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ACS FOUNDATION2019 Annual Report

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On behalf of the American College of Surgeons (ACS) Foundation, thank you.Your gifts have supported the American College of Surgeons in tangible ways that preserve the ideals and principles of the most effective voice for surgery. This annual report celebrates you and the impact your contributions have had on ACS programs, initiatives, and innovations. Every dollar you give is used to support the ACS programs that you have chosen.

For example, gifts to Greatest Needs have funded academic awards that support surgeons seeking specialized knowledge, surgical volunteerism through Operation Giving Back, lifelong learning for surgeons at all stages of their careers, and educational resources that empower patients both before and after their surgical procedures. Many other initiatives that fulfill our mission of optimal patient care, including the ACS Military Health System Strategic Partnership, are active today in large part because of your philanthropy.

The impact of your generosity cannot be overstated. By supporting the College through philanthropy, you are inspiring the next generation of surgeons and helping save lives every day.

Thank you again for your support of the American College of Surgeons and for being part of this exceptional organization.

E. Christopher Ellison, MD, FACS Chair, ACS Foundation

Dr. E. Christopher Ellison

ACS FOUNDATION | 2019 Annual Report | Letter from E. Christopher Ellison, MD, FACS

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.

— Winston Churchill (1874–1965) “ ”

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Throughout the 116-year history of the American College of Surgeons, philanthropic support has served an important role in shaping the work and the future of the College.Right from the beginning, our Fellows have responded to the request for charitable support with their donations, establishing many of the programs and initiatives that we enjoy and value. Every time you give, you are continuing the legacy of generosity begun more than 100 years ago.

The varied and impactful offerings of the ACS are not possible without the continued charitable support of the Fellowship. The revenue from dues and contributions from industry by themselves are insufficient to guarantee the future and proliferation of the College’s many nonrevenue programs.

Your annual contributions provide support directly to scholarships, research fellowships, Operation Giving Back, Stop the Bleed®, patient education, lifelong education, trauma education, and many other initiatives that do not generate revenue. Each one of your gifts has an impact and helps ACS Fellows to ensure the provision of the finest care to every surgical patient.

Thank you for your unwavering support, thereby demonstrating your love of your profession and the patients you serve, as well as exhibiting your pride in serving as a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons.

David B. Hoyt, MD, FACS Executive Director, American College of Surgeons President, American College of Surgeons Foundation

Dr. David B. Hoyt

ACS FOUNDATION | 2019 Annual Report | Letter from David B. Hoyt, MD, FACS

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ACS FOUNDATION | 2019 Annual Report | Subsection

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*2019 Fiscal Year, July 1, 2018–June 30, 2019

ACS FOUNDATION | 2019 Annual Report | Donor-Sourced Funding Expended in 2019

ACS Scholarships and Fellowships


ACS Awards and Lectureships


ACS Programs




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THE IMPACT OF International Scholarships

The American College of Surgeons awarded its first international scholarship in 1968. Enrique C. Muyshondt, MD, FACS, from El Salvador was the first recipient of the International Guest Scholarship. He received $2,000 to facilitate his travel from San Salvador to the 54th Annual Clinical Congress in Atlantic City, NJ.

To date, 373 international scholarships have been awarded to Fellows from 80 countries. These awards offer surgeons around the world the opportunity to travel to Clinical Congress to engage their fellow surgeons in the sharing of best practices and new ideas.

We’d like to share with you some thoughts from three international travel award recipients. Mary Margaret Ajikos, MMed, MBCHB, of Uganda received the Community Surgeon Travel Award; Karen Hope A. Damacio, MD, FACS, from the Philippines received the Duremdes Family Travel Award; and Pornthip Rattanadechapitak, MD, was awarded the Thai Surgeon Travel Award.

ACS FOUNDATION | 2019 Annual Report | The Impact of International Scholarships

International Guest Scholarship recipients at Clinical Congress 2019

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7 ACS FOUNDATION | 2019 Annual Report | The Impact of International Scholarships


I was so excited when I got the letter about my sponsored trip to Clinical Congress! My long journey from rural Uganda to the U.S. took me three days and is an experience I will never forget. Above all, I was looking forward to meeting and interacting with surgeons from this great nation. I am grateful for this opportunity and that my dream of visiting the United States came true.

During Clinical Congress, I was asked to give two presentations, one on Global Surgical Systems Strengthening: Problems to Solutions and the second on Tropical Diseases of Surgical Relevance. I also attended several presentations, including Global Surgery Landscape, Ethics of Global Surgery, Surgical Oncology, and Diabetes Mellitus. There were many great presentations, many taking place at the same time, and though we were not able to attend them all, the Clinical Congress organizers made it possible for us to read about and listen to the ones we missed by posting daily highlights. By watching the video highlights, I could see different ways of performing surgeries. This is a great innovation because when I returned to my hospital, I was able to share some of the videos and other highlights with my colleagues.

Clinical Congress was a great learning experience. I was able to learn skills in different disciplines, and the opportunity to interact with international participants was fun, professionally fulfilling, and rewarding. Interacting with senior surgeons of different specialties was enriching, and learning about their contributions to medicine was a big honor for me. Each of my fellow Community Surgeon awardees had an experience to share about his or her work, challenges, and successes. I enjoyed learning how people do surgeries in different ways in different countries. For example, minimally invasive surgery is largely practiced in developed countries, while surgeons in developing countries perform open surgeries since their patients present late with advanced conditions and also the infrastructure and equipment suited for these advanced surgeries was lacking. I also noted that, in developed countries, the tradition of doctors interacting with their

Mary Margaret Ajiko, MMed, MBCHB, at Clinical Congress 2019

As a surgeon working in rural Uganda

(a six-hour drive from the capital city) in a

very challenging situation, this conference

gave me the opportunity to travel. I was

able to rest from my routine work, and I

am now energized to resume work with

zeal. In addition, I have expanded my global

professional network.

— Dr. Mary Margaret Ajiko

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8 ACS FOUNDATION | 2019 Annual Report | The Impact of International Scholarships

patients has deteriorated as technology has improved. Patients are sent for several investigations before a doctor intervenes, which is contrary to what happens in developing countries where investigative facilities are few and one must take a good history of the patient’s illness and develop his or her clinical acumen in order to make a diagnosis and manage the patients well.

Until I met these people from different walks of life, I didn’t know some of these countries existed. In geography or history lessons, we commonly learn about large countries (or countries with political influence), but if no unusual event occurs in a small or distant country, we don’t learn about it. My colleagues and I formed a chat group where we have continued sharing our experiences and consultations to help each other. One of the pediatric surgeons I met has promised to lobby for funds for training more pediatric surgeons in my country because we have only three surgeons to manage a population that is largely children. Another surgeon promised to talk to his friends about supplying colostomy bags to my hospital after listening to my presentation about the challenges of managing patients with colostomy in my country. Other surgeons have promised to visit me and perform surgeries! Knowing that colleagues care and are willing to help is a great encouragement and consolation.

As a surgeon working in rural Uganda (a six-hour drive from the capital city) in a very challenging situation, this conference gave me the opportunity to travel. I was able to rest from my routine work, and I am now energized to resume work with zeal. In addition, I have expanded my global professional network.

Thank you for giving me this great opportunity. I look forward to attending Clinical Congress in Chicago next year.

Kind regards, Dr. Mary Margaret Ajiko

Mary Margaret Ajiko, MMed, MBCHB, center, enjoys her time at Clinical Congress 2019 in San Francisco

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Karen Hope A. Dalmacio, MD, FACS Philippines

When I was a surgery resident in training, I was amazed to learn that a few members of our local surgery community were Fellows of the American College of Surgeons. I wondered what the College was like and if I would have the chance to become a member of this prestigious and wonderful organization.

When a senior consultant informed me about the Duremdes Family Travel Award and encouraged me to apply for it, I was hesitant, unsure if I was qualified. It was with mixed emotions of happiness, anxiety, and anticipation that I received the news of this award. Then I grabbed the opportunity to apply to be a Fellow of the College, and I was thankful to be given the honor of being a part of this organization.

During Clinical Congress, I attended the Convocation ceremony as an initiate of the College. It was a rewarding, memorable, and inspiring moment, one which I believe every initiate will cherish. It gave me a glimpse of what the College is all about, its goal and mission as an organization, and it allowed me to experience being part of the group. As another ACS Fellow told me, “being a Fellow of the ACS is not complete if one did not attend the Convocation.”

On my second day at Clinical Congress, I was able to meet the other 2019 awardees before the Opening Ceremony. It was an opportunity to get to know each other, exchange ideas, learn, and create new relationships that will hopefully last through the years. Our escorts, Dr. Herbert Garcia and Dr. Jeremy Kauffman, shared their own stories as previous international guest scholars and as members of the College who are very much involved in the committee as an effort to fulfill the goals of the College.

My fellow awardees were genuine in forming connections and offering friendship during our interactions. We all came from the different parts of the world but displayed the uniform goal of improving quality surgical care. The group we formed on social media enabled us to interact and communicate with each other during and even after Clinical Congress. We hope to continuously communicate, cheering each other on in every new undertaking and learning from each other as we go along.

Clinical Congress was packed with an overwhelming number of sessions to choose from. With my interest in breast surgery, I attended breast sessions to learn from different cases, which will hopefully prepare me for similar cases I might encounter later. I was amazed at how much

Karen Hope A. Dalmacio, MD, FACS, at Clinical Congress 2019

I will always remember San Francisco’s

Golden Gate Bridge, because for us,

the 2019 ACS international scholars,

San Francisco became our “bridge”

toward achieving our dreams.

— Dr. Karen Hope A. Dalmacio

ACS FOUNDATION | 2019 Annual Report | The Impact of International Scholarships

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more there is still to learn and develop with regards to breast surgery. For someone who is trying to introduce what is new and up to date in the management of breast diseases in my community, what I learned during Clinical Congress was inspiring and quite overwhelming, while challenging me to develop more research ideas to collect and establish the data in my community. I hope to encourage more residents in training to consider breast as a focus of their research, be it on the basics of breast surgery or in the more complex clinical setting.

I also hope to encourage more surgeons in my community to see becoming a Fellow of the College and attending the Clinical Congress as an achievable goal, to realize that it is a way for learning not only through the sessions, lectures, and workshops, but by interacting with the other Clinical Congress delegates.

Meeting Drs. Gene and Jane Duremdes, the donors of the scholarship, was a blessing and highlight of my experience. The story of how they transferred their practice from the Philippines to the U.S., excelling in the fields they have chosen, is an inspiration not only to those in the field of surgery, but to all who are trying to start or establish the practice of medicine. Furthermore, their continuous community outreach is a reminder to always give back in any way possible.

My mentor Dr. Patricia Numann was honored with the American College of Surgeons Lifetime Achievement Award during Convocation, and it was through that recognition that I was inspired by her work, her persistence as a physician, her strength as a female surgeon, and, above all, her excellence. The experience of witnessing such a momentous event for her was more than enough to inspire me to strive more in doing my part as a member of my surgical community.

Being a Community Surgeon Travel Awardee and an initiate of the College was a wonderful experience for me. I hope more surgeons from my community will be inspired to not only attend Clinical Congress but to join the College as well.

I will always remember San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge, because for us, the 2019 ACS international scholars, San Francisco became our “bridge” toward achieving our dreams.

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Pornthip Rattanadechapitak, MD Thailand

I would like to thank the American College of Surgeons for their generosity in funding the travel award that allowed me to attend Clinical Congress 2019 in San Francisco. I am very honored and appreciative to be selected as the recipient of this award. Your generosity has encouraged me to share my experience and knowledge with other surgeons in Thailand. This award allowed me to unleash my full potential to grow as a better surgeon because it provided such a great opportunity to learn and exchange knowledge with surgeons from other countries.

At Clinical Congress, I attended these courses:

I learned about new treatments from many medical institutes that could be developed and adjusted for use in Thailand. For example, I learned about decision-making in procedure, techniques, and tips to follow in cases of staff and resource shortages, especially in rural areas. I also learned about treatment methods for patients in other countries. I will use this knowledge to develop guidelines within my hospital, and I am certain that this knowledge will result in better and faster treatment, which will benefit our patients.

Coincidently, I met my senior surgeon who also graduated from Khon Kaen University during the meeting. A research fellow in Boston, MA, he enthusiastically shared information about the preparation to be a research fellow in the U.S., his life as a Fellow abroad, and the differences in treatment procedures and work environments in the U.S. and Thailand. I also met with residents and surgeons from Brazil who shared their experiences as surgeons in America, as well as treatment procedures in Brazil, which opened my eyes to new aspects of a surgeon’s life and treatment procedures in other countries. An American ACS Fellow shared his experience as a research surgeon, noting the differences in responsibilities for surgeons in the U.S. and Thailand.

I would like to express my sincere appreciation to everyone involved in the Clinical Congress. I could not be more satisfied with my experience and look forward to attending a future Clinical Congress.

• Annual Trauma Update

• Diverticulitis: Are the Answers Changing?

• Current Management of Upper Gastrointestinal (GI) Bleeding: The Role of Surgery Endoscopy and Interventional Radiology

• Laparoscopic Common Bile Duct Exploration: Where and How?

• Management of Complex Benign Breast Disease

• Current Strategies in Management of Small Bowel Obstruction

• The Gall Bladder: Dealing with the Acute Gallbladder

This award allowed me to unleash my full

potential to grow as a better surgeon because

it provided such a great opportunity to learn

and exchange knowledge with surgeons

from other countries.

— Dr. Pornthip Rattanadechapitak

ACS FOUNDATION | 2019 Annual Report | The Impact of International Scholarships

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ACS FOUNDATION | 2019 Annual Report | Faculty Research Fellows, 2019–2021

RECIPIENTS Amar Nijagal, MD | University of California, San Francisco, CASpecialty: Pediatric surgeryResearch project title: “The Cooperative Relationship between Neutrophils and Monocytes during Neonatal Liver Inflammation: Insight into the Pathogenesis of Biliary Atresia”Franklin H. Martin Fellow

Christina L. Roland, MD, FACS | M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TXSpecialty: Surgical oncologyResearch project title: “Exploring Molecular and Immune Mechanisms of Response and Resistance to Neoadjuvant Checkpoint Blockade in Patients with Surgically Resectable Soft Tissue Sarcoma”

Mustafa Raoof, MD | City of Hope, Duarte, CASpecialty: Surgical oncologyResearch project title: “Preclinical Studies of First-in-Class Therapy (AOH1996) Targeting Pancreatic Cancer”

Stephanie Downs-Canner, MD | University of North Carolina, Chapel HillSpecialty: Surgical oncologyResearch project title: “Inhibition of Th17 into Treg Conversion as a Novel Component of Immunotherapy in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer”

The Scholarship Endowment Fund was established to provide income for scholarships and fellowships awarded by the ACS Board of Regents. Direct contributions to support the Scholarship Endowment Fund are welcome. Fellows who would like to make tax-deductible gifts to fund these vital programs are encouraged to contact the ACS Foundation at 312-202-5338.

Four Faculty Research Fellowships have been awarded by the College for 2019–2021. The fellowships are offered to encourage young academic surgeon-scientists to establish their own laboratories and carry awards of $40,000 for each of two years, beginning July 1, 2019. These fellowships are supported by the Scholarship Endowment Fund of the College.

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ACS FOUNDATION | 2019 Annual Report | Resident Research Scholars, 2019–2021

The Scholarship Endowment Fund was established to provide income to fund scholarships and fellowships awarded by the Board of Regents. Direct contributions to support the Scholarship Endowment Fund are welcome. Fellows wishing to make tax-deductible gifts to fund these vital programs are encouraged to contact the ACS Foundation at 312-202-5338.

RECIPIENTS Hillary J. Braun, MD | University of California, San FranciscoProjected specialty: TransplantationResearch project title: “The Impact of Domestic and International Travel for Transplantation on Disparities in United States Solid Organ Transplantation”

Ian W. Folkert, MD | University of Pennsylvania, PhiladelphiaProjected specialty: Surgical oncologyResearch project title: “An IL-13-Endothelin 1 Axis in Sarcoma Pulmonary Metastasis”

Omar J. Haque, MD | Beth Israel Deaconess Medical School, Boston, MAProjected specialty: TransplantationResearch project title: “Ex-Vivo Liver Graft Regeneration via Normothermic Machine Perfusion in Thirds Partial Hepatectomy Model”

Amanda C. Filiberto, MD | University of Florida, GainesvilleProjected specialty: Vascular surgeryResearch project title: “The Impact of Pro-Resolving Mediators on Gender Differences in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms and Rupture”

Alixandra Cozette Kale, MD | University of Alabama, BirminghamProject to be undertaken at Children’s Hospital Los AngelesProjected specialty: TransplantationResearch project title: “Establishing Culturally CompeteEnt Educational Standards for Living Kidney Donors (ECCEED)”

Luis I. Ruffolo, MD | University of Rochester Medical Center, NYProjected specialty: Surgical oncologyResearch project title: “Reprogramming the Tumor Microenvironment in Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma”

Six Resident Research Scholarships have been awarded by the College for 2019–2021. The scholarships are offered to encourage residents to pursue careers in academic surgery and carry awards of $30,000 for each of two years, beginning July 1, 2019. These scholarships are supported by the Scholarship Endowment Fund of the College.

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DISTINGUISHED Philanthropists

ACS FOUNDATION | 2019 Annual Report | Distinguished Philanthropists


Christopher K. Payne, MD, FACS (2019)

Cynthia G. and James G. Chandler, MD, FACS (2018)

Mehmet A. Haberal, MD, FACS(Hon), FICS(Hon), FASA(Hon) (2017)

Mary H. McGrath, MD, MPH, FACS (2016)

Danny Robinette, MD, FACS, and Paula Robinette (2015)

Patricia R. and W. Gerald Austen, MD, FACS (2014)

Dr. Elias S. Hanna (2013)

Dr. Murray F. Brennan (2012)

Drs. Thomas R.† and Nona C. Russell (2011)

Dr. and Mrs. Norman M. Kenyon (2010)

Dr. and Mrs. Richard B. Reiling (2009)

†Dr. Paul F. Nora (2008)

†Dr. and Mrs. Maurice J. Jurkiewicz (2006)

Dr. Robert W. Hobson II† and Mrs. Joan P. Hobson (2005)

†Drs. C. Rollins and Margaret H. Hanlon (2004)

Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Berry (2002)

Dr. Pon Satitpunwaycha (2001)

Dr. and Mrs. Paul H. Jordan, Jr. (1999)

†Dr. and Mrs. LaSalle D. Leffall, Jr. (1998)

Dr. and Mrs.† Eric Lincke (1997)

Dr. and Mrs. Neil C. Clements (1996)

Dr.† and Mrs. Scott W. Woods (1995)

The Abdol Islami Family and Foundation (1994)

Dr. Julius H. Jacobson II (1993)

†Dr. Oliver H. Beahrs (1992)

The Clowes Family and The Clowes Fund (1991)

†Dr. John Conley (1990)

†Dr. Armand Hammer (1989)

The ACS Foundation proudly acknowledges the philanthropy of individuals who have distinguished themselves through their extraordinary investment in the mission of the American College of Surgeons. We are pleased to honor them with the Distinguished Philanthropist Award.

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ACS FOUNDATION | 2019 Annual Report | Fellows Leadership Society

PINNACLE CIRCLE$1,000,000 and above

Dr. and Mrs. Julius H. Jacobson II, New York

Dr. and Mrs.† Eric T. Lincke, Michigan

Dr. Pon Satitpunwaycha, Texas

SECOND CENTURY CIRCLE $500,000 to $1,000,000

Dr.† and Mrs. Robert W. Hobson II, New Jersey

LEGACY CIRCLE$100,000 to $500,000

Prof. Siham Al Foraih, Kuwait

Dr. and Mrs. W. Gerald Austen, Massachusetts

Dr. and Mrs. Neil C. Clements, Arizona

Dr. and Mrs. Raghuvir B. Gelot, North Carolina

Dr. and Mrs. David E. Grambort, Arkansas

Dr. Elias S. Hanna, California

Dr. and Mrs. Paul H. Jordan, Jr., Texas

Dr.† and Mrs. LaSalle D. Leffall, Jr., District of Columbia

Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Lucas, Michigan

Dr. Mary H. McGrath, California

†Mrs. Elizabeth L. Organ, Texas

Dr. Christopher K. Payne, California

Dr. and Mrs. Richard B. Reiling, Georgia

Danny and Paula Robinette, Alaska

Antonio and Vivian Robles, California

Drs. Thomas R. and Nona C. Russell, California

William Sternfeld, MD, FACS, Ohio

Dr. Amilu Stewart, Colorado

Dr. and Mrs. Andrew L. Warshaw, Massachusetts

Prof. and Mrs. John Wong, China

FOUNDERS CIRCLE $75,000 to $100,000

Drs. Generoso D. and Janelle B. Duremdes, West Virginia

Drs. Roger S. Foster, Jr., and Baiba J. Grube, Vermont

Dr. Mehmet Ali Haberal, Turkey

Dr. R. Scott Jones, Virginia

Yeu-Tsu Margaret Lee, MD, FACS, Hawaii

Dr.† and Mrs. Henry A. Norum, California

Drs. Samuel P. and Leaena N. Reyes, California

PRESIDENTS CIRCLE $50,000 to $75,000

Dr. and Mrs. Choong H. Baick, California

Dr. and Mrs. H. Randolph Bailey, Texas

Dr. Murray F. Brennan, New York

Kirby R. Gross, MD, FACS, COL MC US Army, Texas

Dr. and Mrs. Norman M. Kenyon, Florida

Dr. Mousa A. R. Khoursheed, Kuwait

The Oweida Family, Florida

Dr. and Mrs. Martin C. Robson, Michigan

Dr. and Mrs. William F. Sasser, Missouri

Drs. Mark and Yvonne Savarise, Utah

Dr. and Mrs. David P. Winchester, Illinois

We acknowledge all cumulative gifts received through June 30, 2019.

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†Deceased16 ACS FOUNDATION | 2019 Annual Report | Fellows Leadership Society

REGENTS CIRCLE$25,000 to $50,000

Drs. Naji N. and Nada A. Abumrad, Tennessee

Dr. Suresh and Mrs. Deborah Agarwal, North Carolina

Dr. Waddah B. Al-Refaie, District of Columbia

Drs. M. T. and A. J. Amirana, Nevada

Kathryn and French Anderson, California

John L. D. Atkinson, MD, FACS, Minnesota

Charles and Carol Balch, Texas

Dr. Barbara L. Bass, Texas

Dr. William A. Bernie, Ohio

Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Berry, Virginia

Dr. and Mrs. Merrill N. Bradley, Alabama

Drs. L.D. and Charlene Britt, Virginia

Dr. David J. Brown, Michigan

Dr. Ruth L. Bush and Mr. William A. Fife IV, Texas

James G. and Cynthia G. Chandler, Colorado

Chris Cribari, MD, FACS, Colorado

Dr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Daly, Pennsylvania

Dr. William and Kari Dolan, Arizona

Dr.† and Mrs. Arthur J. Donovan, California

Dr. and Mrs. Gene B. Duremdes, West Virginia

Drs. David V. Feliciano and Grace S. Rozycki, Maryland

Dr. and Mrs. Vincent A. Gaudiani, California

Dr. and Mrs. Peter S. Hedberg, New Hampshire

Ching Ho, MD, FACS, Ohio

Mary and John Iacuzzo, MD, FACS, New Jersey

Dr. and Mrs. J. Bruce Jackson, Ohio

Dr. Donald H. Klotz, Jr., Ohio

Drs. Samuel E. and Annette V. Landrum, Arkansas

Dr. Anna M. Ledgerwood, Michigan

Keith D. Lillemoe, MD, FACS, Massachusetts

Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Lucas, Michigan

Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Lynn, Florida

Ron and Lauren Maier, Washington

Richard W. and Pennie B. Martin, North Carolina

LaMar and Julia McGinnis, Georgia

Dr. Mary J. Milroy, South Dakota

Dr. David G. Murray and Ms. Judith M. Sayles, New York

Dr. and Mrs. David L. Nahrwold, Illinois

Dr. and Mrs. Ralph R. Ocampo, California

Dr. Frank G. Opelka, District of Columbia

Carlos and Kelly Pellegrini, Washington

Dr. and Mrs. Ole A. Peloso, New Mexico

Dr.† and Mrs. Basil A. Pruitt, Jr., Texas

Martine B. and William P. Reed, New York

Dr. J. David Richardson, Kentucky

Dr. and Mrs. Bryan K. Richmond, West Virginia

Dr. and Mrs. Russell L. R. Ryan, Massachusetts

Dr. and Mrs. Edward L. Seljeskog, South Dakota

Dr. Rahul K. Shah and Dr. Banu A. Karimi-Shah, Maryland

Dr. Kenneth W. Sharp and Mrs. Jane E. Sharp, Tennessee

Dr. and Mrs. Wihbi A. Shu’Ayb, Lebanon

Drs. Steven C. Stain and Hyacinth R. C. Mason, New York

Dr. Ronald M. Stewart, Texas

Richard S. Swanson, MD, FACS, Massachusetts

Dr. Hugh H. Trout III, Maryland

Dr. Jon A. van Heerden, South Carolina

Dr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Verska, California

JoAnn and Shelton Viney, Texas

Dr. Sherry M. Wren, California

Dr. Michael J. Zinner, Florida

GOVERNORS CIRCLE$10,000 to $25,000

Dr. Mary O. Aaland, North Dakota

Dr. and Mrs. Idatonye and Linda Afonya, Minnesota

Dr. Andrew H. Ahn, California

Mrs. Laila Alghanim, Kuwait

Dr. Maria Allo, California

Dr. and Mrs. James A. Allums, Texas

Dr. Hilal M. Al-Sayer, Kuwait

Adnan Ali Alseidi, MD, FACS, Washington

Dr. James A. Anderson, Wyoming

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†Deceased17 ACS FOUNDATION | 2019 Annual Report | Fellows Leadership Society

Mr. Leslie J. Armour, New Jersey

Dr. Anthony Atala, North Carolina

Dr. and Mrs. John A. Aucar, Missouri

Harriet W. and Arthur† H. Aufses, Jr., MD, FACS, New York

Dr. and Mrs. Vatche H. Ayvazian, Ohio

Robert R. and Janet Bahnson, Ohio

Dr. Manjit Singh Bains, New York

Dr. and Mrs. Panagiotis E. Balas, Greece

Drs. Ralph M. and Shirley A. Bard, Tennessee

Dr. Nicole Baril, California

Dr. and Mrs. Duane A. Barnett, Texas

Dr. and Mrs. R. Daniel Beauchamp, Tennessee

Kevin E. and Patti J. L. Behrns, Missouri

Dr. and Mrs. H. V. Belcher, Maryland

Dr. and Mrs. Ronald B. Berggren, Ohio

Dr. and Mrs. Enrique S. Bermudez, Florida

Dr. and Mrs. Louis C. Bernhardt, Wisconsin

Dr. and Mrs. Desmond H. Birkett, Massachusetts

Dr. Peter and Peggy E. Bistolarides, Michigan

Kirby and Lynn Bland, Alabama

Ernest F. J. Block, MD, MBA, FACS, Florida

Dr. Karen R. Borman, Maryland

Dr. and Mrs. Edgar O. Borrero, New York

Rev. Talmadge A. Bowden, Jr., MD, Georgia

Drs. David W. and Cathy J. Brenner, Alaska

Dr. and Mrs. James G. Brooks, Jr., Texas

Dr. Paul S. Brown, Jr., Virginia

Drs. Dale and Sharon Buchbinder, Maryland

Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Bukstein, Missouri

Dr. Stephen D. Burstein, New York

Dr. and Mrs. Reginald A. Burton, Nebraska

Dr. Phillip L. Cacioppo, Illinois

Dr. and Mrs. John L. Cameron, Maryland

Richard Campbell, Illinois

Dr. Francisco Cardenas, Virginia

Dr. James K. Champion, Georgia

Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Chappano, Florida

The Chassin Family, Connecticut

Dr. and Mrs. Kenya Chiba, Japan

Dr. and Mrs. Winston Chu, Pennsylvania

William Cioffi, MD, and Theresa Graves, MD, Rhode Island

Dr. and Mrs. William C. Cirocco, Ohio

Dr. Thomas V. Clancy, North Carolina

Dr. Benny R. Cleveland, Texas

Dr. and Mrs. Abilio A. Coello, Florida

Joseph B. Cofer, MD, FACS, Tennessee

Dr. and Mrs. Paul E. Collicott, Nebraska

Arthur Cooper, MD, FACS, New York

Dr. and Mrs. Edward M. Copeland III, Florida

Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Corrado, Missouri

Drs. Bard and Pamela Cosman, California

Dr. and Mrs. Anatolio B. Cruz, Jr., Texas

Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cruze, Maryland

Dr. Myriam J. Curet, California

Dr. and Mrs. F. J. Dagher, Maryland

Brian J. and Lisa C. Daley, Tennessee

Dr. and Mrs. Michael C. Dalsing, Indiana

John M. Daly, MD, and Family, Pennsylvania

Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Dardik, New Jersey

Dr. and Mrs. Ralph G. De Palma, District of Columbia

Dr. Clay O. Demattei, Illinois

Michael and Sara Demeure, California

Dr. and Mrs. Daniel T. Dempsey, Pennsylvania

Dr. Daniel L. Dent, Texas

Dr. Mohd Yusuf Dhar, California

Dr. Floriel P. Diaz, Pennsylvania

Dr. and Mrs. Arnold G. Diethelm, Alabama

Dr. and Mrs. Jay J. Doucet, California

Dr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Dudrick, Connecticut

Dr. and Mrs. Scott A. Dulchavsky, Michigan

Thomas K. Duncan, DO, FACS, and Jacquelyn D. Ruffin, JD, California

Drs. David and Kelli Dunn, Kentucky

Dr. Geoffrey P. Dunn and Dr. Ellen E. Dailey, Pennsylvania

Dr. Margaret M. Dunn, Ohio

Dr. David W. Easter, Montana

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18 ACS FOUNDATION | 2019 Annual Report | Fellows Leadership Society

Drs. A. Brent and Sarita Eastman, California

Dr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Eberlein, Missouri

Dr. Norma M. Edwards, Tennessee

E. Christopher Ellison, MD, FACS, and Mary Pat Borgess, MD, Ohio

Dr. James K. Elsey, Georgia

Dr. A. Willard Emch, Florida

Dr. and Mrs. Richard M. Engelman, Massachusetts

Dr. and Mrs. Norman C. Estes, Kansas

Dr. James W. Eubanks, Tennessee

Grant H. Evans, DO, and Jacqueline C. Evans, MD, Maryland

Michael and Laurie Ewald, Massachusetts

Dr. Robert E. Falcone, Ohio

Dr. Diana L. Farmer, California

Dr. Erin A. Felger, Virginia

Dr. and Mrs. E. Malcolm Field, Michigan

Dr. and Mrs. Carlton R. Fischer, Michigan

Dr. and Mrs. Josef E. Fischer, Massachusetts

Stephen F. Flaherty, MD, FACS, Texas

Dr. William H. Fleming, Nebraska

Dr. and Mrs. Steven L. Floerchinger, Alaska

Dr. and Mrs. Frank A. Folk, Illinois

Dr. Henri R. Ford, Florida

Dr.† and Mrs. Kenneth A. Forde, New York

Dr. and Mrs. Richard B. Fratianne, Ohio

Dr. Julie A. Freischlag, North Carolina

Dr. Daniel J. Frey, Louisiana

Dr. and Mrs. Paul Friedmann, Massachusetts

Dr. and Mrs. Donald E. Fry, Illinois

Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Gamelli, Illinois

Dr. Edwin S. Gerrish and Dr. Catherine C. Gerrish, South Dakota

Dr. Ghali E. Ghali, Louisiana

Dr. John J. Gleysteen, Alabama

Dr. and Mrs. Constantine V. Godellas, Illinois

Dr. Ross F. Goldberg, Arizona

Dr. and Mrs. Michael L. Goodman, Florida

Dr. and Mrs. James E. Goodnight, Jr., California

Dr. Thomas H. Gouge, New York

Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Leslie Greene, North Carolina

Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Q. Greenfield, Jr., Texas

Dr. and Mrs. Lazar J. Greenfield, Michigan

Dr. and Mrs. Douglas P. Grey, California

Dr. and Mrs. Ward O. Griffen, Jr., Michigan

Dr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Grover, Colorado

Dr. K. Kristene Koontz Gugliuzza, Texas

Dr. and Mrs. John W. Hammon, Jr., North Carolina

Dr. B.J. Hancock, Manitoba

Dr. and Mrs. Nader Nabil Hanna, Maryland

Drs. Alden H. and Laurel S. Harken, California

Dr. Jay K. Harness, Nevada

Drs. Lynn H. and Lura A. Harrison, Jr., Louisiana

Mary T. Hawn, MD, FACS, and Eben L. Rosenthal, MD, FACS, California

Dr. and Mrs. Gerald B. Healy, Massachusetts

Dr. June E. Heilman, Idaho

Dr. Mark R. Hemmila, Michigan

Dr. and Mrs. W. Hardy Hendren III, Massachusetts

Dr. and Mrs. William G. Hendren, Massachusetts

Dr. Sharon M. Henry, Maryland

Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Hermann, Ohio

Dr. and Mrs. J. Laurance Hill, Maryland

Dr. and Mrs. Jamal J. Hoballah, Lebanon

Dr. and Mrs. George W. Holcomb III, Kansas

Mr. Shane Hollett, Ohio

Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Holzrichter, Illinois

Dr. J. Jason Hoth, North Carolina

Dr. and Mrs. Harry Slade Howell, Jr., North Carolina

Dr. David B. and Beth Hoyt, Illinois

Dr.† and Mrs. Ting Wei Hsia, California

Tyler and Mary Hughes, Kansas

Dr. and Mrs. Scott A. Hundahl, California

Mr. Ahmed Hussein, New York

Dr. Yorckay Chang Ishizawar, Virginia

Dr. and Mrs. Ottis Wayne Isom, New York

Dr. Danny O. Jacobs, Oregon

Michael Jacobs, MD, FACS, and Alissa Jacobs, PhD, Michigan


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Danielle A. Katz, MD, FACS, New York

Dr. and Mrs. Christoph R. Kaufmann, South Carolina

Gregory J. Kechejian, MD, FACS, Massachusetts

Dr. and Mrs. Ellis B. Keener, Georgia

Dr. and Mrs. Paul B. Kelly, Jr., California

Dr. and Mrs. John Sargent Kennedy, Georgia

Dr. and Mrs. Abdul Haye Khan, Illinois

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Kimbrough, Texas

Dr. and Mrs. G. Edward Kimm, Jr., Colorado

Dr.† and Mrs. Masaki Kitajima, Japan

Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas P. Kovacevich, California

Dr.† and Mrs. Marvin E. Kuehner, Wisconsin

Dr. Albert Kwan, New Mexico

Drs. Mark L. and Lena B. Labowe, California

Drs. Max and Sue Langham, Tennessee

Dr. and Mrs. Edward R. Laws, Massachusetts

Dr. Benjamin B. Lecompte III, Illinois

Mrs. Joseph H. Lesser, California

Dr. Frank Russell Lewis, Jr., Maryland

Dr. Margaret F. Longo, Arkansas

Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lottenberg, Florida

Dr. and Mrs. Fred A. Luchette, Illinois

Dr. Charles and Mrs. Ruth Mabry, Arkansas

Dr. Michael C. Magee, Connecticut

Dr. and Mrs. Mark A. Malangoni, Ohio

Dr. and Mrs. John A. Mannick, Massachusetts

Dr. and Mrs. Bernard L. Markowitz, California

Dr. Michael Robert Marohn, Maryland

David Marsh and Barbara Carr, Connecticut

Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Marshall, Wyoming

Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Mastrangelo, Indiana

Dr. Jack W. McAninch, California

Dr. Trevor J. McGill, Massachusetts

Dr. and Mrs. John B. McKernan, Georgia

Drs. Jonathan L. Meakins and Jacqueline McClaran, Quebec

Dr. Michael M. Meguid, Florida

Dr. and Mrs. Mrugendra I. Mehta, New York

Dr. Jane E. Mendez, Florida

Dr. and Mrs. Vernon E. Merchant, Jr., South Carolina

Dr. and Mrs. J. Wayne Meredith, North Carolina

Anthony and Marian Meyer, North Carolina

Dr. Fabrizio Michelassi, New York

Robert L. Milne, MD, FACS, New Mexico

Dr. and Mrs. Pyung Chul Min, Korea, Republic Of

Dr. and Mrs. John E. Moenning, Florida

Dr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Moenning, Florida

Drs. Sang Eun and Kyong Ja Yun Moon, Korea, Republic Of

Drs. Ernest E. and Sarah V. Moore, Colorado

Dr. Enrique Moreno Gonzalez, Spain

Dr. and Mrs. Raymond F. Morgan, Virginia

Dr. Nicolas J. Mouawad, Michigan

Dr. William R. Muir, New Jersey

Dr. David S. Mulder, Quebec

Dr. and Mrs. K. V. K. Murthy, Minnesota

Dr. Chayanin Musikasinthorn, New Mexico

Dr. and Mrs. Yukio Nagamachi, Japan

Dr. Akira Nakayasu, Japan

Dr. Lena M. Napolitano, Michigan

Dr. Heidi Nelson, Illinois

Drs. Leigh A. Neumayer and David A. Bull, Arizona

Dr. and Mrs. Hisashi Nikaidoh, Texas

Dr. Juan J. Nogueras, Florida

Dr. and Mrs. Terry O. Norton, South Carolina

Patricia J. Numann, MD, FACS, New York

Dr.† and Mrs. Geoffrey C. Nunes, Florida

Dr. Michael S. Nussbaum, Virginia

Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Oddi, Ohio

Dr. and Mrs. J. Patrick O’Leary, Florida

Dr. and Mrs. James A. O’Neill, Jr., Tennessee

Dr. and Mrs. Mark B. Orringer, Michigan

Dr. and Mrs. Sami J. Oweida, North Carolina

Dr. Brian Avecilla Palafox, California

Dr. Joan C. Palomaki, Ohio

Dr. and Mrs. James F. Panzer, Nebraska

David and Hilary Parry, Arizona

Dr. Kumash R. Patel, Arizona

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20 ACS FOUNDATION | 2019 Annual Report | Fellows Leadership Society

Dr. I. Benjamin Paz, California

Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Pennington, Jr., South Carolina

Dr. and Mrs. Clifford M. Phibbs, Jr., Minnesota

Dr. and Mrs. Richard N. Pierson III, Massachusetts

Drs. Donna M. Pietrocola and Steven Pinheiro, New York

Alan B. Pillersdorf, MD, FACS, Florida

Dr. and Mrs. Karl C. Podratz, Minnesota

Dr. Christopher P. Poje, New York

Dr. Howard R. Porter, California

Dr. and Mrs. Babulal Pragani, West Virginia

Dr. and Mrs. John T. Preskitt, Texas

Dr. and Mrs. Edward L. Racek, California

George F. Reinhardt MD FACS, Florida

Dr. and Mrs. James R. Reynolds, South Dakota

Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Rhodes, Pennsylvania

Dr. and Mrs. Layton F. Rikkers, Wisconsin

Dr. and Mrs. Philip A. Riley, Jr., Michigan

Dr. David W. Roberson, Massachusetts

Dr. and Mrs. Peter P. Rojas, Texas

Dr. and Mrs. Harlan D. Root, New York

Dr. Steven M. Roser and Ms. Blythe Randolph, Georgia

Dr. James F. Ross, Manitoba

Dr. Alfred N. Rossi, Illinois

Dr. David A. and Kathleen Sweetman Rothenberger, Minnesota

Dr. Valerie W. Rusch, New York

Dr. and Mrs. H. Earle Russell, Jr., South Carolina

Dr. John A. Ryan and Mrs. Jody Foster, Washington

Drs. Ajit Kumar and Rajeev Sachdeva, Illinois

Lieut. General and Mrs. D.C. Sachdeva, Pennsylvania

Joseph Victor Sakran, MD, MPH, FACS, Maryland

Dr. Hilary A. Sanfey, Illinois

Dr. and Mrs. Terry Sarantou, North Carolina

Dr. Velma P. Scantlebury, Delaware

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Schneider, Sr., Missouri

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Schneider II, Missouri

Dr. Marshall Z. Schwartz, Pennsylvania

Drs. Seymour and Ruth Schwartz, New York

Drs. Pamela P. Scott and Razaullah A. Khwaja, Pennsylvania

Dr. Gary R. Seabrook, Wisconsin

Dr. Joseph and Mrs. Chrisann Sferra, Ohio

Dr. and Mrs. Ramzi Shabb, Lebanon

Dr. and Mrs. M. Michael Shabot, Texas

Dr. Howard L. Shackelford, Jr., Ohio

Dr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Shaftan, New York

Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Shapiro, Florida

Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. Shemin, California

Dr. and Mrs. Philip T. Siegert, Florida

Dr. Richard L. Simmons, Pennsylvania

Dr. Ronald F. Sing, North Carolina

Dr. and Mrs. David G. Small, Ohio

Dr. and Mrs. Randall W. Smith, Texas

Dr. Raymond Leigh Smith, Pennsylvania

Dr. Fawzi Soliman, Florida

Dr. Carmen C. Solórzano, Tennessee

David A. Spain MD, California

Dr. and Mrs. Ezra Steiger, Ohio

Dr. and Mrs. Mark E. Stelzer, Iowa

Dr. and Mrs. John H. Stewart IV, Illinois

Dr. and Mrs. Robert P. Sticca, North Dakota

Dr. Richard Allan Stram, New York

Dr. and Mrs. Elliot W. Strong, New York

Dr. Susan A. Stuart, Arizona

Michael J. Sutherland, MD, FACS, Ohio

Beth H. Sutton, MD, FACS, Texas

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Tachovsky, Pennsylvania

Dr. and Mrs. James L. Talbert, Florida

Dr. Girma Tefera, Wisconsin

Dr. David J. Terris, Georgia

Dr. and Mrs. Paul A. Thomas, Jr., Illinois

Dr. and Mrs. Gary L. Timmerman, South Dakota

Dr. Takayoshi Tobe, Japan

S. Rob Todd, MD, FACS, Texas

Dr. and Mrs. Courtney M. Townsend, Jr., Texas

Dr. Patricia L. Turner, Illinois

Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Underwood, Georgia

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Drs. Nicholas B. Vedder and Susan R. Heckbert, Washington

Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Venditti, Jr., Indiana

Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Wall, California

Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Wallace, Virginia

Drs. Marilene B. Wang and James Paul Watson, California

Dr. Michael Thomas Watkins, Massachusetts

Dr. Clarence B. Watridge, Florida

Drs. Donald and Susan Watson, North Carolina

Dr. and Mrs. Ronald John Weigel, Iowa

Dr. and Mrs. John A. Weigelt, South Dakota

Dr. and Mrs. Larry P. Weinstein, New Jersey

Dr. and Mrs. Mark C. Weissler, North Carolina

Dr. Cheryl A. Wesen, Michigan

Dr. and Mrs. Phillip N. West, California

Steven D. Wexner, MD, PhD(Hon), FACS, FRCSEng, FRCSEd, FRCSI(Hon), FRCSGlasg(Hon), Florida

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Whalen, Pennsylvania

Dr. and Mrs. Lorin D. Whittaker, Jr., Illinois

Dr. and Mrs. Gary B. Williams, Ohio

Dr. Mallory Williams, Ohio

Dr. Samuel W. Williams, South Carolina

Dr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Wilmore, Massachusetts

Dr. Bryant W. Wilson, Georgia

Mr. Martin H. Wojcik, Arizona

Dr. and Mrs. Bruce G. Wolff, Minnesota

Dr. John F. Wolz, Colorado

Dr. Donald K. Wonder II, Missouri

Dr. and Mrs. Tatsuo Yamakawa, Japan

Dr. Wen T. Yap, Wisconsin

Dr.† and Mrs. Albert E. Yellin, Hawaii

Dr. David S. Zamierowski, Kansas


†Dr. William W. Allen, Georgia

Kathryn and French Anderson, California

Dr. and Mrs. H. Randolph Bailey, Texas

Charles and Carol Balch, Texas

Dr. William A. Bernie, Ohio

Dr. Ruth L. Bush and Mr. William A. Fife IV, Texas

James G. and Cynthia G. Chandler, Colorado

Dr. and Mrs. Neil C. Clements, Arizona

Dr. Amalia L. Cochran, Utah

†Dr. Benjamin L. Crue, Jr., Colorado

Dr.† and Mrs. Martin L. Dalton, Jr., Georgia

Dr. and Mrs. Jay J. Doucet, California

Gary S. Flom, MD, FACS, FAAP, Georgia

Drs. Roger S. Foster, Jr., and Baiba J. Grube, Vermont

Dr. and Mrs. John C. German, California

Dr. and Mrs. David E. Grambort, Arkansas

†Dr. Wilfred Guerra, Maine

Dr. and Mrs. Peter S. Hedberg, New Hampshire

Dr.† and Mrs. Robert W. Hobson II, New Jersey

Dr. Robert T. J. Holl-Allen, United Kingdom

Mary and John Iacuzzo, MD, FACS, New Jersey

Dr.† and Mrs. George Johnson, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Paul H. Jordan, Jr., Texas

Dr.† and Mrs.† M. J. Jurkiewicz, Georgia

The Estate of Samuel Kantor, MD, FACS, Colorado

The Estate of Harry E. Keig, Florida

Dr. and Mrs. Norman M. Kenyon, Florida

Yeu-Tsu Margaret Lee, MD, FACS, Hawaii

Dr.† and Mrs. LaSalle D. Leffall, Jr., District of Columbia

Dr.† and Mrs. Joseph H. Lesser, California

Dr. and Mrs.† Eric T. Linke, Michigan

Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Lucas, Michigan

Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Lynn, Florida

Dr. Marcel C. C. Machado, Brazil

Dr. George W. Magladry, Jr., California

Dr.† and Mrs. James V. Maloney, Jr., California

Dr. †Hector and Mrs.† Ruth Marin, Florida

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†Deceased22 ACS FOUNDATION | 2019 Annual Report | Mayne Heritage Society, Donors Circle

Richard W. and Pennie B. Martin, North Carolina

The Estate of Earl H. Mayne, MD, FACS, New York

LaMar and Julia McGinnis, Georgia

Estate of Harold H. Metz, Pennsylvania

†Dr. Alvin W. Mooney, British Columbia

Dr. William R. Muir, New Jersey

Dr. Narayan Nayak, Pennsylvania

Dr. and Mrs. Henry A. Norum, California

Patricia J. Numann, MD, FACS, New York

Dr. Frank G. Opelka, District of Columbia

Dr.† and Mrs. Frank T. Padberg, Sr., Arkansas

†Dr. Charles O. Parker, Jr.

†Dr. Frederick W. Plugge IV, District of Columbia

Dr. and Mrs. Stuart M. Poticha, South Carolina

Dr. and Mrs. Richard B. Reiling, North Carolina

Danny and Paula Robinette, Alaska

Antonio and Vivian Robles, California

Dr. and Mrs. Martin C. Robson, Illinois

Drs. Thomas R.† and Nona C. Russell, California

Dr. and Mrs. Russell L. R. Ryan, Massachusetts

Dr. and Mrs. William F. Sasser, Missouri

Drs. Mark and Yvonne Savarise, Utah

Dr.† and Mrs. Paul R. Schloerb, Kansas

Drs. Pamela P. Scott and Razaullah A. Khwaja, Pennsylvania

†Dr. Andrew G. Sharf, California

William Sternfeld, MD, FACS, Ohio

Dr. Amilu Stewart, Colorado

Dr. Hugh H. Trout III, Maryland

†Dr. Irving W. Varley, Washington

†Dr. Edward Henry Vas Nunes

†Dr. Arie D. Verhagen, Ohio

Dr.† and Mrs.† Alexander J. Walt, Michigan

Dr. and Mrs. W. Merle Warman, West Virginia

Dr. and Mrs. Andrew L. Warshaw, Massachusetts

The Estate of Claude E. Welch, Massachusetts

Dr. and Mrs. William E. Wheeler, South Carolina

Dr. and Mrs. David P. Winchester, Illinois

†Dr. A. Stark Wolkoff, Missouri

Dr.† and Mrs. Scott W. Woods, Michigan

DONORS CIRCLEAnnual gift of $1,000 or more Gifts between July 1, 2018, and June 30, 2019

Dr. Mary O. Aaland, North Dakota

Dr. Suresh and Mrs. Deborah Agarwal, North Carolina

Prof. Siham Al Foraih, Kuwait

Farida M. Alawadi, Kuwait

Dr. Souheil Al-Jadda, Ohio

Fawaz A. Alrefaei, Kuwait

Adnan Ali Alseidi, MD, FACS, Washington

Peter and Berit Andreone Charitable Fund of the Sioux Falls Area Community Foundation, South Dakota

Dr. John H. Armstrong, Florida

Dr. Anthony Atala, North Carolina

Dr. and Mrs. W. Gerald Austen, Massachusetts

Dr. Sharon L. Bachman, Virginia

Dr. and Mrs. H. Randolph Bailey, Texas

Dr. Jeffrey A. Bailey, Maryland

Dr. Prabhakar K. Baliga, South Carolina

Dr. Nicole Baril, California

Dr. Barbara L. Bass, Texas

Kevin E. and Patti J. L. Behrns, Missouri

Dr. Peter and Peggy E. Bistolarides, Michigan

Kirby and Lynn Bland, Alabama

Dr. Karen R. Borman, Maryland

Dr. Joshua A. Broghammer, Kansas

Dr. Karla Brown, Illinois

Dr. Ruth L. Bush and Mr. William A. Fife IV, Texas

Dr. and Mrs. John L. Cameron, Maryland

Dr. F. Michael Campbell, North Carolina

Dr. Philip R. Caropreso, Iowa

Dr. Kevin C. Chung, Michigan

William Cioffi, MD, and Theresa Graves, MD, Rhode Island

Dr. and Mrs. William C. Cirocco, Ohio

Dr. Amalia L. Cochran, Ohio

Joseph B. Cofer, MD, FACS, Tennessee

Dr. Raul Coimbra, California

Dr. and Mrs. Paul E. Collicott, Nebraska

Dr. Robert H. Collier, Jr., Tennessee

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23 ACS FOUNDATION | 2019 Annual Report | Donors Circle

Arthur Cooper, MD, FACS, New York

Drs. Bard and Pamela Cosman, California

Chris Cribari, MD, FACS, Colorado

Drs. Alice and Edward Dachowski, Ohio

Brian J. and Lisa C. Daley, Tennessee

Dr. Ronald L. Dalman, California

Dr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Daly, Pennsylvania

Dr. Peter A. Danton, District of Columbia

Dr. Kimberly A. Davis, Connecticut

Dr. and Mrs. Daniel T. Dempsey, Pennsylvania

Dr. Sharmila Dissanaike, Texas

Dr. Mark A. Dobbertien, Florida

Dr. William and Kari Dolan, Arizona

Dr. Warren C. Dorlac, Colorado

Dr. and Mrs. Jay J. Doucet, California

Dr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Dudrick, Connecticut

Thomas K. Duncan, DO, FACS, Jacquelyn D. Ruffin, JD, California

Dr. Margaret M. Dunn, Ohio

Dr. and Mrs. Gene B. Duremdes, West Virginia

Drs. Generoso D. and Janelle B. Duremdes, West Virginia

Drs. A. Brent and Sarita Eastman, California

Dr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Eberlein, Missouri

Dr. Norma M. Edwards, Tennessee

E. Christopher Ellison, MD, FACS, and Mary Pat Borgess, MD, Ohio

Grant H. Evans, DO, and Jacqueline C. Evans, MD, Maryland

Dr. Diana L. Farmer, California

Dr. Erin A. Felger, Virginia

Dr. Francis D. Ferdinand, New York

Stephen F. Flaherty, MD, FACS, Texas

Dr. Robert M. Flanigan, Florida

Dr. and Mrs. Lewis M. Flint, Jr., Illinois

Dr. Henri R. Ford, Florida

Dr. James W. Forsen, Jr., Missouri

Drs. Roger S. Foster, Jr., and Baiba J. Grube, Vermont

Dr. Julie A. Freischlag, North Carolina

Dr. and Mrs. Paul Friedmann, Massachusetts

Dr. and Mrs. Donald E. Fry, Illinois

Dr. Scott F. Gallagher, North Carolina

Nancy L. Gantt, MD, and Raymond J. Boniface, MD, Ohio

Dr. and Mrs. Raghuvir B. Gelot, North Carolina

Dr. Ghali E. Ghali, Louisiana

Dr. Nicole Gibran and Dr. Frank Isik, Washington

James W. Gigantelli, MD, FACS, Nebraska

Dr. William L. Glazier, Georgia

Dr. John J. Gleysteen, Alabama

Dr. and Mrs. Constantine V. Godellas, Illinois

Dr. Henry G. Godfrey, New York

Dr. Amy J. Goldberg, Pennsylvania

Dr. Ross F. Goldberg, Arizona

Dr. Thomas H. Gouge, New York

Dr. and Mrs. David E. Grambort, Arkansas

Dr. F. Dean Griffen, Louisiana

Dr. Ronald I. Gross, Connecticut

Kirby R. Gross, MD, FACS, COL MC US Army, Texas

Fred and Carol Grover, Colorado

Dr. K. Kristene Koontz Gugliuzza, Texas

Dr. Mehmet Ali Haberal, Turkey

Dr. B.J. Hancock, Manitoba

Dr. Mark R. Hemmila, Michigan

Dr. Sharon M. Henry, Maryland

Dr. Enrique Hernandez, Pennsylvania

Jonathan and Jo Carol Hiatt, California

Dr. and Mrs. George W. Holcomb III, Kansas

Mr. Shane Hollett, Ohio

Dr. Joel H. Horovitz, New York

Dr. J. Jason Hoth, North Carolina

Dr. David B. and Beth Hoyt, Illinois

Dr. Eunice Y. Huang, Tennessee

Dr. and Mrs. J. Bruce Jackson, Ohio

Michael Jacobs, MD, FACS, and Alissa Jacobs, PhD, Michigan

Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Johnson, Michigan

Dr. Mark A. Jones, South Carolina

Dr. R. Scott Jones, Virginia

Dr. Larry R. Kaiser, Pennsylvania

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24 ACS FOUNDATION | 2019 Annual Report | Donors Circle

Danielle A. Katz, MD, FACS, New York

Drs. Melina R. Kibbe and Marco Patti, North Carolina

Dr. and Mrs. G. Edward Kimm, Jr., Colorado

Dr. Donald H. Klotz, Jr., Ohio

Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas P. Kovacevich, California

Dr. Albert Kwan, New Mexico

Dr. Yash Pal Lakra, Michigan

Dr. Shanmugam Lakshmanan, Missouri

Dr. Donald R. Lamb, North Dakota

Drs. Max and Sue Langham, Tennessee

Dr. Anna M. Ledgerwood, Michigan

Keith D. Lillemoe, MD, FACS, Massachusetts

Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Lucas, Michigan

Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Lynn, Florida

Ron and Lauren Maier, Washington

Dr. and Mrs. Mark A. Malangoni, Ohio

Drs. Jeffrey B. and Joan G. Matthews, Illinois

LaMar and Julia McGinnis, Georgia

Dr. Mary H. McGrath, California

Dr. and Mrs. J. Wayne Meredith, North Carolina

Anthony and Marian Meyer, North Carolina

Dr. Fabrizio Michelassi, New York

Dr. Pringl L. Miller, Illinois

Dr. Vernon W. Miller, Wyoming

Robert L. Milne, MD, FACS, New Mexico

Dr. Richard C. Miyamoto, Indiana

Drs. Ernest E. and Sarah V. Moore, Colorado

Dr. Enrique Moreno Gonzalez, Spain

Dr. and Mrs. Raymond F. Morgan, Virginia

Dr. Nicolas J. Mouawad, Michigan

Dr. David S. Mulder, Quebec

Deepak G. Nair, MD, FACS, Florida

Dr. Lena M. Napolitano, Michigan

Dr. Ghassan Nawfal, Lebanon

Dr. Heidi Nelson, Illinois

Dr. M. Timothy and Holly Nelson, New Mexico

Drs. Leigh A. Neumayer and David A. Bull, Arizona

Dr. Ronald L. Nichols, Louisiana

Dr. Juan J. Nogueras, Florida

Patricia J. Numann, MD, FACS, New York

Dr. Michael S. Nussbaum, Virginia

Dr. and Mrs. Ralph R. Ocampo, California

Dr. Joan C. Palomaki, Ohio

Dr. Pauline K. Park, Michigan

Dr. Christopher K. Payne, California

Carlos and Kelly Pellegrini, Washington

Dr. Michael A. Person, South Dakota

Dr. and Mrs. Clifford M. Phibbs, Jr., Minnesota

Alan B. Pillersdorf, MD, FACS, Florida

Dr. Dieter Pohl, Rhode Island

Dr. Howard R. Porter, California

Dr. and Mrs. Babulal Pragani, West Virginia

Martine B. and William P. Reed, New York

Dr. Craig A. Reickert, Michigan

Dr. and Mrs. Richard B. Reiling, Georgia

Dr. J. David Richardson, Kentucky

Dr. and Mrs. Bryan K. Richmond, West Virginia

Danny and Paula Robinette, Alaska

Dr. Charles B. Rodning, Alabama

Dr. Jennifer E. Rosen, District of Columbia

Dr. Steven M. Roser and Ms. Blythe Randolph, Georgia

Dr. James F. Ross, Manitoba

Dr. Alfred N. Rossi, Illinois

Joseph Victor Sakran, MD, MPH, FACS, Maryland

Dr. and Mrs. William F. Sasser, Missouri

Drs. Mark and Yvonne Savarise, Utah

Dr. Gary R. Seabrook, Wisconsin

Dr. Joseph and Mrs. Chrisann Sferra, Ohio

Dr. Rahul K. Shah and Dr. Banu A. Karimi-Shah, Maryland

Dr. Kenneth W. Sharp and Mrs. Jane E. Sharp, Tennessee

Dr. Eugene H. Shively, Kentucky

Dr. Anton N. Sidawy, District of Columbia

Dr. and Mrs. Mika N. Sinanan, Washington

Dr. Ronald F. Sing, North Carolina

Dr. Robert D. Smink, Jr., Pennsylvania

Dr. and Mrs. Randall W. Smith, Texas

Dr. Raymond Leigh Smith, Pennsylvania

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Dr. Carmen C. Solórzano, Tennessee

Dr. William C. Spanos, South Dakota

Drs. Steven C. Stain and Hyacinth R. C. Mason, New York

Dr. and Mrs. John H. Stewart IV, Illinois

Dr. Ronald M. Stewart, Texas

Dr. and Mrs. Robert P. Sticca, North Dakota

Michael J. Sutherland, MD, FACS, Ohio

Richard S. Swanson, MD, FACS, Massachusetts

Dr. Randolph E. Szlabick, North Dakota

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Tachovsky, Pennsylvania

Dr. Riyad Y. Tarazi, Kuwait

Dr. Girma Tefera, Wisconsin

Dr. Jon S. Thompson, Nebraska

Dr. and Mrs. Gary L. Timmerman, South Dakota

Dr. Shirin Towfigh, California

Dr. Patricia L. Turner, Illinois

Dr. Jon A. van Heerden, South Carolina

Dr. Wayne E. VanderKolk, Michigan

JoAnn and Shelton Viney, Texas

Dr. and Ruperto R. Visaya, Jr., California

Dr. Alexander D. Wade, Wisconsin

Dr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Weigel, Iowa

John and Dorina Weigelt, South Dakota

Dr. and Mrs. Mark C. Weissler, North Carolina

Dr. Cheryl A. Wesen, Michigan

Steven D. Wexner, MD, PhD(Hon), FACS, FRCSEng, FRCSEd, FRCSI(Hon), FRCSGlasg(Hon), Florida

Dr. Eric B. Whitacre, Arizona

Dr. Mallory Williams, Ohio

Dr. Samuel W. Williams, South Carolina

Dr. Bryant W. Wilson, Georgia

Dr. Sani Z. Yamout, California

Dr. Michael J. Zinner, Florida

Dr. Brian S. Zuckerbraun, Pennsylvania

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26 ACS FOUNDATION | 2019 Annual Report | Chapter Donors


HOLCOMBE CIRCLE $100,000 and above

China-Hong Kong ACS Chapter

Louisiana Chapter

GOVERNORS CIRCLE $25,000 to $100,000

Arizona ACS Chapter

Brooklyn-Long Island ACS Chapter

Illinois ACS Chapter

Maryland ACS Chapter

Michigan ACS Chapter

Nebraska ACS Chapter

North Carolina ACS Chapter

North Texas ACS Chapter

Ohio ACS Chapter

South Carolina ACS Chapter

South Florida ACS Chapter

Southern California ACS Chapter

DONORS CIRCLE Annual gifts of $1,000 or more Gifts between July 1, 2018, and June 30, 2019

Arizona ACS Chapter

Illinois ACS Chapter

Indiana ACS Chapter

South Carolina ACS Chapter

South Dakota ACS Chapter

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27 ACS FOUNDATION | 2019 Annual Report | Corporate and Foundation Donors


LEGACY CIRCLE $1,000,000 and above

Clowes Fund of Indianapolis

Coloplast Corp.

Ethicon, Inc.

Pacira Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Pfizer, Inc.

PRESIDENTS CIRCLE $500,000 to $750,000


Genentech Incorporated

Merck & Co.

REGENTS CIRCLE $250,000 to $500,000

CAE Healthcare

Emerson Charitable Trust


The Franklin H. Martin Memorial Foundation


Olympus Corporation of the Americas

Suzanne Nora Johnson & David G. Johnson Foundation

GOVERNORS CIRCLE $100,000 to $250,000

Abdol H. Islami, MD Foundation, Inc.

Applied Medical Resources Corp.

Cook Medical

The Armand Hammer Foundation

The Hartford

Janssen Pharmaceutical

Stavros Niarchos Foundation

Sanofi-Aventis, Inc.

Smith & Nephew, Inc.

DONORS CIRCLE Annual gift of $25,000 or more Gifts between July 1, 2018, and June 30, 2019


Coloplast Corp.

Ethicon, Inc.

The Hartford


Olympus Corporation of the Americas

Pacira Pharmaceuticals, Inc

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28 ACS FOUNDATION | 2019 Annual Report | Organizational Donors


GOVERNORS CIRCLE $25,000 and above

American Geriatrics Society

American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc.

Chicago Society Colon - Rectal Surgeons

Eastern States Committees on Trauma

International Society of Surgery

Maryland Committee on Trauma

Northwestern University

Region VII Committee on Trauma

Society of University Surgeons

UC San Diego

USU Surgical Associates

DONORS CIRCLEAnnual gift of $1,000 and above Gifts between July 1, 2018, and June 30, 2019

Greater Kansas Community Fund

Iowa Committee on Trauma

Maryland Committee on Trauma

Region 5 COT

Region VII Committee on Trauma

Please note: Every effort has been made to provide an accurate listing of donors and gifts. If errors or omissions exist, please contact the ACS Foundation at 312-202-5338.

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29 ACS FOUNDATION | 2019 Annual Report | Foundation Board and Staff

FOUNDATIONBoard and Staff


E. Christopher Ellison, MD, FACS, Chair

Danny Robinette, MD, FACS, Vice-Chair

Ruth L. Bush, MD, FACS, Secretary

David B. Hoyt, MD, FACS, President (Ex-Officio)

Dan K. Nakayama, MD, FACS, Treasurer (Ex-Officio)

Valerie W. Rusch, MD, FACS, MD, FACS, ACS President (Ex-Officio)

Gay L. Vincent, CPA, MBA, Chief Financial Officer (Ex-Officio)


Mary O. Aaland, MD, FACS, North Dakota

Suresh Agarwal, MD, FACS, North Carolina

H. Randolph Bailey, MD, FACS, Texas

Arthur Cooper, MD, FACS, New York

Col. Kirby Gross, MD, FACS, Texas

Charles E. Lucas, MD, FACS, Michigan

Raymond F. Morgan, MD, FACS, Virginia

Nicolas J. Mouawad, MD, FACS, Michigan

Alan B. Pillersdorf, MD, FACS, Florida

Robert P. Sticca, MD, FACS, North Dakota

Sherry M. Wren, MD, FACS, California


Shane Hollett, Executive Director

Chris Joslin, Director, Donor Relations and Development Systems

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30 ACS FOUNDATION | 2019 Annual Report | Ways to Give

WAYS To Give

GIVE ONLINE facs.org/acsfoundation

GIFT OF APPRECIATED STOCKCall 312-202-5338 for more information.

ESTATE AND LIFE INCOME GIFTS Visit facs.org/acsfoundation to access our interactive website.

JOIN THE FELLOWS LEADERSHIP SOCIETY Join the Fellows Leadership Society with a leadership gift of $10,000 or more, payable over five years.

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American College of Surgeons | 633 N Saint Clair Street | Chicago, IL 60611-3295