Community • Achievement • Respect • Excellence PRINCIPAL’S PEN Dear parents/guardians Bush Tucker Garden We cannot thank the amazing Dale Hoy (father of Aliya, Jaxson and Austin) enough for the work he has done in our Bush Tucker Garden. Dale has worked so hard in his own time to form up the paths and lay the beautiful river stones that our students have completed in Art this year. Thanks also goes to Miss Bartlett and our gardener, Peter Sillem, for their help with the project too. The garden looks even better than we’d anticipated! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Congratulations Big congratulations go to Miss Cara Baker (E1) who has secured a teaching position in Karratha for next year. She is looking forward to moving to regional Western Australia and taking on a new challenge in her career. Miss Baker has been instrumental in getting our Wastewise and sustainability projects up and running as well as coordinating our Bush Tucker Garden project. She will be sorely missed but we wish her all the best in her new school. Junior Primary Cubby House Our teachers have been wanting to put in a cubby house for our junior primary students for a long time and, with the help of some crafty P&C volunteers, we have finally managed to secure one. This will be put into our junior primary play area over the next few weeks. Thanks to Tim Crouch and Yari Kostecki for their help with pick-up, delivery and installation. The students will be so impressed as will the teachers. Writing Prize “It has been my dream to write with a published author and soon, I will get to do so!” Abigail B, one of our Year 5 students, will realise a dream when she gets to meet with a mystery author at the Fremantle Australian Storyteller’s Festival. A keen writer, Abi had to submit a written entry of 50 words or less about why she should win this prize, something she said was quite tricky. However, she is very excited that her efforts have paid off. For all the budding authors in our community, Abi encourages you to keep trying, and not give up. Congratulations, Abi! Year 4/5 Parent Survey Dance Our School Board are currently trying to ascertain whether there is an appetite for more dance classes in our upper primary. A very short survey was sent out via Dojo to parents of students in these year levels to gauge interest in having both EduDance and social dance classes in Years 5 & 6 next year. If you have not yet completed the survey, please do so via the following link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Dance2021 National School Opinion Survey Thank you to those families who have already completed a NSOS. If you are yet to do so, please click on the link below, which will take you to the survey online. Paper copies have also been sent home with students if you would prefer to complete them in this way. Paper copies can be dropped into the school office. https://www.schoolsurvey.edu.au/s/CreaneyPrimarySchool/LogIn Access to this survey will close tomorrow 18 November 2020 at midnight. Creaney Community Awards At our final assembly last term we announced our winners for the first of our Creaney Community Awards, an initiative coordinated by our School Board. Congratulations to Jareen Wyatt and Cara Baker on their awards for contributing to Aboriginal education and Waste Wise initiatives respectively. NEWSLETTER 17 November 2020 Term 4 Week 6 2020 www.creaneyps.wa.edu.au An Independent Public School

NEWSLETTERcreaneyps.wa.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/... · 2020. 11. 17. · Thanks to Tim Crouch and Yari Kostecki for their help with pick-up, delivery and installation. The

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  • Community • Achievement • Respect • Excellence

    PRINCIPAL’S PEN Dear parents/guardians

    Bush Tucker Garden

    We cannot thank the amazing Dale Hoy (father of Aliya, Jaxson and Austin) enough for the work he has done in our Bush

    Tucker Garden. Dale has worked so hard in his own time to form up the paths and lay the beautiful river stones that our

    students have completed in Art this year. Thanks also goes to Miss Bartlett and our gardener, Peter Sillem, for their help with

    the project too. The garden looks even better than we’d anticipated! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.


    Big congratulations go to Miss Cara Baker (E1) who has secured a teaching position in Karratha for next year. She is looking

    forward to moving to regional Western Australia and taking on a new challenge in her career. Miss Baker has been instrumental

    in getting our Wastewise and sustainability projects up and running as well as coordinating our Bush Tucker Garden project.

    She will be sorely missed but we wish her all the best in her new school.

    Junior Primary Cubby House

    Our teachers have been wanting to put in a cubby house for our junior primary students for a long time and, with the help of

    some crafty P&C volunteers, we have finally managed to secure one. This will be put into our junior primary play area over the

    next few weeks. Thanks to Tim Crouch and Yari Kostecki for their help with pick-up, delivery and installation. The students will

    be so impressed – as will the teachers.

    Writing Prize

    “It has been my dream to write with a published author and soon, I will get to do so!”

    Abigail B, one of our Year 5 students, will realise a dream when she gets to meet with a mystery author at the Fremantle

    Australian Storyteller’s Festival. A keen writer, Abi had to submit a written entry of 50 words or less about why she should win

    this prize, something she said was quite tricky. However, she is very excited that her efforts have paid off.

    For all the budding authors in our community, Abi encourages you to keep trying, and not give up.

    Congratulations, Abi!

    Year 4/5 Parent Survey – Dance

    Our School Board are currently trying to ascertain whether there is an appetite for more dance classes in our upper primary.

    A very short survey was sent out via Dojo to parents of students in these year levels to gauge interest in having both EduDance

    and social dance classes in Years 5 & 6 next year. If you have not yet completed the survey, please do so via the following



    National School Opinion Survey

    Thank you to those families who have already completed a NSOS. If you are yet to do so, please click on the link below, which

    will take you to the survey online. Paper copies have also been sent home with students if you would prefer to complete them

    in this way. Paper copies can be dropped into the school office.


    Access to this survey will close tomorrow 18 November 2020 at midnight.

    Creaney Community Awards

    At our final assembly last term we announced our winners for the first of our Creaney Community Awards, an initiative

    coordinated by our School Board. Congratulations to Jareen Wyatt and Cara Baker on their awards for contributing to

    Aboriginal education and Waste Wise initiatives respectively.


    17 November 2020

    Term 4 Week 6 2020

    www.creaneyps.wa.edu.au An Independent Public School


  • Community • Achievement • Respect • Excellence

    If you are interested in nominating someone for one of our Creaney Community Awards, the nomination process is easy and

    is available online by clicking on the link below or scanning the QR code, with paper versions also available from the office. The

    awards are always open and the School Board will consider the nominations at the last meeting of each term.


    Rachel Monamy



    The total amount of voluntary contributions is in accordance with the School Education Regulations 2000. Voluntary

    contributions for 2021 are $60.00 per child.

    Payment Options

    Payment options are available to parents and a receipt will be provided at the end of each term. Payments can be made in

    full through the following options;

    Booklist and Personal Items List

    Direct deposit

    Cash/Cheque– Office hours are Monday to Friday 8:00am – 3:30pm

    Part payments can be made throughout the year by using the direct deposit, cash or cheque payment options. An invoice will

    be forwarded to parents each term for the finalisation of any outstanding payments.


    The charges schedule includes:

    Specific learning activities which are available to all students, but conditional on a payment being made. (e.g. incursions,

    excursions, recreational activities, etc.)

    Specific learning activities which are available to selected students, but conditional on a payment being made. (e.g.

    school camps. PEAC, Instrumental Music)

    Other activities which are available to all students, but conditional on a payment being made. (e.g. the graduation dinner)

    The following tables illustrate the estimated ‘maximum’ charges per year level for 2021. Actual charges incurred may be

    considerably less.

    Kindergarten to Year 6

    ANZ Bank BSB: 016-494

    Account: 340967445

    Reference 01 Surname/First Name

    Payment $60:00


  • Community • Achievement • Respect • Excellence


    Description K PP Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6

    Incursions 30 40 40 40 40 40 40 40

    Excursions 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

    Interschool Sports - - 15 15 15 15 30 30

    PEAC - - 10 10 10 - 270 300

    Instrumental Music - - - - - - 120 120

    Interm Swimming - 60 60 60 60 60 60 60

    Year 6 Social Dance


















    Year 5 Social Dance


















    Year 6 Dinner Dance - - - - - - - 75

    Edu Dance 40 40 40 40 40 40 40

    Year 6 Farewell Activities - - - - - - - 30

    Year 6 Graduation Polo Shirt - - - - - - - 40

    Year 6 Camp

    (Camp to be confirmed)

    - - - - - - - 400

    School Photos 30-70 30-70 30-70 30-70 30-70 30-70 30-70 30-70


    Student personal items are identified by teachers as the essential items for learning across the curriculum.

    Year Level Charge

    Kindergarten $60.00

    Pre-Primary $108.35

    Year 1 $119.90

    Year 2 $132.10

    Year 3 $145.90

    Year 4 $152.95

    Year 5 $147.35

    Year 6 $159.65

    This information will assist in calculating your child’s anticipated contributions and charges for 2021.

    Rachel Monamy


  • Community • Achievement • Respect • Excellence

    OUTDOOR CLASSROOM DAY On Thursday 5 November, students from Kindergarten to Year 6 participated in Outdoor Classroom Day. This is a global

    movement to make time outdoors part of every child’s day and to understand that spending time outdoors is key to improving

    health, wellbeing and happiness for our children.

    It was wonderful to see the enjoyment on the children’s faces and served as a timely reminder that play is not only central to

    children’s enjoyment of childhood, but teaches critical life skills such as problem-solving, teamwork and creativity.

    Mrs McCulloch

  • Community • Achievement • Respect • Excellence

    SCIENCE WEEK Week 4 was Science Week at Creaney Primary School. The theme for National Science Week 2020 was 'Deep Blue:

    Innovations for Our Future Oceans.' To acknowledge this theme, students participated in a whole school S.T.E.M day. S.T.E.M

    stands for Science, Technologies, Engineering and Mathematics. The children used the technology process to plan, design

    and create a 'tool' that could clean the ocean. We set up buckets of water with 'clean' rubbish for students to test their tools.

    We had rubbish of all sizes, even tiny pieces of confetti, to represent the micro plastics that are very difficult to remove from

    the ocean. The children have been learning a lot about the issue of plastic pollution in the ocean, and how they can make a

    difference. The participation and learning across all classrooms was spectacular, and the children had a fantastic day. Thank

    you for your support in collecting and donating materials for this project. Congratulations to the following prize winners!

    1. Most Creative Name: The Super Scooper Draininator 2000

    Jacob W, James D and Violet H from A1

    2. Most Creative Design:

    Josh H, Warren Y, Kobe C, Ben E and Josh H from E1

    3. The Engineer's Award:

    Max H and Ben H from 6B

    4. Most Functional Invention:

    Tilly L and Tara D from 6A

    Miss Allen

  • Community • Achievement • Respect • Excellence

    CODE CRACKERS This week (Week 4) was the first week we invited the Year 1’s to

    participate in our school lunch time program called ‘Code

    Crackers’. This program is designed to expose students to a

    range of different types of technology. Using a play and explore

    based approach, we are exposing them to different user-

    interfaces, sequencing and problem solving scenarios.

    We had so many Year 1’s engage with the program, and as we

    know, they took to the technology like a duck to water. The Year

    3’s did such a great mentoring job, gently guiding them through

    some of the activities and encouraging them to simply play and

    have fun. There were plenty of smiles, giggles and amazement

    from the Year 1’s as they were able to control and program robots.

    We look forward to seeing familiar faces each week and hopefully new ones as the word spreads about ‘Code Crackers’.

    The Technology Team.

  • Community • Achievement • Respect • Excellence

    SWIMMING LESSONS Swimming lessons are provided for free by the Department of Education. Our lessons will be taking place during Weeks 7 & 8

    this term and notes have gone out to families for permission for students to take part. Classes will take part at the following



    ONE E1, B3, 6A 8:50AM 9:10 – 9:50AM 10:05AM

    TWO E2, B4, A2 9:35AM 9:55 – 10:35AM 10:45AM

    THREE A4, B1, A1 10:25AM 10:45 – 11:25AM 11:35AM

    FOUR A3, 6B, B5, B6 11:10AM 11:30 – 12:10PM 12:20PM

    Please read the swimming information carefully as it contains important information on what your child needs to bring along

    and whether they will have a change to their break times during these weeks. As swimming forms part of our school curriculum,

    it is expected that all students will attend.

    LOST PROPERTY A Creaney parent has lost her wedding ring, possibly on or around the school grounds last Tuesday 10 November. Please

    contact the school office on 9408 2900 if you have found it.

  • Community • Achievement • Respect • Excellence

  • Community • Achievement • Respect • Excellence


    WK 1


    12 School Development Day

    13 Students Commence Kindy Yellow

    14 Kindy Blue

    15 Kindy Blue

    16 Dance Lessons Year 5/6 Kindy Blue

    WK 2

    19 School Banking in the Conference Room Book Week Kindy Yellow

    20 Library by Lamplight Year 1/2/6 Book Week Kindy Yellow

    21 Book Week – Dress up day Kindy Yellow

    22 Interschool Cross Country Book Week Kindy Blue

    23 6A/6B Assembly Dance Lessons Year 5/6 Book Week Kindy Blue

    WK 3

    26 School Banking in the Conference Room Kindy Yellow West Oz Wildlife Incursion Kindy Yellow

    27 Special Photos- Grad/Councillors/Choir/Netball Kindy Yellow

    28 Pop in and Play 2021 Kindy. 9-10.30am Kindy Blue

    29 Kindy Blue West Oz Wildlife Incursion Kindy Blue

    30 COLOUR RUN Dance Lessons Year 5/6 Kindy Blue

    WK 4


    2 School Banking in the Conference Room Science Week Kindy Yellow

    3 Science Week Kindy Yellow

    4 Science Week Kindy Yellow

    5 Science Week Kindy Blue

    6 E1/E2 Assembly Dance Lessons Year 5/6 Science Week Kindy Blue

    WK 5

    9 School Banking in the Conference Room NAIDOC Week Kindy Yellow

    10 NAIDOC Week Kindy Yellow

    11 Remembrance Day NAIDOC Week Kindy Blue

    12 NAIDOC Week Kindy Blue

    13 Dance Lessons Year 5/6 NAIDOC Week Kindy Blue

    WK 6

    16 School Banking in the Conference Room Kindy Yellow

    17 Kindy Yellow

    18 Dental Screening PP/3/4/6 Kindy Yellow

    19 Kindy Blue

    20 Music Assembly Dance Lessons Year 5/6 Kindy Blue

    WK 7

    23 School Banking in the Conference Room Parent Info Session for Kindy 2021 – 6-7pm Swimming Lessons Kindy Yellow

    24 Swimming Lessons Kindy Yellow

    25 Kindy 2021 Orientation Yellow group. 9-10am Swimming Lessons Kindy Blue

    26 Swimming Lessons Kindy Blue

    27 Dance Lessons Year 5/6 Swimming Lessons Kindy Blue

    WK 8


    30 School Banking in the Conference Room Swimming Lessons Kindy Yellow

    1 Swimming Lessons Kindy Yellow

    2 Kindy 2021 Orientation Blue group. 9-10am Swimming Lessons Kindy Yellow

    3 Swimming Lessons Kindy Blue

    4 Dance Lessons Year 5/6 Swimming Lessons Kindy Blue

    WK 9

    7 School Banking in the Conference Room Kindy Yellow

    8 Kindy Yellow

    9 Year 6 Dinner Dance Kindy Blue

    10 Kindy Blue

    11 Awards Assembly Volunteer – ‘Thank You’ morning tea PP-Year 5 Reports Home Kindy Blue

    WK 10

    14 School Banking in the Conference Room Kindy Yellow

    15 Kindy Yellow

    16 Year 6 Graduation Year 6 Reports Home Kindy Yellow

    17 Students Last Day Kindy Blue