We had the privilege of hosting Elder Craig C. Christiansen of the Presidency of the Seventy along with Elder Timothy J Dyches of the Area Presidency this past week. They conducted a Special Missionary Meeting on Wednesday and inspired all of the missionaries in attendance (Barcelona, Hospitalet, Badalone Zones). Elder Christiansen asked that I speak last while he and Elder Dyches prepared to leave. I shared a special perspective with the missionaries regarding the importance of the Prophet Joseph Smith in leading the Dispensation of the Fullness of Times. I hope that those in attendance won’t mind if I share that same perspective with the rest of the mission. Some who heard it asked for a copy and this will fill that role. I apologize for those for whom it may be a duplication. In John Taylor’s moving tribute to the martyred Prophet in Section 135 of the D&C, he makes the statement that, Joseph Smith has done more for the salvation of men than any other than man who ever lived, except of course, the Savior. When we think about the greatness of Abraham, Jacob, Moses, Elijah, Isaiah, Nephi, and Mosiah it does raise some interesting questions. Was he really greater than all of these great prophets? As stated in the Student Manual of the Doctrine and Covenants, it is unlikely that Joseph Smith was more righteous or more committed than those prophets, but when one objectively looks at his contributions as directed by the Lord, it is easy to accept the statement by John Taylor. Let me list some of the things which the Prophet Joseph introduced into the world during the Restoration of all things: 1. Taught correct concepts about the Father and the Son 2. Translated and published the Book of Mormon by the power of God 3. Was the instrument in restoring the Melchizedek & Aaronic Priesthoods 4. Organized the Church of Jesus Christ back on the earth under Christ’s power 5. Revealed the true meaning of Zion, its location in the last days, and its laws 6. Received over 100 revelations and published them as the Doctrine & Covenants 7. Worked on a translation of the Bible, restoring and correcting lost scriptures 8. Established settlements of the Saints, teaching them principles of social order, city planning, economics in addition to spiritual teachings 9. Restored the keys and knowledge of temple ordinances for living and dead 10. Received keys of Restoration from Moses, Elias, and Elijah 11. Started the most robust missionary program in the history of man 12. Explained man’s relationship to God Message From Presidente Dayton Perspective on the Importance of the Prophet Joseph Smith 22 de Noviembre de 2015 El Clarín de El Faro

22 November El Clarín

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El Clarín de 22 de noviembre del 2015.

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Page 1: 22 November El Clarín

We had the privilege of hosting Elder Craig C. Christiansen of the Presidency of

the Seventy along with Elder Timothy J Dyches of the Area Presidency this past week. They conducted a Special Missionary Meeting on Wednesday and inspired all of the missionaries in attendance (Barcelona, Hospitalet, Badalone Zones). Elder Christiansen asked that I speak last while he and Elder Dyches prepared to leave. I shared a special perspective with the missionaries regarding the importance of the Prophet Joseph Smith in leading the Dispensation of the Fullness of Times. I hope that those in attendance won’t mind if I share that same perspective with the rest of the mission. Some who heard it asked for a copy and this will fill that role. I apologize for those for whom it may be a duplication. In John Taylor’s moving tribute to the martyred Prophet in Section 135 of the D&C, he makes the statement that, Joseph Smith has done more for the salvation of men than any other than man who ever lived, except of course, the Savior. When we think about the greatness of Abraham, Jacob, Moses, Elijah, Isaiah, Nephi, and Mosiah it does raise some interesting questions. Was he really greater than all of these great prophets? As stated in the Student Manual of the Doctrine and Covenants, it is unlikely that Joseph Smith was more righteous or more committed than those prophets, but when one objectively looks at his contributions as directed by the Lord, it is easy to accept the statement by John Taylor. Let me list some of the things which the Prophet Joseph introduced into the world during the Restoration of all things:

1. Taught correct concepts about the Father and the Son2. Translated and published the Book of Mormon by the power of God3. Was the instrument in restoring the Melchizedek & Aaronic Priesthoods4. Organized the Church of Jesus Christ back on the earth under Christ’s power5. Revealed the true meaning of Zion, its location in the last days, and its laws6. Received over 100 revelations and published them as the Doctrine & Covenants7. Worked on a translation of the Bible, restoring and correcting lost scriptures 8. Established settlements of the Saints, teaching them principles of social order, city

planning, economics in addition to spiritual teachings 9. Restored the keys and knowledge of temple ordinances for living and dead10. Received keys of Restoration from Moses, Elias, and Elijah11. Started the most robust missionary program in the history of man12. Explained man’s relationship to God

Message From Presidente Dayton

Perspective on the Importance of the Prophet Joseph Smith

22 de Noviembre de 2015El Clarín de El Faro

Page 2: 22 November El Clarín

Message From Presidente Dayton Cont.

22 de Noviembre de 2015

13. Explained the difference between the Melchizedek & Aaronic Priesthood14. Defined the different offices of the priesthood, the duties of each, etc.15. Set forth the proper organization of the Church of Jesus Christ16. Taught that life on earth is a probation—to work out our salvation17. Received a revelation regarding the 3 degrees of glory and their requirements18. Explained the nature and order of the Resurrection19. Showed how saving ordinances can be performed vicariously for the dead20. Explained the nature of the Millennium and the kingdom of God21. Added to our knowledge of the Apostasy and why it came to pass22. Pointed out the fulfillment of a variety of prophecies23. Announced the coming of Elijah and his mission24. Taught that marriage is intended to be eternal and eternal families25. Served as an example of the role of a living prophet26. Restored the principle of priesthood administration to the sick27. Built temples and revealed temple ordinances for the living and dead28. Brought forth not only the Book of Mormon but the D&C and the PoGP29. Set down the duties of Church members and their governing laws30. Taught the doctrine of common consent31. Explained the role of Satan in the gospel plan32. Gave principles by which we can avoid being deceived in this life33. Taught true nature of the Atonement and relations to mercy & justice34. Explained the meaning of the sacrament35. Explained the nature of spiritual gifts & the role of the Holy Ghost36. Clarified the role of women in the kingdom of God37. Received the revelation on the Oath and Covenant of the Priesthood38. Received the Word of Wisdom39: Instituted the Law of Tithing, Consecration and Sacrifice

Did you have the same reaction as I had when I read this list for the first time? And this is not even a comprehensive list. To me this is a staggering list of accomplishments—it would have been remarkable to have done one of these things lets alone this incredible litany of life-transforming additions to our understanding of God’s plan. John Taylor was correct—and I believe this list confirms the Prophet Joseph’s greatness—not as someone we worship but someone for whom we have tremendous love and respect. May we hold him in our hearts with deep gratitude for the incomparable things he did in fulfilling his prophetic destiny.

Con gratitud por el Profeta,

Presidente Merril T Dayton

El Clarín de El Faro

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Attributes of Jesus Christ – Gratitude

Message From Hermana Dayton

22 de Noviembre de 2015El Clarín de El Faro

Gratitude is letting others know by my words and my actions how they have benefited my life. It is also expressing sincere appreciation to Heavenly Father for His many blessings.

Some of my favorite quotes on gratitude are:

-"So much has been given to me, I have no time to ponder over that which has been denied." (Helen Keller)

-"When it comes to life, the critical thing is whether you take things for granted or take them for gratitude." (G. K. Chesterson)

-"Think not on what you lack as much as on what you have." (Greek Proverb)

There are many ways we can apply gratitude to missionary work:

-Expressing gratitude to your companion for his/her positive character traits.

-Expressing gratitude to those who feed you meals and those who help with citas.

-Sending thank you notes to people who make a difference in your life.

-Expressing gratitude in prayer for those who have helped you in missionary work.

-Expressing gratitude in prayer for your investigators and for the people you have been able toknow on your mission

Page 4: 22 November El Clarín

When I was in high school, my father encouraged me to write a letter of gratitude to a person

who had made a profound difference in my life. I decided to write a letter to my Kindergarten teacher, Miss Davis. I shared with her how her smile and the love she gave me each day affected me. We had just moved from Utah to California and my first day of school I cried and cried and begged my mom to let me stay home. Day after day, I was greeted by my sweet teacher. She said kind things to me, recognized my strengths, and encouraged me to do well at all I was asked to do. Because of her love and support at a tender age, I learned to love school... but I mainly loved her. I now realize, years later, that because of her love, I was able to gain confidence and

eventually excel at school and in other areas of my life. Weeks after writing this letter, I received a response. She shared that after 30 something years of teaching, my letter was the first she had

ever received like that. She told me that she read my letter every day for three weeks, and finally felt she should express her gratitude to me for writing. She told me that at her elderly age, she began to wonder if she really did make a difference in any one's life. When I read her note, I thought "How could this be? Everyone loves Miss Davis--EVERYONE." I determined that day that I would tell people more often of their influence in my life, that I wouldn't just wait for my dad to suggest it, and that I would do it often. Through the years, I have found such joy as I have recognized the good in others, spoken it directly to them, to another person, or even sent them a


As we celebrate Thanksgiving this week, it is the perfect time for us to reflect on individuals who have made a difference in our lives along with reflecting on each of our many blessings.

How grateful President Dayton and I are for each of you, for your Christlike attributes, your love, your service, and all you do to bless our lives and the lives of those in Spain. How blessed we feel

to serve in the Spain Barcelona mission, for the opportunity to bring others to Christ. We hope you know how much you mean to us and sincerely hope each of you will have a happy and memorable Thanksgiving.

Much love and gratitude,

Hermana Dayton

Message From Hermana Dayton Cont.

22 de Noviembre de 2015El Clarín de El Faro

Christlike Attributes- Faith, Charity, Love, Virtue, Hope, and Humility,

Knowledge & Wisdom, Patience, Diligence, Creativity, Enthusiasm, Generosity, Forgiveness, Dependability, Availability, Orderliness, Gratitude,

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22 de Noviembre de 2015

“Eran contados … y se

inscribían sus nombres”



























Bautismos 11 4 10 8 8 0 4 6 8 11 10 6 8

Confirmaciones 11 4 10 6 10 0 4 5 9 11 9 6 9

Fechas bautismales 105 132 123 136 95 77 129 133 114 86 103 113 121

Inv reunion sacramental 213 213 174 195 212 166 184 205 220 170 188 222 164

Lecciones con un

miembro722 762 731 738 681 562 684 802 748 713 757 653 696

Lecciones con un m. p. 48% 52% 51% 51% 51% 44% 44% 50% 48% 47% 51% 42% 45%

Nuevos Investigadores 515 474 444 487 455 441 572 566 522 502 478 533 567

Bautismos/Confirmaciones esta

semana 9


Confirmaciones este mes 35

Bautismos/Confirmaciones hasta la

fecha este año427

El Clarín de El Faro

Cristobal Cruz Jorge Badalona 1A Élderes Carballo e Ipsen

Yoselyn Melgar Muñoz Bilbao B Élderes Lake y Dunn

Kevin Aparicio Gil Hospitalet 2B Hermanas Stout y Sebastiá

Fernando Abel Muñoz Rodriguez Valencia 3A Élderes Dunn y McArthur

Maxwell Kwaku Fosu Valencia 3A Élderes Dunn y McArthur

Sonia Saucedo Dorado Valencia 3C Hermanas Storer y Cragun

Guillermo Alexander Zapata Calderón Pamplona A Élderes Montalbo y Phillips

Angelina Mbang Ela Ayingono Menorca Élderes Maurer, Lisonbee y Busath

Milenka Danitza Garcia Robero Palma 2A Élderes Sedgwick y Blake

Page 6: 22 November El Clarín

And the Spirit shall be given unto you by the prayer of faith.Doctrine & Covenants 42:14

CINCO: Élderes Dunn y McArthur

CUATRO: Élderes Carballo y Ipsen

Hermanas Stout y Sebastiá

Élderes Sedgwick y Blake

TRES: Élderes Jones y Winsor

Élderes García y Bennett

Élderes León y Castro

Hermanas Vilariño, Manotas y


Élderes Barney y Pixton

Élderes Burnett y Vickery

Hermanas Arauco y Larsen

Hermanas O´Neill y Moser

Élderes Turner y Moulton

Hermanas Storer y Cragun

Élderes Cifuentes y Christopherson

Élderes Baumann y Kimball

Hermanas Mayes y Johnson

Hermanas Ratliff y Stilson

Nestor Barcelona 2C

Jordi Terrassa B

Gladys Badalona 2A

Mairu Mataró A

Marlon Vic A

Edward Vic B

Angel Zaragoza 2A

Efren Zaragoza 2B

Josep Bilbao A

Vicente, Nicole Hospitalet 2B

Silvestre Hospitalet 1B

Isaac Martorell B

Dani, Yaima, Tortosa

Maria Elena, Silvia,

Judith, Maria Carmen

Rosa, Samuel Valencia 3C

Eva Valencia 1A

Luis Valencia 1B

Alondra Gandía A

Dina Valencia 2A

Ana Catarroja A

Ceferino Catarroja B

Adrian Vitoria A

Isabel Vitoria C

Venacio Pamplona B

Nicole, Alexandra Logroño A

Kiera Logroño B

Ali Ibiza A

22 de Noviembre de 2015

Compañerismos que lograron las pautas de excelencia:

Oremos por estos investigadores con fechas bautismales para esta semana:

El Clarín de El Faro

The Zone

Lleida is in The Zone!-With an average of 8.4 new investigators per

companionship!Valencia is in the Zone!

-With 3 baptisms!!

Page 7: 22 November El Clarín

Our miracle story this week

was that of baptism!!! This man, Tolo, was actually passed to us after being taught the majority of the lessons from the zone leaders after discovering he lived in our area. Nevertheless, it was an incredible day, and the spirit was amazing. I am so grateful my companion could start off his mission on this note. Excited for him truly!Love,

This week was incredible with the baptism of Armador! He was so happy and his mother was balling her eyes out, it was one of those mother child bonding moment that hasn't happened in there live yet. And the accountance of Armador was so different after his baptism. This is truly the lords work and makes me so much more motivated to baptize more.

This week we had a baptism! Toni was finally baptized and it was such a good baptism. The spirit was really strong and after the ordinance he bore his testimony. It was one of the best testimonies I've ever

heard and the spirit was incredible. His mom is not a member but I feel like just because of his example and how strong his testimony is she's going to change. Baptism is the best!

So the biggest and most incredible part of this week

was Esperanzas baptism. It was such a spiritual experience and the most amazing part was seeing just how incredible happy she was. She has been investigating for over a year and her sister was less active a year ago but now fully active. And she was just so ready and so happy. She was glowing the whole time. Right before Espranza got into the water she turned around and gave both me and Hermana Roggierobesos. It was one of the most touching moments ever. And now her and her sister have desires to go together to the temple in a year which to me is almost a bigger miracle because it means they will stay strong!

13 de abril de 2014

The Miracle of Baptism

22 de Noviembre de 2015El Clarín de El Faro

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serious she took baptism…. So I did my best to comfort her and was bold with her as the spirit permitted me to be……. After that and testifying that God had chosen her to be baptized on this date at 7pm, wiping the tears from her eyes she looked up at me and said "well...lets go do this then" and she got changed and we went and the baptism was incredible. I was privileged enough to do the ordinance myself. She was so happy after the baptism and it was something else to see her in a white dress smiling.

The Miracle of Baptism

22 de Noviembre de 2015El Clarín de El Faro

The miracle was definitely this Saturday. I received a call from Laura at 5:48pm (keep in mind her baptism was at 7) saying she couldn't be baptized that

night. I questioned her frantically and she was saying she wasn't feeling prepared and all that, basically getting last minute stage fright. So I asked if I could at least speak face to face and she agreed. So we rushed to her house, leaving a 3/4 filled font in the

capable hands of Elder ______ and ________ and we go and talk to her. We said a pray together on the way to Heavenly Father to give me the words I would need to say to give her peace and to help her to the waters of baptism that night. I was nervous as the salvation of a soul basically depended on if I could convince her and calm her down enough to get baptized, with my 5 months in the fields worth of Spanish. I felt at that point for some reason that if she postponed this week, it might never happen. So when we got there she was crying and really scared about the commitment and was basically afraid that if she got baptized what would happened if she fell into her old habits again etcand didn't want to disappoint God. I respected her honesty and loved how

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Elder Harris

Henderson, NV

Elder Ibarra

Leona Valley, CA

Hermana Iverson

McLean, VA

Elder McNutt

Benicia, CA

Elder Miller

Upland, CA

Elder Perri

Spanish Fork, UT

22 de Noviembre de 2015El Clarín de El FaroMission News

El Faro Welcomes New Missionaries

Elder Allen

Eagle Mountain, UT

Elder Blake

Great Falls, MT

Elder Downing

Temecula, CA

Hermana Larsen

South Jordan, UT

Elder Lightfoot

South Jordan, UT

Elder Mallette

Long Beach, CA

Page 10: 22 November El Clarín

22 de Noviembre de 2015El Clarín de El FaroMission News

El Faro Welcomes New Missionaries

Elder Winsor


Hermana Laine

Varsinais-Suomi, Finland

Elder Saunders

Mill Creek, WA