŠ, Matej. DNK namesto diskov. Monitor, 2018, letn. 28, št. 4, str. 60-64. [COBISS.SI-ID 6359066]

51 HUŠ, Matej. Umet(nišk)a inteligenca. Monitor, 2018, letn. 28, št. 4, str. 66-67. [COBISS.SI-ID 6359322]

52 HUŠ, Matej. V Formuli 1 tekmujejo računalniki. Monitor, 2018, letn. 28, št. 5, str. 60-62. [COBISS.SI-ID 6382618]

53 HUŠ, Matej. Kako deluje sokolje oko. Monitor, 2018, letn. 28, št. 8, str. 54-57. [COBISS.SI-ID 39580933]

54 HUŠ, Matej. Umetnost skrivanja. Monitor, 2018, letn. 28, št. 8, str. 58-60. [COBISS.SI-ID 39581189]

55 HUŠ, Matej. Računalniško prepoznavanje posnetkov za vsakogar. Monitor, 2018, letn. 28, št. 8, str. 62-64. [COBISS.SI-ID 39581445]

56 HUŠ, Matej. Točka napada. Monitor, 2018, letn. 28, št. 9, str. 30-33. [COBISS.SI-ID 6450458]

57 HUŠ, Matej. Milijardni patenti. Monitor, 2018, letn. 28, št. 9, str. 54-58. [COBISS.SI-ID 6449946]

58 HUŠ, Matej. Napolni me hitro. Monitor, 2018, letn. 28, št. 9, str. 59-61. [COBISS.SI-ID 6450202]

59 HUŠ, Matej. Tiskalniški prstni odtisi. Monitor, 2018, letn. 28, št. 10, str. 52-54. [COBISS.SI-ID 4652488]

60 HUŠ, Matej. Halo, je tam podmornica? Monitor, 2018, letn. 28, št. 10, str. 56-59. [COBISS.SI-ID 6484250]

61 HUŠ, Matej. Vračajo se zažgani zasloni. Monitor, 2018, letn. 28, št. 11, str. 50-52. [COBISS.SI-ID 6525466]

62 HUŠ, Matej. Kako natisniti kovine. Monitor, 2018, letn. 28, št. 11, str. 54-57. [COBISS.SI-ID 6525210]

63 HUŠ, Matej. Varno po zraku. Monitor, 2018, letn. 28, št. 11, str. 58-59. [COBISS.SI-ID 6524954]

64 HUŠ, Matej. Človeški roboti. Monitor, 2018, letn. 28, št. 12, str. 44-46. [COBISS.SI-ID 6541082]

65 HUŠ, Matej. Ko opozorilo ni zgolj teoretično. Monitor, 2018, letn. 28, št. 12, str. 54-56. [COBISS.SI-ID 6540826]

66 HUŠ, Matej. Kje je moj pametni telefon? Monitor, 2018, letn. 28, št. 12, str. 70-73. [COBISS.SI-ID 6540570]

67 HOČEVAR, Brigita, BJELIĆ, Ana, GRILC, Miha. Rastlinska biomasa - možni alternativni vir papirnih vlaken (Plant biomass - potential alternative source of paper fibers). Papir, revija Društva inženirjev in tehnikov papirništva, 2018, letn. 46, št. 19, str. 48-50. [COBISS.SI-ID 6428442]

V celoti objavljeni članki (poljudni) / Full Text Articles

68 HUŠ, Matej. Vse, kar potrebuje kemijski inženir. Monitor, 2018, letn. 28, št. 1, str. 62. [COBISS.SI-ID 6310938]

69 HUŠ, Matej. Kdo je Satoši Nakamoto in kdo ni? Monitor, 2018, letn. 28, št. 7, str. 13-14. [COBISS.SI-ID 39547909]

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70 HUŠ, Matej. Izumitelji in bogataši. Monitor, 2018, letn. 28, št. 7, str. 16-19. [COBISS.SI-ID 39548421]

71 HUŠ, Matej. Baloni zgodovine. Monitor, 2018, letn. 28, št. 7, str. 20-23. [COBISS.SI-ID 39549445]

72 HUŠ, Matej. Furs si ne bo odrezal veliko. 2018, letn. 28, št. 7, str. 50-51. [COBISS.SI-ID 39549189]

73 HUŠ, Matej. ICO: demokratizacija ali banalizacija financiranja? Monitor, 2018, letn. 28, št. 7, str. 53-56. [COBISS.SI-ID 39548933]

74 HUŠ, Matej. Lepljivi prsti. Monitor, 2018, letn. 28, št. 7, str. 71-74. [COBISS.SI-ID 39548165]

75 HUŠ, Matej. Enkrat ni nobenkrat. Monitor, 2018, letn. 28, št. 7, str. 78-79. [COBISS.SI-ID 39547397]

V celoti objavljeni prispevki s konferenc / Full Text Conference Contributions

76 MILOVANOVIĆ, Aleksa, MILOŠEVIĆ, Miloš, MLADENOVIĆ, Goran, LIKOZAR, Blaž, ČOLIĆ, Katarina, MITROVIĆ, Nenad. Experimental dimensional accuracy analysis of reformer prototype model produced by FDM and SLA 3D printing technology. V: MITROVIĆ, Nenad (ur.). Experimental and numerical investigations in materials science and engineering, proceedings of the International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies, CNNTech 2018, (Lecture notes in networks and systems, 54). Cham, Springer. cop. 2019, str. 84-95. [COBISS.SI-ID 6464282]

77 GRILC, Miha, FAUSSONE, Gian Claudio, LIKOZAR, Blaž. Lignocellulosic biomass liquefaction and isolation of inorganics: the BiAR process. V: Venice2018. Venice, Scuola Grande di San Giovanni Evangelista. 2018, str. 1-11. [COBISS.SI-ID 6522650]

78 TRAMPUŽ, Marko, TESLIČ, Dušan, LIKOZAR, Blaž. Batch crystallization of active pharmaceutical ingredient: kinetics and equilibrium modelling. V: XII Meeting of Young Chemical Engineers, 22nd-23rd February 2018, Zagreb. Kemija u industriji, Vol. 67, br. 13. Zagreb, Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa. 2018, vol. 67, no. 13, p43-P48. [COBISS.SI-ID 6551578]

Monografije, sestavki in druga zaključena dela / Monographs, Contributions and Other Finished Works

79 BAJIĆ, Marijan, ŽNIDARŠIČ PLAZL, Polona, MICHAEL, Kingston Michael Rayappan, HESSEL, Volker. General aspects of immobilized biocatalysts and their applications in flow. V: NIELSEN, Mogens Brøndsted (ur.). Science of synthesis: knowledge updates 2018/1. Stuttgart, New York, Georg Thieme. 2018, str. 397-443. [COBISS.SI-ID 1537683651]

80 HUŠ, Matej. Kriptopok. Monitor, 2018, letn. 28, št. 3, str. 5. [COBISS.SI-ID 6339866]

Doktorati, magisteriji, diplome / Ph.D., M.Sc. and B.Sc. Theses

81 BJELIĆ, Ana. Catalytic transformation of lignin-derived components and their reaction kinetics (Katalitske pretvorbe derivatov lignina in njihova reakcijska kinetika), doktorska disertacija. Ljubljana, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 297839616]

82 HLADNIK, Lucija. Samoceljenje bio-osnovanih benzoksazinov na principu supramolekularnih interakci, magistrsko delo. Ljubljana, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 1537912515]

Patenti in patentne prijave /Patents and Patent Applications

83 MDLELENI, Masikana, KEY, David, KOSTYNIUK, Andrii. Bi-metal doped ZSM-5 catalyst, patentna prijava, WO 2018/045398 (A1), 2018-03-08. Berlin, WIPO, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 6363162]

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84 GATALO, Matija, HODNIK, Nejc, BELE, Marjan, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, GABERŠČEK, Miran, GROM, Matic. Method of treating a platinum-alloy catalyst, and device for carrying out the method of treating a platinum-alloy catalyst, European Patent Application EP18196870.2, 2018-09-26. München, European Patent Office, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 6540314]

85 LIKOZAR, Blaž, BOHRE, Ashish, GRILC, Miha, OCEPEK, Martin, VENTURINI, Peter, STEINBÜCHER, Miha. Process and catalysts to produce methacrylic acid monomer from biomass- derived carboxylic acids, patentna prijava, EP18166315.4, 2018-04-09. München, World Intellectual Property Organization, International Bureau, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 6369562]

86 HODNIK, Nejc, BALDIZZONE, Claudio, MAYRHOFER, Karl. Method for the recovery of precious metal, US 2018/0347008 A1, 2018-12-06. Alexandria, United States Patent and Trademark Office, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 5899034]

Uredništva / Editorships

87 Acta Chimica Slovenica. Levec, Janez (član uredniškega odbora 1998-), Likozar, Blaž (član uredniškega odbora 2013-). Ljubljana, Slovensko kemijsko društvo (Slovenian Chemical Society), 1993-. ISSN 1318-0207. [COBISS.SI-ID 14086149]

88 Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering. Levec, Janez (član uredniškega sveta 2000-). Beijing, Chemical Industry Press, Heidelberg, New York, Tokyo, Springer-Verlag Berlin, 1982-. ISSN 1004-9541. [COBISS.SI-ID 2317850]

89 International Journal of Chemical Engineering. Levec, Janez (član uredniškega odbora 2008-). New York, Cairo, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2008-. ISSN 1687-806X. [COBISS.SI-ID 3883290]

90 International Review of Chemical Engineering. Levec, Janez (član uredniškega odbora 2009-). Napoli, Praise Worthy Prize. ISSN 2035-1755. [COBISS.SI-ID 4095514]

91 ANDERLUH, Gregor (urednik), JERAN, Marko (urednik), KASTELIC, Miha (urednik), MALI, Gregor (urednik), PETEK, Urša (urednik), ŠALA, Martin (urednik). Periodni sistem elementov. Ljubljana, Kemijski inštitut, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 6396186]

Intervjuji in mediji /Interviews and Media

92 NOVAK, Uroš (intervjuvanec). Iz laboratorijev na trg z materiali, ki so alternativa sintetični plastiki. Embalaža, okolje, logistika, strokovna specializirana revija za embalažo, okolje in logistiko, 2018, št. 133, str. 8-9. [COBISS.SI-ID 6537498]

93 NOVAK, Uroš (intervjuvanec). BioApp - z biopolimeri proti plastiki, intervju v oddaji Izluščeno, Radio Slovenija Si, 19. 1. 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 6517018]

94 HUŠ, Matej (intervjuvanec). Kemiki namesto kvadrilijonov in kvadrilijard raje uporabljajo enoto mol, intervju na radiu Val 202, 23. 10. 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 6523674]

95 RATEJ, Maja, HUŠ, Matej, HVALC, Luka. Zbogom, prakilogram! Frekvenca X, Radiotelevizija Slovenija, 13. dec. 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 12301140]

96 HODNIK, Nejc (intervjuvanec). Pogovor z Nejcem Hodnikom iz Kemijskega inštituta, sodelovanje v radijski oddaji O znanosti, Radio Zeleni val, 29. 1. 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 6337050]

Mentorstva / Mentorship

97 BJELIĆ, Ana, LIKOZAR, Blaž (mentor). Catalytic transformation of lignin-derived components and their reaction kinetics (Katalitske pretvorbe derivatov lignina in njihova reakcijska kinetika), doktorska disertacija. Ljubljana, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 297839616]

98 ŠPINDLER, Vida, LIKOZAR, Blaž (mentor), PLAZL, Igor (somentor). Načrtovanje velikostne porazdelitve in oblike kristalov z oscilacijo temperature suspenzije in uporabo mokrega mletja, magistrsko delo. Ljubljana, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 1537896131]

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99 PIRMAN, Tomaž, PODGORNIK, Aleš (mentor), LIKOZAR, Blaž (somentor). Mikrokinetika parcialne fotokatalitske oksidacije glicerola preko TiO2 katalizatorja do produktov z višjo dodano vrednostjo, magistrsko delo. Ljubljana, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 1538071747]

100 PLAJNŠEK, Alen, LIKOZAR, Blaž (mentor), PRAŠNIKAR, Anže (somentor), ČUČEK, Lidija (somentorica). Deaktivacija katalizatorjev pri postopku proizvodnje metanola iz ogljikovega dioksida in vodika, diplomsko delo. Maribor, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 21977366]

101 NAVODNIK, Alen, LIKOZAR, Blaž (mentor), PEČAR, Darja (somentorica), LAŠIČ JURKOVIĆ, Damjan (somentor). Uporaba plazemskih reaktorjev za pretvorbo metana v višje ogljikovodike in sintezni plin, diplomsko delo. Maribor, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 21953046]

102 KNECHTL, Ivan, LIKOZAR, Blaž (mentor), NOVAK, Uroš (somentor), ŠKERGET, Mojca (somentorica). Vpeljava trajnostnih postopkov za ločitev bio-osnovanih gradnikov iz odpadne morske biomase za napredno uporabo, diplomsko delo. Maribor, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 21934870]

D15Nacionalni center za NMR spektroskopijo visoke ločljivosti / Slovenian NMR centre

V celoti objavljeni članki (znanstveni) / Full Text Articles

1 LENARČIČ ŽIVKOVIĆ, Martina, ROZMAN, Jan, PLAVEC, Janez. Adenine-driven structural switch from a two- to three-quartet DNA G-quadruplex. Angewandte Chemie: International Edition, 2018, vol. 57, iss. 47, str. 15395-15399. [COBISS.SI-ID 6525722]

1a LENARČIČ ŽIVKOVIĆ, Martina, ROZMAN, Jan, PLAVEC, Janez. Adenine-driven structural switch from a two- to three-quartet DNA G-quadruplex. Angewandte Chemie, 2018, vol. 130, iss. 47, str. 15621-15625. [COBISS.SI-ID 6530586]

2 DRAŠINAC PAJIĆ, Nina, DJINOVIĆ, Petar, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GRDADOLNIK, Jože, ŠKET, Primož, CERKOVNIK, Janez, PINTAR, Albin. Structural stabilization and characterization of active peroxo species on TiO2−nanotube based materials in mild catalytic wet peroxide oxidation process. Applied Catalysis. A, General, 2018, vol. 562, str. 276-283. [COBISS.SI-ID 6412314]

3 JAVORNIK, Uroš, PLAVEC, Janez, WANG, Baifan, GRAHAM, Steven M. A combined variable temperature 600 MHz NMR/MD study of the calcium release agent cyclic adenosine diphosphate ribose (cADPR): structure, conformational analysis, and thermodynamics of the conformational equilibria. Carbohydrate Research, 2018, vol. 455, str. 71-80. [COBISS.SI-ID 6294042]

4 PEČNIK, Klemen, TODOROVIĆ, Vesna, BOŠNJAK, Maša, ČEMAŽAR, Maja, KONONENKO, Igor, SERŠA, Gregor, PLAVEC, Janez. The general explanation method with NMR spectroscopy enables the identification of metabolite profiles specific for normal and tumor cell lines. ChemBioChem, 2018, vol. 19, iss. 19, str. 2066-2071. [COBISS.SI-ID 3016315]

5 LUKIN, Stipe, TIRELI, Martina, LONČARIĆ, Ivor, BARIŠIĆ, Dajana, ŠKET, Primož, VRSALJKO, Domagoj, DI MICHIEL, Marco, PLAVEC, Janez, UŽAREVIĆ, Krunoslav, HALASZ, Ivan. Mechanochemical carbon-carbon bond formation that proceeds via a cocrystal intermediate. Chemical Communications, 2018, vol. 54, iss. 94, str. 13216-13219. [COBISS.SI-ID 6540058]

6 BOŽIČ ABRAM, Sabina, MARUŠIČ, Maja, LENARČIČ ŽIVKOVIĆ, Martina, BRČIČ, Jasna, PLAVEC, Janez. Non-canonical structures in promoter modulate gene expression in Escherichia coli. Croatica Chemica Acta, 2018, vol. 91, iss. 2, str. 163-170. [COBISS.SI-ID 39757061]

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7 ŠKET, Robert, DEBEVEC, Tadej, KUBLIK, Susanne, SCHLOTER, Michael, SCHOELLER, Anne, MUROVEC, Boštjan, VOGEL-MIKUŠ, Katarina, MAKUC, Vladimir, PEČNIK, Klemen, PLAVEC, Janez, MEKJAVIĆ, Igor B., EIKEN, Ola, PREVORŠEK, Zala, STRES, Blaž. Intestinal metagenomes and metabolomes in healthy young males: inactivity and hypoxia generated negative physiological symptoms precede microbial dysbiosis. Frontiers in Physiology, 2018, vol. 9, art. 198, str. 1-16. [COBISS.SI-ID 31228455]

8 MUROVEC, Boštjan, MAKUC, Damjan, KOLBL REPINC, Sabina, PREVORŠEK, Zala, ZAVEC, Domen, ŠKET, Robert, PEČNIK, Klemen, PLAVEC, Janez, STRES, Blaž. 1H NMR metabolomics of microbial metabolites in the four MW agricultural biogas plant reactors: a case study of inhibition mirroring the acute rumen acidosis symptoms. Journal of Environmental Management, 2018, vol. 222, str. 428-435. [COBISS.SI-ID 4080008]

9 BISTROVIĆ, Andrea, GRBČIĆ, Petra, HAREJ, Anja, SEDIĆ, Mirela, KRALJEVIĆ-PAVELIĆ, Sandra, KOŠTRUN, Sanja, PLAVEC, Janez, MAKUC, Damjan, RAIĆ-MALIĆ, Silvana. Small molecule purine and pseudopurine derivatives: synthesis, cytostatic evaluations and investigation of growth inhibitory effect in non-small cell lung cancer A549. Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry, 2018, vol. 33, no. 1, str. 271-285. [COBISS.SI-ID 6337306]

10 ADEYANJU, O., OLATOYINBO, F. A., PLAVEC, Janez. Structural studies of oxidized Sweitenia mycrophylla gum: a potential candidate for green chemistry approaches in pharmaceutical application. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Applied Chemistry, 2018, vol. 4, no. 3, str. 175-181. [COBISS.SI-ID 39862789]

11 DESANDO, Michael A., LAHAJNAR, Gojmir, PLAVEC, Janez. Molecular interactions and mechanisms in the 1H NMR relaxation of residual CHCl3 in deuterochloroform solution of a two-chain ionic surfactant. Journal of Solution Chemistry, 2018, vol. 47, no. 7, str. 1246-1268. [COBISS.SI-ID 31569447]

12 TAKAHASHI, Shuntaro, KIM, Ki Tae, PODBEVŠEK, Peter, PLAVEC, Janez, KIM, Byeang Hyean, SUGIMOTO, Naoki. Recovery of the formation and function of oxidized g-quadruplexes by a pyrene-modified guanine tract. Journal of the American Chemical Society: JACS, 2018, vol. 140, iss. 17, str. 5774-5783. [COBISS.SI-ID 6386458]

13 GUO, Fengmin, YUE, Zekun, TRAJKOVSKI, Marko, ZHOU, Xiaoping, CAO, Dong, LI, Qiang, WANG, Baifan, WEN, Xin, PLAVEC, Janez, PENG, Qian, XI, Zhen, ZHOU, Chuanzheng. Effect of ribose conformation on RNA cleavage via internal transesterification. Journal of the American Chemical Society: JACS, 2018, vol. 140, iss. 38, str. 11893-11897. [COBISS.SI-ID 6522138]

14 ÖZDEMIR, İbrahim Sani, DAĞ, Çağdaş, MAKUC, Damjan, ERTAŞ, Erdal, PLAVEC, Janez, BEKIROGLU, Somer. Characterisation of the Turkish and Slovenian extra virgin olive oils by chemometric analysis of the presaturation 1H NMR spectra. Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft + Technologie, 2018, vol. 92, str. 10-15. [COBISS.SI-ID 6345754]

15 TRAJKOVSKI, Marko, ENDOH, Tamaki, TATEISHI-KARIMATA, Hisae, OHYAMA, Tatsuya, TANAKA, Shigenori, PLAVEC, Janez, SUGIMOTO, Naoki. Pursuing origins of (poly)ethylene glycol-induced G-quadruplex structural modulations. Nucleic Acids Research, 2018, vol. 46, iss. 8, str. 4301-4315. [COBISS.SI-ID 6389786]

16 BRČIČ, Jasna, PLAVEC, Janez. NMR structure of a G-quadruplex formed by four d(G4C2) repeats: insights into structural polymorphism. Nucleic Acids Research, 2018, vol. 46, iss. 21, str. 11605-11617. [COBISS.SI-ID 6542874]

17 ROMANO, A., RAPPOLO, I., GIEBLER, M., DIETLIKER, K., MOŽINA, Štefan, ŠKET, Primož, MÜHLBACHER, I., SCHLÖGL, S., SANGERMANO, M. Stimuli-responsive thiol-epoxy networks with photo-switchable bulk and surface properties. RSC Advances, 2018, vol. 8, iss. 73, str. 41904-41914. [COBISS.SI-ID 39876613]

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18 PODBEVŠEK, Peter, FASOLO, Francesca, BON, Carlotta, CIMATTI, Laura, REIßER, Sabine, CARNINCI, Piero, BUSSI, Giovanni, ZUCCHELLI, Silvia, PLAVEC, Janez, GUSTINCICH, Stefano. Structural determinants of the SINE B2 element embedded in the long non-coding RNA activator of translation AS Uchl1. Scientific Reports, 2018, vol. 8, str. 3189-1-3189-13. [COBISS.SI-ID 6345498]

19 KOZOROG, Mirijam, SANI, Marc-Antoine, LENARČIČ ŽIVKOVIĆ, Martina, ILC, Gregor, HODNIK, Vesna, SEPAROVIC, Frances, PLAVEC, Janez, ANDERLUH, Gregor. F NMR studies provide insights into lipid membrane interactions of listeriolysin O, a pore forming toxin from Listeria monocytogenes. Scientific Reports, 2018, vol. 8, str. 6894-1-6894-11. [COBISS.SI-ID 6384410]

Doktorati, magisteriji, diplome / Ph.D., M.Sc. and B.Sc. Theses

20 BRČIČ, Jasna. Strukturne študije z gvanini in citozini bogatih oligonukleotidov povezanih z nevrodegenerativnimi obolenji, doktorska disertacija. Ljubljana, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 1537780931]

21 KOVAČIČ, Matic. Določanje struktur G-kvadrupleksov stabiliziranih s pirenskimi skupinami, magistrsko delo. Ljubljana, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 1538040259]

Uredništva / Editorships

22 PODBEVŠEK, Peter (urednik), PLAVEC, Janez (urednik). Advances in noncanonical nucleic acids, ANNA 2018, Portorož, Slovenia, October 25th - 27th, 2018. Ljubljana, Slovenian NMR Centre, National Institute of Chemistry, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 296855040]

Intervjuji in mediji / Interviews and Media

23 ANDERLUH, Gregor (intervjuvanec), KRAJNC, Andraž (intervjuvanec), SLAPŠAK, Urška (intervjuvanka), YONATH, Ada (intervjuvanka). Odlična znanost, za odličnost v družbi, sodelovanje

v radijski oddaji na Radiu Slovenija 2, Val 202, 29. 11. 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 6553370]

Mentorstva / Mentorship

24 BRČIČ, Jasna, PLAVEC, Janez (mentor). Strukturne študije z gvanini in citozini bogatih oligonukleotidov povezanih z nevrodegenerativnimi obolenji, doktorska disertacija. Ljubljana, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 1537780931]

25 KOVAČIČ, Matic, PLAVEC, Janez (mentor). Določanje struktur G-kvadrupleksov stabiliziranih s pirenskimi skupinami, magistrsko delo. Ljubljana, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 1538040259]

26 ALEKSIČ, Simon, PLAVEC, Janez (mentor). Vpliv oksidacije gvanina na strukturo in zvitje telomernih G-kvadrupleksov, diplomsko delo. 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 1537806275]

D16Center za validacijske tehnologije in analitiko / Center for Validation Technologies and Analytics

Patenti in patentne prijave/Patents and Patent Applica

1 ANDRENŠEK, Samo, ANŽEL, Jolanda, HOČEVAR, Marjeta, ČASAR, Zdenko. Process for the preparation of key intermediates for the synthesis of rosuvastatin or pharmaceutically acceptable salts thereof, EP2513065 (B1) - 2018-10-17, date of patent 17 Oct. 2018. München, European Patent Office, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 1457244]

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