2.1 The Nuclear Atom

2.1 The Nuclear Atom - vsa-iliu.weebly.comvsa-iliu.weebly.com/.../2.1_the_nuclear_atom.pdf · Atom • Atom – smallest particle of an element • Atoms are made up of smaller elements,

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Page 1: 2.1 The Nuclear Atom - vsa-iliu.weebly.comvsa-iliu.weebly.com/.../2.1_the_nuclear_atom.pdf · Atom • Atom – smallest particle of an element • Atoms are made up of smaller elements,


Page 2: 2.1 The Nuclear Atom - vsa-iliu.weebly.comvsa-iliu.weebly.com/.../2.1_the_nuclear_atom.pdf · Atom • Atom – smallest particle of an element • Atoms are made up of smaller elements,

LearningGoalsUnderstandings:oAtoms containapositivelychargeddensenucleuscomposedofprotons andneutrons (nucleons)

oNegativelychargedelectrons occupythespaceoutsidethenucleus


Page 3: 2.1 The Nuclear Atom - vsa-iliu.weebly.comvsa-iliu.weebly.com/.../2.1_the_nuclear_atom.pdf · Atom • Atom – smallest particle of an element • Atoms are made up of smaller elements,

Atom• Thesimplestbuildingblock

• Verysmall

• Anatomisthesmallestunitthatmakesupmatter.

Page 4: 2.1 The Nuclear Atom - vsa-iliu.weebly.comvsa-iliu.weebly.com/.../2.1_the_nuclear_atom.pdf · Atom • Atom – smallest particle of an element • Atoms are made up of smaller elements,


Page 5: 2.1 The Nuclear Atom - vsa-iliu.weebly.comvsa-iliu.weebly.com/.../2.1_the_nuclear_atom.pdf · Atom • Atom – smallest particle of an element • Atoms are made up of smaller elements,

Idea•Democritus (420BCE)firstproposedtheideathatmattermaybemadeupofsmall,indivisibleparticlescalledatoms.


Page 6: 2.1 The Nuclear Atom - vsa-iliu.weebly.comvsa-iliu.weebly.com/.../2.1_the_nuclear_atom.pdf · Atom • Atom – smallest particle of an element • Atoms are made up of smaller elements,


• JohnDalton(1766-1844)wasthefirsttobaseatomictheoryonscientificevidence.

Page 7: 2.1 The Nuclear Atom - vsa-iliu.weebly.comvsa-iliu.weebly.com/.../2.1_the_nuclear_atom.pdf · Atom • Atom – smallest particle of an element • Atoms are made up of smaller elements,

Dalton's Atomic Theory1. All matter is made of tiny indivisible particles

called atoms.

2. No new atoms are created or destroyed.

3. Atoms of the same element are identical, those of different atoms are different.

4. Atoms of different elements combine in whole number ratios to form compounds.

5. Atoms come together to form molecules

Page 8: 2.1 The Nuclear Atom - vsa-iliu.weebly.comvsa-iliu.weebly.com/.../2.1_the_nuclear_atom.pdf · Atom • Atom – smallest particle of an element • Atoms are made up of smaller elements,


• “Billiardball”

Page 9: 2.1 The Nuclear Atom - vsa-iliu.weebly.comvsa-iliu.weebly.com/.../2.1_the_nuclear_atom.pdf · Atom • Atom – smallest particle of an element • Atoms are made up of smaller elements,

Thomson’s Experiment• J. J. Thomson

• Made a piece of equipment calleda cathode ray tube

Page 10: 2.1 The Nuclear Atom - vsa-iliu.weebly.comvsa-iliu.weebly.com/.../2.1_the_nuclear_atom.pdf · Atom • Atom – smallest particle of an element • Atoms are made up of smaller elements,

Voltage source


Metal Disks

Page 11: 2.1 The Nuclear Atom - vsa-iliu.weebly.comvsa-iliu.weebly.com/.../2.1_the_nuclear_atom.pdf · Atom • Atom – smallest particle of an element • Atoms are made up of smaller elements,

• Passing an electric current makes a beam appear to move from the negative to the positive end

Voltage source


Page 12: 2.1 The Nuclear Atom - vsa-iliu.weebly.comvsa-iliu.weebly.com/.../2.1_the_nuclear_atom.pdf · Atom • Atom – smallest particle of an element • Atoms are made up of smaller elements,

Voltage source

• By adding an electric field he found that the moving pieces were negative



Page 13: 2.1 The Nuclear Atom - vsa-iliu.weebly.comvsa-iliu.weebly.com/.../2.1_the_nuclear_atom.pdf · Atom • Atom – smallest particle of an element • Atoms are made up of smaller elements,


• Found the electron

• “Raison Bun Model”

Page 14: 2.1 The Nuclear Atom - vsa-iliu.weebly.comvsa-iliu.weebly.com/.../2.1_the_nuclear_atom.pdf · Atom • Atom – smallest particle of an element • Atoms are made up of smaller elements,

Rutherford's experiment• Ernest Rutherford

• Worked with alpha particles α

Page 15: 2.1 The Nuclear Atom - vsa-iliu.weebly.comvsa-iliu.weebly.com/.../2.1_the_nuclear_atom.pdf · Atom • Atom – smallest particle of an element • Atoms are made up of smaller elements,

Lead block


Gold Foil

Flourescent Screen

Page 16: 2.1 The Nuclear Atom - vsa-iliu.weebly.comvsa-iliu.weebly.com/.../2.1_the_nuclear_atom.pdf · Atom • Atom – smallest particle of an element • Atoms are made up of smaller elements,

What Rutherford Expected…• The alpha particles to pass through without changing direction very much.

• Because…• Positive charges were spread out evenly.

Page 17: 2.1 The Nuclear Atom - vsa-iliu.weebly.comvsa-iliu.weebly.com/.../2.1_the_nuclear_atom.pdf · Atom • Atom – smallest particle of an element • Atoms are made up of smaller elements,
Page 18: 2.1 The Nuclear Atom - vsa-iliu.weebly.comvsa-iliu.weebly.com/.../2.1_the_nuclear_atom.pdf · Atom • Atom – smallest particle of an element • Atoms are made up of smaller elements,

He thought the mass was evenly distributed in the atom

Page 19: 2.1 The Nuclear Atom - vsa-iliu.weebly.comvsa-iliu.weebly.com/.../2.1_the_nuclear_atom.pdf · Atom • Atom – smallest particle of an element • Atoms are made up of smaller elements,
Page 20: 2.1 The Nuclear Atom - vsa-iliu.weebly.comvsa-iliu.weebly.com/.../2.1_the_nuclear_atom.pdf · Atom • Atom – smallest particle of an element • Atoms are made up of smaller elements,
Page 21: 2.1 The Nuclear Atom - vsa-iliu.weebly.comvsa-iliu.weebly.com/.../2.1_the_nuclear_atom.pdf · Atom • Atom – smallest particle of an element • Atoms are made up of smaller elements,


• Nucleuscomposedofprotonsandneutrons

• Thenucleusis…• Small• Dense• Positivelycharged +

Page 22: 2.1 The Nuclear Atom - vsa-iliu.weebly.comvsa-iliu.weebly.com/.../2.1_the_nuclear_atom.pdf · Atom • Atom – smallest particle of an element • Atoms are made up of smaller elements,

Atom• Atom– smallestparticleofanelement• Atomsaremadeupofsmallerelements,wecallthemsubatomicparticles• Protons• Neutrons• Electrons

• Protonsandneutronstogetherformanucleus

Page 23: 2.1 The Nuclear Atom - vsa-iliu.weebly.comvsa-iliu.weebly.com/.../2.1_the_nuclear_atom.pdf · Atom • Atom – smallest particle of an element • Atoms are made up of smaller elements,

Name Symbol Charge RelativeMass

Electron e- -1 0.0005

Proton p+ +1 1

Neutron n0 0 1


Page 24: 2.1 The Nuclear Atom - vsa-iliu.weebly.comvsa-iliu.weebly.com/.../2.1_the_nuclear_atom.pdf · Atom • Atom – smallest particle of an element • Atoms are made up of smaller elements,

Structure of the Atom• There are 2 regions.

1. Nucleus• Positive charge• Almost all the mass

2. Electron cloud: empty space• The region where the electron can be found.

Page 25: 2.1 The Nuclear Atom - vsa-iliu.weebly.comvsa-iliu.weebly.com/.../2.1_the_nuclear_atom.pdf · Atom • Atom – smallest particle of an element • Atoms are made up of smaller elements,

Nuclear Symbols• Contain the symbol of the element, the mass number and the atomic number.




Page 26: 2.1 The Nuclear Atom - vsa-iliu.weebly.comvsa-iliu.weebly.com/.../2.1_the_nuclear_atom.pdf · Atom • Atom – smallest particle of an element • Atoms are made up of smaller elements,

Nuclear Symbols• Contain the symbol of the element, the mass number and the atomic number.




Page 27: 2.1 The Nuclear Atom - vsa-iliu.weebly.comvsa-iliu.weebly.com/.../2.1_the_nuclear_atom.pdf · Atom • Atom – smallest particle of an element • Atoms are made up of smaller elements,

Massnumberandatomicnumber• Massnumber(A)isthesumofprotons(p)andneutrons(n)

A=p +n

• Thenumberofprotonstellsustheatomicnumber(Z)p= Z

• Charge(±)isp– e

Page 28: 2.1 The Nuclear Atom - vsa-iliu.weebly.comvsa-iliu.weebly.com/.../2.1_the_nuclear_atom.pdf · Atom • Atom – smallest particle of an element • Atoms are made up of smaller elements,


1 H2

1 H3

1Hydrogen Deuterium Tritium

Isotopes• havethesameprotonnumber(Z),butdifferentmassnumbers(A) (sotheyhavedifferingnumbersofneutrons).

• E.g.hydrogenhas3isotopes…

Page 29: 2.1 The Nuclear Atom - vsa-iliu.weebly.comvsa-iliu.weebly.com/.../2.1_the_nuclear_atom.pdf · Atom • Atom – smallest particle of an element • Atoms are made up of smaller elements,


•Atomsareindividuallytoosmall toweigh.

• Therelativeatomicmassscaleisused,basedontheisotopecarbon-12 becauseitisthemostabundantisotope.

Page 30: 2.1 The Nuclear Atom - vsa-iliu.weebly.comvsa-iliu.weebly.com/.../2.1_the_nuclear_atom.pdf · Atom • Atom – smallest particle of an element • Atoms are made up of smaller elements,

MassSpectroscopy• Theinstrument,massspectrometer,isusedtomeasurethemassofindividualatoms.

• Sincethereareisotopeswitheachelement,yourmassspectrum indicatesthemass/chargeratioofthedifferentionsonthecarbon-12scale.

Page 31: 2.1 The Nuclear Atom - vsa-iliu.weebly.comvsa-iliu.weebly.com/.../2.1_the_nuclear_atom.pdf · Atom • Atom – smallest particle of an element • Atoms are made up of smaller elements,



Page 32: 2.1 The Nuclear Atom - vsa-iliu.weebly.comvsa-iliu.weebly.com/.../2.1_the_nuclear_atom.pdf · Atom • Atom – smallest particle of an element • Atoms are made up of smaller elements,

HowitworksTheacceleratedionsaredeflected bythemagneticfield,biggerionsaredeflectedless.


Page 33: 2.1 The Nuclear Atom - vsa-iliu.weebly.comvsa-iliu.weebly.com/.../2.1_the_nuclear_atom.pdf · Atom • Atom – smallest particle of an element • Atoms are made up of smaller elements,


50 hasamassof90

10 hasamassof91

15 hasamassof92

20 hasamassof94

5 hasamassof96

𝑟𝑒𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠 = -.-/01/22341567.8/-.12

Page 34: 2.1 The Nuclear Atom - vsa-iliu.weebly.comvsa-iliu.weebly.com/.../2.1_the_nuclear_atom.pdf · Atom • Atom – smallest particle of an element • Atoms are made up of smaller elements,

Classwork• P.64#1– 2• P.66#3– 6• P.68#7– 10